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Yoga for beginners

by Bharath Thippireddy

General Instructions for Practice of Yoga Asanas

1. Do not perform asanas immediately after meals. Leave about 4 hours after a heavy
meal and at least two hours after a light one. Avoid stimulating drinks.

2. Yoga Asanas can be performed before or after bath, but allow about half-an-hour
between asanas and bath.

3. Asanas, and physical exercises should not be combined. After stretching and similar
exercises, perform Savasana for a sufficient length of time before starting asanas.

4. Relaxing the body in a posture is of vital importance. Remove all tensions in the final
posture. Relax for a few minutes in between the °sanas.

5. After the Yoga Asanas, one should feel fresh and relaxed; never tired, exhausted or

6. Do not overexert beyond your capacity to maintain the postures for long durations.
Instead, adjust the timings according to your progress

7. Daily practice is essential for fast progress.

8. Women should not practise asanas during the menstrual period. One should stop
practising asanas after the fifth month of pregnancy up to two or three months after the
confinement except under expert guidance.

9. If you have any medical conditions or injuries in the past please consult your doctor
before you practice asanas and pranayama
Starting Prayer(Shanti Mantra):

ôm sahamāvavatu sahanaubhunaktu saha viryam karavāvahai

tejasvinávadhitamastu må vidvisãvahai
ôm Šāntih Šāntih Šāntih
-- Kathópanisadd Šântimantra

Meaning in English:
May He protect us both. May He nourish us both. May we both work together with great
energy. May our study be enlightening and fruitful. May we never hate each other. Om
Peace Peace Peace.’

This prayer is for inculcating the right attitude for learning. It focuses on how education
is a team effort; what should be the attitude towards each other and what are the
objectives and fruits of learning.

Suryanamaskar Mantra

Hiranmayena Pătrena Satyasyāpihitam Mukham,

Tattvam Pusan Apávrnu Satya-dharmāya Drstaye

-- Išāvāsyôpanisad, Šlöka 15
Meaning in English:

Like a lid to a vessel, O Sun, your Golden orb covers the entrance to Truth. Kindly open
the entrance, to lead me to Truth.
Mantras to chant before each Surya Namaskara:
Each round of Sūryanamaskāra is done after the utterance of “Omkar'' with the
appropriate “Bija" Mantra, along with the corresponding name of Sun God

Aum ​Hrām Miträya​ Namah

Aum ​Hrim Ravaye​ Namah

Aum ​Hrüm Suryaya​ Namah

Aum ​Hraim Bhānave​ Namah

Aum ​Hroum Khagaya​ Namah

Aum​ Hrah Púsne​ Namah

Aum ​Hram Hiranyagarbhāya​ Namah

Aum ​Hrim Maricaye​ Namah

Aum ​Hrúm Ādityaya​ Namah

Aum ​Hraim Savitre​ Namah

Aum ​Hroum Arkaya​ Namah

Aum ​Hrah Bhāskaraya ​Namah

A gist of benefits of chanting the above mantras:

The Pranava Om stimulates all the vital internal organs of the body,specially the
brain,heart and stomach.

Hrām​ acts as a stimulus to the brain,heart ,ali-mentary canal,respiratory organs,such as

nose,windpipe,throat,lungs and chest and upper ribs.

Hrim​ invigorates the throat ,palate ,heart,respiratory and digestive organs.

Hrüm​ strengthens the liver, spleen,stomach abdomen,hypogastrium ,uterus and

Hraim​ simulates kidneys.

Hroum​ normalizes the function of the rectum and anus.

Hrah​ develops the chest and throat.

Almost all the disease are found to originate either in the head,nose,throat,heart,lungs
or abdomen.When all these parts are purged with of their impurities or toxins by
Pranava and Bijas,the circulation of blood receives stimulation by the vigorous
movements of the limbs and organs in the process of Namaskars.

Thus all these seemingly meaningless Pranava and Bijas produce simulations and
vibrations in different vital parts of the system.


Book on Surya Namaskar published in 1940 by Shri Bala Pant Pratinidhi

Surya Namaskar - An Instruction Booklet by Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari

Pranayama Mantra

pranasyedam vaše sarvam tridive yatpratisthitam

mateva putrān raksasva Śrišca prajñām ca videhi na iti

-- praśnópanisad 2.13
Meaning in English:

Whatever exists in the three worlds, is all under the control of Prana. O Prana! Protect
us, as a mother protects her children and bestow us affluence and understanding.
Ending Prayer(Shanti Mantra):
sarvē bhavantu sukhinaḥ sarvē santu nirāmayāḥ
sarvē bhadrāṇi paśyantu mā kaścid duḥkhabhāg bhavēt
ôm Šāntih Šāntih Šāntih

Meaning in English:
Let all be happy. Let all be free from diseases. Let all see what is auspicious for life. Let none be
subject to misery.

Yamas and Niyamas from Astanga Yoga:


Observances and restraints that regulate our interaction with others.

1. Satya - Truthfulness in every aspect of our daily life

2. Ahimsa - Love all is the practice of ahimsa .Don’t harm others even in
thought or word.

3. Bramhacharya - Self restraint.Do not indulge too much in anything

4. Aparigraha - Reducing desires and wants and leading a simple life

away from all the luxuries

5. Asteya - Do not covet for the wealth of others


Observances and restraints which govern an individual's personal life.

1. Saucha - Internal and external purity .Get rid of any evil vrittis or

2. Santosha - Contentment with what we have

3. Tapas - Austerity ,Egolessness and selfless service,control of will are

forms of Tapas.

4. Svadhyaya - Self study of religious scriptures ,chanting of prayers

and mantras

5. Isvara Pranidhana - Complete surrender to the higher power,god or

super consciousness

Spiritual Diary Sample Format:

Mon Tues Wed Thus Fri Sat Sun Total


Wake Up time

Time to Bed

Sleep Hours

Asana Time



How we may do the recording:

- Have a notebook in a convenient place to remind you

- Best is to complete the diary before going to bed or first thing the next day

- You can use a Excel Sheet or any other journal software as well

- You can give a tick or cross mark if you have followed the yama or niyama or failed
and even how many times you have succeeded or failed.

30 Min Daily Practice:

Number Time Taken in

Jogging(back,front 1 min
Mukha Douti 5 ½
Situps 5 1/2
Side and Forward 5 1/2
Shoulder Rotation 5 ½
Neck 3 1
Surya Namaskara 6 6

1.Ardhakati 2
​2.Pada Hastasana 1
​3.Ardha Chakrasana 1/2

​ 1.Ustrasana or 1
2.Vakrasana(both 2
3.Sasankasana 1

1.Bhujangasana 1
2.Sarvangasana 2
3.Matsyasana 1
4.Savasana 3

​1.Kapalabhati 60 strokes 1
​2.Anuloma Viloma 9 rounds 2
3.Meditation 2
Prayer (Starting and 2

60 Min Daily Practice:

Number Time Taken in

Jogging(back,front 1 min
Mukha Douti 10 ½
Situps 10 1/2
Side and Forward 10 1/2
Shoulder Rotation 10 ½
Neck 5 1
Surya Namaskara 12 12
Quick Relaxation 2

1.Ardhakati 2
​2.Pada Hastasana 1
​3.Ardha Chakrasana 1/2

​ 1.Ustrasana 1
2.Vakrasana(both 2
3.Sasankasana 1
4.Suptha 1
1.Bhujangasana 1
2.Salabasana 1
3.Dhanurasana 1

1.Sarvangasana 1
2.Matsyasana 1
3.Sethu Banda Asana 1
4.Savasana 3
Instant Relaxation 2

​1.Kapalabhati 120 strokes 2
​2.Nadi Suddhi 9 rounds 2
3.Meditation 10

Prayer (Starting and 2


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