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Although ultrasound is an acoustic energy, the molecules in the applied medium's kinetic
energy are what causes it to have an effect. Scientists are interested in researching its uses in
numerous fields due to its strong impact. Ultrasound has many uses in the field of food
science, drying, filtration, extraction, homogenization, cutting, and microbial inactivation.
Examples of effective ultrasound applications include emulsifying, cleaning, degassing, and
enzyme inactivation. The use of ultrasound has several well-known advantages, including a
reduction in process cost and length.
It is preferred to use preservation methods such natural antibacterial systems, moderate heating,
modified atmosphere packing, irradiation, high pressure, pulsed electric fields, pulsed white
light, ultrasound, and pulsed electric fields. Modern industry is interested in environmentally
friendly, green technologies because of consumer expectations. The current customer
preference is for meals with an extended shelf life but still taste fresh. Product quality and
freshness are decreased by conventional thermal processing. Effective preservation often starts
with the efficient deactivation of bacteria and enzymes for a longer shelf life. Some of the most
researched and used processes in the food industry include degassing/deaeration, cooking,
freezing and crystallisation, meat tenderization, drying, brining, pickling and marinating,
filtration, extraction, homogenization/emulsifying, cleaning, enzyme inactivation, and cutting
processes with ultrasound assistance.
Degassing/Deaeration: Ultrasound treatment makes it possible to remove the air from the
solution. Boiling and pressure reduction are both common degassing techniques. The larger
bubbles' ascent through the surface is facilitated by the aggregation of smaller bubbles in the
sonicated medium. Beer, wine, and carbonated drinks all undergo ultrasonic degassing. The
increased viscosity of the applied liquid medium decreases the efficiency of degassing.
Cooking: Due to better heat transfer in the medium, sonication in cooking resulted in more
evenly cooked food. The application of ultrasound to cooking also results in a reduction in
energy usage.
Cryogenesis and Freezing: The beginning of crystallisation occurs in a nucleus. The
cavitation bubbles serve as the crystals' first nuclei. Since ultrasound has the capacity to
improve heat transport, it maintains more rapid cooling . The ideal sorts of tiny crystals that
don't harm cells form with the aid of nucleus creation and the quick cooling capabilities of
Tenderization of Meat: To improve the effectiveness of sanitary chemicals, ultrasound is
typically successfully used in sanitary applications. Tenderization is also a by product of the
application's sanitary intent. Veal, beef, and poultry all undergo ultrasonic tenderization.
Myofibrillar proteins are released during tenderization by ultrasonic application. Properties
including water binding capacity, tenderness, and cohesiveness are increased by ultrasound-
assisted tenderization.
Pickling, marination, and brining: Foods are preserved via brining, pickling, and marinating,
and the finished goods are valued for their preferred flavour. Except for Lactic acid bacteria,
salt, which typically makes up 10% of brine, acts as a barrier to the growth of bacteria.
Sonication speeds up the movement of salt and water through tissues, which shortens the
pickling period and promotes consistent salting.
Emulsification and homogenization: Particulate size is a critical factor in the stability and
effectiveness of both the homogenization and emulsifying processes. In some circumstances,
the presence of microparticles eliminates the need to add surfactants. The presence of micro
particles increases the stability of the emulsions. In production lines, in-line applications are
possible .Applications in industry include the homogenization of milk, the encapsulation of
aromas , and the production of fruit liquids, mayonnaise, and tomato ketchup.

Drying-Farmers work hard to harvest fruits and vegetables, but sustaining their crops to get
them from the farm to consumers' plates is just as challenging. Maintaining a healthy nutrition
level is essential, but doing so requires keeping produce fresh at low temperatures, which is
difficult given the lengthy supply chain.
Food stuff dries when water vapour from its surface is expelled into the surrounding air, leaving
behind a largely dried form of the substance. The focus on dehydrating agricultural products
has led to the development of advanced drying, dewatering, and dehydrating equipment that
produces dried fruits and vegetables of the highest quality.try
Few commonly developed dryers are:
1. Tray dryers- Tray dryers, some of the earliest drying devices, are used for drying and
dehydrating agricultural products.
2. Tunnel dryers- When tunnel dryers were introduced for the first time in the early 1990s,
the food industry experienced significant improvements and benefits. These dryers are
an improved version of cabinet and tray dryers; they had the capacity to autonomously
transport material put on a tray or trolley through a tunnel. The material that needs to
be dried is fed into the air-heated tunnel from one end and recovered at the other. The
construction's resemblance to a tunnel is how the name was coined. Depending on the
technology chosen, a tunnel dryer can dry materials as they are being transported
through the tunnel.
3. Fluidized bed dryers- The particles in a fluidized-bed dryer are fluidized by air or gas
in a boiling bed unit. The average period a particle spends in a bed is between 30 and
60 seconds. If fine particles are present, there may be significant solids carried over
with the exit gas, which must be recovered using cyclones and bag filters.
4. Vibrating bed dryers-When dealing with starchy items with a sticky surface, these
dryers can be used in conjunction with another dryer, such as a conveyor belt dryer.
The surface of the product is dried to the point where it is no longer sticky in the
conveyor belt dryer. This will essentially be at the end of the constant drying rate phase.
5. Freeze dryers-Freeze-drying is the process of sublimating ice from frozen material
under low pressure. It is also referred to as lyophilization or cryodesiccation. In
contrast, other dehydration techniques employ heat to cause the water to evaporate
6. Vacuum dryers-Through the use of vacuum pumps to raise the water vapour partial
pressure difference, air is vented from the enclosed container and pressure is reduced
while the object is being dried. For the initial stages of vacuum technology
development, freeze-drying was used to dry a variety of foods

Dehydration is a food preservation method that involves drying (dehydrating or drying) food.
Drying prevents the growth of bacteria, yeasts and moulds by removing water. Fundamental to
the process is the transfer of heat from the material being dried. This causes the absorbed water
to evaporate and be released into the surrounding air or inert gas for transport.



1. Direct and indirect dryers-
direct drying is the most common method of drying fruit and vegetables. Heating air is the
heating medium used here. Heated air is passed over a heated metal surface, where it absorbs
the heat and then transports it to the material to dry.

Indirect dryers is used in foods which cannot be treated with direct heat and made to come in
contact with hot surfaces where heat transfer takes place from surface to the food.

2. Batch and continuous dryers-

Throughout operation continuous dryers allow a continuous, unbroken flow of materials. Wet
materials are supplied and carried continually across the drying chamber. The moisture content
of the material decreases as it moves through the chamber. The dry products might be collected
by a buffer tank or fed directly to the following equipment. Continuous dryers are utilised when
a high number of items must be dried.

Batch dryers process a specific volume of material for a set amount of time. The drying
chamber is filled with a specific number or quantity of materials, which is restricted by the
dryer's holding capacity. The dried materials are removed from the chamber, and the next batch
of materials can be dried. Batch dryers are used in small-scale production.
Some common types of dryers are:

A form of batch dryer that is commonly used in small-scale food drying operations is the tray
dryer. They are similar to cabinet dryers in many ways. The material to be dried is placed on
huge trays, which are usually constructed of metal, in a tray drier. The tray can be a solid sheet
of metal or a more open construction with slots or holes to allow drying air to travel through the
material being dried. The trays are loaded and set on supports inside a drying cabinet or
compartment. After all of the trays have been loaded, the drying chamber is closed and air is
pushed through it. The drying process can be tracked by monitoring the humidity of the air
leaving the tray dryer.
When the drying is finished, the air flow is turned off, the dryer is opened, and the trays are
removed and next batch is processed.

➢ Very efficient for small scale production.
➢ Handling of loading, unloading can be done without much losses.
➢ Consumes less energy
➢ It is easy to clean and use.

➢ Expensive equipment
➢ Requires high labour cost
➢ Slow drying hence consumes more time.
➢ The main detrimental impacts of drying include shrinkage and shape distortions, browning,
fading of natural colour or discolouration, diminished flavour, gumminess, or juiciness.
In many ways, tunnel dryers are comparable to continuous through-circulation dryers. The
material is not placed on a moving conveyor belt, which is a significant difference. Instead, the
material to be dried is spread out on trays or racks, which are then placed on carts that are
pushed through lengthy tunnels with warm air fanned across the material on the trays or racks.
The carts are manually loaded and pushed into the dryer's "front end." They can be attached to
a chain that pulls them through the tunnel, or the cart's wheels can be gripped in an assembly
that pulls them through the tunnel. The time spent in the dryer is determined by the speed at
which they are dragged. The carts are pushed out and unloaded whenever they reach the end
of the dryer. The empty carts are then returned to the dryer's beginning, where they are filled
and transported through the dryer with a new load of wet product.

➢ Insulated inner surface for maximum energy efficiency and to prevent energy loss.
➢ A high-quality heat exchanger confirms the moisture in the stumpy air ,enhanced handling,
longer operational life.
➢ Conveyors with rollers or belts can move the material.

➢ Biggest drawback to tunnel dryers is the expensive labour required for loading and unloading
➢ requires more space because of being a huge and heavy equipment.
➢ It is less likely that the product may experience case hardening or other types of surface
shrinkage, leaving moist centres.
➢ Because the driest product comes into contact with the driest air, lower ultimate moisture can
be achieved.
➢ Case hardening, internal cracks, and porosity at centres can result from rapid initial drying and
gradual final drying, which is occasionally desired in specific goods.

The particles in a fluidized-bed dryer are fluidized by air or gas in a boiling bed unit. The
average period a particle spends in a bed is between 30 and 60 seconds. If fine particles are
present, there may be significant solids carried over with the exit gas, which must be recovered
using cyclones and bag filters. Through the bottom ports, heated air is blown into the drying
chamber. A linear velocity sufficient to lift the wet product pieces and maintain them suspended
in the drying air can be obtained by utilising a suitable volumetric flowrate of air.
When the particles are fluidized, it appears as if they are "dancing" in the drying air. The
product particles lose moisture and become less dense as the process continues. This means
that the air flowrate must be lowered to avoid lifting the particles too much and packing them
against the apertures in the drying chamber's top. When the drying process is complete, the
batch of product can be withdrawn from the dryer.


➢ Fluidized bed dryers ensure quick and uniform drying.

➢ Heat-sensitive products are suitable for fluid bed dryers.
➢ Fluidized beds ensure effective handling of the material drying process. Fluidized bed dryer is
simple and requires little labour.
➢ Suitable for both batch and continuous material processing is the fluid bed dryer


➢ Breakup of particles is frequent.

➢ An irregular flow patterns. (Hard to forecast)
➢ It is particularly challenging to dry sticky materials in fluid beds.
➢ A potential loss of fine product.
➢ It can be challenging to scale up from smaller scale to industrial units because of the complexity
of fluid bed dryer behaviour.
➢ high capital investment

When dealing with starchy items with a sticky surface, these dryers can be used in conjunction
with another dryer, such as a conveyor belt dryer. The surface of the product is dried to the
point where it is no longer sticky in the conveyor belt dryer. This will essentially be at the end
of the constant drying rate phase. If the material is left on the conveyor dryer, the locations
where each particle comes into contact with another particle will dry slower than fully exposed
surface areas.
The partially dried material bed that exits the conveyor belt dryer can be broken up and fed
into a second dryer with a vibrating surface on which the product particles are dispersed.
Air is delivered into the dryer by small apertures in the vibrating bed or is blasted in from above
or from the sides. The particles make full contact with the heated air after being flung a short
distance higher. When they return to the dryer bed, they are flung upwards into the drying air
once more and this procedure is repeated numerous times.


➢ Low energy usage in comparison to other dryer types.

➢ The residence duration is precisely controlled, and the product dries evenly.
➢ kind to delicate textiles, providing less friction
➢ low costs of operation.
➢ Incorporated cooling compartment in dryer.


➢ Generally speaking, it is not appropriate for materials that readily agglomerate and adhere to
➢ It is not appropriate for materials that have rigorous criteria for product shape.
➢ The equipment is huge and heavy since it requires fans, heaters, separators or dust catchers,
and other ancillary equipment.
Freeze-drying is the process of sublimating ice from frozen material under low pressure. It is
also referred to as lyophilization or cryodesiccation. In contrast, other dehydration techniques
employ heat to cause the water to evaporate.

➢ The customer preference for nutrition from whole foods is further supported by the fact that
freeze-drying retains nutritional content better than other drying techniques.
➢ Additionally, the method maintains the original raw material's colour and shape, guaranteeing
consumers that the fruits and vegetables they are consuming are in fact real.
➢ Reconstitution requires the use of water (except for simple snacks)
➢ Process is slow; the typical cycle is over 24 hours.
➢ The dry, styrofoam texture irritates some people.
➢ Foods can't always be freeze-dried.
➢ To store something for a long time, you need airtight containers.
➢ No space is saved because the majority of the food's cellular structure is kept.
Through the use of vacuum pumps to raise the water vapour partial pressure difference, air is
vented from the enclosed container and pressure is reduced while the object is being dried. For
the initial stages of vacuum technology development, freeze-drying was used to dry a variety
of foods. Since vacuum dryers don't include any air, the only absolute pressure that can be
created is water pressure.

➢ Compared to ordinary dryers, the average drying temperature is substantially lower.
➢ Due to the dryer's enormous surface area and easy heat distribution throughout, drying time
➢ Water evaporates at lower temperatures due to reduced pressure, but few organoleptic changes
➢ The transmission of energy is the main restriction. In place of hot air, which is impractical,
most people utilise contact plates, radiation heat, or microwaves.
➢ The vacuum drying process is a batch type drying process with low efficiency.
➢ The cost of vacuum dryers is high.
➢ Operating vacuum dryers calls for specialised labour.
➢ The price of maintenance is expensive.

➢ Thayla B .Roratto Ricardo L.Monteiro Bruno A.M.CarciofiJoão B.Laurindo
o Department of Chemical and Food Engineering, Federal University of Santa
Catarina - UFSC, 88040-900, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil

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