2021 Summative Test ELS

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Republic of The Philippines

Department of Education

Summative Test in Earth and Life Science

Name: _______________________________________ Grade & Section: ______________


Direction: Read and analyze the following questions. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answer before each number.

______1. Which statement about the Earth will help organisms to survive?
A. Earth has layer water only for favorable climate.
B. Earth’s temperature is neither the hottest nor the coldest among other planets.
C. Earth has no protective equipment like ozone.
D. Earth has man-made natural cycles
______2. Which distinct characteristic made Earth different from any other planet?
A. It is the only planet that turns around in space.
B. It is the only rocky planet.
C. It is the only planet that has a large amount of liquid water.
D. It is the only planet that changes its structure
______3. What does Earth offer to human to sustain life?
A. Earth has sufficient nutrients from ocean to land.
B. Earth has abundant plant life.
C. Only A
D. Both A and B.
______4. Which gas dominates the Earth’s atmosphere?
A. CO2
B. N2
C. He
D. O2
______5. Ozone plays an important part for organisms to stay alive. To what sphere does ozone belong?
A. atmosphere
B. geosphere
C. biosphere
D. hydrosphere
______6. Which answer best describes the role of the ozone layer?
A. It traps heat from the sun to heat the planet.
B. It cools the earth through the evaporation of water vapor
C. It protects the plants and animals on earth from receiving too much ultraviolet radiation.
D. It keeps the oxygen in the atmosphere closest to Earth and the nitrogen separated in the
______7. Human actions greatly affect the Earth itself. Which of the following is an example of a human
impact of the biosphere?
A. Littering
B. water pollution
C. air pollution
D. littering, air, and water pollution
______8. 1 What is a carbonate mineral that occurs in a different crystal form and is less common than
either calcite or dolomite?
A. aragonite
B. gypsum
C. calcite
D. silica
______9. What constitutes the size, shape, and arrangement of mineral grains in a rock?
A. cement
B. porosity
C. permeable origin
D. texture
______10. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a mineral?
A. crystal structure
B. organic
C. naturally occurring
D. solid
______11. 14. What refers to the tendency for a mineral to break along flat surfaces?
A. cleavage
B. tenacity
C. ductility
D. hardness
______12. What is the solid form of a mineral produced by a repeating pattern of atoms?
A. crystal
B. element
C. density
D. fracture
______13. What is the natural process that causes one kind of rock to change into another kind?
A. Weathering
B. Rock cycle
C. Sediments
D. Metamorphism
______14. Which rock type is formed from hardened magma beneath the Earth’s surface?
A. Intrusive igneous rock
B. Extrusive igneous rock
C. Intrusive metamorphic rock
D. Extrusive sedimentary rock
______15. Which of the following is an example of an igneous rock?
A. Coal
B. Granite
C. Limestone
D. Sandstone
______16. Which of the following represents the correct order of the processes responsible for the
formation of sedimentary rocks?
A. Compaction, cementation, deposition, weathering, erosion
B. Deposition, cementation, compaction, erosion, weathering
C. Erosion, weathering, compaction, cementation, deposition
D. Weathering, erosion, deposition, compaction, cementation
______17. A student obtained a cup of quartz sand from a beach. A saltwater solution is poured into the
sand and is allowed to evaporate. Afterwards, the mineral residue from saltwater solution
cemented the sand grains together. Which of the following is most likely formed?
A. extrusive igneous rock
B. intrusive igneous rock
C. metamorphic rock
D. sedimentary rock
______18. Which of the following is true about rocks?
A. Coal is not considered a rock.
B. Rocks do not contain minerals.
C. Most rocks are a mixture of minerals.
D. Rocks are composed of only one mineral.
______19. What is the type of rock formed from lava that cools quickly that results to finer grain and smaller
size of crystals?
A. Metamorphic rock
B. Sedimentary rock
C. Extrusive igneous rock
D. Intrusive igneous rock
______20. In which type of rock can fossils be found?
A. Extrusive igneous rock
B. Metamorphic rock
C. Intrusive igneous rock
D. Sedimentary rock
______21. What statement is NOT correct about dissolution?
A. It happens when elements react with atmospheric oxygen.
B. Rocks and minerals dissolve rapidly when water is either acidic or basic.
C. Limestone composed of calcite is weathered and develops caves through time.
D. The crystal of halite dissolves rapidly and completely in water to form a solution.
______22. What is the composition of the soil?
A. clay, dust, and sand
B. grains, organic matter, H2O, and gas
C. rock, dust, sand, water, and gas
D. silt, dust, sand, and water
______23. Which of the following does NOT describe the advantage of wind barrier such as row of trees
along the edge of field?
A. conserve moisture
B. trap the blowing wind
C. increases the effects of wind erosion
D. protect crops from the effects of wind
______24. Which process exhibits the breaking down of rocks on the earth’s surface or cause changes in its
A. deposition
B. erosion
C. mass wasting
D. weathering
______25. Which of the following processes does NOT cause physical weathering?
A. burrowing of animals
B. freezing and thawing
C. oxidation
D. temperature and pressure
______26. Which of the following processes does NOT cause chemical weathering?
A. dissolution
B. hydrolysis
C. oxidation
D. temperature
______27. Which of the following processes of chemical weathering occur in the formation of stalactites and
A. dissolution
B. hydration
C. oxidation
D. hydrolysis
______28. What refers to the shaking of the surface of the Earth resulting from a sudden release of energy
caused by a convection current?
A. earthquake
B. storm surge
C. volcanic eruption
D. hurricane
______29. How does the mantle behave as a viscous fluid on a geological time scale?
A. presence of high radiation
B. absence of high pressure
C. existence of high temperature
D. decrease in altitude
______30. What kind of heat transfer occurs mostly on the Earth’s surface?
A. insolation
B. radiation
C. conduction
D. convection
______31. What kind of process by which heat energy is transmitted through collisions between neighboring
atoms or molecules?
A. conduction
B. convection
C. insolation
D. radiation
______32. What are the two factors that affect conduction on the Earth’s surface?
A. Radioactive decay and nuclear disintegration of elements.
B. Heat from the Earth's core and radiation from the Sun.
C. Movement of plates and radiation from the Earth’s core
D. Stored magma and volcanic eruption.
______33. Which is supported and sustained by planet?
A. life
B. a rocky core
C. a moon
D. an atmosphere
______34. Which factors are needed for organisms to live on Earth?
A. temperature and nutrient
B. atmosphere and energy
C. only A
D. both A and B
______35. 1. Which of the following process does NOT alter the composition of material?
A. chemical weathering
B. dissolution
C. hydrolysis
D. mechanical weathering
______36. What type of weathering is exhibited when the rocks are fractured, cracked, and broken down
into small pieces?
A. chemical weathering
B. oxidation
C. physical weathering
D. pressure change
______37. Which of the following is an example of oxidation?
A. rusting of iron
B. halite dissolves in water
C. feldspar decomposes to form clay
D. stalactites and stalagmites formation
______38. Which activity does NOT facilitate erosion?
A. kaingin
B. loss of plant cover
C. planting
D. steepening of slope
______39. Which diagram exhibits the most ideal arrangement for exogenic processes?
A. erosion – sediments – weathering – transport- deposition
B. sediments – erosion – weathering – transport
C. sediments – transport – erosion – weathering
D. weathering – erosion – transport-deposition
______40. What characteristics does the Earth have to maintain an organism’s body to survive?
A. Earth has a water cycle and atmosphere
B. Earth has volcanic activities to circulate nutrients.
C. Earth has sub-surface water or molten rock that can circulate and replenish nutrients for
D. All of the above
Direction: Name the following Planets. Write your answer in the box provided.

TEST III. ROCK CYCLE (20 points)

Direction: Supply the missing data in the rock cycle. Write your answer in the box provided

1. ________________

4. _________________ 2. ________________

5. _________________ 3. ________________

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