1988 - Barberi - Plio-Quaternay Deposits

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Geol. Mag. 125 (I), 1988, pp. 1-14.

Printed in Great Britain

Plio-Quaternary volcanism in Ecuador

Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, University of Pisa, via S. Maria 53, 56100 Pisa, Italy

{Received 9 January 1987; accepted 8 May 1987)

Abstract - Extensive sampling, major element chemistry on over 300 samples and K-Ar radiometric
dating have been carried out on the Ecuadorian Upper Tertiary-Quaternary volcanoes. The results
show important space-time variations of the volcanic activity, between Late Miocene time and the
present. In Late Miocene time a continuous volcanic belt, located approximately along the present
volcanic front (VF), affected the whole country from the Cuenca basin to the south, up to Colombia
to the north. Major changes occurred at about 5 Ma: volcanic activity stopped south of the
Guayaquil fault belt and never resumed; to the north the active volcanic axis shifted eastward to the
Cordillera Real (CR) area with a simultaneous relative decrease in intensity. Since Early Quaternary
time the volcanic belt widened westward to the Western Cordillera where the volcanism resumed at
about 1.5—1.0 Ma, giving rise to the very wide active volcanic zone of Ecuador.
The Plio-Quaternary products show significant longitudinal and latitudinal chemical and
mineralogical changes. Volcanics of the VF and Interandean Depression contain amphibole and
define a calc-alkaline trend with a K2O content lower than that of the CR products, which are
characterized by a mostly anhydrous phenocryst assemblage. In both areas andesites dominate, but
extreme compositions (basaltic andesites and rhyolites) are more diffuse in the CR than the VF. No
significant transverse zoning has been detected in the northern region (north of the Chota-Mira
transverse tectonic line). The observed temporal and spatial variations are interpreted as a result of
the subduction of the Carnegie Ridge anomalous oceanic crust, underthrusting of which began
approximately 6 Ma ago.

1. Introduction and age of volcanism are scarce and have not been
The Andes form a morphologically continuous range This paper provides new geochronological and
more than 7000 km long, located along the active petrochemical data emphasizing the existence of
Pacific margin of South America. This margin is significant time-space variations in the volcanism of
bounded to the west by a deep oceanic trench, Ecuador and southern Colombia. In the light of these
uninterrupted from Patagonia to Colombia, and to new data, a reconstruction of the history of northern
the east it passes to thrust-faulted sedimentary Andes' volcanism in the framework of the geodynamic
formations and to the Brazil-Guyana Shield (Zeil, evolution of the area is attempted.
The magmatic arc, which represents one of the
fundamental features of the Andean belt, is character- 2. Geodynamic framework and geological background
ized by remarkable longitudinal variations related to
the nature and/or the distribution of magmatic 2.a. Marine geology
products, as well as to different geotectonic arrange- The Ecuadorian active continental margin is
ments. Such changes reflect remarkable longitudinal characterized by the subduction of the Nazca plate
variations of the subduction geometry (Barazangi & beneath the South America continental plate (Fig. 1).
Isacks, 1976, 1979; Thorpe & Francis, 1979; Pilger, The oceanic crust subducting along the trench facing
1981; Nur & Ben-Avraham, 1981). southern Ecuador is characterized by a fiat mor-
The distribution of Quaternary volcanoes defines phology and a mean depth of about 4000 m (Plate
the existence of three segments within the magmatic Tectonic Map of the Circum-Pacific Region, 1981).
arc, separated by two areas presently characterized by Northwards the flat floor of the Nazca plate is
the absence of active volcanism. The northernmost of abruptly interrupted by a series of ENE-trending fault
these segments (the 'Northern Volcanic Zone', NVZ scarps (Grijalva Fracture Zone) bounding the south
of Thorpe et al. 1982) extends from Cerro Bravo (to of the Galapagos area, whose floor is characterized by
the north) to Sangay (to the south) and includes all the a shallower depth and rougher morphology, culmina-
active volcanoes of Colombia and Ecuador. In spite of ting in the aseismic Carnegie Ridge, a structure
the great concentration of volcanoes in the NVZ, generated by the passage of the Nazca plate over the
especially in the Ecuadorian sector, data on the nature Galapagos hot spot (Hey, 1977).
Geological Magazine, Vol. 125, no. 1, January 1988, pp. 1-101.

GEO 125
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Figure 1. Present-day geodynamic sketch of the equatorial east Pacific area between the Galapagos Islands and the continent.
The age (Ma) of the oceanic crust is indicated as well as the direction and present rate (cm/year) of plate motion (single
vector = absolute motion; double vectors = relative motion). Heavy arrowed line = Ecuadorian trench; PFZ = Panama
Fracture Zone; GFZ = Grijalva Fracture Zone; triangles = active volcanoes; CML = Chota-Mira tectonic line; GFB =
Guayaquil fault belt. Redrawn after the Plate Tectonic Map of the Circum-Pacific Region, 1981.

The complexity of the subducting lithosphere affects sensu stricto belt ('Sierra') and the eastern region
the morphology of the trench, which is deeper in gently sloping towards the Amazon basin ('Oriente').
southern Ecuador (about 5000 m) than in central- The Costa is formed by a series of fore-arc basins,
northern Ecuador and Colombia (about 3000 m), all emerged with the exception of the Guayaquil basin
where the Carnegie Ridge is subducted (Lonsdale, (DGGM, 1982), and filled by Tertiary products
1978). overlying Cretaceous basalts (Goossens & Rose,
Distribution of intermediate seismicity confirms the 1973) and their sedimentary cover, which are probable
existence of significant lateral discontinuities in the remnants of an ancient ocean floor (Pinon and Cayo
subducted lithosphere. The Benioff plane beneath formations). The uplifted Pinon basement and its
northern Peru and southern Ecuador is characterized cover form the Coastal Range, separated from the
by a low angle (about 10°) eastward dip (Barazangi & Andean foothills to the east by a thick Quaternary
Isacks, 1976; Stauder, 1975), sharply contrasting with clastic cover. The whole structure is considered to
the normal dip (about 30°) of the Benioff plane represent the emerged part of the continental accre-
beneath central-northern Ecuador and, probably, tionary prism (Lonsdale, 1978).
Colombia (Stauder, 1975; Lonsdale, 1978). The The Sierra represents the core of the Ecuadorian
occurrence of these two different slopes could imply Andes, here characterized by two parallel mountain
a torsion of the Benioff plane, which could account ranges (the Western Cordillera and the Cordillera
for the anomalous northeasterly dip inferred by Real) separated by a narrow valley (the Interandean
Pennington (1981) in southern Ecuador. Depression), which wanes southward. North of 1° N,
in Colombia, the depression splits into two valleys
hence forming three cordilleras, with the central one
2.b. Continental geology
representing the prolongation of the Ecuadorian
The Andean Cordillera was formed in Ecuador Cordillera Real.
following several orogenic pulses since at least The Ecuadorian Western Cordillera is mainly
Cretaceous times, and probably Palaeozoic time (Zeil, formed by basic and intermediate volcanic rocks,
1979). Three physiographic longitudinal zones (Fig. 2) emplaced in a submarine environment ('Macuchi'
are classically distinguished in Ecuador: the hilly Formation) and covered by discontinuous turbiditic
coastal region ('Costa'), the mountainous Andean deposits of Cretaceous to Eocene age; this complex

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Plio-Quaternary volcanism, Ecuador

Figure 2. Geological sketch map of western Ecuador. 1, Quaternary undifferentiated deposits; 2, Pifion Formation and fore-
arc Tertiary deposits (Costa); 3, Western Cordillera: Macuchi Formation and Cretaceous-Eocene clastic deposits; 4,
undifferentiated basal volcanic complex (Late Miocene-Quaternary); 5, volcanic and volcano-sedimentary depositsfillingthe
Interandean Depression; 6, Cordillera Real: mainly metamorphites; 7, Tertiary sediments of the Cuenca basin; 8, Tarqui
Formation and (dotted) Alausi' Formation; 9, Saraguro Formation; 10, Oriente sediments; 11, Quaternary central

has been interpreted as representing a volcanic arc andean Depression is an important extensional struc-
faulted and folded during a phase of moderate crustal ture bounded by active fault scarps and partlyfilledby
shortening (Henderson, 1979). The Cordillera Real volcanic and volcano-sedimentary deposits that locally
consists of igneous and sedimentary rocks, Palaeozoic reach some thousands of metres in thickness (Baldock,
to Cretaceous in age, deeply modified by a Cretaceous 1983). The formation of the Interandean Depression
metamorphic event (Feininger, 1982). The Inter- dates back to late Miocene time, according to Baldock

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Figure 3. Quaternary volcanoes and main tectonic lineations of the Ecuadorian Andes from 1° N to 2° S.

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Plio-Quaternary volcanism, Ecuador

(1985). The Andes were affected by a Miocene- The products of the stratovolcanoes cover a basal
Pliocene compressional tectonic phase ('Andean volcanic complex consisting of a thick lava pile with
Orogeny' of Campbell, 1974) and by Pliocene- minor tuff intercalations and local ignimbritic cover.
Pleistocene uplift (Faucher & Savoyat, 1973). A thickness of at least 1000 m has been observed
Along the eastern foothills, the Cordillera Real along the fault scarps of the Interandean Depression.
('Oriente') consists of thrust sedimentary terrains The source areas from which these products were
deposited since Palaeozoic time (Suarez, Molnar & erupted are unknown at present. This roughly tabular
Burchfield, 1983). Huge anticlines, where Jurassic to volcanic sequence is faulted and tilted.
Cretaceous marine sediments occur, connect the The whole volcanic sequence formed by the strato-
Andean foothills with the Amazonian basin, a foreland volcanoes and their undifferentiated basal volcanic
basin with up to 5 km of Cenozoic detrital continental complex is spatially nearly continuous from the
and lacustrine sediments (molasse) overlying Late Colombia-Ecuador boundary to 2° S (Sangay vol-
Mesozoic platform sedimentary rocks and Precam- cano); it is considered to be Plio-Quaternary in age
brian continental crust (Tschopp, 1953). (Hall & Calle, 1982). South of 2° S to the Peruvian
A number of transverse discontinuities offsetting boundary the volcanic products cropping out on the
the northern Andes have been described (Hall & prolongation of the volcanic belt are older. Several
Wood, 1985). Some of these main discontinuities formations have been distinguished (Baldock, 1983),
occur in Ecuador: (i) the dextral transcurrent NE-SW the most important of which are the Alausi' and the
Guayaquil fault belt (Lebrat et al. 1985), which Tarqui formations, cropping out just to the south of
represents the southern termination of the Quaternary 2° S, and the Saraguro Formation occurring further
volcanism and of the Interandean Depression; and (ii) to the south (Fig. 2).
the NW-SE Chota-Mira tectonic line offsetting the The Alausi' Formation mainly consists of lava
northern portion of the volcanic front. flows with minor pyroclastic interbeds, typically
characterized by marked hydrothermal alteration. It
is reported to be Oligocene-Early Miocene in age, and
3. Volcanism
coeval with the Saraguro Formation (Hall & Calle,
The Ecuadorian volcanic belt extends north-south 1982). New K-Ar measurements (Table 1) suggest,
along the whole country, with an average width of however, a younger age for the Alausi' Formation
about 80 km. The Quaternary activity, characterized which should be nearly contemporaneous with the
by the building of a great number of huge strato- final products of the Tarqui volcanic formation.
volcanoes, forming the highest peaks of the northern The Tarqui Formation is considered to be the
Andes, does not occur in the area south of 2° S (Fig. youngest in the southern Ecuadorian Andes; it consists
3). Eleven composite volcanoes are listed in the of ignimbrites with minor lava flows and tuff
catalogue of active volcanoes of Simkin et al. (1981). intercalations. It covers an area of about 6500 km2
Of these, the westernmost ones (Quilotoa, Guagua (DGGM, 1982) around and within the Cuenca basin.
Pichincha, Pululagua, Cuicocha and Cerro Negro) According to two radiocarbon ages (24900 and
define a 250 km long volcanic front from the town of 34300a B.P.; Bristow & Hoffstetter, 1977) from
Latacunga (35 km north of Ambato) to southern carbonized wood interpreted as interlayered within
Colombia. The others are scattered along the eastern the volcanic sequence, the Tarqui Formation has been
border of the Interandean Depression (Cotopaxi), on considered to be Pleistocene (Hall & Calle, 1982). This
the Cordillera Real (Antisana, Tunguragua, Sangay) attribution has to be revised. Actually no recognizable
and on its eastern foothills (Reventador and Sumaco). Tarqui Formation has been found at the charcoal site
Besides these, other volcanoes appear extremely well of Bristow & Hoffstetter (1977). Furthermore K-Ar
preserved morphologically and must be considered determinations on the youngest ignimbrites in the
very young: field surveys and photogeology allowed Cuenca area provided much older ages (11-12 Ma;
the identification of at least 100 of these volcanic see Table 1) which appear in better agreement with the
edifices (Fig. 3). ' old' field aspect of the Tarqui rocks.
Stratovolcanoes are characterized by a complex The Saraguro Formation mainly consists of pyro-
alternation of basic and intermediate lavas, silicic clastic products, including some ignimbrites, with
domes and pyroclastic products, frequently of evolved minor volcano-sedimentary interbeds. Available
dacitic to rhyolitic composition. Summit calderas radiometric data suggest a 15-27 Ma age range
occur in several volcanoes (Potrerillos, Cuicocha, (Kennerley, 1980; Hall & Calle, 1982).
Mojanda, Pululagua, Casitagua, Guagua Pichincha
and Quilotoa); on the other hand, large calderas of*
regional extent are rare. Only two occurrences are 3.a. Geochronology
known: the Chalpatan caldera, 8 km in diameter, to Thirty new K-Ar radiometric age determinations
the north, and the Chalupas caldera (15 x 20 km) to carried out on selected samples representative of the
the south (see Fig. 3). whole Ecuadorian volcanic belt (Table 1), together

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F. B A R B E R I A N D O T H E R S

Table I. K/Ar ages of volcanic rocks from the Ecuadorian Andes

40 40
Rock Ar rad Ar rad Age
Sample type (mlSTPg-1) (Ma)

Volcanic Front
EC 3 (*) Dacite 2.11 6.03 xlO" 13 17.0 0.16±0.02
6.32 xlO" 13 25.6 0.17 ±0.02
EC 87 (*) Dacite 1.12 1.22 xlO~12 22.2 0.63 ±0.06
EC 67 (•) Andesite 0.82 1.88 x 10"12 23.6 1.32 + 0.13
CH603 Andesite 0.78 3.56 xlO" 8 16.0 1.17±0.10
CH613 Dacite 0.91 2.86 x 10"8 17.0 0.81 ±0.05
EC 69 (*) Andesite 0.96 6.84 xlO- 1 3 39.0 0.41 ±0.05
5.38 x 10"13 19.8 O.32±0.05
Basal sequence
EC 158 (*) Andesite 0.97 8.07 xlO" 12 15.6 4.78 + 0.50
CH682 Dacite 0.98 2.32x10-' 3.0 6.10 ±0.60
Cordillera Real
CH 726 Dacite 1.77 1.75 xlO" 8 1.4 0.25±0.05
CH 734 Basaltic andesite 1.07 5.33 x 10"8 6.0 1.30 + 0.20
CH575 Dacite 2.00 0.70 x 10~8 4.5 0.09 ±0.03
CH 751 Andesite 1.54 7.25 x 10"8 16.0 1.21 ±0.05
CH 636 Dacite 2.27 1.55 x 10"' 7.0 1.76 + 0.16
CH648 Dacite 1.86 2.54 x 10"8 7.0 0.35 + 0.04
CH661 Andesite 1.73 5.16xl0" 8 17.0 O.77±O.O5
Basal sequence
CH 544 Dacite 1.71 2.43x10"' 30.0 3.65 ±0.07
EC 112(») Andesite 1.44 8.63 xlO" 12 78.3 3.46 ±0.10
CH 559 Andesite 1.45 1.46x10"' 30.0 2.60 + 0.06
CH 576 (g) Rhyolite 3.45 1.32 x 10"' 6.0 0.98 ±0.13
CH 577 (g) Rhyolite 3.54 1.11 x 10"' 19.0 0.81+0.04
EC 10 (*) Dacite 2.19 1.00 xlO" 12 42.0 0.26 + 0.02
CH6I8 Andesite 1.64 9.96 x lO"9 1.5 0.15 + 0.03
CH694 Dacite 2.89 2.94 x 10-8 2.5 0.26 + 0.05
Interandean Depression
CH77I Dacite 2.13 1.71x10"' 5.0 2.06±0.07
CH554 Dacite 2.28 1.04x10"' 2.0 1.20±0.10
CH 539 Andesite 1.00 1.40xl0" 8 14.0 0.41+0.04
EC 95 (•) Andesite 1.11 3.39 xlO" 12 10.6 1.76 + 0.18
EC 114 (•) Andesite 1.59 1.63 xlO" 12 23.6 0.59 ±0.06
CH727 Andesite 1.04 2.04 x 10"8 11.0 0.50 + 0.06
EC 76 (*) Basaltic andesite 0.80 2.25 xlO" 12 13.9 1.62 + 0.16
Basal sequence
CH 535 Andesite 1.32 3.24x10"' 24.0 6.30 + 0.06
CH 537 Andesite 1.56 3.83x10"' 46.0 6.31+0.10
Southern Zone
CH 1781 Andesite 1.76 5.57 x 10"' 7.8 8.12±0.10
CH 1776 Andesite 1.81 3.73x10"' 28.4 7.1O±O.3O
CH 1784 (gm) Dacite 3.33 1.04xl0" 6 38.2 8.0±0.08
CH 1787 (g) Rhyolite 2.90 1.79 xlO" 6 14.0 15.4 + 0.7
CH 589 Dacite 1.79 7.78x10"' 10.5 11.2 + 0.30
CH590 Andesite 1.61 7.69 x 10-' 11.3 12.2 ±0.40
EC 46 (*) Dacite 1.44 1.58x10"" 77.7 6.33 ±0.20
CH 582 Dacite 1.43 2.88 x 10"' 29.0 5.2 ±0.20
CH 1791 Andesite 1.11 1.28 xlO" 6 70.0 28.9 ±1.40

(*) OLADE, 1980; (g) glass; (gm) ground mass. Whole rock decay constant according to Steiger & Jager (1977). Analyst: A. Giuliani
(Istituto di Geocronologia e Geochimica Isotopica, CNR-Pisa).
EC 3 (Chiles); EC 87 (Cotacachi); EC 67, CH 603, CH 613 (Ruco Pichincha); EC 69 (Atacazo); EC 158 (basement of Chiles volcano); CH
682 (basement of Quilotoa volcano); CH 726 (Cayambe); CH 734 (Izambi); CH 575 (Palaguillo, south Puntas); CH 751 (Chalupas); CH
636 (Cashaloma, north Larcapungo); CH 648, CH 661 (Tungurahua); CH 544 (basement of Chota Depression, east side); EC 112 (Chilcaloma
basement, north Imbabura); CH 559 (basement of Cubilche volcano); CH 576, CH 577 (on borders of Cordillera Real, east Halo'); EC 10
(Paso de la Virgen, Cordillera Real, east Halo'); CH 618 (on board Cordillera Real, north Santapungo); CH 694 (basement near Pisayambo
Lake, east Larcapungo); CH 771, CH 554 (Chalpatan); CH 539 (volcanic centre in Chota Depression); EC 95 (Imbabura); EC 114 (Mojanda);
CH 727 (volcanic centre north Mojanda); EC 76 (Halo'); CH 535, CH 537 (basement of Chota Depression, west side); CH 1781, CH 1776
(Alausi1 Fm.); CH 1784 (Mangan Fm.); CH 1787, CH 589, CH 590 (Tarqui Fm.); EC 46, CH 582 (Cojitambo dome); CH 1791 (Saraguro
Fm.). For the position of volcanic centres see Figure 3.

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Plio-Quaternary volcanism, Ecuador

with the scarce available age data, and unpublished Tarqui formations. The ignimbritic deposits within
K-Ar age measurements (OLADE, 1980), allow the the Cuenca basin in fact provided ages of 15.4 and
evaluation of the time interval during which volcanic 11.2 Ma respectively for the western (near Soldatos
activity developed in the various sectors of the village, 25 km west-southwest of Cuenca) and eastern
magmatic arc. (close to Sigsig village, 28 km southeast of Cuenca)
upper portions of the Tarqui Formation. A lava flow
interlayered within the Mangan volcanosedimentary
3.a.l. Volcanic Front (VF)
formation, south of Canar (38 km north-northeast of
All dated products from stratovolcanoes exhibit Cuenca), gave an Upper Miocene age (8.0 Ma), fully
Quaternary ages not older than 1.3 Ma (Rucu comparable with the upper lavas of the Alausi'
Pichincha volcano, close to Quito). Geomorphological Formation (7.1-8.1 Ma). The volcanic activity in the
evidence suggests a similar age range for all other Cuenca area, as well as probably in the whole southern
undated central edifices of the VF. sector of the Ecuadorian magmatic belt, ends with the
The upper part of the volcanic basement has been emplacement, at the end of Miocene time (5.3-6.2
dated in the Chiles and Quilotoa areas, revealing a Ma), of the Cojitambo domic complex (20 km
Late Miocene-Early Pliocene age. In spite of the northwest of Cuenca).
scarcity of radiometric determinations, a chronologi-
cal gap in the VF activity appears highly probable
according to field evidence. It possibly occurred 3.b. Petrochemical data
between about 5.0 and 1.0-1.5 Ma. More than 500 samples collected during two extensive
field surveys in 1983 and 1985 have been petro-
3.a.2. Cordillera Real (CR) graphically studied. Of these samples 338 were selected
for major element chemical analysis. The complete set
The volcanic products of the CR range in age from of data (Almeida et al. in prep.) is available on
Early Pliocene to Present. Here also all strato- request. A description is provided in the following
volcanoes can be considered to be Quaternary in age, section for the groups of rocks defined on the basis of
most probably not older than 1.2-1.3 Ma (Izambi and differences in both structural setting and age. Tertiary
Chalupas volcanoes). The oldest measured K-Ar and Quaternary products were therefore distinguished
age (1.8 Ma) refers to Caschaloma, a small dome according to their location on: (i) the Volcanic Front
located immediately to the north of Larcapurgo on the Western Cordillera (VF); (ii) the Interandean
volcano. The basal sequence ranges from Pliocene Depression (ID); or (iii) the Cordillera Real and its
(oldest K-Ar age 3.65 Ma) to ages largely overlapping eastern foothills (CR). Three zones bounded by the
the stratovolcanoes' activity span (0.26 Ma), without main transverse structural discontinuities were further
any gap. considered: (a) the Northern Zone (NZ), north of the
Chota-Mira tectonic line; (b) the Central Zone (CZ),
between the Chota-Mira line and 1° S (roughly
3.a.3. Interandean Depression (ID) passing through Quilotoa volcano where the VF is
Radiometric ages of ID volcanic products suggest a displaced eastwards); and (c) the Southern Zone (SZ),
volcanic history quite similar to that of the VF. The between Quilotoa and Sangay (about 2° S) volcanoes.
few occurrences of the undifferentiated volcanic All chemical data have been plotted on standard
basement bordering the Chota-Mira depression show alkali/silica and AFM diagrams (Fig. 4). Classification
in fact Late Miocene age, sharply contrasting with was based on K20 v. SiO2 (Fig. 5). Rocks from the VF
the Early Quaternary age characterizing the oldest and ID exhibit typical calc-alkaline affinity with no
products of the stratovolcanoes (2.1 Ma for the early iron enrichment. Most of the rocks belong to the
pre-caldera lavas of the Chalpatan complex). normal calc-alkaline series, with a few NZ samples
falling within the tholeiitic field of Figure 5; these
latter samples have, however, FeO/MgO ratios typical
3.a.4. Southern Ecuador of calc-alkaline associations as defined by Miyashiro
All main volcanic formations cropping out in Ecuador (1974). The composition ranges from basaltic andesite
south of 2° S have been dated. The data obtained to rhyolite; basalts are quite rare. The highest SiO2
allow the definition of the end of each recognized frequency peak corresponds to high-SiO2 andesitic
volcanic cycle; they are, however, insufficient for compositions. The ID rocks are characterized by a
providing a complete timing of volcanism in this more scattered distribution in all chemical variation
sector. diagrams. The products of the NZ and SZ have, in
It is confirmed that the Saraguro Formation has an particular, higher K2O contents with respect to the
Oligocene age (sample CH-1791 in Table 1). As CZ. Within the VF, the NZ samples exhibit higher
already mentioned, the new data deeply modify the K2O content, as do the few NZ samples of the ID.
previous stratigraphic attribution of the Alausi' and The widest compositional dispersion is shown by

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45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 A

50 55 60 65 70 75 80 A

45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 A M 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80


45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 A M 45 50 55 60 65 70 75

Figure 4. Silica frequency histograms, AFM and alkali v. SiO2 plots for the Quaternary volcanic zones of Ecuador compared
with Tertiary products. The boundary line between tholeiitic and calc-alkaline compositions in the AFM diagrams, subalkaline
and alkaline fields in the alkali v. SiO8 diagrams, are denned by Irvine & Baragar (1971).

the CR, which includes normal calc-alkaline, high-K Tertiary products are mainly confined to the
calc-alkaline (some rocks from Sangay, Tunguragua normal calc-alkaline field; few rocks from the eastern-
and Antisana and other minor vents), shoshonitic, most sample outcrops (Virgen Nigra on the CR,
and alkaline (Sumaco) associations. Samples range in about 25 km south-southeast of Tulcan) have high-K
composition from basalt to rhyolite (basanite to dacitic composition. The compositional spectrum
tephritic phonolite at Sumaco). A bimodal distribution includes andesites, dacites and a few rhyolites. No
with the highest frequency peaks corresponding to significant differences can be noticed among the
basic andesites and rhyolites is apparent from Figure 4. various zones, including the Cuenca area.
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Plio-Quaternary volcanism, Ecuador



50 55 60 55 70 75 K
SIO, %

i i

75 80 75 80

Figure 5. Plot of Ecuadorian volcanic zones on the K2O v. SiO2 classification diagram of Peccerillo & Taylor (1976). I, Island-
arc tholeiitic series; II, calc-alkaline series; III, high-K calc-alkaline series; IV, shoshonitic series. Triangles = Northern Zone;
squares = Central Zone; circles = Southern Zone; stars = Sangay (courtesy of Inemin, Quito) and Sumaco; heavy circles =
Tertiary products.

As a whole the observed major element chemical island arc andesites rather than Andean-type conti-
variations allow the recognition within the Quaternary nental margin andesites.
volcanic belt, in spite of a continuous compositional Most of the studied samples are highly porphyritic,
spectrum, of three geochemically distinct areas with aphyric varieties being restricted to some evolved
(Fig. 6). dacites and rhyolites. Phenocryst persistence is sum-
(1) The whole Volcanic Front south of the Chota- marized in Figure 7 as a function of the SiO2 content.
Mira line and the Interandean Depression down to The main distinctive mineralogical characteristic is
1° S, characterized by the lowest K2O contents. the distribution of hornblende. It is frequent in the
(2) The area north of the Chota-Mira line with a VF rocks and particularly abundant in dacites. Within
steeper K2O enrichment trend. the rocks of the CR and NZ, however, the mineral is
(3) The Cordillera Real together with the Inter- much less frequent and less abundant, being mainly
andean Depression of the SZ with a further increase in restricted to dacites.
KJJO values, reaching in some cases high-K and The lavas of Sumaco, the easternmost volcano of
shoshonitic compositions. the Ecuadorian magmatic arc, have a peculiar mineral
Selected analyses of main rock types in the different assemblage and chemistry; their products were briefly
sectors are reported in Table 2. The composition of described by Colony & Sinclair (1928). Three new
VF andesites appears markedly different from pub- analyses of the products of this poorly accessible
lished averages of Andean andesites (Ewart, 1982): volcano are reported in Table 2. Available data
Ecuadorian andesites have in fact lower K2O, TiO2 indicate that the Sumaco undersaturated alkaline
and P8O5 contents and FeO/MgO and K 2 0/Na 2 0 rocks range from basanite to tephritic phonolite and
ratios. Their major element distributions as a whole, phonolite (Thorpe, Francis & O'Callaghan, 1984).
as already noticed by Thorpe et al. (1982) and Basanites are hypocrystalline rocks with olivine,
Hormann & Pichler (1982), more closely approach plagioclase, clinopyroxene, hauyne and sporadic

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45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
SiO 2 %




45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80

Figure 6. K2O-SiO2 regression lines for the products of the Volcanic Front and Interandean Depression in (A) the Northern
Zone [R (correlation coefficient) = 0.96], (B) the Central and Southern zones (R = 0.69) and (C) for the products of the
Cordillera Real (R = 0.82); see insert for the zones' limits.

amphibole phenocrysts set in a groundmass where the northern Andes from Colombia to Peru all along a
same phases, except amphibole, occur with Fe-Ti longitudinal belt roughly coinciding, in Ecuador, with
oxides and apatite. The presence of hauyne pheno- the presently active volcanic front and the Cuenca
crysts characterizes also the more evolved lavas in basin.
which hornblende phenocrysts occur as well as (2) South of the Guayaquil fault belt the activity
groundmass nepheline. One of the newly analysed stopped at about 5.0 Ma and never resumed. North of
samples (SUl) is quite different because of its higher the Guayaquil fault belt the activity apparently never
Na 2 O/K 2 O ratio and SiO2 content (normative Ne stopped; at about 5.0 Ma, however, it shifted eastward
about 4%). No feldspathoids occur in this rock, to the CR.
which can be classified as a trachybasalt. (3) During Pliocene time the volcanic activity was
of moderate intensity and apparently limited to a
4. Summary and conclusions narrow belt along the CR, north of the Guayaquil
fault belt.
The data presented here allow us to depict the
(4) From Early Quaternary time onwards, vol-
volcanic history of the Ecuadorian Andes since Late
canism increased in intensity and the volcanic belt
Miocene time. The main steps of the time-space
progressively widened westward.
evolution of the volcanism in the area can be
(5) The activity along the present Volcanic Front
reconstructed and their geodynamic implications
resumed at about 1.5-1.0 Ma. Since that time the
whole volcanic belt extending from the VF to the
eastern foothills of the CR has been active.
4.a. Time-space variations
(6) North of the Chota-Mira line the volcanic belt
According to field evidence and radiometric dating becomes progressively narrower, and north of Azufral
the following conclusions can be drawn. volcano, in Colombia, only a single volcanic line
(1) In Miocene time volcanism was active in the occurs along the Central Cordillera.

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Plio-Quaternary volcanism, Ecuador 11

Table 2. Selected chemical analyses of volcanic rocks from the Ecuadorian Andes

Volcanic Front and Interandean Depression

Northern Zone Central and Southern Zones

Sample CH 556 JA71 JA 72 CH 781 CH 1713 CH 1711 CH 1712 CH 679a CH 719 CH 1752

SiO2 60.85 66.68 68.94 55.09 57.65 62.71 66.66 68.72 70.68 72.51
TiOa 0.64 0.50 0.38 0.65 0.55 0.47 0.34 0.37 0.26 0.19
AlA 15.88 14.93 14.43 19.17 16.26 16.31 15.55 14.62 15.35 13.39
FeA 2.42 1.76 0.92 2.01 1.69 1.51 1.30 1.15 1.11 0.53
FeO 3.81 2.20 1.93 6.23 4.35 3.20 2.20 1.81 1.08 1.11
MnO 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.04 0.08
MgO 4.77 1.91 2.73 4.20 6.18 3.77 1.98 1.91 1.18 0.49
CaO 5.91 4.12 3.27 7.77 5.98 4.99 4.04 3.31 3.25 2.27
Na 2 O 3.32 3.41 3.45 3.01 4.16 4.14 4.19 4.57 4.76 3.67
K2O 1.71 2.71 3.06 0.68 0.96 1.24 1.83 1.92 1.88 2.26
PA 0.15 0.10 0.08 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.13 0.12 0.05
L.O.I. 0.45 1.62 0.77 0.93 2.00 1.47 1.73 1.09 0.29 3.43

Cordillera Real Eastern foothills

Sample CH 658 CH 1771 CH 1743 CH 570 CH 577 SU2 SU 3 SU 1 CH 510 CH518

SiOa 55.84 58.26 69.34 72.75 77.27 46.16 47.67 49.90 52.19 62.17
TiO2 0.91 0.82 0.44 0.19 0.16 1.39 1.09 1.00 0.99 0.59
AlA 17.35 16.73 15.06 13.49 12.31 18.86 18.46 20.97 20.11 17.38
Fe2O3 3.22 1.79 0.89 0.72 0.46 2.76 4.37 2.82 2.71 1.55
FeO 4.15 4.19 1.84 0.65 0.49 6.33 4.01 4.34 5.18 3.17
MnO 0.12 0.12 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.18 0.24 0.18 0.16 0.10
MgO 5.59 4.47 1.30 0.31 0.12 5.92 4.06 3.79 3.65 2.74
CaO 7.07 6.05 2.72 1.17 0.33 10.36 8.35 7.92 8.61 5.11
Na 2 O 3.68 4.26 4.02 4.10 4.18 3.62 6.51 4.83 4.08 4.40
K2O 1.37 1.88 2.73 3.65 4.02 2.62 3.29 1.65 1.02 2.01
P2O6 0.20 0.23 0.17 0.05 0.03 0.80 0.99 0.90 0.41 0.26
L.O.I. 0.50 1.20 1.43 2.87 0.58 1.00 0.96 1.70 0.89 0.52

Major elements (except MgO and Na a O by AAS, FeO by titration) analysed by XFR with full matrix effect correction after Franzini, Leoni
& Saitta (1972).
CH 556 (Potrerillos); JA 71 (Cerro Negro); JA 72 (Chiles); CH 781 (Chaquilulo); CH 1713, CH 1711, CH 1712 (Guagua Pichincha); CH
679a (Quilotoa); CH 719 (Chachimbiro dome close to Huangrabola volcano); CH 1752 (Iguan); CH 658 (Cotopaxi); CH 1771 (Altar); CH
1743 (Soche); CH 570 (Chalupas); CH 577 (on board Cordillera Real, east Halo'); SU 2, SU 1, SU3 (Sumaco); CH 510, CH 518

(7) A volcanic climax occurred in Holocene time, which increases from about 30 km below the VF to
mainly along the VF. about 40 km below the CR (Feininger & Seguin,
1983). The volcanic products of the VF and CR are
4.b. Chemical variations also characterized by significant differences in their
mineralogy and in the abundance of the various
Data relevant to the pre-Quaternary products are too erupted rock types. Amphibole phenocrysts are in fact
scarce and scattered to allow the recognition of quite common in most of the VF products, including
geographical chemical zoning. All these products those of less evolved compositions, while they are
exhibit a normal calc-alkaline affinity; their composi- sporadic and mainly restricted to dacitic and rhyolitic
tions are fully comparable with those of older products compositions in the CR. As a result, different PHt0
from Peru and Colombia and younger VF products. conditions controlling the magma evolution beneath
Significant chemical variations have been recog- the two cordilleras must be invoked. They can reflect
nized in the Quaternary volcanism both along and either a primary character of the mantle source,
across the volcanic belt. Three areas with distinct differently enriched in volatiles from the subducted
geochemical changes have been distinguished (Fig. slab, and/or the influence of the crust, mainly oceanic
6). under the VF and continental under the CR (Zeil,
South of the Chota-Mira structural discontinuity a 1979). Andesites dominate in both areas; extreme
transverse chemical zonation is apparent with a compositions (basaltic andesites and rhyolites) are
marked eastward increase of K2O content. The K2O rare along the VF, while they are common along the
values (Dickinson, 1975) change from 1.3 (VF) to 1.9 CR.
(CR). Such a variation is in agreement with both the North of the Chota-Mira line, where the VF and
polarity of the eastward-dipping Benioff zone and the CR are more closely spaced, no significant chemical
thickness of the continental crust (Condie, 1973), differences are observed. In a K2O v. SiO2 diagram the

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H , 1 , 1- -I . 1 1 1-
i i I mi i
Pi II iiiuli dli ii Ml j iiim I I II h
- Pi
Ii. Nil il 1L1 . IL U J. 1 III. I IJ I I i I II I

Qz -Qz

01 -01

Cpx •Cpx
I i ill I I i l l . II H U MM mil hn il li.lli

i i i .b

Opx - -Opx
N A A.im ii II liil i Ii n Ji n I Ii IIM

i_. .1
Hb HI i n 11 mini i inn nil i. h u _±.h._. •Hb

Ai I I II I » I I II
Bt Bt
...i .. UUJULLJI n_

Ox -•••IIL. I 1 L .1 U...II..I • ..II L I. ..


50 52 56 58 , 60 62 64 66 70 72 74 76 78

Figure 7. Phenocryst persistence v. SiO2 in the volcanic rocks of Ecuador. Upper, middle and lower lines refer to zones A, B
and C of Figure 6.

rocks of the VF in the northern sector depict a steeper thick oceanic crust formed by highly hydrated volcanic
trend than the southern sector. In the southern material, slightly more alkaline with respect to the
termination of the active volcanic belt (south of surrounding oceanic crust (Hekinian, 1982). It is then
Quilotoa volcano), a situation partly recalling that of quite reasonable to assume that the dehydration of
the northern sector can be recognized although less this anomalous crust occurs over a relatively large
pronounced. Here the chemical zoning between the portion of the subducted slab, long enough to account
VF and CR is less clearly defined than in the central for the width of the active arc. Furthermore the
zone. progressive dehydration would account for the higher
H2O content of VF magmas with respect to CR ones.
The influence of the CAR crust terminates to the
4.c. Geodynamic implications north in correspondence with the Chota-Mira line.
The time-space variations observed in Ecuadorian North of this discontinuity, in fact, the width of the
volcanism are considered to be the result of major volcanic belt rapidly decreases and the chemical
changes which occurred in the convergent area. The polarity disappears.
subduction is presently characterized, along the The zone between the Chota-Mira line and Azufral
Ecuadorian trench north of the Guayaquil Gulf, by volcano can be considered as the transition between
the underthrusting of the aseismic Carnegie Ridge the wide Ecuadorian and the narrow Colombian
(CAR) with a subduction angle of about 30° volcanic belts (Marriner & Millward, 1984). We
(Lonsdale, 1978). The wide lateral extension (80 km as suggest that this reflects a change in the nature of the
mean value) of the Central Zone of the active volcanic subducted oceanic crust, which becomes thinner and
belt and both the mineralogical and chemical polarity H2O-poor north of the CAR. To the south the
of its erupted products are considered to be a volcanic arc stops abruptly against the Guayaquil
consequence of the peculiar nature of the subducted fault belt. South of this structure, subduction is
oceanic crust, if we assume that andesites are generated characterized by a nearly horizontal slab reflecting
by partial melting of an upper mantle source enriched either the young age of the Nazca plate oceanic crust
in volatiles released from the subducting lithosphere (Sacks, 1983) and/or the collision of the Nazca Ridge
(Gill, 1981). The CAR in fact consists of anomalously CNur & Ben-Avraham, 1981). In the latter case, the

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Plio-Quaternary volcanism, Ecuador 13

completely different consequences of the subduction We wish also to thank M. Menichini (Centro di Geologia
of the two aseismic Carnegie and Nazca ridges should Strutturale e Dinamica, CNR-Pisa), G. Sbrana (Diparti-
be emphasized: trenchward displacement and widen- mento di Scienze della Terra, University of Pisa) and C.
Quercioli (Istituto di Geocronologia e Geochimica Iso-
ing of the volcanic front in the first case, and cessation topica, CNR-Pisa) for the collaboration in analytical and
of the volcanic activity in the second. Such a difference technical works. The manuscript has benefited from the
in behaviour could reflect a difference in the buoyancy reading of E. Roedder.
of the two subducted oceanic plateaus (McGeary, Nur
& Ben-Avraham, 1985).
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