C21 Electromagnetism

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Chapter 21 Electromagnetism

(a) Magnetic field patterns due to currents in straight wires and in solenoids

Recall: Use the right hand grip rule to determine direction of magnetic field/magnetic poles on a solenoid

Magnetic field due to currents in straight wire Magnetic field due to current in solenoid

Effect of reversing direction of current and increasing current strength

Top View of currents

Strength of a magnetic field around a current carrying wire depends on:

 The strength of the current and the distance from the wire.

 Take note that the spacing between consecutive circles increases, this shows that the
magnetic weakens as distance increases
Magnetic field of a solenoid and a single loop

Magnetic field around a solenoid Magnetic field around a single loop

Determine the direction of the magnetic field inside outside each of the following diagrams. Use a ‘dot’ or
‘cross’ to represent the direction of the field.

Draw the magnetic field pattern around and inside the solenoids.

(b) Describe how the circuit breaker works

(c) Describe experiments that shows force on (i) current carrying conductor in a magnetic field (ii)
moving charged particles in a magnetic field (Motor Effect)

(i) Current carrying conductor

 A force is exerted on a current carrying conductor when it is placed perpendicular to a

magnetic field.
 The magnetic field set up by the current in the wire interacts with the magnetic field of the
permanent magnet, causing a force to be exerted on the wire.

(ii) Force on a beam of charged particles in a magnetic field (replace current carrying conductor with
a moving charged particle)

(d) Deducing direction of force, current and magnetic field – use Fleming’s Left Hand rule

Fleming’s left hand rule shows that

when a current (second finger) is
perpendicular to the magnetic field it is
placed in (first finger), a force is
exerted on the current carrying
conductor (thumb)

Predict the direction of the force acting

on each charge moving through the
magnetic fields as shown.

Using a catapult field to illustrate the motor effect

The closely packed magnetic field lines below the wire in Fig 3 indicates that the magnetic field in that
region is stronger. Therefore, a net upward force will be exerted on the wire

Question 1

(a) A wire is wound around a soft-iron core forming a solenoid, as shown in the figure.

There is a gap in the core. The solenoid is connected in series with a 12 V battery and a variable resistor.
The resistance of the solenoid is 0.30  and the variable resistor is set so that it has a resistance of 4.5 .

(i) Calculate the current in the solenoid.

(ii) The current in the solenoid magnetises the soft-iron core. Explain how the electric circuit is used
to increase the strength of the magnetic field.

(iii) The figure below shows a horizontal, current-carrying wire PQ in the gap.

1. The magnetic field in the gap is uniform and vertically upwards. The current in PQ is from left to
right. Describe the effect of the magnetic field on PQ.

2. State the effect on PQ of increasing the strength of the magnetic field in the gap.

(b) The starter motor in a car is powered by a 12 V battery that is positioned next to the motor. The current
in the motor is 75 A.
(i) Calculate the power supplied by the battery.

(ii) Suggest and explain why the wires that connect the motor to the battery are very thick.

Question 2

The figure shows the coil of a loudspeaker attached to a cardboard cone. One pole of a stationary cylindrical
magnet lies near to the coil.

There is an alternating current in the coil of the loudspeaker. A student hears the note produced.

(a) (i) Explain why the cone of the loudspeaker vibrates.

(ii) Explain how the vibrating cone produces sound waves in the air.

(b) A stronger cylindrical magnet is now used. State the difference in the note heard.

Motor effect and Loudspeaker

Current through coil produces a changing magnetic


This magnetic field interacts with the magnetic field of

the permanent magnet causing a force to act on the

As the alternating current in the coil changes direction

and magnitude, the speaker cone moves back and

The loudness of the sound depends on the current

The pitch of the sound depends on the frequency of the

alternating current

(e) Force exerted on parallel current carrying conductors

Magnetic field of one conductor interacts with the magnetic field of the other conductor, causing a force to
be exerted on both conductors (Newton’s third law)

The direction of the force between parallel current-carrying conductors is:

 Repulsive if the currents are in opposite directions

 Attractive if the currents are in the same direction

(f) Force on a current carrying coil in a magnetic field

To increase the turning effect

 Increase number of turns on the coil

 Increase the magnitude of the current
 Increase the strength of the permanent magnet

(g) Electric motor (D.C. motor)

A force acts on both sides of the coil but in

opposite directions because the current is in
opposite directions. These two forces produce a
turning effect which turns the coil anticlockwise.
The centre of the coil is connected to an axle
which can be used to do work e.g. spin the
blades of a fan.

Motors change electrical energy into mechanical energy (kinetic or potential).

They consist of magnets fixed to the casing of the motor (stator) so they remain stationary and a rotating
armature on which the coils of wire are wound.

When a current flows through the coils, the interaction between the magnetic field due to the current and
the fixed magnet causes the armature to rotate. (Fleming’s left hand rule)

(a) Which way does the coil rotate as seen

from X?
(b) Identify the parts A to F.

(h) Action of a split ring commutator

A split ring commutator acts as a switching

device to change the direction of the current
in the coil every half rotation so that the
direction of the moment remains constant.

Current flows in the direction ABCD Commutator and coil rotates by 90°
Upward force acts on D No current flows into coil due to split in commutator

Commutator and coil continue moving due to Current flows in the direction DCBA
inertia Downward force acts on D.
Current reverses direction and flows in the direction Direction of moment remains as anticlockwise
DCBA throughout
Downward force acts on D

The turning effect can be increased by increasing number of turns on the coil, placing a soft iron core in
the centre of the coil, increasing current and using stronger magnets (e.g. electromagnet)

Winding the coils on a soft iron cylinder

transfers the magnetic field more
efficiently from the permanent magnet
to the coils than an air core.


(Recall: Moment = Force × perpendicular distance)

Magnetic force = BIl (B = magnetic field strength, I = current, l = length of coil perpendicular to magnetic field)

Formula can be simplified to Moment = nBIA (n = number of turns, A = area of coil)

Question 3

The figure shows several stages in the rotation of the coil in a simple motor.

(a) Describe how the moment on the coil changes as it rotates from position A to D.

(b) Sketch a graph to represent the change in moment.

(c) At which point in the rotation of the coil must the current flowing through it change direction? Explain
your answer.

Parts Function
Stator Stationary part of motor comprising electromagnets/permanent magnet
Protective covering used to house whole motor
Field winding Copper wire wound on stator used to produce magnetic field if permanent magnets
are not used
Armature core Attached to rotor (rotating part of motor)
(soft iron core) Made of iron and is used to concentrate the magnetic field to increase the turning
Armature winding Copper wire wound on the rotor on which a force is exerted when current flows
Provides the turning effect by converting electrical energy to kinetic energy
Connected to the axle from which useful work is extracted (e.g. spinning a turbine or
fan blades)
Commutator Reverses direction of current flow every half revolution of the rotor
Brush Made of graphite or carbon
Makes sliding contact with commutator
Supplies current from external circuit to commutator to armature winding.

Question 4

The figure shows a type of motor. PQ and RS are solenoids. The solenoids and the coil ABCD are connected
in parallel to a battery.

a) Explain briefly how the motor works.


b) State
(i) the polarity at end Q of the solenoid PQ;
(ii) the direction of current in the coil;
(iii) the direction of rotation of the coil as seen by the observer.

c) Name the component E and explain its function.


d) The motor can be modified and converted into a simple ammeter to allow it to measure the current
passing through. Suggest and explain briefly how this can be done.




e) A student says that if the battery is replaced by a 50 Hz a.c supply, the coil will only oscillate to and
fro hence the motor will not function properly. Explain why the student is incorrect.





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