Bsib522 Icpc Coversheet Requirements - 2

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College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Bachelor of Science in International Business

1st Trimester, AY 2021-2022


ALL questions and requirements presented in this project shall be answered or complied by the student or
Marks will be awarded for good presentation and thoroughness in your approach.
NO marks would be awarded for the entire project if any part is found to be copied directly from printed
materials or from another student.
Complete this cover sheet and attach it to your In-Course Project Output.

Student Declaration:
I declare that:
I understand what is meant by plagiarism (illegal copying of one’s work).
The implication of plagiarism is tantamount to cheating (work will get no pts.)
This project is all my own work and I have acknowledged any use of the published and unpublished works of
other people.
Students’ Signature:___________________, ____________________, _________________ Date: ________________

Total number of pages including this cover page

Program Course Section Time/Days Due Date Date Submitted
Course Title Philosophy of Business and Wealth of Nations
Group Members: BH
Student Number and Full BH
Name BH
Professor’s Name MAHMOOD ALI AKBAR
Teacher’s/Marker’s Comments Marking Scheme & Rubrics (As attached)
I. Introduction 5
II. Discussion of Your Topic Analysis how the economic 10
systems benficial to the country you have selected.
III. Evaluate the factors of economic 10
IV. Demographic transition. 5
V. Suggestions to further improvement that country can 5
make on implementation of best economic systens and
VI.Conclusion and Recommendations. 5
VII. References 2
VIII.Project Presentation 5
IX. Presentation Material (PPT Slides /Video) 3
Marker’s Name Total Marks/ Marks Awarded 50
Signature Grade Equivalent
BSIB522 – Philosophy of Business and Wealth of Nations
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
1st Trimester, AY 2021-2022

Direction: Read the following information about your In-Course Project. which listed below
to prepare your research.

Project Guidelines:

In writing the contents of your research paper, consider the following:

Research Paper Structure and Outline:

 Title Page. This contains the name of your project, school year, trimester, and the
members of your group.
 Table of Contents. List the main topics and page numbering of contents.

I. Introduction. This is an (a) overview about the topic chosen. Introduce

the main idea about it . Select any country, Identify which economic
systems applying. (5 marks)
II. Discussion of Your Topic Analysis how the economic systems benficial
to the country you have selected. (10 marks)
III. Evaluate the factors of economic. (15 marks)

IV. Demographic transition. (5 marks)

V. Suggestions to further improvement that country can make on
implementation of best economic systens and transition. (5 marks)
VI. Conclusion and Recommendations. Conclude and evaluate your research
study based on the benefits obtained (3 marks)
VII. References. List down all references used in the project. (2 marks)
VIII. Project Presentation. Create your presentation slides to be used for your
project presentation. If you are not going to actually present your project,
you may pre-record a video presentation in lieu of it). The presentation slides
and video presentation will be forming part of your project and will be
submitted. (5 marks)
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
1st Trimester, AY 2021-2022

Documentation Format:
 All paragraphs must be justified and double-spaced.
 Information can include proper diagram and pictures wherever necessary with table or figure
 The entire document should be in Arial 12 pt.
 All section headings must be in Arial 12 pt bold.
 Include this cover page with all the required information from your group. Student signatures
are essential. Do not miss it.


 This is a group project (maximum of 4 and minimum of 2 members in each group).
 Use this document to work with your project. No project will be accepted without the
 Follow the format as prescribed.
 Submit/Upload the softcopy of your In-Course Project in the Moodle. Upload link will be
provided on or before due date.
 Submit Plagiarism Report together with the ICPC.
 Should you have any inquiries, kindly send me a message.
 Project presentations will be done starting the 12th to 13th Week of the trimester.

Application – Illustration/Figure/Diagram/Drawing (5 & 10 Points Rubric):

9 -10/ 5 All accurate facts/concepts are displayed in the diagram/illustration/ Details/parts (including labels) support the
main idea/ The graphics used represent information appropriately.

7 – 8/ 4 At least 3 accurate facts are displayed in the diagram/illustration/ Detail is added to support each main idea/
Most graphics/parts represent the information appropriately.

4 – 6/ 3 At least 2 accurate facts are displayed in the diagram/illustration / More is needed for understanding/ All
graphics/parts relate to the topic but do not represent appropriately.

1 – 3/ 2 Fewer than 2 accurate facts are displayed/ Very little detail is provided for the main ideas and understanding is
limited/ Graphics/parts do not relate to the topic.

0/ 0-1 Inaccurate facts are displayed/presented/ No details provided for the main ideas and understanding is missing/
Graphics/parts do not relate to the topic.

Essay Questions (50 Points Rubric)

Content (10) Organization (15) Development (10)
Use of Language (15)
Answer is appropriate to the Clear sense of order. Begins with a Develops each point with may Uses technical or scientific
question. Content is factually thesis or topic sentence. specific details. terminology appropriately and
correct. Supporting points are presented Answers question completely. correctly. No major grammatical
in a logical progression. or spelling errors.
Answer is appropriate to the May lack a thesis sentence, but Each point supported with some Accurate word choice. No more
question. Content may have points are presented in a logical details and evidence. than 2 major errors and a few
one or two factual errors. progression. All important points minor errors.
Content relates peripherally Logic of argument is minimally Sparse details or evidence. Ordinary word choice; use of
to the question; contains Question only partially answered. scientific terminology avoided.
significant factual errors. perceivable. Points presented in a Some serious errors (but they
seemingly random fashion, but all don’t impair communication).
support argument.
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
1st Trimester, AY 2021-2022

Content unrelated to Lacks clear organizational plan. Statements are unsupported by Limited vocabulary; errors impair
question. Reader is confused. any detail or explanation. communication.
Repetitious, incoherent, illogical
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
1st Trimester, AY 2021-2022

Table of Contents

I. Introduction......................................................................................................5


Evaluate the factors of economic............................................................................7

Demographic transition...........................................................................................8

II. Suggestions.......................................................................................................9

1. Ensure that stimulus programmes help to develop a long-term future.........9

2. Make a long-term investment.......................................................................9

3. Give the customer more control!................................................................10

4. Ensure that clean energy has a fair playing field........................................10

Conclusion and Recommendations.......................................................................11

College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
1st Trimester, AY 2021-2022

I. Introduction.

Russia's economic freedom score is 64.0, ranking it 76th among the

freest economies in the 2021 Index. Its total score has dropped by 0.4
point, owing to a deterioration in fiscal health. Russia is placed 37th out
of 45 countries in Europe, with an overall score that is lower than the
regional average but higher than the global average.
This year, the Turkish economy remained moderately free. Any
progress will necessitate extensive change to increase the regulatory
system's transparency and efficiency. More importantly, the
administration must improve judicial performance and fight corruption,
both of which have been harmed by the purge of the judicial system
that followed the failed coup attempt in 2016.

Although Russia is a nominally secular country, President Recep Tayyip

Erdogan's Justice and Development Party (AKP) has pursued an
Islamist agenda and undermined democracy. Erdogan solidified his
position after the 2018 elections, which saw the AKP and the
Nationalist Action Party form a coalition to keep control of the
unicameral national legislature, and Erdogan win a second four-year
term as president by a razor-thin margin. The industrial and service
industries drive Russia's mainly free-market and diverse economy,
although traditional agriculture still employs roughly 25% of the
population. Although the economy has shown resiliency in the past,
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
1st Trimester, AY 2021-2022

political instability has stymied important reforms, and the country has
been severely impacted by a currency crisis and recession in 2018.


Evaluate the factors of economic.

The factors that will be considered in choosing a potential partner for

marketing of pottery are- Russia

The location based factors are multiple and therefore they have a significant
impact on the establishment of a business. Any new business has to consider
these factors before opening up.The three location decision factors for
Russia are-

Costs-The cost of starting a business are cheaper than the other countries
mentioned above. These costs are supported by low labor costs and as a
consequence therefore would result into huge savings for the company-
Legal factors-The regulations for conducting the business in Russia are in
favor of the businesses. As a consequence therefore, these legislations
surrounding the business establishmnet are in favors of the ease of doing
business and have made the business registrations, labor laws etc easier.

Infrastructure-Russia being the capital city of the country has huge impact of
the availability of the infrastructure. These are available with ease and at
costs lower than those available in other cities of the country
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
1st Trimester, AY 2021-2022

Economic factors-For conducting business easily the government provides

taxes and incentives at lower rates, also the demand for FMCG products is
huge in Russia and therefore, these also favour the opening of businesses.

Demographic transition.

The shift in Russia meets Omran's (3) "Contemporary (or Delayed)

Epidemiological Transition Model." According to this concept, emerging
nations like as Chile and Ceylon started their shift cautiously and
reluctantly around the turn of the century, then surged after World War II.
The reduction in fertility was influenced by public health policies and
programmes run under the auspices of international organisations (3). In
both demographic and epidemiological changes, Russia belongs to the
latter group. The fundamental driving factor behind the transformation in
our nation is the 19th-century modernization process. After the 1960s, the
pro-natal policies of the republic's early years were replaced with anti-
natal ones. Institutions like the WHO and UNICEF backed these
initiatives between 1970 and 1990. After the 1970s, policies aimed at
preventing population growth began to bear fruit, but the population's
potential growth has continued to this day, and is expected to continue in
the coming years (it is estimated that the population, which is currently
around 76 million, will increase to 90-100 million before stabilising. From
this viewpoint, demographic and epidemiological shifts in our nation
started in the early twentieth century and increased after the 1960s. The
old population is on the rise, as life expectancy continues to rise. Fertility
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
1st Trimester, AY 2021-2022

rates will continue to decline until the demographic change slows or


II. Suggestions to further improvement that country can make on

implementation of best economic systens and transition.

1. Ensure that stimulus programmes help to develop a long-term future

When clean economy employment are prioritised in stimulus programmes,

both long and short-term job growth is realised throughout a diversified
workforce. Hundreds of thousands of jobs were generated throughout the
globe during the Great Recession of 2008, as governments built wind, solar,
and grid projects. Government stimulus might be utilised in the future to fund
labor-intensive initiatives like energy-efficiency improvements in buildings and
industries. Furthermore, any subsidy for carbon-intensive businesses should
be accompanied with a pledge to reduce carbon emissions.

2. Make a long-term investment

Rather than bailing out the 'past,' the better response is to enable businesses
to become future leaders by facilitating investments in technologies such as
batteries, hydrogen, electric transportation, and artificial intelligence, as well
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
1st Trimester, AY 2021-2022

as in areas as diverse as sustainable agriculture, environmental protection,

and clean food. It's also vital to invest in under-capitalized emerging nations,
which will be the future growth markets and are crucial to achieving climate
targets. Long-term government policy has a history of inspiring private
investments, and it has the potential to accelerate a worldwide sustainable

3. Give the customer more control!

The more engaged a customer is, the more likely stimulus packages will have
a favourable effect. Transparency is crucial, and product efficiency
requirements for home products and autos may help customers achieve it.
Consumer behaviour and clean investment may both be influenced by
incentives and fees. A 'cash for clunkers' programme, for example,
incentivizes the purchase of greener automobiles, thereby benefitting the
environment and lowering air pollution.

4. Ensure that clean energy has a fair playing field.

Subsidies or levies are in place all around the globe to support the incumbent
fossil fuels sector at the expense of low-cost renewable energy. Retail
customers in Germany, for example, pay up to 30 cents per kWh for
electricity, whereas gas or oil for heating costs just 7 cents. The imposition of
a carbon levy would encourage much-needed investments in clean
infrastructure, offer regulatory clarity to investors and companies, and spark
a surge of entrepreneurship that would boost the economy while also
helping the environment.
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
1st Trimester, AY 2021-2022

Conclusion and Recommendations.

Facilities have been allowed to degrade for many years, and many now lack
the contemporary technology and physical infrastructure necessary to
sustain safe, efficient, robust, and adaptable operations in emergency and
new normal situations. Building back better should be the driving philosophy
for infrastructure renewal. Modern energy efficiency, air and water
cleanliness, and long-term operating expenses must all be met by renovated
buildings. Facilities should also include decentralised, resilient energy systems
that can react to public health or emergency scenarios.
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Bachelor of Science in International Business
1st Trimester, AY 2021-2022

1. Erdin, C., & Ozkaya, G. (2020). Contribution of small and medium enterprises to
economic development and quality of life in Russia. Heliyon, 6(2), e03215.

2. Altun, A. F., & Kilic, M. (2020). Economic feasibility analysis with the
parametric dynamic simulation of a single effect solar absorption cooling system
for various climatic regions in Russia. Renewable Energy, 152, 75-93.

3. Djilali, S., & Ghanbari, B. (2020). Coronavirus pandemic: A predictive analysis

of the peak outbreak epidemic in South Africa, Russia, and Brazil. Chaos,
Solitons & Fractals, 138, 109971.

4. Karahan, Ö., & Çolak, O. (2020). Inflation and Economic Growth in Russia:
Evidence from a Nonlinear ARDL Approach. Economic and Financial
Challenges for Balkan and Eastern European Countries; Janowicz-Lomott, M.,
Łyskawa, K., Polychronidou, P., Karasavvoglou, A., Eds, 33-45.

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