PGDBA Project Report Guidelines
PGDBA Project Report Guidelines
2. Meaning of a Project
A project can be defined as a temporary endeavour undertaken to achieve a particular aim or it is a
study of factual information for comprehending and applying the various concepts of the course into
practice. In simple words, a project can be understood as mentioned under:
4. Project Guide
Projects can be guided by any Post Graduate degree holder with / without a Doctorate Degree working in an
academic institution (preferably teaching MBA / Management course) or a person working in the managerial
cadre in any industrial / business / IT organization. Learners must take advice and suggestions from their
guides from time to time.
Project Report should be of minimum 50-65 pages (excluding annexure) for all two year
For soft copy submission the scanned copies of the following certificate to be
attached with the project report
7. No Objection Certificate
If the project is carried out in an organization, a certificate of the CEO or any other authorized person of the
organization is necessary, mentioning that the organization has no objection in publishing the findings of the
project study.
The certificate should bear the name of the authority with signature and company stamp.
Alternatively, the certificate should be given on the company’s letterhead and signed by the company’s
authorized person.
This is to certify that …………………………….. (Learner’s name) is permitted to use relevant data
/ information of this organization for his / her project in fulfillment of the ……………..Program.
We wish him / her all the success.
Seal of the company
Signature of the competent authority of the Institute / Organization
This is to be given by the learner and the Guide indicating that this project work is original and
submitted for the first time.
No Objection Certificate ii
Introduction 1
Theoretical Perspective
Analysis of Data
I) References, if any
II) List of Figures, Charts, Diagrams, if any
III) List of Tables, if any
2. Need of the project topic and statement of objectives of the project work
6. Analysis of data
9. Preliminary pages of the project report, typing, and get-up of the report
10. Overall impressions about the project work and its presentation in the report form
If the project has any relevance to the existing job profile, a learner has to furnish a feedback from
his/her immediate superior as to why/how the particular topic has been chosen by the concerned
learner and what value it would add in general or in particular.
Important instructions
Student should submit the project report in soft copy only in the student portal
Please note Plagiarism check is mandatory before submitting the final soft copy of project to SCDL for
evaluation. In simple terms, plagiarism is copy-paste. Students can use the Free and Open Source Software
(FOSS) available online for checking the same (For e.g. As per the UGC guidelines,
similarity index should be less than 10%. The plagiarism report should be attached with the project report
without which the project report will not be evaluated.
For query on evaluation of project the students are required to contact SCDL within 8-10 working days
after the Project marks reflected in performance sheet. The queries received after mentioned above
said time will not be considered.
Students are required to submit the soft copy of Project Report with applicable Project Submission Fee.
The fees can be paid online through Project online payment link or by Demand Draft. The D/D should be
in favor of “The Director SCDL, Pune” payable at Pune and attached the D/D with duly filled Service
Request Form.
The Project submission link and online payment link is available under the project option in your
student centre.
compress the project file/s and other relevant documents in single .zip or .rar folder then upload
single folder in your student login.
Project report is to be typed and should not be handwritten. Handwritten Project Report will not be
considered for evaluation.
The student are required to submit individual Project Report as per the guidelines given. The
preparation of Project Report as Group activity or copied shall be avoided and found if any will not
be considered for further evaluation which please may be noted