Dvorak Estreno

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displaced theofficials?

Ordinarily. In like dream-
rule seems to be to limit theforces 'sweets ro th:: sweet." TIIK WAU ON TAMMANY. IVES THE VICTOR ULSTER COUNTY.
and movement of the I'nlted States to Um VANQUI.EES SLOSSON. This is the name facetiously given by a customer to our Overcoat and Ulster
and dominions exclusively
foreign of the 1'nlted States Legation and
the lives and prrperts* of American citizens, pul
aa the relations of the I'nlted Mates, to -Hawaii
are exceptional, and in former years the Knited
States officials har-' took somewhat I exceptional
Biker's Sachet Powders. m. nnx-PENDiBrr county QBaixitA'noii
soon m..ires plat in' thk ma bxbuabo
floor. If you have not visited this .section you should do. so as soon as possible. Thg
attractions offered In the \t*ay uf Overcoats and Ulsters in prices
action in circumstances of disorder,
know how far th" present Mini.*ter
mander may deviate from
In thu Amt part of this
tlesire to
mid naval com¬
rules and precedents In the contingencies Indicated
t.o)>e, White
The finest and most
world! odors include
How, Ylang
in tho A

fci'i.i'.i ii ks nv coi.oM.ia A. b. BACON,


toi kn \r,u:sr-*si> i.x ni. .iLi.v in ,11
-eOI'.LS. HOWL VI.I*..
This ls thfl gamfl that Ives won. Thc COntflaV
will surely interest even the
15 to 60 each,
most fastidious.
I have information which 1 deem reliable that there tunta last night In the "trlnRiiIar" billiard tourna¬
"party on thc Island);, new favorite*.
.Jockey Club,an and all either AXD OTHERS. ment, at tia- Madison Square Cn*.;* n Concert
la an oraaslsed revolutionary'Hawaiian*, and a con¬ Clothiers and Furnishers,
put lip in
cornie**'. .1 largely ofof native
siderable number
nerty la
Individuals of
Chiefly byhostile
fidants, especially opposed
whites and half-whites, led
the latter
throne of the half-English heir-apparent,
to the qu« n _jvd to la-r * iilef
to g tin Ita object
Only 25e.g. ounce,or
fancy boxed, loose, mixed, as you
like. Other folks charge you ."><) cts. an
ounce for poor powders without the
Cooper Union's great hell was crowd.-.1 burt "Ven¬
ing with honest SOters, some of whom brongM
th.-ir arises nni daagbtdrs along; lo take ...nt nt
fl political movement looklnx to the overthrow of
Tammany IL'.ll, i.nd to listen to rsaaOM f r dHvtag
ililli, were Ftunk c. Ives, whom Jacob Bchaefer
defeated on v>'."!n«.«.]¦ >. night, and Oeorge r.
Blosson, vnnqnlahed Bchaefer In ths ii:'**t
game of the touro** y. While the Bp!rlt level was
(Vffy/y*_j^(/ ^ 9J&
AND 283 Broadway,
*Bet* Chnmb«r« tatt nea** sta
or money rcfqndeal.
educated in England, and means select her Cabinet being applied to ths nearly covered tablfl Ives
either by forcing the Queen to needn't from power th- Wigwam leader**, who wre
from its own members, or else to overthrow tht quiver of an eyelash, but you best (barged with becoming rich at the expense of the came :. the press representatives and aald:
monarchy and establish a republic with
mate view Of annexation to the I'nlt* il States ol
the ulti¬
pay it.when you can get the foi business in'-ti. tho c.rporu11.mn and UM titxpiv. ia "H.un.-h..dy Bnnpped the tipoff my besl cue. I was THIS
the whole island a portion "f tt.is party mean
intend the half tho money, at of tho city. Beery telling point made by Um flpflalt* practising at Daly's, pal up my cues, and when
only the former, and the other portion ern was reo-lve-i with unstint l apfdauae. The I c.iiie.j tot them I found thia one without a TREY i*'i i,v::r, that tut, r,iT.T, \vot*u> MAKE
former, thc munt LAMP
latter. Falling to accomplish the
of the party would seek th*' latter alternative.
I have little doubt tha revolutionary attempt
would have been made ,-;-,- this but for th» presence
h.-re of the United States slilp-of-war. I still Incline
to the opinion that the revolutionary attempt will
not BS made so Ions as there ls a Knited Btatea
force In tba harbor of Honolulu, but it Iwould bo
6th Ave., 22d It
sentiment di ..laved gSSfl atnpi" Bssuranefl that Um
"lilaln people" of New-Vork nra pieperlng forwillfl
municipal revolution wblch Tammany Hall
find it difficult to stay. Walter lingers, ance
to Cuppa, interspersed the proceedings with lively
and patriotic airs.
Up. What bothers m.* Is.bow tiny knew
which was my best one." Thc "studsnt" Bios*
goo meanwhile atood rubbing IiIh banda to get
up cireiiiation. Oeorge Moulton was referee
und "lind l" B* bofletd marker,
ti.MI*r.TIT10V WITH FniSF.ION Tl'. A UK ltd
IMP. S.-1H.K.
Kambala of the clothing nnd clonk trade In the
United Staten have sent out the followInK:
We wiall to point "Ut, in um concise a manner TuiitT
rash to assert this positively. Therefore ot tho On the bann, Blosson won, chosfl the white balli po.llile, the )*;re_t injury that the Wilson
my oftlelal duty t-> ask for inst metthnt 1. ns In vi-w of
surveyed the portrait. Thflsideportrait represents Tba platform was occupied by leaders Justice I.Ill, If passed in lt', present form, would cause the ol lhere arr jrlx-y) ether itv les
possible contingencies. 1 may add as muuh tba annexa¬ Mr. Cornell stan,Ung hy the ot a library table, movement, Including .John D. Towns-nd, ii. .). axchanged hu clawhammer <*..iii for the brown clnthiriir mid clonk Industries of this .ountry. there
la beautiful matte, tn iirontt,
tion aentiment is increasing,native quite among with the lingera of one hand Just touching lt The william u. Mccrea, lErnest Harrier, John cardigan fa feel and mada one. Ives took a Brm present, on cloaks and rea ly*made clothing Beast, Stirer or lu v c Iron.
the white residents andown Hawaiians and un al valorem duty of VJ por cut and a weight
Other workingmen who l nm slr, etc., no auger stock, as Haute I* ..f heroic size, bm admirably
Kx-(_overnor Cornall waa delighted with the Ronner, and
JuStlOS Alfred Steckb-r and Ma brothers bit., on his ebewlng gum and aeored nothing. duty of Ms\g eiriu.-* per pound. T.*e Beet 'liirlff bill A /.I,' pur deroraltd 0) limps
With the sugar planters portrait, declaring lt tu ba tba beat one ..( his ci,..rles Louis, Dr. W, Byre Lambert, W. M. Blosson gathered Um globes at the upper snd and doea away with tbe weight duty45 entirely, and ie-
To flatt out the assortment atp
john K. BTEVKNB. father that be had ever looked upon. .IiniKe Kinch Manwaring, Hermon H. D. Kllnker. ex-P-nator ducea ad valorem duty per ient. a
at '.vheksak
was also highly pleased with lt, exprtflfllni tba Francis M. Hlxhy, Hr. Alexander Lyle,U*.John Iv
ie- i.ii off thirty-seven und then missed on a
th- to
.I*"..il uii.,tv. r it would f.-em that this would give silt) mtitef cjj'trtd limps
It can lie readily seen that a categorical an¬ opinion that tbe likeness waa excellent, and the Smith. I. J, Beiiif-inn, Assemblyman \V. Ba kan, batik. tli*- American manufacturer of ctoihiuK Moods
nnd cloaks
made in
anil delivered during tat
by Secretary Blaine to these Inquiries as painting aa artistic one. in Ive*, third Inning the flr»l big irsa a protection of however, per cent against
Tin* portrait has ti handsome frame. There lu n William A. ("uns. Camden 0. Rockwell, Henri
swer mis¬ _

to tho Minister's course in caw tbs revolution _urope. Thia,

done, Forty-sis points wera maids on open play take, and 'iii-a la the mut ter to which
would he a waureai call par¬ olidav ffyon ea ti net rome, sendfor talttxltg***,
silver tablet upon lt, on Willett are inscrlliel the
words: "Painted for the New-York .'-tilt'- Library, Tlce,
OUbflli Livingston DflflhlBfln and *.th.ru. and a lim"*.'', lue forty-aeventh waa aaved from ticular cont ROCHESTER 42T,AMi> co..
here, foreshadowed nine months In advance, ac¬ in pursuance ot Chapter 124 of tba laws of ii;-:;, as Justice Mccrea caJied the meeting
to Older and
la Tha
of i-lothlm? und cloaks consists of four Park Flare, N-w-York.
tually broke out, would be of great Interest. an evidence of the grateful appreciation of the peo¬ said Ibal th" cause of this ml iwlntt-r Bprlstng
being a mlaa by th* cushion. No barometernro I terna: Woollen cloth, lin idkh und trimings, lalarlae, labor and
It is said that no answer can be found ou the more reliable aa to weather than Ive**- Jnwa expenses such us rent, Interest,
ple of th-behalf of fNeW-Yor*
-"(ute o for hi*, eminent ser¬ the discovery bf tho people that they wera vThen b« munchsfl general

Oles vices In the cause of hl.tr.er education." wa.-* aa to hts state of mit,*!. ete. N'uiv. on the first item, woollen cloth, the
A DISPATCH 1'ltOM MU TUC-'-TON*. This tablet also bears the words, in larger letter.- merely Uta sereantfl of unscrupulous
Tammany rig roual) wltb fl mmpouad teems up and down motion clothier and cloak manufacturer have to pay 1" per
"Kara ("omMl. Founder of Cornell 1 nlveralty.'' ofBceholdera, whose bosses were growing wssltby. h. ls *aii extremely good with himself: cent duty, and on linings an.J trimmings duties of
of the manu¬
At the Hawaiian Legation nothing new or i>ak latter! upon tbe frame alao flVS these words Introduced as chairman of the meeting Thomas when be Jusl grinds away, keeping hla lipscioat*. from 40 to 46 per cut; so, instead
Startling ls known. Mr. Hastings, the Secretary of Mr. Come!*, in founding his university: "I would Ha firm of T. H. Van he la rattled, and flaying naughty words in¬ facturer in thia country having hea protection
"f ij
found nn institi'.tKn where tiny person cnn lind In- B. Van Beran, bead of the who was. he aald, wardly. During thia inning be was plainly about per cent against foreign Roods, really has only
on the material, and tba m per
of the Legation, received a. telegram from Min¬ atructlon in nny study." The portrait surpasses Btirsn & Co., silk Importers, p.-!* cenl
off eighty-nine In dna fltyle. cent protection is un wagaa and general expenses
pleased and itnick lon

ister Thurston, based upon Information received in j...int of artistic merit nearly every other one In of Martin Yan Darena fllgbtk
the Capitol. lt will therefore have a conspicuous great-grandnepbew
President of the United States, and on the ma-
And then like Bab! he only. The', difference between th-- wagesbookkeepers! paid In this 14*5TRl£t
by the latter al San Francisco on the steamer position. Thc P nth an * el* v< nth innings were remln- try cutters, trimmers, tailors, to thi* same
Oceanic yesterday, saying:
"The friends "f thc lTwlslonal Oovernment
tern.il .sile d* seen.iel from Joseph Karl BbefBekt, Incent of the [v^s-Sohnefer y.*.'ne. In the iwo *ie:!. I**ami portera uni the wages
'. well known: and with this small
paid [JEW YORK.
COLLEGE MEMORIES REVIVED. founder of Um Sheffield Scientific Behool of rale, ri aoorad three points and Ivm four. In i-urope
tte' manufacturer of '.! ithlng and cloaka Beln-r Practical M'nt<*hmak-rs ara hnve mi'l.* our Watch
are confident and sanguine. They ure determined
to resist assault from whatever Quarter it may ol which university he is a graduate. Mr. Van .he thli¦:. nth Ives beat bia best run ot the in tills country
r..lliiu,- up 103 points, the .sixtiethwasa competing with would havs no chance protection
whatever of Department the most Important In our buslne.s. Having
©onie." Buren, who Ifl a young man with dark hair undI evening,which was a "ilaiay." This inning
the manufacturer of tbe same ar- aa Interest In European an.l Anuri' rin fa**tnrl*>a. we cae
offer grrnt lnalureni''nts in prl"»a We carry the pl-lt
addre.-*', mada masse tlCloS ill Kilt'.¦lie.
ANNTAT. I)lN".vr.l. OP THE DNIOX A LT'MNI mustache, and hasi< a pleasing remarkable alao for th" Ural "kick." Bloasonii however, an..ther side to the question Nicks! and Steel Watches, all sra lon tn Sliver Mirl Gold!
brief address on scaring better menteipel gov* Th* ra ls
I., which we wish to direct yon- particular etten-
from the smallest chi!.i's watch to th<* mos) c mpllc_ta_i
MU TIinr.sToX GOING T> HAWAII. ASSOCIATION. claimed a foul on the seventy-fifth shot, whi repeater* and ImtipsailsBt se. >n*t waiche*.
ernment and speedily to>t dowe to buatneea After tba rater) a did nol aillow. Thia audi* ncc Uon. Am mentioned above,th-the -iiaonor bin pro* Our Ladies' Watches, with rawigrams ar.,1 other da.
weight, sh;r.r>.
Till*. Al.AM!.DA AT 1 OH LOCK ISA cttteena had been elect! l vflos^resldenta nnd cool, lhe room w.-.s hill) and a aerlt of sne*./..*, post * . abolish entirely specific, main pro* set with diam,.nils deservs ».>»"la! mauitlon.
often Um a baa i from the reporters' row and a high *. which hui" heretofore been the OPKN KVBNINQfl INTI1. I-HKISTMA..
SPEECHES BY GENERAL DI Ti i.ri Ll.l), H.TU fifty others secretarlefl, John P, Smith
THIS AITKI'.XOON. i.. l,-'-v.,ia.iii..n. und to levy an
reeoluttons, which wera adopted wiu»...u di fal*a<ua from tl furnished excuses for ud valoremtinsl duty < nly, and that ut th- r.:*..- of i5 '- -J
San Francisco, Dec. 14.Mr. Thurston, the LOW, JOSEPH II. < linell*. AMD OTIIKUB laughter. Ii was uphill work for Blow ii; he per cent. There is no questioning timi Ihe levy-
Hawaiian Minister, las tah >n passage on the Tuey declared thal Tam oat.y's **gtagovripineal ( ui it ,i ith a i mil ii aeored ont) four¬ r ad valorem duties alone would open tho
steamer Alameda and will sail for Hon- lulu at A SOUVENIR 'in AT Ki VLLS the city and Lie rapid and coloaaa! growth of on-
teen j-..int*1, leaving the balls in good position door to tlie m mt deatrui liveknown. system of under-valua-
wealth among ibal organisation's leaden demanded No two houses
S o'clock to-morrow afternoon.
PLB..1 _XG FOB JUSTICE IO HAWAIIANS. York held its sixth
inst evening. Aboul
at tba
Wi Idorf
a rigid Investigation of the elly departmenta by
The Union Collegs Alumni Aaaodatlon ot New- th- next Legislature; that it waa tl cttiiei
duty to relieve the city of Tamra.: iv!- r. .;nrd-
leaa ..f National and Btate pi lillee, and that lt
es, wi,., ii,ad- tl.e star run of the evening ti.uis
th-, "leave." make
that has aver been
Aft) i* I.--a*, I-.,I, r vi r :; the t ml pi tying <¦ .r.-'i.|. rahl" difference in the <-ost of a garment.
.* the ira...-, win,
ld-* credit, and Ivi
than half the iran*" to H.,, lt iv-- ar- to d.n 1 entirely ur.on ad valorem
585, Bl in pluckily :.'i i, we hail ii.' even have ihe poor protection
;¦;. I even I sllKht dlf-
linings may make a
id Silver
Holiday Gifts.
... ,s
K__T0!_YTION Till*. GREATEST POSSIBIaE KV 11. arl .1 and mad.- li poll tti.it th- wu-..in MU purports to give
thc pretty round tables whlcb wtrre tastefully laid tba Bole object of tba preaenl movement t.< i.** fifteen he needed, Th i only wu,- 1:; which such n, Injury |0 tue aetlea entire
SOS Till M MU. -!V!.N>*s ADDRESS i.i th-- ballroom, and feasted and nunn an.l toaated known hen-after aa the Independent County Or Ives made only one ol the at .rt.-1 i- by energetic individual
IN l'olUT.VND. .--. moth "haw¦¦.. ..ti which he tri. bait to In¬

th-ir Alma Mater until a tata h..ur. Presldenl ganlsatlon, to e tabllah Imi nial t...mle.u mid : th ui mad*, eight on the part of all Interested Ths way
Portland, Me., Dee. H.. John Ia. Stevens, rx- Low, of Columbia, ona of the rs.-i.sts, atruch the honest government In Kew-York. opposition was beautiful long llstance shots, allowing fluence Congi men and Henatora is by und
Blosson lett*

r* written t.. them by their constituents Ly

Minister lo Hawaii, addressi d thfl Portland Club
last evening on Hawaiian affairs.
keynote of tha gathering whan ho snid that ilma declared to the Tamman) system ol
did aol run agalnat c tllegea tbat collegee wi rs ju.l...s gn i other offlci h* let i for polll
.. t ake ana ith
run ol ilxty-i iv before be .'.!! who have Hr.- slightest Intiuetiee.
he sta he wanta l fair t\\* 600. Brown-tag*, Kim? & Co.,
a We carry in stock complete
"For more than sixty years," lie said, "our great always young. p..»-s atel ti Hie blackmailing:> .-: midi
alton 1
hquoi ..vi
ti houses.
The i
la Tba circular signed:
Hornthal, Weissman Co., Nswborg, Hoaaabarg _i assortment of spoons, forks, taney
tl... Illegal protection gs ". I, l. -.'. ft, ", 1, M, 103. 1
hollow toilet articles,
atatesmen, without a Bingle exoeptlon, have se n
the gp.*at flspectatlonfl of Un Hawaiian Islands.
The .liim.r carls were unique affairs. The regu¬ .ii--.:.|. riv nouses and othei criminal res rta a
lar cul contalnt 1 rt fi ocea to paasagea in Script¬ di'tiounced. Non-partisan police a:. 1 election hoei is
... !.*. 100. i
*. I, *. *i
'*'. l' I.. Newb irg A Bon, Myres, & Wallaeb. liam*
merslough brothers, Blerman, Heidelberg a. ''¦. pieces, ¦&*.., all of which are ac¬
The best of the residents are Amt ricans in sym¬ ure and th.- wrks of tha classical authors, and w re favored, the blanket Iiallot and the
fr..tn State ind NaMonal polltlea advo*
di** o ot flo *n
i.. lt 113. 1
I, VI. :.. Tt, 13, X, I, ... 42, .*..:¦." .* 0, Co., l'n ton *V ''lose. .Stem,
Kenyon Co.,
pathies and In business relations. The natives now cuffa containing tt:.- passages were given to each local mora stringent election
one. Tills recalled to many th.- old ti i.-k by wblch good cilia na were called upon iu unite I
u«* aakud for, and ali
aa ¦ . !.'...'.<. <*. Co.,
Todd, Hullivan <v l'n!.Iv.
rintel Mr.Me rs, '*
in. 1,. I.l|'pman Sons. and appropriate as holiday
number 34,000. and are decreasing at the rate of Co., Tredwell el
about 1,000 a year, and at no distant day titer-- will Inatlona were made Icaa formld Me. Favors '.:...-
When t.'i" a pi ...h. ahlrh gr ¦'.i>n»l '. this platform of Tr ". :.* v I- e. 1 et ng of the L*_st* rn
Mai I'rnsi Hackett, earhart
& Co.,
flo te, lt. minim. Uauer lliiuchtiuus.
lleavenrlch, Troun-
Andrew Salis, .gilts, selected now may b|
be none. Those that are now left r-hould be treated
with consideration. No kt. at.r evil could ba in¬
were distributed with the punch, little mortar¬ i-i ti i had dli I _wa;
board cane in ..arni;, th" college color. A model of ¦lacon, of Brooklyn, In a humni ms -....¦.¦!. lol .,
\les u. *. r H rdaj waa
taken In the
St Co., )'. k
i bel A Co., Herroen Kratsenstetn,
Inhardt, I.. Kaufman at <* Co.,
left with us for future delivery.
.uhelmei fl *-¦

flicted on them than the restoration of tha mon* lhe college campari and bulldlnga aaa on exhibition the decent Ills .r bis los n ha d* il cities In tin- i; :. price St Co., Blumenthal Brothers Co.,
made by and many a gray-haired alumnui pointed oul lhe M* Laughlin rltig. lie .r;. New-Y< i**rs lu by Ed-
archy. The charge hus bein repeat-illy .....«*.. Il it tallln Co.

Reed & Barton.

a. Fi
Charles Nordhoff and Claus Bpreckelfl, taken that tile place where hla r.*..;... used to bs and tbe apol roy the 'r.'k -r Tammany t lng tiona, and v...ri v. Barnes, v. P.: Julius Stein Co., wura-
and teachers have unlawfully
missionaries natives. Ilurlni? my residence of fo ir the where be and his chun 1 had played a aophoi the esample set by Hr. kl>niles.
rn li lh. :: iln sp*
i en* wed
ne '. the Les ie All ap.
request ol v Uoltismlth he at Co., Oppenheim, Collina <_
lands of the prank. A |>>rt ra ..t lt of Iir K'.li.hal.-t N'.'tt. fer many J r. ii Toa i. .. nd I lay me
Co., Uro! rs, FVIsenheld llrothers <t
years there 1 had a greal chance to investigate, and years president L'nlon, hans over tie* balcony. ".. Ding, and a-s ,.!>:. t tl I red to a c uii-
co., Richman, BastlannelliAi Wolf,
Schmidt A. B. Lev* te
found the Indictment most unjust. The naUvefl are An orchestra add* 1 n ach r> lue enjoyment of tbe come .'.>r striMiiK doa:. '.:¦ .
fo, i;...lilian. Co, <'.i,rl I.. Hose, SILVERSMITH.,
evenlna ¦.¦-., ¦' falo; llurn Beheyer,
a Kood-natured. sturdy people, but they think very and K' ii a Co.. Jacob Herman, Phillp

These kalanda have been fairly *;¦ 11-111I Daniel Butterfield, of the claaa of '4**. pre¬ have not only the loss of gr* t power ia di .f wuk* ri !.:-., con* i.
Gustave Blum A'Brother, M.
little of Pperllng, Square, N. Y.
won by seventy y.-ar. of work of American men sided. Au...uk ti..- t mu ....1 epeakera were tlc Ibey will ftgl the enormous w*
the last I

The) Amain of Ti : i of C. H. Yan

Cohen .*.- Co., s. <*. H. M Levy Co., jFelat Broth¬ 37 Union
and women. Shall they dnow be forced Into foreign following: "Our Flag," Oeneral O O. Howard; they have a
"Alma Mater," the lt. v Dr, Oeorge Alexander; hiv..- h perfect liri' -i ..¦ I|
.i -
md i*r iident Powers H T. Powers aaa unanl-
v .arr-,
ers, H.-.*.i. Herman '.>.. Wolf, iSehwerlii &
hands? lt ls to te hop. that th-- American people Co., Blsch "ff, Adler B Co., C. Schwab & Co.,
WlH be trueThis to their political Instincts, education "Unlversltlea and Their Progress.'" Pre* len! Seth ike) have improt d i|on i....¦..
lian ..f
re-elected pi t ol
Bern il Levy .*.* c_.
and blood. ls no fancy sketch. It ls to be Low, of Columbia; "College A .;.:: ni has I..-. ;i stolen from us tlon of tl until -.

put an end to this clubs," Joseph ll. Choate; "College Men In Public iters Mr Toa n-il drew "
the s a.-lille meeting, which will be held lr. Feb-
hoped that a Just people will for to be obliged to Life, Senator Carey of Wyoming; "The Collen* tn. ii Tweed nd Jroki i tn.;. "Te ¦; Hotel, New .York, ju*; Tin: BIMa W'*r;.D lit'i-T THESE MEN.
wrong, lt ls not pleasant me Man In th- *"..ut: ila of the Nation." res] nded to "< mtrolle 1 Judy* s; th*
1-rea.k these shameful truths against the authorities by a telegram from Becretary Daniel H Lamont; Thin* ira ..* t .- 1. vi :
ng the ;... f the Natl
Ut ths Tba workingmen in and n ir N a **'..-:.: who WOT AGB8ED ON T.IE BBITISM IDEAS
ut Washington.
"Even had Hlount been Impartial, the tim- ba ¦"Our .*¦:-* ,- Coll .'-.,'' ex-Judge Warren Hlgley; ty di i nol ap! "-ir || ly J | ..
action ar.- or have been >¦." .'..>.! In protected Induatrl *

allowed for his work vvas too sk rt. He confined "The Prees, !.!- etnlnater of Knowledge," Ell ¦>..i \ \,. :. mm
L.rkins "Mathematica and Athletics linilii and .t rn,. puMlc crib Not mora
.tl.- i.- v lu ,i vi >¦ goo I bi .vin an agitai igalnat th*? won MIL A Pi ..mr U, DEBATB AT THK FE OF.-ATI ON OM
I m n began leal night i. aertea pf
He did t«o or ri H-
himself to n limited field of observation. Muscle," ex-Surg ¦-*; neral Hammond, Mayer Ora ai, i!i*-n k- .
a These earn*
Spr-ckels C,. n-na! !tutt«-r*|el,l said that in tw. yi irs more fri-.:. I. ign
to rn
make a brtif junketing trip with tv. ira l rfOra

ihe I tl nu thal

'tinga, which, they propoae, shall eontlnua ..

Spreckels's plantation. Of the lal g.;

Of In¬
ttl n Union would celebrate its century .*f eii*>tm<v. ll. i'r k- r m ia a | .rn. in * Ith ** l«ri<. f rOTUIINa A WESTERN LEAOUE. sndla
ussten of lha Wilson bill in Cou* chirr-tgri. li,,*, ii w. H. Praaoott Ot Indianapolis,
fluential men he cared not to read letters of regret from Chirlei v. Bmlth, lay he la mid lo he *.v *rtti in ."
e*aa a succ a II waa of prasldcnl ol Um Typographical International l'nlon,
He saw tit to Ignore most of his OOUBtrymen. The Oovernor McKtnlev, Andi rn Carnegie. Charle \ Li:-** in. Neb., Dec li Plana for n new baseball t:r»-a Tba masting tii\,
In this matter for the hrs* fifty yeara haa .-¦1 | -r .:,..; h..-ii employed In lhe h. mp and Jute Industry, catted the fourth day's session aif the American
he-n the same with the Whijrs. Democrats, Republl- Dana, Oovernor Plower and the presMents of atv* . \i bick have been .;¦...-. n fur
and ll und* r the ia f the i tn* 1'e.iera'; ri of Labor to Order this morning. Chulr-

Administration of 'len.-ral Howard took advantage of M* patriotic COVtr

th" m'dt'.i l.l Whlcfll Cl '.:. r it-.- si 11 e. w'.r'i ev try ol \ Ii Hart A Co. and tbe Ti
oana, and also of tlr* Cleveland .Ad¬ rapally rich of the meeting n Thomaa Morgan, of the Comflalttsa on Resoiu-
"*%.'Bt. I simply stand In line of a Democratic t.. nik.- a pien for Amer;-.ii. Institutions, like i u. n feb's ah* lt li itlot Colonel 'l*. I. i; llrothur. -i i'i**;. se
i of the proposed
ministration with William L. Marcy ea Secretary of vhlrh must be de* Dished tl aa, (ceased up with a bl*; hatch of reports, one
lha iv: which nt lu Lin¬
will believe lr pn ..
iv mmltu dnd howi great 4-irpors Wlls-m Mil ref trlii* lo tho tluv
State in l_4. und I think you were about BOO >f tksse, dedaring la Cavor of Oeeerasasat
f. n he ¦ ila, lo tl. last Benator .'-.: -,-. 0: nea's fi .-.i nh : owner¬
...-,-. il Industry.Ich There
.. ..r
ferring the statesmanship of Jefferson, .Tacks n nler league I hemp i
maine an.', of Cleveland of 'flfl, who
was tlie only Senator 1 presenting s silver Stets lo Aldermen ur I I l . r
: v etina, *) s !¦ ld .u (jermanl i i ship n.i control of tba tetegreph system af the

Marcy, Grant,
followeal the star *if American dutj in Ugh tina the i te for th* ii ..r the Sh* 11
ligation u bli h re :.- r.p..;, 1 ibll tn* n lu ote
.el poke on .v -.
::.< Mr Croker al
* un
nd Peoria sn 1 .*.; rim .>. I. A Hall, .v. i Ninth av.- Thomaa country and InstracUnc tba ofltesra of the Fedenv-
ai i'. irt* ntl lcd, and "Vi 'tilba! 1 Btevenaon was
way, to that of Cleveland and Oresham ia UN." -. ll 1- Pl '..ri...
Mr 'aT* '¦' tl ¦'*" '
' sal I
k *.
men empl 'ed in th ii'.-i t.i laaogurata aa margette raatlflf in favor
,t brief history of thc founding ol Columbia. Mr. ¦.te. _s*lna 1 10 have .i ulary limit of ll.I
nt ts s iidu-'i,.- naru-. 1. Th :..
d« lan l .hat their wages if thin projeet was unanimously adopted. By a
Choate spoke i-i hil usual happy vein of the I-. /l-l. i'll- i.:-|.iire nie ..';..- Mi '
iii wei majority vote If \v:;s decided to invite John Hums,
FOI.EC'AST OF Till: MESSA IE. inn reduced

assa-i 'lal In ll Hi « w pi
'Iii.- t il lowing meera a re el. I for ll Mp Ollro) awe n«t large owners ar*. .
half or three-qtiartera time, or not ai
tba English labor leader, ta visit the Unite*! States
ih" ass of lhe Ul Iwa *' ia i. r« w.r.. John Bell, l>.tiid Mcl_ea*_,
WHAT TIIK ]'!U>II)F.NT MW SAT IN" DI. *:.¦¦: Oanlej v ¦.,. |<j, 1. <_* |ej 'I ind 'l.-iiver a aertea of addreaa
..a,i.v examine Inl lons
*; iv it, A. H.
Alexai Ier nd Silas B. Uronnell, vlre-preskl ii ei w. Thui il H
Ml'Ni I'.VTI UN Tj I 0XG&1 h.S. 1:. 8 Barney, cecretary; W, c, Robei treasurer, Mr Croker, then lu .
an l !l i.-*;.. II. Th-, ii.*" Col >ne| i'll I ft a
it wa-* dselded to petition Coacren to raise ths
Aldermen which i ¦ ..
The Itei f New-York * of Catted Itatea tsaaeaa te IM a month, ami
Washington, Dec. H.-Th** ¦Washington >, at N 'ii W* si Porty-fourth-BU, nragea
i reaolutl m deetering In favor af the Blsctlflfli of
spondent of "Ti*." BalUmon Bun" makes I
ate to lav I and rift i thl ¦¦
ienatora i.y p. puter rots was adopted by uccUuna-
lowing statement as to tba contents of the Preet* .
n ,.,., .!,. tloa. So waa a allua reeolutlon ot request to c .n_ress
dent's Hawaiian rn*is '.'lil*. ALUMNI ENJOY THEIR ANNUAL Pl IS1 .lon, ti-i slei I.V WE8T *i!.*l"N"I) TONNAGE. for UM fl" -!> till, nt ef .1 ill e-Viblllhln*

:.. ... .r .1 ir !:¦-.. .u. I the pi DECREASE compulsory educa¬

¦'The -ie?--.!!;.' will prol.nl ">. I.e lor.ir nn 1 will

Bs .'."-nil-,' man MfreaJ 14 postal s.ivi".',*- banka Fr* an i

TOVSTS AM) .*-]¦! A*: 1 ftm
t and non. laws :'Jot11 * single nt-ni i prepari 1 in ad lit! in to the laka and tion w.is Indorsed, lt wis furth»r deelared thnt
be a complete review of thfl Whola oiiestlon. Thfl I t t eal by a ma j o
Fresldent will flbow that tba Queen wafl over¬
The Centennial Dinner of tbe Alumni A re 1 'avi ii> ily, Julius 1 larb ... r 11
Viltei .: ,-.,,. mil west*.nd lonna re .' tho irunb linefl Indicate waning schools should he»ltestablished throughout
li day schools, are! lu
¦tatton of William Collegs wen green Issi nigh! iv.i Ai".*, h. Ier Brent) r. Ulai l.l -.rv **'
the material shrinkage in bualneaa whlcb waa th..titry lu eonneetlon
fr.hand, ornamental and tm-ehanical draw¬
thrown by acts maetioasd by Minister stevena al tke Hotel Brunswick. The college celebrated lu i mi eratic i Not far which
and that, as they received tba approval of the
ii r .¦ *¦
ing should I.- taught .h. supplies to he ftes, An*
centennial annlvei fall Tbe dining-room KILLED BT .( /.'/." IPW |] c mr; c v ¦. v enl he loaa to the through th.r resolutlou vms aUoptt-l, which reed as fol.
United Btatea and are considered hy the present ¦.
handsomely d* ad an orchestrs pl ¦. ! 'VI TO t'ATCU FOR Till OIAXTS

rall lonni the _a*i this >. ;r. The foll a lows:
Administration unjust Hied und unfrien Hy, they Ti..it system of society which donlee to tha
ridge, president ol nb ij kim I i, i, shipments of westbound freight nrllllng aniau
must b<* und >:...¦ The President w_l probably ¦¦.¦¦
during the vening, John *. *; \s L'XKNOWJt i .i,.;:i H :ti\ -i 'HROWX p.v \
an opportuniti lo work, then treats
tue a* :, and deliver. I the open¬ v..'....,',,:-- .ew-York ¦/ way of the trunk lines to points linn aa an outcast, arrests him ns a vagrant, pun¬
that Minister Willis waa Instructed tit "Our College" tvaa spoken ol by Dr
ing address.< arter, '1 Kl K ON 'I in TRA Kl TIIK PULU ll VI their Western termini for the var end* felon, ls by the convent! in con-
formally the proposition for annexation, aad th-n Franklin presldenl of willi..ma College; ANOTHER Ttl .C.V. il:. -.¦.... \ r.pai with the previous ish) i himii ns Inhuman
and destructlva to the liberties
to announce that tba Unite Bl itt lenan I* 1 thai "Collegi Memories''were revive b) the Rev Alfr-i The ..ni. Increai in the list ls shown ny
anal .t the nice; thereto!
E. Myers; "Coila tjocletles" formed th them) of
Professor Henry w. Smith's j.e. in, _nd William Early yesterday evening an unknown colored th* i.K'. ".'lilley and ihe Sew-York. Ontario Keiai.lv>-.I. That lin- tilth** lo work is the tba rl«ht
the Qgsea bc restored ts pews; pea Cully, but ¦¦A..
rn ro ids, and th rr... th of tba
trail: if
thal to deny the one ls to cannot, .'.-ny other:
that If she wa.- unwilling to be teated without
*' Carn rfon, lold aboul "Our Next Cenlurv." The man, aboul Ave feel six In bea In height, I.*'
V n.i i.i-. interesting problems later to life,when
thal the private employer or will
evening was11 01.; thorough enjoyment for all of knocked down by a truck driven bj .1 bo 1 il. ia uro lhe atatl tl not, give work. Hu* municipality, State or -Nation.
the assurance of thia Oovernment that abe vv | the HO 11. pn sen) ...:*¦ lill I.-1 i: ,..' ;. r i

be protected from harm aad retalni l In power i :¦ Among those preaenl were Oeorge lt Abbott, "Fl, ¦Shannon, and then run over by a 1 edway I SIG IflBS i'i.-. Differences. lilli: t.
United Btatea forces, then to laka ao steps, but -urrogata** of Kima-* County: Henr>' ll- ¦.nderson, rable mr, In front of Ho. 171. He wai .' iv. i. j, |i \ -. K, V " It V.T. "i (Uti
*_37 IVs
.- :i*.",*.4'i*.' .
ii ir;
).:t Tba neal resolution te ha favorably reported
await Instr, tiona from the Cnlted Stater* Thi Ms; th.- Kev. Dr Rob* rt lt Booti 'tv Pt .... 9 ST**) i* .Al lol piting! l tile Federation forth into a arana dsbaflfl on
President will sny that the Minister haa found I .
Lynde Stetson, 'WI; Hamilton W. Mable, '*... Cb 11 intly killi 1 The b dy waa taki n to the Wi M Vol ) De* i*-,, ...l .nun
¦Jil VI
*'*. Xl I ;.,...'... i- <! 41'*
political actton. lt set that tba tonvaaUaja
Provisional Government mu Ch stronger than has n Hui bell '*!; the Rev. »t A bb. tl fe" Klttredge,
W. Mynderse. '71: B nli min Non* n, "7«; Orland*) L< ti.if.l-st. police atatlun. The wagon that a."nt ol the *..f r <.¦'' | '. ... ... .jua in iM.ixa De. :. _"::_
tnt ipproved aad in irsed the movement of the trade laaflff
been stated, or than the Administration had been *.(4; In the accident wis a La. -il it.... Hi li,.. ...' l.t. I Ur. Kio nu.;. unions of Or oat Britain toward Independent
informed, and that iti. p »wer wa ig each IV Potter, ''¦. the Rev. Dr, Charla \ Stoddard,
",l: Frederick F, Thompson, 'ot; A V. W. Van
played bo large n pariladen with Ihe steam i..|. .'...I ...' 'i. t an .ii. i.. U«! lah v..,;Wa -:.. lita ..;.« i.** ;..;.i in
-¦' .:-*.
:.n oau
in r.
.i ni
4 MM politics us an British auxiliary to their and economic action.
the baste of
day. Vechten. '17; Buahnell Danforth, "JI; John M. Del¬ double truck, heavily -
:. mt, ,.
ind that the programme f>r the
"There was a atrong tent1ment among the better more, '52; lhe Rev, Dr Everard Kempshall, 'il; Teutonic'*] mall, and waa on its eray down
a. is 1.1 in .ima .. I I* a i .h. uiu ,1,56*1 '..lo |,4.'*.>,'.'!J D' '... al* itj labor movement be submitted
politicalconsideration ..r*.a!il.itions
class cf people i_ Insl lhe Qu n's retui p >w r,
lek II Jennings, "ri. Charles A Davlaon, '*.'.; il.. |s a in .ii s ..: i. Total I .
favorable of all labor
and there wer" the strongest evidences : that the Walter Edwards, '_.; Franklin Allen, '67; Jacob V Broadway to the postoftlM, from lhe ¦White \ ii -a bil i. j- cbs ll. ls a dentine, with the Federattoa, with the ba isiiuflfl.
force d* f* at lhal fae nelegatea toon thethenext conventtea spe-

estating Oovernment would nae MiilT. "Jt, and William lt. Putni '¦ Star pl";-. Officer I-Taggerty arrested the dil*. *r, tm mt h i. WORKS CLOBINO DOWN,
any move that might be to thia and. theAll
-. .. ... IRON ¦Iflcally Instructed subject. The pailitlcal
was thus
carrying fohn J. Bhannon, and after iroing In lhe ? of the Federation

conditions were such as to proven! the President As a .iire.'t result of the fear of tbe par-.-age programme to which
out of his Instructions, and now, as lill) KNEW SND I ol l.u DR. DEEMS at Wei. Indirectly aaked io pledge Itaelf w.is a.s follows
>1 his oil HES 1 El) EY CA EDI SAL 6IBBONS. .ill., arith him t** allow the mall tu be de¬ the Wilson Tariff bin. tbe Weldon191Mines, education, llr*e.*t len-ieiati.>n, ofa work¬ le^al
had exhausted the prerogatives lo tba Leonard-st. x. J., hav.- announced to tha men mph red 'ompulsorywork-day, sault.ir; Inapectton
bring aboutthea lett lenient wtth Hawaii without call¬ livered, brough I bim beek locked don, Januarj l. The ¦ixht-hour and homes: liability jf einploy-rs for
ing upon navel forces to aaslst lt, thtre » where he waa
police Ht:it|..i,.related up. *i BRRVrCR ls* Ilt^ i nn:i il IT WHICH HIS tie. thal the wilks will close on
Bons. tops,
mines abolition ><f the con-
no other resort for the President bul to leave ti¦¦¦
Tin: CIIU~UL.tR ASKING HATE AID TOR PM*.** Bhannon thal he waa 4ng down works in-.- own I by Richard Hecksher a.'ury t" health, all body or !!:..: of the
question of further actionwillto not Conaress, It ls I..- Kl M. -*iIIOOLS DID NOT *: WAT*; 3rr adway near the west curb, when a colored MKMORV WAg IX Mi .. ni Ml \
Tills notice was given out last week, and now these .rnct system In public works, abolition
af street
Baned that the President diverge from hui
nan rushed in fr' n* nf hla leam and attempted UV VA'I"I WI H> men and ti" ir families have '.tie pro'l
of a
work tari itlng
system, municipal owneraaip
flan ol
present policy, lt is certain, however, that ha will 1 P.OM HIM. winter before them, without gas and siectrlc pi..nts. nat lot. iii*.-)eollactitn
hardly urge that f me be resorted to In aeatlng the Baltimore, Dec. li in reply ta ¦ letter fr*.tu tba .. board an iipt©wn cable mr, ai the rear md Barnesl and loving irlbutea to the memory of the loin? and severe
If the lull pass** it will reauil in a redu etegraph, telephone, railroads and mine*;
.n th.- aide thal la closed. He aras thrown back */.
iwnersnlp by the people <>f all cieaAfl production
or t,...a. <>f
Queen." Editor of "Tne New-York Independent," Cardinal Rev, Dr Charin r .. m pastor of the Church m i.-es, anyhow, ..f Efl per cent, sven if the
open. ind distribution, tha priuuJyal of referendum la
It is loarned th<*t the President, when tn akli ,. .y the Iron guard up against tire mail trmk, of tbe sir.ni-., i lu iii i ir I., a re pa'! ¦" proprietors >.f ii." minc* decide to keep them
on the Hawaiian situ tly, aald tl nibil.rn-, writes as follows under <!«('. of !<.rn- ind ibm b med back againthia under the mr wheels vi.*-*
h-; I li* the church hi I night. The pulpit be¬ The

about the hhl affects not ths
position area entirely tenable; that he had noll.inc b. r 7: The police flay thal ia an extremely Weldon mines alon.- Penn.; The Bethlehem lr.*u Com¬
to defend or excuse, and that he wat mor*
touching th*
".My L'-'ir Slr: Replying to y 'ir kin 1 note, dated
i.. em;, r 6, i would aay thal the circular wu.ii rt rn rt ge story, and think timt poaslbty the ml- hind which i*r. Drema pn iel .ft.-n waa pany, of Bethlehem, the crane Head!:. Iron Com- TIL: WEATHER BEFOUL
Willing to lav all thc corr tpondence ired man ams ron over by the wag >n and thal banked with Bewers, In the middle of which ap¬ (?any, lb iccaue, Penn., and the
sam" Btate, are
complicit;"n» with that country before Congress haa appeared In son e napers, alleging my act!' a himself by peared ins htltlala The apeakers repres nt* dif¬ cl ¦ed, mi l orders to "blow out" were given yes¬ Headington, lu thi
whenevir ihat legislative branch cf the Govern¬ in presenting a Li tm for Btate ail f..i parochial ihe driver ls only trying to eave .Lu -d man ference) »f THK lin;.I AREA M"\r- OFF THE <«>AST.
demanded lt. ls, ii; not .rr. nate from nu-, and was not .liing this titury. tils., thu: ths t t» ::.f aa broad aa the welcome terday. The only mines w irking lu Kew-Jersasy to-
publl hed arith my authorisation. Neither have I toefl not I'uk iis If lu was killed when by a cebl ar, ..,*¦ tm- 'l.'.ir_lgioua of Ru th Chi tl the < er I.-m-i estate, at Hort Waihlnrtoe, V-¦ lt..Tha or i of hi.-'i pr.- ir.- his
A BRITISH VIKW OF 'Jill: BITUATION. any petition to the Legislature f.r the I., thc extitemenl 'hat aroa* th" man ii ir
a i.- am.
ni i the Tbomaa iron Company, it is ru¬ n.i.j off Bm Mew-England c.n-t. a isesnd iii?ii oie.
se, ...I I am sure thal Monsignor Satolll i is faa kin* d tim grlpman alerted his mr and dis- charity
"i Ita late paatoi mor thal these wiil Boon 'lose, and thus throw aa ii..\..i fo.ii tee north "f Mentana le Han-BBB,
London, Dec ll.-"The Beening --''..Turd." Con¬ Moreover, the paper In (juestlon ls nol some. ippeared, ond np to a Inti bow last nlghi bad The if h ih Merlin Hudaon, acting paator of neat iv S,iwO men out of employment. a'i!ii« in ii ignite i"- Tli.- Bteffli ea Mm BatVt i-ncii*
servative, says editorially to-day of tho altu my cl lon, nnd ai
thing .:new, it lt has uboul .** yoar agoIthout
my ioj been arrested, th" church, presided. Tbe Rev. Dr. Henry If, 'lei -%'1 .at .i-.il.irr l:i Wi i. ri
and ¦¦ -

In Hawaii: knowi tige ai Icon nt, Faithfully your* In Christ, Mao *r. i. Chan llor ..i Ihe rall f the FARMERS SNUBBED UT CHAIRMAN WILSON. hi-, im ii..i.a t. N..'tii..-i. r .-n i flanste, l.'jmt rstn
"The knot of merchants, apeculatora and -A CARDINAL OIBBONS." lt) of New fork, read a pa.of Herlptiir< a. -cr. M lu* f.'.lei !:i BBS |S_S I (_.I. BBS
Misuari sad
seekers who planned tbe revolution in foi Hawaii nat¬ TO BXAMIKB EX COXTICTS BSf'BBTlT. which Blabop flWwIer, the Methudlsl Bpi ... Harrisburg, Cnn. Dec. 14 MortimerwasWhitehead, i'..iiii.- m a.is-ippi vakeya,
tbs prin- n fie i\ti-.ii- MeettssBl inri hi Noni 1> iW ta. arni _M Ths Mnsetacsn tia- fallen
urally are furious -rt Mr. Cleveland deel BISBOB trMAX'S Fi SLR AL TQ-DAT. Church, .ff.-i.-.i prayer The lt \ Dr, Thomas Ar¬ i lecturer of tbe National Orange,
to accept the Islands aa the result of a nefartou f-inir.r. N". Y., Dec. li The Beformatorj Invea- ian ige, i.-t ne liv |..a-t. r of the Ku. li Aveni ll.lptlut eak< r al t..-day's Beaaloa tbs of Btate Orange
No other decision R th I-L. N*. c. I* ..<¦. 14 Blabop Lyman will l*e ahertly after I o'eteeh Church Who.ir:I Intimate
Issn el* nh. t
Intrigue hy American citisen* Igattng Cemmltte.nvaned life thc I.i t addi >| the evening, the I'atr. .ns of Hush audry, il" wan asps) lally

could have b. n expect'- of 1 fr-ni an hoi., st an : burled to-nstwrow al I o'clock from Christ Chureb h's ir.'rnltiK Bsveral in'ii.i'e.i of the btStltUttoO ... spok* fromy.-n-s. m.- calledfriendship with >i l)*'**ma of Administration at Washing* lil T*.!/.I !> Ililli A**T WOW TO-PAY.
orable nun. Thc gr >up a vi nt ii ra hoi li man) Dr Deems on all round severe on the present bill and the Ways
Oovernment mr defiant, but lt can hardly tx ip Bishops Cheshire, Wataon and Randolph, and many . stilled iii behalf "f the d.-feno-, mylttg that their man, -vi '...il I, true-hearted full of low to God ton, und denounced the Wilson vigor¬ Wm Ne« in .'hm i ant riatrn M ..¦>..rk, mew, tem*
stan?e to any war .cher e'ernvm* ri, will tuk.- part In the service. The re .tint nt by Buperintendant Brock-gray had not and Meena Commlttei His remarks were ask «inis.
posed that they orcontent Inti n.; t*. nnil la IbsIbiia kaw.Ysrki
sud man *. *i*. t;

ship. American ether which may be a* nt D .bf* burial will ba In Oakwood >'.-m> lery. Ex-Mayor A B. Hewitt leatred to expreaa, fur ously applauded. Ile il.-.dared that everything had Ps ii uni. Delaware, Mii-viind.
less an American cruiser will toon ba on the )e*-n midasai redly nt* hir* pres. h. eonid, rh- ,,t ifouffd admiration of which
.¦ h*"i been gained in th.. McKinley
tien.iinir meeeure, and that I.. u....
act fat N.M-.i.-- ri.
r.'.l.i mil Virrinl.i. nli u.u.'li eflflflMtl

The Rrltlsh cruiser Champion ls now at Hawaii Mr. stnnoi.ii"' 1. for Ihs defence, said ha desirsd business m. ii for I" Deens* character .*t Paul i.,,n griped ..nt In thewhich framed th*. McKinley

awaiting developments." ISIFF.F.D HY EXI'LOitlS'i TFRI'ESTISE ba eommlttsa t<> bold an executive aasston bi New Bras tie- A post lu I., the dent Ile lo-. I.m. viii.i w hil., in committee farmers courte* uuttl or south..'ht ll'.nil:,.
to the stranger.;, to a|| t/tho vere Inl bill tr '''I the representatives ol the Bald
A u run-in ia Asgv Blgatke'i patel Atop, a! Na tl ri .rk City, t" tak.- the testimony ot men now <n- uii apostle the Wilson committee had was snubbed them. Tor .No M. I ar..III.,i. .With CiellBfl, '"'«!
pifed a -csa of tai penilas lagsd i'i bOflinesS who lune aid *_erved tlm«- In the trout.Ie ..r lu n.1 ..r rein. 1..m rons Intlon
ll.-wltt Bald '.hat I'r. I'- iv ivenl behind :,i|
He s, ii thal Secretary Mo.-t.iii of thesimply a Hal .i iBowem; esnasr; e»st laaBeahas *. anni*.
near Ute starve, la trklek t Oems ti*.- trot berates- Tbs tefonaatory. Tb* nen." 1 Mr Ht inchfleM, nml joined th*- universal Church >t *;.: politician, ...ii willi.- at the head Agricul¬ r..r Weat Vir.'.'iia, rate; ¦*'»:':) etefls.
i,.r Westers Vt _--_*raala .md ohio, rain; -igbdy

IPI gig.hil SSStedsd, fatally Injuring Charlaa St.'.n.... oas 'will not testify unless they ran l»e BBS ll I d that Bradford, The other apeakers were ihe Rev. Lr Amory II tural Department he dees aol represent the u«-ri-
r.UNTT:n ron the STATE iud exhibited in of tbs .mp'..'es. v,!mm- .let .< i situ nott teat fir.-, burn. of tie- Consreg.ttlona I Chnrel al Sion! enltnrl raisin; m.etti ninds.
h«-ir nsmsfl and testimony win aol be pabltahad clair, N. -I and Marion .1 Verde ry, u son-in-law M'.sf. ra Kew.1 I ...t.i: t rsl-i I -ootA
THF. CAPITOL AT AI.UAXV I.X¦:.. V '*.**>. ; in(t bin terribly. Mr. Matltdi Blgalhs. the grit. ,,f n,- i.. a tieti ara t.» testify for the Reformato*. of Lr Dflema,

who, al the reque t of the church, DESTITUTION -MONO NEBRASKA FARMERS. ilnl|.*ur winner.
un.l Anni,. Blgalke,
he.- daughter, eera eeverely illftbUy In W
Judge tintert. for tba prosscutlon, thought Mr. Moke 'i. i'h* ll,paxtor's
.r, .if ti»*ir las) boura The Re* Dr Illliio'v rain: »ariirr
Omaha, Dec. 11 (Sped Iv Oreel destitution nnd lene lor Ii.i ..na snd
karsad. tbeto* etothes bavtag inii'-n lira.. They run int.. tbs rabbi of Tempi. Kn mu Kl an*J I.nilli ;..-,*",; io.S Klafl*.
Albany. Dec. lt (SpsdaD..Ex-Oovernor Alonso street «i..-I- several m.-n thrtm them daws and r-.ii.M Itanchlteld'a raquel for * werai aeaslua In N* w- .1.Gustav Edward SIIIUII..II-*. president ul the Kourth X.i- Buffering prevail among tba f inners of Northwest¬
B. Cornel!, of Ithaca, made a visit here r-day for tr.sn, \-.-r. pstttefl eel tbs rrnn.-s. Tbay w.-r-.. atlesded fork 1'ity was reasonabla and Just one, as th- tiiti.il nark, who u.re prevented finn being pres¬ ern Nebraska. Hundreds ale In al.soInt.- ne.-l, an 1
n> 11 to be called there do not wish to have lt kn ¦¦¦ ent, erst tetttrrs ol !.....' A mont! Ihe hymns sung Ther.' have been TRIBUNk LOCAL -TISI'P.VATIPN*?.
th* purpose of fleeing saeeUed an oil portrslt of i,v a aslflbknrteg flragglal aad laasovefl t. their booM, hat th*> n.re formerly In the Reformatory The area "i"-, "For the I.urtu la al the End." which ni local aid eaa be furnished. i..,a.
hie father. Baie ('.mell, fu- founder of Cornell ,m,'.ii.i was tiika-ii t., the eily Horallal Tbs sutk' n .ommittee tinnily s-ttieai th.- question by etattng Dr. Pe ema wrote. HW HS: M 'in.u.. *<l«M.
University, which una pain led upon a comu.i -. a mM bail -. ld not iH.s.it.ii recover. 'I h.- stor* ai. l hat th,- names >.f such witnesses would be withheld . « f . . ie n i > s . . fl % sb m ii 10.0
i gfl fl
\. -, j.. ..i...ut »nsj.
rom publication. The committee sdlourned to meet .. i _*, p: i" i" i.^t.! vi
from the State last summer by .lohn OOHS Worbt *. ,t in a. m. on January :i in Nea Tork City. MIS shii.L Flt ac ri urn at un: orrin B0CS3.
a distinguished Canad ion artist. The though I of
adding the portrait of K.ra Cornell to IbOSfl I
other noted men In the State Capitol came to A.- Prevent the Grip lt 1 tm IS CAI'T US DEVEKYS OLD PREdSCT.
I->..(!. i"*!< Wists, IWentJ l.'M ytpf. |,: _. v,, ._.,,
,\,~.t i-i. i.e.- i.f ti. .;
eos-pound rraetsi
i-i n, \. v votli llespltal ~^::c]i\
rrv.-JO....riv J t. _: ; -.
sall (tefl ia. skull .-i
acmblyman Hamilton Ki.s.'i, of Putnam County, Dr. Cyrus ka-SOO, *.f lbs Ree Toilt It.r.rl of <*.p*..!n Ourtrlgkl, of tba Ki.iri.K-.-st. statloa, m |f Bli .**"'
* »-' " "l-l". Pd a
-"'' d' nm"
Health, says ""*« te pravinl tbs (Mp yea should
laat winter, and bfl persuaded the LegialstUIS and . determine.) t.. perlfy his peseta aad Inst nV/Ut nia.I.'

cvold exposure in teSlSSaael wmtlia-r, and l(».p ¦an in tie y.t,..|H,iiuni Optn Hasan, At tea 'Lie *.r I'utiiei'o'iviiie, Cona, Dee M The Asptaeck
Governor Flower to make an appropriation of $3.0)0 ba f. H..wliw: rall-: At th.* lirirr.Kiin (,f |/,nls |. ,rn. \ pf the Rial *-'.' "f Air..i..'i laat Bight maa td fla :.o.o
for the purpose of having the portrait painted. Mr. your ftri>ii_th up, your l)lae,.| In fol feed.tea fled laateeel., h" arriated twenty ama eoawa and bbm bms* abtften «. ii..\i-"' ii ".wing," _mi Bhers s'epp* elms ti Knitting Company has announced a redaction 22. of
Forbes had paint*! a portrait of William Ewart yeer uiK-esiive *.tKi.r.H in raga lal aatloa. Tba teak t \v..ir u'.rt.ni..ir.'K bamam Na Bfl Rlvlagiaa-ot.]| i.. t...i.. them, 'ti' r ei ¦ nv .j Ibe au M per cent ia vagi i io take effect December um .I.*." tlie
Gladstone, which now hongs lr. the hall of the and alt.lathe agectfl Sf UotsTa .''ur.apiirllU SO w.-iv- weena, and ut Max Porgc's, Na 88 RKiagux1 1 ,,f «uii and leaves swayed tot] vu. tut Mt ase This ls ti,., s.e.,nd reduction i.* the aisplnoek i'mii-
nn»ri'8 lu pressura ur* UMllcated hj I'l rrtbuna's ».-if*
.¦..nilli*; l.ai-"inrt»r. Tire broken line r.Ngrssseta ths ttia*
kapflllT '""' «'"¦ Imfl 'hr.e <¦ nlli!,.r,H that arith lbw worn 11. The ehSfges ^^.iln-t Hie women .ir,- |,||,. pani lu tour months, and ls uttilbutid to
ibsarrad i-i Pony 'a l'liarmao*.
National Ialberal Ciub, In London, England, and mit i.f karate «_\. Dm Bnnto had k itot ton long, tion and the tariff ¦<.,!.
ii. plat.. ti.ai glvea hy Ihla saeflletes y*.a aeed :...t ad .ii*, flatly eoadaet. th-Norfolk
Franklin. Mses., !>..,¦ *,i Th" mills ofNorfolk
hsd also executed portraits of several members fmr ti..- t;np. iTii.t- ls not « fl*__rfleHy bowss '<t*m la my praataet," aad ss !". fl sailed back, the |ag| I a_si. el mad sttsefl Woollen Compan) al Btonj Brook, and
st the faculty of Cornell Inl varsity, to the eminent I,.lu -ipili I) ...i Hie fi,ol,,,.l ,,..| ,-.- li hoi. .-e. .-.. T. Ihnn.' onie, I)..-, lg, T o. ni -Tho mather tOtO) tti.~k
uii OsptSta fnrtrlrht to u r-i-rr-r at rn. Inl,;).t. "lhe¬ ttl ci.ira.:, na p.aie shut down IndeCnltel) Th«
latlsfactlon of their friends. He therefore
bought to be
>f Ezra Cornell.
weil qualified to patnt
the portrait Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is au Inexpensive inell'lne, and a Magie kettla nmy
re uii eteaafl >_* dgbt ns u .irnm anl iv.n so eoatlese."
on ti" lion. In u'l prdiuliillty l,,- mil Hie. Mendon mill of tvis comeany bad
several months, ann noe otui ins lactory
been closed
ai i .n
ville. Franklin, kt running* Theae uro all small
.-ann r
l lab.
I |M
yet rJav; by nirly SVSSfcg s UgM tnow batgxa
Von r.r.iMt'i.e ru:,, ii Ih.'.'-."-:i !4 uni 'J*
Mte aver-ifo Vl'l'ri telns; |fj hte.vr thin oa
The portrait was exhibited to-day In tba ojr-n Bpaofl
Wads lg N*stber fartnrlea, but altogether they employ aboul nw
tt the summit of the Senate stairway of the Capital, »avn you many .lullars in .lo. turn' hm a u. a4 lmu ,, Tlreal Prolfsslomil lien M.. i .ir,tl tii.t i.r inti.. .ii, a:, m n* by Ina
***\ r.p of i.'iu, siteii In m-A nt tko
improved hands. BraSSy, und IT1, low.-r faa oi t:io CJtr .p...:.n.' flay
where there ls excellent light from atthea distance. ¦uffrrlns. Truly an OSaafl "f prevention ls v.., iii ¦ I'.e lloraonl's Acid Pha.npl_.t-. pleasant
rt.. t ut r, itentc r. n.eii 'than bi soi outer, mil
i St yeir.
and ample room to survey a painting lound of cur.-. Bs SSW M S**« IIwkI'i. .-¦
tv.I lt ls mer.. ,-i.-. .ptihle ta, thi-in. I lil "lien <niJ<'V ll Til,- MH.uf-ii U il»e'y u> coatliiuo to.sv, tiirnlug late
Governor Flower accompanied ex-Governor Cornell ~Hoaef o'Ville sxrt esilly, ret promptly __*_ Tho Uflflfl Mn*Bnn*n*M and lit/rrarv men efl fliid nothtris Mlni'ai Flee Furniture. itu Lel-o tim .imo i, l_, _dsaui.ua, LUu »ii*t_,Ca' tUtSl'JnJ
» the exhibition, and a little later Judge Kinch, of sfflclenUy', n noothlnjr tr.ii r«frM-it"« ... Jlors'onl't A<"ld l'lio-pliSM
¦Ma la tba taettacmy ef «fc«.s_._i of these classes of maa,
i.i,4 ll tieiieflt. for.,. Tte' true r-melv. .srii> of Kl.i,
ts B_i_iuf_.tuio4 by tee <*.!._-__. rig Brion *.<». ¦*-.-/.
la funutura* Ht
llbava' go og like hot naiu*.
Fllut Co.*s tUtb-st. and
_._*, waruwr.
' ~

tho Court of Appeals, who knew Ezra Cornell wall, sa tte Hver snd bewils. loo.

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