OD1 ValuesWorksheets InstructionsandAnswerKey

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Level 1 Values Worksheet Instructions

Oxford Discover encourages young learners to look B Students read the conversation with a
at big questions, think critically, and communicate partner.
effectively. The Oxford Discover Values Worksheets
connect content from the course with personal
and social development topics. Teaching values Values Worksheet 3: Take Care of
increases children’s awareness of good behavior and Animals and Their Homes
helps them to understand how their behavior and
A Remind students that they read about
attitudes affect others. These worksheets are meant taking care of an orphan orangutan in My
to be used after the students have completed each Friend, Anak, pages 58–59. In this activity,
two-unit Big Question section. The activities use students think about how to take care of
language and concepts from each section. animals and their habitats. For each question,
students look at each picture and read the
Values Worksheet 1: Take Care of Family two corresponding sentences. Then students
and Friends circle the sentence that best describes how
someone takes care of the animal shown in
A Remind students that they read about
families and friends helping each other in the picture.
Families and Friends, pages 10–11. In this Answer Key:
activity, students think about ways family 1. The boy feeds the rabbit.
and friends take care of each other. Students
2. Jill cleans the mouse cage.
look at each picture and decide if it shows
family members taking care of each other. 3. We put out bird food.
Then they circle yes or no. 4. Anak puts a chick in a nest.
Answer Key:
B Students think about ways they take care
1. Yes of animals and draw a picture in the box
2. Yes provided. Then students write a sentence
explaining their picture and how they model
3. No
taking care of an animal.
4. Yes
Answer Key:
B Students look at each of the pictures in Answers will vary.
section A. Then they discuss how their
family takes care of each other.
Values Worksheet 4: Play Outside
Answer Key:
A Remind students that they read about about
1. Answers will vary. Arnold playing outside in The Seasons of
2. Answers will vary. Arnold’s Apple Tree, pages 78–79. In this
activity, students look carefully at the picture
Values Worksheet 2: Be Creative of two children playing in the snow. Then
students read each sentence about the picture
A Remind students that they read about children and write yes if the sentence describes the
being creative while painting a mural in Let’s picture or no if it does not describe the
Make Colors, pages 38–39. In this activity, picture.
students think about what it means to be
creative. Students look at the picture showing Answer Key:
three students doing an activity. Then 1. Yes
students read each sentence about the picture 2. No
and circle Jif the student is being creative
3. Yes
or Lif the student is not being creative.
Answer Key: B Students read the conversation with a
1. L
2. J
3. J
1 Oxford Discover 1  Values Worksheet Instructions © Oxford University Press 2014

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Values Worksheet 5: Share Answer Key:
A Remind students that they read about the 1. house
people from the town adding food to the soup 2. apartment
in Stone Soup, pages 98–99. In this activity, 3. noisy
students look at the picture. Then students
read each sentence about the picture and 4. safe
write the correct word in the space provided. B Students think about ways they can try new
Answer Key: things and write their answers on the lines.
1. a Then they share their answers with a partner.
2. have Answer Key:
3. one 1. Answers will vary.
4. three 2. Answers will vary.

B Students think about what they share with Values Worksheet 8: Think of Solutions
friends. Then students draw a picture that
shows what they share with their friends. for Problems
Lastly, they write a sentence in the space A Remind students that they read about the
provided to explain their drawing and how class that wanted to take music lessons in
they share with friends. Let’s Make Music, pages 158–159. In this
Answer Key: activity, students think about ways to solve
problems. They look at each problem in the
Answers will vary.
picture. Then they circle the sentence that
would solve this problem.
Values Worksheet 6: Be Helpful
Answer Key:
A Remind students that they read about
people who have jobs that help us in Wants 1. Jack wears a coat outside.
and Needs, pages 118–119. In this activity, 2. Sam makes an instrument.
students think about ways someone can be 3. Bill eats an apple.
helpful to others. Then students will look
at each picture and circle yes if it shows 4. Henry takes a nap.
someone being helpful or no if it does not B Students read the conversation with a partner.
show someone being helpful.
Answer Key: Values Worksheet 9: Take Care of
1. Yes Yourself
2. No A Remind students that they learned new
3. Yes words for taking care of themselves in the
Communicate section of Unit 18, page 182.
4. No
In this activity, students look at a picture of
B Students explain how they help their family. children playing in the park. Then they circle
Then students explain how their friends help J if the child is taking care of him/herself,
them. Students share these answers with a
or if the child is not taking care of him/
Answer Key: Answer Key:
1. Answers will vary. 1. L
2. Answers will vary. 2. J
3. J
Values Worksheet 7: Try New Things
A Remind students that they read about the B Students draw a picture showing ways they
cousins who learned about each other’s take care of themselves at home. Then they
homes in City Mouse and Country Mouse, will write a sentence to explain their picture.
pages 138–139. In this activity, students look Students can share their answers with a partner.
at a picture of two children. One lives in a Answer Key:
house and the other lives in an apartment Answers will vary.
building. Then students write the correct
word on the line to complete each sentence.
2 Oxford Discover 1  Values Worksheet Instructions © Oxford University Press 2014

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