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(10 APRIL – 14 APRIL 2023)

MONDAY ( 10.04.23)
Subject : ENGLISH Theme : World of Class : 6B Date : 10.04.2023
Focus : Listening Knowledge Time :8.30-9.30 Day : MONDAY
Topic : UNIT 1 : IT'S AN
Learning Standard : Moral Values : Cross Curriculum Element : Language,
Main skill: 1.2 Be alert Values
Listening 1.2.2 Understand Knowledge:
with little or no support Pupil’s Aspiration : Integrated skill:
specific information and Knowledge Language/Grammar Focus:
details of longer simple Thinking skills Should(n’t) for giving advice
texts on a range of familiar

Complementary skill: 2.1

Speaking 2.1.3
Explain and give reasons
for simple advice
Learning Objective : Success Criteria
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Pupils can
1. explain and give at least 1 suitable reason for their rescue 1. explain their rescue plan.
plan. 2. listen and identify the rescue plans.
2. listen and identify at least 2 advantages and

Main Vocabulary : Teaching Aids :

Power, electricity, accident, ambulance, heating, emergency, Academy Stars Year 6, Pupil’s Book: p:17,
Exercise(s): 1-4, Workbook: p:15, Teacher’s
Book: 36
Learning Frame Impact
(Pre lesson) 1. Review homework by asking pupils to review
each other’s writing using the questions in
Activity 5 on p.15 of the Workbook.
Main Activities 2. Pupils share their ideas for how to ask for help
(Lesson Development) in an emergency. Ppls read and analyse a short
text to identify parts of a problem. PAK21 :
3. Pupils anticipate problems based on Think-Pair-Share
pictures to predict what they will hear. Communication
4. Pupils listen for detail to see if they were correct
in Step 2. i-Think :
5. Ppls work in pairs. Set up this activity as a role Bubble map
play, where one pupil plays the part of Mike Dobbs,
and the other pupil gives him advice to solve the
problem using expressions such as I think you
should(n’t)… because… Remind pupils to explain
the reasons for the advice they give.
6. Ask some pupils to perform their role play to the
(Post Lesson) 7. Class discussion and share ideas.

Reflection 30/30 listen and identify the rescue plans.

Subject : ENGLISH Theme : World of Class : 6B Date : 10.04.2023

Focus : Speaking Knowledge Time :9.30-10.00 Day : MONDAY
Topic : UNIT 1 : IT'S AN
Learning Standard : Moral Values : Cross Curriculum Element : Language, Creativity
Main skill: 2.3 Be alert and Innovation
Speaking 2.3.1 Knowledge:
Narrate short basic Pupil’s Aspiration : Integrated skill:
stories, events and Knowledge Language/Grammar Focus:
experiences Thinking skills Reporting verbs (ways of speaking (e.g.
whisper) & questions in the past (e.g. how
Complementary skill: did you feel?)
Speaking 2.1.3
Explain and give
reasons for simple
Learning Objective : Success Criteria
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Pupils can
1. make and narrate the sentences using appropriate 1. narrate a short story.
ways of speaking. 2. listen and match the sentences.
2. listen and match at least 2 sentences correctly.
Main Vocabulary : Teaching Aids :
Power, electricity, accident, ambulance, heating, Academy Stars Year 6, Pupil’s Book: p:16,
emergency, Exercise(s): 1-6, Workbook: p:15, Teacher’s Book:

Learning Frame Impact

(Pre lesson) 1. List out vocabulary in previous lesson or words
with -ed/-ing adjectives. Check the meaning in tb
page 134.
Main Activities 2. Pupils refer vocabulary panel pg 16, work with
(Lesson Development) definitions and use the dictionary at the back of the
book -pg 134. Remind them to use this dictionary when PAK21 :
they need to, especially when they are reviewing the Think-Pair-Share
lessons at home. Communication
3. Pupils look at the pictures activity 1&2. Pupils
match the sentences to pictures and then listen to
i-Think :
check their answers.
Bubble map
4. Pupils listen and decide how the speaker is speaking
then practice speaking in different ways.
5. Pupils listen to the reporter’s questions and
choose the best answers. Pupils listen again to the
questions. They write the questions they hear next
to the answers
6. Pupils act out the emergency in small groups. Ppls
act as well as they can, showing emotion and using
different voices. Encourage creativity in this activity.
7. Depending on time available, ask some groups
perform to the class.
(Post Lesson) 8. Write a quote on the board from the story, using correct
punctuation. Ask pupils to say the spoken text in different
voices (e.g. whisper, shout, etc.)

Reflection 30/30 listen and match the sentences.

Mata Pelajaran: Unit 1: Bangunan Yang Indah Kelas:5M Tarikh: 10.04.2023

Pendidikan Seni Aktiviti: Kolaj dan gurisan Masa: 1030-1130 Hari: ISNIN
Visual (Menggambar)
Kod Standard Nilai Moral: Menyayangi dan Hubungan Rentasan Kurikulum: Kreativiti dan Inovasi
Pembelajaran: menghargai alam sekitar
2.1.1, 3.1.1 Aspirasi Murid: Kemahiran Ilmu: Pendidikan Seni KBT: Menjana idea
Objektif Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan:
Pada akhir pelajaran, pelajar dapat: 1. Murid dapat menghasilkan karya yang kreatif
1. Murid dapat menghasilkan karya mengikut mengikut proses pengkaryaan yang betul melalui
proses pengkaryaan yang betul. sumber idea.
Konsep Utama / Perbendaharaan Bahan Bantu Belajar:
Kata Utama: kolaj dan gurisan Kertas lukisan, berus warna air, palet, gam, warna
poster, pastel minyak, lidi, pembaris, manik, dan
Rangka Pengajaran Impak / Refleksi / Catatan
Aktiviti Permulaan 1. Murid memerhatikan video. Kecerdasan pelbagai: Verbal linguistik
(Bahagian 1) 2. Murid membincangkan dan
menyatakan pemerhatian video itu.
3. Guru mengaitkan set induksi dengan
pembelajaran hari ini.
Aktiviti Utama 1. Murid mengaplikasikan kemahiran Kemahiran berfikir kritis dan kreatif
Menghasilkan teknik dan proses serta media yang Kecerdasan pelbagai: visual-ruang
lukisan. betul dalam penghasilan karya. TP3 Round table
2. Murid menghasilkan lukisan Traffic light
mengikut kreativiti masing-masing. Dragon ball
3. Guru membimbing murid
menghasilkan lukisan.
Aktiviti Penutup 1. Guru membuat kesimpulan. Pentaksiran
Peneguhan dan 2. Murid memberitahu topik yang Kecerdasan pelbagai: Verbal linguistik
penilaian mereka pelajari hari ini.
Refleksi 32/32 Murid dapat menghasilkan karya yang kreatif mengikut proses pengkaryaan
yang betul melalui sumber idea.

Subject : ENGLISH Theme : World of Class : 3B Date : 10.04.2023

Self, Family and Time :11.30- Day : MONDAY
(Lesson 8 - L.Awareness 1) Friends 12.30
Topic : Unit 1 -
Learning Standard : Moral Values : Cross Curriculum Element: Language
Main skills: 4.3 Friendly, politeness Knowledge: Routines activities
Writing Integrated skill: Listening
4.3.2 Spelled an increased range of Language/Grammar Focus:
familiar high frequency words Modal can + verb
accurately in guided writing
Complementary skills: 1.2
1.2.1 Understand with supported the
main idea of short simple texts
Learning Objective : Success Criteria
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Pupils can read and understand a text then
1. Read and understand simple text by answering answer the questions given orally and
corresponding questions given. correctly.

Main Vocabulary : Teaching Aids : GSP3 - Teacher’s Book,

O’clock, half, past Student’s Book
Learning Frame Impact
(Pre lesson) 1. Gather the pupils.
2. Introduce the topic/objectives of the
3. Play an action or miming game to
review key sports vocabulary.

Main Activities 5. T pastes some flashcard on the Student’s Book

(Lesson Development) board. p.8, p.9
E.g ride a bike, swim, play the
piano, play basketball, play football
6. Pps say the words pointed by T.
7. T guides pps to say “I can ride a
bike.” “I can’t play the piano.” T
write the sentences on board.
8. Pps repeat the sentences again
and tell what the sentences

(Post Lesson) 9. Pupils will be divided into two Teacher’s Book

groups. P.25
10. T randomly distribute pictures to 4 (Optional 1 - Draw the time)
11. Pps match the pictures to the
correct sentences pasted on the
12. Pps read the sentences and
understand them through the
pictures matched by their friends.

Reflection 31/33 Pupils can read and understand a text then answer the
questions given orally and correctly.

TUESDAY ( 11.04.23 )
Subject : ENGLISH Theme :World of Self, Family and Class : 2M Date : 11.04.2
Friends Time :10.30- 023
Topic : Unit 23 Who’s Mr.White , Unit 11.30 Day : TUESDA
24 Philip and Phoebe , Unit 25 My Y
nephew, Mathew, Unit 26 Moe and his
Doe , Unit 27 Laura’s New Book
Focus : Phonics and Letter Sounds /w/
(wh), /f/ (ph), /ju:/ (ew), /әʊ/ (oe ), /ɔ:/
Learning Moral Values : Informed Cross Curriculum Element :
Standard : Language
Main: Knowledge : Added Value
3.1.2 Recognise multiple Skills :
and sound intelligent
out with some
beginning, medial
final sounds in a
i) Form upper and
case letters of
size and shape
ii) write letters and
in a straight line
from left
to right with
spaces between
and spaces
iii) copy letters and
familiar high
words and phrases
Learning Objective : Success Criteria
1. Pupils will be able to distinguish and articulate 1. Pupils will be able to label
beginning, medial and final sound words. the pictures with correct
2. Pupils will be able to develop early writing skills. words.
2. Pupils will be able to write
correctly and neatly.
Main Vocabulary : Teaching Aids :
Whale, wheel, white, whistle, whiskers, whale, dolphin, Kssr slideshows, Superminds
elephant, phone, photographer, blew, stew, chew, new, textbook, handouts
threw, tomatoes, hoe, potatoes, doe, august, dinosaur,
fauna, author, autumn

Learning Frame Impact / Reflection

Induction 1. Teacher writes down today’s objective on the
Main Activities 1. Sing a song.
2. Revise the previous target language phonemes
3. Blend and segment the words.
4. List out words with ‘wh’ sound.
5. Repeat activity 1 to 4 again for phonemes ‘ph’,
‘ew’, ‘oe’ and ‘au’.
6. Play snake and ladder, puzzle or cootie catcher
language game and gets the pupils to read and
spell the words aloud.
7. Pupils are provided with handouts.
 Pick and write
 Label the pictures
 Read and rewrite
8. Check and rectify errors.
Closure 1. Teacher recaps the lesson by having short
spelling test. Those who scored are rewarded.
Reflection 27/32 Pupils able to distinguish and articulate beginning, medial and final
sound words.

Subject : ENGLISH Theme : World of Knowledge Class : 5M Date : 11.04.2023

Focus : Main: Speaking Topic : Unit 1: TOWNS AND Time :11.30- Day : TUESDAY
Complimentary: Listening CITIES 12.30
Learning standard : Moral Values : Cross Curriculum Element : Values
Main: 2.1.2 Find out about and Friendship Integrated skill: Listening
describe experiences up to now. Pupil’s Aspiration : Language/Grammar Focus:
Complementary: 1.1.1 Recognise knowledge Comparative adjectives: quieter, friendlier,
and reproduce with little or no more expensive, better, worse, further
support a wide range of target
language phonemes
Learning Objective : Success Criteria :
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: Pupils can compare thing using
1.Find out about and describe experiences up to now. comparative adjectives.
2.Recognise and reproduce with little or no support a wide range of target
language phonemes
Main Vocabulary : Teaching Aids:
English Plus 1 Student’s Book Activities 1,
4, 5 p.17, Workbook p15.
Learning Frame Impact
(Pre lesson) 1. Write on board: Adjectives. Pupils brainstorm
6–10 adjectives and write on board. (21st CA)

Main Activities 2. Pupils do p.17 Activity 1. Check answers. 21st CENTURY

(Lesson Development) Pupils look at adjectives written on board from ACTIVITY:
Step 1. Choose pupils to say comparative forms. Brainstorming
Choose different pupils to write them on board.
Ask: Is the spelling of ___ correct? HOTS: Analysis
3. Pupils do Activity 4. Explain the activity is about
pronunciation of -er at end of adjectives. Play CLASSROOM
CD1.18. Repeat track and pause for pupils to say BASED
words chorally and some words individually. Ask: ASSESSMENT
What other word has a short sound? (than) (CBA): Role Play
4. Activity 5 Use It!: Check meaning of ‘opinion’
with examples: Kuala Lumpur is the capital of
Malaysia. I think Kuala Lumpur is very interesting.
Ask: Which sentence is true? Which sentence is
what somebody thinks? Pupils read Key Phrases.
Choose two pupils to model the dialogue in
speech bubbles.
5. Pupils do Activity 5 with a partner. They choose
3 or 4 things from the box and practice comparing
their opinions about them using adjectives and
Key Phrases. If time, pupils swap partners and
repeat. Choose several pairs to say their
dialogues to the class. (CBA)
(Post Lesson) 6. Write puzzle sentence p.17 ‘Finished?’ on
board: it’s faster than a car but slower than a
plane. Pupils in small groups think of a puzzle
sentence with two comparisons for another group
to guess.
Reflection 30/30 Pupils can compare thing using comparative adjectives.

Subject : ENGLISH Theme : World of Knowledge Class : 5M Date : 11.04.2023

Focus : Main: Reading Topic : Unit 1: TOWNS AND Time :11.30- Day : TUESDAY
Complimentary: Writing CITIES 12.30
Learning standard : Moral Values : Cross Curriculum Element : Creativity and
Main: 3.2.2 Understand specific Friendship Innovation
information and details of two Pupil’s Aspiration : Integrated skill: Listening
paragraphs or more knowledge Language/Grammar Focus:
Nouns: population, business, monument,
Complementary: 4.3.2 Spell a castle, zoo; Adverbs: quite, really, very
range of high frequency words
Teaching aids:English Plus 1 Student’s Book
accurately in independent writing
Activities 1–4 p.19, Workbook p17.

Learning Objective : Success Criteria :

By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: Pupils can write a description of a town or
1. Understand specific information and details of two paragraphs or more city that they like.
2. Spell a range of high frequency words accurately in independent
Learning Frame Impact
(Pre lesson) 1. Write on board ‘Edinburgh’ and eight words in
Think! at top of p.19. Pupils say words they know
(‘zoo’, ‘beach’, ‘old part’, ‘shops’). Show photos or
project images of a business, an office, a factory
and Kellie’s castle. (HOTS)
Main Activities 2. Pupils do Activity 1. They read the text and find 21st CENTURY
(Lesson Development) words from Step 1 in it then write them down. ACTIVITY: Think–
3. Explain there are words and phrases we use to Pair– Share
describe a town or city. Pupils do Activity 2. They
compare with a partner. Check answers. (21st HOTS: Analysis
4. Write adverbs, adjectives and nouns on board CLASSROOM
e.g. ‘really fantastic school., .very friendly BASED
children.. Pupils do Activity 3. In pairs they write ASSESSMENT
a phrase with really/very/quite + adj. + noun. (CBA): Class
Choose pupils to read phrases to class. (CBA) Participation
5. Do the first sentence in Activity 4 with pupils as
an example. Pupils order the words in sentences
6. Pupils then write jumbled words including an
adjective for a partner to put in sentence order.
Choose pupils to read the jumbled words then the
sentence with words in correct order. This activity
develops problem solving skills.
(Post Lesson) 6. With books closed, dictate some sentences to
the class. Check answers by writing the
sentences on the board. Ask pupils to check their
spelling carefully.
Reflection 29/31 Pupils can write a description of a town or city that they like.

WEDNESDAY (12.04.2023)
Subject : ENGLISH Theme : World of Knowledge Class : 6B Date : 12.04.2023
Focus : Listening Topic : UNIT 1 : IT'S AN Time : 8.30-9.30 Day : WEDNESDAY
Learning Standard : Moral Values : Cross Curriculum Element : Language, Values
Main skill: 1.2 Be alert Knowledge:
Listening 1.2.2 Understand Integrated skill:
with little or no support Pupil’s Aspiration : Language/Grammar Focus:
specific information and Knowledge Should(n’t) for giving advice
details of longer simple texts Thinking skills
on a range of familiar topics

Complementary skill: 2.1

Speaking 2.1.3
Explain and give reasons
for simple advice
Learning Objective : Success Criteria
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Pupils can
1. explain and give at least 1 suitable reason for their rescue 1. explain their rescue plan.
plan. 2. listen and identify the rescue plans.
2. listen and identify at least 2 advantages and disadvantages

Main Vocabulary : Teaching Aids :

Power, electricity, accident, ambulance, heating, emergency, Academy Stars Year 6, Pupil’s Book: p:17,
Exercise(s): 1-4, Workbook: p:15, Teacher’s
Book: 36
Learning Frame Impact
(Pre lesson) 1. Review homework by asking pupils to review
each other’s writing using the questions in Activity
5 on p.15 of the Workbook.
Main Activities 2. Pupils share their ideas for how to ask for help in
(Lesson Development) an emergency. Ppls read and analyse a short text to
identify parts of a problem. PAK21 :
3. Pupils anticipate problems based on pictures Think-Pair-Share
to predict what they will hear. Communication
4. Pupils listen for detail to see if they were correct in
Step 2. i-Think :
5. Ppls work in pairs. Set up this activity as a role Bubble map
play, where one pupil plays the part of Mike Dobbs,
and the other pupil gives him advice to solve the
problem using expressions such as I think you
should(n’t)… because… Remind pupils to explain the
reasons for the advice they give.
6. Ask some pupils to perform their role play to the
(Post Lesson) 7. Class discussion and share ideas.

Reflection Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given
to non-achievers
Subject : ENGLISH Theme : World of Knowledge Class : 6B Date : 12.04.2023
Focus : Speaking Topic : UNIT 1 : IT'S AN Time : 9.30-10.00 Day : WEDNESDAY
Learning Standard : Moral Values : Cross Curriculum Element : Language,
Main skill: 2.3 Be alert Creativity and Innovation
Speaking 2.3.1 Knowledge:
Narrate short basic stories, Pupil’s Aspiration : Integrated skill:
events and experiences Knowledge Language/Grammar Focus:
Thinking skills Reporting verbs (ways of speaking
Complementary skill: 2.1 (e.g. whisper) & questions in the past
Speaking 2.1.3 (e.g. how did you feel?)
Explain and give reasons
for simple advice

Learning Objective : Success Criteria

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Pupils can
1. make and narrate the sentences using appropriate ways of 1. narrate a short story.
speaking. 2. listen and match the sentences.
2. listen and match at least 2 sentences correctly.
Main Vocabulary : Teaching Aids :
Power, electricity, accident, ambulance, heating, emergency, Academy Stars Year 6, Pupil’s Book: p:16,
Exercise(s): 1-6, Workbook: p:15, Teacher’s
Book: 34-35
Learning Frame Impact
(Pre lesson) 1. List out vocabulary in previous lesson or words
with -ed/-ing adjectives. Check the meaning in tb
page 134.
Main Activities 2. Pupils refer vocabulary panel pg 16, work with
(Lesson Development) definitions and use the dictionary at the back of the
book -pg 134. Remind them to use this dictionary PAK21 :
when they need to, especially when they are Think-Pair-Share
reviewing the lessons at home. Communication
3. Pupils look at the pictures activity 1&2. Pupils
match the sentences to pictures and then listen to
i-Think :
check their answers.
Bubble map
4. Pupils listen and decide how the speaker is
speaking then practice speaking in different ways.
5. Pupils listen to the reporter’s questions and
choose the best answers. Pupils listen again to
the questions. They write the questions they hear
next to the answers
6. Pupils act out the emergency in small groups.
Ppls act as well as they can, showing emotion and
using different voices. Encourage creativity in this
7. Depending on time available, ask some groups
perform to the class.
(Post Lesson) 8. Write a quote on the board from the story, using
correct punctuation. Ask pupils to say the spoken text
in different voices (e.g. whisper, shout, etc.)

Reflection 27/29 Pupils can

1. narrate a short story.

Subject : ENGLISH Theme : World of Self, Class : 4K Date : 12.04.2023

Family and Friends Time : 11.30- Day : WEDNESDAY
Focus : Writing Topic : Unit 1 – Where 12.30
are you from?
Learning Standard : Moral Values : Cross Curriculum Element : Language
Main skill: 4.2 Respect other cultures Knowledge: Countries name
Writing Integrated skill: Listening
4.2.3 Describe basic Pupil’s Aspiration : Language/Grammar Focus: Adverbs of frequency to
everyday routines National identity describe routine
Complementary skill: 4.1 E.g I always + verb
Writing I always skate before dinner.
4.1.2 Use cursive writing
in written work
Learning Objectives : Success Criteria
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1. Pps can write 4 adverbs of frequency to complete
1. Write 4 adverbs of frequency to complete the the given sentences.
given sentences. 2. Pps can write a sentence using cursive writing
2. Write a sentence using cursive writing correctly correctly and neatly.
and neatly.

Main Vocabulary : Teaching Aids : GSP4 - Teacher’s Book p.23, Learning

Always, sometimes, usually, never CD, flashcards of the 4 daily routines, blue tack,

Learning Frame Impact

(Pre lesson) 1. Gather the pupils’ attention. Flashcards of a daily routine
2. Introduce the topic/objectives of the day.
3. Get pupils to read a sentence about a
picture shown.
4. Pps repeat the word that shows a daily

Main Activities 1. Get Pps to read the grammar box at the GSP4 Student’s Book p.9
(Lesson Development) top of page 9.
2. Pps read out loud three times.
3. T elicits that we use the adverbs of
frequency to talk how often we
do something.
4. Get Pps to say true sentences about
themselves using always,
usually, sometimes or never.
5. Pps will be given worksheets to complete
by listening to four short
dialogues twice.
6. Pps do peer assessment in pairs.
7. Pps will be given another worksheet for
cursive writing activity.

(Post Lesson) 1. Pps say a sentence that describes a PAK21: Popcorn game
person shown in the picture.
Reflection 30/30 Pps can write 4 adverbs of frequency to complete the given sentences

Subject : ENGLISH Theme : World of Class : 4K Date : 12.04.2023

Self, Family and Time : Day : WEDNESDAY
Focus : Language Arts 2 Friends 12.30-1.00
Topic : At the
playground (Poem)
Learning Standard : Moral Values : Cross Curriculum Element: Language / Values
Main skill: 5.2 Respect other (Safety)
Language Arts cultures Knowledge: Activity at a playground
5.2.1 Say in simple words and Integrated skill: Listening
phrases how a text makes them Pupil’s Aspiration : Language/Grammar Focus: Vocabulary,
feel Ethic and Spirituality Adjectives
Complementary skill: 2.1
2.1.1 Explain and give reasons
for basic opinion
Learning Objectives : Success Criteria
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 1. Pps can give reasons for their feelings based
1. give reasons for their feelings based on the flow map. on the flow map.
2. recite poems with feelings as indicated in the flow 2. Pps recite poems with feelings as indicated in
map. the flow map.

Main Vocabulary : Teaching Aids : Anthology of Poems,

Malaysia, the US, the UK, Mexico, Brazil, Korea, China Contemporary Children’s Literature Teaching
Guidebook - Poetry

Learning Frame Impact

(Pre lesson) 1. Gather the pupils’ attention. Anthology of Poems
2. Introduce the topic/objectives of Contemporary Children’s
the day. Literature Teaching Guidebook
3. Review related vocabulary of the
poem At the playground

Main Activities 1. Get Pps to practise reciting the

(Lesson Development) poem line by line.
2. Discuss activities that they can do
at the playground.
3. Guide Pps to give reasons for
their feelings based on the flow map.

(Post Lesson) 1. Pps recite poems with feelings as PAK21: Popcorn game
indicated in the flow map.

Reflection 27/30 Pps can give reasons for their feelings based on the flow map.

THURSDAY (13.04.2023)

Subject : ENGLISH Theme : World of Class : 3B Date : 13.04.2023

Self, Family and Time :7.30- Day : Thursday
(pg 15) Friends 8.30
Topic : Unit 2 -
Every Day
Learning Standard : Moral Values : Cross Curriculum Element: Language
Main skills: 1.2 Friendly, Knowledge: Routines activities
Listening politeness Integrated skill: Speaking
1.2.2 Understand with support specific
information and details of short simple Language/Grammar Focus:
texts Present simple for routines
Complementary skills: 1.3
1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar
words by using visual clues when a
teacher or classmate is speaking

Learning Objective : Success Criteria

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Pupils can read and understand 6 phrases
1. listen to a song then match 6 phrases to the correct from a song and match them with correct
pictures. pictures given..

Main Vocabulary : Teaching Aids :

do my homework, brush my teeth, have a shower, get GSP3 - Teacher’s Book, Student’s Book
dressed, comb my hair Flashcards
Learning Frame Impact
(Pre lesson) 1. Gather the pupils.
2. Introduce the topic/objectives of
the day.
3. Play an action or miming game to
review key sports vocabulary.
E.g I always brush my teeth.

Main Activities 5. T pastes some flashcard on the Student’s Book

(Lesson Development) board. p.15
E.g brush my teeth, have a
shower, comb my hair, get dressed
6. Pps say the words pointed by T.
7. T guides pps to say “I always
brush my teeth.” “I always comb
hair after get dressed.” T write
the sentences on board.
8. Pps repeat the sentences again
and tell what the sentences

(Post Lesson) 9. Pupils play a ‘Poison box’ game. PAK21:

10. Pps will do action/miming of Poison box.
what have written on the paper
got to the class.

Reflection 30/30 Pupils can read and understand 6 phrases from a song and
match them with correct pictures given..

Subject : ENGLISH Theme : World of Class : 3B Date : 13.04.2023

Self, Family and Time :8.30- Day : Thursday
(pg 15) Friends 9.00
Topic :Unit 2 -
Every Day
Learning Standard : Moral Values : Cross Curriculum Element: Language
Main skills: 1.2 Friendly, Knowledge: Routines activities
Listening politeness Integrated skill: Speaking and writing
1.2.2 Understand with support specific
information and details of short simple Language/Grammar Focus:
texts Present simple for routines
Complementary skills: 1.3
1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar
words by using visual clues when a
teacher or classmate is speaking

Learning Objective : Success Criteria

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Pupils can talk about everyday activities using
1. talk about everyday activities using always, sometimes always, sometimes and never by completing a
and never. table correctly.

Main Vocabulary : Teaching Aids : GSP3 - Teacher’s Book,

do my homework, brush my teeth, have a shower, get Student’s Book
dressed, comb my hair
Learning Frame Impact
(Pre lesson) 1. Gather the pupils.
2. Introduce the topic/objectives of
the day.
3. Review routines activities.

Main Activities 5. T pastes words of always, Student’s Book

(Lesson Development) sometimes and never on board. p.15
6. Pps are asked to guess the
meaning of these adverb of
frequency. T elicits the usage of
always, sometimes and never.
7. PPs listen to the CD and repeat
what they heard.
8. In group of four, PPs complete a
table by talking about activities
they always, sometimes and
never do.

(Post Lesson) 9. Get one member of each group

to talk about other member’s
activities he/she always,
sometimes and never do.

Reflection 27/30 Pupils can talk about everyday activities using always,
sometimes and never by completing a table correctly.

Mata Pelajaran: Tema: Barang Hiasan Kelas: 6B Tarikh: 13.04.2023

Pendidikan Seni Gantung Wira Barisan Masa: 9.00-10.00 Hari: KHAMIS
Visual Hadapan
Bidang: Tajuk: Wira Barisan
Membuat corak dan Hadapan

Kod Standard Nilai Moral: Hubungan Rentasan KBT: Menjana idea

Pembelajaran: Keberanian Kurikulum: Kreativiti
1.1.3, 2.1.1 Aspirasi Murid: dan Inovasi
Berfikir Inovasi Ilmu: Pendidikan Seni

Objektif Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan:

Pada akhir pelajaran, pelajar dapat: 1. Murid dapat menyatakan media dan teknik pada
1. Meneroka media berpandukan bahasa seni visual. karya atau produk.
2. Mengeksplorasi media dan teknik dalam bidang
untuk penghasilan karya atau produk.

Konsep Utama / Perbendaharaan Bahan Bantu Belajar:

Kata Utama: wira barisan hadapan kertas lukisan, pensel.

Rangka Pengajaran Impak / Refleksi /


Aktiviti Permulaan 1. Murid memperhatikan gambar imej wira barisan Kecerdasan Pelbagai
hadapan melalui internet.
2. Murid membincang dan menyatakan pemerhatian
paparan itu.
3. Guru mengaitkan set induksi dengan pembelajaran
hari ini.

Aktiviti Utama 1. Murid menyatakan siapakah wira barisan hadapan buku teks
di negara kita.TP3
2. Murid menyatakan corak dan rekaan baju uniform
wira barisan hadapan. KBKK: Membanding
3. Murid menghasilkan lakaran idea karya beza
berdasarkan reka bentuk/ rupa bentuk/ komposisi
pada kertas lukisan. Pentaksiran:
4. Murid membuat lakaran asas. Kecerdasan pelbagai
5. Murid menyatakan bahasa seni visual, media serta
proses dan teknik pada karya. TP3
6. Murid menghasilkan karya lukisan.
Aktiviti Penutup 1. Murid membuat kesimpulan.. Pentaksiran:
Soal jawab

Refleksi 30/30 Murid dapat menyatakan media dan teknik pada karya atau produk.

Subject : ENGLISH Theme : World of Self, Class : 4K Date : 13.04

Family and Friends Time :11.30- .2023
Focus : Speaking Topic : Unit 1 – Where 12.30 Day : THURSDAY
are you from?
Learning Standard : Moral Values : Cross Curriculum Element : Patriotism
Main skill: 2.1 Respect other cultures Knowledge: Countries name
Speaking Integrated skill: Listening
2.1.5 Describe people, and Pupil’s Aspiration : Language/Grammar Focus: Present
objects using suitable statements National identity Continuous questions in third person
Complementary skill: 1.2 E.g Q: What is he doing?
Listening A: He’s …….. -ing.
1.2.4 Understand longer
supported classroom instructions
Learning Objectives : Success Criteria
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Pupils can ask and answer questions using
1. ask and answer 2 questions to describe 3 persons from the present continuous correctly.
Pictures in pairs.
2. ask 2 questions using present continuous questions in third
E.g What is he/she doing?.... What are they doing?
Main Vocabulary : Teaching Aids : GSP4 - Teacher’s Book
Malaysia, the US, the UK, Mexico, Brazil, Korea, China
doing karate, exercising, playing chess, swimming
Learning Frame Impact
(Pre lesson) 1. Gather the pupils’ attention.
2. Introduce the topic/objectives of the day.
3. Get pupils to revise countries,
nationalities and daily activities.
4. Pupils are introduced to present
continuous questions in third
E.g Where is he/she from?..... What is
he/she doing?
Where are they from?...... What
are they doing?

Main Activities 1. Pupils listen to audio. GSP4 Student’s Book

(Lesson Development) 2. Pupils sit in pairs and practise asking and p.10
answering the given
questions structure.
3. Pupils use pictures in Student’s Book
page 10 for the activity.
4. Select 3 pairs randomly to do the activity
in front of the class.

(Post Lesson) 1. Call two pupils to the front.

2. Each Pp will be given a picture.
3. Pps talk about the picture.
E.g She’s from Malaysia. She’s playing
the piano.
They’re from Brazil. They’re
playing baseball.

Reflection 32/32 Pupils can ask and answer questions using present continuous

Subject : ENGLISH Theme : World of Class : 4K Date : 13.04

Self, Family and Time :12.30- .2023
Focus : Writing 3 Friends 1.00 Day : THURSDAY
Topic : Unit 1 –
Where are you
Learning Standard : Moral Values : Cross Curriculum Element : Language
Main skill: 4.3 Respect other Knowledge: Country, nationality, leisure
Writing cultures activities/ hobbies/ sports
4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops, Integrated skill: Speaking
question marks and commas in lists Pupil’s Aspiration Language/Grammar Focus: Present Simple to
appropriately in guided writing at : describe oneself
discourse level National identity
Complementary skill: 2.1
2.1.5 Describe people and objects
using suitable statements
Learning Objectives : Success Criteria
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Pupils can describe people in the pictures given
1. Describe people in the pictures given using 3 suitable using 3 suitable statements.
statements. Pupils can write a personal email to reply to
2. Write a personal email to reply to his /her friend’s email his /her friend’s email using correct capital
using correct capital letters, full stops, question marks and letters, full stops, question marks and commas.

Main Vocabulary : Teaching Aids : GSP4 - Teacher’s Book p.26-27,

Malaysia, the US, the UK, Mexico, Brazil, Korea, China Learning CD, flashcards of the 7 countries’ flags,
blue tack, cloth bag

Learning Frame Impact

(Pre lesson) 1. Gather the pupils’ attention. Flashcards of the flag
2. Introduce the topic/objectives of
the day.
3. Stick 2 pictures of people on
4. Point to one of them and ask Pps
to say:
E.g I’m Kate. I’m from the UK. I’m
twelve years old. In this picture
I’m reading.
5. Repeat the same procedure with
the other picture.
6. On the board write:
My name is…., I’m from…., I’m
…. years old., In this picture I’m…
7. Ask different Pps to talk about
themselves and their favourite
sports/leisure activities.

Main Activities 1. Direct Pps attention to the email GSP4 Student’s Book p.11
(Lesson Development) and the title. Ask Pps to guess
what it is going to be about. (It’s
about a boy who likes football.)
2. T plays CD and asks Pps to
follow along in their books.
3. Pps answer comprehension
questions regarding the text.
4. Direct Pps attention to the writing
tip and read it out loud.
5. Explain the writing tip to Pps.
6. Based on the email from Kumar,
get Pps to write a reply email to
him and write about themselves,
family and their hobbies.
7. Make sure Pps write with correct
punctuation and the spelling of

(Post Lesson) 1. Select 3 Pps randomly to read PAK21: Popcorn

their email in front of the class. game

Reflection 30/32 Pupils can describe people in the pictures given using 3
suitable statements

FRIDAY (14.04.2023)
Subject : ENGLISH Theme : World of Knowledge Class : 5M Date : 14.04.2023
Focus : Main: Writing Topic : Unit 1: TOWNS AND CITIES Time :7.30- Day : FRIDAY
Complimentary: Reading 8.30
Learning standard : Moral Values : Cross Curriculum Element : Creativity and
Main: 4.2.5 Connect sentences Friendship Innovation
into one or two coherent Pupil’s Aspiration : Integrated skill: Listening
paragraphs using basic knowledge Language/Grammar Focus:
coordinating conjunctions and Adjectives: interesting, friendly, nice,
reference pronouns pretty, favourite; Adverbs: quite, really,
Complementary: 3.2.1
Teaching aids: English Plus 1 Student’s
Understand the main idea of
Book Activity 5 p.19, Workbook p17.
simple texts of two paragraphs
or more
Learning Objective : Success Criteria :
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: Pupils can connect sentences using
1. Connect sentences into one or two coherent paragraphs using basic conjunctions.
coordinating conjunctions and reference pronouns
2. Understand the main idea of simple texts of two paragraphs or more
Learning Frame Impact
(Pre lesson) 1. Draw a line down centre of board. Write nouns as
a heading on left of line, adjectives on right. Pupils
brainstorm nouns and adjectives from previous
lesson. (21st C)
Main Activities 2. Pupils reread text about Edinburgh on p.19. Write 21st CENTURY
(Lesson Development) on board: A. What the writer likes about the city. B. ACTIVITY:
Other places and transport in the city. C. Where the Brainstorming
city is. Pupils match the phrases A–C to the
paragraphs in the text (1.C; 2.A; 3.B). HOTS: Analysis
3. Pupils do Activity 5 (Use it!). Explain they’re going CLASSROOM
to write a plan for a website with a description of a BASED
town or city they like. Read steps in Writing Guide ASSESSMENT
aloud. Remind pupils about order of paragraphs. (CBA): Class
Elicit ideas about how to describe the size of a place. Participation
4. Pupils look at Writing Guide, B Think and Plan.
They make notes about the place they like. Monitor
pupils as they write these.
5. Pupils write the description then read it to check
they have points in B, C and D of Writing Guide.
They draw smiley faces for writing the 5 points in B;
three paragraphs in C; ‘there’s’ and ‘there are’;
adjectives in the right place and comparative forms in
D. (CBA)
(Post Lesson) 6. To review topic vocabulary, do Post-Lesson Task
4: Correct the Mistake.
Reflection 30/30 Pupils can connect sentences using conjunctions.

Subject : ENGLISH Theme : World of Knowledge Class : 5M Date : 14.04.2023

Focus : Main: Language Art Topic : Unit 1: TOWNS AND Time :8.30-9.00 Day : FRIDAY
Complimentary: Reading CITIES
Learning standard : Moral Values : Cross Curriculum Element : Creativity
Main: 5.2.1 Explain in simple Friendship and Innovation
language why they like or Pupil’s Aspiration : Integrated skill: Listening
dislike an event, description or knowledge Language/Grammar Focus:
character in a text Vocabulary (musical instruments)
Complementary: 3.3.1 Read Teaching aids: Anthology of Poems
and enjoy A1 fiction/non- page17 Contemporary Children’s
fiction print and digital texts of Literature Teaching Guidebook (BPK) –
interest Poetry
Learning Objective : Success Criteria :
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to: Pupils can make a simple note on their
1.Explain in simple language why they like or dislike an event, friends’ instrument choice and their
description or character in a text reasons
2.Read and enjoy A1 fiction/non-fiction print and digital texts of
Learning Frame Impact
(Pre lesson) 1. Teacher provides lines for pupils to guess
the words by giving letters for teacher to verify
whether the letter is present in the word (focus
word: musical instruments e.g. guitar, piano,
drum, etc.
Main Activities 2. Have pupils to read through the poem and 21st CENTURY
(Lesson Development) ask them “What is the possible sound of …?” ACTIVITY:
(e.g … fiddle – tra-la-la, drum – boom, boom, Presentations
3. Divide the class into three big groups. HOTS: Analysis
4. Teacher asks two groups to read a stanza of CLASSROOM BASED
the poem and the other group will provide the ASSESSMENT (CBA):
sound effects (e.g. play a drum – drum a table) Class Participation
(21st CA)
5. Teacher asks pupils the instruments that
produce sound that they notice in the poem
(drum, fiddle & bubble gum) and say which
instrument they like/dislike. (HOTS)
6. Pupils ask their friends’ choice of instrument
and their simple reasons.
7. Pupils make a simple note on their friends’
instrument choice and their reasons. (CBA)
(Post Lesson) 8. Pupils form two lines facing each other and
share their findings based on their notes.
Reflection 30/30 Pupils can make a simple note on their friends’ instrument choice and
their reasons

Subject : ENGLISH Theme : World of Self, Family Class : 2M Date : 14.04.2

and Friends Time : 11.00- 023
Topic : Unit 28 Jane and the 12.00 Day : FRIDAY
Crane , Unit 29 Steve and Pete ,
Unit 30 Fried rice and lime
Juice , Unit 31 North Pole
Dream , Unit 34 Don’t be Rude
Focus : Phonics and Letter
Sounds eɪ/ (a-e), /i:/ (e-e), /aɪ/
(i-e), /әʊ/ (o-e), /u:/ (u-e)
Learning Standard : Moral Values : Informed Cross Curricular Element :
Main: 1.1.1 Recognise and Language
reproduce with support a Knowledge : Added Value
range of high frequency multiple Skills :
target language phonemes intelligent
3.1.1 Identify, recognise
and name the letters of
the alphabet
3.1.3 Blend phonemes

Learning Objective : Success Criteria

1. Recognise and reproduce target language phonemes 1. Pupils will be able to label
intelligibly. the pictures with the target
2. Identify and distinguish the letters of the alphabet. language phonemes
3. Blend phonemes to recognise words. correctly.

Main Vocabulary : Teaching Aids :

Bake, lake, cake, crane, crate, theme, trapeze, athlete, rice, Kssr slideshows, Superminds
kite, stripe, lime, white, close, drove, home, pole, froze, textbook, handouts
flute, rude, make, jute, June,

Learning Frame Impact / Reflection

Induction 1. Teacher writes down today’s objective
on the board.

Main Activities 1. Teacher introduces the phoneme ‘a-e’

to the pupils.

2. Pupils follow by repeating after the


3. Select few pupils to say aloud the

phoneme in the class. Make correction if

4. Teacher shows to pupils the pictures

with words of ‘ear’ through
slideshow/flashcards. Teacher
demonstrates the pronunciation and
guides pupils to segment and blend the
words. Pupils listen, repeat and spell

5. Repeat activity 1 to 4 again for

phonemes ‘e-e’, ‘i-e’, ‘o-e’ and ‘u-e’.

6. To check the pupils’ understanding,

teacher may spontaneously show some of
the pictures and let them name and spell
the words.

7. Pupils are provided with handouts.

 Listen and write

 Fill in the blanks
 Listen and tick
 Read and match

8. Check and rectify errors.

Closure 1. Teacher recaps the lesson by having

listening game.

Reflection 1. 33/33 Pupils will be able to label the pictures with the
target language phonemes correctly.

Subject : ENGLISH Theme : World of Self, Class : 2M Date : 14.04.2

Family and Friends Time : 11.00- 023
Topic : Unit 28 Jane and 12.00 Day : FRIDAY
the Crane , Unit 29
Steve and Pete , Unit 30
Fried rice and lime Juice
, Unit 31 North Pole
Dream , Unit 34 Don’t
be Rude
Focus : Phonics and
Letter Sounds eɪ/ (a-
e), /i:/ (e-e), /aɪ/ (i-
e), /әʊ/ (o-e), /u:/ (u-e)
Learning Standard : Moral Values : Cross Curriculum Element :
Main: Informed Language
4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower Knowledge : Added Value
case letters of regular size and multiple Skills :
shape. intelligent
ii) write letters and words in a
straight line from left to right with
regular spaces between words
and spaces. iii) copy letters and
familiar high frequency words and
phrases correctly.
3.1.1 Identify, recognise and
name the letters of the alphabet
Learning Objective : Success Criteria
1. Pupils will be able to develop early writing skills. 1. Pupils will be able to write
2. Pupils will be able to identify the words with the correctly and neatly.
target language phonemes. 2. Pupils will be able to match
the words that consist the
target phonemes with the
correct pictures.
Main Vocabulary : Teaching Aids :
Bake, lake, cake, crane, crate, theme, trapeze, athlete, rice, Kssr slideshows, Superminds
kite, stripe, lime, white, close, drove, home, pole, froze, textbook, handouts
flute, rude, make, jute, June,

Learning Frame Impact / Reflection

Induction 1. Teacher writes down today’s
objective on the board.

Main Activities 1. Sing a song.

2. Revise the previous target

words learnt.

3. Blend and segment the words.

4. Play snake and ladder, reading

dice or cootie catcher language
game and gets the pupils to read
and spell the words aloud.

5. Pupils are provided with


 Let’s rearrange
 Read and stick
 Read and rewrite

6. Check and rectify errors.

Closure 1. Teacher recaps the lesson by

having short spelling test. Those
who scored are rewarded.

Reflection 1. 33/33 Pupils will be able to write correctly and


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