September 17-21, 2018 Lesson Plan

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Department of Education

Region X
Division of Bukidnon
Impasugong National High School
Impasugong, Bukidnon
Lesson Plan

Subject: EARTH AND LIFE Date: September 17-21, Days: Monday -Friday Section: HUMSS YELLOW, HUMSS PINK, HE 11, HE 12,
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of
a. plant and animal reproduction
b. how genes work
September 17, 2018 Tuesday September 19, 2018 Thursday Friday
September 18, 2018 September 20, 2018 September 21, 2018
1.Objectives describe the different explain how the VACANT: HUMSS PINK conduct a survey of the VACANT: HUMSS
ways of how information in the DNA describe the process of current uses of genetically YELLOW, HE 11, AFA 12
representative animals allows the transfer of genetic engineering modified organisms evaluate the benefits and
reproduce genetic information and risks of using GMOs
synthesis of proteins
2.Subject 1. Code :( S11/12LT -IIej- 1. Code :( S11/12LT -IIej- 1. Code :( S11/12LT -IIej- 1. Code :( S11/12LT -IIej- 1. Code :( S11/12LT -IIej-
Matter 15) 16) 17) 18) 19)
2. Topic: Perpetuation Of 2. Topic: Perpetuation Of 2. Topic: Perpetuation Of 2. Topic: Perpetuation Of 2. Topic: Perpetuation Of
Life Life Life Life Life
3. Reference: Internet, 3. Reference: Internet, 3. Reference: Internet, 3. Reference: Internet, 3. Reference: Internet,
Earth and life Science, Earth and life Science, Earth and life Science, Earth and life Science, Earth and life Science,
Phoenix Publishing Phoenix Publishing Phoenix Publishing House, Phoenix Publishing House, Phoenix Publishing House,
House, Earth and Life House, Earth and Life Earth and Life Science Sib Earth and Life Science Sib Earth and Life Science Sib
Science Sib Science Sib 4. Materials: Pictures, 4. Materials: Pictures, 4. Materials: Pictures,
4. Materials: Pictures, 4. Materials: Pictures, Chalk, Chalkboard Chalk, Chalkboard Chalk, Chalkboard
Chalk, Chalkboard Chalk, Chalkboard 5. Values: Appreciation, 5. Values: Appreciation, 5. Values: Appreciation,
5. Values: Appreciation, 5. Values: Appreciation, Cooperation, Attentiveness Cooperation, Attentiveness Cooperation, Attentiveness
Cooperation, Cooperation,
Attentiveness Attentiveness
3. Procedure 1.Prayer 1.Prayer 1.Prayer 1.Prayer 1.Prayer
2. Greetings 2. Greetings 2. Greetings 2. Greetings 2. Greetings
3. Orderliness 3. Orderliness 3. Orderliness 3. Orderliness 3. Orderliness
4.Checking Attendance 4.Checking Attendance 4.Checking Attendance 4.Checking Attendance 4.Checking Attendance
5. Review 5. Review 5. Review 5. Review 5. Review
6. Motivation 6. Motivation 6. Motivation 6. Motivation 6. Motivation
Video Clip: Reproduction Video Clip: Genetic The class will read the
in Animals 7. Lesson Proper Engineering 7. Lesson Proper article in the Philippine
 Lecture/Discussion  Activity: Form a small Star, where the
7. Lesson Proper  The flow of genetic 7.Lesson Proper: group of 3 or 5 “Philippines is now the
information students. Select a biggest grower of GM
 Lecture/Discussion  Role of DNA in  Lecture/discussion picture of five or crops”.
 Methods of inheritance  Genetic more items of the Debate on the implication
Reproduction in  Role of DNA in Engineering current uses of of this economically,
some animals: protein synthesis and genetically modified politically, ecologically, etc.
 Budding  DNA Replication organism. Explain
 Fission whether the GMO will 7. Lesson Proper
 Fragmentati y help or harm these  Lecture/discussion
on Generalization:  How genetic items or the people On the Advantages
 Sexual 3-2-1 Strategy. engineering using them. Explain and disadvantages
Reproduction 3 things you have learned is done further whether of Genetically
 External 2 activities you enjoyed  DNA society will be Modified Organisms
Fertilization most Isolatio benefited or will be Activity: Create poster or
 Internal harmed by the slogans on the
Fertilization GMO’s implication/s, both positive
Generalization:  Ligatio and negative, of GMO in
3-2-1 Strategy. n Generalization: the Philippines.
3 things you have learned  Transf 3-2-1 Strategy.
2 activities you enjoyed ormati 3 things you have learned Generalization:
most on 2 activities you enjoyed 3-2-1 Strategy.
 Selecti most 3 things you have learned
2 activities you enjoyed
3-2-1 Strategy.
3 things you have learned
2 activities you enjoyed

4. Evaluation The teacher will give a The teacher will give a The teacher will give a quiz The given activity will serve The given activity will serve
quiz quiz as evaluation as evaluation
5. Students will compare Students will describe the Study lesson about Study lesson about
Agreement sexual and asexual relationship between genetically modified genetically modified
reproduction. Cite the genes and proteins organisms organisms
advantages and
disadvantages of each.

SHS- Teacher II SHS Assistant Principal II School Principal I
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Bukidnon
Impasugong National High School
Impasugong, Bukidnon
Lesson Plan

Subject: EARTH SCIENCE Date: September 17-21, 2018 Days: Mondays - Fridays Section: STEM 11
Content Standards: The learners demonstrate an understanding of the
a. geologic processes that occur within the Earth
b. folding and faulting of rocks
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
September 17, 2018 September 18, 2018 September 19, 2018 September 20, 2018 September 21, 2018

1. Objectives describe how rocks behave identify the layers of the VACANT identify the layers of the Earth Describe the continental
under different types of stress Earth drift theory
such as compression, pulling differentiate the layers of the
apart, and shearing differentiate the layers of Earth from each other discuss evidence that
the Earth from each other support continental drift

2.Subject 1.Code: 1.Code: 1.Code: 1.Code:

Matter (S11/12ES-IId-27) (S11/12ES-IId-28). (S11/12ES-IId-28).(S11/12ES- (S11ES-IIe-30); (S11ES-
Topic2. Topic: Deformation of (S11/12ES-IId-29). IId-29). IIe-31). Topic:
the Earth’s Crust Topic: Deformation of Topic: Deformation of the Deformation of the
the Earth’s Crust Earth’s Crust Earth’s Crust
3. Reference: Internet, Earth
and life Science, Phoenix 3. Reference: Internet, 3. Reference: Internet, Earth 3. Reference: Internet,
Publishing House, Earth and Earth and life Science, and life Science, Phoenix Earth and life Science,
Life Science Sib Phoenix Publishing Publishing House, Earth and Phoenix Publishing
House, Earth and Life Life Science Sib House, Earth and Life
4. Materials: Pictures, Chalk, Science Sib
Chalkboard Science Sib 4. Materials: Pictures, Chalk,
4. Materials: Pictures, Chalkboard 4. Materials: Pictures,
5. Values: Appreciation, Chalk, Chalkboard
Cooperation, Attentiveness Chalk, Chalkboard 5. Values: Appreciation,
5. Values: Appreciation, Cooperation, Attentiveness 5. Values: Appreciation,
Cooperation, Cooperation,
Attentiveness Attentiveness
3. Procedure 1. Prayer 1.Prayer 1.Prayer 1.Prayer
2. Greetings 2. Greetings 2. Greetings 2. Greetings
3. Orderliness 3. Orderliness 3. Orderliness 3. Orderliness
4.Checking Attendance 4.Checking Attendance 4.Checking Attendance 4.Checking Attendance
5. Review 5. Review 5. Review 5. Review
6. Motivation 6. Motivation 6. Motivation 6. Motivation
Word Illustration: “Deformed vs Inquiry and Review Video Presentation: Internal Identification of
Undeformed” Show students Structures of Earth Continents
the illustrations below Have the learners sketch
(Fig.1). Have them create their ideas of what the 7. Lesson proper 1. Present a globe or a
groups of 3-4 and report: a. interior of the Earth looks world map (preferably a
like within 10 minutes. Facilitate a laboratory activity big one).
What they observe b. What
Ask them to include and on constructing a scale model
they think has happened
label the following in their of the Earth’s interior. 2. Have the learners
7.Lesson Proper drawing: • Characteristics identify the different
(further instructions will be continents.
 Define the term of the materials
given by the teacher)
Deformation. Relate to (temperature,
3. Ask the learners the
earlier observations in composition, and physical
following questions: •
“Deformed vs state) • Boundaries
How much of the Earth is
Undeformed” Motivation between regions with Generalization:
covered by water? • What
activity different types of Exit Slip.
are the ocean basins of
 Contrast stress and materials • Changes that 1thing I learned today?
the world? What is the
strain. take place as you go 2things I found interesting
largest ocean basin? • Is
 Identify and describe deeper into the center of 3 questions I still have.
there anything peculiar
three fundamental kinds the Earth (change in
with the shape of the
of stress to which rocks temperature, pressure,
continents on the
are subjected: and density)
opposite sides of the
compressional Atlantic Ocean?
7. Lesson Proper
(squeezing), tensional
(stretching), and shear  Give a 7. Lesson Proper
(wrenching) stress. demonstration/lect
 Explain how factors such Introduce the continental
ure/simulation drift hypothesis.
as confining pressure, using the following
temperature, strain rate, lecture proper Enumerate and discuss
and composition affect outline the evidence supporting
deformation.  Earth’s layered continental drift
 Define strike and dip structure
 Discuss features of Activity: This activity
brittle deformation: joints  Earth’s layered entitled ‘Continental
and faults structure Jigsaw Puzzle’ was
 Discuss features of  Other methods by modified from (Earth
ductile deformation: which scientists Reference Data and
folds look into the Models, n.d.):
interior of the
Earth /1541/).
Generalization: Generalization: Generalization:
Exit Slip. Exit Slip. Exit Slip.
1thing I learned today? 1thing I learned today? 1thing I learned today?
2things I found interesting 2things I found interesting 2things I found interesting
3 questions I still have. 3 questions I still have. 3 questions I still have.

4. Evaluation The teacher will give a quiz The teacher will give a The given activity will serve as The given activity will
quiz evaluation serve as evaluation

5. Have the students research Learners will bring pencil, Ask the learners to write a
Agreement areas in the Philippines where crayons, compass and short story in which the main
faulting and/or folding is drawing paper for the character travels to the center
present. The students should activity next meeting of the Earth. The story should
submit a short written report describe the conditions and
identifying the kind of changes the character would
deformation and describing encounter at different depths
how the deformation has in his journey. Assure that the
contributed to the topography information about the layers of
of the area. the Earth’s interior are

Prepared by: SHERYL LOU A. ANGELES Checked and Recorded by: MA. SOCORRO B. HALASAN, PhD Noted: TEOFISTO D. DALMENTO JR.
SHS- Teacher II SHS Assistant Principal II School Principal I
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Bukidnon
Impasugong National High School
Impasugong, Bukidnon
Lesson Plan

Subject: GENERAL BIOLOGY Date : September 17-20, 2018 Days: Monday -Friday Section: STEM 12
Content Standards: The learners demonstrate an understanding of
A. Photosynthesis
B. Respiration
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
September 17, 2018 September September 19, 2018 September 20, 2018 September 21, 2018
18, 2018
1.Objectives Differentiate aerobic from anaerobic Explain the features and Explain the features and Distinguish major features
respiration sequence the chemical sequence the chemical of glycolysis, Krebs cycle,
events of cellular respiration events of cellular electron transport system,
respiration and chemiosmosis
2.Subject 1.Code: (STEM_BIO11/12-IIa-j-6) 1.Code: (STEM_Bio11/12- 1.Code: (STEM_Bio11/12- 1.Code: (STEM_BIO11/12-
Matter 2. Topic: Energy Transformation IIa-j-7) IIa-j-7) IIa-j-8)
3. Reference: Internet, Earth and 2. Topic: Energy 2. Topic: Energy 2. Topic: Energy
life Science, Phoenix Publishing Transformation Transformation Transformation
House, Earth and Life Science Sib 3. Reference: Internet, 3. Reference: Internet, 3. Reference: Internet,
4. Materials: Pictures, Chalk, Earth and life Science, Earth and life Science, Earth and life Science,
Chalkboard Phoenix Publishing House, Phoenix Publishing House, Phoenix Publishing House,
Earth and Life Science Sib Earth and Life Science Sib Earth and Life Science Sib
5. Values: Appreciation,
Cooperation, Attentiveness 4. Materials: Pictures, 4. Materials: Pictures, 4. Materials: Pictures,
Chalk, Chalkboard Chalk, Chalkboard Chalk, Chalkboard
5. Values: Appreciation, 5. Values: Appreciation, 5. Values: Appreciation,
Cooperation, Attentiveness Cooperation, Attentiveness Cooperation, Attentiveness
3. Procedure 1.Prayer 1.Prayer 1.Prayer 1.Prayer
2. Greetings 2. Greetings 2. Greetings 2. Greetings
3. Orderliness 3. Orderliness 3. Orderliness 3. Orderliness
4.Checking Attendance 4.Checking Attendance 4.Checking Attendance 4.Checking Attendance
5. Review 5. Review 5. Review 5. Review
6. Motivation 6. Motivation 6. Motivation 6. Motivation
To help your students analyze and Show a picture of students Video presentation: the Video presentation:
identify attributes and components of eating at the school mitochondrion Glycolysis
the mitochondrion, ask them the canteen, then show 7. Lesson proper HOTSEAT: Evaluate
following questions: questions Activity 1: 3-D students understanding of
1. What are the major parts of the 7. Lesson proper Mitochondrion Model the terms:
mitochondrion? Communicate to the class
2. What is the function of each part? the learning competencies. Let your class form triad. 1. Glycolysis
3. What would happen if each part Then go over the reactants Give a model color picture 2. Catabolism
were missing? and products of cellular of a mitochondrion that will 3. kinase
4. What is your conclusion? Give respiration. serve as their guide for the 4. mutase
examples of answers from students 3-D mitochondrion. Print 5. enolase
and what conclusion you expect to color pictures of a
give a good motivation to students mitochondrion and give 7. Lesson proper
You may ask them the one to each group.  Summary on the
7. Lesson Proper following questions: process of glycolysis
Activity 1: Accomplish the table 1. How many molecules of To make a 3-D model of a  Purpose of
below by comparing aerobic and ADP as reactant are mitochondrion, prepare the Glycolysis
anaerobic respiration needed to produce about 38 following materials: Old
factors aerobic anaerobic molecules of ATP for newspapers, metal wires, Activity:
Main function eukaryotic organisms? starch (serves as paste),
Site of 2. Which groups in the vinegar, acrylic paint, and
Prodcution of
cellular respiration equation paintbrush.
atp go in?
Sustainability 3. Which groups are The sizes of the 3-D model
Production of released? mitochondrion are: Length
lactic acid — 24 inches, width — 14
Oxygen Generalization: inches, height — 8 inches.
requirement Exit Slip.
Recycling of
1thing I learned today? From the metal wire, mold
Participating 2things I found interesting a mitochondrion based on
cells 3 questions I still have. the sizes given. The cristae
of the mitochondrion can
be formed through the
metal wire.

Prepare a mixture for the

starch (this will serve as
your paste) as follows: 2
cups water, 2 cups starch,
Activity 2: 1 cup vinegar. Mix the
materials together under
normal fire for 3-5 minutes.

With the old newspapers

collected from the students’
neighbors, tell your
students to wet the
newspapers with paste and
glue them on to the metal

Let the model dry up

before they paint the 3-D
model mitochondrion
Provide expected answers
to the table
4.Evaluation The given activity will serve as The teacher will give a quiz The given activity will serve The given activity will serve
evaluation as evaluation as evaluation
5.Agreement Compare aerobic and anaerobic Tell the students to bring Study lesson about
respiration by accomplishing the the following materials: Glycolysis
Venn diagram below.
Old newspapers, metal
wires, starch (serves as
paste), vinegar, acrylic
paint, and paintbrush.

Prepared by: SHERYL LOU A.ANGELES Checked and Recorded by: MA. SOCORRO B. HALASAN, PhD Noted by: TEOFISTO D. DALMENTO JR.
SHS- Teacher II SHS Assistant Principal II School Principal I

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