Маммограф M-IV (Hologic) Rev 002 May 2011 СИ

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ENG-0034-T33, Rev. 002
M-IV Series Service Manual, Fifth Edition
Part Number MAN-01929
Revision 002
May 2011
This manual applies to M-IV Mammography Systems using Host software Version 6.2.5 or higher,
manufactured after June 2010.
For systems using Host software Version 6.2.5 or higher and manufactured before June 2010,
use part number MAN-00341.
For Systems using Host Version 5.4.1 only, use part number MAN-00223.
For Systems using Host Version 5.3.0 and earlier, use part number 9-500-0276.

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Service Manual
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

List of Figures ....................................................................................................................-xiii

List of Tables .................................................................................................................... -xvii
Preface .............................................................................................................................. -xxi
1.0 Intended Use .............................................................................................................................................-xxi
1.1 Contraindications ................................................................................................................................-xxi
1.2 Potential Adverse Effects .....................................................................................................................-xxi
1.3 Product Complaints .............................................................................................................................-xxi
2.0 Quality Control .........................................................................................................................................-xxi
3.0 Training .....................................................................................................................................................-xxi
4.0 Terms and Definitions ..............................................................................................................................-xxii
5.0 Warnings, Cautions and Notes ................................................................................................................-xxiii
6.0 International Symbols ..............................................................................................................................-xxiv
7.0 M-IV Manual Set .....................................................................................................................................-xxiv
8.0 Using the Service Manual .........................................................................................................................-xxv
Chapter 1—General Information .......................................................................................1-1
1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 1-1
2.0 System Description .................................................................................................................................... 1-1
2.1 The Operator Console ......................................................................................................................... 1-1
2.2 The Gantry and C-Arm ........................................................................................................................ 1-2
2.3 Required Tools and Equipment ........................................................................................................... 1-4
3.0 Safety ........................................................................................................................................................ 1-5
3.1 Isolation Integrity ................................................................................................................................ 1-5
3.2 Radiation Safety .................................................................................................................................. 1-6
3.3 Electrical Safety ................................................................................................................................... 1-7
3.4 Mechanical Safety ............................................................................................................................... 1-7
3.5 Emergency Off Switches ...................................................................................................................... 1-8
3.6 Interlocks ............................................................................................................................................ 1-8
3.7 Remote X-ray On/Power On Indicators ............................................................................................... 1-9
4.0 Compliance ............................................................................................................................................. 1-10
4.1 Compliance Requirements ................................................................................................................ 1-10
4.2 Compliance Statement ...................................................................................................................... 1-11
4.3 Certifiable Components ..................................................................................................................... 1-12
4.4 Location of Labels ............................................................................................................................. 1-12
Chapter 2—System Installation ..........................................................................................2-1
1.0 Receiving and Unpacking Instructions ....................................................................................................... 2-1
2.0 Installation Tools and Equipment ............................................................................................................... 2-1
3.0 Room Planning .......................................................................................................................................... 2-1
3.1 Receiving Instructions ......................................................................................................................... 2-2
3.2 Uncrating the Gantry .......................................................................................................................... 2-3
3.3 Uncrating—Operator Console ............................................................................................................. 2-4
3.4 Uncrating—Radiation Shield ............................................................................................................... 2-4

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4.0 Installation .................................................................................................................................................2-5

4.1 Securing Gantry in Position .................................................................................................................2-5
4.2 Gantry Input Power Configuration .......................................................................................................2-6
4.3 Remote X-ray On/Power On Indicators—Connection ..........................................................................2-7
4.4 Installation—Footswitch(es) .................................................................................................................2-8
4.5 Operator Console Installation ..............................................................................................................2-8
4.6 Console Display—Installation ..............................................................................................................2-9
4.7 Gantry to Operator Console Interconnections ....................................................................................2-10
4.8 Radiation Shield Installation ..............................................................................................................2-12
5.0 Initial Startup Procedures .........................................................................................................................2-13
5.1 Remote X-ray On Light Configuration ................................................................................................2-13
5.2 Initial Pre-Startup Tests ......................................................................................................................2-13
5.3 System Startup—Initial .......................................................................................................................2-14
5.4 Calculate Ground Impedance ............................................................................................................2-15
5.5 Functional Tests .................................................................................................................................2-15
5.6 Install MIS Interface (Optional) ..........................................................................................................2-16
5.7 Setting Operational Parameters ..........................................................................................................2-16
6.0 Final Operational Setup ...........................................................................................................................2-17
6.1 System Shutdown ..............................................................................................................................2-17
6.2 Final Setup ........................................................................................................................................2-17
Chapter 3—System Setup .................................................................................................. 3-1
1.0 Switches and Connections .........................................................................................................................3-1
1.1 Host Microprocessor Board .................................................................................................................3-1
1.2 Host Microprocessor Board Switch Settings .........................................................................................3-2
2.0 M-IV Controls and Functional Tests ...........................................................................................................3-5
2.1 Emergency Off Switches ....................................................................................................................3-10
2.2 The Input Power Circuit Breaker ........................................................................................................3-10
2.3 C-Arm Rotation Memory ...................................................................................................................3-10
3.0 Setting System Defaults ............................................................................................................................3-11
3.1 Making Selections / Entering Data .....................................................................................................3-12
3.2 The Default Worksheet ......................................................................................................................3-12
3.3 Setting Defaults—Setup Mode Screen ................................................................................................3-12
3.4 Default Setting—Pre-Compression Force ...........................................................................................3-12
3.5 Default Setting—Motorized Modes (Pre/Full/Dual) Compression Force ..............................................3-13
3.6 Default Setting—Compression Release Mode ....................................................................................3-13
3.7 Default Setting—Collimator Mode .....................................................................................................3-13
3.8 Default Setting—Exposure Mode .......................................................................................................3-14
3.9 Default Setting—Magnification Mode ................................................................................................3-14
3.10 Default Setting—View Reminder .....................................................................................................3-14
3.11 Default Setting—Auto Timing Windows / mAs Table .......................................................................3-14
3.12 Default Setting—Printer ...................................................................................................................3-15
3.13 Default Setting—Auto ID .................................................................................................................3-15
3.14 Default Setting—Cassette Sense .......................................................................................................3-15
3.15 Default Setting—Retain Patient Data ...............................................................................................3-15
3.16 Time On Flash .................................................................................................................................3-16
3.17 Observation Record .........................................................................................................................3-16
3.18 Dose/ESD Display ...........................................................................................................................3-16
3.19 Default Setting—Variable Speed Compression .................................................................................3-16

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4.0 Default Settings—Additional Setup Mode Screen ..................................................................................... 3-16

4.1 Default Setting—Compression Force Units ........................................................................................ 3-16
4.2 Default Setting—MIS Interface Option .............................................................................................. 3-17
4.3 Setting—Film Type ............................................................................................................................ 3-17
4.4 Setting—Flash Time .......................................................................................................................... 3-17
4.5 Setting—Date .................................................................................................................................... 3-17
4.6 Setting—Time ................................................................................................................................... 3-18
4.7 Setting—Institution Data Field ........................................................................................................... 3-18
4.8 Setting—Address Data Field .............................................................................................................. 3-18
4.9 Setting—Tech ID Cleared with Clear Key .......................................................................................... 3-18
4.10 Setting—Auto ID Contrast ............................................................................................................... 3-19
4.11 Setting—Auto ID Offset ................................................................................................................... 3-19
4.12 Setting—Daylight Savings Time ....................................................................................................... 3-19
4.13 Setting—RIS Timeout ...................................................................................................................... 3-19
4.14 Default Settings—Exposure Techniques ........................................................................................... 3-20
5.0 Exposure System Calibration .................................................................................................................... 3-22
5.1 Line Regulation Test .......................................................................................................................... 3-22
5.2 Setting—X-ray Tube Type .................................................................................................................. 3-22
5.3 Tube Bias Adjustment ....................................................................................................................... 3-23
5.4 Prepare for kV Calibration ................................................................................................................. 3-24
5.5 Tube Voltage (kV) Calibration ........................................................................................................... 3-25
5.6 Tube Current (mA) Adjustment .......................................................................................................... 3-26
6.0 Half Value Layer Determination for Dose Display ................................................................................... 3-30
7.0 Preparing for AEC Detector Gain Calibration ........................................................................................... 3-32
7.1 General Information .......................................................................................................................... 3-32
7.2 AEC Detector Gain Calibration ......................................................................................................... 3-32
8.0 AEC Curve Selection ................................................................................................................................ 3-33
9.0 AEC Calibration ....................................................................................................................................... 3-35
9.1 Adjust Master Density for Large Focal Spot ....................................................................................... 3-35
9.2 AEC Calibration, 100 mA .................................................................................................................. 3-36
9.3 AEC Calibration, Reduced mA .......................................................................................................... 3-42
9.4 AEC Calibration, Large Film Offset .................................................................................................... 3-44
9.5 Scout Shot Index Adjustment ............................................................................................................. 3-45
9.6 Adjust Master Density for Small Focal Spot ....................................................................................... 3-45
9.7 AEC Calibration, Small Focal Spot ..................................................................................................... 3-46
9.8 Starting kV Lookup Table and Auto-Filter Threshold Selection .......................................................... 3-51
9.9 AEC Calibration for Multiple Film Types ........................................................................................... 3-51
10.0 Reference Tables .................................................................................................................................. 3-53
11.0 System Performance Tests ...................................................................................................................... 3-56
12.0 Verify X-ray and Light Field Congruency ............................................................................................... 3-56
13.0 Perform System Performance Test .......................................................................................................... 3-56
14.0 System Log Information ......................................................................................................................... 3-56
14.1 Setup ............................................................................................................................................... 3-56
14.2 Downloading Log Information ........................................................................................................ 3-56
14.3 Clearing the Error Log ..................................................................................................................... 3-57
15.0 Final Set Up Tests .................................................................................................................................. 3-57
15.1 Verify AutoFilm ID .......................................................................................................................... 3-57
15.2 Exposure Counter Reset ................................................................................................................... 3-58
15.3 Speed Control Adjustments ............................................................................................................. 3-58
15.4 C-arm Vertical Travel Limits Adjustment ......................................................................................... 3-59
15.5 Setting—Compression Release Distance .......................................................................................... 3-60
15.6 Setting—Auto-Filter kV Threshold ................................................................................................... 3-61
16.0 Return System to Normal Operation ...................................................................................................... 3-61

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Chapter 4—Operator Console Maintenance ...................................................................... 4-1

1.0 Parts Identification .....................................................................................................................................4-1
1.1 Operator Console PCB DIP Switch Settings .........................................................................................4-2
2.0 Remove and Replace Procedures ...............................................................................................................4-2
2.1 Operator Console Covers ....................................................................................................................4-3
2.2 Console Keyboard ...............................................................................................................................4-4
2.3 X-ray Switch Assembly Maintenance ...................................................................................................4-5
2.4 Console Display ..................................................................................................................................4-7
2.5 AutoFilm ID Assembly .........................................................................................................................4-8
2.6 M-IV Operator Console PCB ................................................................................................................4-9
2.7 Low Voltage Power Supply ................................................................................................................4-11
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance ....................................................................................... 5-1
1.0 Parts Identification .....................................................................................................................................5-1
1.1 Gantry Circuit Board Locations ............................................................................................................5-1
1.2 Gantry Mechanical Assembly Locations ..............................................................................................5-2
2.0 Remove and Replace Procedures ...............................................................................................................5-3
2.1 Gantry Covers .....................................................................................................................................5-3
2.2 High Voltage Generator Assembly .......................................................................................................5-5
2.3 Generator Microprocessor Board .........................................................................................................5-7
2.4 Filament Control Board .......................................................................................................................5-7
2.5 Rotor Control Board ............................................................................................................................5-7
2.6 Mains Power Board .............................................................................................................................5-8
2.7 C-arm Microprocessor Board (if equipped) ..........................................................................................5-8
2.8 Host Microprocessor Board .................................................................................................................5-9
2.9 Motor/Lamp Control Board ................................................................................................................5-10
2.10 Rotation Display Boards ..................................................................................................................5-10
3.0 Gantry Frame Components—Remove and Replace ..................................................................................5-11
3.1 Gantry C-arm Rotational Switches .....................................................................................................5-11
3.2 VTA Motor Driver Board ...................................................................................................................5-11
3.3 C-arm Rotation Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly .........................................................................5-12
3.4 C-arm Vertical Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly ..........................................................................5-13
3.5 C-arm Rotation Potentiometer ...........................................................................................................5-14
4.0 Preventive Maintenance—Gantry ............................................................................................................5-15
4.1 C-arm Rotation Gear Assembly Inspection and Lubrication ...............................................................5-15
4.2 VTA Lead Screw Inspection and Lubrication ......................................................................................5-15
5.0 Tests, Adjustments, and Calibrations ........................................................................................................5-16
5.1 HV Control Board Over-Current/Over-Voltage Adjustment ................................................................5-16
5.2 Filament Control Board Over-Current/Over-Voltage Adjustment .......................................................5-16
5.3 Rotation Angle Calibration ................................................................................................................5-17
5.4 C-arm Switch Interlocks—Verification ...............................................................................................5-19

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Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance .........................................................................6-1

1.0 Parts Identification ..................................................................................................................................... 6-1
1.1 Tubehead Components ....................................................................................................................... 6-1
1.2 Beam Limiting Assembly ..................................................................................................................... 6-2
1.3 C-arm Components ............................................................................................................................. 6-3
2.0 Remove and Replace Procedures—Tubehead Components ....................................................................... 6-4
2.1 Tubehead Covers ................................................................................................................................ 6-4
2.2 Beam Limiting Assembly ..................................................................................................................... 6-5
2.3 X-ray Tube .......................................................................................................................................... 6-7
2.4 Tubehead Cooling Fan ........................................................................................................................ 6-8
2.5 Filament Protection Board ................................................................................................................... 6-9
2.6 Tubehead Switch Boards ................................................................................................................... 6-10
2.7 Tubehead Microprocessor and Tubehead Motor Driver Board .......................................................... 6-11
3.0 Remove and Replace—Compression Components .................................................................................. 6-12
3.1 Compression Device Covers ............................................................................................................. 6-12
3.2 Compression Thickness Potentiometer .............................................................................................. 6-13
3.3 C-arm Bellows Assemblies ................................................................................................................ 6-14
3.4 Compression/AEC Position Display Board ......................................................................................... 6-14
3.5 Compression Paddle Detect Board .................................................................................................... 6-15
3.6 Compression Clutch and Clutch Brake Assembly .............................................................................. 6-15
3.7 Force Load Cell ................................................................................................................................. 6-17
3.8 Compression Motor and Motor Brake ................................................................................................ 6-18
3.9 Timing Belt ....................................................................................................................................... 6-20
4.0 Remove and Replace—IRSD Components ............................................................................................... 6-20
4.1 Image Receptor Support Device (IRSD) Covers .................................................................................. 6-21
4.2 Breast Tray Switch Assembly ............................................................................................................. 6-22
4.3 Image Receptor Accessory Detect Board ........................................................................................... 6-22
4.4 Bucky Interface Board ....................................................................................................................... 6-23
4.5 Image Receptor Microprocessor Board .............................................................................................. 6-23
4.6 AEC Detect Board ............................................................................................................................. 6-24
5.0 Tests, Adjustments, and Calibrations ........................................................................................................ 6-25
5.1 Compression Chain Tension Adjustment ........................................................................................... 6-25
5.2 Compression Thickness Potentiometer Mechanical Adjustment ........................................................ 6-26
5.3 Setting—Force Load Cell ................................................................................................................... 6-26
5.4 Compression Force Calibration ......................................................................................................... 6-27
5.5 Compression Thickness Potentiometer Calibration ............................................................................ 6-28
5.6 Paddle Detect Circuit Calibration ...................................................................................................... 6-29
5.7 Compression Paddle Detect Board Logic States ................................................................................. 6-29
5.8 Image Receptor Detect Board Test and Verification ........................................................................... 6-30
Chapter 7—Power Distribution Maintenance ....................................................................7-1
1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 7-1
2.0 Remove and Replace Procedures ............................................................................................................... 7-2
2.1 Power Distribution Board .................................................................................................................... 7-3
2.2 Mains Power Board ............................................................................................................................. 7-4
2.3 Power Supply Interconnect Board ....................................................................................................... 7-4
2.4 Emergency Off Switch ......................................................................................................................... 7-5
2.5 Circuit Breaker .................................................................................................................................... 7-6
2.6 +15 V Power Supply Board (StereoLoc II option only) ......................................................................... 7-6
2.7 Isolation Transformer/Power Distribution Unit .................................................................................... 7-7
3.0 Power Supply Interconnect Board Adjustment ........................................................................................... 7-8

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Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests ...................................................................... 8-1

1.0 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................8-1
2.0 Preventive Maintenance Schedule .............................................................................................................8-1
3.0 X-ray System Performance .........................................................................................................................8-3
3.1 Half Value Layer Compliance Test .......................................................................................................8-3
3.2 Reproducibility and Linearity (Manual Mode) Test ...............................................................................8-6
3.3 Reproducibility (Auto-Time Mode) Test .............................................................................................8-10
3.4 Reproducibility (Auto-kV Mode) Test .................................................................................................8-11
3.5 Reproducibility (Auto-Filter Mode) Test .............................................................................................8-12
4.0 X-ray and Light Field Compliance ............................................................................................................8-13
4.1 X-ray Field Adjustment - Large Focal Spot (Film-Based Method) ........................................................8-13
4.2 X-ray Field Adjustment - Small Focal Spot .........................................................................................8-18
4.3 Light Field Alignment Test and Adjustment ........................................................................................8-21
4.4 Light Field Adjustment - Small Focal Spot ..........................................................................................8-23
4.5 Light Field Illuminance Test and Adjustment .....................................................................................8-26
4.6 Light Field Edge Contrast Test ............................................................................................................8-28
5.0 System Performance .................................................................................................................................8-29
5.1 System Test ........................................................................................................................................8-29
5.2 M-IV Bucky Device (Linear) Performance Test ...................................................................................8-29
5.3 M-IV Bucky Device (HTC Grid) Performance Test .............................................................................8-30
5.4 Maximum mAs in Auto-Time Mode Performance Test .......................................................................8-31
5.5 Optical Density (Users Preference) Verification .................................................................................8-32
6.0 X-ray Shielding Compliance .....................................................................................................................8-32
6.1 IRSD Leakage Test .............................................................................................................................8-32
6.2 X-ray Tubehead Leakage Test ............................................................................................................8-33
Chapter 9—Care and Cleaning .......................................................................................... 9-1
1.0 For General Cleaning .................................................................................................................................9-1
2.0 To Prevent Possible Injury or Equipment Damage ......................................................................................9-1
3.0 How to Clean the Operator Console ..........................................................................................................9-2
3.1 Display ................................................................................................................................................9-2
3.2 Keyboard .............................................................................................................................................9-2
4.0 How to Clean the Integrated Bucky Markers ..............................................................................................9-2
4.1 Routine Cleaning .................................................................................................................................9-2
4.2 How to Clean the Surfaces of the Marker Rail ......................................................................................9-2
Chapter 10—Updating the Firmware ............................................................................... 10-1
1.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................10-1
2.0 Preparation ..............................................................................................................................................10-1
3.0 Firmware Replacement ............................................................................................................................10-1
3.1 Gantry Firmware Locations ................................................................................................................10-2
3.2 Image Receptor Firmware Replacement .............................................................................................10-3
3.3 Operator Console Firmware Replacement .........................................................................................10-4
3.4 Tubehead Firmware Replacement .....................................................................................................10-5
4.0 Confirmation Testing ................................................................................................................................10-5

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Appendix A—Specifications .............................................................................................. A-1

1.0 Unit Measurements ...................................................................................................................................A-1
2.0 Electrical Input ..........................................................................................................................................A-2
3.0 Operating Environment .............................................................................................................................A-2
4.0 Storage Environment ..................................................................................................................................A-2
5.0 Tubestand ..................................................................................................................................................A-3
5.1 C-arm ..................................................................................................................................................A-3
5.2 Compression .......................................................................................................................................A-4
6.0 X-ray Tube .................................................................................................................................................A-6
7.0 X-ray Tube Housing ...................................................................................................................................A-6
8.0 X-ray Beam Filtration and Output ..............................................................................................................A-6
9.0 X-ray Collimation ......................................................................................................................................A-7
10.0 Light Field Indication ...............................................................................................................................A-7
11.0 High Voltage Generator ...........................................................................................................................A-7
12.0 Accuracy, Reproducibility, and Linearity .................................................................................................A-8
13.0 Image Receptors ......................................................................................................................................A-8
14.0 Exposure Control .....................................................................................................................................A-9
Appendix B—Technical References ................................................................................... B-1
1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... B-1
2.0 Alert Codes ................................................................................................................................................ B-1
3.0 Test Points ................................................................................................................................................. B-3
4.0 Fuses ....................................................................................................................................................... B-11
4.1 Fuses—Operator Console .................................................................................................................. B-11
4.2 Fuses—Gantry ................................................................................................................................... B-12
5.0 Jumpers ................................................................................................................................................... B-13
6.0 Auto-Time Exposure Mode ...................................................................................................................... B-15
6.1 Auto-Time Exposure Mode—Theory of Operation ............................................................................. B-15
7.0 Auto-kV Exposure Mode .......................................................................................................................... B-16
7.1 Auto-kV Exposure Mode—Theory of Operation ................................................................................ B-16
8.0 Auto-Filter Exposure Mode ...................................................................................................................... B-17
8.1 Auto-Filter Exposure Mode—Theory of Operation ............................................................................. B-17
8.2 AEC Sample Pulse mA Table ............................................................................................................. B-18

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Appendix C—Worksheets .................................................................................................. C-1

1.0 Site Preferences Worksheet ....................................................................................................................... C-1
1.1 Optical Density .................................................................................................................................. C-1
1.2 Dose Display ...................................................................................................................................... C-1
1.3 Lookup Tables .................................................................................................................................... C-1
2.0 Default Worksheets ................................................................................................................................... C-2
2.1 Setup Mode Defaults .......................................................................................................................... C-2
2.2 Additional Setup Mode Defaults ......................................................................................................... C-3
2.3 Exposure Technique Defaults ............................................................................................................. C-4
3.0 Additional Worksheets .............................................................................................................................. C-5
3.1 Automatic Exposure Control Calibration ............................................................................................. C-5
3.2 Half Value Layer Determination for Dose Display ............................................................................ C-15
3.3 Half Value Layer Test ....................................................................................................................... C-16
3.4 Reproducibility Worksheet ............................................................................................................... C-17
3.5 X-ray Field Adjustment - Small Focal Spot ........................................................................................ C-19
3.6 Light Field Illuminance Test and Adjustment .................................................................................... C-20
3.7 Light Field Edge Contrast Test ........................................................................................................... C-20
3.8 Line Regulation Test ......................................................................................................................... C-20
Appendix D—Parts List ..................................................................................................... D-1
1.0 Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................D-1
2.0 The Replacement Parts Lists ......................................................................................................................D-1
Index .................................................................................................................................. I -1

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List of Figures

List of Figures
Figure 1-1 Operator Console Components..................................................................................................1-1
Figure 1-2 Gantry and C-arm Components .................................................................................................1-3
Figure 1-3 Emergency Off Switch Locations................................................................................................1-8
Figure 1-4 Label Locations........................................................................................................................1-13
Figure 2-1 M-IV—Typical Room Layout .....................................................................................................2-1
Figure 2-2 Uncrating the Gantry .................................................................................................................2-3
Figure 2-3 Uncrating the Operator Console ................................................................................................2-4
Figure 2-4 Installation—Gantry...................................................................................................................2-5
Figure 2-5 Input Power Configuration.........................................................................................................2-6
Figure 2-6 Connecting to Source ................................................................................................................2-7
Figure 2-7 Installation—Footswitch(es) .......................................................................................................2-8
Figure 2-8 Installation—Operator Console..................................................................................................2-8
Figure 2-9 Console Display Installation ......................................................................................................2-9
Figure 2-10 Operator Console PCB Connections ........................................................................................2-9
Figure 2-11 Installing the Console Cable Cover ........................................................................................2-10
Figure 2-12 M-IV Interconnections ...........................................................................................................2-11
Figure 2-13 Installation—Radiation Shield................................................................................................2-12
Figure 2-14 On/Off Keys on the Operator Console ...................................................................................2-14
Figure 3-1 Host Microprocessor Board Components...................................................................................3-1
Figure 3-2 Location of Serial port on Host Microprocessor Board ...............................................................3-4
Figure 3-3 Gantry Circuit Breaker .............................................................................................................3-10
Figure 3-4 The M-IV Screens ....................................................................................................................3-11
Figure 3-5 Operator Console Keyboard ....................................................................................................3-11
Figure 3-6 Setup Screen............................................................................................................................3-16
Figure 3-7 Additional Setup Screen...........................................................................................................3-16
Figure 3-8 Waveform Patterns ..................................................................................................................3-24
Figure 3-9 Tube Voltage Calibration .........................................................................................................3-25
Figure 3-10 Adjustment and Test Points for Tube Current .........................................................................3-27
Figure 3-11 Radiation Meter Placement....................................................................................................3-30
Figure 3-12 Image Receptor Microprocessor Board ..................................................................................3-32
Figure 3-13 Example - AutoFilm ID Label (12-hour format shown) ...........................................................3-57
Figure 3-14 Location of C-arm Vertical Travel Limit Switches...................................................................3-60
Figure 4-1 Operator Console Covers...........................................................................................................4-1
Figure 4-2 Operator Console Components..................................................................................................4-1
Figure 4-3 Operator Console Covers—Removal .........................................................................................4-3
Figure 4-4 Cable Connections to the Operator Console PCB ......................................................................4-4
Figure 4-5 Console Keyboard—Removal ....................................................................................................4-4
Figure 4-6 X-ray, Compression Release, and On/Off Switch Board—Removal ............................................4-5
Figure 4-7 Installing the Gasket ..................................................................................................................4-6
Figure 4-8 Console Display Removal/Replacement.....................................................................................4-7
Figure 4-9 AutoFilm ID Assembly—Removal..............................................................................................4-8
Figure 4-10 Location of DIP Switch S1 on the M-IV Operator Console PCB..............................................4-10
Figure 4-11 Low Voltage Power Supply—Removal...................................................................................4-11
Figure 5-1 Gantry Circuit Boards ................................................................................................................5-1
Figure 5-2 Gantry Mechanical Components ...............................................................................................5-2
Figure 5-3 Gantry Covers—Locations .........................................................................................................5-3
Figure 5-4 Gantry Covers—Removal ..........................................................................................................5-4
Figure 5-5 HV Generator Assembly ............................................................................................................5-5

Part Number MAN-01929 xiii

Service Manual
List of Figures

Figure 5-6 Host Microprocessor Board ....................................................................................................... 5-9

Figure 5-7 C-arm Rotation Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly—Removal.............................................. 5-12
Figure 5-8 C-arm Vertical Drive Motor—Removal.................................................................................... 5-13
Figure 5-9 C-arm Rotation Potentiometer—Removal ................................................................................ 5-14
Figure 5-10 C-arm Rotation Limit Switch ................................................................................................. 5-18
Figure 6-1 Tubehead Components ............................................................................................................. 6-1
Figure 6-2 Beam Limiting Assembly ........................................................................................................... 6-2
Figure 6-3 C-arm Components ................................................................................................................... 6-3
Figure 6-4 Tubehead Covers Removal........................................................................................................ 6-4
Figure 6-5 Beam Limiting Assembly—Removal .......................................................................................... 6-6
Figure 6-6 X-ray Tube—Removal ............................................................................................................... 6-7
Figure 6-7 Tubehead Cooling Fan—Removal ............................................................................................. 6-8
Figure 6-8 Filament Protection Board—Removal........................................................................................ 6-9
Figure 6-9 Tubehead Switch Board—Removal ......................................................................................... 6-10
Figure 6-10 Tubehead Processor and Motor Control Boards—Removal.................................................... 6-11
Figure 6-11 Compression Device Covers Removal ................................................................................... 6-12
Figure 6-12 Compression Timing Belt—Removal ..................................................................................... 6-13
Figure 6-13 Compression Thickness Potentiometer—Removal ................................................................. 6-13
Figure 6-14 Removing the Bellows Rods .................................................................................................. 6-14
Figure 6-15 Compression /AEC Position Display Board—Removal ........................................................... 6-14
Figure 6-16 Compression Paddle Detect Board—Removal ....................................................................... 6-15
Figure 6-17 Compression Clutch and Clutch Brake—Removal ................................................................. 6-16
Figure 6-18 Removing the Force Load Cell .............................................................................................. 6-17
Figure 6-19 Compression Motor and Motor Brake.................................................................................... 6-19
Figure 6-20 Timing Belt—Removal .......................................................................................................... 6-20
Figure 6-21 IRSD and IRSD Cover Removal ............................................................................................. 6-21
Figure 6-22 StereoLoc II IRSD Cover Removal.......................................................................................... 6-21
Figure 6-23 Breast Tray Switch Assembly ................................................................................................. 6-22
Figure 6-24 IRSD Components (rear frame)—Removal ............................................................................. 6-22
Figure 6-25 IRSD Components (breast tray)—Removal............................................................................. 6-23
Figure 6-26 AEC Detect Board—Removal ................................................................................................ 6-24
Figure 6-27 Compression Chain Tension Adjustment ............................................................................... 6-25
Figure 7-1 Power Distribution Components Identification .......................................................................... 7-2
Figure 7-2 Power Distribution Board .......................................................................................................... 7-3
Figure 7-3 Emergency Off Switch—Removal.............................................................................................. 7-5
Figure 7-4 Circuit Breaker—Removal ......................................................................................................... 7-6
Figure 7-5 Power Distribution Unit—Removal ........................................................................................... 7-7
Figure 8-1 Half Value Layer Setup.............................................................................................................. 8-3
Figure 8-2 Setup—Reproducibility and Linearity Test ................................................................................. 8-6
Figure 8-3 Auto-Time Mode Test.............................................................................................................. 8-10
Figure 8-4 Auto kV Mode Test ................................................................................................................. 8-11
Figure 8-5 X-ray Field Size—24 x 30 cm .................................................................................................. 8-13
Figure 8-6 X-ray Field Size—18 x 24 cm .................................................................................................. 8-14
Figure 8-7 X-ray Field Size—15 cm, 10 cm, and 7.5 cm .......................................................................... 8-15
Figure 8-8 Adjustment—Light Field Lamp ................................................................................................ 8-21
Figure 8-9 Probe Locations—Light Field Illuminance ............................................................................... 8-26
Figure 8-10 Adjustment—Light Field Illuminance .................................................................................... 8-27
Figure 8-11 Test—Light Field Edge Contrast ............................................................................................. 8-28
Figure 8-12 Test—IRSD Shielding ............................................................................................................ 8-32
Figure 8-13 Tubehead Leakage Test ......................................................................................................... 8-33
Figure 10-1 Removing the Chip ............................................................................................................... 10-1

xiv Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
List of Figures

Figure 10-2 Gantry Board Locations .........................................................................................................10-2

Figure 10-3 IRSD ......................................................................................................................................10-3
Figure 10-4 Operator Console ..................................................................................................................10-4
Figure 10-5 Tubehead Microprocessor and Tubehead Motor Driver Boards. ............................................10-5
Figure A-1 M-IV Dimensions ..................................................................................................................... A-1
Figure B-1 Console Fuses......................................................................................................................... B-11
Figure B-2 Gantry AC Fuses..................................................................................................................... B-13
Figure B-3 Gantry DC Fuses .................................................................................................................... B-13

Part Number MAN-01929 xv

Service Manual
List of Figures

xvi Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
List of Tables

List of Tables
Table 1-1 M-IV Certifiable Components ..................................................................................................1-12
Table 3-1 Calibration Mode DIP Switch (S6) ..............................................................................................3-2
Table 3-2 Host Microprocessor Board Rotary Switch (S4) Settings ............................................................3-3
Table 3-3 Host Microprocessor Board Peripheral Ports ..............................................................................3-4
Table 3-4 Compression Force ..................................................................................................................3-13
Table 3-5 The AutoFilm ID Options ........................................................................................................3-15
Table 3-6 Film Type Setup Examples .......................................................................................................3-17
Table 3-7 Standard Exposure Mode Parameters .......................................................................................3-20
Table 3-8 Mag Exposure Mode Parameters ..............................................................................................3-21
Table 3-9 Line Regulation Test ................................................................................................................3-22
Table 3-10 X-ray Tube Date Code Month Matrix .....................................................................................3-22
Table 3-11 Tube Bias Voltage ..................................................................................................................3-23
Table 3-12 Tube Voltage Potential (kV) Data Sheet ..................................................................................3-26
Table 3-13 HVL Testing ...........................................................................................................................3-31
Table 3-14 Detector Gain Settings ...........................................................................................................3-33
Table 3-15 AEC Curve Determination ......................................................................................................3-34
Table 3-16 Selected AEC curves ..............................................................................................................3-34
Table 3-17 Master Density Adjustment ....................................................................................................3-36
Table 3-18 Reduced mA Selection ...........................................................................................................3-37
Table 3-19 Large Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration .......................................................................3-39
Table 3-20 Large Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration ................................................................3-39
Table 3-21 Large Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration .......................................................................3-40
Table 3-22 Large Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration ................................................................3-40
Table 3-23 Large Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration .......................................................................3-41
Table 3-24 Large Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration ................................................................3-41
Table 3-25 60 mA AEC Reduced-mA Factor Calibration ..........................................................................3-42
Table 3-26 30 mA AEC Reduced-mA Factor Calibration ..........................................................................3-43
Table 3-27 20 mA AEC Reduced-mA Factor Calibration ..........................................................................3-43
Table 3-28 10 mA AEC Reduced-mA Factor Calibration ..........................................................................3-44
Table 3-29 Large Film Factor Calibration .................................................................................................3-45
Table 3-30 Master Density Adjustment, Small Focal Spot ........................................................................3-46
Table 3-31 Small Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration ......................................................................3-48
Table 3-32 Small Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration ................................................................3-48
Table 3-33 Small Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration ......................................................................3-49
Table 3-34 Small Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration ................................................................3-49
Table 3-35 Small Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration ......................................................................3-50
Table 3-36 Small Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration ................................................................3-50
Table 3-37 Density Step Range Calculations ............................................................................................3-52
Table 3-38 Starting kV Lookup Tables for Auto-kV and Auto-Filter ..........................................................3-53
Table 3-39 Starting mA Lookup Table—AEC Modes ................................................................................3-54
Table 3-41 AEC Curve Default Settings ....................................................................................................3-54
Table 3-40 Switch Settings to force each mA value ..................................................................................3-54
Table 4-1 DIP Switch S1 ............................................................................................................................4-2
Table 4-2 DIP Switch S2 (Present on 1-003-0357 Rev 011 and Later Board Versions Only) .......................4-2
Table 4-3 S1 and S2 Settings for Different Display Models .........................................................................4-2
Table 6-1 Tubehead Controller Board Cables ............................................................................................6-5
Table 6-2 Filament Protection Board Cables ..............................................................................................6-9
Table 6-3 Accessory Sensor Combinations ..............................................................................................6-29
Table 6-4 Image Receptor Sensor Combinations ......................................................................................6-30

Part Number MAN-01929 xvii

Service Manual
List of Tables

Table 8-1 Service Engineer Preventive Maintenance ................................................................................. 8-1

Table 8-2 Beam Quality Semi-Log (Half Value Layer) ................................................................................ 8-5
Table 8-3 Reproducibility Worksheet ........................................................................................................ 8-8
Table 8-4 Linearity Worksheet .................................................................................................................. 8-9
Table 8-5 X-ray Field Adjustment Matrix—Large Focal Spot .................................................................... 8-16
Table 8-6 IR Phantom Use Chart ............................................................................................................. 8-17
Table 8-7 Collimator Size Adjustment ..................................................................................................... 8-18
Table 8-8 X-ray Field Adjustment—Small Focal Spot ............................................................................... 8-19
Table 8-9 X-ray Field Adjustment—Small Focal Spot ............................................................................... 8-24
Table 8-10 Light Field Illuminance .......................................................................................................... 8-26
Table 8-11 Light Field Edge Contrast Test ................................................................................................ 8-28
Table 10-1 Parts List for M-IV Firmware .................................................................................................. 10-1
Table A-1 Available Paddles .....................................................................................................................A-5
Table A-2 kV/mA Range ............................................................................................................................A-7
Table B-1 Alert Codes ............................................................................................................................... B-1
Table B-2 HV Control Board ..................................................................................................................... B-4
Table B-3 HV Inverter ............................................................................................................................... B-4
Table B-4 Tubehead Variables .................................................................................................................. B-5
Table B-5 Filament Control Board ............................................................................................................. B-5
Table B-6 Generator Microprocessor Board .............................................................................................. B-6
Table B-7 Power Distribution Board .......................................................................................................... B-6
Table B-8 Mains Power Board ................................................................................................................... B-6
Table B-9 Power Supply Interconnect Board ............................................................................................. B-6
Table B-10 Host Microprocessor Board ..................................................................................................... B-6
Table B-11 Motor/Lamp Control Board ..................................................................................................... B-7
Table B-12 Rotor Control Board ................................................................................................................ B-8
Table B-13 Filament Protect Board ............................................................................................................ B-8
Table B-14 Tubehead Microprocessor Board ............................................................................................ B-8
Table B-15 Tubehead Motor Driver Board ................................................................................................ B-9
Table B-16 Compression/AEC Position Display Board ............................................................................... B-9
Table B-17 Bucky Interface Board ............................................................................................................. B-9
Table B-18 Image Receptor Microprocessor Board .................................................................................. B-10
Table B-19 Operator Console Microprocessor Board .............................................................................. B-10
Table B-20 Operator Console Fuse Matrix .............................................................................................. B-11
Table B-21 Gantry Fuses ......................................................................................................................... B-12
Table B-22 Circuit Board Jumper Settings ................................................................................................ B-14
Table B-23 Operator Console PCB Jumper Settings ................................................................................. B-14
Table C-1 Site Optical Density Requirements ...........................................................................................C-1
Table C-2 Additional Requirements .........................................................................................................C-1
Table C-3 Starting kV Lookup (TEC) Table Selection .................................................................................C-1
Table C-4 TEC Table and Auto-Filter Threshold ........................................................................................C-1
Table C-5 Setup Mode Default Worksheet ................................................................................................C-2
Table C-6 Additional Setup Mode Default Worksheet ...............................................................................C-3
Table C-7 Exposure Technique Default Worksheet ...................................................................................C-4
Table C-8 Detector Gain Settings ..............................................................................................................C-5
Table C-9 AEC Curve Determination .........................................................................................................C-5
Table C-10 Selected AEC curves ...............................................................................................................C-6
Table C-11 Site Optical Density Requirements ..........................................................................................C-6
Table C-12 Master Density Adjustment .....................................................................................................C-6
Table C-13 Large Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration ........................................................................C-7
Table C-14 Large Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration ..................................................................C-7

xviii Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
List of Tables

Table C-15 Large Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration ....................................................................... C-8
Table C-16 Large Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration ................................................................. C-8
Table C-17 Large Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration ....................................................................... C-9
Table C-18 Large Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration ................................................................. C-9
Table C-19 60 mA AEC Reduced-mA Factor Calibration ........................................................................ C-10
Table C-20 30 mA AEC Reduced-mA Factor Calibration ........................................................................ C-10
Table C-21 20 mA AEC Reduced-mA Factor Calibration ........................................................................ C-10
Table C-22 10 mA AEC Reduced-mA Factor Calibration ........................................................................ C-10
Table C-23 Large Film Factor Calibration ............................................................................................... C-11
Table C-24 Master Density Adjustment, Small Focal Spot ....................................................................... C-11
Table C-25 Small Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration ..................................................................... C-12
Table C-26 Small Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration ............................................................... C-12
Table C-27 Small Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration ..................................................................... C-13
Table C-28 Small Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration ............................................................... C-13
Table C-29 Small Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration ..................................................................... C-14
Table C-30 Small Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration ............................................................... C-14
Table C-31 Density Step Range Calculations .......................................................................................... C-15
Table C-32 HVL Testing ......................................................................................................................... C-15
Table C-33 Beam Quality Semi-Log (Half Value Layer) ........................................................................... C-16
Table C-34 Reproducibility Worksheet ................................................................................................... C-17
Table C-35 Linearity Worksheet ............................................................................................................. C-18
Table C-36 X-ray Field Adjustment—Small Focal Spot ............................................................................ C-19
Table C-37 Light Field Illuminance ......................................................................................................... C-20
Table C-38 Light Field Edge Contrast Test ............................................................................................... C-20
Table C-39 Line Regulation Test ............................................................................................................. C-20
Table D-1 Operator Console Replacement Parts .......................................................................................D-1
Table D-2 C-arm Replacement Parts .........................................................................................................D-1
Table D-3 Gantry Replacement Parts ........................................................................................................D-3
Table D-4 Miscellaneous Tools/Items .......................................................................................................D-4
Table D-5 Plastic Replacement for M-IV Compression Paddles .................................................................D-4
Table D-6 M-IV Power Cables Parts List ...................................................................................................D-4

Part Number MAN-01929 xix

Service Manual
List of Tables

xx Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Intended Use

1.0 Intended Use
United States Federal Law restricts this device to use by, or on the order of, a physician.
The M-IV™ Mammography System is intended to produce radiographic images of the breast.
Its specific intended use is for screening and diagnostic mammography.

1.1 Contraindications
There are no known contraindications.

1.2 Potential Adverse Effects

The following is a list of potential adverse effects that apply to mammography and are also
applicable to mammography using the M-IV.
• Excessive breast compression
• Excessive X-ray exposure
• Electric shock
• Infection
• Skin irritation, abrasions, or puncture wounds

1.3 Product Complaints

Any health care professional (for example, customer or user of this system of products) who
has any complaints or has experienced any dissatisfaction in the quality, durability,
reliability, safety, effectiveness, and/or performance of this product should notify Hologic®. If
the device malfunctions and may have caused or contributed to a serious injury of a patient,
Hologic should be notified immediately by telephone, fax, or written correspondence.

2.0 Quality Control

• All quality control tests described in the M-IV manuals must be performed at the
prescribed frequencies as required under MQSA regulations.
• To ensure the continued high level of operation of the M-IV, the recommended quality
control procedures must be followed.

3.0 Training
Hologic does not accept responsibility for injury or damage associated with improper or
unsafe system operation.
Service engineers must ensure that they receive training on M-IV with Hologic training
programs prior to servicing the system.
Refer to Instructions for Use for directions on how to use the M-IV.

Part Number MAN-01929 -xxi

Service Manual
Terms and Definitions

4.0 Terms and Definitions

21 CFR FDA Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21
ACR MAP American College of Radiology Mammography
Accreditation Program
AEC Automatic Exposure Control
BEM Breast equivalent material
CPT Common Procedural Terminology
DMM Digital Multimeter
DSM Digital Spot Mammography
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EMO Switch Emergency Off Switch
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
F.A.S.T. Fully Automatic Self-Adjusting Tilt Paddle
H.V. High Voltage
HTC High Transmission Cellular Grid
HVL Beam Quality Half-Value Layer
IR Image Receptor
IRSD Image Receptor Support Device
LVPS Low Voltage Power Supply
Mag Magnification mode
MIS Mammography Information System
Mo Molybdenum
MQSA Mammographic Quality Standards Act
MPU Microprocessor Unit
N Newtons
OD Optical Density
Rh or Rho Rhodium
RIS Radiology Information System
SID Source to Image Distance
SL or SLT StereoLoc II
VAC Volts, Alternating Current
VDC Volts, Direct Current
VTA Vertical Travel Assembly

-xxii Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Warnings, Cautions and Notes

5.0 Warnings, Cautions and Notes

Definitions of Warnings, Cautions, and Notes used throughout this manual are as follows:

WARNING This alerts you to procedures that you must follow precisely to avoid
causing potentially serious or fatal injury to yourself or others.

Warning Warnings point out procedures that you must follow precisely to
avoid injury to yourself or others.

Caution: Cautions point out procedures that you must follow precisely to avoid dam-
age to equipment, loss of data, or corruption of files in software applications

Note… Notes indicate important information that must be followed to ensure the
proper operation of the system.

Part Number MAN-01929 -xxiii

Service Manual
International Symbols

6.0 International Symbols

This section explains the International Symbols used on this system.

Potential Equalization Connection for a conductor other than the Protective

terminal Earth for a direct connection between two or more pieces
of electrical equipment.
Protective Earth terminal Used for the connection of the ground of the line cord or
ground cable of the equipment and no other purpose.

Off Power disconnection from the mains

On Power connection to the mains

Off Off, only for a part of equipment

On On, only for a part of equipment

Symbol indicating separate collection for electrical and

electronic equipment

Dangerous Voltage Identifies area of potentially lethal voltage

Symbol for Manufacturer

Symbol for Date of Manufacture

X-ray Radiation Caution—Radiation

7.0 M-IV Manual Set

The M-IV Manual Set contains the following documentation:

Title P/N Use

Instructions for Use MAN-01879 M-IV system user instructions
User Companion MAN-01880 User companion manual
M-IV Site Planning and MAN-00243 Directions for determining the installation
Pre-Installation Guide requirements
Service Manual MAN-01929 M-IV system service
Schematics 9-500-0277 Troubleshooting supplement to the Service Manual

-xxiv Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Using the Service Manual

8.0 Using the Service Manual

The first three chapters of this service manual are designed to provide a service
representative with a sequence for setting up and calibrating the M-IV. The remaining
chapters detail the maintenance procedures. General description of the contents of each
chapter is as follows:
Chapter 1—General Information. Contains general system descriptions, X-ray,
electrical and mechanical safety precautions, and compliance information.
Chapter 2—System Installation. Contains information for unpacking, positioning, and
installing the system. Attaching the interconnections, mounting the accessories,
connecting to power, and the power up sequence are covered.
Chapter 3—System Setup. Contains information on system setup (switch settings and
connections), functional tests, setting system defaults, calibrating the exposure control
system, and final set up tests.
Chapter 4—Operator Console Maintenance. Contains the information necessary
to repair, and adjust the various assemblies and subsections of the Operator Console.
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance. This section provides the information necessary to
repair, and adjust the various assemblies and subsections on the Gantry, including the X-
ray generation system and the C-arm movement system.
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance. This section provides the information
necessary to repair, and adjust the various assemblies and subsections of the M-IV C-arm,
including the beam limiting assembly, the compression assembly, and the image receptor
support assembly.
Chapter 7—Power Distribution Maintenance. This chapter provides remove and
replace procedures, adjustments and performance tests on the components that make up
the Power Distribution portion of the Gantry.
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests. Contains the procedures that verify
system compliance, including performance tests for the X-ray tube, the automatic
exposure control system, and the X-ray field.
Chapter 9—Care and Cleaning. This chapter describes the general cleaning and
disinfection methods for the unit and its various components.
Chapter 10—Updating the Firmware. This chapter provides procedures for updating
the M-IV firmware.
Appendix A—Specifications. Contains system specifications, including performance
specifications, X-ray tube and exposure specifications, compression specifications and
beam limiting specifications.
Appendix B—Technical References. Contains additional technical references to be
used as aids in troubleshooting the M-IV.
Appendix C—Worksheets. Contains worksheets to be copied and filled out with the
system’s information for use by the site.
Appendix D—Parts List. Contains tabular listings of the replacement parts for the M-IV
Mammography System.

Part Number MAN-01929 -xxv

Service Manual
Using the Service Manual

-xxvi Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 1—General Information

Chapter 1—General Information

1.0 Introduction
This chapter provides an overview of the M-IV, including component descriptions, patient
and user safety, interlocks, and compliance information.

2.0 System Description

The M-IV Mammography System consists of three major assemblies:
• The Operator Console
• The Gantry
• The C-arm

2.1 The Operator Console

The Operator Console controls X-ray exposures through the operator interface (Flat Panel
Display screen and keyboard on the Console). Data and technique inputs are made via the
keyboard while the screen displays all exposure options and selections for the selected
exposure mode (Manual, Auto-Time, Auto-kV, or Auto-Filter). Data fields on the screen list
patient information (name, identification number, gender, etc.), exam data (view, CPT code),
and technologist identification data. In addition to the current date and time, status lines
inform the user about items like the printer, AutoFilm ID, compression, and image receptor.
The display screen provides illumination for the keyboard and is manually adjustable,
forward and back. See Figure 1-1 to identify the Operator Console components.

Legend for Figure 1-1

1. Display Screen
2. Emergency Off Switch (left side of console)
3. Data Entry / Exposure Control Keyboard
4. AutoFilm ID
5. Radiation Shield
6. Cassette Storage (Both Sides)
7. Input Power/Data Cable Connector Panel
(rear of console)

Figure 1-1: Operator Console Components

Part Number MAN-01929 1-1

Service Manual
Chapter 1—General Information
System Description

2.2 The Gantry and C-Arm

The Gantry is the main support for the C-arm and tubehead assembly. It is permanently
connected to the input power source, and supplies power to all subsystems through an
isolation transformer.
The following components or subsystems are found in the Gantry:
• Exposure Control Electronics
• High Voltage Generator
• C-arm Rotation Drive
• C-arm Vertical Drive
• Power Distribution (Input Power Circuit Breaker)
• Vertical Travel Assembly
The M-IV C-arm, which is mounted on the pivot tube on the Gantry, is made up of the
following components or subsystems:
• X-ray Tube
• Beam Limiting Device
• Compression Device
• C-arm Controls
• Accessory Detect Systems
• Automatic Exposure Control System
• Bucky Device Control
See Figure 1-2, page 1-3 to identify the Gantry and C-arm components.

1-2 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 1—General Information
System Description

Legend for Figure 1-2

1. C-arm Angle Display
2. Tubehead
3. Tubehead Controls
4. Face Shield
5. Compression Displays and
AEC Position Display
6. Compression Device
8. AEC Detection Position Handle
(bottom of IRSD)
9. Dual Function Footswitch
10. Emergency Off Switch (2)
11. Patient Handle
12. C-arm Controls
13. Rotational Switch (2)
14. C-arm Pivot Tube
15. C-arm Rotation Control (rear of IRSD)
16. Circuit Breaker (rear of gantry)
17. Footswitch Receptacles (rear of gantry)

Figure 1-2: Gantry and C-arm Components

Part Number MAN-01929 1-3

Service Manual
Chapter 1—General Information
System Description

2.3 Required Tools and Equipment

The following is a list of the tools and equipment necessary to perform the maintenance
procedures detailed in this manual.
• Standard Hand Tools
• Oscilloscope
• Digital Multimeter (DMM)
• Hex (Allen) Wrench Set - standard and metric
• Radiation Meter with probe (calibrated in the Mammographic ranges)
• Aluminum Filter Pack - Ultra-high purity type 1145 (99.99% pure)
• 3/8 in. Drive Socket Set
• BEM - .5 mm, 1 cm thick, min. of 10 x 12.5 cm
• BEM - 2 cm thick, min. of 10 x 12.5 cm
• BEM - 4 cm thick, min. of 10 x 12.5 cm
• High Voltage Divider with a ratio of 10,000:1 or 100,000:1(or non-invasive equivalent)
• High Voltage Adapter Cable (P/N 2-425-3015) (or non-invasive equivalent)
• mAs Meter
• Light/X-ray Field Template (P/N 9-060-0140)
• Adhesive, Loctite 242, Blue (P/N 2-580-0542)
• Masking Tape
• Laptop Computer with HyperTerminal
• Mammography Phantom—ACR MAP
• PLCC EPROM Remover
• Serial Cable with 2 x 5 header on one end (Assy. No. 1-040-0812)
• Lead Shield/Blocker - Approximately 4 x 4 cm
• Feeler Gauges - 0.015 and 0.020
• Compression Scale/Force Gauge
• Interconnect Cable (P/N CBL-00212)
• IR Phantom (P/N 9-060-0397)
• X-ray/Light Field Template (P/N 3-405-8005)
• Digital protractor
• Paddle ID Test Tool (P/N TSL-00272)

Note… BEM refers to breast equivalent material, such as BR-12, 50/50 Breast Tissue
equivalent material.

1-4 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 1—General Information

3.0 Safety
This portion of the manual details electrical, mechanical, and radiation safety, as well as
precautions concerning static electricity and magnetic media storage. The equipment
complies with IEC 60601 (General, Collateral and applicable Particular Standards),
UL 60601-1:2003, and CSA C22.2 No. 601.1.
The system is classified as CLASS I, TYPE B permanently connected equipment as per IEC
60601-1. There are no special provisions to protect the system from flammable anesthetics
or ingress of liquids.

Warning: Control the access to the equipment according to local regulations

for radiation protection.

Warning: This device contains dangerous material. Return to Hologic all

material removed from service.

Warning: Put the footswitches where a patient, user, or wheelchair can

not accidentally activate a switch.

3.1 Isolation Integrity

WARNING! To keep the isolation quality for the system, attach only
approved accessories or options to the system. Only the
authorized personnel can make changes to the connections.

WARNING! Keep a 1.5 meter safe distance between the patient and any
non-patient devices. Non-patient system components (like the
Workflow Manager, the diagnostic review workstation, or the
hardcopy printer) must not be installed in the Patient Area.


Part Number MAN-01929 1-5

Service Manual
Chapter 1—General Information

3.2 Radiation Safety

The radiation safety of the system complies with all requirements of 21 CFR, Part 1020, and
complies with IEC 60601.
The operator control panel contains two X-ray exposure buttons which must be pressed
simultaneously for the entire duration of the exposure and released before initiating another
exposure. An audible tone sounds for the entire time X-rays are produced.
The following conditions control exposure duration:
• Continuous pressing of the X-ray exposure buttons
• The microprocessor pre-set back up time
• An independent “safety” hardware back-up-timer
• Generator fault detection
The control electronics prevent the system from initiating an X-ray exposure unless:
• A cassette is installed in the Bucky.
• The X-ray exposure footswitch interlock is closed (NYC requirement).
• Two X-ray switches are activated simultaneously.

3.2.1 Operator Radiation Shield

The system’s radiation shield is designed to comply with all requirements of 21CFR
1020 and IEC 60601-2-45.2001. The shield is rated for a minimum of 0.5 mm of
lead equivalent attenuation at 35 kV.

Warning: For maximum protection from X-ray exposure, the operator must
keep their entire body behind the radiation shield for the duration
of the exposure.

Note… Verify the shield’s integrity every day prior to use.

3.2.2 Patient Face Shield

The patient face shield serves to keep the patient’s face out of the radiation field. It
does not offer any protection from radiation through the acrylic.

1-6 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 1—General Information

3.3 Electrical Safety

WARNING! Only qualified electronic technicians who are certified and

experienced in the maintenance and repair of high voltage
X-ray equipment should attempt to service this equipment.

WARNING! Lethal voltages are present within the interior of this unit.

WARNING! Do not use the electrical equipment near flammable anesthetics.

Warning: Never perform service alone. Only service this equipment in the
company of someone who is capable of rendering aid should an
accident occur.

Caution: Electronic components within the system are extremely sensitive to static
electricity. Wear a grounding electrostatic strap when handling these
sensitive components.

3.4 Mechanical Safety

The equipment is designed to comply with the requirements of IEC 60601-1, UL 60601-1,
and CSA 22.2 No. 601.1 by these safety features:
• The C-arm rotation braking is ensured upon loss of power.
• Compression release is disabled when a localization paddle is installed.
• Motorized compression force is limited to 200 N (45 lb).
• All C-arm functions (vertical drive, rotation, compression up/down, compression release,
light field, etc.) are simultaneously operable.
• Vertical drive and rotation are disabled when 13 lb (60 N) or greater of compression
force is displayed.

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Chapter 1—General Information

3.5 Emergency Off Switches

Three Emergency Off (EMO) switches are provided. Two switches are located on the Gantry
(one on each side) and the third switch is located on the Operator Console. See Figure 1-3.
Pressing an emergency switch disables power to the entire system.

Figure 1-3: Emergency Off Switch Locations

3.6 Interlocks
In addition to the Emergency Off Switches described above, the M-IV has several other safety

3.6.1 Cassette Interlock

The cassette interlock prevents exposure for either of the following conditions:
• Absence of a cassette in a Bucky Device
• Failure to remove previously exposed film/cassette from the Bucky Device

3.6.2 C-arm Movement Interlocks

C-arm vertical drive and rotation is disabled when 58 N (13 lb) or greater of
compression force is displayed.

3.6.3 Automatic Compression Release Interlock

Installing a Localization Paddle disables the automatic compression release

3.6.4 Image Receptor Support Device Interlock

The image receptor support device interlock prevents all C-arm movement and X-ray
release when the IRSD is removed (stereotactic configurations only).

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Chapter 1—General Information

3.6.5 Early Release Interlock

The two X-ray exposure switches must be activated and held throughout the entire
duration of the exposure. When the X-ray exposure switches are released prior to the
end of the exposure, this interlock causes immediate termination of the exposure.
An alarm message displays on the user interface.

3.6.6 Mirror and Filter Interlocks

These interlocks prevent X-ray exposure whenever the Light Field Mirror or the Filter
is not positioned correctly.

3.7 Remote X-ray On/Power On Indicators

• Power On Indicator—There is a provision in the system to accommodate local
regulations that require an X-ray System Power-On Indicator at the door.
• X-ray On Indicator—There is a provision in the system to accommodate local
regulations that require an X-ray Exposure In Progress indicator at the door.
These lights are normally installed above the door to the exam room. Installation should be
done by a certified electrician. The relay contacts provided are rated as follows:
• 10 A, 250 VAC (normally open)
• 10 A, 30 VDC (normally open)

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Service Manual
Chapter 1—General Information

4.0 Compliance
The following section details the M-IV compliance requirements and the manufacturer’s

4.1 Compliance Requirements

The manufacturer has responsibility for the safety, reliability, and performance of this
equipment with the following provisions:
• The electrical installation of the room meets the correct requirements.
• The equipment is used according to the instructions for use.
• Only the authorized persons perform the assembly operations, extensions, adjustments,
changes, or repairs.
• The installed network and communications equipment must meet an IEC Standard and
the complete system (network/communications equipment and M-IV) must be installed
in compliance with IEC 60601-1 and IEC 60601-1-1.

Caution: Medical Electrical Equipment needs special precautions about EMC and
must be installed, put into service and used according to the EMC
information provided.

Caution: Portable and Mobile RF communications can affect Medical Electrical


Caution: The Use of unauthorized accessories and cables can result in increased
emissions or decreased immunity. To keep the isolation quality for the
system, attach only approved accessories or options to the system.

Caution: The Medical Electrical (ME) Equipment or ME System should not be used
adjacent to or stacked with other equipment. If adjacent or stacked use is
necessary, the ME Equipment or ME System should be observed to verify
normal operation in the configuration in which it is used.

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Chapter 1—General Information

4.2 Compliance Statement

The manufacturer states this device is made to meet the following requirements:
• CAN/CSA: ISO 13485:2003/ISO 13485:2003
• FDA, 21 CFR [Parts 820, 900 and 1020]
• IEC 60601-1:1988 +A1+A2:1995 +A13:1996 Medical Electrical Equipment—General
Requirements for Safety
• IEC 60601-1-1:2000-12 Medical Electrical Equipment—Collateral Standard: Safety
Requirements for Medical Electrical Systems
• IEC 60601-1-2:2001 Medical Electrical Equipment—Collateral Standard:
Electromagnetic Compatibility for Medical Electric Systems
• IEC 60601-1-3:1994 Medical Electrical Equipment—Collateral Standard: Requirements
for Radiation Protection in Diagnostic X-ray Equipment
• IEC 60601-1-4:1996 +A1:1999 Medical Electrical Equipment—Collateral Standard:
Programmable Electrical Medical Systems
• IEC 60601-2-28:1993-03 Medical Electrical Equipment—Particular Requirements for the
Safety of X-ray Source Assemblies and X-ray Tube Assemblies for Medical Diagnosis
• IEC 60601-2-32:1994 Medical Electrical Equipment—Particular Requirements for the
Safety of Associated Equipment of X-ray Equipment
• IEC 60601-2-45:2001 Medical Electrical Equipment—Particular Requirements for the
Safety of Mammographic X-ray Equipment and Mammographic Stereotactic Devices
• UL 60601-1:2003 Medical Electrical Equipment, Part 1—General Requirements for Safety
• CSA: Medical Electrical Equipment Part 1: C22.2 No. 601.1–M90—General
Requirements for Safety

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Service Manual
Chapter 1—General Information

4.3 Certifiable Components

These components are identified using individual serial numbers. Refer to Table 1-1.

Table 1-1: M-IV Certifiable Components

Item Manufacturer Model # Label # Location

X-ray Tube Toshiba E7290AX 4 Tubehead
X-ray Tube Varian M113R 4 Tubehead
Bucky (18 x 24 cm) - Linear Grid Hologic 4-000-0242 2 Accessory
Bucky (24 x 30 cm) - Linear Grid Hologic 4-000-0244 2 Accessory
Bucky (18 x 24 cm) - HTC Grid Hologic 4-000-0241 2 Accessory
Bucky (24 x 30 cm) - HTC Grid Hologic 4-000-0243 2 Accessory
Magnification Table Hologic 4-000-0246 2 Accessory
High Voltage Generator Hologic 4-000-0014 2 Gantry
Beam Limiting Device Hologic 4-000-0029 2 Gantry
X-ray Control Hologic 4-000-0002 2 Console
DSM Mount Assembly Hologic 4-000-0140 2 C-arm
Image Receptor Support Device Hologic 4-000-0141 2 C-arm

Note… When replacing a certified component that is concealed by a surface (for

example, cover, panel, etc.), the component’s duplicate label on the
exterior of the system must be replaced at the time of service.

Note… When replacing a surface (for example cover, panel, etc.) that has a certified
component duplicate label(s), a label(s) that represents the certified
component label(s) must be placed on the new surface at the time of service.

4.4 Location of Labels

The system conforms to all applicable FDA regulations. Labels addressing the certifiable
components are fixed to the system at several points. See Figure 1-4, page 1-13.

Note… 18 x 24 cm and 24 x 30 cm Buckys are certified components which are not

subject to 21 CFR1020.30(d) and therefore do not have to be reported on
form FDA 2579 (Ref BRH: Doc MA3499).

1-12 Part Number MAN-01929

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Chapter 1—General Information

Figure 1-4: Label Locations

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Chapter 1—General Information

1-14 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 2—System Installation
Receiving and Unpacking Instructions

Chapter 2—System Installation

1.0 Receiving and Unpacking Instructions
The following sections detail receiving and unpacking instructions. Inspections required
prior to installing the M-IV are also included.

2.0 Installation Tools and Equipment

• Standard Tool Kit
• Power hammer drill
• Drill bits and masonry bits
• Anchors (Red Head or equivalent)
• Bolts, washers, shim stock for leveling
• Hacksaw
• Claw hammer
• Center punch
• 3/8 inch or larger ratchet set
• Heavy duty shop vacuum cleaner

3.0 Room Planning

The exam room layout should be pre-planned before the arrival of the M-IV. A typical room
layout is shown in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1: M-IV—Typical Room Layout

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Chapter 2—System Installation
Room Planning

Factors to consider when planning the room layout are:

1. Measure the height and width of the room door to ensure it accommodates the Gantry
and Operator Console—191 cm (75 in.) high, 91.4 cm (36 in.) wide minimum. Refer to
Appendix A, Section 1.0, page A-1.
2. Take into consideration extra wall and ceiling clearance for movement and handling of
C-arm controls. C-arm clearances—The C-arm requires 135 cm (53 in.) minimum to
accommodate rotation, and 213 cm (84 in.) minimum to accommodate raising the C-arm
to its upper limit.

Note… A clearance of 50 cm (19.7 in.) should be maintained between the tube head
at any position of rotation and any stationary object (excluding the floor).
3. Movement Clearance—Always take into consideration space allocation for patient and
technologist movement. Avoid obstructions in the room that may hinder access to the
system controls or the patient.
4. Storage—Provide convenient storage for patient records and system devices. If accessory
storage is not possible within the exam room, make arrangements for safe storage close by.
5. Physical and Environmental Requirements:
• Operating Temperature Range—10°C to 40°C (50°F to 104°F)
• Relative Humidity Range—30% to 75% non-condensing
6. Recommended Power Source Requirements. See Appendix A, Section 2.0, page A-2.

3.1 Receiving Instructions

The M-IV is shipped in three main crates which contain the following:
• The Gantry
• The Operator Console
• The Radiation Shield (not included in Mobile systems)
The console display screen and all accessories are packed in separate boxes and containers
which are stored in one of the two main shipping containers (Gantry or Console). The accessory
containers are specially designed to minimize shipping damage and to facilitate equipment
storage. Note that the radiation shield is shipped in its own crate inside the Gantry crate.
Upon receipt, perform the following prior to opening the containers:
1. Inspect each container for damage. Note any damage on the shipping manifest.

Note… If there is a discrepancy between the contents and the packing lists or sales
order, contact Hologic immediately. If it is necessary to repack any items for
future installation, use the original packaging materials.

Note… If shipping damage is of a concealed nature, contact the carrier as soon as

such damage is found, and request an inspection for shipping damage.
Normally, any claims for shipping damage must be completed within 15
days of receiving the shipment.
2. Notify Hologic of any external shipping damage that may have occurred.

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Service Manual
Chapter 2—System Installation
Room Planning

3.2 Uncrating the Gantry

The M-IV Gantry is crated and shipped in a prone position.

Warning: Be sure to have the necessary machinery and personnel available to

move heavy medical equipment safely. Never pull on the C-arm as
the unit is top heavy. To prevent injury to personnel and/or damage
to equipment, care must be taken when uncrating the Gantry.

Figure 2-2: Uncrating the Gantry

1. Cut the retaining straps that secure the container top to the shock-mounted wooden
pallet and remove the nail holding the top to the pallet along the bottom of the
cardboard. Lift the container top to remove it.
2. Remove the screws that hold the shipping bracket for the tube.
3. Carefully remove all shipping materials (foam padding, tie-downs, straps, shipping wrap,
etc.) from the unit and pallet. Remove any accessory boxes from the pallet.
4. Open all boxes from the Gantry crate and verify their contents against the packing list
and sales order.
5. Inspect each item for damage, then safely store them near the exam site. Leave the shield
in the packing carton until ready to install it.

Caution: To prevent damage, do not store the radiation shield flat. Avoid damage by
impact or scratching.

6. While still in the loading area, carefully move the pallet into an upright position.

Caution: Do not attempt to lift or move the Gantry by the C-arm or by either hinged
door on the left and right side of the Gantry frame, or damage may occur.

7. Remove the top collar securing the unit to the pallet. Using the installed dolly, carefully
roll the Gantry off the pallet.

Part Number MAN-01929 2-3

Service Manual
Chapter 2—System Installation
Room Planning

Note… The dolly is not installed on systems shipped overseas. For overseas sites,
transport the Gantry from the loading dock to the exam area on a hand-cart
rated for 1050 lb (473 kg).
8. Transport the Gantry, on the installed dolly or hand-cart, from the loading area to the
exam area for installation. Sites using the hand-cart can skip Steps 9 and 11.
9. Remove the four bolts securing the Gantry to the dolly.
10. Carefully maneuver the Gantry off the back end of the dolly or hand-cart, slide the dolly
or hand-cart out, and position the Gantry in the area of installation.
11. Return the dolly to Hologic, within 35 days from date of shipment, as per the return
shipment Fed Ex Return label (attached to either the dolly or the Gantry). If this
documentation is not available, call Hologic Danbury Distribution Dept. at
(203) 731-8390 to acquire Return Instructions. Be prepared to identify the site/customer
and the M-IV serial number. If the sites scheduled installation date is more than the 35 day
requirement you may request an extension (at the number given above) to return the dolly.

3.3 Uncrating—Operator Console

The Operator Console is crated and shipped upright, with the console display not installed
and without the radiation shield attached.
1. Cut the straps that secure the
cardboard shipping carton to the
shock-mounted wooden pallet.
2. Lift the carton from the wooden pallet.
3. Carefully remove all shipping
materials (foam padding, tie-downs,
straps, shipping wrap, etc.) from the
4. Remove any accessory boxes from
the pallet.
5. Open all boxes from the Operator
Console crate.
6. Verify their contents against the
packing list and sales order.
7. Inspect each item for damage, then
safely store them near the location
Figure 2-3: Uncrating the Operator Console
where the system is to be installed.
8. Carefully remove the Operator Console from the pallet. See Figure 2-3.
9. Transport it from the loading area to the exam area.

3.4 Uncrating—Radiation Shield

The Radiation Shield is crated and shipped in the carton with the Gantry. Leave it packaged until
ready to install it on the Operator Console. A mobile M-IV does not come with a radiation shield.
1. Open the carton and remove the foam packing on top of the shield.
2. Move the shield to a safe place near the Operator Console. Do not lay it down flat.

2-4 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 2—System Installation

4.0 Installation
The health-care facility is responsible to ensure that the Gantry mounting points (floor
anchors) meet the federal, state, and/or local building codes for floor mounting and load
requirements, and all OSHA requirements for safety.
The following sections detail setting up, positioning, and installing the M-IV in the exam room.

Note… Thoroughly read all procedures prior to starting.

• Position the Gantry and the Operator Console in the area of the exam room where the
system is permanently installed.
• Confirm, with the technicians and doctors, the proper placement.
• Be sure the system is positioned for easy access to the rear panels.
• Perform the following installation procedures in the order described in this chapter.

4.1 Securing Gantry in Position

Caution: Never maneuver the Gantry by lifting, pulling, or pushing on the C-arm or
the tubehead assemblies.

1. Position the Gantry in the exam room in a location satisfactory to the technicians and
doctors for proper placement.
2. Ensure the circuit breaker and rear panels
are accessible.
3. Mark the four holes of the Gantry with a
marker and move the Gantry back to
allow access to the marks.
4. Drill the anchor holes and set the inserts.
5. Position the Gantry over the holes.
6. Install bolts in accordance with site
specification drawings and/or local
building codes. See Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4: Installation—Gantry

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Chapter 2—System Installation

4.2 Gantry Input Power Configuration

The Gantry isolation transformer must be configured to match the power source at the site.

4.2.1 Verifying the Source Voltage

1. Measure the voltage at the outlet
2. Inquire as to any history of voltage

fluctuations or voltage-related
problems that have occurred in
other equipment at the site.





4.2.2 Configuring the Isolation

After determining the input voltage
range, verify the isolation transformer is
correctly set (reconfigure as required).





To access the power assembly

chassis and re-configure the isolation
transformer taps to match the
measured source voltage: 220VAC
1. Set the circuit breaker on the rear
of the Gantry to off.
2. Remove the Gantry’s lower rear






panel to access the input power

terminal block.
3. Verify the isolation transformer

taps are wired to match the

previously measured source
voltage. If not, configure the
isolation transformer input wiring





and tap as shown in Figure 2-5.







Figure 2-5: Input Power Configuration

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Chapter 2—System Installation

4.2.3 Power Cable Connection

1. Connect the input power cord to
the input power terminal block
on the rear of the Gantry and the
ground wire to the protective
earth terminal.
2. A certified electrician must hard
wire the opposite end of the input
power cord into the power source
via a disconnect panel.

Figure 2-6: Connecting to Source

WARNING! The connection of the protective earth terminal is critical to

the safety of the operator and the patient. Always ensure that
this connection is made prior to replacing the rear panel. This
equipment must not be operated unless the connection to the
protective earth terminal is in place.

4.3 Remote X-ray On/Power On Indicators—Connection

M-IV provides the user with the ability to operate remote indicators which indicate when the
system is on and when X-rays are being taken. These indicators are normally installed above
the door to the exam room.
Installation of the remote Power On/X-ray On lights should be performed by a certified
electrician following local guidelines.
Connections are made on the Power On/X-ray On terminal block. Route the remote cables
from the lights to the Gantry and connect each cable to the appropriate location on the
Power On/X-ray On terminal block.
The relay contacts provided are rated:
• 10 A, 250 VAC (normally open)
• 10 A, 30 VDC (normally open)

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Service Manual
Chapter 2—System Installation

4.4 Installation—Footswitch(es)
Two dual-function footswitches plug into receptacles inside the back of the Gantry.
To install the footswitches:
1. Connect the footswitch to one of the
footswitch receptacles (J3 and J4) by
aligning the key to the key hole and
pushing the connector straight in. See
Figure 2-7.
Note… Either footswitch can be J2
connected to either footswitch J0

receptacle. DIGITIZER

2. Position the footswitch in the optimum

location on the floor to the side of the C-arm.
3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 to install the second

Figure 2-7: Installation—Footswitch(es)

Warning: To avoid accidental footswitch activation, keep both footswitches

clear of the patient and C-arm setup area.

4.5 Operator Console Installation

The Console mounts to the floor into four pre-installed floor anchors (threaded). The health-
care facility is responsible to ensure that the Console mounting points (floor anchors) meet
the federal, state, and/or local building codes for floor mounting and load requirements, and
all OSHA requirements for safety.
1. Remove the front cabinet panel from the
Operator Console to access the mounting
holes. (For remove and replace procedures
for the Operator Console Covers, see
Chapter 4, Section 2.1, page 4-3.)
2. Move the Operator Console near the pre-
installed floor anchors. (Note that it may
require two people to move the console
into position.)
3. Carefully position the Console over the
floor anchors so that the mounting holes
align over the threaded floor anchors.
4. Secure the Console to the floor using the
required anchor bolts and washers. See Mounting Holes
(Left Side)
Figure 2-8.
Figure 2-8: Installation—Operator Console

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Chapter 2—System Installation

4.6 Console Display—Installation

The M-IV Console Display is shipped separately, mounted to a bracket which has to be
attached to the Console frame.
1. Remove the Operator Control Panel, and the Front Cabinet Panel. (Refer to Chapter 4,
Section 2.1, page 4-3 for panel remove and replace procedures.)
2. Remove the hardware (#1- four cap-
head screws) used to fasten the Console
Display (#2) and bracket (#2) to the
console frame as shown in Figure 2-9.
Left side of bracket is shown.
3. Install the Console Display assembly to
the Console frame, with the previously
removed screws.
4. Attach the ground strap (#3) on the
Console frame to the ground terminal
on the bracket.
5. Route the console display cables
through the slot in the console top shelf.

Figure 2-9: Console Display Installation

6. Connect the Console
Display cable to TJ30 and
the backlight connector to
TJ35 on the Operator
Console PCB.
7. Connect the keyboard LED
cable to P4 (part of the
sub-panel cable harness)
in the front component from display
8. Route the Display cable strap
through the P-clamp and from
secure it to the standoff at display
the upper left-hand side of bracket P-clamp
the board as shown.
9. Snap the ferrite core onto ferrite
the Display cable. core

Figure 2-10: Operator Console PCB Connections

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Service Manual
Chapter 2—System Installation

4.7 Gantry to Operator Console Interconnections

See Figure 2-12, page 2-11:
1. At the rear of the Operator Console, connect one end of the power cable to the “POWER
IN” receptacle on the console connector panel.
2. At the rear of the Gantry, remove the lower rear gantry cover.
3. Route the free end of the power cable through the pre-installed conduits / wire-runs to
the Gantry.
4. Fasten the power cable connector to the “J2 CONSOLE POWER” receptacle on the
Gantry connector panel.
5. Connect one end of the data cable to the “HOST TO MICRO COMM” receptacle on the
console connector panel.
6. Route the free end of the data cable by the pre-installed conduits/wire-runs to the Gantry.
7. Fasten the data cable connector to the “J1 CONSOLE DATA” receptacle on the Gantry
connector panel.
8. Fasten the data and power cable ground wires (four wires) and the Gantry to Console
ground wire to the protective earth terminal. See Figure 2-12, page 2-11.
9. For systems with the optional Label Printer, connect the printer’s data cable connector to
the “PRINTER” parallel port on the Console connector panel. Connect the printer power
cable to local power.
10. For systems with the optional DSM, connect the DSM data cable to the “DSM” port on
the console connector panel. Connect the DSM power cable to the local power.
11. Install the radiation shield support and the radiation shield; refer to Section 4.8, page 2-12.
12. Group the cables at one end of the Console connector panel then install the cable cover
(FAB-00856) using the four (4) 8-32 captive socket-head screws; see Figure 2-11.

Figure 2-11: Installing the Console Cable Cover

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Chapter 2—System Installation

Legend for Figure 2-12

1. J1 Console Data receptacle
2. J2 Console Power
3. Power cable
4. Remote X-ray On/Power
On Light Terminal Block
5. Data and Power Cable
Ground Wires (Qty 4)
6. Protective Earth Terminal
7. Ground Wire
8. Input Power Cord
9. Input Power Terminal Block
10. Data Cable
11. Power in Receptacle
12. Host to Micro Comm
13. Protective Earth Terminal
14. DSM (optional)
15. Parallel Printer (optional)
16. MIS Interface (optional)

Figure 2-12: M-IV Interconnections

Part Number MAN-01929 2-11

Service Manual
Chapter 2—System Installation

4.8 Radiation Shield Installation

The radiation shield and the shield support are shipped in separate containers and must be
fastened to the Console.

Note… The M-IV Mobile system does not come with an operator shield. Shielding
is provided by the M-IV Mobile installer at time of system installation.
1. The two halves of the shield support are shipped attached. Separate the two halves by
lifting the rear shield support slightly, and then pulling it away from the front shield
2. Position the front shield support so that
the mounting holes align with the
threaded holes in the rear of the operator
3. Secure the front shield support with the
four bolts.
4. Lift the radiation shield and place it on
the support shelf with the Hologic logo
facing the patient.
5. Align the holes in the shield with the
threaded holes in the front support.
6. Position the two protective plates over the
shield mounting holes.
7. Secure the plates and the shield to the
front shield support using the four bolts
8. Position the mounting hooks on the rear
shield support so that they align with the
slots in the front shield support.
9. Insert the hooks into the slots, then slide
the rear support down to secure in place.
10. Mount the front and rear fascia strips onto
the shield support as shown.

Note… The fascia strips are self-

adhesive and are used to
cover the gap between the
shield and the shield support.
Legend for Figure 2-13
1. Front Shield Support
2. Front Shield Support Mounting Bolts (4)
3. Radiation Shield Support Shelf
4. Protective Plates (2)
5. Protective Plates Mounting Bolts (4)
6. Rear Shield Support Mounting Hooks
7. Fascia strip (2) Figure 2-13: Installation—Radiation Shield

2-12 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 2—System Installation
Initial Startup Procedures

5.0 Initial Startup Procedures

At this point in the M-IV installation procedures:
• Both the Gantry and the Operator Console should be permanently mounted in position.
• All power and applicable accessory connections should be made.
• The footswitch(es) should be installed.
1. Install the Gantry lower rear panel.
2. Perform the following procedures in the order given:
• “Remote X-ray On/Power On Indicators—Connection,” page 2-7, (skip this step on
systems without this option)
• “Initial Pre-Startup Tests,” page 2-13
• “System Startup—Initial,” page 2-14
• “Setting Operational Parameters,” page 2-16

5.1 Remote X-ray On Light Configuration

When installed, the remote X-ray On light can be configured to define whether it is on only
during the X-ray period or throughout the entire boost and X-ray periods.
1. Open the right side Gantry door.
2. Locate the Host Microprocessor Board.
3. Install the jumper on JP7 as follows:
• For light on only during X-ray period, install the jumper between positions 1 and 2.
• For light on during boost and X-ray period, install the jumper between positions 2 and 3.
4. Close the Gantry door.

5.2 Initial Pre-Startup Tests

Perform these pre-startup tests before turning on the system for the first time following
1. Ensure that the primary (source) power circuit breaker is on.
2. Ensure that the circuit breaker on the rear of the Gantry is on.
3. Ensure that all three Emergency Off switches are reset (2 on the Gantry, 1 on the
Operator Console).
4. Inspect the overall integrity of the mammography system for open or loose panels,
missing hardware, and signs of damage. Inspect the radiation shield for chips, cracks,
breaks, and secure attachment.
5. Be sure the room is clear of obstructions.
6. Correct all discrepancies before turning on the system.

Part Number MAN-01929 2-13

Service Manual
Chapter 2—System Installation
Initial Startup Procedures

5.3 System Startup—Initial

1. On the Operator Console, press the On button to turn on the system.

Figure 2-14: On/Off Keys on the Operator Console

Note After turning on the system, a tone sounds, and the Operator Console
display illuminates.

2. The system performs a series of tests of the internal subsystems. During this time, the
remote microprocessors activate, and report to the Host Microprocessor.
3. During startup, the current software versions are displayed on the bottom of the screen
for approximately 10 seconds. Freeze the display by pressing shift + view at the same
time (repeat to un-freeze display). Verify that the software versions shown are as
reflected in the documentation received with the system.
4. If, during the diagnostic tests, the system detects a fault or error condition, a message
appears in the Message Area.

Note Failure of a subsystem to report causes an error condition. To hold the

startup sequence so that the error message remains on the screen, press the
Shift (labeled as an Up Arrow on the Alphanumeric Keypad) and View keys.
To resume, press the Shift and View keys again.
5. After the self-diagnostic tests, the Run Mode displays, and the startup sequence is complete.

2-14 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 2—System Installation
Initial Startup Procedures

5.4 Calculate Ground Impedance

Note This check to be performed by a qualified electrician at time of installation.
Equipment Needed:
DMM—to measure AC voltage
Inductive Ammeter—capable of measuring at least 30 Amps AC
Measure Voltage/Current:
1. Measure the no-load voltage.
2. Measure the full-load voltage by performing a full-exposure test in manual mode—32
kV, at 200 mAs.
Calculate the ground impedance using the following formula:
R = -------------------------
I MaxL

R = Ground Impedance
VNL = Voltage at no load
VFL = Voltage at full load
IMaxL = Current at full load
Ground impedance must be no more than:
0.20Ω at 208, 220, 230, 240 V~TAP
0.16Ω at 200 V~TAP
If results are higher, stop work and contact the building electrician to repair the ground

5.4.1 Line Regulation Test

Refer to Chapter 3, Section 5.1, page 3-22.

5.5 Functional Tests

To verify the system’s electromechanical functions, the various controls on the operator
console, c-arm, tubehead, and footswitch(es) must be tested. These controls include:
• Compression Up
• Compression Down
• Compression Release
• C-arm Up
• C-arm Down
• C-arm Rotation
• Light Field
• Collimator Override
Press each button individually and verify it functions as described in Chapter 3, "M-IV
Controls and Functional Tests," page 3-5.

Part Number MAN-01929 2-15

Service Manual
Chapter 2—System Installation
Initial Startup Procedures

5.6 Install MIS Interface (Optional)

For sites with the MIS Interface Option, install according to the applicable Installation Kit.

5.7 Setting Operational Parameters

Upon completion of initial startup procedures, perform the following procedures.
1. Calibration Procedures
Chapter 3, "Exposure Counter Reset," page 3-58

Note… Reset should be performed only on a new installation. On an existing

installation, it should be performed only if requested by the customer.
• Chapter 3, "Setting System Defaults," page 3-11
• Chapter 3, "Default Settings—Additional Setup Mode Screen," page 3-16
• Chapter 3, "Exposure System Calibration," page 3-22
• Chapter 3, "AEC Detector Gain Calibration," page 3-32
• Chapter 3, "AEC Curve Selection," page 3-33
• Chapter 3, "AEC Calibration," page 3-35
• Chapter 3, "Reference Tables," page 3-53
• Chapter 3, "Final Set Up Tests," page 3-57
• Chapter 5, "Verify Software Controlled Detent Function," page 5-19
• Chapter 6, "Compression Force Calibration," page 6-27
• Chapter 6, "Compression Force Calibration," page 6-27
2. Performance Tests
• Chapter 3, "C-arm Rotation Speed Control," page 3-58
• Chapter 8, "M-IV Bucky Device (Linear) Performance Test," page 8-29
• Chapter 8, "M-IV Bucky Device (HTC Grid) Performance Test," page 8-30
• Chapter 8, "Maximum mAs in Auto-Time Mode Performance Test," page 8-31
• Chapter 8, "Optical Density (Users Preference) Verification," page 8-32
3. Compliance Tests
• Chapter 8, "Reproducibility and Linearity (Manual Mode) Test," page 8-6
• Chapter 8, "Reproducibility (Auto-Time Mode) Test," page 8-10
• Chapter 8, "Reproducibility (Auto-kV Mode) Test," page 8-11
• Chapter 8, "Reproducibility (Auto-Filter Mode) Test," page 8-12
• Chapter 8, "Half Value Layer Compliance Test," page 8-3)
• Chapter 8, "X-ray and Light Field Compliance," page 8-13
• Chapter 8, "X-ray Shielding Compliance," page 8-32
4. System Level Performance Test
Chapter 8, "System Test," page 8-29
5. Backup the Configuration

2-16 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 2—System Installation
Final Operational Setup

6.0 Final Operational Setup

6.1 System Shutdown
Upon completion of the calibration and alignment procedures, shut down the M-IV by
pressing the off button on the Operator Console.

6.2 Final Setup

1. Ensure all tools and test equipment are removed from the system.
2. Return all DIP switches to normal Run positions.
3. Replace all covers and panels.
4. Close and secure the Gantry doors.
The system is now ready for normal operation.

Part Number MAN-01929 2-17

Service Manual
Chapter 2—System Installation
Final Operational Setup

2-18 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Switches and Connections

Chapter 3—System Setup

1.0 Switches and Connections
The tables that follow detail M-IV switch and jumper configurations. Refer to Chapter 5,
"Gantry Circuit Boards," page 5-1 for board locations within the Gantry.
The Operator Console PCB contains two DIP Switches (S1 and S2). Refer to Chapter 4,
"Operator Console PCB DIP Switch Settings," page 4-2 for DIP switch functions.

1.1 Host Microprocessor Board

The Host Microprocessor Board contains:
• a Rotary Selection switch (S4).
• four push-button switches (S1, S2, S3, and S5).
• a Calibration Mode DIP Switch (S6).
• a DIP Switch (S7).
• an LCD, 8-character, green display.
See Figure 3-1 for switch identification and location on the Host Microprocessor Board.

Legend for Figure 3-1

1. Rotary Switch (S4)
2. Harness Connector AEJ3
3. LCD
4. Save Button (S1)
5. Select Button (S2)
6. Decrease Button (S3)
7. Increase Button (S5)
8. Calibration Mode DIP Switch (S6)
9. DIP Switch (S7)

Figure 3-1: Host Microprocessor Board Components

Part Number MAN-01929 3-1

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Switches and Connections

1.2 Host Microprocessor Board Switch Settings

See Figure 3-1, page 3-1, for locations of each of these switches in this section.

1.2.1 Host Microprocessor Board Push-buttons (S1, S2, S3, S5)

Use the four push-buttons, S1, S2, S3, S5 below the LCD:
• to switch among the variables for the selected calibration.
• to increase or decrease the displayed variables.
• to save the changed information.

Note… S1-S5 have different functions for the AEC calibration procedures. Refer to
Section 6.0, page 3-30.

1.2.2 Calibration Mode DIP Switch (S6) Settings

Prior to calibrating any system parameter, set the appropriate switch(es) on the
Calibration Mode DIP Switch, S6.

Table 3-1: Calibration Mode DIP Switch (S6)

Switch Status Function

1 See below Peripheral Monitor (KJ26) Select
2 See below Peripheral Monitor (KJ26) Select
3 On Load TOSHIBA defaults
Off* Load VARIAN defaults
4 On Calibration Mode
Off* Run Mode
5 Off Not Used
6 On 5 second STANDBY after X-ray
Off* 30 second STANDBY after X-ray
7 On Host Alarm Enabled
Off* Host Alarm Disabled
8 On Alternate S4 function 1 **
Off* Alternate S4 function 2 **
S6-1/S6-2 Switch Setting Peripheral (Monitored at Kj26)
Off/Off Tubehead
Off/On Generator
On/Off Motor
On/On Image Receptor
*Normal Operating Position
**Refer to Table 3-2, page 3-3, Rotary Switch (S4) Settings

3-2 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Switches and Connections

1.2.3 Rotary Switch (S4) Settings

The Rotary Selection switch, S4, is a 16 position switch numbered 0 through 9, and
A through F. Each switch position selects a calibration parameter. The LCD shows
the selected calibration parameter.

Table 3-2: Host Microprocessor Board Rotary Switch (S4) Settings

S4 S6-8 Feature
0 On Exp. #, CAL init, TH init, AEC tec, mot init, HVL init, RMA init, Err Clear
Off kV, Mode
1 On Tube Type Selected
Off mAs (Manual) mAs Window (Auto-Modes)
2 On kV Lookup Table: Rhodium Filter Switch kV: TEC Table Comp Height vs. kV
Off Filament Preheat Calibration (Full, 60, 30, 20, 10)
3 On Density Steps (4% 6% 8% 10% 12.5% 15%)
Off mAs Table 1 or 2: Mo/Rh Filter: Spot Size
4 On nd
HTC AkV Fil. Cal. for 2 sample exposure (HfilHi, HfilLo)
Off Tube Grid Bias Calibration
5 On Rotation: Vertical speed: Comp: STL2: Load cell
Off Thickness: Force: Rotation Angle calibration: Compression
6 On Auto-Filter Threshold and Offset
Off Compression Force limits indication
7 On Compression Release Distance: (5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5) cm
Off Compression Force Mode Selected (Pre, Full, Dual)
8 On Aperture
Off Collimator Calibration, Small Focal Spot
9 On System Software Revision levels
Off M3 Style Bucky calibration
A On Paddle ID Calibration pid_cal
Off Not Used – Displays pid_cal
B On Image Receptor Detector Voltage
Off Image Receptor and Paddle Codes
C On Mirror Position
Off Mirror Position Calibration
D On Filter Position
Off Filter Position Calibration
E On AEC Det. Gain (1, 2, 3) - AEC Cal (Gain, Offset, M-Density, Density, Large Film)
AEC Curves (A/B/C) Reduced mAF: (60, 30, 20, 10)
Off [AEC Calibration Information -- display only.]
F On Tubehead Temperature
Off Collimator Blade position Calibration

Part Number MAN-01929 3-3

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Switches and Connections

1.2.4 DIP Switch (S7) Settings

All of these switches are only used for troubleshooting. They should all be in the Off
position for normal operation. 200 mrad mode is now accomplished using user-
selectable Starting-kV Lookup Tables.

1.2.5 Peripheral Monitor Ports

The M-IV permits the user to connect a computer, via the serial port, to the Host
Microprocessor Board. This permits the user to monitor various subsystem serial
communication transfers. Use Table 3-3 as a guide when connecting the computer’s
serial port to the Host Microprocessor Board.

Figure 3-2: Location of Serial port on Host Microprocessor Board

Note… The computer used to monitor the serial communication transfers must have
terminal emulation (for example, V-Term, Terminal, or HyperTerminal).

Table 3-3: Host Microprocessor Board Peripheral Ports

Switch Setting Peripheral
KJ17 N/A Console X-ray (X-ray)
KJ16 N/A Console (kV, mAs, etc.)
KJ13 N/A Not Used
KJ14 N/A Not Used
KJ15 S6 (4-On, 8-Off) CAL Data Download (Section 11.0, page 3-56)
KJ26 S6 (1-Off, 2-Off) Tubehead Motors
KJ26 S6 (1-On, 2-Off) Generator
KJ26 S6 (1-Off, 2-On) Motor Controls (C-arm up, down, rotation)
KJ26 S6 (1-On, 2-On) Image Receptor (AEC, accessory detection)

3-4 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
M-IV Controls and Functional Tests

2.0 M-IV Controls and Functional Tests

Function Control Location and Appearance Description/Function Test

Compression Down Press a button and confirm the system:

• Engages the compression brake
• Illuminates the light field lamp
• Lowers the compression device
Note… The compression brake
remains engaged until compression
release is pressed.
Confirm that Motorized compression
down movement automatically stops:
• When the button is released

• When the compression reaches the

compression down force limit
• At the lower compression travel limit

Compression Up Press a button, and confirm the system:

• Lifts the compression device
• Does not release or activate the
compression brake
Confirm that Motorized compression
up movement automatically stops:
• On release of the button
• When the compression device
reaches the upper compression

travel limit

Compression Release When the system has at least 12 lb (53

N) of compression, press a release
button, and confirm the system:
• Releases the compression brake.
• Lifts the compression device a
preset distance.
Note… When a localization paddle is
installed, the system disables all
compression release buttons and
automatic compression release, if
enabled. Use the compression up
buttons to release the patient.

Part Number MAN-01929 3-5

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
M-IV Controls and Functional Tests

Function Control Location and Appearance Description/Function Test

Counterclockwise Press a button, and confirm:

C-arm Rotation • The C-arm rotates left.
• The rotation stops on the release of
the button.
• When compression force of 58 N
(13 pounds) or greater is applied,
C-arm movement is disabled.
• The displays of C-Arm Angle
Rotation reflect the changes in
• When the C-arm rotates to the left,
the display changes to a more-
negative reading.

Clockwise C-Arm Press a button, and confirm:

Rotation • The C-arm rotates to the right.
• When compression force of 58 N
(13 pounds) or greater is applied,
C-arm movement is disabled.
• Confirm that the C-Arm Angle
Rotation Displays on the Gantry
reflect the changes in rotation.
• When the C-arm rotates to the
right, the display changes to a
more-positive reading.

3-6 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
M-IV Controls and Functional Tests

Function Control Location and Appearance Description/Function Test

C-Arm Up Press this button and confirm:

• The Motorized C-Arm Up
movement automatically stops on
the release of the button or when the
upper C-arm travel limit is reached.
• When compression force of 58 N
(13 pounds) or greater is applied,
C-arm movement is disabled.


C-Arm Down Press the button and confirm:

• The Motorized C-Arm Down
movement automatically stops on
the release of the button or when the
lower C-arm travel limit is reached.
• When compression force of 58 N
(13 pounds) or greater is applied,
C-arm movement is disabled.


Part Number MAN-01929 3-7

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
M-IV Controls and Functional Tests

Function Control Location and Appearance Description/Function Test

Collimator Override The button moves the collimator

through the calibrated X-ray fields that
are available.
Press the button:
1. Press the Light-Field Lamp button
to show the X-ray field.
2. Press the Collimator Override
button and confirm the collimator
device changes the size of the X-
ray and light-field.
3. Change the paddle to a different
size and confirm that the collimator
changes the light-field to the
correct size in Automatic mode.
4. Change the size of the Bucky and
confirm that the light-field changes
to the correct size in either mode.
Automatic or Manual collimator mode
is selected in Setup.

Note… The collimation override does

not allow the size of the field to be
larger than the size of the attached
Image Receptor.

Light Field Lamp Press the Light Field Lamp button and
• The button illuminates the light
field lamp for approximately 30
• The Light Field Lamp automatically
illuminates when a Compression
Down button is pressed.

3-8 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
M-IV Controls and Functional Tests

Function Control Location and Appearance Description/Function Test

AEC Position 1. Change the AEC position with the

AEC Sensor handle under the
Image Receptor Support Device.
2. Confirm the position indicator
display (#1) matches the current

Function Control Location and Appearance Description/Function Test

Compression Down Press a button and confirm the system:

• Engages the compression brake
• Illuminates the light field lamp
• Lowers the compression device
Note… The compression brake
remains engaged until compression
release is pressed.
Confirm that Motorized compression
down movement automatically stops:
• When the button is released
• When the compression reaches the
compression down force limit
• At the lower compression travel limit

Part Number MAN-01929 3-9

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
M-IV Controls and Functional Tests

2.1 Emergency Off Switches

Location of Emergency Off Switches Description

There are three Emergency Off

Switches on the M-IV, one on each
side of the Gantry and one on the
Operator Console.

Press any of the Emergency Off

switches to immediately remove the
power to the system.

Turn the Emergency Off switch one-

quarter turn to reset the switch.

2.2 The Input Power Circuit Breaker

Location of Circuit Breaker Description

The Gantry circuit breaker is

located at the lower right corner of
the back panel. It provides
overload protection and removes
power from the system. It should
be used only to remove power for
servicing or in an emergency.
Typically, the circuit breaker is left
on. However, always observe the
circuit breaker status prior to
turning on the system each day.
Up is on and Down is off.
Figure 3-3: Gantry Circuit Breaker

2.3 C-Arm Rotation Memory

To help with patient positioning, the M-IV employs a C-arm Rotation Memory feature. After
making an oblique exposure, the C-arm angle is stored in memory. When the technologist
rotates the C-arm past 0° for the next exposure, the rotation circuitry automatically stops the
C-arm at the opposite oblique angle. The technologist may then rotate the C-arm to an angle
other than the memorized oblique angle, if necessary.

3-10 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Setting System Defaults

3.0 Setting System Defaults

This section of the manual describes how to set system functions and exposure parameters.
Selects system default settings for many
system functions in the Setup Mode.
Changes made in the Setup Mode define
how the system is set each time the system
is turned on.
To enter the Setup Mode from the Run
Mode, press the “Run/Setup” key. The
M-IV Run Mode and Setup screens are
shown in Figure 3-4. The locations of the
Console keys are shown in Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-4: The M-IV Screens

Figure 3-5: Operator Console Keyboard

Figure 3-5 Legend

1. X-ray Exposure Switch (2) 5. Alphanumeric Keypad
2. Compression Release Switch 6. View Keypad
3. On and Off Switches 7. Exposure Technique Keypad
4. Function Keypad

Part Number MAN-01929 3-11

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Setting System Defaults

3.1 Making Selections / Entering Data

Select data fields by moving the on-screen highlight bar to the data field requiring change.
The M-IV permits several methods of selecting or highlighting the data fields. Use the Arrow
keys, on the Function Keypad, to move the highlight bar up, down, left or right on the screen.
The highlight bar also advances to the next data field by pressing Enter, or by pressing Tab.
Note, however, that some entries are not complete (recorded) until Enter is pressed.

Note… There are some data fields in the Run Mode that require an entry before the
highlight can be moved from that field.
Once a data field is selected (highlighted), the required data is either manually entered using
the alphanumeric keys (for example, ID, Name, etc.), or selected from the available choices
using the Change key (for example, Compression data field). Also, the CPT Code key and the
View key change the selection for their corresponding data fields (CPT Code and Exam View).
Exposure techniques are selected using the corresponding Exposure Technique select keys.

3.2 The Default Worksheet

Use the Default Worksheets, in Appendix C—Worksheets, Table C-5, page C-2, Table C-6,
page C-3, and Table C-7, page C-4, to record the system defaults and the exposure
techniques typically used by the customer. Inquire as to the users preferences prior to
making changes in the Setup Mode. This worksheet also provides an area for recording label
information (for example, Institution name and Film Type, etc.).

3.3 Setting Defaults—Setup Mode Screen

Use the following as a guide when setting system defaults to the user preferences previously
recorded in Appendix C, Table C-5, Table C-6, and Table C-7.

3.4 Default Setting—Pre-Compression Force

This data field permits selection of the motorized pre-compression force to the approximate
values in Table 3-4, page 3-13. The force setting selected here is also the pre-compression
force setting for the Dual Compression Force mode.

3-12 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Setting System Defaults

3.5 Default Setting—Motorized Modes (Pre/Full/Dual) Compression Force

This data field permits selection of the motorized full range compression force to the
approximate values in Table 3-4. The force setting selected here is also the full range
compression force setting for the Dual Compression Force mode.

Note… The formula for computing is: ‘range x % setting + minimum’. The display on
the compression module must be ± 4.5 Ibs (20 N) from the calculated value.

Table 3-4: Compression Force

% of Force Pre-Compression Force Full Compression Force
Range (Ibs) (N) (Ibs) (N)
10 17.1 76 22 97.9
20 18.5 82.3 24 106.7
30 20 89 26 115.6
40 21.4 95.1 28 124.5
50 22.8 101.4 30 133.4
60 24.2 107.6 32 142.3
70 25.7 114.3 34 151.2
80 27.1 120.5 36 160.1
90 28.6 127.2 38 169.0
100 30 133.5 40 178
Note: The Dual Mode uses the Pre value setting for the initial stop, and the Full
value setting for the final stop.

3.6 Default Setting—Compression Release Mode

The compression release function operates in one of two user selectable modes. The setting
made here dictates which release mode the system is in when the system is first turned on.
The compression release modes are Manual and Automatic.
The Compression Release Distance is factory-set at 10 cm. However, this distance can be
reset to 5 cm, 7.5 cm, or 12.5 cm.
3.7 Default Setting—Collimator Mode
The collimator device within the M-IV tubehead operates in either Manual or Automatic mode.
In Automatic Mode, detection circuitry senses the size of the installed image receptor and
Compression Paddle, and then automatically adjusts the field size. The field size can be
reduced by pressing the collimator override button, but only the rear blade moves.
In Manual mode, detection circuitry only senses the size of the installed image receptor, and
automatically limits the field size to match the receptor. All subsequent field size adjustments
for the application are made using the Collimator Override button on the tubehead. With
any paddle other than a standard screening paddle, any of the available field sizes can be
selected and all the blades move.
Using standard screening paddles, regardless of mode selected, only the rear blade moves
when the collimator override switch is pressed.
In either Collimator Mode, the maximum field size is always limited to the size of the
installed image receptor.

Part Number MAN-01929 3-13

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Setting System Defaults

3.8 Default Setting—Exposure Mode

The system incorporates three automatic exposure modes and one manual exposure mode.
This default setting should be set to the exposure mode most often used; however, all three
exposure modes are always available in the Run Mode to accommodate various
applications. The available exposure modes for this data field are:
• Manual
• Auto-Time
• Auto-kV
• Auto-Filter

3.9 Default Setting—Magnification Mode

This data field permits the user to select which one of the available exposure modes is
automatically selected each time the Magnification Table is installed. The choices for this
data field are:
• Manual
• Auto-Time
• Auto-kV

3.10 Default Setting—View Reminder

The machine may be set so that exposures are not possible unless an exam view is set in the
Run Mode. Typically, the view reminder is turned on for clinical examinations. However, the
user may opt to switch it off to perform verification exposures (using a phantom), or a service
technician may turn it off while calibrating the system.
The only options for the View Reminder are On or Off.

3.11 Default Setting—Auto Timing Windows / mAs Table

3.11.1 mAs Tables
Manual exposures require that the user set a fixed mAs for exposure timing. Two
mAs modes available are:
• Table 1 (coarse selection)
• Table 2 (fine selection)
(For exact mAs step values for both modes, see Table C-7, page C-4)

3-14 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Setting System Defaults

3.11.2 Auto Timing Windows

The final selection of X-ray tube kV and filter combination in Auto-kV and Auto-Filter
modes is determined by an mAs window default. When the exposure mode is set to
Auto-kV or Auto-Filter, this field reads “Auto-kV Window” and the default mAs.
The mAs Window default is selectable in Auto-kV: 125, 165, and 200 mAs for Large
Focal Spot, and 38, 50, and 60 for Small focal Spot. The mAs window in Auto-Filter
mode is fixed at 200 mAs for Large Focal Spot and 60 mAs for Small Focal Spot.
The Auto-kV and Auto-Filter operation principles are to select a kV or kV/filter
combination so that the final exposure in mAs does not exceed the pre-selected mAs
window value.

3.12 Default Setting—Printer

To print hard copy labels of patient information and exposure factors, the optional printer
must be installed, and the Printer data field (in the Setup Mode) must be set on.
User selectable choices for the Printer data field are On or Off.

3.13 Default Setting—Auto ID

The system is equipped with the AutoFilm ID which places a photographic label of exposure
techniques and identification data on the film. The AutoFilm ID requires the use of DIN-style
cassettes with the built-in sliding window. User selectable choices for the Auto ID data field
are described in Table 3-5.
Table 3-5: The AutoFilm ID Options

Tube or Black on White Background or

Emulsion Side White on Black Background
Tube Side - Black On White Tube Black on White
Tube Side - White On Black Tube White on Black
Emulsion Side - Black On White Emulsion Black on White
Emulsion Side - White On Black Emulsion White on Black
Off AutoFilm ID is disabled.

3.14 Default Setting—Cassette Sense

The Cassette Sense Interlock works with the M-IV style Bucky device or the Magnification
Table only. This data field permits the user to choose the Cassette Sense Interlock status as
On or Off.
When the interlock is on, the M-IV prevents an exposure when a cassette is not inserted into
the Bucky device, or when the cassette has not been ejected and then replaced after an
exposure. When the interlock is Off, exposures are not inhibited.

3.15 Default Setting—Retain Patient Data

This data field permits the user to choose the length of time the M-IV stores pre-scheduled
information on the dynamic RAM located on the Remote Console Microprocessor Board.
The choices for this data field are 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 Days.

Part Number MAN-01929 3-15

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Default Settings—Additional Setup Mode Screen

3.16 Time On Flash

This data field allows the user to enable the option of adding a time stamp to the Flasher
Label next to the Comment Block. The choices are Yes and No.
The format of the time display is dependent on the selection made by the operator on the
Console. The date can be set for 12-hour format (HH:MM:AM/PM) or 24-hour format (HH:MM).

3.17 Observation Record

This data field is used with the optional MIS function. It allows the user to enable the option
of sending an Observation Record from the M-IV to the RIS computer at the end of each
exposure. The default is No.
3.18 Dose/ESD Display
When enabled, this data field displays the AGD, or the AGD and ESD, per breast for the
previous examination and displays that amount on the film until the next exposure is acquired.
3.19 Default Setting—Variable Speed Compression
The Variable Speed Compression Feature establishes the rate at which the Compression
Device moves down and can be adjusted in 10% steps, displayed in the range of 00% to
90%. Refer to Figure 3-1, page 3-1 for switch locations. Refer to “Compression Speed
Control,” page 3-59 for adjustment. Ensure default is set to 90.

4.0 Default Settings—Additional Setup Mode Screen

Figure 3-6: Setup Screen Figure 3-7: Additional Setup Screen

The Additional Setup Mode is a second setup screen which permits setting the interface,
entering system labels, and changing the time and date.
To access the Additional Setup mode screen:
1. Highlight the Setup Options data field.
2. Press the Change key until Additional Setup appears in the data field.
3. Press Enter to switch screens.

4.1 Default Setting—Compression Force Units

Set the preferred units of measure used to display compression force, Newtons or pounds.

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Chapter 3—System Setup
Default Settings—Additional Setup Mode Screen

4.2 Default Setting—MIS Interface Option

This function is optional. The RIS field default is Not Attached.

4.3 Setting—Film Type

1. Locate the type(s) of film used at the site.
2. Press Run/Setup to display the Option Menu in the Setup screen.
3. Use the arrow keys to highlight the SETUP OPTIONS field.
4. Press Enter.
5. On the Additional Setup Screen, move the cursor to FILM MENU 1, 2, and 3.
6. Change the film type name(s) to the name of the film(s) used. If less than three types are
used, change the unused selection name(s) to Not Used.

Table 3-6: Film Type Setup Examples

Console Film #’s Console Film

FILM 1 MIN-R-2000
FILM 3 Not Used

7. Press Enter then press Run/Setup twice to return to the Run screen.

4.4 Setting—Flash Time

4.4.1 Flash Time 1
Type the length of time that the AutoFilm ID flashes for film type #1. This field holds
up to four digits and must be in the range of 1 to 9999 representing time in
milliseconds (500 is the default). The entry is the same for all three Flash Times.
To enter a flash time:
1. Highlight the Flash Time 1 data field.
2. Backspace to clear old screen-film information.
3. Type the value (1 to 9999) for film type #1, then press Enter to record the value.

4.4.2 Flash Time 2

Type the length of time that the AutoFilm ID flashes for film type #2.

4.4.3 Flash Time 3

Type the length of time that the AutoFilm ID flashes for film type #3.

4.5 Setting—Date
This field changes the date display which appears in the Run Mode. The date format depends
on the DIP Switch setting on the Host Microprocessor Board:
• DIP S1 switch 3 = Off: MM/DD/YYYY (USA format)
• DIP S1 switch 3 = On: DD/MM/YYYY (International format)
1. Highlight the Date data field.

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Chapter 3—System Setup
Default Settings—Additional Setup Mode Screen

2. Use the Backspace key to delete the displayed date.

3. Type the new date in the selected format (shown above).
4. Press Enter to complete the change.

Note… The day of the week shows to the right of the Date data field.

4.6 Setting—Time
This data field changes the time display which appears in the Run Mode. The format of the
time display is selectable:
• HH:MM:AM/PM (12-hour format)
• HH:MM (24-hour format)
1. Highlight the Time data field, then press Change to select the wanted format.
2. Use the backspace key to delete the displayed time.
3. Type the new time in the proper format (shown above).
4. Press Enter to complete the change.

Note… The label “DST season” appears next to the Time data field during the
daylight savings time season.

4.7 Setting—Institution Data Field

The Institution’s name displays in the space at the top of each Mode Screen, and on the
AutoFilm ID label. The Institution data field permits entry of up to 32 characters to identify
the name of the host institution.
1. Use the backspace key to clear old information.
2. Type the change to the name of the institution, clinic, or hospital.
3. Press Enter to complete the change.

4.8 Setting—Address Data Field

The Address data field permits entry of up to 32 characters to identify the address of the host
institution. This data is also part of the AutoFilm ID label.
1. Use the backspace key to clear old information.
2. Type the change to the address of the institution, clinic, or hospital.
3. Press Enter to complete the change.

4.9 Setting—Tech ID Cleared with Clear Key

This data field permits the user to set the Clear Key so that it also removes the data from the
Tech ID field when it is pressed. The choices for this data field are Yes or No.
1. Highlight the data field.
2. Press Change to select the preference.
3. Press Enter to complete the change.

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Chapter 3—System Setup
Default Settings—Additional Setup Mode Screen

4.10 Setting—Auto ID Contrast

This data field to change the contrast of the AutoFilm ID data when it is flashed onto the film.
Lower values decrease contrast, while higher values increase contrast:
1. Highlight the data field.
2. Enter the value (between 1 and 19).
3. Press Enter to record the change.

4.11 Setting—Auto ID Offset

This field adjusts the distance from the edge of the film where the AutoFilm ID flashes the
label. Higher values move the label farther from the edge, while lower values move it closer.
1. Highlight the data field.
2. Enter the value (between 0 and 7).
3. Press Enter to record the change.

4.12 Setting—Daylight Savings Time

This field permits the system to automatically adjust the time display for daylight savings
time. The choices for this field are Yes or No.
1. Highlight the data field.
2. Press Change to select the preference.
3. Press Enter to record the change.

4.13 Setting—RIS Timeout

This field displays the time in seconds before an error message displays if unable to
communicate with the RIS system.

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Chapter 3—System Setup
Default Settings—Additional Setup Mode Screen

4.14 Default Settings—Exposure Techniques

Use the area along the bottom of the screen to define the exposure parameters that appear as
defaults in the Run Mode’s Exposure Technique Window. A unique set of parameters may be
chosen for each exposure mode. Table 3-7 details the exposure parameters available for
each exposure mode.

Table 3-7: Standard Exposure Mode Parameters

Mode Technique Parameter

Filter Molybdenum (Mo) or Rhodium (Rh)
kV 20kV - 35kV (Mo)
28kV - 39kV (Rh)
mAs Table 1 (3mAs - 500mAs, 23 steps)
2 (3mAs - 500mAs, 59 steps)
Density not selectable
Spot Large or Small
Film 1 of 3 screen-film combinations calibrated
Filter Molybdenum (Mo) or Rhodium (Rh)
kV 20kV - 35kV (Mo)
28kV - 39kV (Rh)
mAs Table not selectable
Density -5 to 0 to +5
Spot Large or Small
Film 1 of 3 screen-film combinations calibrated
Filter Molybdenum (Mo) or Rhodium (Rh)
kV 25kV - 26kV (Mo)* or 28kV (Rh)
mAs not selectable
Density -5 to 0 to +5
Spot Large or Small
Film 1 of 3 screen-film combinations calibrated
Auto-kV 125mAs, 165mAs, 200mAs, (Large)
Window 38mAs, 50mAs, 60mAs, (Small)
*Thickness-based starting kV in Auto-kV and Auto-Filter Modes

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Chapter 3—System Setup
Default Settings—Additional Setup Mode Screen

Table 3-7: Standard Exposure Mode Parameters (Continued)

Mode Technique Parameter

Auto Filter
Filter not selectable (Mo is the starting default)
kV 25kV - 26kV *
mAs Table not selectable
Density -5 to 0 to +5
Spot Large
Film 1 of 3 screen-film combinations calibrated
Auto-kV 200mAs
*Thickness-based starting kV in Auto-kV and Auto-Filter Modes

Table 3-8: Mag Exposure Mode Parameters

Mode Technique Parameter

Mag Manual
Filter Molybdenum (Mo) or Rhodium (Rh)
kV 20kV - 35kV (Mo)
28kV - 39kV (Rh)
mAs Table 1 (3mAs - 125mAs, 17 steps)
2 (3mAs - 150mAs, 41 steps)
Density not selectable
Mag Auto-Time
Filter Molybdenum (Mo) or Rhodium (Rh)
kV 20kV - 35kV (Mo)
28kV - 39kV (Rh)
mAs Table not selectable
Density -5 to 0 to +5
Spot Small
Film 1 of 3 screen-film combinations calibrated
Spot Small
Mag Auto-kV
Filter Molybdenum (Mo) or Rhodium (Rh)
kV 25kV - 26kV (Mo)* or 28kV (Rh)
mAs Table not selectable
Density -5 to 0 to +5
Spot Small
Film 1 of 3 screen-film combinations calibrated
Auto-kV 38mAs, 50mAs, 60mAs, Auto

Part Number MAN-01929 3-21

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Chapter 3—System Setup
Exposure System Calibration

5.0 Exposure System Calibration

Use the following section to set up, test, and calibrate the M-IV exposure generating system.

5.1 Line Regulation Test

1. Turn the system off. Place a true RMS AC voltmeter on L and N at the rear panel of the
Gantry. Turn the system on, then record the line voltage (VNL) in Table 3-9.
2. Select 32 kV, 200 mAs, then make an exposure. Record the line voltage (VL) in
Table C-39, page C-20.

Table 3-9: Line Regulation Test


VL =

%REG = ([VNL -VL] / VNL) x 100% <10% =

5.2 Setting—X-ray Tube Type

This procedure sets the Host Microprocessor Board for the type of X-ray tube installed.
Perform this procedure as a preoperational test, or after replacing the X-ray tube.
1. Set the M-IV to the calibration mode (S6 switch 4 = On). Set the Host Microprocessor
Board for the X-ray Tube Selection mode (S4 to position 1; S6 switch 8 = On).
2. Determine the type of X-ray tube installed on the M-IV (refer to the X-ray tube’s
documentation). On the Host Microprocessor Board, press Select (S2) until the installed
X-ray tube type appears (Varian 0, or Varian 1). The Varian tubes are identified by their
labels on the cathode end of the tube housing.
3. Select “Varian 0” for Varian M113 and M113R X-ray tubes, refer to the tube serial
number and Table 3-10 if necessary. Select “Varian 1” for M113-1 and M113-1A Varian
X-ray tubes.

Note… The last two digits of the tube serial number is the date code. The “alpha”
digit indicates the month (refer to Table 3-10), the “numeric” digit indicates
the year (for example, -R7 = May 1997).

Table 3-10: X-ray Tube Date Code Month Matrix

Code Month Code Month Code Month

N January R May V September
O February S June W October
P March T July X November
Q April U August Y December

4. Press (S1and S3) to save the selection (the saved selection is displayed in capital letters).
Set the Host Microprocessor Board for normal operation (S6 switch 4 = Off).

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Chapter 3—System Setup
Exposure System Calibration

5.3 Tube Bias Adjustment

This procedure sets the Tube Bias to the manufacturer’s specification. The tube bias is set at
the factory, or at the site after replacing the X-ray tube. Be sure to select the proper X-ray tube
(as determined by the previous procedure) before making the Tube Bias Adjustment.
1. Set the Host Microprocessor Board for the calibration mode (S6 switch 4 = On).
2. Ensure the proper tube is selected (S4 to position 1; S6 switch 8 = On). Refer to the
previous procedure.
3. Set the Host Microprocessor Board for the Tube Bias adjustment (S4 to position 4; S6
switch 8 = Off).
4. Obtain the Tube Bias value from the manufacturers documentation for both focal spots.
5. Select the Large focal spot, then press S5 (increase) or S3 (decrease) to change the
displayed value according to the chart below.
6. Select the Small focal spot, then press S5 (increase) or S3 (decrease) to change the
displayed value according to the chart below.
7. When the appropriate Tube Bias is set, press S1 (Save).
8. Set the system to normal operation (S6 switch 4 = Off).

Table 3-11: Tube Bias Voltage

Varian Both Spots

1 = 5V
2 = 5V
3 = 5V
4 = 5V
5 = 5V
6 = 6V
7 = 7V
8 = 8V
9 = 9V
10 = 10V

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Chapter 3—System Setup
Exposure System Calibration

5.4 Prepare for kV Calibration

Prior to kV Calibration, check the standby current and perform a preliminary filament calibration.

5.4.1 Verify Standby Current

1. Shut down the system.
2. Set the system to Calibration Mode, (Host Microprocessor board,
S6 switch 4 = On).
3. Connect the DMM (set to read millivolts) across R74 (TP31 and TP24) on the
Filament Control board (primary filament current); see Figure , page 3-27.
4. Start up the M-IV system and verify the voltage reading are between 240 – 260
millivolts (indicating the standby current) if not, Adjust R87 on the Filament
Control Board.
5. Disconnect the DMM across R74 on the Filament Control Board.

5.4.2 Filament DAC Value Pre-Test

1. On the Host microprocessor board set DIP Switch S6-4 to On, S6-8 Off, and the
rotary switch S4 to position 2. Verify that “fil=####” is displayed on the
8-character LCD.
2. Connect the oscilloscope to the HV Control Board with the (+) probe to TP 4
(mA Sense), and the return to TP17 (DGND). Set the scope for:
• Vertical: 0.5 volt/div
• Horizontal: 10 ms/div
• Trigger: Channel 1, at 500 mV
3. Set the exposure techniques for Manual - Mode / 20 kV / 50 mAs / Large Focal-Spot.
4. Make an exposure to acquire the waveform on the oscilloscope.
5. Check to see that the waveform is parallel to the Voltage Cursor as it crosses the
10 ms point, and that no overshoot or undershoot is observed. Adjust the DAC
value as needed by pressing S3 (down) and S5 (up) on the Host microprocessor
board, and then check by acquiring another waveform. Repeat as needed to
achieve a flat waveform with no overshoot or undershoot; see Figure 3-8.

Figure 3-8: Waveform Patterns

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Chapter 3—System Setup
Exposure System Calibration

5.5 Tube Voltage (kV) Calibration

This procedure sets the HV Generator Assembly so that the actual kV produced matches the
selected kV.
Required equipment:
• an invasive high voltage divider or non-invasive equivalent
• a DMM (digital multimeter)
• coaxial cable and BNC to banana plug
• high voltage adapter cable (P/N 2-425-3015)

Warning: X-ray exposures are made during this test. Observe all safety
precautions while making X-ray exposures.

WARNING! To reduce the risk of hazardous electrical shock, do not

attempt service until the LED (D14) on the HV Inverter board
is extinguished (this takes approximately 5 minutes). Once the
LED is extinguished, do not proceed until an additional 1
minute has elapsed.

1. Shut down the system.

2. Set M-IV to calibration mode (Host Microprocessor board, S6 switch 4 = On) if not
previously done.
3. Connect the DMM to the low voltage
terminals of a 1,000:1 Voltage Divider.
Position the DMM where it can be read
from behind the radiation shield.
4. Using a coaxial cable and a BNC to
banana plug splitter, connect the DMM to
the anode terminal of the Voltage Divider.
5. Connect the ground terminal of the
Voltage Divider to chassis ground on
the Gantry.
6. Connect one end of the high voltage
adapter cable to the Voltage Divider
receptacle and the opposite end to the
HV test well (Figure 6, #1) on the HV
Generator Assembly (behind the HV
Cable well). Ensure the adapter cable is
firmly seated. Figure 3-9: Tube Voltage Calibration
7. Start up the system.
8. Set the exposure factors for manual
mode and large focal spot.
9. Using the Tube Voltage Potential (kV) Data Sheet, Table 3-12, page 3-26, make an
exposure at 28 kV, 300 mAs, large focal spot setting and record the DMM reading.

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Chapter 3—System Setup
Exposure System Calibration

Table 3-12: Tube Voltage Potential (kV) Data Sheet

mAs Tube Voltage Minimum Maximum

kV DMM Reading
Setting (kV) Permitted kV Permitted kV
20 220 19.60 20.40
25 300 24.75 25.25
28 300 27.40 28.60
35 240 34.65 35.35
39 200 38.22 39.78
Note: mAs settings are for the invasive kV measurement and allow for a 3 second exposure
to permit an accurate response from the DMM. If using an oscilloscope or non-invasive
device, adjust mAs settings for a 1 second exposure.

10. Confirm that the DMM reading falls into the range shown in Table 3-12.
11. If the voltage reading is more than 2% of the kV setting, adjust R18 on the HV Control
board (clockwise to increase, counterclockwise to decrease).
12. Repeat the adjustment and exposure as necessary to achieve the required voltage reading.
13. Make an exposure for the remaining kV and mAs settings shown in Table 3-12, and confirm
the DMM readings are within 2% of their kV settings. For 39 kV, set the filter to Rhodium.

Note… It may be necessary to adjust R18 so that the voltage reading for the 28 kV
exposure is within 1% of the kV setting to ensure that the remaining kV
levels fall within the 2% tolerance shown in Table 3-12. Verify the mA
output if R18 is adjusted.
14. Shut down the system. Remove the test equipment.

5.6 Tube Current (mA) Adjustment

The unit selects and regulates X-ray tube current as a function of kV.
Required equipment:
• DMM (set to read millivolts)
• Storage oscilloscope
• mAs meter

Warning: Observe all safety precautions while making an exposure.

3-26 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Exposure System Calibration

5.6.1 Set up the System for the Test

See Figure to locate points for this procedure.
1. Shut down system.
2. Set the system to calibration mode (Host
Microprocessor board, S6 switch 4 = On) if not
previously done.
3. Connect Channel 1 of the oscilloscope to TP4 on
the HV Control board. Connect the probe ground to
TP17 on the HV Control board.

Caution: Never operate the system without either the

jumper bar or a mAs meter installed into the
mA/mAs meter banana jack.

4. Start up the system.

5. Position the meters where they can be read from
behind the radiation shield.

Note… Refer to Figure 3-8, page 3-24 as needed

throughout this procedure.
Consider removing the Bucky during mA
calibration to prevent errors.

5.6.2 mA Adjustment
1. Remove the mA jack from the HV Generator,
connect the DMM, and set to read DC mA.
2. Set the exposure techniques for Manual – Mode /
25 kV / 300 mAs / Large Focal Spot.
3. Make an exposure and check the system
specification for 100 mA ± 0.5 mA.If not within
specification, adjust R20 (MA CAL potentiometer)
on the high voltage control board.

Figure 3-10: Adjustment and Test Points for Tube Current

5.6.3 mAs Verification

1. Connect a digital mAs meter, (Nuclear Associates) model 07-487 or equivalent
to the mA jack on the HV Generator.
2. Set the exposure techniques for Manual – Mode / 25 kV / 100 mAs / Large Focal
3. Make an exposure and verify the mAs reading is within specification of 100
mAs ±5 mAs (95.0-105.0 mAs). If the mAs does not meet specification, repeat
the kV and mA adjustments.
4. Disconnect the mAs meter and reinstall the mA jumper.

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Chapter 3—System Setup
Exposure System Calibration

5.6.4 Filament DAC Value in Large Focal-Spot: 100mA

1. Set the exposure techniques for Manual Mode / 20 kV / 50 mAs / Large Focal Spot.
2. On the Host microprocessor board set DIP Switch S6-4 to On, S6-8 Off, and the
rotary switch S4 to position 2. Verify that “fil=####” is displayed on the
8-character LCD.
3. Connect the oscilloscope to the HV Control Board with the (+) probe to TP4
(mA Sense), and the return to TP17 (DGND).
4. Set the scope for Vertical: 0.5 volt/div, Horizontal: 10 mS/div, Trigger:
Channel 1, at 500mV
5. Make an exposure to acquire the waveform on the oscilloscope.
6. Use the Host microprocessor board buttons S3 (decrease) and S5 (increase) to
adjust the Filament DAC values. Repeat as needed to achieve a flat waveform.
7. Calibrate the filament DAC values for all kVs (20 kV to 35 kV Moly filter, 36 kV
to 39 kV Rhodium filter).

5.6.5 Filament DAC Value in Large Focal-Spot: 30mA

1. Set the exposure techniques for Manual Mode / 20 kV / 14 mAs / Large Focal Spot.
2. The Host microprocessor board displays “f30=xxxx”.
3. Make an exposure to acquire the waveform on the oscilloscope.
4. Use the Host microprocessor board buttons S3 (decrease) and S5 (increase) to
adjust the Filament DAC values. Repeat as needed to achieve a flat waveform.
5. Calibrate the filament DAC values for all kVs (20 kV to 35 kV Moly filter, 36 kV
to 39 kV Rhodium filter).

5.6.6 Initialize 60mA, 20mA, 10mA Filament DAC Values

Note… Perform this procedure after both 100 mA and 30 mA filaments DAC values
are calibrated.

Caution: Ensure you do not accidentally reset the calibration values to default

1. Set host board DIP switch S6-4 to On, S6-8 to On, and the rotary switch S4 to
“0”. The host displays the exposure count.
2. Press S1 until the host displays “rmA_init”.
3. Press S2 to initialize the (60 mA, 20 mA, and 10 mA Filament DAC values), the
host displays “rmA_INIT”.

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Chapter 3—System Setup
Exposure System Calibration

5.6.7 Filament DAC Value in Large Focal-Spot: 60mA

1. On the Host microprocessor board set DIP Switch S6-4 to On, S6-8 Off, and the
rotary switch S4 to position 2.
2. Set the exposure techniques for Manual Mode / 20 kV / 24 mAs / Large Focal Spot.
3. The Host microprocessor board displays “f 60=xxxx”.
4. Make an exposure to acquire the waveform on the oscilloscope.
5. Use the Host microprocessor board buttons S3 (decrease) and S5 (increase) to
adjust the Filament DAC values. Repeat as needed to achieve a flat waveform.
6. Calibrate the filament DAC values for all kVs (20 kV to 35 kV Moly filter, 36 kV
to 39 kV Rhodium filter).

5.6.8 Filament DAC Value in Large Focal-Spot: 20mA

1. Set the exposure techniques for Manual Mode / 20 kV / 8 mAs / Large Focal Spot.
2. The Host microprocessor board displays “f 20=xxxx”.
3. Make an exposure to acquire the waveform on the oscilloscope.
4. Use the Host microprocessor board buttons S3 (decrease) and S5 (increase) to
adjust the Filament DAC values. Repeat as needed to achieve a flat waveform.
5. Calibrate the filament DAC values for all kVs (20 kV to 35 kV Moly filter, 36 kV
to 39 kV Rhodium filter).

5.6.9 Filament DAC Value in Large Focal-Spot: 10mA

1. Set the exposure techniques for Manual Mode / 20 kV / 4 mAs / Large Focal Spot.
2. The Host microprocessor board displays “f 10=xxxx”.
3. Make an exposure to acquire the waveform on the oscilloscope.
4. Use the Host microprocessor board buttons S3 (decrease) and S5 (increase) to
adjust the Filament DAC values. Repeat as needed to achieve a flat waveform.
5. Calibrate the filament DAC values for all kVs (20 kV to 35 kV Moly filter, 36 kV
to 39 kV Rhodium filter).

5.6.10 Filament DAC Value in Small Focal-Spot

1. Set the exposure techniques for Manual Mode / 20 kV / 3 mAs / Small Focal Spot.
2. The Host microprocessor board displays “fil=xxxx”.
3. Make an exposure to acquire the waveform on the oscilloscope.
4. Use the Host microprocessor board buttons S3 (decrease) and S5 (increase) to
adjust the Filament DAC values. Repeat as needed to achieve a flat waveform.
5. Calibrate the filament DAC values for all kVs (20 kV to 35 kV Moly filter, 36 kV
to 39 kV Rhodium filter).

Part Number MAN-01929 3-29

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Half Value Layer Determination for Dose Display

6.0 Half Value Layer Determination for Dose Display

Note… If dose display is to be in mGy, HVL values must be entered in mGy. If dose
display is to be in mR, HVL values must be entered in mR.
1. Refer to Table 3-40 on p. 3-54 to determine if you are to enable Dose Display. If you are
not going to use Dose Display, then do not perform this Half Value Layer determination.
2. From the Run screen, press Run/Setup to access the Setup screen.
3. Use the arrows to highlight the AGD/ESD Display field and use the Change key to select
AGD or AGD/ESD for dose display.
4. Press Enter.
5. Press Run/Setup to return to the Run screen.
6. From the Run screen, press Shift and Run/Setup at the same time to access the HVL
Calibration screen.
7. Using the Down Arrow, go to the Select Function field and press Change to display CLEAR.
8. Press Enter to clear any data.
9. Near the top of the screen, where it says Exposure Measurements, note the unit of
measure (mrad or mGy). To change the units, with the Select Function field highlighted,
use the Change key to select CHG UNITS and press Enter to change the units.
10. Use the arrow keys to highlight the No Al filter, E0: data field.

Figure 3-11: Radiation Meter Placement

3-30 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Half Value Layer Determination for Dose Display

11. Set up a radiation meter 4 cm from the chest wall, with the paddle, and 99.9% pure
Aluminum (for Mammography) sheets as shown in Figure 3-11. Make sure that the probe
sensor is at 4.5 cm from the top of the Bucky.
12. Set the unit up for a Moly filter, 20 kV, 60 mAs, exposure. Confirm that a # appears
between the mAs column and the HVL column in the Results portion of the screen.
13. Mount an 18 x 24 compression paddle upside down onto the compression device. Raise
the compression device until the paddle is approximately 1 cm below the tubehead port.
14. With no aluminum in the beam, acquire an exposure and enter the reading in the
highlighted data field.
15. Verify that the console does not display UNITS MAY BE INCORRECT at the top. If it
does, confirm that the entered value matches the reading on the radiation meter.
16. Record the results in Table 3-13, “HVL Testing,” on page 3-31.
17. Select the next data field and place the indicated amount of aluminum into the beam,
acquire an exposure, and enter the reading.
18. Repeat step 17 until all indicated thickness values are used and all data entered.
19. Change the kV value to the next level indicated in the Results portion of the screen,
ensure the # symbol shows for that row, and repeat steps 14—17 for that kV level.
20. Repeat until all kVs are tested.
21. After you obtain data for all kVs, highlight the Select Function field and press Change to
display CALCULATE.
22. Press Enter to calculate HVL and tube output for all kVs and display the results.
23. Examine each row in the Results portion of the screen, and confirm that none say Invalid
Data or Range Error. If errors exist, change the kV to view the data for the row that
displays the error and reconfirm the entered values.
24. After you collect the data and perform the calculations, highlight the Selected Function
field and use the Change key to display SEND.
25. Press Enter to send the data to the Host Microprocessor Board and wait for a beep,
which indicates that the Host Microprocessor Board has received the data. If a
transmission error occurs, the message “RESEND” is displayed.

Table 3-13: HVL Testing

Molybdenum Rhodium
kV: 20 24 28 32 35 28 32 34 36 39
0.3mm -
The data below is shown on the console screen after the HVL values are calculated.
Tube Out

Part Number MAN-01929 3-31

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Preparing for AEC Detector Gain Calibration

7.0 Preparing for AEC Detector Gain Calibration

7.1 General Information
Starting kV Lookup Table selection:
Auto kV and Auto Filter Modes utilize a lookup table to adjust kV based on compressed
breast thickness. Refer to Table 3-38, page 3-53.
For U.S systems, the Starting Lookup Table ‘Table 1’ (High Contrast - starts with a lower kV
value) is used for calibration testing.
Table “0” (Low Dose) Starts with a higher kV value (ROW and Low Dose states)
Table “1” (High Contrast) Starts with a lower kV value (U.S. Systems)
Table “2” (Conventional) Starts with median kV value (Alternate table for U.S.)

7.2 AEC Detector Gain Calibration

1. On the Host Microprocessor Board, set DIP switch S6-4 On, S6-8 On, and rotary switch
S4 to position 2.
2. Press S2 to select active. The Host Microprocessor Board displays TEC TAB.
3. Select the Starting kV Lookup Table.
4. On the Host Microprocessor Board, set rotary switch S4 to position E.
5. Press S1 until the Host Microprocessor Board displays DtGn#=## (The first number
matches the selected film type, the second number is the detector gain value).
6. Rotate the C-arm to access the IR Microprocessor
board on the bottom of the IRSD.
7. Connect the oscilloscope to TP-7 (AOUT) on the IR
Microprocessor board. See Figure .
8. Connect the oscilloscope ground to TP-22 (AGND).
9. Place the oscilloscope so you can read it from behind
the Radiation Shield. Set the oscilloscope to acquire a
single sweep.
• Vertical: 2.0 V per division
• Horizontal: 10 ms per division
• Trigger: Channel 1, 5.0 V
10. Install an 18 x 24 cm Bucky.
11. Install a compression paddle.
12. Place 2 cm of BEM on the Bucky and lower the paddle
to hold the BEM in place. Figure 3-12: Image Receptor
Microprocessor Board
Note… BEM refers to breast equivalent material,
such as BR-12.
13. Insert a cassette, loaded with the appropriate film, into the Bucky.
14. On the Operator Console, on the Run Screen, select the first film type to be used.
15. Set the exposure techniques to Manual, Moly, 30 kV, and 50 mAs.

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Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Curve Selection

Note… Failure to set the unit for 50 mAs results in incorrect detector gain
16. Acquire an exposure and observe the waveform amplitude.
17. Using S3 and S5 to change the detector gain, acquire exposures until the oscilloscope
displays as close to 9.5 VDC as possible without exceeding 10.0 VDC.

Note… M-IV offers up to 3 film screen programs.

18. Record the film type, cassette type, detector gain, and gain voltage in Table 3-14.

Table 3-14: Detector Gain Settings

Detector Gain
Film # Film Type Cassette Type Gain Voltage

19. Using the selected cassette and next film type, repeat steps 11 through 15 to calibrate
the detector gain for each film screen combination used at the facility.
20. Discard the film.

8.0 AEC Curve Selection

For each film type, you will make three exposures using varying attenuation, and evaluate
the optical density results. Select the AEC curve that shows the least variation in OD for that
film type. Repeat as needed for the remaining two film types.

Note… If you increase or decrease mAs using the Density control, use the same
adjustment for all three exposures on each film set. The same exposure
techniques must be used for all three exposures for each film type.
Three default AEC calibration curves are provided: “AEC#_A,” “AEC#_B,” or “AEC#_ C.”
1. With the host switch positions as they were in the last section, press S1 as needed for the host
to display “aec#_a,” “aec#_b,” or "aec#_c" (The # is the number of the selected film type).
2. Press S2 to select “aec#_a” then press S3 and S5 to load those values for that film type
(the Host Microprocessor Board display now displays capital letters).
3. Set the unit for 28 kV, Auto-Time, and Moly and compress 4.5 cm of BEM on the Bucky.

Note… Failure to place the system in 100 mA mode results in incorrect AEC curve
4. Using information in Table 3-18, “Reduced mA Selection,” on page 3-37, set host DIP
switch S7 for 100 mA mode (position 5, 6, and 7 On).
5. Using the target film and cassette, take three exposures, one with each listed thickness of
6. Flash and develop the film, and record the Optical Density (OD) values for each film in
Table 3-15, “AEC Curve Determination,” on page 3-34.

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Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Curve Selection

Note… The actual OD values are not the primary concern; this portion verifies OD
tracking for each curve on the selected film. The Density ± Control can be
adjusted if all three exposures for a given AEC curve are taken with the
same Density ± Control setting.
7. Repeat steps 2—6 to find the values for the ‘B’ and ‘C’ AEC curves
8. Repeat the above steps for film screen 2 and 3 if required.

Table 3-15: AEC Curve Determination

Film 1
Thickness OD - AEC Curve A OD - AEC Curve B OD - AEC Curve C
4.5 cm
6 cm
7 cm

Film 2
Thickness OD - AEC Curve A OD - AEC Curve B OD - AEC Curve C
4.5 cm
6 cm
7 cm

Film 3
Thickness OD - AEC Curve A OD - AEC Curve B OD - AEC Curve C
4.5 cm
6 cm
7 cm

9. Compare the OD values across all three thickness values for each AEC curve and
determine which curve shows the least variation in OD for that film type. Record the
AEC curve selection in Table 3-16.

Table 3-16: Selected AEC curves

Film # Film Type Selected AEC Curve


10. On the console, select the film type to be calibrated. Press S2 to select the AEC curve
listed above, then press S3 to load those values for that film type (the values are
successfully saved when the Host Microprocessor Board displays capital letters).

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Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Calibration

9.0 AEC Calibration

Note… If a lower Optical Density is desired, reduce the kV accordingly. 28 kV is
optimal for an Optical Density range of 1.70 to 1.80.

The BEM value is a suggested starting point. Adjust the BEM as needed to
obtain the target OD with the required mAs range.

You must calibrate each film type separately. Repeat this entire section for
each film type that you are to calibrate.

9.1 Adjust Master Density for Large Focal Spot

Calibrate a common Master Density setting for all kVs in each AEC curve. A Density setting
for each kV is also calibrated as part of AEC calibration.
1. Obtain the OD requirements from the facility for each film type used and record them in
Appendix C, Section C-1, page C-1.
2. On the Operator Console, select the film type to calibrate.
3. With the Host Microprocessor Board switches as they were in the previous section, press
S1 to display the AEC Calibration. (If the Host Microprocessor Board displays MDEN,
DEN, GAIN, or OFFS, the AEC Calibration Data is displayed.) Then press S2 to display
4. Install the 18 x 24 cm Bucky onto the IRSD.
5. Insert a loaded cassette into the Bucky.
6. Place 6 cm of BEM on the chest-wall side, centered laterally.

Note… The compression thickness must show 6.0 or the Master Density calibration
is incorrect.
7. Compress the BEM so the compression thickness reads 6.0.
8. Set the AEC sensor at Position 1 closest to the chest wall.
9. Using information in Table 3-18, page 3-37, set the Host Microprocessor Board DIP
switch S7 for 100 mA mode.
10. Set up the system for a large focal spot, 28 kV, Auto-Time, and Moly exposure.
11. Acquire an image and flash the film.
12. Develop the film.
13. Measure the OD.
You must obtain the target OD with an mAs value between 100 mAs and 200 mAs.
14. Adjust the MDEN value (Using S3 and S5) and/or the amount of BEM as needed to
achieve the Target OD value (± 0.12) with an mAs value between 100 mAs and 200 mAs.

Note… Always measure the OD with the lower edge of the film flush with the front
edge of the Densitometer and centered side-to-side (approximately 5.0 cm
into the film plane).
15. Once the adjustment is complete, record the information in Table 3-17 on p. 3-36.
16. Using the information in Table 3-18, page 3-37, set the Host Microprocessor Board DIP
switch S7 for normal operation.

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Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Calibration

Table 3-17: Master Density Adjustment

† 28 kV, 6 cm BEM*
100 mAs—200 mAs
Film # BEM Film Type mAs Optical Density MDEN#
† If a lower Optical Density is desired, reduce the kV accordingly. 28 kV is optimal for an Optical
Density range of 1.70 to 1.80.
* The BEM value is a suggested starting point. Adjust the BEM as needed to obtain the target OD with
the required mAs range.

9.2 AEC Calibration, 100 mA

Note… Read this entire section prior to performing the procedures.
• Select and enter the AEC Curve.
• Take the first Master Density shot and measure the OD. Divide that OD by the
target OD (1.70) to find out how far off it is (in percent) and change the Master
Density value by that percent value.
• Retake the shot; adjust and retake as needed.
• Select 25 kV and take the DEN shot. Determine the percent difference between
the DEN OD and the target OD and change the DEN setting accordingly.
• Take the Low, Mid, and High (Gain, DEN, Offset) exposures and measure the
OD values. They should be close together, but possibly one or two may not
meet the specification.
• Determine how far to adjust the DEN value to get all three of the OD values to
be within the desired range. If one is 0.10 higher than the other two, adjust the
DEN so that the high one is near the top of the allowed range and the other two
are near the bottom.
• Once that adjustment is complete, retake the Low, Mid, and High (Gain, DEN,
Offset) shots. They should now all be within range. Try to avoid adjusting the
gain or offset by more than two counts.
• When taking the ‘final’ three shots for a given kV, you can also take the DEN
shot for the NEXT kV.
• Once that kV is done, repeat for the next kV. If you write down the Gain, DEN,
and Offset values for each kV in Table 3-19, page 3-39 as you work, you can
sometimes ‘pre-set’ the next DEN value so that you’re already in range when
you take your first DEN shot. For example, you can use the DEN for one kV as
the starting point for the next kV.
• RHODIUM: This is not as true for Large as it is for Small, but once you’re done
with Moly, take the DEN values for 28 to 35 kV from Moly and, as a starting
point, enter them as the new DEN values for Rhodium.

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Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Calibration

System Setup for Calibrations

1. On the Operator Console, select the film type to calibrate.
2. Insert the cassette loaded with that film into the Bucky.
3. With the Host Microprocessor Board switches as they were in the previous section, press
S1 to display the AEC Calibration (If the Host Microprocessor Board displays MDEN, DEN,
GAIN, or OFFS, the AEC Calibration Data is displayed). Then press S2 to display DEN.

Note… To calibrate the Reduced-mA AEC Factors, you must configure DIP switch
S-7 as shown in Table 3-18.

Note… Due to the function of the TEC Tables, failure to calibrate the AEC from 22 kV
to 35 kV can cause inaccurate operation in Auto-kV and Auto-Filter modes.

9.2.1 Density Calibration

1. Using Table 3-19 on p. 3-39, set the unit for Large focal spot, Auto-Time, Moly
filter, and 22 kV.
2. Verify that switch S7 is set for Force 100 mA. See Table 3-18.

Table 3-18: Reduced mA Selection

mA Override Settings
S7-5 S7-6 S7-7
Normal Off Off Off
Force 10 mA Off Off On
Force 20 mA Off On Off
Force 30 mA Off On On
Force 60 mA On On Off
Force 100 mA On On On

3. Place BEM on the Bucky as indicated for the density calibration in Table 3-19,
page 3-39.
4. Acquire an image.
5. Read the mAs.
6. Measure the OD.
7. Adjust the DEN value (using S3 and S5) and/or the amount of BEM as needed to
achieve the OD value determined in Table 3-17 on p. 3-36 for the Master
Density step (±0.12) with an mAs value between 100 mAs and 200 mAs.
8. Record the requested information in Table 3-19, page 3-39.

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Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Calibration

9.2.2 Gain Calibration

1. Press S2 as needed to display Gain.
2. Using Table 3-19, page 3-39, place BEM on the Bucky as indicated for the Gain
3. Acquire an image.
4. Develop the film.
5. Measure the OD.
6. Using S3 and S5, adjust the Gain value and BEM to achieve the required OD
value (± 0.12) with an mAs value between 50 mAs and 100 mAs.
7. Record the requested information in Table 3-19.

9.2.3 Offset Calibration

1. Press S2 as needed to display OFFS.
2. Using Table 3-19, page 3-39, place BEM on the Bucky as indicated for the
Offset setting.
3. Acquire an image.
4. Measure the OD.
5. Adjust the Offset value and BEM to achieve the required OD value (± 0.12) with
an mAs value between 200 mAs and 400 mAs.
6. Record the requested information in Table 3-19.

9.2.4 Continued kV Calibrations to 35 kV

Repeat Section 9.2.1—Section 9.2.3 for each kV in Table 3-19.

9.2.5 Rhodium Filter

Repeat Section 9.2.1—Section 9.2.4 using Table 3-20, “Large Focal Spot (Rhodium
Filter) AEC Calibration,” on page 3-39 for each kV in the table.

Note… Do not repeat this step for the second film type at this time; each film type is
calibrated separately.

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Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Calibration

Film Type 1 _____________________

Table 3-19: Large Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration Gain Calibration Offset Calibration

(First Step) (Second Step) (Third Step)
100 mAs – 200 mAs 50 mAs – 100 mAs 200 mAs – 400 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
22 3.0 2.0 4.0
23 3.5 2.5 4.5
24 3.5 3.0 4.5
25 4.0 3.0 5.0
26 4.5 3.5 5.5
27 5.0 4.0 6.0
28 5.5 4.5 6.5
29 6.0 5.0 7.0
30 6.0 5.0 7.5
31 7.0 5.5 8.0
32 7.0 6.0 8.0
33 7.5 6.5 8.5
34 7.5 6.5 8.5
35 8.0 7.0 9.0
* BEM value is a suggested starting point. Adjust BEM as needed to obtain the target Optical Density with
the required mAs range.

Table 3-20: Large Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration Gain Calibration Offset Calibration

(First Step) (Second Step) (Third Step)
100 mAs – 200 mAs 50 mAs – 100 mAs 200 mAs – 400 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
28 5.0 4.0 6.0
29 5.5 4.5 6.5
30 5.5 4.5 7.0
31 6.0 5.0 7.0
32 6.5 5.0 7.5
33 6.5 5.5 8.0
34 7.0 6.0 8.0
35 7.5 6.5 8.5

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Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Calibration

Film Type 2 _____________________

Table 3-21: Large Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration Gain Calibration Offset Calibration

(First Step) (Second Step) (Third Step)
100 mAs – 200 mAs 50 mAs – 100 mAs 200 mAs – 400 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
22 3.0 2.0 4.0
23 3.5 2.5 4.5
24 3.5 3.0 4.5
25 4.0 3.0 5.0
26 4.5 3.5 5.5
27 5.0 4.0 6.0
28 5.5 4.5 6.5
29 6.0 5.0 7.0
30 6.0 5.0 7.5
31 7.0 5.5 8.0
32 7.0 6.0 8.0
33 7.5 6.5 8.5
34 7.5 6.5 8.5
35 8.0 7.0 9.0
* BEM value is a suggested starting point. Adjust BEM as needed to obtain the target Optical Density with
the required mAs range.

Table 3-22: Large Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration Gain Calibration Offset Calibration

(First Step) (Second Step) (Third Step)
100 mAs – 200 mAs 50 mAs – 100 mAs 200 mAs – 400 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
28 5.0 4.0 6.0
29 5.5 4.5 6.5
30 5.5 4.5 7.0
31 6.0 5.0 7.0
32 6.5 5.0 7.5
33 6.5 5.5 8.0
34 7.0 6.0 8.0
35 7.5 6.5 8.5

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Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Calibration

Film Type 3 _____________________

Table 3-23: Large Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration Gain Calibration Offset Calibration

(First Step) (Second Step) (Third Step)
100 mAs – 200 mAs 50 mAs – 100 mAs 200 mAs – 400 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
22 3.0 2.0 4.0
23 3.5 2.5 4.5
24 3.5 3.0 4.5
25 4.0 3.0 5.0
26 4.5 3.5 5.5
27 5.0 4.0 6.0
28 5.5 4.5 6.5
29 6.0 5.0 7.0
30 6.0 5.0 7.5
31 7.0 5.5 8.0
32 7.0 6.0 8.0
33 7.5 6.5 8.5
34 7.5 6.5 8.5
35 8.0 7.0 9.0
* BEM value is a suggested starting point. Adjust BEM as needed to obtain the target Optical Density with
the required mAs range.

Table 3-24: Large Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration Gain Calibration Offset Calibration

(First Step) (Second Step) (Third Step)
100 mAs – 200 mAs 50 mAs – 100 mAs 200 mAs – 400 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
28 5.0 4.0 6.0
29 5.5 4.5 6.5
30 5.5 4.5 7.0
31 6.0 5.0 7.0
32 6.5 5.0 7.5
33 6.5 5.5 8.0
34 7.0 6.0 8.0
35 7.5 6.5 8.5

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Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Calibration

9.3 AEC Calibration, Reduced mA

9.3.1 60 mA
1. With the Host Microprocessor Board switches as they were in the previous
section, press S1 to display ##mAF### (The first numbers are the mA level and
the last numbers are the mA factor).
2. Using Table 3-18 on p. 3-37, select 60 mA mode (The Host Microprocessor
Board displays 60mAF###).
3. Set the unit for Large focal spot, Auto-Time, 28 kV, and Moly filter.
4. Place 5 cm of BEM on the Bucky and install the 18 x 24 cm paddle.
5. Acquire an image.
6. Read the mAs.
7. Develop the film.
8. Measure the OD.
9. Using S3 and S5, adjust the 60 mA factor and/or the amount of BEM to achieve the
required OD (± 0.12) maintaining an mAs value between 60 mAs and 90 mAs.
10. Complete the adjustment by recording the information in Table 3-25.

Table 3-25: 60 mA AEC Reduced-mA Factor Calibration

† 28 kV, 5cm BEM

60 mAs—90 mAs
Film # BEM Film Type mAs Optical Density 60 mAF
† If a lower Optical Density is desired, reduce the kV accordingly. 28 kV is optimal for an
Optical Density range of 1.70 to 1.80.

9.3.2 30 mA
1. With the Host Microprocessor Board switches as they were in the previous
section, press S1 as needed to display ##mAF###.
2. Using Table 3-18, page 3-37, select 30 mA mode (The Host Microprocessor
Board displays 30mAF###).
3. Set the unit for Large focal spot, Auto-Time, 28 kV, and Moly filter.
4. Place 4 cm of BEM on the Bucky.
5. Acquire an image.
6. Read the mAs.
7. Develop the film.
8. Measure the OD.
9. Adjust the 30 mA factor and/or the amount of BEM to achieve the required OD
(± 0.12) with an mAs value between 30 mAs and 45 mAs.
10. Complete the adjustment, by recording the information in Table 3-26, page 3-43.

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Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Calibration

Table 3-26: 30 mA AEC Reduced-mA Factor Calibration

† 28 kV, 4 cm BEM
30 mAs—45 mAs
Film # BEM Film Type mAs Optical Density 30 mAF
† If a lower Optical Density is desired, reduce the kV accordingly. 28 kV is optimal for an
Optical Density range of 1.70 to 1.80.

9.3.3 20 mA
1. With the Host Microprocessor Board switches as they were in the previous
section, press S1 as needed to display ##mAF###.
2. Using Table 3-18 on p. 3-37, select 20 mA mode (The Host Microprocessor
Board displays 20mAF###).
3. Set the unit for Large focal spot, Auto-Time, 28 kV, and Moly filter.
4. Place 3 cm of BEM on the Bucky.
5. Acquire an image.
6. Read the mAs.
7. Develop the film.
8. Measure the OD.
9. Adjust the 20 mA factor and/or the amount of BEM to achieve the required OD
(± 0.12) with an mAs value between 20 mAs and 30 mAs.
10. Complete the adjustment by recording the information in Table 3-27.

Table 3-27: 20 mA AEC Reduced-mA Factor Calibration

† 28 kV, 3cm BEM

20 mAs—30 mAs
Film # BEM Film Type mAs Optical-Density 20mAF
† If a lower Optical Density is desired, reduce the kV accordingly. 28 kV is optimal for an
Optical Density range of 1.70 to 1.80.

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Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Calibration

9.3.4 10 mA
1. With the Host Microprocessor Board switches as they were in the previous
section, press S1 as needed to display ##mAF###.
2. Using Table 3-18 on p. 3-37, select 10 mA mode (The Host Microprocessor
Board displays 10mAF###).
3. Set the unit for large focal spot, Auto-Time, 28 kV, and Moly filter.
4. Place 2 cm of BEM on the Bucky.
5. Acquire an image.
6. Read the mAs.
7. Develop the film.
8. Measure the OD.
9. Adjust the 10 mA factor to achieve the required OD (± 0.12) with an mAs value
between 10 mAs and 15 mAs.
10. Complete the adjustment by recording the information in Table 3-28.

Table 3-28: 10 mA AEC Reduced-mA Factor Calibration

† 28 kV, 2 cm BEM
10 mAs—15 mAs
Film # BEM Film Type mAs Optical Density 10mAF
† If a lower Optical Density is desired, reduce the kV accordingly. 28 kV is optimal for an
Optical Density range of 1.70 to 1.80.

9.3.5 Return the unit to Normal mA Operation

On the Host Microprocessor Board, set all settings of DIP switch S-7 to Off.

9.4 AEC Calibration, Large Film Offset

This calibration allows the M-IV to account for reciprocity differences between small and
large film.
1. Remove the 18 x 24 cm Bucky and paddle and install a 24 x 30 cm Bucky.
2. Insert a 24 x 30 cm cassette loaded with the film type being calibrated.
3. Place 6 cm BEM and install a 24 x 30 cm paddle on the Bucky. Compress the BEM.
4. Set the unit for Large focal spot, Auto-Time, 28 kV, and Moly filter.
5. With Host Microprocessor Board switches S4 and S6 as they were in the previous
section, press S1 to display LGf1:### (The ### is the Large Film offset value).
6. Acquire an image.
7. Develop the film.
8. Measure the OD.
9. Adjust the Large Film Offset to achieve the required OD and mAs combination.
10. Complete the adjustment by recording the information in Table 3-29, page 3-45.

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Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Calibration

Table 3-29: Large Film Factor Calibration

† 28 kV, 6cm BEM*

100 mAs—200 mAs
Film # BEM Film Type mAs Optical-Density LGf
† If a lower Optical Density is desired, reduce the kV accordingly. 28 kV is optimal for an
Optical Density range of 1.70 to 1.80.
* BEM value is a suggested starting point. Adjust BEM as needed to obtain the target OD
with the required mAs range.

9.5 Scout Shot Index Adjustment

If the site is using a Master Optical Density of less than 1.7, you may have to adjust the scout
shot index.
1. Set the unit for Auto-Filter, Large Focal Spot, 4 cm, -5 density.
2. Make an exposure.
3. Develop the film.
4. Measure the OD. If the OD meets the requirement, no further change is necessary.
5. If the shot is not successful, as indicated by “Calculated exposure Time is
less than available Time” error message, change the index to -1 or +1 for the
film type being used:
a. Set the M-IV Host Microprocessor Board switch S6-4 On, S6-8 On, and Rotary
Switch S4 to position E.
b. Repeatedly press S1 until “INDEX” displays on the Host Microprocessor Board.
c. Press S3 or S5 to select the desired Index: -1, 0, or +1.

Note… S3 decrements to a minimum of -1. S5 increments to a maximum of +1.

9.6 Adjust Master Density for Small Focal Spot

Set a common Master Density setting for all kVs in each AEC curve. A Density setting for
each kV is calibrated as part of AEC calibration.
1. Replace the Bucky with a Magnification Table or Mag Stand and cassette holder.
2. Insert a cassette.
3. Place 4 cm of BEM on the chest-wall side, centered laterally. Install a paddle and
compress the BEM.
4. Set the unit for a Small focal spot, Auto-Time, 28 kV, and Moly Filter.
5. On the Operator Console, select the film type to calibrate.
6. With the Host Microprocessor Board switches as they were in the previous section, press
S1 to display all of the AEC Calibration Modes. The Host Microprocessor Board displays
MDEN, DEN, GAIN or OFFS, when in the AEC Calibration Mode.
7. Press S2 to display MDEN.
8. Acquire an image.

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Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Calibration

9. Develop the film.

10. Measure the OD.
The target OD must be obtained with an mAs value between 30 mAs and 60 mAs.
11. Adjust the MDEN value, using S3 and S5 and/or the amount of BEM, to achieve the
Target OD value (± 0.12) with an mAs value between 30 mAs and 60 mAs.
12. Complete the adjustment by recording the information in Table 3-30.

Table 3-30: Master Density Adjustment, Small Focal Spot

† 28 kV, 4cm BEM*

30 mAs—60 mAs
Film # BEM Film Type mAs Optical Density MDEN#
† If a lower Optical Density is desired, reduce the kV accordingly. 28 kV is optimal for an
Optical Density range of 1.70 to 1.80.
* BEM value is a suggested starting point. Adjust BEM as needed to obtain the target
Optical Density with the required mAs range.

9.7 AEC Calibration, Small Focal Spot

1. With a Magnification Table (or Mag Stand and cassette holder) on the IRSD and the Host
Microprocessor Board switches as they were in the previous section, press S1 to enter
the AEC Calibration Mode. (If the Host Microprocessor Board displays MDEN, DEN,
GAIN or OFFS, the AEC Calibration is displayed.)
2. Press S2 to display DEN.

Note… Due to the function of the TEC Tables, failure to calibrate the AEC from 22 kV
to 35 kV can cause inaccurate operation in Auto-kV and Auto-Filter modes.

9.7.1 Density Calibration

1. Using Table 3-31, page 3-48, set the unit for Small focal spot, Auto-Time, Moly
filter, and 22 kV.
2. Place BEM on the Mag Table (or Mag Stand) as indicated for the DEN setting.
3. Acquire an image.
4. Develop the film.
5. Measure the OD.
6. Using S3 and S5, adjust the DEN value as needed to achieve the OD value
determined for the Master Density step (± 0.12) with an mAs value between 30
mAs and 60 mAs. The amount of BEM may also be changed to achieve the
required OD within the required mAs value.
7. Record the requested information in Table 3-31.

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Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Calibration

9.7.2 Gain Calibration

1. Press S2 to display Gain.
2. Using Table 3-31, page 3-48, place BEM on the Mag Table (or Mag Stand) as
indicated for the Gain setting.
3. Acquire an image.
4. Develop the film.
5. Measure the OD.
6. Adjust the Gain value and BEM to achieve the required OD value (± 0.12) with
an mAs value between 15 mAs and 30 mAs.
7. Record the requested information in Table 3-31.

9.7.3 Offset Calibration

1. Press S2 as needed to display OFFS.
2. Using Table 3-31, place BEM on the Mag Table (or Mag Stand) as indicated for
the Offset setting.
3. Acquire an image and measure the OD.
4. Adjust the Offset value and BEM to achieve the required OD value (± 0.12) with
an mAs value between 60 mAs and 120 mAs.
5. Record the requested information in Table 3-31.

9.7.4 Continued kV Calibrations to 35 kV

Repeat Section 9.7.1—Section 9.7.3 to adjust all kV values for Moly filter.

9.7.5 Rhodium Filter

1. Set the unit for Rhodium filter (making sure it remains in Small focal spot), but
enter the Moly values into the Rhodium settings. Record the values.
2. Repeat Section 9.7.1—Section 9.7.4 to adjust all kV values for Rhodium filter.
3. Record the values in Table 3-32 on p. 3-48.
4. When calibration in small focal spot is complete, remove the Mag Table (or Mag

Part Number MAN-01929 3-47

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Calibration

Film Type 1 ___________________

Table 3-31: Small Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration Gain Calibration Offset Calibration

(First Step) (Second Step) (Third Step)
30 mAs – 60 mAs 15 mAs – 30 mAs 60 mAs – 120 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
22 2.0 1.0 3.0
23 2.5 1.5 3.5
24 3.0 2.0 4.0
25 3.5 2.5 4.5
26 3.5 3.0 4.5
27 4.0 3.0 5.0
28 4.5 3.5 5.5
29 5.0 4.0 6.0
30 5.5 4.5 6.5
31 6.0 5.0 7.0
32 6.0 5.0 7.5
33 7.5 6.5 8.5
34 7.5 6.5 8.5
35 8.0 7.0 9.0
* BEM value is a suggested starting point. Adjust BEM as needed to obtain the target Optical Density with
the required mAs range.

Table 3-32: Small Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration Gain Calibration Offset Calibration

(First Step) (Second Step) (Third Step)
30 mAs – 60 mAs 15 mAs – 30 mAs 60 mAs – 120 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
28 4.0 3.0 5.0
29 4.5 3.5 5.5
30 5.0 4.0 6.0
31 5.5 4.5 6.5
32 5.5 4.5 7.0
33 6.0 5.0 7.0
34 6.5 5.0 7.5
35 7.0 6.0 8.0

3-48 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Calibration

Film Type 2 ___________________

Table 3-33: Small Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration Gain Calibration Offset Calibration

(First Step) (Second Step) (Third Step)
30 mAs – 60 mAs 15 mAs – 30 mAs 60 mAs – 120 mAs
kV BEM mAs OD DEN BEM mAs OD Gain BEM mAs OD Offset
22 2.0 1.0 3.0
23 2.5 1.5 3.5
24 3.0 2.0 4.0
25 3.5 2.5 4.5
26 3.5 3.0 4.5
27 4.0 3.0 5.0
28 4.5 3.5 5.5
29 5.0 4.0 6.0
30 5.5 4.5 6.5
31 6.0 5.0 7.0
32 6.0 5.0 7.5
33 7.5 6.5 8.5
34 7.5 6.5 8.5
35 8.0 7.0 9.0
* BEM value is a suggested starting point. Adjust BEM as needed to obtain the target Optical Density with
the required mAs range

Table 3-34: Small Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration Gain Calibration Offset Calibration

(First Step) (Second Step) (Third Step)
30 mAs – 60 mAs 15 mAs – 30 mAs 60 mAs – 120 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
28 4.0 3.0 5.0
29 4.5 3.5 5.5
30 5.0 4.0 6.0
31 5.5 4.5 6.5
32 5.5 4.5 7.0
33 6.0 5.0 7.0
34 6.5 5.0 7.5
35 7.0 6.0 8.0

Part Number MAN-01929 3-49

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Calibration

Film Type 3 ___________________

Table 3-35: Small Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration Gain Calibration Offset Calibration

(First Step) (Second Step) (Third Step)
30 mAs – 60 mAs 15 mAs – 30 mAs 60 mAs – 120 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
22 2.0 1.0 3.0
23 2.5 1.5 3.5
24 3.0 2.0 4.0
25 3.5 2.5 4.5
26 3.5 3.0 4.5
27 4.0 3.0 5.0
28 4.5 3.5 5.5
29 5.0 4.0 6.0
30 5.5 4.5 6.5
31 6.0 5.0 7.0
32 6.0 5.0 7.5
33 7.5 6.5 8.5
34 7.5 6.5 8.5
35 8.0 7.0 9.0
* BEM value is a suggested starting point. Adjust BEM as needed to obtain the target Optical Density with
the required mAs range.

Table 3-36: Small Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration Gain Calibration Offset Calibration

(First Step) (Second Step) (Third Step)
30 mAs – 60 mAs 15 mAs – 30 mAs 60 mAs – 120 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
28 4.0 3.0 5.0
29 4.5 3.5 5.5
30 5.0 4.0 6.0
31 5.5 4.5 6.5
32 5.5 4.5 7.0
33 6.0 5.0 7.0
34 6.5 5.0 7.5
35 7.0 6.0 8.0

3-50 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Calibration

9.8 Starting kV Lookup Table and Auto-Filter Threshold Selection

1. With the Host Microprocessor Board switches set as in the previous section, set rotary
switch S4 to position 2.
2. Press S1 to display TECTab## and press S2 to select the required table (0, 1, 2) in
Table 3-38, page 3-53.

9.9 AEC Calibration for Multiple Film Types

If multiple film types are going to be used on this system, repeat all of the AEC Calibration
steps starting from “AEC Curve Selection,” page 3-33.” Use Table 3-33, page 3-49 through
Table 3-36, page 3-50 to record the Film Type Calibration information.

9.9.1 Density Step% Range Selection and Confirmation

1. Install the small Bucky and compression paddle.
2. Place 4.5 cm of BEM on the Bucky so that it is centered laterally and flush with
the chest-wall side.
3. Set Host Microprocessor Board DIP switch S6-4 On, S6-8 On, rotary switch S4
to "3."
4. The Host Microprocessor Board displays "DS ###%" (For 12.5 there is no "%"
5. Press S3 (decrease) or S5 (increase) as needed to select 10%.
6. Acquire images at –5 and +5 (full-range) and subtract the OD at –5 from the OD
at +5.
7. Verify the value is between 1.00 and 1.50.
The goal is to identify a Density Range % value that yields a full-range value as
close to 1.50 as possible without going over 1.50.
8. Once a Density Step % Range is selected, acquire exposures using all Density
Step settings (–5 to 0 to +5). Record the OD of each step in the “OD” column of
Table 3-37 on p. 3-52.
9. Calculate the Full Range by subtracting the OD of the –5 exposure from the OD
of the +5 exposure (OD+5 – OD–5). Confirm that this value is ≥ 1.00. Record in
the “Full Range” row of Table 3-37.
10. Calculate the results for OD Change per Step (OD Δ) by subtracting the OD of
the –5 exposure from the OD of the –4 exposure, then subtract the OD of the
–4 exposure from the OD of the –3 exposure. Record in the “OD Δ“ column of
Table 3-37.
11. Repeat until all OD Δ values have been determined. Confirm that all OD Δ
values are between 0.10 and 0.20.
12. Calculate the Constancy by subtracting the lowest OD Δ value from the highest
OD Δ value (Max OD Δ – Min OD Δ). Verify that the result is ≤ 0.10. Record in
the “Constancy” row of Table 3-37.
13. If any of the results do not pass, change the % value as appropriate and repeat
as necessary.

Part Number MAN-01929 3-51

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
AEC Calibration

Table 3-37: Density Step Range Calculations

D± OD OD Δ Requirement
Full Range (OD+5 – OD-5) ≥ 1.00 - ≥ 1.50
-4 0.10 – 0.20

-3 0.10 – 0.20

-2 0.10 – 0.20

-1 0.10 – 0.20

0 0.10 – 0.20

+1 0.10 – 0.20

+2 0.10 – 0.20

+3 0.10 – 0.20

+4 0.10 – 0.20

+5 0.10 – 0.20
Constancy (OD ΔMax – OD ΔMin) ≤ 0.10

3-52 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Reference Tables

10.0 Reference Tables

Table 3-38: Starting kV Lookup Tables for Auto-kV and Auto-Filter

Low-Dose High-Contrast Conventional

TEC Lookup Table TEC Lookup Table TEC Lookup Table
0 1 2
Thickness kV kV kV
0.0 cm 25 22 23
0.5 cm 25 23 23
1.0 cm 25 24 23
1.5 cm 26 24 23
2.0 cm 26 24 24
2.5 cm 26 24 24
3.0 cm 27 25 24
3.5 cm 27 25 24
4.0 cm 28 25 25
4.5 cm 28 25 25
5.0 cm 28 25 25
5.5 cm 29 26 25
6.0 cm 29 26 26
6.5 cm 30 27 26
7.0 cm 30 28 26
7.5 cm 31 29 26
8.0 cm 32 30 27
8.5 cm 33 31 27
9.0 cm 34 32 27
9.5 cm 35 33 27
10.0 cm 35 34 28
10.5 cm 35 35 28
11.0 cm 35 35 28
11.5 cm 35 35 28
12.0 cm 35 35 29
12.5 cm 35 35 29
13.0 cm 35 35 29
13.5 cm 35 35 29
14.0 cm 35 35 30
14.5 cm 35 35 30
15.0 cm 35 35 30
15.5 cm 35 35 30
Above 15.5 35 35 301

Part Number MAN-01929 3-53

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Reference Tables

Table 3-39: Starting mA Lookup Table—AEC Modes

Thickness 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
0 cm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 cm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 cm 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 cm 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 cm 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
5 cm F F F F 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
6 cm F F F F F F F F F F 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
7 cm F F F F F F F F F F F F 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
8 cm F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F
9 cm F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F
10 cm F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F
11 cm F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F
12 cm F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F
13 cm F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F
14 cm F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F
15 cm F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F
1 = 10 mA
3 = 30% (30 mA when Full = 100 mA)
6 = 60% (60 mA when Full = 100 mA)
F= Full mA
Table 3-40: Switch Settings to force each mA value

mA Override Settings
Mode S7-5 S7-6 S7-7
Normal Off Off Off
Force 10 mA Off Off On
Force 20 mA Off On Off
Force 30 mA Off On On
Force 60 mA On On Off
Force 100 mA On On On

Table 3-41: AEC Curve Default Settings


Common Master Density = 50 Common Master Density = 90 Common Master Density = 110
Mo Filter Mo Filter Mo Filter
20 100 55 54 20 100 63 53 20 100 60 43
21 100 55 54 21 100 63 53 21 100 60 43

3-54 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Reference Tables

Table 3-41: AEC Curve Default Settings

22 100 55 54 22 100 61 51 22 100 60 43
23 100 61 51 23 100 61 51 23 100 60 43
24 100 61 51 24 100 62 51 24 100 61 43
25 100 62 52 25 100 63 48 25 100 61 43
26 100 64 51 26 100 65 48 26 100 61 43
27 100 63 49 27 100 64 49 27 100 61 43
28 100 62 48 28 100 63 48 28 100 60 43
29 100 60 48 29 100 62 45 29 100 58 40
30 100 56 45 30 100 60 45 30 100 55 39
31 100 56 45 31 100 60 45 31 100 51 39
32 100 54 45 32 100 58 45 32 100 48 39
33 100 54 45 33 100 58 45 33 100 48 40
34 100 54 45 34 100 58 45 34 100 44 38
35 100 54 45 35 100 58 45 35 100 44 38
Rh Filter Rh Filter Rh Filter
28 100 52 59 28 100 55 58 28 100 60 43
29 100 54 59 29 100 57 58 29 100 58 40
30 100 56 57 30 100 58 57 30 100 55 39
31 100 55 57 31 100 55 57 31 100 51 39
32 100 55 62 32 100 55 62 32 100 48 39
33 100 55 64 33 100 55 64 33 100 48 39
34 100 55 65 34 100 55 65 34 100 44 38
35 100 55 65 35 100 55 65 35 100 44 38
36 100 55 65 36 100 54 65 36 100 44 38
37 100 54 65 37 100 54 65 37 100 44 38
38 100 54 65 38 100 54 65 38 100 44 38
39 100 54 65 39 100 54 65 39 100 44 38

Part Number MAN-01929 3-55

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
System Performance Tests

11.0 System Performance Tests

Refer to Chapter 8, Section 3.0, page 8-3.

12.0 Verify X-ray and Light Field Congruency

Refer to Chapter 8, Section 4.0, page 8-13.

13.0 Perform System Performance Test

Refer to Chapter 8, Section 5.0, page 8-29.

14.0 System Log Information

The Host Microprocessor Board firmware implements an exposure log and an error log; both
are service-accessible by downloading them to a computer. The Calibration Data log can be
downloaded in two ways: Page by Page (current method) and all at once (new method).
• Exposure Log - The exposure log records important data during each exposure. The log
(approximately 50 - 100 lines long) transmits automatically at KJ15 of the Host
Microprocessor Board after each exposure. The information for an exposure can be
manually transmitted prior to taking another exposure or shutting down the system.
• Error Log - After each error, the error log records important data pertaining to the error
and holds it until downloaded to a computer or cleared. The error log holds information,
up to 48 errors, and then over-writes the oldest error to make space for new ones.

14.1 Setup
Connect a PC serial cable to KJ15 of the Host Microprocessor Board. Set up a PC to receive
the data using a terminal emulation program (for example, V-Term, Terminal, or
HyperTerminal) with the following settings:
• Baud: 9600, Data Bits: 8, Stop Bits: 1, Parity: OFF, Flow Control: None, Connector: COM1
• If you intend to print the data, ensure that, prior to downloading, the ASCII setup /
Terminal preferences include adding a line feed (LF) to line ends/carriage returns (CR)
when receiving inbound data.
14.2 Downloading Log Information
On the Host Microprocessor Board, set rotary switch S4 to 0. See Figure 3-1, page 3-1. The
Host Microprocessor Board display shows the current kV and exposure mode.
14.2.1 Calibration Data Log
• Page by Page: Press S1 as needed to download all calibration data. The last line
in the calibration data is "Calibration printout COMPLETE"
• All at once: Press S5 once, and the entire log is printed. The last line in the
calibration data is "Calibration printout COMPLETE"
14.2.2 Exposure Log
Press S2 to download the exposure information for the latest exposure.
14.2.3 Error Log
Press S3 to download the entire error log.

3-56 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Final Set Up Tests

14.3 Clearing the Error Log

On the Host Microprocessor Board set DIP switch S6-4 On, S6-8 On, and rotary switch
S4 to 0 (The exposure count displays on the Host Microprocessor Board LED.)
Note… The switch settings described allow for initialization of calibration data to
default values! Use caution to ensure you do not accidentally reset the
calibration values.
Press S1 until the Host Microprocessor Board displays ErrClear.
Press S2 to clear the error log, the Host Microprocessor Board displays

15.0 Final Set Up Tests

Perform these tests as necessary to calibrate the AutoFilm ID, or to reset the X-ray tube
exposure counter.

15.1 Verify AutoFilm ID

This procedure tests that the AutoFilm ID is working properly, and that the information on the
film label is legible.
1. Turn on the system.
2. During startup, the current software versions are displayed on the bottom of the screen
(stays on screen for approximately 10 seconds. To freeze view, press shift + view at same
time, repeat to un-freeze view.)
3. Verify the correct software version for the Operator Console Interface.
4. Verify the system starts up without error and enters the Run Mode.
5. Set the M-IV for a short exposure using sample information in the patient data fields;
make the exposure.
6. Insert a DIN-style cassette into the integrated Flasher (AutoFilm ID). After the audible
tone sounds, remove the cassette.
7. Develop the film and verify the time appears on the bottom of the label as shown in
Figure 3-13. The format of the time display matches the M-IV.

Figure 3-13: Example - AutoFilm ID Label (12-hour format shown)

Part Number MAN-01929 3-57

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Final Set Up Tests

15.2 Exposure Counter Reset

This procedure details resetting the exposure counter. Perform these steps only after
replacing the X-ray tube, during a new installation, or if requested by the customer.
1. On the Host Microprocessor Board, set the system to display the exposure counter
(S4 -0; S6 switch 8 On).
2. Reset the exposure counter by pressing the Host Microprocessor Board switches S2 and
S5 (below the LED Display) together.
3. When complete, return all switches to their normal operating positions.

15.3 Speed Control Adjustments

15.3.1 Vertical Speed Control
Note… Speed control is service adjustable between 50 and 100%. This is indicated
on the display as 40 through 90 respectively. This is done in 5% increments.
Factory default is set at 90.
1. Set the Host Microprocessor Board to the calibration mode (S6 switch 4 = On).
2. Set the Rotary Switch for the Rotation and Vertical Speed Controls mode (S4 to position
5; S6 switch 8 = On).
3. On the Host Microprocessor Board, press Select (S2) until VERT XX displays, then press
S3 to decrease the speed or S5 to increase the speed.
4. Press S1 to save and send the information.
5. Set the Host Microprocessor Board for normal operation (S6 switch 4 = Off).
6. Turn the M-IV off, wait a few seconds, then switch the system back On to have the
change take effect.

15.3.2 C-arm Rotation Speed Control

Note… Speed control is service adjustable between 50 and 100%. This is indicated
on the display as 40 through 90 respectively. This is done in 5% increments.
Factory default is set at 90.
1. Set the Host Microprocessor Board to the calibration mode (S6 switch 4 = On).
2. Set the Rotary Switch for the Rotation and Vertical Speed Controls mode (S4 to position
5; S6 switch 8 = On).
3. On the Host Microprocessor Board, press Select (S2) until ROT XX displays, then press to
decrease the speed or S5 to increase the speed.
4. Press S1 to save and send the information.
5. Set the Host Microprocessor Board for normal operation (S6 switch 4 = Off).
6. Turn the M-IV off, wait a few seconds, then switch the system back On to have the
change take effect.

3-58 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Final Set Up Tests

15.3.3 Compression Speed Control

Note… Speed control is service adjustable between 50 and 100%. This is indicated
on the display as 40 through 90 respectively. This is done in 5% increments.
Factory default is set at 90.
1. Set the Host Microprocessor Board to the calibration mode (S6 switch 4 = On).
2. Set the Rotary Switch for the Rotation and Vertical Speed Controls mode (S4 to position
5; S6 switch 8 = On).
3. On the Host Microprocessor Board, press Select (S2) until COMP XX displays, then press
S3 to decrease the speed or S5 to increase the speed.
4. Press S1 to save and send the information.
5. Set the Host Microprocessor Board for normal operation (S6 switch 4 = Off).
6. Turn the M-IV off, wait a few seconds, then switch the system back On to have the
change take effect.

15.4 C-arm Vertical Travel Limits Adjustment

This tests that all C-arm travel limit switches are functional and adjusted.
1. Drive the C-arm to the full upper and lower limits to verify that all C-arm travel limit
switches are functional.
2. See Figure 3-14, page 3-60, #1. Raise the C-arm until the Image Receptor surface is 1.4
m to 1.42 m (55 in. to 56 in.) above the floor.
3. Adjust the middle limit ramp of the upper Vertical Travel Limit Switches to set this
position as the maximum C-arm height.
4. Lower the C-arm, then raise it again to verify the adjustment. Set the adjacent emergency
shutoff ramp 2.54 cm (1 in.) higher than the first ramp.
5. See Figure 3-14, #2. Lower the C-arm until the Image Receptor surface is 0.673 m to
0.679 m (26.5 in. to 26.75 in.) above the floor.
6. Adjust the Left ramp of the lower Vertical Travel Limit Switches to set this position as the
minimum C-arm height.
7. Raise the C-arm, then lower it again the verify the adjustment. Set the emergency shutoff
ramp 2.54 cm (1 in.) lower than the middle ramp.
8. Raise the C-arm well above the lower limit, then rotate the C-arm to +180°.
9. Carefully lower the C-arm to confirm that the entire Tubehead has a minimum clearance
of 1.968 in. (50 mm) from the floor before the Limit Switches are activated. Repeat the
lower Vertical Travel Limit Switch adjustments if required.

Caution: Actuating the Shutdown Switch, Figure 3-14, page 3-60, #5, shuts down
the system.

Part Number MAN-01929 3-59

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Final Set Up Tests

Figure 3-14: Location of C-arm Vertical Travel Limit Switches

Legend for Figure 3-14

1. Upper Vertical Travel Limit
2. Lower Vertical Travel Limit
3. Upper Limit Switch
4. Lower Limit Switch
5. Shutdown Switch

15.5 Setting—Compression Release Distance

The Compression Release Distance is factory-set at 10 cm. If necessary, the service engineer
has additional options for either 5 cm, 7.5 cm, or 12.5 cm settings. To change the
recommended setting:
1. Set the Host Microprocessor Board to the calibration mode (S6 switch 4 = On).
2. Set the Rotary Switch for the Compression Release Distance mode (S4 to position 7; S6
switch 8 = On). Display reads CR.
3. On the Host Microprocessor Board, press Select (S5) until the wanted setting appears (5
cm, 7.5 cm, 10 cm, or 12.5 cm).
4. Set the Host Microprocessor Board for normal operation (S6 switch 4 = Off).
5. Turn the M-IV off, wait a few seconds, then switch the system back On to have the
change take effect.

3-60 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Return System to Normal Operation

15.6 Setting—Auto-Filter kV Threshold

The Auto-Filter kV Threshold for the Rhodium filter is factory-set at 30 kV. The Auto-Filter kV
Threshold setting is the kV value that results in producing images with essentially the same
image contrast regardless of the beam filter used (Mo or Rh).
At this kV, the patient dose may be reduced by use of the Rh filter without a reduction of
image quality. This Auto-Filter kV Threshold value is dependent on several factors including
compressed thickness, breast composition, screen-film speed, and the X-ray spectra. The
nominal setting is 30 kV. However, it may be set at 29 through 32 kV at installation.
Locate the Auto-Filter Threshold on the Site Preference Tables. See Table C-4, “TEC Table
and Auto-Filter Threshold,” on page C-1.
To change these values:
1. Set the Host Microprocessor Board to the calibration mode (S6 switch 4 = On).
2. Set the Rotary Switch for the Auto-Filter kV Threshold and Offset selection (S4 to position
6 and S6 switch 8 = On).
3. On the Host Microprocessor Board, press Select (S2) until the Auto-Filter kV Threshold
displays AF XX, then press S3 to decrease the value or S5 to increase the value.
4. Set the Host Microprocessor Board for normal operation (S6 switch 4 = Off).

16.0 Return System to Normal Operation

1. Turn system off.
2. Ensure all Host Microprocessor DIP switches are reset to Normal Mode (off).
3. Close the Gantry Doors.
4. Turn the system on and perform a simple function test before returning the unit to the

Part Number MAN-01929 3-61

Service Manual
Chapter 3—System Setup
Return System to Normal Operation

3-62 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 4—Operator Console Maintenance
Parts Identification

Chapter 4—Operator Console Maintenance

1.0 Parts Identification
Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2 show Operator Console covers and components.

Legend for Figure 4-1

1. Operator Control Panel
2. Front Cabinet Panel

Figure 4-1: Operator Console Covers

Legend for Figure 4-2

1. Keyboard
2. X-ray and On/Off Board 8
3. AutoFilm ID Assembly
4. M-IV Operator Console PCB 2
5. Low Voltage Power Supply
6. Fuses 3
7. Keyboard Illuminator
8. Console Display
9. X-ray and Compression
Release Board

Figure 4-2: Operator Console Components

Part Number MAN-01929 4-1

Service Manual
Chapter 4—Operator Console Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

1.1 Operator Console PCB DIP Switch Settings

Table 4-1 and Table 4-2 list the Operator Console PCB DIP switch (S1) functions and settings.

Table 4-1: DIP Switch S1

Switch On Function Off Function

1 Reverse Video Normal Video
2 LCD EL Display
3 DD/MM/YYYY Date format MM/DD/YYYY Date format
4 Not Used Test Screen
5 ID and Name Required For No ID and Name Required for “Ready”
6 Floppy Disk Drive Installed No Floppy Disk Drive Installed
7 Reserved Reserved
8 Not Used Load Defaults on Startup <Shift> + <Clear>

Table 4-2: DIP Switch S2 (Present on 1-003-0357 Rev 011 and Later Board Versions Only)

Switch On Function Off Function

1 TFT LCD Passive LCD
2 Backlight Polarity + Backlight Polarity -
3-8 Undefined Undefined

Table 4-3: S1 and S2 Settings for Different Display Models

S1 Sharp S2 Sharp
S1 Optrex S2 Optrex S1 Sharp EL S2 Sharp EL
LM64P89L LM64P89L
1 Off 1 On 1 Off 1 Off 1 Off 1 Off
2 Off 2 Off 2 Off 2 Off 2 On 2 Off

2.0 Remove and Replace Procedures

Before performing any remove and replace procedure, ensure that all electrical safety
precautions are met. Shut down the system before removing any covers.

Warning: Always shut down the system before performing any removal or
replacement procedure.

Caution: Be aware of the damage static electricity can inflict on electronic

components. Always wear a grounded electrostatic discharge strap when
handling static sensitive components.

4-2 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 4—Operator Console Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

2.1 Operator Console Covers

To access console serviceable components, remove the Front Cabinet Panel and the
Operator Control Panel. See Figure 4-3, page 4-3.

2.1.1 Removing the Front Cabinet Panel

Lift the front panel off the Console frame to access the following components:
• Operator Console PCB
• Low Voltage Power Supply
• Operator Console Fuses
1. To access the mounting hardware (#3), remove the decorative hole covers from
the bottom corners of the front panel. Use care not to damage the hole covers.
2. Disengage the one-quarter turn fasteners (#4) that secure the front panel to the
console frame.
3. Pull the bottom of the panel away from the frame so that the top edge clears the
locating pins.
4. Remove ground lead attached to panel.

2.1.2 Removing the Operator Control Panel

The Operator Control Panel (#1) gives
access to:
• Keyboard
• Switch Boards
• AutoFilm ID
1. Remove the two screws (#3) that
fasten the Control Panel to the
Console frame.
2. Lift the Control Panel far enough to
gain access to the console cables.
3. Disconnect connector JP1 from the
Control Panel.
4. Disconnect the Subpanel Cable
Harness Assembly connector
located behind and below the LCD
(not shown).
5. Reverse these procedures to replace
the Operator Control Panel and the
Front Cabinet Panel.

Figure 4-3: Operator Console Covers—Removal

Part Number MAN-01929 4-3

Service Manual
Chapter 4—Operator Console Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

2.2 Console Keyboard

To remove the keyboard from the Operator Console Control Panel:
1. Remove the front cabinet panel to access the Operator Console PCB.
2. Disconnect the Keyboard cable from the Operator Console PCB (TJ29).

Figure 4-4: Cable Connections to the Operator Console PCB

3. Remove the Control Panel from the Console. Refer to Section 2.1.2, page 4-3.
4. Turn the Control Panel over to access the Keyboard. See Figure 4-5.

Figure 4-5: Console Keyboard—Removal

5. Remove the ground wire from the Keyboard mount chassis.

6. Remove all mounting hardware, then lift the mounting chassis and keyboard off of the
Control Panel.
7. Reverse this procedure to install the replacement keyboard.

Note… Be sure to reconnect the ground wire before replacing the Control Panel.
8. Turn on the system.
9. Verify the Control Panel Keypads functionality (Alphanumeric, Mammographic View,
Function, and Exposure Technique Select) by pressing each key and verifying the key
performs as described in Chapter 3, "M-IV Controls and Functional Tests," page 3-5.

4-4 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 4—Operator Console Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

2.3 X-ray Switch Assembly Maintenance

The system contains two X-ray switch boards, one on the left side of the control panel and
one on the right side. The left side consists of one on and one off pushbutton switch and one
X-ray push button switch. The right side has one X-ray push button switch and one
compression release push button switch.
2.3.1 X-ray Switch Board (Right or Left Side Removal/Replacement)
To replace the boards:
1. Turn off the system.
2. Remove the Operator Console Control Panel.
3. Turn the control panel over to access the switch board. See Figure 4-6.

Figure 4-6: X-ray, Compression Release, and On/Off Switch Board—Removal

4. Remove the cables from the switch board.

5. Remove the hardware that mounts the switch board to the standoffs.
6. Using care not to damage the switch terminal lugs, gently pull the switch board
straight off the switches still mounted on the control panel.

Note… The switches consist of two removable parts: One end is the switch which is
held in place on the control panel by metal tabs on the body of the switch,
the other end is its socket which is soldered to the switch board.
7. If also replacing the switches, pull the two switches from the control panel by
pressing the snap-in metal tabs of the switch from the bottom of the control panel
and gently pulling the switch out through the top. Install the replacement
switch(es). See Figure 4-7, page 4-6.
8. Carefully place the replacement switch board onto the standoffs.
9. Ensure that the switch terminal lugs on the switch align with the receptacles in
the switch sockets, then press down gently to make the connection.
10. Secure the board with the mounting hardware.
11. Replace the cables.
12. Replace the control panel.
13. Turn on the system.
14. Set the system for a short exposure (25 kV, 3 mAs, Manual Mode, Large Focal Spot).
15. Press both X-ray switches, and verify proper switch operation.
16. Press Compression Release and verify the Compression Clutch Brake disengages
and the Compression Device moves up.

Part Number MAN-01929 4-5

Service Manual
Chapter 4—Operator Console Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

Figure 4-7: Installing the Gasket

2.3.2 X-ray, On/Off, and Compression Release Switch (Right and Left)
The X-ray push button switch can be replaced separately and is supplied with a
splash cover. The switches are available individually or pre-mounted on their
respective printed circuit board. To replace the switch itself, follow these steps:
1. Turn off the system.
2. Remove the Operator Console Control Panel.
3. Turn the control panel over to access the switch board. See Figure 4-6, page 4-5.
4. Remove the cables from the switch board.
5. Remove the hardware that mounts the switch board to the standoffs.
6. Using care not to damage the switch terminal lugs, gently pull the switch board
straight off the switches still mounted on the control panel.

Note… The switches consist of two removable parts: One end is the switch, which
is held in place on the control panel by metal tabs on the body of the
switch; the other end is its socket, which is soldered to the switch board.
7. Pull the two switches out from the control panel by pressing the snap-in metal
tabs of the switch from the bottom of the control panel and gently prying out
through the top. Then install the replacement switch(es).
8. Before installing the switch assembly, remove the replacement switch from its
packaging and slide the grooved collar ring gasket up over the terminal end of
the switch. See Figure 4-7.
9. Slide the switch assembly into the panel hole until it snaps in place in the
printed circuit board switch socket.
10. Press the clear splash cover on the grooved gasket on as shown in Figure 4-7.
11. Ensure that the switch terminal lugs on the switch align with the receptacles in
the switch sockets, then press down gently to make the connection.

4-6 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 4—Operator Console Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

2.4 Console Display

The M-IV Console Display mounts to a bracket beneath the control panel which must be
removed to access the mounting hardware. For those systems with the keyboard LED, in the
event of LED failure, the Console Display must be replaced to correct the problem.
Removing the Console Display
1. Remove the Operator Console Control Panel and Front Cabinet Panel. See Figure 4-3, page 4-3.
2. Disconnect the Console Display cable from TJ30 and the backlight connector from TJ35
on the Operator Console PCB in the front component compartment.
3. Remove the screw and two washers that attach the P-clamp to the Operator Console PCB.
4. Disconnect the LED harness connector P4 (part of Display harness) located in the
console cabinet.
5. Disconnect the ground wire (#1) that is attached to the bracket. See Figure 4-8.

Figure 4-8: Console Display Removal/Replacement

6. Remove the screws (#2) on each side of the bracket (left side shown).
7. Lift the Console Display and bracket out of the console.
8. Carefully pull the cable(s) up and out of the console.
Installing the Console Display
1. Install the replacement Console Display, routing the cables through the slot in the
console top shelf.
2. Install and tighten the mounting hardware as shown in Figure 4-8.
3. Re-attach the ground wire to the Display bracket.
4. Connect the Console Display cable, backlight connector, and P-clamp to the Operator
Console PCB.
5. Connect the LED harness connector P4.
6. Start the system and verify that the Console Display presentation is crisp and bright, and
that the text and graphics are clear, legible, and not blurred.
7. Replace all covers and panels before releasing the system to the user.

Part Number MAN-01929 4-7

Service Manual
Chapter 4—Operator Console Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

2.5 AutoFilm ID Assembly

The AutoFilm ID assembly (Figure 4-9, page 4-8, #2) mounts to the base of the Operator
Console top shelf.

Legend for Figure 4-9

1. Hardware (secures AutoFilm ID to console
top shelf)
2. AutoFilm ID
3. Hardware (mounts plastic bezel to
AutoFilm ID)
4. Plastic Bezel
5. Console Front Slot
6. Cassette Slot
7. Insulated Ground Strap
8. AutoFilm ID Cassette Guide Assembly
9. AutoFilm ID Base Assembly

Figure 4-9: AutoFilm ID Assembly—Removal

1. Remove the Operator Console Control Panel and Front Cabinet Panel.
2. Remove the Console Display. Refer to Section 2.4, page 4-7.
3. Remove the hardware (#1) that secures the AutoFilm ID Cassette Guide Assembly (#8) to
the Console top shelf.
4. Remove the hardware (#3) that mounts the plastic bezel (#4) to the AutoFilm ID Base
assembly (#9).
5. Remove the two insulated grounding straps (#7) between the Cassette Guide Assembly
and the Base Assembly.
6. Remove the plastic bezel from the front slot (#5) in the Console. It may be necessary to
work the bezel back-and-forth while pulling the it from the Console.
7. Disconnect the AutoFilm ID cables from the connector TJ8 on the Operator Console PCB.
8. Lift the entire AutoFilm ID assembly from the Console.
9. Reverse this procedure to install the replacement AutoFilm ID assembly.

Note… Before you tighten the mounting hardware, align the AutoFilm ID assembly
with the plastic bezel to form a direct path for cassette insertion.
10. Start the system.
11. Set the system for a short exposure (25 kV, 3 mAs, Manual Mode, Large Focal Spot).
12. Install a loaded cassette in the Bucky and make an exposure.
13. Remove the cassette, then insert it into the AutoFilm ID cassette slot (#6) to flash the data
onto the film.
14. Develop the film and examine the “flashed” data for accuracy.
15. If necessary, adjust AutoFilm ID Contrast, the AutoFilm ID Offset, and the flash duration
for each film type.

4-8 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 4—Operator Console Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

2.6 M-IV Operator Console PCB

The Operator Console PCB mounts to standoffs in the front component compartment of the
Operator Console. It stores the information entered in the Default settings and Additional
Setups screens as one of its functions.

Caution: The Operator Console PCB contains data storage components that are
sensitive to electromagnetic fields. Never place items with a magnetic
charge, or items that produce an electromagnetic field, on or near the board.

1. Remove the Front Cabinet Panel from the Console. See Figure 4-3, page 4-3.
2. Remove all cables and cords from their respective connectors on the microprocessor
board. Note all cable and cord locations.
3. Remove the hardware that secures the Operator Console PCB to the console frame
4. Remove the board from the console.
5. Reverse this procedure to install the replacement board.
6. Check that the DIP switch (S1) settings are the same as the old board. See Figure 4-10,
page 4-10 for location.
7. Turn on the system.
8. Verify the Control Panel Keypads functionality, as described in Chapter 3, "M-IV Controls
and Functional Tests," page 3-5.
9. Verify that the display works, that the display presentation is crisp and bright, and that
the text and graphics are clear, legible, and not blurred.
10. On the Setup Screen and Additional Setup Screen, replace all defaults, Institution
information, technician preferences, etc.
11. Insert a loaded cassette into the Bucky.
12. Set system for a short exposure (25 kV, 3 mAs, Manual Mode, Large Focal Spot), press
both X-ray switches and verify proper switch operation.
13. Remove the cassette from the Bucky and then insert it in the AutoFilm ID to flash the
data onto the film.
14. Develop the film and verify the “flashed” data for accuracy.

Part Number MAN-01929 4-9

Service Manual
Chapter 4—Operator Console Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

Figure 4-10: Location of DIP Switch S1 on the M-IV Operator Console PCB

4-10 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 4—Operator Console Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

2.7 Low Voltage Power Supply

The Low Voltage Power Supply mounts to the Console chassis in the front component
compartment. See Figure 4-11.
1. Remove the Front Cabinet Panel from the Console.
2. Remove the input power wires from the terminal block (TB1). TB1 configuration is:
Pin 1: Ground
Pin 2: Neutral
Pin 3: Line
3. Remove the large connector and the 5 volt input wires from the terminal block (TB2).
4. Remove the hardware that secures the Low Voltage Power Supply to the Console frame.
Note that one of the mounting screws secures an earth ground wire.
5. Reverse these steps to install the replacement Low Voltage Power Supply. Be sure to
fasten the earth ground wire with one of the mounting screws during installation.
6. Connect a DMM to the Operator Console PCB at TP21 (GND) and TP4 (+). Adjust V1 on
the Low Voltage Power Supply (located in the upper left corner of the power supply) for
+5.15 VDC.
7. Perform the Chapter 8, "System Test," page 8-29.

Figure 4-11: Low Voltage Power Supply—Removal

Part Number MAN-01929 4-11

Service Manual
Chapter 4—Operator Console Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

4-12 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Parts Identification

Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance

1.0 Parts Identification
1.1 Gantry Circuit Board Locations

Legend for Figure 5-1

1. Rotation Display Board (2)
2. High Voltage Transformer (Part of
High Voltage Generator Assy)
3. High Voltage Multiplier Board (Part of
High Voltage Generator Assy)
4. High Voltage Inverter Board (Part of
High Voltage Generator Assy)
5. High Voltage Control Board (Part of
High Voltage Generator Assy)
6. Generator Microprocessor Board
7. Filament Control Board
8. Rotor Control Board
9. Mains Power Board
10. C-arm Microprocessor Board (if
11. Host Microprocessor Board
12. Motor/Lamp Control Board
13. Fuse Panel (2)
14. VTA Motor Driver Board
15. Power Distribution Board
16. Isolation Transformer
17. Power Supply Interconnect Board
18. ± 15 V Power Supply Board
(StereoLoc II only)
19. Pivot Tube

(Doors Open)
Figure 5-1: Gantry Circuit Boards

Part Number MAN-01929 5-1

Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Parts Identification

1.2 Gantry Mechanical Assembly Locations

Legend for Figure 5-2

1. C-arm Rotation Drive Motor and
Gearbox Assembly
2. C-arm Rotation Potentiometer
3. C-arm Vertical Drive Motor and Gearbox
4. C-arm Up/Down Limit Switches
5. Lead Screw
6. C-arm Rotation Limit Switch

Figure 5-2: Gantry Mechanical Components

5-2 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

2.0 Remove and Replace Procedures

Before performing any remove and replace procedure, ensure that all electrical safety
precautions are met. Shut down the system, set the input power circuit breaker to off, then
disengage the voltage source. Perform the applicable lock-out or tag-out procedure at the
source junction box before removing any covers.

WARNING! To reduce the risk of hazardous electrical shock, do not

attempt service until LED D14 is off and at least 5 minutes
have elapsed after turning off the equipment.

Caution: Be aware of the damage static electricity can inflict on electronic

components. Wear a grounded electrostatic discharge strap when
handling static sensitive components.

2.1 Gantry Covers

Access to the serviceable components and assemblies of the Gantry are through these
covers. See Figure 5-3.

Legend for Figure 5-3

1. Gantry Door - Left Side
2. Gantry Door - Right Side
3. Front Cover - Left Side
4. Front Cover - Right Side
5. Bellows Frame
6. Upper Rear Panel
7. Lower Rear Panel
8. Upper Tubehead Cover
9. Lower Tubehead Cover
10. Upper Compression
Device Cover
11. Lower Compression
Device cover

Figure 5-3: Gantry Covers—Locations

Part Number MAN-01929 5-3

Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

Figure 5-4: Gantry Covers—Removal

Legend for Figure 5-4

1. Left Side Door (shown open) 7. Lower Rear Panel
2. Ride Side Door (shown closed) 8. Location of top Restraining hardware and
3. Left Front Cover Locking Mechanism for Left Door (right door
4. Right Front Cover not shown)
5. Gantry Frame 9. Front cover Locating Pin
6. Upper Rear Panel 10. Bellows Frame bolt (one shown)

1. Open the Left and Right Side Gantry Doors (hinged).

To open Left or Right Gantry doors, access the top restraining hardware and release
locking mechanism.
2. Open the Left and Right Front Covers.
a. Remove the hardware that fastens the Left Front Gantry cover to the Bellows frame.
b. Pull the cover off the locating pins, then lift it off the frame.
c. Repeat Steps a and b for the Right Front Gantry Cover.
3. Access the Bellows Frame Components.
a. At top of the M-IV System, locate the two bolts securing the top of the Bellows frame
to the Gantry. Remove bolts, spacers, and washers.
b. Locate the two bolts securing the bottom of the Bellows frame to the Gantry base.
Remove the bolts and washers.
c. Pull the Bellows frame forward on the pivot tube to enable access to the frame
components. It may be necessary to rotate the Bellows frame to a horizontal position
in order to facilitate access.
4. Remove the Upper Rear Access Panel.
a. Remove the mounting hardware that fastens the Upper Rear access panel to the
Gantry cover.
b. Lift the upper rear access panel off the Gantry cover.
5. Remove the Lower Rear Access Panel.
a. Remove the mounting hardware that fastens the Lower Rear access panel to the
Gantry cover.
b. Lift the lower rear access panel off the Gantry cover.

5-4 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

2.2 High Voltage Generator Assembly

Legend for Figure 5-5

1. Upper Mounting Nuts (2)
2. Terminal Block
3. HV Test Well
4. Multiplier Assembly
5. HV Generator Assembly Mounting Plate
6. Center Mounting Nuts (2)
7. Safety Shield
8. PJ1
9. Bottom Screw on Safety Shield
10. HV Control Board
11. Lower Mounting Nuts (2)
12. HV Inverter Board

Figure 5-5: HV Generator Assembly

Note… The HV Generator is assembled, calibrated, and complied at the factory as

an assembly and must be replaced as an assembly.

WARNING! To reduce the risk of hazardous electrical shock, do not

attempt service until LED D14 is off and at least 5 minutes
have elapsed after turning off the equipment.

Part Number MAN-01929 5-5

Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

See Figure 5-5, page 5-5 to replace the HV Generator Assembly.

1. Turn system off. Wait five minutes.
2. Access the HV Generator Assembly by opening the left side Gantry door.
3. Disconnect the HV cable from the HV Test Well (#3).
4. On the HV Inverter Board, (#12), remove the bottom screw on the safety shield (#7) and
loosen the top screw.
5. Move the shield out of the way.
6. Disconnect PJ1, (#8), on the HV Inverter Board.
7. Remove the green and yellow ground wire from the Terminal Block (#2).
8. Remove the EMO switch assembly (left side, not shown). See Chapter 7, Section 2.4,
page 7-5.
9. Move the switch assembly out of the way by pulling it through the cover opening and let
the assembly hang loosely.
10. On the HV Control Board, note their locations and disconnect all cables.
11. Remove the center nuts, (#6), securing the HV Generator Assembly mounting plate to
the Gantry.
12. Loosen the two upper nuts (#1) securing the HV Generator Assembly mounting plate to
the Gantry.
13. Remove the bottom nuts (#11) securing the HV Generator Assembly mounting plate to
the Gantry.
14. With one hand on the Multiplier Assembly (#4) and one hand under the HV Control
Board frame, lift up the assembly taking care to clear the bottom studs, removing the
assembly from the Gantry.
15. Once it is clear, slide the assembly down to clear the upper studs, removing the entire
16. Reverse procedures to replace the HV Generator Assembly.
17. Perform the following procedures before returning system to service:
• Chapter 3, "Line Regulation Test," page 3-22
• Chapter 3, "Tube Current (mA) Adjustment," page 3-26
• Chapter 3, "Tube Voltage (kV) Calibration," page 3-25
• Chapter 3, "AEC Calibration," page 3-35 (all)
• Chapter 8, "X-ray System Performance," page 8-3 (all)
• Chapter 8, "M-IV Bucky Device (HTC Grid) Performance Test," page 8-30
• Chapter 8, "Maximum mAs in Auto-Time Mode Performance Test," page 8-31
• Chapter 5, "HV Control Board Over-Current/Over-Voltage Adjustment," page 5-16

5-6 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

2.3 Generator Microprocessor Board

Shut down the system before performing any removal or replacement procedure. Access the
Generator Microprocessor Board by opening the left side Gantry door.
1. Disconnect the connectors from the board.
2. Lift the Generator MPU Board off of the mounting standoffs.
3. Reverse procedures to replace the Generator Microprocessor Board.
4. Perform the following procedures before returning system to service:
• Chapter 3, "Tube Current (mA) Adjustment," page 3-26
• Chapter 3, "Tube Voltage (kV) Calibration," page 3-25
• Chapter 3, "AEC Calibration," page 3-35 (all)
• Chapter 8, "System Performance," page 8-29 (all)
• Chapter 8, "M-IV Bucky Device (Linear) Performance Test," page 8-29 (if applicable)
• Chapter 8, "M-IV Bucky Device (HTC Grid) Performance Test," page 8-30 (if applicable)

2.4 Filament Control Board

Shut down the system before performing any removal or replacement procedure. Access the
Filament Control Board by opening the left side Gantry door.
1. Disconnect the connectors from the board.
2. Lift the Filament Control Board off of the mounting standoffs.
3. Reverse procedures to replace the Filament Control Board.
4. Perform the following procedures before returning system to service:
• Chapter 3, "Tube Bias Adjustment," page 3-23
• Chapter 3, "Tube Current (mA) Adjustment," page 3-26
• Chapter 3, "AEC Calibration," page 3-35 (all)
• Chapter 8, "X-ray System Performance," page 8-3 (all)
• Chapter 8, "M-IV Bucky Device (Linear) Performance Test," page 8-29 (if applicable)
• Chapter 8, "M-IV Bucky Device (HTC Grid) Performance Test," page 8-30 (if applicable)
• Chapter 5, "Filament Control Board Over-Current/Over-Voltage Adjustment," page 5-16

2.5 Rotor Control Board

Shut down the system before performing any removal or replacement procedure. Access the
Rotor Control Board by opening the left side Gantry door.
1. Disconnect the connectors from the board.
2. Lift the Rotor Control Board off of the mounting standoffs.
3. Reverse procedures to replace the Rotor Control Board.
4. Perform the following procedure before returning system to service:
Chapter 8, "System Test," page 8-29

Part Number MAN-01929 5-7

Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

2.6 Mains Power Board

WARNING! Circuit breaker must be off before proceeding.

Shut down the system before performing any removal or replacement procedure. Turn the
circuit breaker off.
Access the Mains Power Board by opening the left side Gantry door.
1. Disconnect the connectors from the board.
2. Lift the Mains Power Board off of the mounting standoffs.
3. Reverse procedures to replace the Mains Power Board.
4. Start the system. Check for indications of an electrical malfunction.
5. Perform the following procedures before returning system to service:
• Chapter 3, "M-IV Controls and Functional Tests," page 3-5
• Chapter 8, "System Test," page 8-29

2.7 C-arm Microprocessor Board (if equipped)

Shut down the system before performing any removal or replacement procedure. Access the
C-arm Microprocessor Board by opening the right side Gantry door.
1. Disconnect the connectors from the board.
2. Disconnect the RJ45 jack from the board.
3. Lift the C-arm Microprocessor Board off of the mounting standoffs.
4. Reverse procedures to replace the C-arm Microprocessor Board.
5. Perform the following procedure before returning system to service:
Chapter 6, "Paddle Detect Circuit Calibration," page 6-29

5-8 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

2.8 Host Microprocessor Board

Shut down the system before performing any removal or replacement procedure. Access the
Host Microprocessor Board by opening the right side Gantry door.
1. Disconnect the connectors from the board.
2. Lift the Host Microprocessor Board off of the mounting standoffs.
3. Reverse procedures to replace the Host Microprocessor Board.

U10 C28




U25 U12

C48 U37







1 KJ1
S1 S2 S3


CAD1 U11



TP11 C20 C22




C35 C36


U29 C88


U9 C21 U21









A/W 1-001-0266 REV 005 PB RST
ASSY 1-003-0266 EPL REV


U4 U2

R113 R82

R112 C84 R83

R111 R84
C37 ___________
JP2 C82 C102
U19 U42


C2 M8





































U47 U6
















Figure 5-6: Host Microprocessor Board

4. Connect an anti-static wrist strap, and gently remove the Ram Module U5 from the
original Host Microprocessor Board, and install it in the new Host Microprocessor Board.
5. Perform the following procedures before returning system to service:
• Chapter 3, "Exposure System Calibration," page 3-22 (all)
• Chapter 3, "AEC Calibration," page 3-35 (all)
• Chapter 3, "Final Set Up Tests," page 3-57
• Chapter 8, "X-ray System Performance," page 8-3 (all)
• Chapter 8, "X-ray and Light Field Compliance," page 8-13 (all)
• Chapter 8, "System Performance," page 8-29 (all)
• Chapter 8, "X-ray Shielding Compliance," page 8-32 (all)
• Chapter 5, "Tests, Adjustments, and Calibrations," page 5-16 (all)
• Chapter 6, "Tests, Adjustments, and Calibrations," page 6-25 (all)
6. Verify the function of all paddles. Perform Paddle Detect Circuit Calibration if necessary,
Chapter 6, "Paddle Detect Circuit Calibration," page 6-29.

Part Number MAN-01929 5-9

Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

2.9 Motor/Lamp Control Board

Shut down the system before performing any removal or replacement procedure. Access the
Motor / Lamp Control Board by opening the right side Gantry door.
1. Disconnect all connectors from the board.
2. Lift the Motor/Lamp Control Board off of the mounting standoffs.
3. Reverse procedures to replace the Motor/Lamp Control Board.
4. Perform the following procedures before returning system to service:
• Chapter 3, "M-IV Controls and Functional Tests," page 3-5 (all)
• Chapter 5, "Rotation Angle Calibration," page 5-17
• Chapter 3, "C-arm Rotation Speed Control," page 3-58
• Chapter 6, "Compression Force Calibration," page 6-27
• Chapter 6, "Compression Force Calibration," page 6-27
• Chapter 6, "Paddle Detect Circuit Calibration," page 6-29
• Chapter 5, "C-arm Switch Interlocks—Verification," page 5-19
• Chapter 8, "System Test," page 8-29

2.10 Rotation Display Boards

Shut down the system before performing any removal or replacement procedure. There are
two Rotation Display Boards.

2.10.1 Right Rotation Display Board

Access the right rotation display board by opening the right side Gantry door.
1. Disconnect the harness from the rear of the board.
2. Disconnect the RJ45 jack from the rear of the board.
3. Remove the mounting hardware (4 hex nuts) that secure the board to the
chassis, then lift the Rotation Display Board out of the Gantry door.
4. Reverse procedures to replace the Rotation Display Boards.
5. Perform the following procedure before returning system to service:
Chapter 8, "System Test," page 8-29

2.10.2 Left Rotation Display Board

The High Voltage Generator Assembly must be removed to access the left rotation
display board. Access the high voltage generator assembly by opening the left side
Gantry door.
1. Remove the High Voltage Generator Assembly. See Section 2.2, page 5-5.
2. Disconnect the harness from the rear of the board.
3. Remove the mounting hardware (4 hex nuts) that secure the board to the
chassis, then lift the Rotation Display Board out of the Gantry door.
4. Reverse procedures to replace the Rotation Display Boards.
5. Perform the following procedure before returning system to service:
Chapter 8, "System Test," page 8-29

5-10 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Gantry Frame Components—Remove and Replace

3.0 Gantry Frame Components—Remove and Replace

Before performing any remove and replace procedure, ensure that all electrical safety
precautions are met. Shut down the system. Switch off the input power circuit breaker if
instructed to do so.

WARNING! To reduce the risk of hazardous electrical shock, do not

attempt service until LED D14 is off and at least 5 minutes
have elapsed after turning off the equipment.

Caution: Be aware of the damage static electricity can inflict on electronic

components. Wear a grounded electrostatic discharge strap when
handling static sensitive components.

3.1 Gantry C-arm Rotational Switches

1. Shut down the system.
2. Open the right or left Gantry door.
To access the C-arm rotation switch assembly, the HV Generator Assembly must be
removed. Refer to Section 2.2, page 5-5.
3. Disconnect the harness from the board.
4. Remove the three button-head screws from the switch assembly.
5. Pull the switch assembly out.
6. Reverse procedures to install the new switch assembly.
7. Reinstall the HV Generator Assembly.
8. Perform the following procedures before returning unit to service:
a. HV Generator Assembly—Refer to Section 2.2, page 5-5, step 17.
b. The ‘Gantry C-arm Rotation Switches’ procedures found in:
Chapter 3, "M-IV Controls and Functional Tests," page 3-5.

3.2 VTA Motor Driver Board

1. Ensure the system is off and circuit breaker is off.
2. Open the left and right side Gantry door. Refer to Section 2.1, page 5-3, Steps 2 through 4.
3. Disconnect the connectors from the board.
4. Locate three locking standoffs at the top of the board, release standoff locks, and remove
top of board from the standoffs.
5. Lift the board slightly up and away from the VTA and remove the board through the right
side of the Gantry frame.
6. Reverse the above procedures to install the new VTA Motor Driver Board.
7. Perform the following procedures before returning the system to service:
• Chapter 3, "M-IV Controls and Functional Tests," page 3-5
• Chapter 5, "Switch Interlock (Startup) Test," page 5-19

Part Number MAN-01929 5-11

Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Gantry Frame Components—Remove and Replace

3.3 C-arm Rotation Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly

1. Remove the upper rear Gantry panel. See Section 2.1, page 5-3.
2. Position the C-arm so that you can access the C-arm Rotation Drive Motor and Gearbox
Assembly (Figure 5-2, #1) through the Gantry upper rear access hole.
3. Shut down the system.
4. From the rear of the Gantry, disconnect the motor power cable from the wiring harness.
Cut all cable ties securing the harness to the motor and gearbox assembly.
5. On the drive coupling, loosen the upper coupling screw.
6. Remove the four bolts that mount the motor and gearbox assembly to the VTA.
7. Lift assembly shaft out of drive coupling and remove motor and gear assembly through
Gantry upper rear access hole.
8. Reverse this procedure to reinstall the C-arm Rotation Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly.
9. Start the system.
10. Verify the C-arm Rotation Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly is working properly
before releasing the system to the user. Refer to Chapter 3, "M-IV Controls and
Functional Tests," page 3-5.

Legend for Figure 5-7

1. drive coupling
2. upper coupling screw
3. mounting bolts (4)
4. assembly shaft

Figure 5-7: C-arm Rotation Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly—Removal

5-12 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Gantry Frame Components—Remove and Replace

3.4 C-arm Vertical Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly

1. Remove the Gantry left front cover. See Section 2.1, page 5-3.
2. Remove the upper rear Gantry panel.
3. Position the C-arm so that you can access the C-arm Vertical Drive Motor and Gearbox
Assembly (Figure 5-2, #1) through the Gantry upper rear access hole.
4. Shut down the system.
5. From the rear of the Gantry, disconnect the motor power cable from the wiring harness.
Cut all cable ties securing the harness to the motor and gearbox assembly.
6. From front left side of Gantry, at the bottom of C-arm drive pulley coupler (#1), remove
the two hex head bolts. See Figure 5-8.
7. Insert lever (or pry bar) between the C-arm drive pulley coupler and the C-arm drive
pulley (#2). Using lever, push down on the coupler until the machine lock breaks and
the coupler and drive pulley can be removed from the assembly shaft (#3).
8. Remove coupler, drive pulley, and key (#4); take care not to drop the key. Note pulley
position and key-way orientation. As pulley is removed, belt may fall to the bottom of
the Gantry around lead screw. Set coupler, drive pulley, and key aside.
9. From rear of Gantry, remove the four bolts (#5,) that mount the motor and gearbox
assembly to the Vertical Travel Assembly (VTA).
10. Reverse this procedure to reinstall the C-arm Rotation Drive Motor and Gearbox
Assembly. Ensure that you:
• position the belt around the C-arm drive pulley and the lead screw nut pulley prior
to tightening the two C-arm drive pulley hex head bolts.
• position the pulley, and align the key-way with the drive shaft as noted in Step 8 above.
• install the key.
11. Verify that the C-arm Vertical Drive is working properly before releasing the system to
the user. Refer to Chapter 3, "M-IV Controls and Functional Tests," page 3-5.

Figure 5-8: C-arm Vertical Drive Motor—Removal

Part Number MAN-01929 5-13

Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Gantry Frame Components—Remove and Replace

3.5 C-arm Rotation Potentiometer

1. Access the C-arm Rotation Potentiometer by removing the upper rear Gantry cover.
2. Raise the C-arm so the C-arm Rotation Potentiometer, (Figure 5-9, #2) is positioned as
shown in the Upper Rear Access Hole (Figure 5-9, #1) at the rear of the Gantry.
3. Remove the cable ties securing wires to the mounting bracket.
4. Note position of pin 1, 2, and 3 wires on the potentiometer in Figure 5-9; un-solder the wires.
5. Remove the two screws securing the rotation potentiometer mounting bracke
(Figure 5-9, #3) to Vertical Travel Assembly (VTA). Remove bracket with potentiometer
6. Note the alignment of the potentiometer to the mounting bracket.
7. Loosen the screw (#7) on the end of the potentiometer shaft (#4). Remove the sprocket
assembly (#6). See Figure 5-9.
8. Remove the hex nut (#5) that secures the potentiometer to the mounting bracket. Slide
the potentiometer out of the bracket.
9. Reverse steps 3 through 8 to install the replacement potentiometer.
10. Perform the following procedure before returning the system to service:
“Rotation Angle Calibration,” page 5-17.

Figure 5-9: C-arm Rotation Potentiometer—Removal

5-14 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance—Gantry

4.0 Preventive Maintenance—Gantry

The following sections provide preventive maintenance procedures for the following Gantry
• C-arm Rotation Gear Assembly (part of #1, Figure 5-2, page 5-2)
• VTA Assembly Lead Screw. See Figure 5-2, #6.

4.1 C-arm Rotation Gear Assembly Inspection and Lubrication

The recommended schedule for performing this procedure is annually or as required (any
time the upper rear cover is off the Gantry for service, the rotation gear assembly should be
1. Shut down the system.
2. Remove the Gantry Upper Rear Access Panel. See Section 2.1, page 5-3.
3. Locate and inspect the gear assembly for loose hardware.
4. Examine harnesses for proper dress and clearances.
5. Clean and lightly lubricate C-arm rotation gear assembly (if required) using
approximately one tablespoon of synthetic type lubricant (P/N 2-580-0207).
Apply lubricant with brush ensuring gear teeth and worm gear are evenly coated.
6. Start the system.
7. Rotate the C-arm through full operational travel. Remove any excess lubrication.
8. Replace the Upper Rear Access Panel.

4.2 VTA Lead Screw Inspection and Lubrication

The recommended schedule for performing this procedure is annually or as required (any
time the left front cover is off the Gantry for service, the VTA lead screw should be
1. Shut down the system.
2. Remove the Gantry Left Front Cover. See Section 2.1, page 5-3 (do not remove the right
front cover).
3. Locate and inspect the VTA lead screw for loose hardware.
4. Examine harnesses for proper dress and clearances.
5. Clean and lightly lubricate the VTA lead screw (if required) using approximately two
tablespoons of synthetic type lubricant (P/N 2-580-0207).
Evenly coat all metal surfaces.
6. Start the system.
7. Raise the C-arm to top of vertical travel and then lower the C-arm to the bottom of
vertical travel. Remove any excess lubrication.
8. Replace Gantry Left Front Cover.

Part Number MAN-01929 5-15

Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Tests, Adjustments, and Calibrations

5.0 Tests, Adjustments, and Calibrations

This section covers voltage tests, mechanical adjustments, and calibrations for the
components in the M-IV Gantry.

5.1 HV Control Board Over-Current/Over-Voltage Adjustment

The following outlines maintenance procedures, tests, and adjustments for the High Voltage
Control Board.
See Table B-4, page B-5.
1. Start the system. On the High Voltage Control Board, connect a voltmeter to TP8 (+) and
TP24 (-).
2. Verify that the Small spot over-current reading matches the value in Table B-4. Adjust
potentiometer R33 as required.
3. Connect a voltmeter to TP9 (+) and TP24 (-). Verify that the Large spot over-current
reading matches the value in Table B-4. Adjust potentiometer R32 as required.
4. Connect a voltmeter to TP2 (+) and TP24 (-). Verify that the inverter over-current reading
matches the value in Table B-4. Adjust potentiometer R3 as required.
5. Connect a voltmeter to TP1 (+) and TP24 (-). Verify that the tube over-voltage reading
matches the value in Table B-4. Adjust potentiometer R6 as required.

5.2 Filament Control Board Over-Current/Over-Voltage Adjustment

The following outlines maintenance procedures, tests, and adjustments for the Filament
Control Board.
See Table B-4, page B-5.
1. Start the system. On the Filament Control Board, connect a voltmeter to TP17 (+) and TP7 (-).
2. Verify that the small filament over-current reading matches the value for the appropriate
tube. Adjust potentiometer R45 as required.
3. Connect a voltmeter to TP16 (+) and TP7 (-). Verify that the large filament over-current
reading matches the value for the appropriate tube. Adjust potentiometer R44 as required.
4. Connect a voltmeter to TP8 (+) and TP7 (-). Verify that the filament over-voltage reading
matches the value for the appropriate tube. Adjust potentiometer R20 as required.

5-16 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Tests, Adjustments, and Calibrations

5.3 Rotation Angle Calibration

The following procedures require the use of a Digital Protractor.

5.3.1 Set the Rotation Display Potentiometer

1. Zero the Digital Protractor on the base of the M-IV.
2. Holding the protractor against the side of the C-arm, rotate the C-arm until the
protractor display reads +22.5° +0.1°.
3. Turn the M-IV off.
4. Remove CJ16 from the Motor/Lamp Control Board (Figure 5-1, page 5-1 for
board location).
5. Adjust the rotation display potentiometer to its center position (measure 2.5 kΩ
from the wiper to one side of the potentiometer). See Figure 5-9, page 5-14 for
6. Set backlash tension as follows:
a. Advance backlash gear by two teeth.
b. Slide Angle Pot bracket to mesh the backlash and main gears (ensure the
gears are meshed to full depth of teeth)
c. Back off less than half a tooth of the pot gear to make clearance between
the gears.
d. Tighten angle pot bracket screws.
7. Reconnect CJ16 on the Motor/Lamp Control Board.
8. Turn the M-IV on.

5.3.2 Verify Rotation Limit Switches

1. Holding the protractor against the side of the C-arm, rotate the C-arm to +15° +0.1°.

Note… See Chapter 3, Section 1.0, page 3-1, if needed, for information about the
switches used in the following steps.
2. Set the Host Microprocessor Board DIP switch S4 to position 5 and S6 switch 4
to On (See Figure 5-1, page 5-1 for board location).
3. Press S2 on the Host Microprocessor Board until “ang####” displays on the LED
Display Pad.
4. Press S1 to zero the rotation angle display and save the C-arm position to memory.
5. Rotate the C-arm clockwise until the angle display reads +180° (195°-15°).

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Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Tests, Adjustments, and Calibrations

Figure 5-10: C-arm Rotation Limit Switch

6. Monitor the angle display, Figure 5-10 #1, and continue clockwise; the Rotation
Limit Switch should engage and shut the system off before the angle display
reads +183° (198°-15°). If it does not, adjust the rotation limit switch as follows:
a. Rotate C-arm to +182° (197°-15°).
b. Manually adjust the rotation limit switch, Figure 5-10 #2, until the Detent
arm on the side of the switch is positioned within the detent slot on the side
of the pivot tube (it may be necessary to loosen the two screws on the face
of the limit switch and/or the top and bottom adjustment screws on the limit
switch mounting plate in order to adjust the switch).
c. The M-IV shuts off when the detent arm is positioned within the detent slot
on the pivot tube.
7. Manually close the rotation limit switch to return power to the M-IV.
8. Holding the protractor against the side of the C-arm, rotate the C-arm until the
protractor display reads 0°.
9. Press S1 on the Host Microprocessor Board to zero the rotation angle display
and save the C-arm position to memory.
10. Rotate the C-arm to -90°, and cycle through the collimator sizes to verify no
binding occurs. Repeat at +90°.
11. Rotate the C-arm to +180° and verify the angle indication is correct.
12. Verify the C-arm can be moved through a minimum travel of -150° (+1°) to
+195° (+1°, -0°).
13. Return C-arm to the 0° position.

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Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Tests, Adjustments, and Calibrations

5.3.3 Verify Software Controlled Detent Function

1. Rotate the C-arm to any point between 0° and +90°, for example, +35°.
2. Make a short manual exposure.
3. Rotate the C-arm in the minus direction until it stops. Verify that the minus
position is the same as the + position that you selected, for example, -35°.
4. Optionally, verify the function at other positions.

5.4 C-arm Switch Interlocks—Verification

Use the following procedures to verify that the switch sensing circuits of the Motor/Lamp
Control Board are functioning. The first test confirms that the system senses a stuck switch
upon initial startup. The second test confirms that C-arm motion is prevented if a movement
switch is held during an exposure. It is only necessary to perform these tests when the motor/
lamp board is replaced.

5.4.1 Switch Interlock (Startup) Test

1. Turn the system off.
2. Have an assistant hold the Compression Up button on the M-IV C-arm.
3. While holding the switch, start the system and enter the Run Mode.
4. Verify that the system displays a “Motion Error 63.”
5. Release the switch and clear the error (press reset).
6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for the following C-arm switches and verify the proper
motion error.
• Compression Down (Motion Error 64)
• C-arm Up (Motion Error 66)
• C-arm Down (Motion Error 67)
• C-arm Rotation—(Motion Error 61)
• C-arm Rotation—CCW (Motion Error 60)

5.4.2 Switch Interlock (Exposure) Test

1. Set the system for a Manual Mode exposure at 22 kV, 160 mAs. Move the
footswitch so that you can depress it from behind the Operator Console.
2. Press and hold both X-ray Buttons to initiate an exposure. During the exposure,
step on the C-arm Up footswitch.
3. Verify that, during the exposure, the C-arm does not move up.
4. Continue to hold the footswitch button down until the exposure stops.
5. Verify that the Run screen message shows “Motion Error 66” and that the C-arm
still does not move up.
6. Release the footswitch, then press any of the C-arm motion switches (up, down,
rotation, etc.). Verify that the C-arm still does not move.
7. Press Reset.
8. Verify that the error message clears and that all C-arm motion buttons are active.
9. Repeat this test using the C-arm Down footswitch.

Part Number MAN-01929 5-19

Service Manual
Chapter 5—Gantry Maintenance
Tests, Adjustments, and Calibrations

5-20 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Parts Identification

Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance

1.0 Parts Identification
1.1 Tubehead Components

Figure 6-1: Tubehead Components

Legend for Figure 6-1
1. X-ray Tube
2. Filament Protection Board
3. Tubehead Cooling Fan
4. Beam Limiting Assembly
5. Tubehead Motor Driver Board
6. Tubehead Microprocessor Board

Part Number MAN-01929 6-1

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Parts Identification

1.2 Beam Limiting Assembly

Legend for Figure 6-2
1. Collimator Blades (4)
2. Collimator Drive Motors (4)
3. Collimator Lamp Assembly
4. Mirror Assembly
5. Lamp / Mirror Drive Motor
6. Dual Filter Motor
7. Filter Drive Motor
8. Beam Limiting Assembly Chassis
9. Fan Assembly

Figure 6-2: Beam Limiting Assembly

6-2 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Parts Identification

1.3 C-arm Components

Legend for Figure 6-3
1. Compression Drive Motor
2. Compression Drive Chain
3. Compression Drive Brake
4. Compression / AEC Position Display
Boards (2)
5. Compression Clutch and Clutch Brake
6. Manual Compression Handwheels
7. Compression Accessory Detect Board
8. Compression Thickness Potentiometer

Figure 6-3: C-arm Components

Part Number MAN-01929 6-3

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures—Tubehead Components

2.0 Remove and Replace Procedures—Tubehead Components

Before performing any remove and replace procedure, ensure that all electrical safety precautions
are met. Shut down the system, and set the circuit breaker to off if instructed to do so.

Caution: Be aware of the damage static electricity can inflict on electronic

components. Always wear a grounded electrostatic discharge strap when
handling static sensitive components.

2.1 Tubehead Covers

Warning: The bottom Tubehead cover is lined with lead. Do not touch the
interior. Return the replaced unit to Hologic or arrange for proper

1. Remove the face shield by pulling the rear sides of the shield out (away from the
tubehead) and sliding the shield off the mount.
2. Remove the screws securing the bottom tubehead cover (two screws located in front).
3. Slide the bottom cover down and forward approximately 2.0 cm, then angle it
downward to release.
4. Remove the screws securing the top tubehead cover to the tubehead frame (two rear
screws under the side covers, one for each side).
5. Remove the screws securing the side covers to the tubehead frame.
6. Reverse procedures to replace the Tubehead Covers.

Figure 6-4: Tubehead Covers Removal

6-4 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures—Tubehead Components

2.2 Beam Limiting Assembly

Warning: This assembly contains lead. Return the replaced unit to Hologic or
arrange for proper disposal.

The Beam Limiting Assembly mounts below the X-ray tube inside the tubehead enclosure.
The Beam Limiting Assembly is a 2-tier mechanism: an upper tier containing the dual filter
changer and the mirror/lamp assembly, and a lower tier containing the 4-blade automatic
beam collimator. The lower tier must be removed before the upper tier.
To remove the Beam Limiting Assembly:
1. Turn the system off, then remove the top and bottom tubehead covers.
2. Disconnect the Lamp Cooling Fan power cable from the Filament Protection Board.
3. Disconnect the cables listed in Table 6-1 from the Tubehead Controller Board.

Note… It is possible to install cables DJ1, DJ2, DJ3, and DJ4 incorrectly. To avoid
this, note the cable position and orientation before disconnecting.

Table 6-1: Tubehead Controller Board Cables

Connector Cable Description

DJ1 Left Collimator Blade Position Detect
DJ2 Left Collimator Blade Motor
DJ3 Front Collimator Blade Position Detect
DJ4 Front Collimator Blade Motor
DJ5 Filter Assembly Motor
DJ6 Filter Assembly Position Detect
DJ7 Mirror / Lamp Assembly Position Detect
DJ8 Mirror / Lamp Assembly Motor
DJ9 Rear Collimator Blade Position Detect
DJ10 Rear Collimator Blade Assembly Position Detect
DJ11 Right Assembly Position Detect
DJ12 Right Assembly Position Detect

4. Remove the hardware that secures the lower tier (collimator blades) to the Beam
Limiting Assembly chassis.
5. Carefully remove the collimator assembly and set it aside. Use care not to damage the
lead lining on the collimator blades.

Caution: Do not touch either filter on the dual filter assembly. Filter contact with
bare skin, or other materials, can cause artifacts in a developed film.

6. Remove the hardware that secures the upper tier (mirror and filter assemblies) to the
Beam Limiting Assembly chassis.
7. Carefully remove the mirror and filter assembly and set it aside.

Part Number MAN-01929 6-5

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures—Tubehead Components

8. Remove the hardware that secures the Beam Limiting Assembly chassis to the tubehead
frame and remove the assembly.
9. Reverse these steps to install the replacement Beam Limiting Assembly.
10. Ensure the Lamp Harness Cable is securely routed through the cable clamp as shown in
Figure 6-5.
11. Perform the procedures below before releasing the system to the user:
• Chapter 8, "X-ray Field Adjustment - Large Focal Spot (Film-Based Method)," page 8-13
• Chapter 8, "X-ray Field Adjustment—Large Focal (Field Method - non film based),"
page 8-17
• Chapter 8, "The X-ray field must be adjusted to fall within the 5 mm guidelines
portrayed on the template for the X-ray size being calibrated.," page 8-23
• Chapter 8, "Light Field Illuminance Test and Adjustment," page 8-26
• Chapter 8, "Light Field Edge Contrast Test," page 8-28
• Chapter 8, "Light Field Edge Contrast Test," page 8-28
• Chapter 8, "X-ray Tubehead Leakage Test," page 8-33

Legend for Figure 6-5

1. Chassis
2. Upper Tier
3. Lower Tier
4. Cable Clamp

Figure 6-5: Beam Limiting Assembly—Removal

6-6 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures—Tubehead Components

2.3 X-ray Tube

The X-ray tube mounts to the tubehead frame.
To access the X-ray tube mounting hardware:
1. Turn the system off, then remove the top and
bottom tubehead covers.
2. Remove the Beam Limiting Assembly to access
the X-ray tube mounting hardware.
3. Disconnect the high voltage cable and the
filament cable from the rear of the X-ray tube.
4. Loosen the band clamp, near the rear end of the
X-ray tube, so that it can be slipped over the
rear edge of the X-ray tube.
5. Remove the X-ray tube mounting hardware from
beneath the tubehead frame.
6. Slide the X-ray tube out of the tubehead frame
from the front.
7. Reverse this procedure to install the
replacement X-ray tube.
8. Verify that DIP Switch (S6) is set properly for the
make and model X-ray tube. See Chapter 3,
"Setting—X-ray Tube Type," page 3-22)
9. Perform the following Exposure System
Adjustments/Calibrations and AEC Calibrations
before releasing system to the user:
• Chapter 3, "Tube Bias Adjustment," page 3-23
• Chapter 3, "Tube Current (mA) Adjustment," Figure 6-6: X-ray Tube—Removal
page 3-26
• Chapter 3, "Tube Voltage (kV) Calibration," page 3-25
• Chapter 3, "AEC Calibration," page 3-35 (all applicable sections)
10. Perform the following Tests and Adjustments before releasing system to the user:
• Chapter 8, "Half Value Layer Compliance Test," page 8-3
• Chapter 8, "Reproducibility and Linearity (Manual Mode) Test," page 8-6
• Chapter 8, "X-ray Field Adjustment - Large Focal Spot (Film-Based Method)," page 8-13.
• Chapter 8, "X-ray Field Adjustment—Large Focal (Field Method - non film based),"
page 8-17.
• Chapter 8, "The X-ray field must be adjusted to fall within the 5 mm guidelines
portrayed on the template for the X-ray size being calibrated.," page 8-23
• Chapter 8, "Light Field Illuminance Test and Adjustment," page 8-26
• Chapter 8, "Light Field Edge Contrast Test," page 8-28
• Chapter 8, "Light Field Edge Contrast Test," page 8-28
• Chapter 8, "X-ray Tubehead Leakage Test," page 8-33
11. Perform the following Compliance Requirements before releasing the system to the user.
• Affix new compliance label
• Complete FDA 2579C form (tube exchange).

Part Number MAN-01929 6-7

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures—Tubehead Components

2.4 Tubehead Cooling Fan

The tubehead cooling fan mounts to the tubehead frame, on the bulkhead directly behind
the X-ray tube.
1. Remove the tubehead top cover. Locate the tubehead cooling fan on the rear of the
tubehead frame.
2. Disconnect the fan power cable.
3. Remove all cable ties from the power cable, then remove the hardware that secures the
cooling fan mounting bracket to the tubehead frame.
4. Lift the fan and bracket assembly out of the unit.
5. If necessary, remove the hardware that secures the mounting bracket to the cooling fan.
6. Reverse these steps to install the replacement cooling fan.
7. Perform the following procedure before returning system to service:
Chapter 8, "X-ray Tubehead Leakage Test," page 8-33.

Figure 6-7: Tubehead Cooling Fan—Removal

6-8 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures—Tubehead Components

2.5 Filament Protection Board

Figure 6-8: Filament Protection Board—Removal

The Filament Protection Board mounts to the left rear side tubehead frame, directly behind
the X-ray tube.
1. Remove the tubehead top cover.
2. Locate the Filament Protection Board near the left rear side of the tubehead frame.
3. Note their locations, and remove all cables from their board connectors. Use Table 6-2
to determine jumper locations during reinstallation:
Table 6-2: Filament Protection Board Cables

Connector Cable Description

XJ1 from Filament Board
XJ2 to X-ray Tube
XJ3 from C-arm Interlock Interface
XJ4 to Fan
XJ5 to Tube Temp
XJ6 to Lamp Fan
4. Remove the mounting hardware that secures the Filament Protection Board to the
tubehead frame.
5. Lift the board off of the standoffs.
6. Reverse these steps to install the replacement Filament Protection Board.
7. Perform the following Tests and Adjustments before releasing the system to the user:
• Chapter 8, "X-ray Tubehead Leakage Test," page 8-33.
• Chapter 3, "Tube Current (mA) Adjustment," page 3-26.

Part Number MAN-01929 6-9

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures—Tubehead Components

2.6 Tubehead Switch Boards

There are two Tubehead Switch Boards; one is mounted on each tubehead side cover.
See Figure 6-9.
1. Remove the right and/or left side tubehead cover(s).
2. Locate the Switch Board (there is one on each side of the tubehead) that requires
3. Note their locations, and remove all cables from their board connectors.
4. Remove the switch hardware.
5. Remove the switch board from the tubehead side cover.
6. Reverse these steps to install the replacement switch board.
7. Verify all switch functions before releasing the system to the user. See Chapter 3, "M-IV
Controls and Functional Tests," page 3-5.

Figure 6-9: Tubehead Switch Board—Removal

6-10 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures—Tubehead Components

2.7 Tubehead Microprocessor and Tubehead Motor Driver Board

The Tubehead Motor Driver Board mounts to the bottom of the tubehead frame, directly
behind the beam limiting assembly. The Tubehead Microprocessor mounts to standoffs on
the Tubehead Motor Driver Board.
1. Remove the top and bottom tubehead covers.
2. Locate the Tubehead Microprocessor Board, which is mounted to the Tubehead Motor
Driver Board, beneath the tubehead frame (to the rear of the beam limiting assembly).
3. Remove the hardware that secures the Tubehead Microprocessor to the standoffs
(attached to the Tubehead Motor Driver Board).
4. Carefully pull the connector (on the Tubehead Microprocessor) from its mating socket
(on the Tubehead Motor Driver Board).
5. Disconnect all cables on the Tubehead Motor Driver Board. Note each location for
6. Remove the hardware that secures the Tubehead Motor Driver Board to the tubehead frame.
7. Carefully remove the board from the tubehead.
8. Reverse these steps to install the replacement Tubehead Microprocessor and the
Tubehead Motor Driver Board.
9. Perform the following Tests and Adjustments before releasing the system to the user:
• Chapter 8, "Light Field Illuminance Test and Adjustment," page 8-26
• Chapter 8, "Light Field Edge Contrast Test," page 8-28
• Chapter 8, "Light Field Edge Contrast Test," page 8-28
• Chapter 8, "Half Value Layer Compliance Test," page 8-3
• Chapter 8, "Reproducibility and Linearity (Manual Mode) Test," page 8-6
• Chapter 8, "X-ray Tubehead Leakage Test," page 8-33

Figure 6-10: Tubehead Processor and Motor Control Boards—Removal

Part Number MAN-01929 6-11

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace—Compression Components

3.0 Remove and Replace—Compression Components

Before performing any remove and replace procedure, make sure that all electrical safety
precautions are met. Shut down the system, and set the circuit breaker to the off position.

Caution: Be aware of the damage static electricity can inflict on electronic

components. Always wear a grounded electrostatic discharge strap when
handling static sensitive components.

3.1 Compression Device Covers

Access to the serviceable components and assemblies of the C-arm are through the Upper
and Lower Compression Device Covers.

Caution: The top and bottom Compression Device covers are fastened to the
compression bellows. Use care not to damage the bellows when removing
these covers.

1. Remove the mounting hardware that fastens the

Compression Device covers (top and bottom) to
the Compression Device. See Figure .
2. Carefully lift the covers off the Compression
Device to access the following components:
• Compression Clutch
• Compression Clutch brake
• Compression Drive
• Compression Brake
• Compression Paddle Detection Board
3. Use care not to damage the Compression Device
bellows. Disconnect the wiring between the
covers and the Compression Device, including
one ground wire for each cover.
4. Reverse procedures to replace the Compression Figure 6-11: Compression Device
Device Covers.
Covers Removal

6-12 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace—Compression Components

3.2 Compression Thickness Potentiometer

The Compression Thickness Potentiometer is a 5K ohm, 10-turn potentiometer that mounts
to the left side bulkhead of the Compression Device frame.
1. Shut down the system,
then remove the top and
bottom Compression
Device covers.
2. Remove the upper and
lower bellows
assemblies. Refer to
Section 3.3, page 6-14.
3. See Figure 6-12, and loosen
the two allen screws
securing the Compression
Timing Belt to the Bearing
Block Assembly.
4. Remove the timing belt
from the bottom clamp.
5. Gently thread timing belt
up and out of the pulleys.

Figure 6-12: Compression Timing Belt—Removal

6. Inspect the timing belt; if damaged,
order new belt (P/N 3-230-4002) and
replace; Section 3.8, page 6-18.
7. Loosen the clamp screw (#1) on the
end of the potentiometer (#5) shaft.
Remove the clamp and the sprocket
(#2) together. See Figure 6-13.
8. Remove the hex nut (#3) that secures
the potentiometer to the mounting
bracket (#4).
9. Slide the potentiometer off the bracket.
10. Un-solder the three wires
connections (white, red, and black)
from the posts on the potentiometer.
Note the color wire for each post.

Figure 6-13: Compression Thickness Potentiometer—Removal

11. Reverse steps 3 through 9 to install the replacement potentiometer.
12. Perform “Compression Thickness Potentiometer Mechanical Adjustment,” page 6-26.
13. Replace the lower bellows assembly.
14. Replace the Compression Device assembly upper and lower covers.
15. Perform the following procedures before returning system to service:
• Verify the compression force and calibrate if needed (“Compression Force
Calibration,” page 6-27).
• “Compression Force Calibration,” page 6-27

Part Number MAN-01929 6-13

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace—Compression Components

3.3 C-arm Bellows Assemblies

1. Remove the IRSD.
2. Disconnect the cables and screws from the
top and bottom Compression Device
covers. See Figure 6-14.

Note… To access the bellows screws

(for both upper and lower), Bellows
gently pull cover and bellows
away from C-Arm; ensure the
bellows clears the sub frame.
Figure 6-14: Removing the Bellows Rods

3. From the bottom of the C-arm, unscrew and remove the two bellows rods (one on each side).
4. Remove three screws securing the upper bellows assembly to the C-arm sub-frame.
Carefully remove the Bellows and Compression Device Cover assembly.
5. Remove three screws securing the lower bellows assembly to the bearing block assembly.
6. Carefully remove the lower Bellows and Compression Device Cover assembly.
7. Transfer the boards from the old Compression Device Covers to the new ones.
8. Reverse procedures to replace the C-arm Bellows assemblies.

3.4 Compression/AEC Position Display Board

The Compression/AEC Position Display Boards (left and right. See Figure 4) provide readouts
for compression thickness, compression force, and the position of the AEC Sensor Board.
These display boards mount to the inside of the top Compression Device cover.

1. Shut down the system, then remove the

top Compression Device cover.
2. Disconnect the cable connectors from
the Compression / AEC Position Display
Board (left or right).
3. Remove the hardware that secures the
Compression / AEC Position Display
Board (left or right) to the standoffs on
the top cover.
4. Reverse these steps to install the
replacement display board.
5. Perform the following procedure before Figure 6-15: Compression /AEC Position
returning system to service: Display Board—Removal
Verify the compression force and
calibrate if needed (“Compression Force
Calibration,” page 6-27).

6-14 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace—Compression Components

3.5 Compression Paddle Detect Board

The Compression Paddle Detect Board (Figure 6-16) has four sensors that detect the type of
Compression Paddle installed on the Compression Device. This board mounts to the bottom
Compression Device frame, near the front.
1. Shut down the system, then remove the top and bottom Compression Device covers;
Section 3.1, page 6-12.
2. Remove the harness connector from ADJ1 on the Compression Paddle Detect board.
3. Remove the hardware that secures the Compression Paddle Detect Board to the
Compression Device frame.
4. Reverse these steps to install the replacement detect board.
5. Perform the following procedure before returning system to service:
“Compression Paddle Detect Board Logic States,” page 6-29.

Figure 6-16: Compression Paddle Detect Board—Removal

3.6 Compression Clutch and Clutch Brake Assembly

The Compression Device houses a clutch and clutch brake assembly;
Figure 6-17, page 6-16. for patient safety during compression. The clutch brake prevents
Compression Device backlash after motorized compression; the clutch stops manual
compression before the maximum compression force is exceeded.

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Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace—Compression Components

Figure 6-17: Compression Clutch and Clutch Brake—Removal

Legend for Figure 6-17
1. Clutch Shaft 2. Clutch
3. Clutch Brake 4. Right Compression Knob
5. Brass Spacer 6. Locking Bar
7. Armature

1. Turn off the system, then remove the top and bottom Compression Device covers.
2. Loosen the set screws that secure the right side compression knob to the clutch shaft.
Slide the knob off the shaft.
3. Loosen the screws that secure the locking bar to the clutch shaft.
4. Slide the clutch shaft out of the Compression Device from the left side.
5. Lift the clutch, the armature, and the brass spacer from the Compression Device. If it is
only necessary to replace the clutch, skip steps #5, 6, 7, and 8.
6. Remove the screws that secure the clutch brake to the left side Compression Device frame.
7. Remove the clutch brake harness connector from the main harness.
8. Install the replacement clutch brake and tighten the mounting screws.
9. Connect the clutch brake harness to the main wiring harness.
10. Slide the clutch shaft into the Compression Device from the left side; the shaft end
protrudes through the opening in the clutch brake.
11. Slide the brass spacer (raised edge first) over the shaft and into the brake.
12. Place the armature on the end of the replacement clutch (machined side toward the brake).
13. Slide the clutch shaft through the clutch, then out the opposite side of the Compression
14. Install the previously removed knob and tighten the set screws.
15. Adjust the clutch shaft by sliding it back and forth until both knobs are equal distances
from the sides of the Compression Device.
16. Place a 0.015 in. feeler gauge (or shim stock) between the armature and the clutch
brake. Spread the clutch mechanism so that the clutch sprocket is pressed firmly against
the chain gears (at right), and that the armature is pressed against the feeler gauge.
17. Tighten the locking bar mounting hardware, then remove the feeler gauge.

6-16 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace—Compression Components

18. Confirm that the gap between the armature and the clutch is 0.010 in. (minimum) to
0.020 in. (maximum). Verify that there is no left-to-right “play” in the clutch.
19. Turn on the system.
20. Perform the following procedure:
“Compression Chain Tension Adjustment,” page 6-25
21. Replace the Compression Device covers.
22. Perform the following procedures before releasing the system to the user:
• “Compression Force Calibration,” page 6-27
• “Compression Force Calibration,” page 6-27
23. Replace the covers.

3.7 Force Load Cell

1. Turn the system off.
2. Remove the top Compression Device cover, (refer to Section 3.1, page 6-12).
3. Remove bottom screws that hold the load cell to the bottom plate. See Figure 6-18.
4. Loosen the set screws that secure the right side compression knob to the clutch shaft.

Figure 6-18: Removing the Force Load Cell

5. Slide the knob off the shaft.

6. Loosen the screws that secure the locking bar to the clutch shaft. See Figure 6-18 (#1).
7. Slide the clutch shaft out of the Compression Device from the left side and note the
position and orientation of all parts removed from the assembly.
8. Remove the load cell from the Compression Device by removing the two hex-head
screws. The spring wrap in the side pulls the load cell up.
9. Remove the gear on the load cell housing, holding it with the chain attached, in your left
hand and slide the load cell off with the right.
10. While still holding the gear and chain, slide the new wire for the load cell in between
the chain loop and place the load cell on the bottom plate.
11. Replace the top screw on the new load cell into the Compression Device.

Part Number MAN-01929 6-17

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Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace—Compression Components

12. Tilt the load cell to outside slightly and replace the socket gear with the chain loop,
using the original hardware.
13. Push the load cell down onto the lower plate, and replace both screws in the lower plate.
14. Re-install the bottom screw that fastens the load cell to the Compression Device.
15. Slide the compression clutch shaft into the load cell and test to see if it slides smoothly. If
not, loosen the lower screws and adjust until the shaft travels smoothly.
16. Re-assemble the compression clutch and brake assembly and adjust following steps 15
through 22 in Section 3.6, page 6-15.
17. Turn on the system.
18. With the Compression Device covers still off, carefully move the Compression Device
with the Compression Up and Down buttons to be sure the Compression Device moves.
If it does not move, reverse procedures and adjust.
19. To calibrate the Force Load Cell, perform the following procedure:
“Paddle Detect Circuit Calibration,” page 6-29
20. Replace the Compression Device covers.

3.8 Compression Motor and Motor Brake

The Compression Motor drives the compression chain through a series of gears to move the
Compression Device up or down. The Compression Motor Brake holds the chain in place to
prevent a decrease in compression force from slippage.
1. Turn system off.
2. Remove the IRSD—Section 4.0, page 6-20.
3. Remove the top and bottom Compression Device covers—Section 3.1, page 6-12.
4. From the bottom of the C-arm, locate, unscrew, and remove the two bellows rods (one
on each side).
5. Remove three screws securing the upper bellows assembly to the C-arm sub-frame.
Carefully remove the assembly.
6. Remove the lower tubehead enclosure—Section 2.1, page 6-4.
7. Remove the Tubehead Microprocessor and the Tubehead Motor Driver Board—
Section 2.7, page 6-11.
8. Manually move the Compression Device to center it on the C-arm.
9. Disconnect the master link on the drive chain, then remove the drive chain from around
the Compression Motor sprocket.
10. Disconnect the input power wires from the rear of the compression motor. Note the
polarity for replacement purposes—Figure 6-19.

6-18 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace—Compression Components

11. Remove the two screws that

secure the compression motor
bracket to the C-arm frame.
12. Pull the compression motor and
brake out of the C-arm as an
13. Loosen the set screws that
secure the motor shaft to the
motor sprocket.
14. Pull the brake, with the sprocket,
off the motor shaft.
15. Remove the screws that fasten
the compression motor to the
mounting bracket.
16. Mount the replacement motor
onto the bracket.
17. Reverse these procedure to
install the replacement
compression drive motor and Figure 6-19: Compression Motor and Motor Brake
brake assembly. Legend for Figure 6-19
18. Perform the procedures below 1. Motor shaft set screws
before releasing the system to 2. Compression motor bracket
the user:
3. Compression motor bracket screws (two)
• “Compression Force 4. C-arm frame
Calibration,” page 6-27
• “Compression Force Calibration,” page 6-27
• “Compression Chain Tension Adjustment,” page 6-25
• Acquire image using an ACR Phantom. Flash the film and verify the image on the film.

Part Number MAN-01929 6-19

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace—IRSD Components

3.9 Timing Belt

Perform this procedure only if the compression timing belt has been damaged.
1. Turn power off, then remove the top and bottom Compression Device covers—
Section 3.1, page 6-12.
2. Remove the IRSD—Section 4.0, page 6-20.
3. Remove the lower bellows assembly; Section 3.3, page 6-14.
4. Loosen two allen hex screws securing
the Compression Timing Belt to the
Bearing Block Assembly. Remove
timing belt from the bottom clamp.
5. Gently thread timing belt up and out
of the pulleys.
6. Loosen two screws securing the
timing belt in the upper clamp block;
Figure 6-20, #1. Remove belt and
Figure 6-20: Timing Belt—Removal

7. Insert the new timing belt through the upper clamp on the Tubehead Support Plate.
Apply Loctite 242, Blue and retighten screws.
8. Perform the following procedures before returning system to service:
• “Compression Thickness Potentiometer,” page 6-13.
• “Compression Force Calibration,” page 6-27.
• Acquire image using an ACR Phantom. Verify the image on the film.

4.0 Remove and Replace—IRSD Components

Before performing any remove and replace procedure, ensure that all electrical safety
precautions are met.
1. Shut down the system
2. Switch off the input power circuit breaker.

Caution Be aware of the damage static electricity can inflict on electronic

components. Always wear a grounded electrostatic discharge strap when
handling static sensitive components.

6-20 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace—IRSD Components

4.1 Image Receptor Support Device (IRSD) Covers

Warning This assembly contains lead. Return the replaced unit to Hologic or
arrange for proper disposal.

1. Remove the hardware that fastens the

IRSD to the C-arm frame; Figure 6-21.
2. Pull the IRSD forward to remove it from
the C-arm.
3. Remove the IRSD cover to access the
following components:
• IR Microprocessor and Accessory
Detect Board
• AEC Detector Board
• Bucky Interface Board
4. Set the IRSD down on a secure surface
and remove the two screws located on
the sides of the IRSD which attach the
5. Remove the Breast Tray Switch
Assembly. See Section 4.2, page 6-22.
Store the switch assembly safely.

Figure 6-21: IRSD and IRSD Cover Removal

6. Grasp the IRSD firmly while pushing the cover down and forward, taking care to clear
the cover support brackets located in the front of the IRSD.
7. Reverse the procedures to replace the IRSD.

Note In place of the fastening hardware shown in Figure 6-21, the StereoLoc II
models have two latches located on the rear of the C-Arm sub frame (one on
each side). Open these latches before removing the IRSD. See Figure 6-22.

Figure 6-22: StereoLoc II IRSD Cover Removal

Part Number MAN-01929 6-21

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace—IRSD Components

4.2 Breast Tray Switch Assembly

A Breast Tray Switch Assembly is mounted to the
rear frame of the IRSD. Access this board by
removing the IRSD bottom cover.
1. Shut down the system, then remove the
bottom IRSD cover.
2. Locate the switch board near the center of the
frame (viewed from the rear).

Figure 6-23: Breast Tray Switch Assembly

3. Note the location, and disconnect the wiring harness.
4. Loosen the two screws that secure the switch board bracket to the IRSD frame. See
Figure 6-22, page 6-21.
5. Pull the entire assembly out of the unit.
6. Remove the screws that fasten the switch board to the bracket.
7. Reverse these steps to install the replacement Breast Tray Switch Assembly.
8. Perform the following procedure before returning system to service:
Chapter 3, "M-IV Controls and Functional Tests," page 3-5.

4.3 Image Receptor Accessory Detect Board

The Image Receptor Accessory Detect Board is mounted to the rear frame IRSD
(Figure 6-24). Access this board by removing the IRSD bottom cover.

Figure 6-24: IRSD Components (rear frame)—Removal

1. Shut down the system.

2. Remove the bottom IRSD cover.
3. Locate the Image Receptor Accessory Detect board on the right side of the frame (as
viewed from the rear).
4. Disconnect the wiring harness from AFJ1.
5. Remove the four mounting screws, then lift the board out of the IRSD.
6. Reverse this procedure to install the replacement Image Receptor Detect Board.
7. Perform the following procedure before returning system to service:
“Image Receptor Detect Board Test and Verification,” page 6-30

6-22 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace—IRSD Components

4.4 Bucky Interface Board

The Bucky Interface Board is mounted to the rear frame of the IRSD. See Figure 6-24, page
6-22. Access this board by removing the IRSD bottom cover.
1. Shut down the system.
2. Remove the bottom IRSD cover.
3. Locate the driver board near the left side of the frame (as viewed from the rear).
4. Note their locations, and remove all cables from their board connectors.
5. Remove the hardware that secures the Bucky Interface Board to the IRSD frame, then lift
the board out of the unit.
6. Reverse this procedure to install the replacement Bucky Interface Board. Verify operation
of the Bucky Device. Refer to Chapter 8, Section 5.0, page 8-29.
7. Perform the following procedure before returning system to service:
Chapter 8, "IRSD Leakage Test," page 8-32.

4.5 Image Receptor Microprocessor Board

The Image Receptor Microprocessor board is mounted beneath the breast tray on the IRSD.
See Figure 6-25. Access this board by removing the IRSD bottom cover.
1. Shut down the system.
2. Remove the bottom IRSD cover.
3. Turn the IRSD upside down on a smooth surface.
4. Locate the microprocessor board beneath the breast tray (as viewed from below).
5. Disconnect the wiring harnesses.
6. Remove the ribbon cable (from AEC Detector Assembly) from FJ5 on the Microprocessor.
7. Remove the mounting hardware that secures the microprocessor to the standoffs on the
bottom of the breast tray, then remove the board from the unit.
8. Reverse these steps to install the replacement Image Receptor Microprocessor Board.
9. Perform the following procedure before returning system to service:
Chapter 8, "IRSD Leakage Test," page 8-32.


Figure 6-25: IRSD Components (breast tray)—Removal

Part Number MAN-01929 6-23

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Remove and Replace—IRSD Components

4.6 AEC Detect Board

The AEC Detect Board Assembly is mounted beneath the breast tray on the IRSD. Access this
board by removing the IRSD bottom cover.
1. Shut down the system.
2. Remove the bottom IRSD cover, and the front rail of the breast tray.
3. Turn the IRSD upside down on a smooth surface.
4. Remove the ribbon cable from FJ5 on the Microprocessor Board.
5. Slide the entire AEC Detect Assembly out from the front of the IRSD.
6. Reverse these steps to install the replacement AEC Detect Board Assembly.
7. Perform the following procedures before returning system to service:
• Chapter 8, "IRSD Leakage Test," page 8-32.
• Chapter 3, "AEC Calibration," page 3-35

AEC Detect

Figure 6-26: AEC Detect Board—Removal

6-24 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Tests, Adjustments, and Calibrations

5.0 Tests, Adjustments, and Calibrations

This section covers voltage tests, mechanical adjustments, and calibrations for the
components in the M-IV C-arm.

5.1 Compression Chain Tension Adjustment

Perform this procedure after servicing or replacing the Compression Motor/Brake assembly
or the Compression Clutch/Brake assembly.
1. Remove the lower Compression Device cover. Use care not to damage the bellows.
2. Manually move the Compression Device completely Up.
3. Loosen the hardware (#1) that secures the lower compression chain sprocket mount to
the C-arm frame. See Figure 6-27.
4. Adjust the sprocket tension screws (#2) appropriately so that the chain deflection (near
the center) is approximately 1/2 inch. Adjust both tension screws evenly.
5. Tighten the sprocket mount hardware (#1).
6. Manually move the Compression Device completely down, then back up. Verify that the
travel is smooth, and that the chain does not bind.
7. Use motorized compression to move the Compression Device completely down, then
back up. Verify that the travel is smooth, and that the chain does not bind.
8. When complete, replace the lower Compression Device cover.

Figure 6-27: Compression Chain Tension Adjustment

Part Number MAN-01929 6-25

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Tests, Adjustments, and Calibrations

5.2 Compression Thickness Potentiometer Mechanical Adjustment

1. Ensure the timing belt is mounted on upper clamp block. See Figure 6-20, page 6-20.
2. Bring the Compression Device to the bottom of its travel.
3. Loosen the clamp screw (#1, Figure 6-13, page 6-13).
4. Rotate the potentiometer in a counterclockwise direction (when viewed from the right
side of the C-Arm assembly) until it reaches its stop.
5. Install the 18 x 24 cm Bucky device and 18 x 24 cm paddle onto the Compression Device.
6. Center 1 cm of BEM or acrylic on the IRSD.
7. Move the Compression Device down until the paddle is touching the BEM (or acrylic).
8. Attach an Ohmmeter between the red and white wire connections on the potentiometer
9. Rotate the potentiometer shaft counterclockwise until the Ohmmeter reads between 500
and 600 ohms.
10. Tighten the clamp screw.
11. Thread the timing belt through the sprockets and lower belt clamp, ensuring the
potentiometer does not move and the timing belt does not twist.
12. Affix the Field Service Belt Adjustment Tool (P/N 9-061-0107) to the bottom of the
timing belt to achieve proper tension. See Figure 6-12, page 6-13.
13. Tighten the screws on the lower clamp and remove the tool. Trim the belt if needed.
14. Recheck the Compression Potentiometer resistance and, if necessary, readjust to
between 500 and 600 ohms.

5.3 Setting—Force Load Cell

This procedure sets the Host Microprocessor Board for the installed compression force load
cell. This setting is factory configured. Only change this setting after replacing the assembly.
To replace the Force Load Cell on the Compression Device, refer to “Force Load Cell,” page 6-17.
1. Set the M-IV to the calibration mode (S6 switch 4 = On).
2. Set the Host Microprocessor board for the Force Load Cell selection mode (S4 = 5; S6
switch 8 = On).
3. Press Select (S2) until the installed compression force load cell displays REV or LCC.
4. Set S4 = 5; S6 switch 8 to Off
5. Return the Host Microprocessor board to normal operation (S6 switch 4 = Off).
6. Perform the following procedures before releasing the system to the user:
• “Compression Force Calibration,” page 6-27
• “Compression Thickness Potentiometer Calibration,” page 6-28.

6-26 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Tests, Adjustments, and Calibrations

5.4 Compression Force Calibration

Perform this calibration procedure after servicing or replacing the Compression Clutch
Assembly or the Compression Drive Assembly.
1. Turn on the M-IV.
2. Rotate the C-arm to the 0 degree position if necessary.
3. Open the right side Gantry door.
4. Set the M-IV for Calibration Mode (S6 switch 4 = On).
5. Set the Host Microprocessor board for the Compression Height and Force Calibration
(S4 = 5; S6 switch 8 = Off).
6. Press Switch (S2) until the Host Microprocessor board display reads: C20f####.
7. Install an 18 x 24 cm Bucky on the IRSD.
8. Place a force gauge in the approximate center and cover with a folded towel to protect
the compression paddle.
9. Install the 7.5 Contact Spot Paddle onto the Compression Device.
10. Manually apply compression onto the towel and gauge until the gauge display indicates
20 pounds of force.
11. Press Switch (S1) on the Host Microprocessor board to save the setting.
12. Press Switch (S2) until the Host Microprocessor board display reads: C40f####.
13. Manually apply compression onto the towel and gauge until the gauge display indicates
40 pounds of force. Press Switch (S1) on the Host Microprocessor board to save the setting.
14. Set the system for normal operation, (S6 switch 4 = Off).
15. Apply compression onto the force gauge and compare the force gauge reading with the
Compression Force Display on the Compression Device. The readings should match
within ±4.5 pounds (20 N).
16. Release the gauge from compression.
17. Set the compression release to Manual.
18. Repeat step 15 with the C-arm rotated first to 90° and then rotated 180°.
19. Return system to Automatic Compression Release if that is the site default.

Part Number MAN-01929 6-27

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Tests, Adjustments, and Calibrations

5.5 Compression Thickness Potentiometer Calibration

Perform this calibration procedure after servicing or replacing the Compression Thickness

Note… The compression thickness must be calibrated for each of the compression
paddle/image receptor combinations used with the machine (for example.,
18 x 24 cm Paddle with M-IV Bucky). If the site wishes to use a compression
paddle with a different image receptor, that paddle/receptor combination
must be calibrated.
1. Turn on the M-IV system.
2. Open the right side Gantry door.
3. Set the Host Microprocessor Board for Calibration Mode: DIP switch S6-4 = On.
4. Select Motor Control calibration by placing DIP switch S6-8 = Off.
5. Turn the rotary switch (S4) to position #5.
6. On the Host Microprocessor Board press Select Button (S2) until the Host
Microprocessor Board display reads: Cht# ###.
7. Install the 18 x 24 cm Bucky device.
8. Center 5 cm of BEM on the IRSD, and orient it so that it is even with the chest wall edge
of the image receptor.
9. Install the 7.5 Contact Spot Paddle.

Note… Do not use the F.A.S.T. Paddle for this calibration.

10. Move the Compression Device down until the Compression Force display indicates 30
pounds of force (133.5 N).
11. On the Host Microprocessor Board, press (S1) to calibrate the compression thickness for
the installed paddle/receptor combination.
12. Raise the Compression Device off of the BEM, then lower it again until the force reading
indicates 30 lb (133.5 N). Verify that the thickness reading indicates 5 cm.
13. Remove the Bucky device and install the Magnification Table.
14. Install 7.5 Spot magnification paddle on the Compression Device.
15. Center 5 cm of BEM on the Magnification Table and orient it so that it is even with the
chest wall edge of the image receptor.
16. Move the Compression Device down until the compression force display indicates 30
pounds of force (133.5 N).
17. On the Host Microprocessor Board, press (S1) to calibrate the compression thickness for
the installed paddle/receptor combination.
18. Raise the Compression Device off of the BEM, then lower it again until the force reading
indicates 30 lb (133.5 N). Verify that the thickness reading indicates 5 cm.

6-28 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Tests, Adjustments, and Calibrations

5.6 Paddle Detect Circuit Calibration

The Paddle Detect Circuitry is part of the Host Microprocessor board.
Required equipment:
Paddle ID CAL Test Tool (P/N TSL-00272)
1. Open the right side Gantry door.
2. Set rotary switch S4 on the Host Microprocessor board to Position A.
3. Set switch S6-4 = On and S6-8 = Off. The board displays pid_cal.
4. Insert the TLS-00272 (Chrome) Accessory Test tool in the Compression Device.
5. Press S1 to store the Chrome voltage levels. PID_ON displays.
6. Insert the TLS-00272 (Black) Accessory Test tool.
7. Press S2 to store the Black voltage levels. PID_OFF displays.
8. Remove the Test paddle.
9. Press S3 to calculate voltage thresholds. PID_CALC displays.
10. PID_ERR displays if a sensor voltage is out of range.
a. Press S5 to load the default paddle calibration values. PID_DEF displays.
b. Press S3 again to be sure no errors still exist.
c. If PID_ERR displays, evaluate the detector circuit. Service is required.

5.7 Compression Paddle Detect Board Logic States

Paddle detection is determined by measuring the pins on the Paddle Detect Board associated
with the optical sensor. (See the Schematics Manual.) The combination of these highs and
lows generate the signals which are used to determine the attached compression accessory.
Use Table 6-3 to verify the optical sensor combinations for each Compression Paddle. “H”
signifies a logic high (reflective), while “L” signifies a logic low (non-reflective).

Table 6-3: Accessory Sensor Combinations

Paddle ISO1 ISO2 ISO3 ISO4

18 x 24 cm H L L L
10 cm Spot (Mag) L H L L
10 cm Loc (perf.) H H L L
10 cm Loc (square) L L H L
7.5 cm Mag Spot L L H H
15 cm Mag Spot L H H L
15 cm Loc (perf.) H H H L
15 cm Loc (square) L L L H
24 x 30 cm H L L H
7.5 cm Contact Spot L H H H
15 cm Contact Spot H H L H
10 cm Contact Spot H L H L

Part Number MAN-01929 6-29

Service Manual
Chapter 6—C-arm Assembly Maintenance
Tests, Adjustments, and Calibrations

5.8 Image Receptor Detect Board Test and Verification

The Image Receptor detect Board uses the flags on the rear of the Bucky assembly and
Magnification Table to generate the various codes shown in Table 6-4. This combination of
highs and lows is decoded and used by the system to determine which device is present.
The output of these opto-couplers can be read directly on the IR Microprocessor Board. Pass
a piece of foil or your fingertip over each opto-coupler individually. View D2, D3, D4, and
D5 to directly read the output.
Use Table 6-4 to verify the optical sensor combinations for each image receptor. Note that
“H” signifies a logic high (reflective: 3.5 - 5.0 VDC), while “L” signifies a logic low (non-
reflective: 0.5 - 1.5 VDC)

Table 6-4: Image Receptor Sensor Combinations


18 x 24 cm Bucky H L L L
Magnification Table L H L L
24 x 30 cm Bucky H H L L

Use the IR Phantom (P/N 9-060-0397) to verify; Chapter 8, Section 8-6, page 8-17.

6-30 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 7—Power Distribution Maintenance

Chapter 7—Power Distribution Maintenance

1.0 Introduction
This chapter provides remove and replace procedures and adjustments and performance
tests on the components which make up the Power Distribution portion of the Gantry.

Warning: Service engineers must take appropriate radiation safety measures

when testing (or maintaining) the system.

Caution: Always observe Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) precautions when working

with electronics and electronic components.

Note… When servicing the M-IV, if a procedure instructs you to remove any covers or
panels, do not replace the covers until all required procedures (for example,
calibrations, adjustments, tests, remove and replace, etc.) are completed.

Part Number MAN-01929 7-1

Service Manual
Chapter 7—Power Distribution Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

2.0 Remove and Replace Procedures

Remove and replace procedures are provided for the Power Distribution Components
identified in Figure 7-1.

Legend for Figure 7-1

1. Power Distribution Board (part of Power
Distribution Unit)
2. Isolation Transformer (part of Power
Distribution Unit)
3. Mains Power Board
4. Power Supply Interconnect Board
5. Emergency Off Switch (2)
6. Right Fuse Panel
7. Left Fuse Panel
8. ± 15 V Power Supply Board (StereoLoc II only)

(Doors Open)

Figure 7-1: Power Distribution Components


7-2 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 7—Power Distribution Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

2.1 Power Distribution Board

All system voltages are sourced from the Power Distribution Assembly.

WARNING! To reduce the risk of hazardous electrical shock, do not

attempt service until LED D14 is off and at least 5 minutes
have elapsed after turning off the equipment.

1. Turn system off and ensure mains (wall) circuit breaker is off.
2. Open the left and right side Gantry doors. See Chapter 5, "Gantry Covers," page 5-3.
3. Remove the two front panels, see Figure 7-2, (#4), and the lower rear access panel.
4. Remove the four hex-head bolts holding the Gantry bellows to the base and the top of
the Gantry. Pull back the bellows and rotate to expose the Power Distribution Assembly.


Figure 7-2: Power Distribution Board

5. Remove the two bolts (#1) securing Power Distribution Assembly to Gantry base plate.
6. Remove the four flat-head screws securing the Power Distribution Assembly to the rear
of the Gantry frame (#2).
7. Carefully slide Power Distribution Assembly forward to access the power distribution board.
8. Disconnect the harness connectors from the Power Distribution board; note locations.

Part Number MAN-01929 7-3

Service Manual
Chapter 7—Power Distribution Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

9. Remove the six screws securing the Power Distribution board to the standoffs and
carefully remove the board (#3).
10. Reverse the procedures to install the new board, and the Power Distribution Assembly.
11. Set the wall circuit breaker to the On position and turn system on.
12. Inspect for abnormal indications of an electrical malfunction.
13. Perform the following procedure before returning system to service:
Chapter 8, "System Test," page 8-29.

2.2 Mains Power Board

1. Ensure the system is off and the circuit breaker on the rear of the Gantry is off.
2. Open the left Gantry door. See Chapter 5, "Gantry Covers," page 5-3.
3. Note their locations, and disconnect the harness connectors from the Mains Power
board; See Chapter 5, "Gantry Circuit Boards," page 5-1.
4. Lift the board off of the mounting standoffs.
5. Reverse procedures to replace the Mains Power Board.
6. Set the circuit breaker to on and start the system.
7. Inspect for abnormal odors or any other indication of an electrical malfunction.
8. Perform the following procedure before returning system to service:
Chapter 3, "M-IV Controls and Functional Tests," page 3-5.

2.3 Power Supply Interconnect Board

1. Ensure the system is off and circuit breaker is off.
2. Open the left side Gantry door.
3. Note their locations, and disconnect the harness connectors from the Power Supply
Interconnect board.
4. Lift the board off the mounting standoffs.
5. Reverse procedures to replace the Power Supply Interconnect board.
6. Set the circuit breaker to on and turn on the system.
7. Inspect for abnormal odors or any other indication of an electrical malfunction.
8. Perform the following procedures before returning system to service:
• “Power Supply Interconnect Board Adjustment,” page 7-8
• Chapter 8, "System Test," page 8-29.

7-4 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 7—Power Distribution Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

2.4 Emergency Off Switch

The procedures for replacing the two Gantry Emergency Off Switches (one on the right
Gantry door, one on the left Gantry door) are identical except as noted below.
1. Ensure the system is off and circuit breaker off.
2. Open the applicable Gantry door.
3. Locate the in-line switch connector SW5 (for left EMO switch) or SW6 (for right EMO
switch). Remove the cable ties securing the cables and the connector.

Figure 7-3: Emergency Off Switch—Removal

4. Loosen the ring nut (#1) and back the ring nut and the lock washer (#2) off the switch
assembly (#3) as shown in Figure 7-3.
5. From the front of the Gantry door, pull the switch assembly out of the door until the
wires are accessible. Note the wire locations and cut the wires off of the switch assembly
6. Solder the wires to the new switch assembly to the switch assembly leads in the location
noted in Step 5.
7. Reverse Steps 1 through 4 to install the new switch assembly.

Part Number MAN-01929 7-5

Service Manual
Chapter 7—Power Distribution Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

2.5 Circuit Breaker

1. Ensure the system is off and mains (wall)

circuit breaker is off.
2. Remove the lower rear access panel.
See Chapter 5, Section 2.1, page 5-3.
3. Remove the two screws securing the
circuit breaker mounting bracket to the
Power Distribution Unit.
4. Gently pull the circuit breaker forward
to access the rear connectors.
5. Disconnect the wires from the rear of
the circuit breaker; note locations.
6. Remove the four screws securing the
circuit breaker to the mounting bracket.
7. Re-install the mounting bracket on the
new circuit breaker.
8. Reverse procedures to install the new
circuit breaker.
Legend for Figure 7-4
1. Circuit Breaker
2. Circuit Breaker Mounting Bracket Screws (2)
3. Circuit Breaker Mounting Bracket
4. Circuit Breaker Screws (4)

Figure 7-4: Circuit Breaker—Removal

2.6 +15 V Power Supply Board (StereoLoc II option only)

1. Ensure the system is off and circuit breaker is off.
2. Open the right side Gantry door.
3. Note their locations, and disconnect the connectors from the board.
4. Lift the board off the mounting standoffs.
5. Reverse Steps 3 and 4 to replace the +15 V Power Supply board.
6. Set the circuit breaker to on and turn on the system.
7. Inspect for abnormal odors or any other indication of an electrical malfunction.
8. Verify StereoLoc II operation as per the StereoLoc II documentation.

7-6 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 7—Power Distribution Maintenance
Remove and Replace Procedures

2.7 Isolation Transformer/Power Distribution Unit

WARNING! To reduce the risk of hazardous electrical shock, do not

attempt service until LED D14 is off and at least 5 minutes
have elapsed after turning off the equipment.

If the Isolation Transformer fails, the Power Distribution Unit must be replaced.
1. Ensure the system is off and
mains (wall) circuit breaker is off.
2. Remove the lower rear access
3. Disconnect the input power cord
from the input power terminal
block on the rear of the Gantry.
4. Disconnect the ground wire from
the Protective Earth terminal.
5. Remove the strain relief hardware
from the rear of the Gantry.
6. Remove the four screws securing
the Power Distribution Unit to the
Gantry frame.
7. Open the left and right Gantry
8. Remove the left and right front
9. Remove the four hex-head bolts
holding the Gantry bellows to the
base and the top of the Gantry. Pull
back bellows and rotate to expose
the Power Distribution Assembly.
See Figure 7-2, page 7-3.
10. On the Mains Power board,
disconnect ABJ6 and ABJ8; note Figure 7-5: Power Distribution Unit—Removal
the locations. Remove cable ties Legend for Figure 7-5
securing the cables to the main
harness assembly. 1. Input Power Cord
11. On the lower left side of the 2. Input Power Terminal Block
Power Distribution Unit, locate 3. Ground Wire
the relays and disconnect the 4. Protective Earth Terminal
following connectors; note the 5. Strain Relief Hardware
locations (remove cable ties as 6. Power Distribution Unit Mounting Screws (4)
• K1-1
• K1-2
• SS1-3
• SS1-4

Part Number MAN-01929 7-7

Service Manual
Chapter 7—Power Distribution Maintenance
Power Supply Interconnect Board Adjustment

12. On the left fuse panel, disconnect F22 and GB4; note locations.
13. On the left side of the Power Distribution Unit, locate the in-line connector LPP2.
Disconnect the connector and remove cable ties as necessary.
14. On the Power Distribution board, locate and disconnect connector ACJ11.
15. At the front of the Gantry, locate the Harness Assembly that is cable tied to the lower tray
above the Power Distribution Unit. Disconnect all cables from the Harness Assembly
that are connected to the Power Distribution board and the Right Fuse Panel; note the
16. From the front of the Gantry, locate GB1 located at the rear of the Power Distribution
Unit. Disconnect the two ground wires connected to GB1.
17. Locate the two bolts securing the Power Distribution Unit to the Gantry base plate.
Remove bolts.
18. Carefully slide the Power Distribution Unit forward and out of the Gantry frame to remove.
19. Reverse the procedures to install new Power Distribution Unit.
20. Turn the system on. Inspect for abnormal odors or any other indication of an electrical

3.0 Power Supply Interconnect Board Adjustment

Required Tools and Test Equipment:
• Digital Multimeter (DMM)
• 14 pin chipclip
• Oscilloscope
Adjust the Power Supply Interconnect board as follows:
1. Open the left side Gantry door.
2. On the Power Supply Interconnect board, connect a DMM between TP4 (Vth) and AYJ9
pin 7 (return).
3. Adjust R7 (Vth) to 2.5 VDC.
4. Remove the DMM leads.
5. Connect a 14 pin chipclip to U8. Connect an oscilloscope to U8 pin 1 with the return on
AYJ9 pin 7.
6. Make an exposure and monitor the waveform.
7. Adjust R11 so that the waveform goes high (+5 VDC) for 0.4 +0.1 seconds.
8. Remove scope leads and chipclip.
If the board cannot be adjusted, replace the board. See Section 2.3, page 7-4.

7-8 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests

Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests

1.0 Introduction
This chapter outlines the M-IV Preventive Maintenance Schedule, calibration procedures,
and performance tests. These tests include the X-ray System performance tests, the X-ray and
Light Field Compliance tests, System Performance tests, and X-ray Shield tests.
After servicing the X-ray System, the following tests must be completed:
• Half Value Layer Test
• Reproducibility and Linearity (Manual Mode) Test
• Reproducibility (Auto-Time Mode) Test
• Reproducibility (Auto-kV Mode) Test
• Reproducibility (Auto-Filter Mode) Test
After servicing the components in the Tubehead, the following X-ray and Light Field tests and
adjustments must be completed to ensure compliance:
• X-ray Beam Alignment Test and Adjustment
• Light Field Illuminance Test and Adjustment
• Light Field Alignment Test and Adjustment
• Light Field Edge Contrast Test
The following are standard System Performance Tests:
• Bucky Device (Linear) Performance Test
• Bucky Device (HTC Grid) Performance Test
• Maximum mAs in Auto-Time Mode
• System Test
The following tests verify that the M-IV shielding meets requirements. Perform these tests as
required after servicing the Tubehead or the IRSD.
• IRSD Leakage Test
• X-ray Tubehead Leakage Test

2.0 Preventive Maintenance Schedule

Table 8-1: Service Engineer Preventive Maintenance

Maintenance Task Description Annually
Obtain a copy of previous PMI and cal data (use a reference document x
for selected tests)
Check with customer for any questions or concerns that they may have x
Download error log and note any problems since last PMI x
Compare/Upgrade to current firmware/software versions if under warranty/ x
Input wiring inspected for safety and integrity x

Part Number MAN-01929 8-1

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
Preventive Maintenance Schedule

Table 8-1: Service Engineer Preventive Maintenance (Continued)

Maintenance Task Description Annually
Inspect all ground wiring for integrity x
Clean and lubricate motor gears, lead screws, etc. x
Functional Checks:
• Verify C-arm zero and ±90° stops against a digital protractor x
• Verify max rotation fail safe switch operation x
• Verify compression force calibration x
• Verify compression thickness calibration in standard and mag modes x
• Verify full vertical travel and limit switch functions x
• Verify rotation travel limits x
• Verify operation of compression motor and brakes x
• Verify operation of all visual displays x
• Verify Emergency stop switches for operation and integrity x
Check all paddles for cracks and visible damage x
Line voltage check x
Filament standby voltage set to 250 mV x
kV check x
mA levels checked and verified x
Backup timer checked x
Filament waveforms checked and adjusted as necessary x
Check AEC detector gain voltage x
Check target density and adjust if requested x
Functionally Check and verify full range of density steps x
Verify dose output (software level dependant) x
Verify linearity x
Verify reproducibility (all modes) x
Replace Collimator lamp and calibrate Light to X-ray field x
Clean and lubricate collimator parts, filters, mirror, and lead screws x
Verify X-ray tube resolution (line pair) x
Leakage test of tube x
ACR Phantom Test (Fibers, Speck Groups, and Masses) x
Clear error log x
Download Calibration Data x
Complete PM Form x

8-2 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray System Performance

3.0 X-ray System Performance

The following tests verify the quality of the X-ray beam, the reproducibility of the X-ray
generation system, and the consistency of the automatic exposure control system.

WARNING! Observe all safety precautions while making an X-ray exposure.

3.1 Half Value Layer Compliance Test

This compliance test verifies the quality of the X-ray beam. This ensures that the half-value
layer (HVL) meets the requirements set forth by the FDA, 21 CFR.
This test requires the use of the following
• Dosimeter
• Type 1145 aluminum filter pack
(>99.99% pure)
Set up the System for the Test
1. Mount the 18 cm x 24 cm Compression
Paddle, upside-down, onto the
Compression Device.
2. Raise the Compression Device until the
paddle is approximately 1 cm below
the tubehead port. See Figure 8-1.
3. Place the radiation probe sensor
approximately 4.5 cm above the Bucky
surface. Position it so that it is centered
laterally and 4 cm from the chest wall
edge of the support device. Be sure that
the probe sensor is completely within
the X-ray field.
4. Turn the system on.

Figure 8-1: Half Value Layer Setup

5. Press the Light Field button to illuminate the X-ray field.
6. Re-position the probe so that the center of the radiation detector sensor is centered in the
beam and 4 cm from the chest wall edge.
7. Position the probe according to manufacturer’s instructions.
8. Adjust the collimator to the smallest field size that can fit the radiation probe.
9. Select Manual mode and the Large focal spot. Set the system for an exposure at 30 kV,
100 mAs, molybdenum (Mo) filter.

Part Number MAN-01929 8-3

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray System Performance

Make the First Exposure

1. Make an exposure (without an aluminum sheet in the X-ray field) and record the
milliroentgen reading on the semi-log paper, Table 8-2, page 8-5.
2. Add 0.2 mm of aluminum between the X-ray tube and the radiation probe by placing the
aluminum sheet in the Compression Paddle. Use the light field lamp to verify that the
aluminum sheet completely blocks the X-ray beam path to the radiation probe.
3. Make another exposure and record the milliroentgen reading on the semi-log.
4. Repeat step #2 with additional 0.1 mm sheets of aluminum between the X-ray tube port
and the radiation probe. Record the milliroentgen reading on the semi-log after each
exposure until the reading is less than one-half the original step #1 exposure reading
(without aluminum).
5. Draw a line on the semi-log through the plotted mR readings. It may be necessary, in cases
where the plotted readings are not linear, to draw the line to achieve a “best fit” path.
6. Determine the exact half value of the step #1 mR reading and record this on the semi-log.
Draw a horizontal line, starting from this plot, across the semi-log until it intersects with
the line plotted in step #5.
7. Draw a vertical line through the intersection to the bottom of the semi-log. This is the
half-value layer.
8. Verify that the half-value layer is equal to, or greater than 0.33 mm AL, and less than
0.42 mm Al.
9. Select the Rhodium (Rh) filter, then repeat steps #1 through #7 to obtain the half value
layer for the Rhodium filter.
10. Verify that the half-value layer is equal to, or greater than 0.33 mm Al, and less than 0.49
mm Al.

8-4 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray System Performance

Table 8-2: Beam Quality Semi-Log (Half Value Layer)

Part Number MAN-01929 8-5

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray System Performance

3.2 Reproducibility and Linearity (Manual Mode) Test

The following test verifies that the X-ray system, including the controls and X-ray tube, is
operating within the reproducibility and linear requirements of 21 CFR. Failure to meet these
performance standards indicates the need to test the calibration of the H.V. Generator or the
X-ray tube.
Set up the System for the Test
1. Connect a mR radiation probe to a
dosimeter, then set the meter to read
2. Position the meter so that it can be read
from behind the radiation shield. See
Figure 8-2.
3. Turn the system on.
4. Select Manual collimation, and then
illuminate the light field.
5. Adjust the collimation to limit the field
to the approximate size of the probe.

Figure 8-2: Setup—Reproducibility and Linearity Test

6. Center the probe’s detector sensor in the X-ray field.

7. Position the probe according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Test system Reproducibility
1. Set the system for a Manual mode exposure at 25 kV, 60 mAs, Large focal spot,
molybdenum filter (Mo), and make an exposure.
2. Record the milliroentgen reading on the Reproducibility Worksheet. See Table 8-3, page 8-8.
3. Change the exposure techniques for both kV and mAs, then return them to 25 kV and 60
4. Make an exposure and record the milliroentgen reading on the Reproducibility Worksheet.
5. Continue to randomly change the technique data for kV and mAs, and return them to 25
kV and 60 mAs. Make exposures in this manner until 10 individual exposures are made.
Record each milliroentgen reading on the Reproducibility Worksheet.
6. Compute and record the average milliroentgen reading on the Reproducibility
Worksheet. Subtract each actual reading from the average, and square each difference.
Add the squares and divide the sum by 9. Then take the square root of the result.
7. Divide the number calculated in Step 6 by the average milliroentgen reading to obtain
the coefficient of variation. The coefficient of variation must be less than 0.05.

8-6 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray System Performance

Test system Linearity

1. Leave the configuration on the Bucky surface the same.
2. Change the exposure data to 20 mAs.
3. Make an exposure and record the milliroentgen reading on the Linearity Worksheet,
Table 8-4, page 8-9.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3, changing the mAs to 60, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, and 500
for each exposure.
5. Record milliroentgen readings at each setting on the Linearity Worksheet.
6. Divide each milliroentgen reading by its corresponding mAs value and record on the
Linearity worksheet.
7. For each pair of successive tests (20 mAs and 60 mAs, then 60 mAs and 100 mAs, and so
on), calculate the difference between each corresponding Step 6 result and record on
the Linearity worksheet.
8. For each pair of successive tests (20 mAs and 60 mAs, then 60 mAs and 100 mAs, and so
on), calculate the sum of each Step 6 result and record on the Linearity Worksheet.
9. Divide each Step 7 difference value by each Step 8 sum value. If the result for any pair
exceeds 0.10, the test is considered failed.
10. Repeat steps 2 through 9 using the Small focal spot and a new copy of the worksheet.
11. If the system fails any part of the above tests, review all calculations, and then repeat the
tests. If it still fails, contact Field Service for assistance.

Part Number MAN-01929 8-7

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray System Performance

Table 8-3: Reproducibility Worksheet

Complete this sheet for each mode of operation:
Manual Auto Time Auto kV Auto Filter

Auto Time Technique—25 kV, 4 cm BEM

Auto kV Technique—25 kV, 6 cm BEM Final kV will be different from start
Auto Filter Technique—25 kV, 6 cm BEM Filter may change depending on AF level setting

8-8 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray System Performance

Table 8-4: Linearity Worksheet

Part Number MAN-01929 8-9

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray System Performance

3.3 Reproducibility (Auto-Time Mode) Test

This test verifies that the Automatic Exposure Control system is reproducible in the Auto-
Time exposure mode. Failure to meet this performance test indicates the need to test the
calibration of the Automatic Exposure Control System. Record the results on a copy of the
Reproducibility Worksheet, Table 8-3, page 8-8.
1. Ensure a loaded cassette is in the Bucky
2. Place 4 cm BEM on the Bucky surface and ensure it fully covers the AEC detector.
3. Position your probes sensor to the side of the AEC Detector and ensure the sensor height
is 4.5 cm above the breast plate and the center of the probe sensor is 4 cm in from the
chest wall.
4. Use the light field and collimate the X-ray field to the approximate size of the probe.
5. Set the system for an exposure with the following factors: Auto Time mode, 25 kV, Large
focal spot, Molybdenum filter, Normal Density.
6. Make 10 exposures. Be sure you reset technique to beginning values for each exposure.
7. Record milliroentgen reading for each exposure.
8. Calculate the average milliroentgen reading.
9. Compare the actual to the average:
a. Subtract each actual reading from the average.
b. Square each difference.
c. Add the squares and divide their sum by 9.
d. Take the square root of the result.
10. Divide the number obtained in Step 9d by the average milliroentgen (mR) reading. The
quotient, called the coefficient of variation, must be less than 0.05.
11. quotient, called the coefficient of variation, must be less than 0.05.

Note… To calculate the coefficient of variation, use the Reproducibility Worksheet.

See Table 8-3, page 8-8 which sequences the steps to manually calculate
the quotient. The worksheet also provides the formula for calculating the
quotient using a statistical calculator. Note that the mAs value is not set for
this test and the Density setting is set to Normal.



Figure 8-3: Auto-Time Mode Test

8-10 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray System Performance

3.4 Reproducibility (Auto-kV Mode) Test

This test verifies that the Automatic Exposure Control system is reproducible in the Auto-
Time exposure mode. Failure to meet this performance test indicates the need to test the
calibration of the Automatic Exposure Control System. Record the results on a copy of the
Reproducibility Worksheet, Table 8-3, page 8-8.
1. Ensure a loaded cassette is in the Bucky
2. Place 6cm BEM on the Bucky surface and ensure it fully covers the AEC detector.
3. Position your probes sensor to the side of the AEC Detector and ensure the sensor height
is 4.5cm above the breast plate and the center of the probe sensor is 4cm in from the
chest wall.
4. Use the light field and collimate the X-ray field to the approximate size of the probe.
5. Set the system for an exposure with the following factors: Auto Time mode, 25 kV, Large
focal spot, Molybdenum filter, Normal Density.
6. Make 10 exposures. Be sure you reset technique to beginning values for each exposure.
7. Record milliroentgen reading for each exposure.
8. Calculate the average milliroentgen reading.
9. Compare the actual to the average:
a. Subtract each actual reading from the average.
b. Square each difference.
c. Add the squares and divide their sum by 9.
d. Take the square root of the result.
10. Divide the number obtained in Step 9d by the average milliroentgen (mR) reading. The
quotient, called the coefficient of variation, must be less than 0.05.

Note… To calculate the coefficient of variation, use the Reproducibility Worksheet.

See Table 8-3, page 8-8 which sequences the steps to manually calculate
the quotient. The worksheet also provides the formula for calculating the
quotient using a statistical calculator. Note that the mAs value is not set for
this test and the Density setting is set to Normal.



Figure 8-4: Auto kV Mode Test

Part Number MAN-01929 8-11

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray System Performance

3.5 Reproducibility (Auto-Filter Mode) Test

This test verifies that the Automatic Exposure Control system is reproducible in the Auto-
Time exposure mode. Failure to meet this performance test indicates the need to test the
calibration of the Automatic Exposure Control System. Record the results on a copy of the
Reproducibility Worksheet, Table 8-3, page 8-8.
1. Ensure a loaded cassette is in the Bucky
2. Place 6cm BEM on the Bucky surface and ensure it fully covers the AEC detector.
3. Position your probes sensor to the side of the AEC Detector and ensure the sensor height
is 4.5cm above the breast plate and the center of the probe sensor is 4cm in from the
chest wall.
4. Use the light field and collimate the X-ray field to the approximate size of the probe.
5. Set the system for an exposure with the following factors: Auto Time mode, 25 kV, Large
focal spot, Molybdenum filter, Normal Density.
6. Make 10 exposures. Be sure you reset technique to beginning values for each exposure.
7. Record milliroentgen reading for each exposure.
8. Calculate the average milliroentgen reading.
9. Compare the actual to the average:
a. Subtract each actual reading from the average.
b. Square each difference.
c. Add the squares and divide their sum by 9.
d. Take the square root of the result.
10. Divide the number obtained in Step 9d by the average milliroentgen (mR) reading. The
quotient, called the coefficient of variation, must be less than 0.05.

Note… To calculate the coefficient of variation, use the Reproducibility Worksheet.

See Table 8-3, page 8-8 which sequences the steps to manually calculate
the quotient. The worksheet also provides the formula for calculating the
quotient using a statistical calculator. Note that the mAs value is not set for
this test and the Density setting is set to Normal.



8-12 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray and Light Field Compliance

4.0 X-ray and Light Field Compliance

The following tests and adjustments are used to ensure that the alignment of the X-ray field
and light field are within the specifications set forth by the FDA, 21 CFR.

Note… In order to properly align the collimator, the x-ray field must be calibrated
first and have the light field set to match the x-ray field. Also large focal must
be completed before the small. Do NOT use light to calibrate the x-ray field!

WARNING! Observe all safety precautions while making an X-ray exposure.

4.1 X-ray Field Adjustment - Large Focal Spot (Film-Based Method)

The automatic beam limiting device provides five X-ray field sizes when using the large focal
spot. These X-ray field sizes are determined by the size of the various Compression Paddles
used for large focal spot exposures (for example, 18 x 24 cm, 24 x 30 cm). This procedure
describes how to adjust the X-ray field to the appropriate sizes for the large focal spot. See
Table 8-5, page 8-16.
Setup for the test
1. Install a loaded 24 x 30 cm Bucky.
2. Place a loaded 24 x 30 cm cassette on top of
the Bucky.
3. Center the cassette on the Bucky device, then
rotate the cassette 90°.
4. Slide the cassette forward until it overlaps the
chest wall edge by approximately 3 cm.
5. Install the 24 x 30 cm Compression Paddle.
6. Lower the Compression Device until the
paddle just touches the surface of the cassette
on the Bucky.
7. Secure a marker (for example, coin, solder,
etc.) at the front, inside edge of the
Compression Paddle to accurately mark the
chest wall edge of the IRSD.
8. Set the Host Microprocessor Board to the
Calibration mode (S6, position 4 On).
9. Select the Collimator Position adjustment
mode (S4, position Off).
Test Large Focal Spot with 24 x 30 Bucky and
Compression Paddle
1. Set the system for a Manual mode, Large focal
spot exposure at 25 kV, 50 mAs.
2. Make the exposure, remove both cassettes,
then develop the films. Figure 8-5: X-ray Field Size—24 x 30 cm
3. Inspect the 24 x 30 cm film on each of the
non-chest wall edges for white space. The X-ray field, at each of these edges, must not
exceed the film edge (+0 mm), but must be within 1% of SID (-6.5 mm) from each edge.

Part Number MAN-01929 8-13

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray and Light Field Compliance

4. If any adjustments are necessary:

a. First note the distances required to correct each edge.
b. Press S2 (Select) until the wanted collimator blade value displays (for example,
0 rr #### = 24 x 30 X-ray field, Large focus, rear blade).
See Table 8-5, page 8-16 for all collimator blade settings.
5. Press S5 (increase) or S3 (decrease) on the Host Microprocessor Board to change the
value for the selected collimator blade. Note that 10 increments on the display equals
approximately 1 mm movement at the film plane for the adjusted blade.
6. Perform the adjustment for each edge requiring change, then repeat the verification exposure.
7. Evaluate both films to ensure that each edge falls within specifications.
8. Repeat the adjustments and verification films as necessary for the 24 x 30 cm field format.

Note… The front collimator blade value remains the same for all subsequent large
focus X-ray field formats. Therefore, enter the 24 x 30 cm front collimator
blade value for the remaining large focal spot field sizes.
Test Large Focal Spot with 18 X 24 cm Bucky
and Compression Paddle
1. Remove the 24 x 30 cm Bucky, and install
a loaded 18 x 24 cm Bucky.
2. Place a loaded 18 x 24 cm cassette on
top of the Bucky.
3. Orient the cassette so that it is centered
on the Bucky device, then rotate it 90°.
4. Slide the cassette forward so that it
overlaps the chest wall edge by
approximately 3 cm.
5. Install the 18 x 24 cm Compression
Paddle onto the Compression Device.
6. Lower the Compression Device until the
paddle just touches the surface of the
cassette on the Bucky.
7. Secure a marker (for example, coin,
solder, etc.) at the front, inside edge of the
Compression Paddle to accurately mark
the chest wall edge of the IRSD.
8. Set the system for a Manual mode, Large
focal spot exposure at 25 kV, 50 mAs,
then make the exposure.
9. Remove both cassettes and develop the
10. Evaluate the 18 x 24 cm film (from the
Bucky) on each of the non-chest wall
edges for white space. The X-ray field, at
each of these edges, must not exceed the Figure 8-6: X-ray Field Size—18 x 24 cm
film edge (+0 mm), but must be within
1% of SID from each edge (-6.5 mm).

8-14 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray and Light Field Compliance

11. Evaluate the second 18 x 24 cm film for proper chest wall edge overlap. The X-ray field,
at the edge with the marker, must minimally reach the chest wall edge (-0 mm), but must
not exceed the coin marker by more than +13 mm (+5 mm nominal).
12. If any adjustments are necessary:
a. First note the distances required to correct each edge.
b. Press S2 (Select) until the wanted collimator blade value displays (for example,
1 rr #### = 18 x 24 X-ray field, Large focus, rear blade). See Table 8-5, page 8-16 for
all collimator blade settings.
13. Press S5 (increase) or S3 (decrease) on the Host Microprocessor Board to change the
value for the displayed collimator blade. Note that 10 increments on the display equals
approximately 1 mm movement at the film plane for the adjusted blade.
14. Perform this for each edge requiring change, then repeat the exposure.
15. Evaluate both films to ensure that each edge falls within the specification stated.
16. Repeat the adjustments and verification films as necessary for the 18 x 24 cm field format.
Test Large Focal Spot with 24 x 30 cm Bucky
and 15 cm Compression Paddle
1. Remove the 18 x 24 cm Bucky.
2. Position a loaded 24 x 30 cm cassette
directly on the IRSD, centered laterally.
3. Pull the cassette forward so that its front
edge overlaps the chest wall edge of the
IRSD by approximately 3 cm.
4. Install the 15 cm format Compression
Paddle, then lower the Compression Device
so that the Paddle just touches the cassette.
5. Place markers (for example, coins, solder,
etc.) at each inside edge of the Compression
Paddle and secure them in place.
6. Set the system for a Manual mode, Large
focal spot exposure at 25 kV, 50 mAs, then
make the exposure.
7. Remove the cassette and develop the film.
8. Evaluate the film on each of the non-chest
wall edges for white space. The X-ray field,
at each of these edges, must be within 1% of
SID from each edge (±6.5 mm).
9. Evaluate the film for proper chest wall edge
overlap. The X-ray field must minimally
reach the chest wall edge (-0 mm), but must
not exceed the marker by more than 13 mm
(+5 mm nominal).
10. If any adjustments are necessary
Figure 8-7: X-ray Field Size—15 cm, 10
a. First note the distances required to
cm, and 7.5 cm
correct each edge.
b. Press S2 (Select) until the wanted collimator blade value displays (for example,
2 rr #### = 15 cm X-ray field, large focus, rear blade). See Table 8-5 for all
collimator blade settings.

Part Number MAN-01929 8-15

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray and Light Field Compliance

11. Press S5 (increase) or S3 (decrease) on the Host Microprocessor Board to change the
value for the displayed collimator blade. Note that 10 increments on the display equals
approximately 1 mm movement at the film plane for the adjusted blade.
12. Perform this for each edge requiring change, then repeat the exposure.
13. Repeat the adjustments and verification films as necessary for the 15 cm field format.
14. Perform steps 2 through 13 for the 10 cm X-ray field size, then again for the 7.5 cm X-ray
field size. Always use the large focal spot for all exposures. Be sure to enter the exact
value for the front collimator blade for all field sizes.

Table 8-5: X-ray Field Adjustment Matrix—Large Focal Spot

Host Display Selected Field Size Focal Spot Blade Adjustment Final Value
0 rr #### 24 x 30 cm - Field Large Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
0 lt #### 24 x 30 cm - Field Large Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
0 rt #### 24 x 30 cm - Field Large Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
0 ft #### 24 x 30 cm - Field Large Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)
1 rr #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Large Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
1 lt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Large Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
1 rt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Large Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
1 ft #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Large Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)
2 rr #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Large Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
2 lt #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Large Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
2 rt #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Large Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
2 ft #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Large Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)
3 rr #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Large Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
3 lt #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Large Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
3 rt #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Large Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
3 ft #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Large Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)
4 rr #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Large Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
4 lt #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Large Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
4 rt #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Large Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
4 ft #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Large Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)

8-16 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray and Light Field Compliance

4.1.1 X-ray Field Adjustment—Large Focal (Field Method - non film based)
Equipment Needed:
1. X-ray/Light Field Template (P\N 3-405-8005)
2. IR Phantom (P/N 9-060-0397)
3. X-ray beam indicator (DXR+, intensifying screen, or similar item)
Table 8-6: IR Phantom Use Chart

Mode Lg Xray Sm Light Sm Xray

Setting: Codes
24 x 30 0 6 11
18 x 24 1 7 12
18 x 24* 2 8 13
18 x 24* 3 9 14
18 x 24* 4 19 15
Use: Cass Bucky Cass
Lg Light = Large Bucky Blade Codes:
* Use collimator override rr = rear
ft = front
lt = left
rt = right
1. Remove the Bucky assembly from the IRSD
2. Place the X-ray/Light Field Template on top of the IRSD ensuring it is set up
against the C-arm.
3. Place the IR Phantom over the optical sensors on the IRSD, using the 24x30
Cassette position.
4. On the Host microprocessor board ensure S6-4 is ON, calibration mode 1. Rotate
S4 to position F. Display should read 0xx ####. (xx = the blade [rr = rear, ft =
front, lt = left, rt = right], [#### = encoder position number that blade counts to]).
5. Use S2 to select the blade you wish to adjust.
6. Position the x-ray beam indicator so that the reference line falls between the inner
and outer edges on the template for the field size and blade you wish to evaluate.
7. Set the operator console for a Manual exposure using the Large focal spot at
25kV and 50mAs (may be adjusted if needed).
8. Generate an x-ray.
9. Note the x-ray field size and compare it to the minimum and maximum
tolerances as indicated on the template and the x-ray beam indicator. X-ray field
should fall between the lines for each side of the collimator.
10. Press S5 (increase) or S3 (decrease) on the Host Microprocessor Board to change
the collimator blade position value. Note that 10 increments on the display
equals approximately 1mm of movement at the film plane for the adjusted blade.
11. Repeat steps 5 through 10 for each blade on the 0 code position.
12. Move the IR phantom to the 18x24 Cassette position.
13. The display should now reflect code 1 xx ####.

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Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray and Light Field Compliance

14. Perform steps 5 though 10 above for each blade in this position.
15. Use the collimator override to now select code positions 2, 3 and 4.
16. Perform steps 5 through 10 above for each blade in these codes.

4.2 X-ray Field Adjustment - Small Focal Spot

The Large Light field alignment must be done before completing this procedure.
Equipment Needed:
• The X-ray to Light Field Template (P/N 3-405-8005)
• Intensifying screen material
Perform these steps only after adjusting the collimator blades for the small focal spot light
field formats. See Table 8-9:
1. Install the X-ray to Light Field Alignment Template. Ensure correct alignment on the
C-arm assembly before proceeding.
2. Collimator blade positions for the small X-ray field are 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 on the
Host Microprocessor Board Display.
3. Referring to the Intensifying Screen Template Fixture, adjust collimator sizes for the small
focal spot as listed below and labeled small on your template.
Table 8-7: Collimator Size Adjustment

Ap. Code FS/Size Ap. Code FS Size

X ______ 15 Small 6 x 7.5 ______ 0 Large 24 x 30
X ______ 12 Small 18 x 24 ______ 1 Large 18 x 24
X ______ 13 Small 15 x 15 ______ 2 Large 15 x 15
X ______ 14 Small 10 x 10 ______ 3 Large 10 x 10
X ______ 11 Small 18 x 24 ______ 4 Large 6 x 7.5
4. The X-ray field must be adjusted to fall within the 5 mm guidelines portrayed on the
template for the X-ray size being calibrated.
5. After completing the calibration, remove the template and install a Bucky assembly with
the appropriate image receptor (cassette) installed.
6. Set the system for Manual 22 kV, 16 mAs exposures.
7. Expose and develop X-ray films for each required spot size and collimator opening.
8. Measure the films in accordance with the X-ray field size.
9. Record the actual values in Table 8-9.

Note… To access Host Microprocessor Board Display 6 and 7, ensure the 18 x 24

cm Bucky is installed, and Small Focal Spot is selected.

8-18 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray and Light Field Compliance

Table 8-8: X-ray Field Adjustment—Small Focal Spot

Host Display Selected Field Size Focal Spot Blade Adjustment Final Value
6 rr #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (light field)
6 lt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (light field)
6 rt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (light field)
6 ft #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (light field)
7 rr #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (light field)
7 lt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (light field)
7 rt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (light field)
7 ft #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (light field)
8 rr #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (light field)
8 lt #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (light field)
8 rt #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (light field)
8 ft #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (light field)
9 rr #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (light field)
9 lt #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (light field)
9 rt #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (light field)
9 ft #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (light field)
10 rr #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (light field)
10 lt #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (light field)
10 rt #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (light field)
10 ft #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (light field)
11 rr #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
11 lt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
11 rt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
11 ft #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)
12 rr #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
12 lt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
12 rt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
12 ft #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)
13 rr #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
13 lt #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
13 rt #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
13 ft #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)
14 rr #### 6 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
14 lt #### 6 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
14 rt #### 6 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
14 ft #### 6 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)
15 rr #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
15 lt #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
15 rt #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
15 ft #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)

Part Number MAN-01929 8-19

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray and Light Field Compliance

4.2.1 X-ray Field Adjustment—Small Focal (Field Method - non film based)
Equipment Needed:
1. X-ray/Light Field Template (P/N 3-405-8005)
2. IR Phantom (P/N 9-060-0397); Section 8-6, p. 17.
3. X-ray beam indicator (DXR+, intensifying screen, or similar item)
1. Remove the Bucky assembly from the IRSD
2. Place the X-ray/Light Field Template on top of the IRSD ensuring it is set up
against the C-arm.
3. Place the IR Phantom over the optical sensors on the IRSD, using the 24x30
Cassette position.
4. On the Host microprocessor board ensure S6-4 is ON, calibration mode 1. Rotate
S4 to position 8. Display should read 11xx ####. (xx = the blade [rr = rear, ft =
front, lt = left, rt = right], [#### = encoder position number that blade counts to]).
5. Use S2 to select the blade you wish to adjust.
6. Position the x-ray beam indicator so that the reference line falls between the
inner and outer edges on the template for the blade you wish to evaluate.

Note… For small focal codes11, 12, and 13, use the 15x15 size on the x-ray field
template (this is the same as the 18x24 large).
7. Set the operator console for a Manual exposure using the Small focal spot at
25kV and 50mAs (may be adjusted if needed).
8. Generate an x-ray.
9. Note the x-ray field size and compare it to the minimum and maximum
tolerances as indicated on the template and the x-ray beam indicator. X-ray field
should fall between the lines for each side of the collimator.
10. Press S5 (increase) or S3 (decrease) on the Host Microprocessor Board to change
the collimator blade position value. Note that 10 increments on the display
equals approximately 1mm of movement at the film plane for the adjusted blade.
11. Repeat steps 5 through 10 for each blade on the 11 code position.
12. Move the IR phantom to the 18x24 Cassette position.
13. The display should now reflect code 12 xx ####.
14. Perform steps 5 though 10 above for each blade in this position.
15. Use the collimator override to now select code positions 13, 14, and 15.
16. Perform steps 5 through 10 above for each blade in these codes.

8-20 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray and Light Field Compliance

4.3 Light Field Alignment Test and Adjustment

Equipment Needed:
• The X-ray to Light Field Template (P/N 3-405-8005)
• Intensifying screen material
1. Remove the Bucky device and the
compression paddle.
2. Position the X-ray to Light Field Template
on the breast tray (the template self aligns
when positioned correctly as outlined).
3. Position the intensifying screen material
under the template so that the entire
artwork appears on the screen.
4. Adjust the left and right, front and rear
borders of the light field by loosening
the two screws holding the rear panel to
the lamp cradle (A).
Figure 8-8: Adjustment—Light Field Lamp
5. Move the rear panel left (to move the
field to the right), or right (to move the field to the left). See Figure 8-8.
6. Adjust the front/back borders of the light field by loosening the two screws holding the
lamp socket to the cradle (C).
7. Move the socket up (to move the field forward), or down (to move the field rearward). To
achieve front to back, it may necessary to rotate the lamp socket.
8. To adjust the overall field size, loosen the screws holding the right panel to the lamp cradle
(B). Move the right panel forward (to increase field size), or rearward (to decrease field size).
9. After any adjustment, tighten any loose hardware, then press the light field button.

Part Number MAN-01929 8-21

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray and Light Field Compliance

4.3.1 Light Field Adjustment—Large Focal (Field Method)

Note… The large x-ray field must be calibrated prior to performing this procedure.
This is a mechanical adjustment of the light housing found on the mirror/filter
assembly of the collimator. The large focal spot uses the blade encoder
positions of the large x-ray field for the blade positioning for light. Do not burn
your fingers on the lamp, or hit the home position flags out of adjustment.

This adjustment must be verified during each PM and whenever the

collimator lamp is changed.

Equipment Needed:
1. X-ray/Light Field Template (P/N 3-405-8005)
2. IR Phantom (P/N 9-060-0397); Section 8-6, p. 17.
1. Remove the Bucky assembly from the IRSD
2. 2.Place the X-ray/Light Field Template on top of the IRSD ensuring it is set up
against the C-arm.
3. Place the IR Phantom over the optical sensors on the IRSD, using the 24x30
Bucky position.
4. Turn on the x-ray field light and observe initially observe the overall field size.
On the light field box, use adjustment B on the collimator light housing to set
this size.
5. To position the beam between the inner most lines on the template, use
adjustment A on the collimator light housing.
6. When steps 4 and 5 are properly accomplished the white light of the field will
come up to the inner edge of the 24x30 Large field size on the template.
Continue to perform steps 4 and 5 until this is accomplished.
7. To adjust the front and back position of the light field, use adjustment C on the
collimator light housing. Continue to adjust when the front and back white light of
the field comes up to the inner edge of the 24x30 large field size on the template.

Note… The lamp socket mounting screws are METRIC. Also when performing this
adjustment ensure you do NOT rotate the lamp socket as that will affect the
luminance of the light fields.
8. After all adjustments are completed, verify the entire large light field is properly
set for the 24x30 field size. Repeat steps 4 through 7 as required.
9. Press the collimator override button to step down all blades to the other field
sizes, 18x24, 15x15, 10x10, and 6x7.5. The white light should represent the
x-ray field for those sizes.

8-22 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray and Light Field Compliance

4.4 Light Field Adjustment - Small Focal Spot

Large Light field must be aligned before performing this procedure.
Equipment Needed:
The X-ray to Light Field Template (P/N 3-405-8005)
The system requires that the light field for each collimation size be adjusted separately for
the Small focal spot, before adjusting the small focus X-ray fields. See Table 8-9, page 8-24.
1. Press the Light Field button and observe the illuminated area on the X-ray to Light Field
2. If any adjustments are necessary press S2 (Select) (on the Host Microprocessor Board)
until the wanted collimator blade value displays (for example, 7 rr #### = 18 x 24 cm
light field, small focus, rear blade). See Table 8-9 for all collimator blade settings.
3. Press S5 (increase) or S3 (decrease) on the Host Microprocessor Board to change the value
for the displayed collimator blade under adjustment. Note that 10 increments on the
display equals approximately 1 mm movement at the film plane for the adjusted blade.
4. The X-ray field must be adjusted to fall within the 5 mm guidelines portrayed on the
template for the X-ray size being calibrated.
5. After completing the calibration, remove the template and install a Bucky assembly with
the appropriate image receptor (cassette) installed.
6. Set the system for Manual 22 kV, 16 mAs exposures.
7. Expose and develop X-ray films for each required spot size and collimator opening.
8. Measure the films in accordance with the X-ray field size.
9. Record the actual values in Table 8-9.

Note… To access Host Microprocessor Board Display 6 and 7, ensure the 18 x 24

cm Bucky is installed, and Small Focal Spot is selected.

Part Number MAN-01929 8-23

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray and Light Field Compliance

Table 8-9: X-ray Field Adjustment—Small Focal Spot

Host Display Selected Field Size Focal Spot Blade Adjustment Final Value
6 rr #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (light field)
6 lt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (light field)
6 rt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (light field)
6 ft #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (light field)
7 rr #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (light field)
7 lt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (light field)
7 rt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (light field)
7 ft #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (light field)
8 rr #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (light field)
8 lt #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (light field)
8 rt #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (light field)
8 ft #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (light field)
9 rr #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (light field)
9 lt #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (light field)
9 rt #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (light field)
9 ft #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (light field)
10 rr #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (light field)
10 lt #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (light field)
10 rt #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (light field)
10 ft #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (light field)
11 rr #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
11 lt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
11 rt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
11 ft #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)
12 rr #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
12 lt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
12 rt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
12 ft #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)
13 rr #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
13 lt #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
13 rt #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
13 ft #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)
14 rr #### 6 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
14 lt #### 6 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
14 rt #### 6 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
14 ft #### 6 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)
15 rr #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
15 lt #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
15 rt #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
15 ft #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)

8-24 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray and Light Field Compliance

4.4.1 Light Field Adjustment—Small Focal (Field Method)

Equipment Needed:
1. X-ray/Light Field Template (P/N 3-405-8005)
2. IR Phantom (P/N 9-060-0397); Section 8-6, p. 17.
1. Remove the Bucky assembly from the IRSD
2. Place the X-ray/Light Field Template on top of the IRSD ensuring it is set up
against the C-arm.
3. Place the IR Phantom over the optical sensors on the IRSD, using the 24x30
Cassette position.
4. On the Host microprocessor board ensure S6-4 is ON, calibration mode 1. Rotate
S4 to position F. Display should read 6xx ####. (xx = the blade [rr = rear, ft =
front, lt = left, rt = right], [#### = encoder position number that blade counts to]).
5. Use S2 to select the blade you wish to adjust.

Note… For small focal codes 6, 7 and 8, use the 15x15 size on the x-ray field
template (this is the same as the 18x24 large).
6. Set the operator console for a Manual exposure using the Small focal spot at
25kV and 50mAs (may be adjusted if needed).
7. Turn on the x-ray field light.
8. Press S5 (increase) or S3 (decrease) on the Host Microprocessor Board to change
the collimator blade position value. Note that 10 increments on the display
equals approximately 1mm of movement at the film plane for the adjusted blade.
9. Press S1 to save the value.
10. Repeat steps 5 through 9 for each blade on the 6 code position.
11. Move the IR phantom to the 18x24 Cassette position.
12. The display should now reflect code 7xx ####.
13. Perform steps 5 though 9 above for each blade in this position.
14. Use the collimator override to now select code positions 8, 9, and 10.
15. Perform steps 5 through 9 above for each blade in these codes

Part Number MAN-01929 8-25

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray and Light Field Compliance

4.5 Light Field Illuminance Test and Adjustment

Note… This test is NOT performed by FE’s, but is provided as instruction for a
Physicist that needs to perform this test. Our lamp (P\N 1-080-0011) meets
the 160 Lux requirement.
Intensity and consistency of the Light Field is tested by performing the following procedure:
1. Place a light meter probe at position A on the
IRSD with its sensor facing up. See Figure 8-9.
2. Take a background light reading with the light
field lamp off and record the results in Table 8-10.
3. Take a light reading with the light field lamp on
and record the results in Table 8-10.
4. Convert both readings to lux values (use the
conversion table on the meter or in the meter
5. Subtract the background lux value from the light
field lux value and record the difference.

Figure 8-9: Probe Locations—Light Field Illuminance

Table 8-10: Light Field Illuminance

Area A
light reading, light field lamp on (A2) A2 = A2 lux =
background light, light field lamp off (A1) A1 = A1 lux =
difference (A2 lux-A1 lux) difference =
Area B
light reading, light field lamp on (B2) B2 = B2 lux =
background light, light field lamp off (B1) B1 = B1 lux =
difference (B2 lux-B1 lux) difference =
Area C
light reading, light field lamp on (C2) C2 = C2 lux =
background light, light field lamp off (C1) C1 = C1 lux =
difference (C2 lux-C1 lux) difference =
Area D
light reading, light field lamp on (D2) D2 = D2 lux =
background light, light field lamp off (D1) D1 = D1 lux =
difference (D2 lux-D1 lux) difference =

6. Repeat this illuminance test for the remaining positions (B, C, and D in Figure 8-9).
7. The difference between the background reading and the illuminated reading (in any
quadrant) must be 160 lux or greater.
8. If necessary, loosen the two screws that secure the lamp socket to the lamp cradle.

8-26 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray and Light Field Compliance

9. Increase the light field illuminance by adjusting

the lamp position within the cradle. Rotate the
lamp and socket together (clockwise or
counterclockwise) so that the lamp filament is
parallel with the plane of the mirror; see
Figure 8-10.
10. Tighten the screws, replace the tubehead cover,
then repeat the test.

Note… The lamp socket mounting screws

are metric.
11. Verify that the length to width ratio of the light
field is not altered. Figure 8-10: Adjustment—Light Field
12. If the test still fails, replace the lamp and repeat Illuminance
the entire test.
13. When complete, perform the light field alignment.

Part Number MAN-01929 8-27

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray and Light Field Compliance

4.6 Light Field Edge Contrast Test

Note… This test is NOT performed by FE’s, but is provided as instruction for a
Physicist that needs to perform this test.
This test ensures the contrast of the lighted X-ray field complies to the performance standard
set forth by FDA 21 CFR Subchapter J. Always perform this test with the ambient light
reduced (darken the room). Record readings in Table 8-11.
Equipment Needed:
• Light Detector Model 268P
• Light meter (UDT Instruments, Model 351)
• Aluminum Aperture, 1 mm diameter (or equivalent)
1. Place the probe of a light detector on the
IRSD and center it.
2. Place the aluminum aperture directly on
the probe. Position it so that the aperture
is centered on the probe’s sensor.
3. Turn the room lights off and record the
ambient light reading as IA.
4. Place the light detector in area A on the
IRSD. See Figure 8-11.
5. Orient the center of the probe 3 mm
from the edge of the defined light field
toward the center of the field (I1).
6. Collimate the light probe so that only a 1
square centimeter area (near the center)
is visible.
7. Press the light field button and record
the inside lux value (I1).
8. Move the probe 3 mm from the edge of
the defined light field away from the
center of the field.
9. Reposition the aluminum filter.
10. Press the light field switch, then record
the outside lux reading (I2).
11. Subtract both edge readings from the
Figure 8-11: Test—Light Field Edge Contrast
ambient reading and record each of the
differences: (IA - I1 = D1 and IA - I2 = D2).

Table 8-11: Light Field Edge Contrast Test

Ambient light reading
Area A Area B Area C Area D
Inside = I1
Outside = I2
IA - I1 = D1

8-28 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
System Performance

Table 8-11: Light Field Edge Contrast Test (Continued)

Ambient light reading
Area A Area B Area C Area D
IA - I2 = D2
D1 - D2 = R
A contrast ratio of <4 is cause for rejection
12. Divide the inside difference by the outside difference and record the ratio: (D1 / D2 = R).
13. Repeat the procedure for the remaining light field edges.
14. Place the light meter probe at positions B, C, and D for these tests.
15. A contrast ratio less than 4 at any edge is cause for rejection.

5.0 System Performance

5.1 System Test
This test verifies the system functions.
1. Turn on the system. Verify the Operator Console display works, and power is applied to
Gantry. Observe console display for error messages.
2. Set system for a short exposure (25 kV, 3 mAs, Manual Mode, Large Focal Spot). Make
an exposure.
3. If no problems are found with the exposure, return the system to service.
5.2 M-IV Bucky Device (Linear) Performance Test
Perform this when installing a new Linear Bucky device to test for grid line artifacts on the
developed film.
1. Mount the 18 x 24 cm Bucky device on the IRSD, and install an 18 x 24 cm paddle if the
paddle is not present.
2. Ensure the C-arm is at 0°
3. Set the system for an Auto-Time, 25 kV exposure, Large spot, Normal density.
4. Place a loaded cassette in the Bucky device.
Test with 2 cm Phantom
1. Place 2 cm of BR-12 BEM on the Bucky Device, and use motorized compression to
compress the phantom with the Compression paddle. Be sure to go below the
compression threshold.
2. Turn off Auto-compression release.
3. Make an exposure.
4. Develop the film and inspect for grid line artifacts. If grid line artifacts are present, go to step 7.
5. Reload the Bucky (using the same cassette and film type), and repeat the exposure.
6. Develop the film and inspect for grid line artifacts. If grid line artifacts are present, go to step 7.
Test with 5 or 6 cm Phantom
1. Place 5 cm of BEM on the Bucky and compress the phantom with the Compression
paddle. This should be above the compression threshold.
2. Reload the same cassette with the same film type, then load it into the same Bucky.
3. Make an exposure using the same technique factors.

Part Number MAN-01929 8-29

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
System Performance

4. Develop the film and inspect for grid line artifacts. If grid line artifacts are present, go to step 7.
5. Reload the Bucky (using the same cassette and film type), and repeat the exposure.
6. Develop the film and inspect for grid line artifacts. If grid line artifacts are present, go to step 7.
Test with the C-arm at -90° and at +90°
1. With the C-arm rotated to -90° (grid travel in the direction of gravitational pull), repeat
steps 4 through 5.
2. Develop the film and inspect for grid line artifacts. If grid line artifacts are present, go to step 7.
3. With the C-arm rotated to +90° (grid travel against the direction of gravitational pull),
repeat steps 4 through 5.
4. Develop the film and inspect for grid line artifacts. If grid line artifacts are present, go to step 7.
5. If the 24 x 30 cm Bucky Device is also new, repeat the entire procedure, starting at step 1, using
a 24 x 30 cm paddle.
6. Develop the film and inspect for grid line artifacts. If grid line artifacts are present, go to step 7.
7. If grid line artifacts are present on any exposure, a new Linear Bucky device is required.

5.3 M-IV Bucky Device (HTC Grid) Performance Test

Perform this after any field servicing of an HTC Bucky device, or when installing a new HTC
Bucky device, to test for grid line artifacts on the developed film, and error codes.

Note… Grid line artifacts are typically visible under the following conditions:
• Exposures in Left or Right MLO
• Short exposures
1. Mount the 18 x 24 cm Bucky device on the IRSD and install an 18 x 24 cm paddle.
2. With the C-arm at 0°, set the system for an Automatic Exposure Technique, 25 kV
exposure, Large spot, Normal density. Select the Film Type being used. Use one of the
AEC exposure techniques to achieve the customer’s target density.
3. Turn off Automatic Compression release.
4. Place a loaded cassette in the Bucky device, then place 2 cm of BR-12 BEM on the
Bucky Device.
5. Compress the phantom with motorized compression. Ensure the system is below the
compression threshold.
6. Make an exposure.
7. Remove the cassette and develop the film. Verify the absence of grid line artifacts in the
developed film. If grid line artifacts are present, go to step 25.
8. Reload the Bucky (using the same cassette and film type), and repeat the exposure.
9. Remove the cassette and develop the film. Verify the absence of grid line artifacts in the
developed film. If grid line artifacts are present, go to step 25.
10. With the C-arm rotated to -90° (grid travel in the direction of gravitational pull), repeat
steps #1 through #9.
11. Verify the absence of grid line artifacts on the developed film for all exposures. If grid
line artifacts are present, go to step #25.
12. With the C-arm rotated to +90° (grid travel against the direction of gravitational pull),
repeat steps #1 through #9.

8-30 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
System Performance

13. Verify the absence of grid line artifacts on the developed film for all exposures. If grid
line artifacts are present, go to step #25.
14. Place 5 cm of BEM on the Bucky.
15. Compress the phantom with motorized compression. Ensure the system is above the
compression threshold.
16. Reload the same cassette with the same film type, then load it into the same Bucky.
17. Make an exposure using the technique factors from step #1.
18. Reload the Bucky (using the same cassette and film type), and repeat the exposure.
19. Remove the cassette and develop the film. Verify the absence of grid line artifacts in the
developed film. If grid line artifacts are present, go to step #25.
20. With the C-arm rotated to -90° (grid travel in the direction of gravitational pull), repeat
steps #1 through #9.
21. Verify the absence of grid line artifacts on the developed film for all exposures. If grid
line artifacts are present, go to step #25.
22. With the C-arm rotated to +90° (grid travel against the direction of gravitational pull),
repeat steps #1 through #9.
23. Verify the absence of grid line artifacts on the developed film for all exposures. If grid
line artifacts are present, go to step #25.
24. If the 24 x 30 cm Bucky Device is new, repeat the entire procedure for the 24 x 30 cm
Bucky Device.
25. If grid line artifacts are present on any exposure, a new HTC Bucky device is required.

5.4 Maximum mAs in Auto-Time Mode Performance Test

This test verifies that the system automatically terminates exposures whenever the automatic
exposure control circuitry senses that optimum film density cannot be obtained within the 5
second maximum exposure time. To comply, the system must terminate Auto-Time
exposures below 5 mAs.
1. Place a lead blocker on the IRSD so that it blocks the AEC sensors within the IRSD.
2. Set the system for an Auto-Time exposure at 22 kV, Large focal spot. Set the Density
compensation to +5, and select the film type being used.
3. Make an exposure and verify that the post-exposure mAs value is less than 5 mAs and
the message “Calculated Exposure Time Exceeds Maximum” appears.
4. Verify that the system displays a caution that informs the user that the calculated
exposure has exceeded the maximum. Try to make another exposure before resetting the
system and verify that X-ray generation is prevented.
5. Clear the message by selecting Reset. Repeat the test at 34 kV, and verify that the same
caution appears in the message area.

Part Number MAN-01929 8-31

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray Shielding Compliance

5.5 Optical Density (Users Preference) Verification

This procedure verifies that the system falls within the user’s preference for optical density.
1. Install the jumper into the banana jack on the High Voltage Multiplier.
2. Remove any meter, scope, or probe from the machine that was used in any procedure
prior to beginning this verification.
3. Install the HTC Bucky device, with a loaded cassette, on the IRSD. For systems that do
not have the HTC Bucky device option, install the linear Bucky device.
4. Place the ACR Phantom on the IRSD, centered laterally, and positioned 1 cm back from
the chest wall edge.
5. Move the AEC Detectors so that they are directly under the ACR Phantom.
6. Set the system for an exposure using the default exposure mode.
7. Make an exposure.
8. Remove the cassette and develop the film.
9. Inspect the film’s optical density and verify that it is at the mean optical density as
required by the site.
10. If the optical density of the film is not within the limits stated in step 7, perform the AEC
Calibration procedures. Refer to Chapter 3, Section 9.0, page 3-35.

6.0 X-ray Shielding Compliance

Lead shielding in the X-ray tube housing, and in the lower tubehead enclosure, minimizes
leakage radiation. The IRSD and the space behind the AEC sensor also incorporate lead shielding.
The following procedures test the shielding performance of the IRSD and the tubehead.

6.1 IRSD Leakage Test

Note… This test is performed at the factory and is not required at installation.
However, it is necessary to perform this test after repairing or replacing the
IRSD. See Figure 8-12.
1. Connect a radiation scatter probe to the
readout/logic module of a radiation rate
2. Set the meter’s operating mode to read in
3. Place the readout/logic module so that it
can be viewed from behind the radiation
4. Mount an 18 x 24 cm Bucky to the IRSD.
5. Place a 1/16 inch thick (1.6 mm) sheet of
lead with a 5 inch (12.7 cm) diameter hole
in it on the IRSD. Slide this lead sheet to
position the hole at the position marked A.
6. Collimate the X-ray field to the 18 x 24
cm field size.

Figure 8-12: Test—IRSD Shielding

8-32 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray Shielding Compliance

7. Position the probe beneath the IRSD relative to the center of the hole in the lead sheet.
Raise or lower the support stand until the probe is exactly 5 centimeters below the
bottom of the tray structure. Face the probe’s detector surface toward the X-ray source.
8. Turn on the system. Set the system for a Manual mode exposure at 39 kV, 220 mAs,
using the Large focal spot.
9. Make an exposure and record the mR reading. If the reading exceeds 0.05 mR, go to step 14.
10. Repeat steps 5 through 9 for positions B, C, and D.
11. Mount a 24 x 30 cm Bucky on the IRSD.
12. Collimate the X-ray field to the 24 x 30 cm field size.
13. Repeat steps 5 through 9 for positions E, F, G, and H.
14. Contact Customer Support if there are any readings above 0.05 mR.
6.2 X-ray Tubehead Leakage Test
This test is performed annually as part of the Preventive Maintenance Schedule; Section 2.0,
page 8-1:
1. Block the tubehead window with
approximately 4 x 4 cm lead shield/
2. Connect a radiation scatter probe
(100 square cm) to the readout/logic
module of a radiation rate meter.
3. Set the meter’s operating mode to read
in milliroentgens per hour (mR/Hour).
4. Place the readout/logic module so
that it can be viewed from behind the
radiation shield.
5. Use fixtures to hold the probe in
position with relation to the tubehead
as shown. Position the probe at
location A.
Figure 8-13: Tubehead Leakage Test

6. Make sure the distance between the probe and the focal spot (source) is exactly 1 meter
(39-3/8 inches).
7. Turn on the system. Set the system for a Manual mode exposure at 39 kV, 220 mAs,
using the Large focal spot.
8. Make an exposure and record the mR reading.
9. Make exposures, using the same technique factors, for positions B through H.
10. Record each mR reading.
11. For position H, rotate the C-arm to position the probe directly behind the tubehead. Be
sure the distance between the probe and the focal spot remains exactly one meter for
each measurement position.

Note… Any reading above 45.0 mR is unacceptable.

12. A reading above 45.0 mR requires corrective action. Call technical support for assistance.

Part Number MAN-01929 8-33

Service Manual
Chapter 8—Performance/Compliance Tests
X-ray Shielding Compliance

8-34 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 9—Care and Cleaning
For General Cleaning

Chapter 9—Care and Cleaning

1.0 For General Cleaning
Use a lint-free cloth or pad and apply a diluted dishwashing liquid.

Caution: The fluid must not drip or run.

If more than soap and water is required, Hologic recommends any one of the following:
• 10% chlorine bleach and water, with one part commercially available chlorine bleach
(normally 5.25% chlorine and 94.75% water) and nine parts water
• Commercially available isopropyl alcohol solution (70% isopropyl alcohol by volume,
not diluted)
• 3% maximum concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide solution
After you use any of the above solutions, use a pad to apply a diluted dishwashing liquid to
clean any parts that touch the patient.

Caution: Do not use disinfectant sprays directly, since the mist generated by spraying
may penetrate into the unit and may damage electronic components.

2.0 To Prevent Possible Injury or Equipment Damage

Never use a corrosive solvent or abrasive detergents or polishes. Select a cleaning agent that
does not damage plastics, aluminum, or carbon fiber.
• Do not use strong detergents, abrasive cleaners, high alcohol concentration, or
methanol at any concentration. If skin preparations contain high alcohol concentrations,
allow time to dry before compression.
• Do not expose equipment parts to steam or high temperature sterilization.
• Never allow liquids to enter the internal parts of the equipment. Do not apply cleaning
sprays or liquids to the equipment. Always use a clean cloth and apply the spray or
liquid. If liquid enters the system, disconnect the electrical supply and inspect the
system before returning it to use.

Caution: Improper cleaning methods or the use of certain cleaning and disinfecting
agents can damage the equipment, cause poor imaging performance, or
increase the risk of electric shock.

Always follow instructions from the germicide manufacturer. The instructions

include the methods and precautions to mix, store, and apply; the contact time,
wash requirements, protective clothing, shelf life, and disposal. Follow the
instructions and use the product in the most safe and effective method.

Part Number MAN-01929 9-1

Service Manual
Chapter 9—Care and Cleaning
How to Clean the Operator Console

3.0 How to Clean the Operator Console

3.1 Display
Do not touch the display with your fingers. Use a soft cloth to apply warm water, or use a
commercially available LCD cleaning solution or a microfiber cloth to clean the panel of the
display screen.

3.2 Keyboard
Clean the key surfaces with a CRT wipe. If necessary, clean the keyboard with a vacuum. If
liquids enter the keyboard, install a replacement keyboard.

4.0 How to Clean the Integrated Bucky Markers

4.1 Routine Cleaning
To clean the Bucky Markers:
1. Use the cleaning procedures described in Section 1.0, page 9-1.
2. Remove the Bucky Markers from the Bucky for cleaning if needed.

4.2 How to Clean the Surfaces of the Marker Rail

Note… This procedure is not part of a normal cleaning routine.
1. Remove the marker assembly from the Bucky (1 or 2 screws). Use a 0.050 hex key
(supplied with the Bucky Marker).
2. Remove the large adjusting knob to separate the marker.
3. Use a disinfectant solution and a cotton swab to clean the upper and lower rails.
4. Assemble, then attach the marker to the Bucky.

9-2 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 10—Updating the Firmware

Chapter 10—Updating the Firmware

1.0 Introduction
This Chapter provides general firmware replacement instructions for M-IV systems.

Table 10-1: Parts List for M-IV Firmware

Item Assembly Location

U13 Rotor Control Board Gantry
U30 IR Microprocessor Board Gantry
U18 Generator Microprocessor Board Gantry
U1 Motor Lamp Control Board Gantry
U4 Host Microprocessor Board Gantry
U5 IR Microprocessor Board Image Receptor
U3, U65 Operator Console Assembly Operator Console
U17, U18 Tubehead Motor Driver Board Tubehead
U2 Tubehead Microprocessor Board Tubehead

2.0 Preparation
1. Turn the unit off. (This allows time for the system to discharge all power supplies during
the other preparation activities.)
2. Familiarize yourself with the board locations using Figure 10-2 through Figure 10-5.

3.0 Firmware Replacement

Refer to the General Replacement Procedure below and the following sections to replace
the firmware chips.
General replacement procedure:
1. Connect an anti-static wrist strap
2. Using a PLCC IC Puller, gently remove the firmware
chip from the socket.
3. Install the replacement firmware chip. Be sure to
check that all pins line up with the fingers of the
socket and that the dot on the chip aligns with the
arrow in the socket. (The beveled edge of the chip
has a keyed corner which is aligned with the keyed
corner on the socket.)

Figure 10-1: Removing the Chip

Part Number MAN-01929 10-1

Service Manual
Chapter 10—Updating the Firmware
Firmware Replacement

3.1 Gantry Firmware Locations

Legend for Figure 10-2
1. Generator Microprocessor Board
2. Rotor Control Board
3. Host Microprocessor Board
4. Motor/Lamp Control Board

(Doors Open)
Figure 10-2: Gantry Board Locations
Refer to Figure 10-2 to replace:
• U18 on the Generator Microprocessor Board (#1)
• U13 on the Rotor Control Board (#2)
• U4 on the Host Microprocessor Board (#3)
• U1 on the Motor Lamp Control Board (#4)

10-2 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 10—Updating the Firmware
Firmware Replacement

3.2 Image Receptor Firmware Replacement

1. Remove the IRSD as shown in Figure 4. (Refer to Chapter 6, Section 4.0, page 6-20 for
detailed removal procedures.)
2. Remove the Breast Tray Switch Assembly as shown.


Figure 10-3: IRSD

3. Remove the lower IRSD cover as shown.

Warning: The cover is lined with lead. Do not touch the lead interior.

4. Locate the IR Microprocessor Board beneath the breast tray (as viewed from below).
5. Locate, remove, and replace U5 and U30 on the IR Microprocessor Board.
6. Reinstall the lower IRSD cover, the Breast Tray Switch Assembly, and the IRSD.

Part Number MAN-01929 10-3

Service Manual
Chapter 10—Updating the Firmware
Firmware Replacement

3.3 Operator Console Firmware Replacement

Figure 10-4: Operator Console

1. Remove the front console cover. (Refer to Chapter 4, Section 2.0, page 4-2 for detailed
removal procedures.)
2. Locate, remove, and replace U3 and U65 on the Operator Console PCB (#1).
3. Reinstall the front console cover.

10-4 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Chapter 10—Updating the Firmware
Confirmation Testing

3.4 Tubehead Firmware Replacement

Warning: The cover is lined with lead. Do not touch the lead interior.

1. Remove the screws securing the bottom tubehead cover. (Refer to Chapter 6, Section
2.1, page 6-4 for detailed removal procedures.)
2. Slide the bottom cover down and forward approximately 2.0 cm, then angle it
downward to release.

Figure 10-5: Tubehead Microprocessor and Tubehead Motor Driver Boards.

3. Remove the Tubehead Microprocessor Board from the Tubehead Motor Driver Board.
4. Locate, remove, and replace U17 and U18 on the Tubehead Motor Driver Board.
5. Locate, remove, and replace U2 on the Tubehead Microprocessor Board (not visible in
Figure 10-5).
6. Reinstall the Tubehead Microprocessor Board on the Tubehead Motor Driver Board.
7. Reinstall the bottom cover.

4.0 Confirmation Testing

Before returning the system to service:
1. Turn on the system. Ensure the system starts normally (no alerts or error messages).
2. Perform the System Test in Chapter 8, Section 5.1, page 8-29.
3. Perform the M-IV Controls and Functional Tests in Chapter 3, Section 2.0, page 3-5.
4. Close the Gantry side access covers.
5. Perform X-ray leakage tests for the IRSD and the Tubehead; refer to Chapter 8, Section
6.1, page 8-32, and Section 6.2, p. 33.

Part Number MAN-01929 10-5

Service Manual
Chapter 10—Updating the Firmware
Confirmation Testing

10-6 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
Unit Measurements

Appendix A—Specifications
1.0 Unit Measurements
Gantry with C-arm Height: 75 in. (190.5 cm)—84 in. (213.4 cm) C-arm top
of travel
Width: 25.5 in. (64.2 cm)—C-arm at 0° position
Depth: 43.5 in. (110 cm)
Horizontal Rotation: 53 in. (134.7 cm)
Weight: 750 lb (340 kg)
Remote Console Height to operator panel: 35.5 in. (90.2 cm) minimum
at front
42 in. (106.7 cm) maximum at rear
46.5 in. (118.0 cm) to top of display at maximum height
Width: 21.0 in. (53.3 cm) at shield, including
Emergency Off switch
32 in. (81.3 cm) including radiation shield support
Depth: 17 in. (43.2 cm) including radiation shield
Weight: 214 lb (96.3 kg)
Radiation Shield Height: 74.5 in. (189.2 cm) maximum height installed
Width: 32 in. (81.3 cm)
Pb equivalent: 0.5 mm Pb equivalent (minimum at 35 kV)

Figure A-1: M-IV Dimensions

Part Number MAN-01929 A-1

Service Manual
Appendix A—Specifications

2.0 Electrical Input

Mains Voltage 200, 208, 220, 230, or 240 VAC nominal (tap selectable
at installation) ±10%, 50/60 Hz, permanently wired
Mains Impedance Maximum line impedance not to exceed 0.20 ohms for
220, 230, or 240 VAC, 0.16 ohms for 200 VAC (IEC
60601-2-45, Clause 10.2.2)
Maximum Power Consumption 6.5 kVA for 5 second duration
Rated Line Current 4 A (35 Amps for 5 seconds)
Circuit Breaker Rating 25 Amps—time delay curve to allow for inrush currents,
200% overload for 7 seconds. (Requires 35 A in-house
fuse for ROW installation.)
Duty Cycle Full load 5 seconds on, 30 seconds off

3.0 Operating Environment

Temperature Range 10° C to 40° C (50° F to 104° F)
Relative Humidity Range 30% to 75% non-condensing
BTU output Typical Range 1700–2500 BTU/hr.
ESD Susceptibility 3 kV for contact discharge to non-grounded conductive
accessible parts. 8 kV air discharge to all other
accessible parts. Complies with the requirements of IEC
EMI Susceptibility The system is immune to levels of EMI radiation per IEC
EMI Generation Limits The system complies with the requirements of IEC
Input Line Surge, fast transient/burst per IEC 60601-1-2

4.0 Storage Environment

Temperature Range -25° C to +60° C (-13° F to 140° F)
Humidity Zero to 95% humidity— non-condensing (not packaged
for outdoor storage)

A-2 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix A—Specifications

5.0 Tubestand
5.1 C-arm
Motorized Rotation Variable speed (18° per second maximum). Rotation
speed is service selectable: 50% to 100% and displayed
on the Host Microprocessor Board as 40% through 90%
in 5% increments. Motor Control provides soft start and
dynamic braking.
C-arm Rotation +195° +2° /-0° to 0° ±0.5° to -150° +0° /-2°, with
electrical detents at 0°, +90° and -90°. Rotation angle
displays on 2 sides of Gantry.
Vertical Travel (minimum) 26.5 in. to 55 in. (67 cm to 140 cm) from the Bucky
surface to the floor for both 0° and 90° positioning
controls on C-arm and footswitch.
Alignment of Focal Spot, Compression Device, and Image Receptor
The focal spot of the X-ray tube is located so that the X-
ray falling on the edge of the image receptor closest to
the chest wall is perpendicular to the image receptor.
The system allows the plane formed by the focal spot
and the chest wall of the device to be perpendicular to
that ray, and motion of the compression device provides
parallel compression of the breast with respect to the
plane of the image receptor. The compression paddle is
adjustable, chest wall to the nipple, to provide for this
alignment requirement.
Source to Image Distance (SID) 65 cm from the nominal position of the Large Focal Spot
to the image receptor (film) within the Bucky.
Magnification 1.8 x for objects 22.5 mm above the magnification
stand breast support surface (breast support surface
provides approximately 1.7 x magnification and is 16.7
cm wide x 12 cm deep). The breast support surface
material is carbon fiber. The magnification table is
constructed as a tower to provide rigidity.
Image Receptor Support Device (IRSD) The IRSD is removable from the C-Arm and is
mechanically locked with an electrical interlock to
prevent X-ray exposure from the M-IV when removed or
not installed. It must be reinstalled to restore power to the
system. The IRSD houses a three-cell AEC detector,
movable to seven positions at 1.7 cm increments. The
IRSD limits the X-ray transmission to no more than 0.1
mR for the maximum technique exposure to comply with
21 CFR, section 1020.31 and meets the 1 µGy per
exposure as defined by IEC 60601-1-3, section 29.207.2.

Part Number MAN-01929 A-3

Service Manual
Appendix A—Specifications

5.2 Compression
Manual Compression Force Limited to a maximum of 67.4 lb (300 N), +0 lb /-20 lb
(+0/-89 N) from 0° to ±90° C-arm rotation. Not less than
38 lb (169 N) for a C-arm angle range greater than
+150° and an angle less than -150°.
Motorized Compression Functions in three operating modes, user selectable
through software.
Pre-Compression Force 15.7 lb +0/-5 lb to 30 lb ±5 lb (70 N +0/-22.3 N to
133.5 N ±22.3 N) User selected.
Full Compression Force 20 lb ±5 lb to 40 lb ±5 lb (89 N ±22.3 N to 178 N
±22.3 N)
Dual Mode Compression Provides Pre-Compression force upon first activation of
compression switch; then, if switch is activated within
two seconds, the force is increased incrementally for
each additional switch activation, up to the user
selected Full compression force.
Compression Controls Up/Down controls on both sides of C-arm and on two-
position footswitch (Motorized). Handwheel on both
sides of Compression Device (Manual).
Compression Release Motorized Release mode controlled by push-buttons on
both sides of the C-arm and on the Operator Console.
User selectable automatic release mode raises
Compression Device upon exposure termination
available via Setup Mode field. All release functions are
disabled if a Localization Paddle is installed including
automatic compression release.
Automatic Compression Release Moves the compression device upward a predetermined
distance (5, 7.5, 10, or 12.5 cm, service selectable upon
installation). For Magnification Mode this may be less.
Back Drive After Compression Does not exceed 1.5 mm in either motorized or manual
drive between -90°, 0°, and +90° positions and no
greater than 3 mm at all other positions.
Compression Down Motion Variable Speed Selectable between approximately 10% through 100%
of full speed. Displayed on Host Microprocessor board
as 0% through 90% in 10% increments. Selectable at
installation by service engineer.
Compression Force Display Two LED Displays on the Compression Device show the
compression force through the range of 10 lb to 67.4 lb
(44.5 N to 300 N) in 1 lb (4.4 N) increments.
Compression Force Display Accuracy ±4.5 lb (±20 N)
Compression Thickness Display Two LED Displays on the Compression Device measure
between 0 and 15 cm above image receptor. The display
compensates for the type of image receptor installed (for
example, no receptor, cassette holder, Bucky, and
magnification device). Display is in 0.1 cm increments.
The display is visible from both sides of the patient.
Compression Thickness Accuracy Within 0.5 cm for measured thicknesses between 0.5
cm and 15 cm.

A-4 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix A—Specifications

Compression Paddles Compression paddles are transparent and the full field
paddles are marked with the location of the AEC sensor
positions. The paddles are composed of polycarbonate.
The sensor position marking is not detectable on film
when imaged with 1 cm of acrylic attenuator at 20 kV to
an optical density of 1.2 OD. Paddle attenuation is less
than 15% (reduction of mR/mAs) at 25 kV. The paddles
provide a parallel plane to the image receptor and do
not deflect by more than 1 cm difference from any
surface providing compression under 25 lb of
compression force (except for F.A.S.T. and Frameless
Spot paddles.). The paddles are adjustable to provide
the focal spot, compression device and image receptor
alignment requirement.
Available Paddles:

Table A-1: Available Paddles

18 x 24 Standard Screening Paddle
24 x 30 Standard Screening Paddle
7.5 cm Contact Spot Paddle
10 cm Contact Paddle
15 cm Contact Paddle
7.5 cm Magnification Spot Paddle
10 cm Magnification Paddle
15 cm Magnification Paddle
10 cm Open Localization Paddle
10 cm Perforated Localization Paddle
15 cm Open Localization Paddle
15 cm Perforated Localization Paddle
15 cm Magnification Open Rect. Paddle
15 cm Magnification Perforated Paddle
15 cm Ultrasound Paddle
18 x 24 FAST Paddle
24 x 30 FAST Paddle
Small Breast Paddle
Frameless Spot Paddle

Part Number MAN-01929 A-5

Service Manual
Appendix A—Specifications

6.0 X-ray Tube

Focal Spot (NEMA / IEC) Large (0.3 mm)
Small (0.1 mm)
Tube Voltage 20 kV - to 39 kV (maximum)
Tube Current Large Focal Spot = 100 mA between 25 and 32 kV
Small Focal Spot = 30 mA between 25 and 32 kV
Anode Rotation 180 Hz (9600 RPM minimum)
Anode Angle Bi-angular: Large focal spot at 16°, Small focal spot at
10°. X-ray tube angle at 6° to provide 22° (Large FS) and
16° (Small FS) anode to film plane angle. Provides film
of 24 x 30 cm for Large and 18 x 24 cm for Small FS
Anode Material Molybdenum
X-ray Window Beryllium - 0.8 mm thickness (maximum)

7.0 X-ray Tube Housing

Over Temperature Protection Sensor Internally connected in series with the stator common
Max. Temperature, Tube Housing Surface 55°C (131°F)
Max. Temperature, Tube Head Cover Surface 41°C(106°F)
Safety Class IEC 60601-1, Class I, IEC 60601-2-28

8.0 X-ray Beam Filtration and Output

Inherent Tube Filtration 0.0 mm Al equivalent
Added Filtration Two-position filter changer mechanism to carry a 30-
micron (0.03 mm) Molybdenum foil filter and a 30-
micron (0.03 mm) Rhodium foil Filter. Type of filter is
user selectable.
Beam Quality HVL for Mo/Mo Operation
At a given kilovolts, the measured HVL with the
compression paddle in the x-ray beam is equal to or
greater than the value of kV /100 +0.03 (in units of mm
of aluminum) but less than the value of kV /100 +0.12
(in units of mm of aluminum).
Beam Quality HVL for Mo/Rh operation
At a given kilovolts, the measured HVL with the
compression paddle in the x-ray beam is equal to or
greater than the value of kV /100+0.03 mm Al (in units
of mm of aluminum) but less than the value of kV /
100+0.19 mm Al (in units of mm of aluminum).
Radiation Output Equal to or greater than 800 mR/second for at least 3
seconds. Output is measured through the Compression
Paddle, 4.5 cm above the breast support, 4.0 cm from
the chest wall edge, using exposure techniques of Mo/
Mo target/filter, large focal spot, 28 kV.

A-6 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
X-ray Collimation

9.0 X-ray Collimation

X-ray Collimation System detects the attached image receptor and
automatically adjusts the field size to limit the beam as
required by 21 CFR. With no accessory installed, the
beam is limited to the size of the image receptor support
device (18 x 24 cm).

10.0 Light Field Indication

Light Field Lamp Illuminates for 30 seconds, ±5 seconds, upon pressing a
Light Field switch on either side of the X-ray tubehead,
from the operators console (Lamp Key), or by pressing a
Compression Down switch. Extinguishes automatically
upon exposure initiation.
Light Field Illuminance 160 lux (minimum) - meets 21 CFR, Sub-chapter J,
section 1020.31 requirements. A shatter shield is
provided. Lamp is adjustable to provide alignment of
the light field to the X-ray field.
Light Field-to-X-ray Field Congruency X-ray field to light field misalignment for both length
and width is ≤2% of SID (1.30 cm). Compliant with IEC
60601-1-3 and 21 CFR 900.12.

11.0 High Voltage Generator

Electrical Power Capacity 4.1 kW maximum
Output Rating 3.2 kW, maximum (isowatt), 100 mA @ 32 kV
Ripple 2% or less (typical), maximum 4%
Topology Pulse-width modulated High Frequency, active servo
Duty Cycle 5 seconds on, 30 seconds off
kV /mA Range:
Table A-2: kV/mA Range

Large Focal Spot Small Focal Spot

Tube Voltage Tube Current Tube Voltage Tube Current
kV mA kV mA
20 75 mA 20 20 mA
21 80 mA 21 22 mA
22 85 mA 22 24 mA
23 90 mA 23 26 mA
24 95 mA 24 28 mA
25-32 100 mA 25-32 30 mA
33 85 mA 33-34 28 mA
34-35 80 mA 35-37 26 mA
36-37 75 mA 38-39 24 mA
38-39 70 mA

Part Number MAN-01929 A-7

Service Manual
Appendix A—Specifications

mAs Range The M-IV employs an integrating mAs timer for use as
manual timing and as the backup timer. An additional
hardware safety timer is employed.
Large Focal Spot Manual mAs Range:
TABLE 1 (default): 3 mAs through 500 mAs, 23 steps - 3, 4, 5, 6.4, 8, 10,
12.5, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 64, 80, 100, 125, 160,
200, 250, 320, 400, and 500. Each incremental change
results in optical density change of approximately 0.15
TABLE 2 (user selected): 3 mAs through 500 mAs, 59 steps - 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32.5, 35,
37.5, 40, 42.5, 45, 47.5, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85,
90, 95, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180,
190, 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 300, 325, 350, 375, 400,
425, 450, 475, 500.
Small Focal Spot Mag Manual mAs Range:
TABLE 1: 3 mAs through 125 mAs, 17 steps - 3, 4, 5, 6.4, 8, 10,
12.5, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 64, 80, 100, and 125
TABLE 2: 3 mAs through 150 mAs, 41 steps - 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32.5, 35,
37.5, 40, 42.5, 45, 47.5, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85,
90, 95, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, and 150.

12.0 Accuracy, Reproducibility, and Linearity

Reproducibility 0.05 coefficient of variation for 10 consecutive
exposures (21 CFR).
Linearity 0.10 for adjacent mAs selections per the following:
(X1-X2) is less than or equal to 0.10 (X1+X2) where X1
and X2 are average mR/mAs values for consecutive
exposures (21 CFR).
kV Accuracy Within 1 kV of the indicated kV level
mAs Accuracy ±5% or ±2mAs,whichever is greater, from indicated,
measured in the ground side of the tube circuit.
Post mAs Display The displayed post-exposure mAs Accuracy is ±5% or
±2mAs,whichever is greater, from the actual mAs. The
display remains until initiation of the next exposure.

13.0 Image Receptors

Types: 18 X 24 Cm Full-pass Linear Bucky
24 x 30 cm Full-Pass Linear Bucky
18 x 24 cm HTC Bucky
24 x 30 cm HTC Bucky
StereoLoc II (Film)
StereoLoc II DSM
Magnification Table

A-8 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
Exposure Control

14.0 Exposure Control

AEC Detector Solid-state, three square centimeter active sensing area
developed from, three 1cm square sensors.
AEC Detector Positioning The detector is centered laterally in the Image Receptor
Support Device and may be moved forward or rearward
to one of 7 detent locations. The detent position of the
AEC sensor is displayed on the corresponding LED on
the AEC Position Indicator, and its position is indicated
on the AutoFilm ID label. Detents are provided in 1.7
cm increments. Position #1 is 1 cm from the chest wall.
AEC kV and Thickness Tracking AEC compensates for kV between 20 kV and 39 kV, as
well as for breast thickness tracking including different
breast compositions. Tracking includes film reciprocity
law failure compensation.
Operation of the AEC is such that the nominal dose to
the ACR MAP phantom is no greater than 300, service -
selectable setting for 200 mrad (2 mGy) when operated
with Auto-kV and Auto Filter modes. The modes are
Optical density is within 0.15 OD from the mean
optical density value at any point within the clinically
defined range of kV for breast thicknesses between 2
and 8 cm of breast tissue equivalent material.
Exposure Termination The AEC system determines if the exposure reaches the
Back-up Time, and if so, terminates the exposure within
one of the following limits:
1) 50 ms (100 ms in Auto-kV and Auto-Filter)
2) 5 mAs (10 mAs in Auto-kV and Auto-Filter)
3) With an entrance exposure to the ACR Accreditation
Phantom of less than 50 mR (100 mR in Auto-kV and
Auto-Filter modes).
Indication is made to the operator. A manual reset is
required to continue.
Density Range There are 11 density adjustment steps, -5 through +5.
These steps are adjustable between 4%, 6%, 8%, 10%,
12.5%, or 15% of adjacent mAs values. Default setting
is 10% and is set upon installation by service engineer.
The exposure mAs may be modified up to ±247% by
incrementing the DENSITY function. If determination is
made that the exposure will exceed the “Back-up-time”,
the exposure will be terminated.
Manual Exposure Mode Film Type, Filter, Focal Spot, kV, and mAs are selectable.
When used in Large Focal Spot, mA is reduced when
the selected mAs would result in an exposure time of
less than 400 ms (resulting in a longer exposure at the
original mAs selection). The reduced mA is a percentage
of the full mA available at the selected kV (60%, 30%,
20%, or 10 mA).

Note The reduced mA function applies only to Large Focal Spot.

Part Number MAN-01929 A-9

Service Manual
Appendix A—Specifications

Auto-Time Exposure Mode Film Type, Density, Filter, Focal Spot, and kV are
selectable. The system determines pre-mA (100%, 60%,
30%, or 10mA) based on compression thickness and kV.
The system will perform a sample exposure and read the
signal from the AEC detector, then determine mA and
mAs prior to full exposure. The system can use the full
mA available or choose from four reduced-mA settings
(60%, 30%, 20%, or 10mA). The Small Focal Spot is
limited to one mA value (30% of the full mA value in
Large). Post-mAs readout indicates the mAs value at the
end of the exposure and remains displayed until the
initiation of the next exposure.
Auto-kV Exposure Mode Film Type, Density, Filter, and Focal Spot are selectable.
The system determines the pre-kV and pre-mA based
upon compression thickness. Once the pre-kV and pre-
mA have been determined, the exposure will proceed as
it would for an Auto-time exposure. The operator can
override the pre- kV and pre- filter. The final kV and
post-mAs will be displayed upon termination of the
Auto-Filter Exposure Mode Auto-Filter is not enabled in Small Focal Spot.
Film Type and Density, are selectable. The system
determines the pre-kV and based upon compression
thickness and the pre-filter based on the Rhodium
Switch kV value. Once the pre-kV and pre-filter have
been determined, the exposure will proceed as it would
for an Auto-time exposure. The operator can override
the pre- kV, pre- filter will change accordingly.
When determined by the Auto-Filter algorithm, the
exposure is momentarily interrupted and the Rhodium
filter is moved into the beam in place of the
Molybdenum filter. After the algorithm has selected the
kV or kV/filter, the Auto-Time function completes the
exposure. The final kV, Post-mAs, and Filter will be
indicated upon termination of the exposure.

Note Auto-Filter exposure mode is not available for magnification studies.

Dose Calculation and Display - Overall The Dose Display mode can be enabled or disabled via
the setup screen on the remote console. Dose
calculation assumes a breast composition of 50%
adipose, 50% glandular.
The displayed dose values will be within ±10% of the
actual dose values.
Prior to displaying dose, the system will require
exposure data to be gathered and entered.
Dose values will be displayed on the remote console,
flashed film data via the Auto-Film ID, and Mammography
Information System (MIS) exposure record.

A-10 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix A—Specifications
Exposure Control

Dose Display Selection Options Dose Display options are AGD and AGD/ESD.
If AGD/ESD is selected, then both AGD and ESD will be
displayed on the remote console, Auto-Film ID, and MIS
exposure record.
If AGD is selected, then only AGD will be displayed on
the Auto-Film ID. Both AGD and ESD will be displayed
on the remote console, and MIS exposure record.
Dose Display Function When Dose Display is disabled; there will be no display
of dose or of the field labels for dose.
When Dose display has been enabled but the Host has not
received required data, the dose fields will display “N/A”.
When Dose Display has been enabled and the Host has
accepted the required data, the system will calculate
and display dose as indicated below.
If a Dose Display has been enabled, and a DSM,
StereoLoc/DSM, or StereoLoc/Film are installed on the
M-IV, the fields will display “N/A.”
Half-Value Layer (HVL) values displayed by the system
shall be within 0.01mmAl of the actual HVL values.
Half-Value layer values shall comply with regulatory
Tube Output values displayed by the system shall be
within 1% (total range of 2%) of the actual tube output
The displayed AGD and ESD values will be within 5%
(total range of 10%) of the actual dose values.
Dose Display Resolution The units for mean glandular dose calculation shall be
selectable between System International (SI) and
Common units.
Standard International (SI) AGD.=X.XX mGy
Common AGD.=X.XX mrad
ESD=XX.XX mrad.

Part Number MAN-01929 A-11

Service Manual
Appendix A—Specifications

A-12 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix B—Technical References

Appendix B—Technical References

1.0 Introduction
This appendix provides additional technical references to be used as aids in troubleshooting
the M-IV. The information covered is as follows:
• Alert Codes
• Test Point Tables
• Jumper Tables
• Fuse Identification
• Auto-Time Exposure Mode
• Auto-kV Exposure Mode
• Auto-Filter Exposure Mode

2.0 Alert Codes

The M-IV control console displays alert codes using a two digit, base ten numeric system. Table B-1
describes each of the M-IV alert codes and messages that appear on the Run Mode screen.
Table B-1: Alert Codes

Message Description Origin

Premature Exposure switch released early. Operator
release of
Exposure Switch
Exposure Exposure time required exceeded software back up time. (500 Generator Microprocessor
Terminated by mAs back up timer)
back up timer
Calculated Auto-Time, Auto-kV and Auto-Filter modes. Calculated exposure IR Microprocessor
exposure time mode exceeds 5 seconds.
exceed back up
X-ray switches X-ray switches not released during post exposure routine. Ensure Host Microprocessor Board
not released after switches are not stuck.
X-ray switches on X-ray switches are closed during system start up. Release and Host Microprocessor Board
at start up ensure switches are not stuck.
Calculated HTC only: minimum time for grid operation is 400 ms. Host Microprocessor Board
exposure time is
less than available
exposure time
System Error 20 Rotor Error: Inspect tube for overheat; rotor fault, or open Rotor Control
thermal switch
• Test +525 VDC of rotor control board
• Test Fuse F21 on DC Fuse Panel
• Test rotor control board EPROM
System Error 21 Start from Host without X-ray switch fault Host Microprocessor Board

Part Number MAN-01929 B-1

Service Manual
Appendix B—Technical References
Alert Codes

Table B-1: Alert Codes (Continued)

Message Description Origin

System Error 22 Tube Arc Fault: kV arc detected. (Fault diode D19, kV control board) High Voltage Control
System Error 23 Tube Overcurrent: mA level more than 12.5% higher than set High Voltage Control
mA level (Fault diode D15, kV control board)
System Error 24 Tube Overvoltage: kV level more than 12.5% higher than set kV High Voltage Control
level (Fault diode D14, kV control board)
System Error 25 High Voltage Inverter overcurrent fault: (Fault diode D18, kV High Voltage Inverter
control board)
System Error 26 High Voltage Interlock fault High Voltage Inverter
System Error 27 Filament overcurrent fault: Filament current levels exceeded mA Control
12.5% of the set level. (Fault diode, D2, filament control board)
System Error 28 Filament overvoltage fault: Filament voltage levels exceeded mA Control
12.5% of the set level. (Fault diode, D3, filament control board.
System Error 29 Filament grid error: Grid voltage error detected. (Fault diode, D1, mA Control
filament control board)
System Error 30 Error in data from Host: Error may indicate software lockup with IR Microprocessor
the Host.
System Error 31 Hardware backup timer: If auto mode, test IR Microprocessor. If Generator Microprocessor
in manual mode, test Generator Microprocessor.
System Error 32 Software Timeout: Timer greater than 5 seconds. Generator Microprocessor
System Error 33 Image Receptor exposure error: Generator did not receive Generator Microprocessor
“Exposure Enable” signal from IR board within 300 ms of “Rotor
Okay” signal from motor control board.
System Error 34 Focal spot relay fault mA Control
System Error 35 Tube current is below 10% of expected value: Test tube current mA Control
level, calibration, filaments and protective diodes across the
System Error 43 Measure mAs error: Error indicates problem with mAs. High Voltage Control
System Error 50 Fault detected from the Bucky (non HTC grid) IR Control
System Error 51 Bucky fault: HTC Bucky not communicating with IR Bucky/IR Control
microprocessor (serial interface)
System Error 60 CCW rotation switch closed: Inspect tubehead switches. CCW Rotation
System Error 61 CW rotation switch closed: Inspect tubehead switches. CW Rotation
System Error 62 Lamp switch closed: Inspect tubehead switches. Collimator Lamp
System Error 63 Compression “Up” switch closed: Inspect C-arm and footswitches. Compression Up
System Error 64 Compression “Down” switch closed: Inspect C-arm and Compression Down
System Error 65 Compression “Release” switch closed: Inspect C-arm and Compression Release
System Error 66 C-arm Vertical “Up” switch closed: Inspect C-arm and C-arm Up
System Error 67 C-arm Vertical “Down” switch closed: Inspect C-arm and C-arm Down

B-2 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix B—Technical References
Test Points

Table B-1: Alert Codes (Continued)

Message Description Origin

SL II Motion Error StereoLoc II out of alignment StereoLoc II Stage
Motion Error 69 C-arm drive motor communication fault: Vertical, rotation, and C-arm Drive Motors
compression drive motors.
Tubehead Error 70 Motorized collimator error: Test collimator blade drives. Tubehead Microprocessor
Tubehead Error 71 Motorized mirror error: Test mirror drive. Tubehead Microprocessor
Tubehead Error 72 Motorized filter error: Test filter drive. Tubehead Microprocessor

3.0 Test Points

Use the following test point tables as an aid in troubleshooting the M-IV:
• “HV Control Board,” page B-4
• “HV Inverter,” page B-4
• “Tubehead Variables,” page B-5
• “Filament Control Board,” page B-5
• “Generator Microprocessor Board,” page B-6
• “Power Distribution Board,” page B-6
• “Mains Power Board,” page B-6
• “Power Supply Interconnect Board,” page B-6
• “Host Microprocessor Board,” page B-6
• “Motor/Lamp Control Board,” page B-7
• “Rotor Control Board,” page B-8
• “Filament Protect Board,” page B-8
• “Tubehead Microprocessor Board,” page B-8
• “Tubehead Motor Driver Board,” page B-9
• “Compression/AEC Position Display Board,” page B-9
• “Bucky Interface Board,” page B-9
• “Image Receptor Microprocessor Board,” page B-10
• “Operator Console Microprocessor Board,” page B-10

Caution: Be aware of the damage static electricity can inflict on electronic

components. Always wear a grounded electrostatic discharge strap when
handling static sensitive components.

Part Number MAN-01929 B-3

Service Manual
Appendix B—Technical References
Test Points

Table B-2: HV Control Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP3 kV SEN (1V = 8 kV) TP4 mA SEN (1 V = 40 mA)
TP13 SHUT DN TP14 -20 V
TP15 +20 V TP16 CLAMP
TP17 DGND TP18 kV PROG (1 V = 4 kV)
TP19 R+15 V TP20 +5 V
TP21 +10 V TP22 -15 V
TP23 +15 V TP24 GND
TP28 VREF TP29 +12.5 V

Table B-3: HV Inverter

Test Point Voltage/Signal


B-4 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix B—Technical References
Test Points

See Table B-4 when test point voltages depend upon the type of tube present.

Table B-4: Tubehead Variables

Small Fil Large Fil

Filament Ctrl. Bd. Function/Overcurrent Filament OV
Overcurrent Overcurrent
ADJUST R45 R44 R20
TOSHIBA 4.3 VDC 4.3 VDC 10.0 VDC
VARIAN M-113 (O) 6.0 VDC 6.0 VDC 12.5 VDC
VARIAN M-113-1 (A) 6.0 VDC 6.0 VDC 12.5 VDC
VARIAN M-113-1A (A) 4.8 VDC 4.8 VDC 11.0 VDC
VARIAN M-113-R (O) 4.8 VDC 4.8 VDC 11.0 VDC
H. V. Ctrl. Bd. Function Test Point Adjust Voltage
SMALL O/C TP8 (+) R33 1.8 VDC
LARGE O/C TP9 (+) R32 6.0 VDC

Note The Varian tubes are identified by their labels on the cathode end of the
tube housing. Varian types 0 and 1 are labeled M113; Varian type -1A is
labeled M113-1A.

Table B-5: Filament Control Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP5 +20 V TP6 -20 V
TP13 +15 V TP14 OC FAULT (1V = 1A)
TP19 PGND TP20 -15 V
TP23 +25 V TP24 FIL I MON
TP31 FIL I MON TP32 12.5 V

Part Number MAN-01929 B-5

Service Manual
Appendix B—Technical References
Test Points

Table B-6: Generator Microprocessor Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP3 +5 V VCC TP4 4.75 k
TP5 4.75 k
Table B-7: Power Distribution Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP1 +525 V TP2 +22 V
TP3 +28 V TP4 +22 V
TP5 16 V/40 V TP6 12 V-C-Fused
TP7 32 V-A-Fused TP8 +20 V
TP9 -20 V TP10 +10 V
Table B-8: Mains Power Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP1 +24 V TP2 +24 V
TP3 Less than 5Ω resistance TP4 Less than 5Ω resistance
TP5 Less than 5Ω resistance TP6 Line Voltage
TP7 U1B Pin 8 “TR” TP8 GND
TP9 U1A Pin 5 “Q” TP10 U1A Pin 6 “TR”
TP11 U1B Pin 9 “Q”
Table B-9: Power Supply Interconnect Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP1 Phase Sense TP2 Rotor OK
TP3 Main Sense TP4 Vth
Table B-10: Host Microprocessor Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP8 TXD1 KJ1, 1 +8 VDC
KJ1, 3 +20 VDC KJ1, 5 -20 VDC
KJ10, 2 +8 RTN KJ10, 4 +20 RTN
U9, 3 +5 VDC U10, 3 +5 VDC
U11, 3 +5 VDC U12, 3 +5 VDC
U37, 3 +5 VDC

B-6 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix B—Technical References
Test Points

Table B-11: Motor/Lamp Control Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP9 PE7 TP10 T1 IN
TP11 R1 OUT TP12 OC4
TP19 SEL4 TP20 Tower Down
TP21 Tower Up TP22 Compression Release
TP23 Compression Down TP24 Compression Up
TP25 Collimator Lamp TP26 Rotate Right
TP27 Rotate Left TP28 Aux Rotation Limit Sw
TP29 Aux Rotation Limit Sw TP30 Aux Rotation Limit Sw
TP31 Aux Rotation Limit Sw TP32 Aux Tower Limit Sw
TP33 Aux Tower Limit Sw TP34 Lower Tower Limit Sw #
TP35 Top Tower Limit Sw # TP36 GND
TP37 Spare Pot TP38 Spare Pot
TP39 StereoLoc Pot TP40 Collimator Lamp
TP41 Collimator Lamp Ret TP42 C-arm Angle Pot
TP43 Compression Height TP44 Compression Force
TP45 VTA Force TP46 C-arm Torque
TP47 Comp Motor - TP48 Logic +5 V
TP49 Display +5 V TP50 +12 V
TP51 -12 V TP52 Comp Motor +
TP53 StereoLoc Input TP54 StereoLoc Input
TP55 StereoLoc/Limit Sw TP56 StereoLoc/Limit Sw
TP57 StereoLoc CMP Sw # TP58 StereoLoc Comp Sw
TP59 StereoLoc Center Sw # TP60 StereoLoc Adjust
TP61 Aux StereoLoc Inputs TP62 Aux StereoLoc Inputs
TP63 Aux StereoLoc Inputs TP64 Aux StereoLoc Inputs
TP65 Aux StereoLoc Inputs TP66 Aux StereoLoc Inputs
TP67 Aux StereoLoc Inputs TP68 Aux StereoLoc Inputs

Part Number MAN-01929 B-7

Service Manual
Appendix B—Technical References
Test Points

Table B-12: Rotor Control Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP1 Gate DRV C TP2 Gate DRV A
TP3 500 VDC TP4 Gate DRV B
TP5 +90 V TP6 +90 V RTN
TP7 +500 V RTN TP8 Brake XSR
TP17 RPM TP18 ISO +15 V DR
TP19 RAMP TP20 +5 V
TP21 GND TP22 +15 V
Table B-13: Filament Protect Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

Table B-14: Tubehead Microprocessor Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP42 R/W

B-8 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix B—Technical References
Test Points

Table B-15: Tubehead Motor Driver Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP33 +8 V P8 TP34 DGND
TP35 -20 V N20 TP36 AGND
TP37 +20 V P20 TP38 FLH

Table B-16: Compression/AEC Position Display Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP5 +12 V TP6 +5 V

Table B-17: Bucky Interface Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal


Part Number MAN-01929 B-9

Service Manual
Appendix B—Technical References
Test Points

Table B-18: Image Receptor Microprocessor Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP21 +8 V TP22 AGND
TP25 -20 V TP26 +20 V
Table B-19: Operator Console Microprocessor Board

Test Point Voltage/Signal Test Point Voltage/Signal

TP5 +12 V TP6 GND

B-10 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix B—Technical References

4.0 Fuses
This sections provides information regarding system fuses, their locations, and their ratings.

Warning: To prevent the risk of fire, replace with a fuse of the same rating and

4.1 Fuses—Operator Console

Figure B-1 shows the fuses in the Operator Console. These fuses are attached to the
components panel which is accessed by removing the front cover of the Operator Console.
Table B-20 provides each fuse rating and circuit.

Table B-20: Operator Console Fuse Matrix

Fuse Rating Circuit Part Number

F1 4 Amp, FB, 250 V Operator Microprocessor 1-070-1013
F2 2 Amp, FB, 250 V Operator Microprocessor 1-070-1011
F3 0.5 Amp, FB, 250 V Operator Microprocessor 1-070-1007
F4 0.5 Amp, FB, 250 V Operator Microprocessor 1-070-1007

Figure B-1: Console Fuses

Part Number MAN-01929 B-11

Service Manual
Appendix B—Technical References

4.2 Fuses—Gantry
This section provides information regarding system fuses in the Gantry. Table B-21 provides
rating, circuit and part information on the fuses.
Figure B-2 shows the AC fuses on the AC fuse board and AC fuse panel. The AC fuse board is
attached to the Gantry frame while the AC fuse panel is part of the Power Distribution Unit.
Both are accessed by opening the right side Gantry door.
Figure B-3 shows the DC fuses on the DC fuse panel. The DC fuse panel is part of the Power
Distribution Unit and is accessed by opening the left side Gantry door.

Table B-21: Gantry Fuses

Fuse Location Ref. Desig. Rating Part Number Circuit

Gantry AC Fuse Board F1, F2 10 Amp SB, 250 V 1-070-1275 +90 VDC
F3, F4 2 Amp SB, 250 V 1-070-1272 120 VAC (Console LVPS)
F5, F6 10 Amp SB, 250 V 1-070-1275 24 VAC (Motor Control)
F7, F8 10 Amp SB, 250 V 1-070-1275 +28 VDC
F9, F10 10 Amp SB, 250 V 1-070-1275 Filament
F11, F12 5 Amp SB, 250 V 1-070-1080 AEC/Bucky
F13, F14 4 Amp SB, 250 V 1-070-1079 +15 VDC
F15, F16 5 Amp SB, 250 V 1-070-1080 +10 VDC
Gantry AC Fuse Panel—Part of F17, F18 15 Amp FB, 600 V 1-070-1114 +525 VDC
Power Distribution Unit
F19, F20 30 Amp FB, 600 V 1-070-1119 +325 VDC
Gantry DC Fuse Panel—Part of F21 8 Amp FB, 600 V 1-070-1333 Rotor Rail
Power Distribution Unit
F22 25 Amp FB, 600 V 1-070-1332 Power Supply
F23 8 Amp SB, 250 V 1-070-1083 Rotor Rail
F24 5 Amp SB, 250 V 1-070-1080 Motor Driver
F25 8 Amp SB, 250 V 1-070-1083 Filament
Mains Power Board F1 1/32 Amp SB, 250 V 1-070-5019
F2 1/2 Amp SB, 250 V 1-070-1062
Power Supply Interconnect Board F1 1/10 Amp SB, 250 V 1-070-1053

B-12 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix B—Technical References

5.0 Jumpers

Figure B-3: Gantry DC Fuses

Figure B-2: Gantry AC Fuses

Table B-22 and Table B-23 provide information regarding circuit board jumper settings.

Note Jumper pins are numbered left-to-right for horizontal orientation, or top-to-
bottom for vertical orientation.

Part Number MAN-01929 B-13

Service Manual
Appendix B—Technical References

Table B-22: Circuit Board Jumper Settings

Circuit Board Jumper # Jumper Position

Host Microprocessor Board JP1 pins 1 and 2
Host Microprocessor Board JP2 pins 1 and 2
Motor/Lamp Control Board CJ32 pins 1 and 2
Motor/Lamp Control Board JP1 pins 1 and 2
Motor/Lamp Control Board JP2 open
Motor/Lamp Control Board JP3 open
Motor/Lamp Control Board JP4 open
Motor/Lamp Control Board JP5 pins 1 and 2
Motor/Lamp Control Board JP6 pins 1 and 2
Motor/Lamp Control Board JP7 pins 1 and 2
Motor/Lamp Control Board JP8 pins 1 and 2
Motor/Lamp Control Board JP9 pins 1 and 2
IR Microprocessor Board JP1 open
IR Microprocessor Board JP2 pins 1 and 2
VTA Motor Driver Board WJ8 pins 1 and 2
VTA Motor Driver Board WJ9 pins 1 and 2
VTA Motor Driver Board WJ10 pins 1 and 2
VTA Motor Driver Board WJ11 pins 1 and 2
VTA Motor Driver Board WJ15 pins 1 and 2
Rotor Control Board JP2 pins 1 and 2
Rotor Control Board JP1 pins 1 and 2
Power Distribution Board JP1 K2 pin 3 and K2 pin 5
Power Supply Interconnect Board J1 pins 1 and 2
Power Supply Interconnect Board J2 pins 1 and 2

Table B-23: Operator Console PCB Jumper Settings

Jumper Function Setting

JP6 Not Used N/A
JP7 AutoFilm ID Tones 1 and 2 = Hi
3 and 4 = Med
5 and 6 = Lo
JP8 RIS Serial Protocol 1 and 2 = 422
2 and 3 = 232
JP9 X-ray Tones 1 and 2 = Hi
3 and 4 = Med
5 and 6 = Lo

B-14 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix B—Technical References
Auto-Time Exposure Mode

6.0 Auto-Time Exposure Mode

Film Type, Density, Filter, Focal Spot, and kV are selectable. The system determines mA and
mAs after sampling the AEC detector prior to full exposure, and can use the full mA available
or choose from four reduced-mA settings (60%, 30%, 20%, or 10mA.) The starting mA may
be 100%, 60%, or 30% of the mA available at the selected kV or 10mA, based on
compression thickness. 10 mA is the minimum allowed value.

6.1 Auto-Time Exposure Mode—Theory of Operation

At the start of the exposure, the system reads Auto-Time
the Compression Thickness and then sets the
starting mA from a Lookup Table (LUT). (See Read Compression Thickness
Chapter 3, "Starting kV Lookup Tables for
Auto-kV and Auto-Filter," page 3-53.)
Read kV
A 50 ms pre-exposure (AEC Sample Pulse) Set mA from LUT

samples the AEC Detector and calculates

the mAs required to meet the calibrated film 50 ms Sample Pulse
Calculate full exposure
If the calculated mAs would result in an Increase mA
exposure time of greater than one second
(and if the starting tube current is less than Yes to both
the 100%), mA is increased to reduce the >1.2 sec and
<100% mA?
exposure time to less than one second. A
second AEC Sample Pulse may be initiated
to confirm the corrected mA calculation.
No to either
If the calculated mAs exceeds system
capability (less than minimum mAs or greater
than maximum mAs), the exposure is aborted
Calculated mAs
and an alert is displayed to the operator. within Limits?
Otherwise, the full exposure begins. No

When the exposure completes, the final

Abort exposure
mAs is displayed. Yes

Set mAs and expose

Part Number MAN-01929 B-15

Service Manual
Appendix B—Technical References
Auto-kV Exposure Mode

7.0 Auto-kV Exposure Mode

Film Type, Density, Filter, and Focal Spot are selectable. The system determines kV, mA, and
mAs after sampling the AEC detector prior to full exposure, and can use the full mA available
or choose from four reduced-mA settings (60%, 30%, 20%, or 10mA.) The starting mA may
be 100%, 60%, or 30% of the mA available at the selected kV or 10mA, based on
compression thickness. 10 mA is the minimum allowed value.

7.1 Auto-kV Exposure Mode—Theory of Operation

At the start of the exposure, the system Auto-kV
reads the Compression Thickness and then
sets the starting kV from a LUT. (See Read Compression Thickness
Chapter 3, "Starting kV Lookup Tables for
Auto-kV and Auto-Filter," page 3-53.)
Set kV from LUT
From the starting kV, the system sets the
starting mA from the LUT. (See “AEC Sample Read kV
Pulse mA Table,” page B-18. Set mA from LUT

The AEC Sample Pulse samples the AEC 50 ms Sample Pulse

Detector and calculates the mAs required to Calculate full exposure
meet the calibrated film density.
If the calculated mAs would result in an Increase mA

exposure time of greater than one second

(and if the starting tube current is less than Yes to both
>1.2 sec and
the 100%), mA is increased to reduce the <100% mA?

exposure time to less than one second. A

second AEC Sample Pulse may be initiated
to confirm the corrected mA calculation. No to either

If the calculated mAs is not within the Auto-

kV Window, kV is increased and mAs is re-
calculated. mAs within Auto-kV
If the re-calculated mAs exceeds system
capability (less than minimum mAs or greater Increase kV
than maximum mAs), the exposure is aborted
and an alert is displayed to the operator. 50 ms Sample Pulse
Otherwise, the full exposure begins. Calculate full exposure

When the exposure completes, the final kV Calculated mAs

and mAs are displayed. within Limits?

Abort exposure

Set mAs and expose

B-16 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix B—Technical References
Auto-Filter Exposure Mode

8.0 Auto-Filter Exposure Mode

Film Type, Density, and Focal Spot are selectable. The system determines Filter, kV, mA and
mAs after sampling the AEC detector prior to full exposure, and can use the full mA available
or choose from four reduced-mA settings (60%, 30%, 20%, or 10mA.) The starting mA may
be 100%, 60%, or 30% of the mA available at the selected kV or 10mA, based on
compression thickness. 10 mA is the minimum allowed value.

8.1 Auto-Filter Exposure Mode—Theory of Operation

At the start of the exposure, the system Auto-Filter
reads the Compression Thickness and then
sets the starting kV from a LUT. (See Read Compression Thickness
Chapter 3, "Starting kV Lookup Tables for
Auto-kV and Auto-Filter," page 3-53.)
Set kV from LUT
From the starting kV, the system sets the
starting mA from the LUT. See “AEC Sample Read kV
Pulse mA Table,” page B-18. Set mA from LUT

The AEC Sample Pulse samples the AEC 50 ms Sample Pulse

Detector and calculates the mAs required to Calculate full exposure
meet the calibrated film density.
If the calculated mAs would result in an Increase mA

exposure time of greater than one second

(and if the starting tube current is less than Yes to both
>1.2 sec and
the 100%), mA is increased to reduce the <100% mA?

exposure time to less than one second. A

second AEC Sample Pulse may be initiated
to confirm the corrected mA calculation. No to either

If the calculated mAs is not within the Auto-

Filter’s 200 mAs Window, kV is increased
and mAs is re-calculated. mAs within Auto-Filter
No 200 mAs Window?
If the re-calculated kV is higher than the
Rhodium Filter Threshold, the Rhodium Increase kV

Filter is selected.
If kV is > then Rh Filter
If the re-calculated mAs exceeds system Threshold, select Rh Filter
capability (less than minimum mAs or greater
than maximum mAs), the exposure is aborted 50 ms Sample Pulse
Calculate full exposure
and an alert is displayed to the operator.
Otherwise, the full exposure begins. Calculated mAs
within Limits?
When the exposure completes, the final No
Filter, kV, and mAs are displayed.
Abort exposure

Set mAs and expose

Part Number MAN-01929 B-17

Service Manual
Appendix B—Technical References
Auto-Filter Exposure Mode

8.2 AEC Sample Pulse mA Table

kV Range
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
0-1 cm
2 cm 10mA
3 cm
4 cm
5 cm 30% mA
6 cm
7 cm 60% mA
8-15 cm 100% mA

B-18 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Site Preferences Worksheet

Appendix C—Worksheets
1.0 Site Preferences Worksheet
1.1 Optical Density
Record the film types used at this site and the desired Optical Density for each in Table C-1.

Table C-1: Site Optical Density Requirements

Film Type Desired Optical Density

Film Types Used at Site

1.2 Dose Display

Table C-2: Additional Requirements

Parameter Requirement
Dose Display

1.3 Lookup Tables

Auto-kV and Auto-Filter modes utilize a lookup table to adjust kV based on compressed
breast thickness. Three lookup tables are provided to accommodate user preference.

Table C-3: Starting kV Lookup (TEC) Table Selection

Table Description Usage

TEC Table 0 (Low-Dose) Starts with a higher kV value, as ROW and Low Dose States
that tends to provide lower dose.
TEC Table 1 (High Starts with a lower kV value, as that U.S. Systems
Contrast) tends to provide greater contrast.
TEC Table 2 Starts with a median kV and Alternate Table (For US
(Conventional) increments 1 kV for every 2cm. Systems)

Using the information in Table C-3, determine the required TEC Table.
A higher Auto-Filter Threshold allows the unit to continue using the Moly filter when film-
contrast would suffer in Rhodium.
Record the required settings for this site in Table C-4.

Table C-4: TEC Table and Auto-Filter Threshold

TEC Table Switch kV

Part Number MAN-01929 C-1

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Default Worksheets

2.0 Default Worksheets

Use the Default Worksheets, Table C-5, Table C-6, page C-3, and Table C-7, page C-4, to
record the system defaults and the exposure techniques typically used by the customer.
Inquire as to the users preferences prior to making changes in the Setup Mode. This
worksheet also provides an area for recording label information (for example, Institution
name and Film Type, etc.).
Make copies of these sheets and place in the User Manual for use by the technicians.

2.1 Setup Mode Defaults

Table C-5: Setup Mode Default Worksheet

Data Field Available Choices
Pre-Compression Force 10% - 100% (15 lbs. - 30 lbs.)
Full Compression Force 10% - 100% (20 lbs. - 40 lbs.)
Compression Release Manual, Automatic
Collimator Manual, Automatic
Default Exposure Mode Manual, Auto-Time, Auto-kV, Auto Filter
Default Magnification Mode Manual, Auto-Time, Auto-kV
View Reminder On or Off
mAs Table 1 (coarse) or 2 (fine)
(manual & mag manual modes)
Printer On or Off
Auto ID Tube Side (black on white); Emulsion Side
(black on white)
Tube Side (white on black); Emulsion Side
(white on black)
Cassette Sense On or Off
Retain Patient Data 1 Day, 2 Days, 3 Days, 4 Days, 5 Days
Time On Flash Yes or No
Observation Rec Yes or No
Variable Speed Comparison 1% steps in range of 00% to 90%
Density Step 4%, 6%, 8%, 10%, 12.5%

C-2 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Default Worksheets

2.2 Additional Setup Mode Defaults

Table C-6: Additional Setup Mode Default Worksheet

Data Field Available Choices User Preference

Compression Force Units Newtons or lbs. (pounds)
RIS Attached or Not Attached
Film 1 1st Film Label
Film 2 2nd Film Label
Film 3 3rd Film Label
Flash Time 1 Flash Time for Film 1 (1 to 9999)
Flash Time 2 Flash Time for Film 2 (1 to 9999)
Flash Time 3 Flash Time for Film 3 (1 to 9999)
Date MM/DD/YYYY (USA Format)
DD/MM/YYYY (International Format)
Time HH:MM:AM/PM (12-Hour Format)
HH:MM (24-Hour Format)
Institution Up to 32 characters*

Address Up to 32 characters

Tech ID field cleared w/Clear Yes or No

Auto ID Contrast Contract Adjustment of Film Label (1
to 19)
Auto ID Offset Film Level Placement Adjust (0 to 7)
Daylight Saving Time Yes or No
Dose Display OFF, AGD, or AGD/ESD
*Last character denotes Unit Number.

Part Number MAN-01929 C-3

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Default Worksheets

2.3 Exposure Technique Defaults

Table C-7: Exposure Technique Default Worksheet

Technique Manual Auto-Time Auto-kV Auto Filter

Filter Molybdenum (Mo) Molybdenum Molybdenum (Mo) Not Selectable
(Mo) (default is Mo)
Rhodium Rhodium Rhodium
kV 20 - 35 kV (Mo) 20 - 35 kV (Mo) 25 - 26 kV (Mo)* 25 - 26 kV
28 - 39 kV (Rh) 28 - 39 kV (Rh) 28 kV (Rh)
mAs Table 1 (3 mAs - Not Selectable Not Selectable Not Selectable
500 mAs, 23 steps
Table 2 (3 mAs -
500 mAs, 59 steps)
Density Not Selectable -5 to 0 to +5 -5 to 0 to +5 -5 to 0 to +5
Spot Large Large Large Large
Small Small Small Small
Film Film Label 1 Film Label 1 Film Label 1 Film Label 1
Film Label 2 Film Label 2 Film Label 2 Film Label 2
Film Label 3 Film Label 3 Film Label 3 Film Label 3
Auto-kV Not Selectable Not Selectable 200 mAs
125 mAs 165 mAs
Window Auto
200 mAs Auto
38 mAs 50 mAs
60 mAs Auto
Technique Mag Manual Mag Auto-Time Mag Auto-kV
Filter Molybdenum (Mo) Molybdenum Molybdenum (Mo)
Rhodium (Mo) Rhodium
kV 20 - 35 kV (Mo) 20 - 35 kV (Mo) 25 - 26 kV (Mo)*
28 - 39 kV (Rh) 28 - 39 kV (Rh) 28 kV (Rh)
mAs Table 1 (3 mAs - Not Selectable Not Selectable
125 mAs, 17 steps)
Table 2 (3 mAs -
150 mAs, 41 steps
Density Not Selectable -5 to 0 to +5 -5 to 0 to +5
Spot Small Small Small
* In these instances, and when the system is operating with an HTC Bucky, the kV is 25 kV only.

C-4 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Additional Worksheets

Table C-7: Exposure Technique Default Worksheet

Technique Manual Auto-Time Auto-kV Auto Filter

Film Film Label 1 Film Label 1 Film Label 1
Film Label 2 Film Label 2 Film Label 2
Film Label 3 Film Label 3 Film Label 3
Auto-kV Not Selectable Not Selectable SMALL
Window 38 mAs 50 mAs
60 mAs Auto
* In these instances, and when the system is operating with an HTC Bucky, the kV is 25 kV only.

3.0 Additional Worksheets

Use the following worksheets in this appendix to record information as directed by the
procedures in this manual.
Make copies of these sheets and place in the User Manual for use by the technicians.

3.1 Automatic Exposure Control Calibration

Table C-8: Detector Gain Settings

Detector Gain
Film # Film Type Cassette Type Gain Voltage

Table C-9: AEC Curve Determination

Film 1
Thickness OD - AEC Curve A OD - AEC Curve B OD - AEC Curve C
4 cm
5 cm
6 cm

Film 2
Thickness OD - AEC Curve A OD - AEC Curve B OD - AEC Curve C
4 cm
5 cm
6 cm

Film 3

Part Number MAN-01929 C-5

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Additional Worksheets

Table C-9: AEC Curve Determination (Continued)

Thickness OD - AEC Curve A OD - AEC Curve B OD - AEC Curve C

4 cm
5 cm
6 cm

Table C-10: Selected AEC curves

Film # Film Type Selected AEC Curve


Table C-11: Site Optical Density Requirements

No. Film Type Desired Optical Density

Film Types Used at Site 1

Table C-12: Master Density Adjustment

28 kV, 6 cm BEM
100 mAs—200 mAs
Film # BEM Film Type mAs Optical Density MDEN#

C-6 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Additional Worksheets

Film Type 1 _____________________

Table C-13: Large Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration (First Step) Gain Calibration (Second Step) Offset Calibration (Third Step)
100 mAs – 200 mAs 50 mAs – 100 mAs 200 mAs – 400 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
22 3.0 2.0 4.0
23 3.5 2.5 4.5
24 3.5 3.0 4.5
25 4.0 3.0 5.0
26 4.5 3.5 5.5
27 5.0 4.0 6.0
28 5.5 4.5 6.5
29 6.0 5.0 7.0
30 6.0 5.0 7.5
31 7.0 5.5 8.0
32 7.0 6.0 8.0
33 7.5 6.5 8.5
34 7.5 6.5 8.5
35 8.0 7.0 9.0
* BEM value is a suggested starting point. Adjust BEM as needed to obtain the target Optical Density with
the required mAs range.

Table C-14: Large Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration (First Step) Gain Calibration (Second Step) Offset Calibration (Third Step)
100 mAs – 200 mAs 50 mAs – 100 mAs 200 mAs – 400 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
28 5.0 4.0 6.0
29 5.5 4.5 6.5
30 5.5 4.5 7.0
31 6.0 5.0 7.0
32 6.5 5.0 7.5
33 6.5 5.5 8.0
34 7.0 6.0 8.0
35 7.5 6.5 8.5

Part Number MAN-01929 C-7

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Additional Worksheets

Film Type 2 _____________________

Table C-15: Large Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration (First Step) Gain Calibration (Second Step) Offset Calibration (Third Step)
100 mAs – 200 mAs 50 mAs – 100 mAs 200 mAs – 400 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
22 3.0 2.0 4.0
23 3.5 2.5 4.5
24 3.5 3.0 4.5
25 4.0 3.0 5.0
26 4.5 3.5 5.5
27 5.0 4.0 6.0
28 5.5 4.5 6.5
29 6.0 5.0 7.0
30 6.0 5.0 7.5
31 7.0 5.5 8.0
32 7.0 6.0 8.0
33 7.5 6.5 8.5
34 7.5 6.5 8.5
35 8.0 7.0 9.0
* BEM value is a suggested starting point. Adjust BEM as needed to obtain the target Optical Density with
the required mAs range.

Table C-16: Large Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration (First Step) Gain Calibration (Second Step) Offset Calibration (Third Step)
100 mAs – 200 mAs 50 mAs – 100 mAs 200 mAs – 400 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
28 5.0 4.0 6.0
29 5.5 4.5 6.5
30 5.5 4.5 7.0
31 6.0 5.0 7.0
32 6.5 5.0 7.5
33 6.5 5.5 8.0
34 7.0 6.0 8.0
35 7.5 6.5 8.5

C-8 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Additional Worksheets

Film Type 3 _____________________

Table C-17: Large Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration (First Step) Gain Calibration (Second Step) Offset Calibration (Third Step)
100 mAs – 200 mAs 50 mAs – 100 mAs 200 mAs – 400 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
22 3.0 2.0 4.0
23 3.5 2.5 4.5
24 3.5 3.0 4.5
25 4.0 3.0 5.0
26 4.5 3.5 5.5
27 5.0 4.0 6.0
28 5.5 4.5 6.5
29 6.0 5.0 7.0
30 6.0 5.0 7.5
31 7.0 5.5 8.0
32 7.0 6.0 8.0
33 7.5 6.5 8.5
34 7.5 6.5 8.5
35 8.0 7.0 9.0
* BEM value is a suggested starting point. Adjust BEM as needed to obtain the target Optical Density with
the required mAs range.

Table C-18: Large Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration (First Step) Gain Calibration (Second Step) Offset Calibration (Third Step)
100 mAs – 200 mAs 50 mAs – 100 mAs 200 mAs – 400 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
28 5.0 4.0 6.0
29 5.5 4.5 6.5
30 5.5 4.5 7.0
31 6.0 5.0 7.0
32 6.5 5.0 7.5
33 6.5 5.5 8.0
34 7.0 6.0 8.0
35 7.5 6.5 8.5

Part Number MAN-01929 C-9

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Additional Worksheets

Table C-19: 60 mA AEC Reduced-mA Factor Calibration

28 kV, 5cm BEM

60 mAs—90 mAs
Film # BEM Film Type mAs Optical Density 60 mAF

Table C-20: 30 mA AEC Reduced-mA Factor Calibration

28 kV, 4 cm BEM
30 mAs—45 mAs
Film # BEM Film Type mAs Optical Density 30 mAF

Table C-21: 20 mA AEC Reduced-mA Factor Calibration

28 kV, 3cm BEM

20 mAs—30 mAs
Film # BEM Film Type mAs Optical Density 20mAF

Table C-22: 10 mA AEC Reduced-mA Factor Calibration

28 kV, 2 cm BEM
10 mAs—15 mAs
Film # BEM Film Type mAs Optical Density 10mAF

C-10 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Additional Worksheets

Table C-23: Large Film Factor Calibration

28 kV, 6cm BEM*

100 mAs—200 mAs
Film # BEM Film Type mAs Optical-Density LGf

Table C-24: Master Density Adjustment, Small Focal Spot

28 kV, 4cm BEM*

30 mAs—60 mAs
Film # BEM Film Type mAs Optical Density MDEN#

Part Number MAN-01929 C-11

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Additional Worksheets

Film Type 1 ___________________

Table C-25: Small Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration (First Step) Gain Calibration (Second Step) Offset Calibration (Third Step)
30 mAs – 60 mAs 15 mAs – 30 mAs 60 mAs – 120 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
22 2.0 1.0 3.0
23 2.5 1.5 3.5
24 3.0 2.0 4.0
25 3.5 2.5 4.5
26 3.5 3.0 4.5
27 4.0 3.0 5.0
28 4.5 3.5 5.5
29 5.0 4.0 6.0
30 5.5 4.5 6.5
31 6.0 5.0 7.0
32 6.0 5.0 7.5
33 7.5 6.5 8.5
34 7.5 6.5 8.5
35 8.0 7.0 9.0
* BEM value is a suggested starting point. Adjust BEM as needed to obtain the target Optical Density with
the required mAs range.

Table C-26: Small Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration (First Step) Gain Calibration (Second Step) Offset Calibration (Third Step)
30 mAs – 60 mAs 15 mAs – 30 mAs 60 mAs – 120 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
28 4.0 3.0 5.0
29 4.5 3.5 5.5
30 5.0 4.0 6.0
31 5.5 4.5 6.5
32 5.5 4.5 7.0
33 6.0 5.0 7.0
34 6.5 5.0 7.5
35 7.0 6.0 8.0

C-12 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Additional Worksheets

Film Type 2 ___________________

Table C-27: Small Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration (First Step) Gain Calibration (Second Step) Offset Calibration (Third Step)
30 mAs – 60 mAs 15 mAs – 30 mAs 60 mAs – 120 mAs
kV BEM mAs OD DEN BEM mAs OD Gain BEM mAs OD Offset
22 2.0 1.0 3.0
23 2.5 1.5 3.5
24 3.0 2.0 4.0
25 3.5 2.5 4.5
26 3.5 3.0 4.5
27 4.0 3.0 5.0
28 4.5 3.5 5.5
29 5.0 4.0 6.0
30 5.5 4.5 6.5
31 6.0 5.0 7.0
32 6.0 5.0 7.5
33 7.5 6.5 8.5
34 7.5 6.5 8.5
35 8.0 7.0 9.0
* BEM value is a suggested starting point. Adjust BEM as needed to obtain the target Optical Density
with the required mAs range.

Table C-28: Small Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration (First Step) Gain Calibration (Second Step) Offset Calibration (Third Step)
30 mAs – 60 mAs 15 mAs – 30 mAs 60 mAs – 120 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
28 4.0 3.0 5.0
29 4.5 3.5 5.5
30 5.0 4.0 6.0
31 5.5 4.5 6.5
32 5.5 4.5 7.0
33 6.0 5.0 7.0
34 6.5 5.0 7.5
35 7.0 6.0 8.0

Part Number MAN-01929 C-13

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Additional Worksheets

Film Type 3 ___________________

Table C-29: Small Focal Spot (Moly Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration (First Step) Gain Calibration (Second Step) Offset Calibration (Third Step)
30 mAs – 60 mAs 15 mAs – 30 mAs 60 mAs – 120 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
22 2.0 1.0 3.0
23 2.5 1.5 3.5
24 3.0 2.0 4.0
25 3.5 2.5 4.5
26 3.5 3.0 4.5
27 4.0 3.0 5.0
28 4.5 3.5 5.5
29 5.0 4.0 6.0
30 5.5 4.5 6.5
31 6.0 5.0 7.0
32 6.0 5.0 7.5
33 7.5 6.5 8.5
34 7.5 6.5 8.5
35 8.0 7.0 9.0
* BEM value is a suggested starting point. Adjust BEM as needed to obtain the target Optical Density with
the required mAs range.

Table C-30: Small Focal Spot (Rhodium Filter) AEC Calibration

Density Calibration (First Step) Gain Calibration (Second Step) Offset Calibration (Third Step)
30 mAs – 60 mAs 15 mAs – 30 mAs 60 mAs – 120 mAs
kV BEM* mAs OD DEN BEM* mAs OD Gain BEM* mAs OD Offset
28 4.0 3.0 5.0
29 4.5 3.5 5.5
30 5.0 4.0 6.0
31 5.5 4.5 6.5
32 5.5 4.5 7.0
33 6.0 5.0 7.0
34 6.5 5.0 7.5
35 7.0 6.0 8.0

C-14 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Additional Worksheets

Table C-31: Density Step Range Calculations

D± OD OD Δ Requirement
Full Range (OD+5 – OD-5) ≥ 1.00 - ≥1.50
-4 0.10 – 0.20

-3 0.10 – 0.20

-2 0.10 – 0.20

-1 0.10 – 0.20

0 0.10 – 0.20

+1 0.10 – 0.20

+2 0.10 – 0.20

+3 0.10 – 0.20

+4 0.10 – 0.20

+5 0.10 – 0.20
Constancy (OD ΔMax – OD ≤ 0.10

3.2 Half Value Layer Determination for Dose Display

Table C-32: HVL Testing

Molybdenum Rhodium
kV: 20 24 28 32 35 28 32 34 36 39
The data below is shown on the console screen after the HVL values are calculated.
Tube Out

Part Number MAN-01929 C-15

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Additional Worksheets

3.3 Half Value Layer Test

Table C-33: Beam Quality Semi-Log (Half Value Layer)

C-16 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Additional Worksheets

3.4 Reproducibility Worksheet

Table C-34: Reproducibility Worksheet
Complete this sheet for each mode of operation:
Manual Auto Time Auto kV Auto Filter

Auto Time Technique—25 kV, 4 cm BEM

Auto kV Technique—25 kV, 6 cm BEM
Final kV will be different from start
Auto Filter Technique—25 kV, 6 cm BEM Filter may change depending on AF level setting

Part Number MAN-01929 C-17

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Additional Worksheets

Table C-35: Linearity Worksheet

C-18 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Additional Worksheets

3.5 X-ray Field Adjustment - Small Focal Spot

Table C-36: X-ray Field Adjustment—Small Focal Spot

Host Display Selected Field Size Focal Spot Blade Adjustment Final Value
6 rr #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (light field)
6 lt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (light field)
6 rt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (light field)
6 ft #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (light field)
7 rr #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (light field)
7 lt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (light field)
7 rt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (light field)
7 ft #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (light field)
8 rr #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (light field)
8 lt #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (light field)
8 rt #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (light field)
8 ft #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (light field)
9 rr #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (light field)
9 lt #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (light field)
9 rt #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (light field)
9 ft #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (light field)
10 rr #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (light field)
10 lt #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (light field)
10 rt #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (light field)
10 ft #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (light field)
11 rr #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
11 lt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
11 rt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
11 ft #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)
12 rr #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
12 lt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
12 rt #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
12 ft #### 18 x 24 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)
13 rr #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
13 lt #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
13 rt #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
13 ft #### 15 x 15 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)
14 rr #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
14 lt #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
14 rt #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
14 ft #### 10 x 10 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)
15 rr #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Rear Blade (X-ray field)
15 lt #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Left Blade (X-ray field)
15 rt #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Right Blade (X-ray field)
15 ft #### 6 x 7.5 cm - Field Small Spot Front Blade (X-ray field)

Part Number MAN-01929 C-19

Service Manual
Appendix C—Worksheets
Additional Worksheets

3.6 Light Field Illuminance Test and Adjustment

Table C-37: Light Field Illuminance

Area A
light reading light field lamp on (A2) A2 = A2 lux =
background light field lamp off (A1) A1 = A1 lux =
difference (A2 lux-A1 lux) difference =
Area B
light reading light field lamp on (B2) B2 = B2 lux =
background light field lamp off (B1) B1 = B1 lux =
difference (B2 lux-B1 lux) difference =
Area C
light reading light field lamp on (C2) C2 = C2 lux =
background light field lamp off (C1) C1 = C1 lux =
difference (C2 lux-C1 lux) difference =
Area D
light reading light field lamp on (D2) D2 = D2 lux =
background light field lamp off (D1) D1 = D1 lux =
difference (D2 lux-D1 lux) difference =

3.7 Light Field Edge Contrast Test

Table C-38: Light Field Edge Contrast Test

Ambient light reading

Area A Area B Area C Area D
Inside = I1
Outside = I2
IA - I1 = D1
IA - I2 = D2
D1 - D2 = R
A contrast ratio of <4 is cause for rejection

3.8 Line Regulation Test

Table C-39: Line Regulation Test

VL =

%REG = ([VNL -VL] / VNL) x 100% <10% =

C-20 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix D—Parts List

Appendix D—Parts List

1.0 Introduction
This chapter of the manual provides tabular listings of the replacement parts for the M-IV
Mammography System. Part numbers and descriptions are provided for component

2.0 The Replacement Parts Lists

The replacement parts list is divided into two parts:
• Part Number: this is the order number for the part. The Service Department requires this
number when placing an order.
• Description: identifies the part by name.

Table D-1: Operator Console Replacement Parts

Part Number Description

ASY-03988 Assy, AutoFilm ID
ASY-01353 Assy, Display and Mount
PCB-00430 Assy, M-IV Operator Console PCB
1-003-0272 Assy, X-ray Switch (Left)
1-003-0278 Assy, X-ray Switch (Right)
1-451-5023 DC Power Supply
1-070-1007 Fuse 0.5A, 250V (F3, F4)
1-070-1011 Fuse 2A, FB (F2)
1-070-1013 Fuse 4A, 250V (F1)
1-092-0035 Keyboard, Operator Interface
9-400-0099 Kit, Mounting Shield and Display M4
9-400-0116 Kit, Sub-Assy Shield
MEL-00318 LCD Display
4-000-0008 X-ray Shield
9-200-0502 X-ray Switch w/Splash cover

Table D-2: C-arm Replacement Parts

Part Number Description

4-000-0139 Assy, AEC Detector
1-003-0348 Assy, AEC Detector Board
1-040-0809 Assy, Breast Tray Harness
4-000-0040 Assy, Collimator
1-003-0461 Assy, Compression Accessory Detect PCB
4-000-0120 Assy, Compression Cover, Lower
4-000-0266 Assy, Compression Cover, Upper

Part Number MAN-01929 D-1

Service Manual
Appendix D—Parts List
The Replacement Parts Lists

Table D-2: C-arm Replacement Parts (Continued)

Part Number Description

1-003-0466 Assy, Compression/AEC Position Display Left
1-003-0465 Assy, Compression/AEC Position Display Right
1-003-0289 Assy, Filament Protection Board
1-003-0302 Assy, Image Receptor Accessory Detect Board
1-003-0293 Assy, Image Receptor Microprocessor Board
4-000-0039 Assy, Mirror/Filter
1-003-0300 Assy, Tubehead Microprocessor Board
1-003-0474 Assy, Tubehead Motor Driver Board
4-000-0292 Assy, Tubehead Switch (Left)
4-000-0291 Assy, Tubehead Switch (Right)
2-100-0008 Ball Plunger for Paddle Detent
3-350-0010 Breast Tray AEC Window (Red Plastic)
1-003-0337 Bucky Interface Board
2-230-2006 Chain, Roller #25
3-680-0107 Compression Arm Left
3-680-0106 Compression Arm Right with Load Cell
2-200-0016 Fan, 24 VDC, 5.5 CFM (Collimator Assy)
2-200-0010 Fan, 24VDC (Tubehead Cooling)
2-320-0034 Gear Motor, 24 VDC (Compression Motor)
4-000-0141 Image Receptor
4-000-0109 IRSD Breast Tray Switch
9-200-0472 Kit, Compression Pot and Tool
9-400-0212 Kit, X-Ray Tube, Varian (M113R Elite)
9-400-0112 Kit, X-Ray Tube, Varian (M113R)
1-080-1008 Lamp Holder
1-080-0011 Lamp, Collimator - 24 V, 150 W
2-230-2001 Master Link #25 Chain
1-040-0812 MIS Serial Cable
1-195-3058 Pot WW 10T 5K Ohm (Rotation Pot, Compression Pot)
2-230-3006 Pulley, Timing Belt
3-441-0010 Rod, Bellows
2-155-0004 Slip Clutch, Compression Device
9-200-0464 Spring Wrap Replacement Kit
3-530-0013 Stud, Breast Tray (AEC Det Position Handle)
3-230-4002 Timing Belt (3/32 x 32 PIT)
4-000-0108 Wire Loc Cross Hair Assy.

D-2 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual
Appendix D—Parts List
The Replacement Parts Lists

Table D-3: Gantry Replacement Parts

Part Number Description

1-401-0135 40 Amp Bridge
1-401-0134 50 Amp Bridge
1-003-0347 Assy, ±15V Power Supply (StereoLoc II ready systems only)
1-003-0334 Assy, C-arm Microprocessor Board—For use with -0266
Host Bd. Rev 12 and under
1-003-0333 Assy, Filament Control Board
ASY-00576 Assy, Footswitch
4-000-0233 Assy, Footswitch Connector
1-003-0335 Assy, Gen. Microprocessor Board
4-000-0014 Assy, High Voltage Generator M-IV
1-003-0266 Assy, Host Microprocessor Board—Rev 13 requires removal
of the Existing 1-003-0334 C-arm Interface Board
1-003-0354 Assy, Mains Power Board
1-003-0288 Assy, Motor/Lamp Control Board
4-000-0207 Assy, Power Distribution
1-003-0341 Assy, Power Distribution Board
1-003-0330 Assy, Power Supply Interconnect Board
1-003-0301 Assy, Rotation Display Board
1-003-0336 Assy, Rotor Control Board
1-003-0303 Assy, VTA Motor Driver Board
9-200-0471 Cable Carrier Kit (C-arm Harness Upgrade)
1-070-0025 Circuit Breaker 25 A 250 V
1-700-0107 Emergency Off Switch
1-070-1062 Fuse 1/2A SB, 250V (F2) Mains Power Board
1-070-5019 Fuse 1/32A SB, 250V (F1) Mains Power Board
1-070-1114 Fuse 15A, 600V FB (F17, F18) Power Dist
1-070-1119 Fuse 30A, 600V FB (F19, F20) Power Dist
1-070-1333 Fuse, Fast-Acting 8A, 600V (F21) Power Dist
1-070-1332 Fuse, KLK-D25A, 600V (F22) Power Dist
1-070-1275 Fuse, SB, 10A 250V (F1, F2, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10)
1-070-1072 Fuse, SB, 2A, 250V (F3, F4)
1-070-1079 Fuse, SB, 4A, 250V (F13, F14)
1-070-1080 Fuse, SB, 5A, 250V (F11, F12, F15, F16, F24) Power Dist
1-070-1083 Fuse, SB, 8A, 250V (F23, F25) Power Dist
1-461-0027 KI-Power Relay
1-103-0119 Resistor 50 Amp 90 W (Soft Start)
1-461-0058 Solid State Relay
2-500-1020 St.St. Comp. Carriage Cover Screws

Part Number MAN-01929 D-3

Service Manual
Appendix D—Parts List
The Replacement Parts Lists

Table D-4: Miscellaneous Tools/Items

Part Number Description

2-580-0506 Adhesive Loctite 242, Blue
2-580-0207 Grease, Mobil XHP222SPCL
2-580-0203 Grease, Synthetic
3-425-3015 HV Test Cable to Divider
ASY-00717 Integrated Bucky Marker 18 x 24 cm
ASY-00718 Integrated Bucky Marker 24 x 30 cm
9-200-0426 Kit, M4 Poweraid Upgrade (mobile application only)
2-425-3020 Mammo View Markers
9-061-0106 Tool, 1/4 lb Belt Adjustment
3-405-8005 X-ray to Light Field Calibration Template
ASY-01724 Rotational Switch Assembly

Table D-5: Plastic Replacement for M-IV

Compression Paddles

Part Number Description

3-535-0012 7.5 cm Contact
3-535-0012 7.5 cm Mag Spot
FAB-00599 10 cm Contact
3-000-1528 10 cm Loc Open
3-000-4617 10 cm Loc Perforated
FAB-00753 10 cm Mag Spot
4-000-0144 15 cm Loc Open
3-535-0063 15 cm Perforated
3-535-0087 15 cm Ultrasound
ASY-00349 18 x 24 F.A.S.T. Screening
ASY-00365 18 x 24 Standard Screening
ASY-00350 24 x 30 F.A.S.T. Screening
ASY-00366 24 x 30 Standard Screening
4-000-0293 Frameless Spot
FAB-00611 Small Breast

Table D-6: M-IV Power Cables Parts List

Part Number Description Maximum Length

1-040-0777 Assy, Power cable 25 feet
1-040-1200 Assy, Power Cable (ROW) 19 feet
1-040-1235 Assy, Power Cable 15 feet
CBL-00794 Assy, Power Cable (China) 11.5 feet

D-4 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual

Symbols Bucky Device (Linear) Performance Test 8-29
Bucky Interface Board 6-23, B-9
+15 V Power Supply Board (StereoLoc II option only) button(hardware)
7-6 C-arm down 3-7
C-arm rotation 3-6
A C-arm up 3-7
Accuracy, Reproducibility, and Linearity A-8 collimator override 3-8
Additional Setup Mode Default Worksheet C-3 compression down 3-5, 3-9
Adjust Master Density for Large Focal Spot 3-35 compression release 3-5
AEC compression up 3-5
Detect Board 6-24 light field lamp 3-8
Worksheets C-5 on with compression down use 3-8
AEC Reduced-mA Factors C-10 C
Detector Gain Settings C-5
Large Focal Spot C-7 to C-9 Calculating Ground Impedance 2-15
Selected AEC Curves C-6 calibrated x-ray fields 3-8
Site Optical Density Requirements C-6 Calibration
Small Focal Spot C-12 to C-14 AEC 3-35
AEC Calibration 3-35 Exposure System 3-22
100 mA 3-36 Care and Cleaning
Large Film Offset 3-44 bucky markers 9-2
Master Density 3-45 keyboard 9-2
Multiple Film Types 3-51 C-arm
Reduced mA 3-42 Bellows Assemblies 6-14
Small Focal Spot 3-46 Components 6-3
AEC Curve Selection 3-33 Microprocessor Board 5-8
AEC Detector Gain Calibration 3-32 motor and motor brake, replacing 6-18
AEC Sample Pulse mA Table B-18 movement 3-7
AEC sensor Replacement Parts D-1
handle 3-9 Rotation Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly 5-12
position indicator display 3-9 Rotation Gear Assembly Inspection and
Alert Codes B-1 Lubrication 5-15
AutoFilm ID Assembly 4-8 Rotation Potentiometer 5-14
AutoFilm ID, Verify 3-57 Specifications A-3
Auto-Filter Exposure Mode B-17 Switch Interlocks,Verification 5-19
Auto-Filter kV Threshold, Setting 3-61 Vertical Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly 5-13
Auto-kV Exposure Mode B-16 C-arm movement
Automatic Exposure Control Calibration 3-22, C-20 locked out 3-6
Auto-Time Exposure Mode B-15 C-arm rotation 1-7, 3-6
disabled 3-6
B Certifiable Components 1-12
Backlight connector cable, TJ27 4-7 Circuit Breaker 7-6
Beam Limiting Assembly 6-2, 6-5 cleaning solutions 9-1
Bellows Assemblies, C-arm 6-14 avoid injury or equipment damage 9-1
Bellows frame 5-4 collimator override 3-8
Breast Tray Switch Assembly Compliance 1-10
remove 6-22 Tests 8-1
Bucky Device (HTC Grid) Performance Test 8-30 Compression

Part Number MAN-01929 I -1

Service Manual

Accessory Detect Board 6-15 MIS Interface Option 3-17

Verification 6-29 Pre-Compression Force 3-12
Chain Tension Adjustment 6-25 Printer 3-15
Clutch and Clutch Brake Assembly 6-15 Retain Patient Data 3-15
Components 6-12 Timing Windows / mAs Table 3-14
Device Covers 6-12 Variable Speed Compression 3-16
Motor and Motor Brake 6-18 View Reminder 3-14
Release Distance 3-60 Default Worksheets 3-12, C-2, C-5
Specifications A-4 Definitions -xxii
Thickness Potentiometer 6-13 Density Calibration, AEC 3-37
Calibration 6-27 Detect Board, AEC 6-24
Mechanical Adjustment 6-26 Detector Gain Calibration, AEC 3-32
compression display
brake 3-5, 3-9 AEC Sensor 3-9
compression controls clean, how to 9-2
button 3-8 Documentation Set -xxiv
buttons for up, down and release 3-5 dose calculation A-10
compression down button 3-5, 3-9 dose display A-10 to A-11
compression release button 3-5 Dose Display, Half Value Layer Determination 3-30
compression up button 3-5 Dose/ESD Display 3-16
compression down button Downloading Log Information 3-56
turns on light field lamp 3-5, 3-9
Compression Release E
disabled 1-7
Earth Terminal, Protective 2-7
compression release 3-5
automatic 3-5
Specifications A-2
button 3-5
Electrical Input Specifications A-2
disabled 3-5
Electrical Safety 1-7
Compression Release Distance, Setting 3-60
Emergency Off switch 7-5
Compression/AEC Position Display Board 6-14, B-9
locations 3-10
Configuring the Isolation Transformer 2-6
resetting 3-10
Entering Data 3-12
Remote X-ray On/Power On Indicator 2-7
Equipment and Tools 1-4
Console Display 4-7
Installation 2-9
Counter Reset 3-58
Console Display ribbon cable, TJ28 4-7
Mode Parameter Matrix 3-20
Contraindications -xxi
System Calibration 3-22
Controls and Functional Tests 3-5
Technique Default
Counter Reset, Exposure 3-58
Worksheet C-4
Curve Selection, AEC 3-33
Technique Defaults C-4
D Exposure Control A-9

Default Setting F
Auto ID 3-15
Filament Control Board 5-7, B-5
Cassette Sense 3-15
Over-Current / Over-Voltage Adjustment 5-16
Collimator Mode 3-13
filament control board 3-26
Compression Force Units 3-16
Filament Protect Board B-8
Compression Release Mode 3-13
Filament Protection Board 6-9
Exposure Mode 3-14
Final Operational Setup 2-17
Exposure Techniques 3-20
Final Set Up Tests 3-57
Magnification Mode 3-14

I -2 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual

Firmware HV generator assembly

Confirmation testing 10-5 mounting pate 5-5
Updating 10-1 replacing 5-5
Gantry 10-2 HV inverter
Image Receptor 10-3 board 5-5
Operator Console 10-4 Test Points B-4
Tubehead 10-5 HV Test Well 5-5
Footswitch(es), Installing 2-8
footswitches I
placement warning 1-5
Image Receptor
Front Cabinet Panel, Operator Console 4-3
Detect Board Verification 6-30
Functional Tests 2-15, 3-5
Microprocessor Board 6-23, B-10
G Support Device (IRSD) Covers 6-21
Support Device Interlock 1-8
Gain Calibration, AEC 3-38 Image Receptors A-8
Gantry Initial Startup 2-13
Circuit Board Locations 5-1 Input Power Configuration 2-6
Covers 5-3 Gantry 2-6
Frame Components Installation 2-5
Remove and Replace 5-11 Console Cable Cover 2-10
HV generator assembly 5-5 Console Display 2-9, 4-7
Input Power Configuration 2-6 Footswitch(es) 2-8
Mechanical Assembly Locations 5-2 MIS Interface (Optional) 2-16
Replacement Parts D-3 Operator Console 2-8
replacing Radiation Shield 2-12
C-arm motor and motor brake 6-18 Intended Use -xxi
timing belt 6-20 Interconnections 2-11
Securing in Position 2-5 Gantry to Operator Console 2-10
Uncrating 2-3 Interlocks 1-8
Gantry and C-arm Components 1-3 Automatic Compression Release 1-8
Gantry to Operator Console Interconnections 2-10 C-arm Movement 1-8
Generator Microprocessor Board 5-7, B-6 Cassette 1-8
Glossary -xxii Early Release 1-9
Ground Impedance, Calculating 2-15 IRSD 1-8
Mirror and Filter 1-9
H International Symbols -xxiv
Half Value Layer Compliance Test 8-3
Components 6-20
Half Value Layer Determination, Dose Display 3-30
interlock 1-8
High Voltage Generator A-7
Leakage Test 8-32
High Voltage Transformer 5-1
Isolation Integrity 1-5
Host Microprocessor Board 3-1, 5-9, B-6
isolation transformer 1-2, 2-6, 5-1, 7-7
Calibration Mode DIP Switch (S6) Settings 3-2
configuring 2-6
DIP Switch (S7) Settings 3-4
Isolation Transformer/Power Distribution Unit 7-7
Peripheral Monitor Ports 3-4
Push-buttons (S1, S2, S3, S5) 3-2 K
Rotary Switch (S4) Settings 3-3
Switch Settings 3-2 keyboard
Switches 3-1 how to clean 9-2
HV Control Board 5-5, B-4 kV /mA Range A-7
Over-Current/Over-Voltage Adjustment 5-16

Part Number MAN-01929 I -3

Service Manual

L how to clean 9-2

Installation 2-8
Light Field Keyboard 3-11
Alignment Test and Adjustment 8-21, 8-28 Operator Control Panel 4-3
Edge Contrast Test 8-28 Replacement Parts D-1
Illuminance Test and Adjustment 8-20 Uncrating 2-4
indication A-7 Operator Console PCB 4-9
Small Focal Spot, Adjustment 8-17 DIP Switch Settings 4-2
light field lamp Operator Radiation Shield 1-6
button 3-8 Optical Density (Users Preference) Verification 8-32
on when compression down used 3-5, 3-9
Line Regulation Test 3-22, C-20 P
Linearity Worksheet 8-9, C-18
Paddle Detect Circuit Calibration 6-29
Location of Labels 1-12
Replacement Parts D-4
Emergency Off switches 3-10
paddles A-5
Low Voltage Power Supply 4-11
Parts Identification 4-1
M Tubehead
Components 6-1
Mains Power Board 5-8, 7-4, B-6 Patient Face Shield 1-6
maintain and clean Potential Adverse Effects -xxi
display 9-2 Power Cable Connection
Integrated Bucky Markers 9-2 Connecting Power Cable 2-7
Operator Console 9-2 Power Distribution
maintain and clean system 9-1 Board 7-3, B-6
Manual Set -xxiv Components, Remove and replace 7-2
Master Density, Large Focal Spot 3-35 Maintenance 7-1
Maximum mAs in Auto-Time Mode Performance Test Power Supply Interconnect Board 7-4, B-6
8-31 Adjustment 7-8
Mechanical Safety 1-7 Pre-Startup Tests 2-13
MIS Interface (Optional),Install 2-16 Preventive Maintenance
Miscellaneous Tools/Items Gantry 5-15
Replacement Parts D-4 Product Complaints -xxi
M-IV Manual Set -xxiv Protective Earth Terminal 2-7, 2-11
M-IV Operator Console PCB 4-9
Motor/Lamp Control Board 5-10, B-7 Q
motorized C-arm movement, disabled 3-7
Quality Control -xxi
motorized compression
force 1-7 R
Multiplier Assembly 5-5
O Safety 1-6
Shield Installation 2-12
Observation Record 3-16
Shield Uncrating 2-4
Offset Calibration, AEC 3-38
Receiving and Unpacking Instructions 2-1 to 2-2
Operating Environment A-2
Reference Tables 3-53
Operational Parameters
Release Distance Setting, Compression 3-60
Setting 2-16
Remote X-ray On Indicator Configuration 2-13
Operator Console
Remote X-ray On/Power On Indicator
Components 1-1, 4-1
Connection 2-7
Display, Replacing 4-7
Remote X-ray On/Power On Indicators 1-9
Front Panel Covers 4-3

I -4 Part Number MAN-01929

Service Manual

Replacement Parts Compression Release Distance 3-60

C-arm D-1 Date 3-17
Gantry D-3 Daylight Savings Time 3-19
Miscellaneous Tool/Items D-4 Flash Time 1 3-17
Operator Console D-1 Flash Time 2 3-17
Paddles D-4 Flash Time 3 3-17
Replacement Parts Lists D-1 Force Load Cell 6-29
Replacing firmware 10-1 Institution Data Field 3-18
Reproducibility Operational Parameters 2-16
Worksheet 8-8, C-17 Serial Port 3-4, 3-56
Reproducibility and Linearity (Manual Mode) Test 8-6, System Defaults 3-11
C-17 Tech ID Cleared with Clear Key 3-18
Reproducibility Test Time 3-18
Auto-Filter Mode 8-12 Setting Compression Release Distance 3-60
Auto-kV Mode 8-11 Setting Defaults
Auto-Time Mode 8-10 Pre-Compression Force 3-12
Required Tools and Equipment 1-4 Setting RIS 3-19
required tools and equipment 2-1 Setup
Return System to Normal Operation 3-61 Computer Serial Port 3-56
Rhodium Switch kV Selection 3-51 Setup Mode Default Worksheet C-2
RIS 3-19 Setup Mode Defaults C-2, C-16
Timeout 3-19 Shield
Room Planning 2-1 Operator Radiation 1-6
Rotation Patient Face 1-6
Angle Calibration 5-17 shielding tests 8-1
Display Boards 5-10 Source Voltage, Verifying 2-6
Display Potentiometer 5-17 Starting kV Lookup Table Selection 3-51
Limit Switches 5-17 Starting the System 2-14
Memory 5-19 Storage Environment A-2
Potentiometer 5-14 Switch Interlock (Exposure) Test 5-19
Rotation Drive Motor and Gearbox Assembly 5-12 Switch Interlock (Startup) Test 5-19
Rotation Gear Assembly, Inspection, Lubrication 5-15 Switches and Connections 3-1
Rotational Switches Symbols, International -xxiv
Remove and Replace 5-11 System
Rotor Control Board 5-7, B-8 Description 1-1
Functional Test 8-29
S Performance 8-29
Tests 8-1
Safety 1-5
Startup 2-14
Electrical 1-7
System Defaults
Mechanical 1-7
Setting 3-11
Radiation 1-6
System Log Information 3-56
Safety Notes
Mechanical 1-7 T
Scout Shot Index Adjustment 3-45
Securing Gantry in Position 2-5 Terms and Definitions -xxii
Service Manual, Using -xxv Test Points B-3
Setting Tests
Address Data Field 3-18 Final Setup 3-57
Auto ID Contrast 3-19 Functional 2-15
Auto ID Offset 3-19 Tests, Adjustments, and Calibrations 6-25
Auto-Filter kV Threshold 3-61 Theory of Operation

Part Number MAN-01929 I -5

Service Manual

Auto-Filter Exposure Mode B-17 Master Density Adjustment C-6

Auto-kV Exposure Mode B-16 Reduced-mA Factors C-10
Time On Flash 3-16 Selected AEC Curves C-6
timing belt, replacing 6-20 Site Optical Density Requirements C-6
tools 2-1 Small Focal Spot C-12 to C-14
Tools and Equipment 1-4 Exposure Technique Default C-4
Training -xxi Setup Mode Default C-2
transformer Site Preferences C-1
high voltage 5-1
isolation 1-2, 2-6, 5-1, 7-7 X
Tube Bias Adjustment 3-23
tube current (ma) adjustment, x-ray system 3-26
Shielding Compliance 8-32
tube voltage (kV) adjustment, x-ray system 3-25
System Performance 8-3
System Tests 8-1
X-ray and Light Field
Remove and Replace Procedures 6-4
tests 8-1
Controller Board Cables 6-5
X-ray Collimation A-7
Cooling Fan 6-8
X-ray Field Adjustment
Covers 6-4
Large Focal Spot 8-13
Microprocessor and Tubehead Motor Driver Board
Large Focal Spot Matrix 8-16
Small Focal Spot 8-19, 8-23 to 8-24, C-19
Microprocessor Board B-8
x-ray system adjustments and calibrations
Motor Driver Board B-9
tube current (ma) adjustment 3-26
Switch Boards 6-10
tube voltage (kV) adjustment 3-25
Variables B-5
X-ray Tube 6-7
U Date Code Month Matrix 3-22
Tubehead Leakage Test 8-33
Uncrating X-ray Tube Housing A-6
Gantry 2-3 X-ray Tube Specifications A-6
Operator Console 2-4
Radiation Shield 2-4
Unit Measurements A-1
Unpacking Instructions 2-1, 2-3
Using the Service Manual -xxv

Verify AutoFilm ID 3-57
Verifying the Source Voltage 2-6
VTA Lead Screw Inspection and Lubrication 5-15
VTA Motor Driver Board 5-11

Warnings, Cautions, and Notes, Definitions -xxiii
Additional Setup Mode Default C-3
Density Step Range Calculation C-15
Detector Gain Settings C-5
HVL Testing C-15
Large Focal Spot C-7 to C-9

I -6 Part Number MAN-01929

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