Radiographic Testing Procedure

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Doc. No.: QP-8.2.

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Date: 04/11/2007 FERROMETALCO



1 For approval 04/11/07

0 For approval 01/09/2007

Q.C. Engineer Q.C Manager Q.A Head
DATE PREPARED BY Reviewed By Approved By
Doc. No.: QP-8.2.4B-EN2/775
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Date: 04/11/2007 FERROMETALCO


1.0 Scope

2.0 Purpose

3.0 Reference Documents

4.0 Definitions

5.0 Responsibilities

6.0 Safety Regulations

7.0 Procedure

8.0 Attachements.
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Date: 04/11/2007 FERROMETALCO


1.0 Scope

The European standard specifies fundamental techniques of radiography with the object
of enabling satisfactory and repeatable results to be obtained economically . the
techniques are based on generally recognized practice and fundamental theory of the
subject .
This standard applies to the radiographic examination of fusion welded joints in metalic
materials .
It applies to the joints of plates or pipes . besides its conventional meaning , “ pipe as
used in this standard should be understood to cover other cylindrical bodies such as
tubes , penstocks , boiler druns and pressure vessels .


This procedure defines the criteria and general requirements that shall be carried out
during the radiographic examination with the object of enabling satisfactory and repeatable
results to be obtained economicaly for welded joints up to 2.0 in. (50 mm) thickness .
This procedure is conforming to the requirements of EN Standard 1435.


EN 1435
EN 444
EN 462 – 1 PART 1
EN 462 – 2 PART 2 & 3
EN 462 – 4 PART 4
EN 473
EN 584 – 1 PART 1
EN 584 – 2 PART 2
EN 25580
EN 12517

4.0 Definations

:For the purpose of the standard, the following definition apply

4.1 Nominal thickness, t

The nominal thickness of the parent material only. Manufacturing tolerance do not be
.taken into account
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4.2 penetrated thickness, w

The thickness of material in direction of the radiation beam calculated on basis of the
.nominal thickness
Or multiple wall techniques the penetrated thickness is calculated from the nominal

Object-to-film distance, b 4.3

The distance between the radiation side of the test object and the film surface measured
along the central axis of the radiation beam

Source size, d 4.4

The size of the source radiation

Source-to-film distance ( SFD ) 4.5

The distance between the source of radiation and the film measured in direction of the

Source –to-object distance, f 4.6

The distance between the source of radiation and the source side of the test object
.measured along the central axis of the radiation beam

Diameter, De 4.7

The nominal external diameter of the pipe

Object-to-film distance, b 4.8

The distance between the radiation side of the test object and the film surface measured
along the central axis of the radiation beam

Source size, d 4.9

The size of the radiation source

Source-to-film distance ( SFD) 4.9

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The distance between the radiation source and the film measured in he direction of the

Source-to-object distance (SFD) 4.10

The distance between the radiation source side of the test object measured along the
central axis of the radiation beam

Diameter De 4.11

The nominal external diameter of the pipe

Responsibilites 5.0

The quality co-coordinator is responsible of the control of this procedure.

The operator is responsible for:
 The daily maintenance of the equipment.
 Returning equipment for time of calibration and/ or maintenance;
 The adhering to this procedure.

Safety Regulations 6.0

The NDE personnel have the responsibility to carry out radiographic inspection taking care
that the safety provision concerning transport, handling and storage of radioactivity
sources are strictly complied with.

7 Procedure


 The quality co-coordinator is responsible of the control of this procedure.

 The welding Inspector shall be responsible for conducting and reporting the results of
inspection in accordance with standard EN 5817and the Client’s specifications.
 Personel shall be qualified in accordance to EN-473


 radioisotope Iridium 192 or X-ray

7.2 Surface prepation and stage manufacturing

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In general, surface penetration is not necessary, but where surface imperfections or coatings
might cause difficulty in detecting defects, the surface shall be ground smooth or the coatings
shall be removed.
Unless otherwise specified radiography shall be carried out after the final stage of manufacture,
e.g. after grinding or heat treatment.

7.3 Idetnfication for radiographs

Symbols shall be affixed to each section of the object being radiographed. The images of these
symbols shall appear in the radiograph out side the region of interest where possible and shall
ensure unambiguous identification of the section.

7.4 Marking

Each film will be marked with lead letters, with the following information:
 Manufacturer’s name or logo (DSD, SGS)
 Job number.
 drawing or sketch or line number,
 weld identification number,
 stamp of welder,
 date.

7.5 Overlap of films

When radiographing an area with two or more separate films, the films shall overlap sufficiently
to ensure that the complete region of interest is radiographed. This shall be verified by a high
density marker on the surface of the object which will appear on each film.

7.6 Types and positions of Image Quality Indicators

 The quality of images shall be verified by use of IQI in accordance with EN 462-1 or EN 462-2.

 The IQI used shall be placed preferably on the source side of the test object at the centre of the
area of interest on the parent metal beside the weld. The IQI shall be in close contact with the
surface of the object.

 Its location shall be made in a section of uniform thickness characterized by a uniform optical
desity on the film.

 According to the IQI type used, two cases shall be considered :

When using a wire IQI the wires shall be directed perpendicular to the weld and its location
shall insure that at least 10 mm of the wire length will show in a section of uniform optical
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density, which is normally in the parent metal adjacent to the weld. At exposures in accordance
with 6.1.6 and 6.1.7 the IQI can be placed with the wires across to the pipe axis and they should
not be projected into the image of the weld.

7.6 Evaluation of Image Quality.

 The films shall be viewed in accordance with EN 25580.

From the examination of the image of the IQI on the radiograph, the number of the smallest
wire or hole which can be discerned is determined. The image of a wire is accepted if a
continuous length of at least 10 mm is clearly visible in a section of uniform optical density. In
the case of the step and hole type IQI, if there are two holes of the same diameter, both shall be
discemible, in order that the step be considered as visible.
The image quality obtained shall be indicated on the examination report of the radiographic
examination. In each case the type of indicator used shall be clearly stated, as shown on the IQI.

7.7 Minumum Image Quality values.

Table B.1 to Table B.12 in Annex B show the minimum quality values for ferrous material .

7.8 Finished Welded joints

Butt welds shall have complete joint penetration.

As welded surfaces are permitted;however , the surface of the welds shall be sufficiently
free from coarse ripples, grooves, overlaps , abrupt ridges and valleys to avoid stress
The surfaces of the finished weld shall be suitable to permit proper interpretation of
radiographic examination
If there is a question regarding the surface condition of the weld when interpreting a
radiographic film, the film shall be compared to the actual weld surface for determination of

7.10 Recommended techniques for marking radiographs

Normally radiographic techniques in accordance with 6.1.2 to 6.1.9 shall be used.

The elliptical technique (double wall/double image) in accordance with figure 11 should
not be used for external diameter De > 100 mm, wall thickness t > 8 mm and weld
width De/4. Two 90° displaced images are sufficient if t/De < 0,12. The distance
between two weld images shall be about one weld width.
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When it is difficult to carry out an elliptic examination at De ≤ 100 mm, the

perpendicular technique in accordance with 6.1.7 may be used (see figure 12) In this
case, three exposures 120° or 60° apart are required.

For test arrangements in accordance with figures 11,13 and 14, the inclination of the
beam shall be kept as small as possible and be such as to prevent superimposition of
the two images. The source to object distance, f, shall be kept as small as possible, in
accordance with 6.6. The IQI shall be placed close to the film with a lead letter "F".

Other radiographic techniques may be agreed by the contracting parties when it is

useful, e.g. for reasons like the geometry of the piece or differences in material
thickness. In 6.1.9 an example of such a case is presented. Multi film techniques shall
not be used to reduce exposure times on uniform sections.

7.11 Choice of tube voltage and radiation source

 X-Ray devices up to 500 kV

To maintain a good flaw sensitivity, the X-ray tube voltage should be as low as
possible. The maximum values of tube voltage versus thickness are given in figure 20.
As attached.

7.12 Film system and Screens

For radiographic examination film system classes shall be used in accordance with EN
For different radiation sources the minimum film system classes are
.Given in tables 2
When using metal screens good contact between film and screens is required . This may
.be achieved either by using vacuum – packed Films or by applying pressure
For different radiation sources , tables 2 show the recommended screens
Materials and thickness .Other screen thicknesses may be also agreed between the
. contracting Provided the required image quality is achieved

7.13 Alignment of beam

The beam of radition shall bedirected to the centre of the area being examined and
should be prependicular to the object surface at that Point .when it can be demonstrated
that certain imprefications are best revealed by a different alignment of the beam .in this
case .an approppriate alignment of the beam can be permitted.
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7.13 Interception of back scatterd radition

If necessary, the film shall be shielded from back scattered radiation By an adequate
thickness of lead at least 1 mm , or of tin at least 1.5 mm
. Placed behind the film-screen combination
The presence of back scattered radiation shall be checked for each new
Test arrangement by a lead letter B ( with a height of minimum
mm and a thickness of minimum 1.5 mm ) placed 10
Immediately behind each cassette . if the image of this symbol record as a lighter image
on the rodiograph , it shall be rejected. If the symbol is
Darker or invisible the radiograph is acceptable and demonstrates good
. Protection against scattered radiation

7.15 Source to object distance

The minimum source-to-object distance, f min. depends on the source

.Size d and on the object – to –film distance, b

The distance, f , shall , where practicable , be chosen so that the ratio of this distance to
the source size ,d,I,e. f/d, is not below the values given
: By the following equation

.For class A : f / d ≥ 7,5 b ⅔ )1(


For class B : f / d ≥ 15 b )2(

d is given in millimeter (mm)

If the distance b < 1.2 t, dimension b in equation (1) and (2) and figure
. shall be replaced by the nominal thickness , t 21
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For determination of the source –to-object distance, f min, the nomogram in figure 21 may
. be used
. The nomogram is based on equation (1) and (2)
In class A, if planar imperfection have to detected the minimum distance . f min, shall be
the same as class B in order the geometric
.Unsharpness by a factor of 2
In critical technical applications of crack – sensitive materials
.More sensitive radiographic techniques than class B shall be used

7.16 maximum area for a single expousure

The number of radiographs for a complete examination of flat welds ( see figure 1 and 15 )
and of curved welds with the radiation source arranged off –center ( see figure 2 and 4 , 8
to 16 ) should be specified in accordance with technical requirements .
The ratio of the penetrated thickness at the outer edge of an evaluated area of uniform
thickness to that at the center beam shall not be more than 1,1 for class B and 1,2 for
class A .
The densities resulting from any variation of penetrated thickness should not be lower than
those indicated in 6.8 and not higher than those allowed by the available illuminator ,
provided suitable masking is possible .

The size of the area to be examined includes the weld and the heat affected zones . in
general , about 10 mm of parent metal shall be examined on each side of the weld .

A recommendation for the number of radiograhs is indicated in annex A which gives an

acceptable examination of a circumferential butt weld

7.17 Density of radiograph.

Exposure conditions should be such that the minimum optical density of the radiograph in
.the area examined is greater than or equal to those given table 4

Table 4: Optical density the radiographs

Class Optical density

A )2 2.0 ≥
B )3 2.3 ≥
A measuring tolerance of ± 0.1 is permitted )1
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May be reduced by special agreement between the contracting parties to 1.5 )2

May be reduced by special agreement between the contracting parties to 2.1 )3

High optical densities can be used with advantage where the viewing light sufficiently
.bright in accordance with 6.10

In order to avoid unduly high fog densities arising from film ageing. Development or
temperature the fog density shall be checked periodically on a non-exposed sample taken
from the films being used, and handled and processed under the same conditions as the
actual radiograph. The fog density shall not exceed 0.3 fog density here is defined as total
.density ( emulsion and base ) of a processed, unexposed 4

When using multi-film technique with interpretation of single films the optical density of
.each films shall be in accordance with table 4

If double film viewing requested the optical density of one single film shall not be lower
than 1.3

7.18 Processing

Films are processed in accordance with the conditions recommended by the film and
chemical manufacture to obtain the selected film system class. Particular attention shall be
paid to temperature, developing time and washing time. The film processing shall
controlled regularly in accordance with EN 584-2. The radiographs should be free from
.defects due to processing or other causes which would interfere with interpretation

7.19 Film viewing conditions

The radiographs should be examined in darkened room on an area of the viewing screen
with an adjustable luminance in accordance with EN 25580. The viewing screen should
.be masked to the area of interest

7.20 Acceptance criterea

In accordance with applicable Code EN 5817and EN 12517 quality level depend the type
. of work
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7.21 Repairs

Welds showing unacceptable defects shall be repaired as prescribed by the relevant

Repairs shall normally be controlled with the same technique used for the first
radiographic inspection; "R" symbol by letter will be used for identification of said films

7.22 Examination Reports

For Each exposure, or set of exposures, an examination report shall be made giving
information on the radiographic technique used, and on any other special circumstances
which would allow a better understanding of the results.

8.0- Attachment
1. RT report. (sample)
2. table B.1 to b.12
3. Figure 1to 19
4. Figure 20
5. Table 2
6. Figure 21
7. Table 4
8. Figure A.1 to A.4

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