It 'S The Theory, Stupid: Herman Aguinis

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Organizational Psychology Review

It’s the Theory, Stupid © The Author(s) 2022
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DOI: 10.1177/20413866221080629
Herman Aguinis
Department of Management, The George Washington University

Matthew A. Cronin
Department of Management, George Mason University

To the complex question of “What is the number one issue on which we should focus as produ-
cers, evaluators, and consumers of research?” our simple and blunt answer is: It’s the theory, stupid.
Accordingly, we offer guidance on how to produce, test, and use theory by answering the follow-
ing questions: (1) Why is theory so critical and for whom? (2) What does a good theory look like?
(3) What does it mean to have too much or too many theories? (4) When don’t we need a the-
ory? (5) How does falsification work with theory? and (6) Is good theory compatible with current
publication pressures? Our answers are useful to current and future scholars and journal editors
and reviewers, as well as consumers of research including other researchers, organization decision
makers, and policy makers, and other stakeholders in the theory production and testing process
including deans and other university administrators.

In a 1992 interview, political strategist James the number one issue on which we should focus
Carville provided a simple answer to the very as producers, evaluators, and consumers of
complex question of what would win Bill research, our blunt answer is: It’s the theory, stupid.
Clinton’s US Presidential campaign: “It’s the In their seminal article “What theory is not,”
economy, stupid” (“It’s the Economy, Stupid,” Sutton and Staw (1995) wrote that,
2021). Extrapolating from Carville’s statement, “Unfortunately, the literature on theory building
we argue that the number one and most important can leave the reader more rather than less con-
reason why research is meaningful and makes a fused about how to write a paper that contains
useful and valuable contribution is theory. In strong theory” (p. 371). Further, they noted
other words, to the complex question of what is that the lack of consensus about what theory

Paper received 11 November 2021. Accepted January 28, 2022

Corresponding author:
Matthew A. Cronin, Department of Management, George Mason University, Virginia 22030, United States.
Email: [email protected]

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2 Organizational Psychology Review 0(0)

should be among journal editors and reviewers We hope our article can serve as a guide as we col-
meant that peer review is not very reliable lectively engage in developing management and
because different research evaluators and con- related disciplines into more rigorous and societally
sumers use their own idiosyncratic “conceptual relevant scientific fields.
tastes” to judge new theory. Our view is that, 30
years later, the level of confusion has abated
very little, and the focus of the debate seems Why is theory so critical and for
to have shifted to how much theory to have whom?
(Antonakis, 2017; Hambrick, 2007; Miller,
2007; Pillutla & Thau, 2013), or what to theor- Most journals expect that their articles make a
ize about (Barney, 2018; Makadok et al., 2018; contribution to theory. Reviewers evaluate contri-
bution to theory, and this weighs heavily in
Mathieu, 2016; Wright, 2017), rather than why
theory is necessary and useful. Yet precisely editors’ decisions about a paper’s publication
why theory is so important and how good deservingness. Thus, a manuscript that does not
contribute to theory is unlikely to be published.
theory comes about are questions that are asked
over and over again by producers of research Yet why theory is so important becomes a
(i.e., current and future scholars), evaluators of tautology when it is reduced to “because that
is what makes a contribution worth publishing.”
research (e.g., journal editors and reviewers), and
consumers of research (e.g., other researchers, Perhaps worse, the impetus for a theoretical
organization decision makers, policy makers). contribution often makes authors generate
theory for theory’s sake, which winds up clog-
Our goal is to answer the following six ques-
tions about theory and its role: (1) Why is ging our science with inconsistent theories of
theory so critical and for whom? (2) what questionable validity (Aguinis & Vandenberg,
2014; Antonakis, 2017; Ferris et al., 2012;
does a good theory look like? (3) what does it
mean to have too much or too many theories? Rynes, 2002; Tourish, 2019; Van de Ven,
(4) when don’t we need a theory? (5) how 1989). This state of affairs has prompted some
to claim we are too enamoured with theory
does falsification work with theory? and (6) is
good theory compatible with current publica- and to advocate more emphasis on data
tion pressures? As a preview, Table 1 includes (Antonakis, 2017; Bamberger & Ang, 2016;
Kim et al., 2018; Pillutla & Thau, 2013), or to
a summary of our answers.
We anticipate that these questions will be even question how much theory is needed at
familiar to most readers because we’ve all all (Hambrick, 2007; Miller, 2007). These writ-
ings reveal an ongoing debate about the critical-
heard them in their exact or rephrased versions
at presentations and workshops at professional ity (or lack thereof) of theory in management
meetings. Similarly, we have heard, and read, and other fields (Cronin et al., 2021).
In our view, theory is essentially just a fancy
these recurring questions in our combined
experience of about 50 years as editors, associ- word for, “Do we understand what’s going on?”
ate editors, and special-issue editors for several But, how we use this understanding depends on
whether you are a manager, researcher, student,
journals (e.g., Academy of Management Review,
Academy of Management Annals, Journal of or policy makers.
Management, Annual Review of Organizational
Psychology and Organizational Behavior, Organi-
zational Psychology Review, Organizational Criticality of theory for managers
Research Methods, Personnel Psychology, Managers wish to use theory to identify actions
Journal of World Business, International Journal that effectively influence (i.e., improve) a situ-
of Management Reviews, Business Horizons, and ation and produce a desired outcome. For
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research). example, take the manager who notices high
Aguinis and Cronin 3

Table 1. Summary of questions and answers about theory.

Questions Answers
Why is theory so critical and for • Theory is essentially just a fancy word for “Do we understand
whom? what’s going on?”
• Managers need useful and usable theory to identify actions that
effectively influence (i.e., improve) a situation and produce a
desired outcome.
• Researchers use theory to clarify what is known and what needs
to be learned from future research.
• Students use theories to understand how to think about
organizational problems in more accurate ways.
• Policy makers use theory to determine policy that is most likely
to have the desired effects, as well as the boundary conditions of
a policy’s effectiveness.
• Overall, theory is critical because it provides a credible and
useful basis for understanding whatever it is we are trying to
manage (i.e., improve), understand (i.e., study), or govern.
What does a good theory look like? • A good theory does not just provide an explanation; it should be
the most accurate explanation given our knowledge at the time,
thereby explaining what, how, and why something happens.
• Good theory makes correct predictions about a phenomenon
by uncovering unrecognized causal relationships, enriching
known ones, and discounting spurious ones.
• Theories are unit (i.e., explaining the causal relation between
specific concepts), or programmatic (i.e., addressing what is
known more broadly about a topic).
• A good unit theory explains and predicts empirical patterns by
providing the causal logic for how and why variables relate to
each other and explains a practically significant amount of
variance in outcomes of interest.
• A good unit theory also integrates its specific explanations and
predictions with what is known more broadly about a
phenomenon (i.e., the programmatic theory).
• A good programmatic theory aligns the claims of the unit
theories that constitute it, and thus clarifies the plausibility and
importance of any new unit theory.
• New theories are by definition provisional until empirically
What does it mean to have too much • It can feel like we have too much or too many theories when we
or too many theories? cannot make sense of a phenomenon because the theories that
attempt to explain lack parsimony, coherence, and/or do not fit
• Parsimony is not simply amount, it more about the coherence
(i.e., the structure both within and among unit theories) and
suggests that the simplest explanation is the best.
• Coherence clarifies when theoretical explanations are in
competition with each other and thus can be tested to see which
is best.
• Coherence does not mean that any new theory agrees with the
established programmatic theory; it means that if a new theory

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Table 1. (continued)

Questions Answers
challenges some aspect of programmatic theory, the points of
contention are clear and testable.
• To judge the need for a new unit theory, determine how the
new unit theory fits with the existing ones.
When don’t we need a theory? • One way to understand whether a new theory is needed is to
answer the “so what?” question from multiple perspectives.
• From the perspective of managers, the “so what?” would be,
“Do results improve some problematic situation?”
• Another way to answer the “so what” question is to understand
whether a new theory would improve predictive accuracy.
• Yet another way to answer the “so what?” question relates to
the value of the predictions.
• We must balance our need for demonstrable utility of an
explanation and predictions with the knowledge that such utility
may not be fully realized for some time.
How does falsification work with • Falsification is the process of eliminating plausible alternative
theory? explanations to reveal what remains as the best explanation.
• Our theory is a fence around the truth, and every time we
collect more data, the fence gets smaller and smaller and smaller
and closer to the truth, which we never get to, but with
falsification over time we get closer and closer to that truth.
• Falsification is not the same as failed confirmation, which often
does not enlighten what is wrong with the theory.
• Falsification eliminates alternative explanations, and when these
are guided by programmatic theory it maintains the coherence
of the programmatic theory.
Is good theory compatible with current • Scientific knowledge emerges from the confluence of theory and
publication pressures? empirical work across many studies, not from within a single
study (no matter in which journal is has been published).
• Only counting “A” publications discounts the vast majority of
published science, and incentivizes short-term personal interests
over long-term scientific ones.
• Focusing only on “A” publications is contaminating how we
educate future researchers.
• Deans must do more than focus not just on short-term research
outcomes, but also long-term processes.
• Changing the publication norms is going to require participation
from everyone—from deans and other administrators, to the
faculty and students, and to external stakeholders including
alumni and donors interested in the long-term sustainability of
their Alma Maters.
• Reviewers play a critical role in the both the changing of
publication norms and the development of theory building skills.
• Improving the transparency and replicability of the publication
process will also improve the development and production of
• Getting away from the obsession with A publications is not the
dean’s problem, and it is not the Financial Times’ problem—it is
our problem.
Aguinis and Cronin 5

dysfunctional turnover (i.e., voluntary departure traits are related to dysfunctional turnover?
of high-performing employees). This manager Are there states (e.g., job dissatisfaction,
seeks a theory that illuminates factors having uninteresting work) that may also be related to
direct and reliable causal effects. So, the dysfunctional turnover? In sum, to the
theory should explain the factors most likely researcher, theory is critical because it clarifies
to be causing the high-performing employees what is known and illuminates what needs to
to leave. A validated theory on dysfunctional be learned from future research.
turnover would provide knowledge on factors
that the organization could potentially influ-
ence, and how those actions might reduce turn- Criticality of theory for students
over and to what extent. This knowledge would Students, whether they are undergraduates,
be useful. Yet, theories are critical for managers MBAs, or those enrolled in executive education
because they are not only useful, but also courses, are expected to parse complex organ-
usable. This means that the insights a theory izational problems. Theories are critical
provides include information on factors that because they help students understand how to
affect dysfunctional turnover—and these are think about organizational problems in more
factors that the manager can actually influence accurate ways. Theories should encompass col-
(Cronin et al., 2021). A theory that posits that lections of validated findings that are woven
dysfunctional turnover is caused by some into credible explanations for how and why
fixed and mostly inherited trait such as employ- organizational phenomena operate. Thus, they
ees’ personality (i.e., something a manager provide the frameworks for thinking about busi-
cannot change) is less usable than a theory ness problems. For instance, many undergradu-
that posits that dysfunctional turnover is ates may not realize how or why turnover
caused by a poorly-implemented performance happens, or the processes involved; theories
management and compensation system (i.e., are useful because they put these components
something a manager can change). Finally, together into a coherent and valid framework
while a useful theory on traits and dysfunctional that students can use do diagnose and respond
turnover may not be immediately usable for to specific instances of turnover. While experi-
managers, it may inform other theories that enced executives may know all too well that
might, such as theories on pre-employment dysfunctional turnover is expensive, they
selection. For example, potential employers might not know how it actually happens or the
wishing to reduce future dysfunctional turnover extent of the problems it triggers, such as the
would measure the personality of job applicants departure of more high-performing employees
and make employment decisions in part based in the near future.
on the resulting scores.
Criticality of theory for policy makers
Criticality of theory for researchers Finally, theories are also critical for yet another
Theories are obviously critical for researchers, stakeholder group that, unfortunately, is over-
but their needs and goals regarding theory are looked in most management theory: policy
not necessarily the same as managers’. Using makers (Aguinis et al., 2021). Many policies
the same example, a theory relating personality and laws relate to theories on employee well-
to dysfunctional turnover is useful for research- being and performance, leadership behaviour,
ers if it improves their understanding of dys- and firm structure and financial performance,
functional turnover. It is even more useful if it among several highly relevant topics. So,
leads to future research on the concept of dys- there are many theories in management that
functional turnover. For example, what other are critical for policy makers because they
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address “governance principles that guide Explanation

courses of action and behaviour in organiza-
A good theory does not just provide an explan-
tions and societies” (Aguinis et al., 2021,
ation; it should be the most accurate explanation
p. 4). We emphasize that implications for
given our knowledge at the time. Such explana-
policy making are not the same as implications
tions not only describe causes and effects, but
for practice, which are “explicit statements that
also orient us to the nature of the phenomenon.
the findings suggested the value of implement-
So, if you seek to explain why skilled employees
ing some type of activity or practice”
tend to be employed for shorter durations than
(Bartunek & Rynes, 2010, p. 102). Yet when
unskilled ones, a good theory explains why higher
it comes to writing policy that is most likely
skills cause people to switch jobs, as well as link
to have the desired effects, as well as highlight-
these explanations to what is established more gen-
ing the boundary conditions about the limits of
erally about turnover in its numerous manifestations
a policy’s effectiveness, a good theory will
(Lee et al., 2017). In other words, good theory is
provide clarity and credibility to both issues.
not merely explaining what happens but how
In closing, theory is critical because it pro-
and why something happens (Bacharach, 1989;
vides the basis for understanding whatever it
Sutton & Staw, 1995; Whetten, 1989), which is
is we are trying to manage (i.e., improve),
why good theories include the word “because.”
understand (i.e., study), or govern (Bacharach,
1989; Whetten, 1989). Our goal as researchers
is to understand organizations, to understand Prediction
the function of organizations, and to understand
why individuals do certain things. We then It is not enough to make predictions that are
teach these theories to students who will relatively obvious extensions of what is
become managers and possibly policy makers, known to be true such as: people who do not
who can in turn make better choices and pol- like their jobs are more likely to seek greener
icies for how organizations will run. Armed pastures if they have alternatives. Good theory
with theory, managers that notice high dysfunc- makes predictions about a phenomenon by
tional turnover in a unit within their firm are uncovering unrecognized causal relationships,
better equipped to diagnose and fix the enriching known ones, and discounting spuri-
problem. Such a theory comes from researchers, ous ones (Cortina, 2016; Mathieu, 2016). In
is taught to students, and can inform policy. all of these cases, the insights must be demon-
While each role may use theory differently, they strably correct, for accurate correspondence to
all use theory for what it is: a credible and reality is what distinguishes a good versus
useful explanation what is going on. simply a potentially good theory – one whose
predictions might prove correct.

Good unit and good programmatic theory

What does a good theory look
Understanding what is good theory and what is
like? not also involves making a critical distinction
A theory should provide an explanation for why between unit theory and programmatic theory.
something has happened, and also should allow Most of the theories that researchers produce
us to predict what will happen. In addition, we and publish are unit theories (Cronin et al.,
need to make the important distinction between 2021; Wagner & Berger, 1985). A unit theory
good unit theory and good programmatic theory, explains the causal relation between specific
as well as what is a good theory versus a potentially concepts; in our example, unit theory helps
good theory. We discuss each of these issues next. understand the relation between skills and job
Aguinis and Cronin 7

transitions. Unit theories are therefore essential explained how when poor-performing employees
for explaining and predicting empirical patterns leave, it benefits organizations. Functional turn-
(Colquitt & Zapata-Phelan, 2007), for they over could be compared to dysfunctional turn-
provide the causal logic for how and why vari- over, which is when high-performing employees
ables relate to each other. For instance, to say leave. Thus, both types of turnover could be inte-
that higher skills predict greater turnover grated into the programmatic theory on turnover.
because higher-skilled employees feel they have Programmatic theory aligns the claims of the
better options offers a feasible and testable ration- unit theories that constitute it, and thus bears
ale that, if it is supported, provides a means to strongly on the plausibility and importance of
prevent the departure of skilled employees. any new unit theory. Continuing with our
Without the “because,” if we just found skills example, for functional turnover to be a plaus-
are associated with turnover, we could know ible concept, researchers would need to
neither what questions to ask nor what steps to explain how and why turnover benefits could
take to fix this organizational problem. outweigh its established costs. Even if the
Yet a unit theory’s strength also depends on theory of functional turnover were empirically
its relationship with what is known more broadly validated, without clear connection to the pro-
about a phenomenon – the programmatic theory grammatic theory on turnover, it would be
(Cronin et al., 2021; Wagner & Berger, 1985). hard to understand what was incorrect about
Clear and coherent programmatic theory emerges all the prior work on turnover that established
from what Lakatos (1976) called progressive it as harmful to organizations. This is why in
research programs, and is described as “the addition to being testable, a good unit theory
context of interrelated theories within which needs to be coherent with (i.e., understandable
unit theoretical work occurs” (Wagner & in light of) currently accepted programmatic
Berger, 1985, p. 704). Programmatic theory theory. To use Huff’s (2008) research conversa-
comprises the settled science with respect to a tion metaphor, the meaning and value of any
domain or topic more broadly –in our running new sentence (unit theory) depends on what
example, programmatic theory would encom- those in the current conversation are thinking
pass what is known about turnover more gener- (programmatic theory) at the time of its utter-
ally. So, unit theories would integrate into a ance; sentences that do not relate to what else
body of programmatic theory. has been said do not add much to the conversa-
For example, imagine that someone seeking to tion. Sentences that bring up disconnected issues
discover some novel insight proposed a theory or contradict others only create confusion.
that turnover was actually good and should be Finally, programmatic theory is also how we
encouraged. Such a unit theory could certainly ultimately judge the theoretical contribution of any
make an impact but only if it was well argued stream of research – does it advance the settled
with respect to what else has been shown with science on a topic and allow us to make new
respect to turnover. Turnover has been established claims that have a high likelihood of being true?
to be costly and problematic for organizations, Thus, much in the same way a good unit theory
and so theorizing that it is actually good could clarifies the appropriateness of the methods used
only be taken seriously if it found a way to to test it, a good unit theory will also clarify how
either discount or subvert the other (tested) unit it relates to other unit theories within a program-
theories that showed turnover to be bad matic theory (Cronin et al., 2021).
(Abelson & Baysinger, 1984; Park et al., 1994).
This is precisely what occurred in the program-
matic theory on turnover when “functional turn- Good theory versus potentially good theory
over” was defined, differentiated and tested. We emphasize that a proposed unit theory as
Functional turnover was a unit theory that described in articles published regularly in
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journals such as Organizational Psychology .10 is a small and therefore a trivial effect
Review and Academy of Management Review whereas a correlation of .50 is large and there-
is not necessarily good (yet) and just speculative fore a very important effect). For while many
until it is tested empirically; this is where the researchers laud large and lament small effect
conceptual rubber meets the empirical road sizes, the importance of that number is context-
(Cortina, 2016). New theories are by definition ual. To dismiss the finding that taking aspirin
provisional, and so the proof comes from con- reduces the chance of a heart attack simply
necting theory to data. But testability is actually because the R2 is a small value of .0011 would
a two-way street, for as much as the empirical be foolhardy given the significance of heart
testing determines whether a theory is accurate, attacks and the relative ease of taking aspirin
the theory itself determines what types of (Rosenthal, 1990). Analogously, demonstrating
empirical tests and evidence might be most that a manager saying “how are you?” once
appropriate. Continuing with our example, if per day to their employees decreases turnover
the theory is that higher skills → employment by .1% would be useful from a practical signifi-
options → decision to leave the organization, cance standpoint given the cost/benefit ratio.
then we know that a test requires that research The practical significance of effect size
participants are aware of their skill level and depends on its context, so the usefulness of a
there needs to be sufficient variability regarding theory cannot be evaluated by effect size alone.
employment options. Without a clear theory,
the match between theory and method is diffi-
cult or impossible to judge. What does it mean to have too
Thus, to produce good unit theory, we need to much theory or too many
remember that an ounce of theoretical preven-
tion is worth a pound of methodological cure
(cf. Aguinis & Vandenberg, 2014). The vast While we never really know “too much” about a
majority of papers that are rejected from journals topic, it can sometimes feel like we have too
suffer this fate because the methodology does not much or too many theories. This happens
provide a valid test of the theory. When the mea- when we cannot make sense of a phenomenon
sures have weak links to the theoretical argu- because the theories that attempt to explain it
ment, the design is inappropriate to the lack parsimony, coherence, or both. Explaining
theoretical argument, or the hypotheses and Y using a multitude of factors (X1, X2, X3, X4,
research questions do not allow clear disconfirm- and X5) is not really a problem if we can tell
ation of what is false, there is a flaw that will how each factor works separately, and how
prevent actually testing whether theory is valid they all work together. There is trouble when
or not. we cannot tell which factor is at work, or if the
In addition, good unit theories are precise and factors provide contradictory predictions that
explain a practically significant amount of vari- cannot be adjudicated. Can the user understand
ance in outcomes of interest. Practical signifi- how to apply the theory or is it unwieldy (i.e.,
cance is what we typically think of as being too much)? Can the user discern clear predic-
related to effect size in empirical work; the tions or are there multiple possibilities (i.e., too
effect size typically calibrates the importance many)? One theory that proposes a four-way
of a theory (Bosco et al., 2015; Edwards & interaction that is mediated by three intervening
Christian, 2014). Yet practical significance variables is probably too much; two theories that
must also relate to the context for the theory explain Y in irreconcilable ways is one too
user (Aguinis et al., 2010) – which is not dis- many. Next, we discuss three criteria to more
cernable merely by some fixed and often arbi- clearly understand whether we have too much
trary effect-size standard (e.g., a correlation of or too many theories: lack of parsimony, lack
Aguinis and Cronin 9

of coherence, and lack of fit of unit into pro- measure potential and kinetic energy, or the
grammatic theory. Hamiltonian approach that makes different
assumptions about the space in which the
motion is occurring. Each unit theory uses dif-
Lack of parsimony ferent constructs, but those constructs make it
Too much theory and too many theories actu- clear when each theory is appropriately
ally speak to a common underlying problem, applied, and all three are entirely consistent in
which is the lack of parsimony. Parsimony is the programmatic theory on motion; in fact,
typically thought of using Occam’s razor – the you can derive each unit theory from the others.
simplest explanation is the best. Complicated As a management example of coherence
and convoluted explanations are overwhelming within and across unit theories, consider the
and can easily feel like “too much.” Even if programmatic theory on group brainstorming.
explanations are not complicated, multiple There are three specific unit theories that col-
explanations for the same thing give the lectively explain exactly why brainstorming in
feeling that there are “too many” theories. A a group degrades the brainstorming process.
modern objection is that parsimony impinges Groups create (a) the capacity for social
on nuance, and marginalizes certain kinds of loafing (Comer, 1995), (b) the fear of evaluation
experiences within some broader phenomenon. by others (Geen, 1983), and (c) interference
But in actuality, nuance is often superficial from what others were saying (Diehl &
(Healy, 2017) – representing a change in what Stroebe, 1987). Each unit theory explains a dis-
happens but not how or why it happens – and tinct mechanism, but they do not contradict
the addition of the nuance via more explanation each other, they are unambiguous in their
is often at the expense of parsimony. A lack of boundaries, and they integrate well with each
parsimony in either case will limit a theory’s other as well as what is known about groups
usability in terms of guidance for research, prac- more broadly. In fact, because the program-
tice, or policy making (Antonakis, 2017; matic theory of group brainstorming is so coher-
Cucina et al., 2014), and can easily limit or ent, it makes the explanations for why group
mislead rather than clarify understanding brainstorming is ineffective seem like a small
(Ferris et al., 2012; Tourish, 2019). It is intuitive unit theory, and the specific mechanisms
to think of parsimony in terms of “less is more.” within theorized each seem like testable hypoth-
What sometimes gets lost is that parsimony is eses. This is because the fit among the findings
not about some magical number; rather, it is makes it easy for people to “chunk” the ele-
about the coherence. We address this point next. ments together into a single structure that fits
within the limits of human working memory
(Gobet et al., 2001). Yet this coherent program-
Lack of coherence matic theory on group brainstorming represents
Coherence is about structure both within and decades of research and scores of studies that
among unit theories. Coherence within unit the- refined and tested scores of alternative explana-
ories means that the concepts and their causal tions (Paulus et al., 1993), and fit these together
mechanisms make sense. Yet the unit theories in a coherent way.
must also make sense when you consider Achieving coherence helps reduce the stray
them together, which is what makes program- theories that may be weaker than others, and
matic theory coherent. Physics exemplifies thus helps parsimony in the “less is more”
coherence well. Specifically, one can study the sense by clarifying when theoretical explana-
topic of motion using different unit theories: tions are in competition with each other. In a
classical Newtonian mechanics that measure very famous Science article by Platt (1964),
the forces at play, Lagrangian mechanics that “Strong inference,” theoretical progress can be
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thought of as a horse race. You have competing Lack of fit among unit theories within a
theories that predict some outcome of interest programmatic theory
(e.g., is it social loafing or individual disengage-
ment that makes people brainstorm less effect- For the author or reviewer weighing the need
ively in groups?), and to learn which one is for a new unit theory among the existing ones,
better you set up a study where the theories the question is really about how the new unit
have the same chance of being right, but only theory fits with the existing ones. If it cannot
one will be (e.g., Aguinis & Adams, 1998; be connected to existing theory because it is
Gottfredson & Aguinis, 2017). But for this to overly complicated, overly circumscribed, or
happen, it means that the unit theories have to adds one more mediator or moderator to an
be comparable. They need to predict the same already long laundry list, it is best to rework
things, and use constructs and mechanisms the theory until these problems are solved (or
that allow them to be tested against each abandon it, see the next section). Having too
other. This is less likely when, in an attempt many unit theories obscures rather than clarifies
to be novel, people propose new unit theory predictions, as in the case of what types of lead-
intending to maximize its difference from ership behaviours predict direct-report perform-
other unit theories (decreasing coherence of ance (e.g., Gottfredson & Aguinis, 2017).
the programmatic theory). The impetus to be Parsimony is the antidote to this situation, and
novel is motivated by a hope for creativity and, it comes from coherence within and among
frankly, by the desire to publish in prestigious unit theories. With coherence, unit theory pre-
journals (and accompanying rewards). But, dictions are more easily comprehended. More
when we let 1,000 flowers bloom we get importantly, coherence reconciles unit theories
10,000 weeds (Leavitt et al., 2010). We need with each other to produce clarity on the
to do some theory pruning to cut down the settled science which is the programmatic
very large number of theories that we have at theory.
this point by pitting comparable theories
against each other.
Just to be clear, coherence does not mean that When don’t we need a theory?
any new theory agrees with the established pro- It will take time and resources to create any vali-
grammatic theory; it means that if a new theory dated unit theory, and even more time and energy
challenges some aspect of programmatic to integrate multiple unit theories into a good pro-
theory, the points of contention are clear and test- grammatic theory. It needs to be worth the effort,
able. Paulus and Yang (2000), for instance, the- and it is not always worth that effort. Yet most
orized a way to overcome the problems that journals imply or mandate that every empirical
made group brainstorming ineffective, contra- study needs to enrich or build theory with the
dicting established programmatic theory. Yet omnipresent question “What is a paper’s theoret-
their theorization was framed and connected dir- ical contribution?” In fact, most journals require
ectly to the appropriate unit theories on group reviewers to answer this question on manuscript
brainstorming, and so when the data showed evaluation forms. Some scholars are pushing
that group brainstorming could be better than back against this so-called obsession with
individual brainstorming, it clarified rather than theory (Antonakis, 2017; Hambrick, 2007; Kim
obscured how group brainstorming could work. et al., 2018; Miller, 2007; Pillutla & Thau,
Such clarity was useful and usable for both scho- 2013) by saying that a theoretical contribution
lars and practitioners; Paulus and Yang (2000) is not always needed. While this view has merit,
has received more than 1,000 Google Scholar it does not tell us when we do and when we do
citations and also appears in many management not need theory—which is critical, because organ-
textbooks and practitioner publications. izational phenomena ranging from the seemingly
Aguinis and Cronin 11

abstruse (e.g., liminality) to the seemingly mundane “horse race”), this is an occasion to remove the
(e.g., meetings) could conceivably be explained, weaker theory and increase parsimony.
predicted, and improved. And while there are A related way to answer the “so what?” ques-
more and more papers on how to write a tion is about the value of the predictions. We
theory (e.g., Makadok et al., 2018), even some believe that there is a mistaken assumption that
that also help you decide what kind of theory the value of a theory should always be clear
to write (e.g., Thatcher & Fisher, 2021), what when it is proposed. Most often, scientific dis-
seems absent is advice on whether there is a covery does not work this way (Cagan et al.,
need for a new theory in the first place. One 2001; Cronin & Loewenstein, 2018). In other
way to understand whether a theory is needed words, a theory typically starts with an important
is to answer the “so what?” question from multiple question that has no answer. For example,
perspectives. Mathieu (2016) proposed a good one: Why do
some people stay in miserable jobs? It often
takes time to realize the full value of a theory,
Answering the “so what?” questions especially when the theory is truly innovative,
From the perspective of managers, the “so what?” because the current programmatic theory can
would be, “Do results improve some problematic get in the way. For example, Kepler’s new
situation?” If the answer is in the negative, a theory about how planets orbited at varying
theory may not be needed. In addition, if the situa- speed and in an elliptical shape was not simply
tions studied are rare, or the situations do not accepted when it was presented because the
really matter much in terms of individual well- current programmatic theory (i.e., the “clock-
being or organizational performance, maybe the work universe” model) could not accommodate
benefit of developing and a theory is not war- such a theory despite the fact that Kepler’s ques-
ranted by the cost. This argument sometimes tions were mathematically provable. New pre-
emerges in discussions of the relevance of dictions are not valuable simply because they
management research (Vermeulen, 2005). are new, so we must balance our need for dem-
Another way to answer the “so what” ques- onstrable utility of an explanation and predic-
tion is to understand whether a new theory tions with the knowledge that such utility may
would improve predictive accuracy. If the pre- not be fully realized for some time. Theory
dictions are the same then the new theory is should not fix problems we do not have, but it
redundant, and offering an alternative explan- can also identify problems we did not realize
ation for the same prediction may reduce coher- we had. If it seems like a new theory might
ence among the unit theories (as we noted in the “stimulate future research that will substantially
previous section). A new theory is useful if its alter managerial theory and/or practice”
predictions diverge from existing ones by (Hambrick, 2007, p. 1350) then we should be
either improving the accuracy of the prediction patient.
or by identifying new and useful explanatory
variables. The comment “Don’t we know that
already?” is often used to dismiss theory that How does falsification work with
explains known relationships (e.g., X has been
shown to affect Y). But if a new theory makes theory?
it possible to more accurately predict Y using Unfortunately, the vast majority of theories pro-
X by some practically significant margin, then posed are never tested (Edwards, 2010), in part
the explanation for why that is should merit because a proposal to test a theory is not seen as
an investigation and, potentially, publication. a novel contribution. For example, a study
Provided that new explanation was sufficiently testing a theory that has been proposed in
tested against the existing one (per strong inference’s an article in conceptual journals such as
12 Organizational Psychology Review 0(0)

Organizational Psychology Review or Academy whatever factor of interest was hypothesized

of Management Review is unlikely to be pub- to make task conflict helpful did, in fact, do
lished in a journal that publishes empirical so. But, as we discussed earlier, this creates
research such as Academy of Management lack of coherence and bloat at the level of pro-
Journal. Why? Because the theory has already grammatic theory because we ended up with a
been proposed elsewhere. To be blunt, we find number of disconnected ways that task conflict
this absurd. What is even more problematic is could be made productive. Despite all these
that a theory would need to be tested in many dif- ways, a subsequent meta-analysis (De Wit
ferent ways before it warrants inclusion in the et al., 2012) found support for the first predic-
settled science that is programmatic theory tion (i.e., most often, task conflict was not
because all theories start as an explanation helpful). So, while the unit theories were con-
among many potential explanations. To discover firmed individually, they did not really integrate
what the best explanation is only happens when into a true understanding of how task conflict
we actually try to falsify, rather than just confirm, actually worked.
the theory (Greenwald & Pratkanis, 1988). What should have happened was that the
Falsification is the process of eliminating plaus- various unit theories for what makes task con-
ible alternative explanations to reveal what flict helpful should have each been seen as an
remains as the best explanation. Karl Popper alternative explanation for how task conflict
offered the following analogy: a theory is a works, and these could have been tested
fence around the truth, and every time we inte- against or with each other in order to “shrink
grate more data, the fence gets smaller and the fence.” If we believe that task conflict is
closer to the truth. We can never actually get to only helpful when there is a moderate amount
that truth, but over time falsification brings us (De Dreu, 2006), then falsification should
closer. encourage research that discounts the alterna-
tive explanations to this one. Such research
would not, for example, just confirm the curvi-
Falsification versus failed confirmation linear relationship between task conflict and
In practice, falsification seems to be mistaken performance; it would show that the amount
for failed confirmation: “We tested this theory of relationship conflict and trust predicted no
and it did not work.” We believe this is a variance above what was explained by the
weak inferential strategy because we never amount of task conflict. Falsification eliminates
prove a theory to be true, we can only prove alternative explanations, and when these are
that a theory is better than an alternative (e.g., guided by programmatic theory it maintains
Gottfredson & Aguinis, 2017). What is more, the coherence of the programmatic theory
failed confirmation often does not enlighten (e.g., Gottfredson & Aguinis, 2017).
what is wrong with the theory. For example,
task conflict was theorized to improve team per-
formance, yet a meta-analysis showed that typ- Is good theory compatible with
ically it did not (De Dreu & Weingart, 2003). current publication pressures?
While this study was useful because it discon- The “An A is an A” and “it does not count”
firmed the theory, it did not explain what was
wrong with the theory. It required the proposal
of other unit theories to explain how and why Empirical validation of unit theory, when done
task conflict was not helpful even though it correctly, does not simply confirm the unit
seemed like it would be. Yet most of this theory; it helps weed out the inaccuracies in
research was confirmation, not falsification. In that theory and helps integrate a unit theory
other words, research merely showed that with the other unit theories within a
Aguinis and Cronin 13

programmatic theory. Over time, clarity about teaching was based on opinion and subjective
what is known with respect to a topic should experiences rather than research and validated
emerge. So, scientific knowledge emerges theories (Gordon & Howell, 1959; Pierson,
from the confluence of theory and empirical 1959). Therefore, business schools began to
work across many studies, not from within a hire social scientists including sociologists, polit-
single study (no matter in which journal is has ical scientists, economists, and psychologists. As
been published). a result, research gradually became more rigor-
Unfortunately, management and other fields ous, more theory oriented, and more methodo-
seem to have lost sight of the collective nature logically sophisticated. Over time, business
of scientific progress. As described in detail schools sought to measure whether a school
by Aguinis et al. (2020b), one of the root was creating good, rigorous research. The
causes of this problem is the obsession with A demand for accountability was also created by
journal publications and, of course, counting outside stakeholders. For instance, state schools
them. In sports they say that “A win is a win.” are influenced by legislators who want to be
It doesn’t matter if you won a basketball game assured that faculty are spending their time
by 30 points or a foul shot, or a soccer match wisely and doing quality research.
by 3 goals during regulation or penalty kicks Unfortunately, a fast and easy method was
after two extra overtimes. It looks to us, and simply to count publications in specific journals
many others, that the field management has deemed to be of high quality. Interestingly, this
devolved to this state - where publishing an trend was also due to business school rankings
article in one of the few A journals has come and reporters who created, for example, the
to count as a win. The emphasis is not on Financial Times list of journals also known as
what the study is about, what methods were the FT-50 list. Relatedly, the University of
used, or its implications for practice and future Texas at Dallas journal list, which is also used
research. It needs to be published in an A extensively in business schools, is based primar-
journal, otherwise, we hear the phrase that the ily on journal impact factor data from 1995–1997
publication “does not count.” A textbook? It (Trieschmann et al., 2000). The irony does not
doesn’t count. A book chapter? It doesn’t escape us that the “top journal” designation and
count. An article published in a journal not on by extension the value of the articles published
the A list? It does not count. Science does not in therein are determined by methodological pro-
accumulate if we ignore the vast majority of cedures and data that would be unlikely to
what is published. Further, if we are only count- survive peer review if it were used in an empirical
ing and not reading, the short-term personal article. Yet this flawed practice quickly became
interest vastly outweighs the long term scien- entrenched by their relationship to business
tific one. Yet, unfortunately, this is the state of school rankings, which many deans pay close
affairs that has emerged. attention to because it ties to their own rewards
and compensation. Moreover, the use of these
journal lists influence promotion, tenure, job
How did we get here? opportunities, and other rewards and compensa-
We believe that the outsized emphasis on publi- tion decisions for faculty members in all career
cation outlet as an indicator of a study’s quality, stages (Gomez-Mejia & Balkin, 1992).
rigour, and contribution to theory is a sad state So, we ended up with the current state of
of affairs. It is worth considering how we got to affairs where we judge an article’s contribution
this point. In the 1950s two reports funded by and importance based on which journal it was
the Ford foundation concluded that business published in—the proverbial judging a book
schools were not doing a good job of training by its cover. This is causing all kinds of pro-
managers, and part of the problem was that blems with the fundamental process of
14 Organizational Psychology Review 0(0)

science: creating clarity on what is and is not may balk at putting a full professor in a class-
credible knowledge. As a result, in many busi- room with 4 non-paying PhD students versus
ness schools, the methodological and epistemo- 40 paying MBAs or undergraduate students.
logical discussions that should guide the So, deans looking out for their own individual
creation of research are being co-opted by the interests and short-term career goals, as
“Will this paper land in an A journal?” question. opposed to the long-term sustainability of a
Innovative methods that may yield more accur- business school as a generator of useful and
ate or insightful analyses are eschewed for fear usable knowledge, choose to reduce the
of confusing reviewers. Actual debate on number of doctoral courses. This is particularly
whether theories can be merged or falsified is problematic given that there is an increasing
never attempted for fear of offending reviewers’ number of sophisticated methods and theories
pet theories. Academic socialization is becom- to learn, so more training is needed. For, even
ing more about “landing an A publication” if a student learns sophisticated methods and
than substance. Or worse, a process of teaching all the latest unit theories, without learning the
future researchers how to game the system (i.e., broader scientific process of falsification, the
do whatever it takes to publish in an A journal) knowledge produced will be less useful and
rather than create and test useful and usable usable because it is only weakly tested. In
theories. short, changing the culture of counting is
going to require participation from everyone—
from deans and other administrators, to the
Proposed solutions: The role of faculty and students, and to external stake-
researchers, deans, and other holders including alumni and donors interested
in the long-term sustainability of their Alma
stakeholders Maters.
We are certainly not blaming researchers. All of We should also mention reviewers, for they
us are part of a research ecosystem that heavily are the gatekeepers for the development of
incentivizes junior and senior scholars to think unit theory (and ultimately the studies that test
and act in a certain way. We can start with the them). Reviewers play a critical role in the
leadership of our schools and universities. To both the changing of publication norms and
nurture a PhD programme that will produce the development of theory building skills.
star researchers 20 years out requires a long- Authors learn early on and quickly that contra-
term perspective, but business school deans typ- dicting reviewers is a losing strategy when the
ically remain at a school for 5 or 6 years and goal is to get an A journal publication, and
then move on. Even if one wanted to remain when you are worried about tenure, it is a
at a school for a long time, financial pressures, foolish risk to take. Reviewers, therefore, have
especially now, lead to thinking more about an outsized influence on what gets published,
short-term strategies that will quickly improve and some of their bad habits can be very
what seems to be the prestige of the school, as harmful. Reviewers need to understand how
signalled by rankings. It is a short-term unit theories fit with data but also programmatic
outcome focus that needs to be complemented theory. This is a balancing act that relies heavily
by a long-term process focus. on falsification. On the one hand, reviewers
Journal lists make it easy to rank research need to analyze unit theory for its fit with
quality and productivity, and so they are tools data, and to understand that a theory is provi-
of convenience. But, the fact that this informa- sional until it is proven. When a reviewer, think-
tion is easy to get does not mean it is valid ing of a published unit theory, asks, “Don’t we
(Van Fleet et al., 2000). Even if deans do know this already?” unless that theory is vali-
want to support theory advancements, they dated by data then the answer is “no.” In fact,
Aguinis and Cronin 15

unless that theory has been validated by mul- effect sizes, but if this paper’s unit theory
tiple studies, the answer should be “only provi- cannot be reconciled with programmatic
sionally.” Testing theories and then replicating theory on the topic, it should not be published.
those tests is how we arrive at settled science. Empirically, the findings simply could be a
This also means that reviewers need to be more fluke; theoretically, the findings will not
welcoming of the explanation of unsupported advance the programmatic research on the
effects. A reviewer who writes, “Hypothesis 3 topic. Both of these issues are remedied by
was not supported and your paper is already clearly linking the empirics that test a unit
long, so take it out” will rob the field of important theory to the broader programmatic theory.
information that other researchers should know Importantly, if the argument can be made for
before conducting their own research. how and why this newly tested unit theory
Aguinis, Banks, et al. (2020a) offered 10 should cause the field to reconsider what was
actionable recommendations for journal editors considered to be settled science, then there
to improve the transparency and replicability of may be a significant contribution to the field
the publication process aimed at improving (provided more testing is done).
theory. One that we believe would be particularly Improving the review process may actually
impactful is to make the journal publication help people produce better research in the
process more like the doctoral dissertation future because it will provide more transparency
process. Specifically, doctoral students submit into how science actually works. What gets
a proposal based on the theory and methodo- published currently obscures this process
logical procedures before data are collected. because all people see is the polished finished
The committee evaluates and approves the product. Scholars see statistically significant
quality of the proposed research without effects with large effect sizes that support the
seeing the results first. Thus, they affirm that proposed hypotheses. Thus, when anyone
the value and contribution of the study have reads the articles published in our top journals,
more to do with the design than the results. they look perfect. Yet, as most of us know, that
Some journals are already implementing this is rarely how research actually happens. Thus,
procedure with a registered report, or preregis- scholars do not get the benefit of seeing all the
tration, where researchers submit their paper things that were tried but did not work, which
using a similar format as in dissertation propo- not only provides a distorted view, it actually
sals. The paper includes information on theory limits learning how those theories were actually
and methods, but not the results. Then, if the developed. It would be like expecting a new
proposal is accepted, unless something chef to learn how to cook by ordering and
changes in the protocol, the full paper will be eating a fabulous entrée at a French restaurant.
accepted once submitted. This is true even if While you can learn what the end product
the results are not statistically significant or should look like - the textures, the colours, the
contrary to the hypotheses. This is a publication placement of the different components, and
process that allows for the falsification of the taste – this is far from instructive about
theories without bruising reviewers’ egos, how to produce such an outcome. And while
and certainly more likely to lead to the publica- it will still take many tries for the new chef to
tion of results that are not statistically refine their skills, that process can be sped up
significant. if the new chef can see (and avoid) all the differ-
The converse of this is to realize that inter- ent mis-steps the head chef went through to
preting the findings of any study depends on come up with this fabulous entrée. This
the programmatic theory to which it speaks. analogy applies equally well across studies,
One could have a pre-registered paper with where the attempts are the empirical studies
data that support the hypotheses and substantial and the operation is the theory. We need to
16 Organizational Psychology Review 0(0)

teach the field about that process as well. Many is created through the process of falsification:
papers do not report all of the attempted tests we eliminate plausible alternative explanations
that were failures. It takes away valuable to reveal what remains, which is accepted as
information. the best explanation. Theory is a fence around
This is where the onus comes back to us as the truth, and every time we collect more data,
management scholars. Getting away from the the fence gets smaller and closer to the truth.
obsession with A publications is not the We can never actually get to that truth, but
dean’s problem, and it is not the Financial over time falsification brings us closer. We
Times’ problem - it is our problem. Recently should remember that falsification is not the
published work (Aguinis et al., 2020b) is start- same as failed confirmation; the latter often
ing to offer a set of suggestions that will take does not enlighten what is wrong with the
us in the right direction. theory. We also need to remember that scientific
knowledge emerges from the confluence of
theory and empirical work across many
Concluding remarks studies, not from within a single study (regard-
Theory is essentially just a fancy word for “Do less of which journal published it). We are
we understand what’s going on?” It is why jour- facing a challenging “An A is an A” phenom-
nals demand, reviewers evaluate, and publica- enon, meaning that there is an almost exclusive
tion depends on how an investigation relates emphasis on articles in A journal publications,
to theory. Theory is critical because it provides and other publications rarely count (e.g., text-
the basis for understanding whatever it is we are books, articles in other journals, book chapters).
trying to manage (i.e., improve), understand Getting out of this situation means making the
(i.e., study), or govern. A good theory yields publication process more compatible with
improved understanding by offering the most theory advancement, and this will require the
accurate explanation given our knowledge at involvement of multiple stakeholders: research-
the time, and does not merely predict what ers, journal editors and reviewers, university
will happen but how and why something administrators, and external stakeholders
happens. A unit theory explains the causal rela- including alumni and donors.
tion between specific concepts and a program- In closing, theories are critical for anyone
matic theory addresses what is known more seeking to explain, predict, and influence what
broadly about a phenomenon. To be good, happens in organizations. So, theory is really
both need to be parsimonious and coherent. what matters the most to both knowledge crea-
Feeling like there is too much and too many the- tors and knowledge users. Yes, it’s the theory,
ories suggests a common underlying problem: stupid.
Unit theories that are by themselves compli-
cated and convoluted (i.e., lack of parsimony),
and collectively yield programmatic theory Author Note
that is disjointed or contradictory. Although Both authors contributed equally. We thank
we argue for the criticality of good theory, Organizational Psychology Review Co-Editor Astrid
C. Homan for highly constructive comments on previ-
theory is not always needed. When a situation
ous drafts, as well as Jessica Francavilla for her
is well managed and well understood, a new editing.
theory may not be needed. If a theory does
not offer divergent predictions in terms of
either accuracy or the causal mechanism, it Declaration of Conflicting Interests
may not be necessary. The value of a new the The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of inter-
theory rests on its predictions - the more accur- est with respect to the research, authorship, and/or
ate they are, the better the theory. Good theory publication of this article.
Aguinis and Cronin 17

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Rosenthal, R. (1990). How are we doing in soft Author biographies
psychology? American Psychologist, 45(6), 775. Herman Aguinis is the Avram Tucker
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Management Journal, 45(2), 311–313. https:// ment, and Chairperson of the Department of Management at The George Washington
20 Organizational Psychology Review 0(0)

University School of Business, and he is cur- the inter- and intra- personal processes that make
rently serving as President of the Academy of collaboration more creative and effective. He is
Management (AOM). His research addresses also interested in system dynamics, and the nature
the acquisition and deployment of talent in orga- of knowledge creation in management research.
nizations and organizational research methods. His work has appeared in top-tier management
He has published 11 books and about 200 publications such as The Proceedings of the
journal articles and received the Losey Award by National Academy of Sciences, Academy of
the Society for Human Resource Management Management Review, Academy of Management
Foundation for lifetime achievement in human Annals, Management Science, and Organizational
resource research, AOM Research Methods Behavior and Human Decision Processes. This
Division Distinguished Career Award for life- work has appeared in The Boston Globe, Fortune,
time contributions, Society for Industrial and and was presented at the World Economic
Organizational Psychology Scientific Contributions Forum in Davos, Switzerland. He was the 2016
Award for lifetime contributions, and AOM Conflict Management Division Chair. He
Practice Theme Committee Scholar Practice served as Coeditor in Chief of Organizational
Impact Award recognizing outstanding impact Psychology Review, as Associate Editor at
on policy making and managerial and organiza- Academy of Management Annals, and on the edi-
tional practices. Every year since 2018, he has torial review board of Academy of Management
been ranked by Clarivate among the world’s Review, Academy of Management Discoveries,
top-100 most influential researchers in economics Organization Science, and Organizational
and business. See: “http://www.hermanaguinis. Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
com” He coauthored two books: The Influential
Negotiator (Sage Publishing, 2020) and The
Matthew A. Cronin (Ph.D. 2004, Carnegie Craft of Creativity (Stanford University Press,
Mellon University) is a Professor of Management 2018), which was a finalist for AOM’s 2019
at George Mason University. His research examines George R. Terry book award

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