Assessment Plan Template - CS2

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Breakout Room 9 Week 5

Name of Teacher: Program Grade Level Learning Area

Lea P. Alasaas MA READ Grade 7 English

Neselyn A. Abelgas MA READ Grade 8 English

Shang Wie D Ma MASCIED Grade 12 Science

Alvin P. Ramos MASSED Grade 6 Math, AP

Nida Anna Sherie MA READ Grade 6 Math, English, AP, EsP


Irish Yasmin Cueto MA READ Kinder Reading,Language and


Melody E. Santos MASCIED Grade 6 Science

Hallelu C. Tinasas MASCIED Grade 6


Week 5 LAC

Reasons for Modifying

Intended Changes in Assessment
Current Assessment Practices Current Assessment
What are your current How would you like to modify What are the reasons for
assessment practices? your current assessment these intended changes?

Performance Task Assessment In Performance task its essential Maybe the change should
to use it because we should know do its more on accurate and
what learners understand on the we should use more on the
subject specially on Physics topic based and we should
use collaborative

Part of performance tasks

Performance Task Assessment wherein the application of
(Integrative Assessment) knowledge across learning areas
is being applied.

Summative test is one way of

assessing the mastery of the

Summative Assessment learner, but it is already common. The current trend in
We are now talking about the education, the kind of
emerging way of assessment. learners, varied teaching
Maybe modify the usual styles, and other factors are
summative test, the multiple asking for innovative ways
choice type. Include in the test of assessing our learners.
some items wherein learners We just don't settle for pen
need to think and and paper tests.
create/construct something.

Teacher-made tests are a one

way of assessing the mastery of Changes why we need to
Formative Assessment the learners. modify the assessment is to
ensure if the skills related to
the given topics were

This assessment is used by the

teacher during the teaching and We need to modify the art
Authentic Assessment learning process to test the and level of questioning to
(Presentations, Portfolio) learners level of understanding ensure that learners
and the academic progress during mastered the lesson.
the lesson.

This assessment will help the

teacher to collaborate with the This kind of assessment
students to create alternative could be an alternative
assessments activity to be done quarterly,
and will helps to lessen the
burden of the teacher in
making a pen and paper

Besides summative assessment,

the diagnostic and formative For assessment to be holistic
Mostly consists of administering
types of assessment should also and comprehensive the
summative assessment to the
be incorporated. For diagnosis, other types just like the
learners. They are in the form of
before I will start my lesson I need diagnostic and formative
written works, performance tasks
to employ various formal and should be strengthened in
and quarterly assessment.
informal assessment strategies to the teaching-learning
identify their previous knowledge process.
about the lesson. Moreover, my

assessment should also be
formative by using questions or
asking feedback to know if I need
to proceed with the lesson,
reteach or just provide some
corrective measurements.


Week 5 LAC

Purpose Process
Assessment Method
(When will I use it?) (How will I use it?)

List assessment methods that are Identify the purpose and rationale Describe how you will utilize the
applicable in targeting essential in utilizing each assessment assessment method.
skills in your learning area. method listed in Column 1.

Differentiated group task(English This kind of assessment is useful

7) especially in my subject area, In a classroom with 50 or more
English. I always use this kind of students, this assessment will help
assessment for whatever topics teachers assess student's
we have. My purpose of using this performance by dividing them in a
is to guide those who need group. I made sure that each
assistance in completing the group is equally divided based on
task(I made sure whenever I the capability of each student.
divide the class, each group has a Task will also be equal in terms of
leader, an average learner, and difficulty. And most important
with struggling) Further, this will there is a clear instruction and
develop collaborative learning rubrics for the task.
and team work. The
differentiated task will also
develop one's creativity when
working in a group.

In this kind of assessment, I find it

useful for my learners since I used This assessment lets the learners
to partner the fast or average extend their understanding
Peer assessment learner with the slow learner and toward their peers to move along
vice versa in such a way that the the learning on their own phase
fast learner can help his/her slow by bridging the gap to the given
partner to guide on the task task and equipping them with
given. I usually do this method of skills to self-assess and improve
assessment during experiments their own work.
so that they will develop their
social skills as well as

communication, feedback and
self criticism.

I use this kind of assessment

method by dividing them into a
group and using rubrics every
I use this type of assessment given task to know their
usually in the science subject. capabilities.
Through the planned activity, the
teacher can see the unique
Group Task/Hands-on Activities abilities of each student who is
good and weak in understanding
the lesson and assess those who
need to learn more to develop
their skills.
A Informal Pre-assessment
1. Signal action response
1.I use this individual response 1.I will demonstrate a particular
technique to gather information signal or action and explain its
about their previous learning in a meaning.Then, I will emphasize
quick and most engaging way. that each of them shall choose
the action/signal that best fits
their knowledge or understanding
about the topic.

2. Anticipation guide 2. For a variation, I will utilize the 2. Before beginning the lesson I
anticipation guide strategy to will let my pupils answer the “
assess my pupils’ previous Agree or Disagree” table
learning and re-assess their containing five (5) statements
learning after the lesson is then after the lesson they may
completed. answer the same table to revisit
their answers before the lesson
was conducted.

B. Formative Assessment To check their understanding of 1. During the lesson I will ask my
Strategies the lesson pupils to raise their hand to see if
1. Show of hands they have learned something.
2. Rhythmic Fanfare
3. One sentence summaries 2.I will divide my pupils into five
then each of the group will
express their understanding of
the lesson in the form of
Art/drawing,Music/song, short
skit/play, reporting and cheers. A
leader/representative will
explain their presentation and
the teacher gives

commendations or
1. I will let my pupils write
a one-sentence summary of
what they learned about the

C. Summative Assessment 1.Throughout and at the end of

Strategies 1. To record observations of my the quarter I will provide the
1. Checklist pupils’ learning and provide checklist.
2. Performance test evidence of what they mastered.

To know what my pupils learn in a After a grading period or quarter I

fun and exciting way. will conceptualize a game or any
activity with rules and scoring


Week 6 JEL

Assessment Activities Organizing Strategies Support Technology

List assessment Describe how you will organize Identify technology tools that
routines/tools/methods that you and analyze assessment data. can help in organizing and
intend to use in your classroom. analyzing assessment data.
1. Tests (pre - post 1. ZipGrade app and SDO
1. Written tests test,summative,quarterly unified assessment tool.
assessment serve as means for - Google Form
monitoring learners progress). - Microsoft Form
Applying TOS before the
construction of test items for
summative tests. For quarterly
tests we are using our SDO
validated DLLAS.(Division
Localized Learning Assessment
Pre and PostTest in Numeracy
we are using MALONA(Makati
Localized Numeracy

2. Reading Inventory 2. As a reading teacher, I always 2. The tools we are using are
Assessment conduct reading inventory google forms, excelled
assessments to all my learners. template from the division

This will be the basis of crafting
the lessons/reading
programs/interventions for
them. There are two types of
pre-assessment; GST and oral
reading. Students are
categorized into 3; frustration,
instructional and independent.
The materials are provided by
the division and the results will
also be submitted. The data
gathered is very useful not only
for us Reading/English teachers
but also for other subject

3. Journal writing 3. This kind of assessment helps 3. Quizalize App- this

the students to enhance their platform gets instant data on
writing ability and develop their students mastery and can
vocabulary skills. The teacher also assign a differentiated
will check and make comments follows-up activities
for the improvement of learner’s
writing ability

4. Rubrics 4.This assessment sets a

uniformity of scoring guide to all
students especially in making a
student's portfolio in science and
experiments, for instance. It also
aids the teacher to easily judge
the output of the student.

5.Portfolio 5. At the start of the school year 5. MS forms, e-portfolio

I will gather outputs of my
learners and provide an
individual record to monitor
their weekly progress. I will
check the completeness of the
needed contents of their
portfolio by preparing a

6.Interactive notebook 6. I am using an interactive 6. e- class record

notebook in teaching Math and
AP. Enable learners to record
material and process it to

increase their learning and
manage behavior.As learners
pick up new concepts they can
record them using a variety of
writing styles and visual
tools.This is a way to practice
organizing and processing
information using critical
thinking skills.

7.Portfolio 7. Giving Assessment/test 7. Tools that can help in

Formative assessment checking and recording the analyzing assessment are
Summative Assessment result of the given task e-class record scoresheets

Students’ Roles Teachers’ Roles Stakeholders’ Roles

What will students do with the How will you use the assessment How can parents and other
assessment data? data? stakeholders take part in the
▪ Reflection learning ▪ Modifying instruction assessment process?
▪ Setting learning goals ▪ Planning instruction ▪ Reporting assessment
▪ Improving outputs data
▪ Consulting
stakeholders in
assessment planning

1. Signal/Mark- The assessment 1. Basis - The result of the 1.Partner-Parents/guardians

data serves as a signal for the assessment data guides the serve as partner of the school
learner. The learner becomes teacher on the proper in monitoring the progress of
aware of the areas he/she intervention he/she will give to the learners based on the
needs to improve. the learners. data results.
2. The learners can
reflect on the result of their
assessment every quarter
3. Determine the
It will make me reflect and plan Parents/stakeholders can
strengths and the weaknesses
on the kind of teaching suggest on how to improve
of my pupils.
strategies I need to employ their academic performance
and enrich their learning as
well. If their children are low
performers, they can think of
better ways to guide their
children at home so learning
standards will be achieved.

Week 6 JEL

What short-term and long-term goals do you have for assessment in your classroom?

Short-term Assessment Goals Long-Term Assessment Goals

1. Before starting my lesson, I usually post 1. In my reading class, I often used a reading
sentences and ask the class individually to progress chart to easily monitor the
read it and give its meaning. Through this, I progress of their reading level per month. It
may be able to gather information to the keeps record on the level of reading growth
learner that needs remediation on reading. of the learner and it also serves as
Hence, it is an essential skill to bridge the motivation to them to strive and practice
gap on their academic performance on other more for it to be posted on my display
subjects, especially science. board.

2.I want to know the level of mastery of my 2.Assessing learners' development is very
students in every lesson we have. This will be essential to his/her learnings. We give a
done by giving 5-10-items questions at every end portfolio/reflection journal so that we can
of the lesson. The purpose of this test is for me to monitor their progress from the beginning of
know if there is a need to reteach the lesson or the school until the school year ends. This
move to the next topic. assessment shows the overall output of the
learner in a certain grade level.

3. I used performance tasks with rubrics given to 3.Monthly Assessment or Summative Test I
my pupils to be assessed immediately to know if have used given to my pupils for the Long-Term
the goals/ objectives were attained. Homework/ Assessment Goals.
Assignment is also one of the short-term goals.
I’ve given it to my pupils.

4. *Pupils will know the basic concepts in Grade 4. Pupils will apply their learnings in real-life
6 Mathematics, English, Ap and EsP. situations and in the future, too.
Furthermore, experience the joy and excitement
in learning those subjects.
*Achieve at least 85% mastery in their lesson

What are the anticipated challenges in achieving your goals? How do you intend to address these

Anticipated Challenges Intended Solutions

● Students' attitudes towards reading and ● Prepare reading activities that they will
school-related tasks. (It is always evident enjoy. Incorporate games/interactive

that learners' attitudes towards reading activities that will hook their attention. Do
decline because of so many factors. Many a quick survey on what type of reading
are not complying with assigned tasks.) materials they want to read.
For the school-related task, ask parents to
follow up and they will have a monitoring
sheets wherein they will sign it when their
children accomplish the task
● Overlapping tasks given by the division
office to the teachers especially those
“experimental projects/programs “ and for ● consistent implementation of an effective
the rush submission of results projects/ programs that will be beneficial
for learners and teachers

● Poor Study Habit of pupils

● Parent to Teacher communication vice-versa ● Tasks/time to motivate pupils find
● Give constant communication to parents
via Face to Face and or online message to
keep them updated weather regards to
performance of the child/children.

● Low numeracy and literacy level ● Provide engaging numeracy

of pupils and literacy interventions

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