Motivation For Utilizing New High-Performance Advanced Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems

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Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 20 (2016) 401–410

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Motivation for utilizing new high-performance advanced materials

in nuclear energy systems
S.J. Zinkle a,b,⇑, K.A. Terrani b, L.L. Snead c
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, United States
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, United States
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Despite the very demanding operational environment in nuclear reactors, there have been relatively few
Received 2 June 2016 advanced high-performance materials introduced into fission reactors during the past 50 years. Some of
Revised 9 September 2016 the regulatory and operational barriers to the introduction of high performance materials are briefly dis-
Accepted 2 October 2016
cussed, and several examples of potential improvement in current and planned fission reactor systems
Available online 6 October 2016
that could be enabled by advanced structural materials for in-core applications are outlined. Enhanced
non-proprietary public-private research and development on advanced structural materials could yield
numerous performance, economic, environmental and safety benefits for current boiling water and pres-
Nuclear materials
Reactor pressure vessel steels
surized water reactors as well as future Generation IV reactor systems such as sodium cooled fast reactors
Fuel cladding or very high temperature gas cooled reactors.
Accident tolerant fuels Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Light water reactors
Sodium-cooled fast reactors
Very high temperature gas-cooled reactors

1. Introduction Since the term ‘‘advanced materials” is subjective (any material

with properties superior to natural ore is arguably ‘‘advanced”), for
Current and proposed nuclear energy systems represent a very the purposes of this article we have adopted a working definition
challenging operating environment for materials due to the pres- for advanced materials to encompass any structural material with
ence of high ionizing and displacement damage radiation fields key properties (e.g., strength, thermal creep-fatigue, fracture
along with moderate to high mechanical stress, moderate to high toughness and/or resistance to stress corrosion cracking) that are
operating temperatures, and the potential for interaction with cor- significantly superior to structural materials commercially avail-
rosive coolants and/or volatile fission products [1–6]. Remarkable able in 1970 (corresponding to the onset of the ‘‘Generation II”
improvements in power plant operational reliability have been LWR era). Of course, in many cases conventional commercial mate-
achieved for commercial light water reactors (LWRs) since the rials may provide fully adequate performance, and often the most
1970s. As summarized in Fig. 1, the current annualized fleet- expedient and cost-effective approach to resolve a material perfor-
averaged availability for United States (US) nuclear power reactors mance deficiency is to switch to another existing commercial
is >90% of their ideal capacity, compared to 50–60% for fossil material that is known to have improved resistance to the particu-
energy systems and 25–35% for utility-scale hydroelectric and lar degradation phenomenon. However, in the long term there can
renewable energy electrical systems [7]. This impressive average be substantial benefits from R&D to create a select number of
capacity factor for US nuclear power plants is largely associated specifically tailored advanced materials to enable improved safety
with improvements in operational procedures and scheduled margins, better economics, etc. In this article we advocate that
maintenance, along with avoidance of unplanned shutdowns due there are important benefits to be gained in nuclear energy sys-
to improvements in fuel and steam generator performance includ- tems by switching to advanced materials in a few particularly
ing evolutionary development of robust fuel cladding materials [8]. demanding components.
As summarized in Fig. 2, with the exception of systematic
improvements in Zr-based fuel cladding and the switch from Alloy
600 to Alloy 690 in steam generators, remarkably few new materi-
⇑ Corresponding author at: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, United
als (or modifications of existing code-qualified materials) have
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.J. Zinkle). been introduced into commercial LWRs during the past 50 years.
1359-0286/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
402 S.J. Zinkle et al. / Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 20 (2016) 401–410

committee and regulatory agency approval for a new material) for

any reactor components associated with public safety such as the
reactor pressure vessel.
These perceived regulatory approval obstacles, along with the
perception of marginal benefit but potentially large economic risk
associated with introduction of an unproven material (e.g., unan-
ticipated shutdowns or appearance of new degradation phenom-
ena), have stifled much of LWR component material innovation
despite the existence of several promising high performance mate-
rials options that offer significant advantages. This is particularly of
concern for components in contact with primary coolant due to
potential unanticipated negative effects on the carefully controlled
primary loop water chemistry. As discussed in Section 2, the low
alloy steel currently used for LWR reactor pressure vessels has
moderate strength and is embrittled by neutrons at a relatively
more rapid rate compared to higher strength modern low alloy
Fig. 1. Comparison of average U.S. capacity factors for utility-scale generators in the steels [10,11]. Concerns about more pronounced neutron irradia-
years 2013–2015 (most recent available data) [7]. tion embrittlement of weldments has led the pressurized water
reactor industry to switch to large ring forgings of the reactor ves-
sel [12], which eliminates longitudinal welds in the core beltline
region but requires forging of large components that can only be
performed at a few facilities worldwide, with long waiting times
and high cost. In other words, the selected approach to remedy
the inferior radiation performance of the historical RPV steel
(accentuated in the welds) was to eliminate the welds in the his-
torical steel (requiring expensive ring forgings) rather than to pur-
sue a higher-performance (radiation-resistant) low alloy steel that
would exhibit sufficient resistance to weld embrittlement. Reluc-
tance to consider advanced radiation resistant, more fabricable
low alloy steels stems from concerns that introduction of an
unproven material could potentially cause unanticipated opera-
tional issues or a reduction in plant lifetime (due to unanticipated
degradation due to dose rate effects, etc.). However, advanced
nuclear reactor materials and construction techniques (e.g., fewer
manual weldments) could directly reduce construction costs and
also enable improved safety margins, which in turn could lead to
easing of some quality assurance requirements that negatively
Fig. 2. Development timeline for structural materials in light water reactors. The
impact reactor construction costs.
filled diamond symbols denote the approximate date of alloy commercialization,
and the horizontal bars denote the approximate duration of use in light water It is interesting to contrast the reluctance to introduce new
reactors. materials in the nuclear fission power industry with that of the air-
craft or fossil energy industries. For current fission energy reactors,
there is no broad movement to significantly improve fuel/thermo-
There have been several important incremental structural material dynamic efficiency (unlike the case for fossil energy [13] or aero-
replacements (e.g., Type 304L for Type 304 austenitic stainless space [14] industries): nuclear fuel is viewed as relatively cheap
steel in BWR steam lines to improve weldability and resistance and sufficiently plentiful, and the technological hurdles associated
to stress corrosion cracking) and modified heat treatments to with higher thermodynamic efficiency (requiring a host of new
reduce residual stresses or sensitization (e.g. modified heat treat- materials to accommodate the higher operating temperatures)
ment of Alloy X-750 to suppress stress corrosion cracking suscep- are viewed as being too risky from an operational perspective. In
tibility) [2,5]. However, it is remarkable that new ‘‘generation III” contrast, despite the intense regulatory oversight and high atten-
LWRs under construction in the U.S. and elsewhere worldwide tion to public safety within the aircraft industry, commercial air-
are largely being constructed using 1960s-era (or earlier) materials craft have evolved from being constructed largely (>75%) from
for the reactor pressure vessel (tempered bainitic low alloy steels aluminum alloys (with 1% composite materials) in the 1960s to
containing 2.5% Mn, Mo, Si, Cr and C solute) [9] and major core 25% aluminum alloys and 50% composite materials in new air-
internal structural components (e.g., Types 304, 316, 321 and craft such as the Boeing 787 [15]. This continuous introduction of
347 stainless steels) and high strength springs and fasteners (e.g., new materials and design modifications has been central to the
Fe- and Ni-base alloys such as A286 and X-750) [5]. Somewhat documented steady improvement in the operating parameters
paradoxically, the demanding operating environment associated (operational cost, thermodynamic efficiency, reliability, etc.) for
with LWRs has fostered an incremental approach to introduction these industries.
of new materials. Unanticipated materials problems early in the Dramatic advances in the speed to design new high-
development of nuclear power (often associated with corrosion performance structural alloys are now available due to improve-
and stress corrosion cracking) and the large economic conse- ments in computational thermodynamics databases and modeling
quences associated with unplanned reactor outages (1 M$/day tools [16,17]. These new tools are being exploited to rapidly design
loss in revenue) have driven the nuclear reactor industry to be very and develop improved alloys for fossil energy [18–22] and automo-
conservative with respect to adopting new higher performance tive [23–25] structural alloy applications, and promising new high-
materials. In addition, there are perceived high regulatory obsta- performance steels for nuclear energy applications have been
cles (in terms of cost and time to obtain relevant engineering code designed and experimentally tested although none of these new
S.J. Zinkle et al. / Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 20 (2016) 401–410 403

nuclear energy alloys have been fully qualified for reactor applica- one another. Current design requirements necessitate shell rings
tions by the appropriate regulatory authority [26–30]. As discussed instead of plates to avoid axial welds near the core region where
for several specific examples later in this article, enhanced use of the neutron flux on the RPV is highest. These rings are forged from
these so-called integrated computational materials engineering ingots weighing up to 500 tons and require exceptionally large
(ICME) design tools to specifically tailor their performance for capacity hydraulic presses (up to 15,000 tons). Only a handful of
demanding nuclear energy applications could lead to expedient places exist worldwide (none in the US) with the capability to per-
development of new high performance structural alloys. In other form this costly process. This showcases the detrimental effects of
cases, there may be opportunities to leverage recent advances in the inability of nuclear power industry to adopt new materials. If a
high temperature ceramic composites technology [31] or advanced transition away from current pressure vessel steels were made to
manufacturing approaches such as additive manufacturing [32,33]. adopt steels such as 3Cr-3WV with the appropriate bainitic
In all cases, obtaining relevant engineering code qualification and microstructure [40,41], major benefits in cost and reliability could
approval by the relevant nuclear energy regulatory authorities be realized. Specifically, the higher strength in these alloys would
remains as a major hurdle. translate into a meaningful (40%) reduction in thickness neces-
In the following we focus on key in-core structural materials sary for these vessels. This reduction in thickness, and therefore
issues for LWR, sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) and very high ingot mass, would greatly reduce fabrication costs while enabling
temperature reactor (VHTR) fission power systems, since these access to numerous smaller capacity vendors (existing in the US
are the nuclear energy systems either currently operating or most and elsewhere). Furthermore, safety and reliability may be
likely to complete development, licensing and deployment in the enhanced for this critical component given the anticipated
next 10–20 years. Assessments of materials challenges for other improved irradiation resistance in these alloys [42–44]. For exam-
proposed Generation IV fission and fusion energy systems are ple, the unirradiated fracture toughness for 3Cr-3WV steel is sim-
given elsewhere [2–5,11]. Analogous arguments can be made ilar or superior to conventional 1Cr RPV steels [40], and the
regarding the benefits associated with consideration of advanced irradiation-induced shift in ductile to brittle transition tempera-
structural materials for key out of core components such as heat ture and reduction in upper shelf toughness is expected to be
exchangers, although they are not specifically addressed here. markedly less for the 3Cr-3WV steels due to reduced radiation
hardening [10,11], although additional experimental data are
needed to confirm this expectation.
2. Light water reactors Along similar lines of reasoning, several other historic perma-
nent core components (e.g., based on 304 or 316 SS) should be con-
Internationally, the commercial LWR dominates nuclear power sidered for replacement by improved radiation- and stress
production with about 440 reactors in 31 countries providing corrosion cracking-resistant materials in new build reactors. One
11% of the world’s electricity. Additionally there are about 180 of the most challenging issues for in-core LWR structural materials
shipboard reactors. The dominance of LWR technology in today’s is irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking [45–47]. As noted
nuclear energy arena was leveraged and put on its design path elsewhere [48], LWRs have been plagued by numerous key struc-
in large part from development of naval reactors that began tural components that were constructed using materials with sig-
conceptually in the mid 1940s and emerged in 1955 with the first nificant susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking. Research and
nuclear-powered submarine, the USS-Nautilus. That first naval development activities such as the jointly coordinated Electric
reactor utilized platelet fuel of uranium and zirconium in a carbon Power Research Institute and U.S. Department of Energy
steel pressure vessel. Building upon this R&D infrastructure, the ‘‘Advanced Radiation Resistant Materials” program [49] are exam-
first civilian prototype reactor (Shippingport) came online in ining alternatives to existing LWR core materials and potential
1957. The fuel for the blanket region of that reactor was UO2 structural material candidates for Generation IV reactors. Numer-
pellets clad in a zirconium alloy (Zircaloy-2), similar to some ous appropriate alternatives to historic stainless steels are being
existing power reactor fuels. examined, although it is notable essentially all of the candidate
Within the LWR arena, numerous examples exist where the materials being considered in the ARRM program (except for some
nuclear materials technology has not advanced beyond its origi- ‘‘innovative materials” such as SiC and metallic glass) were devel-
nally adopted 1950s–1960s materials (cf. Fig. 2). Amongst the most oped >25–50 years ago. It would be useful to consider new high
conspicuous examples are the continued use in new builds of an performance structural alloys specifically designed to be highly
historic and relatively simple low alloy steel for the reactor pres- resistant to stress corrosion cracking (rather than limiting the can-
sure vessel (RPV) and utilization of UO2 pellets with zirconium didate options to existing materials).
alloy cladding for nuclear fuel. A review of the former example Zr alloys for LWR fuel cladding have been continuously
and a more detailed discussion of the latter are offered in this sec- advanced with over six decades of active R&D for this narrow
tion. Other key LWR materials issues such as research to identify application in LWRs and therefore are highly optimized for normal
life-limiting phenomena and determining the optimized power reactor operations. Zr is highly transparent to neutrons, and this
plant lifetime extension by judicious replacement of selective com- attribute drove the development of Zr alloy cladding for very com-
ponents are discussed elsewhere [34]. Nuclear power has essen- pact submarine reactors where neutron economy was paramount
tially been investing in improved engineering safety systems [50] (with an accompanying major influence on development of
(often with multiple redundancy to provide ‘‘defense in depth”) commercial LWR fuel cladding). Owing to the fortunate discovery
rather than advanced materials that may obviate the need for some that unintentional impurities from stainless steels during melting
of these systems. of Zr ingots significantly improved their corrosion resistance in
On the perceived basis that economics of scale govern nuclear high temperature water [50,51], the Zircaloy series of alloys were
electricity production costs (more recent analyses have found costs deployed in the 1950s in the US and Europe. The alloying additions
are often dominated by other factors [35–39]), the typical LWR consisted of Sn to getter nitrogen in the alloys [52] and stainless
plant size was designed and constructed to operate at a relatively steel constituents for corrosion resistance (Fe and Cr in Zircaloy-
large size of 1 GWe. Plants of this size require very large RPVs 4 utilized in PWRs and Ni, Fe and Cr in Zircaloy-2 for use in BWRs).
(4 m diameter and 22 cm thick). These vessels were historically The Russian alloys (E-series) used in the Russian pressurized reac-
made from plate segments of low alloy steel (A302B in 1st- tors instead used Nb as the sole alloying element [53]. In almost all
generation reactors, and then alloys A508 and A533) welded to cases the alloying element additions totaled <2.5 wt%. For PWRs
404 S.J. Zinkle et al. / Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 20 (2016) 401–410

today, the alloying strategy is a hybrid of the early approaches compares the short-term high temperature steam oxidation
where Nb, Fe, and Cr are added for corrosion resistance and Sn is behavior of Zircaloy-4 with two proposed accident-tolerant clad-
also retained in these alloys for creep resistance [51,54]. The BWRs ding materials, alumina forming ferritic alloys (FeCrAl) [8] and
continue to utilize Zircaloy-2 with a high purity Zr inner liner [55] SiC fiber reinforced SiC matrix ceramic composites [65]. The poor
while occasionally alloys with slightly higher Fe contents are also high temperature oxidation behavior of Zircaloy-4 is not improved
used [56]. by switching to newer Zr alloys: Recent high temperature oxida-
The continued evolutionary improvements in Zr alloy cladding tion studies have found strong differences in Zr alloy oxidation
for commercial power reactors have resulted in significant behavior occur up to 1000 °C, but only minor differences are
improvements in oxidation resistance and hydrogen pickup under observed above 1100 °C since here the Zr alloy oxidation is gov-
normal operating conditions [54]. This provides a significant erned by bulk diffusion of oxygen [66]. Both of the proposed new
advantage for durable operational cycles with fuel 235U enrichment cladding materials exhibit steam oxidation kinetics at least 100
capped below the arbitrarily set 5% limit. Aided by extensive and slower than Zr alloys over a broad temperature range up to at least
effective fuel reliability programs, higher reactor power and higher 1400 °C [67]. These proposed new cladding materials are by no
fuel burnups have been achieved over the past several decades means fundamentally immune to degradation under LWR severe
(enabling enhanced economics of electricity generation). However, accidents since under near adiabatic conditions the core tempera-
fuel operation to beyond 60–70 MWd/kgU average rod burnup for ture will continuously rise to result in either eventual oxidation or
the Zr alloy/UO2 fuel system faces performance issues such as melting of these materials. However, the reduced oxidation rate in
excessive irradiation growth (anisotropic stress-free deformation), these materials can be enormously beneficial since it goes hand-in-
hydrogen pickup, and cladding oxidation [57]. An additional high hand with a reduced rate of heat and hydrogen generation in the
burnup degradation concern involves hydrogen pickup in the Zr core as a result of this reaction. This leads to a slower rate of tem-
alloy cladding. The high affinity of Zr for hydrogen results in its dis- perature rise in the core that is beneficial in two distinct ways.
solution and subsequent precipitation of hydrides that can result in Firstly, it delays the onset of melting and degradation in the core,
significant embrittlement [58–60]. Given a fortuitous combination providing additional coping time that may be exploited to inject
of factors, namely cladding texture and state of stress, during reac- coolant into the core and mitigate further progression of the acci-
tor operation these hydride platelet precipitates manifest in the dent. Secondly, the reduced heat generation rate in the core may be
circumferential direction. As the hydrogen content increases at small enough that even a limited coolant injection capability could
high burnups or during the initial stages of postirradiation storage prove sufficient to stabilize or cool the system. These two benefi-
of the fuel rods in dry casks, these hydrides may reorient in the cial effects have been demonstrated using various severe accident
radial direction [61]. This greatly exacerbates the embrittlement analysis tools [68]. Similarly, additional benefits in accident toler-
issues in the cladding and is currently a major operational storage ance may be achieved by alternative fuel forms such as triply
and shipping challenge in many countries for ultimate safe dispo- encased particle fuel in a high conductivity inert matrix [69] or
sition of used nuclear fuel from LWRs. other fuel forms [64]. In combination with enhanced safety fea-
In addition to the operational and fuel disposition concerns, uti- tures in next-generation LWRs, utilization of accident-tolerant
lization of Zr alloys puts a significant burden on the capacity and fuels and cladding could greatly reduce or potentially eliminate
capability of safety systems, namely emergency core cooling sys- the need for emergency planning public evacuation zones due to
tem (ECCS) in LWRs. The ECCS capabilities in LWRs are determined miniscule risks of large radiation releases under accident scenarios.
by evaluation of two types of postulated design-basis accidents: It is mandatory that any proposed accident tolerant fuel system
reactivity insertion and loss of coolant accidents (RIA and LOCA) must demonstrate the potential for excellent operational perfor-
[62]. For RIAs and LOCAs, the extent of enthalpy deposition and mance under normal operating conditions [70]. Ongoing research
peak cladding temperature, respectively, are limited by regulatory is investigating a variety of performance issues including long-
guidelines to avoid excessive oxidation of the cladding and subse- term corrosion behavior in LWR water chemistries [71,72] and
quent damage that could compromise coolability or controllability potential wear [73] and failure mechanisms [74,75] under normal
of the core. These limits tend to get more restrictive as fuel burnup operating conditions for several advanced cladding material con-
increases due to the detrimental effects of hydrogen in the clad- cepts. Since introduction of any new material to the reactor core
ding. Beyond these postulated scenarios, improbable ‘‘black swan” might produce unanticipated negative consequences such as
events [63] could occur that are referred to as beyond design-basis enhanced or localized corrosion due to cross-contamination, or
accidents or severe accidents. An example of such an event is the lower availability due to initially higher fuel cladding failure rates,
2011 Fukushima Daiichi accident where an earthquake-induced a sustained R&D program is important prior to widespread inser-
loss of offsite power coincided with eventual loss of emergency tion into commercial reactors.
onsite power and station blackout. Under such a scenario the abil-
ity to adequately remove decay heat from the core is compromised
and the increasing core temperatures sequentially surpass the 3. Sodium-cooled fast reactors
onset of various chemical reactions that result in core degradation.
The most consequential of these reactions is the Zr-steam reaction Sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs) offer the potential for signif-
exhibiting very rapid kinetics above 1200 °C accompanied by a icant improvements in fuel utilization and thermodynamic effi-
large enthalpy of oxidation (resulting in core heating). Since steam ciency compared to light water reactors due to their efficient
is the oxidant, hydrogen gas is produced at the same rate that in conversion of nonfertile isotopes and higher fuel burnup levels
turn increases the core internal pressure and becomes a source (10–20% vs. <5% for LWRs) and higher operating temperatures
of explosive hazard. To fully appreciate this point, consider that (550 °C vs. 300 °C) [3,76]. Typical uranium utilization in SFRs
there are 25–40 tonnes of Zr in LWR cores and each kg of this is 50–80% compared to 1% for current light water reactors
metal when fully oxidized generates 6.6 MJ of heat and 22 mol of [3,76,77]. Economic competitiveness of this advanced reactor sys-
explosive hydrogen (equivalent to 33–53 tonnes of dynamite for tem requires high availability and thermodynamic efficiency to off-
complete Zr oxidation). set anticipated higher construction and fuel recycling costs [76,78].
To alleviate the significant burden the uncontrolled oxidation of This requires the use of very high performance structural materials
Zr places on the cooling systems, one may consider alternative in the SFR core, where the operational environment is significantly
cladding materials with reduced oxidation kinetics [64]. Fig. 3 more severe compared to light water reactors.
S.J. Zinkle et al. / Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 20 (2016) 401–410 405

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 3. Current and proposed advanced nuclear fuel cladding after 4 h of exposure in flowing steam (0.5 m/s): (a) Zircaloy-4 at 1400 °C, (b) Fe-10Cr-6Al-0.3Y at 1400 °C, and
chemical vapor infiltrated SiC/SiC composite at 1600 °C. While the entire 0.6 mm-thick Zr-based cladding has undergone full oxidation, a few-micrometer-thick scale of
alumina and silica protects the ferritic alloy and the ceramic composite, respectively at these high temperature text conditions.

The two most significant structural materials issues involve providing improved radiation resistance and good ductility and
design of the fuel cladding and wrapper/duct materials to simulta- fracture toughness [87]. In the long term, oxide dispersion
neously achieve good thermal creep strength up to 650 °C, good strengthened ferritic/martensitic steels have the potential to
radiation resistance (void swelling, irradiation creep, phase stabil-
ity) up to 150–200 displacements per atom (dpa), and good
chemical compatibility with sodium [79] up to 650 °C for in-
core residence times of 3–7 years [80]. Typical design targets are
thermal creep rupture strengths >90–140 MPa for 20,000 h opera-
tion at 650 °C and <5–10% volumetric void swelling after 150–
200 dpa [3,81–83]. It is noteworthy that amongst all fission reactor
designs, the fast reactor has the greatest challenge with respect to
neutron displacement damage. Even higher creep strength and
radiation damage resistance would be required for proposed
ultra-high burnup reactor concepts such as the Traveling Wave
Reactor that would operate for decades between refueling in order
to minimize or eliminate reprocessing of spent fuel [80,84]. The
fuel cladding and wrapper/duct must maintain dimensional stabil-
ity up to high radiation damage levels and avoid fracture during
several years of full power operation. The operating temperature
and stresses are highest for the fuel cladding, but also represent
a significant challenge for the wrapper/duct [83]. In addition to
distortions associated with irradiation creep and void swelling,
significant operational stresses in the fuel cladding arise due to
fuel-cladding mechanical interaction associated with fuel swelling
at high burnups along with increased hoop stress due to internal
pressurization from release of fission gas [80,82,83]. Currently no
commercial structural material has been identified that simultane-
ously satisfies the dual requirement of high thermal creep strength
and void swelling/flow localization resistance [82,83]. Fig. 4 com-
pares thermal creep [82,85,86] and neutron-induced void swelling
behavior [5] for Ti-modified austenitic stainless steel (D9) and for
two ferritic/martensitic steels containing 9 and 12%Cr (P91 and
HT-9, respectively). Austenitic stainless steels in general exhibit
acceptable creep strength but do not provide sufficient high dose
radiation resistance. Several commercial ferritic/martensitic steels
appear to provide sufficient void swelling resistance to 150–
200 dpa but do not exhibit acceptable high temperature thermal
creep strength.
The most promising approach to meet or exceed the demanding
SFR fuel cladding and wrapper design requirements is to utilize
computational thermodynamics modeling to design new high
performance steels (fabricated using conventional steelmaking Fig. 4. (a) Comparison of thermal creep rupture behavior of Ti-modified austenitic
processes) that are specifically tailored for improved high temper- stainless steel [86] and 9–12%Cr ferritic/martensitic steels at 650 °C [82,85]. (b)
ature thermal creep and radiation resistance [18,21,26–30,87]. Comparison of the dose dependence of neutron-induced volumetric void swelling in
Limited experimental data obtained to date on 9Cr ferritic/ cold-worked stainless steel, Ti-modified austenitic stainless steel and 9–12%Cr
ferritic/martensitic steels [5]. The typical desired design lifetime conditions for SFR
martensitic steels demonstrate it is possible to double the thermal fuel cladding [3,81,82] are shown in both figures. The relationship between
creep strength at 650 °C compared to current conventional operating time and displacement damage assumes a typical core damage rate of
ferritic/martensitic steels such as 9Cr-1Mo [18,21,26–30,87] while 1  10 6 dpa/s.
406 S.J. Zinkle et al. / Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 20 (2016) 401–410

provide even better creep strength and radiation resistance British Generation-1 Magnox design: CO2-cooled reactors utiliz-
[87–90], but reliable and robust joining procedures need further ing a magnesium alloy ‘‘pin-type” cladding encasing natural
development and fabrication costs associated with the powder uranium fuel. To improve safety and thermal efficiency, the
metallurgy manufacturing process are currently much higher than 99 Mg-0.8Al magnesium-based cladding was replaced by a
for conventional alloy fabrication methods. Oxide dispersion higher-temperature (and higher neutron absorbing) 20Cr-25Ni
strengthened steels may provide thermal creep strengths that are stainless steel, allowing reactor exit gas temperature to increase
3 that of conventional ferritic/martensitic steels [87,89], and from 360 °C to 630 °C. The design temperature limit was con-
superior radiation resistance [89,90]. trolled by excessive oxidation by the CO2 coolant rather than steel
Additional research is needed on creep-fatigue synergistic softening considerations. To compensate for the additional neutron
damage mechanisms in irradiated steels [91,92], as well as more scavenging induced by the steel compared to the magnesium alloy
detailed studies on mechanical deformation of weldments (in the fuel in these reactors was enriched in fissile U-235. These
particular Type IV cracking in the heat affected zones) [93,94]. Gen-2 plants, known as Advanced Gas Cooled Reactors (AGCR’s),
Cyclic fatigue can occur in SFRs due to (low-cycle) start up and along with the original Gen-1 plants, provided decades of base-
shut down transients as well as (high cycle) coolant thermohy- load power in the United Kingdom (UK) and elsewhere in Europe.
draulic instabilities known as ‘‘thermal striping” [95,96] and other Transition from AGCR to HTGR and ultimately VHTR is limited
mechanical vibrations. Historically, low cycle fatigue has been by availability of appropriate engineering materials for the pres-
governed by ductility and high cycle fatigue has been correlated sure vessel, intermediate heat exchanger, and core internals, as
with strength [91], but the impact of irradiation on cyclic well as the associated code qualification of those materials and
softening and other creep-fatigue processes is not well under- high-temperature design methodologies allowing engineers to
stood. There is some experimental evidence that traditional carry out appropriate design. While the operating temperature
post-irradiation tensile, fatigue and creep rupture tests may and vessel size for the gas-cooled reactors are larger than for the
produce greater degradation compared to in situ tests [97–100], LWR or SFR, the benefits in adopting new high performance RPV
but possible physical mechanisms to explain these effects are still steels are essentially identical with the other reactor platforms.
under development. Continuing the trend toward higher efficiency power plants
Additional key SFR materials R&D issues are largely associated (Fig. 5), the first Generation-III HTGR demonstration plants
with improved thermodynamic efficiency or reliability in order emerged with the Peach Bottom reactor (1966–1974) operating
to enhance economic competitiveness [78]. These issues include at 750 °C being the first example. That reactor utilized stainless
identification of potential heat exchanger materials for supercriti- steel pin-type fuel containing graphite compacts of ‘‘BISO”
cal CO2 Brayton power conversion systems that have good creep (bistructural isotropic) particle fuel consisting of two concentric
strength and corrosion resistance to sodium and CO2 [101,102]. layers of pyrolytic carbon surrounding the fuel kernel. Subse-
High performance materials to enable advanced steam generators quently a number of experimental HTGRs followed in the UK (Dra-
with improved reliability are also an important R&D area [78]. gon), Germany (AVR), Japan (HTTR) and China (HTR-10), each
moving from the non-encapsulated BISO fuel to a tri-structural
4. Very high temperature reactors (VHTRs) ‘‘TRISO” fuel that utilized a SiC micro-pressure vessel surrounding
the fuel kernel (between two layers of pyrolytic carbon) for pri-
The first conceptual design for a high temperature (>1000 °C) mary fission product containment. These early experimental
gas cooled reactor (HTGR) was published in 1947 [103]. The design HTGRs further pushed the operating temperature envelope,
proposed very high temperatures (>1000 °C) and a lower power entirely eliminating metallic pin-type fuels, opting for either
density than today’s commercial LWRs, thereby offering significant spherical graphite pebbles of entrained TRISO (the Pebble Bed
intrinsic passive system safety advantages but daunting high tem- Modular Reactor Design) or cylindrical graphite compacts of
perature materials development challenges. Over the subsequent entrained TRISO (the Prismatic Design) within interlocked graphite
decades a number of commercial system evolutions have occurred blocks. The majority of the core was graphite and ceramic fuel,
in graphite moderated reactors, each slowly approaching the safety essentially limiting the use of metallic structures within the
and system efficiency promised by that original HTGR design. nuclear core to the control system and the pressure vessel.
Fig. 5 summarizes the operating temperatures and construction The research carried out in these experimental Generation-III
and operation dates for gas-cooled reactors worldwide. The HTGRs led to a few demonstration power plants (the Ft. St. Vrain
first commercial graphite-block moderated reactors were the reactor in the US and the THTR in Germany), though neither oper-
ated very long due in large part to engineering issues with the
plants. Since that time, a number of international research pro-
grams have considered Generation-III HTGRs and Generation-IV
VHTRs (characterized by helium outlet temperatures of greater
than 900 °C) for the production of electricity and process heat.
One such program has been the International Gen IV nuclear
energy program. Other, purely commercial enterprises include
the now defunct South African Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR)
project (Gen III HTGR) and the ongoing Chinese HTR-PM HTGR
reactor, which has been under construction since 2012.
With the elimination of metallic fuel cladding, the remaining
VHTR metallic core internals include control rods, control-rod
guides, upper plenum shroud, and hot-duct liner. In addition to
these in-core materials, a suitable high-performance creep-
resistant heat exchanger material would be needed in order to
achieve desired high operating temperatures. In all cases, use of
computational thermodynamics tools to guide an expedited high-
performance high-temperature alloy development program would
Fig. 5. Evolution in operating temperature for gas-cooled reactors. be valuable. In order to further increase plant efficiency, becoming
S.J. Zinkle et al. / Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 20 (2016) 401–410 407

true HTGRs or VHTRs, either new, higher-temperature metallic tions such as core support and stabilizers and control-rod guides
alloys or structural ceramics would become necessary. However, [109–112]. These targeted introductions of composites for high-
due in part to the current lack of qualification for ‘‘building blocks” value components (to offset their typical higher fabrication costs
of the gas-cooled reactors, such as the core graphite and the TRISO compared to alloys) are similar to the approach used for introduc-
fuel, programs such as the U.S. Next Generation Nuclear Plant ing composites into commercial aircraft. The code qualification of
(NGNP) program and the former South African pebble bed reactor such nuclear composite materials is ongoing, at a low level,
project focused significant resources on these primary needs through an ASME working group and in a number of associated
(although neither project completed qualification of the fuel or testing standards development under ASTM Committee C28 on
graphite). As a compromise, poorly performing historic structural advanced ceramics [113].
alloys such as a SA-508 Grade 3 (pressure vessel) or Alloy 800H The motivation for moving to such composites, analogous with
(reactivity control rods, heat exchanger and other applications) introduction of ceramic composites in today’s aircraft engines
were selected for the reference design and investigated for incre- (such as SiC composite compressor shroud in the GE LEAP engine
mental performance extension. and soon the inner and outer combustor liner for the GE9X engine),
The continued attraction of materials such as Alloy 800H [104], is their superior high-temperature performance as well as low
an oxidation resistant and higher creep strength variant of the Fe- mass. Furthermore, nuclear-grade SiC composites have another
32.5Ni-21Cr Incoloy 800 (circa 1965) follows a similar theme as significant advantage over both historic and modern structural
that for the Zircaloy-2 and 4 (circa 1958) cladding for the LWR, alloys. Specifically, Alloy 800H [114] and the general class of
the HT-9 (circa 1960s) fuel clad of fast reactors and the SA-508 nickel-based superalloys [115] suffer from very low neutron dose
Grade 3 (circa 1965) steel utilized for RPVs: They are code- embrittlement, essentially requiring expensive component
qualified historic alloys of proven engineering application, though replacement during the lifetime of the reactor. This contrasts with
arguably of inferior performance to modern engineering alloys. As SiC composites, which have exceptional irradiation stability, allow-
mentioned, the historic Alloy 800H is being evaluated for possible ing lifetime components [65,116].
extension in HTGR and VHTR concepts to allow use at tempera-
tures above the current code limits [104]. Currently, the alloy is 5. Recommendations
qualified to 760 °C for nuclear applications, though a draft German
standard [105] allowed use to 1100 °C. By inspection of Fig. 6, for Advanced materials offer numerous performance, economic,
the operating temperature regime of the HTGR and VHTR environmental and safety advantages for current and future
(>700 °C) the yield and creep rupture strength of alloy 800H is a nuclear power systems. The perceived regulatory barriers and eco-
fraction of alternative alloys such as Alloy X (XR), Alloy 230, or nomic risks associated with the introduction of unproven materials
Alloy 617 [106]. It is noted that some of these alternative alloys can be largely eliminated through sustained (decadal) nonpropri-
are being investigated for potential VHTR applications (e.g., Alloy etary or federally funded research and development prior to their
X for hot duct liner in Japanese HTTR program and Alloy 617 for introduction in commercial power stations. Conversely, historical
intermediate heat exchangers for the NGNP program). However, evidence from other industries suggests lack of introduction of
code qualification efforts of these alternative alloys is sporadic. improved materials (and corresponding design innovations) will
One drawback of utilizing the historic materials, as suggested in eventually lead to obsolescence.
Fig. 5, is that the current development path for gas-cooled reactors For current and next-generation light water reactors, R&D to
has essentially approached an asymptotic performance tempera- identify suitable accident tolerant fuel systems and deep-burn fuel
ture limit defined by the code qualification limits of the in-core concepts offer significant promise to improve safety under low-
and RPV alloys. Higher performance VHTR materials are being probability accident conditions and to reduce waste disposal bur-
explored at a relatively modest effort including performance test- dens. For next-generation reactor concepts, this could greatly
ing and engineering design code work. As example the PBMR pro- reduce or possibly eliminate the need for emergency planning pub-
gram fabricated and carried out a testing program on carbon fiber lic evacuation zones around reactors. Introduction of new reactor
reinforced composite (CFRC) [107,108] reflector tie rods and lateral pressure vessel steels that leverage the significant advances since
restraint straps and the International Generation IV program has the 1960s in design of high-performance low-alloy steels and the
examined SiC/SiC composites and CFRCs for a number of applica- improved understanding of methods to suppress radiation damage
degradation of fracture toughness could provide simultaneous fab-
rication savings and improved performance. Similar advantages
could be achieved with advanced in-core structural materials to
replace early-generation stainless steels and nickel alloys.
For sodium-cooled fast reactors, new high-performance steels
designed using computational thermodynamics or based on oxide
dispersion strengthening offer a viable solution to the current
capability gap in conventional austenitic and ferritic/martensitic
steels of simultaneous high thermal creep strength and high-dose
void swelling resistance for fuel cladding and duct/wrapper com-
ponents that is needed for economic competitiveness of SFRs.
The low power densities in VHTRs provide significant safety
advantages during loss of coolant accident scenarios, but require
high-performance creep-resistant materials for the pressure vessel
and core internal structural materials such as control rod drive
mechanisms. Ceramic composites offer the best option for core
internal structures that would enable realization of the initial
vision of operating temperatures near 1000 °C. A research and
Fig. 6. Average yield strength and 100,000 h rupture strength of candidate in-core
development strategy culminating in insertion of ceramic
gas-cooled reactor structural alloys (from Ref. [106] and vendor-supplied property composites in selected VHTR components should be pursued to
data). gain practical engineering operational experience.
408 S.J. Zinkle et al. / Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 20 (2016) 401–410

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