Sikma Educare Center Copyright Idham Sik
Sikma Educare Center Copyright Idham Sik
Sikma Educare Center Copyright Idham Sik
Alhamdulillah, Thanks to Almighty God, Allah SWT who has given His
bless to the composer for finishing English module assignment entitled
"TINGKAT DASAR II". The composer also wish to express his deep and
sincere gratitude for those who have helped in completing this English
This English module contains grammar, exercise of English that can help
the reader to improve their English skill. This English module in using is
provided to beginner in their English.
Hopefully, this English module can help the readers to expand their
knowledge about English studying.
INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………
……………………… i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………
……………………….. ii
1. Simple Present Tense, Part I (is, am, are) ………
…………………….. 1
2. Simple Present Tense, Part II ………………………...
………................ 6
3. Have and Has ……………………………………………………
…………………….. 11
4. Demonstrative …………………………………………………
……………………… 14
5. This dan These ……………………………….………………
………………... 15
6. That dan Those ……………………………..…………………
……………….. 17
7. "There is" and "There are" …………………………………
………………………. 19
8. Noun Phrase ……………………………………………………
……………………… 22
9. Quantifier …………………………………………………………
……………………….. 25
10. Some and Any ………………………………………………
………………………. 26
11. Much and Many ……………………………………………
………………………. 29
12. A little/little dan A few/few ………………………………
………………………. 32
13. Adverbs of Frequency ………………………………………
………………….. 35
14. Adverbs of Manner …………………………………………
………………………. 39
15. Adverbs of Degree ……………………………………………
……………………….. 41
16. Auxiliary verbs (can and could) ……………………………
……………………….. 43
17. Prepositions of Time …………………………………………
……………….. 45
18. Present Continuous Tense …………………………………
……………………… 47
19. Have Got and Has Got ……………..………………………
……………………… 51
Saya akan
aka terus berusaha
20. Prepositions ………..……………………………………………
……………………….. 54 hingga saya sukses”
21. Imperative Sentence ……………………………………
………………………. 58
22. Conjunctions ………………………………………………
……………………… 60
BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………..……………………
……………………… 65
7. A : _____?
2. a. we 5. a. do
B : The cats like fish.
b. us b. doing
8. A : _____? c. our c. did
B : The boys usually sleep in their bedroom. d. ours d. done
3. a. studies
b. study
c. studied
d. is studying
What do you have? (Apa yang kamu punya?)
I have ..... (Saya punya......)
I have a book. (Saya punya sebuah buku.)
you have .... (Kamu punya....)
What food do they havee for din
dinner? (Makanan apa yang mereka punya
We have .... (Kami/Kita punya......)
untuk makan malam?)
They have ..... (Mereka punya......)
They have fruits and pizza. (Mereka punya buah-buahan dan
Toni and Tono have .... (Toni dan Tono punya......)
The boys have .... (Anak laki-laki (jamak) punya
The cats have .... (Kucing (jamak) punya......)
What book do Toni and
d Tono h
have? They have biology books.
Contoh Kalimat;
I have a book. Saya punya sebuah
buah bubuku.
She has... Shinta has...
You have 3 apples. Kamu punya tiga
iga apel.
He has... Robi ha
They have a big house. Mereka mempunyai
punyai rurumah yang besar.
It has... The cat has...
Toni and Tono have new pens. Toni dan Tono punya p pena baru.
The boys have some books. Anak-anak laki-laki
laki itu punya beberapa
"has" hanya digunakan untuk su
subject-subject seperti di atas, jadi kita
tidak boleh mengatakan;
The cats have a big house. (Kucing-kucingg itu mem
mempunyai sebuah
I has...
rumah yang besar.)
You has...
They has...
Untuk membuat kalimat negatif yang menyatakan
akan "tid
"tidak mempunyai"
We has...
kita memerlukan "do not".
Toni and Tono has...
kata "this" pada kalimat diatas diikuti oleh kataa benda, dan perlu diingat
bahwa kata benda yang mengikutinya haruslah h kata b
benda tunggal
(singular noun), dan kata "this" tersebut menjelaskan
elaskan kata
k benda yang
Quatifier dapat dibedakan menjadi beberapa bagian, yaitu:y
Some digunakan dalam m kaliamat
kaliam positif. Some bisa digunakan untuk
1. Neutral quatifiers /quantifier netral: some,, any, a number of, enough
benda yang bisa dihitung
ng ataupun
ataup yang tidak bisa dihitung (countable dan
2. Quantifier of large quantity/quantifier untuktuk jumla
jumlah/kuantitas yang
uncountable nouns). Some tida
tidak dibolehkan diletakkan pada kalimat jika
besar; Much, many, a lots, plenty of, numerous,
erous, a large number of,
kalimat tersebut berbentuk
ntuk neg
3. Quantifier of small quantity/quantifier untuktuk jumla
jumlah atau kuantitas Sekarang perhatikan contoh
ontoh berikut
be ini:
kecil a few, a little, not many, not much, a number
numbe of, dll. Toni has some books.
Perlu diperhatikan bahwa untuk memahamii quanti quantifier ini, kita harus They have some pens.
memahami dulu masalah countable dan uncounta ncountable nouns, karena There are some apples on the ttable.
beberapa dari quatifier tersebut dalam pemakaiannya pem sangat My brothers buy some new pencils.
berhubungan dengan countable dan uncontable ble nouns
noun dan juga kalimat There is some sugar in the kitch
positif/affirmative, kalimat negative dan kalimatat interr
interrogative. I need some water.
I don't have any books. I don't have
ave any book.
They didn't bring any pens. They didn't
dn't bring any pen.
She doesn't have any rulers. She doesn't
sn't have any ruler.
Do they need any knives? Do they need any knife?
Does she water any flowers? Does shee water aany flower?
I have much money.
There is much sugar in the kitchen.
Do you have much milk?
My father and my mother have much free time.
Few sama halnya dengan little, few mepunya epunyai makna negatif.
Contoh: I have few books.
Pada kalimat ini berarti si pembicara tidak merasa
erasa cu cukup, tidak merasa
senang dan juga puas atas buku yang ia miliki,i, ini yan
yang dimaksud makna
negatif pada kata few.
Semoga penjelasan saya ini bisa dimengerti. A little/li
little/little dipakai untuk
benda yang tidak bisa dihitung atau uncountable
ble noun
noun, akan tetapi a little
mempunyai makna positif dan little mempunya empunyai makna negatif.
A few/few digunakan untuk benda yang bisa di dihitung dan harus
berbentuk jamak. A few bermakna positif dan few bermakna
berm negatif.
* Jika ada preposisi sebelum objek, misalnya: at, towards, etc., kita
Di atas saya hanya memberikan sedikit contoh h adverb
adverbs of manner. Yang
dapat meletakkan adverb sebelum
s preposisi atau setelah objek.
terpenting adalah kita harus mengetahui bagaimana
gaimana bentuk perubahan
dari adjective menjadi adverb of manner. Sebagian besar perubahan
The boy ran happily towards
wards his mother.
bentuk adjective menjadi adverb of manner yaitu
aitu den
dengan menambahkan
"ly" setelah adverb tersebut. Lebih jelasnyaa perhat
perhatikan penjelasan di
The boy ran towards hisis mother
mothe happily/
bawah ini;
Happily, the boy ran towards
wards hi
his mother.
Preposition ini digunakan sebelum nama hari atau beb
beberapa jenis hari.
Contoh: I don't go to school on Sunday.
I can't come to your house on Monday.
Jadi sebelum nama-nama hari preposition yangg tepat aadalah on dan kita
tidak boleh menggunakan in ataupun at.
On juga dipakai jika kita menggunakan waktu seperti d
di bawah ini:
My birthday is on July 12th.
She went to medan on 11 March 2010.
2. A: Where is David?
Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran -ie kita mengganti
gganti -ie dengan -y dan
B: _______________ ( play / tennis)
menambahkan -ing. Contoh:
• lie – lying : bukan lieing
3. A: ______________________
___________? (The children / play )
Contoh lain : B: No, They are sleeping.
What are you doing?
I am eating pizza now. 4. A: Where are Joe and
d Andy?
Hi, John, Where is your mother? B: ______________________
_________. (swim)
She is staying in America.
I am typing an article about Present Continuous
us Tense now. My Father is 5. A: Are you writing a story?
watching TV in the living room and my motherr is cooki
cooking in the kitchen. B: No, ___________________
__________. (write / a poem)
We are a happy family.
till / until
• in the
he sense of how long • He is on holiday
ething is going to last until Friday.
• I will be back by 6
• in the
he sense of at the latest o’clock.
• up to a certain
certa time • By 11 o'clock, I had
read five pages.
1. This is the cinema that I told you about.
2. Because I was sleepy, I went to sleep.
Coordinating Conjunctions berada diantara dua kata atau dua kalimat
yang mereka hubungkan.
Subordinating Conjunction berada di awal subordinate
ordinate clause.