Chapter 1 C

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  Historical  Development  of  Science  and  Technology  in  the  Philippines  

The  current  state  of  science  and  technology  in  the  country  can  be  traced  back  to  its  
historical  development  and  the  latent  events  that  helped  shape  it  since  the  pre-­colonial  
period   to   contemporary   time.   What   we   have   or   lack   today   in   terms   of   science   and  
technology  is  very  much  an  effect  of  the  government  policies  that  had  been  enacted  by  
past  public  officials  in  trying  to  develop  a  technological  society  that  is  responsive  to  the  
needs  of  time.  
Pre-­Spanish  Era.    
There  is  not  much  written  about  the  Philippines  during  pre-­colonial  time  but  analysis  
from   archeological   artifacts   revealed   that   the   first   inhabitants   in   the   archipelago   who  
settled  in  Palawan  and  Batangas  around  40  000  years  ago  have  made  simple  tools  or  
weapons   of   stone   which   eventually   developed   techniques   for   sawing,   drilling   and  
polishing   hard   stones.   This   very   primitive   technology   was   brought   by   primal   needs   of  
survival  by  hunting  wild  animals  and  gathering  fruits  and  vegetables  in  the  forest.  They  
learned  that  by  polishing  hard  stones,  they  can  develop  sharp  objects  that  are  useful  in  
their  day  to  day  activities.  From  this  early,  we  can  see  that  technology  was  developed  
because  of  a  great  necessity.    
Still  on  its  primitive  state,  the  first  inhabitants  in  the  country  are  learning  what  can  
be  harnessed  from  the  environment.  They  have  come  to  understand  that  when  clay  is  
mixed  with  2  water  and  then  shaped  into  something  before  sun  drying,  it  hardens  to  an  
object  that  can  also  be  useful  to  them.  And  because  clay  is  moldable,  it  can  be  shaped  
into  various  objects.    
As  the  early  Filipinos  flourished,  they  have  learned  how  to  extract,  smelt  and  refine  
metals  like  copper,  gold,  bronze  and  iron  from  nature  and  consequently  fashion  them  into  
tools  and  implements.  At  this  point,  the  inhabitants  of  the  country  are  showing  a  deeper  
understanding  of  their  nature  because  they  were  able  to  obtain  valuable  resources  from  
As  the  inhabitants  shifted  from  wandering  from  one  place  to  another  and  learned  to  
settle  in  areas  near  the  water  source,  they  also  learned  how  to  weave  cotton,  engaged  
themselves  in  agriculture  and  are  knowledgeable  on  building  boats  for  coastal  trade.    
From   the   above   mentioned   facts,   it   can   be   concluded   that   primitive   Filipinos   are  
practicing   science   and   technology   in   their   everyday   lives.   The   ancient   crafts   of   stone  
carving,  pottery  and  smelting  of  metals  involves  a  lot  of  science,  which  is  understanding  
the  nature  of  matter  involved.  The  ingenuity  of  the  Ifugaos  in  building  the  Banaue  Rice  
Terraces   The   smelting   of   metals   exhibited   the   primitive   Filipino’s   knowledge   on   the  
composition   of   alloy   and   the   optimum   temperature   that   will   produce   the   metal   with  
acceptable  tensile  strength.  All  in  all,  the  primitive  Filipinos  were  living  in  perfect  harmony  
with  nature  and  they  obtain  from  it  what  is  just  needed  in  their  everyday  life  through  a  very  
simple  science  of  understanding  how  mother  nature  operates  

Spanish  Colonial  Era.    
As  claimed  by  Caoili  (1983),  the  beginnings  of  modern  science  and  technology  in  
the  country  can  be  traced  back  to  the  Spanish  regime  because  they  established  schools,  
hospitals   and   started   scientific   research   that   had   important   consequences   in   the  
development   of   the   country.   These   schools,   which   are   mostly   run   by   Spanish   friars,  
formed  the  first  Filipino  professionals.  The  The  3  highest  institution  of  learning  during  this  
time  was  the  Royal  and  Pontifical  University  of  Santo  Tomas.  
But   the   very   strict   hold   of   the   church   among   citizens   and   its   intervention   and  
meddling  to  the  government  propelled  by  fear  of  intellectual  awakening  among  Filipinos  
have   greatly   hindered   the   progress   of   these   professionals   to   further   enhance   their  
knowledge,   conduct   scientific   investigations   and   contribute   to   the   advancement   of  
society.   But   a   few   of   persistent   Filipino   scientists   succeeded   by   educating   themselves  
abroad.  One  notable  example  of  course  is  our  national  hero,  the  great  Dr.  Jose  P.  Rizal.  
Dr.  Jose  Rizal  is  the  epitome  of  the  Renaissance  man  in  the  Philippine  context.  He  is  a  
scientist,   a   doctor,   an   engineer   (he   designed   and   built   a   water   system   in   Dapitan),   a  
journalist,  a  novelist,  an  urban  planner  and  a  hero.  Being  a  doctor  and  scientist,  he  had  
extensive   knowledge   on   medicine   and   was   able   to   operate   his   mother’s   blinding   eye.  
When   he   was   deported   in   Dapitan,   his   knowledge   on   science   and   engineering   was  
translated   into   technology   by   creating   a   water   system   that   improved   the   sanitation   of  
households  in  the  area.  Dr.  Jose    
Dr.  Jose  Rizal  was  a  brilliant  man  and  his  life  stood  out  among  his  contemporaries.  
But  it  cannot  be  said  that  there  is  no  contribution  to  science  and  technology  among  the  
Filipino   men   and   women   during   the   Spanish   era.   The   charity   hospitals   became   the  
breeding  ground  for  scientific  researches  on  pharmacy  and  medicine,  with  great  focus  on  
problems  of  infectious  diseases,  their  causes  and  possible  remedies.  And  in  1887,  the  
Laboratorio   Municipal   de   Ciudad   de   Manila   was   created   and   whose   functions   were   to  
conduct  biochemical  analyses  for  public  health  and  to  undertake  specimen  examinations  
for  clinical  and  medico-­legal  cases.  Its  publication,  probably  the  first  scientific  journal  in  
the   country   was   titled   Cronica   de   Ciencias   Medicas   de   Filipinas   showed   the   studies  
undertaken  during  that  time.  
As  the  colonization  of  the  Spaniards  lengthened,  they  began  to  exploit  the  natural  
resources   of   the   country   through   agriculture,   mining   of   metals   and   minerals   and  
establishing   various   kinds   of   industries   to   further   promote   economic   growth.   As   such,  
scientific  research  on  these  fields  were  encouraged  by  the  government.  By  the  nineteenth  
century,   Manila   has   become   a   cosmopolitan   center   and   modern   amenities   were  
introduced  to  the  city.  However,  little  is  known  about  the  accomplishments  of  scientific  
bodies   commissioned   by   the   Spanish   government   during   this   time.   Because   of   limited  
scientific   research   and   its   consequent   translation   to   technology   during   the   Spanish  
regime,   none   of   the   industries   prosper.   The   Philippines   had   evolved   into   a   primary  
agricultural  exporting  economy,  and  this  is  not  because  of  the  researches  undertaken  on  

this  field,  but  was  largely  because  of  the  influx  of  foreign  capital  and  technology  which  
brought  modernization  of  some  sectors,  notably  sugar  and  hemp  production.    
American  Period  
If   the   development   in   science   and   technology   was   very   slow   during   the   Spanish  
regime,   the   Philippines   saw   a   rapid   growth   during   the   American   occupation   and   was  
made  possible  by  the  government’s  extensive  public  education  system  from  elementary  
to  tertiary  schools.  The  establishment  of  various  public  tertiary  schools  like  the  Philippine  
Normal   School   and   University   of   the   Philippines   provided   the   needs   for   professionally  
trained  Filipinos  in  building  the  government’s  organization  and  programs.  The  growth  and  
application   of   science   were   still   concentrated   on   the   health   sector   in   the   form   of  
biochemical  analyses  in  hospitals.  The  government  supported  basic  and  applied  research  
in   the   medical,   agricultural   and   related   sciences.  The   University   of   the   Philippines   Los  
Baños  opened  the  College  of  Agriculture  in  1909  while  the  University  of  the  Philippines  –  
Diliman  opened  the  Colleges  of  Arts,  Engineering  and  Veterinary  Medicine  in  1910.  The  
College  of  Medicine  was  opened  four  years  later.  
During  this  time,  there  were  already  quite  a  number  of  qualified  Filipino  physicians  
who   held   teaching   positions   in   the   College   of   Medicine,   whereas   most   of   the   early  
instructors  and  professors  in  other  colleges  such  as  in  the  sciences  and  engineering  were  
Americans   and   foreigners.   Capacity   building   programs   that   include   sending   qualified  
Filipinos  abroad  for  advanced  training  were  conducted  to  eventually  fill  up  the  teaching  
positions   in   Philippine   universities.   Moreover,   the   American   colonial   government   sent  
Filipino   youths   to   be   educated   as   teachers,   engineers,   physicians   and   lawyers   in  
American  colleges  to  further  capacitate  the  Filipinos  in  various  fields.    
However,   there   was   difficulty   in   recruiting   students   for   science   and   technology  
courses   like   veterinary   medicine,   engineering,   agriculture,   applied   sciences   and  
industrial-­vocational   courses.   The   enrollment   in   these   courses   were   dismal   that   the  
government   had   to   offer   scholarships   to   attract   students.   The   unpopularity   of   these  
courses  stemmed  from  the  Filipinos’  disdain  toward  manual  work  that  developed  from  the  
400  years  under  Spanish  colonization.  The  Filipinos  then  prefer  prestigious  professions  
at  that  time  like  priesthood,  law  and  medicine.    
The  government  provided  more  support  for  the  development  of  science  and  created  
the  Bureau  of  Government  Laboratories  in  and  was  later  changed  to  Bureau  of  Science.  
It  was  composed  of  a  biological  laboratory,  chemical  laboratory,  serum  laboratory  for  the  
production   of   virus   vaccine,   serums   and   prophylactics,   and   a   library.   The   bureau   was  
initially  managed  by  American  senior  scientists  but  as  more  Filipinos  were  trained  and  
acquire  the  necessary  knowledge  and  skills,  they  eventually  took  over  their  positions.  The  
Bureau  of  Science  served  as  the  primary  training  ground  for  Filipino  scientists  and  paved  
the  way  for  pioneering  scientific  research,  most  especially  on  the  study  of  various  tropical  
diseases   that   were   prevalent   during   those   times   like   leprosy,   tuberculosis,   cholera,  
dengue  fever,  malaria  and  beri-­beri.  Another  great  contribution  of  the  Bureau  of  Science  
to  the  development  of  science  and  technology  in  the  country  was  the  publication  of  the  

Philippine  Journal  of  Science.  This  scientific  journal  published  researches  done  in  local  
laboratories   and   reported   global   scientific   developments   that   had   relevance   to   the  
Philippine   society.   The   Bureau   of   Science   became   the   primary   research   center   of   the  
Philippines   until   World   War   II.   Lastly,   on   December   8,   1933,   the   National   Research  
Council  of  the  Philippines  was  established.    
Commonwealth  Period  
When  the  Americans  granted  independence  and  the  Commonwealth  government  
was   established,   the   Filipinos   were   busy   in   working   towards   economic   reliance   but  
acknowledge  the  importance  and  vital  role  of  science  and  technology  for  the  economic  
development  of  the  country  by  declaring  that  “The  State  shall  promote  scientific  research  
and   invention…”   The   short-­lived   Commonwealth   Government   was   succeeded   by   the  
Japanese  occupation  when  the  Pacific  war  broke  out  in  1941.  The  prevailing  situations  
during   the   time   of   Commonwealth   period   to   the   Japanese   regime   had   made  
developments  in  science  and  technology  practically  impossible.  This  is  also  true  when  
World  War  II  ended  and  left  Manila,  the  country’s  capital,  in  ruins.  The  government  had  
to  rebuild  again  and  normalize  the  operations  in  the  whole  country.  
Science  and  Technology  since  Independence  
In  1946  the  Bureau  of  Science  was  replaced  by  the  Institute  of  Science  and  was  
placed  under  the  Office  of  the  President  of  the  Philippines.  However,  the  agency  faced  
lack  of  financial  support  from  the  government  and  experienced  planning  and  coordination  
problems.  In  a  report  by  the  US  Economic  Survey  to  the  Philippines  in  1950,  there  is  a  
lack  of  basic  information  which  were  necessities  to  the  country's  industries,  lack  of  support  
of   experimental   work   and   minimal   budget   for   scientific   research   and   low   salaries   of  
scientists  employed  by  the  government.  In  1958,  during  the  regime  of  President  Carlos  
P.  Garcia,  the  Philippine  Congress  passed  the  Science  Act  of  1958  which  established  the  
National  Science  Development  Board  (NSDB).    
The   Philippine   government   focused   on   science   and   technology   institutional  
capacity-­building  which  were  undertaken  by  establishing  infrastructure-­support  facilities  
such  as  new  research  agencies  and  development  trainings.  However  good  these  projects  
were,   it   produced   insignificant   effects   because   of   lack   of   coordination   and   planning,  
specifically  technology  planning,  between  concerned  agencies  which  hindered  them  from  
performing  their  assigned  functions  effectively.  This  was  aptly  illustrated  in  the  unplanned  
activities  of  the  researchers  within  the  agencies.  Most  areas  of  research  were  naively  left  
to  the  discretion  of  the  researchers  under  the  assumption  that  they  were  working  for  the  
interests   of   the   country.   They   were   instructed   to   look   for   technologies   and   scientific  
studies  with  good  commercialization  potential.  Without  clear  research  policy  guidelines,  
researches  were  done  for  their  own  sake,  leaving  to  chance  the  commercialization  of  the  

Likewise,  during  this  time,  rebuilding  the  country  involved  establishing  more  state  
funded   manual   and   trading   schools   which   would   eventually   become   the   current   state  
universities   and   colleges.   The   trade   schools   produced   craftsmen,   tradesmen   and  
technicians  that  helped  in  shaping  a  more  technological  Philippines  while  still  being  an  
agricultural  based  nation.  Eventually,  when  these  trade  schools  were  elevated  to  college  
and  university  status,  they  produced  much  of  the  country’s  professionals,  although  there  
was  a  great  disparity  on  the  low  proportion  of  those  in  agriculture,  medical  and  natural  
sciences  with  those  from  teacher  training  and  commerce/business  administration  courses  
which  had  higher  number  of  graduates.  The  increase  in  the  number  of  graduates  led  to  
the   rise   of   professional   organizations   of   scientists   and   engineers.   These   organizations  
were  formed  to  promote  professional  interests  and  create  and  monitor  the  standards  of  
As   summarized   by   Caoili,   “There   has   been   little   innovation   in   the   education   and  
training  of  scientists  and  engineers  since  independence  in  1946.  This  is  in  part  due  to  the  
conservative   nature   of   self-­regulation   by   the   professional   associations.   Because   of  
specialized   training,   vertical   organizations   by   disciplines   and   lack   of   liaison   between  
professions,   professional   associations   have   been   unable   to   perceive   the   dynamic  
relationship   between   science,   technology   and   society   and   the   relevance   of   their  
training  to  Philippine  conditions.  
Science  and  Technology  in  the  1960s  to  1990s  
During   these   years,   the   government   gave   greater   importance   to   science   and  
technology.  The  government  declared  in  Section  9(1)  of  the  1973  Philippine  Constitution  
that   the   “advancement   of   science   and   technology   shall   have   priority   in   the   national  
On  April  6,  1968,  Pres.  Ferdinand  Marcos  proclaimed  the  35-­hectare  land  in  Bicutan,  
Taguig  as  the  site  of  the  Philippine  Science  Community.  Then  in  1969,  the  government  
provided  funds  to  private  universities  to  encourage  them  to  conduct  research  and  create  
courses  in  science  and  technology.  The  government  also  conducted  seminars  for  public  
and  private  high  school  and  college  science  teachers,  training  programs  and  scholarships  
for   graduate   and   undergraduate   science   scholars,   and   workshops   on   fisheries   and  
In  the  1970s,  focus  on  science  and  technology  was  given  to  applied  research  and  
the  main  objective  was  to  generate  products  and  processes  that  were  supposed  to  have  
a  greater  beneficial  impact  to  the  society.  Relative  to  this,  several  research  institutes  were  
established  under  the  National  Science  Development  Board  (NSDB)  which  includes  the  
Philippine   Coconut   Research   Institute   and   Philippine   Textile   Research   Institute.  
Moreover,   the   Philippine   Atomic   Energy   Commission,   another   agency   under   NSDB,  
explored  the  uses  of  atomic  energy  for  economic  development.  To  prepare  the  pool  of  
scientists   who   will   work   on   Philippine   Atomic   Commission,   Pres.   Marcos   assisted   107  

institutions   in   undertaking   nuclear   energy   work   by   sending   scientists   abroad   to   study  
nuclear  science  and  technology,  and  providing  basic  training  to  482  scientists,  doctors,  
engineers   and   technicians.   Then   in   1972,   by   virtue   of   Presidential   Decree   No.   4,   the  
National   Grains   Authority   was   created   and   it   was   tasked   to   improve   the   rice   and   corn  
industry  and  thereby  help  in  the  economic  development  of  the  country.  This  was  followed  
by  the  creation  of  Philippine  Council  for  Agricultural  Research  to  support  the  progressive  
development   of   agriculture,   forestry,   and   fisheries   in   the   country.   The   Marcos  
administration   also   established   the   Philippine   Atmospheric   Geophysical   and  
Astronomical   Service   Administration   (PAGASA)   under   the   Department   of   National  
Defense  to  provide  environmental  protection  and  to  utilize  scientific  knowledge  to  ensure  
the  safety  of  the  people  through  Presidential  Decree  No.  78,  s.  1972.  On  the  following  
year,  the  Philippine  National  Oil  Company  was  created  by  virtue  of  Presidential  Decree  
No.  334,  s.  1973,  to  promote  industrial  and  economic  development  through  effective  and  
efficient   use   of   energy   sources.   To   strengthen   the   scientific   culture   in   the   country,   the  
National  Academy  of  Science  and  Technology  was  established  under  Presidential  Decree  
No.  1003-­A,  s.  1976.  The  National  Academy  of  Science  and  Technology  was  composed  
of   scientists   with   “innovative   achievement   in   the   basic   and   applied   sciences”   who   will  
serve  as  the  reservoir  of  scientific  and  technological  expertise  for  the  country.  
In  the  1980s,  science  and  technology  was  still  focused  on  applied  research.  In  1982,  
NSDB  was  further  reorganized  into  a  National  Science  and  Technology  Authority  (NSTA)  
composed  of  four  research  and  development  Councils;;  Philippine  Council  for  Agriculture  
and  Resources  Research  and  Development  (PCARRD);;  Philippine  Council  for  Industry  
and  Energy  Research  Development  (PCIERD);;  Philippine  Council  for  Health  Research  
and   Development   (PCHRD)   and   the   National   Research   Council   of   the   Philippines  
(NRCP).  NSTA  has  also  eight  research  and  development  institutes  and  support  agencies  
under  it.  These  are  actually  the  former  organic  and  attached  agencies  of  NSDB  which  
have  themselves  been  reorganized.  
The   expanding   number   of   science   agencies   has   given   rise   to   a   demand   for   high  
calibre  scientists  and  engineers  to  undertake  research  and  staff  universities  and  colleges.  
Hence,   measures   have   also   been   taken   towards   the   improvement   of   the   country’s  
science   and   manpower.   In   March   1983,   Executive   Order   No.   889   was   issued   by   the  
President   which   provided   for   the   establishment   of   a   national   network   of   centers   of  
excellence   in   basic   sciences.   As   a   consequence,   six   new   institutes   were   created:   The  
National   Institutes   of   Physics,   Geological   Sciences,   Natural   Sciences   Research,  
Chemistry,   Biology   and   Mathematical   Sciences.   Related   to   this   efforts   was   the  
establishment  of  a  Scientific  Career  System  in  the  Civil  Service  by  Presidential  Decree  
No.  901  on  19  July  1983.  This  is  designed  to  attract  more  qualified  scientists  to  work  in  
government  and  encourage  young  people  to  pursue  science  degrees  and  careers.  
In   1986,   under   the   Aquino   administration,   the   National   Science   and   Technology  
Authority   was   replaced   by   the   Department   of   Science   and   Technology,   giving   science  
and   technology   a   representation   in   the   cabinet.   Under   the   Medium   Term   Philippine  
Development  Plan  for  the  years  1987-­1992,  science  and  technology's  role  in  economic  
recovery   and   sustained   economic   growth   was   highlighted.   In   this   period,   science   and  

technology   was   one   of   the   top   three   priorities   of   the   government   towards   economic  
With  the  agency's  elevation  to  full  cabinet  stature  by  virtue  of  Executive  Order  128  
signed   on   30   January   1987,   the   functions   and   responsibilities   of   DOST   expanded  
correspondingly  to  include  the  following:  (1)  Pursue  the  declared  state  policy  of  supporting  
local   scientific   and   technological   effort;;   (2)   Develop   local   capability   to   achieve  
technological  self-­reliance;;  (3)  Encourage  greater  private  sector  participation  in  research  
and  development.  moreover,  funding  for  the  science  and  technology  sector  was  tripled  
from  464  million  in  1986  to  1.7  billion  in  1992.  
The  Department  of  Science  and  Technology  (DOST)  is  the  premiere  science  and  
technology   body   in   the   country   charged   with   the   twin   mandate   of   providing   central  
direction,  leadership  and  coordination  of  all  scientific  and  technological  activities,  and  of  
formulating  policies,  programs  and  projects  to  support  national  development.  The  Science  
and   Technology   Master   Plan   was   formulated   which   aimed   at   the   modernization   of   the  
production   sector,   upgrading   research   activities,   and   development   of   infrastructure   for  
science   and   technological   purposes.   A   Research   and   Development   Plan   was   also  
formulated  to  examine  and  determine  which  areas  of  research  needed  attention  and  must  
be  given  priority.  The  criteria  for  identifying  the  program  to  be  pursued  were,  development  
of  local  materials,  probability  of  success,  potential  of  product  in  the  export  market,  and  
the   its   strategic   nature.   The   grants   for   the   research   and   development   programs   was  
included  in  the  Omnibus  Investment  Law.  
During  President  Fidel  Ramos’s  term,  there  was  a  significant  increase  in  personnel  
specializing  in  the  science  and  technology  field.  In  1998,  there  was  an  estimated  3,000  
competent  scientists  and  engineers  in  the  Philippines.  Adding  to  the  increase  of  scientists  
would  be  the  result  of  the  two  newly  built  Philippine  Science  High  Schools  in  Visayas  and  
Mindanao   which   promotes   further   development   of   young   kids   through   advance   S&T  
curriculum.  The  government  provided  3,500  scholarships  for  students  who  were  taking  
up  professions  related  to  S&T.  Priority  for  S&T  personnel  increased  when  Magna  Carta  
for   Science   and   Technology   Personnel   (Republic   Act   No.   8439)   was   established.   The  
award  was  published  in  order  to  give  incentives  and  rewards  for  people  who  have  been  
influential  in  the  field  of  S&T.    
Still   under   the   Ramos   administration,   DOST   established   the   “Science   and  
Technology  Agenda  for  National  Development  (STAND)”,  a  program  that  was  significant  
to  the  field  of  S&T.  It  identified  seven  export  products,  11  domestic  needs,  three  other  
supporting  industries,  and  the  coconut  industry  as  priority  investment  areas.  The  seven  
identified  export  products  were  computer  software;;  fashion  accessories;;  gifts,  toys,  and  
houseware;;  marine  products;;  metal  fabrications;;  furniture;;  and  dried  fruits.  The  domestic  
needs   identified   were   food,   housing,   health,   clothing,   transportation,   communication,  
disaster   mitigation,   defense,   environment,   manpower   development,   and   energy.   Three  
additional   support   industries   were   included   in   the   list   of   priority   sectors,   namely,  
packaging,  chemicals,  and  metals  because  of  their  linkages  with  the  above  sectors.    

In  the  Gloria  Macapagal-­Arroyo  administration,  numerous  laws  and  projects  were  
implemented  which  concerns  both  the  environment  and  science  to  push  technology  as  a  
tool  to  increase  the  country’s  economic  level.  This  is  to  help  increase  the  productivity  from  
Science,  Technology  and  Innovations  (STI)  and  help  benefit  the  poor  people.  Moreover,  
the  term  “Filipinnovation”  was  the  coined  term  used  in  helping  the  Philippines  to  be  an  
innovation  hub  in  Asia.  
The  STI  was  developed  further  by  strengthening  the  schools  and  education  system  
such   as   the   Philippine   Science   High   School   (PSHS),   which   focuses   in   science,  
technology   and   mathematics   in   their   curriculum.   This   helps   schools   produce   get   more  
involve  in  this  sector.  Private  sectors  were  also  encouraged  to  participate  in  developing  
the  schools  through  organizing  events  and  sponsorships.  Future  Filipino  scientists  and  
innovators  can  be  produced  through  this  system.  
Recently,  the  Philippines  ranked  73rd  out  of  128  economies  in  terms  of  Science  and  
Technology   and   Innovation   (STI)   index,   citing   the   country’s   strength   in   research   and  
commercialization  of  STI  ideas  (DOST,  2018).  However,  a  study  by  the  Philippine  Institute  
for  Development  Studies  highlighted  the  weak  ties  between  innovation-­driven  firms  and  
the   government,   and   it   also   identified   the   country’s   low   expenditure   in   research   and  
development  (R&D).  This  is  the  reason  the  government  is  now  extending  all  its  efforts  to  
reach  out  with  the  private  sector,  explaining  that  STI  plays  an  important  role  in  economic  
and  social  progress  and  is  a  key  driver  for  a  long-­term  growth  of  an  economy.  Technology  
adoption  allows  a  country’s  firms  and  citizens  to  benefit  from  innovations  created  in  other  
countries,  and  allows  it  to  catch  up  and  even  leap-­frog  obsolete  technologies.  Technology  
adoption,  the  official  said,  allows  a  country’s  firms  and  citizens  to  benefit  from  innovations  
created   in   other   countries,   and   allows   it   to   catch   up   and   even   leap-­frog   obsolete  

Hopes  in  Philippine  Science  and  Technology  

Despite  the  many  inadequacies,  from  funding  to  human  capital,  there  are  some  
science  and  technology-­intensive  research  and  capacity-­building  projects  which  resulted  
in  products  which  are  currently  being  used  successfully  and  benefits  the  society.  

One  of  these  is  the  micro-­satellite.  In  April  2016,  the  country  launched  into  space  
its   first   micro-­satellite   called   Diwata-­1.   It   was   designed,   developed   and   assembled   by  
Filipino  researchers  and  engineers  under  the  guidance  of  Japanese  experts.  The  Diwata  
(deity   in   English)   satellite   provides   real-­time,   high-­resolution   and   multi-­color   infrared  
images   for   various   applications,   including   meteorological   imaging,   crop   and   ocean  
productivity   measurement   and   high-­resolution   imaging   of   natural   and   man-­made  
features.   It   enables   a   more   precise   estimate   of   the   country’s   agricultural   production,  
provides   images   of   watersheds   and   floodplains   for   a   better   understanding   of   water  
available   for   irrigation,   power   and   domestic   consumption.   The   satellite   also   provides  
accurate  information  on  any  disturbance  and  degradation  of  forest  and  upland  areas.  

The  country  also  has  the  Nationwide  Operational  Assessment  of  Hazards  (NOAH),  
which  uses  the  Lidar  (light  detection  and  ranging)  technology.  Project  NOAH  was  initiated  
in  June  2012  to  help  manage  risks  associated  with  natural  hazards  and  disasters.  The  
project  developed  hydromet  sensors  and  high-­resolution  geo-­hazard  maps,  which  were  
generated  by  light  detection  and  ranging  technology  for  flood  modeling.  Noah  helps  the  
government  in  providing  timely  warning  with  a  lead  time  of  at  least  six  hours  in  the  wake  
of  impending  floods.  The  country  is  now  training  the  Cambodians  on  this  technology,  as  
part   of   the   partnerships   among   ASEAN   countries,   just   like   in   the   case   of   Japan   which  
assisted  the  country’s  scientists  and  engineers  in  building  its  first  micro-­satellite.  

Another   hope   lies   in   the   so-­called   Intelligent   Operation   Center   Platform.  

Established  through  a  collaboration  between  the  local  government  of  Davao  City  and  IBM  
Philippines  Inc.,  the  center  resulted  in  the  creation  of  a  dashboard  that  allows  authorized  
government  agencies,  such  as  police,  fire  and  anti-­terrorism  task  force,  to  use  analytics  
software  for  monitoring  events  and  operations  in  real  time.  

Current  Initiatives  in  Science  and  Technology  in  the  Country  

DOST,  in  cooperation  with  HEIs  and  research  institutions,  established  advanced  
facilities  that  seek  to  spur  R&D  activities  and  provide  MSMEs  access  to  testing  services  
needed  to  increase  their  productivity  and  competitive  advantage.  

One   is   the   Advanced   Device   and   Materials   Testing   Laboratories.   The   center  
houses  advanced  equipment  for  failure  analysis  and  materials  characterization  to  address  
advanced  analytical  needs  for  quality  control,  materials  identification  and  R&D.  Closely  
related  to  this  facility  is  the  Electronics  Products  Development  Center,  used  to  design,  
develop  and  test  hardware  and  software  for  electronic  products.  

There  are  also  high-­performance  computing  facilities  that  perform  tests  and  run  
computationally   intensive   applications   for   numerical   weather   prediction,   climate  
modeling,  as  well  as  analytics  and  data  modeling  and  archiving.  

The   Philippines   could   also   boast   of   its   Genome   Center,   a   core   facility   that  
combines   basic   and   applied   research   for   the   development   of   health   diagnostics,  
therapeutics,  DNA  forensics  and  preventive  products,  and  improved  crop  varieties.  

The  country  also  has  drug-­discovery  facilities,  which  address  the  requirements  for  
producing  high-­quality  and  globally  acceptable  drug  candidates.  She  said  the  Philippines  
also   has   nanotechnology   centers,   which   provide   technical   services   and   enabling  
environment   for   interdisciplinary   and   collaborative   R&D   in   various   nanotechnology  

There   are   also   radiation   processing   facilities   that   are   used   to   degrade,   graft,   or  
crosslink   polymers,   monomers,   or   chemical   compounds   for   industrial,   agricultural,  
environmental  and  medical  applications.  The  Philippines  could  also  boast  of  its  Die  and  

Mold   Solutions   Center,   which   enhances   the   competitiveness   of   the   local   tool   and   die  
sector  through  the  localization  of  currently  imported  dies  and  molds.  

These   are   reflections   that   we   are   advancing,   albeit   slowly,   to   a   culture   that  
embraces  STI  as  a  sure  path  to  growth.  

Identify  a  contemporary  Filipino  invention  and  discuss  how  it  improved  the  lives  of  our  
countrymen.  (Example:  SALt  lamp  or  “sustainable  alternative  lighting”  lamp  powered  by  
galvanic  reaction  of  an  anode  with  saline  water  invented  by  Aisa  Mijeno)  


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