Topic 2

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Topic 2

Science, Technology and Nation Building

This study guide will discuss the influence of science and technology in the
development of the Philippine society. It identifies the different government programs, project
and policies geared towards boasting the science and technological capacity of the country
and includes discussion on Philippine indigenous science and technology.

The history of science and technology in the Philippines is long even before the
county gained its independence. Before the colonization era, the
early inhabitants had their own culture and traditions, they have
their own belief system and indigenous knowledge that sustained
their lives and community over the years.

During the Pre – Spanish Philippines, science is embedded in the way of life,
influenced by survival, culture and economic activities which was observed in the following
manner (a) process in planting crops, (b) taking care of their animals, (c) production of their
foods, (d) the way they observe and interpret heavenly bodies movement in predicting
climate and seasons, these are all “Science”.
Early inhabitants developed tools for farming, hunting, and fishing as well as for
building their houses. They also developed tools used in wars, tribal conflicts, and tools for
transportation. All these inventions were a part of the technology used by our ancestors.
Even before we are colonized, our country is already active in trading with the
different neighboring countries such as China, Indonesia, Japan, and India to name a few.
This activity influenced their lives and provided opportunity for technological exchange.
However, things happened, we were colonized by foreign countries which played a vital role
in the development of Science and Technology.
The Spanish Regime
Birth of modern science can be traced back during the Spanish
regime, it was the Spaniards who established schools, hospitals, and
scientific research. Such activities are important in the country’s
profession. The religious orders are major contributors in shaping the field of S & T.
The plaza complex or reduccion is one of the strategies by the Spanish to gather
people and create a community near the church they built, this strategic plan was successful
in their colonization in Latin America and so is the Philippines. The plaza complex requires
all Filipino who are scattered around their source of living be compacted in the plaza, this will
enable the Spaniards to (a) implement the laws (b) proliferation of Catholicism (c) easier
management of native inhabitants (d) easier manner of collecting rax and (e) easer to catch
those who will violate the law. The result of the reduccion is the creation of barangay, town,
and municipality. However, the Filipinos resisted the idea since it will take them away from
their source of livelihood and be under the control of the Spaniards.
Various decrees were issued from Spain which includes the establishment of a
school system. During this era primary instructions was generally carried out by
missionaries and priest in the village & town teaching mostly religious education. Higher
education was provided by school’s set-up by the different religious orders in the Urban
areas mostly in Manila.
In terms of the agriculture, trade and industry, the opening of the Suez Canal allowed
the liberal ideas to enter the Philippines from the European countries. This allowed
prominent Filipinos to study S & T which include Jose Rizal and Antonio Luna.
Through the Spaniards colonized the Philippines for more than 300 years, S&T did
not fully grow and reached its full potential. This is due to superstitions and catholic doctrines
and poor administration of the Spanish government.
It was during the American colonization that the rapid growth of
S&T through the progress in public education, research and
science public service was observed in the Philippines. in 1901,
the American established the public education system and created
a Department of Public instruction. Education became accessible to everyone using English
as their medium of instruction. They started to recognize school science and basic education
focused on nature studies and sanitation. Some schools were established to train teachers.
Industrial and vocational courses were offered to Filipinos at that time choosing their own
career paths.
University of the Philippines was established during the American colonization,
having foreign teachers and professors. During this era, Filipinos were sent overseas for
education and training, and later replaced many foreign professors in UP. It was also during
this era that S&T is focused on agriculture, food processing, forestry, medicine, and
pharmacy. it was also in 1901 that the American established the Bureau of Government
Laboratories to deal with the study of tropical diseases. In 1905 it changed its name to
Bureau of Science, which later became the primary research center at the end of World
War II, it also manufactured serums and prophylactics needed by the Philippine General
The American have more influence in development of S&T in the Philippines
compared to the Spaniards. It was during the American occupation that modernized almost
all the aspect in the country. Though it is a fact that up to date the Philippine remains low in
agricultural and industrialization area. In 1942 – 1945 the Japanese government occupied
the Philippines and halted the development of S&T in the country.
The development of S&T in the Philippines, based on its history is shaped by several
factors and influences. The external factors include foreign colonizers and traders while the
internal factors include our culture, survival, economic activities. S&T have significant impact
on the lives of people and in the development of our society. The improvement of the quality
of science education remains a big challenge in the country. Until now, schools from basic
education to graduate are improving slowly and there are only few students enrolled in S&T
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is the key
government institution for science and technology. The
department is mandated “to provide central direction, leadership
and coordination of scientific and technological effort and ensure that the result therefrom is
geared and utilized in areas of maximum economic and social benefits for the people”. (E.O.
Philippine – American Academy of Science and Engineering
which has been identified with several capacity – building
programs such as: establishment of national centers of
excellence, manpower and institutional development programs, establishment of regional
centers to support scientific industries and strengthen science education at an early age.
The Philippine Congress has created las that serve as a legal basis for S&T.
Areas that the country is looking forward to in relation to S&T are as follows:
use of alternative and safe energy, harnessing mineral resources, finding cure
for various disease and illnesses, fighting climate change and global warming, increase food
production, preserve natural resources, and risk management for disaster and calamities.
These policies, projects and programs under science and technology were
established, developed, and supported by the concerned government agencies are shaped
by the following factors: (a) National goals, (b) International treaty, (c) legal frameworks and
(d) the country’s social needs, issues and problems.

THE FILIPINO SCIENTISTS: Below are the names of the scientist as listed in the
book of DR. Queena Lee Chuan (2000). Research on the following scientist and
identify their contribution to S&T.
1. Enrique Mapua Ostrea Jr. 8. Jose Bejar Cruz Jr
2. Ceasar A. Saloma 9. Lilian Formalejo Paterna
3. Fabian Millar Dayrit 10. Mari-jo Panganiban Ruiz
4. Edgardo Gomez 11. Lourdes Jansuy Cruz
5. Josefino Cacas Comiso 12. William Padolina
6. Ramon Cabanos Rabba 13. Angel Alcala
7. Gregory Ligot Tangonan 14. Rafael Dineros Guerrero III

ESSAY: What is the role of S&T in shaping the future of our country?

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