National Character Building

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National Character Building

Good morning ,the ladies and gentlemen and also the members of this house. First, before I deliver my speech to you,let me introduce myself. My name is Dani Nathanael from Junior high School 1 Purwokerto. First of all,let us praise gratitude to God Almighty for his mercy for all on this day we can come together to listen to my speech. Ladies and gentlemen,allow me to deliver my speech in the context of National Character Building program. Ladies and gentlemen,as we know National Character Building program is gouverment program with purpose for reactualize the values of nationalism in our daily life. The knowledgment about values of nationalism must be owned by all of people,especially,for stakeholder,educator,academicator and also university student as national generation in teh future. One of the way for return our national character is responsible behaviour. Do our act as as the each position. All of we do now will become such as a butterfly effect in the future. Build our national character,because knowledge is power,but characters is more. Ladies and gentlemen,there,re some important things that become a philosophy and principle of National Character Building . Firs,is education about religious values. Its important thing for build our character if the religious values was given from we was child. Second,is balance principle,is about moderation flexibility thinking. Third,we start from ourself,start now and and star t from the small thing. Forth,its about Kaizen theory,that we must change and repair yourself become the better continously. Fifth, the best from you is today is better than yesterday and tomorrow is better than today. Sixth, is that universal truthment principles that has been used by people in the past time succesfully so that they they reach in high cultural. And the last, is about values of spiritual,emotional intelegent,and adversity quotient. Ladies and gentlemen,the succesfull of National Character buliuding is also will created if there understanding,supporting,and cooperation between this elements like each person have spirit and vision of renewal,building,and developing our country,national organizer institute like the gouverment and DPR,Education institude,Social organization,religious leader and stakeholder educator,academicator,culturator,and mass media/ electronic. So,that program must do with socialization with some steps, from prepare of material and concept of application, continued with socialization with all of people elements and some institute that related with this program. Ladies and gentlemen,so,the consclusion is Indonesia needs a national character building for better generation as it is an important pillar and a drive in nation s daily life. It need commitment and support by nation s intitutions,business world and industry,public ,media and other stakeholders to compose and implement working program program of National Character Building.we also need to coordinate with related parties to create a strong synergy to make a better Indonesia. Finally,the Natonal Character Building will develop an honest,smart,tough,and caring generation. Ladies and gentlemen,I think its all that I want to tell you about National Character Building.Thanks for the judges and the audiences taht listen to me. Thanks for your attention,Good morning.......

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