Co-Education Is The Best Form of Education To Succeed in Life.

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Co-Education is the Best Form of Education to Succeed in Life

English Composition

Co-education is the best form of education to succeed in life. Education is an inevitable fact towards being successful and civilized and hence schools have a significant responsibility of developing appropriate and befitting social characters. Coeducation is the best way

to produce products that are fully prepared to take the lead and achieve success in the wider
community of men and women. Unlike co-education, single-sex education setting is unnatural because real world includes both the genders. Furthermore, people who study in co-educational institutions have a better opportunity to appreciate each others perspectives, and they understand the other gender better which helps them later in competing and achieving success. This also decreases the percentage of segregation and hostility towards the other sex. Since

It is evident that people cannot live in isolation in real society, so coeducation helps them to
live together cooperatively. Those children who study in coeducation do not shy away from sharing their opinions in mix gender gatherings. Coeducation prepares them to gain social maturity through interactions with the other sex. Furthermore, they have a positive and a

Economic Factors
Todays society is more challenging, and in order to win a place in professional places such as offices, one needs to know the ways of the world. Coeducation proves helpful in training young minds of both genders to compete with each other. Both males and females have not only to cooperate but also to compete with each other in the business world. Therefore, coeducation fosters such an environment where both genders understand each others psyche. This benefits girls and boys of

coeducation to achieve success. Besides, it is not evident that single sex education
always results in success (Research, 2012). Coeducation is also beneficial for society because in modern times if any society

wants to succeed then its people must stand with each other with harmony in order
to grow. There are ample of examples of such societies where males and females work together to make their country prosper.

Coeducation produces products that are ready to work in a mixed environment

while single sex education people may, at times, feel difficulty in operating in mixed gatherings (Novotney, 2011).

Instead of establishing separate schools for boys and girls, one single academic unit offers greater financial and economic benefits as less budget is required in building it as compared to separate schools.

The growing recession has caused many a businesses to collapse; in such circumstances it is quite difficult for the government to have separate schools for both boys and girls. Building a school requires a lot of budgets and other expenses have also to be met, a single school for both genders frees the government from

excessive burden of spending on education.

Psychological Factors
Co-education school system helps the students to develop a number of psychological benefits. Our society is formed with the intermingling and intercoordination of both the male and female genders, it is very important for both of them to have their understanding about each other. The mental understanding of both the genders about each other is helpful for them in having successful social

and familial life (Blake, 2012).

The understanding is useful, especially, for girls to advance in their social and professional life. They feel confident in their presence as they are used to it from the early days of their academic life, the hesitation is a big hurdle in the progress of womenfolk and one of the chief reasons for it is that they do not know how to act in their presence.

In the prevalent times when there has been a spread of unhealthy exposure, the significance of mental understanding has increased immensely. Without it, young boys and girls will have negative and adverse information of everything that has been exposed to them.

Girls having considerable knowledge of the male psyche have been observed to be
less prone to cases like harassment in their professional and social life, they know how to handle themselves as well as the ways of creating barriers for male to protect themselves as compared to the ones not having any knowledge on how to handle themselves in male presence and protect themselves against them.

Confidence is one of the few advantages of co-educational school system; being a part of a religious society, it is an inevitable truth that men and women do not get the chance to know each other. Such an environment leaves many blank spaces in their personalities, in such case co-education schools help to fill those gaps (Blake, 2012).

Social Factors
Co-education school system is an efficient way of boosting healthy social environment; as mentioned earlier, a society is built with the joint efforts of both male and female members, co-education helps in creating comfortable environment

and relations among them (School, 2013).

A considerable number of boys and girls face difficulties in progressing in their professional lives as they are unable to build good relations with their surrounding and their colleagues of opposite gender. Professions related to medical, IT and some of the sectors in teaching profession have an equal number of male and female employees. Boys and girls that plan to enter to any of the above mentioned professions profit

hugely from co-education as they know how to deal and act in the presence of
opposite gender and can work and progress easily.

Co-education is an efficient and highly profitable method to promote healthy competition among boys and girls; our society has a natural incline towards male children of the family, in this condition girls have to face much difficulty to gain prominence than boys. Co-education schools help building healthy relationship among them. It helps, especially females, to challenge males and gives the fair

chance to outshine them (School, 2013).

People who do not have confidence to deal with their opposite gender are found to be hesitant in leading good familial life; their married lives are intricate because of

their failure to develop good relations with their spouses. On the other hand, people
that have studied in co-education schools do not face any such difficulty, they are confident in their married and familial lives as well. It is very important to have good, friendly and healthy relationship among children and parents; the confidence gained as a result of studying in a co-education school assists the parents to help their children having good relations among them.

Education is imparted to prepare students for the real world. Coeducation is its component and hints to males and females about the complicated real-world. It trains them to make their place in the wider community of females and males. As NASSPE director also asserts that single education does not guarantee success, and

it is best to use coeducational setting to teach both the genders about their strengths
and weaknesses (Novotney, 2011). Many researches have been conducted on coeducation, and they have found that separating girls and boys in education, instead of success leads to extension of gender discrimination and will make it difficult to deal with the other gender in later life (Research, 2012). Coeducation is regarded by many people as distractive. They say that in

coeducation, students tend to concentrate more on each other instead of their

studies. But advocates of the coeducation are of an opinion that it is more due to the methods of teaching that are being applied to teach than the presence of the other gender.

Co-education school system is a great schooling system to promote confidence, healthy

competition and good relationship among boys and girls of all ages. The school system
has many benefits, which yield long-term benefits for the students, some of which are discussed above. Apart from them, a co-educational school system prevent both boys and girls to follow their basic instinctive pulses, rough and rude behavior in boys and coquette behavior in girls, as they feel self-conscious and at the same time confident of themselves. The system prepares them for their future social and professional life where there is no concept of male and female and where both men and women have to

play their part in the societys success.

Novotney, A. (2011, February 2). Coeducation versus single education. Retrieved December 28, 2013, from American Psychological Association: Blake, C. (2012, June 3). Advantages of coeducation. Retrieved December 28, 2013, from Global post: School, C. (2013). Retrieved December 28, 2013, from Advantages of Co-education: Research, C. (2012). The benefits of coeducational environment. Retrieved December 28, 2013, from Google Doc:

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