6 Key

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For your activity I would like you to use the numbers 1-6 Key Concepts in Relation to Global Health
discussed above for you to choose which is related to COVID19. For instance is age a factor in
determining health with COVID19? Yes because it affects vulnerable age group like the old age, aged 60
and above.

Key Concepts in Relation to Global Health Answers

1. The Determinants of Health Geographical location influences covid 19 health

outcomes since it impacts groups and regions that
are more susceptible to the disease, such as China
and Indonesia.
2. The Measurement of Health Status Maternal mortality rate is a gauge of health since it
reveals the number of women and children who
pass away after giving birth as a result of exposure
3. The importance of Culture and Health Traditional medicine is a factor because it relates
to health practices, attitudes, knowledge, and
beliefs that include plant, animal, and mineral-
based medications, spiritual treatments, manual
procedures, and exercises. These methods can be
used alone or in conjunction to treat, diagnose, and
prevent diseases, as well as to preserve health in
order to fight covid.
4. The global burden of disease The Global Burden of Illness (GBD), which may
also be used to calculate fatalities in covid-19, is
an indicator and a factor that specialists use to
calculate the number of individuals who died
prematurely as a result of a certain disease as well
as the number of years they spent in a condition of
5. The key risk factors for various health problems There are a number of factors that might increase
the likelihood of being sick. A few examples of
inherent risk variables are age, gender, and race.
Other risk factors include behavioral or lifestyle
problems, such as obesity, smoking, or inactivity
(e.g., exposure to air pollution). Health risk factors
that significantly affect health include smoking,
binge drinking, taking illicit substances, not
exercising enough, eating insufficient quantities of
fruits and vegetables, and being overweight. The
frequency of these factors varies considerably
between geographical areas. These are risk factors
that might make people more susceptible to certain
health issues.
6. The organization and function of health systems The WHO defines a health system as all
institutions, organizations, and resources used to
carry out operations with the primary goal of
enhancing health. The public, private, traditional,
and unorganized sectors make up the majority of
national health systems. Drug usage, drinking,
eating well and exercising, smoking, which is
linked to one-third of cancer deaths, and these
other lifestyle choices all have an impact on
physical and mental health in countries with
abundant natural resources. The finance, delivery
of healthcare services, stewardship, and resource
development are the primary roles of healthcare
systems and organizations in the continuum of
care. Provision of health care and resource
development are two of these roles that are crucial
and are further discussed in this chapter. The first
step in the delivery of health care is strong
planning and efficient organization.

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