MetasysDatabaseManager Help LIT12011202

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Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF

Code No. LIT-12011202

Software Release 6.0
Issued January 30, 2013
Supersedes October 4, 2010
Refer to the QuickLIT website for the most up-to-date version of this document.

Metasys Database Manager Introduction................................................................................2

Metasys Database Manager Related Documentation.............................................................2
Metasys Database Manager Overview.....................................................................................2
Required Access Rights.....................................................................................................................4
Taskbar Icon........................................................................................................................................5
Icon Colors............................................................................................................................................6
Icon Right-Click Menu...........................................................................................................................6
Status Bar............................................................................................................................................7
Statistics Tab.........................................................................................................................................9
Maintenance Tab.................................................................................................................................10
Backup Tab.........................................................................................................................................12
Expert Mode.......................................................................................................................................14
Restore Tab.........................................................................................................................................14
Monitoring Settings..........................................................................................................................16
Database Login...................................................................................................................................20
Split ADX Considerations................................................................................................................20
Interaction with the Metasys System..............................................................................................20
Log File..............................................................................................................................................21
Detailed Procedures................................................................................................................22
Managing Databases........................................................................................................................22
Opening the Metasys Database Manager to Manage Your Databases..............................................22
Checking Database Statistics.............................................................................................................23
Purging a Database............................................................................................................................23
Backing up a Database.......................................................................................................................24
Restoring a Database.........................................................................................................................25
Monitoring Databases......................................................................................................................27
Accessing/Starting Monitoring Settings..............................................................................................27
Choosing Monitoring Settings.............................................................................................................27
Stopping Database Monitoring............................................................................................................28
Viewing the Log File.........................................................................................................................28
Index .........................................................................................................................................33

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 1

Metasys Database Manager Introduction
Welcome to the Release 6.0 Metasys® Database Manager Help!
This document describes how to use the Metasys Database Manager to interact with and monitor the trend, alarm
(event), audit, and annotation databases on your Application and Data Server (ADS), Extended Application and
Data Server (ADX), or an ADS-Lite.
You can install the Metasys Database Manager in the following ways:
• Add the Metasys Database Manager to the ADS/ADX or ADS-Lite computer at any time before or after the initial
ADS/ADX or ADS-Lite installation.
• Install the Metasys Database Manager on the Database server computer of a split ADX.
All versions of the ADS/ADX and ADS-Lite support the Metasys Database Manager, including Extended Application
and Data Servers (ADXs) for Metasys for Validated Environments (MVE), extended architecture, and ADXs running
the Metasys Advanced Reporting System. The Metasys Database Manager works with all supported versions of
Microsoft® SQL Server™ software.
Note: Annotations entered for events and audits are stored in the JCIEvents and JCIAuditTrails databases,
respectively. The JCIItemAnnotation database is installed with every ADS/ADX and ADSLite, and stores
annotations for other system items.

Metasys Database Manager Related Documentation

Table 1 contains literature related to the Metasys Database Manager.
Table 1: Metasys Database Manager Related Documentation
For Information On See Document LIT Number
Installing the ADS/ADX ADS, ADX, and SCT Installation and Upgrade LIT-12011521
Instructions Wizard
Installing the ADS-Lite 1
ADS-Lite Installation and Upgrade Wizard LIT-12011688

Installing the Metasys Database Manager Metasys Database Manager Installation LIT-12011553
Working with Trends, Alarms/Events, Metasys system Help LIT-1201793

Audits, and Annotations

1 Use the wizard to generate instructions specific to your system.

2 This LIT number represents a print-friendly version of the Help.

Metasys Database Manager Overview

The Metasys Database Manager provides both Managing Databases and Monitoring Databases functions, handled
in two separate windows.
When the Metasys Database Manager is installed on a unified ADS/ADX computer, the default path is C:\Program
Files\Johnson Controls. If you have a split ADX, you must install the Metasys Database Manager on the Database
server computer. Refer to the Metasys Database Manager Installation Instructions (LIT-12011553) for details on
Database managing includes summarized information on and methods for backing up, purging, and restoring Metasys
system ADS/ADX trend, alarm (event), audit, annotation, and reporting databases.

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 2

Figure 1: Managing Window

The monitoring feature continually reads database information and alerts you, via taskbar icon or e-mail or both,
based on user-configurable warning and alarm levels.

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Figure 2: Monitoring Window

For more information, see these sections: To start using the Metasys Database Manager, see these sections:
Required Access Rights Checking Database Statistics
Taskbar Icon Backing up a Database
Status Bar Purging a Database
Tabs Restoring a Database
Expert Mode Managing Databases
Monitoring Settings Accessing/Starting Monitoring Settings
Split ADX Considerations Choosing Monitoring Settings
Interaction with the Metasys System Stopping Database Monitoring
Settings.xml Viewing the Log File
Log File

Required Access Rights

The content you can view and steps you can perform in the Metasys Database Manager depend on your Microsoft®
Windows® Operating System (OS) access rights and, by extension, the SQL Server™ privileges assigned to that
OS logon.
Table 2 shows the two types of access rights required to interact.

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 4

Table 2: Windows OS Access Rights
Windows OS Windows OS Corresponding SQL Functionality
Access Rights Server Access
Rights (If Using
Authentication to
Access SQL)
Windows XP® OS Administrator System Administrator You are able to see and do everything in the
Metasys Database Manager.
Windows Server® 2003 OS
Member of System Administrator You are able to see and do everything in the
Administrator Group Metasys Database Manager.
Standard User Public User You can view only the Statistics tab, you cannot
use Expert mode, and you cannot access the
Settings box.
Windows 7 OS Administrator System Administrator You are able to see and do everything in the
Metasys Database Manager.
Windows Server 2008 R2 OS
Member of Public User You can view only the Statistics tab, you cannot
Windows Server 2008 OS Administrator Group use Expert mode, and you cannot access the
(before special steps ) Settings box.
System Administrator You are able to see and do everything in the
Metasys Database Manager.
(after special steps )
Standard User Public User You can view only the Statistics tab, you cannot
use Expert mode, and you cannot access the
Settings box.

1 SQL Server access rights occur under the following conditions:

(a) The user does not define a Database Login in the Settings screen (this is the default configuration of Metasys Database
Manager). See Database Login.
(b) The user configures SQL Server using the instructions provided for the ADS/ADX/SCT. The user then adds the Windows
Administrators group as a sysadmin of SQL Server. Refer to the Metasys Database Manager Installation Instructions
(LIT-12011553) for details on installation.
During the Metasys Database Manager installation, give the Users group public access to Metasys database.
2 As an alternative to using Windows Authentication to access SQL, you can use SQL Authentication. To use SQL Authentication,
define a SQL user in the Database Login section of the Settings screen. This allows you to use the SQL Server login separate
from the OS login for all database access. See Database Login.
3 To allow a member of the OS Administrator group to function as a SQL Server System Administrator, you must take special
steps. For database management using Metasys Database Manager, you must click Yes or Allow in the User Account Control
box that appears when you attempt to open the Metasys Database Manager. See Opening the Metasys Database Manager
to Manage Your Databases. To view and change database monitoring settings in Metasys Database Manager, close the
Metasys Database Monitor, right-click Metasys Database Monitor from the Start menu, select Run as Administrator, and click
Yes or Allow on the User Account Control box. See Accessing/Starting Monitoring Settings. Specific sections in Detailed
Procedures mention these special steps where needed.

Taskbar Icon
The taskbar icon ( or or ) represents the status of your databases graphically and allows you to access
the Metasys Database Manager and its monitoring settings. As long as the icon is present (no matter which color it
is), the Metasys Database Manager is actively monitoring your databases.
Icon Colors
Icon Right-Click Menu
Opening the Metasys Database Manager to Manage Your Databases
Accessing/Starting Monitoring Settings
Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 5
Icon Colors
The Metasys Database Manager taskbar icon changes color and size to alert you if a database exceeds the limits
defined in the monitoring settings discussed in Choosing Monitoring Settings. If you click the icon, a balloon appears
that offers more details on the status of the databases.
The icon represents three states:
A green and small-sized database icon appears when all databases are within their limits. When you click the icon,
a balloon appears with the following text:
Status: Normal
All Metasys Databases are within acceptable file size limits.
When you click the balloon, the Statistics tab of the Metasys Database Manager appears.


A yellow and medium-sized database icon appears when one or more databases exceed their warning limits. When
you click the icon, a balloon appears with the following text:
Status: Warning
The following Databases are past their warning limits: DatabaseName
When you click the balloon, the Maintenance tab of the Metasys Database Manager appears so that you can maintain
the database.
To define Warning, see Choosing Monitoring Settings.


A red and large-sized database icon appears when:

• One or more databases exceed their alarm limits.
• The Metasys Database Manager cannot connect with the SQL Server database.
• The Metasys Database Manager is installed before the ADS/ADX and no historical databases are present. If
this is the case, the Metasys Database Manager opens in Expert mode, showing the Restore tab so that you
can restore the databases. See Expert Mode.
When you click the icon, a balloon appears with the following text:
Status: Alarm
The following databases need to be maintained: DatabaseName
When you click the balloon, the Maintenance tab of the Metasys Database Manager appears so that you can maintain
the database.
To define Alarm, see Choosing Monitoring Settings.
Icon Right-Click Menu
The Metasys Database Manager icon right-click menu allows you to access the Metasys Database Manager and
its monitoring settings (Table 3).

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Table 3: Taskbar Icon Menu
Selection Description
Open Opens the Metasys Database Manager. See Managing Databases.
Settings Displays the Settings box where you can view and modify the monitoring parameters.
See Monitoring Databases.
View Log File Launches the Windows Event Viewer. See Log File.
Help Opens the Metasys Database Manager Help.
About Displays version information.
Exit Stops all database monitoring and removes the taskbar icon. To start monitoring again
and restore the icon, see Monitoring Databases.

Status Bar
The status bar provides information on the current activity of the Metasys Database Manager and is visible at the
bottom of all tabs (Figure 3). The status bar is not present on the Monitoring Settings window.
Figure 3: Status Bar

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Table 4: Status Bar Components
Callout Part Description
1 Icon Displays an icon that depicts the status of a Metasys Database Manager action:

- ready

- purging records from a database

- action failed

- refreshing statistics

- restoring a database

- shrinking a database and shrinking database files

- backing up a database

- resetting Internet Information Services (IIS)

- starting the Metasys Device Manager

Note: During some maintenance operations, the Metasys Device Manager shuts down to
avoid possible database read/write conflicts. This process restarts the Metasys Device
Manager so that the Metasys user interface is once again available to users.

- shutting down the Metasys Device Manager

Note: During some maintenance operations, the Metasys Device Manager shuts down to
avoid possible database read/write conflicts. The Metasys user interface is unavailable
to users during this time.

- action successful

2 Text Includes text that describes the action currently taking place. If the Metasys Database Manager
is not currently performing a task, this part of the status bar shows when the data was gathered
from the database (when the snapshot was taken).
3 Additional Text Provides additional status description text. For example, when purging records, this part of the
status bar displays the number of records deleted out of the total number of records.

The Metasys Database Manager contains a Status Bar and four tabs (Figure 4). Click a tab below to learn more
about the contents of that tab.
• Statistics Tab
• Maintenance Tab
• Backup Tab
• Restore Tab
Note: The Restore tab is available only in Expert mode.
Figure 4: Tabs in the Metasys Database Manager

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Statistics Tab
The Statistics tab contains information about the SQL Server software loaded on the Metasys ADS/ADX or ADS-Lite
computer and displays database information for each of the trend, alarm (event), audit, annotation, and reporting
Figure 5: Statistics Tab

The Statistics tab is divided into two sections (Figure 5):

• Database Server
• Metasys Databases
See Status Bar for information on the status bar.
Database Server
The Database Server section displays information for SQL Server software. See Table 5.
Table 5: Database Server Section Contents
Field Description
Server Name Displays the name of the local running SQL Server software.
Current Database Server Connections Displays the number of connections to SQL Server software at the time you launch the
Metasys Database Manager. If the value of this field is 0, you are using the Metasys
Database Manager in a limited capacity (read only) because the user running the tool
is not a SQL Server database administrator.
This value is not refreshed.
Database Server Type Displays the type of SQL Server software that has been installed.
For example, this field may contain Express Edition.

Metasys Databases
The Metasys Databases section contains statistical information about the trend, alarm (event), audit, and annotation
databases (Table 6). The SQL Server software directly supplies all information on the tab. For more information on
the fields in the tab, refer to your SQL Server software documentation.

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Table 6: Metasys Databases Section Fields
Field Description
Database Name SQL Server software database name
Database Path System path where the database exists. If you place your cursor over the path, the entire
path appears in a tooltip.
Backup Database Path Current directory where database backups are created. If you place your cursor over the
path, the entire path appears in a tooltip.
Database Size Physical size of the data (and only the data) inside the database. See Database Data File
Size for the size of the file that contains the database.
Database Index Size Physical size of the index for the database
Database Reserved Space Physical size of space in the .mdf and .ldf file reserved for future use by objects within the
database. This typically is space assigned to individual tables and indexes and log buffer
Database Unallocated Space Physical size of space in the database .mdf and .ldf files that has not been reserved for use
by objects within the database. The database can use this space to grow tables or logs
without growing the physical file size on the hard disk.
Database Data File Size The size of the data file for the database (.mdf file) that takes up room on the computer.
The Metasys Database Manager uses this value and the value in Database Log File Size
to calculate the % Full for the database.
Database Log File Size The size of the log file for the database (.ldf file) that takes up room on the computer. The
Metasys Database Manager uses this value and the value in Database Log File Size to
calculate the % Full for the database.
1 The physical space taken up by the entire database. The entire database includes *.mdf
Database File Size
and .ldf files. The size of the .mdf file is indicated in Database Data File Size. The size of
the .ldf file is indicated in Database Log File Size.
1 The size of the database, depending on the server type:
Maximum Database File Size
• Express Edition: This is fixed at 4 GB (SQL Server 2008 Express) or 10 GB (SQL Server
2008 Express R2)
• All others: This is half the physical size of the free disk space for the location of the
database minus the size in the Database File Size field. Half the free space is required
for a backup, thus the database only can take up half the free space.
1 Percent of the maximum database file size that the database uses currently.
% Full

1 The background for these attributes changes color if they have exceeded the warning or alarm limitations defined in Choosing
Monitoring Settings. A yellow background indicates that the warning limitation has been exceeded, whereas a red background
indicates that the alarm limitation has been exceeded or the Database Manager cannot connect to the SQL Server database.
See Figure 5 for an example.

Maintenance Tab
The Maintenance tab provides an easy method of purging records from your Metasys server trend, alarm (event),
audit, and annotation databases. Figure 6 shows the Maintenance tab. Click a section below to learn more about
the contents of that section.
See Interaction with the Metasys System for information on ADS/ADX disruption during database maintenance.
Note: MetasysReporting does not appear on this list as it is self-maintaining.
Note: If you cannot see this tab, see Required Access Rights.

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Figure 6: Maintenance Tab

The Maintenance tab is divided into three sections (Figure 6):

• Maintenance Type
• Maintenance Thresholds
• Database Selections
See Status Bar for information on the status bar.
If desired, you can back up a database before purging it. Backing up a database ensures that if you purge data that
you need, you can restore the data and attempt the purge again. See Backing up a Database.
Maintenance Type
Maintenance Type allows you to create a backup prior to maintenance (Table 7).
Table 7: Maintenance Type Selections
Selection Description
Manual Requires you to choose a threshold (see Maintenance Thresholds), choose databases
(see Database Selections), and click to purge the database.

Note: Selected by default, currently this is the only option available to maintain your
Create Backup Prior to When checked, creates a backup file as defined by the parameters entered on the Backup
Maintenance? tab prior to removing data from the databases.
Note: Backups fail if there is not enough free disk space where you attempt to save the
backup file.

Maintenance Thresholds
The Maintenance Thresholds section allows you to purge the databases while still leaving a certain number of days
of data in the database. Select the number of days worth of data you want to retain. If you want to delete all records,
choose 0.

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Database Selections
Database Selection allows you to choose which databases you want to purge:
• JCIHistorianDB - trends
• JCIEvents - alarms (events)
• JCIAuditTrails - audits
• JCIItemAnnotation - annotations
Note: The JCIHistorian database also contains information for Energy Essentials. This database contains some
aggregated consumption data that may be used for Energy Essentials reports.
Note: MetasysReporting does not appear on this list as it is self-maintaining.
The background of the database name changes color if the database has exceeded the warning or alarm limitations
defined in the Choosing Monitoring Settings. A yellow background indicates that the warning limitation has been
exceeded, whereas a red background indicates that the alarm limitation has been exceeded or the Metasys Database
Manager cannot connect to the SQL Server database.

This section also contains the button that triggers the purge. You must make selections in the Backup
File Tab and Database Selection sections and select a database to purge before you click the Purge Data Now
Backup Tab
The Backup tab allows you to create a SQL Server software backup of a database.
Note: If you cannot see this tab, see Required Access Rights.
Figure 7: Backup Tab

The Backup tab is divided into two sections (Figure 7):

• Backup File Tab
• Database Selection
See Status Bar for information on the status bar.

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 12

Backup File Tab
The Backup File Creation box contains the path where the backup is created. By default, backups are created in
the same directory as the database files.
Note: The directory is different on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2008 versus Windows
XP and Windows Server 2003.
Click to navigate to a new location for the backup databases. See Table 8 for details on file saving choices.
Table 8: File Saving Choices
Selection Description
Create New File Creates a new backup file. If a file exists already with the same name, it is overwritten. Only
the last backup file exists for any single day. The backup file is named YYMMDD<DB
Name>.bak where:
• YY - year
• MM - month
• DD - day
• <DB Name> - the name of the database
For example: 040915JCIAuditTrails.bak.
If a file exists already with the same name, it is overwritten. Only the last backup file exists for
any single day.
Overwrite File Overwrites an existing backup with the same name. The backup is named <DB Name>.bak.

Database Selection
The Database Selection section allows you to choose which databases you wish to back up:
• JCIHistorianDB - trends
• JCIEvents - alarms (events)
• JCIAuditTrails - audits
• JCIItemAnnotation - annotations
• MetasysReporting - Metasys Advanced Reporting System information and Energy Essentials configuration

begins backing up the selected databases immediately. The backup is a full SQL Server database
backup and is performed without the need to shut down the Metasys Device Manager.
Note: The backup fails if there is not enough disk space for the backup file.
If you check the Rebuild Indexes during backup process option, SQL Server software rebuilds the database
indexes after the database is backed up. Index rebuilding using the Metasys Database Manager can slow down the
backup process but can speed up database access later.
Note: Re-indexing your database temporarily increases your database size (up to twice its original size). Make sure
you have enough hard disk space when checking this option.
Note: SQL Server software index rebuilding is a normal SQL Server software database maintenance operation
that should be done weekly or monthly depending on data change volume. Refer to the SQL Server software
documentation for details on the index rebuilding procedure.
Note: Rebuilding indexes can slow down the backup process.
Note: You cannot back up the JCIItemAnnotation database in Releases 2.2, 3.0, and 3.1.

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Expert Mode
Expert mode allows you to view the Restore tab, which allows you to restore backed up databases.

Important: Restoring a database deletes any information that is in the database from the time the backup was
created to when it was restored. Use this option only as a last option to repair a corrupted database or
to restore a database during an ADS/ADX new release upgrade. This feature should not be used to
view historical data in the Metasys system. Instead, use the Export Utility for storing and viewing
historical data in more user-friendly formats.
You cannot restore database backups from a newer version of SQL Server software to an older version
of SQL Server software. For example, you cannot create a backup of Metasys databases that are
hosted on SQL Server 2008 software and restore them to SQL Server 2005 software. You can, however,
restore database backups from a older version of SQL Server to a newer version of SQL Server. If you
restore a database that was created using a version of SQL Server software that is older than the
version you are currently using, the Metasys Database Manager upgrades the database to function
with the current SQL Server software version.

If you restore a database from an earlier release of Metasys software than you are using, the ADS/ADX
stops functioning. No fail-safes exist to prevent you from restoring a database that is older than the
database you are using. Be sure to restore databases from the same release you are using if the
ADS/ADX is already installed. Beginning at Release 5.0, you can restore a Release 2.2 or later database
before the Release 5.0 ADS/ADX is installed (as part of data preservation during the upgrade process).
If you are not performing an out-of-place upgrade as detailed in the ADS, ADX, SCT Installation and
Upgrade Instructions Wizard Content (LIT-12011331), you cannot restore a database from a system
that does not have the Metasys Advanced Reporting System installed to a system that does have the
reporting system installed. The database does not contain all the stored procedures required to use
the reporting system. If you attempt to do this, the reporting system does not function.
Once you enter Expert mode and close the window, if you enter the Metasys Database Manager in standard mode,
the Expert mode functionality does not remain. You can have the Expert mode open at the same time as the standard
Metasys Database Manager. The snapshot time in the status bar indicates when each set of data is collected.
See Restoring a Database.
Restore Tab
The Restore tab is available only when you are using the Metasys Database Manager Expert mode. The Restore
tab provides a simple method to recover if your Metasys system database becomes corrupted. Perform a restore
only if there is no other alternative, and use the most recent successful backup file.
See Interaction with the Metasys System for information on ADS/ADX disruption during database restoration.
Note: If you cannot see this tab, see Required Access Rights.
The Restore tab opens with a warning and the choice to continue with or cancel the restore (Figure 8).

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Figure 8: Restore Tab Initial View

The text of the warning states: Warning!!! The restore function should only be used when a Metasys database
becomes corrupt OR when upgrading from one Metasys release to another. If the Metasys database already
exists, by performing a restore you will overwrite the existing Metasys database with the backup Metasys
database, thus losing any data in the existing database that is not in the backup Metasys database!!!
Cancel returns you to the Statistics tab. Continue allows you to choose the database to restore (Figure 9).
Figure 9: Restore Tab Contents

The Backup File box allows you to select the database to restore to the ADS/ADX using .

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Restore Now triggers the restore immediately.

Important: Restoring a database deletes any information that exists in the database from the time the backup was
created to when it was restored. Use this option only as a last option to repair a corrupted database or
when upgrading from one Metasys Release to another. This feature should not be used to view
historical data in the Metasys system. Instead, use Metasys® Export Utility for storing and viewing
historical data in more user-friendly formats.

Monitoring Settings
Metasys Database Manager monitoring capabilities include indication of database status compared with three levels
of custom status standards. You must access the monitoring settings in a different window from the database
management functions that use the tabbed window discussed in Tabs.
When you log on to the Windows OS on an ADS/ADX computer, the monitoring starts automatically. Monitoring
does not stop unless you exit monitoring or log off of the Windows OS on the ADS/ADX computer. If you exit and
wish to restart monitoring, you either must log on to the Windows OS on the ADS/ADX or restart the monitoring
itself. See Stopping Database Monitoring and Accessing/Starting Monitoring Settings for information.
Figure 10: Monitoring Settings Window

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Note: If you are logged on as any user with Administrator privileges on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003,
or if you are logged on as Administrator on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2008,
the Metasys Database Manager Monitoring Settings window appears each time you restart your computer
(unless you have configured it properly for monitoring). See Choosing Monitoring Settings. On Windows 7,
Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2008, to get to the setting with other users with Administrator
privileges, the user must close the Metasys Database Manager Monitor and log on as Administrator. See
Accessing/Starting Monitoring Settings.
The Metasys Database Manager Monitoring Settings window is divided into five sections (Figure 10):
• General
• Email
• Warning
• Alarm
• Database Login
The General section contains the main settings for monitoring databases (Table 9).
Table 9: General Section Contents
Field Description
Scan Interval frequency with which the databases are checked against their limits. The scan takes place
on the minute (and hour, if applicable). Options are:
• Every half hour
• Every hour
• Every 8 hours
• Every day
Start Time minute and hour that the check on the database first occurs
Note: For scan intervals of Every half hour and Every hour, the hour selection is disabled
because it is not applicable.

By default, the Metasys Database Manager Monitor checks the databases every hour on the 53rd minute so it does
not interfere in any way with the default ADS Delivery Time of 12:15 A.M.
E-mail is an optional feature for Metasys servers that is not often used. It requires a valid Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol (SMTP) e-mail account and access to the SMTP server. For the e-mail functionality to work, you must enter
at least one valid entry for SMTP server (outgoing), Email address (From), and Email address (To/CC/BCC)
(Table 10).
Table 10: Email Section Contents
Field Description
SMTP Server (outgoing) Enter either the IP address or the name of the SMTP server. We recommend using the IP
address because it does not rely on the Domain Name System (DNS) to resolve the name.
Example: (
To avoid having the Monitoring Settings window appear when you restart the ADS/ADX, enter
the SMTP server in this field.
Note: If you are not sure of the SMTP server address or name, contact your Information IT
Email Address (From) Enter the e-mail address from which the Metasys Database Manager Monitor e-mail comes.
Metasys Database Manager is used as an alias for e-mail clients that support it.

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Table 10: Email Section Contents
Field Description
Email Addresses (To) Click to display the Address List box and enter either e-mail addresses or cell phone
numbers for text messages in this field. E-mail addresses appear in the To: field of the e-mail.
Email Addresses (CC) Click to display the Address List box and enter either e-mail addresses or cell phone
numbers for text messages in this field. E-mail addresses appear in the carbon copy field of
the e-mail.
Email Addresses (BCC) Click to display the Address List box and enter either e-mail addresses or cell phone
numbers for text messages in this field. E-mail addresses appear in the blind carbon copy field
of the e-mail.
Email Subject Enter the subject of the e-mail. By default, it reads Metasys Database Manager Alert!
Send Test Email Click this button to test the e-mailing functionality of the Metasys Database Manager Monitor.
See the output examples in Figure 11 and Figure 12.
Figure 11: From and Subject in an E-Mail

Figure 12: E-mail Message Content

The Address List box allows you to enter e-mail addresses and cell phone numbers (for text messaging) that receive
notification from the Metasys Database Manager (Figure 13). See Email for selections that use the Address List

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 18

Figure 13: Address List Box

Table 11: Address List Box Contents

Field Description
Email Address Enter a valid e-mail address, and click to include it in your list. The Metasys
Database Manager checks for proper syntax and returns an error if the address is invalid.
1 Contains the ten-digit phone number for the cell phone you want to text message. Do
Phone Number
not enter any hyphens (-).
1 Allows you to choose from the list of cell phone carriers.

1 Many cell phones have the ability to send and receive text messages. The Metasys Database Manager Monitor provides an
easy way to add e-mail addresses that correspond to this type of text messaging for cell phones that have this capability.

Use the Warning section to define the warning limit parameters (Table 12).
Table 12: Warning Section Contents
Field Description
Warning File Size Limit Choose the percentage of the maximum file size that the database file must reach before
a warning appears.
Show Warning Reminder every Check the box to show a warning balloon whenever a database size exceeds the value
in Warning File Size Limit.
Choose the interval for which you wish to show the balloon. By default, every 24th interval
is selected, which shows the warning balloon once a day until the database has been
reduced to an acceptable level.
Email on Warning Check this box to enable the e-mailing feature of the Metasys Database Manager Monitor.
Only one e-mail is sent the first time the database exceeds its warning limits.

The Alarm section allows you to define the alarm limit parameters (Table 13).

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 19

Table 13: Alarm Section Contents
Field Description
Maximum File Size Limit Choose the percentage of the maximum file size that the database file must reach before
an alarm appears.
Show Alarm Reminder Every Check the box to show an alarm balloon whenever a database size exceeds the value in
Maximum File Size Limit.
Choose the interval for which you wish to show the balloon. By default, every interval is
selected, which shows the alarm balloon once a day until the database has been reduced
to an acceptable level.
Email on Alarm Check this box to enable the e-mailing feature of the Metasys Database Manager Monitor.
Only one e-mail is sent the first time the database exceeds its alarm limits.

Database Login
If you leave the fields in the Database Login section blank, the Metasys Database Manager uses the credentials of
the user logged on to the Windows OS to access the SQL Server database.
If you enter text into the Database User Account and Password fields, the Metasys Database Manager uses this set
of credentials to access the SQL Server database.
To ensure full access to Metasys Database Manager functionality:
• The credentials you enter must belong to a SQL Server System Administrator (sysadmin).
• Your Windows OS login must be that of the Administrator or a member of the Administrator group. Standard
Windows OS users cannot backup and restore or change monitoring settings, even if you enter SQL Server
sysadmin credentials in this box. However, Standard users can still view statistics.
See Taskbar Icon for information on required access rights.

Split ADX Considerations

If you have a split ADX, you must install the Metasys Database Manager on the Database Server computer for
successful database management.
Refer to the Metasys Database Manager Installation Instructions (LIT-12011553) for details on installation.

Interaction with the Metasys System

Maintenance and restore functions in the Metasys Database Manager disrupt communication for anyone logged on
to the Metasys system UI. Backing up databases does not require shutting down the Metasys Device Manger and,
therefore, does not interrupt access.
The following behavior occurs when you maintain or restore databases using the Metasys Database Manager:
1. Users currently accessing the Metasys system server see blue Xs next to all objects in the navigation tree (Figure

2. The Metasys system terminates the session and displays the logon screen.

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 20

Figure 14: Blue Xs in ADS/ADX UI

After maintenance and restore functions are complete, users can log on to the UI again.
Note: At Release 3.1 and later, the Metasys Database Manager on a unified ADX with the Simple Recovery
model no longer shuts down the Metasys system for the entire time that it takes to purge records. The
Metasys system shuts down only long enough to perform database cleanup.

The Settings.xml file stores settings from both the Metasys Database Manager and Metasys Database Manager
Monitor. The file is stored in the XML directory in the same directory as the Metasys Database Manager. This file is
necessary for proper operation of both applications and should not be moved or removed. It is possible to edit the
.xml file, but we do not recommend it for most users.

Log File
Log information is stored in the Windows Event Viewer and accessed via the Taskbar Icon right-click menu. Figure
15 shows sample entries.

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 21

Figure 15: Example Log Entries in Windows 7

See Viewing the Log File for information on opening the log file.

Detailed Procedures
Procedures are divided into two major sections: Managing Databases and Monitoring Databases.
To manage databases, see these sections: To monitor databases, see these sections:
Opening the Metasys Database Manager to Manage Your Databases Accessing/Starting Monitoring Settings
Checking Database Statistics Choosing Monitoring Settings
Backing up a Database Stopping Database Monitoring
Purging a Database
Restoring a Database

Also, see Viewing the Log File for information on opening the log file.

Managing Databases
Managing databases involves the following steps:
• Opening the Metasys Database Manager to Manage Your Databases
• Checking Database Statistics
• Purging a Database
• Backing up a Database
• Restoring a Database
Opening the Metasys Database Manager to Manage Your Databases
Database management capabilities appear in a different window from the monitoring capabilities.
To open the Metasys Database Manager to manage your databases:
1. Do one of the following:

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 22

• On the Start menu, select Programs > Johnson Controls > Metasys > Metasys Database Manager.
• Right-click or or in the taskbar and select Open.

• Double-click on the desktop.

2. On Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008, if the User Account Control box appears, click Yes or Allow. If you do
not click Allow, only the Statistics tab is available for you.
If no box appears and the Metasys Database Manager opens with only the Statistics tab available, the other
tabs are not available to you based on your Windows OS login rights.
See Required Access Rights for information on both of these scenarios.
Go to Checking Database Statistics, Backing up a Database, or Purging a Database.
Checking Database Statistics
Use the Statistics Tab tab to check database statistics.
To check database statistics:
1. Open the Metasys Database Manager. See Opening the Metasys Database Manager to Manage Your Databases.

2. On the Statistics tab, note information about the databases and server.
Purging a Database
Use the Maintenance Tab tab to purge databases.

Important: Unless you create a backup file of a database before you purge it, the database information is
irrecoverable once you click Purge Data Now.
The Maintenance tab is not available to all users based on their Windows OS login credentials. See Required Access
To purge a database:
1. Open the Metasys Database Manager. See Opening the Metasys Database Manager to Manage Your Databases.
2. Click the Maintenance tab.
Note: If the Maintenance tab is not visible, this tab may not be available to you based on your Windows OS
login rights or for Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 OS, and you did not click Yes or Allow on the User
Account Control box. See Required Access Rights and Opening the Metasys Database Manager to
Manage Your Databases for details.
3. Under Maintenance Type, click Create Backup prior to maintenance if you would like to create a backup before
you purge the database.
Note: If you click this box, you must enter information on the Backup tab before you click Purge Data Now,
including the location where the backup files are saved.
4. Under Maintenance Thresholds, select an amount of data to leave in the database, if desired.
5. Under Database Selection, choose the databases you would like to purge.
Note: If you click the Create Backup prior to maintenance box, you must enter information on the Backup
tab before you click Purge Data Now
6. Click Purge Data Now. The status bar reflects the status of the purge.

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 23

Depending on the recovery model used by your Metasys system databases, different screens appear after you
click Purge Data Now:
• If your Metasys system databases are on a split ADX or on a unified ADX set to use the Full Recovery model,
the system is shut down at the start of the purge (Figure 16).
Figure 16: Shutdown at the Start of the Purge

• If your Metasys system databases are on a unified ADX and set to the Simple Recovery model, the Metasys
system is not shut down at the start of the purge (Figure 17).
Figure 17: Purge Only Screen (No Metasys System Shutdown)

Regardless of the recovery model you are using, all Metasys systems are shut down at the end of the purge process
to perform database cleanup.
When the purge is complete, the status bar looks like Figure 18.
Figure 18: Successful Purge

Backing up a Database
Use the Backup Tab to back up a database. You do not have the option to rename a backup file, but if you select
Create New File when you back up a file, the backup version does not overwrite the previous version and has the
date added to its name.
We recommend that you occasionally delete database backups to save room on your computer. If you are aware
of a database that is no longer needed, delete it from the computer.
If desired, you can back up a database before purging it. Backing up a database ensures that if you purge data that
you need, you can restore the data and attempt the purge again. See Purging a Database.
If you check the Create Backup prior to maintenance box on the Maintenance tab, you must fill in the fields on the
Backup tab before you purge a database.
The Backup tab is not available to all users based on their Windows OS login credentials. See Required Access
To back up a database:
1. Open the Metasys Database Manager. See Opening the Metasys Database Manager to Manage Your Databases.

2. Click the Backup tab.

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 24

Note: If the Backup tab is not visible, this tab may not be available to you based on your Windows OS login
rights or for Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 OS, and you did not click Yes or Allow on the User
Account Control box. See Required Access Rights and Opening the Metasys Database Manager to
Manage Your Databases for details.
3. Under Backup File Path, click to choose where to save database backup files.
4. Click an option button to create a new file or overwrite the previous file.
5. Under Database Selection, select which databases to back up and decide if you would like to rebuild the SQL
Server software indexes.
6. Click . The status bar shows the progress of the backup. When the backup is complete, the Backup
Successful message box appears (Figure 19).
Figure 19: Successful Backup Message Box

Restoring a Database
Important: Restoring a database deletes any information that exists in the database from the time the backup was
created to when it was restored. Use this option only as a last option to repair a corrupted database.
This feature should not be used to view historical data in the Metasys system. Instead, use the Export
Utility for storing and viewing historical data in more user-friendly formats.
You cannot restore database backups from a newer version of SQL Server software to an older version
of SQL Server software. For example, you cannot create a backup of Metasys databases that are
hosted on SQL Server 2008 software and restore them to SQL Server 2005 software. You can, however,
restore database backups from a older version of SQL Server to a newer version of SQL Server. If you
restore a database that was created using a version of SQL Server software that is older than the
version you are currently using, the Metasys Database Manager upgrades the database to function
with the current SQL Server software version.

If you restore a database from an earlier release of Metasys software than you are using, the ADS/ADX
stops functioning. No fail-safes exist to prevent you from restoring a database that is older than the
database you are using. Be sure to restore databases from the same release you are using if the
ADS/ADX is already installed. Beginning at Release 5.0, you can restore a Release 2.2 or greater
database before the Release 5.0 ADS/ADX is installed (as part of data preservation during the upgrade
For more information on the fields on the Restore tab, see Restore Tab. The Restore tab is available in Expert mode
Expert mode and the Restore tab are not available to all users based on their Windows OS login credentials. See
Required Access Rights.
To restore a database:
1. Using Windows Explorer, browse to C:\Program Files\Johnson Controls\Metasys Database Manager. See Figure
20 for an example.

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 25

Figure 20: Expert Mode

2. Double-click Expert Mode. The Metasys Database Manager opens in Expert mode with the Restore tab enabled.
Note: For the Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Window Server 2008 operating systems, if the User
Account Control box appears, click Yes or Allow.
If you do not click Yes or Allow, no box appears and the Metasys Database Manager opens with only the
Statistics tab available. Expert mode is not available to you based on your Windows OS login rights.

See Required Access Rights for information on both of these scenarios.

3. Click the Restore tab. A warning appears (Figure 8).
Note: If you cannot see this tab, see Required Access Rights.
4. Read the warning and click Continue. The Restore tab content appears (Figure 9).
5. Click to browse to and select the database you would like to restore. See Backup Tab for information on
specifying backup file locations.
Note: You can restore only one database at a time.
6. Click Restore Now. The status bar shows the status of the restore. When the restore is complete, the mdm
message box appears (Figure 21).
Note: When you restore a database, the Metasys Database Manager creates a backup of the database before
you restore over it. If you accidentally overwrite a database you intended to keep, see Troubleshooting.

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 26

Figure 21: mdm Message Box

Monitoring Databases
Monitoring databases involves the following steps:
• Accessing/Starting Monitoring Settings
• Choosing Monitoring Settings
• Stopping Database Monitoring
Accessing/Starting Monitoring Settings
This procedure starts monitoring if you have stopped it and allows you to access settings while monitoring is taking
To choose Metasys Database Manager monitoring settings:
Windows XP/Windows Server 2003
1. Log on as a user with Administrator privileges.
2. Do one of the following:
• Right-click or or in the taskbar and select Settings. This setting only appears if you are logged
on as a user with Administrator privileges.
• On the Windows Start menu, browse to All Programs > Johnson Controls > Metasys Database Manager >
Metasys Database Monitor. You should only perform this step if you do not see the Monitor icon in the system
Note: Use this option if you clicked Exit on the Metasys Database Manager icon right-click menu.
Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 R2/Windows Server 2008
1. Log on as a user with Administrator privileges.
2. If the Settings selection or Monitoring Settings window does not appear, this may be a result of your Windows
OS login privileges (see Required Access Rights). Do the following:
a. On the Windows Start menu, browse to All Programs > Johnson Controls > Metasys Database Manager.
b. Right-click Metasys Database Monitor and select Run as Administrator.
If you are not a member of the Administrator group, a credentials box appears. Enter your credentials.
If you have sufficient privileges, the User Account Control box appears. Click Yes or Allow. The Metasys
Database Manager icon appears in the taskbar.
c. Right-click or or in the taskbar and select Settings. The Metasys Database Manager Monitoring
Settings window appears.
Go to Choosing Monitoring Settings for information on choosing Monitoring settings.
Choosing Monitoring Settings
For more information on the contents of the Monitoring Settings window, see Monitoring Settings.
To choose the Metasys Database Manager monitoring settings:
1. Access the monitoring settings. See Accessing/Starting Monitoring Settings.

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 27

Note: If the Setting selection or window is not visible, they may not be available to you based on your Windows
OS login rights or you need to take special steps when opening the window. See Required Access Rights
and Accessing/Starting Monitoring Settings for details.
2. In the General section of the Monitoring Settings window (Figure 10), select how often you would like the databases
3. In the Email section, if you would like to send e-mail notification of status changes, enter the addresses to which
these e-mails should be sent.
4. To send a test e-mail to the addresses you enter, click Send Test Email.
5. In the Warning section, define the parameters for a Warning state. If the databases reach the size defined here,
the taskbar icon changes to and the Metasys Database Manager sends an e-mail to those listed in the Email
section (if you check Email on warning).
6. In the Alarm section, define the parameters for an Alarm state. If the databases reach the size defined here, the
taskbar icon changes to and the Metasys Database Manager sends an e-mail to those listed in the Email
section (if you check Email on alarm).
7. In the Database User Account section, enter SQL Server software login credentials, otherwise the Metasys
Database Manager uses the credentials used to log on to the ADS/ADX computer OS. See Database Login.
8. Click OK.
Stopping Database Monitoring
To stop database monitoring:

1. Right-click or or in the taskbar and select Exit. A message box appears asking if you would like to
exit database monitoring (Figure 22).

Figure 22: Exit Confirmation

2. Click OK.
Note: The log creates an entry when you exit database monitoring. See Log File.

Viewing the Log File

To view the log file:

1. Right-click or or in the taskbar and select View Log File. The Windows Event Viewer opens.

2. On the left side of the viewer, select MetasysDBMonitor. Figure 15 appears.

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 28

Use Table 14 to troubleshoot the Metasys Database Manager.
Table 14: Metasys Database Manager Troubleshooting
Problem Condition
The Metasys Database Manager If you have not entered values in the Email section of the Monitoring Settings window,
Monitoring Settings window appears the window appears every time the ADS/ADX restarts.
every time you restart the ADS/ADX.
To resolve this:
1. In the Email section of the Monitoring Settings window (Figure 10), enter the correct
information into the appropriate fields. If you do not wish to use the Email feature,
enter at least three characters in the SMTP Server field and at least one address
2. Click OK. The window no longer appears when you restart the ADS/ADX.
You experience one or more of the This problem occurs when you do not have the appropriate access rights to use the
following: Metasys Database Manager. See Required Access Rights.
• you cannot view all the tabs
• you cannot access monitoring

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 29

Table 14: Metasys Database Manager Troubleshooting
Problem Condition
Metasys Database Manager does not This behavior may occur in the following circumstances:
start or starts and the icon appears
• Windows XP OS or Windows Server 2003 OS
red, indicating an alarm state. Other
A user logging on with Windows OS administrator privileges sees the behavior,
users may log on to the same
but a user logging on with Administrator privileges does not see the problems.
computer and not experience issues.
• Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2008 OS
A user logging on who is not the Windows OS Administrator sees the behavior,
but a user logging on who is the Windows OS Administrator does not see the
If you experience this scenario, try the following:
1. Log on to the Windows OS as a user with administrative privileges (not a Standard
2. Right-click the Metasys Database Manager icon and select Exit.
3. Using Windows Explorer, browse to the following location:
On Windows XP OS or Windows Server 2003 OS:
C:\Documents and Settings\All User\Application Data\Johnson
On Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2008 OS:
C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\MDM
4. Delete the following files:
5. Do not restart the Metasys Database Manager. Log off the OS.
6. Log on to the Windows OS as a user who does not have administrative privileges
(as a Standard user). The Metasys Database Manager now should start without
If you follow this procedure and the icon is still red, this may be because the Users
group in the Windows OS does not have public access to the Metasys databases. If
this occurs, do the following:
1. Using Add/Remove programs, uninstall the Metasys Database Manager.
2. Reinstall the Metasys Database Manager and be sure to click Yes to the question
Is it OK to grant the “Users” group public access to the Metasys databases?
As an alternative to granting the entire Users group public access to the Metasys
databases, you may prefer to give only particular Windows users public access to the
Metasys databases. If this is the case, give public access to the following Metasys
• JCIAuditTrails
• JCIEvents
• JCIHistorianDB
• JCIItemAnnotation

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 30

Table 14: Metasys Database Manager Troubleshooting
Problem Condition
A Database Error box appears: This error message appears if there is a timeout when the Metasys Database Manager
attempts to connect to the database. For example, the timeout may occur if the computer
At least one database cannot
is busy executing a virus scan.
be found. Make sure your
Metasys software has been This message also appears if the user credentials used to connect to the SQL Server
installed properly and that database do not have read access on the four databases. See Taskbar Icon and
SQL Server service is running. Database Login.
The Current Database Server This state could indicate that there are currently no connections to the SQL Server
Connections field reads 0. software.
This field reads 0 if the user is not logged on to the Windows OS with a Windows
Administrator level user account.
While monitoring databases, a This message appears if your SQL Server software access credentials do not give you
message appears indicating that one read access into the four databases.
or more databases have exceeded
their allowed size even though you
know the database size is less than
the alarm limit.
When you rename an ADS/ADX, the This is a known problem that is addressed in a future release of the Metasys Database
name in the Server field of the Manager. The ADS/ADX and Metasys Database Manager software continue to function
Metasys Database Manager does not normally.
update to the new name.
When purging a database, the The log file may increase during a purge. The Metasys Database Manager is working
database size seems to increase. properly.
The JCIItemAnnotation database is The Annotation database is populated only on MVE systems. Event and audit
not growing in size. It is always the annotations are stored in the JCIEvents and JCIAuditTrails databases, respectively.
same size.
After restarting a computer with If the Metasys Database Manager comes online faster than one of the managed SQL
Metasys Database Manager installed, Server databases and cannot connect to the managed database to determine the
it may show an alarm condition database size, the Metasys Database Manager tray icon turns red, indicating an alarm
indicated by a red tray icon. condition. As the size of the SQL Server databases increases, the databases require
more time to come online, increasing the likelihood of users encountering this alarm
condition. The SQL Server database size may suddenly seem too large, but the real
cause of the alarm condition may be that the Metasys Database Manager has not yet
established connections to the SQL Server databases.
The Metasys Database Manager connects with the SQL Server and other associated
databases at user-specified time intervals. By the time of the next scheduled connection,
the SQL Server database completes the startup, the databases is all be online, and
the Metasys Database Manager icon turns green.
There is an extremely low chance that the SQL Server database may have exceeded
the size limits in this time period. If users are concerned about this possibility, they can
restart Metasys Database Manager immediately.
If the databases have finished coming online, the Metasys Database Manager icon
turns green. If the databases have not finished coming online, the Metasys Database
Manager icon remains red. If the icon remains red after an immediate restart, users
should wait a few minutes to allow the databases to finish coming online and then
restart the Metasys Database Manager.

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 31

Table 14: Metasys Database Manager Troubleshooting
Problem Condition
You accidentally restore a database If this occurs, you can restore the original database because the Metasys Database
over an existing database. Manager created a backup of the original database before it was overwritten.
Automatic backups reside in the Metasys Database directory:
• Microsoft Windows XP OS and Windows Server 2003 OS:
C:\Program Files\Johnson Controls\Metasys Database Manager
• Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2008 OS:
C:\Program Data\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\SQLData
Backups use the following naming convention:
For example: 090605FromRestoreJCIHistorian.bak
To restore the original database, use the standard Metasys Database Manager
restoration procedure detailed in Restoring a Database.
You are upgrading to Release 5.2 and During an upgrade to a Release 5.2 ADS/ADX, install the Metasys Database Manager
are uncertain when to install or use and restore the historical information before you install the Release 5.2 ADS/ADX
the Metasys Database Manager to according to the instructions in the ADS, ADX, and SCT Installation and Upgrade Wizard
preserve historical data. (LIT-12011521). The Release 5.2 ADS/ADX installation program contains fixes and
upgrades to the historical databases that allow the restored data to be used at Release
For an upgrade using the same version of SQL Server software and same OS, uninstall
the older ADS/ADX, install the Metasys Database Manager, restore the databases
using the Metasys Database Manager, and then install the Release 5.2 ADS/ADX.
For an upgrade using a new computer with existing databases, install the Metasys
Database Manager, restore the historical database, and then install the Release 5.2
Refer to the Metasys Database Manager Installation Instructions (LIT-12011553) for
details on installation.

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 32

Email Section..............................................................17
Index Email Address (From/To/CC/BCC)......................17
Numerics Email Subject........................................................17
% Full............................................................................9 Send Test Email....................................................17
A SMTP Server (Outgoing)......................................17
Access Rights........................................................4, 29 Email Section Contents Table....................................17
Accessing/Starting Monitoring Settings......................27 Exit Database Monitoring............................................28
Address List Box........................................................17 Expert Mode................................................................14
Carrier..................................................................17 F
Email Address......................................................17 Figure..........................................................................20
Phone Number......................................................17 Blue Xs in ADS/ADX UI........................................20
ADX............................................................................20 File Saving Choices....................................................13
Alarm............................................................................6 G
Alarm Section..............................................................19 General Section..........................................................17
Email on Alarm....................................................19 Scan Interval........................................................17
Maximum File Size Limit......................................19 Start Time............................................................17
Show Alarm Reminder Every..............................19 Green............................................................................6
Alarm Section Contents Table....................................19 Green Icon....................................................................6
Backup a Database....................................................24 I c o n ..............................................................................6
Backup Database Path................................................9 Menu......................................................................6
Backup Tab................................................................13 Right-Click..............................................................6
Backup File Creation Section..............................13 Icon Color....................................................................29
Backup File Path Section..............................13 Icon Colors....................................................................6
Create New File............................................13 Icon Menu Table............................................................6
Overwrite File................................................13 Introduction..................................................................2
Backup Tab Figure......................................................13 L
Blue Xs in ADS/ADX UI..............................................20 Log File................................................................21, 28
Carrier........................................................................17 Maintenance Tab........................................................10
Checking Database Statistics....................................23 Maintenance Tab Figure..............................................10
Colors............................................................................6 Maintenance Thresholds............................................11
Create New File..........................................................13 Maintenance Type Selections....................................11
Credentials..................................................................20 Managing Databases..................................................22
Current Database Server Connection..........................9 Maximum Database File Size......................................9
D Menu............................................................................6
Database Data File Size..............................................9 Metasys Database Section..........................................9
Database Index Size....................................................9 % Full......................................................................9
Database Log File Size................................................9 Backup Database Path..........................................9
Database Login Section..............................................20 Database Data File Size........................................9
Database Name............................................................9 Database Index Size..............................................9
Database Path..............................................................9 Database Log File Size..........................................9
Database Reserved Space..........................................9 Database Name......................................................9
Database Selection Section..................................12–13 Database Path........................................................9
Back Up Now Button............................................13 Database Reserved Space....................................9
Purge Data Now Button........................................12 Database Size........................................................9
Database Server Section..............................................9 Database Unallocated Space................................9
Database Server Section Contents Table....................9 Maximum Database File Size................................9
Database Server Type..................................................9 Metasys System..........................................................20
Database Size..............................................................9 Monitoring Databases................................................27
Database Statistics....................................................23 Monitoring Settings..............................................16, 28
Database Unallocated Space........................................9 Monitoring Settings Window Figure............................16
Detailed Procedures....................................................22 N
E Normal..........................................................................6
Email Address............................................................17 O
Email on Alarm/Warning..............................................17 Open Metasys Database Manager............................22
Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 33
P Email Section Contents Table..............................17
Percent Full..................................................................9 File Saving Choices..............................................13
Phone Number............................................................17 Icon Menu..............................................................6
Purge Data Now Button........................................12, 23 Maintenance Type Selections..............................11
Purge Database..........................................................23 Related Documentation..........................................2
R Status Bar Icons....................................................7
Red................................................................................6 Tabs............................................................8–10, 12, 14
Red Icon........................................................................6 Backup..................................................................12
Related Documentation................................................2 Introduction............................................................8
Required Access Rights................................................4 Maintenance........................................................10
Restore........................................................................25 Restore................................................................14
Restore a Database....................................................25 Statistics................................................................9
Restore Tab Contents................................................14 Taskbar Icon..................................................................5
Restore Tab Figures....................................................14 Troubleshooting..........................................................29
Restore Tab Initial view..............................................14 V
Right-Click....................................................................6 View Log File..............................................................28
Right-Click Menu..........................................................6 W
S Warning..................................................................6, 19
Scan Interval..............................................................17 Warning File Size Limit................................................19
Server Name................................................................9 Warning Section..........................................................19
Settings.xml................................................................21 Email on Warning................................................19
Split ADX....................................................................20 Show Warning Reminder Every............................19
Start Time....................................................................17 Warning File Size Limit........................................19
Statistics Tab................................................................9 Warning Section Contents Table................................19
Database Server Section........................................9 Y
Current Database Server Connections............9 Yellow............................................................................6
Database Server Type....................................9 Yellow Icon....................................................................6
Server Name....................................................9
Metasys Database Section....................................9
% Full..............................................................9
Backup Database Path....................................9
Database Data File Size..................................9
Database Index Size........................................9
Database Log File Size....................................9
Database Name..............................................9
Database Path................................................9
Database Reserved Space..............................9
Database Size..................................................9
Database Unallocated Space..........................9
Maximum Database File Size..........................9
Statistics Tab Figure......................................................9
Status Bar....................................................................7
Status Bar Icons Table..................................................7
Stop Monitoring a Database........................................28
Successful Backup......................................................24
Successful Purge........................................................23
Table................................................2, 6–7, 9, 11, 13, 17
Address List Box Contents Table..........................17
Database Server Section Contents........................9

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507 E. Michigan Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202
Metasys® and Johnson Controls® are registered trademarks of Johnson Controls, Inc.
All other marks herein are the marks of their respective owners. © 2013 Johnson Controls, Inc.

Published in U.S.A.

Metasys Database Manager Online Help PDF 34

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