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Segmentation (LO-SGT)
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Segmentation (LO-SGT)

Businesses compete today in an increasingly customer-oriented market. Therefore, it becomes necessary to streamline internal
processes and logistics around the needs of each market and its unique requirements through appropriate sourcing, planning,
and supply of goods to meet market demands.

Some materials are expected to support large volumes of data. Segmentation can be used to order such materials by logically
categorizing them based on certain criteria or characteristics.

For example, in the fashion industry, you can distinguish a fashion material such as a t-shirt based on the size and the color. This
t-shirt in a particular size and color is called a material variant. You can enter a speci c item line for a material variant. Using
segmentation, you can also order material variants of different quality levels, for different customer channels, and from
different countries of origin.

In material master, you can segment a material using segmentation structure and segmentation strategy.

Implementation Considerations

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These functions are a part of the business function Material Segmentation across Logistics (SD, MM, PP, IM, LE)

 Note
All the segmentation business functions can be activated only on the SAP HANA database.

Segmentation is integrated in the following applications:

Material Master

Sales and Distribution

Materials Management

Production Planning and Control

You can assign segments to a material using segmentation structure and segmentation strategy in the material master. You
can con gure these settings for segmentation in Customizing for Segmentation under SAP Implementation Guide Logistics
- General .

There are two types of segments:

Requirement segments

Stock segments

The segment you assign to the materials in the requirements (for example, Sales Order, Planned Independent Requirement,
Stock Transport Order) is called requirement segment. This allows you to subdivide your requirements based on certain criteria.

 Example
The incoming requirements such as sales orders are divided based on the requested quality - Quality 1, Quality 2, or Quality
3, and by customer channel - Store, Wholesale, or E-Commerce.

Stock segments are used for logical distribution of existing and planned stock. Therefore, stock segments are assigned to both
the physical stock and procurement proposals such as planned orders, production orders, purchase requisitions, and purchase

 Example
You can divide your stock based on the same criteria as the requirement, that is, by quality - Quality 1, Quality 2, or Quality 3
and by countries of origin - India, China, or Germany.

The segments in uence the entire logistics chain. You can assign segments to a material using segmentation structure and
segmentation strategy in the material master.

More Information
Segmentation Structure

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Segmentation Strategy

Segmentation Structure

De nition
A segmentation structure is a combination of two or more segments of any material. For example, a segmentation structure
can be a combination of quality, customer channel, and country of origin.

Segmentation structures are de ned in the Customizing for De ne Segmentation Structures under SAP Implementation
Guide Logistics - General Segmentation

 Note
You have de ned segmentation relevant characteristics using Master Data Characteristics Management (transaction
CT04). For more information, see Maintain Segmentation Relevance for Functions.

More Information
Segmentation (LO-SGT)

Segmentation Strategy

Segmentation Strategy

To efficiently plan your requirement, it is necessary to ful ll newly arising requirement (such as sales orders) with existing or
future stock (for example, purchase requisition). If you have de ned segments for your material, you can assign the stock to the
requirement using these segments. Segmentation strategy determines how requirement segments are assigned to stock
segments. This kind of assignment takes place during available-to-promise (ATP) check and material requirements planning

Segmentation strategy is also important for the following requirement elements and stock elements:

For externally procured materials during planning run. For example, during the creation of purchase requisitions.

For the components of materials, i.e., the dependent requirements and the ful llment of those requirements.

For consumption of planned independent requirements using the actual customer requirements during the planning run.

Segmentation strategies are de ned in the Customizing for De ne Segmentation Strategies under SAP Implementation
Guide Logistics - General Segmentation

 Note
You have de ned segmentation relevant characteristics using Master Data Characteristics Management (transaction
CT04). For more information, see Maintain Segmentation Relevance for Functions.

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Assignment of Stock or Requirement Segments

If you have assigned segments to a material, you can assign stock to the requirements using segmentation. The assignment of
stock to requirements takes place during the planning run. The system determines which requirement segment is covered by
which stock segment.

You determine the following sequence for your segmentation using your segmentation strategy:

1. You receive a requirement, such as a sales order. For example, the requirement belongs to customer segment Wholesale
and is of quality Quality 1.

2. Using segmentation strategy, you de ne that this customer will receive the requested segment rst, if you have the
segment in stock.

3. If the requested segment is not in stock, you decide that the customer will receive available stock segment in the next

It is not mandatory to attach a segmentation structure or a segmentation strategy to a material.

A segmentation strategy can have multiple requirement segments but can be assigned to only one blank stock segment. Such
segmentation strategies are identi ed by Scope in Segmentation Strategy. Scope indicates if the segmentation strategy only
contains requirement segments or both requirement and stock segments.

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Deletion of Segmentation Values

You can delete segmentation values for segmentation combinations. However, if you wish to delete multiple segmentation
values, you can use the transaction SE38 to execute the report program SGT_DELETE_CATS.

More Information
Segmentation (LO-SGT)

Segmentation Structure

Scope in Segmentation Strategy

Scope in Segmentation Strategy

Scope is used to de ne the mapping rules or segment combinations in segmentation strategy. Scope can either be 1 or 2.

If the scope is 1, then both requirement segment and stock segment are considered during planning run. Mapping of
requirement segment and stock segment can be 1:1 or 1:N.

 Example
For 1:1 mapping, assume the requirement is for 100 pieces of segment X. As per this mapping, available stock of 30 pieces of
segment X is consumed. As the requirement is not ful lled, the system proposes to procure 70 pieces of segment X.

For 1:N mapping, assume the requirement is for 100 pieces of segment Z. As per this mapping, all available stock of 100
pieces in all three segments X, Y, and Z are procured.

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If the scope is 2, then only requirement segment is considered during planning run. Stock segment is not considered. Customer
requirements with speci c requirement segments are covered by the common pool of stock available.

More Information
Segmentation (LO-SGT)

Segmentation Structure

Segmentation Strategy

Maintain Segmentation Relevance for Functions

This process allows you to maintain segmentation relevance for functions:

You have de ned a characteristics group (in Customizing) using the following steps:

1. In Customizing, navigate to Cross-Application Components Classi cation System Characteristics De ne

Characteristics Groups .

2. Click New Entries.

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3. Enter SGT_SAP-C under the Group eld.

4. Enter Characteristics for Segmentation under the Characteristics Group Description eld.

5. Save the entries. If the system prompts for the changes to be saved under a transport request, save the changes under
a customizing transport request.

You make you of the following steps to maintain segmentation relevance for functions:

1. Execute transaction CT04.

2. Enter the name of the Characteristics.

3. On the Basic Data tab page, enter the Description.

a. Enter Characteristics for Segmentation as the Chars Group.

b. Enter Character Format as the Data Type

c. Enter Number of Chars.

4. On the Values tab page, enter Char. Value and a corresponding Description.

5. On the Addnl data tab page, choose the Relevance pushbutton.

De ne Relevance for Functions overview screen in displayed.

6. Select the applications relevant for segmentation.

7. Choose Save.

 Note
You can de ne segmentation structure and segmentation strategy for an application only if the application is made relevant
for segmentation.

More Information
Segmentation Structure

Segmentation Strategy

Enabling Segmentation Relevancy

You use this report to enable segmentation relevancy for the existing characteristics of a segmentation structure. The
relevancy can be enabled to maintain segmentation relevant data for the following elds:

Bill of Material (BOM)

Routing (ROU)

Season (SEA)

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Pricing (PRI)

MRP General Data (MRM)

MRP Quantity based Data

Warehouse Management Level (WM1)

Warehouse Management Storage Level (WM2)


You have de ned segmentation relevant characteristics using Master Data Characteristics Management (transaction

You have de ned segmentation structures for characteristics in the Customizing for De ne Segmentation Structures
under Logistics - General Segmentation Segmentation Structures

On the report entry screen, you specify the range of segmentation structures that should be made segmentation relevant for
BOM, ROU, WM1, and WM2. Based on your selection, the report displays the characteristics available in the segmentation
structures along with an option to enable segmentation relevancy.

This is a one-time report. You can set the relevancy of the existing characteristics that were created for SAP Fashion
Management 1.0 and SAP Fashion Management 1.0 SP 03 releases only.

1. Execute the program SGT_SETRELEVANCE.

2. Enter the range of segmentation structures to be enabled for relevancy

3. Select the relevancy checkbox for the selected structures.

4. Execute the report.

The characteristics of the selected structures are displayed.

5. Save the changes. You cannot revert the changes after you have set the relevancy.

Segmentation: Enhancements to Material Master

Segmentation logically categorizes materials based on certain criteria or certain characteristics of the material. From SAP ERP
6 EHP 7 SP 04 onwards, SAP has introduced a new business function LOG_SEGMENTATION which allows the concept of
segmentation in core ERP processes. These enhancements to material master can be broadly divided into changes made to the
client data and changes made to the plant data.

Client Data

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In client data, you must mark a material relevant for segmentation before assigning segmentation characteristics and their
features to the material.

In the material master, you can specify if a material is relevant for segmentation or not by selecting the Segmentation Relevant
checkbox. If you make a material relevant for segmentation, then you have to maintain the segmentation structure and
strategy for that material. The Segmentation Structure and Segmentation Strategy elds appear only for segmentation
relevant materials.

You can de ne if the Segmentation Structure and Segmentation Strategy elds should be mandatory or optional elds based
on the Customizing activity De ne Attributes of System Messages under Logistics - General Material Master Basic
Settings .

After you set the segmentation structure and segmentation strategy, the Segmentation Strategy Scope maintained for the
segmentation strategy is displayed in material master.

If you create a new material as a copy of an existing material, then the segmentation relevance, segmentation structure, and
the segmentation strategy of the newly created material will be the same as that of the existing, reference material.

Segmentation structure and segmentation strategy can be changed in the change mode as long as segmentation is not xed at
the plant level. If segmentation is xed for even one plant, segmentation structure and segmentation strategy cannot be

Plant Data

Segmentation Structure, Segmentation Strategy, Segmentation Strategy Scope, and Fix Segmentation

You can switch off segmentation in a plant, but you cannot set a different segmentation strategy for the same material in
different plants.

You can change the segmentation strategy for plant data based on the following criteria:

If the material is marked as segment relevant in client data

Segmentation Structure and Segmentation Strategy elds are maintained in client data and the Segmentation
Strategy is not xed in plant data

You can then use the Fix Segmentation pushbutton to x segmentation values for plants.

Material Master: Fix Segmentation

In some scenarios, you can change the segmentation assignment and xing of segmentation strategy to a material using the
Conversion of Material report. To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics Materials

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Management Material Master Material Conversion of Material . You can also use the transaction
SGT_CONVERT_MATERIAL to execute the report.

 Note
You can use this report to change segmentation at the plant level only if no follow-on documents, for example sales orders,
purchase orders, exist for the material.

If you create a new material as a copy of an existing material, then the segmentation strategy of the newly created material will
not be copied from the reference material. This gives you the exibility to decide the relevance of segmentation strategy at the
plant level.

Consumption Priority

Consumption priority is used to whether planned independent requirements (PIRs) are consumed rst based on the segments
and then based on the consumption mode, or the other way round. With segmentation, you have one more option for
consumption priority, which is, only if requirement segments match. You can maintain the Consumption Priority only if you have
maintained segmentation strategy for a material. The Seg. Strategy Scope can be 1 or 2.

Stock Protection Indicator

Stock protection is used in demand-supply matching processes that protect the stock for demands from high-priority
requirement segments even when the actual demand is not yet available in the system. Stock protection allows businesses
using a common stock pool for satisfying demands with different priorities to reserve stock for higher-priority demands against
lower-priority demands that come in earlier. You can maintain the Stock Protection Indicator only if you have maintained
segmentation strategy for a material. The Seg. Strategy Scope can be 1 or 2.

Discrete Batch Number

Batch Management is also mandatory when a segmentation strategy is maintained for a material and the Seg. Strategy Scope
is 1.

Batch management also results in generation of batch numbers in sales and purchase documents. If you want to generate
unique batch numbers during batch management, you can do so by selecting the Discrete Batch Number checkbox. This
checkbox cannot be used on its own. It can only used in combination with the Batch Management checkbox and the Scope if the
segmentation strategy is 1.

More Information
Segmentation (LO-SGT)

Conversion of Material

You can use this report to change the relevancy of a material for segmentation. You can also change the relevancy for order
allocation run (ARun) and modify the season usage of a material.

You can make this change in the material master but it is a time-consuming process. Using this report, you can convert a
material in a lesser span of time.

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You can convert a material using the following options:

Segmentation: You can use this option to make a material relevant for segmentation (if the material was not relevant
for segmentation when it was created) and vice versa. For example, if you make a material not relevant for
segmentation, and later on, want to make the same material relevant for segmentation, it can be using this report at
both the client and plant levels.

Order Allocation Run: You can use this option to make a material ARun-relevant (if the material was not ARun-relevant
when it was created), and vice versa.

Season: You can use this option to change season usage of a material. If you have already assigned a season usage for a
material when it was created in material master and later on, you want to change the season usage, it can be done using
this report.

For example, you had created a material with the season usage as Use Season Year/Season and now want to change the
season usage as Season Year / Season / Collection / Theme, you can do this using the Season checkbox on the report.

 Note
This report only allows you to modify the indicators. If you want to assign a segmentation strategy or a segmentation
structure to a material, it can only be done in the material master assignment. Similarly, you can change the season and
ARun information of a material in the material master only.

You can use this report only if no follow-on documents, for example sales orders, purchase orders, exist for the material.
Also, the presence of a purchasing info record does not allow a change in the segmentation assignment of an article. To
enable segmentation for articles with follow-on documents, see 2018157 .

Follow these steps to change the relevancy of a material for segmentation:

1. In the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Subsequent
Settlement Vendor Rebate Arrangements Environment Condition/Arrangement Environment Material
Segmentation Segmentation, ARun and Season Relevancy Conversion in Material .

2. Enter a material number.

3. Select the required indicator to change the relevancy of a material.

Mass Maintenance of Material Master Data

Maintaining master data can be time-consuming if you have to make each change individually. It is quicker to make one change
and have the system automatically update all the affected records automatically. The mass maintenance tool enables you to
change a large group of master data records at once.

You can select the mass maintenance tool within a number of master data transactions. All these mass maintenance tools are
based on the same basic framework and user interface.

You can mass maintain data related to the following segmentation related enhancements made to material master:

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segmentation structure

segmentation strategy

x segmentation

consumption priority

stock protection indicator

discrete batch management

More Information
Segmentation: Enhancements to Material Master

Interfaces for Material Segmentation

IDoc (for intermediate document) is a standard data structure for electronic data interchange (EDI) between application
programs written for the SAP business system or between an SAP application and an external program.

The following sections contain information on the interfaces relevant for material segmentation.

More Information
For more information about the IDoc Interface/Electronic Data Interchange, see SAP Library for SAP ERP Central Component
on SAP Help Portal.

Material Master
In SAP ERP Logistics, you can associate the material master with segmentation characteristics by performing the following in
the material master:

Mark the material as relevant for segmentation by selecting the Segmentation Relevant checkbox.

Assign segmentation structure and segmentation strategy for the materials at both the client data level and plant data

For a material that is relevant for segmentation, you must assign and x the segmentation strategy. After xing the
segmentation strategy for a material, you cannot change the segmentation strategy assignment for the material. For a
material that is relevant for segmentation, you can maintain segmentation-speci c master data such as weights and volumes,
sales block status, split valuation types and so on.

Technical Information: Material Master (MATMAS05)

The following section describes the enhanced standard IDoc segments of IDoc MATMAS05. The elds contained in the segments
are all listed with the eld name, short text, and functional description.

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Segment E1MARA1: Additional Fields for E1MARAM

Field Short text Explanation

SGT_CSGR Segmentation Structure Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. Contains all stock segment and
requirement segment values valid for
certain materials.

SGT_COVSA Segmentation Strategy Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. A strategy that is a collection of
business rules that de ne which stock
materials should satisfy which demand
objects. This is done based on the mapping
between stock segment associated with a
material in stock and requirement segment
associated with a demand object.

SGT_REL Segmentation Relevant Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. Indicates if the article is relevant
for segmentation.

Segment E1MARCM: Master material C segment (MARC)

Field Short text Explanation

SGT_COVS Segmentation Strategy Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant and the plant supports
segmentation Strategy, else the value can
be blank. Non Blank Segmentation Strategy
should be same as that in client data.

SGT_STATC Segmentation Status Fix Status.

SGT_PRCM Consumption Priority Indicates whether planned independent

requirements (PIRs) are consumed based
on the segments or the consumption mode,
and in which sequence.

SGT_CHINT Discrete Batch Number Decides whether batch numbering of

materials with segmentation is active or

SGT_STK_PRT Stock Protection Indicator Indicates whether stock protection is


SGT_DEFSC Default Stock Segment value Segment value, which is (from the material
valuation point of view) representative for
all segment value combinations

Technical Information: Create and Change Material Master Data

The following section describes the enhanced standard IDoc segments of IDoc MATMAS_BAPI02. The elds contained in the
segments are all listed with the eld name, short text, and functional description.

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Segment E1BP_MARC1: Material Data at Plant Level

Field Short text Explanation

SEGMENTATION_STRATEGY Segmentation Strategy Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. A strategy that is a collection of
business rules that de ne which stock
materials should satisfy which demand
objects. This is done based on the mapping
between stock segment associated with a
material in stock and requirement segment
associated with a demand object.

SEGMENTATION_STATUS Segmentation Status Fix Status.

CONSUMPTION_PRIORITY Consumption Priority Indicates whether planned independent

requirements (PIRs) are consumed based
on the segments or the consumption mode,
and in which sequence.

DISCRETE_BATCH_FLAG Discrete Batch Number Decides whether batch numbering of

materials with segmentation is active or

STOCK_PROTECTION_IND Stock Protection Indicator Indicates whether stock protection is


DEFAULT_STOCK_SEGMENT Default Stock Segment value Segment value, which is (from the material
valuation point of view) representative for
all segment value combinations

Segment E1BP_MARCX: Checkbox Structure for BAPI_MARC

Field Short text Explanation

SEGMENTATION_STRATEGY Segmentation Strategy Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. A strategy that is a collection of
business rules that de ne which stock
materials should satisfy which demand
objects. This is done based on the mapping
between stock segment associated with a
material in stock and requirement segment
associated with a demand object.

SEGMENTATION_STATUS Segmentation Status Fix Status.

CONSUMPTION_PRIORITY Consumption Priority Indicates whether planned independent

requirements (PIRs) are consumed based
on the segments or the consumption mode,
and in which sequence.

DISCRETE_BATCH_FLAG Discrete Batch Number Decides whether batch numbering of

materials with segmentation is active or

STOCK_PROTECTION_IND Stock Protection Indicator Indicates whether stock protection is


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Field Short text Explanation

DEFAULT_STOCK_SEGMENT Default Stock Segment value Segment value, which is (from the material
valuation point of view) representative for
all segment value combinations

Technical Information: Create and Change Material Master Data

The following section describes the enhanced standard IDoc segments of IDoc MATMAS_BAPI03. The elds contained in the
segments are all listed with the eld name, short text, and functional description.

Segment E1BP_MARA1: Material Data at Client Level

Field Short text Explanation

SEGMENTATION_STRUCTURE Segmentation Structure Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. Contains all stock segment and
requirement segment values valid for
certain materials.

SEGMENTATION_STRATEGY Segmentation Strategy Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. A strategy that is a collection of
business rules that de ne which stock
materials should satisfy which demand
objects. This is done based on the mapping
between stock segment associated with a
material in stock and requirement segment
associated with a demand object.

SEGMENTATION_RELEVANCE Segmentation Relevant Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. Indicates if the article is relevant
for segmentation.

Segment E1BP_MARAX: Checkbox Structure for BAPI_MARA

Field Short text Explanation

SEGMENTATION_STRUCTURE Segmentation Structure Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. Contains all stock segment and
requirement segment values valid for
certain materials.

SEGMENTATION_STRATEGY Segmentation Strategy Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. A strategy that is a collection of
business rules that de ne which stock
materials should satisfy which demand
objects. This is done based on the mapping
between stock segment associated with a
material in stock and requirement segment
associated with a demand object.

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Field Short text Explanation

SEGMENTATION_RELEVANCE Segmentation Relevant Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. Indicates if the article is relevant
for segmentation.

Segment E1BP_MARC1: Material Data at Plant Level

Field Short text Explanation

SEGMENTATION_STRATEGY Segmentation Strategy Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. A strategy that is a collection of
business rules that de ne which stock
materials should satisfy which demand
objects. This is done based on the mapping
between stock segment associated with a
material in stock and requirement segment
associated with a demand object.

SEGMENTATION_STATUS Segmentation Status Fix Status.

CONSUMPTION_PRIORITY Consumption Priority Indicates whether planned independent

requirements (PIRs) are consumed based
on the segments or the consumption mode,
and in which sequence.

DISCRETE_BATCH_FLAG Discrete Batch Number Decides whether batch numbering of

materials with segmentation is active or

STOCK_PROTECTION_IND Stock Protection Indicator Indicates whether stock protection is


DEFAULT_STOCK_SEGMENT Default Stock Segment value Segment value, which is (from the material
valuation point of view) representative for
all segment value combinations

Segment E1BP_MARCX: Checkbox Structure for BAPI_MARC

Field Short text Explanation

SEGMENTATION_STRATEGY Segmentation Strategy Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. A strategy that is a collection of
business rules that de ne which stock
materials should satisfy which demand
objects. This is done based on the mapping
between stock segment associated with a
material in stock and requirement segment
associated with a demand object.

SEGMENTATION_STATUS Segmentation Status Fix Status.

CONSUMPTION_PRIORITY Consumption Priority Indicates whether planned independent

requirements (PIRs) are consumed based
on the segments or the consumption mode,
and in which sequence.

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Field Short text Explanation

DISCRETE_BATCH_FLAG Discrete Batch Number Decides whether batch numbering of

materials with segmentation is active or

STOCK_PROTECTION_IND Stock Protection Indicator Indicates whether stock protection is


DEFAULT_STOCK_SEGMENT Default Stock Segment value Segment value, which is (from the material
valuation point of view) representative for
all segment value combinations

Technical Information: BAPI for Mass Maintenance of Material

The following section describes the enhanced standard IDoc segments of the following IDocs:



The elds contained in the segments are all listed with the eld name, short text, and functional description.

Segment E1BPE1MARC1: Material Data at Plant Level

Field Short text Explanation

SEGMENTATION_STRATEGY Segmentation Strategy Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. A strategy that is a collection of
business rules that de ne which stock
materials should satisfy which demand
objects. This is done based on the mapping
between stock segment associated with a
material in stock and requirement segment
associated with a demand object.

SEGMENTATION_STATUS Segmentation Status Fix Status.

CONSUMPTION_PRIORITY Consumption Priority Indicates whether planned independent

requirements (PIRs) are consumed based
on the segments or the consumption mode,
and in which sequence.

DISCRETE_BATCH_FLAG Discrete Batch Number Decides whether batch numbering of

materials with segmentation is active or

STOCK_PROTECTION_IND Stock Protection Indicator Indicates whether stock protection is


DEFAULT_STOCK_SEGMENT Default Stock Segment value Segment value, which is (from the material
valuation point of view) representative for
all segment value combinations

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Segment E1BPE1MARCX: Checkbox Structure for BAPIE1MARC

Field Short text Explanation

SEGMENTATION_STRATEGY Segmentation Strategy Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. A strategy that is a collection of
business rules that de ne which stock
materials should satisfy which demand
objects. This is done based on the mapping
between stock segment associated with a
material in stock and requirement segment
associated with a demand object.

SEGMENTATION_STATUS Segmentation Status Fix Status.

CONSUMPTION_PRIORITY Consumption Priority Indicates whether planned independent

requirements (PIRs) are consumed based
on the segments or the consumption mode,
and in which sequence.

DISCRETE_BATCH_FLAG Discrete Batch Number Decides whether batch numbering of

materials with segmentation is active or

STOCK_PROTECTION_IND Stock Protection Indicator Indicates whether stock protection is


DEFAULT_STOCK_SEGMENT Default Stock Segment value Segment value, which is (from the material
valuation point of view) representative for
all segment value combinations

Technical Information: BAPI for Mass Maintenance of Material

The following section describes the enhanced standard IDoc segments of IDoc MATMAS_MASS_BAPI03. The elds contained in
the segments are all listed with the eld name, short text, and functional description.

Segment E1BPE1MARA1: Material Data at Client Level

Field Short text Explanation

SEGMENTATION_STRUCTURE Segmentation Structure Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. Contains all stock segment and
requirement segment values valid for
certain materials.

SEGMENTATION_STRATEGY Segmentation Strategy Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. A strategy that is a collection of
business rules that de ne which stock
materials should satisfy which demand
objects. This is done based on the mapping
between stock segment associated with a
material in stock and requirement segment
associated with a demand object.

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Field Short text Explanation

SEGMENTATION_RELEVANCE Segmentation Relevant Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. Indicates if the article is relevant
for segmentation.

Segment E1BPE1MARAX: Checkbox Structure for BAPIE1MARA

Field Short text Explanation

SEGMENTATION_STRUCTURE Segmentation Structure Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. Contains all stock segment and
requirement segment values valid for
certain materials.

SEGMENTATION_STRATEGY Segmentation Strategy Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. A strategy that is a collection of
business rules that de ne which stock
materials should satisfy which demand
objects. This is done based on the mapping
between stock segment associated with a
material in stock and requirement segment
associated with a demand object.

SEGMENTATION_RELEVANCE Segmentation Relevant Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. Indicates if the article is relevant
for segmentation.

Segment E1BPE1MARC1: Material Data at Plant Level

Field Short text Explanation

SEGMENTATION_STRATEGY Segmentation Strategy Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. A strategy that is a collection of
business rules that de ne which stock
materials should satisfy which demand
objects. This is done based on the mapping
between stock segment associated with a
material in stock and requirement segment
associated with a demand object.

SEGMENTATION_STATUS Segmentation Status Fix Status.

CONSUMPTION_PRIORITY Consumption Priority Indicates whether planned independent

requirements (PIRs) are consumed based
on the segments or the consumption mode,
and in which sequence.

DISCRETE_BATCH_FLAG Discrete Batch Number Decides whether batch numbering of

materials with segmentation is active or

STOCK_PROTECTION_IND Stock Protection Indicator Indicates whether stock protection is


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Field Short text Explanation

DEFAULT_STOCK_SEGMENT Default Stock Segment value Segment value, which is (from the material
valuation point of view) representative for
all segment value combinations

Segment E1BPE1MARCX: Checkbox Structure for BAPIE1MARC

Field Short text Explanation

SEGMENTATION_STRATEGY Segmentation Strategy Required only if the article is segmentation

relevant. A strategy that is a collection of
business rules that de ne which stock
materials should satisfy which demand
objects. This is done based on the mapping
between stock segment associated with a
material in stock and requirement segment
associated with a demand object.

SEGMENTATION_STATUS Segmentation Status Fix Status.

CONSUMPTION_PRIORITY Consumption Priority Indicates whether planned independent

requirements (PIRs) are consumed based
on the segments or the consumption mode,
and in which sequence.

DISCRETE_BATCH_FLAG Discrete Batch Number Decides whether batch numbering of

materials with segmentation is active or

STOCK_PROTECTION_IND Stock Protection Indicator Indicates whether stock protection is


DEFAULT_STOCK_SEGMENT Default Stock Segment value Segment value, which is (from the material
valuation point of view) representative for
all segment value combinations

Materials Management
The following sections contain information on the area of Materials Management.

Purchasing Info Record

Purchasing info records can be created and updated using IDoc interfaces. SAP ERP Logistics IDocs are enhanced primarily in
the areas of processing material segmentation.

You created the following standard IDoc segments before supplying data for the segments speci c to material segmentation:

E1EINAM: Purchasing Info Record: General Data

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 21
E1EALTH: Text Identi cation for Purchasing Info Record: General Data

E1EINEM: Purchasing Info Record: Purchasing Organization Data

E1EELTH: Text ID for Purchasing Info Record: Purchasing Org. Data

E1ESEGM: Purchasing Info Record: Segmentation Speci c Data

Technical Information: Purchasing Info Record (INFREC02)

The following section describes the material segmentation-speci c segment of IDoc INFREC02. The elds contained in the
segments are all listed with the eld name, short text, and functional description.

Document Item: Purchasing Info Record: Segmentation Speci c

Data (E1ESEGM)
To enter material segmentation information for the materials when you create a purchasing info record, you can use the
standard IDoc segment E1ESEGM.

Field Short text Explanation

STK_SEGMENT Stock Segment Segment assigned to a stockable item.

Technical Information: Purchasing Info Records (Mass IDOC)

The following section describes the material segmentation-speci c segment of IDoc INFRECMASS02. The elds contained in
the segments are all listed with the eld name, short text, and functional description.

Document Item: Purchasing Info Record: Segmentation Speci c

Data (E1ESEGM)
To enter material segmentation information for the materials when you create a purchasing info record, you must use the
standard IDoc segment E1EINAM to pass the purchasing info record details and use the IDoc segment E1ESEGM to pass
segmentation-speci c details.

Field Short text Explanation

STK_SEGMENT Stock Segment Segment assigned to a stockable item.

Purchase Requisition
Purchasing requisitions can be created and updated using IDoc interfaces. SAP ERP Logistics IDocs are enhanced primarily in
the areas of processing material segmentation.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 22

Technical Information: Create Enjoy Purchase Requisition


The following section describes the material segmentation-speci c segment of IDoc PREQCR102. The elds contained in the
segments are all listed with the eld name, short text, and functional description.

You created the following standard IDoc segments before supplying data for the segments speci c to material segmentation:

E1PREQCR1: Header Segment

E1BPMEREQHEADER: Transfer Structure for Enjoy Purchase Req. - Header

E1BPMEREQHEADERX: Change Parameter for Enjoy Purchase Requisition - Header

E1BPMEREQITEMX: Change Parameter for Enjoy Purchase Requisition - Item Data

E1BPMEREQITEM: Transfer Structure for Enjoy Purchase Req. - Item Data

E1BPMEREQITEM1: Transfer Structure for Enjoy Purchase Req. - Item Data

Document Item: Transfer Structure for Enjoy Purchase Req. -

To enter material segmentation information for the materials when you create a purchase requisition, you can use the standard
IDoc segment E1BPMEREQITEM1.

Field Short text Explanation

STK_SEGMENT Stock Segment Segment assigned to a stockable item.

Technical Information: Change Enjoy Purchase Requisition


The following section describes the material segmentation-speci c segment of IDoc PREQCHANGE02. The elds contained in
the segments are all listed with the eld name, short text, and functional description.

You created the following standard IDoc segments before supplying data for the segments speci c to material segmentation:

E1PREQCR1: Header Segment

E1BPMEREQHEADER: Transfer Structure for Enjoy Purchase Req. - Header

E1BPMEREQHEADERX: Change Parameter for Enjoy Purchase Requisition - Header

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 23
E1BPMEREQITEMIMP: Change Toolbar for Enjoy Purchase Req. - Item

E1BPMEREQITEMX: Change Parameter for Enjoy Purchase Requisition - Item Data

E1BPMEREQITEM: Transfer Structure for Enjoy Purchase Req. - Item Data

E1BPMEREQITEM1: Transfer Structure for Enjoy Purchase Req. - Item Data

Document Item: Transfer Structure for Enjoy Purchase Req. -

To enter material segmentation information for the materials when you change a purchase requisition, you can use the
standard IDoc segment E1BPMEREQITEM1.

Field Short text Explanation

STK_SEGMENT Stock Segment Segment assigned to a stockable item.

REQ_SEGMENT Requirement Segment Indicates additional information about the

type of requirement.

Technical Information: Get Details for One MEREQ Object


The following section describes the material segmentation-speci c segment of IDoc PREQGETDETAIL02. The elds contained
in the segments are all listed with the eld name, short text, and functional description.

You created the following standard IDoc segments before supplying data for the segments speci c to material segmentation:


E1BPMEREQITEM: Transfer Structure for Enjoy Purchase Req. - Item Data

E1BPMEREQITEM1: Transfer Structure for Enjoy Purchase Req. - Item Data

E1BPMEREQACCOUNT: Transfer Structure for Enjoy Purchase Req. - Acct Assignment

Document Item: Transfer Structure for Enjoy Purchase Req. -

To enter material segmentation information for the materials when you change a purchase requisition, you can use the
standard IDoc segment E1BPMEREQITEM1.

Field Short text Explanation

STK_SEGMENT Stock Segment Segment assigned to a stockable item.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 24

Field Short text Explanation

REQ_SEGMENT Requirement Segment Indicates additional information about the

type of requirement.

Purchase Order
Purchasing documents can be created and updated using IDoc interfaces. SAP ERP Logistics IDocs are enhanced primarily in
the areas of processing material segmentation.

Technical Information: Purchase Order Item (PORDCR103)

The following section describes the segmentation-speci c segment of IDoc PORDCR103. The elds contained in the segments
are all listed with the eld name, short text, and functional description.

You created the following standard IDoc segments before supplying data for the segments speci c to material segmentation:

E1PORDCR1: Header Segment

E1BPMEPOHEADER: Purchase Order Header Data

E1BPMEPOHEADERX: Purchase Order Header Data (Change Parameter)

E1BPMEPOITEM: Purchase Order Item

Document Item: Purchase Order Item (E1BPMEPOITEM1)

To enter segmentation information for the materials when you create a purchasing document, you can use the standard IDoc
segment E1BPMEPOITEM1.

Field Short text Explanation

STK_SEGMENT Stock Segment Segment assigned to a stockable item.

Technical Information: Change Purchase Order (PORDCH03)

The following section describes the segmentation-speci c segment of IDoc PORDCH03. The elds contained in the segments are
all listed with the eld name, short text, and functional description.

You created the following standard IDoc segments before supplying data for the segments speci c to material segmentation:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 25
E1PORDCR1: Header Segment

E1BPMEPOHEADER: Purchase Order Header Data

E1BPMEPOHEADERX: Purchase Order Header Data (Change Parameter)

E1BPMEPOITEM: Purchase Order Item

E1BPMEPOITEM1: Purchase Order Item

E1BPMEPOITEMX: Purchase Order Item Data (Change Parameter)

Document Item: Purchase Order Item (E1BPMEPOITEM1)

To enter segmentation information for the materials when you create a purchasing document, you can use the standard IDoc
segment E1BPMEPOITEM1.

Field Short text Explanation

STK_SEGMENT Stock Segment Segment assigned to a stockable item.

REQ_SEGMENT Requirement Segment Indicates additional information about the

type of requirement.

Technical Information: Detail Information for a Purchase Order


The following section describes the segmentation-speci c segment of IDoc PORDGD102. The elds contained in the segments
are all listed with the eld name, short text, and functional description.

You created the following standard IDoc segments before supplying data for the segments speci c to material segmentation:

E1PORDGD1: Header Segment

E1BPMEPOITEM: Purchase Order Item

E1BPMEPOITEM1: Purchase Order Item

Document Item: Purchase Order Item (E1BPMEPOITEM1)

To enter segmentation information for the materials when you create a purchasing document, you can use the standard IDoc
segment E1BPMEPOITEM1.

Field Short text Explanation

STK_SEGMENT Stock Segment Segment assigned to a stockable item.

REQ_SEGMENT Requirement Segment Indicates additional information about the

type of requirement.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 26

Goods Movement

The section describes the IDoc required for various movement types.

You created the following standard IDoc segments before supplying data for the segments speci c to material segmentation:

E1MBGMCR: Header Segment

E1BP2017_GM_HEAD_01: BAPI Communication Structure: Material Document Header Data

/SPE/E1BP2017_GM_REF_EWM: BAPI Communication Structure: Material Document EWM Ref.

E1BP2017_GM_ITEM_CREATE: BAPI Communication Structure: Create Material Document Item

E1BP2017_GM_ITEM_CREATE1: BAPI Communication Structure: Create Material Document Item

Technical Information: Post Goods Movements with

The following section describes the enhanced standard IDoc segments of IDoc MBGMCR03. The elds contained in the segments
are all listed with the eld name, short text, and functional description.

Document Item: Post Goods Movements with

To enter segmentation information for the materials in the goods movement document, you can use the standard IDoc segment

Field Short text Explanation

STK_SEGMENT Stock Segment Segment assigned to a stockable item.

Purchasing and Sales

Purchasing documents and sales documents can be created and updated using IDoc interfaces. SAP ERP Logistics IDocs are
enhanced primarily in the areas of processing material segmentation.

You created the following standard IDoc segments before supplying data for the segments speci c to material segmentation:

E1EDK01 IDoc: Document header general data

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 27
E1EDK14 IDoc: Document Header Organizational Data

E1EDK03 IDoc: Document header date segment

E1EDKA1 IDoc: Document Header Partner Information

E1EDP01 IDoc: Document Item General Data

E1EDP20 IDoc schedule lines

E1EDP19 IDoc: Document Item Object Identi cation

Technical Information: Purchasing/Sales (ORDERS05)

The following section describes the enhanced standard IDoc segments of IDoc ORDERS05. The elds contained in the segments
are all listed with the eld name, short text, and functional description.

Segment: IDoc: Document Item General Data (E1EDP01)

To enter segmentation values for the materials in the sales document or the purchasing document, you can use the standard
IDoc segment E1EDP01.

Field Short text Explanation

SGT_RCAT Requirement Segment Indicates additional information about the

type of requirement.

SGT_SCAT Stock Segment Segment assigned to a stockable item.

Sales and Distribution

The following sections contain information on the area of Sales and Distribution.

Delivery Interface
Outbound IDocs contain all relevant delivery information. Standard IDocs for outbound are enhanced primarily in the area of
processing material segmentation data.

You created the following standard IDoc segments before supplying data for the segments speci c to material segmentation:

E1EDL20 Delivery header

E1EDL21 Delivery Header Additional Data

E1EDT13 IDoc: Deadline (delivery)

E1EDL33 Export Data Delivery Header

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 28
E1EDL24 Delivery Item

E1EDL26 Delivery Item Additional Data

Technical Information: Delivery Interface (DELVRY07)

The following section describes the enhanced standard IDoc segments of IDoc DELVRY07. The elds contained in the segments
are all listed with the eld name, short text, and functional description.

Segment: Delivery Item Additional Data (E1EDL26)

To enter segmentation information for the materials in the delivery document, you can use the standard IDoc segment

Field Short text Explanation

SGT_RCAT Requirement Segment Indicates additional information about the

type of requirement.

SGT_SCAT Stock Segment Segment assigned to a stockable item.

Invoice or Billing Document

Invoice or Billing Document

You created the following standard IDoc segments before supplying data for the segments speci c to material segmentation:

E1EDK01 IDoc: Document header general data

E1EDKA1 IDoc: Document Header Partner Information

E1EDK02 IDoc: Document header reference data

E1EDK03 IDoc: Document header date segment

E1EDK14 IDoc: Document Header Organizational Data

E1EDP01 IDoc: Document Item General Data

E1EDP03 IDoc: Document Item Date Segment

E1EDP19 IDoc: Document Item Object Identi cation

E1EDP26 IDoc: Document Item Amount Segment

Technical Information: Invoices (INVOIC02)

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 29
The following section describes the enhanced standard IDoc segments of IDoc INVOIC02. The elds contained in the segments
are all listed with the eld name, short text, and functional description.

Segment: IDoc: Document Item General Data (E1EDP01)

To enter segmentation information for the materials in the invoice document, you can use the standard IDoc segment

Field Short text Explanation

SGT_RCAT Requirement Segment Indicates additional information about the

type of requirement.

SGT_SCAT Stock Segment Segment assigned to a stockable item.

Planning and Production

The following sections contain information on Planning and Production (PP).

Master Data: Material BOM

For an integrated materials management and shop oor control, BOMs and work plans contain critical basic or master data. In
the engineering/design department the functional and production conform design takes place for a new product to be
produced. The results of this product phase are drawings and a list of all necessary parts, the BOM.

BOMs are found in varying forms everywhere where end products are composed of several basic parts or materials.

One of the steps you should carry out when you start up PP in the SAP system is the transfer of BOMs from a legacy system.
This step is required because it is not usually possible to create initial data manually in the R/3 system due to the multitude of
BOMs used.

Typical application examples are:

Transfer of BOMs from a non-SAP system

Transfer of data from data pools

Segmentation Special Features

You can use the new IDoc type BOMMAT07 to create material BOMs with segmentation information.

Mapping of Segmentation: Using ALE, segmentation information are mapped in the same way as in the dialog

Technical Information: Bill of Materials

Technical Description of the IDoc Type

Document Type Direction Logical Message IDoc Type Process Code

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 30

Document Type Direction Logical Message IDoc Type Process Code

Bill of material Inbound BOMMAT BOMMAT07 BOMM

Segmentation-Speci c Fields for Bills of Materials

Segment Field Explanation Origin

E1SGTBOM MSGFN Function Same processing like in


003-Delete: Message
contains objects to be

004-Change: Message
contains changes

005-Replace: This
message replaces
previous messages

009-Original: First
message for process

023-Wait/Adjust: Do not
import data


STOCK_SEGMENT Stock Segment Segmentation value for

requirement segment or stock
segment which contains one
value of a segmentation eld or
a combination of values for all
segmentation elds.

SEGMENTATION_INCLUDE Segmentation : Flag Including Includes or excludes

components or routings for
selected segment values of the
header material.

SEGMENTATION_EXCLUDE Segmentation: Flag Excluding Includes or excludes

components or routings for the
selected segment values of the
header material.

Master Data: Sales Order BOM

For an integrated materials management and shop oor control, BOMs and work plans contain critical basic or master data. In
the engineering/design department the functional and production conform design takes place for a new product to be
produced. The results of this product phase are drawings and a list of all necessary parts, the BOM. BOMs are found in varying
forms everywhere where end products are composed of several basic parts or materials.

One of the steps you should carry out when you start up PP in the SAP system is the transfer of BOMs from a legacy system.
This step is required because it is not usually possible to create initial data manually in the R/3 system due to the multitude of
BOMs used.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 31
Typical application examples are:

Transfer of BOMs from a non-SAP system

Transfer of data from data pools

Segmentation Special Features

You can use the new IDoc type BOMORD03 to create order BOMs with segmentation information.

Mapping of Segmentation: Using ALE, segmentation information are mapped in the same way as in the dialog

Technical Information: Bill of Materials

Technical Description of the IDoc Type

Document Type Direction Logical Message IDoc Type Process Code

Bill of material Inbound BOMORD BOMORD03 BOMM

Segmentation-Speci c Fields for Bills of Materials

Segment Field Explanation Origin

E1SGTBOM MSGFN Function Same processing like in


003-Delete: Message
contains objects to be

004-Change: Message
contains changes

005-Replace: This
message replaces
previous messages

009-Original: First
message for process

023-Wait/Adjust: Do
not import data


STOCK_SEGMENT Stock Segment Segmentation value for

requirement segment or stock
segment which contains one
value of a segmentation eld or
a combination of values for all
segmentation elds.

SEGMENTATION_INCLUDE Segmentation : Flag Including Includes or excludes

components or routings for
selected segment values of the
header material.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 32

Segment Field Explanation Origin

SEGMENTATION_EXCLUDE Segmentation: Flag Excluding Includes or excludes

components or routings for the
selected segment values of the
header material..

Materials Management
Materials Management is a comprehensive solution for mapping logistical processes. The tools in Materials Management such
as material requirements planning (MRP), Purchasing, Goods Receipt, Inventory Management, and Invoice Veri cation
supports you during the entire procurement process and in inventory management. If you activate the business function
Material Segmentation Across Logistics, you can procure and manage materials at the level of segmentation during the entire
procurement process. Reports and screens have been adjusted and master data has been enhanced so that you can manage
materials segmentation (such as various qualities and country of origin).

Segmentation: Purchasing Documents

Segmentation allows you to logically segment materials based on certain attributes, for example, Quality or Customer
segment. When you use materials with segmentation, you can also process quantities and conditions in purchasing documents
for individual stock segments.

For more information about processing of purchasing documents in the standard ERP system, see Purchasing (MM-PUR).

You have activated the business function Material Segmentation Across Logistics (LOG_SEGMENTATION)

You have created the characteristics for segmentation using transaction CT04

You have de ned segmentation structures in Customizing for Logistics – General Segmentation De ne
Segmentation Structures

You have de ned segmentation strategies in Customizing for Logistics – General Segmentation De ne
Segmentation Strategies

You have created materials and assigned a segmentation strategy in the material master (transaction MM01)

To procure materials with segmentation, the system allows you to maintain data in purchasing documents for the
corresponding stock segment. You can manually enter the stock segment or the system copies the value from various sources
such as other purchasing documents, or determine during requirement planning (MRP).

The system does not allow you to enter or maintain stock segment for a material if one of the following condition is true:

Material is not relevant for segmentation

Plant to which the material belongs is not relevant for segmentation

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Material is relevant for segmentation but you did not assign or x the segmentation strategy and the segmentation

Scope is Only Requirement Segments Maintained in the segmentation strategy

For more information about how segmentation is handled in individual purchasing documents, see the following:

Purchasing Info Record

Purchase Requisition


Purchase Order

Goods Issue

Goods Receipt

Inbound Delivery

Invoice Veri cation

Physical Inventory


More Information
Segmentation Structure

Segmentation Strategy

Purchase Requisition

De nition
A purchase requisition is a request or instruction to Purchasing to procure a certain quantity of a material or a service so that it
is available at a certain point in time.

The system allows you to maintain instructions to procure a certain quantity of different stock segments of a material.

When you manually create a purchase requisition, the system allows you to enter a valid stock segment for a material. During
MRP if the required quantity of stock is not available, the system proposes a purchase requisition and determines stock
segment for the material. The system determines the stock segment based on the segmentation strategy you assigned for the
material of the plant.

When you create purchase orders with reference to a purchase requisition, the system allows you to change the stock segment
and ordered quantities for a material that are copied from the reference document.

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The system determines the requirement segment for a stock transport requisition based on the stock segment and the
segmentation strategy you assigned for the material in the material master.

On the Item Overview screen, you can specify the following information for different stock segments of a material:

Purchase requisition quantities

Delivery date

The system also displays the schedule line number and ordered quantities.

More Information
Segmentation: Purchasing Documents

Purchasing Info Record

De nition
Stores master data such as vendor and material, for a purchasing organization or a plant

The system allows you to maintain data for individual stock segment for a combination of vendor and material.

When you create a purchase order with reference to documents, for example purchasing info record, the system copies the
segment values from the reference document.

You can maintain purchase info record (under delivery and over delivery tolerance, minimum and maximum purchase order
quantities) for individual segments of a material in the material master. Assume that you did not maintain these values for a
material in the material master and try creating a purchase order for the same material. In such case, the system copies the
purchase info record details for the individual segment of a material from the purchasing info record document that you already
created for the material.

You can maintain the following information for different stock segments of a material while creating the purchasing info record:

Under delivery tolerance

Over deliver tolerance

Minimum purchase order

Maximum purchase order quantities

Rounding pro le for each segment

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De nition
A contract is a type of outline purchase agreement against which release orders (releases) can be issued for agreed materials
or services as and when required during a certain overall time-frame. You can create quality based contracts (MK) or value
based contracts (WK).

The system allows you to create and process contracts for different stock segments of a material.

The contract consists of items de ning the individual materials, material groups with prices and target quantities for different
stock segments of a material. For example, you can create contract with vendor-speci c quantities or order value of the same
material for different stock segment.

If you maintain values for different stock segments in the material master under Additional Data, the system displays the valid
weights and volumes in the detail view for the different stock segments of the material.

More Information
Weights and Volumes in Purchasing Documents

Purchase Orders

De nition
Purchase order is a formal request or instruction from a purchasing organization to a vendor or a plant to supply or provide a
certain quantity of goods or services at or by a certain point in time.

Segmentation at item level allows you to order materials with different attributes, for example, quality and/or customer
channel. You can maintain information such as delivery tolerances, purchase quantities, and so on, for different segmentation
value of a material. The system copies such information from a reference document, such as purchasing info record, purchase
requisition, and contracts to a purchase order. The system determines the valid stock segment for a material based on the
segmentation structure and the segmentation strategy you assigned for the material.

For a material in purchase order and stock transport order, the system allows you to maintain only stock segment and
determines the requirement segment based on the segmentation strategy.

The system allows you to maintain stock segments for a material in the Item Detail screen only if you maintain the plant is
relevant for segmentation. You can also maintain purchase order quantities, delivery date, and so on, for the different stock
segments of a material

 Note
For transfer of stock between plants, the system determines the requirement segment of the issuing plant using the
segmentation strategy and the stock segment of the receiving plant. For more information about stock transfer between

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 36
plants, see Stock Tansport Order for Materials with Segmentation

Purchase Order Con rmations

With SAP ERP 6 Enhancement Package 7 Support Package Stack 10 release onwards, you can process and view order
con rmations for the individual segmentation values in the Con rmation tab of purchase order for materials that are relevant
for segmentation. When you create an order con rmation manually, you enter the quantities and the corresponding
segmentation values and save the document. In addition, when you create an inbound delivery with reference to a purchase
order, you can view the inbound delivery item details such as stock segment and quantity in the Con rmation tab.

Purchase Order History

In the standard ERP, on the purchase order history tab, the system displays the history of goods receipts and invoices relating
to the purchase order. In addition, with SAP ERP 6 Enhancement Package 7 Support Package Stack 10 release onwards, you
also can view the segmentation details for segmentation relevant materials in the history of goods receipts and invoices in this
History tab.

More Information
Weights and Volumes in Purchasing Documents

Changing Stock Segment Using Fast Change

You have created materials and assigned the segmentation strategy in the material master.

Fast change enables you to change several items of a document simultaneously. In addition, you can change the stock segment
for several items of a purchase order using the fast change option. For example, you notice that you must procure only
materials of segment X and not of segment Y. You can use fast change to change segment X to segment Y. You can change the
stock segment for all the selected items or for all the items in purchase order.

For more information about fast change in the standard SAP ERP system, see Purchase Order – Single-Screen Transaction
(ME21N, ME22N, and ME.

1. Create or open an existing purchase order.

2. Enter a material and all the necessary details including the relevant stock segment.

3. Choose one or more line items for which you want to change stock segment.

4. In the Change Layout dialog box, choose Stock Segment from the list of Hidden elds. If you have already selected the
Stock Segment column, this dialog box does not appear.

5. In the Fast Change dialog box, choose a different stock segment.

6. Choose the icon for Fast Change.


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Stock segment is changed for all the selected line items or for all the items in the document based on the selection in step 3. If
any of the material is not relevant for segmentation, stock segment is not assigned to the material as a result of fast change

You have the following items in purchase order:

Shirt_T with stock segment X

Shirt_T1 with stock segment Y

Shirt_T2 with no stock segment

For all the three items you want to change stock segment to Z. The result of fast change is as follows:

Shirt_T with stock segment Z

Shirt_T1 with stock segment Z

Shirt_T2 with no stock segment

In addition, the system validates the newly assigned stock segment. The system displays a message if the stock segment
assigned for Shirt_T1 as a result of fast change is not valid. You must choose only that line item and choose a valid stock
segment for that material.

Return Purchase Order

In a business scenario, the company will have to send the goods back to the vendor if the stock is of poor quality or if there is
excess stock. The return to stock is done with the help of a document called Return Purchase Order.

The goods to be returned are marked as Return Items in the purchase order.

If a plant that is relevant for segmentation returns the stock to vendor, the system determines the stock segment for the
supplying plant based on the settings you maintained in Customizing for Purchase Orders under Logistics - General
Segmentation Determine Segment Value for Automatic Determination . The requirement segment is not applicable.

If a plant that is not relevant for segmentation returns the stock to vendor, segmentation is not applicable and the system does
not determine the stock segment or the requirement segment.

Goods Issue

De nition
The system allows you to post a material withdrawal or a material issue. A goods issue leads to a reduction in warehouse stock.

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When you create goods issue for a material, you can specify quantities that you like to withdraw for each stock segment. Since
negative stock is not permitted, you cannot enter a goods issue for stock segments that exceed the available stock. If the
material is managed in batches, the system assigns a batch number to the material when you post a goods receipt. The batch
number the system determines is based on the batch indicator you set in the material master. For more information about
batch management, see Batch Management for Material Segmentation.

Goods Receipt

De nition
With the goods receipt (GR) you post the physical inward movement of goods from an external vendor or from production and
then complete a goods movement, which leads to an increase in the warehouse stock.

The system allows you to process goods receipt for different segments of the material. You can maintain the quantity delivered
for each stock segment on the Item Detail screen. In addition, you can maintain the stock segment for materials both in the
Item Overview screen and in the Batch tab of the Item Detail screen. Before posting the goods, you can change stock segment
for a material only by using the transaction MIGO.

If the receiving plant is not relevant for segmentation, then stock segment for a material is invisible in the following scenarios:

For goods movement with reference to documents, for example Purchase Order

For transfer posting

For goods movement with reference to others

You must use batch management for materials with stock segment. The system assigns a batch number to the material when
you post a goods receipt. The batch number the system determines is based on the batch indicators you set in the material
master. For more information about batch management, see Batch Management for Material Segmentation.

Inbound Delivery

De nition
Inbound delivery is enhanced to handle materials with segmentation. The system copies the stock segment from the purchase

You must use batch management for materials with stock segment. Batch determination happens in inbound delivery and the
batch number is proposed. After you post the goods receipt, the system creates a new batch or post the quantities to an
existing batch. For more information about batch management, see Batch Management for Material Segmentation.

More Information
Weights and Volumes in Purchasing Documents

Batch Determination for Inbound Deliveries

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You can enable the system to check if the batch entered in the inbound delivery document already exists in the system. To do
this, you can use the No Batch Check checkbox in the Customizing activity De ne Item Categories for Deliveries under
Logistics Execution Shipping Deliveries . A batch split describes the situation where more than one batch is used to cover a
particular delivery item. The batch split function in the delivery includes a batch selection screen and an availability check.

During the batch determination process, for a material that is relevant for segmentation the system proposes the new batch
number according to the segmentation value entered in the document.

If you select this checkbox, the system does not update the new batch number in the document and does not perform a
batch split, although the batch is relevant for segmentation. However, if the system determines an existing batch
number, the system updates the batch number in the document and performs a batch split.

If you do not select this checkbox, the system determines a new batch number or an existing batch number and updates
the determined batch number in the document and performs a batch split.

Invoice Veri cation

You can use the logistics invoice veri cation to check incoming invoices for their functional, price, and mathematical
correctness. You can run this veri cation for materials with segmentation at the segment level. The segment values are copied
from purchase order and you cannot change them.

Physical Inventory
The system allows you to carry out a physical inventory of your company’s warehouse stocks for balance sheet purposes. For
materials with segmentation, you can maintain the inventory for different stock segments. Stock segment is attached to a
batch and thus batch management is mandatory in Physical Inventory.

When you enter the materials for which you want to carry out physical inventory, the system determines the stock segment
based on the batch number.

You can lter the batches based on the stock segments.


De nition
A request to the warehouse or plant to keep a material ready for issue at a future date for a certain purpose

Reservations are enhanced to handle materials with segmentation. If the material is relevant for batch management, the
system determines the stock segment based on the material, batch, and plant. You cannot change the stock segment. For more
information, see Batch Management for Material Segmentation

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De nition
A quotation is an offer by a vendor to a purchasing organization regarding the supply of materials or performance of services
subject to speci ed conditions.

 Note
The system only validates the stock segment you enter for a material in Quotation when you enter a plant and a material
that is relevant for segmentation. If you do not enter a plant but enter an invalid stock segment for a material that is
relevant for segmentation, the system allows you to save the document.

A quotation is legally binding on the vendor for a certain period. The quotation is the vendor’s response to a request for
quotation issued by a purchasing organization.

A quotation consists of items in which the total quantity and delivery date of an offered material or service are speci ed. For
materials relevant for segmentation, the system allows you to maintain quantity and delivery data for the different stock
segments of the material.

Request for Quotation

De nition
A request for quotation (RFQ) is an invitation extended to a vendor by a purchasing organization to submit a quotation (bid) for
the supply of materials or performance of services. The system allows you to create request for quotation to supply different
stock segments of a material.

 Note
The system only validates the stock segment you enter for a material in RFQ when you enter a plant and a material that is
relevant for segmentation. If you do not enter a plant but enter an invalid stock segment for a material that is relevant for
segmentation, the system allows you to save the document.

An RFQ consists of the RFQ header and the items.

RFQ header

Contains general information on the RFQ, such as the vendor’s address.


Contain the total quantities and delivery dates for the materials or services speci ed in the RFQ. You can maintain
quantities and delivery dates for individual stock segments of a material.

An item of a quotation may contain a delivery schedule made up of a number of schedule lines in which the total quantity is
broken down into smaller quantities to be delivered on the speci ed dates over a certain period.

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Scheduling agreement

De nition
A form of outline purchase agreement under which materials are procured on predetermined dates within a certain time period.

A scheduling agreement consists of a number of items, for each of which a procurement type is de ned. The following
procurement types exist:




Stock transfer

Delivery of the total quantity of material speci ed in a scheduling agreement item is spread over a certain period in a delivery
schedule, consisting of lines indicating the individual quantities with their corresponding planned delivery dates. For materials
relevant for segmentation, you can maintain the quantities and the planned delivery dates for individual stock segments of the

When you maintain delivery schedule for the scheduling agreement of materials relevant for segmentation, the segmentation
details are adopted from the scheduling agreement and you cannot edit the stock segment.

Stock Transport Order for Materials with Segmentation

You can carry out stock transfers between storage locations within a plant, between different plants, and between company
codes. You cannot transfer materials with segmentation between plants with different segmentation strategies. You can only
transfer materials with segmentation between plants with the same segmentation strategies. You can also transfer materials
with segmentation between plants if one of the plants is not relevant for segmentation. If both the receiving plant and the
supplying plant is assigned with the same segmentation strategy, you must de ne the mapping between the stock segment and
the requirement segment of the plants involved.

If both the receiving plant and the supplying plant are relevant for segmentation, the stock segment in the stock
transport order is mapped to the corresponding requirement segment of the supplying plant. This mapping is based on
the Customizing for De ne Segmentation Strategies under Logistics – General Segmentation .

If the supplying plant is relevant for segmentation and the receiving plant is not relevant for segmentation, the stock
transport order does not have a stock segment. The system determines the requirement segment for the supplying
plant in one of the following ways:

Priority 1: Based on the segment value assignment you de ne in the Customizing for De ne Segment Value for
Automatic Determination under Logistics – General Segmentation .

Priority 2: If you do not de ne the segment value assignment in the Customizing activity De ne Segment Value
for Automatic Determination, the system uses the default stock segment maintained in the Customizing for

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De ne Segmentation Structures under Logistics – General Segmentation .

Priority 3: If the above options fail, the system determines the requirement based on the logic you de ne in the
BAdI BADI_SEG_SPEC_PROD_MM (under Logistics - General Segmentation Enhancements for
Segmentation BAdI: Segment Values in Purchase Order .

If the supplying plant is not relevant for segmentation and the receiving plant is relevant for segmentation, the stock
transport order has the stock segment value and the material is posted to the supplying plant without any segmentation

Example: Stock Transport Order

You have speci ed a material in the following plants:

Plant Segmentation Enabled Company Code

DC1 Yes 001

DC2 No 001

DC3 Yes 002

Scope is maintained as Both Requirement and Stock Segment Maintained in the

segmentation strategy
Scenario 1: DC3 supplies to DC1. Both the supplying plant and the receiving plant are relevant for segmentation. You de ned the
stock segment in the stock transport order. The system determines the requirement segment in one of the following ways:

Priority 1: Based on the segment value assignment you de ne in Customizing for Stock Transfer under Logistics –
General Segmentation De ne Segmentation Strategies .

Priority 2: If you do not de ne the segment value assignment in Customizing activity De ne Segmentation Strategies,
the system determines the requirement segment based on the logic you de ne in the BAdI BADI_SEG_SPEC_PROD_MM
(under Logistics - General Segmentation Enhancements for Segmentation ).

Priority 3: If you do not specify the logic in the BAdI, the system determines the requirement segment based on the
default stock segment you de ne in Customizing for De ne Segmentation Structures under Logistics – General
Segmentation .

Priority 4: If BLANK is not a valid segmentation value and no segmentation value is found, the system displays an error

Scenario 2: DC3 supplies to DC2. The receiving plant is not relevant for segmentation. You did not de ne the stock segment in
the stock transport order. The system determines the requirement segment in one of the following ways:

Priority 1: Based on the segment value assignment maintained in Customizing for De ne Segment Value for Automatic
Determination under Logistics – General Segmentation .

Priority 2: If you do not specify the segment value assignment in Customizing activity De ne Segment Value for
Automatic Determination, the system determines the requirement segment based on the default stock segment you
de ne in Customizing for De ne Segmentation Structures under Logistics – General Segmentation .

Priority 3: If BLANK is not a valid segmentation value and no segmentation value is found, the system displays an error

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Scenario 3: DC2 supplies to DC1. The supplying plant is not relevant for segmentation. You de ne the stock segment in the stock
transport order. As the supplying plant is not relevant for segmentation, the system does not determine the requirement
segment and the material is posted.

The following image illustrates the transfer of stock between plants with different segmentation strategies:

Scope is maintained as Only Requirement Segment is Maintained in the

segmentation strategy
Scenario 4: DC3 supplies to DC1. Both the supplying plant and the receiving plant are relevant for segmentation. However, as
the scope is Only Requirement Segment is Maintained in the segmentation strategy, you do not de ne the stock segment. The
system determines the requirement segment based on the segment value assignment you de ne in Customizing for De ne
Segment Value for Automatic Determination under Logistics – General Segmentation .

The following image illustrates the transfer of stock between plants with different segmentation strategies:

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Mass Maintenance of Materials with Segmentation

You can use mass maintenance for changing large volumes of data in a number of different purchasing documents, in a single
step. You can change header data, and item data such as the plant or the terms of payment.

You have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION

You have created materials and assigned a segmentation strategy to the materials in the material master

If you have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION and have assigned a segmentation strategy to your materials,
you can use mass maintenance function to change the stock segment in the following documents in a single step:

Purchase order

Stock transport order


Purchase requisitions

Stock transport requisitions

Purchasing info record

The system validates the segmentation value when you save the document, based on the segmentation strategy assigned to
the material.
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Weights and Volumes in Purchasing Documents

Weights and volumes is an additional data you can maintain for different stock segments of a material.

You can view the valid weights and volumes for different stock segments in the detail view of the material. The system displays
the weights and volumes based on the values maintained in the material master under additional data.

When you create a delivery, the weights and volumes for the material in the purchase document are transferred accordingly to
the batch split item of the delivery document. If you do not maintain the weights and volumes in the material master, the
system determines the weights and volumes for the material.

The system displays the weights and volumes for materials in the following purchasing documents:

Purchase Order


Inbound Delivery

Batch Management for Material Segmentation

You can de ne batch management depending on plants and materials in material master. Batch management is supported for
the plant and the batch number is determined when you perform a goods issue, outbound delivery, and transfer order. Batch
management is mandatory, if the material is relevant for segmentation and the Scope is Only Requirement Segments
Maintained in segmentation strategy.

You have the following options for the internal batch management:

Standard Batch Numbering

Discrete Batch Numbering

The batch number is determined when posting the goods receipt, dependent on which batch indicator is set in material master.

For materials with segmentation, the batch management is at plant level only. Thus the batch number is

unique in connection with a plant and a material

only known in the plant in which it was created

not known in other plants in which the material also exists

During a stock transfer to another plant, the batch is not known in the receiving plant and the system does not transfer any
data. The system determines the batch in the receiving plant according to the batch management selected there.

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Standard Batch Numbering

The standard internal batch numbering procedure for materials with segmentation, assigns one batch number for each
combination of material, plant, and stock segment during goods movement. The system will use the same batch number for all
goods movements of the same combination of material, plant, and stock segment.

Assume a material with different stock segments X, Y, and Z. At the goods receipt of the corresponding stock segments, the
batch numbers are assigned as follows: 001 for X, 002 for Y and 003 for Z. If the stock segment Z already exists in the system
with the batch number 023, it is posted to the already existing batch 023, and not assigned to the new batch 003.

Discrete Batch Numbering

The discrete batch numbering enables you to trace individual batches in the system, since a separate batch number is issued
for each received quantity of a material with stock segmentation. Discrete batch numbering is available only for the materials
with segmentation and if the materials are managed in batches. The system assigns an internal batch number to each item of a
goods receipt that is posted. Each received quantity of a material with segmentation will then have an individual batch number,
without reusing batch numbers for already existing stock segment.

If you want to activate discrete batch numbering, choose the Disc. batch num option in material master.

Assume a material with different stock segments X, Y, and Z. At the goods receipt of the corresponding stock segments, the
batch numbers are assigned as follows: 001 for X, 002 for Y and 003 for Z.

Split Valuation of Materials in Purchasing Documents

You can use materials that you enable for split valuation in as many different partial stocks as you want. The system uses the
split valuation type to apply a split valuation to a partial stock. The partial stocks refer to the batches or stock segments of
materials with segmentation. The system updates the total stock, in addition to the partial stock. The value calculation of the
total stock results from the total of inventory value and inventory quantity of the individual pieces of partial stock (moving
average price).

The system determines the valuation type for different stock segments of the material in the following purchasing and
inventory documents:

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Purchase order

Goods issue

Goods receipt

Inbound delivery

Invoice veri cation

Batch management

You have assigned and xed a segmentation strategy for a material in the material master

You have assigned a valid split valuation type by choosing valuation type X for Automat. (Batch) in Logistics DC: 1 >
Accounting view of the material in the material master

You have created characteristics that are relevant for segmentation (Material Valuation (VAL) using the transaction
CT04) and used these characteristics as segment values

You create batches for different stock segments of a material using the transaction MSC1N. When you create batches in this
way, the system uses the stock segment to determine the valuation type. After creating a batch, you cannot change the
valuation type in the transaction MSC2N. If you create a batch (when you perform the rst goods receipt), the system updates
the valuation type to the batch master record of the relevant stock segment and de nes the valuation of the batch.

In these purchasing and inventory documents, the system uses the stock segment you enter to determines the valuation type.
To reapply a valuation type for the batches, you must run the report SGT_MSC2.

If the material is relevant for segmentation and the accounting view is not generated, the system does not determine the
valuation type.

Viewing Stock Overview of Materials with Segmentation

You can display the stock overview of a material with segmentation in a tree structure. The system displays the nodes in the
tree structure in the following sequence:

Plant > Storage Location > Stock Segment > Batch

The system displays the stock quantity for individual batch number.

1. Goto transaction RWBE.

2. In the Stock Overview screen, enter the material.

3. Choose the List Display tab.

4. In the List as section, choose Tree Structure.

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In the Display Levels section, the system selects Base Plant Group, Plant, and Storage Location by default.

5. To view the stock of a material at the stock segment level, you must select the Batch option.

You can only view the stock overview for the storage location of a material, If you do not select the Batch option. If you do
not select Storage Location and you only select the Batch option, the Storage Location option and the plant details are
automatically selected.

6. Enter the stock segment to lter the stock overview for the article at the stock segment level.

For materials with segmentation, you must use batch management. When you select the Batch option, the system
automatically selects the Storage Location option. The system also displays the stock segment details for the material.

The following table describes the system settings for the material SHIRT_T, of type Single Article:

Plant Storage location Stock segment Batch number

F051 0001 LOWRET 00000176

The system can display stock of SHIRT_T in the tree view as follows:

By default:

By storage:

By batch, if the material is managed in batches:

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Reporting in Purchasing

Reports are used to access information from the database, and to list the results based on the selection criteria.

If you have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION, the following reports display the segmentation values in the
result screen:

Purchase orders

Transaction Description

ME2L Purchasing Documents per Vendor

ME2M Purchasing Documents for Material

ME2K Purchasing Documents per Account Assignment

ME2J Purchasing Documents per Projects

ME2C Purchasing Documents for Material Group

ME2B Purchasing Documents per Requirement Tracking Number

ME2N Purchasing Documents per Document Number

ME2W Purchasing Documents per Supplying Plant

Purchase requisitions

Transactions Description

ME5A Purchase Requisitions: List Display

ME5K Requisitions by Account Assignment

ME5J Purchase Requisitions for Projects

ME5R Archived Purchase Requisitions

Outline Agreement

Transaction Description

ME3L Outline Agreements per Vendor

ME3M Outline Agreements by Material

ME3K Outl. Agreements by Acct. Assignment

ME3J Outline Agreements per Project

ME3C Outline Agreements by Material Group

ME38 Maintain Sched. Agreement Schedule

ME3N Outline Agreements by Agreement No.

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Transaction Description

ME4L RFQs by Vendor

ME4M RFQs by Material

ME4S RFQs by Collective Number

ME4C RFQs by Material Group

ME4B RFQs by Requirement Tracking Number

ME4N RFQs by RFQ Number

More Information
Reporting in Purchasing

Segmentation based EAN in Purchasing Documents

For materials that are relevant for segmentation, the system uses the stock segment to determine the EAN value in the
purchasing documents (such as goods receipt, stock transport order, purchase order).

You have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION_03.

You have created characteristics that are relevant for EAN using transaction CT04.

You have created the segmentation strategy and the segmentation structure using the characteristics that are relevant
for EAN.

You have created a material and maintained EANs for different segmentation values of Unit of Measure (UoM). You can
maintain EAN in the Additional EAN tab of the Additional Data screen in material master.

You have maintained the Vendor Main EAN for the material.

Purchase Orders

When creating or changing purchase orders, the system determines the Vendor Main EAN according to the stock segment and
the Unit of Measure (UoM) of the purchase order item. If you change one of the following values for a purchase order item in
the document, the system redetermines the EAN number accordingly:

Unit of Measure

Stock segment



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 Note
You can change the EAN value manually for a purchase order item. The system does not validate the new EAN value along
with the segmentation value and allows you to save the document.

Stock Transport Orders

In case of a stock transport order, the system uses the requirement segment to determine the EAN value for the item. The
system always determines the main EAN value if you have maintained multiple EAN numbers. When you create an outbound
delivery with reference to a stock transport order, the system does not copy the EAN details of the material from the reference
document. Instead, the system determines the EAN value according to the stock segment value. If you enter a stock segment
for a batch item or change the sales UoM for a batch split item in the batch split screen, the system redetermines the EAN
value according to the stock segment. If you change the sales UoM for the generic material in the item overview screen, the
system redetermines the EAN value for the material.

 Note
You can change the EAN value manually for a stock transport order item. The system does not validate the new EAN value
along with the segmentation value and allows you to save the document.

Inbound Delivery

When you create an inbound delivery with reference to a purchase order, the system copies the EAN details of the material from
the reference document. If you enter or change a stock segment for a batch item or change the sales UoM for a batch split item
in the batch split screen, the system redetermines the EAN value according to the stock segment. If you change the sales UoM
for the material in the item overview screen, the system redetermines the EAN value for the material. You can change the EAN
value manually for an item in the inbound delivery. The system does not validate EAN and allows you to save the document.

Goods Receipt

When you create a goods receipt with reference using transaction MIGO, the system copies the EAN number from the reference
document. You can change the EAN value manually and the system does not validate the new EAN value along with the
segmentation value and allows you to save the material document. If you change the stock segmentation value, the system
redetermines the EAN number.

When you create a goods receipt using the BAPI, the system performs the following:

Determines the material and the corresponding segmentation value using the EAN number sent through the BAPI. You
must have maintained the segmentation value for the EAN in material master.

Compare the determined segmentation value with the segmentation value of the batch number provided. If the
segmentation values are equal, the system saves the material document and if the values are not equal, the system
displays an error message.

More Information
For more information about the master data settings, see Segmentation based EAN in SAP Help Library.

Determination of Pricing in Purchasing Documents based on



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The standard condition technique has been enhanced with segmentation-speci c pricing. For example, you can create the
additional condition records according to the segmentation value needed for the pricing. To do this, you should use
segmentation-speci c condition types.

You have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION_03.

In addition to the existing standard condition type, condition table, access sequence, and pricing procedure available for the
purchasing documents, you can use the following segmentation-speci c condition type, condition table, access sequence, and
pricing procedure in the purchasing documents. These are standard condition tables delivered by SAP. You can use them
appropriately in the existing con gurations to enable the segmentation-speci c pricing.

Condition Type PBSG

Condition Table Vendor/Material/Purch. Organization/Plant/Info record

category/Stock segment: A4AG

Purch. Organization /material/plant/Info record category /Stock

segment: A4AH

Access Sequence SG02

Pricing Procedure SM0000

You can only maintain condition records for a segmentation value that is relevant for pricing. When you create characteristics
for segmentation using transaction CT04, you need to mark whether the segmentation value is relevant for pricing. When you
create purchasing documents, the system determines the pricing according to the segmentation value you have entered in the
document. If the segmentation value is not relevant for pricing or you have not maintained the condition records for the
corresponding segmentation value entered in the document, the system does not determine the pricing record in the
purchasing documents.

 Note
Segmentation-speci c pricing is not applicable in purchasing contracts.

More Information
Conditions and Price Determination (MM-PUR-VM)

Maintain Segmentation Relevance for Functions

Origin of Costing Data

Segmentation: Subcontracting

This section describes how to procure materials relevant for segmentation using a Subcontracting Purchase Order. It describes
how subcontract orders are processed in Purchasing and Inventory Management. By procuring a material that is relevant for

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segmentation using subcontracting, you provide your vendor with materials needed to produce the nished product you have

You have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION_03.

You can procure a material using subcontracting by performing the following steps:

You can order the nished product with a subcontracting purchase order. You can enter the components required by the
vendor for the production of the nished product in the purchase order or derive them automatically from the relevant
Bill of Materials (BOM).

You can provide the required components to the vendor by directly posting a goods issue or by using the outbound
delivery. This physical stock is located at your vendor, but remains the property of your company (tracked using Special
Stocks with Vendor) until the goods receipt of the nished product.

The vendor provides the service and delivers the ordered material. With the goods receipt of the nished product, the
back ush consumption of the components is automatically completed.

More Information
Segmentation (LO-SGT)

Master Data

Subcontracting in Purchasing

Subcontracting in Inventory Management

Master Data

For more information about creating bill of material, see Bill of Materials.

More Information
Segmentation: Subcontracting

Subcontracting in Purchasing

You can use the subcontracting items (SC items) in purchase requisitions and purchase orders to order material to be produced
in subcontracting. If you want to procure materials that are relevant for segmentation using subcontracting, you can manually
enter the type and quantity of the components to be provided for the individual segmentation value of the components in the

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document or if you have already created a BOM for the ordered material, the system automatically copies the relevant data
from the BOM.

The standard SAP ERP system supports the procurement of materials relevant for segmentation using subcontracting at the
segment level and is available for subcontracting (SC) purchase requisitions and SC orders.

More Information
Segmentation: Subcontracting

Creating or Changing Subcontracting Purchase Requisitions or Purchase Orders

Creating or Changing Subcontracting Purchase Requisitions or

Purchase Orders

You can start the subcontracting process in purchasing with one of the following:

A purchase requisition that has been created manually or as a result of MRP

Purchase order that has been created manually

 Note
In both cases, the purchasing document item should have a speci c item category for subcontracting (L).

To create a subcontracting purchase requisition or purchase order manually, perform the following steps:

1. Enter the material you want to order and the item category for subcontracting (L) in the order item.

If the material is relevant for segmentation, you need to specify the stock segment for the purchasing document

2. You can enter the list of components to be provided manually or through BOM explosion.

If you have not maintained a BOM for the material, you can enter the components in the Components Overview
screen manually.

If you have maintained a BOM for the material, the system automatically explodes the BOM in the Components
Overview screen. You can view the components and/or add/change components and the quantities.

If the header material and the components are relevant for segmentation, the system determines the
requirement segment for the individual components depending on the mapping de ned in the Dependent
Requirements/Stock Transfer table in the Customizing activity De ne Segmentation Strategies under
Logistics - General Segmentation . The stock segment of the header material is used to determine the
requirement segment for the components.

If the header material is relevant for segmentation and the components are not relevant for
segmentation, the system does not determine the requirement segment for the components.

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If the header material is not relevant for segmentation and the components are relevant for
segmentation, the system determines the requirement segment from the relevant BOM.

 Note
The system allows you to change the requirement that is already determined through the BOM or the segmentation
strategy. However, you only can enter the valid segmentation value based on the selected segmentation strategy.

More Information
Subcontracting in Purchasing

Subcontracting in Inventory Management

Inventory Management supports the following functions for the special procurement type subcontracting:

Provision of components

Goods receipt of the nished product (with consumption of components)

More Information
Segmentation: Subcontracting

Provisioning of Components

Goods Receipt of the Finished Product

Provisioning of Components

You can initiate the process of provisioning of the components using the Subcontracting Cockpit.

You can provide the components to the subcontractor by directly creating an outbound delivery or by posting the goods issue.
When you provide the components, you transfer post the materials from the unrestricted-use stock to the 'special stock at
vendor (subcontracting stock)'.

When you create an outbound delivery or post the goods issue, the system allows you enter a batch number according to the
segmentation value de ned in the segmentation strategy assigned for the material. The system displays an error message if
the batch number does not match the requirement segment. Alternatively, the system can use the batch determination
process to determine the batch according to the stock segment.

More Information
Subcontracting in Inventory Management

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Goods Receipt of the Finished Product

After manufacturing the product, the subcontractor delivers the nished product. You can receive the nished product by
creating an inbound delivery or directly posting the goods receipt for the subcontracting purchase order.

When you receive the goods, the unrestricted-use stock of the nished product increases in the receiving site and stock of the
component materials decreases at the special stock at vendor.

More Information
Subcontracting in Inventory Management

Sales and Distribution

Sales allows the realization of different business transactions based on sales documents stored in the system. When creating a
sales order, you can carry out an availability check to determine whether the desired materials are in stock. This also checks
whether the stock is sufficient to ll the order by the desired delivery date. A con rmed delivery date is determined based on
the results of the availability check. The material requirements planning (MRP) assigns the requirement quantities to the
available stock, or creates procurement proposals. For stock that is not available the internal or external procurement
(purchase requests or planned orders) are created.

Segmentation in Sales Documents

Segmentation is available in sales and distribution (SD). Segmentation at the item level allows you to you to sell materials with
different attributes, for example, quality of the material and its country of origin. To sell materials with segmentation, you can
provide data in sales documents using requirement segments.

For more information about processing sales documents in the standard ERP system, see Sales (SD-SLS).

You have made the following settings:

Segmentation structure and segmentation strategy are maintained in the Customizing for Segmentation under SAP
Implementation Guide Logistics - General

The material is made segmentation relevant in material master

Fix segmentation has been chosen for the corresponding distribution center (DC)

To sell materials with segmentation, the system allows you to maintain data in sales documents for the corresponding
requirement segment. You can maintain requirement segment in sales document in one of the following ways:

manually enter requirement segment

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copy requirement segment from preceding document

default determination of requirement segment based on the default value maintained for the characteristic maintained
for the application area, in this case, sales order is the application area

For detailed information about how segmentation is handled in individual sales documents, see the following:

Segmentation: Sales Orders, Inquiries, Quotations, and Contracts

Segmentation: Delivery and Billing

More Information
Creation of a Sales Document with Reference

Incompletion Log

Segmentation: Sales Orders, Inquiries, Quotations, and


Segmentation is available in sales and distribution (SD). Segmentation at the item level allows you to you to sell materials with
different attributes, for example, quality of the material and its country of origin. To sell materials with segmentation, you can
provide data in sales documents using requirement segments.

You have maintained the following settings in Customizing under SAP Implementation Guide Logistics - General
Segmentation :

segmentation structure

segmentation strategy

For sales documents such as sales order, inquiry, quotation and contract, you can carry out the following functions:

specify requirement segment for a material

change requirement segment for a material

 Note
You can maintain blank as the segmentation value to be used in combination with a segmentation strategy. In such cases,
materials will have blank as segmentation value in sales documents.

More Information
Segmentation (LO-SGT)

Segmentation Structure
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Segmentation Strategy

Segmentation: Delivery and Billing

Segmentation is available in sales and distribution (SD). Segmentation at the item level allows you to you to sell materials with
different attributes, for example, quality of the material and its country of origin. To sell materials with segmentation, you can
provide data in sales documents using requirement segments and stock segments.

You have maintained the following settings in Customizing under SAP Implementation Guide Logistics - General
Segmentation :

segmentation structure

segmentation strategy

requirement segment for the sales document

For delivery, you can carry out the following functions based on the type of delivery:

Outbound delivery with reference

Requirement segment will be adopted from the preceding sales document and stock segment will be adopted from the

Outbound delivery without reference

You specify the requirement segment and stock segment will be adopted from the batch. There is incompletion log for
this type of deliveries and this will be triggered like sales order when you save segmentation relevant article without
specifying requirement segment values.

For billing, requirement segments and stock segments are adopted from preceding sales documents.

 Note
You can maintain blank as the segmentation value to be used in combination with a segmentation strategy. In such cases,
materials will have blank as segmentation value in sales documents.

More Information
Segmentation (LO-SGT)

Segmentation Structure

Segmentation Strategy

Batch Determination for Outbound Deliveries

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You can activate automatic batch determination for delivery item categories using the Customizing activity Activate Automatic
Batch Determination in SD under Logistics - General Batch Management Batch Determination and Batch Check . For
such delivery items, batch determination is triggered automatically in outbound deliveries. A batch split describes the situation
when more than one batch is used to cover a particular delivery item. The batch split function in the delivery includes a batch
selection screen and an availability check.

You have de ned the necessary settings in the Customizing activities under Logistics - General Batch Management .

Segmentation is now integrated in the batch determination process. If you use materials that are not relevant for
segmentation, the batch is determined in the same way as in the batch determination process in standard SAP ERP.

Scenario 1

If you create an outbound delivery with reference to a sales order, a stock transfer order, a return purchase, or without any
reference, the batch is determined as follows:

Automatic Batch Determination is OFF

If you have not activated automatic batch determination, you can enter the batch number in the delivery documents manually.
You can only enter the batches that belong to the valid stock segment value that is maintained in the mapping rule in the
Requirement/Stock Allocation table in the Customizing activity De ne Segmentation Strategy.

Automatic Batch Determination is ON

For a material relevant for segmentation, The system lters the batch numbers according to the segmentation value and
proposes a suitable batch number(s) with batch split.

 Note
For the requirement segment provided in the reference document, the corresponding stock segment is determined using
the mapping rule de ned in the Requirement/Stock Allocation table in the Customizing activity De ne Segmentation
Strategy under Logistics - General Segmentation . Then, the batch is determined based on the stock segment.

Scenario 2

If you create an outbound delivery with reference to a return sales order or return stock transfer order, the batch is determined
is the same way as the determination process described in scenario 1 with the following differences:

If the system cannot determine a batch in the standard batch determination process, you can manually enter a new
batch number that is not yet available in the system.

For a material relevant for segmentation, the system proposes the rst entry of the segmentation value in the mapping
rule de ned in the Requirement/Stock Allocation table in the segmentation strategy. A new batch is created for the
proposed stock segmentation. If the mapping rule is not maintained in customizing, the system cannot create the batch.

Creation of a Sales Document with Reference

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You can use the requirement segment of an existing sales document as the basis for a new sales document by making use of
Create with Reference.

The requirement segment of the source document is copied to the target sales document.

The source sales document was created with requirement segment.

You can copy requirement segment from one sales document type to a new sales document by making use of Create
with Reference.

You can then modify the requirement segment of the new sales document (target). For example, if you have copied a
requirement segment from an inquiry to a quotation, you can later on change the requirement segment of the quotation
but not that of the inquiry.

If the source sales document type is the same as the target sales document type, then the requirement segment can be
modi ed in both the source or target sales document. For example, if you have copied a requirement segment from one
quotation to another quotation, you can later on change the requirement segment of both the quotations.

Incompletion Log

If you try to save a sales document without having maintained the requirement segment for segmentation relevant material,
then the system displays the incompletion log for the sales document. The incomplete sales documents can be saved in the

 Note
Sales documents can be created for materials without segmentation strategy. No incompletion log is created for such sales

If the requirement segment is blank and valid, no incompletion log will be generated.

All sales documents with incomplete data, except delivery documents created with reference and billing documents, are
stored in the incompletion log.

From the incompletion log, you maintain requirement segment for the corresponding material.

Special Business Processes in Sales

In addition to carrying out routine sales order processing in the SAP Sales & Distribution module, you can also implement more
specialized business processes, such as the processing of third-party business transactions, purchase-to-order transactions,
and consignment processing.

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For more information about special business processes in the standard sales processes, see Special Business Processes in

Segmentation in Special Business Processes

You can use materials with segmentation while executing specialized business processes if the business function
LOG_SEGMENTATION is activated.

Consignment Processing

When you process the consignment stock, if you use materials that are relevant for segmentation, segment values are
considered during order creation and the orders are saved with the segmentation values.

Third-Party Order (TPO) Processing

In third-party order processing, a purchase requisition is created for each order item. For the requirement segment in the sales
order the matching stock segment in purchase requisition is determined based on segmentation strategy de ned in
Customizing for Logistics – General Segmentation De ne Segmentation Strategies Requirement to stock conversion

Reporting in Sales

Reports are used to access information from the database, and to list the results based on the selection criteria.

If you have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION, the following reports also display the segmentation values in
the result screen:

Sales Documents

Transaction Description

VA05 List of Sales Orders

VA15 List of Inquiries

VA25 List of Quotations

VA45 List of Contracts

VF05 List of Billing Documents

More Information

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For more information about reporting in sales, see Reports and Analyses (SD-IS-RE) in SAP Library for SAP ERP Central
Component on SAP Help Portal.

Segmentation based EAN in Sales Documents

For materials that are relevant for segmentation, the system uses the requirement segment to determine the EAN number in
the sales documents such as sales order and contracts.

You have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION_03.

You have created characteristics that are relevant for EAN using transaction CT04.

You have created the segmentation strategy and the segmentation structure using the characteristics that are relevant
for EAN.

You have created the material and maintained EANs for different segmentation values of Unit of Measure (UoM). You
can maintain EAN in the Additional EAN tab of the Additional Data screen in the material master.

Sales orders

When creating or changing sales orders, the system determines the EAN number for the combination of material, Unit of
Measure (UoM), and requirement segment. If there are multiple EAN numbers, the system selects the main EAN entry you
maintained for the material. If you change one of the following values for a sales order item in the document, the system
redetermines the EAN number accordingly.

Unit of Measure

Requirement segment


 Note
You cannot change the EAN number manually in a sales document.

Material determination enables the automatic substitution of materials in sales documents during sales order processing. In
addition, you can use material determination if you want the system to substitute the EAN numbers with your own material
numbers automatically.

You can enable material determination by making the following settings:

Maintain the material determination master record using transaction VBxx

Assign the material determination procedure to the document type in the customizing activity Assign Procedures To
Sales Document Types under Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Material Determination (transaction OV14) .

If you maintained a substitute material in transaction VBxx, the system determines a substitute material for the material you
enter during sales order creation. The system also displays the substitution reason in the document.

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When you enter the EAN number instead of the material in the document, the system determines the material for the EAN
number maintained in the transaction VBxx. In addition, the system determines the segmentation value of the material for the
EAN number if maintained in the material master.

When you enter both EAN number and segmentation value in the document, the system performs the following:

Determines the material for the EAN value maintained in transaction VBxx.

Accepts the segmentation value you entered and saves the document if the segmentation characteristics are not
relevant for EAN.

Determines the segmentation value for the EAN value and compares with the segmentation value you entered if the
segmentation characteristics are relevant for EAN. If the segmentation values are the same, the system saves the
document. If the segmentation values are different, the system does not allow you to save the document and displays an
error message.

 Note
The system follows the similar process when you use BAPI or IDoc.

Outbound Delivery

When you create an outbound delivery for segmentation relevant materials with reference to a sales order, the system does not
copy the EAN details of the material from the reference document. Instead, the system determines the EAN value according to
the stock segment. If you enter the stock segment for a batch item or change the UoM for a batch split item in the batch split
screen, the system redetermines the EAN value according to the updated stock segment. When you create an outbound
delivery for the segmentation relevant materials without a reference, the system determines the EAN value according to the
stock segment.

More Information
For more information about the master data settings, see Segmentation based EAN in SAP Help Library.

Determination of Pricing in Sales Documents based on


The standard condition technique has been enhanced with the segmentation-speci c pricing. For example, you can create the
additional condition records according to the segmentation value needed for the pricing. To do this, you should use the
segmentation-speci c condition types.

You have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION_03.

In addition to the existing standard condition type, condition table, access sequence, and pricing procedure available for the
sales documents, you can use the following segmentation-speci c condition type, condition table, access sequence, and pricing
procedure in the sales documents. These are standard condition tables delivered by SAP. You can use them appropriately in the
existing con gurations to enable the segmentation-speci c pricing.

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Condition Type PRSG

Condition Table Sales org./Distribution channel/Customer/Material/Requirement

segment: A4AE

Sales org./Distribution channel/Customer/Material/Stock

segment: A4AF

Access Sequence PRSG

Pricing Procedure SVAA01

You can only maintain condition records for a segmentation value that is relevant for pricing. When you create characteristics
for segmentation using transaction CT04, you need to mark whether the segmentation value is relevant for pricing. When you
create sales documents, the system determines the pricing according to the segmentation value you have entered in the
document. If the segmentation value is not relevant for pricing or you have not maintained the condition records for the
corresponding segmentation value entered in the document, the system does not determine the pricing record in the sales

More Information
Pricing and Conditions

Maintain Segmentation Relevance for Functions

Origin of Costing Data

Production Planning and Control

Production Planning is a part of Logistics functional area. It helps manage broad level business activities, such as Sales and
Operation Planning, and Material Requirement Planning. The requirements planning processes uses the data available in the
forecast or the Sales & Operations Planning to ful ll the requirements, such as sales orders, with the existing or planned stock.

Material segmentation is now supported in the planning process.

Segmentation: Planned Independent Requirements (PIRs)

Planned independent requirements are planned and organized in Demand Management. A planned independent requirement
contains one planned quantity and one date or a number of planned independent requirements schedule lines. That is, one
planned quantity split over time according to dates.

Using segmentation, you can maintain separate planned independent requirements for a combination of material, plant,
version, requirements plan number, and external requirements plan ID. For more information about PIRs in the standard ERP
system, see Planned Independent Requirements (PIRs).

More Information
Creating PIRs for Materials with Segmentation

Creating PIRs with Reference

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Consumption of PIRs with Segmentation

Example: Consumption of PIRs with Segmentation

Creating Planned Independent Requirements for Materials with


You have created characteristics for segmentation using transaction CT04

You have de ned segmentation structures in Customizing for De ne Segmentation Structures under Logistics –
General Segmentation

You have de ned segmentation strategies in Customizing for De ne Segmentation Strategies under Logistics –
General Segmentation

You have created materials and assigned a segmentation strategy in the material master (transaction MM01)

You have selected Plnng with assembly (101) in the Planned Independent Requirements: Internal Number Assignm view
to maintain the number range for the requirement plan ID

You can access this view using transaction OMPP or in Customizing for De ne Internal Number Assignment per Reqmts
Class under Production Production Planning Demand Management Planned Independent Requirements
Default Values and Presettings .

To create planned independent requirements for materials with segmentation, proceed as follows:

1. Go to transaction MD61.

2. Enter the material with segmentation, Product group, or Ext Req Plan ID in the screen for creating planned independent

3. Enter the plant and choose Enter.

4. In the Items tab, enter the material and requirement segment.

5. In the Table tab, enter the requirement on a monthly basis for the material at the requirement segment level.

6. In the Sched. Lines tab, the system displays the external requirement plan ID and the requirement segment.

A new requirements plan number (PBDNR) is generated internally for the unique combination of material, plant, requirement
type, version number, external requirement plan ID, and requirement segment.

You can use the external requirements plan ID to select the planned independent requirements for materials with

Creating Planned Independent Requirements with Reference

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You have activated the business function Material Segmentation across Logistics (LOG_SEGMENTATION)

You have performed the planning run and have the results to use as reference

You can create PIRs using a reference as already available in the standard SAP ERP system. In addition, you can create PIRs
using a reference to PIRs with material segmentation.

1. In the initial screen for creating planned independent requirements, enter the material number, the name of the product
group, or the requirements plan. If the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION is activated, you can enter the external
requirements plan ID.

2. Enter the plant and / or the material.

3. Enter the version.

4. Choose the Reference Icon. The Copy Reference dialog box appears.

5. Choose Planned independent requirements of materials with segmentation as the reference type.

If you have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION, materials with segmentation are also considered when you
create PIRs using Reference.

In addition to the existing behavior in the standard SAP ERP system, the following scenarios are applicable if you have activated
the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION:

Scenario 1: Copying data from a material without segmentation to a material with segmentation.

The system copies the item details from the source material to the target material. The system determines the requirement
segment in one of the following ways:

If you have maintained a default value for the requirement segment in the segmentation structure of the target
material, the system copies this default value to the requirement segment.

If you have not maintained a default value for the requirement segment, the system assigns the value BLANK – if it is a
valid requirement segment.

If the above conditions are not met, an error message is displayed.

Scenario 2: Copying data from a material with segmentation to a material with segmentation.

The system copies the item details from the source material to the target material. The system copies the requirement
segment in one of the following ways:

If you have maintained the same segmentation structure to both materials, then the system copies the requirement

If you have maintained a different segmentation structure to each material, the following is valid:

If you have maintained a default value for the requirement segment in the segmentation structure of the target
material, the system copies this default value to the requirement segment.

If you have not maintained a default value for the requirement segment, the system assigns the value BLANK – if
it is a valid requirement segment.

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If the above conditions are not met, an error message is displayed.

Scenario 3: Copying data from a material with segmentation to a material without segmentation.

The item details are copied from the source material to the target material and the requirement segment is not copied.

Consumption of Planned Independent Requirements with

Material Segmentation

For materials with segmentation, the consumption of the planned independent requirements depends on the consumption
mode and the consumption priority.

You have de ned one of the following planning strategy groups for materials with segmentation in the material master:

40 – Planning with Final Assembly

20 – Make-to-Order

In the material master, you de ne the sequence in which the system consumes the PIRs based on the segments, consumption
mode, and the consumption priority.

Using the consumption priority, you can de ne how the planned independent requirements are to be consumed based on
segments or the consumption mode. You can choose the following option:

1 – Based on Consumption Mode and then Segmentation

2 – Only if Requirement Segments Match

3 – Based on Segmentation and then Consumption Mode

The system consumes the requirements based on the consumption mode and whereby the requirement segments of the
customer requirement and the PIR must match.

Withdrawal Quantity

The system updates the withdrawal quantity column when you create a delivery for a customer requirement, which has
consumed planned independent requirements with material segmentation.

Reorganize PIRs with Segmentation

You can reorganize the PIRs with segmentation using the combination of the key date and the external requirement plan ID.

More Information

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Example: Consumption of PIRs with Segmentation

Example: Consumption of PIRs with Segmentation

Assume the following settings:

Consumption Mode = 2 (Backward/Forward Consumption)

Segments: X, Y

Segmentation Strategy:

Requirement segment in sales PRC planning level Consecutive number for Planned independent
order segmentation of equal status requirement segment

X 1 1 X

X 2 2 Y

1. If the consumption priority = 1, the system consumes the requirements based on the consumption mode rst and then
based on segments. In this example, the customer requirement rst consumes the planned independent requirements
available before the requirement date per segmentation strategy. If the customer requirements cannot be completely
ful lled during backward consumption, the system switches to forward consumption and then consumes the planned
independent requirements available after the requirement date per segmentation strategy. See the following graphic:

2. If the consumption priority = 2, the system consumes the requirements based on the consumption mode whereby the
requirement segments of the customer requirement and the PIR must match. In the example below, the system rst
consumes the planned independent requirements backwards on the time axis with the same requirement segment and
if a rest quantity still remains, the system switches to forward consumption and consumes the planned independent
requirements forwards on the time axis with the same requirement segment. Any planned independent requirements
with different requirement segments are not considered in this case. Customizing for the segmentation strategy is not
considered for consumption. See the following graphic:

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PIR consumption when consumption priority = 2

3. If the consumption priority = 3, the system consumes the requirements based on the requirements segment rst and
then based on the consumption mode. In the example below, the customer requirement rst consumes the planned
independent requirements with the matching requirement segment backwards on the time axis. If not all customer
requirements are ful lled, the system switches to forward consumption and consumes the planned independent
requirements with the same segment forwards on time axis. If a rest quantity still exists, the system then looks for the
planned independent requirements with different requirement segments as de ned in the segmentation strategy. See
the following graphic:

Segmentation: Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

The main function of material requirements planning is to guarantee material availability. That is, it is used to procure the
requirement quantities on time both for internal purposes and for sales and distribution. This process involves the monitoring of
stocks and, in particular, the automatic creation of procurement proposals for purchasing.

The material requirements planning process has now been enhanced to guarantee material availability at segment level.

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The enhanced process uniquely assigns requirement quantities to available stock using segmentation values and / or creates
procurement proposals, such as purchase requisitions, at segment level for nonexisting stock. The system determines the
requirement segment in the proposals based on the rules de ned in the segmentation strategy.

You have maintained the transaction MD01N in the table PPH_HANA_ACTIVE so that you can use HANA DB

You have maintained the user parameter HANA_ACCESS = 02 in the user pro le using transaction SU3

For materials with segmentation, the system executes the planning processes based on the following mapping rules de ned in
Customizing for De ne Segmentation Strategies under Logistics – General Segmentation :

Requirement/Stock Allocation

Stock Transfer

Requirement to Stock Conversion

PIR Consumption

More Information
De ning Segmentation Strategy for MRP

Planning Process

De ning the Segmentation Strategy for MRP

Using the segmentation strategy, you can map the requirement segments to the stock segments. The system considers this
mapping during material requirements planning for materials with segmentation.

You have created characteristics for segmentation using the transaction CT04

You have de ned the segmentation structure in Customizing for De ne Segmentation Structures under Logistics –
General Segmentation

You de ne your segmentation strategies in Customizing for De ne Segmentation Strategies under Logistics – General
Segmentation .

1. Choose the segmentation structure.

2. De ne the list of valid segment combinations. The system validates the segment values that are de ned in transaction

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3. Specify how the requirement segments consume the stock segments during material requirements planning in the
Requirements/Stock Allocation table.

4. De ne the assignment of stock segments to requirement segments between two plants in the Stock Transfer table.

5. De ne the stock segment to be proposed for a speci c requirement when the system creates new proposals during the
lot-size calculation in the Requirement to Stock Conversion table.

6. De ne which requirement segments of planned independent requirements are consumed by which requirement
segments of the customer requirement in the Planned Independent Requirement Consumption table.

If you do not want to use speci c segment values in the segmentation strategy for the above tables, you can use:

* to indicate a 1:1 mapping

Requirement segment X is mapped to stock segment X

# to indicate a 1:N mapping

Requirement segment X is mapped to multiple stock segments as de ned in the segmentation strategy

Planning Process

During planning, the system carries out the following processes for materials with segmentation:

Net requirements calculation

Lot sizing

Determines procurement proposals

You have activated the business function Material Segmentation across Logistics (LOG_SEGMENTATION).

Master Data

The master data component (PP-MRP-MD) forms the basis for MRP. Master data for MRP includes:

Segmentation structure

Segmentation strategy

Planning strategies

MRP type: PD and ND

Net Requirements Calculation

The net requirements calculation can be carried out for both standard materials and materials with segmentation.

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In MRP, requirement quantities are maintained in the system as planned independent requirements, customer requirements, as
well as forecast requirements. For more information about net requirements calculation in the standard ERP system, see Net
Requirements Calculation.

For materials with segmentation, requirement to stock allocation depends on the settings you have de ned in the
Requirement/Stock Allocation table in Customizing for De ne Segmentation Strategies under Logistics – General
Segmentation .

The system considers available stock and future receipts. If there are multiple stock segments that can be consumed by a
certain requirement segment, you can de ne the sequence for consuming the different stock segments using the Consec.No
for Eq Seg option in the Requirement/Stock Allocation table.

Requirement/Stock Allocation

If stock is available, the system determines the requirement segment that should be assigned to the stock segment. If the
required quantity of a particular stock segment is not available, the system may use another segment if it is de ned in the
segmentation strategy.

If no stock is available, the system determines the stock segment to be procured.

Lot-Sizing Procedures

MRP calculates the procurement quantities for purchase requisitions using the lot-sizing procedures. For more information
about lot-sizing procedures in the standard ERP system, see Lot-Sizing Procedures.

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For materials with segmentation, requirement to stock conversion depends on the settings you have de ned in the
Requirement to Stock Conversion table in Customizing for De ne Segmentation Strategies under Logistics – General
Segmentation . The system determines the stock segment to be procured.

Requirement to Stock Conversion

Determine Procurement Proposal

Procurement proposals, for example, purchase requisitions are used to procure the shortage quantities. Procurement
proposals are internal planning elements that can be changed, rescheduled, or deleted at any time. For more information about
the determination of procurement proposal in the standard ERP system, see Procurement Proposal (PP-MRP-PP).

During a stock transfer between plants, if the supplying plant is not relevant for segmentation and the receiving plant is
relevant for segmentation, the system determines the requirement segment according to the settings you have de ned in the
Customizing activity Purchase Requisitions under Logistics – General Segmentation De ne Requirement Segment for
Supplying Plants .

 Note
For materials with segmentation, the system only supports external procurement and does not support in-house production.

More Information
Stock Transfer

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Stock/Requirements List

Safety Stock Split

Planning Strategies

Stock Transfer During MRP

You de ne the assignment of stock segments to requirement segments between two plants in the Stock Transfer table. You
can access this table in Customizing under Logistics — General Segmentation De ne Segmentation Strategies . The
system uses the assignment information in this table when creating the dependent requirement.


Stock Transfer

1. Plant 0001 receives a customer requirement (for example, a sales order) for 100 pieces in requirement segment X.

2. According to the settings de ned in Customizing for Planned Independent Requirements Consumption in the
segmentation strategy, the customer requirement consumes the planned independent requirements of 100 pieces in
requirement segment X.

3. According to the settings de ned in Customizing for Requirement to Stock Conversion in the segmentation strategy,
requirement segment X is mapped to stock segment X.

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4. According to the settings de ned in Customizing for Stock Transfer in the segmentation strategy, the stock in segment
X of plant 0001 is mapped to the requirements in segment X of plant 0002.

5. According to the settings de ned in Customizing for Requirement/Stock Allocation in the segmentation strategy, after
the planning run, the batch stock of 50 pieces in stock segment X is consumed and the system creates a new proposal
for 50 pieces in requirement segment X.

Stock/Requirements List

In the stock/requirements list, the system displays the most up-to-date stock and requirements situation. For more information
about the stock/requirements list in the standard ERP system, see MRP List and Stock/Requirements List.

For materials with segmentation, you can analyze the planning result using the stock/requirements list.

The list maps the stock elements to the requirements elements based on the mapping rules de ned in Customizing for
Logistics — General Segmentation De ne Segmentation Strategies Requirement/Stock Allocation . You can lter the
list based on the stock segment.

You must specify the stock segment to display the list. The list supports the following mapping rules:

1:1 (a requirement segment ful lled by a single stock segment)

N:1 (multiple requirement segments ful lled by a common pool of stock)

For materials with segmentation for which the scope Only Requirements Segments Maintained is de ned in the segmentation
strategy, the system only displays the requirement segment in the stock/requirements list. In this case, the system does not
display the stock segment lter.

For every combination of plant, material, and stock segment, the system displays the aggregation of the batch stock as a single
line entry similar to the plant stock.

Safety Stock Split

Safety stock is the quantity of stock to satisfy high requirements in the stocking-up period. The purpose of the safety stock is to
prevent material shortage. During MRP, if the materials with segmentation are planned, the system splits the safety stock
equally across different requirement segments.

You have assigned and xed a segmentation strategy (with scope = Requirement and Stock Segments Maintained) for
your material

You have activated the business function Material Segmentation across Logistics (LOG_SEGMENTATION)

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During MRP, the system splits the safety stock based on the valid segment combinations you maintain in the segmentation
strategy. If you do not maintain segment combinations, the system proposes the value BLANK as the valid segment value for
the entire safety stock.

You have the material Shirt_Mens with a safety stock of 60 pieces. The valid segment combinations X, Y, and Z are maintained
in the segmentation strategy that is assigned to the material.

For the mapping rule 1:1, the segmentation strategy with scope = Requirements and Stock Segments Maintained is as follows:

Requirement Segment Stock Segment




During MRP, the system splits the safety stock between segments X, Y, and Z. As a result, the system proposes new purchase
requisitions for all segments X, Y, and Z.

Safety stock split and individual purchase requisitions

For the mapping rule N:1, the segmentation strategy with scope = Requirements and Stock Segments Maintained is as follows:

Requirement Segment Stock Segment

X Common

Y Common

Z Common

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During MRP, the system splits the safety stock between segments X, Y, and Z. However, based on the mapping rule, any
requirement segment is covered by the common stock. As a result, the system proposes one new purchase requisition for the
common stock.

Safety stock split and single purchase requisition

More Information
Segmentation: Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

Default Segment Value Determination During MRP

You can carry out stock transfers between storage locations within a plant, between different plants, and between company
codes. You cannot transfer materials with segmentation between plants with different segmentation strategies. You can only
transfer materials with segmentation between plants with the same segmentation strategies. You can also transfer materials
with segmentation between plants if one of the plants is not relevant for segmentation. If both the receiving plant and the
supplying plant are assigned with the same segmentation strategy, you must de ne the mapping between the stock segment
and the requirement segment of the plants involved.

If both the receiving plant and the supplying plant are relevant for segmentation, the stock segment in the stock
transport order is mapped to the corresponding requirement segment of the supplying plant. This mapping is based on
the Customizing for De ne Segmentation Strategies under Logistics – General Segmentation .

If the supplying plant is relevant for segmentation and the receiving plant is not relevant for segmentation, the stock
transport order does not have a stock segment. The system determines the requirement segment for the supplying
plant in one of the following ways:

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Priority 1: Based on the segment value assignment you de ne in the Customizing activity De ne Segment Value
for Automatic Determination under Logistics – General Segmentation .

Priority 2: If you do not de ne the segment value assignment in the Customizing activity De ne Segment Value
for Automatic Determination, the system uses the default segment maintained in the Customizing activity
De ne Segmentation Structures under Logistics – General Segmentation .

Priority 3: If BLANK is a valid segment value and no segment value is de ned in the Customizing activities, De ne
Segment Value for Automatic Determination and De ne Segmentation Structures, the system proposes BLANK
as the segment value.

If the supplying plant is not relevant for segmentation and the receiving plant is relevant for segmentation, the stock
transport order has the stock segment value and the material is posted to the supplying plant without any segmentation

Example: Default Segment Value Determination

You have speci ed a material in the following plants:

Plant Segmentation Enabled Company Code

DC1 Yes 001

DC2 No 001

DC3 Yes 002

Scope is maintained as Both Requirement and Stock Segment Maintained in the

segmentation strategy
Scenario 1: DC3 supplies to DC1

Both the supplying plant and the receiving plant are relevant for segmentation. You de ned the stock segment in the stock
transport order. The system determines the requirement segment based on the segment value assignment you de ne in
Customizing for Stock Transfer under Logistics – General Segmentation De ne Segmentation Strategies .

If BLANK is a valid segment value and no segmentation strategy is de ned, the system proposes BLANK as the default
segment value.

Scenario 2: DC3 supplies to DC2

The receiving plant is not relevant for segmentation. You did not de ne the stock segment in the stock transport order. The
system determines the requirement segment in one of the following ways:

Priority 1: Based on the segment value assignment maintained in the Customizing activity De ne Segment Value for
Automatic Determination under Logistics – General Segmentation .

Priority 2: If you do not specify the segment value assignment in the Customizing activity De ne Segment Value for
Automatic Determination, the system determines the requirement segment based on the default stock segment you
de ne in the Customizing activity De ne Segmentation Structures under Logistics – General Segmentation .

Priority 3: If BLANK is a valid segment value and no segment value is de ne in the Customizing activities De ne
Segment Value for Automatic Determination and De ne Segmentation Structures, the system proposes BLANK as the
default segment value.

Scenario 3: DC2 supplies to DC1

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The supplying plant is not relevant for segmentation. You de ne the stock segment in the stock transport order. As the
supplying plant is not relevant for segmentation, the system does not determine the requirement segment and the material is

The following image illustrates the transfer of stock between plants with different segmentation strategies:

Scope is maintained as Only Requirement Segment is Maintained in the

segmentation strategy
Scenario 4: DC3 supplies to DC1

Both the supplying plant and the receiving plant are relevant for segmentation. However, as the scope is Only Requirement
Segment is Maintained in the segmentation strategy, you do not de ne the stock segment. The system determines the
requirement segment based on the segment value assignment you de ne in the Customizing activity De ne Segment Value for
Automatic Determination under Logistics – General Segmentation .

The following image illustrates the transfer of stock between plants with different segmentation strategies:

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MRP Area

De nition
The MRP area represents an organizational unit for which material requirements planning is carried out independently. The
following are the three different types of MRP area:

Plant MRP Area

MRP Areas for Storage Locations

MRP Areas for Subcontractors

You can de ne the MRP areas in Customizing for MRP. You can thereby assign the following to an MRP area:

One or more storage locations (for example, you want to carry out planning for a particular assembly line and therefore
assign a production storage location to the MRP area).


You can assign the various MRP areas to the materials that are relevant for segmentation in the material master. For
this, you create an MRP area segment for a material for every MRP area, in which it is used. In this MRP area segment,
you can de ne MRP parameters such as the lot-size or MRP type. This allows you to plan the materials with
segmentation differently in the MRP area than in the plant MRP area.

 Note
If you have not assigned a material that is relevant for segmentation to an MRP area (you have not created an MRP area
segment in the material master) the material will continue to be planned in the plant MRP area only. If you have assigned an
MRP area to it, the system can plan it in the plant MRP area and in the assigned MRP area.

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You have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION_03.

The system supports MRP areas for materials that are relevant for segmentation in MRP Live (MD01N).

You can view the stock/requirements situation for materials relevant for segmentation in transaction MD04 for the
selected MRP area.

More Information
For more information about the MRP areas in the standard ERP system, see MRP Areas.

Segment Level MRP Data

You can maintain the following MRP relevant parameters for the individual segments of the material in the material master.

Minimum Lot Sizes

Safety Stock

Safety Time Indicator

Valid From (applicable for ATP/MRP Status)

Rounding Value

Purchasing Group

Safety Time

Planned Delivery Time

In-house Production Time

Total Replenishment Lead Time

ATP/MRP Status for Material and Segment

You have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION_03.

More Information

Safety Stock

Rounding Value

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Lot-Sizes in MRP

During MRP, the system creates procurement proposals according to the lot-size you have de ned if there is a material
shortage. By determining lot-size, you can plan optimal quantities for your procurement proposals. The planning of lot-size
in uences the planning of the available capacity, and the planning of production or procurement costs. For materials that are
relevant for segmentation, you can plan the quantities to be produced for the individual segments of the material.

If you have maintained the minimum lot size for the individual segments of the material, the system considers this value
in the lot-sizing procedures.

If you have not maintained the minimum lot-size for the individual segments of the material, the system considers the
minimum lot-size maintained for the material and after determining the distribution ratio, adjusts the procurement

The following materials are con gured in material master:

Material Segment Minimum lot size




After executing the MRP run, the system adjusts the procurement quantity as follows according to the minimum lot-size you
speci ed in the material master:

Item No. Material Segment Original Qty Adjusted Qty

10 SHIRT RET 12 30

20 SHIRT WHS 23 40

30 SHIRT ECO 3 3

For items no. 10 and 20, as you have maintained the minimum lot size for the individual segment the system adjusts the
quantity to 30 and 40, respectively, after executing the lot-size procedure.

For item no. 30, as you have not maintained the minimum lot-size for the segment, the system retains the original

If you have not maintained the minimum lot-size for the segments, the system performs the lot-sizing procedure at document
level after determining the requirements distribution ratio. As you have not maintained minimum lot-size for the segments COM
and SEG, the system considers the minimum lot-size maintained for the material and after determining the distribution ratio,
adjusts the procurement quantity to 16 and 6, summing up to 22.

Item No. Material Segment Original Qty Adjusted Qty

10 SHIRT COM 8 16

20 SHIRT SEG 3 6

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More Information
Segment Level MRP Data

Safety Stock

During the MRP run, the system must consider the safety stock requirements. You can maintain safety stock for the following in
material master:

Individual segment


If you have maintained a safety stock for the individual segment of the material, the system creates the safety stock
requirements at segment level.

If you have not maintained a safety stock for the individual segment of the material, the system creates the safety stock
requirements at the segment level using equal distribution ratio.

You have maintained a safety stock as follows in the material master:

Material Segment Safety Stock





The following table shows that the system created the safety stock requirements at segment level:

Material Segment Quantity




The following table shows that the system created the safety stock requirements at the material level:

Material Segment Quantity



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Material Segment Quantity


More Information
Segment Level MRP Data

Rounding Value

During MRP, when new procurement proposals are created, the quantity of the items must be rounded according to a rounding

If you have maintained the rounding value for the individual segment of the material, the system rounds the quantity of
the items to the rounding value maintained at the segment level.

If you have not maintained the rounding value for the individual segment of the material, the system considers the
rounding value maintained at the material level and after determining the distribution ratio, adjusts the quantity at the
segment level.

You have maintained a rounding value as follows in the material master:

Material Segment Rounding Value




The following table shows that the system rounds the quantity of the items to the rounding value maintained at segment level:

Material Segment Original Quantity Rounded Quantity




The following table shows that the system considers the rounding value maintained at material level and after determining the
distribution ratio, adjusts the quantity at segment level:

Material Segment Original Quantity Rounded Quantity



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More Information
Segment Level MRP Data

Segmentation: Availability Check

If the scope is Requirement and Stock Segment Maintained in the segmentation strategy, the system checks the material
availability at the requirement segment level for materials with segmentation.

If one of the following is true, the system does not check the material availability at segment level :

The segmentation strategy is assigned to a material but the scope is Only Requirement Segments Maintained

The segmentation strategy is not assigned to the material

The availability check with segmentation is enabled in the following processes:

Creating or changing sales orders

Creating or changing stock transport orders

Creating or changing outbound deliveries

Rescheduling of sales and stock transfer documents

Availability overview (CO09)

Backorder processing (CO06)

You have created a segmentation structure and a segmentation strategy with scope Requirement and Stock Segment
Maintained in Customizing for Logistics – General Segmentation De ne Segmentation Structures and De ne
Segmentation Strategies respectively

You have created and assigned the segmentation strategy to a material in the material master

You have de ned the mapping rule for ATP in the ATP: Requirement/Stock Allocation table in Customizing for De ne
Segmentation Strategies under Logistics – General Segmentation

The availability check uses the mapping rules de ned in Customizing for ATP: Requirement/Stock Allocation in the
segmentation strategy. Here, you must have de ned the following:

Pool Segment: Speci es an individual or a combination of valid requirement or stock segment values

Seg. Check Level: Speci es the level at which the system performs the availability check

 Note

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The value Blank as a valid segment is considered for an availability check with Seg. Check Level as blank.

The value Blank as a pool segment is considered for an availability with Seg. Check Level as blank.

You cannot maintain different Seg. Check Level for a pool segment.

After changing the customizing, you have to perform rescheduling using transaction V_V2.

Safety Stock

If the safety stock is to be excluded from the availability check, the safety stock at material level is distributed equally across the
valid segment combinations. Depending on the Seg. Check Level, safety stock is reduced from plant stock or the segment-level
plant stock.

 Recommendation
To ensure consistent results, SAP recommends that you maintain similar mappings for MRP and ATP.

The following mapping rule is de ned for ATP in the segmentation strategy:

Segment value Pool Segment Seg. Check Level

A1 A1A2 1

A2 A1A2 1


Issues/receipts from segments A1 and A2 are mapped to pool segment A1A2 and the system performs the availability
check at multi-level.

Issues/receipts from segment A3 are mapped to a blank pool segment and the system performs the availability check at
organizational level (segmentation is not considered).

A plant stock of 1000 pieces exists (800 pieces from segment A1 and 200 pieces from segment A2)

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A future receipt of 500 pieces for Segment A1 exists

For a requirement of segment A3 (Issue 1) amounting to 1200 pieces, the system performs the availability check at
organizational level and segmentation is not considered. Issue 1 can be completely covered by 500 pieces from receipt 1
(segment A1) and 700 pieces from plant stock. The remaining plant stock can provide an ATP quantity of 300 pieces for
future requirements.

Later, for a requirement of segment A1 (Issue 2) amounting to 500 pieces, the system performs the availability check at
multi-level (plant and plant + segment). However, issue 2 cannot be completely covered, as the stock available at
segment A1 is already consumed by Issue 1. Therefore, only 300 pieces available at plant stock level is con rmed for
Issue 2.

Vertical Stock Protection in ATP

In Vertical stock protection, your market areas have a strict priority. Higher priority areas can sell stock that was planned for
equal or less important area. Vertical stock protection ensures that important areas get stock, even if it results in a shortage
for less important areas.

Vertical stock protection is particularly useful if some of your market areas are much more important than others, and you want
to ensure that they can get as much supply as they can sell.

In addition to the steps described under the Prerequisites of Stock Protection, you must de ne the priority for requirements
segments. Also, set the stock protection ag in the segmentation structure for all requirement segments that you want to

When checking availability for an order, the system considers unconsumed PIRs with a higher priority similar to the sales orders
con rmed earlier.

Available quantity = Supply – Con rmed quantity of existing orders – Unconsumed quantity of PIRs with higher priority

Contracts and call-off orders in vertical stock protection

If your sales contracts are relevant to requirements and you have activated the availability check for them, they will participate
in stock protection like normal sales orders.

Call-off sales orders can have a different requirement date, therefore a new stock protection check is carried out. If a call-of
sales order is created from a partially or fully allocated contract, it simply takes over the allocation and does not participate in
the stock protection check.

Let’s consider the following priorities in the segmentation strategy:

Segmentation Strategy Segmentation Value Short Text Priority Sequence Stock Protection

Strategy 1 A1 Segment A1 1 X

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Segmentation Strategy Segmentation Value Short Text Priority Sequence Stock Protection

Strategy 1 A2 Segment A2 2 X

Strategy 1 A3 Segment A3 3 X

A plant stock of 100 pieces is available.

Segment A1 has the highest priority. You can protect the stock for this segment by entering a PIR of 60 pieces in the system.

If a requirement is received for segment A2, an availability check only con rms 40 pieces, because it protects 60 units for the
higher priority A1 PIR.

 Note
The system does not protect any quantity for the A3 PIR, because A3 has the lowest priority.

Related Information
Sales Contracts

Stock Protection Up to Plan in ATP

Similar to Vertical stock protection, your areas have a priority. Higher priority areas can always sell the quantity what they
planned, even if it results in a shortage for less important areas. However, selling more than planned is only possible, if there is
excess supply.

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Protection up to plan is particularly useful if some of your market areas are more important than others, but you want to ensure
that less important ones get their fair share of supply, too.

In addition to the steps under the Prerequisites section of Stock Protection, you must have:

Maintained PIR consumption rules in the segmentation strategy. While maintaining consumption rules, ensure that the
priority deciding characteristic is not 1:N.

De ned the priority for requirements segments and selected the stock protection checkbox in the segmentation
structure for all requirement segments that you want to protect.

Maintained PIR consumption parameters in the article master.

When checking availability for an order, the system rst calculates whether the order quantity was planned. This is done by
simulating PIR consumption:

The quantity that the order would consume is the planned sales quantity.

The remaining quantity of the order that could not consume any PIRs is the unplanned sales quantity.

Planned and unplanned sales quantities are checked with different priorities. The planned sales quantity has the same priority
as the requirement segment of the order item, while the unplanned sales quantity has the lowest priority. This means, that the
unplanned portion can be con rmed only if all PIRs relevant to stock protection can be fully con rmed.

The availability check calculation is performed as follows:

1. The supply is reduced by the con rmed quantity of existing orders.

2. The remaining quantity is further reduced by unconsumed quantity of higher priority PIRs.

3. Availability is checked for the planned quantity of the current order.

4. The remaining quantity is further reduced by unconsumed quantity of all remaining stock protection relevant PIRs of
same and lower priority

5. Availability is checked for the unplanned quantity of the current order.

Total availability of the order item is the sum of (3) and (5).

Contracts and call-off orders in stock protection up to plan

If your sales contracts are relevant to requirements and you have activated the availability check for them, they can participate
in stock protection like normal sales orders. You can activate stock protection for the contracts in Customizing where you
maintain stock protection type.

Call-off sales orders can have a different requirement date, therefore a new stock protection check is carried out. If a call-of
sales order is created from partially or fully allocated contract, it simply takes over the allocation and does not participate in
stock protection check.

Let’s consider the following priorities in segmentation strategy:

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Segmentation Strategy Segmentation Value Short Text Priority

Strategy 1 A1 Segment A1 1

Strategy 1 A2 Segment A2 2

Strategy 1 A3 Segment A3 3

You plan 30 units in each requirement segment, that is, 90 units in total.

Stock protection up to plan in shortage situation

Assume that the supply is 80 units, which is not enough to cover the demand.

If a sales order with segment A2 is received for 50 units, the following calculation is made:

Calculation step Supply/Requirement quantity Rolling sum

Initial supply 80 80

Higher priority open demand -30 50

Planned portion of order -30 20

All other open demand -30 -10

Unplanned portion of order -20 -30

This means, that the planned portion of the sales order – 30 units – is con rmed. Because of the shortage, the unplanned
portion is rejected, leaving some stock for the A3 planned demand.

Stock protection up to plan in excess situation

Let's assume that the supply is 100 units, which is 10 units more than total demand.

If a sales order with segment A2 is received for 50 units, the following calculation is made:

Calculation step Supply/Requirement quantity Rolling sum

Initial supply 100 100

Higher priority open demand -30 70

Planned portion of order -30 40

All other open demand -30 10

Unplanned portion of order -20 -10

This means that 40 units will be con rmed, 30 units as the planned quantity and 10 unplanned units that make use of excess
stock. Please note, that lower priority segments are fully protected in this case.

Related Information
Sales Contracts

Horizontal Stock Protection in ATP

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In Horizontal stock protection, the system protects supply for demand plans of all unrelated areas. To prevent deadlocks in stock
shortage, orders that were fully planned don’t participate in stock protection.

Horizontal stock protection can be useful, if your market areas are equally important and you want to prevent cannibalization of

In addition to the steps under the Prerequisites section of Stock Protection, you must have:

Maintained PIR consumption rules in the segmentation strategy.

Maintained PIR consumption parameters in the article master.

Although it is technically not a prerequisite, you should ensure that demand and supply are synchronized. If demand plans
exceed supply, stock protection may not be effective, and some of your market areas can run into shortages.

 Note
Segment priorities don’t play any role in this strategy. Protection is controlled by consumption rules.

Contracts and call-off orders in horizontal stock protection

Sales contracts never participate in horizontal stock protection.

Call-off sales orders created from unallocated contracts are treated exactly as normal sales orders. If a call-of sales order is
created from a partially or fully allocated contract, it simply takes over the allocation and does not participate in the stock
protection check.

When checking the availability for an order, the system rst calculates whether the order quantity was planned. This is done by
simulating PIR consumption.

If the order is fully consuming PIRs, availability is checked only by the normal ATP logic.

If the order can’t fully consume PIRs, that is, it exceed the demand plan, stock protection is active for the unplanned portion of
the order. In this case, the system protects stock for all unrelated demand plans. A PIR is considered to be an unrelated demand
plan, if either of the following is true:

Based on the consumption rules de ned in segmentation strategy, the requirement segment of the order can’t consume
the segment of the PIR.

Based on the consumption rules de ned in the article, the PIR is outside the consumption window of the order.

The availability check calculation is performed as follows:

1. The supply is reduced by the con rmed quantity of existing orders.

2. Availability is checked for the planned portion of the current order.

3. The remaining quantity is further reduced by the unconsumed quantity of all unrelated PIRs.

4. Availability is checked for the unplanned portion of the current order.

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Let’s consider the following consumption rules in the segmentation strategy:

Sales order requirement segment Consumption sequence PIR requirement segment

A 1 A

A 2 B

B 1 B

C 1 C

You plan 30 units in each requirement segment, that is, 90 units in total. Your supply is 100 units.

Protection for equally important market areas

Assume that you receive a sales order for 50 units in segment C. Because it exceeds the planned 30 units, horizontal stock
protection is active.

A sales order with requirement segment C can consume only PIRs in segment C. This means that the system will rst give a
higher priority to the planned quantity for segment C, then to A and B, and then to the unplanned quantity for segment C.

Calculation step Supply/Requirement quantity Rolling sum

Initial supply 100 100

Planned portion of order -30 70

PIRs that the current SO can’t consume -60 10

(Unrelated PIRs)

Unplanned portion of sales order -20 -10

Taking stock planned for less important market areas

Let’s assume that you receive a sales order for 50 units in segment A. Although the PIR for segment A is only 30 units, the order
can also consume PIRs for segment B. This means, that the orders for segment A can take stock that was originally planned for
segment B.

A sales order with requirement segment A can’t consume PIRs in segment C. This means that the system will protect stock for
segment C.

Related Information
Sales Contracts

Basic Data

The basic data in the area of production planning and control include the bill of material and the routing. When you de ne the
basic data for a material associated with segmentation characteristics, you must also specify additional data for the material.

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In a bill of materials de nition, you specify which component(s) are included in the bill of material when the material gets
associated with a speci c segment value. In a routing or production task list de nition, you must specify which set of task list
(Group & Group Counter) is relevant for production of the segmented material when the material is associated with a speci c
segment value.

More Information
Bill of Materials


Bill of Materials

In the SAP System, you can use bill of material (BOM) to represent different objects (such as materials, equipment, functional
location BOMs, and documents) and to maintain object-speci c data. Before you create a BOM with the component parts of an
material, the material must have a valid master record in your system.

A BOM consists of a header material and a structure that holds the components which comprise a material. Using
segmentation, materials are associated with certain characteristics such as Quality, and Country of Origin. Material of different
segmentation values, such as high quality material or a low quality material can have different components or different
component quantity.

The enhancement to the BOM de nition allows you to specify which components are applicable or included/excluded in the
BOM structure. During the BOM usage and explosion (planned or production order), based on the stock segment speci ed in
the order, the right set of components and their quantity are determined.

The following kinds of bill of material have been enhanced to support the segmentation:

Material Bill of Materials

Sales Order BOM

The following limitations apply for bill of materials for materials with segmentation:

Creation of Variant BOM for materials with segmentation is not supported.

The Engineering Workbench (CEWB) for BOM and routing for materials with segmentation is not supported.

For multiple plants, the segmentation strategy can either be blank for one plant and cannot be blank for another plant.
The allocation of BOM to multiple plants should be checked before the assignment. This assignment is not checked.

Material Bill of Material


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BOM is a formally structured list of components that make up a product or assembly. The list contains the object number of
each component, together with the quantity and unit of measure. Each nished product has its own BOM. Segmentation
relevant materials contain information about country of origin and quality and are speci ed as segment values. The BOM
structure can vary between materials with different segment values. The subsequent sections explain how to specify segment
value based BOM structure variations.

You have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION_02.

You have created the characteristics for segmentation using transaction CT04. See Maintain Segmentation Relevance
for Functions for more details.

You have selected the application relevance for BOM when creating a characteristic for segmentation (under
Additional Data Maintain Relevance ).

You have de ned and maintained segmentation structure and strategy for a material and have assigned it to the header
material. See (Segmentation Structure and Segmentation Strategy).

The BOM maintenance programs have been enhanced to de ne and maintain the structure speci cation. You can create,
modify, and display a BOM using the transactions CS01, CS02, and CS03 respectively

The maintenance program provides a new ( ) button on the header screen to specify whether a component needs to be
included or excluded based on segmentation. You can select a component and click the button to view the possible segment
values. Select the Include checkbox for a segment value if you want to include the component in the BOM structure (only when
that segment value is speci ed in planning/production). If the Include checkbox is not selected for any of the segment values, by
default for all segment values, the component is included. For any speci c segment value, if the component needs to be
excluded, then select the Exclude checkbox for the segment value.

You want to create a BOM for a jacket in quality 1 and for customer segment A. For this jacket you need the following
components: Fabric, zipper and buttons. Components in the BOM are dependent on the segment value of the header material
(jacket). You have assigned the following stock segments to your jacket: 001A, 002B and 003C. You either exclude both
segments 002B and 003C from the bill of material or you include segment 001A in the BOM.

More Information
Creating a Material BOM

Changing a Material BOM

Displaying a Material BOM

Creating a Material BOM

After you a create a BOM for different segmentation values, the same BOM is listed in the production order based on different
stock segments. You can view only those components which were included when BOM was created for a particular stock

Follow these steps to create a material BOM:

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1. On the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics Production Master Data Bills of Material Bill of Material
Create and enter the required data. On this screen, you maintain data that identi es the bill of material, as well
effectivity data.

Alternatively, you can use the transaction CS01 to create a material BOM.

2. In the Material eld, enter the material for which you want to create the BOM. If you do not know the material number,
you can use the help (F4).

3. Enter a Plant.

If you want the BOM to be effective in a speci c plant, enter the plant. You can allocate the BOM to additional plants if

4. Enter a BOM Usage.

If a parameter is de ned in your user master record as a default value for the Usage eld, the system enters this default.
When you select a BOM usage, you de ne the maximum range of item statuses that can be assigned to all items in the
BOM. For each usage, you can only maintain certain item status indicators.

5. When you create a simple BOM, you do not need to enter an alternative.

If you do not make an entry when you rst create a BOM, the system automatically creates alternative 01

If you already know when you rst create a BOM that you want to extend the BOM to make a multiple BOM, and
that this alternative is not alternative 01, enter an alphanumeric value.

6. Enter a change number if you want to associate the modi ed structure to an identi er. You can later view that change by
specifying the change number.

7. Press Enter to go the Item Overview page.

8. Enter the Item Category of the BOM. This eld is used to control eld selection, default values for BOM maintenance,
triggering of speci c system activities, and so on.

9. In the Component eld, enter the material number of the components that you specify as part of the BOM.

10. Enter the Quantity of the component.

11. Enter the Unit for the component quantity.

12. Select one or more components and click the button to enter the segmentation values for a material.

13. In the Component Selection by Segmentation screen, enter the following elds:

a. Segmentation Value: Click the Fast Entry button to enter a segmentation value.

b. Include Segment Value: Select this checkbox if you want to include the segment value in the header of a material.
If you select this checkbox for one segment value of the header material, the system automatically excludes all
other segment values.

 Note
You can also double-click on a component to add a segment value.

This eld is used to set the requirement segment for a component in a planned and production order (during
BOM explosion) and is enabled based on the following conditions:

Header material is not segmentation relevant.

Scope of segmentation strategy for header material is 2 (only requirement segmentation).

Scope of segmentation strategy for a component material is 1 (stock and requirement segmentation)
or 2 (only requirement segmentation).

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Scope of segmentation strategy for a header component is 1 (stock and requirement segmentation)
and the quantity is negative (if the output material is a by-product).

c. Exclude Segment Value: Select this checkbox if you want to exclude the segment value in the header of a

14. Click Accept to con rm the changes.

Changing a Material BOM

Follow these steps to change a material BOM:

1. On the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics Production Master Data Bills of Material Bill of Material
Change . The Change Material BOM: Initial Screen screen appears. On this screen, you maintain data that identi es
the bill of material, as well effectivity data.

Alternatively, you can use the transaction CS02 to change a material BOM.

2. In the Material eld, enter the material for which you want to create the BOM. If you do not know the material number,
you can look for the material using the entry help (F4).

3. Enter a Plant.

If you want the BOM to be effective in a speci c plant, enter the plant. You can allocate the BOM to additional plants
later on under certain circumstances

4. Enter a BOM Usage.

If a parameter is de ned in your user master record as a default value for the Usage eld, the system enters this default.
When you select a BOM usage, you de ne the maximum range of item statuses that can be assigned to all items in the
BOM. For each usage, you can only maintain certain item status indicators.

5. If you do not make an entry when you rst create a BOM, the system automatically creates alternative 01

6. Enter a change number if you want to associate the modi ed structure to an identi er. You can later view that change by
specifying the change number.

7. Press Enter to go the Item Overview page.

8. Enter the Item Category of the BOM. This eld is used to control eld selection, default values for BOM maintenance,
triggering of speci c system activities, and so on.

9. In the Component eld, enter the material number of the components that you specify as part of the BOM.

10. Enter the Quantity of the component.

11. Enter the Unit for the component quantity.

12. Select one or more components and click the button in the tool bar to enter the segmentation values for a material.

13. In the Component Selection by Segmentation screen, enter the following elds:

a. Segmentation Value: Click the Fast Entry button to enter a segmentation value.

b. Include Segment Value: Select this checkbox if you want to include the segment value in the header of a material.
If you select this checkbox for one segment value of the header material, the system automatically excludes all
other segment values.

 Note

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 97
You can also double-click on a component to add a segment value.

This eld is used to set the requirement segment for a component in a planned and production order (during
BOM explosion) and is enabled based on the following conditions:

Header material is not segmentation relevant.

Scope of segmentation strategy for header material is 2 (only requirement segmentation).

Scope of segmentation strategy for a component material is 1 (stock and requirement segmentation)
or 2 (only requirement segmentation).

Scope of segmentation strategy for a header component is 1 (stock and requirement segmentation)
and the quantity is negative (if the output material is a by-product).

c. Exclude Segment Value: Select this checkbox if you want to exclude the segment value in the header of a

14. Click the Accept button to con rm the changes.

Displaying a Material BOM

Follow these steps to display a material BOM:

1. In the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics Production Master Data Bills of Material Bill of Material
Display . The Create Material BOM: Initial Screen appears. On this screen, you can view the data that identi es the bill
of material, as well effectivity data.

Alternatively, you can use the transaction CS03 to display a material BOM.

2. A parameter is de ned in your user master record as a default value for the Usage eld, the system enters this
parameter or the last usage entered as a default value for display.

In the standard R/3 System, the default valid-from date and valid-to date are the current date.

3. Enter the following data that identi es the BOM on the initial screen:

In the Material eld, enter the material whose BOM you want to display.

Enter the Plant for which you want to display the BOM. If you want to display a group BOM, do not make an entry
in the Plant eld.

If there is no value or an incorrect default value in the BOM Usage eld, enter the usage for which you want to
display the BOM.

You do not need to make an entry in the Alternative BOM eld for a simple material BOM.

4. De ne the validity period.

5. Con rm your entries to go to the Item Overview page.

6. Click the button to view the segment values of the material.

Displaying Change Documents From the BOM


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When you are processing a BOM with segment values, you can display change documents at any time. You follow the same
steps as for calling the function from the main menu. However, you do not need to enter the data for identifying the BOM.

Change documents are created for the following BOM categories:

Material BOM

Sales Order BOM

You have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION_02.

You have created the characteristics for segmentation using transaction CT04. See Maintain Segmentation Relevance
for Functions for more details.

You have selected the application relevance for BOM when creating a characteristic for segmentation (under
Additional Data Maintain Relevance ).

You have de ned and maintained segmentation structure and strategy for a material and have assigned it to the header
material. See (Segmentation Structure and Segmentation Strategy).

If you want to extend the existing characteristics for application Relevance of BOM and ROUTING, then execute the
report SGT_SETRELEVANCE (using transaction SE38). All associated characteristics in the structure without relevancy
will be checked and extended or application relevance. This is a one-time report executed for a particular characteristic
and therefore, all the corresponding relevancies needs to be selected while executing this report.

Follow these steps to display change documents from a BOM:

1. On the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics Production Master Data Bills of Material Reporting
Change Documents <BOM Category> .

Alternatively, you can use the transaction CS80 for material BOM and CS82 for sales order BOM to display change

2. On the initial screen, enter the BOM for which you want to display change document, enter the following elds:



Usage (optional)

3. Con rm your entries.

If the BOM data you enter identi es one individual BOM, you see the Display change documents: <BOM
Category> screen.

If BOMs of different usages exist for the Material and Plant you entered, and you did not enter a usage on the
initial screen, you see a list of the BOMs found.

If BOMs exist in different plants for the Material and Usage you entered, and you did not enter a plant on the
initial screen, you see a list of the BOMs found.

4. Select the BOM(s) whose change documents you want to display and choose BOM. The Display change documents:
<BOM Category> appears.

5. Enter the selection date. The system lists the change documents generated after this selection date.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 99
6. The change documents are displayed with the following elds:

Document Number

Date and Time

Changed by

Object ID: From this list, you can display individual change documents. To do this, place the cursor on a line
containing the document you require and choose Display Documents. You see the document you selected.

7. Double click the document number to view the BOM details. The following values appear:

Table: Displays which particular table/tables are updated

Table Key: System generated value which is combination of Object ID and Item ID.

Field Changed: Displays which particular eld has been changed in BOM.

Action: Displays the action performed in the BOM like “Entry” , “Change” and “Delete”.

Field Description: Description of the changed eld.

Old Value: Value which exists earlier before the change.

New Value: Value which exists after the change.

8. For material with segmentation values, you can view the changes when a BOM is changed during the following scenarios:

Creation of BOM: You add component details and a segment value for each component.

Changing a BOM at the component level: Displays the changes in the values at the component level when
quantity was changed.

Changing a BOM at the segment level: Displays the change in the segment values at the component level when
new segment values were included. The BOM changes are also displayed if you have modi ed the BOM to include
or exclude segments values for a component.

Material BOM Browser

You use the material BOM browser to navigate in a multi-level material BOM. The material BOM browser gives you a quick
overview of BOM headers with segment values and items that is displayed structurally. You can show or hide those branches in
this structure.

Follow these steps to open a material BOM browser:

1. On the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics Production Bills of Materials Bill of Material Material BOM
Multilevel Material BOM Browser . The initial screen of material BOM browser appears.

Alternatively, you can use the transaction CSMB to open a material BOM browser.

2. Enter the data for BOM, the BOM application and stock segment.

Select the Ignore Seg. checkbox if you do not want to include stock segment in the material BOM header.

3. Enter a value for Max Expl Level checkbox if you are working with large BOMs.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 100
4. Click to specify the settings for explosion.

5. De ne a view. For more information on de ning views for explosion, see the application help for De ning a View for BOM
Explosion in SAP help portal under SAP ERP SAP ERP Central Component Logistics Production Planning and
Control (PP) Basic Data (PP-BD) BOMs (PP-BD-BOM) BOM Reporting Functions BOM Explosion Selection
Criteria for BOM Explosion .

6. Start the material BOM browser.

7. Based on the stock segment value provided on the selection screen and on the components included or excluded in the
BOM de nition, the BOM browser displays the included components.

If the Ignore Seg. checkbook is selected, then the BOM browser will behave as it appears for standard and does not
include segmentation values.

Sales Order Bill of Material

An order BOM is generated from a material BOM and is modi ed for a speci c sales order with segmentation values. The
material BOM, however, does not change.

You have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION_02.

You have created the characteristics for segmentation using transaction CT04.

You have selected the application relevance for BOM and ROU when creating a characteristic for segmentation (under
Additional Data Maintain Relevance ).

You have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION_02.

You have created the characteristics for segmentation using transaction CT04. See Maintain Segmentation
Relevance for Functions for more details.

You have selected the application relevance for BOM when creating a characteristic for segmentation (under
Additional Data Maintain Relevance ).

You have de ned and maintained segmentation structure and strategy for a material and have assigned it to the
header material. See (Segmentation Structure and Segmentation Strategy).

You use an order BOM if you want to change the bill of material for a material, to meet the requirements of a single sales order.
Since the changes only affect this one sales order, you do not want to change the material BOM. However, you do not want to
maintain any new material master record.

Structure An order BOM has the same structure as the material BOM from which it is generated.

A BOM that is created with reference to a speci c sales order is described as an order BOM. A sales order number, a sales order
item and a material number uniquely identify an order BOM.

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Both material BOMs and order BOMs can be contained in the multi-level BOM for the material that you entered in a sales order
item. Material BOMs are used for order-independent assemblies, in other words, assemblies that are not changed.

More Information
Creating a Sales Order BOM

Changing a Sales Order BOM

Displaying a Sales Order BOM

Creating a Sales Order BOM

You can create a sales order BOM if you want to make customer-speci c changes to the BOM of a segmentation relevant
material that you con gure in the sales order.

Follow these steps to create a sales order BOM:

1. Choose Logistics Production Master Data Bill of Material Order BOM Create . The Create Order BOM
initial screen appears.

Alternatively, you can use the transaction CS61 to create a order BOM.

2. Enter the sales order number, the order item, the material number and the BOM usage.

3. If you want to use a material BOM, or an existing order BOM to copy from, go to step 4. If you want to create an order
BOM without a reference, click and go to step 7.

4. Click Copy Order BOM or Copy Material BOM. The Copy material BOM or Copy order BOM dialog box appears.

5. Enter the data required and click .

The item overview appears, for the bill of material you are using as a reference.

6. Select the items you want to copy to the order BOM and click .

The item overview for your new order BOM appears. The items you transferred are displayed in the item overview.

7. Enter the Item Category of the BOM. This eld is used to control eld selection, default values for BOM maintenance,
triggering of speci c system activities, and so on.

8. In the Component eld, enter the material number of the components that you specify as part of the BOM.

9. Enter the Quantity of the component.

10. Enter the Unit for the component quantity.

11. Select one or more components and click the button in the tool bar to enter the segmentation values for a material.

12. In the Component Selection by Segmentation screen, enter the following elds:

a. Segmentation Value: Click the Fast Entry button to enter a segmentation value.

 Note

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This eld is used to set the requirement segment for a component in a planned and production order (during
BOM explosion) and is enabled based on the following conditions:

Header material is not segmentation relevant.

Scope of segmentation strategy for header material is 2 (only requirement segmentation).

Scope of segmentation strategy for a component material is 1 (stock and requirement segmentation)
or 2 (only requirement segmentation).

Scope of segmentation strategy for a header component is 1 (stock and requirement segmentation)
and the quantity is negative (if the output material is a by-product).

b. Include Segment Value: Select this checkbox if you want to include the segment value in the header of a material.
If you select this checkbox for one segment value of the header material, the system automatically excludes all
other segment values.

c. Exclude Segment Value: Select this checkbox if you want to exclude the segment value in the header of a

13. Click the Accept button to con rm the changes.

Changing a Sales Order BOM

Follow these steps to change a sales order BOM:

1. Choose Logistics Production Master Data Bills of Material Order BOM Change . The Change Order BOM
initial screen appears.

Alternatively, you can use the transaction CS62 to change a order BOM.

2. Enter the following data that identi es the BOM on the initial screen:

Sales Order



BOM Usage

3. Con rm your entries to go to the Item Overview page.

4. Enter the Item Category of the BOM. This eld is used to control eld selection, default values for BOM maintenance,
triggering of speci c system activities, and so on.

5. In the Component eld, enter the material number of the components that you specify as part of the BOM.

6. Enter the Quantity of the component.

7. Enter the Unit for the component quantity.

8. Select one or more components and click the button in the tool bar to enter the segmentation values for a material.

9. In the Component Selection by Segmentation screen, enter the following elds:

a. Segmentation Value: Click the Fast Entry button to enter a segmentation value.

 Note

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 103
This eld is used to set the requirement segment for a component in a planned and production order (during
BOM explosion) and is enabled based on the following conditions:

Header material is not segmentation relevant.

Scope of segmentation strategy for header material is 2 (only requirement segmentation).

Scope of segmentation strategy for a component material is 1 (stock and requirement segmentation)
or 2 (only requirement segmentation).

Scope of segmentation strategy for a header component is 1 (stock and requirement segmentation)
and the quantity is negative (if the output material is a by-product).

b. Include Segment Value: Select this checkbox if you want to include the segment value in the header of a material.
If you select this checkbox for one segment value of the header material, the system automatically excludes all
other segment values.

c. Exclude Segment Value: Select this checkbox if you want to exclude the segment value in the header of a

10. Click the Accept button to con rm the changes.

Displaying a Sales Order BOM

Follow these steps to display a sales order BOM.

1. Choose Logistics Production Master Data Bills of Material Order BOM Display . The Display Order BOM
initial screen appears.

Alternatively, you can use the transaction CS63 to create a order BOM.

2. Enter the following data that identi es the BOM on the initial screen:

Sales Order



BOM Usage

3. Con rm your entries to go to the Item Overview page.

Sales Order BOM Browser

You use the order browser when you, as a make-to-order manufacturer, work with order BOMs. After you have created a sales
order and, if required, executed variant con guration, it is necessary to technically post-process the BOMs. The changes that
you carry out during this process are only valid for this sales order.

Follow these steps to open a order BOM browser:

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 104
1. On the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics Production Bills of Materials Bill of Material Order BOM
Order BOM Browser . The initial screen of order BOM browser appears.

Alternatively, you can use the transaction CSKB to open an order BOM browser.

2. Enter the data for sales order, item and the BOM application.

3. Enter a value for Max Expl Level checkbox if you are working with large BOMs.

4. Click to specify the settings for explosion.

5. De ne a view. For more information on de ning views for explosion, see the application help for De ning a View for BOM
Explosion in SAP help portal under SAP ERP SAP ERP Central Component Logistics Production Planning and
Control (PP) Basic Data (PP-BD) BOMs (PP-BD-BOM) BOM Reporting Functions BOM Explosion Selection
Criteria for BOM Explosion .

6. Start the order browser.

7. Based on the stock segment value provided on the selection screen and based on the components included or excluded
in the BOM de nition, the BOM browser displays the included components.


In SAP system, you use routing to create one or more task list for production. The steps necessary to produce a material are
generally saved as operations and suboperations in a routing. The routing is selected on order creation. The individual
operations and suboperations as well as other routing data is copied to the production order.

You have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION_02.

You have created the characteristics for segmentation using transaction CT04. See Maintain Segmentation Relevance
for Functions for more details.

You have selected the application relevance for BOM and ROU when creating a characteristic for segmentation (under
Additional Data Maintain Relevance ).

You have de ned and maintained segmentation structure and strategy for a material and have assigned it to the header
material. See (Segmentation Structure and Segmentation Strategy)

Segmented materials require different task lists for different segment values. For example, if the segmentation characteristic
Quality associated with the material and high quality materials requires additional operations such as lining or stitching for
fashion materials, and low quality materials may not require them. Therefore, the task list needs to be associated to segment
value of the nished good material. The production order for that material also determines the right task list based on the stock
segment assigned while creating the order.

Selection Criteria for Routing

Apart from the standard selection elds, you can also use stock segment as a criteria to determine the right task list for
production. Based on the stock segment assignment for the nished good material, only those task list(s) which are marked as
Included in the routing maintenance program can be used in the production order.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 105

The following limitations apply for routing for materials with segmentation:

You cannot create rate routings for segmentation relevant materials.

Segmentation does not support standard rate routings.

A reference to standard routings is not possible for segmentation-speci c data. The engineering change management is
not supported for segments.

MRP does not consider alternative and parallel procedures.

The Engineering Workbench (CEWB) for BOM and routing for materials with segmentation is not supported.

When you change routing from dialog (using the transaction CA02) using change number, the following limitations are

Cannot maintain or change segmentation values for routing using change number.

Reason: Any change in routing with change number creates a new entry at header table PLKO with new Internal
counter ZAEHL, and this eld is also a key in segmentation table SGT_PLKOS. Therefore, to maintain
segmentation value for routing with new internal counter, you have change header information after changing the
segmentation details.

Workaround: You have to modify header (Task list counter) level information to add correct segmentation
inclusion/exclusion entries in database.

Segmentation records are not be displayed for the routing when you change the routing at the header level, and
the material associated with routing has segmentation records in database.

Reason: Any change in routing by change number creates a new record in PLKO table with new internal counter

Workaround: When you change the routing, click Segmentation button and select the segment
inclusion/exclusion indicator that should be maintained for new internal counter. You can also follow the same
approach when maintaining the segmentation values for a new counter.

Creating a Routing

You use this procedure to create a completely new routing for segmentation relevant materials. If a routing already exists in
your system with similar data, you can copy this data into the new routing.

The following data already exists in the system:

If you want to maintain the routing with history: The corresponding change master record.

If you want to link the routing with a revision level: The relevant revision level of the material to be produced.

Select the relevance option for BOM and Routing when you create a characteristic. To do this, go to CT04 Additional
Data Maintain Relevance Relevance . Select the Relevance checkbox for BOM and Routing.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 106
Follow these steps to create a routing for a segmentation relevant material:

1. On the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics Production Master Data Routings Routings Standard
Routings Create . Alternatively, you can also use the transaction CA01 to create a routing.

2. Enter the following mandatory elds:



3. Click to edit the header details. You can now create the rst task list.

4. Enter the following elds on the header screen:

Usage: This eld speci es the areas in which the task list can be used (for example, in production or plant

Status: This eld indicates the processing status of a task list. For example, you can indicate whether the task list
is still in the creation phase or has already been released.

5. Click the icon to enter the following values for an operation:

Work Center

Control Key


Base Quantity


Production Time

Set up

6. Click the button to assign the operation to a component.

7. You can create additional task list (group counters) using the steps 3 to 5. After you have created multiple task list for a
routing, go to the routing view, select a task list and use the segmentation button to assign segment values to the task
list. Click the icon to enter following segment values for the material:

Include Segment Value: Select this checkbox if you want to make the task list applicable to segment values. If you
select this checkbox for one segment value of the header material, the system automatically excludes all other
segment values.

Exclude Segment Value: Select this checkbox if you want to do not want the task list to be applicable for segment

 Note
If you select the include/exclude checkbox for one segment value of the header material, the system automatically
excludes/include all other segment values.

8. Choose Accept to save the changes.

9. Select the component that should be allocated to the operation and choose New Assignment.

10. On the New Assignment screen, enter the activity that you want to use to allocate the component. Click to save the

 Note

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If you do not perform the step 10, the BOM components will be assigned to the rst operation in the routing by

You can also reassign a component to another operation using the Reassign option.

More Information
For more information about creating a routing by copying in standard ERP, see the SAP Library on SAP Help Portal under SAP
ERP SAP ERP Central Component Production Planning and Control (PP) Basic Data (PP-BD) Routings Maintaining
Routings and Rate Routings Steps in Routing Maintenance First Creating a Routing by Copying .

Changing a Routing

Follow these steps to change routing for a material with segment values:

1. On the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics Production Master Data Routings Routings Standard
Routings Change . Alternatively, you can also use the transaction CA02 to change an existing routing.

2. Enter the following mandatory elds:



3. Click to edit the header details.

4. Enter the following elds on the header screen:

Usage: This eld speci es the areas in which the task list can be used (for example, in production or plant

Status: This eld indicates the processing status of a task list. For example, you can indicate whether the task list
is still in the creation phase or has already been released.

5. Click the icon to enter following segment values for the material:

Include Segment Value: Select this checkbox if you want to include the segment value in the header of a material.
If you select this checkbox for one segment value of the header material, the system automatically excludes all
other segment values.

Exclude Segment Value: Select this checkbox if you want to exclude the segment value in the header of a

 Note
If you select the include/exclude checkbox for one segment value of the header material, the system automatically
excludes/include all other segment values.

6. Choose Accept to save the changes.

7. Click the icon to enter the following values for an operation:

Work Center

Control Key

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Base Quantity


Production Time

Set up

8. Click the button to assign the operation to a component.

9. Select the component that should be allocated to the operation and choose New Assignment.

10. On the New Assignment screen, enter the activity that you want to use to allocate the component. Click to save the

 Note
If you do not perform the step 10, the BOM components will be assigned to the rst operation in the routing by

You can also reassign a component to another operation using the Reassign option.

More Information

Displaying a Routing
Follow these steps to display a routing for a material with segment values:

1. On the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics Production Master Data Routings Routings Standard
Routings Display . Alternatively, you can also use the transaction CA03 to create a routing.

2. Enter the following mandatory elds:



3. Click to view the header details.

4. Click the icon to view following segment values for the material:

5. Click the icon to view the values for an operation:

6. Click the button to assign the operation to a component.

7. Select the component that should be allocated to the operation and choose New Assignment.

Task List Changes and Delete Task List for Routing

This sections explains the change documents and the task list delete for routing

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CA60: Routing Changes

CA61: Display Change Documents for Routing

CS98: Deletion of Task List without Archiving

You have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION_02.

You have maintained a routing entry and a task list with relevant segmentation values and operations using the
transaction CA 01 or CA02.

Changing Task Lists

Follow these steps to change a task list for routing:

1. On the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics Production Master Data Routings Routings Reporting
Task List Changes . Alternatively, you can also use the transaction CA60 to change a task list for routing.

2. On the Task List Changes screen, enter the following elds:

Task List Type



Task List/Recipe Group

Group Counter/Recipe Period of Examination

 Note
The Group Counter eld is updated only when more than one group counter is created.

3. Under the Detailed Change Documentation For section, select all the checkboxes to view detailed description.

4. Choose to view the task list details.

Display Change Documents for Routing

You can use the CA61 transaction to view the overall details of change documents (such as changed dates, user, and so on).

Follow these steps to display change documents for routing:

1. On the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics Production Master Data Routings Routings Reporting
Change Documents Routing . Alternatively, you can also use the transaction CA61 to display change documents for

2. On the initial screen, choose a Routing Group.

3. Under the Overview Selection, choose a view.

4. Choose . An overview of the routing changes done when you had created (using the transaction CA01) and changed
(using the transaction CA02) a routing is displayed.

Double-click an entry in the table to view the complete details.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 110
Deletion of Task List without Archiving

You can also delete a task list without archiving rst.

 Note
When you delete without archiving, you may lose data unintentionally. You should only use this form of deletion for the data
you have created for testing

Follow these steps to delete a task list from the database:

1. On the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics Production Master Data Routings Routings Extras
Delete Task Lists Without Archiving . Alternatively, you can also use the transaction CA98 to delete a task list..

2. On the Deletion of Task List without Archiving screen, enter the following elds:

Material Number

Plant for Materials


Group Counter Plant Status Task List Usage Planner Group

 Note
Enter the Group Counter only if multiple group counters exist for a task list. Otherwise, after execution, the
system displays the all the group counters associated with the task list.

3. Choose the option Complete Task Lists to delete a task list.

4. Choose to delete a task list.

BOM Explosion

A BOM explosion answers the question: What is the product made of? This question arises in various situations, such as when
you want to:

Determine material requirements for a product

Look at the overall structure of a product in a design department

See an overview of the parts and materials required

Calculate the effects of changes to costs

During production planning, the system explodes the bills of materials down to the lowest level. Then the system spreads the
costs, separated by cost components, from the lowest level to the highest level, to determine the planned costs of the nished
product. The BOM explosion can be carried out from any production level.

When you explode a BOM “top down”, the system nds all the components that are in the BOM. Some individual components
may also be assemblies. These subordinate BOMs are included in reporting functions. There is no limit to the number of levels of
BOMs you can have. You can use selection criteria to either include additional information or restrict the list displayed, so you
can de ne precisely how you want to explode a BOM.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 111
Using this report, you can obtain:

details about a component and assembly data to be collected for the component

Alternate components at the material and BOM levels for each component

BOM status

You have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION_02.

You have created the characteristics for segmentation using transaction CT04.

You have selected the application relevance for BOM and ROU when creating a characteristic for segmentation (under
Additional Data Maintain Relevance ).

When Bill of Material is de ned for materials with segmentation, you would have speci ed which components would be inclusive
or exclusive in the bill of material based on the segment value that would apply in a BOM usage. BOM explosion is a typical
usage simulation. When one of the BOM explosion program is run, the selection screen allows you to specify the segment value
for which you can simulate BOM explosion. Alternatively you could also choose not to provide any particular segment value and
therefore check on "Ignore Segmentation" checkbox.

How do you explode a BOM?

For each individual BOM type various reporting functions are available:

1. For the structural explosion:

BOM level by level

Multi-level BOM

2. Summarized BOM: The summarized BOM function is a quantity-based reporting function.

The BOM explosion can be explained using the following example:

Displaying Level by Level BOM Explosion

This BOM reporting function shows which components make up the individual assemblies across the product structure.
Components that are also assemblies are exploded lower down.

This reporting function is available to you for the following BOM types:

Material BOMs

Order BOMs

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1. On the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics Production Master Data Reporting Material BOM/Order
BOM Level by Level .

Alternatively, you can use the transactions CS11 (for a material BOM) and CSK1 (for a sales order BOM) to explode the
BOM level by level.

2. Enter the data that identi es your BOM (such as Material, Plant, and Alternative BOM, if appropriate). In case of a sales
order BOM, enter the Sales Order number and the corresponding details.

3. In the Application eld, enter the key of the procedure for automatic alternative determination

4. Enter the data for selecting a BOM.

5. If you are exploding a material BOM, go to next step. If you are exploding a sales order BOM, go to step 7.

6. For a material BOM:

Enter the relevant Stock Segment. This value depends on depends on whether you included or excluded the
segment values during the creation of the BOM.

If you select the Ignore Seg. checkbox, the BOM is displayed for the speci ed segment.

7. Click to determine the selection criteria for the BOM explosion and display the output accordingly.

If you specify a segment value in the Stock Segment eld, and do not select the Ignore Seg. checkbox, the BOM
displays the details for the selected segment value.

If you have not speci ed any value in the Stock Segment eld, and do not select the Ignore Seg. checkbox, the
BOM displays the details for all segment values. You can click and icons to view different segments of the
header material.

If you have not speci ed any value in the Stock Segment eld, and select the Ignore Seg. checkbox, the BOM is
displayed without any segmentation values.

8. Choose .

At each level, you will see only those list of components that ful ll your selection criteria. The quantities refer to the required
quantity displayed in the list header.

In the reporting list for BOM level by level, you rst see all components on the rst level. Components that are assemblies have
an indicator in the Asm (assembly) eld. However, they are not exploded down immediately.

A dividing line shows where the next explosion level begins.

If a component is also an assembly, the system explodes the next level (for example, level 2) in a separate block, provided that
you select the multi-level indicator in the view data. You see all the assemblies that exist for components of the previous level.

An assembly is not exploded under certain circumstances. The next level down is not displayed until all the components on the
level above have been listed.

Displaying Multi-Level BOM Explosion

This reporting function determines all components (assemblies and individual parts) in a product and displays them in their
structural context for production.

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This reporting function is available to you for the following BOM types:

Material BOMs

Order BOMs

1. On the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics Production Master Data Reporting Material BOM/Order
BOM Multilevel BOM .

Alternatively, you can use the transactions CS12 (for a material BOM) and CSK2 (for a sales order BOM) to display the
BOM level by level.

2. Enter the data that identi es your BOM (such as Material, Plant, and Alternative BOM, if appropriate). In case of a sales
order BOM, enter the Sales Order number and the corresponding details.

3. In the Application eld, enter the key of the procedure for automatic alternative determination

4. Enter the data for selecting a BOM.

5. If you are displaying a material BOM, go to step 6. If you are displaying a sales order BOM, go to step 7 directly.

6. For a material BOM:

Enter the relevant Stock Segment. This value depends on depends on whether you included or excluded the
segment values during the creation of the BOM.

If you select the Ignore Seg. checkbox, the BOM is displayed for the speci ed segment.

 Note

If you specify a segment value in the Stock Segment eld, and do not select the Ignore Seg. checkbox,
the BOM displays the details for the selected segment value.

If you have not speci ed any value in the Stock Segment eld, and do not select the Ignore Seg.
checkbox, the BOM displays the details for all segment values. You can click and icons to view
different segments of the header material.

If you have not speci ed any value in the Stock Segment eld, and select the Ignore Seg. checkbox, the
BOM is displayed without any segmentation values.

7. Click to determine the selection criteria for the BOM explosion and display the output accordingly.

8. Choose .

You see only those list of components that ful ll your selection criteria. In the Multi-level BOM list, you immediately see whether
a component is an assembly – the main difference between this and a level-by-level BOM explosion.

The quantities refer to the required quantity displayed in the list header.

The components of the subordinate assembly are inset directly below, with the next number up to show that this is the next
level. If a component is an assembly, the explosion continues immediately.

The list of components on any level is interrupted each time a component that is an assembly occurs. After the list of items in
the subordinate BOM, the list is continued on the superior level.

 Note

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 114
Assemblies and components that occur more than once in the structure are shown more than once.

Displaying a Summarized BOM

In certain application areas in a company, such as material requirements planning (MRP) and costing, you need a quick overview
of all the parts required to make a product. This reporting function produces a complete count of the assemblies and individual
components, which you can restrict using various criteria.

This reporting function is available to you for the following BOM types:

Material BOMs

Order BOMs

1. On the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics Production Master Data Reporting Material BOM/Order
BOM Level by Level .

Alternatively, you can use the transactions CS13 (for a material BOM) and CSK3 (for a sales order BOM) to display a
summarized BOM.

2. Enter the data that identi es your BOM (such as Material, Plant, and Alternative BOM, if appropriate). In case of a sales
order BOM, enter the Sales Order number and the corresponding details.

3. In the Application eld, enter the key of the procedure for automatic alternative determination

4. Enter the data for selecting a BOM.

5. If you are displaying a material BOM, go to next step. If you are displaying a sales order BOM, go to step 7.

6. For a material BOM:

Enter the relevant Stock Segment. This value depends on depends on whether you included or excluded the
segment values during the creation of the BOM.

If you select the Ignore Seg. checkbox, the BOM is displayed for the speci ed segment.

 Note

If you specify a segment value in the Stock Segment eld, and do not select the Ignore Seg. checkbox,
the BOM displays the details for the selected segment value.

If you have not speci ed any value in the Stock Segment eld, and do not select the Ignore Seg.
checkbox, the BOM displays the details for all segment values. You can click and icons to view
different segments of the header material.

If you have not speci ed any value in the Stock Segment eld, and select the Ignore Seg. checkbox, the
BOM is displayed without any segmentation values.

7. Click to determine the selection criteria for the BOM explosion and display the output accordingly.

8. Choose .


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You will see only those list of components that ful ll your selection criteria. The quantities refer to the required quantity
displayed in the list header.

This reporting function produces a complete count of the assemblies and other components across all levels in a product

This list does not show you the structure of the product. Assemblies and individual components which occur more than
once in the product are displayed as one item, with a sum total item quantity.

Displaying an assembly as a component is optional.

Planned Orders

Planned orders are created in material requirements planning to cover the requirements. Planned orders represent a demand
to procure or produce a material. Planned orders for materials that are to be produced in-house are converted to production
orders. The material components required for production are contained as items in the planned order and are copied directly
when the planned order is converted to a production order.

The standard planned order has been enhanced to include segment values for segmentation-relevant material to meet the
needs of the fashion industry. The stock segment is determined based on the requirement segment speci ed for a material in a
sales order or production order, and based on the segmentation strategy rule ATP: Requirement/Stock allocation. See
Segmentation Strategy for more information about segmentation strategies

If the segmentation strategy for a material is of scope 1 (stock and requirement segmentation), the stock and
requirement segment that is de ned during the creation of a planned order should be copied to all the subsequent

Example: During the creating of a planned order, you de ne the Quality1 (Q1) and Country1 (DE) as the Stock Segment
(Q1DE) . When you convert a planned order into production order, the same values (Q1DE) is copied to the stock segment
of the production order.

If the segmentation strategy for a material is of scope 2 (only requirement segmentation), the stock segment at the
header item and requirement segment for component is available in the planned order. However, you cannot enter any
valid or invalid value for stock segment.

For a material which is not relevant to segmentation, the stock segment for the header and requirement segment for
component is available in the planned order. However, you can save the orders without entering any values to these
elds and you cannot enter any value to stock and requirement segment.

See the following for more information about the creation and conversion of planned orders:

Creating a Planned Order

Changing a Planned Order

Displaying a Planned Order

Partial Conversion of Planned Orders to Production Orders

Collective Conversion of Planned Orders to Production Orders

Converting Planned Orders into Purchase Requisitions

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Creating a Planned Order

As a rule, planned orders are generated automatically during a planning run. However, it may be necessary to create planned
orders manually, for example, if you want to procure materials independently from requirements.

Automatic Creation of Planned Orders

During the planning run, the system automatically calculates the materials to be procured as well as the requirements quantity
and date. The system then creates the corresponding planned order. The system also explodes the BOM for materials that are
produced in-house and uses the BOM components as material components for the planned order. The system creates a
corresponding dependent requirement for these components. If the quantity or the date of the planned order changes or if the
bill of material changes, the bill of material is re-exploded in the next planning run and the dependent requirements of the
material components are adjusted accordingly.

The stock segment is determined based on the requirement segment speci ed for a material in a sales order or production
order, and based on the segmentation strategy rule ATP: Requirement/Stock Allocation. See Segmentation Strategy for more
information about segmentation strategies

Creating a planned order manually

You can create planned orders manually, if you want to procure materials independently from requirements. For this, you
determine which material should be procured, the quantity of material to be procured, the date it should be available and
whether it is to be procured externally or internally. If you create or change a planned order manually, you can also explode the
BOM manually and adjust the material components.

While creating a planned order, you should specify the stock segment. The BOM explosion and determination of the component
is based on the speci ed stock segment and inclusion or exclusion of components for the speci ed stock segment. The
requirement segment for a component is determined based on the segmentation strategy Dependent Requirements/Stock
Transfer. See Segmentation Strategy for more details about segmentation strategies.

Creating a planned order from sales order (Planning strategy 81)

When a sales order is created and saved, a planned order will be generated for that material. The requirement segment from
the sales order will be converted to stock segment using the segmentation strategy Requirement to Stock Conversion.

The demand elements specify the requirement segment of the material and MRP determines the stock segment (based on the
segmentation strategy Requirement to Stock Conversion) and creates the planned order.

If the material has sub-components, BOM explosion occurs and the components are determined based on the stock segment of
the main material. BOM explosion and determination of stock segment also depends on the stock segments and the inclusion or
exclusion of components for that stock segment.

The requirement segment for the components determined depends on the segmentation strategy Dependent
Requirements/Stock transfer.

Follow these steps to manually create a planned order for a segmentation relevant material:

1. In the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics Production MRP Planned Order Create .

Alternatively, you can use transaction MD11.

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The initial screen for creating a planned order appears.

2. Enter a Planned Order Pro le.

The planned order pro le determines the order type, the procurement type, and the special procurement type of the
planned order.

3. You can also enter the number of a planned order, from which you want to copy data. The data from this planned order is
copied into the new planned order. You can overwrite this data.

4. Choose .

The detail screen for the planned order appears.

The system sets the order type and special procurement type automatically according to the planned order pro le. You
cannot change these elds.

5. Enter the Order Quantity to be produced or ordered according to the planned order.

6. Enter the End Date, according to the planned order, that you should expect either the completion or the delivery of the
planned order quantity.

7. Enter the earliest Start Date, according to the planned order, that the production of the planned order quantity starts.

8. Enter the Opening Date when the planned order will be opened.

9. Enter the Stock Segment that is assigned to a stockable item.

 Note

The planned order is automatically agged as convertible in the Conversion Indicator eld. This enables the
later conversion to a production order for in-house production, or to a purchase requisition for external

As you manually created the planned order, it is automatically agged as rmed in the Firming screen area.
Firmed planned orders are not changed by the system in a subsequent planning run.

10. Choose to enter component details.

The component overview appears. The system displays the component processing status that was saved last. If you have
recreated the planned order, the system explodes the BOM and copies the BOM items generated into the planned order
as components. .

After the BOM explosion, you can view the header item and component with relevant stock and requirement segment in
the planned order.

 Note

You can add only those stock and requirement segments which are maintained during creation of
Segmentation Strategy.

BOM can be xed for particular stock segment by selecting the Component checkbox under Firming options.
After it is xed, you cannot change the stock segment.

11. Double-click component and enter the following elds:

Semi-Finished or Raw Material

Requirement quantity and unit of measure


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Requirement Segment

12. Save the planned order.

Changing a Planned Order

Changes to existing planned orders can be necessary if the planned order receives a rescheduling proposal during the planning

Follow these steps to change a planned order for a segmentation relevant material:

1. In the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics Production MRP Planned Order Change . The initial screen
for creating a planned order appears.

Alternatively, you can use the transaction MD12.

The initial screen for changing a planned order appears.

2. Enter the number of the planned order to be changed and press Enter.

The detail screen for changing a planned order appears.

3. Make the required changes.

4. Save the changes.

 Note
If you change a planned order, it is considered rmed for the planning run and it will not be changed automatically
during subsequent planning runs..

Displaying a Planned Order

You can display planned orders maintained with segment values using the individual display.

1. In the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics Production MRP Planned Order Display Individual Display .

Alternatively, you can use transaction MD13.

The initial screen for the individual display appears.

2. Enter the number of the corresponding planned order and press Enter.

Conversion of Planned Orders to Production Orders

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You use this function to partially convert a planned order to one or more production order(s), with an option to retain the
planned order with accordingly reduced quantities.

The planner can use this function to:

Convert the planned order from the stock/requirements list

Create production order with reference to planned order

You have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION_02.

This function has the following features:

Context menu entry in the stock/requirements list

When you select the context menu entry Partially Convert Planned Order >> Production Order for a planned order in the
stock requirement list, the Query Subset/Order Correction screen is displayed for the selected planned order.

Query Subset/Order Correction

When you select the Partial Conversion checkbox on the initial screen for a segmentation planned order, the quantity of
the planned order is split into several partial quantities which are then converted to production orders or process orders.

If a partial lot quantity is maintained in the planned order, the query subsets screen displays equally split partial
quantities in the Subsets table.

Generation of partial quantity production orders

When you select the Generate button, temporary production order numbers are created for each row in the Subsets
table. You can also view or change each of the generated temporary orders before saving. While viewing a temporary
order, you can carry out the functions like Material Availability Check, Capacity Availability Check, Change SKU
Quantities, View Component Overview and Release the Order.

Deletion of planned order

If the quantities of all the temporary orders are equal to or greater than the quantities of the planned order, then the
planned order is automatically marked for deletion. However, if you reduce the quantities of the partial orders, such that
some open SKU quantities remain with the planned order, then you can deselect the checkbox Delete Planned Order to
prevent the planned order from deletion. You can also mark the planned order for deletion irrespective of the quantities
of the partial quantity orders.

Saving the converted production orders

On choosing Save on the Query Subset/Order Correction screen, all the temporary production orders are saved with
new order numbers. If you had selected the Delete Planned Order checkbox, the original planned order is deleted after
the production orders are saved. However, if you had not selected the Delete Planned Order checkbox, the original
planned order is updated with the open quantities after the production orders are saved. When updating the planned
order quantities, the Firming indicator is set for the planned order automatically.

To convert the planned order from the stock/requirements list:
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In the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics Production MRP Evaluations Stock/Requirements List .

Alternatively, you can also use the transaction MD04.

To create production order with reference to planned order:

In the SAP Easy Access menu choose, Logistics Production MRP Planned Order Convert to Production Order
Individual Conversion .

Alternatively, you can also use the transaction CO40.

To partially convert a segmentation planned order to one or more production order(s)

in the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics Production MRP Planned Order Convert to Production Order
Partial Conversion .

Alternatively, you can also use the transaction CO48.

The converted production order is created. The stock and requirement segment of the nished product is transferred or
copied from the planned order to the production order.

Collective Conversion of Planned Orders to Production Orders

You use this function to convert several planned orders into production orders. You can also select the planned orders that you
want to convert together according to the date of their creation. The stock segment from planned order should be copied to
production order.

You must have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION_02.

Follow these steps to use this function:

1. In the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics Production MRP Planned Order Convert to Production Order
Collective Conversion .

Alternatively, you can use the transaction CO41.

2. Enter the Planning Plant and Material.

3. Choose the type of planned orders that you want to convert based on Status and Availability.

4. Choose . The system lists all planned orders that t the given selection criteria.

More Information
Partial Conversion of Planned Orders to Production Orders

Planned Orders

Converting Planned Orders into Purchase Requisitions

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For materials procured externally, you should convert the planned order into a purchase requisition. During this conversion, the
stock segment from planned order is copied to purchase requisition.

The following options are available:

Individual conversion (individual planned order)

You can convert the total planned order quantity or just part of it. Partial conversion is useful if the requirements
situation has changed or you want to produce part of the planned order in-house.

Collective conversion (several planned orders)

Collective conversion is also possible as a background job.

All purchase requisitions that were created as described above are rmed automatically. They are no longer changed by
the system in subsequent planning runs.

After the conversion of planned order to purchase requisition, the stock segment of the main material is transferred or copied
from the planned order to the purchase requisition line item. The components of the requirement segments are also displayed.

Total Conversion or Partial Conversion of Individual Planned Order

1. In the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics Production MRP Planned Order Convert to Purchase
Requisition Individual Conversion .

Alternatively, you can use transaction MD14.

2. Enter the number of the planned order you would like to convert into a purchase requisition and press Enter.

The detail screen for the individual conversion of planned orders now appears.

The rst part of the screen displays the data of the planned order and the second part of the screen shows the data of
the purchase requisition. This data is partly drawn from the planned order and partly from the material master. If
necessary, you can overwrite this data.

3. Enter data as required.

4. In the case of partial conversion, the Converted quantity eld the system automatically proposes the planned order
quantity. Overwrite this value with the quantity that is actually to be converted and transferred to the purchase
requisition and choose Enter.

The system displays the message Planned order only partially converted.

The Planned order quantity is automatically reduced to the remaining quantity. You can correct or delete the planned
order quantity. If you delete the planned order quantity, the system automatically deletes the planned order during

5. Enter data as required.

The planned order is converted totally or partially into a production order.

Collective Conversion of Individual Planned Order

1. In the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics Production MRP Planned Order Convert to Purchase
Requisition Collective Conversion .

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Alternatively, you can use transaction MD15.

The initial screen for the collective conversion of planned orders now appears.

2. Enter the MRP controller number and the plant.

3. Limit the selection further, if necessary, using the opening date and the procurement type. Press Enter.

4. The system displays a list of all the planned orders that ful ll the selection criteria.

5. Select the required planned orders.

6. Choose Convert online or Do not convert online.

With Convert online, the system displays the screen for individual conversion once again before the conversion for each
planned order and gives you the opportunity to edit it.

With Do not convert online, the system converts the planned orders selected directly into purchase requisitions.

If necessary information is missing for creating a purchase requisition, the system interrupts the conversion procedure
and displays the screen for individual conversion. You can then add the missing data here. If you choose Enter, the
system continues with the conversion.

 Note
To avoid the interruption of the conversion procedure, you can prede ne default data for the purchase requisition. To
do this, choose Goto Purchase requisition default data and enter the required data. This data applies to all
purchase requisitions created in the conversion.

Production Orders

Production orders contain all the information you need for the production process, for example quantity, basic date, information
about BOM and routing, and segment values (stock and requirements segments).

You create a production order for a material with segment values in the SAP standard application. In a production order for a
segmentation relevant material, you can maintain the quantity to be produced at the segment level. You can nd information
from both the segmentation BOM (see Bill of Material) and routing (see Routing).


Excess quantities or shortages can result during production. For these situations you can maintain tolerance limits for each
segment value. You can use this so that upon goods receipt in your warehouse you can consider quantity deviations per
segment value that arise during the production process.

Deviation of the segment quantity in the production order from the bundle quantity

There are the following cases:

There is a sales order or there are planned independent requirements. A quantity shortage of one or more dimensions

A new planned order is generated for the missing quantity after a new material requirement planning (MRP) run. The
MRP temporarily assigns it to the planned independent requirement.
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There is a planned independent requirement. There is a quantity excess of one or more dimensions.

The excess quantities become freely available stock. They can be consumed by a subsequent planned independent
requirement if the dates allow. MRP temporarily assigns the freely available stock to the planned independent

There is no planned independent requirement. There is a quantity excess of one or more dimensions.

The production order is changed accordingly.

There is no planned independent requirement. There is a quantity shortage of one or more dimensions.

The production order is changed accordingly.

More Information
For more information about production orders in standard ERP, see SAP Library on SAP Help Portal under SAP ERP
SAP ERP Central Component Logistics Production Planning and Control (PP) Production Orders (PP-SFC) .

Creating a Production Order

A production order speci es which material is to be produced, where it is to be produced, which operations are required to do
this and on which date production is to take place. It also de nes how the order costs are to be settled.

Production orders can be created manually without being previously requested. When you create a production order manually,
you should then manually maintain the stock segment.

Alternatively, they can be automatically created by converting a planned order (see Conversion of Planned Orders to Production
Orders). During material requirements planning (MRP run), planned orders are created at every BOM level to cover
requirements and segment values. For materials produced in-house, a secondary requirement is also generated when the BOM
is exploded, which is necessary for producing the end product or assembly. For externally produced materials, an ordering
transaction is initiated when a purchase requisition is generated.

Planned orders generated in the MRP run can be converted individually into production orders from the current
stock/requirements list. They can also be grouped together by the MRP run and converted into production orders together.
These production orders can be released together.

While creating a production order, you should specify the stock segment. The BOM explosion and determination of the
component is based on the speci ed stock segment and inclusion or exclusion of components for the speci ed stock segment.
The requirement segment for a component is determined based on the segmentation strategy Dependent
Requirements/Stock Transfer. See Segmentation Strategy for more details about segmentation strategies.

1. In the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics Production Shop Floor Control Order Create With Material
. The initial screen for creating a planned order appears.

Alternatively, you can use the transaction CO01 to create production order.

2. On the Create Production Order screen, enter the following (mandatory) elds:

Material you want to produce

Production plant where the material is to be produced

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Order type (controls whether an internal or external number range is used)

If you have selected an order type for which an external number assignment is required then you must also
specify an order number in the eld Order.

3. Press Enter to continue.

4. Enter the following elds:

Stock Segment of the header material for which production needs to be done

Required quantity and dates for the production.

5. Go to the Component Overview tab and choose the production version as 01 (for normal sequence).

6. On the component overview page, the component details are displayed based on the data maintained in the segment

7. Save the order.

To reduce the number of steps you have to work through, you can already release an order when you create it. To release
a production order, choose . In Customizing for Shop Floor Control ( Master Data De ne Production Scheduling
Pro le , you can set up automatic release to take place when an order is created.

Next Steps
Production Orders

Conversion of Planned Orders to Production Orders

Segmentation Strategy

Changing a Production Order

Maintenance of the status is the most common reason for changing an order. Unless de ned otherwise in a pro le, the order
receives the status CRTD (created) after it has been created. The order cannot be executed until it has been released (status
REL). Other reasons for changing an order are changes to the order header, components or operations. This mostly occurs
when an order is to be created for rework, with the current material as the component.

1. In the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics Production Shop Floor Control Order Change . The initial
screen for changing a production order appears.

2. Enter the Order number and press Enter to change the header details.

3. Make the required changes in the available tabs on the order header.

4. Click to go to the operation overview page. Make the required changes to the operation data.

5. Click to go to the component overview page. Make the changes to the component data (such as, requirement and
stock segment).

6. Save the order.

Displaying a Production Order

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1. In the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics Production Shop Floor Control Order Change .

Alternatively, you can use the transaction CO02 to display a production order.

The initial screen for display a production order appears.

2. Enter the Order number and press Enter to view the header details.

3. Click to go to the operation overview page. The operation data details are displayed on the screen.

4. Click to go to the component overview page. The component data (such as, requirement and stock segment) on the

Creating a Production Order from a Sales Order

When a sales order is created and saved, a production order will be generated for that material. The requirement segment from
the sales order will be converted to stock segment using the segmentation strategy Requirement to Stock Conversion.

1. In the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics Production Shop Floor Control Order Create For Sales
Order .

Alternatively, you can use the transaction CO08 to create a production order from a sales order.

The initial screen for creating a planned order appears.

2. Enter the following data:

Sales order number

Order number

Order type (it controls whether an internal or external number range is used.)

If you have selected an order type for which an external number assignment is required then you must also
specify an order number in the eld Order.

 Note

Material number, quantities and dates are copied from the sales order. You can change the plant,
con guration, quantities and dates in the production order.

Changes in the sales order or the production order are not automatically copied to the other object.

If a sales order BOM and a sales order routing exist, then they are copied to the production order.

Next Steps
Production Orders

Creating a Production Order

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Posting a Goods Issue for Component of a Production Order

The nal step in the material staging process is to post a goods issue for consumption. When a production order is completed,
the materials have been removed from the production storage bins in the warehouse and the nal product has been fully
assembled, it is still necessary to balance the stock quantities in IM and WM.

You post the use of materials to the database either by “back ushing” with the completion con rmation or directly in Inventory
Management. This posting is necessary to reduce the stock quantities in the production storage bins of the WM and IM

Follow these steps to post a goods issue for a component of a production order:

1. On the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Logistics Materials Management Inventory Management Goods Issue
(MIGO) .

2. Choose To order from the application toolbar.

The system displays a dialog box in which you must enter the production order number as a minimum.

When you post the goods issue, it is important that you enter the production order number. The system will only reduce
the quantities in the production storage bins if you enter the production order number on this screen. Otherwise, it will
post the material to the general interface and create transfer requirements.

3. Enter the movement types as 261 for a production order or operation under the Where tab,

4. Enter the stock segment under the Batch tab. The stock and requirement segment mapping is done based on the
segmentation strategy Requirement/Stock Allocation.

5. Post the goods issue.

Since the transfer requirement for the production order was created far in advance of this goods issue posting, the materials
are delivered in a timely manner to the production storage bins. You post the actual goods issue in IM (or in PP) after the
product has been assembled in production. Since the production storage bin was noted in the production order when it was
released, the material usage posting reduces the quantity in the production bins and no further action is required in WM.

Con rmations

The con rmation is used for the order monitoring. It documents the status of production orders and operations in the
production cycle.

You can carry out the order monitoring for segmentation relevant materials.

With a con rmation you specify

The quantity in an operation that was produced as yield, scrap and the quantity to be reworked

How much work was actually done

Which work center was used for the operation

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Who carried out the operation

Exact con rmation shortly after completion of an operation is essential for realistic production planning and control.

For a component of a material with segment values (stock and requirement segments), the Back ush indicator is set. The stock
segment and batch is identi ed and saved in the production order.

You can carry out the con rmation for a production order (CO15) or for an operation (CO11 or CO11N). Specify the order and
operation. and choose Goods Movement. The component quantity, stock segment and batch information is transferred from the
production order and you can now x batch to an operation.

The stock segment of the nished product is determined using the segmentation strategy Requirement to Stock Conversion.

If the con rmation is not saved, you can view the error logs using the transaction COGI.

You can enter a con rmation for the following:

For an operation (using transactions CO11 or CO11N)

You have the following options:

Con rm quantities, durations, activities, or personnel data, enter a time ticket con rmation or a progress
con rmation.

To make a con rmation at a particular point in time (for example, at the start of setup or the nish of processing),
enter a con rmation for a time event.

When you con rm time events, the system calculates the required duration. For example, the setup duration is
the time between setup start and setup nish.

For an order (using CO15)

If you enter a con rmation at order header level, the system con rms all the operations that have a control key in which
con rmation is optional or necessary. The quantities con rmed in the operations are proportional to the quantities
con rmed in the order header.

By using another con rmation as a reference

You can copy the data from a con rmation that has already been made to the current con rmation. Enter the number of
the reference con rmation to identify it.

 Note
When you process con rmation for a segmentation relevant production order, the stock and requirement segment values
are determined automatically for components that have the Back ush indicator set.

Collective Orders with Segmentation

In a collective order, planned orders or production orders are linked to one another over several production levels. Each order in
the collective order has its own order number. If subassemblies are produced directly for superior orders within a production
process, without physically entering the warehouse, it is useful to have a representation via collective orders.

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The components for which separate production orders are created in the collective order are called directly produced

Segmentation support

Based on the Customizing activity for segmentation in the Segmentation Structure (SGTC) transaction, the Stock Segment
value for the header article, and the Requirement Segment value for the components are determined automatically for the
header article and for its child orders respectively (directly produced components of collective orders).

Assume that you want to produce a suit. The BOM for a suit contains a jacket and trousers. You want to enter these two
components in separate production orders, but you do not want them to be posted to stock.

You set the special procurement type to direct production in the material master record for the jacket and the trousers, so that
production occurs using a collective order. When you create a production order for the suit, a collective order is automatically
created. It contains subordinate production orders for the jacket and the trousers.

More Information
Collective Orders

Order Progress Report

The order progress report shows you which documents, MRP elements, stocks, and deliveries exist for products and their
components that have been ordered by a customer. You can enter the relevant production or process order to view the
segment details.

The report provides you with the following standard information:

An overview of the status of production and procurement

Statements about the adherence to the delivery dates or delay

Reporting functions for production and planned orders

View stock segments at the header level and requirement segment at the component level

An order progress report can be displayed for more than one sales orders or a WBS element.

 Note
You can also use the order progress report just like the standard order progress report for the make-to-order production

You have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION_02.

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The order progress report considers segmentation strategies and sort methods for segmentation-relevant materials and their
components during stock, receipt, or issue mapping. You can enter Production/Process order number and view segment details
at header, item, and component level.

The following information is displayed in addition to the SAP standard data:

The segment values of the material

Operations for production orders

Quantities in the operations with information about the con rmations

See Examples for Order Progress Report to understand how order progress report works for segmentation relevant materials.

Examples for Order Progress Report

The following examples explain the order progress report calculates availability based on receipt dates and ATP logic:

You must maintain a pro le using the Customizing activity De ne Pro les for Order Report under Production
Material Requirements Planning Evaluation .

For the following example, you can use the pro le SAP000000001 (Standard Pro le MD4C) for availability calculation
based on the Receipt Dates and pro le SAP000000002 (SAP Standard Pro le CO46) for availability calculation based
on the ATP Logic.

You must the following values for Sort Stock based on Segment checkbox in Material Master Logistics: DC Fashion

If you select this checkbox, segments have higher priority than the requested delivery date. The stock availability
based on the segmentation strategy Requirement to Stock Allocation is of higher priority and the stock with
stock segment matching the requirement segment (by the segmentation strategy rule Requirement to Stock
Allocation) is automatically assigned to the order.

If you do not select this checkbox, the requested delivery date has a higher priority than the segments. The stock
availability by date takes the priority and stock available closer to the delivery date is automatically assigned to
the order.

Availability Calculation based on Receipt Dates

Consider the following stock and requirement scenario:

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Requirement/Stock Allocation Rules:

Requirement Segment Priority Stock Segment







CASE 1: Sort Method is “X” (Segment Higher than Requested Delivery Date)

1. For sales order with quantity 175 for segment value Q1DE

The following table displays the valid stock for particular segment value:

Valid Stock Segment Value Priority Quantity Date

Stock (0000008050) Q1DE 1 50 0

Pld Order Q1DE 1 50 2014/07/25


Stock (0000008049) Q1IN 2 75 0

Pld Order Q1IN 2 75 2014/07/15


The allocation will be done as follows:

Requirement Quantity Segment Value Stock Allocation Allocated Segment Value


SO 175 Q1DE Stock 50 Q1DE

(0000007393/000010) (00000008050)

Pld Order 50 Q1DE


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Requirement Quantity Segment Value Stock Allocation Allocated Segment Value


Stock 75 Q1IN

Since the segment value is higher than the delivery date, the rst batch stock with quantity 50 is allocated, then the
planned order with quantity is allocated (with segment Value Q1DE). The batch stock quantity 75 with segment value
Q1IN is then allocated. Thus, quantity 175 is consumed.

2. Sales Order with Quantity 35 for Segment Value Q2DE

The following table displays the valid stock for particular segment value:

Valid Stock Segment Value Priority Quantity Date

Prd Order (01005640) Q2DE 1 45 2014/08/06

Stock (0000008049) Q1IN 2 0 0

Pld Order Q1IN 2 75 2014/07/15


The allocation will be done as follows:

Requirement Quantity Segment Value Stock Allocation Allocated Segment Value


SO 35 Q2DE Stock 35 Q2DE

(0000007396/000010) (00000008050)

Here, the production order (01005640) is allocated as segment value for requirement and stock are the same, even
though the Stock (0000008049) and PldOrd (0000269846) are created on previous dates.

3. Sales Order with Quantity 45 for Segment Value Q2DE

The following table displays the valid stock for particular segment value:

Valid Stock Segment Value Priority Quantity Date

Stock (0000008049) Q1IN 2 0 0

Pld Order Q1IN 2 75 2014/07/15


The allocation will be done as follows:

Requirement Quantity Segment Value Stock Allocation Allocated Segment Value


SO 45 Q1IN Pld Order 45 Q1IN

(0000007397/000010) (0000269846)

Quantity for batch stock (0000008049) is already consumed, therefore, quantity 45 is allocated to PldOrd
(0000269846) and remaining 30 can be lled with other requirement.

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Sort Method is “ ” (SPACE) (Requested Delivery Date higher than Segment)

1. Sales Order with Quantity 175 for Segment Value Q1DE

The following table displays the valid stock for particular segment value:

Valid Stock Segment Value Priority Quantity Date

Stock (0000008050) Q1DE 1 50 0

Stock (0000008049) Q1IN 2 75 0

Pld Order Q1IN 2 75 2014/07/15


Pld Order Q1DE 1 50 2014/07/25


The allocation will be done as follows:

Requirement Quantity Segment Value Stock Allocation Allocated Segment Value


SO 175 Q1DE Stock 50 Q1DE

(0000007393/000010) (0000008050)

Stock 75 Q1IN

Pld Order 50 Q1DE


In this case, the batch stock will be consumed rst, since Stock (0000008050) and Stock (0000008049) are available in
the system and then will be allocated to open order as per the delivery date. Therefore, the planned order
(0000269846) will be allocated for quantity 50 and rest quantity 25 still open to ll from any other requirement.

2. Sales Order with Quantity 35 for Segment Value Q2DE

The following table displays the valid stock for particular segment value:

Valid Stock Segment Value Priority Quantity Date

Stock (0000008049) Q1IN 2 0 0

Pld Order Q1IN 2 25 0


Prd Order (01005640) Q2DE 1 45 2014/07/15

The allocation will be done as follows:

Requirement Quantity Segment Value Stock Allocation Allocated Segment Value


SO 35 Q2DE Pld Order 25 Q1IN

(0000007396/000010) (0000269846)

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Requirement Quantity Segment Value Stock Allocation Allocated Segment Value


Prd Order 10 Q2DE


In continuation of case 1, Stock (0000008049) is completely consumed and Pld Ord (0000269846) still has open
quantity 25. Therefore, the rst quantity 25 will be allocated to Pld Ord (0000269846) and according to the checking
rule, the remaining quantity 10 is allocated to the Pld Order (01005640) and quantity 35 will be open.

3. Sales Order with Quantity 45 for Segment Value Q2IN

The following table displays the valid stock for particular segment value:

Valid Stock Segment Value Priority Quantity Date

Stock (0000008049) Q1IN 2 0 0

Pld Order Q1IN 2 0 2014/07/15


The allocation will be done as follows:

Requirement Quantity Segment Value Stock Allocation Allocated Segment Value


SO 45 Q2IN

This requirement will not be consumed by any open stock since the allocation rule does not support the allocation from
segment Q2IN to Q1IN.

Availability Calculation based on ATP Logic

Consider the following stock and requirement scenario:

Requirement/Stock Allocation Rules:

Requirement Segment Priority Stock Segment


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Requirement Segment Priority Stock Segment






Sort Method is “X” ( Segment Higher than Requested Delivery Date)

1. Sales Order with Quantity 75 for Segment Value Q1DE

The following table displays the valid stock for particular segment value:

Valid Stock Segment Value Priority Quantity Date

Prd Order Q1DE 1 30 11/08/2014


Pld Order Q1IN 2 85 2014/01//09


Prd Order Q1IN 2 45 2014/08/21


Pld Order Q1IN 2 35 2014/08/13


The allocation will be done as follows:

Requirement Quantity Segment Value Stock Allocation Allocated Segment Value


SO 75 Q1DE Prd Order 30 Q1DE

(0000007468/000010) (0001005860)

Pld Order 35 Q1IN


In this case, the segment value has a higher priority, therefore, the rst Prd Ord (0001005860) with segment Q1DE will
be consumed and then the Pld Order (0000279751) will consume quantity 35 and remaining 50 will be open stock.

2. Sales Order with Quantity 55 for Segment Value Q2DE

The following table displays the valid stock for particular segment value:

Valid Stock Segment Value Priority Quantity Date

Pld Order Q2DE 1 40 2014/08/18


Pld Order Q1IN 2 85 2014/01/09


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Valid Stock Segment Value Priority Quantity Date

Prd Order Q1IN 2 45 2014/08/21


The allocation will be done as follows:

Requirement Quantity Segment Value Stock Allocation Allocated Segment Value


SO 55 Q2DE Prd Order 15 Q1IN

(0000007469/000010) (0001005861)

Pld Order 40 Q2DE


Based on the checking rule, Pld Order (0000279752) is allocated rst with quantity 40, but Pld Order (0000279754) and
Prd Order (0001005861) have same segment value and same priority, therefore the order which was created rst will be
allocated, that is, Prd Order (0001005861) will consume quantity 15.

3. Sales Order with Quantity 50 for Segment Value Q2IN

The following table displays the valid stock for particular segment value:

Valid Stock Segment Value Priority Quantity Date

Pld Order Q2IN 1 25 2014/08/27


Pld Order Q1IN 2 85 2014/01/09


Prd Order Q1IN 2 30 2014/08/21


The allocation will be done as follows:

Requirement Quantity Segment Value Stock Allocation Allocated Segment Value


SO 50 Q2IN Pld Order 25 Q2IN

(0000007470/000010) (0000279753)

Prd Order 25 Q1IN


Based on the checking rule, the Pld Order (0000279753) is consumed rst for segment value Q2IN and then the Pld Ord
(0000279754) is allocated. The Prd Order (0001005861) has same segment value and priority, but PrdOrd
(0001005861) will get allocated for quantity 25 since it was created before PldOrd (0000279754). Also After scenario 2
and 3, open quantity will of PrdOrd (0001005861) will be 5.

Sort Method is “ ” (SPACE) (Requested Delivery Date higher than Segment)

1. Sales Order with Quantity 75 for Segment Value Q1DE

The following table displays the valid stock for a particular segment value:

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Valid Stock Segment Value Priority Quantity Date

Pld Order Q1IN 2 85 2014/09/01


Prd Order Q1IN 2 40 2014/08/21


Pld Order Q1IN 2 35 2014/08/13


Prd Order Q1DE 1 30 2014/08/11


The allocation will be done as follows:

Requirement Quantity Segment Value Stock Allocation Allocated Segment Value


SO 75 Q2IN Pld Order 35 Q2IN

(0000007468/000010) (0000279751)

Prd Order 30 Q1IN


In this sort method with ATP, stock will be checked backwards and will be used. Therefore, for SO
(0000007468/000010), nearest stock is Pld Order (0000279751) and will be consumed rst for quantity 35 and then
the Prd Order (0001005860) will be consumed with quantity 30.

a. Sales Order with Quantity 75 for Segment Value Q1DE

The following table displays the valid stock for a particular segment value:

Valid Stock Segment Value Priority Quantity Date

Pld Order Q1IN 2 85 2014/09/01


Prd Order Q1IN 2 40 2014/08/21


Pld Order Q2DE 2 40 2014/08/18


The allocation will be done as follows:

Requirement Quantity Segment Value Stock Allocation Allocated Segment Value


SO 55 Q2IN Prd Order 45 Q1IN

(0000007469/000010) (0001005861)

Pld Order 10 Q2DE


In this sort method with ATP, the Pld Order (0000279754) will be consumed for segment value Q1DE while
checking backwards and PldOrd (0000279752) will then be consumed for quantity 10..

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i. Sales Order with Quantity 50 for Segment Value Q2IN

The following table displays the valid stock for a particular segment value:

Valid Stock Segment Value Priority Quantity Date

Pld Order Q1IN 2 85 2014/09/01


Pld Order Q2IN 1 25 2014/08/27


The allocation will be done as follows:

Requirement Quantity Segment Stock Allocated Segment

Value Allocation Quantity Value

SO 50 Q2IN Pld Order 25 Q2IN

(0000007470/000010) (0000279753)

In this sort method with ATP, the most recent stock backward was Pld Order (0000279753), therefore
quantity 25 is consumed.

Production Order Information System

You use this tool for shop oor control with reporting functions for production orders and planned orders. You can view all the
orders in the system, including the orders with deletion indicators. Archived orders are however not taken into account.

The segmentation production orders selected include additional segmentation information like requirement and stock

You can view segmentation information based on header level, item level and component level are displayed for relevant
production orders. At the header or item level, you can view the stock segment of the nished goods. At the component level,
you can view the requirement segment of the part or component.

At the component level, the stock segment is displayed only if you have entered the stock segment in the order and assigned
the batch directly in the production order.

You have activated the switch LOG_SEGMENTATION_02.

This function provides the following features:

Additional Segmentation Selection Criteria

The selection screen includes additional selection criteria (stock and requirement segments). The selection options are
provided only for the following list types:

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Object Overview

Order Headers



Con rmations

Purchase Orders

Additional segmentation relevant information displayed

Information about segmentation based on header level, item level and component level are displayed for relevant
production orders. At the header or item level, you can view the stock segment of the nished goods. At the component
level, you can view the requirement segment of the part or component.

1. To lter records based on segment elds, in the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics Production Shop Floor
Control Information System Order Information System .

Alternatively, you can use the transaction COOIS to execute a production order progress report.

2. Specify the ltering values and choose .

Order Information System

The order information system is a tool for shop oor control and process industries with reporting functions for production
orders and planned orders. You can view all the orders in the system, including the orders with deletion indicators. Archived
orders are however not taken into account.

The production orders selected are for segmentation relevant materials and consist of additional segment relevant information
such as requirement segment and stock segment.

This function provides the following features:

Additional segmentation relevant selection criteria.

The selection options are provided only for the following list types:

Order Headers



Con rmations

When you execute the order information system report, the production order is expanded from the header level to the
component level. The segment relevant data is also displayed.

The order information system has the following display options:

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In an individual object list, a list is generated for the selected object (for instance, order header, operation, and
component). You can de ne the structure and appearance of the individual object list with a layout.

On the object overview the individual orders are displayed with their subordinate objects in a hierarchical
structure. With an overall pro le, you can de ne which elds are displayed and which objects (order headers,
items, sequences, and so on) are read or displayed. In addition, you can de ne which elds are displayed for the
individual objects.

When you execute the order information system report, the production order is expanded from the header level to the
component level. Click the icon to include the requirement segment. The requirement segment is then displayed for the
component or part.

Selection of Individual Object List

Individual object lists contain detailed information about objects in planned and production orders. For example, you want to
display all production resources and tools (PRTs) used within a particular time period.

The segmentation values are displayed at the item and component level for a material with segment values.

Follow these steps to display stock segment at the item and component level for a segmentation relevant material:

1. For the production order, choose Logistics Production Shop Floor Control Information System Order
Information System .

Alternatively, you can use the transaction CO28.

2. Specify the ltering criteria as Item.

3. Select a pro le and provide the order number range.

4. On the Overview Items screen, select the header material and click the icon to include the stock segment.

5. Choose stock segment and include in the list of selected elds.

The stock segment for the header material appears on the overview screen.

Follow these steps to include requirement segment at the item and component level for a segmentation relevant material:

1. For the production order, choose Logistics Production Shop Floor Control Information System Order
Information System .

Alternatively, you can use the transaction CO28.

2. Specify the ltering criteria as Component.

3. Select a pro le and provide the order number range.

4. On the Overview Items screen, select the header material and click the icon to include the requirement segment.

5. Choose the requirement segment and include in the list of selected elds.

The requirement segment for the header material appears on the overview screen.

For more information about Individual Object Lists in standard ERP, see SAP Library on SAP Help Portal under SAP ERP
SAP ERP Central Component Logistics Production Planning and Control (PP) Production Orders (PP-SFC) Order
Information System Individual Object List .

Missing Parts
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If, during an availability check, the system determines that a component is not available on a date on which it is required, the
production order is automatically given the status PRT shortage (MSPR). This status remains active in the order header until a
subsequent availability check (overall check) determines that all components have become available (for example, due to a
goods receipt).

An individual check has no effect on the status of components.

You can display missing parts in the SAP system for a speci c order, collective order, or several orders using the missing parts
information system.

Missing Parts in a Production Order

If you check the availability of all the material components in the network header or the activity overview and material is not
available, a dialog box appears from which you can go directly to the log or the missing parts list and missing parts overview.

In the missing parts overview, you can:

Edit missing parts data (for example, by changing the requirements quantity, batch or issue storage location)

Check the availability of individual components

Filter or sort components

View requirement segment

The missing parts overview always displays the results of the last availability check carried out in the order, regardless of
whether you have since exited the order.

Follow these steps to display requirement segment for a missing part during availability check:

1. On SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics Production Shop Floor Control Production Order Create or
Change . The production order create or change screen appears.

Alternatively, you can also use the transaction CO01 or CO02.

2. From the toolbar, choose Goto Missing Parts Missing Parts Overview . The requirement segment is displayed on
screen under Overview Missing Parts.

3. From the toolbar, choose Goto Missing Parts Missing Parts List . The availability check screen appears.

4. Click to display the requirement segment for the component in a production order.

5. Choose the requirement segment and include in the list of selected elds.

The requirement segment for missing part is displayed on the screen.

In the missing parts list you can:

Display the missing parts of production orders which have been checked

Check the availability of individual components

Filter or sort components

Print the missing parts

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Vary the eld selection

The missing parts list is not saved if you exit order processing.

Missing Parts Information System

You can use the missing parts information system to display the missing parts list for a selection of a segmentation relevant
materials, or for all materials. You can also restrict your selection of missing parts according to a speci c plant, MRP controller
or requirements date.

A pro le determines what data is displayed on the missing parts list and how it is displayed. The SAP System contains two
standard pro les. They sort the missing parts list according to order number or material number. You can, however, de ne your
own pro les in Customizing for Shop Floor Control.

If you often enter the same selection criteria when you create missing parts list, you can save the criteria in the form of a
variant. You can then call up the variant any time you want via the menu.

In addition to the data from the SAP standard, you can see segmentation relevant data for reservations with missing quantities.

Calling Up a Missing Parts List

Follow these steps to call a missing parts list:

1. On SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics Production Shop oor control Information system Missing parts
info system . The system branches to the initial screen for generating a missing parts list.

Alternatively, you can also use the transaction CO24 to call a missing part list.

2. Select a Pro le.

In Customizing for Shop Floor Control, you can create your own pro les ( Information system De ne Pro le for
Missing Parts Information System .

3. If required, maintain additional criteria for creating the missing parts list. You can enter the following criteria: Material,
plant, MRP controller, requirements date (or interval), WBS element, sales order.

You include or exclude data that meets these criteria in the list. You can also specify that a particular eld is to be taken
as the upper or lower (alphabetic/numeric) limit for the selection process. To do this, position the cursor on the relevant
eld and choose Edit Selection options . Enter the required restrictions and choose .

If you want to save your entries as a variant, select Goto Save as variant .

4. Choose .

The system lists all reservations with missing parts that meet the speci ed selection criteria.

The requirement segment column holds the requirement segment of the part that is in the production order.

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Product Cost Planning and Cost Object Controlling

There are special structures available in the system for mapping logistical business processes. These structures enable you to
manage materials and their characteristic or segmentation values.

Segmentation values (for example, quality) used to map the characteristic values of materials also in uences the product
controlling of the R/3 system. However, for costing, you must have stored a segment value for the costing at material level, in
the material master of the material to be cost.

During costing, the system uses this preference segment value to determine and during the explosion of the quantity structure
(BOM and routing). The results of the costing can be selected and released at material level.

You have activated the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION_03.

You have created the characteristics for segmentation using transaction CT04. See Maintain Segmentation Relevance
for Functions for more details.

You have selected the application relevance for BOM when creating a characteristic for segmentation (under
Additional Data Maintain Relevance ).

You have de ned and maintained segmentation structure and strategy and have assigned it to the header. See
(Segmentation Structure and Segmentation Strategy).

Product Cost Planning

In a fashion industry, the material usage and work steps in production generally depend on the segmentation values (for
example, quality) that should be produced.

High Quality nished products require components of different standard than what the low quality products need. Similarly, if
we consider Country of Origin as the segmentation characteristic, the cost of production in developing countries is less
compared to cost of production in developed countries.

The costs of the produced stock unit (segmentation) of a product are therefore sometimes very different. In order to get a near
accurate cost, you must cost the production costs of a product at the level of produced unit by considering a segment value.

There are generally two different cases regarding the costing of a product:

The product is not split valuated. All segment values should have the same standard price (like in core standard). All
segment values should have the same standard price (like in core standard).

The product is split valuated. The valuation takes place at segment level.

The products that are not split valuated should be costed based on a segment value. For this, the costing functions used are
same as that of the R/3 Standard system. However, the prerequisite for costing is to store a segment value for the costing at
material level, in the material master of the material to be costed.

Product Costing at Valuation Type Level

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When costing a valuation type, the system determines the quantity structure that should be used (bill of material and routing)
based on the respective preference segment value. You should therefore combine the segment values of a product that have
the segment-dependent bills of material/routing de nitions into one valuation type.

A prerequisite for the costing at valuation type level is that the accounting views that belong to the valuation types are created
in the material master. There is a mass processing available for this that automatically creates the accounting views at
valuation type level at the material level.

You can generally de ne your own valuation type for each segment value of a product. Note that the number of valuation types
is decisive for the performance of the costing run (see Costing Run). Therefore, the number of valuation types per product
should be as few as possible. In uncertain situations, you should therefore not consider minor differences in the production costs
at segment level when de ning the valuation types. Instead you should treat them as variances in the cost object controlling.

If the number of valuation types (sum of all products) that should be processed in a costing run exceeds 10,000, you should
contact your SAP consultant.

To maintain costing for a material with split valuation, perform the following steps:

1. In Material Master Accounting view , maintain the Valuation Category as X (automatic split valuation).

2. In the material master, under the Segment Valuation Data view, maintain the preference segment values and the
associated valuation type.

3. Using the report Material Valuation: Create/Change (Transaction: SGT_MAINTAIN_VALN), you extend the material for
the valuation type.

4. Enter a Default Stock Segment value in the Costing at Material Level in the MRP view. The costing at material level is
also required for split valuated materials due to technical reasons.

Quantity Structure of Product Costing

The basis of the costing of a product at the valuation type level is its quantity structure. In the product costing the quantity
structure is based on the speci cations of the BOM and the routing.

The quantity structure of a product can be de ned as segment-dependent. Product costing considers these segment-
dependent speci cations. When costing a certain segment, the system explodes the bill of material for the corresponding
segment value and determines the relevant routing.

The material and production costs of a material can be applied with overhead costs within the framework of product costing. For
this, you can de ne a costing sheet with overhead rates in the used costing variant/valuation variant (Customizing).

However, the overhead rates cannot be de ned based on segment values. That means that all valuation types of a material are
debited with the same overhead rates.

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De nition of Bills of Material and Routing

Bills of material and routings make up the quantity structure of a product. The product costing determines material and
production costs of the product based on this quantity structure.

Bills of Material for Segmentation Relevant Material

The de nition of the quantity structure of material (product) enables you to de ne segment-dependent speci cations.

These speci cations can also be cost-relevant. For the de nition of the bills of material, depending on the produced segment of
the nished product, you can usually specify (for all segment values) whether or not certain components should take part in the
BOM explosion by excluding or including the component for the produced segment of the nished product.

Routing for Segmentation Relevant Material

The production operations are often different depending on the segment produced. You can therefore create several
alternative routing for one material within the system.

In the routing header of a material, you can specify whether or not the routing alternative should be used in the production of a
certain segment by excluding or including the routing for the produced segment of the nished product.

Explosion of Multi-Level Bills of Materials

When costing a nished product, the system explodes the bills of materials down to the lowest level. Then the system spreads
the costs, separated by cost components, from the lowest level to the highest level, to determine the planned costs of the
nished product.

The BOM explosion can be carried out from any production level.

When costing a nished product, the system explodes the bills of materials down to the lowest level. Then the system spreads
the costs, separated by cost components, from the lowest level to the highest level, to determine the planned costs of the
nished product. The BOM explosion can be carried out from any production level.

There is one special feature that is relevant for semi- nished products whose segment values or valuation types deviate from
the nished product: The product costing always explodes multi-level BOMs according to the de nitions of valuation types. That
means that only the preference segment value of a valuation type is used for the further explosion of a multi-level BOM.

 Note
Using the function valuated BOM in the costing transaction, you can follow the BOM explosion. For this choose a display
variant (function variants in the BOM display) that displays the eld valuation type.

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Component Prices in Costing

When costing a nished product, the system determines the material costs based on the prices of the used components
(material master record). When de ning a costing variant/valuation variant in Customizing you can use a valuation strategy to
specify which valuation approach the system should use for costing (for example current price, future price).

Basically, the system handles component prices of a segmentation relevant material in the same way as the prices of a
standard material. If a component is split valuated, the system can use component prices at valuation type level in costing.

When costing a certain segment value of a nished product, the system considers segment-dependent component prices during
the entire cost rollup (using all production levels). According to the speci cations of the respective BOM, the system
determines the component that is necessary for the segment of the nished product. Then the system determines the price of
the corresponding component valuation type. If you multiply the price of the valuation type by the price of the input quantity,
you get the material costs for the respective component.

Costing with Reference to the Purchasing Info Record

Procuring raw materials or trading goods results in considerable delivery costs (such as freight and customs costs). These
delivery costs can often be activated, but in product controlling they should be displayed separately.

The R/3 system therefore enables you to create a cost component split without quantity structure, by using the raw material

In addition, the price information of the purchasing info record for the costing of subcontracted materials is also relevant
(besides the component prices).

In raw material costing, you can refer to a purchasing info record of the respective material. With the conditions
contained in the info record, you can create a cost component split with all cost components (including delivery costs).

You must set the valuation strategy L in the valuation variant used and enter a corresponding sub-strategy. With the
sub-strategies A and B you can refer to the condition tables. You can de ne the valuation variant in Customizing under
Controlling Product Cost Controlling Product Cost Planning Material Cost Estimate with / without Quantity
Structure Costing Variant: Components De ne Valuation Variants .

Assign the used conditions to an origin group. The system uses this origin group to determine the cost component with
which the related value should appear in the product costing.

When costing subcontracted materials, the prices of the purchasing info record represent the costs of the
subcontractor's service. You must add on the costs of the provided raw materials.

In the raw material costing and the costing of subcontracted materials you can include conditions that are de ned at the
segment level.

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Costing (Individual Processing)

In general, the nished products of a company are costed during periodic mass processing (see Costing Run). There are also
transactions in the SAP system for costing individual materials. You can save, select, and release the created costings. You can
also analyze individual costings with these transactions.

You can use the standard transaction for the costing of individual materials for segmentation relevant materials as well (Under
SAP Easy Access Menu Logistics Production Product Cost Planning ). After you have exited the Material Costing: Initial
Screen, the system considers the rst valuation type and reads its corresponding preference segment value to execute the
costing for the valuation type.

 Note
If you choose Create Material Costing with Quantity Structure, enter the valuation type only. That means you can no longer
enter the segment values because the system determines them from the valuation type.

With Create Material Costing: Initial Screen, you can only cost one segment value. The default value is the segment value that
you have entered in the material master (Valuation view) for the costing at material level.

The costing is automatically carried out based on the segment that is entered in the valuation view for the costing at material
level (see Costing without Split Valuation).

In the main screen of the costing display, the system shows the valuation type of the costing.

Costing Run

The costing run in the R/3 System is available for the periodic costing of a big number of products/materials (for example all
materials of one plant). With help of the costing run, the high-performing costing of a great number of materials per collective
processing is possible.

You can use the Standard costing run of the R/3 System for carrying out costing at the valuation type for segmentation
relevant materials as well (Under SAP Easy Access Menu Logistics Production Product Cost Planning ). You can process
segmentation relevant materials and standard materials in the same costing run.

You can divide the costing run into the following phases:

Create costing run

Select materials

Explode quantity structure

Execute costing run

Mark/release costing run

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These phases are the same for both segmentation relevant materials and Standard materials.

The Select materials phase offers all selection possibilities of the R/3 Standard System (plant, low-level code). The phases
Execute costing run and Mark/release costing run allows the system to execute valuation type level for materials with split
valuation. The costing run always processes all valuation types that are de ned for a material. A costing is created at material
level (valuation type BLANK). The costing results of the valuation types the system releases the accounting views at valuation
type level (see Accounting Data of the Valuation Types). The result of the valuation type BLANK, the system releases in the
accounting view at material level.

With the function materials overview in the list display of the costing run, you can view the created costings. For a better
overview, choose a display variant that displays the eld valuation type.

The explosion of the quantity structure is based on the preference segment of the respective valuation type.

The valuation type BLANK is costed on the basis of the segment for the costing at material level from the MRP view (material
master). If the material is not split valuated, the system costs the material only on basis of the default values from the MRP
view. Marking and releasing of the costing result is only executed at material level.

The phase Explode quantity structure is only necessary, if the selection was not carried out via all low-level codes in the phase
Select materials. If you have selected only nished materials, you can include the low-level codes (semi nished products) into
the selection with help of the quantity structure explosion. Costings are then also created, marked and released for these

Follow these steps to create a costing run:

1. In the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Accounting Controlling Product Cost Controlling Product Cost Planning
Material Costing Edit Costing Run .

Alternatively, you can also use the transaction CK40N to edit a costing run.

2. Enter the following elds:

Costing Run

Costing Run Date


3. Save the changes. The costing data is displayed.

4. Under the Cost Estimate tab page, for each ow step, click parameter to edit costing for speci c material and click

5. Under the Structure Explosion tab page, click parameter to edit costing for speci c material and click Execute.

More Information
Product Cost Controlling and Valuation

Quantity Structure of Product Costing

Price Update in Material Master

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One important function of the product costing is the determination of a Standard price for the material valuation. You can use
the Standard costing run of the R/3 System for carrying out costing at the valuation type for segmentation relevant materials
Therefore you can release the results of the product costing and automatically enter it in the material master as new Standard

Costing of a split valuated product can be saved, marked and released at valuation type level. Besides the Standard price of the
accounting views, you can update the planned price elds 1, 2 and 3 with the results of the product costing. For this you can use
the corresponding R/3 Standard functions.

In the material master, accounting views exist at valuation type level for the segment-dependent price information. Additionally,
all planned price elds of the costing view are available at valuation type level as well. You can view the planned price elds of
the costing view with the button product costing in the respective accounting view at valuation type level.

Costing Without Split Valuation

If there are only minor cost differences for a product at the segment level, the product must not be split valuated.

The products that are not split valuated should be costed based on a segment value. For this, the costing functions used are
same as that of the R/3 Standard system. However, the prerequisite for the costing is to store a segment value for the costing
at material level, in the material master of the material to be costed.

At the costing, the system uses this segment value for the determination and explosion of the quantity structure (BOM and
routing). The results of the costing can be selected and released at material level.

Costing without a segment value in the MRP view is not possible if the business function LOG_SEGMENTATION_03 is activated
and the material is segmentation relevant.

For a segmentation relevant material, you must specify the default stock segment at Material Master MRP View .

 Note
You can use the costing with and without split valuation mixed. Materials with and without split valuation can be processed in
one costing run.

Costing for Sales Orders

In the production scenario of the make-to-order, it is possible to use the sales order items as controlling objects of the cost
object controlling. The system collects all actual costs that occur during the processing of a sales order on the respective sales
order item.

The actual costs and target costs are used for a target/actual comparison. You can also use the target costs with help of a
corresponding condition category in the pricing of the sales order item. Concerning the results analysis of the sales order item,

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the target costs are important.

You can determine the actual costs of a sales order item with help of product costing or an unit costing for the sales order item
(Go to VA01 Sales Order/Item Overview Extras Costing VA01 >> Sales Order/Item Overview >> Extras >> Costing).

The product costing as well as the order-independent standard cost estimate are carried out on basis of the quantity structure
(BOM, routing) of the product to be costed. The system uses the quantity of the order item as costing lot size.

When calling the costing function in the sales order, the system considers the default stock segment maintained for the
material on which the costing of the respective sales order item should be based. The quantity structure and thus the planned
costs of this segment are now valid for the entire order item quantity (all schedule lines).

With the unit costing you can manually create the quantity structure of a product (for products without BOM/routing).

 Note
In the scenario, make-to-order with order items with costs and revenues, the sales order costing is important for the
determination of the planned costs for the sales order. Because of the entered restrictions the planned costs are not
determined exactly for a segment, but on basis of a defaulted segment. The following functions are affected:

The monitoring of the actual costs via the target /actual comparison in the corresponding evaluation for the sales
order item.

The valuation of the sales order stock with valuation strategy (without valuation strategy the system valuates the
sales order stock with the Standard price).

The results analysis for the sales order item at planned costs basis (the results analysis is optional and is used for the
periodic determination of delivered but not yet billed goods; is must not be carried out).

Material Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure

Costing with a quantity structure is a tool for planning costs and setting prices for materials without reference to orders. It is
used to calculate the cost of goods manufactured and cost of goods sold for each product unit. You can use the results of
material cost estimates with a quantity structure to valuate materials at standard prices.

For more information on standard cost estimate with quantity structure, see Material Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure.

Origin of Costing Data

The quantity structure is made up of the data for material consumption and for the activities and business processes used to
produce a material. The quantity structure speci es the following:

Which material components are needed, and which materials are procured externally

Which operations and sub-operations are carried out to produce the material, and which operations are carried out

Which activities and business processes are consumed to produce the material

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The cost estimate with quantity structure accesses data in the Production Planning (PP and PP-PI), Materials Management
(MM), and Controlling (CO) components of the SAP System. The following table provides an overview of the origin of the data
used by costing with quantity structure:

Type of data determined by cost estimate From In

with quantity structure

The price for an externally-procured The material master record or the MM

material with segmentation purchasing info record .

If the pricing is maintained on the segment

level then this price is considered.

For more information, see Determination of

Pricing in Purchasing Documents based on

More Information
Origin of Costing Data

Cost Object Controlling

In the R/3 System the functions of the cost object controlling for materials with segmentation and split valuation is similar to
that of materials without segmentation.

During the target cost calculation for materials which are segmented and split valuated, the system always uses the valuation
type of the stock segmented that was originally intended to be produced. That means if the order was created for stock
segment Q1 but the goods receipt was carried out for stock Q2, the target costs are always calculated based on the valuation
type of stock segment Q1 and not that of receiving stock segment's valuation type.

With the cost object controlling for production orders you can compare and analyze the target costs of a production order with
the actual costs.

Target costs are the planned costs of the produced product on basis of the lot size of the production order. You must
differentiate between these and the planned costs of the product costing. These are based on a (planned-) costing lot size.

Actual costs are caused by the actual resource consumption of the production order (for example material withdrawals). A

After the nal delivery of an order the cost variances can be determined and calculated.

 Caution
During the target cost calculation for materials which are segmented and split valuated, the system always uses the
valuation type of the stock segmented that was originally intended to be produced. That means if the order was created for
stock segment Q1 but the goods receipt was carried out for stock Q2, the target costs are always calculated based on the
valuation type of stock segment Q1 and not that of receiving stock segment's valuation type.

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Adjusting Screen Sequences

Create a new material master screen sequence to use with the segmentation functionality.

Use the following procedure to adjust the screen sequence for segmentation in Material Master.

1. Copy SAP delivered Material Master screen sequence to your own screen sequence.

 Note
Do not change any of the screen sequences delivered by SAP (for example, 23, 33). If necessary, you can copy a
screen sequence delivered by SAP into the customer namespace.

a. In Customizing, choose Logistics – General Material Master Con guring the Material Master De ne
Structure of Data Screens for Each Screen Sequence .

b. Choose the appropriate screen sequence. For example, if you want to use the standard screen sequence 21, then
select screen sequence 21 (Std ind.(short) tab pages) and choose Copy As… (F6).

c. Enter the target screen sequence, for example, Z3. Provide a meaningful description for the <Screen seq.
description> eld. Select the newly created screen sequence and double click Data screens.

d. Select your newly created screen sequence (Z3).

e. Double click the folder Data screens under Dialog Structure.

f. Select the screen description Basic Data 2.

g. Double click the folder Subscreens.

h. Modify any value in the <Program> eld. For example, provide the value SAPLLO_SGT_MM under <Program> and
2016 under <Scr>.

i. Choose Back (F3).

j. In the Data screens folder, choose MRP 1 as the <Screen description> and double click the Subscreens

k. Modify one of the <Program> eld values. For example, enter the value SAPLLO_SGT_MM under <Program> eld
and 2017 under <Scr> eld.

l. Choose Back (F3).

m. In the Data screens folder if you want to use Segment level MRP Data (85), choose New Entries and enter the
following information:

Screen Sequence number Z3

Logical Screen 85

Description for logical screen Segment level MRP data

Screen Type 2

Number of the screen container 3000

Maintenance Status D

GUI Status ADD2001

Title type for selection group 1

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Alternative screen description for "Goto" menus Seg. level MRP data

n. Select the newly created data screen with the logical screen 85 and double-click on the <Subscreens> folder to
maintain the screen for segment based MRP data.

o. Modify one of the <Program> eld values. For example, enter the value SAPLLO_SGT_MM in <Program> eld and
2070 for the <Scr> eld.

p. Choose Back (F3).

q. In the Data screens folder if you want to use Segment Valuation Data (VD), choose New Entries and enter the
following information:

Screen Sequence number Z3

Logical Screen VD

Description for logical screen Segment Valuation Data

Screen Type 1

Number of the screen container 4000

Maintenance Status B

GUI Status DATE00

Title type for selection group 2

Alternative screen description for "Goto" menus Seg. Valuation Data

r. Choose Enter.

s. Select the newly created data screen having logical screen as VD and double-click on <Subscreens> folder to
maintain screen for Segmentation Valuation Data.

t. Modify one of the <Program> eld values. For example, enter the value SAPLLO_SGT_MM in <Program> eld and
2050 for the <Scr> eld.

u. Choose Back (F3).

v. Choose save and Exit (Shift + F3).

 Note
With respect to material master, only the following screens are applicable:

Segmentation MRP data general data - SGT_MRP_GN

Segmentation MRP data quantity based - SGT_MRP

Segmentation Dependent Valuation data - SGT_MADKA

2. Assign screen sequences to a user, material type, transaction, or, industry sector.

In this Customizing activity, you can assign a screen sequence to a combination of one or more transactions, users,
material types, or industry sectors. This mean the screen sequence appears automatically for the respective users when
the transaction, material type, or industry sector is chosen.

 Note
We recommend reading the Customizing activity documentation and making the Customizing settings:

Execute the following steps:

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a. In Customizing, choose Logistics – General Material Master Con guring the Material Master Assign
Screen Sequences to User/Material Type/Transaction/Industry Sector .

b. Double click the User screen reference folder and choose New Entries .

c. Select the User screen reference folder and maintain the SRef: user= “Newly created custom screen sequence
(for example "UN")” against your user name.

d. Select the Screen sequence control folder and choose New Entries.

e. Enter your user ID in the <Name> led and the newly created screen sequence in the <SRef: user> elds.

f. Double click the Screen sequence control under Dialog Structure.

g. Choose New Entries and enter the following information:

SRef: trans. 01

SRef: user Enter the newly created screen reference depending on the
user, in this case Z3.

SRef: matl type *

SRef: industry *

SSq Z3

h. Choose Save.

i. Choose on Exit (Shift + F3).

3. To maintain the entries in the V_T133D view (Maintenance of Logical Screens)

a. Execute transaction SM30.

b. Enter V_T133D in the <Table/View> eld.

c. Choose Maintain.

d. Choose New Entries and enter the following information:

Screen Sequence Logical Screen Function Code Successor Called indicator Indicator: Return
Screen from call

Z3 08 SEGR 08

Z3 26 FSDB 26

Z3 26 FSGT 26

Z3 PB60 85 X X

e. Choose Save.

f. Choose Exit (Shift + F3).

4. To maintain the entries in the V_T133E view (Maintenance of Logical Screens)

a. Execute transaction SM30.

b. Enter V_T133E in the <Table/View> eld.

c. Choose Maintain.

d. Choose New Entries and enter the following information:

Screen Sequence (SScrn) Function Code Ind:Successor Screen (Spec)

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Screen Sequence (SScrn) Function Code Ind:Successor Screen (Spec)





e. Choose Save.

f. Choose Exit (Shift + F3).

You can view the segmentation eld in Material Master.

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