STP 338-1963

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Presented at the


Los Angeles, Calif., Oct 1-3, 1962

Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.

ASTM Special Technical Publication No. jj8

Price $10.50; to Member.s $7,35

Published by the
1916 Race St., Philadelphia 3, Pa.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 63-15793

Printed in Baltimore, Md.

September, 1963

The papers in this Symposium on Fatigue of Aircraft Structures were

presented during four sessions held on October 1-3, 1962, at the Fourth
Pacific Area National Meeting of the Society, Los Angeles, Calif. The
symposium, sponsored by Committee E-9 on Fatigue, was organized into
three broad categories.
The first section on Low-Cycle Fatigue was organized by Ivan Rattinger
of Aerospace Corp. The second group of papers dealing with Helicopter
Fatigue Problems was organized by M. J. McGuigan, Jr., of Bell Helicopter
Corp. The final section of this symposium, on Problems in Design and
Evaluations of Full-Scale Structures, was presented under the leadership
of M. S. Rosenfeld of the Navy Air Material Center. The over-all chairman
of the symposium program was H. F. Hardrath, National Aeronautics and
Space Administration.
A transcript of the panel discussion on low-cycle fatigue held during this
symposium was supplied by Ivan Rattinger.
Presiding oflScers of the sessions were R. E. Peterson, Westinghouse
Electric Corp.; F. B. Stulen, Curtiss-Wright Corp.; H. J. (rover, Battelle
Memorial Inst.; and T. J. Dolan, L^niversity of Illinois. Acting as session
chairmen were Messrs. McGuigan, Hardrath, Rattinger, and Rosenfeld.
NOTE.—The Society is not responsible, as a body, for the statements
and opinions advanced in this publication.

Introduction—H. F. Hardrath 1
Low-Cycle Fatigue
Low-Cycle Axial Fatigue Behavior of Mild Steel—J. T. P. Yao and W. H. Munse. . 5
The Effect of Mean Stress on Fatigue Strength of Plain and Notched Stainless Steel
Sheet in the Range from 10 to 10' Cjxles—W. J. Bell and P. P. Benham 25
Low-Cycle Fatigue of Characteristics of Ultrahigh-Strength Steels—C, M. Carman,
D. F. Armiento, and H. Markus 47
Low-Cycle Fatigue of Ti-6A1-4V at - 4 2 3 F—R. R. Hilsen, C. S. Yen, and B. V.
Whiteson 62
Low-Cycle Fatigue Properties of Complex V\'elded Joints of High Strength 301,
304L, 310, and AM-355 Stainless Steel Sheet Materials at Cyrogenic Tem-
peratures—J. L. Christian, A. Hurlich, and J. F. Watson 76
Effect of Stress State on High-Temperature Low-Cycle Fatigue—C. R. Kennedy. . 92

Panel Discussion of Low-Cycle Fatigue 107

Helicopter Fatigue
Empirical x^nalysis of Fatigue Strength of Pin-Loaded Lug Joints—A. A. Mitten-
bergs. . 131
Statistical Evaluation of a Limited Number of Fatigue Test Specimens Including a
Factor of Safety Approach—Carl Albrecht 150
Helicopter Fatigue Substantiation Procedures for Civil Aircraft—J. E. Dougherty
and H. C. Spicer, Jr 167
Design and Evaluations of Full-Scale Structures
An Aluminum Sandwich Panel Test Under Mach-2.4 Cruise Conditions—W. D.
Buntin and T. S. Love 179
Estimation of the Fatigue Performance of .-Aircraft Structures—J. Schijve 192
Discussion 214
Aircraft Structural Fatigue Research in the Navy—M. S. Rosenfeld 216
Discussion 238
Small Specimen Data for Predicting Life of Full-Scale Structures—C. R. Smith. . . 241
Programmed Maneuver-Spectrum Fatigue Tests of Aircraft Beams Specimens—
Leonard Mordfin and Nixon Halsey 251
Discussion 274
STP338-EB/Sep. 1963




Following a precedent set at previous introduces effects of high and low

West Coast National Meetings of the temperature.
Society, ASTM Committee E-9 on As with other symposia on fatigue, this
Fatigue again sponsored a Symposium one does not conclude that the problem
on Fatigue of Aircraft Structures at the is now solved. It does, on the other hand,
West Coast Meeting held in Los Angeles, attempt to assemble representative
Calif., Oct. 1-5, 1962. current thinking on the problem with
As indicated by the presiding officer of particular emphasis on aeronautical
one of the sessions, fatigue research may and missile applications. Several papers
concern itself with any of several levels present procedures for correlating obser-
of complication: (1) the basic mechanism vations that should be particularly
may be studied from the physical and helpful to designers. One paper in-
metallurgical points of view; (2) simple corporating studies of the combined
specimens may be tested to study the influence of loads and temperatures is
mechanical behavior of the material almost certain to be the forerunner of a
under carefully controlled loading con- variety of such studies that will be
ditions; (3) notches or other disconti- carried out in connection with future
nuities may be used to introduce vehicles.
partially the effect of shape of practical The papers are organized into three
parts; (4) subassemblies may be studied broad categories: (1) low-cycle fatigue
to introduce the effects of somewhat problems; (2) helicopter fatigue prob-
more complicated joints; (5) complete lems; and (3) problems encountered in
structures may be subjected to neces- design and evaluation of full-scale
sarily simplified representations of ex- structures.
pected loading conditions; and (6) service Grateful acknowledgment is made of
failures may be analyzed. The sym- the contributions of the authors, the
posium includes papers treating each of session chairmen, presiding officers,
these phases of fatigue study and those who reviewed papers prior to the
Fatigue Branch, NASA-Langley Research
meeting, the West Coast Coordinator,
Center, Hampton, Va. and the participants in the discussions.

Copyright 6 1963 by ASTM International

Low-Cycle Fatigue
STP338-EB/Sep. 1963


B Y J. T. P. Y A O 1 AND W. H. MUNSE2


A general hypothesis that describes the cumulative effect of plastic defor-

mations on the low-cycle fatigue behavior of metals is presented and verified
with results of a variety of tests on steel specimens. Limited correlations with
existing test data from other low-cycle fatigue tests on aluminum-alloy speci-
mens indicate that it may be possible also to extend this hypothesis to metals
other than steel.


Ac, Cross-sectional area at the test section qc\, Plastic true precompressive strain, per
of the specimen after precompression, cent
sq in. qf , Plastic true strain at fracture in
Af , Cross-sectional area at the test section simple tension, per cent
of the specimen at fracture, sq in. <7max , Cyclic maximum plastic true strain,
A0, Original cross-sectional area at the per cent
test section of the specimen, sq in. 9min , Cyclic minimum plastic true strain,
Ar, Cross-sectional area at the test section per cent
of the specimen, re-machined after qm , Plastic true mean strain, per cent
precompression, sq in. qa , Plastic tensile true strain at fracture,
C, A constant per cent
Dc, Diameter at the test section of the R, Absolute-strain ratio, cyclic minimum
specimen after precompression, in. plastic true strain to cyclic maximum
df , Diameter at the test section of the plastic true strain, qm-,n/qm&x
specimen at fracture, in. r, Relative-strain ratio; cyclic com-
d0 , Original diameter at the test section of pressive change in plastic true strain
the specimen, in. to cyclic tensile change in plastic true
dr, Diameter at the test section of the strain, Aqc/Aqt
specimen, re-machined after precom- S, Engineering stress, psi
pression, in. Aqe, Cyclic compressive change in plastic
i, Number of applications of tensile load true strain, per cent
m, Empirical parameter obtained from Aqt , Cyclic tensile change in plastic true
slope of log Aet versus log N diagram strain, per cent
«, Number of applications of tensile load Aqa , Cyclic tensile change in plastic true
prior to fracture strain at w = 1, per cent
N, Number of cycles to failure
Aec, Cyclic compressive change in plastic
q, Plastic true strain, per cent
engineering strain, per cent
Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering. Aej, Cyclic tensile change in plastic engi-
University of N e w Mexico, Albuquerque, N . neering strain, per cent
Professor of Civil Engineering, U n i v e r s i t y At a , Cyclic tensile change in plastic engi-
of Illinois, TJrbana, 111. neering strain at n = 1, per cent

Copyright^ 1963 by ASTM International


During the past two decades, an in- On the basis of a literature review, a
creasing amount of information on the general hypothesis was developed to de-
low-cycle fatigue behavior of metals has scribe the cumulative effect of various
been published (1,2).^ Nevertheless, these types of plastic strain cycles on the low-
studies have provided data of only lim- cycle fatigue behavior of metals. Special
ited scope. tests on three mild steels, ABS-C* as-
Since in low-cycle fatigue tests the rolled, ABS-C normahzed, and a rimmed
applied loads are generally high enough steel, were then carried out to verify the
to cause plastic deformation and a cor- hypothesis. In addition, hmited correla-
responding hysteresis in the stress-strain tions were made with published test data
relationship, limits of either load or de- from other types of low-cycle fatigue
formation are usually maintained con- tests on 2024 aluminum alloy to indicate
stant in any particular test. Low-cycle the possibilities of extending the applica-
fatigue tests are therefore further iden- tion of this hypothesis to metals other
tified as either constant-load or con- than mild steel.
stant-deformation tests.
In general the results of constant-load
low-cycle fatigue tests are presented in In 1912, Kommers (3) concluded from
the form of conventional S-N curves, a series of cyclic bending tests that the
where S and N are respectively the nom- magnitude of the cyclic deflection was
inal stress or stress range and the cor- an important factor in low-cycle fatigue
responding life of the specimens. Al- studies. Orowan (4) suggested that the
though the shape of a typical S-N curve following expression be used for cyclic
can be qualitatively described, it is diffi- strain tests:
cult to make a precise analysis for this
iV(Ae,) = C. (1)
type of test. On the other hand, results
of constant-deformation low-cycle fa- This relationship has served as a basis
tigue tests have consistently shown a for most of the hypotheses that have
linear relationship between the tensile since been developed.
change in plastic deformation and the On the basis of the results from re-
number of cycles to failure on a log-log versed-strain tests, Manson (5), as well
basis. as Gross and Stout (6), empirically mod-
Empirical relationships have been de- ified Eq 1 to the following form:
veloped to describe the effect of fully
iV"(A€,) = C. .(2)
reversed cychc strain on the low-cycle
fatigue life of metals. However, these Then Coffin and his associates (7-Q)
hypotheses do not portray adequately found that straight lines with a slope of
the data from all types of low-cycle fa- approximately —0.50 (t» = ^) best fit
tigue tests. their extensive data. Moreover, to cor-
The objectives of this investigation relate the results of cyclic strain tests
were to study in a general manner the and those of simple tension tests. Coffin
cumulative effect of the changes in plas- presented the following equation:
tic deformation on the low-cycle fatigue
behavior of axially loaded steel speci- IV"HA€,) = - . .(3)
mens and to develop a more general 2
low-cycle fatigue hypothesis. Many constant-deformation tests con-
ducted on various metals have shown
' T h e boldface n u m b e r s in parentheses refer
to t h e Ust of references a p p e n d e d t o t h i s p a p e r . ' American B u r e a u of Shipping designation.

straight-line relationships between the by an accumulation of the plastic de-

cydic change in tensile plastic strain and formations experienced by the material.
the specimen life on a log-log scale (5-20), On the basis of the experimental evi-
but the slopes of the hnes have been dence and the assumptions discussed
found to vary somewhat with the mean above, it is postulated that plastic de-
strain. formations accumulate according to an
Let us now examine more closely the exponential function and more specifi-
empirical relationship shown in Eq 2. cally that the hypothesis may be pre-
If we raise both sides of the equation to sented in generalized form as follows:
the (l/w)th power, we obtain
1.0. -(6)

~(^T 1.0. .(4)

i - l |_V^e,i/ Ji

Since it has been shown (11) that for

low-cycle conditions true strain values
If we let n be the number of applications
of tensile load prior to fracture, it is ap- are approximately proportional to the
parent that the lowest possible value for corresponding engineering strains, a sim-
« is 1 while the counterpart for .V gen- ilar expression may be written as follows
erally has been taken as i or | in the in terms of true strains.
literature. The difference between n and
A^ is small at larger values of N. Since E \^qj J. 1.0. (6(a))
at « = 1.
Aci = Aen If we now introduce the relative-strain
ratio, r, the ratio of the cyclic compres-
Equation 4 then becomes sive change in plastic strain, Ae^ or A^^,
to the subsequent tensile change in plas-
nl ) = 1.0. .(5) tic strain, A«, or Aqi, then.

Drucker et al (21) reported that the .(7)

values of Aca vary with the amount of
precompressive strain. Moreover, it is
found that the values of m generally
differ between the test results of Evans .(7(a))
(22) (w ^ 1) and those of Cof&n (7,9)
(w = ^). Since Evans conducted his tests As noted previously, both 1/m, and
with repeated tensile loadings and Cof&n Aeu (or Agn) are functions of r. It then
conducted most of his tests with fully remains to find the relationship between
reversed strain conditions, it is reason- 1/w and r.
able to assume that the quantity w is a
variable dependent upon the change in
plastic compressive strain, Acc • PROGRAM
The assumption, therefore, that low- On the basis of the hypothesis ex-
cycle fatigue fractures occur only in ten- pressed in Eq 6 or 6(a), a linear relation-
sion is generally valid for steels and is ship should exist between log Aqn and
one of the conclusions reached in an ex- log n at constant values of the relative-
tensive recent low-cycle fatigue investi- strain ratio, r. However, there was no
gation by Dubuc (13). It is assumed also available information regarding the var-
that fracture of a material is produced iation of both Aqa and l/m with respect

to r. A number of specimens were tested ber of specimens were tested in cyclic

in one-cycle tests with various relative- strain tests with constant r ratios of
strain ratios to find the relationships —0.25, —0.50, —0.75, and —1 to find
between A^d and r. In addition, a num- the relationship between \/m and r.


Ch emical Composition, Per Cent

Mang- Phos- Chro- Alu-
Carbon anese phorus Sulfur silicon Copper mium Niciiel minum

C N a n d CA steels 0.24 0.69 0.022 0.030 0.20 0.22 0.08 0.15 0.034
E-steel 0.21 0.34 0.019 0.030 0.01 0.18 0.12 0.19 0.003

" CN, ABS-C normalized steel; CA, ABS-C as-rolled steel; and E, rimmed steel.


Yield strength, psi At Fracture

Ultimate Elongation, 2 in.
Material Strength, Gage Length,
psi per cent True Stress, True Strain,
Upper Lower psi per cent

CA 42 200 40 200 70 600 34.5 137 000 94

CN 48 600 46 800 68 700 35.9 143 000 105
E 38 300 33 500 59 300 35.6 120 000 98

2 Gage Length Materials and Specimens:

'^2"rad lONC,

ABS-C as-rolled, ABS-C normalized,

, AEAAO . ««.t .•
"J" S and a rimmed steel (respectively desig-
nated as CA, CN, and E Steels) were
1 5/8 2 1/4' 5/B"_ - " used in this test program. The chemical
5 1/2"
compositions of these materials are listed
(o) C-l Type Specmer
in Table I. All specimens were fabricated
r rod
from f-in, thick plates with the specimen
axis parallel to the rolling direction of
the plates.
Standard tension coupon specimens,
designated as type C-l specimens, were
tested to obtain the mechanical proper-
ties shown in Table II. Specimens with
a minimum diameter of J in. and radii
of curvature of 1 in. at the test section
were used and designated as the C-2 type
specimens. The reduced test section of
these specimens was designed to confine
the critical section within a small region
(b) C-2 Type Spedmm at mid-length of the specimen to make
FIG. 1.—Details of Test Specimens.
it possible to locate and measure the

instantaneous diameter at the critical true strain of zero. After the compression
section (Fig. 1). loading, the test section in the precom-
pressed state was enlarged and had a
Description of Tests: new diameter, dc, and a corresponding
In Fig. 1 two types of C-2 specimens plastic true strain of qd . At this stage,
are shown. The conventional threaded some of the specimens were re-machined
specimens were used first, but when to approximately the original size and
specimens with large precompressive shape. These specimens with a new

Virgin State

r Re-mochriing

=^=1 '- Precompressed Stote

At Frocture


Q. iSl,
Q- q.

A = 2—. n ^
'"A. d. "f^


FIG. 2.—Strain-Calculation Procedure for One-Cycle Test.

strains failed in the threaded section, the diameter, dr, are assumed to possess a
specimen with flat ends was adopted to plastic prestrain of ^^i • The specimens,
provide more bearing areas at the ends. either in as-compressed or in re-machined
In testing these latter specimens, the condition, were then loaded in tension to
tensile forces were transmitted through fracture. The specimen diameter at the
pin connections and compressive forces fractured section, d/, was used for the
were applied on the flat ends. computation of the plastic true strain at
The strain calculation procedure for fracture, ga , and the tensile change in
"one-cycle" tests is illustrated in Fig. 2. plastic true strain, Agn , with the re-
In the virgin state, the test section had lationships shown in Fig. 2.
an original diameter of da and a plastic All one-cycle tests were conducted on

C-2 type specimens. To prevent buckling The subsequent tension tests were
of the test section at extremely high conducted in the same testing machine
compressive loads, a special guide and using the same fixtures. After the
assembly was used (Fig. 3). The whole specimen failed, the diameter at the
assembly was placed in the testing fractured section was again measured
machine, and then a dial-type diameter with the optical diameter-measuring
gage was manipulated through the device.
key-hole of the "sleeve" to measure the Cyclic strain tests were conducted at
minimum diameter of the specimen. constant relative-strain ratios of —J,

FIG. 3.—Compression Fixture. FIG. 4.—Typical Precompressed Specimen

{left) and Virgin Specimen.

When the specimen was removed from 1

2> I, and -1. Schematic g-w (strain
the fixture, the diameter of the specimen versus cycles) diagrams illustrating the
was again measured in two perpendicular cyclic strain for each of these r ratios
directions with an optical diameter- are shown in Fig. 5.
measuring device and the average value A 50,000-lb lever-type fatigue testing
used as the basis for strain computations. machine, geared down to a speed of
In general, the specimens remained about 0.4 rpm, was used for the cyclic
relatively straight after precompression. strain tests of specimens with lives
A typical precompressed specimen (q^ = greater than 30 cycles. A set of special
— 51 per cent) is shown with a virgin reversed-load pull-heads was used to
specimen in Fig. 4. transmit the loads to the test specimens

by transmitting the tensile forces through DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS OF TEST

pin connections and the compression RESULTS
forces to the end of the specimen through ^^ ^
special wedging compression blocks. A "One-Cycle" Tests:
special gage with SR-4 strain gages was The data for one-cycle tests with
mounted at the minimum section of the various degrees of precompression are

n = 3 ( Three-cycle Test)

n = 4 (Four-cycle Test)
n = I (One-cyde Test)

n = I (One-cycli

2V 3 4 5 i
n = 5 ( Five-cycle' Test )

r =-l J i- = - l
n= I (One-cycle Test] n = 4 (Four-cycle Test)

H Failure
FIG. 5.—One-Cycle and Cyclic Strain Tests with Various Relative-Strain Ratios.

specimen to measure the change in its plotted in Fig. 7 for each of the steels
diameter. The electrical output of the tested. From these figures, the tensile
gage and that of the load dynamometer change in plastic true strain at w = 1
of the fatigue machine were recorded on may be obtained for any relative-strain
an X-Y recorder. This record was used
ratio. For example, in Fig. 7(c) the
for control purposes in the conduct of
the tests. Typical stress-diameter dia- values of A^^ are 66 per cent and 75 per
grams selected from the record of test cent for relative-strain ratios of — 1 and
C-2-CN522 are shown in Fig. 6. _ i , respectively.

100 XIO'
Specimen No. C-2 -CN 5 2 2
r » - l , Aq, • 5 % , r = 130 / /I
" /I r\ ^ f ( ( / / [1
~l_ o o o o


- ^
-20 _ _ „ _ — -—

-40 —
, -
/ , 1
- / / uzy
/ / /
/ y / y
- Plastic Chonge n Specimen Diameter, i^d= 0.012-in. 1/ ^
FIG. 6.—Typical Stress Versus Diameter Diagrams.

(a) c

100 ^1 lOOK

\- •••tf-- "?! i
80 :^

. 60

- 6 0 ^ 8 0
Plastic True P r e c o m p r e s s i v e Strain < \\< per.cent

(a) ABS-C as-roIIed (CA) steel.

FIG. 7.—Tensile Change in Plastic True Strain and Plastic True Strain at Fracture versus Plastic
True Precompressive Strain.


Plastic True Precompressive Strain, q . , per cent

(/)) A B S - C normalized (CN) steeL


"0 ^20 ^40^ -60 -80 -100

Plastic True Precompressive Strain, a ., per cent

(c) Rimmed (E) steel.

FIG. 7.—Continued.

Cyclic Strain Test: Aqt versus log n plots but with various
The hypothesis presented here for slopes. To verify this observation 35
constant relative-strain ratios suggests specimens were tested in cyclic strain
that linear relationships exist for log tests at constant values of r. The results

•| ip "iOC Two
Number of Applications of Tensile Load Prior to Fracture, n

(a) ABS-C as-rolled (CA) steel.


N (b)
^r =-!

r •• -


v \ .


V r =- 1 ^^

10 100 1000
Number of Applications of Tensile Load Prior to Fracture, n

(b) ABS-C normalized (CN) steel.

FIG. 8.—Cyclic Strain Test Results.


"<x (c)

--r = - |
r • — •

\ "^ "^

o r =- 1

10 100 1000
Number of Applications of Tensile Load Prior to Fracture, n

(c) Rimmed (E) steeL

FIG. 8.—Continued.



Materiol r = - ^ r=-^ r=-^

CA A A A A 4
CN V ^ 1
E « o :
_J I L_J I I L
Number of Applications of Tensile Load Prior to Fracture, n

FIG. 9.—Cyclic Strain Test Results for All Test Materials.


FIG. 10.—Various Fractures Resulting from Cyclic Strain Tests.


of these tests are plotted in Fig. 8 for row, three CA-steel specimens are shown
the three steels tested. These data may after being tested at relative-strain
be further combined by dividing all ratios of -0.25, -0.50, and -0.75.
Aqi values by the corresponding values These gave lives of 10, 14, and 17 cycles
of Aqa . Figure 9 is a diagram of this respectively. All six of these specimens
normalized cyclic tensile change in exhibited cup-and-cone type of fractures.
plastic true strain plotted against « on a In the bottom row of Fig. 10 are shown
log-log scale for all three steels tested. specimens of the three steels tested with
All of these figures indicate that straight r = — 1. These specimens gave lives of
lines with slopes varying with r ratios more than 260 cycles and failed with



TL=l-0.86r- /

Ttr 1.6 V

1.0 /
-0.2 -a4 -0.6 ^T
Relative-Strain Ratio, r
FIG. 11.—Variations of l/m with Respect to the Relative-Strain Ratio, r.

fit the test points quite well and that propagating fatigue type cracks. There
there does not seem to be any effect of was evidence of numerous surface cracks
material on the slopes of these relation- on the specimens, thereby demonstrating
ships. that these specimens were close to failure
A group of the fractured specimens at a number of locations.
is shown in Fig. 10. In the top row,
three one-cycle test specimens are pre- Analysis of Test Results:
sented, one for each material. Vertical Evans (22) obtained a constant true
cracks often appeared on the surfaces of strain at fracture in his repeated tension
the E-steel specimens when large com- tests, regardless of the number of cycles
pression loads were employed, but only applied prior to fracture. In the program
on the E-steel specimens. In the second reported here, it was observed that for a

group of C-2 type CN-steel specimens C-2 type CN-steel specimens were tested
subjected to various amounts of repeated in reversed-load low-cycle fatigue tests.
tension, regardless of the number of The plastic true strain history for each
cycles of tensile load before fracture, the of the specimens is shown in Fig, 12. By
final value of plastic true strain at frac- evaluating each strain-cycle of the tests
ture was more or less a constant for low- and summing, the quantity
cycle tests. Therefore, it would seem
reasonable to assume that for tests with
repeated tension only (r = 0), the cyclic i~i [\Agn/ J.

M i n i !"i I T'l



Note- Solid Points Show Tests With
Initial Load Applied in Tension
11 i I i j . ' 11 ' I J - ' ' ' ' ' J - ' '' ' ' L'' *-''
li 18 ^T ^Sg ^SS^ ^ 46
Number of Applications of Tensile Load, i

FIG. 12.—Strain History for Reversed-Load Low-Cycle Fatigue Tests.

tensile change in plastic true strain is for these tests was found to vary from
linearly cumulative, that is i/m = 1. 0,94 to 1.08, which was close to the
The slopes of the four lines in Fig. 9 value 1.0 presented in the hypothesis.
may be described in the form of Eq 6
and give values of l/w equal to 1.22, CORRELATIONS WITH OTHER DATA
1.43, 1.65, and 1,86, respectively, for Data in the literature are generally
r values of —J, — j , —f, and —1. When reported for low-cycle strain tests con-
these corresponding values of 1/m and r ducted by cycling the specimen between
are plotted (Fig. 11), the following rela-
a constant maximum plastic strain
tionship is obtained; (jmax or €max) and a constant minimum
plastic strain {qmm or tmin)- In most
1 - 0.86f. .(8) cases, the tests were started with a
tensile load to produce the upper or
With the empirical relationships for maximum strain limit which was fol-
both l/m and Aga with respect to r, the lowed by fully reversed strains. Some
hypothesis is now complete. tests were carried out with constant
To verify the general hypothesis six absolute-strain ratios (R = constant)

while others were carried out with r = 1, l/m = 1.86 (from Eq 8)

constant mean strains (qm or fm = 0).
Since the quantity Aqi is not necessarily
a constant in these tests, these test results = {1 - R) {max
are presented in terms of ^max versus n If we substitute these conditions mto
(for positive ^^ax) or ^min versus n (for Eq 6(a), we obtain
negative ^^ax).
>/max I
Based on the general hypothesis ? ^ + (» - 1) f d - /J) *' 1.0. (9)
presented here, equations have been 9/ L A?,i J
derived for each of the various test Pian and D'Amato (19) tested coupon-
conditions. For constant R ratios the type specimens for 2024 aluminum alloy

Teste by Pioi a OlUmoto"^' - - ^ E q 9 (d)~^

Number of Applications of. Tensile Load Prior to Fracture, n
FIG. 13.—Correlation of Hypothesis with Various Constant-J?-Ratio Tests on 2024 Aluminum

relationship between ^max and n may be at constant R ratios of +0.75, +0.50, 0,

derived as follows: (a) The first cycle and —1.0. The plastic true strain at
(see insert of Fig. 13) is assumed to simple tensile fracture, q^, for this
consist of a single tensile change in particular type of specimen was found
plastic true strain (r = 0); and (i) the to be approximately 34 per cent. Since no
subsequent cycles of strain are then full one-cycle test information is available
reversals (r = —1). for this specimen, it is assumed that
For the first cycle (t = 1), Aqa is a constant and equal to q^ for all
r ratios (Aqa = 9/ = 34 per cent). Then
r = 0, l/m = 1.0 (from Eq 8) from Eq 9, the following relationships
may be obtained:
Aqn = q/
For R = -1-0.75,
Ml — ?max

9m a
1.0.. (9(a))
For the subsequent cycles (i > 1), 34

For R = +0.50, r = -\, 1/m = 1.86 (from Eq 8)

1^ + ^"-'^^fei"'= 1-0 ^9(6))

Aqt = 2 ({max — ?m) = 2(qm — Jmin)

For R = 0, Substituting these conditions in Eq 5(a),

we obtain
34 + (» -- l ) r ^ ^ T " = 1.0. (9W) •2(?„,
+ (» - 1) ~ ^ =1.0. (10)
For R = -I, A?,i J
9m ax ["gmaxT'
+ («-!) 1.0.. (9(d)) D'Amato (11) reported test results on a
IT 2024 aluminum alloy with constant
These equations are plotted in Fig. 13 mean strains of +27.5, +13.5, +7.5, 0,
along with the corresponding test data and —7.5 per cent. The plastic true
from reference (19). Despite the assump- strain at simple tension fracture, 5/ , was
tion made regarding Aqa , the curves found to be about 38 per cent.
plotted on the basis of this hypothesis Assuming again that A^a = 5/ = 38
fit the test points reasonably well for per cent for all r values, the following
lives up to approximately 200 cycles. equations may be obtained from Eq 10:
Similarly, expressions may be obtained
for tests conducted with constant mean
For q„ == +27.5, —•
strains. For the first cycle {i = 1), the 00

relationships are the same as shown

above for the previous examples. For
the subsequent cycles (t > 1), + (»-!) I 1^ J = 10 . . (10(a))


1 "TO lOD 1000

Number of Applications of Tensile Load Prior to Fracture, n

F I G . 14.—Correlation of Hypothesis with Various Constant-Mean-Strain Tests on 2024 Aluminum



s EqiKd

o Tests by D'Amoto (II)

q_= -7.5 per cent

10 100 1000
Number of Applications of Tensile Lood Prior to Fracture, n

FIG. 15.—Correlation of Hypothesis with Negative-Mean-Strain Tests on 2024 .'Muminum



•Eq IO(e

^ o
^ 0

o Test< i by Dubiic(l3g
(Test points ore plotted on tti( basis
of the plastic er gineering St ain meaiured at 1/2)
0.1 SAEIO 30 Steel
10 100 KDOO 10,000
Nurrber of Appllcotlons of Tensile Load Prior to Fracture, n
FIG. 16.- -Correlation of Hypothesis with Tests Conducted on the Basis of Engineering Strains.

For q„ + 13.5,
y max to be approximately equal, we
38 then obtain.
5iTiax 13.5 1.S6

+ («-!) 19
= 1.0 -(10(6))
I tmaX I
1.0... (10(e))

For q„ = +7.5, — In Fig. 16, Eq 10(e) and test points

from reference (13) are plotted in terms
t?rnax 7.5" 1.8R
of the cyclic maximum plastic engineer-
+(«-!) - 1.0. .(10(c))
19 ing strain as measured at half the speci-
men life.
For 9„ = (), - — The excellent correlations of the
hypothesis presented here with the test
results of Plan and D'Amato (19) and
+ (« - 1) = 1.0... .(10(d))
D'Amato (ii) indicate that it may be
possible to use this hypothesis to describe
Equations 10(a) through 10((f) are the low-cycle fatigue behavior of 2024
plotted in Fig. 14 in terms of gmax and n, aluminum alloy specimens. In addition,
along with the corresponding test data the correlation made with Dubuc's (13)
from reference (11). test data indicates that the hypothesis
For tests with a negative mean strain may be equally applicable to tests of
and a negative maximum strain, the steel specimens conducted on the basis
first load will be in compression (see of engineering strains.
insert of Fig. 15. Assuming that A^c =
qt in the first cycle, the following equa- SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
tion may be obtained from Eq 6(a):
1. A general hypothesis describing
2{q„ —
the cumulative effect of plastic deforma-
n\ = 1.0. (11) tions on the low-cycle fatigue behavior
of mild steel for lives up to approxi-
Then, for q,, = - 7 . 5 , mately 1000 cycles has been established
and may be expressed as follows:
-7.5 — gmin
= 1.0 .(11(a))

Equation 11(a) is plotted in Fig. 15 in

z = 1.0

terms of ^min and n, along with the cor- 2. For constant relative-strain ratios,
responding test data from the same r, a linear relationship exists between
reference. Excellent correlations are log Aqt and log n.
again obtained. 3. There does not seem to be any
Dubuc (13) tested SAE 1030 steel effect of material on the slope of the
specimens with a gage length of 1 in. relationship between log Aqt and log n.
These tests, with «„ = 0, were con- 4. A linear relationship was found
ducted by controlling the total engineer- also to exist between the quantities
ing strain range. T o apply the present 1/w and r, which for mild steel may be
hypothesis, Atn was assumed to be expressed as 1/w = 1 — 0.86r.
constant and equal to the elongation at 5. Plastic strain-histories obtained
static tensile fracture, 44 per cent in this from nine reversed-load cyclic tests
case. From Eq 10, assuming Smax and were analyzed in terms of the general

hypothesis. It was found that the condi- under sponsorship of the Ship Structure
tions specified by the hypothesis were Committee, National Academy of Sci-
satisfied. ences, through the Bureau of Ships,
6. Correlations of the general hypothe- U. S. Navy. However, the opinions
sis with various published test data indi- expressed in this paper are those of the
cate that the hypothesis may be appli- authors and do not necessarily represent
cable to cyclic strain tests on metals those of the Ship Structure Committee
other than mild steel. However, addi- or its member agencies. The investiga-
tional confirmations of this correlation tion is a part of the structural research
would be desirable. program of the Department of Civil
7. Under low-cycle fatigue conditions, Engineering, of which N. M. Newmark
any tensile change in plastic strain is is the Head.
cumulative, and the manner in which The authors wish to express their
this accumulation takes place is de- sincere appreciation to R. J. Mosborg,
pendent upon the amount of compressive V. J. McDonald, and S. T. Rolfe for
plastic strain in each cycle. their helpful suggestions in many phases
of this research. Special acknowledgment
A cknowledgment: is due D. F. Lange, W. F. Wilsky, and
The work described in this paper was others in the laboratory shop for their
conducted in the Structural Research excellent workmanship in making speci-
Laboratory of the Department of Civil mens and maintaining the test equipment
Engineering at the University of Illinois, in this program.

(1) P. P. Benham, "Fatigue of Metals Caused (8) L. F. Coffin, Jr., "The StabiUty of Metals
by a Relatively Few Cycles of High Load Under Cyclic Plastic Strain," Journal of
or Strain Amplitude," Metallurgical Re- Basic Engineering, Series D, Vol. 82, No.
views, Vol. 3, No. 11 (1958). 3, p. 671, Sept., 1960.
(2) J. T. P. Yao and W. H. Munse, "Low- (9) J. F. Tavernelli and L. F. Coffin, Jr., "A
Cycle Fatigue of Metals—Literature Compilation and Interpretation of Cyclic
Review," Welding Journal, Research Sup- Strain Fatigue Tests on Metals," Transac-
plement, Vol. 41, p. 182s, April, 1962. tions, Am. Soc. Metals, Vol. 51, p. 438
(3) T. B. Kommers, "Repeated Stress Test- (1959).
ing," Vlth Congress, International Assn. (10) P. P. Benham and Hugh Ford, "Low
for Testing Mats., New York, N. Y. Endurance Fatigue of a Mild Steel and an
(1912). Aluminum .Alloy," Journal Mechanical
(4) E. Orowan, "Stress Concentrations in Engineering Science, Vol. 3, No. 2 (1961).
Steel Under Cyclic Loading," Welding (11) R. D'Amato, "A Study of the Strain
Journal, Research Supplement, Vol. 31, Hardening and Cumulative Damage
Behavior of 2024-T4 Aluminum .\lloy in
p. 273 (1952).
the Low-Cycle Fatigue Range," WADD
(5) S. S. Manson, "Behavior of Materials
TR 60-175, April, 1960.
Under Conditions of Thermal Stress,"
(12) D. A. Douglas and R. W. Swindeman, "The
A'^C.4 TN 2933 (1953).
Failure of Structure Metals Subjected to
(6) J. H. Gross and R. D. Stout, "Plastic Strain CycHng Conditions," Am. Soc.
Fatigue Properties of High-Strength Mechanical Engrs., Paper 58-A-198 (1958).
Pressure-Vessel Steels," Welding Journal, (13) J. Dubuc, "Plastic Fatigue Under Cyclic
Vol. 34, p. 161s (1955). Stress and Cyclic Strain with a Study of
(7) L. F. Coffin, Jr. and J. F. Tavernelh, "The the Bauschinger Effect," Ph.D. Thesis,
Cyclic Straining and Fatigue of Metals," Ecole Polytechnique, Universite de Mon-
Transactions, Metallurgical Soc, Am. Inst. treal, Montreal, Canada, Jan., 1961.
Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum (14) A. Johansson, "Fatigue of Steels at
Engrs., Vol. 215, p. 794, Oct., 1959. Constant Strain Amphtude and Elevated

Temperatures," Colloquium on Fatigue, (19) T. H. H. Plan and R. D'Amato, "Low-

lUTAM, Stockholm, Sweden (1956). Cycle Fatigue of Notched and Unnotched
(15) S. I. Liu, J. J. Lynch, E. J. Ripling, and Specimens of 2024 Aluminum Alloy Under
G. Sachs, "Low-Cycle Fatigue of the Axial Loading," WADC TN 5S-27 (1958).
Aluminum Alloy 24S-T in Direct Stress," (20) G. Sachs, W. W. Gerberich, V. Weiss, and
Melals Technology, Feb., 1948. J. V. Latorre, "Low-Cycle Fatigue of
(16) A. C. Low, "Short Endurance Fatigue," Pressure-Vessel Materials," Proceedings,
International Conference on Fatigue of Am. Soc. Testing Mats., Vol. 60, p. 512
Metals, Inst. Mechanical Engrs. (London), (1960).
p. 206 (1956). (21) D. C. Drucker, C. Mylonas, and G. Lianis,
(17) H. Majors, Jr., "Thermal and Mechanical "On the Exhaustion of DuctiUty of E-
Fatigue of Nickel and Titanium," Transac- Steel in Tension Following Compressive
tions, Am. Soc. Metals, Vol. 51, p. 421 Pre-strain," Welding Journal, Research
(1959). Supplement, p. 117s, March, 1960.
(18) F. J. Mehringer and R. P. Felgar, "Low- (22) E. W. Evans, "Effect of Interrupted
Cycle Fatigue of Two Nickel-Base Alloys Loading on Mechanical Properties of
by Thermal-Stress Cycling," Journal of Metals," The Engineer London, Vol. 203:
Basic Engineering, Series D, Vol, 82, No. 3, Part I, No. 5274, p. 293; Part 11, No.
p. 661, Sept., 1960. 5275, p. 325 (1957).
STP338-EB/Sep. 1963

R A N G E F R O M 10 TO 107 CYCLES

B Y W. J. B E L L 1 AND P . P . BENHAM 2


Stainless steel sheet (18Cr-9Ni) was tested in fatigue under axial-load

cycling in plain and notched conditions. Various stress ratios were used ranging
from R = —1.0 to +0.91, and endurances (see Definitions) from 10 to 107
cycles were covered using testing frequencies of 5 to 15 cpm and 3000 cpm.
The effect of mean stress on notch fatigue strength could not be predicted
empirically solely from unnotched material data; at least one notched fatigue
curve would be required.
A fatigue strength reduction factor based on maximum stress for a particular
mean stress and endurance provided the most reliable correlation between
unnotched and notched data.
Low-cycle and high-cycle fatigue curves matched up only to a limited extent
at the overlap, but there was generally strength reduction at low frequency.
Under certain conditions of mean stress and stress ratio a cyclic creep or
ratchetting mechanism leading to ductile rupture was obtained at low en-
Simple functions existed in the low-cycle region between stress range and
plastic strain range and total energy and cycles to fracture, both of which
were largely independent of stress ratio.

SYMBOLS AND D E F I N I T I O N N, cycles to failure

K t, theoretical elastic stress concentra-
Symbols: tion factor
Sa, cyclic stress amplitude Kp, theoretical plastic stress concentra-
Sm , mean stress tion factor
Smax , maximum cyclic stress kf , fatigue strength reduction factor for
Sm in , minimum cyclic stress mean stress
R, stress ratio, Smin/Sm&x k/m, fatigue strength reduction factor at
Su , tensile strength constant nonzero mean stress
Sup , tensile strength, plain material Definition:
Sun , tensile strength, notched material
Sv , yield or proof stress Endurance, the term endurance has been
So, fatigue strength for zero mean stress used to express the cyclic lifetime of a
epr , repeated plastic strain range specimen. This has been chosen in prefer-
ept, total plastic strain range ence to the more generally accepted
"fatigue life" on account of the proposed
i Development Engineer, Rexall Chemical subdivision of the type of fracture being
Co., Odessa, Tex. . . . . J.r c ,
'Lecturer in Applied Mechanics, Imperial produced into a fatigue fracture and a
College, London, England. ductile rupture or creep failure. The term
Copyright^ 1963 by ASTM International

endurance is used to express cyclic life- predicting notched behavior under mean
times leading to both types of failure. stress, it was hoped that the results
would indicate various trends of be-
Stress concentration and mean cyclic
havior at low and high endurances.
stress are two important aspects of
metal fatigue that have been studied
extensively in the past, both separately
and in relation to each other. This paper Tests in the range from 5 X 10' to
is concerned with the eSects of local 10' cycles were conducted on a 6-ton
and general plastic deformation at a Haigh axial-load fatigue machine. This
stress concentration in relation to the operates on the principle of electro-
mean stress imposed under axial-load magnetic excitation of a resonant spring
cycling conditions over a wide range of and mass system at a frequency of
endurance. Yielding can be caused by 3000 cpm. The required full load can be
various combinations of mean and set up on the test specimen in about 15
alternating stress, the extreme cases sec.
being a large alternating range of stress Tests in the range from 10 to 10' cycles
superimposed on a zero or low value of were carried out on a 6-ton Schenck
mean stress, or a high mean stress, which
in itself causes yielding, plus some alter- TABLE I.—CHEMICAL COMPOSITION.
nating component. Both generally may Element Per Cent
result in failure in a relatively few Carbon 0.10
cycles, but so far more attention has Silicon 0.68
Manganese 0.75
been paid to the fatigue-limit region. Sulfur 0.019
Several investigators (1-3)' have studied Phosphorus 0.018
high mean stresses with stress concen- Chromium 18.25
Nickel 9.76
tration for long endurances, and a Titanium 0.70
theoretical method of predicting a
notched 5a-S„ diagram to allow for axial-load fatigue machine incorporating
yielding under high mean stress has a low-frequency mechanical drive of
been proposed (4). approximately 10 cpm. This machine is
described in more detail elsewhere (6).
The information so far available at low
endurances which deals with notched Some of the tests on the Schenck
material is generally only related to machine were instrumented to obtain
one or two mean stresses {R = — 1 or 0) stress-strain records (hysteresis loops)
(S-7). automatically during the life to fracture.
The machine is fitted with a dynamome-
lUg (8) has studied the effect of three
ter loop, the deformation of which is
mean stresses on notched aluminum and
proportional to load. One variable-
steel alloys over a range of endurance
inductance probe was mounted across
from 2 to 10' cycles. The present program
the dynamometer to record the load,
has studied stress ratios from R =
while a second was attached by exten-
— 1.0 to +0.91 for endurances from 10
someter clamps to a gage length on the
to 10' cycles for stainless steel sheet,
specimen. The signals from the probes
plain and notched with several circular
were fed into amplifiers which gave a
holes. Although these are insufficient
visual reading of displacement, and then
data to propound a general law for
to the X and Y plates of an oscilloscope.
Permanent records were obtained by
' The boldface numbers in parentheses refer
to the hst of references appended to this paper. photography from the latter.

Two stages of signal amplification tained and the number of holes reduced
were available to cover strain ranges of to two (Fig. i{d)). A photoelastic stress
up to 2 and 20 per cent respectively. analysis was conducted for both types
A simple relay and timer circuit was of notched specimen. The stress concen-
arranged to obtain automatically a tration was the same at each of the
suitable number of records during a holes in both the triple and double
test. group, giving Kt = 2.44. Fatigue tests
conducted under the same stress condi-
MATERIAL AND SPECIMENS tions for each type of notched specimen
Thin sheet material was chosen to give gave the same average endurance.
approximate plane stress conditions, For the fatigue tests in which the

Proof Stress, Nominal Tensile Strength,

tons per sq in. tons per sq in. Vickers Dia-
Young's Modulus, Elongation in 2 mond Pyramid
tons per sq in. in., per cent Hardness
0.1 per 0.2 per Rolling Direc- Transverse
cent cent tion Direction

45 57 68.5 70.1 12 X 10^ 4.2 370

and the width of the test specimen was

sufficient for multiple notches. All the l i
test pieces were taken from one batch
of as-rolled 18Cr-9Ni stainless steel X
sheet, 0.039 in. thick, to specification 1/3'^ -HK-
DTD166B (now obsolete). The chemical (a) Haigh Machine-
composition and principal mechanical Notched Specimen Used With Schenck Jaws
properties are given in Tables I and II.
The form and dimensions of the
unnotched specimens used on both
machines are shown in Figs. \{b) and
(c). A radiused gage length was adopted 8 Radius Arc-
to avoid persistent failure at the fillet
(b) Haigh Machine-Plain Specimen
radius of a parallel length specimen. A
photoelastic analysis showed a negligible
^---8 "Radius Arc
nonuniformity of stress in the unnotched
specimens. T Width T
r'Min. zVe"
The program was initially planned to * --_L_
run only on the Haigh machine, and a (c) Schenck Machine-Plain Specimen
notched specimen, Fig. 1(a), was de-
signed for this purpose. When the work 6
was extended to include low endurances -*i
on the Schenck machine, the existing 2/3 T*;l/8"diam il/V'
notched specimen was too large to ob- 1/3
tain all the stress ratios required. Rather (d) Schenck Machine-Notched Specimen
than scaling down geometrically and
NOTE,—All dimensions are in inches. Thick-
possibly introducing a size effect at the ness 0.039 in.
notches, similar proportions were re- FIG, 1.—Test Specimens.

specimen was subjected to some com- (9). Oil-impregnated filter paper at low
pressive loading during the cycle, guide loads, and graphite grease at high loads
plates were used to prevent the test between the specimen and plates kept

70 /


/ '^
40 III 1

\ • static Curve
X Dynamic Curve


0.5 1,0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 40 4.5 5.0

Strain, per cent
FIG. 2.—Static and Dynamic (Schenck) Stress-Strain Curves.

Cycles, N
FIG. 3.—S-N Curves for Various Stress Ratios, Unnotched Specimens.

specimen from buckling. The design of frictional effects to a minimum. The

the guide plates was based on the com- degree of restraint of the plates was
ments of Brueggeman and Mayer never such as to prevent them being

moved quite easily along the specimen and short-term (up to 30 min) room-
when under load. temperature creep tests were conducted

^m^x = 33, R = - 0 . 4 6 , A' = 254 (Haigh

machine). Plastic deformation at root of crack

Smttx = 68, i? = 0.725, A' = 1158 X 10'

(Haigh machine). 45-deg yield b a n d initiated
at crack root.

-Smax = 56.5, R = 0.075, A^ = 16 X 10'

(Haigh m a c h i n e ) . C e n t r a l crack.

-Smax = 65, iJ = 0.075, A" = 19,492 (Schenck


^,„ax = 59, fi = 0.525, A^ = 3949 X 10'

(Haigh machine). N o fatigue crack.

Smax = 50, R -0.46, A' = 27, 183

(Schenck machine).

-Smax = 68, iJ = - 0 . 4 6 , A' = 28 (Schenck

machine). Broad yielding bands and necked
section resultant from cyclic creep behavior.

F I G . 4.—Typical Plastic Deformation P a t t e r n s and F r a c t u r e s of U n n o t c h e d Specimens.

TENSION TESTS to establish the stress-strain curve

It was soon discovered that the ma- accurately. The test for static nominal
terial had virtually no elastic range, and stress-strain curve in tension (Fig. 2)
consequently a number of static-tension occupied about 30 min.

Unnotched and notched specimens tests. On the Schenck machine the upper
were also pulled to fracture on the limit of endurance, 10^ cycles, was
Schenck machine at the same strain rate selected because of the length of time
as was used for the low-cycle fatigue required for a test at 10 cpm. The above
tests, and the load-extension record limits provided a sufiBxient overlap of
obtained from the instrumentation. endurance to compare the effect of the
The "dynamic" stress-strain curve two frequencies and machines. The
(strain rate about 5 in. per in. per min) results of the tests on unnotched speci-
for an unnotched specimen is also shown mens on both machines are plotted as
in Fig. 2 up to 2 per cent strain. The curves of maximum stress against cycles
tensile strength was raised from 68.5 to to failure in Fig. 3.
70 tons per sq in. at the higher strain In some of the tests at high loads and

10^ 10*
Cycles, N

FIG. 5.—S-N Curves for Various Stress Ratios, Notched Specimens.

rate. Notched specimens gave an even short endurance, both at high and low
higher nominal tensile strength, 74 tons frequency, the specimens exhibited a
per sq in. continuous cyclical extension (ratchet-
ting) until failure finally occurred by
FATIGUE T E S T S tensile rupture rather than fatigue
The fatigue program was designed to cracking. In other cases, a small fatigue
cover a wide range of mean and cyclic crack occurred at one edge or internally
stress combinations. The tests were con- in the specimen, and a small visible zone
ducted at constant values of stress ratio of plastic deformation at the tip of the
of: R = - 1 . 0 , - 0 . 4 6 , +0.075, + 0 . 3 3 , crack soon spread into one or more yield
+ 0 . 5 , +0.725, and + 0 . 9 1 . bands at 45 deg to the axis of the speci-
The lower limit of endurance, 5 X 10^ men. Some of these fractures are illus-
cycles, on the Haigh machine was defined trated in Fig. 4.
by the time required to set up a test, or The results of the notched fatigue
excessive creep in the high-mean stress tests are plotted as Snax. against N'

curves for the various stress ratios and could occur on initial setting-up of a
both frequencies in Fig. 5. In general high mean stress, or on introduction of
the same hmitations on endurance the alternating component, took the
existed as above for the unnotched speci- form of small dimples on either side of
mens. each hole. At higher stresses the dimples
Fatigue cracks developed on both developed into yield bands looped be-

.S,„ax = 72, fl = 0.91, A' = 7400 X 10'

(unbroken). Clearly observable plastic dimples
at edges of all holes at a stress below t h e fatigue

Smsix = 71.5, R = 0.725, .V = 33. F a t i g u e

cracks at b o t h sides of outside holes. N o t e
dimpling effect at holes and also 45-deg j i e l d
band at edges and looping between holes.

S,„ax = 55.7, R = 0.725, A' = 248 X 10^.

F a t i g u e crack a b o u t b o t h sides of central hole
and also very small cracks at outside holes.
N O T E . — S p e c i m e n s are all of t h e same

F I G . 6.—Typical Plastic Deformation P a t t e r n s a n d F r a c t u r e of N o t c h e d Specimens.

sides of two or all of the holes, with tween the holes and from outer holes to
little preference being shown between the edges of the specimen at 45 deg. In
the outside or the central holes. In all certain circumstances plastic dimpling
but the very low stress conditions, could be obtained at the notches without
intense localized plastic deformation any subsequent fatigue failure, while
preceded the crack tip; however, for under other conditions cracks would
very low stresses no permanent deforma- develop and propagate without any
tion could be observed, and the position prior macroscopic plastic deformation.
of the crack was difficult to locate. The Some examples of yield band and crack
localized plastic deformation, which formation are shown in Fig. 6.

ANALYSIS OF FATIGUE DATA havior. The well-known expressions

Owing to the infinity of combinations devised by Goodman, Gerber, and
of mean and alternating stress and the Soderberg were intended to relate to

20 30 40 50 60 70
Mean Stress {Sm),tons per sq in.

(a) Unnotched specimens.

FIG. 7—Sa-Sm Curves for Fatigue Specimens.
enormous amount of experimental work fatigue limit values. However, the
required to obtain fatigue behavior over current need in some fields to design for
a comprehensive range of S^ and Sm finite fatigue life requires a wider appli-
values, there have been many attempts cation of Sa-Sm relationships.
to propound laws, based on simple The above remarks about mean
experimental constants from a few stress apply equally well for both un-
tests, to predict generalized Sa-Sm be- notched and notched specimens. How-

ever, fatigue initiated by stress concen- it becomes extremely difficult to obtain a

tration is a complex problem in itself reliable generalized relationship for
for the case of zero mean stress. If the Sa-Sm values in notched material and to



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Mean Stress (Sm), tons per sq in.
(b) Notched specimens.
FIG. 7.—Continued.

latter is not zero, there is much specula- predict notched values on the basis of
tion and still no certain answer as to the unnotched data.
effect of stress concentration on the The results shown in Figs. 3 and 5
actual local values of mean and alternat- are reasonably comprehensive and pro-
ing stress. Without this latter knowledge vide a basis for detailed graphical

analysis of the various quantities. This Since there are generally more data on
has been done elsewhere (10), but due to fatigue at various mean stresses for
space limitations only some of the unnotched than notched specimens, it is
interesting features can be discussed very useful to have a method for pre-
here. dicting the effect of mean stress for
From the S-N curves (Figs. 3 and 5) notched specimens from unnotched data.
for unnotched and notched specimens, The simplest approach, when consider-
the Sa-Sm diagrams in Figs. 7(a) and (J) ing, say, a modified Goodman diagram,
have been derived for various values of is to divide the ordinate and abscissa by
endurance. Considering first the diagram the theoretical stress concentration
for unnotched specimens, the curves factor, Kt, so that
are bounded by the lines Sa/2 = 0,
5™ = 0, and 5„/2 + 5™ = 5„ = 70, and
their shape is very much dependent on '• • •'• (• - 1 )
the relative positions of the 5-A' curves.
For this reason, the rather sharp kink becomes
in the Sa-S^ curves for long endurances
at approximately R = 0 might have
been attributed to a misplaced S-N
curve; however, a study of Fig. 3 indicates The main weaknesses in this approach
that a fairly unreasonable shift of the are: (1) The strength reduction in
curves would be required to smooth out fatigue seldom achieves the value of Kt
the Sa-Sn curves. This has been noticed and is, therefore, given a separate symbol
on unnotched specimens by other in- Kf (to be defined later); and (2) the
vestigators (3), but it is certainly not the effect of local and then general yielding
general rule. A further point of note is around the notch influences the effective
that because the S-N curves intersect values of Sa and 5„ and hence the
with horizontal line S'max = 70 at various alternating-mean stress diagram. The
R values and endurances, the 5o-5„ general assumption that when local
curves are either asymptotic at low R, or yielding occurs at the stress raiser the
intersect at high R with the line Sa/2 + maximum stress is relieved to some
5„ = 70. extent, but that the range of stress is un-
Empirical expressions devised by affected implies that the local mean
Peterson (11), Stuessi (12), and Burdon stress will be reduced and a greater
(13) have each been compared with the range of stress can be maintained for a
experimental results, the last of those particular nominal mean stress.
giving the best correlation. For this Since the nominal static, tensile
particular material, difficulties arise strength of a notched specimen is gen-
because of the sharp inversion of Sa erally equal to or slightly higher than
versus S^ nt R = 0. A relationship of for an unnotched specimen, a better
the form approach to obtaining the notched
Sa-Sm diagram would be to join the
(1 - R)
where C and n are constants dependent
points Sa = So/Kt or So/kf to Sm =
Su notched by a straight line.
Reference to Fig. 1(b) for the present
on N, gives a better fit to the results, but tests shows that the above method of
has the disadvantage of requiring more predicting the notched relationship
initial experimental data for evaluation. would be in considerable error. Gunn

(4), who has studied this problem, sug- These latter parts of the diagram,
gests that three distinct stages in a described in detail elsewhere (4,14), can
notched Sa-S^ diagram are: (1) the be constructed either by using a plastic-
condition that the local maximum stress stress concentration factor, Kp , or the
is still elastic, for which the first part of stress-strain curve for the material and a


20 30 40 50 60
Mean Stress ( S ^ ) , tons per sq in.
Su Plain^
Su Notched-
(a) iV > 10° (Fatigue endurance limit).
FIG. 8.—Comparison of Experimental and Empirical S„-Sm Curves.

the notched Sa-S^ diagram can be strain concentration factor equal to the
drawn up to the point of intersection elastic stress concentration factor. The
with the line joining Sa = Sy/Kt to Sm = three stages mentioned above are self
Sy/Kt or when local yielding com- evident in Fig. 7(6) at endurances down
mences; (2) occurrence of local yielding, to 10* cycles; while for unnotched speci-
with the body of the material remaining mens the inversion occurs at constant
elastic, and (3) general yielding in the stress ratio {R = 0), for the notched
material. curves the change in curvature occurs

at almost a constant mean stress of dieted curve and the notched Sa-Sm
approximately 25 tons per sq in. At curve for high, medium, and low en-
endurances below W cycles, where durances is shown in Fig. 8(a), (b), and
maximum stresses are high and more (c), respectively. In each case the theo-
general yielding is taking place, the retical curve is overly conservative.

10 20 30 40 50 60

Nominal Mean Stress ( S ^ ) , tons per sq in.

(b) .V = 5 X 10* cycles.

FIG. 8—Continued.

Sa-Sm curves are fairly smooth and principally owing to the use of theoretical
parabolic in form. elastic and plastic stress concentration
Gunn's method of analysis avoids the factors rather than a fatigue strength
need of any initial notched fatigue data, reduction factor. The definition of the
because predictions are made directly latter term is well established in the
from unnotched results. That approach case of fully reversed stress cycling,
was applied to the present results, and that is, constant zero mean stress;
the comparison between Gunn's pre- however, if various mean stresses also

have to be considered, then kj may be N, produced curves of the simplest form

defined in several ways. Different factors for empirical representation,
were evaluated using 5max , Xiean , S^ , The fatigue strength reduction factor
and R in order to find in which terms the will therefore be written as k/m:

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Mean Stress (Sm), tons per sq in.
(c) .V = 5 X 10^ cycles (Schenck machine data).
FIG. 8—Concluded.

ratio of unnotched and notched speci- 5,„ax of unnotched specimens

men results could be most conveniently , ^ for Sm and N
expressed. It was found that the ratio •5'max of notched specimens
of plain 5n,ax to notched S^^^ , for con- f""" *e same S„ and N
stant mean stress 5„,, and endurance, and the values obtained in the present

tests over the range of mean stress and

endurance studied have been plotted in kfni
Fig. 9. Cross plotting fe/„ against mean n =
stress for constant endurance gives a
series of curves which are relatively in-
C' /v/m ^ un ^ n
dependent of iV above lO'* cycles and
may be represented by the equation: kfm = value of k/m at 10 cycles and zero
mean stress, and
[kfn. 'i'lnax = maximum stress for 10 cycles
+ 5„„
and zero mean stress.
[^/m]avg = average strength reduction Using the above expressions, the

Cyclic Lifetime
FIG. 9.—Strength Reduction Factor (kf^) Versus Cyclic Lifetime.

factor for 10^ <N < and Sa-Sm curves are derived and plotted on
S„, = 0, Figs. 8(a), (i), and (c). For each en-
S — tensile strength of un- durance the agreement with the experi-
notched specimen, and mental points is quite reasonable.
^ up
tensile strength of notched Until there is more detailed informa-
specimen. tion on the local stress conditions, Sa and
•^ un ^^
cycles yielding is no longer S„t, and the way in which these may
localized,10^the mean stress is less effective, alter under elastic and plastic conditions,
and the nominal maximum stress it is not possible to predict accurately
governs k/^ • It is found that a linear notched fatigue data from unnotched
variation of k/„ with 5max fits the results fatigue tests. Thus, a notched fatigue
fairly well and may be expressed as: curve for at least zero mean stress, from
which other mean stress conditions
f^fm — W'Jmax ~\~ ^
might be reasonably derived, is neces-
where: sary.

LOW-CYCLE FATIGUE BEHAVIOR leads to ductile rupture rather than

In this section the term fatigue failure fatigue. Failures of the former type are
indicated by the symbol c on the S-1^
is used to describe cyclic stress failure in
curves. I t might be imagined that this
the absence of gross permanent deforma-
type of behavior would be a function of
tion. Failures which occur due to progres-
positive stress ratios and high mean
sive cyclic creep and have an appearance
stress. However, for this particular ma-
as in a monotonic tension test will be
terial, except for a few tests having a
mean stress almost up to the tensile
strength, it appeared that a negative
stress ratio, that is, minimum stress
compressive, and a positive mean stress
were necessary to promote cyclic creep.
In the present tests the major effect
occurred for the S-N curve at i? =
— 0.46. A smooth transition occurs from
ductile rupture to conventional fatigue
at about 2 X W cycles. Some materials
(5,15) exhibit cychc creep without the
presence of compressive stress in the
cycle, and it may be that this behavior
is largely a function of the size and shape
of the hysteresis loop in conjunction with
a tensile mean stress.
Strain With increasing positive stress ratio,
the phenomenon of "minimum fatigue
ESS3 Ap Permanent Loop Area life" became apparent; in other words
2Z2Z) Ar Repeated Loop Area the 5-/V curves would meet the 5niax =
Su line at values of endurance dependent
£pt Total Plastic Stroin Range
on the stress ratio, as noted in other
£pp Permanent Plastic Strain Range
£pr Repeated Plastic Strain Range
materials (16,17).
The notched S-'N curves tend to
Note: With no Cyclic Creep Action Ap=£pp=0 exhibit the minimum fatigue life effect
FIG. 10.—Idealized Hysteresis Loops Under at lower endurances than for the equiva-
Cyclic Creep Conditions'. lent unnotched curves. Cyclic creep
failures were not clearly distinguished,
referred to as ductile rupture or cyclic although in some tests cumulative
creep failure. plastic deformation was noticed locally
Referring back to Figs. 3 and 5 and around the holes.
other confirmations (5,6), it seems that Regarding the two different fre-
for load cycling at low endurances there quencies used, it appears that in both
are two independent deformation mecha- sets of 5-iV curves the low frequency
nisms which can operate. The unnotched gives a shallower slope to all the lines,
specimen, under certain conditions of while for the notched curves there
maximum stress and stress ratio accumu- appears to be no loss in endurance at
lates a certain amount of permanent low frequency beyond about 2 X 10*
extension in every cycle which is repre- cycles. However, there is a marked
sented diagrammatically in Fig. 10. reduction in life at lower endurances.
This type of cyclic creep eventually The low-frequency curves for unnotched

specimens are rather remarkable in that Fig. 11 for various tests on unnotched
at higher endurances the material has a specimens a.t R = —0.46. To observe
greater fatigue strength than at high the shape of the latter part of the curves
frequency. This is completely opposite right through to fracture, the above
to what is usually postulated, and no results plus a few for other stress ratios
conclusive reasoning can be put forward have been plotted on a linear cycle scale
at this stage. in Fig. 12. To some extent these curves

Cyclic Lifefime
FIG. 11.—Cyclic Strain Versus Lifetime at Constant Stress Ratio (R = —0.46).

The instrumentation described earlier recall conventional static creep curves

provided many records of hysteresis in the distinctly different stages of
loops, and although these did not lead creep-cycle rate that are evident in
to many fundamental observations, Fig. 12. There is also the remarkable
some of the results are presented here feature of fracture ductility increased
which appear to be of interest. In some under cyclic conditions by 200 to 300
tests in which cyclic creep occurred, the per cent over that found in static mono-
continuous extension of the gage length tonic tension. This behavior is found to a
up to 4 per cent strain has been plotted lesser extent in other materials (5).
against number of cycles (log scale) in Cyclic creep effects in the notched

^ L-!-/Vo. 061 Smax SB R-0.46
X-^No. 064 S„ax 68 R-0.46
[ 1 j
l ^ / V o 066 Smax 68 R-0.33

No. 050
64 R-OA 4

, /

No. 063 S„ox

64 R-0.47

i 8
Jo. or.? Sma
4 R-l.0.60
y / ^
No. 0 6rs„ ax
66 R -0.33

1 /


A )
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 MOO 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800

Cyclic Lifetime
FIG. 12.—Cyclic Creep Data Plotted to a Linear Lifetime Scale, Plain Specimens.


\ R-0.46
Smax rZOi c
\ JR + 0 33
S 2.0
Smax 68.0
•^ 1.8
/ R+0.075 M
^ 1.6 8/nox^

o> R+O.C775
ID 1.4

! 1.2 X ^0.0 A
R + 0.525
^8ffj ax 60.0
1.0 SmaxSO-O
> - 0.46 R+0075 ~
as • ^

Cyclic Lifetime
FIG. 13,—Cyclic Elongation, Notched Specimens.

specimens were small and relatively results obtained for very high maximum
localized; however, extensometer meas- stresses and various stress ratios are
urements were made on a Ij-in. gage shown in Fig. 13. Fracture elongations
length across the notched section, and for all the tests lie between 1 and 2.6

10" 2 5 IQI 2 5 IQZ 2 5 |o3 2 5 ,34 2 5 .QS

Cyclic Lifetime
FIG. 14.—Variation of Total and Repeated Hysteresis Loop Width During Lifetime.

Cyclic Lifetime

FIG. 15.—Variation of Total and Repeated Loop Width During Life.


per cent, and for a particular stress the solid curve is the total plastic strain
ratio elongation increases with the maxi- range, tj,i (Fig. 10). The difference be-
mum stress. tween the two curves (Fig. 14) represents
From the records of hysteresis loops, the cyclic creep strain per cycle.
the variation of plastic strain range Each curve shows an initial period of
during a number of the tests on plain reducing strain range which is greater as
specimens was determined. It has been stress ratio changes from negative to

10 20 30 •40
' 4 0 * f5;0 ' ' 7 0 80 100 150
Stress Range, tons per sq in.
FIG. 16.—Cyclic Plastic Strain Range Versus Total Stress Range, Unnotched Specimens.

plotted against number of cycles for a positive. As R varies from —0.46 to

constant maximum stress of 68 tons +0.48 the values of plastic strain range
per sq in. and various stress ratios in diminish. In curves leading to fatigue,
Fig. 14. Three of the curves, marked F, the extensometer was removed from the
lead to fatigue, while the other three specimen in ample time to avoid damage
resulted in ductile rupture. In this latter at fracture; thus the curves represent
case two quantities have been plotted only part of the endurance.
for plastic-strain range. The broken Further results are shown in Fig. 15
line in Fig. 14 represents the width of the for two specific stress ratios, R = —0.46
closed part of the loop, tpr (Fig. 10), and and —0.33, and various maximum stress

values. As would be expected, plastic- In order to obtain a measure of the

strain range diminished with decreasing energy expended during the low-cycle
maximum stress. fatigue tests, the area of the hysteresis
The two final features of interest are loops was measured and summed
illustrated in Figs. 16 and 17. In Fig. 16 throughout the life of a specimen. The
the average cyclic plastic strain range is total energy to fracture has been plotted
plotted against the stress range for vari- against endurance in Fig. 17. Although
ous stress ratios; it is seen that a linear there is quite a spread of points, some
relationship results, including those speci- of which may be due to the error in


1.5 J
• R = -l.00
1.4 » R=-0.60 /
• R=-0.46
].3 0 R = -0.I0 /
» R =+0.075
a R = +0.33 /
1.2 " R-+0.48
c = Creep Faiure


w 1
0.7 i o
• / (Very Sm ill Loops )
06 Y^ • /
c 1
0.4 T 9



0.1 v ^ B
(Very Small Loops)
2 5 IQS 2 5 |o4

Cyclic L i f e T i m e , f r a c t u r e

FIG. 17.—Total Cyclic Energy to Fracture Versus Lifetime, Repeated Loops (Summation of
Repeated Loop Areas for Each Cycle to Fracture).

mens failing by cyclic creep, in which measuring the area of very small loops,
case tpr has been used. Over the range it appears that the results might be repre-
studied, mean stress appears to have sented by one smooth curve, as shown,
virtually no influence on plastic-strain of increasing energy with increasing en-
range, and the line in Fig. 16 is repre- durance, which again appears to be
sented by the equation: independent of stress ratio.
It is probably mere coincidence that The effect of local yielding on notched
the constant 141 is almost twice the specimens was to reduce the effective
tensile strength of the material, which mean stress and hence increase the al-
would give for this steel: lowable stress amplitude for a particular
" > = < ? , 0.127 endurance, as illustrated in the Sa-Sm

diagram. A fatigue-strength reduction 10'' cycles. The concept of "minimum

factor defined as the ratio of unnotched fatigue life" was observed for all positive
to notched maximum stress at constant stress ratios varying from lO"* cycles at
mean stress and endurance gave the R = 0.075 to 106 (.ycles at R = 0.91.
most satisfactory method of correlating Under conditions of positive mean
unnotched and notched fatigue data. stress but negative stress ratio, a cyclic
creep mechanism leading to ductile rup-
The region of overlap between long-
ture occurred up to endurances of about
endurance high-frequency and low-cycle
5 X 10' cycles for unnotched specimens.
low-frequency fatigue curves generally
Other stress ratios gave conventional
exhibited a reduction in fatigue strength
fatigue failures down to 10 cycles en-
at low frequency, b u t blending in with
the high-frequency curves for unnotched
Diagrams of plastic strain range versus
material beyond endurances of 20 X 10^
stress range and total energy to fracture
cycles. At stress ratios of 0.075 and
versus endurance show relationships
— 0.46, the low-frequency notched curves
which are virtually independent of stress
showed an increase in strength above ratio.

(1) J. 0 . Smith, "The Effect of Range of (8) W. Illg, "Fatigue Tests on Notched and
Stress on the Fatigue Strength of Metals," Unnotched Sheet Specimens of 2024-T3
University of Illinois Bulletin, Vol. XXXIX, and 7075-T6 Aluminum Alloys and of
No. 26 (1942). SAE 4130 Steel with Special Considera-
(2) B. J. Lazan and A. A. Blatherwick, tion of the Life Range from 2 to 10,000
"Strength Properties of Rolled Aluminum Cycles," NACA TN 3866 (1956).
Alloys Under Various Combinations of (9) W. C. Brueggeman and M. Mayer, "Guides
Alternating and Mean Axial Fatigue for Preventing Buckling in Axial F'atigue
Stresses," Proceedings, Am. Soc. Testing Tests on Thin Sheet Metal Specimens,"
Mats., Vol. 53, p. 856 (1953). NACA TN 931 (1941).
(3) A. R. Woodward, K. G. Gunn, and G.
(10) W. J. Bell, "The Effect of Stress Concen-
Forrest, "The Effect of Mean Stress on the
trations and Local Plastic Deformation
Fatigue of Aluminum Alloys," Inter-
on the Fatigue Properties of Stainless
national Conference on Fatigue, Inst.
Steel Sheet," Ph.D. Thesis, London
Mechanical Engrs., p. 158, Sept., 1956.
University (1961).
(4) K. Gunn, "Effect of Yielding on the
Fatigue Properties of Test Pieces Contain- (11) R. E. Peterson, "Review of F'atigue of
ing Stress Concentrations," Aeronautical Metals Field," Applied Mechanical Review,
Quarterly, Vol. VI, Nov., 1955. Vol. 5, No. 1 (1952).
(5) P. P. Benham, "Axial Load and Stran- (12) F. Stuessi, "Theory and Test Result on the
Cycling Fatigue of Copper at Low Ein Fatigue of Metals," Proceedings, Am. Soc.
durance," Journal Inst, of Metals, Vol. 89, Civil Engrs., Journal Structures Div., Vol.
No. 9, p. 328 (1961). 85, No. ST8, p. 65, Oct., 1959.
(6) P. P. Benham and H. Ford, "Low En- (13) W. H. Burton, "A Practical Method of
durance Fatigue of a Mild Steel and an Fatigue Stress Analysis," Aircraft Engi-
Aluminum Alloy," Journal of Mechanical neering, Vol. XXVII, p. 299, Sept., 1955.
Engineering Science, Vol. 3, No. 2, p. 119 (14) H. F. Hardrath and L. Ohman, "A Study
(1961). of Elastic and Plastic Stress Concentra-
(7) M. H. Weisman and M. H. Kaplan, "The tion Factors Due to Notches and Fillets in
Fatigue Strength of Steel Through the Flat Plates," NACA Report 1117 {and TN
Range from 5 to 30,000 Cycles of Stress," 2566) (1951).
Proceedings, Am. Soc. Testing Mats., Vol. (15) G. P. Tilly and P. P. Benham, "Load
50, p. 649 (1950). Cycling in the Low Endurance Range in

Relation to Brittle Fracture of Mild Steel," Stainless Steel and Heat Treated 403 Stain-
Journal, Iron and Steel Inst., Vol. 200, less Steel," iV/lC4 TN 3017 (1953).
No. 3, p. 216 (1962). (17) C. T. Mackenzie and P. P. Benham,
(16) H. F. Hardrath, C. B. Landers, and E. C. "Low Cycle Fatigue of an Aluminum-
Utley, "Axial I^oad Fatigue Tests on Copper Alloy B. S. L65," Journal, Royal
Notched and Unnotched Sheet Specimens Aeronautical Soc, Vol. 66, No. 614, p. 129
of 615-T6 Aluminum Alloy, Annealed 347 (1962).
STP338-EB/Sep. 1963





The low-cycle fatigue properties (10 to 20 cycles) of Ladish D6A steel at a

yield strength of 240,000 psi were investigated at a constant value of crack-
tip driving force. Two specimen thicknesses (0.160 and 0.075 in.) were studied.
The data were analyzed using Irwin's steady-state model, and a correlation
was found. The behavior exhibited may be divided into two classes: (1)
"thick-plate" and (2) "thin-plate." In the thick-plate behavior the p'ate
thickness is greater than the local plastic-zone size at the advancing tip of the
crack. The elastic constraint, therefore, dominates the rate cf crack propaga-
tion. Because of the lower elastic constraint present in a 45-deg oblique shear
fracture, the rate of crack propagation at a constant driving force is less than
for the cup-cone condition. In the thin-plate behavior, the shear displacement
on the F axis dominates rather than the elastic constraint. The 45-deg ob'ique
shear type of fracture, therefore, results in a greater rate of crack extension
because the vertical shear displacements are larger than for the cup-cone type
of fracture.

MATHEMATICAL SYMBOLS fatigue failure has been associated with

g> strain energy release rate ultrahigh-strength steels which are stres-
gc, critical strain energy release rate for fast sed to a high percentage of their yield
fracture and fracture toughness strength.
g / c , plane strain fracture toughness Failures of these materials usually
<r, gross section stress occur by fast fracture in which the origin
W, specimen width of the fracture can frequently be traced
B, specimen thickness to some small flaw or pre-existent crack.
a, \ crack length The science of fracture mechanics as
E, Young's modulus developed by Irwin (l)3 offers a means of
<T,IS , yield strength a t 0.20 p e r cent offset
estimating the maximum allowable crack
N, number of cycles
t, strain size to avoid rapid fracture. Defects
which are subcritical in size before load-
In recent years there has been in- ing may grow by slow crack extension
creased interest in the problem of fail- and possibly reach critical size after
ures that occur after a limited number several loading cycles.
of loading cycles.. This type of low-cycle Since the materials of interest are
Metallurgist, Metallurgy Research Labora- heat treated to high strength levels, the
tory, Research and Development Group, Frank- fracture mechanics approach, used quite
ford2 Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa.
Director, Metallurgy Research Laboratory, 3
Research and Development Group. Frankford The boldface numbers in parentheses refer
Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa. to the list of references appended to this paper.
Copyright^ 1963 by ASTM International

successfully for other high-strength ma- mens were then subjected to reversed
terials problems, would be appropriate bending in a Krouse plate fatigue ma-
to obtain meaningful behavior data chine to initiate a fatigue crack at the
which would lend itself to analysis. ends of the notch to act as crack starters.
The basic mathematical model of These fatigue cracks are indicated on the
fracture mechanics has been carefully fracture surfaces in Fig. 1.
reviewed by Irwin (2). In this review he Both a flat fracture and a 45-deg
has defined the force conjugate to speed shear lip were present in the fracture of
of crack extension as the rate of dissipa- the 0.160-in. thick specimens, as shown
tion of strain energy with crack exten- in Fig. 1. Ink staining indicated that the
sion, g. The study of the rate of slow flat portion of the crack tunneled into
crack extension, as previously advocated the specimen a greater distance than the
(3), as a function of the g value or crack surface crack. To obtain the relation be-
tip strain field was followed in this in- tween the internal flat crack length and
vestigation. the surface crack length, a series of
specimens for each thickness and direc-
MATERIAL tion were ink stained or heat tinted, or
The material used for this investiga- both, at various stages of crack exten-
tion was D6Ac steel supplied by the sion. The results for the 0.160-in. thick
specimens are shown in Fig. 2. The ad-
TABLE I.—CHEMICAL COMPOSITION justed crack length, arbitrarily computed
OF D6Ac STEEL. by dividing the area of the actual crack
Carbon, per cent 0.46 by the thickness of the specimen rather
Manganese, per cent 0.79
Phosphorus, per cent 0.005 than using the surface crack length,
Sulfur, per cent 0.007 was used to compute values of g.
Sihcon, per cent 0.18
Nickel, per cent 0.51 The results obtained for the 0.075-in.
Chromium, per cent 0.98 thick specimens (Figs. 3 and 4) indicate
Molybdenum 0.95
Vanadium, per cent 0.07
that the fractures of these specimens
showed full shear.
Ladish Co. Plate samples 0.160 and The initial crack length (notch plus
0.075 in. thick were obtained by flatten- fatigue crack) of the specimen was
ing and grinding roll ring forgings. The measured with a traveling micrometer
chemical composition of the material is microscope, and the value of load re-
given in Table I. quired to produce a given value of crack
Samples of this steel were austenitized tip driving force, g, was computed by
at 1550 F and cooled in an air blast. The solving Eq 1 (4) for a:
specimens were tempered for 4 hr at a--W
650 F to develop 240,000 psi yield Q =
h +
-t- ^
tan I - (1)
E \W 2Wa
strength at 0.20 per cent offset.
The specimen was loaded in uniaxial
tension to the calculated value, held for 3
Centrally notched fracture test speci- min, and then released. The surface
mens 3 by 12 in. from both the longi- crack length, measured with the travel-
tudinal and the transverse directions, ing micrometer microscope, was used to
were used for this investigation. After determine the effective crack length
heat treatment, a central slot 0.500-in. from Figs. 2 or 4.
long was cut in the specimen by elec- The value of the effective crack length
trical-discharge machining. The speci- was used in Eq 1 to compute the value

of load required to reproduce the same EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND

value of g. The cycle was then repeated. DISCUSSION
The g values used for cycling were Typical curves of crack growth versus
kept below the critical value of fracture number of cycles at various 9 values for
toughness, which was predetermined the 0.160-in. thick specimens are shown
and is given in Table II. in Figs. 5 and 6. For these heavier speci-

FiG. 1.—Study of Crack Shape for D6Ac Steel, 0.160 In. Thick; Yield Strength, 240,000 psi.
Arrows indicate extent of heat-tinted crack.



LJ fl
to fa
I -5
^ \ ^ N.
,^ < (fl (/J
0) T3

2 H
°g CI J^

\K - H
„ F-l
H Q 1^
1 UJ
o A
1 z
Q. o
^ 3 \
H <

• 1


D a
Xx-^ H

" ^ </)
< I^

X T3 tfi
zo if M u5
u J

. ^\ rt r m
?| \ \
S: S
t- <

!! M
rt tn M

1 ~;
<^^ S
. !/l
2 '^.J 5
[n.Si H
Ni'MisNan Novtio nvNuaiNi J3

mens there is a fairly rapid crack growth this phenomenon is associated with the
for the first three to four cycles, after shear lip development. There is an
which the rate of crack growth becomes equilibrium value of shear lip for each
relatively constant. I t is believed that value of 9 3.t which the specimen is


FIG. 3.—Study of Fracture Appearance for D6Ac Steel.

Three longitudinal specimens, 0.075 in. thick, yield strength 240,000 psi.

\ X
\ "*
X N\
\\ ^ 1-
v> o
^ a< I: ti5
\\r\ V ^
IN \
•v\i "
1 "
\ <
x\ t«

r\i . ~ G S

J 1 \
°fe o \ \ E
TS t^
^t- 23 a. \ \
1 \ \//
\ l\ -a
• 1
\ h-l OS

\ ^u
'Nl' H10N3n >OVtl3 nVNb31NI
H a
o aj
^ \ V X
s H -*J



\ X

\ \ •** O

i H
Q. ^ O
0. -»
\I' m 5!
9 M o
. M
\ N

. 1
-Nl H19N3-I yiytva -iwa^iM

cycled. During the first few cycles of length-number of cycles curve in the
loading the crack growth is fairly high linear part, r^s is the plastic zone size
until this equilibrium value of shear lip and is equal to E^/irays^, and C is a
is attained. This effect is illustrated by numerical constant. In analyzing fatigue
both the curves and small macrographs data on 7075-T6 aluminum, Irwin found
in Figs. 5 and 6. that a value for C of 0.02 fit the data
Irwin (5) has suggested a steady-state points fairly well.


Direction W, in. B, in. Breaking la, in. 8c , in-lb Per Cent

Load,lb per sq in. Shear

Longitudinal 3.00 0.166 28 500 1.042 206 30.3

3,00 0.164 23 300 1.10 150 19.1
3.00 0.075 22 700 1.016 684 100
Transverse 3.00 0.077 24 200 1.076 890 too


FIG. S.—Slow Crack Extension of Transverse Specimen T-22.

Note extent of fatigue crack and shear lip formation (approx XI2).

model to describe crack growth in fa- Corten (3) has modified the expression
tigue, in which the coordinates are fixed to account for the zero intercept as
and the material flows past the co- follows:
ordinates at a fixed rate. Mathematically
this may be expressed as:
TN = ^'-
— = 0.02
Tro-ys* ar
where £ic is the plane strain fracture

where da/dN is the rate of crack propa- toughness. This expression was used to
gation defined as the slope of the crack analyze the data in this investigation.

Table III summarizes the data ob- mens T5, TB, L l l , L7, L4, and L3. The
tained for the 0.160-in. thick specimens. experimental values of da/dN are con-
In Fig. 7(a) are plotted the values of siderably larger than predicted from Eq



G = I25








G= 100


FIG. 6.—Slow Crack Extension of Transverse Specimen T-B.

Note extent of fatigue crack and shear lip formation (approx X12).

da/dN versus g for specimens T22, T24, 3 using the same value of the constant
L5, L2, L6, and T21, the results of which C. Scatter will be observed in these data,
are in agreement with the values pre- but this is not considered unusual in
dicted from Eq 3. In Fig. 7(6) are plotted fatigue phenomena.
the values of da/dN versus g for speci- In supposedly identical specimens of

the same material, 50 per cent of the crack approaches the surface with a
data agree with calculated values from characteristic lead of the tip to shear
the steady-state model, and the re- lag, and the crack front shape is estab-
mainder show growth rates in excess of lished (Fig. 8(a)).
those predicted. The fracture toughness Upon unloading, the crack is forced
developed in these specimens does not closed by the surrounding elastic field,
vary as inferred by the per cent shear but the y displacements cannot be
measured after cycling at g = 125. zeroed because the crack is propped
Therefore, this effect is not the con- open by the crack tip plastic zone. How-
trolling factor (see Table I I I ) . Further ever, the plastic zone is not about the
examination of this table shows that the axis perpendicular to the sheet surface
fracture contours of the specimens that but along the tunneled front profile.
agree with predictions from Eq 3 show Collapse of the load will leave a residual


100 115 125 150 175 185 200 215 225 240

T22 0,0009 0.0009 0.0008 r--,M 25.3

T24 0,001 1 0.0012 0.0012 Mrl 26.2
L5 0.0003 0.0005 0.0003 00016 MM 22.4
L2 0.00006 O0005 0.0008 0.0005 0.0026 0.0031 Mri 237
L6 0.0002 0.0004 0,0007 0.00 1 3 0.0027 0.0027 0-0017 00014
MM 21.3
T2I 0.000 2 0.0007 0.0003 O0027 00026 0.003 MM 246
T5 O002 6 0.0033 0.0033 MM 26.6
TB 0.0015 0.0035 0.0060 MM 22.6
L-ll O.OOII 0.0033 0.0025
MM 23.4

^' 000006 00010 0.0090

Mrl 226

L4 00005 0.0006 0.0001 0.0020 0.0051 MM 23.0

L3 0.0017 00035 0.0050

aligned 45-deg obhque shear lips except stress pattern sufficient to accomplish
for specimen L5; the fracture contour some compressive plastic strain toward
of the specimens that disagree show the tail as shown in Fig. 8{b).
elements of the cup-cone fracture, except The compressive plastic deformation
for specimens L7 and L4. These speci- occurs to an increasing degree toward
mens show 45-deg oblique shear lips the tail of the crack as the elastic open-
which are oriented in opposite directions ing, Av, contracts through greater y
on each side of the specimen. displacement toward this region. This
The following tentative phenomeno- is the irreversible part of the cycle, and
logical explanation has been proposed in the case of high elastic constraint
(6). I t will be assumed that a more severe the effect is intensified.
restraint is placed on the plastic strain Upon reloading, the yield stress pat-
zone at the crack tip by the cup-cone tern changes; the Bauschinger effect
type fracture. prevents the tail of the crack tip from
As the load is applied, the crack ex- supporting its previous unitensile share
tends in the center, shear occurs as the of the load. 9 is intensified at the crack

z m • •+
tu lO CD = K ^ •<>
a. 1 1 1 1 I 1
v> 1- H -1 -1 -J -1


0 \
\ a .5
\ 03 >


• «i

a • u



Ui • 0 > 0 x <]
UJ eg M <" C^ U> N
(0 H H J J J h-

a; O

X d
rt J5
1 \. X
o x < \ a
o a o
OJ (T u
UJ d
1 NyX \
i5 CO Ml
UJ \ 3 a
3 z o
O ® 2 - -7^,
< TS O

anoAD dSd'Ni'

tip, and the crack extends to re-estab-

lish equilibrium (Fig. 8(c)).
o.-A -A' The importance of this effect can be
realized from Eq 3. In this expression
the (Xys occurs as a squared term in the
denominator, and even relatively small
changes in <T„S would produce a large
change in the EQ/ir<Tys' term. The reduc-
tion in yield strength by the Bauschinger
0 9 •
VALUE o zr A
V 22 »
X 24®
(o) Initial loading.
i „

1 X


! V^^^<r„ l<^

100 200 9 00

FIG. 9.—Relationship Between the go Value

for Crack Growth Instability and the Final g
(6) Unloading. Value Used for Cycling.

effect may be relatively large. Nadai (7)

has indicated a substantial loss of yield
PATTERN I t has also been observed that the
STRESS FIELD PLASTIC DEFORMATION g^ values at instability correlate well
ACTUAL PATTERN CRACK with the last g value used in cycling
Typical crack growth-cycle curves
at various g values for the 0.075-in.
thick specimens are shown in Figs. 10
STRAIN FIELD and 11. One specimen shows a very rapid
slow crack growth (Fig. 10) for a few
cycles and then shows a slow and steady
(c) Reloading. rate of slow crack extension. This speci-
FIG, 8.—Stress and Strain Distribution in men showed a cup-cone type fracture.
Crack Tip Region.


2 4 fi 8 10 12 14 16 IS 2<

FIG. 10.—Slow Crack Extension of Longitudinal Specimen L-4, 0.075 In. Thick.
Note extent of fatigue crack and fracture formation (approx X12).

G • 600


FIG. IF—Slow Crack Extension of Transverse Specimen T-3, 0.075 In. Thick.
Note extent of fatigue crack and shear fracture formation (approx X12).

The other specimen shows a rapid than for the cup-cone fracture; thus it
and fairly constant rate of slow crack would be anticipated that the 45-deg
growth (Fig. 11) and a fracture of 45 deg oblique fracture profile would show the
oblique shear. These specimens could be faster slow crack-growth rates.
cycled at higher values of g than the
heavy 0.160-in. thick specimens. Table
IV summarizes the data obtained for A correlation exists between the steady
the 0.075-in. specimens. state model as proposed by Irwin and
In Fig. 12(a) are plotted the values of the results of this investigation. How-
da/dN as a function of 9 for 0.075-in. ever, two specific types of behavior are
thick specimens L2, L4, T7, T4, and evident in the data which are a function
T5, which exhibited elements of the of specimen thickness, and they can be
cup-cone fracture. These results are in explained to some degree by the con-



j^ ronh EQUAL TO;

400 450 500 SZS 600
T-6 0.007 3 0.0147 h h 100
L-l 0.0079 h h 100
' T-1 0.0 ISO h h 100
T-3 0.0220 h A 100
T-7 0.0024 0.0046 M h 100
L-2 0.0012 M h 100
T-4 0.0090 M h 100
T-5 0.0090
n h 100
L-4 0O009 M n 100

qualitative agreement with the predicted sideration of two factors: (1) the elastic
values of Eq 3. In Fig. 12(6) are plotted constraint present in the specimen, and
the values of da/dN versus g for speci- (2) the ease with which vertical shear
mens T6, L I , T l , and T3 which showed displacement can be attained.
45-deg oblique fracture and much greater In the thick-plate behavior, which is
rates of slow crack extension. These exemplified by the 0.160-in. specimens,
effects are opposite to those observed the plate thickness is substantially
for the heavier specimens. The 0.160-in. larger than the local plastic zone size
thick specimens with the cup-cone type at the advancing tip of the crack. The
of fracture showed the greatest rate of elastic constraint, therefore, dominates
crack growth, whereas the 0.075-in. thick the rate of crack propagation. Because
specimens with oblique shear showed of the lower elastic constraint present
the largest crack growth rate. These in a 45 deg obhque shear fracture, the
results, however, are congruent. For the rate of crack propagation at a constant
thin specimens which fail in full shear, driving force is less than that for the
the vertical y displacements are easier cup-cone condition.
to attain for the 45 deg oblique shear In the thin-plate behavior, the shear

1 hn
l n
o, >
^"^"^ a
\ fl
1 Cl fi,
1 J2
U \ u
1 U
; 3

• X + <1 Q o o
\ u £3
5 •a
|I- _l H t- O lO
•1 0
o 3
-c h

3~I3A3 tl3d Nl '

X + <] a
^ cj • m
! -
< •
1 - 1- I \ t §
-+ ' r-V

— —A— •i
1 \ o PL,
1 '
1 I

^ S

I 2
c ) c 10
< < :>
313Jk3 H3<j Nl '

displacement on the y axis dominates Acknowledgment:

rather than the elastic constraint. T h e
45-deg oblique shear type of fracture, The authors wish to thank G, R.
therefore, results in a greater rate of Irwin and J. M. Krafft of the Mechanics
crack extension because the vertical Division of Naval Research Laboratory
shear displacements are larger than for for their assistance and advice during
the cup-cone type of fracture. the course of this investigation.

(1) G. R. Irwin, Encyclopedia of Physics, Vol. (4) "Fracture Testing of High-Strength Sheet
VI, Julius Springer, Heidelberg (1958). Materials: A Report of a Special ASTM
(2) G. R. Irwin, "Relation of Crack Toughness Committee," ASTM BULLETIN, N O . 243,
Measurements to Practical Applications," Jan., 1960, p. 29; No. 244, Feb., 1960, p. 18.
Welding Journal Research Supplement, (5) G. R. Irwin, Lecture Series Presented at the
November, 1962. Department of Theoretical and Applied
(3) H. T. Corten, "Slow Crack Extension in Mechanics, University of Illinois, December,
High-Strength Steels," Proceedings, Seventh 1961.
Sagamore Ordnance Materials Research (6) J. M. Krafft, private communications.
Conference, Aug. 16 to 19, 1960, Vol. IV, (7) A. Nadai, Plasticity, McGraw Hill Book
p. 117. Co., New York, N. Y. (1931).
STP338-EB/Sep. 1963

LOW-CYCLE F A T I G U E OF Ti-6A1-4V A T - 4 2 3 F

B Y R. R. H I L S E N , 1 C. S. Y E N , 1 AND B. V. WHITESON 1


To determine the effects of various factors on low-cycle fatigue phenomena

in connection with space vehicle design, axial tension fatigue tests up to 2000
cycles were conducted on titanium alloy, Ti-6A1-4V, at —423 F. The effects of
changing the minimum-to-maximum load ratio and cycling speed for the range
tested were slight. The fatigue strength of pressure-welded specimens was
within 1 per cent of that of the base metal. Fatigue strengths at —423 F were
65 to 68 per cent higher than those at room temperature.
Two types of fractures were observed, depending on the fatigue life. A
transition in the fracture appearance occurred between 700 and 2000 cycles in
which the fracture changed from a cup-and-cone to a more typical surface-
initiated fatigue fracture. Cycling below the ultimate tensile strength tended
to raise the fatigue strength above the static tensile strength. Possible mecha-
nisms are discussed.

Present missile and space system re- vessels, it is necessary to duplicate or

quirements place considerable emphasis simulate the repeated service loads which
on structural materials capable of with- cycle from atmospheric to working pres-
standing load repetitions relatively few sures. The proof test is accomplished by
in number but high in stress amplitude. internal pressurization of the vessel with
A recent review article by Yao and gaseous helium while submerged in
Munse (l)2 summarizes much of the work liquid hydrogen (—423 F). If the qualifi-
done on low-cycle fatigue. Wood (2) and cation tests are conducted with the
Frost (3) have suggested that a different minimum pressure slightly above, but
mechanism separates material response not equal to, atmospheric pressure, then
in the low cyclic range from the more the pumping system is cheaper and
familiar high-cycle fatigue. Behavior simpler. This change in minimum biaxial
observed in the uniaxial fatigue tests of pressure would be equivalent to varying
annealed Ti-6A1-4V reported here pro- the R ratio (ratio of minimum to maxi-
vides additional evidence for the exis- mum load) in an axial fatigue test.
tence of separate mechanisms. Accordingly, the effect of changing the
Annealed Ti-6A1-4V is one of the load ratio on the fatigue life of welded
materials currently^ used in cryogenic Ti-6A1-4V at - 4 2 3 F was determined.
pressure vessels. In the qualification During service, the load at the peak
fatigue tests of these welded pressure of each cycle is maintained for a period
that is too long to be practical for proof
Missiles and Space Systems Division, testing; therefore, the effect of changing
Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc., Santa Monica, Calif. the hold time or cycling speed on fatigue
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer
to the list of references appended to this paper. life was determined. In addition, com-
Copyright^ 1963 by ASTM International
HiLSEN ET AL ON L O W - C Y C L E F A T I G U E OF Ti-6A1-4V A T —423 F 63

parisons between base metal and weld- TEST PROCEDURE

ment and the effect of temperature on Three heats (Table I) of annealed
fatigue strength were obtained. Ti-6A1-4V were tested. The specimens
from one heat (G8549) were obtained
TABLE I.—CHEMICAL COMPOSITION from Ij-in. diameter bar stock. Another
PERCENTAGES. heat (M9779), 3-in. diameter bar stock,
was used for the pressure-welded speci-
G8549, tw- M9779,3- D1700, 34- mens. The third heat (D1700), f-in.
in. Bar in. Bar in. Bar
bar, which was not welded, will be
Aluminum 6.0 6.6 6.2 described later.
Vanadium 4.1 4.1 4.1 Gas-pressure-welding consisted of forc-
Iron 0.19 0.18 0.19
Carbon. . . 0.020 0.028 0.026 ing together under high temperature and
Nitrogen. 0.010 0.020 0.016 high pressure the end surfaces of the
Hydrogen. 0.0048 0.0060 0.0057 segments to be joined. A 1.2-in. diameter
Oxygen. . . 0.11 0.13 0.15
hole was first bored through the center

3%" - 3Vi"


BORE 1.2' I.D.


FIG. 1.—Tube Weld.

»/4-16 NF-3 THDS (2 PLCS)


0.750- D ,, ,-
0.000- — ( I H-'
0.005- ^^

CHAM 1/16" X 45°




FIG. 2.—Typical Fatigue Specimen.


of the 3-in. diameter bar stock to make and base metal specimens were annealed
it a tube. Then two 3|-in. long tubes for 1 hr at 1300 F followed by air cooling.
were welded together yielding six "tube" A typical fatigue specimen is shown

FIG. 3.—Cryogenic Fatigue Testing Machine.

specimens per "tube stock" (Fig. 1). in Fig. 2. Welded specimens were ma-
This method of welding together tubes chined with the weld located at the
approximates the welding practice used center of the bar where the diameter
on actual pressure vessels. All welded was a minimum (highest stress section).

280 000

270 000-


273 000 272 500 271 500

O R = 0.02
o R = 0.2
240 000-

290 000.

280 000


I 260 000
^ 250 000-
O R = 0.02 10 CYCLES 100 CYCLES 1000 CYCLES
O R = 0.2 271,000 270 500 270 0 0 0


280 000

270 000



250,000 R = 0.2 271 500 269 500 267 500
O R = 0.02, 12 CPM
R = 0.02 263 500 262 500 260 500
• R = 0.02, 0.5 CPM
% CHANGE 3.0 2.7 2.7
O R = 0.2, 12 CPM

102 103

(a) Heat M9779.

(b) Heat M9779, pressure weldments.
(c) Heat G8549.
FIG. 4.—Effect of R Ratio on Fatigue Strength of Ti-6A1-4V at - 4 2 3 F.

Static tension tests were conducted on a wave form. Specimens were immersed in
standard universal testing machine. In Uquid hydrogen within a double-wall
the fatigue tests, repeated tension-ten- stainless steel cryostat during testing
sion load was applied by a 15,000-lb at - 4 2 3 F.

280 0 0 0 -

u! 270 0 0 0 - ^O^-^

S 260 0 0 0 - ^ A STATIC TENSION

>< A O 12 CPM
a 0.5 CPM

250 000
10 IC IflJ

FIG. 5.—Effect of Cycling Speed on Fatigue Strength of Ti-6A1-4V (Heat M9779) Pressure
Weldments at - 4 2 3 F.





"2 180-

< 160


-423°F 271 0 0 0 270 500 270 0 0 0
R.T. 164 0 0 0 162 0 0 0 160 500
% CHANGE 65 200 66 9 0 0 68 2 0 0

10 102 103 10"


FIG. 6.—Effect of Temperature on Fatigue Strength of Ti-6A1-4V (Heat (M9779) Pressure


hydraulic jack connected to a pump E F F E C T OF VARIOUS FACTORS ON

(Fig. 3). An oscilloscope and a recording FATIGUE STRENGTHS FROM 10
oscillograph connected to a strain gage TO 1000 CYCLES AT - 4 2 3 F
load ring were used to measure the load. The effect of changing the load ratio
The load cycles were essentially a square- from R = 0.02 to R = 0.20 on fatigue

strength (maximum alternating stress) FRACTURE CHARACTERISTICS

was slight. This increase in R ratio caused
a negligible increase in strength (maxi- Two types of fatigue fractures were
mum cyclic stress) for base-metal (Fig. observed for both base metal and weld-
4(a)) and pressure-welded specimens ments (Fig. 9). A transition range existed
(Fig. 4(6)) from heat M9779 and up to in the number of cycles required to pro-
3 per cent for base-metal specimens from duce a given type of fracture (Fig. 10).
heat G8549 (Fig. 4(c)). One type, observed for all failures occur-
Fatigue strength was not affected ring in less than 700 cycles and some up
measurably by varying the cycling speed to 2000 cycles, was similar to the cup-
from 0.5 to 12 cpm (Figs. 4(c) and 5). and-cone fracture produced by static
The fatigue strength of pressure-welded tension testing in which the fracture is
Average Fatigue Strength (psi).
^ ^ Min Load Speed, Temperature, Maximum Stress for Given Life
Specimen deg Fahr
Max Load cpm
10 Cycles 100 Cycles 1000 Cycles


Base M e t a L G8549 . . 0.02 12 -423 263 500 262 500 260 500
Base M e t a l , G 8 5 4 9 . . 0.2 12 -423 271 500 269 500 267 500
P e r cent C h a n g e " . 3.0 2.7 2.7
Base M e t a L M 9 7 7 9 . . 0.02, 0.2 12 -423 273 000 272 500 271 500
Weldment, M 9 7 7 9 . . . 0.02, 0.2 12 -423 271 000 270 500 270 000
Weldment, M9779.. . 0.03 12 Room tem- 165 000 163 000 161 500


Base M e t a l , M 9 7 7 9 . . 0 02, 0 2 12 -423 273 000 272 500 271 500

Weldment, M9779.. . 0 02, 0 2 12 -423 271 000 270 500 270 000
P e r cent C h a n g e ' ' . . 0.7 0.7 0 6

" P e r cent change in fatigue s t r e n g t h due t o increasing R from 0.02 t o 0.2.

P e r cent difference in fatigue s t r e n g t h between base m e t a l and weldment.

specimens was increased 65 to 68 per center-nucleated. A shear lip existed

cent by decreasing the testing tempera- around the entire edge of the fracture,
ture from room temperature to —423 F and relatively large reduction in area
(Fig. 6). The average fatigue strength occurred. The other type, observed for
of the pressure-welded specimens was some failures occurring only after about
within 1 per cent of that of the base 700 cycles, approached a more typical
metal (Table II). The welded micro- fatigue fracture in which the the origin
structure (Fig. 7(a)) of plate-like alpha
appeared at the surface as noted by the
in a beta matrix was comparable to that
of the base metal (Fig. 7(b)). The differ- flat spot where no shear lip existed and
ence in microstructure between the base small reduction in area occurred.
metals (Figs. 7(b) and 8) was due to the To determine at what stage of the
size of bar stock from which they were fatigue process the necking occurred,
obtained, the smaller bars having the diameter measurements were recorded
finer structure. progressively after various numbers of

cycles. Reduction seemed to occur in FATIGUE STRENGTH HIGHER

spurts rather than at a uniform rate, THAN STATIC
most of it just prior to failure (Fig. 11). In some cases, the fatigue strength is
Similar reductions were also observed higher than the ultimate tensile strength
by Benham and Ford (4) and Morrow (Table III), up to about 5 per cent at

Top: Pressure weldment.

Bottom: Heat M9779.
FIG. 7.—Ti-6A1-4V, Plate-like Alpha in Beta Matrix (X140.)
Etehant: 12 per cent HNO3 + 1 per cent H F + 87 per cent H2O.

and Sinclair (S) in steel at room tempera- - 4 2 3 F (Table IV). This cannot be
ture. A possible explanation for this be- attributed to the statistical scattering
havior is suggested by Sines (6) in which effect, since sometimes the whole group
the energy to activate the plastic de- of fatigue specimens exhibited strength
formation or "cycHc creep" is obtained higher than static. This interesting phe-
from microacoustic waves produced from nomenon prompted further investiga-
dislocation interactions during cycling. tions using the third heat of Ti-6A1-4V.

When the fatigue machine was started, machines, static tension tests of six
for usually about three to eight cycles, identical specimens were conducted on
the maximum loads on the specimen both machines. The strain rate on the
were slightly below the designated maxi- fatigue machine was the same as that in

Top: Heat G8549.

Bottom: Heat D1700.
FIG. 8.—Ti-6A1-4V, Primary Alpha in Beta Matrix (X140).
Etchant: 12 per cent HNO3 + 1 per cent H F + 87 per cent H2O.

mum. It seems that the material is normal fatigue testing. The average
strengthened rather than damaged dur- strength of three specimens on each
ing these few cycles so that it can with- machine was the same, 264,000 psi
stand a stress higher than the static. (Table V).
To be certain that the effect was not As further evidence of the strengthen-
due to strain rate or any other differences ing eilect, six specimens were cycled on
between the universal (1200 lb per min) the universal and fatigue testing ma-
and fatigue (about 3,600,000 lb per min) chines while the load was increased

(a) Static tension fracture. Cup-cone.

(b) Low-cycle fatigue fracture. Cup-cone.
(c) High-cycle fatigue fracture. Origin at surface at point where no shear lip exists.
FIG. 9.—Typical Fractures, Ti-6A1-4V, Tested at - 4 2 3 F (X4). Reduced to ^ size in reproductior


FIG. 10.—Reduction in .Area Versus Cycles to Failure for Ti-6A1-4V at —423 F.







I02 103 104

30 iO—




10 lOl 103 104


(a) M9779 at room temperature.

(b) G8549 at - 4 2 3 F.
(c) Heat D1700 tested at —423 F, program loaded (specimen Q, Table VI).
FIG. 11.—Reduction in Area Versus Number of Cycles Progressing for Ti-6A1-4V.

T A B L E I I I . — S T A T I C T E N S I L E S T R E N G T H , Ti-6A1^V (ANNEALED).

Yield Ultimate Elongation

Tensile Reduction
Specimen Temperature, deg tahr Strength, Strength, in 2 in., of Area,
psi psi per cent per cent

[ Room temperature" 138 500 146 000 15.0 36.0

Base M e t a l , G8549 -423 271 000 9.8''
-423 270 400 3.5 28.3
f Room temperature'' 139 000 149 000 17.0 30.0
Room temperature" 135 000 147 000 20.0 32.0
Base M e t a l M 9 7 7 9 <
-423 268 200 3.5 22.4
[ -423 262 600 3.0 19.4

[ Room temperature
Room temperature
138 800
138 700
Weldment, M9779 \
-423 257 800 2.5 22.2
-423 257 100 3.0 21.2
" Values listed on t e s t report for h e a t of m e t a l .
' F r a c t u r e originated at n o t c h caused b y extensometer grip.


Min Load Cycles Fatigue Per Cent

Specimen and Number of Cycles Temperature, deg Fahr Max Load per Min Strength, psi Change*^


Average Tensile S t r e n g t h : ' -423 270 700

10 -423 0.02 12 263 500 2.
100 -423 0.02 12 262 500 3,
1000 -423 0.02 12 260 500 3.

10 -423 0.2 12 271 500 -0.

100 -423 0.2 12 269 500 0.
1000 -423 0.2 12 267 500 1.

B.\8E M E T A L , M9779

Average Tensile Strength;* -423 265 400

10 -423 0.02, 0.2 12 273 000 -2.9
100 -423 0.02, 0.2 12 272 500 -2.7
1000 -423 0.02, 0.2 12 271 500 -2.3


Average Tensile S t r e n g t h ; ' -423 257 500

10 -423 0.02, 0.2 12 271 000 -5.2
100 -423 0.02, 0.2 12 270 500 -5.0
1000 -423 0.02, 0.2 12 270 000 -4.8

Average Tensile S t r e n g t h : ' Room temperature 149 200

10" Room temperature 0.3 12 165 000 -10.6
100° Room temperature 0.3 12 163 000 -9.2
iooo<- Room temperature 0.3 12 161 500 -8.2

u l t i m a t e tensile s t r e n g t h — fatigue s t r e n g t h
" P e r cent change
u l t i m a t e tensile s t r e n g t h
'' Average tensile s t r e n g t h from static tension t e s t s .
' P a r t of high fatigue s t r e n g t h is p r o b a b l y due to strain r a t e since t i t a n i u m is s t r a i n - r a t e sensitive
a t room t e m p e r a t u r e .

periodically as in coaxing tests. Final ening is strain aging due to interstitial

fatigue strength levels (272,000 to solute atoms. Lipsitt and Wang (12) in
286,000 psi) were always higher than titanium alloys and Levy and Kanitkar
the static strength (264,000 psi) (Table (13) in mild steel have shown the increase
VI). Note that specimen D was cycled in static and fatigue strengths and the
on the universal test machine for only formation of a sharp knee in the S-N
five cycles. curves due to strain aging. Tests are
To show that both fatigue and static continuing to determine if the observed
strength can be increased by previous strengthening reported in this paper
cycling, two fatigue specimens were
stressed at 258,000 and 260,000 psi, T A B L E V I . — E F F E C T OF P R I O R CY-
respectively, for 2000 cycles without C L I N G O N T H E S T R E N G T H O F Ti-6A1-
4V A T - 4 2 3 F , H E A T D-1700.
failure. When tested to failure on the
universal test machine, both showed an Cyclic Ultimate
Specimen Number of Stress, Strength
increase in strength from the 264,000 psi Cycles psi After
Cycling, psi

A 2000 258 000 271 000
B 2000 260 000 271 000
O F Ti-6A1-4V A T - 4 2 3 F , H E A T D-1700.

Testing Macliine and Ultimate

Specimen Load Rate Strengtii,
psi Number of
Total Final
Specimen Number of Cycles at Stress,
1 263 500 Cycles Final psi
2 F'atigue, 3 , 6 0 0 , 0 0 0 1 264 000
3 [ lb per min ) 264 500
Average 264 000 C 664 20 286 000»
D* 5 1 272 000
4 262 000 F 3.30 30 282 000'=
5 Universal, 1200 270 000 G 270 30 280 000"*
6 lb per min 261 000 I 886 386 275 000
Average 264 000 Q 966 66 279 000

" Specimen broke on a t t e m p t to increase

stress to 288,000 psi.
average ultimate tensile strength to ' T e s t e d on static tension machine in s t e p -
271,000 psi (Table VI). loading.
A review of fatigue literature revealed ° Specimen broke on a t t e m p t to increase
stress t o 284,000 psi.
similar strengthening resulting from ^ Specimen broke on attempt to increase
cycling. Broom, Molineaux, and Whit- stress t o 282,000 psi.
taker (7) reported that fatigue strengths
at over 100,000 cycles were higher than could be caused by strain aging within a
the static ultimate strength on annealed few cycles at —423 F.
commercially pure aluminum at — 297 F This cyclic strengthening could ac-
due to work hardening. This strengthen- count for the "minimum life" phenome-
ing may be similar to that observed by non observed by Hardrath, Landers,
McEvily and Machlin (8,9) in LiF, NaCl, and Utley (14) and Hardrath and lUg
and MgO, by Fegredo and Greenough (15,16). They noted that if a specimen
(10) in zinc, and by Wads worth (11) in cad- did not fail on the first cycle, it would
mium. However, for these crystals, the survive a certain number of cycles called
absence of cross slip prevents normal "minimum life" without failing. This
fatigue failures. effect was observed for both notched
Another explanation for the strength- and unnotched specimens made from

commercial aluminum alloys and steels. suited from decreasing the test tempera-
An explanation is illustrated in Fig. 12. ture from ambient to —423 F.
At the point where the original material 5. Cycling below ultimate tensile
would have failed, sufficient strengthen- strength tended to raise the fatigue
ing has occurred to change the S-N curve strength above the static tension
to the upper one. strength.
6. A transition in the fracture appear-
ance occurred between 700 and 2000
At —423 F, for any fatigue life of cycles, where the fracture changes from
annealed Ti-6A1-4V from 10 to 1000 a cup-and-cone to a more typical surface-
cycles: initiated fatigue fracture.




N' N

FIG. 12.—Minimum Life Phenomena Explained.

NOTE.—At Ni , where original material would have failed, sufficient strengthening has occurred
to change S-N curve to upper one and delay failure until .V2 •

1. Changing the R ratio from 0.02 to A cknowledgmenl:

0.20 increased the fatigue strength up to The authors wish to express their
3 per cent. appreciation to Douglas Aircraft Co.
2. No effects were observed from and National Aeronautics and Space
changes in the cycling speed (or holding Administration for permission to pub-
time at stress) from 0.5 to 12 cpm. lish this report; to J. L. Waisman and
3. The pressure-welded specimens had G. V. Bennett for administrative sup-
fatigue strengths within 1 per cent of the port; to George Sines for technical discus-
base metal. sion; and to Menasco for their coop-
4. A 65 to 68 per cent increase in eration in the development of specimen
fatigue strength of the weldments re- welding techniques.
HiLSEN ET AL ON L O W - C Y C L E F A T I G U E OF Ti-6A1-4V A T —423 F 75


(1) J. T. P. Yao and W. H. Munse, Welding Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y,, p. 450
Research Supplement, April, 1962, p. 182-s. (1959).
(2) W. A. Wood, Fracture, Technology Press, (9) A. J. McEvily, Jr. and E. S. Machlin,
Massachusetts Inst. Technology, John Transactions, Am. Inst. Mining, Metal-
Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y., p. lurgical, and Petroleum Engrs., Vol. 221,
412 (1959). p. 1086, Oct. 1961.
(3) N. E. Frost, Nature, Vol. 192, p. 446, Nov. (10) D. M. Fegredo and G. B. Greenough,
4, 1961. Journal, Inst, of Metals, Vol. 87, p. 1
(4) P. P. Benham and H. Ford, Journal, (1958-1959).
Mechanical and Engineering See, Vol. 3, (11) W. J. Wadsworth, Dislocations and Me-
p. 119 (1961). chanical Properties of Crystals, John Wiley
(5) JoDean Morrow and G. M. Sinclair, T & & Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y., p. 477
AM Report No. 345, Dept. of Theoretical (1957).
and Applied Mechanics, University of Illi- (12) H. A. IJpsitt and D. Y. Wang, Transac-
nois, Urbana, 111. (1957). tions, Am. Inst. Mining, Metallurgical, and
(6) G. Sines, Discussion of the paper by F. H. Petroleum Engrs., Vol. 221, p. 918, Oct.,
Vitrovec, "Combined Stress Effect at 1961.
Elevated Temperatures on Super Alloys," (13) J. C. Levy and S. L. Kanitkar, Journal,
presented at SAE Winter Meeting, Detroit, Iron and Steel Inst,, Vol. 197, p. 296, April,
Mich., 1961. 1961.
(7) T. Broom, J. H. Molineaux, and V. N. (14) H. F. Hardrath, B. C. Landers, and E. C.
Whittaker, Journal, Inst, of Metals, Vol. Utley, Jr., NACA TN 3017, Oct., 1953.
84, p. 356 (1955-1956). (15) H. F. Hardrath and W. Illg, NACA TN
(8) A. J. McEvily, Jr. and E. S. Machlin, 3132, Jan., 1954.
Fracture, Technology Press, Massachu- (16) W. Illg and H. F. Hardrath, NACA RM
setts Inst. Technology, John Wiley & L55D15a (1955).
STP338-EB/Sep. 1963

OF H I G H - S T R E N G T H 301, 304L, 310, AND AM-355



The high-stress, low-cycle fatigue properties of several complex welded joints

were determined on types 301, 304L, 310, and AM-3SS stainless steels at 78,
— 320, and — 423 F. The welded joints were designed to give nearly 100 per cent
static tension joint efficiency and are typical of joint designs of high-strength,
thin sheet materials used in missile and space craft fabrication. The number of
cycles to failure were obtained at 75, 85, and 95 per cent of the typical yield
strength of the parent metal at each corresponding temperature or at 75, 85 and
95 per cent of the static tensile strength of the complex welded joint in the event
that failure occurred below the yield strength of the parent metal. Five repli-
cate fatigue specimens (test section of 4 by 16 in.) were tested in each test con-
dition of temperature and stress level. The average number of cycles to failure
varied from 5 to 1750 depending upon the material and test conditions.
The data indicate that 60 per cent cold-rolled type 301 stainless steel pos-
sesses the most desirable joint fatigue properties at 78 F; at —320 F, types
301, 304L, and 310 stainless steel have nearly identical joint fatigue properties.
At —423 F, 75 per cent cold-rolled 310 and 50 per cent cold-rolled 304L stain-
less steels have the most desirable joint fatigue properties.
The tensile properties of the parent materials and of simple fusion welds
and resistance spot welds were determined at 78, —100, —320, and - 4 2 3 F.
Also, notched tensile strengths were determined with specimens having stress
concentration, Kt, values from 3.2 to 19.0 at the same temperatures. Correla-
tion of the tensile and notched tensile data with the fatigue results are given.

The use of high-strength, thin-gage a few investigations of the fatigue

stainless steel sheet materials for cryo- properties of stainless steels at low
genie tankage in missiles and space temperatures (1-3) ;2 however, the ma-
craft, such as the Atlas I C B M and the terial conditions and environmental
Centaur vehicles, has created a need for parameters studied either were not
low-cycle fatigue data on these materials applicable or were insufficient in scope
at low temperatures. There have been to provide the required data. The stain-
leSS S t e d s
~ ^ H n 7 w o r k was sponsored by the Air Force Presently being used or pro-
Systems Command under Contract No. AF33- p o s e d for use in t h e f a b r i c a t i o n of missile
(616)-7719. fuel tanks are cold rolled to high
Senior Engineering Metallurgist, Chief of , , u ,-n <• i on nnn • t -i
Materials Research, and Staff Scientist, re- s t r e n g t h s (Ftu of 180,000 psi or g r e a t e r )
spectively, Metallurgy Department, General
Dynamics/Astronautics Div., General Dynam- The boldface numbers in parentheses refer
ics Corp., San Diego, Calif. to the list of references appended to this paper.
Copyright^ 1963 by ASTM International

and are of thin gages (0.010 to 0.040 in. which gives nearly 100 per cent joint
thick). The conditions imposed by strength efficiency is used.
environment and structural design are The use of stainless steels for cryogenic
cryogenic temperatures, high stresses, tankage therefore created the need for
and the use of complex welded joints. fatigue data on thin-gage, high-strength
Cryogenic temperatures result from the sheet materials over the temperature
use of liquid oxygen ( —297F) as an range from 78 to —423 F. Because of
oxidizer in the Atlas and Centaur and the finite operating life of missiles and
liquid hydrogen (—423 F) as a fuel in most space vehicles, the amount of
the Centaur. To minimize the weight fatigue or number of repeated loadings


Stainless Steel Alloy

301 304L 310 AM-355

Temper.. 60 per cent" 60 per cent" 50 per cent" 75 per cent" CRT*
Gage, in. 0.025 0.010 0.012 0.020 0.032
Supplier. Washington Washington Rodney Washington Wallingford
Steel Steel Metals Steel Steel
Heat No 49061 57644 33251 43631 38174
Coil No 7450 11976 44942
Rockwell Superficial Hard-
ness, 15N Scale 83.9 81. 76.8 79.3 86.6
Martensite, per cent 76 62 0 0 95
Chemical Composition,
weight per cent:
Carbon 0.07 0.09 0.023 0.060 0.14
Chromium 17.28 17.38 18.04 24.62 15.60
Copper 0.23
Iron balance balance balance balance balance
Manganese 0.66 1.04 1.54 1.60 0.72
Molybdenum 0.32 2.71
Nitrogen 0.031 0.11
Nickel 6.70 7.32 10.39 19.66 4.38
Phosphorus 0.022 0.026 0.030 0.018
Sulfur 0.015 0.011 0.011 0.018
Silicon 0.63 0.66 0.58 0.29

•» Cold rolled.
* Cold rolled and tempered.

of flight vehicles, maximum operating to which they are subjected is quite low;
stresses are about 90 per cent of the however, the operating stresses are quite
0.2 per cent yield strength. Also use is high. Therefore the data of primary
being made of low-temperature design interest are very-high-stress, low-cycle
allowables when appHcable. Because fatigue. It has been found in past studies
pressurization of the tanks is required (4) that the complex welded joints
for stabilization and flight operation, generally have a much shorter fatigue
it is necessary to fabricate the tanks by life than does the parent metal; therefore
leak-tight fusion or resistance roll seam the fatigue studies described here were
welds. The joint efficiencies of these on welded joints typical of those used in
welds may be quite low (30 to 80 per missiles.
cent). Therefore, to take advantage of In addition to obtaining the fatigue
the materials' high strengths, a doubler data, one of the primary purposes of this

program was to develop a simple and MATERIALS AND TEST SPECIMENS

inexpensive laboratory test for evaluat- The history and chemical analysis of
ing the toughness, or resistance to the alloys tested in this investigation are
brittle fracture, of a number of high- given in Table I. Types 301, 304L, and
strength sheet materials at cryogenic 310 stainless steels conformed to AISI
temperatures and to investigate the (1959) compositional hmits. The AM-355
possible correlation between toughness steel conformed to the nominal composi-
and fatigue resistance. Therefore, tion as given in the ASM Metals Hand-
notched specimens having stress-concen- book (Vol. 1, 8th Ed.). Although type 301
tration, Kt, factors of 3.2, 6.3, and 19 is considered an austenitic stainless steel,
were tested in tensions at 78, —100, this alloy, due to its low nickel content,
— 320, and — 423 F. Also tension tests undergoes an austenite-to-martensite
were made of simple fusion welds, and solid-state phase transformation during

FIG. 1.—Parent Metal and Welded Flat Tension Specimen.

tension and shear tests were conducted cold rolling. This transformation is
on individual resistance spot welds at advantageous for obtaining high yield
the same temperatures. The data from and tensile strengths but is also responsi-
these evaluation tests were analyzed to ble for the tendency toward decreased
determine which test or tests best pre- toughness at extreme cryogenic tempera-
dicted the fatigue life of the materials tures (—423 F). As may be seen in
investigated. Another objective of this Table I, the amounts of martensite
program was to provide useful engineer- present for the two heats of 60 per cent
ing data on the mechanical properties cold-rolled type 301 are 62 and 76 per
of several alloys at room and cryogenic cent. Nearly 100 per cent martensitic
temperatures. Therefore five or more transformation occurs in the 301 alloy
replicate tests were made and many of during tension testing at cryogenic
the data were statistically reduced. A temperatures. Type 304L stainless steel
thorough description of the test program contains a sufficient amount of nickel to
and results may be found in reference (S). be stable during room-temperature roll-

ing; however, a considerable amount of Neuber's concept (7) are given in Table
martensite forms during tension testing II.
at cryogenic temperatures (—320F). The cross-tension and tension-shear
The 20 per cent of nickel present in specimens used for testing individual
type 310 stainless steel makes it fully resistance spot welds conform to Specifi-
stable during cold rolling or tension cation MIL-W-6868A. The fatigue speci-
testing at cryogenic temperatures. Cold- mens had a test section 16 in. long by 4
rolled and tempered AM-355 stainless in. wide containing a centrally located
steel is nearly 100 per cent martensitic. complex welded joint. Longitudinal
The test specimens used in this in- joint No. 1 was composed of a linear

FIG. 2.—Notched Tension Specimens.

vestigation (Figs. 1 to 4) include: stand- butt fusion weld (no filler metal) which
ard pin-loaded flat tension specimens; was strengthened to nearly 100 per cent
notched tension specimens having three joint efficiency by means of a doubler
different notch geometries; cross-tension sheet attached to the specimen by four
and tension-shear specimens of individual rows of resistance spot welds on each
resistance spot welds; and several con- side of the fusion weld. Longitudinal
figurations of large fatigue specimens joint No. 2 was similar to No. 1 except
(38 in. long) containing complex welded that only 2 rows of spot welds were used
joints. The notched tension specimens' to attach the doubler sheet. Transverse
dimensions and stress concentration joint No. 1 was composed of an over-
factors, Ki, as determined by the lapping joint made by resistance roll
w air, by Peterson's equation (6), and by seam welding with one row of resistance


FIG. 3.—Spot-Welded Tension and Shear Specimens.

FIG. 4.—Fatigue Specimens.


spot welds on each side of the seam weld. Figs. 5 and 6 show typical tension and
Transverse joint No. 2 was the same as fatigue testing cryostats.
longitudinal joint No. 1 except that the
material was tested transverse to the EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
direction of rolling. A thorough descrip-
Table III gives the tensile and notched
tion of the test specimens may be found
tensile properties of types 301, 304L,
in reference (5).
310, and AM-355 stainless steels as a
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE function of direction and temperature.
The values reported for 0.2 per cent
The low-temperature tension tests
yield strength, tensile strength, and
were performed in cryostats mounted on
elongation are averages of five replicate
standard universal testing machines.
tests at each condition of testing. The
TABLE XL—DIMENSIONS AND STRESS notched: unnotched tensile strength ra-
CONCENTRATION FACTORS FOR tios were determined by dividing the
average notched tensile strength by the
Mild Medium Severe
tensile strength. The notched tensile
Notch Notch Notch strengths were also determined by five
replicate tests. Table IV gives the
Total length, in 9 9 8 mechanical properties of linear fusion
Total width, in 1.25 1.25 2.0
Width in reduced sec- welds and resistance spot welds. The
tion, in 0.4 0.4 1.0 weld schedules are given in reference (5).
Width between notches,
2a, in.. 0.2 0.2 0.7
The values reported for the linear fusion
Notch root radius, r, in.. 0 . 0 1 0 . 0 0 2 5 0.001 welds are averages of five tests and are
K, W^r) 3.2 6.3 18.7 averages of twenty tests for the resistance
Ki (Peterson)" 3,8 7.2 21.0
Kt (Neuber)'' 3.9 7.5 spot welds. The elongations reported in
Table IV are total elongations as
" Reference (6). measured over a 2-in. gage length.
' Reference (7).
The results of axial fatigue tests on
Temperatures were maintained by im- complex welded joints are given in Table
mersion in dry ice and alcohol (—100 F), V and Figs. 7 through 9. Two different
liquid nitrogen (—320F), and liquid joint configurations were tested in the
hydrogen ( — 423 F). Details of the longitudinal direction and two in the
apparatus and experimental procedure transverse direction. The static strengths
for performing the tension tests are are results of one or two tests for each
given in reference (8). The axial fatigue condition. The values reported for
tests were conducted on a series of test number of cycles to failure at each
beds equipped with hydraulic rams, temperature and for number of cycles to
cryostats, automatic cycling apparatus, leak at room temperature are generally
and counters. The rate of loading was 6 averages of five tests. The number of
cpm. Leaks were detected by standard cycles to leak at — 320 and — 423 F were
dye penetrant tests. A full description generally determined on only one speci-
of the fatigue test apparatus and testing men and at 50-cycle intervals. Cracks
procedure is given in reference (5), while initiated at the edge of the weld nuggets

on the outer rows of the spot welds to —423 F. The joint efficiencies con-
where eventual specimen failure also tinuously decreased with decreasing
usually occurred. Figures 7 to 9 show temperature from 78 to —423 F (85 to
some of the fatigue data in the form of 99 per cent at 78 F, 68 to 80 per cent at
S-N curves. - 3 2 0 F, and 47 to 63 per cent at - 4 2 3 F

FIG. 5.—Liquid-Hydrogen Cryostat for Tension Testing.

ANALYSIS OF RESULTS depending upon direction and joint

The static tensile strengths of the configuration). However, for heat 57644,
complex welded joints provide a good the joint strengths for type 301 stainless
indication of the behavior of the ma- steel increased from 208,000 psi (100 per
terials at cryogenic temperatures. For cent joint eflficiency) at 78 F to 257,000
type 301 stainless steel, heat 49061, psi (87 per cent joint efficiency) at
the static joint strengths increased with - 4 2 3 F. For both the types 304L and
decreasing temperature from 78 to 310 stainless steels, the joint strength
— 320 F and then decreased from —320 F increased with decrease in temperature

from 78 to — 423 F, and the joint effi- temperature for types 301 (heat 49061)
ciencies were above 90 per cent for all and 310 stainless steels and 85 per cent
conditions tested. Static strengths of the of typical yield strength for types 304L
complex welded joints of AM-355 stain- and AM-355 stainless steels except for
less steel continuously decreased with those cases in which the static tensile
decrease in temperature with resulting strength of the joint was less than the
joint efficiencies of 84 to 100 per cent at yield strength of the base metal. There-
78 F, 32 to 42 per cent at - 3 2 0 F, and fore, the stress levels for type 301 (heat
27 to 29 per cent at - 4 2 3 F. 49061) at - 4 2 3 F were from 41 to 63 per

FIG. 6.—Fatigue Test Bed with Liquid-Hydrogen Test Chamber.

Repeated loading tests on complex cent of yield strength, and 17 to 38 per

welded joints of type 301 stainless steel cent of yield strength for AM-355 at
have been found to reproduce closely - 3 2 0 and - 4 2 3 F. The results of fatigue
the fatigue properties of large test tanks tests on longitudinal and transverse No. 1
at 78 and - 4 2 3 F (9). Therefore a large joint configurations are plotted as S-N
number of fatigue tests on complex diagrams in Figs. 1 to 6. As may be seen
in Fig. 7, each of the alloys investigated
welded joints of types 301, 304L, 310,
possesses joint fatigue properties ac-
and AM-355 stainless steels were con- ceptable for missile structures which are
ducted to determine the approximate subjected to high-stress, low-cycle fa-
service behavior of these materials from tigue. However, AM-355 and 301 stain-
78 to —423 F. The stress levels were less steels have greater joint strengths
75, 85, and 95 per cent of the typical and may be loaded repeatedly a greater
yield strength at each corresponding test number of times to failure at a given

stress level than 304L or 310 steels; thus strengths and fatigue hfe of types 304L
they are more desirable for room-tem- and 310 are superior to those of type 301
perature application in which weight is (heat 49061). AM-355 has low joint
a critical design factor. efficiencies and poor fatigue properties


Notched: Unnotched
Yield Tensile Strength Ratio
Tempera- Direc Strength Ultimate Elonga- Obtained from Notched
Stain ess Steel Alloy ture, deg tion" (0.2% Strength, tion, Specimens with Kt
Fahr Offset), psi per cent

78 L 200 000 224 000 10.8 1.07 0.94

T 176 000 239 000 7.5 0.84 0,64
-100 L 237 000 253 000 14.7 0.98 0.82
T 197 000 267 000 11.5 0.80 0.54
-320 L 254 000 323 000 19.5 0.92 0.64
T 235 000 326 000 16.1 0.67 0.42
-423 L 308 000 335 000 3.5 0.90 0.61
T 303 000 346 000 4.6 0.63 0,41
78 L 192 000 206 000 6.2 1.07
301 (Heat 57644) I T 170 000 218 000 7.0 0.99
-423 L 264 000 296 000 5.3 0.97
T 246 000 308 000 7.0 0.82

f 78 L 158 000 180 000 2.5 1.11 0.95

T 151 000 194 000 5.0 1.12 0,75
-100 L 179 000 200 000 4.5 1.10 0,97
T 174 000 218 000 5.2 1.11 0.81
304L 242 000 26.5 1.10 0.96
-320 L 195 000
T 201 000 255 000 30.8 1.18 0.90
-423 L 234 000 275 000 1.5 1.13 0,87
T 222 000 295 000 1.8 1.13 0,69

78 L 156 000 180 000 1.10 0,90

T 157 000 200 000 1.00 0,61
-100 L 185 000 203 000 1,10 0,91
T 185 000 224 000 1.08 0,72
310 228 000 253 000 1,10 0,85
-320 L
T 220 000 272 000 1.10 0.64
-423 L 261 000 291 000 1.13 0,72
. T 266 000 314 000 1.05 0.61

78 L 278 000 297 000 5.4 0.85

T 251 000 286 000 7.0 0.81
-100 L 287 000 308 000 17.0 0.89
T 252 000 314 000 11 5 0.77
AM-355. . J -320 L 328 000 353 000 9.5 0.46
T 286 000 342 000 1.9 0.50
-423 L 329 000 347 000 0 0,34
T 319 000 339 000 0 0.37
" L = longitudinal; T = transverse.

The joint fatigue properties at — 320 F at —320 F and would not be considered
are given in Fig. 8. Types 301, 304L, and acceptable for structural applications
310 stainless steel have about the same at this temperature. Figure 9 shows that
fatigue properties for the longitudinal types 304L and 310 stainless possess
joint. For the transverse joint the joint excellent joint fatigue properties at

— 423 F, whereas the joint strengths and amount of martensite present in this ma-
fatigue life of 301 (heat 49061) decreased terial. Heat 49061 had 76 per cent mar-
considerably from —320 to —423 F. tensite in the as-received material as
There is, however, an appreciable varia- compared to 62 per cent for heat 57644.



Properties of Linear Properties of Ind vidual

Fusion Welds Resistance Spot Welds
Tempera- Direc-
stainless Steel Alloy ture, deg tion"
Fahr Ultimate Elonga- Joint Ef- Cross- Tension- Tension-
Strength, tion, ficiency, Tension, Shear, Shear
psi per cent per cent lb lb Ratio

78 L 175 000 2.8 78 662 1052 0.63

T 174 000 2.2 73
-100 L 216 000 5.6 85 593 1281 0.46
T 212 000 2.8 79
301 ( H e a t 49061).
-320 L 298 000 12.0 92 160 1041 0.15
T 291 000 5.3 89
-423 L 202 000 1.0 60 143 821 0.17
T 204 000 1.3 59

78 L 78 400 1.9 44 256 409 0.63

T 77 300 1.9 40
-100 L 144 000 2.4 72 242 510 0.47
T 141 000 2.5 65
304L, L
-320 216 000 3.0 89 265 634 0.42
T 212 000 3.0 83
-423 L 250 000 3.1 91 306 666 0.46
T 269 000 3.3 91

78 L 86 700 2.0 48 509 744 0.68

T 85 500 2.1 43
-100 L 109 000 2.3 54 562 871 0.65
T 110 000 2.2 50
310. L
-320 162 000 2.4 64 582 1096 0.53
T 167 000 2.3 61
-423 L 208 000 1.9 71 533 1224 0.44
T 193 000 2.0 61

78 L 222 000 2.1 75 851 1529 0.56

T 219 000 2.3 73
-100 L 289 000 2.4 94 298 1758 0.17
T 282 000 1.8 90
AM-355. L
-320 271 000 0.8 77 186 903 0.21
T 299 000 1.0 87
-423 L 142 000 0.5 41 162 858 0.19
T 140 000 0.5 41

" L = longitudinal; T = transverse.

tion in the properties of 301 at —423 F The amount of martensitic transforma-

from one heat to another. The joint tion which occurs in type 301 stainless
strength and number of cycles to failure steel is dependent upon chemical compo-
upon repeated loading of 301 (heat sition and processing which explain the
57644) at —423 F are much greater than variation in properties from one heat to
for heat 49061 (see Table V). The im- another. The excellent fatigue properties
proved properties of heat 57644 are of types 304L and 310 at - 4 2 3 F may
believed to be primarily due to the lower therefore be due to the fact that little,

Number Number
Temp- Joint Direc- Static of Cycles of Cycles
Stainless Steel Alloy erature, Confi g- tion" Strengtli, psi
Stress Range, psi to First to
deg Fahr uration Leak Failure

78 L 222 000 0 to 150 000 473 862
L 0 to 170 000 376 544
L 0 to 190 000 300 420
L 203 000 0 to 170 000 370 590
T 203 000 0 to 132 000 357 405
T 316 366
1 T
0 to 150 000
1 -320 L 259 0 0 0
000 700 1029
L 0 to 214 000 300 406
L 0 to 239 000 74
301 (Heat 49061) L 244 000 0 to 214 000 147
T 220 000 0 to 165 000 778
T 0 to 189 000 266
T 0 to 214 000 14
-423 L 209 000 0 to 157 000 73
L 0 to 178 000 48 53
L 0 to 194 000 4
L 212 000 0 to 178 000 17
T 164 000 0 to 123 000 79
T 0 to 139 000 22
> T 0 to 156 000 3

78 L 208 000 0 to 140 000 126 418

301 (Heat 57644) |
-423 L 257 000 0 to 140 000 270 553

[ 78 L 182 000 0 to 134 000 167 481

T 266 622
1 -320 L
000 800 1349
304L I
T 252 000 0 to 166 000 850 1448
-423 L 300 512
251 000 0 to 196 000
500 696
I 269 000 0 to 196 000

' 78 L 187 000 0 to 117 000 545 1251

L 0 to 133 000 242 574
L 0 to 148 000 199 398
L 184 000 0 to 133 000 250 519
T 194 000 0 to 117 000 433 819
T 0 to 133 000 268 483
T 0 to 148 000 160 295
2 T 195 000 0 to 117 000 353 666
2 T 0 to 133 000 217 386
2 T 0 to 148 000 150 256
-320 1 L 259 000 0 to 170 000 851 1745
1 L 0 to 193 000 401 690
1 L 0 to 216 000 302
2 L 256 000 0 to 193 000 302 568
1 T 269 000 0 to 170 000 973
310 < 250
1 T 0 to 193 000 619
1 T 0 to 216 000 253 316
2 T 270 0 0 0 0 to 170 000 672 925
2 T 0 to 193 000 250 507
2 T 0 to 216 000 208 227
-423 1 L 286 000 0 to 199 000 348 794
1 L 0 to 225 000 325
1 L 0 to 252 000 133
2 L 282 000 0 to 225 000 224
1 T 288 000 0 to 199 000 550 763
1 T 0 to 225 000 321
1 T 0 to 252 000 105
2 T 298 000 0 to 199 000 450 452
2 T 0 to 225 000 179
I 2 T 0 to 252 000


TABLE ^.—Continued.

Number Number
Temp- Joint Direc- Static of Cycles of Cycles
Stainless Steel Alloy erature, Config- tion" Strength, psi Stress Range, psi to First to
deg Fahr uration Leak Failure

78 1 L 290 000 0 to 236 000 100 139

2 L 282 000 0 to 236 000 60 130
1 T 241 000 0 to 213 000 22
-320 1 L 148 000 0 to 126 000 5
AM-355. 2 L 132 000 0 to 112 000 33
1 T 110 000 0 to 94 000 44
-423 1 L 99 000 0 to 85 000 19
2 L 90 000 0 to 77 000 155
1 T 0 to 55 000 258

" L = longitudinal; T = transverse.

300 000
280 000 01 ( H eat 4 9
260 000 V I D 304
O 3 10
240 000
220 000
\ ;
M 35

200 000 N, ^
180 OOO'L , • ^ 1?.
160 000
140 000
X^ L^
V -~>. ^

120 000
100 000
80 000
60 000
300 000
280 000
260 000 [
240 000 \,
220 000
200 000 1
180 000' ^.
160 000
^ i^.'
140 000 ' ^ •^
120 000
100 000
80 000
60 000
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

(a) Longitudinal J o i n t N o . 1.
(b) T r a n s v e r s e J o i n t No. 1.
F I G . I.—S-N Curve—Stainless Steels a t 78 F .

if any, martensitic transformation occurs the reason for its poor fatigue properties
in these alloys due to the stabihzing at cryogenic temperatures.
influence of large nickel contents. Also, The number of cycles required to
the presence of nearly 100 per cent produce the first through crack, or leak,
martensite in AM-355 is believed to be was determined by dye penetrants to

provide more information on the fracture not significantly decreased by attaching

behavior of the complex joints as a result the doubler sheet with only two rows
of repeated loading. A large number of instead of four rows of resistance spot
cycles between first crack initiation and welds on each side of the fusion weld.
final specimen failure was considered Specimen failure occurred at a fewer
desirable since slow crack extension is an number of cycles for a given stress level
indication of toughness, while rapid crack in the transverse direction than for the
extension is characteristic of brittle be- longitudinal direction for types 301,

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

(a) Longitudinal Joint No. 1.
(h) Transverse Joint No. 1.
FIG 8.—5 iV Curve—Stainless Steels at - 3 2 0 F.

havior. Table V shows that those alloys 310, and AM-355 stainless steels; for
which possessed the most favorable type 304L the reverse was true. Although
fatigue Hfe also withstood a large number transverse joint No. 1 had a different
of cycles from first leak to failure. configuration than the longitudinal
The fatigue life of longitudinal joint joints, the same configuration was used
No. 2 was nearly the same as for longi- for transverse joint No. 2 (type 310 only)
tudinal joint No. 1 at 78 F. At cryogenic as for longitudinal joint No. 1, and a
temperatures the fatigue properties were fewer number of cycles to failure were
only slightly superior for joint No. 1 than still obtained for the transverse direction.
for joint No. 2, indicating that the joint Based upon the results obtained from
efficiency and fatigue properties are the fatigue testing of complex welded

joints, the following alloys may be rec- joint efficiency, and elongation of fusion
ommended for structural applications: welds; and tension and shear tests of in-
types 301, 304L, 310, and AM-355 at dividual resistance spot welds.
78 F; types 301, 304L, and 310 at The results of notched and unnotched
- 3 2 0 F; and types 304L and 310 at tension tests are given in Table III. The
— 423 F. (Type 301 may be acceptable at unnotched data were analyzed to deter-
— 423 F but, due to the variations of mine possible correlations with the fa-
300 000
280 OOO'1 01 (H<
260 000 V^ \ n 30 4
0 3 10
240 000
220 000
K M 35.

200 000
I BO 000
160 000 1
140 000
I 20 000
100 000
80 000 V • ( a ) -

60 000
300 000
280 000 I
260 OOo' Q^.
240 000 ^
220 000 ^ r^ ^v;
200 000
ISO 000
160 000'
140 000 I
120 000 \,
100 000 \
80 000
60 000
..^ •(b)-
40 000
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 (600

(a) Longitudinal Joint No. 1.

(6) Transverse Joint No. 1.
FIG. 9. -S-N Curve—Stainless Steels at -423 F.

properties of the alloy from one heat to tigue life of the complex welded joints.
another, it requires the evaluation of The decrease in tensile strength of AM-
each heat of material prior to use.) 355 from —320 to —423 F indicates a
Several types of evaluation tests were possible embrittlement of this alloy at
conducted to see which test or tests best — 423 F. Changes in per cent elongation
predicted the fatigue life of the alloys correctly predicted a decrease in tough-
investigated at cryogenic temperatures. ness of 301 (heat 49061) at - 4 2 3 F and
The types of tests used included three AM-355 at - 4 2 3 F (also - 3 2 0 F for
different notched tension tests, having the transverse direction); however the
stress concentration factors of 3.2, 6.3, decrease in elongation of 304L at — 423 F
and 19; the determination of strength, did not correlate with fatigue Hfe nor did

the elongation of AM-355 at — 3 2 0 F 304L at all testing temperatures, for type

(longitudinal direction) indicate severe 310 at —423 F, and for the longitudinal
embrittlement. The amount of scatter direction of type 301 (heat 49061) at
in the test data, as quantitatively deter- — 3 2 0 F . Although the sharp-notched
mined by standard deviations from a tension data did not correlate well with
statistical analysis (5), may also provide the fatigue life of the complex welded
an index to the toughness of the alloys joints as evaluated in this investigation,
at cryogenic temperatures. It is believed, it is believed that this particular notched
however, that the information provided specimen is valuable in determining
by unnotched tension testing is insutfi- crack propagation and fracture tough-
cient to predict correctly the toughness ness data and that there may be a valid
or fatigue life of complex joints at cryo- correlation of sharp-notched data with
genic temperatures. other types of joint configurations.
The notched tensile strengths and re- The results of tests on hnear fusion
sulting notched : unnotched tension ratios and resistance spot welds are given in
obtained from the specimens having a Table IV. The tension data on simple
Kt of 3.2 correlated well with the fatigue butt fusion welds correlated well with
life of types 304L and 310 stainless steels the fatigue resistance of complex joints
but did not predict the decrease in fa- at cryogenic temperatures. There was a
tigue hfe of type 301 (heat 49061) at decrease in the tensile strength, joint
— 423 F. I t is believed that the notch is efficiency, and elongation of 301 at
too mild to be able to evaluate correctly - 4 2 3 F and AM-355 at - 3 2 0 and
low-temperature embrittlement, and it — 423 F. The results of the tests on in-
is therefore not recommended as an eval- dividual resistance spot welds, in par-
uation test. ticular the tension:shear ratio, corre-
The more severely notched {Kt = 6.3) lated well with the fatigue life of the
tension data evaluate more accurately complex joints except for the 301 alloy
the fatigue life of the complex welded at — 3 2 0 F . Wherever the tension: shear
joints of both heats of 301 (except for ratio is less than 0.25, as was the case
the longitudinal direction of heat 49061 for 301 at - 3 2 0 and - 4 2 3 F and for
at - 3 2 0 F), 304L, 310, and AM-355 AM-355 at - 1 0 0 , - 3 2 0 , and - 4 2 3 F,
stainless steels at cryogenic tempera- the spot weld is considered to be unsat-
tures. I t is believed that the reason this isfactory. The information obtained from
particular notched tension specimen cor- the evaluation tests was valuable in eval-
relates so well with the fatigue life of uating the toughness on fatigue resist-
the complex welded joints is the incor- ance of the alloys tested at cryogenic
poration of the resistance spot welds in temperatures.
the joint. Failure of the complex joint
nearly always occurs at the outer row CONCLUSIONS
of spot welds, and it is believed that the The high-stress, low-cycle fatigue
stress concentration at the spot weld is properties of several complex welded
more closely approximated by the joints were determined on types 301,
notched specimen having a Kt of 6.3 304L, 310, and AM-355 stainless steels
than by those specimens having a Kt at 78, - 3 2 0 , and - 4 2 3 F. The tensile
of 3.2 or 19. properties of the base metal were deter-
The results of tests using a severely mined at 78, - 1 0 0 , - 3 2 0 , and - 4 2 3 F.
notched tension specimen with a Kt of Also, several types of evaluation tests
19 did not correlate with the fatigue were made over the same temperature
data for the transverse direction of type range, including: the determination of

notched tensile strengths and resulting resultant notched .'unnotched tension

notched runnotched tension ratios using ratios, and the tensile strengths and per
notched specimens with stress concen- cent elongations of fusion welds. In
tration factors of 3.2, 6.3, and 19; ten- addition, the tensile and shear strengths
sile strengths; joint efficiencies and elon- with resultant tension:shear ratios of
gations of linear fusion welds; and the individual resistance spot welds provide
tensile and shear strengths and resulting valuable and informative tests of high-
tension:shear ratios of individual resist- strength sheet alloys which are to be
ance spot welds. Based upon the data fabricated by spotwelding. While no
obtained in this investigation the follow- single test is fully adequate by itself for
ing conclusions are made; evaluating and selecting high-strength
1. Types 301 (heat 49061 and 57644), sheet alloys for cryogenic applications,
304L, 310, and AM-355 stainless steels the notched {Kt = 6.3) tension test and
have good weld joint fatigue resistance the notched: unnotched tension ratio ap-
at 78 F. pear to offer most promise for use in the
2. Types 301 (heat 49061 and 57644), initial screening of candidate materials
304L, and 310 stainless steels possess for applications described in this report.
adequate weld-joint fatigue resistance
and toughness for structural applications A cknowledgment:
at - 3 2 0 F. This work was performed at General
3. Types 301 (heat 57644), 304L, and Dynamics/Astronautics under Contract
310 have good weld-joint fatigue prop- Xo. AF33(616)-7719 sponsored by the
erties and resistance to brittle failure at Directorate of Materials and Processes,
- 4 2 3 F. Deputy for Technology, Aeronautical
4. The evaluation tests which pro- Systems Division with M. Knight and
vided the most reliable and consistent C. L. Harmsworth acting as project
correlation with the fatigue properties engineers. The authors gratefully ac-
of complex welded joints were the knowledge the sponsor's permission to
notched {Kt = 6.3) tension data with publish this paper.

(1) R. J. Favor et al, "Investigation of Fatigue ASTM STF No. 302, Am. Soc. Testing
Behavior of Certain Alloys in the Tempera- Mats., p. 129, March, 1962.
ture Range Room Temperature to —423 F," (5) J. L. Christian, "Physical and Mechanical
WADD TR 61-132, June, 1961. Properties of Pressure Vessel Materials for
(2) J. W. Spretnak, M. G. Fontana, and H. F. .Application in a Cryogenic Environment,"
Brooks, "Notched and Unnotched Tensile ASD-TDR-62~258 March, 1962.
and Fatigue Properties of Ten Engineering (6) R, E. Peterson, Stress Concentration Design
Alloys at 25 C and — 196C," Transactions, Factors, Appendix A, John WUey and Sons,
Am. Soc. Metals, Vol. 43, p. 547 (1951). Inc., New York, N. Y., pp. 136-138 (1953).
(3) M. G. Fontana, "Investigation of Mechani- (7) Heinz Neuber, Theory of Notch Stresses,
cal Properties and Physical Metallurgy of English Translation, J. W. Edwards, Ann
Aircraft Alloys at Very Low Temperatures, Arbor, Mich. (1946).
Part II: Strength Properties and Hardness," (8) J. F. Watson and J. L, Christian, "Cryostat
USAF Air Material Command Technical and Accessories for Tension Testing at
Report No. 5662, October 18, 1948. — 423F," Materials Research & Standards,
(4) J. F. Watson et al, "Correlation of Notched: Vol. 1, No. 2, p. 87, Feb., 1961.
Unnotched Tensile Ratios with Tensile (9) .\. Hurlich, "Mechanical Model Testing,"
Fatigue Properties of Complex Welded Proceedings, Seventh Sagamore Ordnance
Joints in High Strength 300 Series Stainless Materials Research Conference on Mechani-
Steels at Cryogenic Temperatures," Sym- cal and Metallurgical Behavior of Sheet Ma-
posium on Evaluation of Metallic Materials terials, Aug. 16-19, 1960, published by
in Design tor Low Temperature Service, Syracuse University Research Inst.
STP338-EB/Sep. 1963




A study of the behavior of Inconel at 1500 F under realistic dynamic stress

states has been made to evaluate critically the present criteria used to solve
low-cycle fatigue problems and to demonstrate their applicability for the more
complex situations. The relative agreement between the static complex stress-
creep-rupture results and the low-cycle fatigue data is demonstrated. From
the relationships developed for static complex stress-creep-rupture data, it is
shown that the magnitudes of the effects of stress state and frequency on low-
cycle fatigue can be determined.

I t is apparent to those concerned with N"Ae„ = K. .(1)

determining life expectancy of compo- where:
nent parts that the stress states are
rarely simple in structural applications. .V = number of cycles to failure,
The use of uniaxial data under these Aip = plastic strain range per cycle,
conditions is of little value unless the and
effect of the complex states in known. n, K = material constants.
The study of the effect of complex stress
Since, in general, thermal-fatigue
states on creep rupture has received
problems result from differential strains
some attention; however, the criterion
during thermal cycling, the plastic strain
for creep fracture has not been well
range per cycle provides a convenient
established. The criterion for fracture is
parameter for evaluating low-cycle fatigue
particularly vague when the complex
life. Equation 1 has recently received
stress states are dynamic.
further support (7) from proposed fail-
Several criteria have been formulated ure criteria based upon energy concepts
for evaluating low-cycle fatigue life that relate the material constants n and
based upon various parameters. Coffin K to stress-strain data.
(l) 2 and others (2-5) have demonstrated The above criterion, however, has not
that material fatigue life can be related been demonstrated to be successful in
as proposed by Manson (6) to the plastic correlating results under complex stress
strain range per cycle: states. I t has also been limited to tem-
1 peratures below which the mechanical
M e t a l s a n d Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge
N a t i o n a l L a b o r a t o r y , O a k Ridge, Ttmri.; oper- properties are time-dependent.
a t e d for t h e U. S. Atomic E n e r g y Commission The purpose of this investigation is to
b y t h e Union Carbide Corp.
T h e boldface n u m b e r s in parentheses refer
examine the criterion for failure under
t o t h e list of references a p p e n d e d t o t h i s paper. complex stress conditions at high tem-

Copyright^ 1963 by ASTM International


peratures. The experimental work con- pressure that is thermally cycled in the
sisted of two test series on Inconel tubes axial direction. The stress states applied
at 1500 F. must, therefore, produce an axial strain
cycle about zero strain with the internal
pressure held constant. This was done
The material used is the same as that with the stress states shown in Table I.
used in previous investigations of creep All tests were performed with the tan-
under complex stresses (8) and in uni- gential stress equal to 4000 psi for the
axial low-cycle fatigue (3). Specimens complete cycle. The half-cycle square-
were machined from J-in. schedule-40 wave stress states were calculated to
seamless Inconel pipe as shown in Fig. produce principal strains equal and op-
posite in the axial direction; however,
, 50" the radial and tangential strains were
not equal and opposite. This type of
.^CZT" testing is comparable to standard fatigue
i • • • ' 1

testing with a mean load except that

5 the mean stress is not in the same stress
'' axis.
(D O
O+l In the second test series, tubes were
T 4 torsion cycled with the equipment shown
V'— schematically in Fig. 3. To ehminate
— Vj .—. - (.00 - «-
play normally encountered in mechanical
r" - ' 2 - - _
joints, the specimen was induction
ARE IN INCHES brazed into the torque rods that were
FiG. 1.—Strain-Fatigue Specimen Geometry.
designed to allow axial motion during
test and particularly during heatup
1. The chemical analysis provided by the when the specimen and loading rods
vendor is given below: expanded. Force was applied by the
double-acting air cyhnder controlled by
Element per cent solenoid valves and regulators. The tests
Carbon 0.04 were performed by adjusting the regula-
Manganese 0.29 tors to produce the predetermined
Iron 7.56
Sulfur 0.007 square-wave cyclic shear stress. A cyclic
Copper 0.13 timer used to energize and de-energize
Nickel 75.76 the solenoid valves was set at a frequency
Chromium 15.97
of 1 cpm. The specimen was allowed to
The specimens were reannealed at 1950 F deform freely during the constant load
for 2 hr in hydrogen after machining, applications, and the strain was meas-
producing the structure shown in Fig. 2. ured at frequent intervals during the
All tests were performed at 1500 F, well test. The strain was read and monitored
into the creep range of the material. by the use of a 1-m galvanometer mirror
The equipment used for the test series with a 1-m focal length placed on the
in which the tubes were internally pres- torque rod below the furnace. The
surized and axially loaded has been de- plastic strain was determined by releas-
scribed previously (2). The cyclic stress ing the torque at the end of two suc-
states produced in the four tests of this cessive half cycles. Failure was deter-
type simulate a tube under internal mined by the first crack in the wall

allowing a pressure of 5 psi to bleed RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

down to 2 psi in 1 min. This pressure loss The objective of the first test series
was sensed by a pressure switch. The was to determine the effect of a creep
test apparatus has the potential of per- stress imposed at 90 deg to the stress
forming tests on tubes with combinations imposing the strain cycle. The results of
of axial, tangential, and shear stresses. this test series are given in Table II.

FIG. 2.—Photomicrograph of Inconel Annealed 2 hr at 1950 F Before Test.


First Half of Cycle, psi Second Half of Cycle, psi

Axial stress. Tangential Radial Stress, Axial Stress, Tangential Radial Stress,
Stress, OQ Stress, (r0 "R

1 4 000 4000 -285 -285 4000 -285

2 6 000 4000 -285 -2285 4000 -285
3 8 000 4000 -285 -4285 4000 -285
4 10 000 4000 -285 -6285 4000 -285

The plastic strain per cycle did in- average plastic strain ranges, considering
crease from the first half cycle, remained all cycles to failure. The effective plastic
constant for over 75 per cent of the cycles strain per cycle, e, was calculated from
to failure, and increased again before the axial strain using the relation-
fracture. The values reported are the ships in Eqs 2:

FIG. 3.—Schematic Drawing of Torsion Cycling Test Equipment.


Axial Plastic Effective Plastic
Test Strain Range per Strain Range per Frequency Time Time to Failure, Number of Cycles
Cycle, A«z , per Cycle, Ac, per per Cycle, hr 1/ , hr to Failure, Nf
cent cent

1 0.37 0.74 96 758 7.5

2 0.22 0.30 10 441 44
3 0.33 0.39 2 188 94
4 0.40 0.44 1.1 99 90

£ / _ gg + <rfl\ ages. It should be noted that the in-

creases in strain per cycle resulted from
the onset of a primary stage of creep
). (2)
that was nonexistent in the first half
a\ 2 ) cycle. The linear rate obtained after the
primary stage, during all except the final
if ffr + ffHJ
cycles, was essentially the same or
slightly less than the initial creep rate.
where: A comparison of all of the cyclic strain
rates with the static creep-strain rates is
given in Fig. 4. This figure also includes
v2 the uniaxial test results for this material
+ (ff» - <rr)2]"^ . (3)
given in previous papers (2,8). The
cyclic strain rates were obtained by
and dividing the total plastic strain per cycle
\/2 by the time per cycle, thus including the
primary stage. As expected, all of the
cyclic data calculated in this manner fell
+ Uo - €s)^]"^- (4) to the right of the curve except for those
where: obtained at very high stresses and strain
rates. The contribution of the plastic
(T = effective stress, strain in the primary stage for the high-
i = effective strain rate, stress tests was essentially nonexistent
0-2, (79, and (TR = axial, tangential, and in comparison to the large total plastic
radial stresses, respectively, and strain per cycle. Unfortunately, com-
u , ie, and tR = axial, tangential, and plete strain-time recordings were not ob-
radial strain rates, respectively. tained for these tests and the indicated
The second test series was that of strain hardening could not be verified.
torsion cycling which yielded the results The apparent strain softening or
shown in Table III. hardening appears to be singly de-
The effective stress d and strain e were pendent upon the strain per cycle and
again calculated using Eqs 2 to 4. The independent of the stress state and fre-
shear strain per cycle 7 also followed the quency. Thus, as is shown in Fig. 4,
same increases throughout the lifetime, cyclic strain-rate data from all tests can
and again the reported values are aver- be represented fairly well by a single


Shear Stress, Shear Strain
Effective Stress Effective Strain Time to Failure Number of
per Cycle, A7,
or( ffi

ffi —- <Ti\
or (e. - esf,
per cent
per Cycle, ^, per Cycle,
A€, per cent
If , hr Cycles to
Failure, N/

15 000 8.6 26 000 4.9 1.30 80

13 500 8.05 23 400 4.6 2.1 140
8 800 2.85 15 250 1.6 30 1 804
7 000 1.2 12 120 0.69 82 4 940
5 000 0.073 8 660 0.042 925 54 390

" (Ti a n d (Tg a r e m a x i m u m a n d m i n i m u m principal stresses, respectively.

' «i a n d €3 a r e m a x i m u m a n d m i n i m u m principal strains, respectively.

smooth curve. In correlating service pal stress in different regions. Examples

failure with material properties, it is of the failure of this criterion in this
important to recognize this dynamic respect are those involving notch
instabihty of the deformation per cycle. strengthening and the initiation of fail-
Figure 4 shows that the calculated strain ure on the inside surface of tubes pres-
per cycle obtained from static creep data surized internally. The notched bar, in
can be in error by as much as a factor of comparison with a smooth bar, has a
2. If the plastic strain per cycle as given much larger maximum principal stress;
by Eq 1 is used as the criterion for fail- however, the shear stress is less for the
ure, the error is magnified since the notched bar and its rupture life is ex-
exponent n is less than 1. tended. In a tube under internal pres-
Previous results (8) obtained from sure loading, the maximum shear stress



10 10 10 10 10
EFFECTIVE STRAIN RATE , t , per cent per hr

FIG. 4.—Creep Rate Versus Stress for Reannealed Inconel at 1500 F.

testing materials under complex creep exists at the inside surface and a maxi-
stresses tended to indicate that fracture mum principal stress exists at the out-
was controlled by a maximum principal side surface. For these tests, the creep
stress criterion rather than a maximum failure of moderately heavy to thin-wall
shear criterion. However, the data did pressurized tubes was always found to
not show this conclusively. It is certain initiate on the inside surface.
that the principal stress criterion cannot Similar considerations also indicate
explain notch strengthening and fracture that the shear stress alone cannot be
initiation in other specimen geometries used as the sole criterion for failure in
where the shear stress is greatest and view of the large evidence of data for
the principal stress is at a minimum. torsional loads (9,10) which show rup-
The maximum principal stress crite- ture lives much larger than predicted.
rion is inconsistent with observed frac- In addition, consider that in two in-
ture characteristics of specimens having vestigations (9,11) no evidence of a
stress gradients that produce the maxi- failure under uniaxial compressive creep
mum shear stress and maximum princi- loading could be found. In both investi-

gallons, metallographic examination re- nucleation of voids, and that a tensile

vealed that no evidence of damage, void stress is required for their growth in
formation at grain boundaries, was in- directions normal to the tensile stress
troduced by the uniaxial compressive axis. The following expression suggested
stresses. by the work of Hull and Rimmer was

! 1 1
10" 1
—t[-f 1 _i-1
8 ^.' 1 .r'*!
I 1 1
6 t-p-rr^ o
i .°§ 11
1 0
! 1 S.j|!
1 1
10 10 .(
10 10 10 10"


FIG. 5.—Stress-Rupture Properties of Reannealed Inconel Under Complex Stresses at 1500 F .


10 2 5 10 10

RUPTURE TIME x - j - , s e c

FIG. 6.—Stress-Rupture Properties of Copper at 410 C Under Complex Stresses

Hull and Rimmer (11) have reported developed to satisfy the requirements of
that void formation under the same shear considering both the shear and tensile
stress is a simple function of the maxi- stresses:
mum tensile stress. From this study and
the other evidence cited, it was apparent
that a shear stress and its accompanying
deformation are responsible for the
(0'^) .(5)


Ir = time to rupture, resulting from not considering the

o"! = maximum principal tensile greater tangential stress increase with
stress, deformation.
a = effective stress, and The problem of comparing fatigue test
B, P = material constants. results to static constant-load creep-
rupture data is that the stress changes
This equation is the shear-stress cri- under the constant-load tests. Unless a
terion modified by the ratio, a/ai, for true stress-rupture curve is available, a
stress states other than uniaxial tension comparison cannot be made. The true
having a principal stress not equal to the stress-rupture curve can, however, be
effective stress. This equation states that approximated from constant-load tests.
under compressive uniaxial loading the It can be assumed that small segments of



0.1 10.0 100 1000 10,000

RUPTURE TIME x -?-. hr

FIG. 7.—True Stress-Rupture Properties of Reannealed Inconel at 1500 F.

time to rupture is infinite since ai = 0. the uniaxial time stress-rupture curve

It also predicts failure on the inside sur- can be represented by
face of internally pressurized tubes. For
the tube geometry used in this investiga-
tion, the time required to rupture at the
inside surface should be 0.86 of the rup- where :
'i^rc^ .(6)

ture life of the outside surface. 1/ = time to fracture,

The fit of Eq 5 to complex stress-rup- a' = true effective stress,
ture test data is shown in Figs. 5 and 6 ai = true maximum principal stress,
in which rupture time is multiplied by and
ai/a- and plotted versus the effective B', fi' = material constants.
stress. Figure 5 gives results of tubes The true stress {&' = a' for uniaxial
pressurized internally and loaded axially, tests), which at zero time is equal to the
whereas Fig. 6 gives Hull and Rimmer's engineering stress, increases as a func-
results on copper wires tested under tion of the strain rate is given by
tension and hydrostatic pressure. Equa-
tion 5 fits the data with sufficient ac- 0-' = ffod -^ e) = <To(l + it) (7)

curacy, although there is some scatter where;


o-Q = stress at zero time, complex stress conditions where tensile

e = strain, and stresses are acting in more than a single
6 = strain rate. principal stress axis, the damage accu-
mulations in each axis have to be con-
Using Minor's hypothesis of damage sidered separately. The damage pro-
accumulation under variable stresses, duced and accumulated in a specimen
under creep conditions consists essen-
B'^' = / a'^' dt (8) tially of grain-boundary voids and cracks
normal to the tensile stress axis. Thus,
Combining Eqs 7 and 8, the damage accumulated in one stress
axis will be parallel to the other stress
B'O' ao^' f (1 + «')«' di (9) axis and not influence the life expect-
ancy in these axes. Damage accumula-
which integrates to: tion in the complex stress tests is then
determined for each stress axis inde-
pendent of the other axis. The torsion-
fatigue life is determined, as in the
The true fracture stress under constant
<7f' = <ro (1 + itf) (11)
Direction Normal
to Fracture
1 1.07 2.14 Tangential
2 1.39 1.85
3 1.79 1.70 Axial
4 2.21 1.77
Combining Eqs 10 and 12 and reducing
uniaxial fatigue tests, by considering
only one half of the actual life. The
damage accumulation for the internally
The true stress-rupture curve developed pressurized tubes axially cycled is no
from Eq 13 is shown in Fig. 7. different; however, the tangential stress
By use of Eq 5 the cyclic data under is constantly applied and the damage
complex stresses can now be compared accumulation in this direction is the
to static data developed by Eq 13 and total time under test. The damage in the
plotted in Fig. 7. In this plot the time axial direction is accumulated for only
scale again has been modified by the one half of the time since the tensile
ratio (Ji/o- so that direct comparisons stress is apphed for only this period. The
can be made. The time plotted for the two axes have to be compared to deter-
cycle data is only that time accumulated mine which axis will first accumulate
under the principal tensile stress causing sufficient damage for fracture. Table IV
failure in the specimens. The uniaxial lists the ratios of a/crg and 2^/0-2, the
cyclic creep-rupture tests have tensile smallest value of which will determine
stresses acting on the specimen for only the axis normal to the fracture.
one half of the total rupture hfe; thus, Table IV also indicates that the agree-
the time available to produce damage is ment in direction was correct in each
only one half of the total time. For the test. Thus, two of the tests failed due to

static creep and two failed as a result of data from the complex stress tests using
a cyclic axial stress. Results of tests 1 a parameter based on effective strain
and 2 are plotted in Fig. 7 with the other range per cycle. These data demonstrate
fatigue tests; however, since failure was that both the effect of frequency and
a result of a static load, they should be stress state must be considered before a
compared with the data in Fig. 5. If this direct comparison can be made.
is done, these two points fall in the Although it has been demonstrated
middle of the scatter. Tests 3 and 4, how- that the cyclic creep test results do not
ever, failed due to the axial tensile stress, follow the static creep results implicitly,
and, as shown in Fig. 7, the rupture static creep-rupture relationships can be


? ID"


< 10"'

10" 10' 10^ 10-=' IC 10=

F I G . 8.—Strain Cycle Test Results.

times are comparable to those based on used to indicate relative magnitudes of

the axial fatigue data. Thus, the direc- the effects of frequency and stress states.
tion and time of failure of the four tests At 1500 F, the test temperature, the
were correctly determined by assessing material creep behavior can be closely
and comparing damage accumulation in approximated by:
each axis independently.
The discussion thus far has dealt only .(14)
with stress-rupture correlations. It would ' &
be profitable to analyze these results
with respect to their strain-cycle be-
havior. The uniaxial data given pre- tc = effective creep strain,
viously (3) for this material are shown in t — time, and
Fig. 8 in which they are compared with A, a = material constants.

Figure 4 indicates that the fatigue should be equal to aj^. This is not the
data do not follow the static creep data case, since aj^ = 1.45 and n from Fig. 8
exactly; however, the lack of agreement is equal to 0.762. Regardless of the agree-
does not appear to be associated with ment of the cyclic creep with the static
frequency or stress state. The cyclic creep constants, a and /3 are almost equal
creep tests can then be represented by: to one another and the values of a./^ and
(a — )3)/|8 will not vary significantly.
(15) Thus, the effects of stress state and fre-
'""'^ = ( l ) quency can be generalized.
where: The solution for the second case, that
of a static stress causing failure, is ob-
Acj, = effective plastic strain range, and tained by combining Eqs 15, 16, and 17
Ic = time per cycle. in a similar manner to obtain:
Equation 5 is solved for the effective
a \«lf
stress to obtain, iV/""* At
>-©1-fe) .(21)

The time, frequency, and number of
.(16) Thus, to compare the results from tests
1 and 2, in which fracture resulted from
the static tangential stress, to uniaxial
cycles are related depending upon the cyclic data, both Eqs 20 and 21 must be
type of stress cycle. For those cases used. A comparison is accomphshed by
where the specimen fails as a result of a considering the effect of differing fre-
tensile stress acting on the specimen for quencies and stress states on tests with
half of the cycle, the relation is: the same plastic strain range. The com-
parison for tests 1 and 2 with the uni-
.(17) axial fatigue data is
2v '•
where 17 = frequency.
For those cases where the failure is a ^iii \nu/ \5/ii
result of a static tensile stress acting on
the specimen, the relation is: (Subscript I for uniaxial data and sub-
script II for tests 1 and 2.)
= I,. .(18) The value of the exponent for Inconel
at 1500 F was determined to be
Considering the case of cyclic stresses,
Eqs 16 and 17 are combined to obtain: = 0,31. .(23)

'-(r,rC^)"' (19)
Since the exponent is less than 1, the
number of cycles to failure should not be
This equation can now be substituted seriously affected by small changes in
into Eq 15: frequency. The factors obtained from Eq
22 for tests 1 and 2 are:

This equation is of the same form as Eq <:^)"" (?)„

1 and, if the cyclic creep tests agreed 0.94 = 30.4
Test 1 32.4
explicitly with the static creep results, n Test 2 18 0.64 = 11.5

The same type of comparison is made Inconel at 1500 F to furnish failure test
for tests 3 and 4 to yield the factors data under complex dynamic stresses at
high temperatures. The results obtained
\VinJ Vo'/iil
from these series have been correlated
with the results of previous static and
Test 3. 4.4 X 1.11 = 4.94 dynamic stress tests. This investigation
Test 4. 3.7 X 1.13 = 4.18 has furnished a general method of solv-
(Subscript III for tests 3 and 4.) ing complex stress creep problems in-
The comparisons can now be made, volving both static and dynamic stress
and the results are shown in Fig. 8 in states. The general solution is based upon
which the factors determined above are the developed relationship.
multiplied by the number of cycles to
failure. As expected, the data do not
correlate exactly owing to the discrepan- '-(?)'(•,)•
cies between the fatigue and static data. and upon Minor's damage accumulation
This method of adjusting data with hypothesis. The damage accumulation,
respect to stress state and frequency however, was shown to be independently
does, however, demonstrate the magni- additive in each principal stress axis.
tude of these effects on life expectancy. The conclusions of this investigation
The torsional results can be compared are:
in a similar manner using Eq. 20 to ob- 1. An expression has been developed
tain: for creep rupture under complex stress
^ / i = A^/iv (r)^ .(24) 2. A method for generating true stress
rupture data from constant load data is
(Subscript IV for torsion test data.) given.
or 3. The effect of cyclic stresses upon
strain rate is demonstrated.
Nn = Nnv (0.577) (25) 4. Results of the two test series
demonstrate the independence of damage
The broken line in Fig. 8 is the strain accumulation in each principal stress
fatigue data expected from testing under axis.
cyclic torsion. As seen in this figure, the 5. A method for determining the
data all fall slightly above this line on magnitude of the frequency effect on the
the conservative side. The relative agree- number of cycles to failure is given when
ment adds further support to the applica- the plastic strain range is used as a cri-
bihty of this method to determine the terion for fracture.
magnitude of the effect of stress state 6. A method is given for determining
upon the strain cycle behavior. the magnitude of the stress state effect
on the cycles to failure when the plastic
strain range is used as a criterion for
Two test series were performed on fracture.

(1) L. F. Coffin, Transactions, Am. Soc. Me- as a Criterion for High-Temperature De-
chanical Engrs., Vol. 76, p. 931 (1954). sign," in High-Temperature Materials,
(2) C. R. Kennedy, "Plastic Strain Absorption Their Strength Potentials and Limitations,

Proceedings, Fourth Sagamore Ordnance Under Conditions of Thermal Stress,"

Materials Research, Syracuse Research NACA TN-2933 (1953).
Inst., New York, N. Y., p. 193 (1957). (7) G. R. Halford and JoDean Morrow, "Low-
(3) R. W. Swindeman and D. A. Douglas, Cycle Fatigue in Torsion," Proceedings,
Transactions, Am. Soc. Mechanical Engrs., Am. Soc. Testing Mats. Vol. 62, p. 695
Vol. [D]81, No. 2, p. 203 (1959). (1962).
(4) R. W. Swindeman, "Strain Fatigue Prop- (8) C. R. Kennedy, W. O. Harms, and D. A.
erties of Inconel. Part II. Isothermal Tests Douglas, Transactions, Am. Soc. Mechani-
cal Engrs., Vol. [D]81, No. 4, p. 599 (1959).
with Constant Hold Time," ORNL-3250,
(9) A. E. Johnson, S. Henderson, and V. D.
March 29, 1962.
Mathus, The Engineer, Vol. 196, p. 261
(5) A. E. Garden and S. H. Sodergren, "The (1956).
Failure of 304 Stainless Steel by Thermal (10) A. E. Johnson and S. Henderson, "Complex
Cycling at Elevated Temperatures," Paper Stress Creep, Relaxation, and Fracture of
61-WA-200, Am. Soc. Mechanical Engrs. Metallic Alloys," Her Majesty's Stationery
Annual Meeting, Nov. 26-Dec. 1, 1961, Office, Edinburgh (1962).
New York, N. Y. (1961). (11) D. Hull and D. E. Rimmer, Philosophical
(6) S. S. Manson, "Behavior of Materials Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 14, p. 673 (1959).
Round Table Discussion
STP338-EB/Sep. 1963


Following the presentation of the papers in the symposium, a panel dis-
cussion was held. Panel members included the authors of the papers as well as Mr. Ivan
Rattinger, Aerospace Corp., and Mr. H. J. Grover, Battelle Memorial Inst. Mr. Rat-
tinger served as chairman of the panel. A record of the panel discussion follows.—Ed.

Ms. R. E. PETERSON. 1 —I should like a mean stress equal to zero Kj decreases

to ask a question of Mr. Yao. In the at high cycles to failure. Mr. Bell has
summary of his paper, a relationship is arbitrarily drawn a level line through
given that he considers valid up to 1000 the high-cycle range, essentially negating
cycles. How far beyond 1000 cycles could this drop in strength reduction factor.
the relationship be used without serious Why should a reduced strength reduction
error? factor at these relatively high cycles of
MR. J. T. P. YAO2 (panelist) —The failure be experienced? We know that
1000 cycle limit, set somewhat arbi- the fatigue stress concentration factor is
trarily, is about the life at the transition generally higher at the high cycles to
beyond which a propagation type of fail- failure than at low cycles to failure; a
ure will probably be encountered. Fur- curve of strength reduction factor versus
thermore, the tests we conducted were of number of cycles to failure will not tend
only several hundred cycles duration. to drop off at high-cycle levels. Does Mr.
Consequently it is not known whether Bell have any comments as to why his
the hypothesis can be extended beyond test data indicate a decrease in the
1000 cycles. In these tests the plastic high-cycle range?
deformation at the critical section of the MR. W. J. BELL 4 (panelist).—The
specimens was measured and then used to easiest way to explain this decrease is to
determine the true strain values. Once examine the appropriate curves of which
cracks initiate under fatigue loading, it is this factor is a ratio. On plots of range
difficult to measure the strain at the tip of stress versus mean stress, zero mean
of these cracks. Therefore it is doubtful stress is represented by the vertical axis.
that the hypothesis can be extended to W7e are talking about long lifetimes near
beyond 1000 cycles and into the usual the fatigue limit of the material. Figure
fatigue fracture range. 7(a) presents the unnotched data and
3 Fig. 7(b) the notched data. Of concern
MR. M. F. SYMONDS. —I have a
question to ask Mr. Bell with respect to are the solid curves which represent the
Fig. 9 of his paper. Considering the plot Haigh machine data; the lower of these
of the number of cycles to failure versus represents lifetimes near the fatigue limit.
fatigue strength reduction factor, Kj , for Thus, we are in an area in which there
1 is a second change in slope, with a
Manager, Mechanics Department, Research
Laboratory, Westinghouse Electric Corp., tendency for the curves to drop. When
Pittsburgh, Pa.
extrapolated to a lower mean stress, this
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil would appear to indicate a reduction of
Engineering, University of New Mexico, Al-
buquerque, N. Mex.
3 4
Senior Structures Engineer, Hiller Aircraft Development Engineer, Rexall Chemicals
Corp., Palo Alto, Calif. Inc., Odessa, Tex.
Copyright^ 1963 by ASTM International

the range of stress that is greater in the did in our laboratory, which Mr, Bell
unnotched than in the notched specimen cites in his paper, would suggest that the
data. Clearly, the ratio factor is thus stress concentration factor reduces as a
reduced in accordance with the curves. result of plastic flow. If this is truly the
Although I have no strong opinion to case, then Mr. Symonds' comment is a
express as to the cause of this phenome- valid one. You would expect this factor
non, I seem to remember that others to level off or reach its maximum value
have recorded failure data of this type. when you are definitely in the elastic
I think perhaps Mr. Grover produced range. I should like to suggest to those
fatigue strength reduction curves of the who are finding drop-offs of the nature
same form as shown in this paper. under discussion here, that if they were
M R . H . J. GROVER^ (panelist).—Some to assume, as Mr. BeU did in his paper,
years ago we conducted some experi- that a maximum value does exist and
ments on a box-beam type of structure. persists over some range of lifetimes or,
In connection with these, we also tested preferably, range of elastic stresses, then
a number of coupons of the material it does not take a major refairing of the
from which the beam was made, of which S-N curve to straighten out the curva-
some were notched. I n general, we found ture. To do this one might have to adjust
in the notched coupons, and more the S-N curves by 1000 psi or so. Quite
particularly in some of the riveted ones, frequently our data are no more reliable
there was redundancy and the possibility than that. I do not know how many
of load sharing and redistribution, but tests Mr. Bell made in this particular
notably in the box beam, the same kind case nor the amount of refairing that
of a curve for the fatigue strength re- might be required. However, I think that
duction factor as Mr. Bell has indicated. this technique might work in many
I am not quite sure why this occurs, b u t cases.
I should like to add that we found some- M R . GROVER.—In the box-beam tests
thing equivalent to this in a structure, mentioned previously and in some other
so that it may have practical implica- experiments I have seen, I do not be-
tions in structures at long lifetimes. lieve refairing of the S-N curve is a valid
M R . LEONARD M O R D F I N . ^ — M y paper explanation of the variation of Kf ; there-
on fatigue tests of box beams does not fore at the risk of disagreeing with Mr.
include a figure of Kf versus cycles to Hardrath, I do not think this technique
failure, but we also found that the fatigue would work for Mr. Bell's data.
strength reduction factor started to fall MR. C . R . SMITH.*—One of the most
oii a t high cycles. confusing things in fatigue is the effective
M R . H . F . HARDRATH.'—Discussion of stress concentration. Perhaps a more
how the stress concentration factor reliable understanding could be had by
varies with life might be putting the visualizing the concentration in terms of
shoe on the wrong foot. I tend to look strain rather than stress. We would un-
at stress concentrations as being stress- doubtedly find that the strain at the
dependent. Some of the work that we notch was nearly the theoretical concen-
tration times the nominal strain, even
^ Research Supervisor, Battelle Memorial though localized plastic deformation
Inst., Columbus, Ohio.
* Aeronautical Research Engineer, Engineer- occurred during the first cycle.
ing Mechanics Section, National Bureau of M R . HARDRATH.—I agree with most of
Standards, Washington, D. C.
' Fatigue Branch, National Aeronautics and ' Fatigue Laboratory, General Dynamics/
Space Administration, Langley Station, Va. Convair, San Diego, Calif.

what Mr. Smith has said, but I think the lower stresses and long endurances at
point under discussion here has to do low mean stresses. Under the conditions
with what is happening in the elastic of long endurance and zero mean stress,
range, in which we would not find we did not experience any looping type
measurable plastic deformations. When of plastic deformation with the notched
we go to higher stresses and shorter lives, specimens; however, these remarks all
this effect comes into play and can be refer to macroscopic deformation. It was
rather significant. The question was all "as observed" by microscope and
asked primarily with respect to com- naked eye, no close measurements being
pletely reversed loading. For this type made, and it might well be that an inter-
of loading the plastic actions are prob- action between neighboring holes does
ably symmetrical. Mr. Bell could choose occur long before there is any noticeable
to talk about a strain concentration fac- deformation.
tor or a stress concentration factor, but MR. W . H . MUNSE^ (panelist).—
he would find changes in value in the There are several questions I should like
plastic range either way. to ask Mr. Bell. The first concerns the
MR. GROVEE.—In the box-beam ex- Fig. 7(b) we have been discussing. I
periments we found a more certain maxi- wonder if Mr. Bell has any comments as
mum in the Kf-vevsus-N curve when to what might happen to some of his
there was some redundancy in our speci- information if it were to be extended into
men. Mr. Bell had some specimens with the negative mean stress range. There
double notches, and I wonder if he has has not been much work done in this
any comment concerning possible dual direction; however, I know that there has
modes of cracking for such specimens. been a little thought given to this sub-
MR. BELL.—All notched specimens ject. Some of the information I have seen,
used in these tests had at least two holes; indicates that these fatigue relationships
the Haigh machine data, which are of begin to change very markedly in the
particular interest, are for three-hole negative mean stress range, particularly
specimens. Figure 6 of my paper shows when the members contain stress con-
some types of plastic deformations which centrations such as exist in the specimens
occurred in the notched specimens. At shown in Fig. 7(b). The second question
high stresses these deformations tend to concerns the type of information that
encompass the entire cross-section of the was obtained in these tests, particularly
specimen. Three typical examples of at the lower number of cycles. I wondered
plastic deformation are shown in this whether there were any strain data ob-
figure. The smallest or least noticeable tained by which this information might
type of deformation appeared as small be examined in terms of strain rather
dimples at the sides of each hole and than stress. At the lower number of
was, in this respect, highly localized, as cycles we have often seen that strain
might be expected. With increasing provides a much better correlation,
stressing conditions, there was a tend- whereas with stress we get rather flat
ency to develop a more extensive type curves, such as those in Fig. 5 of Mr.
of deformation pattern that developed Bell's paper.
in a looping action between the holes MR. BELL.—I believe in your first
and extended to the edges of the speci- question that you were looking for a
men as two bands at 45 deg to the speci- theoretical approach to what is happen-
men major axis. It is not necessarily true
' Professor of Civil Engineering, University
that this can be tied in exactly with the of Illinois, Urbana, 111.

ing based upon an extrapolation of the CHAIRMAN IVAN RATTINGER.^"—I have

data for a negative mean stress. I t is a question for Mr. Whiteson. I n Fig. 10
always better to study the plain data of his paper, he indicates a reduction in
first, because the notched data are area as a function of the number of
plotted as nominal stresses and tend to cycles to failure, at —423 F . I wonder if
present a certain amount of confusion in he had a similar figure or could comment
their interpretation. At present, I do not upon how similar curves would appear
feel confident to make any extrapolations at room temperature.
with regard to anything other than small M R . B . V. WHITESON.'^ (panelist).—No
increments of negative mean stress for transitional behavior was noted in the
which I would expect an extrapolation room-temperature low-cycle fatigue tests
of a curve that may be tending more up to 2000 cycles. All failures were
toward the horizontal as it is shown for accompanied by high reduction in area,
the higher lifetime. The idea is that an and no failures had their initiation at the
extrapolation of the shorter lifetime surface of the specimen.
curves might follow the pattern of the M R . J. ScHijvE.12—Mr. whiteson has
long lifetime curves at small positive made the statement that in those speci-
mean stresses, except that the change in mens which failed in a cup and cone
slopes will occur for negative stresses. fracture, after considerable number of
With regard to the latter question, not cycles, no cracks were observed on the
a great deal of strain data, or not enough specimen surface. Does this statement
to make any serious analysis, is available refer to visual observations or micro-
over a complete range of lifetimes. This scopical examination? I t seems from his
test program was arranged in a rather evidence that there was no question of
progressive manner. The program was two competing fracture mechanisms; the
scheduled to last for one year only. specimen failed due to either one mecha-
However, I liked it so much that I con- nism or another. I should like him to
tinued and the work progressed. The comment on whether he would like to
introduction of the instrumentation generalize this type of two different
occurred only in the latter part of the fracture mechanisms to other materials
program. I t was found that this material and other circumstances. This is similar
was not subjected to very large cyclic to the question raised by Chairman
plastic strains; hence, its measurement Rattinger.
was rather difficult. This accounts for M R . WHITESON.—Cracks were not
the emphasis that was placed on the observed visually or microscopically on
creeping condition and the short life- the surface of the tested specimens. This
times and high stress conditions in which was true regardless of whether the fatigue
we have a reasonable amount of data for fracture was surface or internally initi-
all the curves. For these conditions the ated. I n answer to the second part of Mr.
cyclic strain range and the maximum- Schijve's question, it would be unwise to
minimum strains at the end of each cycle generalize the two different fracture
are known and the continuous loops are mechanisms for other materials and other
recorded. As indicated in the paper, circumstances.
analysis of these data has led to the M R . B E L L . — M y question is generally
suggestion that correlation of lifetimes
'" Aerospace Corp., Los Angeles, Calif.
with cychc plastic strain should be re- " Missiles and Space Systems Divisions,
stricted to the "repeated" portion of the Douglas Aircraft Co., Santa Monica, Calif.
plastic strain only. '^ National Aero and Astronautical Research
Inst., Amsterdam, Holland.

directed to those who have discussed the which is small compared to the plate
two different types of fracture obtained thickness will result in flat fracture,
at short hfetimes. Taking one particular whereas a shear-type fracture will occur
example, it appears from Fig. 10 of Mr. when the plastic zone size is large com-
Whiteson's paper that he experienced pared to the plate thickness. The plastic
greater reduction in area with the ductile zone size is also a function of the stress;
type of fracture. We noticed, as was therefore high stresses result in a large
shown by the cyclic creep curves as we plastic zone together with faster crack
call them, that a considerable increase in propagation and shear-type failure. On
the total extension of the gage length of the other hand, the lower stress levels
the material was found with the ductile result in the opposite type of material
or cyclic creep type of fracture. Do the behavior.
observations of other experimenters in- It is felt that this approach should be
dicate that the more ductile type of given greater consideration when at-
fracture is always associated with an tempting to analyze fatigue data. Paris
increase in the elongation of the gage and Anderson of Boeing have used a
length? fracture mechanics approach in the
MR. WHITESON.—No strain measure- analysis of fatigue studies of aluminum
ments were made during the low-cycle panels, with good results. Their results
fatigue test; also, the fatigue specimens show the more familiar flat fracture and
were a standard type of specimen con- were run at lower values of the crack tip
figuration as shown in Fig. 2 of the paper. driving force.
It should be noted that there is no realis- MR. H . B . DUNTHORNE.I^—I would
tic gage length that could provide reason- like to ask a very general question that
able measurement of uniform elongation. would combine the talents of the entire
The tapered shape of the specimen forces panel as well as a little prophetic work.
all failures to take place in a very lo- As we move into the supersonic area in
calized area; thus, any deformation is aircraft, we shall experience a lot of
quite localized. thermal cycling, a very wide range of
MR. C. M. CARMAN" (panelist).—The temperature, and designs operating very
appearance of plastic deformation, re- close to the yield strength; therefore, the
duction of area, or shear-type fracture cycles to failure are bound to be low.
observed during high-stress, short-hfe Because of the thermal cycling nature,
fatigue tests as compared to a mixed the frequency will be relatively low. We
mode or flat fracture observed for the will be in temperature ranges in which
fatigue tests conducted at lower stress it has been found that a thermally in-
levels appears to be consistent if one duced strain aging metallurgical in-
uses the fracture mechanics viewpoint. stability type of phenomenon can occur,
In the fracture-mechanics, steady- and this has sometimes led to unusual
state model described in the paper brittleness. When all these factors are
"Low-Cycle Fatigue Characteristics of combined, would the panel care to offer
Ultrahigh-Strength Steels," the rate of an opinion, based upon their many
crack propagation is expressed as a func- researches, as to when we could expect
tion of the plastic zone size. The size of any untoward effects, any cumulative
the plastic zone also determines the frac- results, showing a sudden or sharp
ture appearance. A plastic zone size loss in the otherwise expected properties?
'^ Metallurgist, Research and Development " Metallurgy Department, Curtiss-Wright
Group, Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa. Corp., Woodbridge, N. J.

MR. SYMONDS.—In our normal low- location, or was the fact that it occurred
stress, high-cycle, fatigue-type failures, right in the center significant?
we have a mechanism of failure for MR. WHITESON.—Analysis of the failed
which there is still considerable discus- specimens using electron fractographic
sion with respect to exactly how the techniques (see the accompanying Fig.
fatigue fracture starts. However, the 1) indicates that no fatigue-crack pro-
failure is usually associated with a surface gression occurred when fracture was
type of discontinuity, an inclusion, or internally nucleated. The fractographic

FIG. 1.—Typical Electron Fractograph Taken from Center of Internally Nucleated Fatigue Frac-
ture Surface (X 18,490).

some other type of stress raiser. But analysis showed no difference in fracture
with respect to this other phenomenon surface appearance between a static
of the fatigue crack starting right in the tensile failure and the internally nucle-
center of a specimen that is loaded to a ated fatigue failure. Surface-nucleated
fairly high stress level and that fails at a fatigue failures showed the normal
low number of cycles, would anyone arrest lines associated with high-cycle
care to comment on what type of fatigue type of fatigue failure, indicating that
crack growth mechanism was occurring stable fatigue crack propagation took
in the center of this particular specimen? place before catastrophic failure of the
Would this be considered a random specimen (see the accompanying Fig. 2).
phenomenon that could occur at any MR. SMITH.—The fact was mentioned

that the necking type of failure origi- years ago and getting a normal S-N
nated in the center. Was that estabHshed curve at room temperature. At 450 F,
in fact, or could it be under the surface, however, the tests produced a near-
but not necessarily at the center? If it straight-line curve with essentially no
were not, then it is possible that we slope out to 10^ cycles. The failures in
might have sources for nucleation al- this instance had an appearance identical
most anywhere inside the material. to that of creep fracture, with consider-
M R . WHITESON.—Electron fracto- able necking down and no evidence of

FIG. 2.—Typical Electron Fraclograph Taken from Initiation Point of Surface Nucleated Fatigue
Fracture Surface (X25,900).
Note the fatigue arrest markings.

graphic examination failed to reveal any surface nucleation or gradual failure

areas of fatigue crack propagation in the progression from such a nucleus. We
flat zone of the fracture surface for those spoke of this at the time as progressive
specimens which had internally initiated creep.
failure origins. If any stable fatigue crack M R . Y A O . — I have no opinion on what
propagation had occurred it would have the low-cycle fatigue failures should look
been evident when fractographic analysis like, but if you refer to Fig. 10 of the
was performed. paper by Mr. Munse and me it will be
M R . E . H . SCHUETTE^°—I recall test- " Staff Engineer, Lockheed Aircraft Corp.,
ing a magnesium-thorium alloy some Sunnyvale, Calif.

seen that there is a flat portion in the able to reduce this creeping mechanism.
center, and in the following figures pro- The resulting fracture appeared as a
gressive fatigue-type cracks are shown. standard fatigue-type of fracture, and
Both types were found in the tests. the lifetime was extended to that which
M R . T . J. DOLAN1«—This question is would be anticipated by extrapolation of
one that should be related to the existing the short, steeply sloping portion of the
stress state. I t is well known that when a standard fatigue curve. There seems to
specimen begins to neck locally, the be more evidence in favor of the hy-
stress state changes rather drastically. pothesis of having two separate failure
You are really building a circumferential mechanisms, both of which can progress
notch into the specimen as it begins to simultaneously under certam stress con-
neck down. The interior then is subjected ditions. An extrapolation from this
to a rather complex three-dimensional might be that you simply have two
state of stress which varies with the criteria for failure and it is a matter of
degree of reduction caused by the neck- which one reaches its critical condition
ing down. Under cycHc loading at the first.
higher stresses, the necking may cause M R . HARDRATH.—Is it reasonable to
fracture by a high degree of three-di- expect to see crack progression at these
mensional stress in the center, initiating extremely high stresses? I t seems to me
the interior fractures, whereas at slightly that, in the fatigue failure mechanism we
lower stresses, necking is restricted and are discussing, some phenomenon not
you are repeating a surface stress which completely understood makes the first
becomes the criterion for failure. I t seems couple of atoms let go of each other to
quite logical that one can expect either initiate a crack. This crack then grows in
of these failure types, depending on the some manner for some time, and the net
amount of necking which occurs. This effect is to reduce the residual static
would mean, of course, that the type of strength of the specimen. Working this
failure would vary considerably from one specimen through rather heavy plastic
material to another depending on the deformations depletes a large amount of
degree of ductility exhibited by the the ductihty in many cases. Conse-
material. There has been evidence even quently, the sensitivity to whatever
in ordinary static tests that ductile and crack is present is very much increased.
semiductile materials frequently fracture Since we are working very close to the
from the interior rather than from the ultimate tensile strength of the material,
surface after they have necked down and a very large crack should not be needed to
caused this complex three-dimensional reduce the static strength to the stress
interior state of stress. level being applied to the specimen.
M R . B E L L . — I n some of his previous Thus, it seems to me that we should not
work, Mr. Benham found that under expect to see much crack progression at
certain conditions in which he obtained these high stress levels; and perhaps the
a cyclic creep-type failure during which over-all mechanism is not necessarily
he was observing cyclic extension and different from that which applies at
cyclic strain, by slightly decreasing one lower stress levels.
of the minimum stresses by only about 1 MR. SYMONDS.—If we had a tiny
per cent of the minimum stress, he was crack starting and propagating rapidly,
we might, at random, expect our crack to
" Professor and Head, Department of The- start occasionally at the surface of these
oretical and Applied Mechanics, University' of
Ilhnois, Urbana, 111. high-stress low-cycle specimens. We

would find a certain scatter with re- take exception to the remarks of Mr.
spect to where this crack did first start. Schijve that, in general, creep fractures
However, it does seem to be the opinion are intercrystaUine and fatigue fractures
of the investigators that the crack had a are transcrystalline. T h a t assumption
tendency to start at the center of the cost the Bell System a lot of money
specimen, or at least that the total before it was demonstrated that this is
fracture surface tended to look as if it not necessarily true. When cable sheath
were a static specimen. Mr. Whiteson was shipped across the country a lot of
comments very appropriately that we fractures developed which were trans-
might be describing a situation in which crystalline, whereas normally fatigue
the reduction in area, due to necking cracks in cable sheath are intercrystal-
down, was such that a static fracture line. It was therefore assumed that these
occurred after a few hundred cycles. failures during shipping were not fatigue
M R . SCHIJVE.—We have tested un- cracks. However, upon study it was
notched aluminum alloy sheet specimens found that when fatigue was due to low-
at endurances as low as about 5000 cycle straining, such as occurs in cable
cycles. We fitted a set of two microscopes sheath due to daily and seasonal tem-
to the fatigue machine and were able to perature changes, the failures are inter-
discern readily the amount of crack crystaUine—that is, they resemble creep
propagation starting at the surface. Our failures in appearance—but high-cycle
present definition of whether a failure is failures induced by flat wheels on freight
a creep failure or a fatigue failure is cars are transcrystalhne. Studies on
that a fatigue failure generally is sup- lead sheath and aluminum sheath tested
posed to be transcrystalline and a creep at J cpm for lives ranging from 200 to
failure, in general, is supposed to be 40,000 cycles (the latter represents 100
intercrystaUine. Have Mr. Bell and his yr life) indicate that almost invariably
staff made any observations of this these materials fail in fatigue with an
type, especially in the low-cycle fatigue intercrystaUine type of failure. In such
range? Did he observe any crack propa- tests the materials are strained in the
gation at all and, if so, could he say plastic range. The transition and the type
whether this was transcrystalhne or of failure appear to be dependent upon
intercrystaUine? whether the test is made in the plastic
or the elastic range. If fatigue failures
MR. BELL.—We did not make any
occur in the elastic range the type of
microscopic examinations of the speci-
failure is predominantly transcrystalline,
men. However, for those specimens which
but if the failure occurs in areas that are
did finally fail in a ductile manner and
strained plastically the type of failure
produce a fracture with a ductile ap-
seems to be predominantly intercrystal-
pearance, there was no observed propa-
line. This has been observed in high-
gation of the crack. We observed these
purity aluminum (99.99+ per cent
only with a magnifying glass, but we
aluminum) down to the commercial
were able to look continuously and quite
grade ( 9 9 + per cent aluminum) and in
closely at the slow-cycle tests at 10
many of the leads and lead alloys, such
cycles, 15 cycles, and up to 100 cycles.
as pure lead, chemical lead, lead-silver,
There appeared to be a continued in-
lead-calcium, and lead-antimony. This
crease in the strain and a final fracture
which gave all the appearance, at the
last cycle, of a tension test. ^' Supervisor, Mechanical Testing Laboratory,
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., New York,
M R . G . R . G O H N . " — I would like to N. Y.

has been observed over and over again loading and things of this nature. Some
so that I believe the wrong conclusion of the fatigue tests were run at much
would be drawn if attempts were made shorter durations. One run at 0.18 hr
to distinguish between fatigue and creep resulted in a stress of about 29,000 psi;
failures on the basis of whether the failure this is much higher than the actual
is transcrystalline or intercrystalline. ultimate tensile strength normally de-
MR. SCHIJVE.—I think Mr. Gohn is termined for the material.
quite right in saying that for the more MR. GROVER.—In the past several
pure materials the intercrystalline failure years there have appeared many ad-
is much easier to initiate than the trans- vantages in considering the stages of
crystaUine failure. I also agree that in- crack initiation and of crack propagation
creasing the stress amplitude may favor for fairly long-cycle fatigue, although the
the intercrystalline failure. Increasing defining line between them is not clear.
the temperatures also favors the inter- To what extent is this sort of thinking
crystalline failure. Whether failure is a useful in low-cycle fatigue? To what ex-
creep failure or a fatigue failure might be tent is it desirable to study carefully the
a question of definition. The definition I crack propagation stage? Does anyone
gave before could not be generalized, have any ideas about the cycle limits
but it seems to work in our experience where this procedure would begin to be
for those materials that have a limited less helpful?
amount of ductility, which usually MR. SMITH.—It does not appear worth
applies in materials used in aircraft while to do much study at the crack
structures. propagation rate at low-cycle fatigue
MR. SMITH.—We are actually talking except as it influences the propagation
about creep. This may be a little beside rate at the low level or long-cycle fatigue
the point, but I have a question on Mr. strength. For example, a very high load
Kennedy's paper. It seems that all his would introduce a residual compressive
data start at about f hr for rupture time. stress at the end of a crack which would
Were there any shorter times? certainly retard the crack growth at
MR. C . R . KENNEDYIS (panelist) .—The lower loads. To study this problem,
definition of an ultimate strength at this quantitative measurements of the re-
particular temperature is dependent on sidual stress produced as a result of
the stress-strain test itself. This particu- these high loads would be required. As
lar specimen was loaded to about 95 per yet, there is no way of measuring this,
cent of the ultimate tensile strength. The but there is some talk about getting
normal tension test is run at about a strain gages that measure stress instead
strain rate of 100 per cent per hr with a of strain. This might be a good place for
resulting close representation of an one.
ideally plastic material. It starts elas- MR. SCHIJVE.—Our study of crack
tically, begins yielding, and the strain propagation under low-cycle fatigue was
hardening coefficient is very small. It to see whether a fatigue mechanism
flows out at the stress that will produce that was valid for low-stress-amplitude
the strain rate that is introduced by the fatigue could also be applicable to high-
tension test, and creep tests were not stress-amplitude fatigue. We were in-
run faster than this. To do so would terested in this problem in view of the
involve some question as to the time of well-known cumulative damage problem;
^* Metals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge
and restricting our studies to an alumi-
National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn. num alloy, we observed that there was

probably not very much difference in range of crack propagation, even where
fatigue behavior. It is generally supposed the constant stress condition exists, we
that the fatigue phenomenon at high find a linear rate of crack propagation.
endurances and low amphtudes is quite This type of information may be of con-
a localized phenomenon and not a bulk siderable help when we reach the design
phenomenon. However, at high stress of larger structures.
amplitudes, speaking in terms as used Another part of this program was
in the paper by Munse and Yao, start- concerned with the strain patterns in
ing from plastic strains, you are definitely the members under the different loading
considering bulk properties. Still, we did conditions. Photostress and strain gage
observe crack propagation at those high studies were made to check these condi-
stress amplitudes, but I would not like tions and to show how these fields change
to suggest that at these high stress as the cracks propagate. These strain
amplitudes fatigue is a localized phe- patterns verify the assumed condition of
nomenon. On the contrary, we did ob- constant stress. A constant stress is ob-
serve quite a lot of fatigue cracks all tained if the compressive load is based
over the specimen. I do not think this on the original net section and if the
will answer the question raised by Mr.
Grover. At any rate, this is our evidence.
MR. MUNSE.—In recent studies at the
University of Illinois on the question of Bending
crack propagation, consideration was
given to what type of loading cycle
might be used in studies of this problem. Cycles, N
In a number of cases in which we used a FIG. 3.—Bending Moment Required to Bend
constant-load cycle in our tests, the the Specimen.
stresses changed remarkably as the
cracks propagated. This had a marked tensile load is based on the changing
effect on the type of behavior that we section. However, this matter needs a
observed. It is rather difficult to apply great deal more study before it can be
this type of information to an actual tied directly into the behavior of an
structure that may be much larger than actual structure.
the test member. To overcome the MR. GOHN.—Is there a significant
problem of increasing stress we con- difference between crack initiation and
ducted tests in terms of a constant-net- crack propagation? Crack propagation
section stress and a constant-stress load- in thin sheets was studied in terms of
ing. In the latter case the applied load loss of bending moment using a device
was adjusted on the basis of the changing that strains a specimen through a con-
net section in tension and the original stant amplitude and simultaneously
net section in compression, thus giving a indicates the bending moment required
constant stress range during the test. to bend the specimen. If the bending
We found quite a difference in the crack moment is plotted against the number of
propagation rates under these different cycles (this varied from one to something
loading conditions. less than 10,000 cycles), three types of
Looking at the crack propagation curves can be obtained as shown in the
data, we found a small region that accompanying Fig. 3. Depending upon
initially has a changing rate of crack the initial strain, cases were observed
propagation. Then, over a rather long (see Fig. 3) in which (1) there is no

damage at all (curve / ) ; (2) there was tion rather than two as we have been
some improvement and then the bend- discussing.
ing moment fell ofi (curve 2); and (3) MR. WHITESON.—I concur with Mr.
there was apparently some cracking Symonds. In the high-stress, low-cycle
which started immediately and propa- fatigue evaluation, the maximum fatigue
gated very rapidly as indicated by the stresses were generally within 98 per cent
loss in bending moment (curve J). of tensile ultimate stress or higher. A loss
For the same material, it is possible to of only 2 per cent of the cross-sectional
go from one of these representative area would increase the net section stress
types of failure to the other merely by to a level where catastrophic failure
changing the speed at which the test is could occur. At this point, it then be-
made. These phenomena were observed comes a problem of the material's notch
at testing speeds ranging from a 4-min sensitivity, or its ability to withstand
cycle to 75 cpm.^" the presence of a small surface flaw,
MR. SYMONDS.—It might be very without showing a decrease in load-
possible that we really should be defining carrying ability. This would vary con-
three different regions of fatigue crack siderably with the material and the
propagation. The first region would be testing environment. Fracture toughness
at the extremely low cycles to failure in considerations might be a good model for
which would be found a certain amount determining critical flaw size for fast
of necking down in the specimen. The fracture under high-stress, low-cycle
propagation that Mr. Whiteson de- fatigue once a fatigue crack has initiated.
scribed would be of this type. We would I would like to ask Mr. Schijve if he
get necking down and a fatigue failure saw any reduction of area on those
that would appear to be a static failure. specimens he tested that had surface
The second region would occur if we nucleated fatigue cracks?
tested at a stress level slightly below the MR. SCHIJVE.—There was almost no
previous level, such that we would not reduction of area.
have any appreciable necking in our MR. WHITESON.—This would also con-
specimen. In this case, we would find firm our observations that once a surface
that a typical surface propagation of the crack has nucleated, failure is accom-
fatigue crack would start. We would panied by very little reduction of area.
then find a crack propagation mechanism MR. R . F . BRODRICK.^"—Our observa-
such as Mr. Hardrath described. Once tions were similar for Inconel specimens
the fatigue crack started, the net reduc- that were subjected to completely re-
tion in cross-sectional area due to the versed strain of an amplitude resulting
fatigue crack would appreciably affect in failure in about 500 cycles. There were
the strength of the specimen and we a multitude of cracks, and some of those
would then get extremely rapid crack adjacent to the ultimate failure were
propagation to failure. Finally, the third quite large. Although no accurate meas-
region would be the typical low-stress, urements were taken, some of these
high-cycle fatigue crack propagation cracks covered about 30 per cent of the
mechanism in which it would take a long area. Furthermore, for those specimens
time for the crack to grow. Thus, there with relatively long, straight, slender sec-
might really be three areas of investiga- tions, the area of maximum reversed
strain seemed to move along the speci-
^' "Discussion on Bending Fatigue Strength,"
Proceedings, Am. See. Testing Mats., Vol. 56. ^° Senior Project Engineer, Lessels and As-
p. 1034 (1956). sociates, Inc., Boston, Mass.

men as testing progressed. This area possible to observe them through the
started a t one location and moved to a number cycles to failure since they are
new location as the number of cycles inside the furnace. However, they are of
increased, probably due to some strain relatively uniform appearance with re-
hardening of the part that was subject to spect to the strain. The failure is pri-
plastic straining. This result may also be marily an intergranular failure, and it is
experienced in the work presented in Mr. not exactly the same as you obtain under
Kennedy's paper; I wonder if it is not static creep conditions. Under fatigue or
possible that in a complex stress state low-cycle fatigue conditions it is often
you would experience some strain hard- observed that the specimen has only one
ening in one direction and even transfer crack which has gone through the wall.
the failure from one stress direction to Under creep conditions the specimen has
another. In such highly strained states, many intergranular cracks all over the
the strains in the two directions can be specimen; in this respect, it is possible to
drastically different. I n cylinders under get nucleation of the first crack which
pressure, for example, where you may then begins propagating throughout the
get 5 per cent plastic strain in a matter specimens before the others can begin to
of tens of milliseconds, you m a y also
nucleate. With respect to strain harden-
get as much as a 50:1 difference in strain
ing under complex stresses, a number of
in the two directions. We have accom-
experiments have been performed. An
pHshed such cycling under shock load-
example is tension testing at low tem-
ing, and high differences in the strain in
peratures under complex stresses in which
the two directions have been the result.
the shear stress - shear strain relation-
MR. KENNEDY.—Are you talking ships are relatively uniform except in
about the effect of stress state on work those cases where anisotropic effects
hardening? exist. This implies that the strain harden-
M R . BRODRICK.—I first remarked that ing under complex stress states would be
the area of maximum strains can ap- essentially the same, regardless of the
parently migrate, at least in a straight stress state. I t can always be expected
cyhndrical specimen subject to axial that one particular unit or small section
loading. Therefore, I wonder if there in a specimen will yield just on a statis-
could be, perhaps, a change in direction tical basis, and in turn, it will probably
of the worst condition under biaxial strain harden. If it doesn't strain harden,
loading. or if there is an absence of strain hard-
MR. KENNEDY.—Are you talking ening, localized yielding results in neck-
about high-velocity loadings? ing. This is observed to a large extent
M R . BRODRICK.^—The first set I men- in materials which have been strain hard-
tioned was cycled at low speeds with ened or cold worked considerably. When
fully reversed strain. In the second case, these materials are tension tested, their
the only occurrence has been in high strain hardening ability is reduced to such
velocity in one-shot loading of high an extent that the first yielding pro-
velocity. I was wondering if there would
duces necking and failure. This is a
be some interaction at lower speeds under
large reduction of area rather than a
a biaxial stress type of test. These re-
brittle failure. You may be seeing a
marks are based upon room-temperature
condition of essentially localized strain-
ing, localized yielding on a statistical
M R . K E N N E D Y . — F o r the particular
basis, and then strain hardening to the
specimens in this report, it was not

point where yielding begins in some I have thought about this condition, but
other area. I have not come to any conclusions on
MR. DOLAN.—Would Mr. Kennedy how to handle principal axes that are
clarify conclusion 4 of his paper? This rotating. This is essentially what you
conclusion states that results of the two have—the shear stress from the torsion
test series demonstrate the independence builds up, and the principal axes are
of damage accumulation on each princi- rotating. Again, this is a high-tempera-
pal stress axis. This needs seme clarifica- ture phenomenon and this holds true
tion because we have been running only when Eq 5 in my paper, for creep
experiments at Illinois on specimens of rupture, is appHcable.
tubing roughly 5 in. in diameter by 6 ft MR. DOLAN.—The tests we have been
long suspended at the top and loaded at making are at room temperature on
the bottom by a fixed dead weight copper and aluminum tubing, and the
which incurs a nominal axial stress be- large amounts of plastic strain are rather
low the elastic strength of the tubing. surprising. Similar results were obtained
The tubing is then subjected to alter- by Coffin in some tests which used a
nating torsion (plastically twisted) under cylindrical specimen with a small torque
either controlled strain cycles or con- applied to the specimen which was then
trolled load cycles. Surprisingly enough, plastically cycled in the axial direction.
the axial load with low nominal stresses In this case, his principal stress directions
is sufiicient to extend the tube by very were again at odd angles, producing large
large amounts; extensions can be meas- twists for small steady stress.
ured with a yardstick. Unlocking the MR. KENNEDY.—CoflSn's test condi-
plastic deformation by the torsional tions were very poorly defined. I do not
action causes large extensional strains believe he thoroughly analyzed this
for very low tensile stresses. In this case, particular test. The shear stresses or the
the addition of effects from an axial effective stress on these particular oc-
load independently of those from the casions can be quite large; if they are
torsional load is not a legitimate summa- compared in this respect, surprising
tion; in fact, the deformations are so amounts of strains are found.
large that there is no simple plasticity MR. MoRDFiN.—Some years ago Voor-
theory that can explain them. This is a hees, at the University of Michigan,
case in which the principal stress axes are handled a problem in which the principal
at 45 deg to each other, rather than at stress axes were changing with time due
90 deg to each other as I understand they to deformation of the specimen; how-
were in Mr. Kennedy's tests. Is the ever, this was more of a creep test than a
statement that these are independent in fatigue test. He took an average initial
the accumulation on each principal stress octahedral shear stress and obtained
axis meant to imply some special cases, good agreement with test results for a
or is this type of phenomenon explainable notched specimen. This was tried at the
on this basis? National Bureau of Standards with
I have in mind the case in which the simple riveted joints, and, using this
axial load is a constant, steady load. The idea of an average stress, we obtained
torsional load builds up from zero to results that were satisfactory for en-
maximum and has been completely re- gineering purposes.
versed, on a sinusoidal loading basis. MR. C. P . BAUM.2'—A question Mr.
MR. KENNEDY.—Do not the principal 2' Aerospace Engineer, Bureau of Weapons,
stress axes vary with that stress cycle? U. S. Navy Department, Washington, D. C.

Grover asked earlier deserves a little ticularly in the case of very low-cycle
more discussion in view of the emphasis fatigue. Work on the factor of cumulative
on fatigue in the Department of Defense. plastic strain has been going on at the
The Air Force has put a lot of its money University of Illinois under Mr. Dolan.
and effort into this subject. Since 1959, Also, Mr. Bell reported some data on
fatigue work has been accelerated ap- this subject. The second factor involved
preciably, and answers to Mr. Grover's is that the modified shear strain is
question wovild be helpful in giving some probably higher at the surface of a
guidance; this group could provide such uniaxially loaded specimen. The third
guidance in this particular case. Per- factor is the introduction of residual
haps Mr. Grover may wish to restate his stresses, and the fourth one is the initia-
question. tion and propagation of cracks. Finally,
MR. GROVER.—What is being done the fifth effect is the critical static crack
with regard to crack propagation versus length, or the unstable crack length.
crack initiation; and of what use is this This last factor is associated with the
work from the point of view of practical reduction of the tensile strength. The
application? I shall propose a couple of final fracture may differ depending upon
thoughts I pretend to believe; however, which mechanism overrides the others.
I do not want to say outright that I In the case of very low cycles, the yield
believe them. In the intermediate range, point at the surface, I believe, is some-
at least, there seems sometimes to be what less than in the interior. After a
much more reproducibility in the rate of certain number of cycles, compressive
crack propagation than in the number stresses develop at the surface of a plain
of cycles required to initiate the crack. specimen, and tensile stresses in the
For this purpose, let me define a crack interior. Then under certain conditions
as something 0.001 in. long. If you the cracks first form internally because
measure the growth from 0.001 in. to 0.1 of this high internal tensile stress. When
in. you may get, for a given loading these cracks reach a critical length, an
condition, quite a lot of reproducibility "instantaneous" propagation occurs, the
from one specimen to another in the specimen fails in the center by a cohesive
rate of growth. However, if you measure failure, and the typical shear lip failure
the number of cycles at which you first is exhibited at the edges of the specimen.
see this small crack, you will get a lot At a somewhat higher number of cycles,
of scatter. Does this mean that our we do not get enough plastic strain
statistical scatter is wholly explained by accumulation at the surface to cause an
the very early stages of cracking? Does internal rupture. As a result, you have
it mean that we must apply statistics to the so-called local sore spots which
crack initiation and can forget about initiate fatigue cracks, and there are a
them for crack growth? Are there any multiplicity of these cracks on the surface.
comments from others along any such In this case I think the fatigue cracks
line as this? join together to cause the final failure.
MR. F . B . STULEN.22^1 think there
Thus, there are two mechanisms of
are a number of mechanisms that are failure, an internal failure that Professor
competing in low-cycle fatigue, and I Dolan and Mr. Hardrath were talking
should like to list several of the factors about, and a failure that starts from a
that may enter into this problem, par- multiplicity of surface cracks that Mr.
Schijve discussed, and which occurs
^* Chief Scientist, Curtiss Division, Curtiss- probably at a somewhat higher number of
Wright Corp., Caldwell, N. J.

cycles. Thus, the reduction of area de- crack propagation versus crack initiation,
pends on the type of failure. In the case one immediately gets into a complex
of a notch, Mr. Smith brought some of field because of difficulties in understand-
these points out. A unidirectional plastic ing scale effects and actual terminology.
strain near and at the edge of the hole is If we regard cracks as something visible
developed, and this plastic strain results to the naked eye, we are talking about
in a mean compressive stress which one set of phenomena. If we look on the
inhibits crack initiation propagation. If microscopic scale within crystals, we are
this occurs for R = —1, for example, talking about a different observational
there is a bias strain, that is, you might level and the things we see are different.
say there is more yielding in the tensile If we go a step further and look at the
strain resulting in a mean compressive atomic arrangement within the crystals,
stress. If this condition continues long again we are looking at another type of
enough it may explain the anomaly that phenomenon; thus it is hard to say what
came up earlier where the Kf factor, a crack is and when it does initiate.
when plotted against .V, actually seemed The present discussion represents a
to decrease a bit. This may be a result mixture of phenomena also, in that we
of the accumulation of a mean compres- are looking at fracture resulting from
sive stress at the edges of the discon- very few cycles of loading. These are in
tinuity. To introduce an externally ap- the realm of sudden brittle fractures or
plied mean compressive stress in the sudden ductile fractures—an area that
specimen would result in an accumula- has been under constant study by the
tion of plastic strain in such a way as to A S T M Committee on Fracture Testing
give rise to a residual tensile stress at the of High-Strength Steels. This committee
notch, so that there is actually a reduc- is looking at the characteristics of crack
tion in the fatigue strength compared propagation in slow or rapid fashion
with what one would expect for the using built-in simulated cracks and
smooth (unnotched) condition. I do not notches, and it is finding the field ex-
know whether this clarifies the subject tremely complex with just a single static
but I think there may be several con- application of loading, or with two or
cepts that may explain the various three static applications of loading. This
phenomena that we have seen. is not a cycle-dependent phenomenon as
MR. SMITH.—In my paper, short-cycle much as it is involved with the material
fatigue data are used to predict the life ductility characteristics, the build-up of
of full-scale structures for any desired shear lips on the running crack, and the
life or any load history. In so doing, it toughness characteristics of the material
introduces something that is quite in resisting the propagation of a flaw once
foreign to most of our thinking. I should formed. Again, let me emphasize that the
like to compliment Mr. Bell on his fracture is essentially that for a single
presentation of data in this manner. application of gradually increasing load.
This is the very type of data that I re- When we develop low-cycle fatigue, we
quire to make the system work. Actu- are introducing or adding to this the
ally, it uses plastic flow data of the type progressive type of cumulative damage
shown by Mr. Bell and makes use of the which is cycle dependent. The phenom-
fact that when a specimen failed at a ena observed are different at each of the
certain number of cycles, we know observational levels, and we are mixing
definitely that yielding had taken place. in low-cycle fatigue a combination of
MR. DOLAN.—When one discusses both the static fracture and the pro-

gressive cracking. The sudden fracture is some movies showing the propagation of
evidence of the flaw size reaching a fatigue cracks. I do not know whether
critical level and causing the toughness these were high-cycle or low-cycle tests
characteristics of the material to be over- but the movies show this jumping phe-
come. To reach that flaw size in a low- nomenon. If the surface is observed,
cycle fatigue test, we are also generating there is no crack in a given area and then
cycle-dependent flaws which may be suddenly a crack in an adjacent section
quite random in character and rather jumps over a rather extensive area. This
complex. movie is available for those who want to
If a specimen is repeatedly cycled borrow and study it. More details can
with fairly uniform stress over a large be obtained from Mr. William Hols-
zone, the result is not one fatigue crack; houser of the Civil Aeronautics Board.
at the various levels of observation there MR. W . L . HOLSHOUSER.-'—The movie
are hundreds of fatigue cracks rather dealt with high-cycle fatigue. It was
randomly distributed. The rate of growth made in connection with the study of the
of each flaw on a microscale is very origin of fatigue cracks around a small
erratic; it does not grow with uniform hole. The movie shows that slip lines
modes of growth. Even if you start a appear in certain areas around the hole
single crack in a sheet by putting a sharp and that the cracks originate in the slip
notch and loading it cyclically, careful lines and progress in a rather discon-
observations indicate it does not grow tinuous fashion.
uniformly but by erratic jumps. One MR. SMITH.—Mr. Dolan made a
usually puts a smooth curve through statement that the final failure is not
these points. However, it is quite fre- necessarily at the crack that came into
quently observed that the curve is not view first. This is especially true in
of a uniform growth character per cycle. large-scale structures. With increasing
Engineers like to look at models of numbers of cycles the first crack just
things in an idealized fashion and think stops growing and another crack appears
in terms of linear relationships. Here, elsewhere; maybe even a third crack will
however, we are dealing with phenomena culminate in the final failure. This might
that are very complex and nonlinear; if have been visualized as being typical of
we talk about propagation of a crack we smooth specimen data, but it is also true
are looking at a zone around the tip of in full-scale structures.
the crack and in advance of the crack MR. STULEN.—About 1957 we ran
that has suffered some damage from some fatigue tests on smooth rotating-
plastic deformation. This plastic zone in beam specimens and carefully photo-
the advance of the tip of the crack, de- graphed the whole surface of each speci-
pending upon the rate of growth, may men at frequent intervals. At a given
actually contain microscopic flaws or stress level, if the crack length was
voids caused by the progressive damage plotted against the number of cycles, we
under the previous cycling. Therefore, found exactly what Mr. Dolan described,
the whole field is extremely complex, that is, the crack was initiated at an
particularly in the low-cycle range in inclusion. At the beginning of the cychng,
which the cycle-dependent flaw propaga- the crack would hesitate for a long period
gation mixes with the sudden running and then it would appear to jump. It
fracture under a static load. seemed to grow rather rapidly for a few
M R . GOHN.—Mr. J. A. Bennett of the ^' Metallurgist, Civil Aeronautics Board,
National Bureau of Standards has made Washington, D. C.

ten thousandths of an inch and then there is probably some other value for
hesitate for a long time. The hesitation the exponent.
periods would continue during growth, The other phenomenon was that the
but they would become shorter as the high variability in fatigue was caused by
number of cycles increased. Because the initiation period. Practically 70 or
measurements were taken every 5000 80 per cent of the variance is caused by
cycles, the hesitation periods later in the the initiation period which, in turn,
process would not be apparent and the depends upon the variation in the sizes
growth appeared continuous. If we took of the flaws. If you were to drill a small
another specimen that happened to have hole in a smooth specimen, say of the
a somewhat larger inclusion, of the order order of 0.005 in. (larger than an inclu-
of 0.002 in. compared with the previous sion), no doubt you would get the same
inclusion of 0.001 in., the initial crack type of crack propagation relationship
growth would be more rapid, and the that you have in the smooth specimens,
curve of growth versus cycles would be except the crack probably starts earlier.
above and to the left of the previous You can rationalize the old French dam-
curve. The crack growth on a number of age line on this basis and show that there
specimens tested at the same cyclic is a specific crack length that can exist
stress was measured; it was found that in a material at a given cyclic stress
the crack curves above about 0.003 in. level without propagation. If a step test
could be shifted laterally so that they is run on a specimen with a crack in it,
were more or less coincident. If the it will have very large life up to a certain
starting point of the propagation curve critical alternating stress value, depend-
is taken at No cycles and the correspond- ing on the crack length. If this threshold
ing crack length k , the relation obtained value or fatigue limit of the crack length
is: is plotted against the stress level on log-
log paper, a linear relationship is ob-
(0= ks'iN - iV„) tained. The fatigue limit of a crack in a
given material is inversely proportional
to its length raised to a given power.
Frost and Dugdale in England pub-
lished this same formula and experimen- Therefore a certain maximum length of
tally determined the exponent, a, to be crack or defect in a given material will
3. By using some plastic calculations at not affect the fatigue hmit of the ma-
the tip of the crack and making some terial. This observation indicates that
rather simplifying assumptions, the ex- the French damage line is a convenient
ponent a should either be equal to 3 method of dividing the crack initiation
based on the concept of depletion of stage and crack propagation stage by
ductility at failure or should be equal to the specific crack length that does not
3 plus the strain-hardening index, as- affect the fatigue strength. To introduce
suming the total specific damping is small holes artificially is to start out
constant at failure. We do not know with a larger critical dynamic crack,
quite what the correct value for this thus lowering the original fatigue limit.
exponent is because the strain-hardening Very clean steel raises the threshold
index is usually about 0.1 and it is value and the fatigue hmit. Steel with
difficult to distinguish between the small notches that are larger than the
theories. However, this relationship was inherent defects produce a lower fatigue
developed for the case of zero stress limit. These threshold values may not be
gradient. When there is a stress gradient, horizontal; they may actually dip a bit.

depending upon whether it is ferrous or claimed the fatigue crack growth period
nonferrous and depending upon whether was about 2 to 5 per cent of hfe, while
there is strain aging or not. a discussion claimed that the cracking
MR. GROVER.—How far up in high phase represented 90 to 95 per cent of
strain and how low down in number of the hfe. Actually both were correct in
cycles do you think this kind of model their statements; what was not made
usefully apphes? clear at the time was that one was re-
M R . STULEN.—This model gets con- ferring to the behavior on plain (high
fused when you go up to a higher stress apphed stresses) specimens while the
level because there is a multiplicity of other was observing crack formation in
cracks forming in a smooth specimen as notched (low apphed stresses) specimens.
mentioned by previous speakers. A In defense of Mr. Dolan's comments
large crack can start from a large defect concerning erratic and spurting growth
first, b u t if the many cracks starting of cracks, I will agree because I have
from the small defects happen to join observed this type of behavior in many
together quicker than the initially formed materials. I also believe that scatter in
crack, they will cause the failure. Single- the crack growth phase is low, so here
nucleus failures will occur in most prac- again we may be intermixing our dis-
tical devices because holes, notches, or cussions about two separate things. T h e
stress raisers are present in everything spurting and erratic growth in the micro-
that is built, and the crack will start as a phase is continuing in an orderly fashion,
single-nucleus crack. Even in plain speci- if it is possible to describe it in this way,
mens, as Mr. Dolan has pointed out, at and these curves can be translated one
the low values of stress, a very large upon the other as Mr. Grover has
number of cracks will be found all over mentioned.
the specimen, b u t the one that gets Did I get the correct impression from
started first is usually the one that Mr. Kennedy's paper that the compres-
dictates the failure. However, this is not sion half of the cycle in the combined
true at the high stress levels, in which creep and fatigue program at low-cycles
many cracks start; it is not necessarily had no effect in damaging the material?
the first one that starts, but rather those MR. KENNEDY.—That is what was
that happen to line up and join that said, b u t it is not certain about the low-
dictate the failure. stress tests that were performed. The
CHAIRMAN RATTINGER.—Would Mr. high-stress tests and the torsional tests
Christensen, who is actively engaged in did not indicate this.
similar work, like to comment on this MR. CHRISTENSEN.—Well, I would
topic? have challenged the statement for long-
M R . R . H . CHRISTENSEN.2^—The dis- time tests because data exist showing
cussion on the sporadic nature of crack that it does. If fatigue and creep are
growth versus a continuous behavior conjointly going on, the compression
reminds me of a similar discussion when has a large effect within the fatigue
Mr. Wilkov presented his paper on component when alternating from ten-
Mechanism of Fatigue Failure^* at the sion to compression, whether the load
Fatigue Session in Atlantic City during is a sine wave or a square wave. If the
the 1961 Annual Meeting. Mr. Wilkov
^*M. A. Wilkov, "New Observations Relat-
^* Staff Assistant, Strength Engineering De- ing to the Mechanism of Fatigue Failure,"
partment, Space System Division, Douglas Proceedings. Am. Soc. Testing Mats., Vol. 62,
Aircraft Co., Santa Monica, Calif. p. 540 (1962).

effects of material degradation and the plex joint. For the type of test conducted,
mechanism of creep cracking are occur- the notched {Kt = 6.3) data gave the
ring simultaneously with fatigue, then I best correlation. For the very shallow
think these processes going on simul- notch {Kt = 3.0), the stress concentra-
taneously and acting one upon the other tion was not sufficiently sharp to give
certainly would be affected somewhat by any indication of embrittlement for any
the compression cycle. Was your wave a of the materials tested.
square wave? MR. CHRISTENSEN.—While this has
MR. KENNEDY.—All of the experi- appeared to be true for some materials,
ments used square waves, and, in this the only caution I should like to make is
respect, it simplified analysis consider- that there are materials for which the
ably. fatigue crack is the much severer notch,
MR. C H R I S T E N S E N . — I was going to and at liquid nitrogen or hydrogen tem-
challenge your taking half of the time as peratures the curve actually flips over
damaging time on this; b u t I was think- and decreases in strength while the
ing of a sine wave load shape. strength may increase with notches of
I have a question for Mr. Christian. Kt of 18.
He tested a considerable number of M R . CHRISTIAN.—In essence, then,
notched specimens with Kt of 3, 19, for a sharper (fatigue) notch, the notched
and so on, at different testing tempera- tensile value may decrease rather than
tures. Then he ran many fatigue tests. increase with reduction in testing tem-
Does he believe that if he had made a perature. This seemed to be indicated
tension test on the fatigue-cracked panels from even the three notch configurations
he would have obtained strength reduc- which were tested. There was a decrease
tions similar to the sharp-notch data? in the notched tensile strength with
MR. J. L. CHRISTIAN^^ {panelist).— reduction in temperature in the follow-
The use of a static test for correlating ing cases:
with or predicting a fatigue failure has
been discussed. In the very high-stress Ki = 3.2 for type 301 stainless steel (heat
low-cycle fatigue of a complex joint, such 49061), transverse direction, at
as was tested in the subject investiga- - 423F,
tion, it appears that a static notched K, = 6.3 for AM-355, longitudinal and
transverse directions, at — 320 and
test is capable of indicating whether the
- 423F, and
material is capable of withstanding a K, = 19 for type 304 stainless steel, long-
large number of cycles in axial fatigue. itudinal direction, at — 423F, and
The data indicated that the Kt of 6.3 types 301 and 310 stainless steel,
more closely correlated or more closely transverse direction, at — 423F.
indicated fatigue life than did the Kt of
19. I believe the reason for this was due
to the presence of resistance spot welds CHAIRMAN R A T T I N G E R . — I should like
in the complex joints in the fatigue to thank the panel for participating; I
specimens. H a d there been a fatigue think that these thanks are also shared
crack present rather than the notch due on the part of the audience. Finally, Mr.
to the resistance spot weld, it is possible Grover has a few concluding remarks.
that the sharper notch data would better M R . GROVER.—I should hke to express
predict the fatigue behavior of the com- our appreciation to those who arranged
this symposium, to Mr. Hardrath who
^^ General Dynamics/Astronautics, San Di-
ego, Calif. has done a lot of work for it, and to

our chairman this morning, Mr. Rattin- 13 of Mr. Whiteson's paper show two
ger. different forms of fracture that I have
[CHAIRMAN'S NOTE.—The following also found.2' It is suggested that the
additional remarks were supplied by Mr. term fatigue should be reserved for the
Benham, who was unable to attend the classical type of cyclical failure, the
meeting. They are included for a num- crack area which shows no gross plastic
ber of reasons, not the least of which is deformation. This behavior is obtained
their thought-provoking nature.] at low endurances particularly under
MR. P . P . BENHAM^' (by letter).—Mr. restricted strain cycling conditions.
Bell has dealt quite fully with points Alternatively, under load cycling condi-
raised on our paper; however, a few tions, because strain is "free," an incre-
further remarks might be made regarding mental, unidirectional strain can occur
the apparent drop in strength reduction that can overrule the fatigue slip and
factor, Kf, in the high-cycle range. cracking mechanism, and eventually
Based on theoretical and static experi- lead to fully ductile failure indistinguish-
mental elastic and plastic stress concen- able micrographically from static mono-
tration factors, one would expect fatigue tonic fracture (cup and cone in tension).
strength reduction to be greatest at high I have also found instances of small
cycles and least at low cycles. However, surface-fatigue-type cracks occurring in
in the particular multiple notched speci- the neck of a ductile failure, particularly
mens tested here, there are three fairly in the range of endurance in which there
distinct stages of deformation across the is the change from the ductile to the
notched section: "elastic," elastoplastic fatigue mechanism.
(local yielding), and fully plastic, related Mr. Munse's tests are quite fascinat-
to high, medium, and low endurances, ing in conception, and they provide some
respectively. In the second of the three
valuable information on residual duc-
phases there is some interaction, redistri-
tility. However, with the exception of the
bution, and residual stress between the
R = —1 series which may be regarded
notches. Since there is no simple relation-
as reversed strain cycling after com-
ship established between Kt and Kf ,
pressive prestrain, the other R ratios
there is no conclusive evidence why there
should not be a peak in some cases in are actually biased cyclical tension tests
Kf-N curves. It must be admitted, resulting in necking and ductile cup-and-
however, that the shape of those curves cone fractures. The R = —I tests can
can be effected by the position of the be regarded as true low-cycle fatigue
S-N curves as drawn, as was pointed out failures. It is interesting to note that the
by Mr. Hardrath. relationships derived for predicting
strain and endurance agree well with
The remaining comments are mainly Messrs. Pian and D'Amato's results,
concerned with the nature of fracture in which were essentially prestrain plus
the low-endurance range, a topic dealt reversed strain cycling, and also Mr.
with by a number of the speakers. A
Munse's R = —1 results, but do not
number of people would define fatigue
represent the results very well (see Figs.
as a failure caused by any form of cyclical
application of stress and strain. Yet II to 13) for the other R ratios which
Fig. 14 of Mr. Munse's paper and Fig. lead to tensile type failure.
Figures 14 to 16 in Mr. Whiteson's
^' Lecturer in Applied Mechanics, Depart- paper parallel the behavior found in
ment of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial Col-
lege, London, England. copper and mild steel at room tempera-

^yj.g28,29 Figure 14 again emphasizes fractures would have been true fatigue
that under mean load cycling at low type. It may be that some materials just
endurances two different mechanisms do not exhibit the ratcheting-ductile
can operate in some materials. In the failure mechanism; in fact under various
present tests, fatigue failures were not stress conditions there is a genuine
obtained earlier than about 1000 cycles. minimum number of cycles required to
One aspect of Mr. Whiteson's paper, initiate and propagate a true fatigue
not fully understood by me, concerns fracture.
the so-called strengthening effect. If Finally, in relation to Mr. Kennedy's
these were constant-load tension cycling paper, I have also found good correlation
tests, why did the specimen not break between low-endurance reversed torsion
on the first half cycle? In other words, and reversed axial plastic-strain cycling,
how can one achieve a fatigue strength on pure copper, on the basis of the Von
greater than the static strength other Mises equivalent stress - equivalent strain
than by coaxing, which is not constant criterion.
load cycling, over a number of cycles? MR. WHITESON.—Mr. Benham is cor-
The point at issue is whether the tests rect in assuming that tensile failure
referred to by Hardrath et al., Illg, and would have taken place if we had reached
also the writer^'' ^° on aluminum alloys a stress level corresponding to ultimate
could have been made to exhibit the tensile strength of the material during the
ductile type of failure, by coaxing, at first half cycle of loading. However, we
shorter lives than the minimum fatigue
pointed out in the paper that we did not
life quoted, or alternatively whether the
achieve a constant load cycling type of
2' P. P. Benham, Journal, Inst. Metals, Vol. test, in that the first few cycles of load
89, p. 328 (1961). application were slightly below the
^' P. P. Benham and H. Ford, Journal, Inst.
Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 3, No. 2, designated stress level. We believe that
p. 119 (1961). these first few load cycles were responsi-
™ C. T. Mackenzie and P. P. Benham, Jour- ble for the strengthening effect, due to
nal, Royal Aeronautical Soc, Vol. 66, No. 614,
p. 128 (1962). some coaxing phenomenon.
Helicopter Fatigue
STP338-EB/Sep. 1963




Fatigue data obtained in an experimental research program on SAE 4340

steel and 2024-T4 aluminum alloy pin-loaded lug joints are analyzed with
respect to stresses at the location of failure. These lug joints were subjected
to a combined load consisting of a steady-tension component and an alter-
nating, reversed cantilever-type bending moment. The paper reviews briefly
the experimental data and presents an approach and an empirical method
for failure prediction in pin-loaded lug joints under the above fatigue loading.
The nominal stresses at failure are expressed as functions of the material
properties, geometric parameters of the joints, and other pertinent factors.
The method developed permits correlation of nearly all observed fatigue-test
results and appears potentially useful for analyses of other experimental
results on pin-loaded lug joints.

This paper is a continuation of the indicated optimum values for various

subject matter discussed in a previous ratios of geometric dimensions to give a
ASTM paper (I),2 which presented results maximum moment-carrying capacity
of an experimental fatigue investigation and thus provided design data for
on simple pin-loaded lug joints subjected judicious choice of geometric variables
to a combined load consisting of a or for proportioning of the lug joints
steady-tension component and a super- under the fatigue-loading conditions.
imposed, alternating, reversed cantilever- The latter data, although significant
type bending moment. The principal and useful by themselves, would have a
objectives of the experimental program more general usefulness and applica-
were to investigate the effects of geo- bility to design problems if they were
metric parameters on the fatigue strength expressed in terms of stresses at failure
of pin-loaded lug joints and to obtain and if these stresses could be predicted
information on the optimum geometric by computations. Since fatigue strength
design for the selected specimen con- of a structural part depends mainly on
figuration. The experimental results the localized peak stresses at critical
were evaluated in terms of moment- locations, a detailed stress analysis and
carrying capacity per unit weight of a thorough knowledge of the fatigue
specimen and were presented as para- behavior of the materials are required
metric curves. These curves generally for this purpose. Because of the com-
1 plexities involved, a detailed theoretical
Senior Program Director. Solid and Struc-
tural Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering Dept., stress analysis of pin-loaded lug joints is
Memorial Inst., Columbus, Ohio. virtually impossible at present. Even if
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer a detailed solution of a stress function
to the list of references appended to this paper.
Copyright^ 1963 by ASTM International

could be obtained, there is not enough SPECIMENS AND TESTING PROCEDURES

basic knowledge of some factors in regard The pin-loaded lug joint investigated
to fatigue for a complete analysis of the in the experimental program is shown
fatigue behavior of such joints. For schematically in Fig. 1, and the di-
example, effects of fretting between the mensions and geometric ratios for the 20
surfaces of the pin and the pin hole or steel and 8 aluminum specimen con-
effects of combined stresses are not figurations (series) tested are listed in
known in detail. Table I.

Nut tightened with 0.005-in. clearance

a torque of about top and bottom-
3 ft-lb

d-pin installed
with 0.0005-in.
per in. interference

pin diameter,
lug and lever width,
clevis lug thickness,
lever thickness,
throat depth,
fillet radius,
locations of failure origins (Oc , in clevis lugs; OL , in lever),
steady tension load,
alternating bending force, and
distance from centerline of the pin to the point of application of force B.
FIG. 1.—Specimen Configuration.

A rational engineering-type approach The clevises and levers were made from
to the problem, therefore, was taken to aircraft-quality forged SAE 4340 steel
establish a correlation between the bars and from extruded 2024-T4 alumi-
nominal stresses at failure and the test num alloy bars. The steel parts were
results observed in order to enable pre- quenched and tempered to an ultimate
diction of alternating stresses at failure. tensile strength of 145,000 psi. The ulti-
This paper describes the approach and mate tensile strength of aluminum alloy
presents the results of an empirical was 82,000 psi. All pins for both steel
analysis of fatigue strength of pin- and aluminum specimens were made from
loaded lug joints investigated in the aircraft-quahty SAE 8620 steel. They
experimental program (I). were carburized, heat treated to a case
M i T T E N B E R G S ON F A T I G U E STRENGTH OF P i N - L o A D E D L u G J o i N T S 133

hardness of 58 to 62 R e , and then The loads applied to the specimens

ground. were a steady-tension load {T, Fig. 1)
At assembly, the pin holes were line- and a cantilever-type, reversible, alter-
reamed and an antiseize compound nating (at 1800 cpm) bending moment.
See Fig. 1 for dimensions.

Nominal Variable Dimensions, in. Geometric Ratios"

Specimen Series
h/h d/w hlw'' hiv.


.4-1.... 0.625 2.00 0 . 3 7 5 1.50 1.25 0.19 0.250 0.313 0.188 0.750
A-2.... 0.625 2.00 0 . 5 0 0 1.50 1.25 0.19 0.333 0.313 0.250 0.750
A-3.. .. 0.625 2.00 0 . 7 5 0 1.50 1.25 0.19 0.500 0.313 0.375 0.750
B-0.... 1.00 2.00 0 . 2 5 0 1.50 1.25 0.19 0.167 0.500 0.125 0.750
B-l. . . 1.00 2.00 0 . 3 7 5 1.50 1.25 0.19 0.250 0.500 0.188 0.750

B-2.. .. 1.00 2.00 0.500 1.50 1.25 0.19 0.333 0.500 0.250 0.750
B-3.... 1.00 2.00 0.750 1.50 1.25 0.19 0.500 0.500 0.375 0.750
B-4.... 1.00 2.00 1.000 1.50 1.25 0.19 0.667 0.500 0.500 0.750
C-1.... 1.3125 2.00 0.375 1.50 1.25 0.19 0.250 0.657 0.188 0.750
C-2.. . . 1.3125 2.00 0.500 1.50 1.25 0.19 0.333 0.657 0.250 0.750

C-2.5. . 1.3125 2.00 0 . 6 2 5 1.50 1.25 0.19 0.417 0.657 0.313 0.750
C-3.. .. 1.3125 2.00 0 . 7 5 0 1.50 1.25 0.19 0.500 0.657 0.375 0.750
D-2.... 0.625 1.25 0 . 5 0 0 1.50 0.781 0.12 0.333 0.500 0 . 4 0 0 1.200
E-2.. . . 1.3125 2.625 0 . 5 0 0 1.50 1.641 0 . 2 5 0.333 0.500 0.190 0.572
F-1. . . . 1.00 2.00 0 . 3 7 5 1.125 1.25 0.19 0.333 0.500 0.188 0.564

G-3... . 1.00 2.00 0 . 6 2 5 1.875 1.25 0.19 0.333 0.500 0.313 0.937
L-2. . . . 0.75 1.50 0 . 5 0 0 1.50 0.940 0.14 0.333 0.500 0 . 3 3 3 1.000
M-2. . . 0.50 1.00 0 . 5 0 0 1.50 0.625 0.094 0.333 0.500 0 . 5 0 0 1.500
N-2.... 0.8125 2.00 0 . 5 0 0 1.50 1.25 0.19 0.333 0.406 0.250 0.750
R-1... . 0.75 1.50 0.281 0.844 0.940 0.14 0.333 0.500 0.188 0.564


AL-A-2. 0.625 2.00 0.500 1.50 1.25 0.19 0.333 0.313 0.250 0.750
ALB 0 1.00 2.00 0.250 1.50 1.25 0.19 0.167 0.500 0.125 0.750
AL-B-1 1.00 2.00 0.375 1.50 1.25 0.19 0.250 0.500 0.188 0.750
AL-B-2 1.00 2.00 0.500 1.50 1.25 0.19 0.333 0.500 0.250 0.750
AL-B-3 1.00 2.00 0.750 1.50 1.25 0.19 0.500 0.500 0.375 0.750
AL-C-2 1.3125 2.00 0.500 1.50 1.25 0.19 0.333 0.657 0.250 0.750
AL-D-2 0.625 1.25 0.500 1.50 0.781 0.12 0.333 0.500 0.400 1.200
AL-L-2 0.75 1.50 0.500 1.50 0.940 0.14 0.333 0.500 0.333 1.000

" c/io = 0.625 a n d rjw = 0.95 for all specimens.

' T h e ratio tijw = {hiti) ih/w) has been included because of its usefulness for analysis purposes
' T h e eight series of a l u m i n u m specimens were identical w i t h corresponding series of steel speci-
mens. T h e s a m e series designations are used for b o t h , except t h a t t h e designations of a l u m i n u m
specimens h a v e t h e prefix " A L . "

containing molybdenum disulfide was M = Bl. The bending moment was

applied to the pin-hole surfaces. As applied in a plane defined by the pin
indicated in Fig. 1, the pins were axis and the longitudinal direction of the
installed with an interference of 0.0005 specimen. The clevis end was held
in. per in. of pin diameter in both the rigidly, and the loads were applied on the
clevis and the lever. free end of the lever.

Applied bending moment versus life- points are assumed to be the critical
time (Af-.V) curves were developed for locations.
each specimen series up to about The nominal stresses at the critical
15 X 10^ cycles, using three to eleven locations, Oc and OL , are defined as
specimens per test condition. For each follows:
M-N curve the steady-tension load was
kept constant. The alternating bending Sc = ~ .(1)
moments applied at the centerline of the
pins were varied from specimen to
specimen by adjusting the alternating SL = .(2)
bending force (-B, Fig. 1) applied at the
distance / from the pin axis. This
Sbc (3)
distance was 16 in. for the steel and 21 c
11.125 in. for the aluminum specimens.
S,c = (5)
The fatigue failures occurred either
in the lever or in the clevis lugs, de-
pending primarily upon the relative SsL = .(6)
thicknesses of the clevis lugs, h , and
the lever, t^. Thus, the ratio h/li is the where
principal criterion which determines the Sc = Nominal steady tensile stress in
failing component. Generally, at ti/l2 < the net cross-section of the clevis
0.333 clevis failures were predominant; lugs through the centerline of the
at h/k > 0.333 all failures occurred in pin hole, psi,
the levers; and at a ratio of h/h = 0.333, SL = Nominal steady tensile stress in
failures occurred in both components. the net cross-section of the lever
The failures, originating on the inside through the centerline of the pin
of the pin hole for both levers and clevis hole, psi,
lugs (0, Fig. 1), were located roughly in Sbc = Nominal alternating bending
a plane through the pin axis perpen- (tensile and compressive) stress
dicular to the longitudinal direction of at the inside top and inside
the joint with the origins located near bottom surfaces of the clevis lugs
the top or bottom surface of the lever, in the net cross-section through
OL , or near the inner top or inner the centerline of the pin hole, psi,
bottom surfaces of the clevis lugs, Oc • SbL = Nominal alternating bending
Failures at the latter locations were stress (tensile and compressive)
caused by the effects of pin bending and at the top and bottom surfaces of
lug deformations. According to an ele- the lever in the net cross-section
mentary analysis that neglects these through the centerline of the pin
effects, the failures should occur at the hole, psi,
outer fibers of the clevis lugs, since the Ssc = Nominal alternating shear stress
bending stresses are nominally the in the net cross-section of the
highest at the outside surfaces. Although clevis lugs through the centerline
the exact locations of the failure origins of the pin hole, psi,
varied somewhat from the points desig- SsL = Nominal alternating shear stress
nated by 0, OL , and Oc in Fig. 1, these in the net cross-section of the

lever through the centerline of Ac = Area of the net cross-section of

the pin hole, . the clevis lugs, sq in..
T = Static tension load applied to the AL = Area of the net cross-section of
joint, lb, the lever, sq in..
M = Alternating cantilever-type bend- Ic = Moment of inertia of the clevis
ing moment, applied on the joint net cross-section, in.*,
at the centerline of the pin, II = Moment of inertia of the lever
M = Bl, in-lb, net cross section, in.'', and
B = Alternating bending force applied /a = Lever thickness as specified in
on the joint, lb. Fig. 1, in.


Static Load Bending Load

Specimen Series Location of Failure

T, lb M,
5 i , psi in-lb SbC , SbL ,
Sc , psi psi psi


A-1 / 15 450 15 000 7 500 3 250 2 650 6 300 Predominantly clevis

I 30 900 30 000 15 000 2 600 2 120 5 030 Clevis or lever
A-2 30 900 22 500 15 000 2 800 1 490 5 420 Lever
A-3 30 900 15 000 15 000 2 800 770 5 420 Lever
B-0 22 500 45 000 15 000 2 000 3 890 5 300 Clevis

B-1 j 11 250 15 000 7 500 5 700 6 420 15 200 Predominantly clevis

22 500 30 000 15 000 3 700 4 160 9 850 Clevis
B-2 / 15 000 15 000 10 000 7 000 5 150 18 700 Predominantly lever
22 500 22 500 15 000 5 650 4 150 15 100 Predominantly lever
B-3 22 500 15 000 15 000 4 700 1 790 12 550 Lever

B-4 22 500 11 250 15 000 3 900 890 10 400 Lever

C-1 7 730 15 000 7 500 5 700 9 300 22 100 Clevis
15 460 30 000 15 000 3 900 6 360 15 150 Clevis
C-2 15 460 22 500 15 000 4 800 5 100 18 600 Lever
C-2.5 15 460 18 000 15 000 8 200 6 120 31 800 Lever

C-3 15 460 15 000 15 000 7 400 4 110 28 700 Lever

D-2 14 100 22 500 15 000 2 350 2 700 9 900 Predominantly lever
E-2 29 500 22 500 15 000 8 000 4 480 16 250 Clevis
F-1 16 900 22 500 15 000 3 050 4 140 14 300 Clevis or lever
G-3 28 200 22 500 15 000 7 900 3 710 13 500 Lever

L-2 16 900 22 500 15 000 3 350 3 280 11 950 Predominantly lever

M-2 11 250 22 500 15 000 1 150 1 690 6 120 Lever
N-2 26 700 22 500 15 000 3 300 2 040 7 400 Lever
R-1 9 500 22 500 15 000 1 100 3 510 12 400 Lever or clevis


AL-A-2 20 600 15 000 10 000 1 100 590 2 130 Lever or clevis

AL-B-0 15 000 30 000 10 000 350 630 930 Clevis
AL-B-1 15 000 20 000 10 000 1 400 1 575 3 720 Clevis
AL-B-2 15 000 15 000 10 000 1 500 1 100 3 990 Lever or clevis
AL-B-3 15 000 10 000 10 000 1 450 550 3 860 Lever
AL-C-2 10 300 15 000 10 000 1 550 1 650 6 020 Predominantly lever
AL-D-2 9 380 15 000 10 000 700 820 3 010 Lever
AL-L-2 11 250 15 000 10 000 1 350 1 320 4 820 Lever or clevis

In the calculations for Sbc (Eq 3) and the stresses from pin-interference fits.
for / e , the clearances between the lever Although the tangential stresses at the
and the clevis lugs are neglected since pin-hole surfaces from pin interference
they are small in comparison with ti and of 0.0005 in. per in. of pin diameter are
since the error is insignificant in view of significant (on the order of 10,000 psi for
the normal scatter in fatigue data. steel and 4000 psi for aluminum joints
The fatigue data obtained in the ex- used in the experimental program), their
perimental program for the various test- effects on the fatigue strength of these
specimen series at 15 X 10^ cycles are joints are negligible as compared with
summarized in Table II. The lifetime of joints having closely (metal-to-metal)
15 X 10^ cycles was selected arbitrarily fitted pins. It can be shown (2,3) that,
to provide a common basis for comparing under conditions used in the experi-

(b) Aluminum (a) Steel
10,000 18,000 7500 64,200
15,000 17,500 10,000 64,000
</5 20,000 17,000 11,250 63,800
30,000 15.000 15,000 63,000
,-t 40,000 — 18,000 62,600
to 62,000
30,000 60,000
45,000 55,000
fc 20,000

40,000 80,000 120,000 160,000

Mean Stress, S, psi
(a) SAE 4340 steel, heat treated to 145,000 psi UTS.
(b) 2024-T4 aluminum alloy with 82,000 psi UTS.
FIG. 2.—Soderberg Stress-Range Diagrams for Unnotched Specimens Under Direct (Axial) Load
at 15 X 10« Cycles.

and analyzing the results. The alter- mental program, these interference fits
nating bending moments, M, were taken decrease slightly the peak steady (mean)
from the developed M-N curves. The stresses, but they have no effect on the
applied nominal tensile stresses and the amplitudes of peak alternating stresses.
nominal alternating bending stresses at Therefore, the analysis described in this
failure were computed from Eqs 1 to 4. paper is applicable to both pin-loaded
The nominal alternating shear stresses joints with slight pin-interference fits
are small (generally less than 10 per cent and those having a close fit between the
for the failing member) in comparison pin and pin hole.
with the alternating bending stresses;
therefore, they are not included in Table BASIC CONSIDERATIONS
II, and they are excluded from further Generally, the fatigue strength of pin-
consideration. loaded lug joints may be influenced by a
Excluded also from this analysis are large number of factors, many of which

may be interrelated or dependent on cycles. Since the nominal steady (mean)

each other. The major groups of these stresses in this investigation were tensile
factors are: stresses, and since the nominal alter-
1. Material fatigue properties, in- nating bending stresses reduce to tensile
cluding notch sensitivity. and compressive stresses, the Soderberg
2. Loads and nominal stresses. diagrams selected are those for direct
3. Stress concentrations (geometric (axial) stresses. These unnotched fatigue
and those resulting from pin and part diagrams are assumed, for the purposes of
deflections, part interaction, and surface this analysis, to be representative of the
finish). materials used.
4. Possible localized plastic deforma- The relationship between the nominal
tions accompanied by changes in stress alternating bending stress, Sb, at failure
distribution, cold working of the ma- and the unnotched fatigue strength of
terial, and changes in material fatigue the material is defined by:
5. Fretting between pin and pin-hole S, = (7)
surfaces. KA

6. Geometric configuration and size of

the joints. where:
7. Factors related to the design, fabri- SA = Ordinate of the Soderberg stress-
cation, and maintenance of the joints. range diagram at a given nominal
These include effects of miscellaneous tensile (mean) stress, S, psi, and
design details, pin-interference fits, cold KA = Over-all fatigue-strength-reduc-
working of the hole surfaces, residual tion factor applied to the alter-
stresses at the hole surfaces in finished nating-stress component only.
parts, surface protection and lubricants The experimental results indicated a
employed, and other factors. high effect of steady tensile-stress levels
on the fatigue strength of pin-loaded lug
One of the basic considerations of this
joints. Such an effect is due to high stress
analysis is the assumption that the
concentrations, both from pin-loaded
fatigue behavior of the material at the
holes and from pin bending under tension
critical peak-stress locations in pin-
loads. Thus, the actual mean stresses at
loaded lug joints (or generally in any
critical locations are higher than the
structural member containing stress
nominal. This implies that a point
raisers) can be related to the unnotched
representing the nominal stresses, S and
fatigue properties of the material. The
Sb, when plotted within the stress-range
Soderberg-type fatigue diagram was
diagram as shown in Fig. 2, is actually
selected for this analysis because it
related to some point on the curve
affords a rather simple interpretation of
defined by an abscissa larger than 5
the test results.
and an ordinate lower than SA • Since
Soderberg stress-range diagrams for
the objective of this empirical analysis
unnotched specimens of SAE 4340 steel
is to establish correlation for nominal
and of 2024-T4 aluminum, shown in
alternating stresses at failure at known
Fig. 2, were not taken from any one
nominal mean stresses, the effect of the
specific source but were derived from the
peak mean stress levels in decreasing the
average values (or curves) given in
alternating-stress ordinate, SA , can in
various sources by interpolation and
principle be expressed by an appropriate
extrapolation to the ultimate tensile
factor included in the over-all fatigue-
strengths and to lifetimes of 15 X 10^

strength reduction factor, KA , assumed increase in the fatigue strength

as: from the effects of plastic
deformations and will be
LFNQK referred to as the plasticity
K,= .(8)
From Eqs 7 and 8, the relationship
where: between the nominal alternating stress
L > 1^= A factor that represents the at failure, Sb, and the ordinate, SA ,
effects of steady load or peak taken from the Soderberg fatigue
mean stress levels; it will be diagram at a given nominal mean stress,
referred to as the steady-load 5, becomes:
F > I = A factor that represents reduc- SL =
tion of the fatigue strength LFNQK
from the effects of fretting
and will be referred to as the If the factors P, L, F, N^, Q, and K were
fretting factor. known, or if they are determined
A" < 1 = A factor that represents the empirically from experimental results,
effects of notch sensitivity of the alternating stresses at failure can be
the material under given predicted for conditions at which these
specific conditions and will be factors were defined.
referred to as the notch- EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS
sensitivity factor.
The approach used in this analysis is
Q = I = A factor that represents the
rational and phenomenological in that
effects of surface finish or
general observations of the experi-
treatment or both on the
mental program (1,3) were taken into
fatigue strength of pin-loaded
consideration concerning such items as
lug joints. For very smooth
alternating stresses at failure, effects of
hole surfaces with no residual
pin bending and lug deformations on
stresses, a value oi Q = 1 is
stress distributions, deviations in the
assumed. For surfaces such as
locations of failure origins from the
those used in this program
assumed critical locations, Oc and OL
Q > 1. For cold-worked,
(Fig. 1), and occurrence of fretting.
surfaces, such as shot-peened
or rolled surfaces, Q < 1 is To establish a possibly simple correla-
anticipated. This factor will be tion between the experimental results
referred to as the surface- and the pertinent factors included in
quality factor. Eq 9, some simplifying assumptions are
made. One assumption is that the func-
K > i = A factor that represents in- tions or the values of the factors P, L,
crease in localized stresses at and F can be expressed or defined inde-
the critical locations from the pendently of the joint configuration and
effects of all stress raisers that all geometric effects can be included
(except surface roughness) in the over-all stress concentration
and part deformations. This factor, K. Factors P, L, and F also
factor will be referred to as the should be influenced by the joint
over-all stress-concentration geometry; however, these effects can be
factor. in principle included in the factor K
i ' > 1 = A factor that represents the which then represents stress concentra-

tions and all other geometric effects localized yielding suspected in steel
influencing the fatigue strength of the specimens with thin pins. Therefore, a
joints. plasticity factor of Pc = 1.0 (no plastic
In the experimental program (1), the deformation) is assumed for all clevises.
joints were evaluated as a unit. Here, The selection of the plasticity factor,
the clevis and lever must be considered PL , for the levers is based on a com-
separately because there are two separate parison between the nominal alternating
load-stress relationships: one for the stresses at failure for clevises, Sbc, and
clevis lugs (Eqs 1 and 3) and another levers, SbL , for specimen series that had
for the levers (Eqs 2 and 4). However, failures in both elements (see Table I I ) .
the fatigue behaviors of these two Except for the steel specimens A-1 and
elements are interdependent. Therefore, B-1, all these series had a tjti ratio of
the interaction between the two elements 0.333 and a relationship SbL = 3.6 Sbc
and the pin, and the influences of one (defined by the /1//2 ratio). The effects
element on the fatigue behavior of the of the various factors in the clevises and
other element, must be considered. An levers should be on the same order of
empirical treatment of the various magnitude, except for the plastic
factors included in Eq 9 is given below. deformations and the steady stress
levels. The clevises had 50 per cent
Plasticity Factor, P: higher nominal steady stresses in all
As shown in Table II, the nominal these specimens (with ti/li = 0.333).
alternating bending stresses at failure, Thus, the plasticity factor for the levers
SbL , at the outer surfaces of the levers of these series should be somewhat lower
were in all cases considerably higher than the value 3.6. For simplicity, a
than the nominal alternating bending plasticity factor of PL = 3.0 is assumed
stresses at failure, Sbc, at the inside for all levers. Such an assumption may
surfaces of the clevis lugs. In those be in error for levers that do not fail but
specimens that failed in clevis lugs, the should not affect the correlation or pre-
nominal steady tensile stresses in the diction of alternating stresses at failure
clevises were higher than those in the in levers that fail.
levers. This difference in nominal steady
stresses alone, however, cannot explain Steady-Load Factor, L:
the large differences in the nominal The effect of steady-load or mean-
alternating stresses, even with the effects stress levels should increase with the
of the pin bending considered. mean stress, S. From test results
The failure origins in the levers were obtained on the same steel specimen
generally located some distance from the configurations (series) at two steady-
outer surfaces toward the inside of the stress levels and on other test series at
levers. This indicated that plastic defor- various steady-stress levels, it was found
mations had taken place at the outer by trial that the following simple linear
surfaces, alleviating the peak stresses function affords a rather good correlation
from stress concentrations and work among all experimental results:
hardening the material in the yielded 35
regions between the origin and the outer + 1. (10)
surface. Hence, the levers had sustained
the higher nominal alternating stresses. This relationship is applied to both
No evidence of plastic deformation was clevises and levers in both steel and
found in the clevis lugs except for some aluminum joints. I t should be mentioned,

however, that no test data were available surface finish and aluminum is usually
at two steady-stress levels for aluminum somewhat less notch-sensitive than steel
specimens. Therefore, the validity of Eq at the strength level used in the experi-
10 for aluminum joints cannot be verified,
except that it appears to fit approxi-
mately the test results.
The selected form of the L-function
fulfills the boundary condition in that L (a) \ w •-Load
becomes 1.0 (no steady-stress effect)
when the steady stress, S, is zero.
Combined Factor, FNQ:
The fretting factor, F, and the notch-
sensitivity factor, ..V, may both change
with the joint configurations and other
factors. The surface-quality factor, Q,

\ (b)

0 0,2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

FIG. 3.—Theoretical Stress - Concentration
Factor, i f i , as Function of d/w Ratio for Pin-
Loaded Holes.

should be about the same for all steel

specimens and about the same (but (c)
different from steel) for all aluminum
specimens used in the experimental
Fretting factors on the order of 2 to 4
(values as high as 5.0 have been re- b e . nom.
'bC. max.
ported) are common in aircraft applica-
tions. Fretting is known to be influenced, (a) In transverse plane: Kt = Smux/Sn^m •
among other factors, by materials, (b) Along pin axis under tension load.
(c) Along pin axis under bending moment
pressures and magnitudes of relative (when superimposed over a tension load).
strains between contact surfaces, surface FIG. 4.—Stress Distributions in Pin-Loaded
quality, and by the lubricants used. The Lug Joints.
surface-quality factor, Q, for specimens
of the experimental program is expected mental program. Because of the latter, it
to be somewhat higher than 1.0 and is also expected that the notch-sensitivity
higher in steel specimens than in alumi- factor, .V, for aluminum specimens would
num specimens because the holes in be lower than that for steel. In this
aluminum specimens had a smoother analysis, factor .V is defined by the ratio

Kf/K, where Kf is a fatigue-notch factor or lever in a transverse plane with

that does not include effects of steady respect to the pin axis, and
stresses, fretting, and surface quality. Kp = A stress-concentration factor
The values of the factor A" should be which defines peak stresses from
somewhat lower than 1.0. stress variations in the axial direc-
Separation of the three factors F, N, tion of the pin axis. This factor, a
and Q on the basis of the test results function of the over-all joint con-
obtained in the experimental program is figuration, is influenced by such
nearly impossible unless some arbitrary factors as pin bending, lug defor-
assumptions are made. Therefore, these mation, and constraints.
factors are combined in one, FNQ, and The values of the theoretical stress-
it is assumed that the combined factor concentration factor, Kt, were taken
has a constant value for steel joints and from published data (4) for pin-loaded
another constant value for aluminum holes as a function of the d/w ratio. These
joints. With A' < 1.0 and () > 1.0, the data are plotted in Fig. 3, and they have
combined FNQ-ta.cior should reflect been determined for pin-loaded holes in
mainly the effects of fretting. tension, closely fitting "rigid" pins, and
The values for the combined factor, for rectangular ends. It is assumed that
FNQ, were found empirically by trial these Kt values are valid also for the
computations: semicircular ends of clevises and levers
under consideration.
For steel joints, (fiVQ)s, = 2.0 1
.(11) The stress distribution caused by the
For aluminum joints, (FNQ)AI = 2.8j theoretical stress-concentration factor,
These relatively low values appear to Kt, is shown schematically in Fig. 4(a).
be realistic because testing was conducted Figures 4(i) and (c) show the general
under laboratory conditions and because nature of stress distributions along the
an antiseize compound containing molyb- pin axis under tension load and under a
denum disulfide was applied to the pin bending moment, respectively, when the
hole surfaces during assembly. Molybde- latter is superimposed on a tension load.
num disulfide is known to alleviate These stress distributions were observed
fretting damage somewhat. The higher experimentally by strain surveys (1,3),
FNQ-va\ue for aluminum joints is and they are caused mainly by bending
attributable to the higher fretting effect of the pin. Figure 4 shows that all dis-
in aluminum specimens. The combination tributions peak at the critical locations.
of steel (pins) and aluminum is known to The large variations in nominal alter-
be rather susceptible to fretting. nating stresses at failure (Table II), even
among specimens with the same ratio of
Over-all Stress-Concentration Factor, K: d/w and for the same failing element,
indicate that each geometric parameter
The form of this factor, which includes has an effect on the fatigue strength of
all geometric effects, is assumed as: the joints and on the stress-concentra-
K ^ K,-\- K^. (12)
tion factor, Kp . These effects can be
determined empirically by selecting a
where: group of test results obtained under
Kt = Theoretical stress-concentration similar conditions, except for one geo-
factor for a pin-loaded hole which metric variable, and studying the effect
defines the peak stresses from of this variable. This effect should be
stress variation across either clevis expressed in a mathematical form as a

function of the variable under considera- deflections will be proportional to the

tion or as a fixed value if such appears term (1 — d/w). Thus, this term con-
to exist. After a correlation is established tained in Eq 13 represents the effect of
for one variable, the next variable can be the applied moment on pin deflections.
isolated and the procedure repeated. As the ratio d/w increases, the pin be-
The final correlation must include simul- comes relatively stiffer and the value of
taneous consideration of the over-all the term (1 — d/w) decreases. When the
stress-concentration factor, K = Kt -{- value of the d/w ratio approaches 1.0,
Kp, and the combined factor, FXQ, the relative pin stiffness approaches
already described. infinity and the value of the term
The empirically determined function (1 — d/w) approaches zero. This fulfills
of Kp for steel clevises is: the boundary condition: for a rigid pin,
(1 - d/w) (hM^ Kp= 0 and K = Kf
Kpc-si — 8.3
{d/iv)id/d„) ' ikM^ ' For otherwise similar specimens except
for the pin diameter, d, the pin deflec-
with do = 1 in. .(13) tions will increase with decreasing pin
diameter. The unrestrained pin deflec-
Except for the numerical constant 8.3
tions are inversely proportional to the
and the ratio d/do, the above stress-
moment of inertia of the pin cross-section
concentration factor is expressed as a
or inversely proportional to d^ or (d/w)*.
function of the geometric ratios of di-
mensions. The latter has advantage in In pin-loaded lug joints, the pin de-
computations of Kp for similar joints of flections are partially suppressed by the
different sizes. The common denomi- restraint from the material surrounding
nator, w, for all geometric ratios was the pins, and there is relatively more
selected for convenience, but any other material around pins in specimens with
geometric ratio containing the four low d/w ratios. Therefore, the resulting
dimensions, d, w, h , and /2, such as or effective pin deflections are expected
h/d, ti/d, or ti/h, can be introduced to be inversely proportional to some
easily into Eq 13, as: lower power of d/w. It was found
empirically that a power of unity affords
a satisfactory correlation.
The experimental results indicated
Following is a brief discussion of the sig- that a dimensional effect attributed to
nificance of each term contained in Eq pin bending exists in steel specimens
13 and of the considerations that led to and that for geometrically similar
the selection of these terms. specimens of various sizes, the moment
The stress concentration from pin to weight ratio was higher for the larger
bending was assumed to be proportional specimens. Since, in this case, all geo-
to pin deflections, the latter being pro- metric ratios are the same, any one of
portional to the load or moment applied. the dimensions can be used to express
For a given nominal alternating-stress
this effect, but the most logical choice is
level, the alternating bending moment is
the pin diameter. However, in order to
proportional to the term (w — d), as
maintain the factor Kp dimensionless, a
can be deduced from Eq 3. For speci-
ratio of d/do is used in Eq 13, where
mens with all dimensions constant
do = I in. is that pin diameter for which
except for the pin diameter, d, the
specimen width, w, is constant. There- the numerical constant of 8.3 is valid.
fore, the bending moment and the pin The ratio h/w included in Eq 13
M i T T E N B E R G S ON F A T I G U E STRENGTH OF P i N - L O A D E D L u G J O I N T S 143

represents the clevis-lug flexibility and, original axis of the clevis-lug holes, the
thus, the capability of the lugs to adjust stresses induced at the critical locations
themselves to the pin deflections. At of clevis lugs will be about proportional

T A B L E I I I . — C O M P U T E D A L T E R N A T I N G S T R E S S E S St,c A N D Sti AT FAILURE A N D

(L = 3 5 / 1 0 * + 1;K = Ki + Kp)

Clevises, P = [.0 Levers, P = 3.0

Specimen Series
Sc . psi Kpc Sbc , psi Si, , psi KpL SbL , psi

S T E E L J O I N T S , FXQ = 2.0

15 000 2 840» 7 500 9 590

A-1 3.43
30 000 )
4,21 j
2 070- 15 000
I 4.86 I 7 880
A-2. . . . 3.43 22 500 6.50 1 860 15 000 6.49 6 580"
A-3. . . . 3.43 15 000 11.94 1 420 15 000 9.74 4 960"
B-0. . . . 2.46 45 000 0.65 3 760'' 15 000 0.92 19 300

B-1 2.46
15 000 I 1,20 1 5 940" 7 500
20 700
30 000 4 310° 15 000 17 000
15 000 5 050" 10 000 17 200"
B-2. . . . 2,46 22 500 1.85 1 4 290" 15 000 1,85
15 100"
B-3 2.46 15 000 3.39 3 710 15 000 2.77 12 460°

B-4 2.46 11 250 5.21 3 120 15 000 3.70 10 600°

C-1 1.82
15 000 I 0.48 1 9 440" 7 500
33 500
30 000 / 6 880" 15 000 27 500
C-2 1.82 22 500 0.74 7 200 15 000 0.74 25 450"
C-2,5... 1.82 18 000 1.03 6 950 15 000 0.93 23 700°

C-3 1.82 15 000 1.36 850 15 000 11 22 250"

D-2. . . . 2.46 22 500 2.34 850 15 000 75 9 040"
E-2. . . . 2.46 22 500 1.61 540" 15 000 07 18 450
F-1. . . . 2.46 22 500 2.13 030" 15 000 38 17 000
G-3 2,46 22 500 1.65 500 15 000 32 13 600"

L-2 2.46 22 500 2.13 030 15 000 30 11 300°

M-2... . 2.46 22 500 2.61 650 15 000 41 6 600"
N-2. . .. 2,80 22 500 3.33 010 15 000 33 10 600"
R-1. .. . 2,46 22 500 2.84 490" 15 000 85 15 100


AL-A-2 3 43 15 000 3.12 660° 10 000 2.75 380"

AL-B-0. 2 46 30 000 0.50 950° 10 000 0.62 730
AL-B-1. 2 46 20 000 0.92 1 130" 10 000 0.94 380
AL-B-2 2 46 15 000 1.42 1 110" 10 000 1.25 990°
AL-B-3 2 46 10 000 2.61 980 10 000 1.87 420°
AL-C-2 1 82 15 000 0.74 1 690" 10 000 0,65 000"
AL-D-2 2 46 15 000 1.12 1 200 10 000 2,00 320"
AL-L-2 2 46 15 000 1.23 1 140" 10 000 1.67 590°

" I n d i c a t e s t h e failing element or t h e p r e d o m i n a n t l y failing element.

low h/w ratios, the lugs will flex more to the lug thickness, h . Thus, both above
readily, and therefore, the peak stresses effects cause higher stress concentrations
at the critical locations will be alleviated. at higher h/w values.
Also, at a given misalignment between The ratio t^/w included in Eq 13 repre-
the axis of the deflected pin and the sents the pin fixity provided by the

levers. At high Ujiio ratios the lever will thus, the stress-concentration factor for
restrict the pin deflections more ef- the clevises depends also on the geo-
fectively than at low fe/w ratios, and metric configuration of the levers.


fc 2000

FIG. 5.—Nominal Bending Stress as Function of d/w Ratio for Steel and Aluminum Clevises at
15 X 106 Cycles.



FIG. 6.—Nominal Bending Stress as Function of /1//2 or /i/w Ratio for Steel and Aluminum
Clevises at 15 X 10" Cycles.

The Kp function for aluminum clevises A comparison of these two equations

is: with those for clevises (Eqs 13 and 14)
shows similarity in structure, although
(1 - d/w) {h/wyn
Krti = 6.4 (14) Eqs 15 and 16 are simpler, and these two
{d/w) {.k/wr functions appear to be independent of
This equation is similar to Eq 13 for the ratio fe/w and of the lever height,
steel clevises except for a lower value of h. This would mean that the stress
the numerical constant and an absence concentrations in levers from pin
of the term d/da, which implies there is bending are dependent on the pin-end-
no dimensional effect in aluminum fixity in the clevis lugs and not on the
joints. Both of these differences can be pin-fixity in the levers themselves. The
explained by the relatively stiifer latter may not be entirely true; this
behavior of the steel pins in aluminum discrepancy, if any, is attributed to the
joints. Concerning the absence of the effects of plastic deformation occurring
in the levers.

5000 4000

£ 4000 d/w =0500

S S 3000 t,/t2=0.33i
3000 S(,=22,500 psi

FIG. 7.—Nominal Bending Stress as Func- FIG. 8.—Nominal Bending Stress as Func-
tion of t\/w or h/w Ratio for Steel Clevises at tion of Joint Dimensions for Steel Clevises at
15 X 10" Cycles. 15 X 10" Cycles.

term d/d^, the variation in pin-bending There are close similarities among the
effect for similar aluminum joints of four equations (Eqs 13 to 16) derived
various sizes should be lower than for empirically, and the differences among
similar steel joints, and it may be them can be readily explained. It also
neutralized by the usual "size effect" should be pointed out that the stress-
found in fatigue applications. No test concentration factor, Kp, generally
data, however, were available to verify increases with a decreasing d/w ratio,
this conclusion. as does the theoretical stress-concentra-
The stress-concentration factors, Kp , tion factor, Ki. Thus, joints with low
for steel and aluminum levers are, d/w ratios have a high over-all stress-
respectively: concentration factor, K.
(1 - d/w)
{d/w) {d/d,)

with do = 1 in (IS) To evaluate the empirical method

developed, the nominal alternating
(1 - d/w) bending stresses at failure, Sbc and SbL ,
KpL-Al — 5.0 {h/w)... {16)
{d/w) were computed from Eq 9 for the various

conditions of tlie experimental program, variables involved. The results obtained

These computations were made for all for the various specimen series are listed
specimen configurations and were ex- in Table III.
tended to somewhat wider ranges of the The values of the ordinates, SA , of


:S 5000

FIG. 9.—Nominal Bending Stress as Function of d/w Ratio for Steel and Aluminum Levers at
15 X 10« Cycles.


FIG. 10.—Nominal Bending Stress as Function of h/h or h/w Ratio for Steel and Aluminum
Levers at 15 X 10« Cycles.

the stress-range diagrams used in the metric configurations, thus reflecting the
above computations are listed in Fig. 2. relatively stiffer behavior of the steel
The steady-load factors, L, were com- pins in aluminum joints. As compared to
puted from Eq 10; the theoretical stress- the theoretical stress-concentration fac-
concentration factors, Kt, were taken tor, Kt, the values of Kp may be higher
from Fig. 3; and those of the geometric than Ki (mostly for low d/w ratios) or
effects, Kp, were computed from Eqs 13 lower (for high d/w ratios). Since the
through 16. Table III lists the values of geometric factor, Kp, expresses mainly
both factors, Kt and Kp, and gives the the effects of pin bending, it can be
nominal steady-stress levels, Sc and stated that the contribution of pin

0.267 0.400 0.533


FIG. 11.—Nominal Bending Stress as Function of li/w or tt/w Ratio for Steel and Aluminum
Levers at 15 X 10« Cycles.

SL , and the empirical values for factors bending toward increasing the stress
P and FNQ. concentrations in pin-loaded lug joints
As can be seen from the table, the is quantitatively significant and, de-
computed geometric factors, Kp, vary pending on the joint geometry, may be
over a wide range (0.48 to 11.94) de- higher or lower than the effects of the
pending on the joint configurations. theoretical stress-concentration factor,
The values for levers, KpL , are of the Kt.
same order of magnitude as those for A comparison between the computed
clevises, Kpc , and are lower than the alternating stresses at failure (Table III)
latter for some configurations and higher and those obtained in the experimental
for others. The computed Kp values for program (Table II) shows a general
aluminum joints are generally lower than agreement for the failing element (a few
those for steel joints of the same geo- exceptions are discussed below). For the

element which did not fail in the experi- considerably lower than the computed
mental program (or where the predomi- value (Figs. 9 and 10). All joints of the
nant failure location was in the other C-series had large-diameter pins (high
element), the computed stresses are dlw ratio), and therefore the pin bending
higher than those hsted in Table I I in did not cause as high stress concentra-
all cases. In this instance, the computed tions as in the specimens with thinner
values indicate the stress level at which pins. For that reason, there was obvi-
this element would fail if the failure did ously less plastic deformation and a
not occur in the other element. smaller effect of plasticity in joints C-2
The computed nominal alternating- than that predicted by a plasticity factor,
bending stresses at failure for ranges of P — 3.0, used in computations for all
variables are shown graphically by con- levers. The latter conclusion implies that
tinuous curves in Figs. 5 to 11 as func- for large-diameter pins a smaller plas-
tions of the various variables (for the ticity factor should, perhaps, be used.
failing element only). Also shown in the For example, a plasticity factor of
figures are the data concerning the ma- P = 2.2 would make the computed SbL
terials, steady-stress levels, geometric value for C-2 joints agree with the experi-
ratios, and one of the joint dimensions. mental value. Because of the limited
For comparison, the nominal alternating experimental data available, however,
bending stresses at failure, determined no attempt was made to introduce a
experimentally (hsted in Table II), are variable plasticity factor, P.
shown in these figures as single points With the exception of the discrepancies
designated by the symbols of the various discussed above and some minor dis-
test series. crepancies that may be attributed to the
As can be seen from Figs. 5 to 8, the scatter, the correlation between the
agreement between the computed and coniputed and experimentally deter-
the experimental alternating-stress val- mined alternating stresses for the levers
ues for the clevises is rather good. Some was satisfactory, as illustrated in Figs.
of the discrepancies could, perhaps, be 9 to 11.
attributed to the scatter in the experi-
mental data. In Fig. 6, only one test
point per curve (per steady-stress level) The preceding analysis and discussion
was available, except for steel clevises at indicate validity of an empirical approach
15,000 psi. for failure prediction in pin-loaded lug
For levers (Figs. 9 through 11), the joints. It was shown that the nominal
agreement is not as good as for the alternating stresses at failure can be ex-
clevises because of (1) effects of plastic pressed in terms of geometric parameters
deformations occurring in the levers and and other variables. A rather good corre-
(2) changes in part interaction in the lation was established between computed
series C-2.5 and C-3 joints (1,3). The and experimental stress values for the
alternating-stress distribution pattern in clevis lugs. For levers the agreement was
the series C-2.5 and C-3 specimens was not so good, mainly because of plastic
different from that in other .specimens, deformations occurring in the levers and
causing lower stress concentrations from because of the change in part interaction.
pin bending, and therefore these two lest The observations of the experimental
points (Figs. 9 and 10) do not fall in the program, supported by the analysis
category of all other specimens. results, indicated that pin bending
For series C-2 joints, the experimental contributes significantly to the stress
alternating-stress value at failure was concentrations and, thus, toward lower-

ing the fatigue strength of pin-loaded lug various conditions. It is also believed
joints, particularly of those with rela- that the basic approach of this analysis
tively thin pins. The effects of fretting may be applicable to structural members
were significant in lowering the fatigue (other than pin-loaded lug joints) in
strength of both clevises and levers. In general.
levers, however, the effect of fretting was At the present, this method can be
more than offset by the effect of plastic used for correlating test data after they
deformations cccurring at the outer are available. However, if enough similar
surfaces. analyses were conducted and the various
It should be realized that this analysis factors involved were more firmly estab-
was based on a somewhat limited lished, a procedure may evolve whereby
amount of experimental data (1). Because these factors could be estimated on some
of insufficient data, some assumptions realistic basis without conducting a large
had to be made and some uncertainties number of tests. This could lead to design
had to be resolved on the basis of procedures that do not require prior
judgment. Therefore, it is considered testing, except perhaps for some spot-
that the usefulness of this analysis lies check or verification tests. Furthermore,
primarily in the approach used and in such an approach may eventually lead
the method developed, rather than in to the formulation of an analytical
the numerical values derived for the method for estimating fatigue behavior
empirical constants, which may change of structures.
for different conditions. A cknowledgment:
In this analysis only two variable
This research was supported by the
numerical factors (the combined factor,
Air Force Systems Command, United
FNQ, and the numerical values included
States Air Force, under Contract No.
in Eqs 13 through 16) were used to
AF 33(616)-6751, Department of the
establish the correlation. Even then, it
Army Project/Task No. 9R38-01-017-22.
was observed that the method used
It was monitored by the V/STOL
permits slight simultaneous changes in Propulsion Branch, Directorate of De-
these factors without greatly affecting fense and Transport Systems Engineer-
the correlation. If more variable factors ing, Aeronautical Systems Division,
were employed, the correlation could be Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio,
inaproved further. Thus, the niethod is with Hollis A. Cochran acting as project
quite elastic, and therefore it is believed monitor. The original research work was
that the approach and the method described in reference (3). Since then, the
presented in this paper are potentially author has reworked a part of the
useful for analyses of the fatigue strength analysis, particularly concerning the
of pin-loaded lug joints in general, under aluminum joints.

(1) A. A. Mittenbergs and I.. G. Beall, Jr., (3) A. A. Mittenbergs, L. G. Beall, and H. J.
"Fatigue Strength of Pin-Loaded Lug Grover, "Fatigue Investigation on Pin-
Joints," Proceedings Am. Soc. Testing Joined Lug Connections," ASD Technical
Mats., Vol, 62, p. 710 (1962).
Report 61-163, United States Air Force
(2) S. J. Ligenza, "On Cyclic Stress Reduction
Within Pin-Loaded Lugs Resulting from
Optimum Interference Fits," Experimental (4) R. E. Peterson, Stress Concentration Design
Mechanics, Soc. Experimental Stress Analy- Factors, John VV'ile)' and Sons, Inc., New
sis, Vol. 3, No. 1, p. 21, Jan., 1963. York, N. Y., 1953, p. 99.
STP338-EB/Sep. 1963





Many full-scale component fatigue limits are developed on the basis of less
than five tests. Use of statistical concepts on such a limited number of speci-
mens would result in extremely low and unrealistic allowable stresses for any
reasonable probability and confidence level.
Fatigue data from element tests and full-scale component tests, where
many specimens have been tested, can be used to evaluate a coefficient of
variation that is representative of the material and type of component being
considered. By use of this information, and with the application of basic sta-
tistical techniques, a design S-N-P (probability) curve can be determined for
components where only a limited number of tests are available, for any proba-
bility and confidence level desired. The methods employed for the evaluation
of available data are discussed.
Typical values of coefficient of variation are tabulated for components of
typical steel and aluminum alloys such as 4130 and 4340 alloy steel, 150,000
to 160,000 psi ultimate tensile strength, and 2024-T4, 2014-T6, and 7075-T6
aluminum alloys, which contain stress concentrations or areas of fretting
corrosion or both.
Suitable probability and confidence levels are selected for components
where a single noninspectable failure would result in a catastrophic loss.
Determination of a design fatigue limit can be obtained directly by using
the method described in this paper or by applying a factor of safety to the
average test fatigue limit that simplifies the determination of an appropriate
design S-N-P curve for the designer and structures engineer. A table is pre-
sented showing the factor of safety required to ensure a minimum desired
probability and confidence level when only a limited number of test specimens
is available.

In the aircraft industry, particularly tests on specific materials with subse-

in the helicopter field, the fatigue quent application of stress concentration
strength of critical structural components factors, fretting factors, size effect
is usually determined by full-scale fatigue factors, and so on, is not sufficient in
tests. The present state of the art does not most cases unless the fatigue margin of
permit complete assurance of the safety safety is extremely high,
of designs with only fail-safe and no safe In some cases, however, when the
life features. An analytical determina- service loads are clearly defined and the
tion of fatigue strength of structural primary mode of failure evident, and if
components through use of element the precise stress distribution is known,
then the analytical approach may be
Vertol Div., T h e Boeing Co., M o r t o n , Pa. Considered satisfactory.


Copyright^ 1963 by ASTM International


The number of tests performed on can be obtained by testing a minimum

full-scale structural components is number of test specimens through use of
usually limited by economic considera- sufficient statistical data on similar
tions. Full-scale components and equip- components, the approach used for
ment required to conduct these tests are evaluation of element or component data
costly, especially when test loads be- must be defined.
come large. For these reasons, the few
full-scale tests that are performed must Evaluation of Statistical Parameters:
be carefully evaluated to obtain a maxi- A basic statistical approach (1)^ as
mum of information. In any event, indicated below is selected in preference
however, proper evaluation of a working to other available methods because of its
S-X-P curve is required to evaluate simplicity and adaptability to the use
component hfe. of probability paper.
In order to ensure the structural
re lability where fail-safe features can- 5 = 5^. .(1)
not be incorporated, more sophisticated
analysis techniques are required than XiSi - 5)2
are presently available to the designer.
The purpose of this paper is to show
V .(2)

how, by application of basic statistical

I' = ^ (coefficient of variation) - . . . (3)
methods and use of existing test data,
it is possible to establish with reasonable
confidence a working S-N-P curve from
which the service life of components can S = arithmetic mean fatigue limit at
be evaluated. Since most designers and 10' cycles,
structural engineers are familiar with Si= fatigue limit of individual speci-
margin of safety or factor of safety men at 10' cycles,
concepts from static load strength n = number of specimens in a group,
analysis methods, a method that in- and
corporates statistical techniques for cr = standard deviation.
the determination of a required factor Throughout the paper, reference to
of safety is presented. This factor of values of a- and V are for large-scale
safety applied to the average fatigue fatigue tests only.
limit of a limited number of full-scale The above equations determine S and
tests would provide a statistically sound < r for a normal, or Gaussian, distribution.
working S-N-P curve. For a log normal distribution, the
Once a working S-N-P curve has been equations are;
established, a realistic appraisal of 2(log Si)
flight test data must be made and a log 5 .(4)
proper operating schedule must be deter-
mined. The scatter in data for given / 2(log 5 , - log S)'
flight conditions should then be eval-
uated statistically. By then applying
appropriate cumulative fatigue damage Basic consideration is given to evalua-
theory, fatigue hfe may be evaluated. tion of the S-N curve shape in the area
of the knee since this region of the
DATA EVALUATION METHODS curve is most significant for helicopter
Since the main objective of this paper ' The boldface numbers in parentheses refer
is to show that a design S-N-P curve to the list of references appended to this paper.

component life evaluation. Since a failure stresses must then be transformed,

statistical evaluation of cycles-to-failure using a standard 5-.Y curve shape, to an
near the fatigue limit cannot be suitably equivalent failure stress at 10' cycles
performed because of the large scatter so that a statistical analysis of stress
in life, a design fatigue limit must be can be performed. The following relation-


NOTE.—All of the following data are based on tests ranging from a stress ratio oi R = — 1 to
a stress ratio of fl = 0. For applications where mean stresses differ considerably, additional test
data should be reviewed. Some data are available in references (21) to (24).

Material Description ^/S References

Rotating beam:
Smooth 0.40 X 102 0.30 (27)
2024-T4 aluminum. Notched 0.65 X 102 0..35 (27)
Smooth, ij = 0 0.40 X 102 0.36 (27)

Rotating beam
Smooth 0.48 X 102 0.30 (27)
2014-T6 aluminum. Notched 0.74 X 102 0.34 (27)
Smooth, fl = 0 0.25 X 102 0.30 (27)

Rotating beam:
Smooth 0.76 X 102 0.40 (27)
7075-T6 aluminum. Notched 0.51 X 102 0.30 (27)
Smooth, R = 0 1.02 X 102 0.44 (27)
AZ80-A and ZK60-A mag Tension-tension:
Smooth, R = 0 0.23 X 102 0.35 (33)

Rotating Beam:
Smooth, 140 000 psi UTS 3.50 X 10' 1.00 '3)
4340 steel. Smooth, 190 000 psi UTS 2.10 X 10" 1.00 (3)
Notched, 140 000 psi UTS 0.92 X 10* 0.89 (3)
Notched, 190 000 psi UTS 0.47 X 10* 0.85 (3)

4130 steel. Smooth, 140 000 psi UTS 3.50 X lO-" 1.00 (25)
Notched, 140 000 psi UTS 0.92 X 10" 0.89 (25)
18-8 stainless steel 14 hard Smooth, R = 0 0.13 X 10I* 0 74 (25)

determined and an appropriate 5-.V ships are used for determination of

curve shape evaluated. curve shape (2,13):
Selection of S-N Curve Shape:
Si = S (6)
A suggested statistical evaluation of Ny'
stress at a specific number of cycles,
such as 10', is practical since testing of a where:
limited number of components just 5 = failure stress at .Y cycles,
above the fatigue limit will result in a — constant for specific material,
failures at cycles varying from approxi- N = number of cycles at failure, and
mately 0.5 X 10« to 10 X 10". These 7 = constant for specific material.

The values given by the above equa- evaluated for various materials (3,25,27,
tion when plotted on semilog paper show 28) and are shown for reference in Table I.
satisfactory correlation for failure To evaluate the constants a and 7,

Reference (3) Fig. 15
0.50 \
s . S-S
• \. "' S
1 Slope, T = 1.0
For i4 ^ = 0 1
a: 0.1 N S
= 0,1(3.5 x i o ' i s
Jiw 0.10 = 3.5x 0<S

0.05 \
\ .

i t \

2 5
N, Cycles

FIG. 1.-—Determination of Constants for Analytical Expression of the 5-iV Curve.

loox lo-



.- 70

= 68 0 0 0 * 3.5X10 ( 6 8 . 0 0 0 )
4U '- N'-°° -. ^




10" 5 10° 5 10^ 5 lO' 2 5 10°
0 N, Cycles

FIG. 2.—Comparison of an Actual Mean S-N Curve and an Analytical Equivalent.

stresses not too far above the fatigue a mean S-^ curve is drawn through the
limit. test data using the method of least
The material constants a. and 7 were squares. A plot is then made on log-log

paper using (5 — S)/S as an ordinate log paper, it varies from tiie mean S-N
and N as the abscissa. The points when curve shape by no more than 5 per cent,
plotted in this manner lie in nearly a An example of such a plot for smooth,

Reference (3) Fig, 15.
4 3 4 0 Steel, 140,000 psi
50 Ultimate Tensile Strength
Smooth Rotating Beam,R=-l
Normal Curve

J. (a)
Log-Normal Curve


o 30

u I
\ \

10 viZ
56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78x10^
Alternating Stress at i d ' Cycles

(a) Smooth data.


Reference (27) Fig.3.3.1c.

30 7 0 7 5 - T 6 Aluminum, 7 9 , 0 0 0 psi
Ultimate Tensile Strength
Notched Rotating Beam, R = - l
Normal Curve
(b) \

L o g - N o r m a l Curve

li \

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20xl0'
Alternating Stress at I o ' Cycles

(b) Notched data.

FIG. 3.—Typical Frequency Distribution.

straight line. Some curvature does exist, unnotched 4340 steel with a stress ratio
but when the curve is straightened out of i? = — 1 obtained by using data from
and replotted as an S-N curve on semi- reference (3) is shown in Fig. 1. From

this plot the value of 7 is determined by substitution into a modified version of

obtaining the slope of the curve, since Eq 6. This is given as Eq 7.
(from Eq 6)
S - S
S- s X Ny. .(7)
S ^ Ny
Figure 2 presents a replot of the S-N
thus; curve as defined by the constants eval-
uated in Fig. 1 and illustrates the analyti-
( 5 - 5)
log = - 7 log iV + log cal conformity that can be obtained with
the mean S-N curve.
This can be recognized as a straight line Typical values of a/S and 7, as ob-
of the form y = mx -\- b. tained from the references indicated in
The value of a/S can then be ob- Table I, are given for steel, aluminum,
tained by selecting consistent values of and magnesium alloys, smooth and
(5 — S)/S and N and by subsequent notched.

1. All of t h e following d a t a are based on testing ranging from a stress ratio R = — 1 t o a stress
ratio R = 0. In applications where stress ratios are appreciably greater t h a n 0, test d a t a should be
e v a l u a t e d t o determine effect of m e a n stress on V.
2. N o a t t e m p t h a s been m a d e t o e v a l u a t e t h e effect of stress c o n c e n t r a t i o n on t h e notched
coefficient of variation.
3. Failures occurred in areas of fretting.

Ultimate Smooth I Number Notched Number

Material Tensile V, ! of V, of References
Strength, psi per cent ' Tests per cent Tests

(a) RoT.^TiNG B E A M DJ^TX

4340 (steel) 150 000 3.9 144 3.1 139 (3), (25)
2024-T4 ( a l u m i n u m ) . 57 000 9.6 94 14.5 82 (27)
2014-T6 ( a l u m i n u m ) . 60 000 8.5 170 15.2 107 (27)
7075-T6 ( a l u m i n u m ) . 79 000 13.8 131 16.0 112 (27)
AZ80 (magnesium) . . 53 000 6.1 34 7.9 26 (28)
ZK60 (magnesium) . . 48 000 7.1 26 7.1 21 (28)


4130 (steel) 150 000 6. 11 3.7 (25)

2024-T4 ( a l u m i n u m ) . 57 000 16. 10 (25)

(c) MlSCELL-^NEOUS ( F U L L - S c A L E D.iT.A.)

R o t o r shaft, 4340 steel 150 000 4.8 7 (25)

A N bolts (tension-tension) — 3 , 4,
6, a n d 8, 4130 steel 125 000 15.6 87 (25)
Lugs (3):
4340 150 000 9.2 9 (25)
2014-T6 60 000 22.0 36 (25)
AZ91-T4 34 000 20.0 16 (25)
Welded joints, steel 20.0 53 (1)

Selection of Statistical Distribution: full-scale tests on a limited number of

Data suitable for statistical evaluation parts.
at 10' cycles, contained in the references, Determination of Coefficient of Variation,
have been reviewed. The data were V:
evaluated by methods described pre-
viously, frequency of failure distribu- A literature survey, including the
tion curves were plotted, and normal references given and Vertol full-scale
and log-normal curves were fitted to component tests, was made and data
the distribution. The conclusions drawn were selected for the determination of
by the author are as follows: tests on the coefficient of variation for various
smooth, non-fretted components exhibit materials with and without stress con-
normal frequency distributions; and tests centrations. The methods used to obtain
on concentrated, fretted, quality-sensi- these data were as described previously.
tive components exhibit skewed or log- A considerable amount of work is

L-Lower Limit
U-Upper Limit

FIG. 4.—Probable Variation of the Mean.

normal frequency distributions. Typical required to define the coefficient of

curves illustrating the above conclusions variation for all of the commonly used
are shown in Figs. 3(a) and (b). materials and methods of component
Since considerable controversy exists fabrication. It is envisioned that further
relative to the above conclusions, further research will permit evaluation and
analysis will consider both normal and tabulation of recommended coefficients of
log-normal distributions. The distribu- variation for each material and class of
tion type significantly affects the factor fabrication such as welded joints, riveted
of safety requirements, and therefore joints, multiple-bolted joints, single-bolt
the need for a firm establishment of or pin-loaded lugs, typical notched
distribution type is demonstrated. components including radii, threads,
Large-scale fatigue test data from fretting, corrosion, and so on.
both industry files and published data, Table II summarizes the results of a
with application of the above procedures, survey of coefficients of variation, for
and with evaluation of S, u, and Y (Eqs large-scale tests, made by the author
1 to 6), provides the basic information and represents but a partial list of data
required to evaluate S-X-P curves for made available from technical literature

and industry files. Table I I indicates or

that for aluminum alloys 2014-T6,
2024-T4, and 7075-T6, notched speci- .(8)
mens exhibit a larger coefficient of 1+
variation than smooth specimens. For
4340 and 4130 steel specimens, the
difference is not quite so pronounced.
SL = lower estimate of mean fatigue
Aluminum, however, exhibits a larger
scatter than steel for all conditions,
SF = mean fatigue limit as determined
smooth or notched. Full-scale testing
from limited test data,
results in values of V that are slightly
a' = probability factor for 90 per cent
higher than values obtained from element
confidence on mean,
tests. This may be attributed partially
(T„ = standard deviation, normal distri-
to the fact that fewer tests were avail-
bution, and
(Tin = standard deviation, log-normal
For a log-normal distribution:

Variation of Mean Fatigue Limit: log SL = log SF p"

When evaluating the situation for
only one available test specimen, diffi- a' I 1
- log SF ,- log 1
culty arises in the determination of a v« \i — . )
safe mean fatigue limit since the speci-
men may be exceptionally good or
exceptionally poor. Once the proper co- SF a' , / 1 \
efficient of variation is selected for the
type of specimen under consideration,
the variation of the mean fatigue limit thus
can be determined.
Figure 4 depicts the variation that can hJ ' )""^" and
exist for the mean fatigue limit, SF ,
when only limited tests are available. A SL 1 (^\
frequency distribution curve can be SF i 1 Y''^"
drawn so that 95 per cent of all speci-
mens tested would fall below the mean
failure stress, SF • The actual mean The key to the derivation of Eq 9 is
corresponding to this distribution would the relationship OLU = log I r^j.
lie at 5 t . A similar distribution can be
drawn representing the upper limit This is an approximate relationship and
conditions at Su • Analytical expressions is evaluated below.
representing the conditions shown in The value of V used for the evaluation
Fig. 4 are as follows: of (iLn is based on the use of Eq 3.
Standard deviation for a log normal
For a normal Gaussian distribution: distribution is defined by Eq 5 as:
a' . a ' zOog s - log sy
5L - p X <r„ = 5 F - —= X F X SL
= 5 f - y/n
\/« V

Standard deviation may also be defined SD 1 - aV

in terms of stress as: SF a'V

TLn = log 5 - log (S — (r„)

1+ T
Values of a can be obtained from any
= log
{M .(10) statistics text containing a table of
('-?) normal distribution functions. Values of
a as a function of probability were
The author has calculated aui using determined from reference (32) and are
both approaches indicated above and presented for reference in Table I I I .
found that the error was less than 5 per These values, however, are valid only
cent with values of V less than 0.25. A when (7 or F is known or determined for
90 per cent confidence level, selected a large number of specimens.
for use in further analysis as a reasonable
figure, implies that if there is a 5 per For a log-normal distribution:
cent probability that SF will fall below log SD = log SL — aiLn

w h e r e (from E q 10)
(32)). "Ln = log
a Probability a Probability
0.0 . . 0.500 3.00 . . . . , . 0.99865
l.OO. . 0.84134 3.09 . . . . . . 0.99900
1.28. . 0.90000 3.29.... . . 0.99950 'og -z^ = log
1.64 . , 0.95000 3.72 . . 0.99990 •JO
2.00. . 0.97725 3.89-. .. . , 0.99995
2.05. . 0.98000 4 . 0 0 . .. . . . 0.99997 or
2.33. . 0.99000 4.2(5... . . . 0.99999
2.57 . . 0.99500 4.75 . . 0.999999
^ = ( ^ \ ^ - 1
So V - V) "' SL ~ / 1 Y
SL and a five per cent probability that
SF will fall above Su, then there is a 90 By subsitution of SL from Eq 9
per cent probabiUty that SF will fall
between these limits. ID 1
SF / 1 \ {o+a'/V»)
Analytical Evaluation of Design Fatigue
With the establishment of SL , the The next requirement imposed on the
next item under consideration is the derivation is the selection of an ap-
determination of the design fatigue propriate survival rate. Since the scatter
limit, SD • that normally exists in full-scale tests,
imposing a requirement of greater than
For a normal distribution:
0.9999 survival with a normal distribu-
SD — SL — aff„ where o-„ = VSL tion would result in an allowable design
stress that can be unrealistically low,
then and in some cases reduce the allowable
SD = SL (1 - aV)
to zero.
A literature review indicates that
By substitution of SL from Eq 8, distributions other than normal have

Factor of SD

)9.99 99.9 99 95 90 70 50 30 10 5 0.1 0.01

100 I.Oi
^ -~-~ • ~ - - ,
III 0.90 ^
"^ ^ : \ ^ • ._
1.25 0.80
N L_l
1.43 - 0.70
S ^.
1.67 0.60
(a) \


\iA N.
333 030
500 0.20 ^ \ Is PFR CFN T <: IIRVIV Al
One Test Specimen
1000 J 0.10 /—
90 P« r Cen1 Conf de ice Le vel

0.01 Ol 5 10 30 50 70 90 95 99 9 9 9 99.99
Per Cent Survival

(a) Noi'mal distribution of stress, one specimen.

Factor of SD
Safety ^-

1.00 -^ 1.00
1.1 1 - 0.90 1
1.25 - 0.80 "^ —-^^^.OF.

\ J
143 -
167 - 0.60 ^^^r^ '^^
2 00 - 0.50 L ^ ^ *
^ v . ' ' -
2.50 - 0.40
333 - 0.30
4.00 - 0.25

5.00 - 0.20
667 - 0.15 — V i PER CFN1 SURVIV/W
OneTe St Sp«cirnen
Coefficie ntof V ar otion ,\1
90 P er CenI Conf de nee Level
1000 -• 0.10 I 1
0.01 - 0.1 - I 5 10 30 50 70 90 95 99 99.9 99.9?
Per Cent Survival

{h) Log-normal distribution of stress, one specimen.

FIG. 5.—Per Cent Survival Curves.

Factor of
99,99 99.9 9 9 95 90 70 50 30 10 5 Ql 001
1.00 1,00

III 0.90
^ ^
1.25 O80
^vt; 3D/„
1.43 070 ^ N ^

1,67 H X

2,00 050
2.50 040 % '

3 33 - 0.30
5,00 - 0.20 — V s PER CENT SIJRVIV l\l
Four Test Specimens
10,00 0.10
90 F'erCent Confidence Level
1 1 1
"0,01 0.1 I 5 10 30 50 70 90 95 99 999 9 9 9 9
Per Cent Survival

(a) Normal distribution of stress, four specimens.

Fbctor of So

9999 99.9 99 95 90 70 50 30 10 5 Ql OOI

1,00 1,00
111 ,. _ J
090 ^ V
1,25 080 V C"""^ -~-^
1,43 070
1,67 0.60 ^^-o„r
2,00 0.50 \^^."<
2,50 0.40
(b) ^
3,33 - 0.30
4.00 - 0.25

5,00 - 0,20
So ,
6,67 - 0.15 — V i PER CENT SU RVIVA
F()ur Tes t'Spe cim ens
Coe ftiden of V irio tion,V
90 F>er Cent Confi dence Lev(!l
1000 0.10
0 01 0.1 5 10 30 50 70 90 95 99 99.9 99.99
Per Cent Survival

Q)) Log-normal distribution of stress, four specimens.

FIG. 6.—Per Cent Survival Curves.


(o) Normal Distribution of Stress (90 Per Cent Confidence).

r = 0.05 V = 0.10

Number of Specimens
Mean Stress, Design Stress, Factor of Mean Stress, Design Stress, Factor of
SD Safety SD Safety

1 0.923SF 0. 752SF 1. .33 0. 858SF 0.538Sp 1.86

2 0.945Sf. 0.769Sf 1.30 0.897SF 0 . 5(}2SF 1.78
3 0.956Sp 0.775SF 1.29 0.913Sp 0.572SF 1.75
4 o.moSF 0.782SF 1.28 0.923SF 0.578SF 1.73
10 0.976Sf 0.7945/, 1.26 0.952SF 0.595Sf. 1.68
20 O.SOOSF 1.25 0.964Sf 0. G06SF 1.65

V = 0.15 V = 0.20

Number of Specimens
Mean Stress, Design Stress, Factor of Mean Stress, Design Stress, Factor of
SL SD Safety SL SD Safety

1 0.803SF 0. 355SF 2.82 0.753SF 0.192SF 5.21

2 0.852SF O.S76SF 2.66 0.812SF 0. 207SF 4.84
3 0.8755F 0.387 SF 2.59 O.SAOSF 0.214SF 4.67
4 0.891Sp 0.394Sf 2.54 0.859SF 0.219Sp 4.57
10 0.9275^ OAIQSF 2.44 0. 906SF 0.231SF 4.33
20 O.MSSF OAISSF 2.39 0.932SF 0.237SF 4.22

(6) Log Normal Distribution of Stress (90 Per Cent Confidence).

V = 0.05 V = 0.10

Number of Specimens
Mean Stress, Design Stress, Factor of Mean Stress, Design Stress, Factor of
SL SD Safety SL SD Safety

1 0.917 SF 0.752Sf 1.33 O.SHSF 0.568SF 1.76

2 0.941SF 0.776Sf 1.29 0.885SF 0. 599SF 1.67
3 0.951SF 0.782<Sp 1.28 0.910SF 0. 609SF 1.64
4 0.958SF 0.788Sf. 1.27 0.921SF 0.622SF 1.61
10 0.973SF 0.800S;' 1.25 0.950SF 0.6A1SF 1.56
20 0.982SF 0.807 SF 1.24 0.9645p O.G49SF 1.54

V = 0.15 V = 0.20

Nun^bet of Specimens
Mean Stress, Design Stress, Factor of Mean Stress, Design Stress, Factor of
SL SD Safety SL SD Safety

1 0.7&5SF 0A17SF 2.40 0.693SF 0.302SF 3.31

2 0.828SF 0.451Sf 2.22 0.772SF 0.335SF 2.98
3 0.857 SF 0A67SF 2.14 O.SlOSf 0.352SF 2.84
4 0.875SF 0A77SF 2.10 0.833SF 0.363SF 2.76
10 0.919SF 0. 500SF 2.00 0.89lSii- 0.388SF 2.58
20 0.942SF 0.513SF 1.95 0.921Sf. OA02SF 2.49

been suggested to alleviate the un- w = 1, 4 test specimens, and

realistic results obtained using this V = 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20.
distribution. As mentioned previously, These curves may be used in the
the log-normal distribution fits the data following manner: Use the figure cor-
reviewed better than a normal distribu- responding to the appropriate number of
tion for most cases. Use of 0.9999 specimens tested. Determine an ap-
probability with a log-normal distribu- propriate value of V from background
tion yields results that are realistic and testing on large-scale tests or use of
reasonable. Table I I . Then for the probability level
If similar components exist on the desired, the ratio of SD/SF is determined
aircraft, each with the same probability for either the normal or log-normal type
of failure, then for a 0.9999 probability distribution.
survival per aircraft, a component
Factor-of-Safety Approach to Fatigue
, , ...^ , M - 1 , 0.9999 .
probability of -] is re- Limit Determination:
re n
quired. The relationship given was With the use of Figs. 5(a) and (6) and
determined by using only the first two 6(a) and (b) and the theory previously
terms of a binomial expansion and presented, a value of So can be deter-
should, therefore, be limited to proba- mined for a 90 per cent confidence level
bilities of the order shown for n less on the mean and for a 0.9999 probability
than 100. of survival. Since most designers and
structures engineers are more familiar
Determination of Design Stress Fatigue with ultimate or limit load analysis
Limit Using Probability Paper: techniques, it was considered desirable
to relate the So to the average fatigue
With the aid of probabihty paper, hmit, 5f , as determined from test by a
only a Hmited number of calculations required factor of safety which is a
need be performed in order to plot a function of the number of specimens
complete family of curves that can be tested.
used for determination of a design
For the procedure proposed, the
fatigue limit (5).
factor of safety is defined as:
Figures 5(a) and (b) and 6(a) and (b)
were obtained in the following manner: Factor of safety
Each line was determined by evaluation
Average fatigue limit of limited tests
of two points. One point was located at
a 50 per cent survival level by plotting Design fatigue limit
the value of SL/SF as determined from Tables IV(a) and IV(6) hst the factor
Eqs 8 and 9. The second point was of safety requirements for V = 0.05,
evaluated at 99.99 per cent survival by 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 with 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, and 20
plotting the values of SD/SF obtained available test specimens.
from Eqs 11 and 12. For these calcula- A review of Table IV indicates the
tions : following:
a' = 1.64 for 90 per cent confidence For values of F = 0.05 (low scatter),
(equivalent to 95 per cent proba- these requirements are not at all severe.
bihty) (Applicable only when V is A quick glance at Table I I , however,
known), will show that values of F = 0.10, 0.15,
a = 3.72 for 0.9999 probability (Ap- and 0.20 are more realistic. For V =
plicable only when V is known), 0.20 the factor of safety required using a

normal distribution and for a single test tion of the flight load spectrum be used.
specimen is 5.3. This may seem severe, For example, only maximum measured
but it is statistically correct for the loads resulting from helicopter operation
probability of survival required. For a at the most critical center of gravity,
log-normal distribution, however, a rotor rpm for each forward speed and
factor of safety of only 3.31 is required, maneuver are to be used in the calcula-
thus justifying the importance of the tion of fatigue life. This approach
proper distribution. usually results in reasonable safe life
Another item of significance that can predictions.
be deduced from Table IV is the effect With the aid of references (35) and
of the number of tests conducted. For a (36), an evaluation of mission profiles
given known coefScient of variation, and statistical evaluation of flight
very little difference exists between the stresses can be made. Calculation of
factor of safety for 1 specimen or 20 component life using the method of this
specimens. The most significant change paper results in somewhat lower lives
exists between one and two specimens. than are determined by using CAM 6
This would not be true if the standard (34). More important than actual life
deviation were estimated from a limited magnitudes, however, is the better under-
number of tests, in which case the standing and greater reliability in pre-
number of specimens would have a large dicting safe life afforded by the proposed
effect on the factor of safety. method.
Another factor of safety approach is
proposed in reference (37). A factor of STRUCTURAL COMPONENT L I F E
safety approach is also presently a re- DETERMINATION
quirement of the FAA Civil Aeronautics The life can be determined by first
Manual 6, Appendix A (34): obtaining the appropriate value of SD
"The minimum number of test specimens by dividing the average fatigue limit of
required is dependent on the oscillatory test the few tests conducted by the factor of
level, in the following manner: safety required. The allowable S-N-P
"(a) A minimum number of 4 test speci- curve is then plotted. A modified form
mens if the oscillatory level is chosen at 1.1 of Eq 6 is used for this purpose:
times the critical oscillatory stress level.
"(b) A minimum of 3 test specimens if the
oscillatory level is chosen at 1.25 times the S = So + Ny
critical oscillatory stress level.
"(c) A minimum of 2 test specimens if the a and y are selected from Table I.
oscillatory level is chosen at 1.5 times the Since a and 7 are based primarily on
critical oscillatory stress level. tests conducted with a stress ratio R =
"(d) One specimen if the oscillatory level
0 or i? = — 1 , the design S-N-P curve
is chosen at twice the critical oscillatory
stress level." should be corrected by use of an ap-
propriate Goodman diagram for the
For the above requirement, the lowest effects of steady stresses or loads. Cumu-
failure level is used as a design fatigue lative damage theory can then be used
limit instead of a mean fatigue limit in conjunction with measured data to
reduced for given confidence and survival determine the life.
rates, as proposed in this paper. In order to be completely fair in the
Civil Aeronautics Manual 6 (CAM 6) life calculation, measured load and stress
(34) requires that a conservative defini- data should be evaluated statistically. A

reasonably precise operating schedule Stress ratio = — 1

should be known. As an example, almost Stress concentration factor = 2.5
every dynamic component such as Tests conducted = 2:
blades, hubs, and controls is subjected (o) Failure at 1700 lb at 3 X W cycles.
to fatigue loads at frequencies that are (/)) Failure at 2000 lb at 0.55 X W
integer multiples of rotor frequency.
Although all of the equations have been
Magnitudes of loads vary with forward evaluated using stress as an index, compo-
speed, rotor rpm, maneuver, gross nents can still be structurally evaluated
weight condition, and center of gravity with the same equations by using load as an
position. Gusty air results in pulsating index.
loads. If an operating schedule is properly Determination of fatigue limit at 10'
estimated with respect to per cent of cycles (Eq 6):
time at a given forward speed, then
that per cent should be further broken Si = S -
down to reflect per cent of time operating sm
in smooth air versus time in gusty air,
per cent of time at various rotor rpm's; Si
per cent of time at various gross weights 1 + ^r-
including fuel burn-off, and per cent of SNy
time at various center of gravity posi- specimen J:
tions. Maneuvers should also be broken
down in a similar manner. In addition, ±1700
the number of peak stress cycles that 9200
1 -f
normally occur during a maneuver (3 X 10n)»89
should be estimated and compared to
±1670 lb
total maneuver time.
Specimen 2:
Because of the large scatter in fatigue
data, a statistical treatment of some sort ±2000
is required to establish safe operating Si = -F
component lives. The probability of a 1+ (0.55 X 10i5)«-8''
failure should be extremely remote since
in a helicopter the single failure of a = ±1860 lb
blade, rotor shaft, drive shaft, control 1860 + 1670
system linkage, or other component S, = = ±1765 lb
could be catastrophic. In many cases,
fatigue cracks can be detected prior to Using V assumed to be known = 0.15 the
component failure by proper inspection required factor of safety is 2.22, as obtained
techniques; this is still subject to human from Table IV(A) (log-normal distribution):
error, however, and should not be de- ±1765
pended upon entirely. SD = = ±795 lb
EXAMPLE.—The following illustrative The design S-N-P curve is then given by
example will serve to demonstrate the 9200"
method proposed for determination of a 5« + 1 ^ = 795 1 + ^0,8
design S-N-P curve. SN^
Assume a hypothetical control system SUMMARY
linkage: _
Material = 4340 steel; a/S = 9200; The statistical approach used here is
T = 0.89 basic and does not get too involved in

rigorous statistical techniques. This is T h e method proposed for the evalua-

necessary in order to prevent an already tion of a design S-N-P curve requires
complex problem of fatigue life deter- selection of a coefficient of variation
mination from becoming a problem too that is representative of the component
complicated for a typical aircraft de- being evaluated. Table I I indicates t h a t
signer or structures engineer to handle. values of V for full-scale components are
The factor of safety tables and proba- normally greater than for rotating-beam
bihty curves presented make it possible and tension-tension tests. The author
to determine easily the reduction in wishes to conduct further investigation
fatigue limit t h a t is required for any into this matter and to obtain a full
given probabihty and a 90 per cent spectrum of coefficients that can be used
confidence level, without requiring a for evaluation of limited test data with-
thorough knowledge of statistics. out being overly conservative.

(1) H. Grover, S. Gordon, and L. Jackson, (12) H. N. Cummings, "Some Quantitative
"Fatigue of Metals and Structures," .Aspects of Fatigue of Materials," WADD
NA VAER 00-25-534. TR 60-42, July, 1960.
(2) W. Weibull, "A Statistical Representation (13) W. Weibull, "Scatter of Fatigue Life and
of Fatigue Failures in Solids," Transactions, Fatigue Strength in Aircraft Structural
Royal Inst. Technology, Stockholm, Materials and Parts," Fatigue in Aircraft
Sweden, 1949. Structures, Academic Press, Inc., New
(3) H. Cummings, F. Stulen, and W. Schulte, York, N . Y. (1956).
"Investigation of Materials Fatigue Prob- (14) Symposium on Statistical Aspects of
lems Applicable to Propeller Design," Fatigue, ASTM STP No. 121, Am. Soc.
WADC TR 54-531, May, 1955 Testing Mats. (1951).
(4) E. H. Schuette, "The Significance of Test (15) Symposium on Fatigue with Emphasis on
Results from Small Groups of Specimens," Statistical Approach, ASTM STP No. 137,
Proceedings, Am. Soc. Testing Mats., Vol. Am. Soc. Testing Mats. (1952).
57, p. 1304 (1957). (16) T. T. Oberg and E. J. Ward, "Fatigue of
(5) G. J. Schott, "The Statistical Significance Alloy Steels at High Stress Levels," WADC
of a Few Fatigue Results," National TR 53-256, Oct., 1953.
Aeronautical Establishment Laboratory Re- (17) G. E. Dieter and R. F. Mehl, "Investigation
port LR-58, May 26, 1953. of the Statistical Nature of the Fatigue of
(6) E. Epremian and R. F. Mehl, "Investiga- Metals," Af/IC^ TN 3019, Sept., 1953.
tion of Statistical Nature of Fatigue (18) J. K. Childs and M. M. Lemcoe, "Fatigue
Properties," NACA TN-2719, June, 1952. Investigation on High Strength Steel,"
(7) "A Tentative Guide for Fatigue Testing WADC TR 56-205, July, 1957.
and Statistical Analysis of Fatigue Data," (19) E. H. Schuette, "Fatigue Properties of
ASTM STP No. 91-A (1958). Magnesium Alloy Forgings," WADD TR
(8) H. E. LeSueur, "The Certification of Civil 60-854, D e c , 1960.
Transport Rotor Craft with Particular (20) H. J. Grover, S. M. Bishop, and L. R.
Reference to Multi-Engines," Journal, Jackson, "Fatigue Strengths of Aircraft
Royal Aeronautical Soc, Aug., 1961. Materials, Axial-Load Fatigue Tests on
(9) A. M. Freudenthal, "Fatigue Sensitivity Unnotched Sheet Specimens of 24S-T3
and Reliability of Mechanical Systems, and 75S-T6 Aluminum Alloys and of 4130
Especially Aircraft Structures," WADD Steel," NACA TN 2324, March, 1951.
TR 61-53, July, 1961. (21) H. J. Grover, W. S. Hyler, and L. R.
(10) J. S. Lariviere, "Method of Calculation to Jackson, "Fatigue Strengths of Aircraft
Determine Helicopter Blade Life," Transla- Materials, Axial-Load Fatigue Tests on
tion by J. Koch, Journal, Am. Helicopter Notched Sheet Specimens of 24S-T3 and
Soc, April, 1961. 75S-T6 Aluminum Alloys with Stress
(11) H. N . Cummings, "Quahtative Aspects of Concentration Factor of 1.5," NACA TN-
Fatigue of Materials," WADC TR 59-230, 2639, Feb., 1952.
Sept., 1959. (22) H. J. Grover, S. M. Bishop, and L. R.

Jackson, "Fatigue Strengths of Aircraft (29) Mechanical Properties Information Proc-

Materials, Axial-Load Fatigue Tests on essing System, "Fatigue of Metals-
Notched Sheet Specimens of 24S-T3 and Aluminum—Part 1," , 1 5 0 Technical Note
75S-T6 Aluminum Alloys and of SAE 61-117, Part 1, Aug., 1961.
4130 Steel with Stress Concentration (30) Mechanical Properties Information Proc-
Factors of 2.0 and 4.0," NACA TN 2389, essing System, "Fatigue of Metals—
June, 1951. Corrosion and Heat Resistant Metals—
(23) H. J. Grover, S. M. Bishop, and L. R. Section 1," ASD Technical Note 61-117,
Jackson, "Fatigue Strengths of Aircraft Part II, Nov., 1961.
Materials, Axial Load Fatigue Tests on
(31) Mechanical Properties Information Proc-
Notched Sheet Specimens of 24S-T3 and
essing System, "Fatigue of Metals—Low
75S-T6 Aluminum Alloys and of SAE 4130
Alloy Steel—Section 1," ASD Technical
Steel with Stress Concentration Factor of
5.0," NACA TN 2350, June, 1951. Note 61-117, Part III, Feb., 1962.
(24) H. F. Hardrath, C. B. Landers, and E. C. (32) N. Arley and K. R. Buch, Introduction
Utley, Jr., "Axial-Load Fatigue Tests on to the Theory of Probability and Statistics,
Notched and Unnotched Sheet Specimens John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York,
of 61S-T6 Aluminum Alloy, Annealed 347 N. Y. (1950).
Stainless Steel and Heat Treated 403 (33) Magnesium Design Manual, Dow Chemical
Stainless Steel," NACA TN 3017, Oct., Co. (1957).
1953. (34) Ci'dl Aeronautics Manual 6, Rotorcraft
(25) Structural Design Manual, Engineering Airworthiness; Normal Category, Federal
Structures Memorandum and Test Memo- Aviation Agency, Oct. 1, 1959.
randum Report Files, Vertol Division, (35) B. Truett, S. Back, T. Fricke, and W.
Boeing, Morton, Pa. Flowers, "Survey of Strains and Loads
(26) B. K. O. Lundberg and S. Eggewertz, "A Experienced by the Bell H-13H, Vertol
Statistical Method for Fail Safe Design H-21C and Sikorsky H-34A Helicopters
with Respect to Aircraft Fatigue," Second During Service Operation," WADD TR
International Congress, International Council 60-818, May, 1961.
of the Aeronautical Sciences, Pergamon (36) G. Windolph, "Determination of U. S.
Press Ltd., London (1960).
Army Design and Testing Criteria for Heli-
(27) "Strength of Metal Aircraft Elements,"
copter Transmissions," Vertol Report
MIL-HDBK-S, Armed Forces Support
Center, Washington, D. C , March, 1959. R-189, Dec. 23, 1959.
(28) Aircraft Fatigue Handbook, Vol. I l l , (37) R. Lusser, "Reliability Through Safety
Material, Aircraft Industries Assn., ARTC/ Margins," Test Engineering; Part I, Feb.
W-76 Aircraft Structural Fatigue Panel, 1959; Part II, April 1959; Part III, June
Jan., 1957. 1959; Part IV, July 1959.
STP338-EB/Sep. 1963





This paper presents four aspects of the helicopter fatigue problem as viewed
by the Federal Aviation Agency. They relate to: (1) development of the
fatigue requirements for civil helicopters; (2) application of these fatigue
requirements; (.?) history of failures known to have been attributed to or
influenced by fatigue; and (4) future prospects for new and improved means
to cope with fatigue evaluation problems.

Under Section 601(a) (l)2 of the Federal and the current civil certificating au-
Aviation Agency Act of 1958, "The thority, the Federal Aviation Agency.
Administrator is empowered and it shall The standards and their various means
be his duty to provide safety of flight of of interpretation have evolved over the
civil aircraft in air commerce by prescrib- years primarily through the combined
ing and revising from time to time, such efforts of many interested parties in the
minimum standards covering the design, aviation community, both within and
materials, workmanship, construction outside Government, and to the best of
and performance of a i r c r a f t . . . as may our knowledge are reasonable, realistic,
be required in the interest of safety." minimum safety standards.
Section 603(a) of the same act places
the responsibility on the Administrator
to conduct such findings as are necessary
to establish that the aircraft is of proper The early design criteria for helicopters
design and meets the minimum stand- were based on the experience gained by
ards, rules, and regulations prescribed by the autogiro makers. Cierva in his text-
the Administrator. book, The Theory of Stresses in Autogiro
The airworthiness standards for heli- Rotor Blades, cited two empirical factors,
copters, presented in Parts 6 and 7 of the concerning fatigue, to be used in design.
Civil Air Regulations (2,3), contain One was related to material fatigue
specific provisions on structural fatigue. characteristics and the other was a
These fatigue criteria have been the correction for stress concentrations.
subject of extensive interpretative ma- The first comprehensive set of air-
terial issued by the predecessor agency, worthiness standards for rotorcraft was
the Civil Aeronautics Administration, put forth in Civil Aeronautics Adminis-
tration Engineering Report No. 32,
1 "Proposed Rotorcraft Airworthiness,"
Assistant Chief and Aerospace Engineer,
respectively. Airframe Branch, Engineering and dated Feb. 16, 1943. This document
Manufacturing Div., Flight Standards Service, covered the basic safety parameters
Federal Aviation Agency, Washington, D. O.
2 such as speeds, loading conditions, load
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer
to the list of references appended to this paper. factors, proof of strength, autorotation
Copyright^ 1963 by ASTM International

capability, and fatigue. The fatigue stresses do not exceed safe values for con-
requirement was as follows: tinuous operation."

"At the critical helicopter airspeed and This regulation did not imply that
rotor rpm and under hovering conditions the safe life or even infinite lives had to be
hub, blade attachments, blade controls established, though the manufacturer
and mechanisms essential to operation as an could do so on the basis of fatigue tests
autogiro which are under cyclic flexing or or by rational application of material
alternating stresses, shall be adequately fatigue properties modified to account
investigated for fatigue strength against the for stress concentrations.
endurance limit of the materials used."
As additional experience was gained it
The evaluation was based on materials became apparent that measured stresses
data only; no measurment of stresses or in some instances were above the
fatigue testing was required. The criteria endurance limit of the material and the
in this report served as the basis for evaluation methods using material cor-
issuance of type certificates for the rection factors were found to be inade-
world's first civil helicopters—the Bell quate. It was evident that fatigue testing
Model 47 and the Sikorsky Model S-51. to determine safe lives was a vital part
On April 3, 1946, a certificated heli- of fatigue evaluation. This provision,
copter with less than 100 hr total time introduced into Section 6.250(a), Part 6,
crashed. The cause was fatigue failure of of the Civil Air Regulations on Jan 15,
the rotor hub. This raised questions 1951, reads as follows:
about the validity of the analytical
"The hubs, blades, blade attachments,
procedure used, particularly with regard
and blade controls which are subject to
to the stress levels present and the alternating stresses shall be designed to
strength characteristics of the fabricated withstand repeated loading conditions. The
parts. The Civil Aeronautics Administra- stresses of critical parts shall be determined
tion subsequently urged that flight strain in flight in all attitudes appropriate to the
measurements be made and that the type of rotorcraft throughout the ranges of
results be used in testing full-scale com- limitations prescribed in Section 6.204. The
ponents. service life of such parts shall be established
When the first Civil Air Regulations, by the applicant on the basis of fatigue tests
or by other methods found acceptable to the
Part 6, were adopted in May 26, 1946,
there was general agreement within the
helicopter industry and the certificating During the early 1950's, the rapid de-
agency on the need for strain gage velopment of the helicopter and the use
measurements on all parts of the rotor of the larger rotorcraft in transport-
system subject to possible fatigue condi- type operations resulted in a new Part 7
tions in flight. The specific requirement to the Civil Air Regulations effective
read: Aug. 1, 1956 (3), based on Civil Air
Regulations, Part 6 (CAR 6). Since the
"The hub(s), blades, blade attachments fatigue problems of both categories.
which are under cyclic flexing or alternating Transport and Normal, are quite similar
stresses, shall be substantiated to demon-
in nature, the requirements for main and
strate the airworthiness of these parts under
repeated loading conditions associated with auxiliary rotor assemblies read sub-
normal operation. The vibration stresses of stantially alike in both documents.
critical metal parts shall be determined in Very recently, CAR 6 was amended to
flight and it shall be demonstrated that these provide for fatigue evaluation of the

fuselage and rotor pylon structure. The regulation, aimed at determining the
changes contained in Amendments 6-5 magnitude of steady and oscillatory
to Section 6.251(e) of CAR 6, effective stresses associated with normal opera-
May 3, 1962, brought the provisions of tion. Prior to conducting the flight strain
CAR 6 and CAR 7 substantially into
agreement on the matter of structural TABLE I.—FLIGHT MANEUVEKS—
Ground Conditions:
APPLICATION OF FATIGUE Rapid increase of rpm on ground to
quickly engage clutch 0.5
Taxiing with full cyclic control 0.5
With the adoption of the provisions Jump takeoff 0.5
contained in the January 15, 1951, Steady hovering 0.5
version of CAR 6, it was apparent that Lateral reversal 1.0
additional guidance material would be Longitudinal reversal 1.5
Rudder reversal 1.0
necessary to establish a minimum sub- Forward Flight Power On:
stantiation program leading toward Level flight, 20 per cent VNE 5.0
certification and to provide for reason- Level flight, 40 per cent VNE 10.0
Level flight, 60 per cent VNE 18.0
able uniformity in the administration of Level flight, 80 per cent VNE 18.0
this regulation. This was further neces- Maximum level flight (but not greater
sitated by the high cost of testing and the than VNE) 10.0
VNE 3.0
length of time required to perform tests. 111 per cent VNE 0.5
Hence, Appendix A to CAR 6, "Methods Right turns 3.0
Left turns 3.0
of Rotor Service Life Determination," Climb (max continuous power) 4.0
effective May 1, 1951, was developed. Cyclic and collective pull-ups from
This Appendix A has served for years as level flight 0.5
Change to autorotation from power-on
the mainstay for showing compliance flight 0.5
with CAR, Parts 6.221 and 6.250(a). Partial power descent (including condi-
tion of zero flow through rotor) 2.0
Although it would be desirable to stand- Landing approach 3.0
ardize on a method of resolving fatigue Lateral reversals at VH 0.5
problems, it is recognized that variables Longitudinal reversals at VH 0.5
Rudder reversals at VH 0.5
such as new design features, different Climb (takeoff power) 2.0
fabrication methods, and use of new Autorotation-Power Off:
materials have required variations from Steady forward flight 2.5
Right turns 1.0
the recommendations in Appendix A. Left turns 1.0
These variations in all respects have at Lateral reversals 0.5
least provided an equivalent level of Longitudinal reversals 0.5
Rudder reversals 0.5
safety. Cyclic and collective pull-ups 2.0
Landings (including flares) 2.5
In any rational method of determining
fatigue life of a structure, three basic 100.0
factors must be known: (1) the flight
maneuvers and associated stresses to survey, critical stress areas must be
be expected in normal operation, (2) the determined to insure proper distribution
frequency of occurrence of specific load- of the strain gages. Here engineering
ings, and (3) the fatigue strength char- judgment is important and use is made
acteristics of the structure. of such tools as brittle coatings, photo-
Stress levels must be found by care- elastic methods, analysis, and experience
fully controlled, instrumented flight with related projects. When performing
strain measurements, as required by the the survey, factors such as rotor rpm.

speed, altitude, weight, and center of for example, partial power operation for
gravity must be considered to ensure multiengine helicopters and the effect
complete coverage of critical conditions. of gust loadings.
Table I, taken from Appendix A of the In Appendix A of the Civil Air Regula-
Civil Air Regulations, sets forth a list of tions four simplified approaches are out-
occurrences consisting of some 33 maneu- lined to determine the fatigue strength
vers during which strain measurements characteristics. A number of empirical
are to be made. The objective is to collect factors used in these methods were
information on stresses that the heli- accepted by those concerned when Ap-
copter will be subjected to during opera- pendix A was adopted as being reason-
tion. Each maneuver is ascribed a able. The service experience to date has
percentage of time; therefore integration confirmed the validity of these factors.
of the stress envelope and the frequency Method 1.—This curtails the fatigue

Y i e l d Stress

Steady Stress

FIG. 1.—Modified Goodman Diagram.

of occurrence can serve as the basis for a test program by establishing infinite
fatigue test program. The maneuvers are life for the parts in question at several
grouped under the following headings: measured stress levels. The approach
ground, hovering, forward flight, and hinges on construction of a modified
autorotation, and include conditions Goodman diagram as shown in Fig. 1,
such as clutch engagement, taxiing, level using polished specimen data for the
flight, turns, pull-ups, control reversals, material under consideration to establish
power recovery, and landing. This ap- the endurance boundary. This boundary
proach is not always applicable to the is reduced to account for the appropriate
problem; our exposures to some industry theoretical stress concentration factor
segments reveal instances where this for the component area involved, and the
spectrum has to be deliberately altered failure boundary is then reduced by a
in favor of other equally acceptable and factor of 3. If all of the operating stresses
often more sophisticated loading sched- fall below this boundary, infinite life can
ules. It is emphasized that this table is be established and no further testing is
a guide and must be tempered to suit the required.
anticipated operation of the helicopter, Method 2.—This calls for establishing

infinite life through fatigue testing of In this method, the number of speci-
actual parts to show that the most mens tested to determine the endurance
critical stress measured in flight is less limit must be increased as the margin

T A B L E I I . — H E L I C O P T E R A C C I D E N T S , 1950-1961.

Total Struc- Air General Fatal Fatal Fatal Fatal

All Fatal Acci-
Total Total
All Struc-
Fatal tural Carrier Avia-
tion Acci- Acci- Acci- Acci- dents,
Year Active Acci- tural Acci- Fatal F'atal Fatal dents, dents, dents. dents, All
Aircraft dents Acci- dents Acci- Acci- "A"
Acci- Models "B" "C" "D" Other
dents dents dents dents Models Models Models Models

1950 42 9 3 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 0
1951 29 6 4 3 2 2 1 0 2 1 0
1952 26 4 i 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
1953 110 17 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
1954 137 36 5 2 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 0
1955 165 39 2 3 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 1
1956 256 53 12 3 1 0 3 3 0 0 0 0
1957 302 56 7 10 4 1 9 8 0 0 0 2
1958 370 83 9 12 5 1 11 9 1 2 0 0
1959 459 89 8 7 2 0 7 5 1 0 0 1
1960 543 75 11 12 6 1 11 7 0 1 1 3
1961 651 124 13 13 3 1 12 7 1 0 0 5

Total.... 670 86 71 24 6 65 47 3 7 2 12

T A B L E I I I . — S U M M A R Y OF H E L I C O P T E R A I R W O R T H I N E S S D I R E C T I V E S , "
1950 T O J U N E 1962.
N O T E . — T h i r t y - n i n e per cent of t o t a l Airworthines.s Directives concern airframe s t r u c t u r a l fatigue
discrepancies. Power p l a n t , cowling, drive system, and engine m o u n t discrepancies n o t included in
s t r u c t u r a l category.

Total "A" Models 'B" Models 'C" Models ' D " Models ' E " Models *F" Models
Year Airwor- Struc- Struc- Struc- Struc- Struc- Struc-
thiness Total tural Total tural Total tural Total tural Total tural tural
Directives Fa- Fa- Fa- Fa- Fa- Fa-
tigue tigue tigue tigue tigue tigue

1950. 3 2
1951. 6 2
1952. 13 3
1953. 4 3
1954. 5 2
1955. 7 4
1956. 13 7
1957. 9 2
1958. 10 3
1959. 8 4
1960. 15 11
1961. 13 0
1962. 5 1

Total 111 44 50 15 19 13 19 10 13

" Issued b y F e d e r a l Aviation Agency.

than the endurance limit, 10' cycles for between the endurance limit and the
ferrous materials or 5 X 10'' cycles for critical flight stress decreases. To account
nonferrous materials. for statistical variation in allowable

cyclic stress from one specimen to an- ing stresses, is required to establish S-N
other, if one specimen is tested, a factor curves for each critical steady stress
of 2.0 is applied to the cyclic stress level. level.
This factor can be decreased to 1.5, 1.25,
or 1.1, respectively, if 2, 3, or 4 specimens In either method 3 or 4, the initial
are tested. service life is established at 75 per cent of
Method 3.—A finite life is established the calculated life, or 2500 hr, whichever
for a component based on tests in cyclical is less. If the calculated life exceeds 3333


z TAIL ROTOR BLADE a HUB 1 H^H^^^^H|^H 51 %

CONTROL SYSTEM | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H H 33%
1 \ \ , \
0 10 20 30 40 50

FIG. 2.—Helicopter Accidents—Structural.

o MAIN ROTOR BLADE a HUB ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 5 %

< FUSELAGE ^ 1 ^ 1 28%

< •


J 1 1 1 1


FIG. 3.—Airworthiness Directives—Fatigue.

units at a series of stress levels and a hr (2500/0.75), the initial life can be
number of cycles to simulate a random extended in increments up to 75 per cent
load sequence. Thus, the spectrum is a of the calculated life, provided the eval-
sequential loading representative of a uation of service experience on the life-
block of time such as 100 hr, repeatedly limited parts warrants such action.
applied. The life established is based on
the actual number of blocks completed
in the test program. The Federal Aviation Agency also has
Method 4.—Finite life is established by the responsibility to assure continued
use of an S-N curve and a cumulative airworthiness of aircraft already certifi-
damage analysis. A minimum of four test cated and in service. In the past decade
specimens, covering the range of alternat- we have witnessed a many-fold increase

in the number and types of helicopters tion Agency initiated a project to

in service and also the nature of their use. modernize the fatigue evaluation pro-
Usages range from passenger-carrying to cedures outlined in Appendix A to
crop spraying, aerial photography, pipe- CAR 6. This program was the subject of
line patrol, off-shore oil well transit,
crane or hoist operation, and emergency TABLE IV.—REVISED FLIGHT MA-
evacuation. In this era of continually NEUVERS—PER CENT OCCURRENCE.
expanding and varied usage, helicopter Ground Conditions 1.5
Rapid increase of rpm on
operation has not been completely ground to quickly engage
trouble-free. In the period 1950-1961, clutch 0.5
670 helicopter accidents occurred, 71 Taxiing with full cyclic con-
trol 0.5
fatal. This total accident figure cor- Jump takeoff 0.5
responds roughly to the number of civil Hovering 2.0
helicopters in operation at the end of Steady hovering 0.5
Lateral reversal 0.5
1961. Longitudinal 0.5
The typical fatal accident rate was Rudder reversal 0.5
Forward Flight—Power On 87.5
approximately two per 100 helicopters in Level flight, 20 per cent VNE- 10
service per year. Of the 670 accidents, 71 Level flight, 40 per cent VJVE- 3.0
were attributed to structural failure. Of Level flight, 60 per cent FWB . 18.0
Level flight, 80 per cent VNE • 25.0
these, 24 were fatal accidents, and Ma.ximum level flight (but not
approximately one-half of the 71 cases greater than VNE) 15.0
involved the tail rotor system. FNE 3.0
111 per cent VMB 0.5
In this same period the government Right turns, 30, 60, 90 per
issued 106 mandatory Airworthiness cent VxE 3.0
Left turns, 30, 60, 90 per cent
Directives aimed at correcting service Vf/E 3.0
problems. Approximately 40 per cent of Climb (takeoff power) 2.0
the directives were to control or correct a Climb (max continuous
power) 4.0
structural fatigue problem. Change to autorotation from
This situation is depicted more com- power-on flight, 30, 60, 90
per cent VNE 1-5
pletely in Tables II and III, and Figs. 2 Partial power descent (includ-
and 3. Table II presents a summary of ing condition of zero flow
helicopter accidents in the period 1950- through rotor) 2.0
Cyclic and collective pull-ups
1961, and Fig. 2 depicts the structural from level flight 1.0
accidents by principal components. The Lateral reversals at VH 0.5
coding used in Tables II and III (A, B, C, Longitudinal reversals at VH • 0.5
Rudder reversals at VH 0-5
etc.) represents helicopter manufac- Landing approach 3.0
turers. Table III summarizes pertinent Sideward flight 0.5
Rearward flight 0.5
details on Airworthiness Directives, Autorotation—Power Off 9.0
issued by the Federal Aviation Agency, Steady forward flight 2.0
and Fig. 3 presents this information for Rapid power recovery from
autorotational flight 0.5
cases attributed to fatigue. Right turns, 30, 60, 90 per
cent VNE 1•0
FUTURE PROSPECTS Left turns 30, 60. 90 per cent
VNE 1-0
Airworthiness standards, to be realistic Lateral reversals 0.5
Longitudinal reversals 0.5
and meaningful, must keep reasonably Rudder reversals 0.5
abreast of technical developments in the Cyclic and collective pull-ups, 1.0
industry. Landings (including flares). . . 2.0
Over two years ago the Federal Avia- 100.00 100.00

discussion with industry people and 4. Continuation of the search for a

reflected FAA experience of over ten purely analytical solution to the matter
years with the procedures in existence. of fatigue life prediction. We have
The following areas were considered to be studied reference (8), in which 20 life
deserving of special emphasis at that prediction methods are described and
time: (1) introduction of a revised Flight evaluated, and we concur with its con-
Maneuver Occurrence Table to more clusions 1, 2, and 3. These support (1)
closely reflect the time spent in the the use of the linear cumulative damage
higher speed level flight regime (Table procedure commensurate with the data
IV), (2) reduction of the S-N curve by currently available for this type of
at least 20 per cent to account for scatter analysis, (2) the need for develop-
when testing only four specimens, and ment tests for all fatigue-suspect areas
(3) elimination of the arbitrary life of the structure, and (3) the need
limit of 2500 hr. for comparative analysis of laboratory
Many other areas of lesser concern also test results of structures with known
were clarified or amended in the revi- service history. It is highly conceivable
sion adopted Dec. 14, 1962. (9), that the need is to "change the target
This effort demands even further and to be aimed at from attempts to predict
more thoughtful attention by the the fatigue life of an individual airplane
Agency. To define the approach to and instead direct our efforts to prevent-
fatigue evaluation more clearly and ing the occurrence of fatal fatigue fail-
precisely for commerical helicopters, the ures."
program is being actively pursued in the 5. Increased understanding and use of
following key areas: statistical procedures to cope with the
1. Determination of the extent to many variables of fatigue design. This is
which the fail-safe concept, now ap- a difficult feature to digest and reflect in
plicable for fixed-wing, transport-type a civil airworthiness standard, but once
aircraft (1), can be used in the primary accepted, leads to a consideration of the
structure of helicopters. Three general probability concept. Certain aspects such
features inherent in this approach are as gust loading criteria and maneuvering
the rate of crack propagation, the load factors are based on a probability
residual static strength of the cracked of occurrence, with appropriate con-
structure, and the arrangment of design servatisms introduced. The loads es-
details to permit early detection before tablished by these criteria have proven
the failure assumes catastrophic propor- quite reasonable when related to the
tions. service experience record. The desire here
2. Continued assessment of results of then is to increase emphasis on the de-
primary loading data collection programs velopment of more sophisticated and
to obtain a better definition of the ex- more precise approaches, but evidence to
pected loading spectrum under landing, date does not support full adoption of
maneuver, and gust loadings. The work such procedures at this time.
of NACA-NASA now reflects samples of
gust loadings, heretofore not covered in 6. Careful reassessment of the lessons
our Table of Occurrence. learned from service experience to assure
3. Assessment of the effect on fatigue that the fatigue problem is dealt with to
life of overweight operations conducted the greatest extent in the design stages of
for what are termed restricted or special a new type of heUcopter. More emphasis
purpose operations. and importance should be placed on the

review of detail design to insure removal tory of the rotor-craft or the damage
of undesirable features of design. A vast effect of loads encountered in service in
reservoir of useful guidance information an orderly and systematic fashion. The
exists in the justification bases used for former should prove useful in establish-
issuance of the airworthiness directives ing a more precise loading spectrum. The
mentioned earlier and the accident latter would have as its primary objec-
records cited. Hopefully, this can be tive failure detection before progression
made available to designers in a useful beyond safe limits, and, with appropriate
form with the objective of reducing fatal service experience, could prove to be an
fatigue failures to an extremely low rate. adjunct to the operator responsible for
7. Encouragement by the FAA of the the conduct of a helicopter maintenance
installation of fatigue metering equip- program, including life-limited structural
ment capable of recording the load his- parts.

(1) Civil Air Regulations, Part 4b: Airplane ing Conditions Experienced by Three
Airworthiness; Transport Category. Military and Mountain-based Commercial
(2) Civil Air Regulations, Part 6: Rotorcraft Helicopters," NASA TN D-432.
Airworthiness; Normal Category. (7) George Sines and J. L. Waisman, Metal
(3) Civil Air Regulations, Part 7: Rotorcraft Fatigue, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.,
Airworthiness; Transport Category. New York, N. Y. (1959).
(4) "Strength of Metal Aircraft Elements," (8) "An Engineering Evaluation of Methods for
MILHDBK-5, March 1959.
the Prediction of Fatigue Life in Airframe
(5) Andrew B. Connor and Leroy H. Ludi, ".A
Summary of Operating Conditions Experi- Structures," ASD-TR-61-434, March 1962.
enced by Two Helicopters in a Commercial (9) Bo Lundberg, "Fatigue Life of Airplane
and Military Operation," NASA TN D 251. Structures," Report 60, The Aeronautical
(6) Andrew B. Connor, "A Summary of Operat- Research Inst, of Sweden (1955).
Design and Evaluation of
Full-Scale Structures
STP338-EB/Sep. 1963



Progress has been made in recent years For example, as part of certification
in studying the effects of aerodynamic requirements, realistic cyclic loads have
heating, which is a relatively new factor been applied to the B-58 bomber at
that must be accounted for in designing rates up to 14 cpm, thus requiring
and testing aircraft structures. A great the operation of as many as 64 hydraulic
deal of effort has been spent to develop rams simultaneously.
analytical methods that include the Since aircraft are designed to fly
effects of elevated temperature. Most continuously in elevated-temperature
such methods, applicable to full-scale environments, repeated-load testing ob-
structures, are approximations at best viously must produce the effects of
and make no accounting for strength accumulated exposure. Such effects in-
degradation due to transient conditions clude: (1) degradation of material
that vary with time. Therefore testing properties; (2) thermal stress, including
that must include time-dependent cyclic thermal stress fatigue; and (3) creep and
loads as well as static loads for maximum stress relaxation and their effects on
conditions continues to be a primary static and fatigue strengths of the struc-
tool of the structures engineer in evaluat- ture.
ing structures designed for sustained A test program for a full-scale alumi-
supersonic flight. num sandwich panel to produce such
Methods and techniques for static effects has been developed and conducted
loading, including simulation of aero- at General Dynamics/Fort Worth on
dynamic heating of full-scale structures, panels similar in construction to those
have been concerned with facilities and that have been proved in supersonic
equipment for heating the structure to a flight on the B-58 bomber. The purpose
given design temperature and then of this test was (1) to show the capability
applying static design loads. Until now, of bonded aluminum sandwich construc-
fatigue test programs of full-scale struc- tion for use in continuous Mach-2.4
ture have not been required to include flight, and (2) to establish the feasibility
aerodynamic heating effects. Attention of testing full-scale panels simulating
has been directed to developing loading cyclic aerodynamic heating in addition
devices which will provide high loading to cyclic loads.
rates for full-scale structures in a realistic A typical flight profile was established,
manner at room temperature. This has and parameters describing an aircraft
been accomplished reasonably well in that could fly such a profile were deter-
several full-scale fatigue test programs. mined. A delta-wing aircraft was as-
sumed with four engines mounted in pods
Senior Structures Engineer and Senior Test beneath the wing. Wing panels were
Engineer, respectively, General Dynamics/Fort
Worth, Fort Worth, Tex. assumed to act as fuel tank walls. An

Copyright^ 1963 by ASTM International


analytical study was made to estimate thermal gradients, and flight loads on the
the effects of a sustained supersonic test specimen, all of which are outlined
flight environment on the wing panel in the following paragraphs.

t = 200 MIN
M = 2.4
W = 65 000 LB

a 40
t = 2.08 MIN
D 30 M=0.9 t = 206 MIN
W= 185 000 LB M= 1.0
W= 63 200 LB
10 t =0.85 NUN t = 217 Mm
M-.0.75 M=0.45
W= 190 000 LB W= 60 000 LB
50 100 150 200
FIG. 1.—Mach-2.4 Flight Profile.


100 120 140 160 180 200 220


EDGE ^ ' I.I'l.l'iMia

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220


FIG. 2.—Wing Panel Temperatures.

structure. The results of these analyses FLIGHT PROFILE

were used to establish the test program, Study has shown that aluminum
which creates realistic temperatures. alloys can be used effectively for sus-

tained supersonic flights at speeds up to climb-out the airplane is accelerating in

Mach 2.4. Several profiles involving the region of the atmosphere where gust
Mach-2.4 cruising speeds were investi- loadings are expected to be most severe.
gated. The specific detail of each profile The aircraft passes through the transonic
depended upon anticipated usage. For zone in this region. After passing through
example, military usage would probably this zone, aerodynamic heating begins to
involve faster acceleration to cruising build up and continues to be present

20 40 60 100 120 140 160 180 200


FIG. 3.—Ig Wing Panel Stresses.


^ i Ig
g t+ An
lo' ^U-1.
Ig - A n





0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6. 0.4 0 . 8 1.2
' Incremental Gust Positive Incremental
Factor (An) Load Factor (An)

FIG. 4.—Predicted Gust and Maneuver Stress Spectra.

altitude than transport usage. A typical through the supersonic cruise region.
profile that created the structural During the descent phase, the heated
problems that might be expected in surfaces experience rapid cooling, and
Mach-2.4 cruising operations was se- the aircraft once again enters the altitude
lected for study (Fig. 1). regions which produce significant gust
The profile can be divided essentially
into three phases, chmb-out, cruise, and M A C H - 2 . 4 THERMAL ENVIRONMENT
descent, each of which imposes different Aerodynamic heating is a function
requirements on the structure. During primarily of Mach number and ambient

temperature of the air the aircraft is temperature profile is required in the

flying through; thus transient tempera- tests.
tures occurring in the airplane surfaces
are a function of the following: (1)
takeoff temperature, (2) characteristics Stresses developed in the panels a t
of the atmosphere, (3) structural detail the critical wing location are the result
including surface configuration and of both flight air loads and temperature.
insulation characteristics, (4) whether Flight load stresses can be categorized
the surface forms a fuel boundary (if generafly into two types: (1) those
so, the programmed fuel consumption corresponding to straight and level
will affect transient temperatures), and flight, and (2) those which result from
(5) solar radiation on the upper surfaces. transient gust or maneuver loads.
Transient temperatures were cal- Stresses that are developed during
culated at several locations on the wing straight and level flight, frequently re-
surface. The calculations were based ferred to as 1-g stresses, vary along the
upon a finite difference method pro- flight profile as a function of gross weight,
grammed for use with an analog com- Mach number, and altitude. Transient
stresses, caused by maneuvers and gusts,
are a function of the aircraft configura-
tion, speed, and altitude. T h e dynamic
response characteristics of the airplane
0INNER SKIB wing to random excitation primarily
determines the transient stresses caused
(¥)SPAR CAP by gust turbulence encountered along
the flight profile.
FIG. 5.—Idealized Sandwich Construction.
The 1-g stresses calculated at the
critical location in the assumed delta
puter. The transient temperatures shown wing configuration are shown in Fig. 3.
in Fig. 2 are for a critical location es- The numerical values depend upon
tabhshed on the basis of the combined design criteria, unit air load data, and
effects of flight load and aerodynamic wing inertia loads. The design criterion
heating. Temperatures corresponding to selected was that the aircraft should be
any point along the flight profile are able to develop a limit load factor of
given for both upper and lower surfaces. 2.0 at 190,000 lb gross weight at Mach
These temperature profiles show that 1.0. The wing loadings associated with
for the wing used as an integral fuel Mach 1.0 are most critical for the delta
tank, the wing fuel acts as a heat sink, wing studied. Unit air load data and
the structure is at temperatures lower wing inertia loads were available from
than the adiabatic wall temperature for the B-58 program.
a significant part of the time, and the Transient stresses resulting from pre-
temperatures change throughout the dicted gust and maneuver loadings were
flight. Therefore, strength deterioration also calculated. The gust stress spectra
is actually dependent on exposure to at were established using response char-
least two different temperatures. A acteristics of the assumed delta wing to
considerable temperature differential, random turbulence. Response charac-
shown in the wing panels at certain teristics were estimated by using results
times along the profile, causes thermal obtained from the power spectral analy-
stress; thus a programmed (changing) sis of the B-58 structure. The atmosphere

described in reference (1)^ was assumed to tion at Mach 1.0. The gust and maneuver
be applicable. For convenience, the stress spectra are shown in Fig. 4.
corresponding to gust loads was ex- The thermal stresses in the wing
pressed in terms of the calculated \-g panels, caused by transient temperatures
stress for a 190,000-lb, Mach-1.0 condi- (Fig. 2), are primarily the result of

+ 15 000

+ 10 COO

+ 5 000

- 5 000
- 10 000

- 15 000

- 20 000
« - 30 000

< 4- 15 000
s + 10 000
H + 5 000

- 5 000
- 10 000

- 15 000

- 20 000
- 30 000
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220

FIG. 6.—Calculated Thermal Stresses.

tion. The maneuver stress spectrum was differential temperatures between the
based on the appropriate frequency of outer skin, the internal grid (slug), and
occurrence data given in reference (1). It the inner skin. For the purposes of
is also expressed in terms of the l-g condi- calculating thermal stresses, sandwich
" The boldface numbers in parentheses refer
construction can be considered as an
to the list of references appended to this paper. assembly of elements (Fig. 5). The slugs

and spar-cap areas are essentially sembly and the effective temperature,
columns stabilized by the substructure and in terms of over-all panel strain and
and the sandwich panel proper. Stress temperature. The inner and outer skins
equations for the elements can be written of the sandwich panels are treated sepa-
in terms of the total strain of the as- rately as plates. Stress equations could

Slug and Skins, 2024- T86- Skin Thickness 0,038 and 0.098 in.

&< 60 000
Room Temperature

ri 40 000 - -_ 325 F

^z/ •'/ /-r-

1 1/
2000 4000 6000 8000

Exposure at 325 F , h r

FIG. 7.—Compression Panel Strength as a Function of Elevated-Temperature Exposure.


^ ^
\ ~-\ 1^0.75"

FIG. 8.—Aluminum Sandwich Panel Test Specimens.


also be written in terms of over-all panel conditions were based upon box-beam
strain and temperature. Strains in the tests and resulted in a more severe stress
skins could then be obtained by finite- condition than would develop in an
difference solutions of the plate equations actual aircraft wing. Calculated thermal
of equilibrium and compatibility. The stresses are shown in Fig. 6 for both
surfaces at the selected wing location.
TEST SETUP Tensile stresses are shown positive and
compressive stresses negative.



Test Tem- Applied _ Cycles per

Load Increment perature Stress, psi Block.


±3 450
±5 940
±3 530
-1-4 620
+7 700


1 RT ±3 450 4
2 RT ±5 940 2
3 RT ±8 470 45
4 RT ±11 000 12
5 RT ±13 530 3
6 . . RT ±15 379 2
7 ET ±3 530 5
8 ET -f4 620 4
9 ET ±7 060 14
10 ET +7 700 30
11 ET + 10 780 125
12 .... ET + 13 860 38
13 ET + 16 940 13
14 ET + 20 020 4
15 ET + 23 100 2

N O T E S — 1 . R T = room t e m p e r a t u r e , E T =
elevated t e m p e r a t u r e .
2. For test load block I, E T =
F I G . 9.—Test L o a d - T e m p e r a t u r e - T i m e Profiles. 250 F in outside skin.
T e s t Load Block I represents gust a n d ma- 3. For test load block I I , E T =
neuver loads t h a t occur each flight. I t is applied 250 F in outside skin for one half
once each simulated flight. load cycles. E T = 300 F in out-
T e s t L o a d Block I I represents gust and ma- side skin for t h e other half load
neuver loads t h a t occur less frequently. I t is ap- cycles.
plied once each 400th simulated flight.


assembly solutions (inserts, spar caps,
and skins) must then be combined in
such a manner that total strain of the The stresses that would develop as a
assembly is obtained. This leads to result of Mach-2.4 flight having been
solutions for stresses in each element of defined, their effects were considered.
the sandwich panel for given tempera- Analyses for both the upper and lower
tures and gradients. Assumed boundary surface included static strength, creep,

and fatigue. The ability of the aluminum The maximum permanent strain due
sandwich panels to resist static loads as to creep was predicted to be less than
a function of elevated-temperature ex- 0.1 per cent after 10,000 hr of Mach-2.4
posure is discussed in reference (2). The operations. Creep analyses were based on
compressive strength of the panel con- data obtained from Alcoa Aluminum
figuration chosen for analysis and testing Research Laboratory extrapolated to
(Fig. 7) is shown as a function of a 325 F meet the conditions of the problem.
exposure temperature. Relaxation of thermal stresses due to

u I I I n I j'l I I I J ^ I r 1 } / n n 11 f 1


I / I 111 / 11 I / I : 11 > I I ! 11 11 / . I y


\}J t / } t > / f f / / /1 f / I / ! I) >y } / > >


FIG. 10.—Test Cycle of Temperature Profile.

Fatigue is most significant in the lower such creep was predicted to occur early
or tension side of the wing. The fatigue during service for the upper wing panels.
analyses were based upon an approach Subsequent flights should then experi-
which accounted for fatigue strength ence essentially an unchanging pattern.
degradation due to elevated-temperature Such relaxation is expected to be less
exposure and existing fatigue strength than 5000 psi in the outer skin of the
data for aluminum sandwich construc- upper surface panels. No relaxation is
tion. The results of these analyses expected to occur in the lower panel due
indicated that service according to the to the combination of lower stresses and
chosen profile would be trouble-free in temperatures.
excess of 15,000 hr. The Miner-Palmgren
cumulative damage rule was used in
estimating the fatigue effects of the The analyses indicated that the upper
cyclic loads and cyclic thermal stresses. surface would experience: (1) strength

degradation as a result of exposure to TEST SPECIMEN

elevated temperature, (2) creep and The test specimen (Fig. 8) consists of
stress relaxation as a result of elevated two aluminum sandwich panels spliced
temperature, applied loads, and thermal together in exactly the same manner
loads, and (3) some fatigue as a result of that production panels would be joined.
cyclic service loads and cyclic thermal The panels were made by using produc-
loads. The lower surface case, on the tion tooling and methods with two
other hand, appeared to be one primarily 2024-T86 aluminum alloy skins bonded
of fatigue, both at room and elevated to fiberglass honeycomb core and to
temperature. Less strength degradation, 2024-T86 grids or slugs. The slugs
no creep or stress relaxation, and less frame the honeycomb core and provide
severe effects from the cyclic thermal means of sphcing the panels and attach-
loads were predicted. ing them to understructure—in this case
The analysis showed that the highest the test jig. The outer and inner skins
combined stress develops in the upper were clad on one side only and had a

f «^-
1 eA
1 ii'i " * 1
( _ _ _ J , . L ^ , — ^ - ^

( ' yi.r- - ^,
1 ®^
1 !'[[ * J
'• (?r - -




F I G . 11.—Test Specimen Instrumentation.

surface panel. In bonded aluminum nominal thickness of 0.038 and 0.098 in.
sandwich panels, the greatest structural respectively. The unclad sides of the
concern is compression and skin buckling skins were bonded to the core and slug.
predictions. Therefore, the upper surface The honeycomb core, made from a glass-
conditions were selected as initial test reinforced plastic using a high-tempera-
conditions. As previously stated, the ture-resistant resin, has a i^-in. cell
objectives of the test were to determine size and weighs 7 lb per cu ft. Greater
if bonded aluminum sandwich construc- detail concerning bonded aluminum
tion could withstand the elevated tem- sandwich construction is given in refer-
peratures and loads associated with the ence (4).
Mach-2.4 profile for a reasonable period
of service. To withstand cyclic thermal
loads successfully would mean that no The load-temperature-time profiles
failure would occur, that excessive applied to the test panels are shown in
permanent deformation would not de- Fig. 9. The load profiles, defined in terms
velop, and that the required static of nominal stress at the minimum cross-
strength would remain throughout the section in the specimen, are further
planned service life. described in Table I. The temperature

profile and test load block I simulate the condition is being simulated, hot air is
environment and flight loads correspond- blown into the test box to accelerate the
ing to one mission. The test time cycle build-up of temperature on the inside
corresponding to one mission was face of the test panel.
shortened to 60 min. The effect of cyclic 4. The quartz lamps and hot air are
thermal loads was of prime concern in turned off and cold air is blown across
this test. By shortening the test cycle the outer surface of the test specimen,
time, a greater number of such thermal thus simulating deceleration.
loads could be achieved within the
planned test span. Test load block II These events are repeated for each
was substituted for I every 400th applica- simulated flight. The required loads are

FIG. 12.—Schematic Diagram of Test Setup.

tion in order to account for the higher applied according to the previously de-
loads that occur periodically. scribed schedules. Each event required
The sequence of events required to in producing the temperature profile
produce the temperature profile in the and the applied loads is automatically
test specimen (Fig. 10) is as follows. controlled and sequenced by program-
1. Cold water is passed into the "iron ming equipment.
maiden" test box and cold air is blown Instrumentation consisted of both
over the test panel until the starting- thermocouples and strain gages (Fig. 11).
point temperature is reached. The thermocouples were used both for
2. Quartz lamps apply heat to the control and as a means of recording
outer surface of the specimen, simulating temperatures in both the skins and
aerodynamic heating. The cold water is slugs throughout the test. Strain gages
gradually released, simulating the con- were used to monitor the applied loads
sumption of fuel in an aircraft wing. in the panel. Paperback gages were used
3. At the point at which a dry-tank and replaced as required. No attempt



-^ AIR,


FIG. 13.—Aluminum Sandwich Panel Mounted on the Iron Maiden Fixture.



FIG. 14.—Schematic Diagram of Test Equipment.


was made to install strain gages that lengthwise in the plane of the panel
would remain intact throughout the independently from the "iron maiden"
test. box. As a result, practically all applied
load is carried by the test specimen and
DESCRIPTION OF T E S T SETUP AND very httle by the supporting box. The
CONTROL EQUIPMENT rollers follow fixed ground tracks inside
the box. Slotted holes are machined in
A universal shear frame (Fig. 12)
the box at each bolt location. SiHcone
reacts the applied loads and serves as a
rubber strips, capable of withstanding
base on which to mount equipment; the
high temperatures, were inserted between
loading arm is pivoted on a roller-
the faying surfaces of the panel and the
support to minimize vertical components
box. These strips, applied along each
of applied loads. The load application
boltline, form a seal and reduce the fric-
and reaction links are located on the
tional load as panel deformation occurs.
vertical centerline of the pivoted loading
arm. The panel ends are centered on the The activities of each piece of test
arm and base and encased in half- equipment, shown in Fig. 14, are co-
round bronze bars. A dry Molykote ordinated and sequenced properly by a
powder hand-rubbed into the bronze master console. External heaters con-
bars reduces edge fixity. The compres- sisting of radiant quartz tubes, spaced
sion loads are therefore evenly distrib- approximately 2 in. apart and backed by
uted over the ends and enter the speci- a flat aluminum reflector, are hung 3 in.
men parallel to the plane of the panel. above the test specimen. The heater
rectangle overlaps the pane! 3 in. on all
The magnitude of the load is moni-
sides. Power to the heaters is provided
tored with three load sensors as shown
in Fig. 12. The upper sensor measures by an Ignitron unit controlled by an
the steady-state load which remains arbitrary function generator. The genera-
relatively constant throughout the test. tor produces its demand signal by com-
The sensor in series with the hydraulic paring a thermocouple signal from the
ram not only measures the compressive middle of the test specimen to a pre-
load in its link, but also feeds a signal selected heating curve mounted inside
to the control equipment which is the generator. The system has proved to
plotted on an electronic recorder. This be very reliable in satisfying the auto-
plot is a visual display available for mated temperature cycling requirements.
every load cycle, whereas the lower Temperature recorders monitor con-
sensor, beneath the panel, is used for an tinuously three thermocouples on the
occasional check for correct load applica- panel; they also provide a means of
tion. incorporating safety circuits to shut
The test panel is mounted on a steel, down the test in the event of overheating.
air-tight box, commonly referred to as an Hot air, blown inside the "iron
"iron maiden" (see Fig. 13). I t is bolted maiden" to accelerate temperature
to the box every 2^ in. along each edge buildup on the inner face of the test
and down the longitudinal and trans- panel, is provided by a 12-kw calrod-
verse centerlines. The attaching bolts heater. Control of the air is accomp-
are threaded on one end and attached to hshed with by-pass valves that direct
2-in. steel rollers on the opposite end. the heated air to either the test box or
These rollers permit the panel to deform the atmosphere. The by-pass valves are

controlled by the master console box tion is required in applying test load
through motor-driven cam relays. The block I I previously described.
air temperature control is accomplished
with a preset thermostat built into the
heater. As of July 1, 1962, 2750 test cycles
The cold air and cold water are sup- simulating 2750 missions (approximately
plied by a 5-ton air cooler which is also 10,000 flight hr) have been apphed to
controlled with by-pass valves operated the test specimen. Panel deformation
by cam relays in the master console. has been negligible, and no failure has
The air is dried in existing dehumidifiers occurred. The panel was removed from
before entering the heat exchangers in the test setup after 1500 test cycles and
carefully inspected for failure and as to
the cooler; this prevents ice from forming
flatness. After 2000 test cycles, new
in the coils in the cooling chamber.
strain gages were installed and load
Sufficient antifreeze material is added distributions were checked. For a given
to the cooling water to prevent freezing applied load, the distribution across the
in the cooler's water chamber. The exit panel was found to be essentially the
temperature of both the air and the water same as in the beginning of the test.
is approximately 40 F during the demand
period. SUMMARY
The load programmer controls the
hydraulic ram to apply the spectrum The test has demonstrated the capa-
bility of bonded aluminum sandwich
loading. This programmer supplies step-
construction to withstand cychc thermal
input signals to amplifiers controlling a
loads, cyclic applied loads, and elevated
set of servo valves. The rate of loading is
temperatures corresponding to long
determined by a function generator built
service hfe in a Mach-2.4 environment.
into the electrical circuit. The amplitude
The test apparatus and equipment have
of each load, as well as the time the load proven to be more reliable than antici-
remains on the specimen, is preset in the pated. The test procedures are quite
programmer. Once the programmer general and can be extended to apply for
receives the "go" signal from the master flight conditions beyond Mach 2.4.
console, it completes the desired load Time is perhaps the biggest factor in
spectrum without further external signal. running tests of this sort. Minimum ex-
The safety circuit to prevent overloading pense demands a system that requires
and the apphcation of an excessive minimum manpower support, and there-
number of loads is incorporated in the fore one that is automatically controlled
load recorder. for continuous operation. A large expense
The equipment that has been described problem occurs in dissipating the heat
has functioned as a completely auto- energy as required. Refrigeration equip-
mated system requiring minimum super- ment and materials required quickly
vision with good reliability. All of the become significant economically. In
equipment can be operated manually conclusion, it is believed that structural
to apply arbitrary loads, load-times, integrity testing of full-scale structure to
heating requirements, or any combina- include cyclic heating in addition to
tion of these parameters. Manual opera- cyclic loads is both desirable and feasible.


(1) "Airplane Strength and Rigidity Reliability (3) Aluminum Research Laboratories, unpub-
Requirements, Repeated Loads, and Fa- lished creep data, Oct., 1959.
tigue," MIL-A-8866 {ASG), May 18, 1960. (4) L. M. Smith and C. W. Rogers, "Bonded
(2) W. D. Buntin, "Some Materials and Struc- Bomber—B-58," SAE Paper Presented at
tures Problems Associated with Designing
the National Aeronautics and Space Engi-
B-58 Type Structure for Supersonic Cruise
neering and Manufacturing Meeting, Los
Capability," Paper Presented at the Golden
Gate Metals Conference, Am. Soc. Metals Angeles, Calif., Oct., 1961.
Feb., 1962.
STP338-EB/Sep. 1963



The simulation of random service loads by cyclic loads is discussed. It is

noted that their similarity can at present be shown on an empirical basis
only. A few test programs are reviewed; a clear picture has not yet been ob-
The results of program-fatigue tests on notched light alloy specimens and
E— values are on the average larger than 1; and macro-
crack propagation in sheet material is slower than predicted by the Palmgren-
Miner rule. In addition to the amount of microcracking, the second damage
parameter of residual stress at the tip of the crack is of great importance.
Both parameters allow a qualitative understanding of the deviations from
the Palmgren-Miner rule.
The rule is a useful tool to make rough life estimates in the early design
stage, but the major difficulty is to obtain relevant and accurate S-N data.
The rule is found to be unreliable in judging whether a certain type of service
loading would contribute substantially to the damage induced by other loads.
Full-scale testing is considered to be indispensable to establish the fatigue
performance of a new aircraft design. With present-day experimental facilities,
a simulation of the anticipated load-time history in service is advised for such
a test. Since program-fatigue testing may be useful for design studies, recom-
mendations are made for planning the load sequence in this type of test.

LIST or SYMBOLS service, and (2) the aircraft structure,

such as its
H, Number of exceedings geometry, dimensions, and
K,, Theoretical stress concentration fac- materials.
tor Statistical data on the loads in service
I, Crack length are available, in general, as distribution
dl/dn, Crack propagation rate functions of the peak loads, but such
n, Number of cycles data do not give any information on the
N, Fatigue life irregularity of the load variations or on
S, Stress t h e s e q u e n c e 0 f t^e p e a k loads. The first
o . , Stress amplitude , ?,, , \ v, lL ,,
c TUT t part of the paper deals with the problems
caused by this lack of information. The
The essential input data for estimating leading questions are: Is it permissible
the fatigue quality of an aircraft are (1) to reduce a random service load to a
the load-time history to be expected in population of cyclic loads, and how
1 s n o u l d tnls
National Aero- and Astronautical Research be done?
Inst., N L R , Amsterdam, The Netherlands. In the second part of t h e p a p e r IS

Copyright^ 1963 by ASTM International


discussed the problem of estimating the is a question of strength rather than a

fatigue performance of an aircraft struc- fatigue problem. A discussion of the
ture either by testing or calculation. No accumulation of fatigue damage under
comments will be made on how the variable-amplitude loading and com-
designer arrived at the layout of his ments on the usefulness of the Palmgren-
structure, the dimensions and the selec- Miner rule for design purposes are pre-
tion of materials, although it is recog- sented. Testing methods for estimating
nized that a good deal of fatigue experi- fatigue properties also are discussed.
ence is required to solve these problems. The discussion in this paper will be




FIG. 1.—Samples of Two Load-Time Histories.

The leading question here is: The struc- illustrated by some test results recently
ture and its loads being given, what is its obtained at the National Aero- and
fatigue performance? Nowadays the Astronautical Research Institute (NLR),
fatigue performance does not simply Amsterdam, and by similar data derived
mean the fatigue life until failure or the from the literature. Some results of the
fatigue life until visible cracking; it also NLR were obtained under contracts
includes crack propagation data and the with the Netherlands Aircraft Develop-
residual strength in the cracked condi- ment Board (NIV) and with the Aero-
tion. Crack propagation is discussed to nautical Systems Division, United States
some extent in this paper, but the Air Force, European Office, Brussels.
strength of damaged structures will not Permission for publication is acknowl-
be considered. In fact, the latter problem edged here.

RANDOMNESS OF LOADS IN SERVICE that is, load cycles characterized by

To illustrate the randomness of service either a mean load and a load amplitude
loadings, the loads on a wing are taken or a maximum load and a minimum load.
as an example. Figure 1 shows two sam- Such a reduction is convenient for fa-
ples of gust load records for a large air- tigue testing and essential for the calcula-
craft, A, and a medium-sized aircraft, F. tion of fatigue properties. Two questions
The bending moment at the root of the have to be put forward: (1) Is such a
wing was measured by strain gages. In reduction allowed? (2) How should such
both records the first wing bending mode a reduction be performed? Both ques-
is clearly recognized, although aircraft F tions will be dealt with in the following
shows more damping than aircraft A. In paragraphs.


tg LEVEL, 2 0 0 KNOTS


FIG. 2.—Record of the Bending Moment at the Root of the Wing During a Rough Landing
of Aircraft F.

Fig. 2 an example is shown of a record of Equivalence of Random and Cyclic Loads:

aircraft F landing. During the transition The question whether a certain collec-
from air to ground the load at the root of tion of cyclic loads can be equivalent to a
the wing is decreasing. At the moment of random load is basically a question
touchdown there are some extra load whether they will induce the same fa-
variations and during rolling out, small tigue damage. A correct answer to this
irregular taxiing loads occur. Another question cannot be given, since it is as
type of wing loading stems from ma- yet impossible to give an exact definition
neuvers. A load-time history is thus a of fatigue damage. It is thought that the
mixture of different types of loads vary- fatigue process is qualitatively the same
ing from apparently random loads to under both random and cyclic loading.
well-defined loads, such as the ground-to- The quantitative equivalence has to be
air cycle. derived from empirical evidence. To
The data on the load-time history are elaborate this point further it is neces-
needed: (1) to perform fatigue tests, and sary to specify in more detail what is
(2) to calculate fatigue properties. It is meant by equivalence, by random loads,
general practice to reduce service loads and by cyclic loads.
with a certain randomness to a collection From a practical point of view random
or population of complete load cycles, and cyclic loads may be considered to be

equivalent if they yield the same fatigue giving a complete description of a service
lives, the same crack rates, and if they loading further complicate the empirical
indicate the same components of a struc- comparison with cyclic loading.
ture to be fatigue-critical. Tests to study Although cyclic loads can be defined
these points have just been started at the very easily they still can be applied in
NLR and will be discussed later. A numerous ways in a fatigue test. In the
quantitative impression on the equiva- conventional fatigue test the mean load
lence can be obtained at this moment by as well as the load amplitude are con-
comparative testing only. stant. Some equivalence with service
It is not so easy to give a complete loading has been claimed (14), but it is
definition of a random load-time history. thought that program-fatigue loading as
Usually the distribution function of the shown in Fig. 3, as proposed by Gassner
peak loads is presented. Although this (11), is more likely to be equivalent to
gives some information on what has oc- random loading. The loading in a pro-




FIG. 3.—Schematic Load Sequence in a Program-Fatigue Test with Increasing and Decreasing
Load Amphtudes in Each Period.

curred during the random loading, it gram-fatigue test is established so that it

does not give any indication of the se- has the same distribution of peak loads
quence of these peak loadings. Certain (or some other characteristic measure for
types of loads can be considered as being the load or the load variation) as the ran-
caused by a random phenomenon; such a dom load. However, this leaves several
load is then fully described by its power variables to be selected such as: the
spectrum. The assumption has been number of cycles in one period, the se-
made, for instance, for gust loads, taxiing quence of the load amplitudes in one pe-
loads, and buffeting loads (25).^ For riod, the number of load levels, and the
maneuver loads an idea on the sequence highest and the lowest load amplitude to
may be deduced from flight plan analysis. be included. All may have some effect on
Different types of service loads may have the fatigue behavior (29).
different degrees of randomness; more- Empirical research studies on the simi-
over, in service there will be a mixture of larity between fatigue by random loads
several types of loads. The diffi.culties in and by program-fatigue testing are not
^ The boldface numbers in parentheses refer
yet numerous. A survey is given later in
to the Ust of references appended to this paper. this paper. The investigations give useful

information, but the quantitative picture ing peak-count method (VGH-recorder,

of the equivalence of random load and NASA), (3) range count method, (4)
program-fatigue loading is still far from range-mean count method, (5) range-pair
complete. This is mainly due to the large count method (Vickers strain range
variability of the randomness of loads counter), (6) Fatiguemeter count method
and the methods of performing a pro- (Fatiguemeter, counting accelerometer,
gram-fatigue test. RAE), and (7) level-crossing count
method. Some of these methods are as-
Methods of Reducing a Random Load to sociated with the pieces of apparatus
Cyclic Loads: indicated in parentheses. Analysis of dif-
Several methods of reducing a random ferent types of gust-load traces showed
load-time history to a collection of cyclic that the range count method and the



FIG. 4,—Comparison of the Load Statistics of a Gust Record Obtained by Various Counting

loads have been developed. All these range-mean count method gave results
methods but one involve counting of that are essentially different from the re-
certain occurrences: (1) peak loads, or sults of the other methods. It was shown
maxima and minima of the load-time that these range methods did not give
history, and (2) load variations, or the realistic information. Counting according
differences between maxima and minima. to the Fatiguemeter gave almost the
A further differentiation stems from two same results as the mean-crossing peak
questions: (1) Should all peak loads or count method (VGH-recorder), while the
load variations be counted or may a part range-pair count method (strain range
of them be neglected? (2) In which way counter) gave counts that were about 10
are counts being made? A survey of to 20 per cent lower than both previous
counting methods was recently given by methods, except at low load amplitudes
the author (31). Methods discussed were: (for an example, see Fig. 4). Reference (31)
(1) peak count method, (2) mean-cross- presents a more elaborate discussion as

well as a full description of all counting cording to the range-pair count method.
methods. The main conclusion reached Power spectral analysis has advantages
there is that probably the range-pair for studying the dynamic behavior of air-
count method must be preferred from craft, but its possibilities for the evalua-
the fatigue point of view and that it is tion of fatigue properties seem still to be
fortunate that both best-known methods limited at this moment.
for load statistics, by the Fatiguemeter
and the VGH-recorder, offer almost the ACCUMULATION OF FATIGUE DAMAGE
same results. This conclusion obtained UNDER VARIABLE-AMPLITUDE
for gust loadings will probably also hold LOADING
for maneuver loads. An elaboration of A discussion of the accumulation of
this point is worthwhile. fatigue damage requires a definition of
The fortunate coincidence of the re- fatigue damage, although a completely
sults of three important counting meth- satisfactory definition cannot be given
ods, as illustrated in Fig. 4, implies that at this moment. On the basis of micro-
there is little to choose between them for scopical evidence it has become generally
making life estimates. The usefulness of accepted that microcracks are initiated
these counting methods can be shown very early in the fatigue life. Shanley (34)
only by comparative testing, as by com- assumed that the fatigue damage was
paring the fatigue results of random-load fully determined by the crack length;
tests with those obtained by program- and similar ideas have been put forward
fatigue testing or calculations. For the by Corten and Dolan (6) and Valluri (36).
program-fatigue test the program of loads In reference (27) an analysis of fatigue
is based on such data as those shown in damage and its accumulation has been
Fig. 4. For life calculations the same presented. Some conclusions were:
data, relevant S-N curves, and a cumula- 1. The fatigue damage cannot be ac-
tive damage rule are required. Such curately indicated by a single damage
comparative studies give an empirical parameter, for instance by the crack
answer to the question whether a reduc- length. More parameters are necessary
tion of a random load-time history to a to give a complete description of the
distribution function of load increments fatigue damage. Two additional parame-
can be useful for practical purposes. ters are the residual stress around the tip
One method of analyzing a random of the crack and the strain hardening in
trace, other than a counting method, is the same region.
by using a mathematical evaluation. It is 2. The Palmgren-Miner rule
assumed that the loading behaves as a
random Gaussian phenomenon (3) which
is fully described by a power spectrum ^ N
function. From this function the distri- is not compatible with more than one in-
bution function of all peak values can be dependent damage parameter. So its
derived. Some practical difficulties in validity must be discounted for physical
applying the theory are described in ref- reasons.
erence (31). Further, the theory does not In reference (26) data on variable-
yet allow the calculation of either the amplitude loading of light alloy speci-
distribution function of peak values mens available in 1955 were summarized.
counted according to the mean-crossing A conclusion of the review was that un-
peak count method, or the Fatiguemeter, notched rotating-beam specimens showed
or the distribution function of ranges ac- a cumulative-damage behavior that was


Type of Type of Type of Range of
Type of
Specimen Material Stress Investigator
Loading Load Spectrum
y n (Values)^

2024 rotating gust spectrum 0 . 7 Co 0 . 9

i "ii \ beam maneuver s p e c t r u m Sm = 0
1.0 t o 1.2
G a s s n e r (13)

7075 rotating gust spectrum S^ = 0 ~0.4 H a r d r a t h e t a l (16)

k M ? beam

2024 plane raiidotn n o i s e S^ = 0 0.3 Head and Hooke (17)

k n \ bending

OCJ 2024 plane

random n o i s e Sn, = 0 0 . 7 to 1.1 Kowalewski (19)

1 X — 1 7075 plane
random n o i s e Sm = 0 1.2 to 8 F r a l i c h (9)

plane gust spectrum

[i:xG 2024
bending gus t and maneuvef
S^ > 0 0 . 5 t o 1.8
0.6 to 0 . 9
G a s s n e r (12)
Tube w i t h gust spectrum 0 . 3 t o 2 .0
2024 axial gus C and maneuver S^> 0
three holes 0 . 7 to 1.8

1 s 1 2024 axial gust spectrum S^> 0 0 . 9 to 3 . 0

Riveted joint 2 024 axial gust spectrum 0.6 to 2 . 3

maneuver s p e c t r u m W a l l g r e n (38)
Smin = c o n s t a n t > 0 1 .2 t o 2 . 3

gust spectrum Sjjj > 0 1.3 t o 3 . 6

Riveted joint 7075 axial
maneuver s p e c t r u m Smin " c o n s t a n t > 0 1.4 t o 2 . 5

Bolted joint 2024 axial maneuver spectrum 3.5 W a l l g r e n and

^min " c o n s t a n t < 0
P e t r e l i u s (39)

\ ° ? 7075 axial Smin = 0 4.1 W a l l g r e n (40)

2024 1.3 to 1 .9
H ^ 7075
axial maneuver spectrum Smin = 0
1.1 to 1 .9
W a l l g r e n and
Svensson (41)
c o n s t a n t S^ and
Riveted joint 2024 axial ground-to-alr- Sn, > 0 --0.5 B a r r o i s (1)

maneuver s p e c t r u m 1 .0 t o 1.2 Fisher (7,8)

1 : 1 7075
gust spectrum
Smin ~ 0
1.0 t o 1 .5
Sm> °
7075 axial maneuver spectrum ^min = c o n s t a n t > 0 4.9 Smith (35)
1 ° 1
Riveted joint 7075 axial gust spectrum S^> 0 0 . 6 t o 1.1 S c h i j v e and
2024 1.3 t o 2 . 9 J a c o b s (29)

7075 Sm = 0 0.6 to 1.1

axial gust spectrum S^> 0 0.9 to 4.0 Naumann, Hard r a t h ,
1 : 1 2024 Sm= 0 0.4 to 0.6 and G u t h r i e (21)
0.5 to 2 .4

gust spectrum
2024 . axial gus t s p e c t r u m and S^> 0 G a s s n e r and
1 : 1 ground-to-air- Horstmann (15)

random g u s t spectrum 0.8 to 2 . 7

wing random g u s t s p e c t r u m 1.0 t o 2 . 1 Payne e t a l
Mustang wing 2024 Sm>0
bending and g r o u n d - t o - a i r - (23,24)
cycles 1.0 t o 2 . 6
three level test

Wing s t r u c t u r e 7075 wing maneuver spectrum 1.3 t o 1.6 C a r l and Hegeng

bending Smin " c o n s t a n t > 0

Commando wing 2024 wing random g n s t spectrum S^ > 0 3.5 Whaley (37)

" The minimum and maximum values of averages of test series are presented.

noticeably different from that of notched on an unnotched specimen with zero

specimens loaded axially with a positive mean stress and one change in the magni-
mean stress. In tests with unnotched tude of the load amphtude only (two-
step test) is probably the most conclusive
rotating-beam specimens, X) T7 values test to check a physical theory. To assess
markedly below 1 were not at all seldom. the practical value of life-estimation
It is probably owing to these results that rules which lack a complete physical
the Palmgren-Miner rule got its bad background, it is more realistic to adopt


- S _ = 20 percent Su







"Values oi "^ — are the average of seven test results.

FIG. 5.—Effect of High Peak Loads on the Fatigue Life of a 2024-T3 Riveted Lap Joint Under
Program-Fatigue Loading.

reputation as being unsafe for life pre- testing variables in accordance with
dictions. service conditions. It is felt that neither
However, tests on axially loaded, the academic approach nor the practical
notched specimens with a positive mean approach should be neglected. At the
stress very often yield conservative ( > 1) NLR the main effort was directed to-
wards the practical side. However, an at-
J2 -^ values. The latter type of testing is tempt was made to analyze theoretically
A the test results and to obtain a quahta-
usually a more realistic representation of tive understanding of the accumulation
the circumstances that cause fatigue of fatigue damage.
troubles in service. Apparently there is a
In reference (29) the results of program-
large difference between the academic ap-
proach and the practical approach to the fatigue tests on riveted lap joints of
problem of cumulative damage. A test 2024-T3 and 7075-T6 were presented.

Data from all available similar investiga- will induce compressive residual stresses
tions were compiled and summarized that are favorable for preventing crack
(Table I). The conclusion to be drawn growth; a negative peak load will induce
from the table is that on the average tensile residual stresses that will acceler-
ate crack growth. In applying two peak
values of ^ — obtained for notched light loads of opposite sign the latter appar-
alloy specimens loaded by a gust or a ently has the dominating effect. Similar
maneuver spectrum at a positive mean tests with positive peak loads only or
stress are larger than unity. Therefore, negative peak loads only confirmed the
it is incorrect to say that the Palmgren- above reasoning.
Miner rule is an unconservative design Most of the deviations from the
rule for aircraft structures. On the other Palmgren-Miner rule could be explained
hand, Table I also shows that the rule is qualitatively (see reference (29)) by the
not very accurate. Before labeling the effect of residual stresses on the growth
rule as inaccurate, what is meant by ac- of the fatigue crack, irrespective of
curate has to be defined. In reference whether this crack was an invisible
(29) it was said that a life prediction which microcrack or a macrocrack. Compres-
does not err more than by a factor of 2 sive residual stresses, which are favorable,
are induced by tensile loads; therefore a
(0.5 < J^ ^ < 2) may be regarded as tensile mean load allows a more easy
a good estimate from the technical point creation of favorable residual stresses.
of view. Therefore, the Palmgren-Miner
This is one reason why J^ ~ values are
rule may be considered as a useful tool
for design purposes, and this aspect will generally over 1 for program-fatigue
be further discussed later in this paper. tests on notched light alloy specimens
Deviations from the Palmgren-Miner with a positive mean stress. Another
rule were studied systematically (29); it reason is that a residual stress field can
was concluded that in addition to the be formed only if there is a nonhomo-
amount of cracking a second parameter geneous stress distribution (stress concen-
of great importance for the accumulation tration). Such a distribution is present
of fatigue damage was the residual stress. in notched specimens. Both arguments
Negative (compressive) residual stresses
are compatible with X! T7 values below
decelerate the growth of fatigue cracks,
and positive (tensile) residual stresses unity frequently found for unnotched
have an accelerating effect. This effect is specimens loaded at zero mean stress.
illustrated in Fig. 5 (29). A riveted lap The well-known detrimental effect of
joint was loaded in a program-fatigue ground-to-air cycles can be interpreted
test with four or five different load ampli- in two ways: (1) These loads periodically
tudes in increasing order representing a destroy any favorable residual stress
gust spectrum. The result of adding pe- field present; and (2) they may even
riodically a positive peak load followed form an unfavorable residual stress field.
by a negative peak load (test series 27) It has been argued that the Palmgren-
was a considerable reduction of the fa- Miner rule need not necessarily lead to
tigue life (compare with test series 21). unconservative life estimates for a gust
Adding the same peak loads in the re- load spectrum combined with ground-to-
verse order results in a large increase of air cycles (29).
the fatigue life (compare test series 28 Recently tests to study the macrocrack
with test series 24). A positive peak load propagation in sheet specimens under


^- 2

,\^'^!^~\ CRACK


©' 0.4

"• 2 0 2 4 ALCLAD SHEET

2 mm

1 in.= 25 4 m m )

FIG. 6.—Sheet Specimen Used tor Crack-Propagation Studies with Variable-AmpHtude Loading,

150 200 250 300 350 400 450

FIG. 7.—Effect of Positive Peak Loads on Crack Propagation under Constant-Amplitude Loading.

variable-amplitude loading have been program-fatigue tests, (2) tests in which

completed. The specimen is shown in the stress amplitude was changed a few
Fig. 6. A positive mean load was applied, times, and (3) tests with a few positive
Three types of tests performed were: (1) or negative or both peak loads. The re-

suits, presented in references (32) and higher load amplitude will increase the
(33), were in good agreement with those amount of crack extension at the lower
of Hudson and Hardrath (18). The results amplitudes by making available a larger
fully confirm the importance of residual number of nuclei than the lower ampli-
stresses around the tip of the crack. A tudes could have created themselves.
dramatic illustration is given in Fig. 7, Consequently the interaction of high
showing the effect of three intermittent load amplitudes on low amplitudes would
positive peak loads on crack propagation always be unfavorable. This model may
in a constant-amphtude test. After the be applicable to unnotched rotating
application of the peak loads the crack beam specimens, but it is not considered
almost refuses to grow for a considerable to be an appropriate representation of
time, because it has to break through a the damage accumulation in notched
barrier of a residual stress field. Crack specimens loaded at a positive mean
propagation in the program-fatigue tests stress. For the latter case a favorable
with three, four, and i]ve different stress interaction is certainly possible due to
amplitudes in increasing and decreasing the effect of residual stresses. Freuden-
order was about two to four times slower thal (10) relates the interaction to the
than predicted by the Palmgren-Miner density of slip bands. The density is in-
rule; thus the rule seems to be conserva- creased by higher stress amplitudes; this
tive for macrocrack propagation, al- has an unfavorable effect on the damage
though not accurate. rate at lower stress amplitudes. This con-
Among all published cumulative-dam- cept shows some similarity with the
age theories only the simple Palmgren- theory of Corten and Dolan. A theory re-
Miner rule has found wide application. cently published by Valluri (36), based on
However, this is not only due to its physical arguments, is aimed at the ex-
simplicity; the main argument is that planation of a large number of fatigue
other theories have not yet succeeded in aspects. One argument is that of the
gaining more confidence with respect to variable-amplitude loading problem. The
their reliability. Some comments on the theory includes neither interaction ef-
most important theories will be made. fects of different stress levels in program-
It was shown before that the residual fatigue tests nor the effect of residual
stress is an important second damage stresses. Analytical evaluations of the
parameter in addition to the micro- theories of Corten and Dolan, Freuden-
crack length. Since the residual stress thal, and Valluri will not be presented
will be changed by all load cycles of a here. The formulas contain some con-
sufficiently large magnitude, there will be stants which have to be derived from
an interaction between load cycles of dif- program-fatigue tests or constant-ampli-
ferent magnitudes. Such an interaction is tude tests, unlike the Palmgren-Miner
excluded by the Palmgren-Miner rule rule. The formulas therefore allow a bet-
and also by the theory of Shanley (34). ter adaptation to test results at the price
Theories of Corten and Dolan (6) and of somewhat more complication. Their
Freudenthal (10) involve an interaction, validity still has to be shown by tests for
although not on the basis of residual all those circumstances for which they
stress. According to Corten and Dolan have to be applied. The theories have
the interaction is a consequence of the
been checked for unnotched rotating
number of fatigue crack nuclei, which is
beam and wire specimens and did yield
larger for higher stress amplitudes. The
useful results for that purpose. Their
nuclei are supposed to be able to grow at
applicability for program-fatigue tests on
all amplitudes. This means that the

notched specimens loaded with a positive give a satisfactory result. It is believed

mean stress has yet to be studied. that for rough life estimates in the design
stage of an aircraft structure, the
Life Estimales wtih the Paltngren-Miner Palmgren-Miner rule is a useful tool; for
Rule: more precise life estimates, realistic
The essential purpose of the Palmgren- testing is indispensable.
Miner rule and other more advanced
theories is to correlate the life under Damaging Effect of Different Types of
variable-amplitude loading with S-I^ Fatigue Loads According to the Palm-
data. The large number of extensive test gren-Miner Rule:
programs to check such correlations A test on a full-scale structure or a
might unintentionally give the impres- component can be considered realistic
sion that a reliable cumulative-damage only if all types of loads which sub-
rule would solve the designer's problem stantially contribute to the fatigue
to make accurate life estimates. How- damage are applied in the test. What is
ever, for that purpose he would also re- the criterion for judging whether a cer-
quire "accurate" S-N data. In general tain type of loading will do so? If the
these data will not be available for the Palmgren-Miner rule was correct it could
critical components of a new design and be used for this problem. Two cases will
such components can be fairly numerous. be mentioned to illustrate that the rule
The determination of accurate S-N is not reliable for this purpose.
curves is expensive and time-consuming. According to the Palmgren-Miner
The designer will prefer to make a rough rule cyclic loads with an amplitude below
estimate about the S-N curves by em- the fatigue limit will not do any damage,
ploying existing S-N data for more or since N = «3. This is incorrect, since
less similar components; possibly he will load cycles with an amplitude too low for
perform some check tests to improve his creating cracks may contribute to the
estimate. The S-N data obtained in this extension of a crack nucleated by cycles
way will not be of a high precision. with a larger amplitude. Moreover the
Therefore it is doubtful whether the use fatigue limit will not be known very
of a more sophisticated life calculation accurately. Also if fretting corrosion can
theory instead of the Palmgren-Miner play an active role it may be unreaHstic
rule is justified. to omit the numerous loads with small
Due to the limited accuracy of the amplitudes from a test.
S-N data and the Palmgren-Miner rule, On the other hand it was discussed in
life calculation can be considered as a reference (29) that load cycles below the
rough estimate only. The result is cer- fatigue limit would certainly be more
tainly not satisfactory from an airworthi- damaging in program-fatigue tests than
ness point of view, although it will give in random-load tests. In a random-load
the designer some guidance. For instance, test, load peaks with a low amplitude are
if the life estimate for a certain com- interspersed between load peaks with
ponent gives an unacceptably short life, higher amplitudes. In program-fatigue
improvement of detail design or other tests, however, cycles with a low ampli-
measures are necessary. On the other tude are applied in large batches in each
hand, if the estimate gives a very long period of the program. In the latter case,
life the designer may feel confident that the tip of the crack during the low-ampli-
a life determination on a more realistic tude cycles will meet material which is
basis (aircraft prototype testing) will not so intensely affected by the higher

loads than in a random-load test. Con- Another problem of assessing a realis-

sequently they can be more damaging. tic test program is offered by ground-to-
In planning a program-fatigue test it is air cycles in addition to gust loads on an
advisable to include cycles with an aircraft wing. For a transport aircraft
amplitude below the fatigue limit, but the damage due to the ground-to-air






FIG. 8.—Load Sequence in a Simplified Flight-Simulation Test.



\H \N ^ / ^ . ^ ^ ^ DAMAGE Som

— ^ N (FATIGUE LIFE) —^^ / N ("DAMAGE \


FIG. 9.—Damage Distribution Curve and Reduction of a Load Spectrum to One Load Level

it seems to be a little bit overdone to in- cycles according to the Palmgren-Miner

clude cycles with an amplitude far below rule may be relatively small as compared
the fatigue limit. This advice is quantita- with the damage induced by the gust
tively not very precise, but with present loadings. On this basis one might be
knowledge further specifications are not tempted to omit the ground-to-air cycles
possible. Experience and intuition should from the loading program. However,
act as a complementary basis for deci- tests have shown (15,20,29) that these
sions. cycles are far more damaging than the

Palmgren-Miner rule suggests; therefore Procedure in Early Design Stage:

it would be unwise to omit these ground-
The usefulness of employing the Palm-
to-air cycles from the loading program.
gren-Miner rule with the aid of existing
constant-amplitude data was discussed
Reduction of a Load Spectrum to Cycles previously and will not be considered
of a Constant Amplitude: further here.
In the last ten years several transport Constant-amplitude loading is used
aircraft in Europe have been tested ac- frequently in the early design stage when
cording to a simplified flight simulation testing for comparison of several modi-
program (24). The loading on the wing in fications of a component. This method
one flight consisted of the ground-to-air should be used with caution; for a com-
cycle and a number of gust load cycles ponent that is better at a low amplitude
with a constant amphtude (Fig. 8). The can be worse at a higher amplitude (in-
gust spectrum with gusts of various tersecting S-N curves). For a realistic
magnitudes was reduced to an equival- comparison a realistic type of loading
ent number of gust cycles with the same has to be applied, and constant-ampli-
amplitude, which cause the same amount tude testing cannot be considered as
of damage according to the Palmgren- such. Program-fatigue testing is strongly
Miner rule. The procedure is outhned in recommended for this purpose provided
Fig. 9. The right-hand part of Fig. 9 that the loading program is carefully
shows the distribution of the contribu- planned.
tion to the damage as a function of the
stress amplitude. The maximum contri- Testing Methods to Assess Fatigue Per-
bution occurs at the amplitude Sa^, or the formance of a Structure Most Accur-
level of maximum damage. This level is ately:
usually selected for application in tests An accurate assessment of the fatigue-
as indicated in Fig. 8. It will be clear that life and crack-rate data of an aircraft
the reduction to one load level and the structure has to be made after the design
level of maximum damage are meaning- has been completed. Probably prototype
ful only if the Palmgren-Miner rule is construction already has been started
correct. Since it is not, a loading program then. The most accurate data are ob-
according to Fig. 8 has a somewhat ar- tained if service conditions are simulated
bitrary character. The results of such a as far as possible. This applies to the
test will give valuable indications, but representation of the structure as well
good quantitative accuracy cannot be as to the simulation of the load-time
expected. Still, it is believed that the history in service. Brief comments will
results are conservative (29). be made on the first aspect, while the
second one will be described in more
FATIGUE PERFORMANCE OF AN For any aircraft that has to perform a
AIRCR.\FT STRUCTURE long service duty, such as a transport
aircraft, full-scale testing must be
Generally, the designer will be satis- strongly recommended. It is preferred
fied with rough life estimates in the early above component testing for several
design stage; he will require more pre- reasons: (1) If all cracks found in the test
cise estimates once the design has been are repaired, all components that may be
frozen. Therefore a different procedure liable to fatigue will successively show
will be applied for each stage. up. Without full-scale testing there is

some danger of misjudging the fatigue quences of the second and the third
properties of several components. (2) If method do not outweigh the inferior rep-
components are tested separately there resentation of the load-time history. In
will be some uncertainty about the exact fact, the only essential difficulty involved
simulation of the load transmission into in the first method is to obtain a repre-
the component. (3) It is more realistic sentative load-time history. However
and informative to obtain crack propaga- this problem will not be discussed in de-
tion data from a full-scale test than from tail here. It is thought that with the
component testing. present knowledge of loads on aircraft
An exact simulation of service condi- and aircraft response it should be possi-
tions is either impossible or impractica- ble to ascertain a good record. This result
ble. It is not feasible to simulate such could be improved by recording strains
factors as the occurrence of rest periods during prototype flying. Such strain
and the rate of loading which, fortunately measurements are also advisable to learn
do not have a large effect on the fatigue whether the loads in flight correspond
life (29). With respect to the crack propa- with their calculated values.
gation rate, a small systematic effect of A simplified flight-simulation accord-
the load frequency has been found (30) and ing to Fig. 8 can no longer be recom-
should be kept in mind if the loading rate mended, since, at the present time, the
in service and in the test are largely dif- simplification is not excused by the in-
ferent. Not very much is known about creased experimental effort for a com-
the effect of the environmental condi- plete simulation of the service loads. For
tions. Most fatigue failures start at rivet program-fatigue tests a good deal of ap-
holes or bolt holes. The environment in plication is still foreseen because: (1) such
such holes probably is not very much dif- tests can be executed on components at a
ferent in the laboratory and in service. much larger speed with commerciaUy
However, once cracks are growing and available fatigue machines; and (2) for
are accessible to the open air one may rough life estimates and for comparative
expect some effect of corrosion or water testing in design studies the method is
vapor. This is a problem that should be considered acceptable.
studied. The NLR has recently started In view of the latter argument it is de-
some comparative testing on this topic. sirable to improve the knowledge of the
It was pointed out previously that a similarity between service loading and
service load-time history will be a mix- program-fatigue loading. Studies of this
ture of several types of loadings varying similarity might well extend the applica-
from random loads to systematic loads. bility of program-fatigue testing. Some
With the present-day experimental facil- test programs on this problem are re-
ities for large structures, an exact viewed in the following paragraph. The
simulation of such a load-time history load sequence in a program-fatigue test
can be faithfully accomplished. For a can be arranged in many different ways.
large full-scale structure for which a sin- Some thoughts on this topic are pre-
gle test has to give the most accurate sented later in this paper.
information for the operation of the air-
craft the following three alternative test Comparison of Random-Load Tests and
methods can be considered: (1) simula- Program-Fatigue Tests:
tion of the service load-time history, (2) The number of investigations to study
program-fatigue test (Fig. 3), and (3) the similarity between random loads and
simplified flight-simulation test (Fig. 8). program-fatigue loading is rather limited.
It can be said that the simpler load se- The first study was made some ten years

ago in Australia (23) on Mustang wings. An extensive test program was con-
Random tests and program-fatigue tests ducted by Lockheed (20) on 7075-T6
showed the same weak spots. The com- sheet specimens with a central elhptical
parative results for the fatigue lives were notch. Kt values of 4.0 and 7.0 were
not so conclusive. The random load and used. Load-time histories studied were
the program-fatigue load did not fully based on gust loads (constant mean load
satisfy the conditions considered here. = l-g load), maneuver loads (constant
In the random tests each gust load re- minimum load = l-g load), taxiing loads
turned immediately to the level of the (random vibrations superimposed on
mean load (l-g level), which is a restric- ground load), ground-to-air cycles (cy-
tion on the randomness. In the program- cles between l-g load and ground load),
fatigue tests only three different values and combinations of these loads. The
of the load amplitude were used; this is fatigue machine, designed by Lock-
considered to be too small for a correct heed, was fed by a magnetic tape con-
respresentation of a gust spectrum. taining the load sequence as a magnetic
A second and more recent study was signal. The programmed sequence was
conducted by Kowalewski (19). Small derived from the random trace by em-
light alloy specimens were loaded in ploying the mean-crossing-peak-count
plane bending. The random load was ob- method. Load cycles started with the
tained as random noise of a limited fre- negative part followed by the positive
quency band (about 10 to 35 cps). part. Load cycles in one period were ap-
Kowalewski studied four types of ran- plied in a sequence of increasing ampli-
dom loading with different power spectra. tudes only. The number of variables
He derived the program loading from the studied in these investigations is too large
random load sequence in two ways. In to allow a quantitative summary of the
the first program the distribution of peak results here. The most salient conclusions
loads was the same as for the random were:
load. In the second program the distribu- 1. The ratio of the fatigue life under
tion of ranges (the differences between random loading and the fatigue life un-
successive maxima and minima, P.+i — der program loading was found to vary
Pi) was the same as for the random load. from values noticeably lower than unity
For the first type of program loading the to values noticeably higher than unity,
life was about half the life under random depending on the type of loading being
loading for all four types of random load- considered. The best agreement was ob-
ing. For the second type of program tained for a severe gust spectrum.
loading no systematic correlation was 2. The effect of the ground-to-air cycle
found. In reference (31) it was stated that was much larger than expected on .he
a representation of a random load by its basis of the Palmgren-Miner rule.
ranges cannot be expected to be a good 3. A representation of the ground-to-
representation. Briefly, the reason is that air cycles in a program-fatigue test by
a large load variation from Pmin to Pmax , batches of load cycles between the mean
which is interrupted by a small load load in flight and the mean load of the
variation, is split up in three small load taxiing loads on the ground underesti-
ranges, thus ignoring the large variation mates the severity of the ground-to-air
from Pmin to Pmax • Kowalewskl's results cycle.
have a Umited applicability, since the
specimen was only mildly notched The first conclusion indicates that a
(Kt = 1.77) and the loading was plane unique correlation between random load
bending with Sm = 0. and program load was not found. The

conclusion was arrived at for one method (3) to compare the crack propagation
of reducing the random loads to cyclic data, and (4) to study the damaging ef-
loads and for a certain sequence of the fect of the ground-to-air cycle.
cyclic loads in the program-fatigue test. The random loading was derived from
Therefore it cannot be generalized to a strain-gage record of the bending
other reduction methods and other types moment at the root of the wing of a large
of program-fatigue tests. aircraft flying in turbulent air. The
Recently the NLR started a program principle of the hydraulic testing machine
on full-scale structures using tension- with an electronic servo-apparatus,
skin specimens from a predmodification designed by the NLR (42), is shown in
type of the Fokker F-27 wing. They Fig. 10. The random load sequence to be
consist of the stiffened skin between front applied to the specimen is punched in a
and rear spar of the center section of the tape as a series of code numbers (binary





FIG. 10.—Principle of the NLR Random-Load Machine CARLA (Code-Actuated Random Load

wing. The material is 7075-T6 (material digit numbers) representing all succes-
of the post-modification type is 2024-T3). sive maxima and minima. The oil supply
The length of the specimen is 8.3 m (27 of the pump to the hydraulic jack is
ft). About 50 per cent of the tension ma- monitored by the electronic apparatus
terial is in the skin; spar caps are rela- which receives its input data from the
tively light. Some skin splices, cutouts, tape reader and from the load cell via a
reinforcements, and other discontinuities feedback line. The tape reader, the load
are incorporated. The specimen is con- cell, the recorder, and the pump were
sidered to be representative of a modern commercially available. The electronic
aircraft structure. Three types of tests apparatus with the code name CARLA
planned are: (1) random-load tests, (2) (Code Actuated Random Load Appa-
program-fatigue tests, and (3) random- ratus) was designed and built by the
load tests with ground-to-air cycles. The NLR. Punched tapes for the random-
aim of the comparative tests is (1) to see load tests are made from the strain rec-
whether the same components are fatigue ord by a semiautomatic data reading
critical, (2) to compare the fatigue lives. apparatus and an electronic computer.

These tapes could also be used for a method has to be preferred from a fatigue
statistical evaluation of the loadings on point of view. Fortunately the results of
the record in accordance with several the mean-crossing-peak-count method
counting methods (31), the evaluation are almost the same. The Fatiguemeter
being performed by the electronic com- and the VGH-recorder give results that
puter. The latter also generates the tapes are almost or exactly in accordance with
for the program loading. A testing ma- the latter counting method. Therefore it
chine operating according to more or less is advised for practical reasons to adopt,
similar principles was developed in the mean-crossing-peak-count method.
Switzerland (4). Further studies on this topic are desir-
Until now only two tests have been able.
completed; therefore it is not yet useful Whether a load cycle should start
to present quantitative data. The speci- with its maximum or its minimum is im-
men is continuously inspected for cracks portant only for the more infrequent
without stopping the testing machine; loads with large amplitudes. The effect,
cracks are far more easily found if the discussed previously, was clearly shown
test is running due to "breathing" of the in Fig. 5, although this figure may prob-
cracks. Very minute cracks have been ably give a somewhat exaggerated im-
found. Quantitative results of the tests pression. The conclusion to be deduced
will be published in due course. from this figure and the earlier discussion
In summary, the knowledge of the on the effect of residual stresses is that a
similarity between random loads and sequence starting with the maximum,
program-fatigue loading is still far from followed by the minimum, will give con-
complete. servative results, and the reversed se-
quence may give unconservative results.
Planning of a Program-Fatigue Test: Although the conservatism of the results
In reducing a service load-lime history is perhaps not a very rational argument,
to a load sequence for a program-fatigue it is recommended to apply load cycles
test there are many questions for which starting with the maximum followed by
no exact answer exists, although most the minimum.
of them have already been touched upon Figure 3 shows a schematic example of
in this paper. Some comments will be a single load sequence in a program-fa-
made on the following questions: tigue test. Other sequences being studied
1. How should the irregular load-time (29) are: increasing load amplitudes only,
history be reduced to a population of decreasing load amplitudes only, and a
complete load cycles? randomized sequence of load amplitudes.
2. Each load cycle comprises a maxi- It was said earlier that damage accum-
mum and a minimum. Which of these lation was largely governed by the
two should be applied iirst? amount of microcracking and the resid-
3. In which sequence will the load ual-stress field around the tip of the
cycles with different amplitudes be ap- cracks. During a random loading there
plied? will be a certain random variation of the
residual stress, which can be considered
The reduction of the service load- as a random variable with an average
time history to cyclic loads has been value depending on the mean value of the
discussed previously. The conclusion random load. It is now suggested that a
reached was that there is neither a ra- load sequence in a program-fatigue test
tional nor an empirical answer for this should be adopted for which it can be
problem. Probably the range-pair count expected that the average residual stress

has about the same value as under the Finally, some comments will be made
corresponding random load. Although on the application of ground-to-air cycles
this criterion cannot be evaluated quan- in a program-fatigue test with a gust-
titatively it is thought that a sequence spectrum loading. In view of the damag-
with increasing amplitudes only or with ing effect of the ground-to-air cycles they
decreasing amphtudes only will satisfy cannot be omitted. The best solution
the criterion in an inferior way as com- would be to insert one ground-to-air
pared with the sequence indicated in Fig. cycle at regular periods between the gust
3. A randomized sequence may give some load cycles. This would involve a certain
further improvement, but it is thought type of flight simulation. Experimentally
that this complication of the test is prob- this is not a simple solution because the
ably of fictitious importance. Therefore number of ground-to-air cycles in one
it is advised to perform program-fatigue period would be large. A simpler applica-
tests with a sequence as proposed origi- tion is possible if the ground-to-air cycle
nally by Gassner (11) (Fig. 3). is considered as being a negative gust
Other variables to be selected for plan- load. The gust spectrum will become
ning a program-fatigue test are: (1) the noticeably asymmetric then, but this is
lowest amplitude to be included in the not necessarily an objection for the ap-
program, (2) the highest amplitude to be plication in a program-fatigue test as
included in the program, (3) the number indicated by Payne (23). It implies that
of load steps (five in Fig. 3), and (4) the the minimum load of the ground-to-air
size of or the number of cycles in one cycle is combined with the positive gust
period. Comments on the lowest ampli- load which is anticipated on the average
tude to be included in the program have once per flight. A similar suggestion was
been made previously. With respect to made by Barrels (2). It is then possible
the highest amplitude to be included, a to apply ground-to-air cycles in batches
^alue which is exceeded about 10 times of more than one cj^cle. As has been said
in the anticipated fatigue life was some- before, a combination of the minimum
what arbitrarily recommended in refer- load of the ground-to-air cycle with the
ence (28). However, it is felt that cycles mean load of the gust loading (1-g level)
with larger amplitudes are too rare to is considered to be an underestimation of
contribute noticeably to the fatigue the real damage of the ground-to-air
damage. Moreover, if they occur in serv- cycle.
ice their effect will probably be favorable; The conclusion is that no ideal method
but since it is not certain that each air- can be given for planning a program-
craft will meet these rarely occurring fatigue test; therefore no guarantee of a
loads their omission in the program-fa- high precision of the data can be obtained
tigue test seems to be justified. with such tests for the fatigue perform-
The number of load steps should be as ance under service loading. However, the
large as possible. A minimum of six or incorporation of present experience and
eight steps is probably acceptable. The understanding of the fatigue damage ac-
size of the period should not be too large; cumulation has been attempted.
a maximum of one-tenth of the antici-
pated life is probably still acceptable,
although a smaller size is preferred. Both
1. The values of X! ^ '"^^^ generally
these recommendations cannot be justi-
fied on a rational basis and are to some larger than 1 for notched light alloy
extent made intuitively, based on the specimens tested under program-fatigue
experience discussed in reference (29), loading with a positive mean stress.

2. The Palmgren-Miner rule gives con- liable for judging whether a certain type
servative estimates for the rate of macro- of service load will contribute substan-
crack propagation in sheet material un- tially to the damage induced by other
der variable-amplitude loading. types of loadings.
3. For notched Ught alloy specimens, 6. Program-fatigue testing should be
the accumulation of fatigue damage is strongly preferred over constant-ampli-
considerably affected by residual stresses. tude testing in comparative design
The residual stress at the tip of the studies of components. Recommenda-
microcrack is considered to be a sec- tions are made for a careful planning of
ond damage parameter of great impor- the load sequence in a program-fatigue
tance; the first parameter, the amount of test.
cracking. 7. Full-scale testing is strongly recom-
4. The Palmgren-Miner rule can be mended to assess the fatigue performance
considered a useful tool for obtain- of an aircraft structure. The loading to
ing rough life estimates in the early de- be applied should preferably be a simula-
sign stage of an aircraft structure. The tion of the anticipated load-time history
major problem is not the inaccuracy of in service.
this rule but the availability of relevant 8. The simulation of random loads by
S-N data of sufficient accuracy. cyclic loads is not yet fully understood
5. The Palmgren-Miner rule is unre- and should be studied further.

(1) W. Barrois, "Physical Interpretation of craft," RAE-Technical Note, Structures
Metal Fatigue," Minutes of the 5th 235, March, 1958.
Conference, of the International Com- (8) W. A. P. Fisher, "Programme-Fatigue Tests
mittee on Aeronautical Fatigue, Brussels, on Notched Bars to a Gust Load Spec-
October, 1957. trum," RAE-Technical Note, Structures
(2) W. Barrois, "The Philosophy of Fatigue 236, March, 1958.
Tests on Large Dimension Aircraft (9) R. W. Fralich, "Experimental Investigation
Structures," Proceedings, Symposium on of Effects of Random Loading on the
FuU-Scale Fatigue Testing of Aircraft Fatigue Life of Notched Cantilever-
Structures, Amsterdam, June, 1959, p. Beam Specimens of 7075-T6 Aluminum
239. Alloy," NASA Memorandum 4-12-59 L,
(3) J. S. Bendat, Principles and Applications June, 1959.
oj Random Noise Theory, John Wiley and (10) A. M. Freudenthal, "Physical and Sta-
Sons, New York, N. Y., 1958. tistical Aspects of Cumulative Damage,"
(4) J. Branger, "A Review of Work in Switzer- Colloquium on Fatigue, Stockholm, May
land on Aircraft Fatigue During the 1955, edited by W. Weibull and F. K. G.
Period March 1959-April 1961," EUge- Odquist, Springer Verlag, BerUn, p. 53.
nossisches Flugzeugwerk Emmen, Report (11) E. Gassner, "Festigkeits-Versuche mit
S-129, May, 1961 (restricted). wiederholter Beanspruchung im Flug-
(5) R. A. Carl and T. J. Wegeng, "Investiga- zeugbau," Luftwissen, Vol. 6, p. 61,
tions Concerning the Fatigue of Aircraft 1939.
Structures," Proceedings, Am. Soc. Test- (12) E. Gassner, "Auswirkung betriebsahnlicher
ing Mats., Vol. 54, 1954, p. 903. Belastungsfolgen auf die Festigkeit von
(6) H. T. Corten and T. J. Dolan, "Cumula- Ilugzeugbauteilen," Berichl der DVL, Cf
tive Fatigue Damage," International 407/5, August 1941.
Conference on Fatigue of Metals, Lon- (13) E. Gassner, "Some Remarks About Wing
don, Inst. Mechanical Engrs., p. 235, Load Spectra, Program and Flight
September, 1956. Tests," Minutes of the 4th Conference
(7) W. A. P. Fisher, "Some Fatigue Tests on of the International Committee on
Notched Specimens with Programme Aeronautical Fatigue, Zurich, May
Loading for a 'Ground-Attack' Air- 1956.

(14) E. Gassner and W. Schiitz, "The Signifi- (25) H. Press and J. W. Tukey, "Power Spectral
cance of Constant-Load-Amplitude Tests Methods of Analysis and Their Applica-
for the Fatigue Evaluation of Aircraft tion to Problems in Airplane Dynamics,"
Structures," Proceedings, Symposium on AGARD Flight Test Manual, Vol. 4, Part
Fatigue Testing of Aircraft Structures, IV C, 1957.
Amsterdam, June, 1959, p. 14. (26) J. Schijve and F. A. Jacobs, "Research on
(15) E. Gassner and K. F. Horstmann, "Einfluss Cumulative Damage in Fatigue of Riveted
des Start-Lande Lastwechsels auf die Aluminum .\lloy Joints," Nat. Aeronautical
Lebensdauer der boenbeanspruchten F'liigel Research Irs!., Amsterdam, Report M.
von VerlNe>.f flugzeugen," Advances in 1999, ]anuav , 1956.
Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 4, Pergamon (27) J. Schijve, "Critical Analysis of the
Press Ltd., London, 1961, p. 763. Fatigue Damage Concept and Some
(16) H. F. Hardrath, E. C. Utley, and D. E. Consequences for Fatigue Testing of
Guthrie, "Rotating-Beam Fatigue Tests of Aircraft Structures," Minutes, 4th Con-
Notched and Unnotched 7075-T6 Alumi- ference of the International Committee
num Alloy Specimens Under Stresses of on Aeronautical Fatigue, Zurich, May,
Constant and Varying Amplitudes," NASA 1956, Appendix 2.
TN D-210, December, 1959. (28) J. Schijve, "The Endurance Under Program-
(17) A. K. Head and F. H. Hooke, "Random Fatigue Testint-," Proceedings, Symposium
Noise Fatigue Testing," International on I'atigue Testing of Aircraft Structures,
Conference on Fatigue of Metals, Inst, of Amsterdam, June, 1956, p. 41.
Mech. Engrs., London, 1956, p. 301.
(29) J. Schijve and F. A. Jacobs, "Program-
(18) C. M. Hudson and H. F. Hardrath, Fatigue Tests on Notched Light Alloy
"Effects of Changing Stress Amplitude on Specimens of 2024 and 7075 Material,"
the Rate of F'atigue-Crack Propagation in Nat. Aeronautical Research Inst., Amster-
Two Aluminum Alloys," NASA TN D-960, dam, Technical Report M. 2070 (1960).
September, 1961.
(30) J. Schijve, "Fatigue Crack Propagation in
(19) J. Kowalewski, "On the Relation Between
Light Alloy Sheet Material and Struc-
Fatigue Lives Under Random Loading
tures," Advances in Aeronautical Sciences,
and Under Corresponding Program Load-
Vol. 3, Pergamon Press Ltd., London,
ing," Proceedings, Symposium on F'atigue
1961, p. 387.
Testing of Aircraft Structures, .Amsterdam,
June, 1956, p. 60. (31) J. Schijve, "The Analysis of Random
Load-Time Histories with Relation to
(20) A. J. McCulloch, M. A. Melcon, W. J.
I'atigue Tests and Life Calculations," 2nd
Crichlow, H. W. Foster, and J. Rebman,
ICAF-AGARD Symposium, Paris, 1961,
"Investigation of the Representation of
NLR-Report MP. 201, May, 1961.
Aircraft Service Loadings in F'atigue
Tests," ASD Technical Report 61^435, (32) J. Schijve and D. Broek, "Crack Propaga-
September, 1961. tion Under Variable-Amplitude Loading,"
(21) E. C. Naumann, H. F. Hardrath, and D. E. Aircraft Engineering, Vol. 34, 1962, p. 314,
Guthrie, "Axial-Load Fatigue Tests of and NLR-Report MP. 208, Amsterdam,
2024-T3 and 7075-T6 Aluminum Alloy D e c , 1961.
Sheet Specimens Under Constant- and (33) J. Schijve, D. Broek, and P. de Rijk,
Variable-Amplitude Loads," NASA TN "Crack Propagation Under Variable-
D-212, December, 1959. Amplitude Loading," NLR-Report M.
(22) A. O. Payne, "Random and Programmed 2094, Jan., 1962.
Load Sequence Fatigue Tests on 24ST (34) F. R. Shanley, "A Theory of Fatigue
Aluminum Alloy Wings," ARL Report Based on Unbending During Reversed
SM.244, Dept. of Supply, Melbourne, Slip " The Rand Corp. Report No. P-350,
September, 1956. Nov., 1952, Supplement, May, 1953.
(23) A. O. Payne, "Determination of the Fatigue (35) C. R. Smith, "Fatigue-Service Ijfe Pre-
Resistance of Aircraft Wings by Full- diction Based on Tests at Constant Stress
Scale Testing," Proceedings, Symposium Levels," Proceedings, Soc. Experimental
on F'atigue Testing of Aircraft Structures, Stress Analysis, Vol. 16, No. 1, p. 9 1958.
Amsterdam, June, 1956, p. 76. (36) S. R. Valluri, "A Unified Engineering
(24) F. J. Plantema and J. Schijve (Editors), Theory of High Stress Level Fatigue,"
Proceedings, Symposium on Full Scale Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 20, 1961, p. 10.
Fatigue Testing of Aircraft Structures, (37) R. E. Whaley, "Fatigue Investigation of
Amsterdam, June, 1959, Pergamon Press Full-Scale Transport-Airplane Wings,"
Ltd., London, 1961. and "Variable Amplitude Tests with a

Gust Load Spectrum," NACA TN 4132, Conference of the International Committee

1957. on Aeronautical Fatigue, Appendix 9 of
(38) G. Wallgren, "Fatigue Tests with Stress ICAF Doc. 67, Jan., 1955.
Cycles of Varying Amplitude," Report (41) G. Wallgren and F. Svensson, "Program
No. 28, Flygtekniska Fbrsoksanstalten Utmattning med Orenbeslag ov 3526-4
(the Aeronautical Research Inst, of och 3524-5," FFA Report No. HU-771,
Sweden), June, 1949. Dec, 1958.
(39) G. Wallgren and S. Petrelius, "Program (42) "Description of the F'lectronic Equip-
Utmattningsprov med Bultforband," FFA ment Pertaining to the Code Actuated
Report No. HU-429:2, May, 1954. Random Load Apparatus (CARLA),"
(40) G. Wallgren, "Review of Some Fatigue NLR Note MS-62-15, Amsterdam, April,
Investigations at FFA," Minutes, 3rd 1962.

MR. K . HORSTMANN (presented in Smax/Sm = 2. In thls case, the effect of
written form)}—These comments on the the GTAC is large, since the minimum
paper by Mr. Schijve will show some stress due to gust loads is zero; but the
results of the tests carried out in the GTAC will induce stresses in the com-
Laboratorium fiir Betriebsfestigkeit, pressive range (see Fig. 11).^ The GTAC

I02 _, 10^ 10'' 10

S.T^inlST'^C'-'' -* ** H ( number of exceedings)


FIG. 11.—Gust-Stress-F>equency-Distribution for 5m;ixAm = 1, 2, and 5, and the Ground-to

Air-Cycle Frequency.

Darmstadt, Germany. They are con- may then reduce the favorable effects of
cerned with the effect of the ground-to- residual stresses built up at the maximum
air cycle (GTAC) on the fatigue life of
gust-loaded aircraft structures. The - Assumptions in Fig. 11.
•Sm.ix = 20 kg per sq mm = constant (induced
effect of the GTAC depends on the design by a gust load of 40 ft per sec);
characteristics of the aircraft, as will be Sm = stress at 1 — 9 level;
shown in the following: Gust frequenej' distribution = linear relation on
double-log scale from H = 1 at a gust veloc-ity
A normal transport-aircraft structure of 40 ft i)er sec to H = 10° at a gust velocity
may be designed for a maximum stress, of 2 ft per sec; H is the number of exceedings
of the corresponding gust velocity.
Smax (due to gust loads), which is twice Number of GTAC's, n = 150 (see reference
the stress S„i at the 1-g load level, or (15) of the paper);
Minimum stress of GTAC = —4 kg per sq mm;
^ Laboratorium fUr Betriebsfestigkeit, Darm- and
stadt, Germany. Maximum stress of GTAC = Sm .

positive gust loads. Results of recent tests smaller transport aircraft are based on
(see reference (7) of the paper) have the ratio Smax/S„ = 3.5 and even more.
shown a reduction of the fatigue life to Finally the cumulative damage rate
40 per cent of the original fatigue life
without GTAC's (see Fig. 12). Other is better approximated by 2.^ — = 1 at
results of current tests with a gust-load higher values of Smcx/S,,,. Further tests
spectrum, for which Smax/S„ = 1.8, have to be carried out to confirm the
show an even larger effect, the fatigue curve in Fig. 12.
life being reduced to 20 per cent of the MR. J. ScHijVE {author).—Mr. Horst-
fatigue life without GTAC's. mann's discussion is a welcome addition
For the hypothetical case to the paper. His results confirm the
the gust loads do not cause any damage author's statement that the damagitig
and the GTAC theoretically reduces the effect of the GTAC is caused by the
elimination of favorable residual stresses.
The point which he made that the
damaging effect of the GTAC will
depend on the severity of the GTAC, as
compared with the maximum negative
gust loads, is well taken. This is illus-
0 10 2 0 30 4 0 50 6 0 70 8 0 9 0 100 trated in Mr. Horstmann's second figure
Percentage of Fatigue Life Without GTAC (Fig. 12). Although the trend of this
FIG. 12.—Effect of the Ground-to-Air Cycle
figure is qualitatively correct, it should
(GTAC) on the Life of Gust-Loaded Wings be pointed out that the curve will
of Aircraft Structures for Different Ratios of depend, among other variables, on the
magnitude of the load caused by the
life to 0 per cent, as indicated in Fig. 12. GTAC. This load will vary from one type
For large values of Smax/S,,,, the GTAC of aircraft to another. But it will also
will lose its significance, and it? effect vary within a wing structure, even as a
will become negligible at approximately percentage of the 1-g load level. The
Smax/Sm = 5 (sce Figs. U and 12). This author agrees that a further study of the
can be explained since large negative damaging effect of the GTAC is worth-
gust loads will enter the compressive while. We are now performing some
range and will also eliminate the favor- research on this topic.
able residual stresses. Tests carried out It is doubted, however, whether a
by Payne (reference (23) of the paper), curve such as shown in Fig. 12 could have
at Smax/Sm = 2.3, confirm the conclusion, a general applicability, since too many
as can be seen in the curve of Fig. 12, variables are involved. To make a
which shows the trend of fatigue life quantitative estimate of the effect of
reduction by the GTAC. the GTAC the designer will have to give
These conclusions may be important due consideration to his particular
from the point of view of the designer, circumstances. To improve his under-
for many questions on the effect of standing of the problem he needs
GTAC on the life of aircraft structures empirical evidence. Therefore, Mr. Horst-
are still unanswered. Newer designs of mann's data are most welcome.
STP338-EB/Sep. 1963




Twenty-six unused fighter aircraft were made available for use in an investi-
gation to determine the fatigue characteristics of a typical fighter airplane.
The primary purpose of this investigation was to obtain fatigue data on full-
scale structures for use in designing new aircraft. The aircraft were disassem-
bled into major components: wing, horizontal tail, vertical tail, nose landing
gear, and main landing gear. Constant-amplitude and variable-amplitude tests
were performed on the various components to determine: (1) the degree of
scatter, (2) the effect of cumulative damage and the validity of various cumu-
lative damage hypotheses for full-scale structures, (3) the effect of randomiza-
tion of the load sequence within a spectrum block, (4) the effect of superim-
posing landing loads on a flight load spectrum, (5) the effect of prestressing,
and (6) the effect of varying the mean and alternating loads. A discussion of the
test results and their significance for future design use is included.

Fatigue damage to aircraft structures tures is questionable. The lack of corre-

has resulted in a large increase in mainte- lation between the small-specimen data
nance costs and has seriously reduced and data obtained from full-scale struc-
the service availability of Naval combat tures may be attributed to the following
aircraft. As a result, the old Bureau of factors: (1) manufacturing discrepancies,
Aeronautics and the current Bureau of (2) the lack of exact knowledge of the
Naval Weapons have seen fit to sponsor strain distributions in the structure, (3)
extensive research in this field to obtain biaxiality and triaxiality of the stress
improved combat efficiency. distributions, (4) the lack of knowledge
Initial work in this field was previously regarding the interactions among the
reported by Carl and Wegeng (l).2 At the design stress concentrations and manu-
same time, a considerable amount of facturing defects, and (5) structural com-
basic materials research utilizing small plexity. Consequently, a program was
laboratory specimens was also under- undertaken to study the effects of fatigue
taken. However, the applicability of the using full-scale aircraft structures ob-
specimen test results to full-scale struc- tained through contract termination.
The objectives of this program are (1)
* The opinions or assertions expressed in to obtain empirical data on the fatigue
this paper are the private ones of the writer
and are not to be construed as official or re- characteristics of full-scale structures for
flecting the view of the Department of the Navy design use, (2) to determine the applica-
or the Naval service at large.
Superintendent, Structures Research Divi- bility to full-scale structures of current
sion, Aeronautical Structures Laboratory, Naval concepts and hypotheses resulting from
Air Engineering Center, Philadelphia, Pa. basic research, and (3) to determine the
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer
to the list of references appended to this paper. problems requiring further study and

Copyright^ 1963 by ASTM International

research. Three separate investigations attachment to the fuselage is statically

have been undertaken to date. This determinate. The all-metal, full-canti-
paper presents the results obtained to lever, stressed-skin construction is pri-
date from the first of these investigations. marily of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy sheet
In 1956, 26 new, production, jet and plate.
fighter aircraft with no service time were The vertical tail, which has a sweep
made available to the Aeronautical angle of 45-deg at the quarter-chord, is
Structures Laboratory (ASL) to deter- of three-cell, two-spar conventional con-
mine the following for future design use: struction with ribs at an angle of 45 deg
(1) the scatter in life, (2) the effects of to the quarter-chord and spaced approxi-
cumulative damage and the assessment mately 7 in. apart. The vertical tail is
of the validity of the many proposed fabricated primarily from 7075-T6 alu-
cumulative damage hypotheses, (3) the minum alloy sheet and extrusion. Be-
effects of prestressing, (4) the effects of cause of the large number of objectives
varying mean and alternating stress and the relatively few specimens avail-
levels, (5) the effects of load randomiza- able, a limited number of specimens were
tion, (6) the effects of ground-air-ground used to determine each of the objectives.
cycling, and (7) possible simplification of Because the first test of the wing demon-
test requirements. strated that the wing life was too low
for the intended service use, a number of
TEST SPECIMENS wing specimens were diverted from the
The 26 aircraft were disassembled into program and used to develop suitable
the major components: wing, horizontal reinforcements. The remaining 20 speci-
and vertical tail surfaces, aft fuselage, mens were then reinforced in the same
and nose and main landing gears. This manner before fatigue testing. Ten com-
paper reports the results of tests of the plete wing specimens were used for con-
first three assemblies. The tests of the stant-amplitude tests, eight wings were
nose and main landing gear assemblies used to investigate a given flight spec-
are currently under way. trum for random- and fixed-sequence
The wing is of all-metal, full-canti- loading, and two wings were used to
lever, stressed-skin construction inte- investigate the effects of ground-air-
grally attached to the center section of ground cycling. In addition to the 26
the fuselage. It is a three-spar, two-cell specimens originally available, 16 hori-
design with zero dihedral and a geometry zontal tail specimens were obtained.
based on a 45-deg sweep angle along the Twenty-four horizontal tail specimens
25 per cent chord line. The materials were used for constant-amplitude testing,
used in its construction were primarily twelve for fixed-sequence flight spectrum
7075-T6 aluminum alloy extrusion, sheet, loading, and six to determine the effect
and plate. The main spar carry-through of prestressing. All the vertical tail
fittings and the main spar splice fittings specimens were used for constant-ampli-
are machined 7075-T6 aluminum alloy tude testing; ten at a stress ratio R = 0,
forgings. The wingfold fittings are eight at i? = ^, and eight at R = — 1 .
machined SAE 4340 steel forgings heat
treated to 210,000 to 240,000 psi. TEST METHOD
The horizontal tail is an all-movable The loads were applied hydraulically
longitudinal control surface with a and distributed through whiffletrees
geometry based on a 45-deg sweep angle and tension pads to the skin to simulate
at the 25 per cent chord line. The the load distribution corresponding to

the critical design condition for each Wing specimens were used for con-
structure. Figure 1 shows the horizontal stant- and variable-amplitude tests. T h e
tail test setup, which is typical of the minimum load for both types of tests
wing and vertical tail test setups b u t less was established at 1 g (13.33 per cent
complicated. This type of setup is limit load) which is the normal, un-
typical for static and fatigue tests of air- accelerated flight load for this airplane.
craft structures. The maximum loads for the constant-
All tests were load-amplitude con- amplitude tests ranged from 40 to 120
trolled to simulate actual operating per cent limit load; 100 per cent limit
conditions. Load cycling was automati- load corresponds to 7.5 g for this air-
cally controlled by means of micro- plane. The static strength of the wing
switches installed on the dynamometers. as determined from the manufacturer's
Actuation of a switch controlled the static tests is 183 per cent limit load;


Upper Load, per cent Upper Load,

limit load^ I 11 111 IV V VI per cent VII
limit load"

130 1" 125 0.32«

U5 1» 115 0.8"*
100 "3/ 3 3 3 3 105 3
85 17 17 17 17 17 17 95 6
70 65 65 65 65 65 65 85 30
55 172 172 172 172 172 172 75 50
40 283 283 65 90
30 750 55 130
45 190
35 340

2 257 540 1007 537 257" 257« 840.12

" One cycle per lifetime applied as initial load.

' Lower load limit for all tests is 13.33 per cent limit load (1 g).
' Eight cycles applied during each 25 blocks.
"^ Four cycles applied during each 5 blocks.
' Exclusive of prestress.
•'' Numbers in tables are number of cycles at each load level per program block.

Operation of the hydraulic by-pass valve this value was used to convert the load
permitting the load to build up or fall limits from a limit load basis to an actual
off as required. The basic load control static strength basis. The maximum
and hydraulic systems were previously load-test spectra simulating 20-hr blocks
described (2). of flight loads are given in Table I ;
The load frequency was dependent spectra I and V I I were used for the
upon the magnitude of the structural wing tests. The fixed-sequence tests for
deflection for the load applied. For the spectra I and V I I were performed by
wing, the frequency varied from 3 cpm applying the lowest load in the block for
at limit load to 10 cpm at 40 per cent the required number of cycles and then
limit load. The horizontal tail load successively applying the next higher
frequency varied from 3 cpm at 150 per load levels for the required number of
cent limit load to 45 cpm at 40 per cent cycles. At the completion of each block,
limit load. Similar frequency ranges were the lowest load was then applied to start
used for the vertical tail tests. the succeeding block. The random-se-

quence tests for spectrum I were per- sec. The application of 20 landing-load
formed by using the same simulated cycles per block was arbitrarily assumed
20-hr block size as for the fixed-sequence to represent one landing per hr of flight.
tests, but the maximum loads within Similar constant-amplitude and fixed-

T A B L E II.- - R E S U L T S O F C O N S T A N T - A M P L I T U D E T E S T S O F H O R I Z O N T A L

Life After Crack'

Maximum Load^ Specimen Life to Failure, (logiV)
Number cycles (.V)
Cycles Per cent of
total life

33 249 nc
150 ( 8 5 . 2 ) . 34 158 nc
Median 204 1.58

31 553
125 ( 7 1 . 0 ) . 32 313
Median 433 1.77

1 2 252 6 0.27
2 1 382 4 0.29
9 1 371 9 0.66
100 ( 5 6 . 9 ) . 10 352 9 0.67
11 370 7 1.97
12 431 33 2.31
Median 1 376 0.66 1.66 090

5 4 077 5 0.12
6 3 316 170 5.12
80 ( 4 5 . 5 ) . 19 4 180 160 3.83
20 3 811 132 3.46
Median 3 944 146 3.64 1.26 045

3 11 546 194 1.68

4 9 569 299 3.12
60 ( 3 4 . 1 ) . 17 10 611 nil 10.48
18 8 566 769 8.97
Median 10 094 530 6.04 1.35 056

7 72 805 3189 4.38

8 36 195 89 0.25
13 113 973 6473 5.68
40 (22.7). 14 36 295 1185 3.27
15 40 134 1783 4.43
16 36 307 162 0.45
Median 38 220 1484 3.82 3.26 211

" I n per cent of design limit load. N u m b e r s in parentheses are m a x i m u m loads in per cent of static
' Visible crack.

each block were applied in a random sequence variable-amplitude tests were

fashion. For the ground-air-ground tests, performed using the horizontal tail
the same fixed-sequence flight loads of specimens, which demonstrated a static
spectrum I were applied; then 20 cycles strength of 176 per cent limit load in the
of a constant-amplitude landing load manufacturer's static test. The minimum
were applied to simulate landings with a load for all tests was arbitrarily set at
sinking speed of approximately 13 ft per 13.33 per cent limit load to obtain data

comparable to that from the wing tests. to 100 per cent limit load; the vertical
The maximum loads for the constant- tail static strength as indicated by the
amplitude tests ranged from 40 to 150 manufacturer's static tests is approxi-
per cent limit load. For the variable- mately 176 per cent limit load. Tests
amplitude tests, wing load spectra I to VI were performed for i? = 0, — 5, and —1
of Table I were used for convenience to with the direction of loading for i? = 0
permit direct comparison with the wing assumed as positive. The minimum loads
data based on the assumption that the were zero for R = Q, —50 per cent of the
tail surfaces can be considered as small maximum load for R = — | , and — 100
wings. This eliminated the complexity of per cent of the maximum (complete rever-


• P5ID Wing (from reference(3))

0 Wfng-Toble Hr
a Vertical Toil,R = 0 - T Q b l e I Z
"^ *^*^* a Horizontal T a i l - T a b l e U
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ > ^ 1 — ' R a n g * of T e s t D o t o

^^«sr^>^ B>>^ ^ ^

Horizontal T o l l L^V^^ ^ - P 5 I D Wing


.^V«rtical Tail


1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 - _.. 1 II mil 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 III

10 10' 10" 10^ I0~ 10°

Llf< To Failure , Cycles

FIG. 2.—Median Life to Failure, R ^ 0.

coping with the controversial problem of sal) for i? = — 1. The first two tests of the
what constitutes an acceptable horizontal vertical tail were performed with the
tail spectrum and permitted direct com- vertical tail installed on the fuselage to
parison of the fatigue characteristics of obtain data on the load distribution in
two different structures. The loads were the attachment fittings, since the attach-
applied in a low-high-low sequence that ment to the fuselage is statically indeter-
approximated a sinusoidal sequence minate. These data were used to con-
insofar as possible within the capabilities struct a support jig for the remainder of
of the loading system. the tests; the spring constant of the
Only the constant-amplitude tests of support jig closely matched the spring
the vertical tail were performed. For all constant of the fuselage in the vicinity
tests, the maximum load ranged from 40 of the attachment fittings.

^,e,. -i>»;-^

7«43 CVCLES 72805 CYCLES

FIG. 3.—Typical Crack Progression and Final Failure, Horizontal Tail Specimens.

T E S T RESULTS from 40 to 150 per cent design limit load;

this corresponds to loads between 22.7
Constant'Amplitude Tests: and 85.2 per cent of the actual static
Twenty-four horizontal tail specimens strength of the structure. The results of
were tested at maximum loads ranging these tests are summarized in Table II,
Life Remaining , Cycles
F I G . 4 . — M e d i a n Life Remaining After Visible Crack.


Maximum Load* Specimen Life to Failure, Location of A'max

Numbei* cycles (.Y) Failure'^ <• (log .V)
A in In

16L 619 A
120 ( 6 6 . 7 ) , 17L 900 A
Median 760 45

3R 409 B
4R 146 A
100 (55.6) , 5R 345 A
6R 534 A
Median 246 57 090

9L 656 B
80 ( 4 4 , 5 ) , lOL 826 A
Median 241 25

IIL 24 288 A
60 (33,3), 12L 29 558 C
Median 26 923 22

13R 152 007 D

40 (22,2). 14L 147 837 D
Median 149 922 1.03

° I n per cent ot design limit load. N u m b e r s in parentheses are m a x i m u m loads in per cent of
static s t r e n g t h .
' B o t h left (L) and right (R) h a n d sides of each specimen were tested simultaneously. L or R
n e x t t o specimen n u m b e r indicates which side failed.
•^ A = M a i n spar c a r r y - t h r o u g h fitting at wing station 33,25,
B = M a i n spar c a r r y - t h r o u g h fitting a t wing station 25,5,
C = M a i n spar carry-through fitting at wing statioti 3.0, and
D = M a i n spar lower flange at wing s t a t i o n 117,0.


and the life to failure is plotted in Fig. 2. Constant-amplitude tests of the wing
The failures, which occurred at the were also performed. The maximum
fuselage attachment, were almost iden- loads ranging from 40 to 120 per cent
tical (Fig. 3). Attempts were made to design limit load correspond to 22.2 and
detect initial cracking, but the crack 66.7 per cent of the wing static strength.
could not be found before it extended aft Results are summarized in Table I I I
of the leading edge skin as shown in Fig. and plotted in Fig. 2. The failures ob-
3, upper left. The cracking was usually tained were not all identical as indicated
accompanied by a loud noise during the in Table I I I ; all failures occurred in the

FIG. 5.—Main Spar Carry-Through Fitting Failure at Wing Station 33.25.

cycle immediately preceding crack detec- wing-fuselage attachment except for the
tion. Data on the life remaining after two at wing station 117.0. Ten of the
crack detection are included in Table I I ; twelve failures occurred in the main spat
this life is plotted against maximum load carry-through fitting; seven of these ten
in Fig. 4. Table I I also includes data failures occurred at the same location
indicating the scatter in lifetime for (Fig. 5). Crack detection prior to failure
identical specimens tested under identi- was considerably more difficult during
cal conditions. Scatter is represented as the wing tests than during the horizontal
follows: in all cases the ratio of maximunT tail tests, and the data obtained were not
to minimum life is shown; and where consistent. About halfway through this
sufficient data are available, the standard test program, an eddy-current crack de-
deviation of the log-life was computed. tector was used to provide a consistent


Life After Crack''

Specimen Life to
R Maximum Load" Number Failure, Rear Spar Skin
cycles (N)
Cycles Per cent N Cycles Per cent N

3 5 892 42 0.71 42 0.71

100 (56.9) 1 4 2 863 7 0.24 nc 0.00
Median 4 378 24 0.48 21 0.36 2.05

9 12 731 205 1.61 471 3.70

80 (45.5) 1 10 8 877 810 9.13 409 4.60
I Median 10 804 508 5.37 440 4.15 1.43
5 25 456 5 456 21.4 4 456 17.5
60(34.1) j 6 35 716 3 117 8.7 12 911 36.2
Median 30 586 4 286 15.0 8 684 26.9 1.40

7 110 940 9 940 8.96 33 940 30.6

40 (22.7) ] 8 193 494 11 7 7 3 5.56 63 136 32.6
i Median 152 217 10 856 7.26 48 538 31.6 1.74

11 1 387 116 8.36 116 8.36

100 •! 12 976 27 2.77 27 2.77
i Median 1 182 72 5.56 72 5.56 1.42

13 8 509 1 009 11.86 1 009 11.86

14 17 800 1 950 10.96 1 712 9.62
80 1 Median 13 154 1 479 11.41 1 360 10.74 2.09
15 79 160 12 161 15.36 1 660 2.10
16 30 000 8 075 26.92 8 075 26.92
60 j Median 54 580 10 118 21.14 4 867 14.51 2.64

17 116 427 7 427 6.38 28 427 24.42

18 103 218 7 381 7.15 47 618 46.13
40 Median 109 822 7 404 6.76 38 022 35.28 1.13

19 659 22 3.34 0 0.00

100 1 20 764 74 9.69 14 1.83
Median 712 48 6.52 7 0.92 1.16

21 1 377 729 52.94 480 34.86

80 -1 22 1 901 65 3.42 65 3.42
I Median 1 639 397 28.18 272 19.14 1.38
23 12 120 732 6.04 121 1.00
60 1 24 8 993 322 3.58 1 429 15.89
Median 10 556 527 4.81 775 8.44 1.35

25 43 618 7 202 16.51 6 818 15.63

40 1 26 46 427 3 021 6.51 2 427 5.23
Median 45 022 5 111 11.51 4 622 10.43 1.06

" In per cent of design limit load. Numbers in parentheses are maximum loads in per cent static
* Visible crack.

crack detection method. The area in- detector was used, cracking was indicated
spected was the inside of the two holes prior to 50 per cent of the specimen life;
through which the most frequent failures however, the crack was not visible for a
occurred. Whenever the eddy-current considerable period of time after this.

The vertical tail specimens were the fuselage attachment fitting (Fig. 7).
divided into three groups: R = 0, —5, Prior to failure, initial cracks were de-
and — 1 . Two specimens of each group tected during most of the tests in the
were tested for each jnaximum load, tension flange of the rear spar at the
which ranged between 40 and 100 per upper end of the attachment fitting and
cent design limit load and corresponded in the skin in the same vicinity. The life
to 22.7 to 56.9 per cent of the actual remaining after cracking is included in
static strength. Test results are sum- Table IV, and these data ior R = 0 are

Life To Failure , Cycles

l"'iG. 6.—Median Life to Failure, Vertical Tail.

marized in Table IV^ and plotted in Fig. plotted in Fig. 4 for comparison with the
6; the life lor R = 0 is also shown in Fig. wing and horizontal tail data.
2 for comparison with the horizontal tail
Variable-Amplitude Tests:
and wing data. In Fig. 6, scatter bands
are indicated for the R = Q and R = —1 An extensive investigation of the
results. It was impossible to draw a horizontal tail was performed for the
logical band ior R = —^ because of the basic and five variations of the basic
great amount of scatter. This scatter was fixed-sequence spectrum. Eighteen speci-
caused by diifiiculty in maintaining the mens were tested, three for each spec-
proper spring constant in the support jig trum, and the results are summarized in
for the 2? = — I group of tests. All failures Table V. All the failures were similar to
were similar and occurred at the upper the failures obtained during the con-
end of the attachment of the rear spar to stant-amplitude tests. Only visual de-

tection of cracks was attempted. Al- to minimum lives for each group and as
though all the constant-amplitude tests the standard deviation of the log-life.
of the tail for maximum loads up to 100 The test results for spectra I, II, and
per cent limit load exhibited visible III seem to overlap sufficiently that
cracking prior to failure, only eleven of there appears to be no significant eiiFect



Life to Failure Life After Crack'' _

Spec- Sequence'' Specimen <r (log V ^ » 1 ^^e
trum" Number N) LF A'S(
Blocks'^ Cycles CV) Cycles Per cent

[ 23 89 22 682 no 0.00 2.79 0.714

24 . 151 38 629 336 0.87 4.73 1.216
Lo-Hi-Lo.. 1 25 133 33 992 4 437 13.03 4.17 1.070

I I Average 124 31 101 1 591 4.63 1.70 0.121 3.90 1.000

„. f [ 21
Lo-Hi-Lo.. 1 26 125 67 309 539 0.80 4.77 1.021
Average 170 91 429 359 0.46 1.68 0.114 6.48 1.387
i [
[ f 27 107 107 560 27 229 25.3 3.92 0.867
28 75" 74 536" 27 561 37.8 2.75 0.601
Lo-Hi-Lo.. 1
"•- 35 109 109 572 nc 0 3.99 0.883
[ I Average 97 97 223 18 260 21.0 1.47 0.095 3.55 0.784

[ 40
Lo-Hi-Lo I
42 66 35 256 537 1.52 2.38 0.788
- \ [ Average 82 43 849 179 0.51 1.44 0.081 2.96 0.980
29 124 31 680 nc 0.0 3.97 0.825
6 5 . 3 per cent
30 144 37 020 nc 0.0 4.61 0.964
v.,J Prestress <
36 157 40 160 10 090 25.1 5.02 1.046
Lo-Hi-Lo .
Average 142 36 287 3 363 8.37 1,27 0.052 4.53 0.945
t 37 215 55 019 15 954 29.0 6.89 1.273
7 3 . 8 per cent
38 253 64 833 nc 0.0 8.10 1.500
VI...I Prestress <
39 267 68 430 3 428 5.0 8.55 1.584
Lo-Hi-Lo .
Average 245 62 761 6 461 11.3 1.24 0.049 7.85 1.452

" See T a b l e I .
'' For spectra I, V, a n d V I ; 70, 100 85, 55 per cent limit load
F o r spectra I I : 40, 70, 100, 85, 55 per cent limit load
F o r s p e c t r u m I I I : 30, 70, 100, 85, 55 per cent limit load
F o r s p e c t r u m I V : 40, 70, 85, 55 per cent limit load
' Twent.y-hour p r o g r a m blocks.
'' Visible crack.

the eighteen specimens tested for flight- of including loads below 31.3 per cent of
loads spectra cracked prior to failure. the static strength. The tests for spec-
For four of these eleven speciinens, the trum IV, which is identical to spectrum
life remaining after crack detection was II except for the omission of the three
less than 1 per cent of the total specimen cycles per block at 100 per cent limit
life. Here again, the scatter in life is load, showed a significant reduction in
presented both as the ratio of maximum life resulting from the omission of these

three cycles per block. This is contrary to used. Two specimens were tested for
the effect predicted by the Miner-Palm- spectrum VII, which is the positive load
gren cumulative damage hypothesis. The portion of the fighter spectrum specified
tests for spectra V and VI indicated that in the latest design specification, MIL-
prestressing can have a beneficial effect, A-8866, to determine experimentally the
provided the prestressing is sufficiently relative severity of the new and old
high. flight spectra and to obtain an approxi-


Life to Failure
Specimen Type A^max a (log A'Se
Spectrum'* Sequence'' Number" of
Cycles Failure* A min A) A|7

7L 203 52 170 A 3.35 1.097

Lo-Hi 1 8L 157 40 348 A 2.57 0.849
- ! 18L 150 38 549 C 2.48 0.811
Average 170 43 689 1.35 0.071 2.80 0.919

19L 179 45 963 E 2.95 0.967

Random J 20R 200 51 299 A 3.30 1.079
- ( 21R 174 44 765 E 2.87 0.941
Average 184 47 342 1.15 0.031 3.04 0.996
24R 98 82 332 A 3.00 0.829
VII Lo-Hi 1 25R 92 77 291 A 2.81 0.779
Average 95 79 812 1.06 2.90 0.804

22L 146 37 575 A 2.41 0.790

G-A-GJ' 23L 227 58 338 F 3.74 1.226
Average 187 47 956 1.55 3.08 1.008

" See Table I.

' For Lo-Hi sequence, all the loads at the lowest load level were applied first, then the next higher
level, etc. For the random sequence the loads were applied in random order within each block. For
the ground-air-ground spectrum, the flight loads corresponding to spectrum I were applied (Lo-Hi)
then twenty applications of the landing loads.
' Both left (L) and right (R) hand sides of each specimen were tested simultaneously. L or R
next to specimen number indicates which side failed.
'' Twenty-hour program blocks.
« A = Main spar carry-through fitting at wing station 33.25,
C = Main spar carry-through fitting at wing station 3.0,
E = Main spar splice fitting at wing station 55.38, and
F = Main spar lower flange at wing station 103.0.
^ Spectrum I then 20 cycles of landing load.

The results of the wing tests for mate correlation factor between the two
variable-amplitude loading are sum- spectra for a given structure. The test
marized in Table VI. The first six speci- results indicate that spectrum VII is
mens were tested for the same spectrum; almost twice as severe as spectrum I.
three specimens were tested for a fixed The last two wing specimens were used
sequence of loading and the other three for an investigation of the effects of
specimens were tested for a random ground - air - ground cycling. A 20-hr
sequence of loads within each block. The flight load spectrum, spectrum I, was
results show no significant difference applied. At the completion of each block
between random and fixed sequence of flight loads, 20 cycles of a constant-
loading for the 20-hr program block amplitude landing load, approximately

80 per cent of the design limit landing bending moment for the flight load
load, were applied. This test sequence condition and of the same sign. Here,
was continued to failure. The results again, the data on cracking prior to
indicated no significant effect of super- failure were inconsistent. The eddy-
position of the landing loads on the current crack detection method indi-

FiG. 7.—Typical Failure of Vertical Tail Rear Spar.

flight load spectrum. This was to be cated the presence of microscopic crack
expected as a result of the landing gear prior to 50 per cent of the life. The
location and the magnitude of the wing failures again were not all in the same
bending moments in the critical region. location; however, six of the ten failures
The wing bending moment for the land- occurred in the same location as the
ing condition was equivalent to approxi- majority of the constant-amplitude test
mately 50 per cent of the limit load wing failures.

Appearance of Failures: simultaneously and occurred on both

sides of the holes, resulting in four crack
All tests were carried to complete origins. Evidence of fretting in the bolt
structural failure. Subsequent to failure, holes was present for all wing tests. The
the fracture surfaces were examined vertical tail specimens developed cracks
under low magnification (up to lOX), but emanating from the two upper attach-
not microscopically because the surface ment bolt holes in the rear spar as shown
at the fracture origin was usually in Fig. 7; either one of these cracks
damaged by repeated loading subsequent propagated to cause failure. Fretting was
to crack nucleation or by the sudden evident in the bolt holes, and the cracks
release of energy at failure. emanated from both sides of each hole.


© Limiting Line
® A u s t r d l i a n Wing T e s t s ) Reference ( 4 )
N L L Tests of Joints

„ 0.20




lO"* 10=
Median Life >o Failure , Cycles

FIG. 8.—Standard Deviation of Log N for Constant and Variable-Amplitude Fatigue Tests.

All failures originated at bolt holes DISCUSSION OF RESULTS

located in the region of maximum nomi-
nal stress. In the horizontal tail tests, the Life Scatter:
crack that subsequently propagated to Figure 2 shows the median load-life
failure started at one of the countersunk curves for the three types of structures
screw holes shown in Fig. 3 attaching tested; the horizontal lines indicate the
the skin to the front spar; the crack range of test data. For comparison, the
originated at any one of the screw holes. load-life curve for P-51D wings obtained
No evidence of fretting prior to failure by Johnstone and Payne (3) is also shown.
was apparent because of the countersink In the tabulated results, all the test data
depth. In the wing tests, cracking started are included to show the ratio of the
at both inboard bolt holes (see Fig. 5) maximum to minimum lives for each

group tested. These ratios range from and the regression line is superposed on
1.06 to a maximum of 3.26; the mean the three regression lines shown by
ratio is 1.52 and the standard deviation Freudenthal (4). The regression hne for
is 0.52. These ratios are based on a the Aeronautical Structures Laboratory
limited number of observations for each (ASL) tests, which is based on both
group; one group consisted of only two constant- and variable-amplitude test
specimens and only two groups con- data, falls between the line for the
sisted of as many as six specimens. The Australian wing tests and the regression
results of the spectrum load tests fall line for the riveted joint tests. It is
within the same range of maximum to believed that the line for the Aus-





^ 200

100 —t

70 75 80 85
Prestress in Per Cent of Stotic Strength

FIG. 9.—Effect of Prestressing.

minimum life ratio as the constant- tralian wing tests might represent a
amplitude test data and are included in fair estimate of the standard devi-
the determination of the mean and ation for new design purposes. Quality
standard deviation for this ratio. control can seriously affect the mag-
A better estimate of the scatter can be nitude of the standard deviation for a
obtained from the standard deviation of given population of specimens; therefore,
the log-life, which was estiniated only for if the quahty control is exceptionally
groups containing three or more speci- good, the standard deviation will ap-
mens. These values are also included in proach the line for the riveted joint
Tables I I to VI. The values of the laboratory specimens. If quality control
standard deviation are plotted against is poor, then the standard deviation will
the median life for each group in Fig. 8, probably approach the limiting line.

One of the test points falls considerably to cycling for the load spectrum. The
above the limiting line. The results from results (Fig. 9) show that the lower value
the constant-amplitude test of a single of the prestress had no significant bene-
specimen (horizontal tail specimen 13) ficial effect whereas the high prestress
far exceeded the lives of the other five approximately doubled the life. For
specimens tested in that group. If the comparison purposes the curves showing
data from specimen 13 are omitted, then the beneficial effects of prestressing ob-
the standard deviation could be reduced tained by Payne et al (5) are also shown.

• Wins
O Horizontal Toil
A Wing- Reference (I)

I I I I I 11
I0-' 10^ 10° 10
Life Estimated By Linear Rule , Cycles

I'lG. 10.—Comparison of Actual Life and Life Estimated by the Linear Rule.

from a value of 0.21 to 0.13 for the group All the curves indicate a beneficial effect
of specimens tested at 40 per cent limit resulting from prestressing, but the
load. magnitude of this beneficial effect ap-
pears to be as much a function of the
Effects of Prestressing: loading subsequent to prestressing as it
Six horizontal tail specimens were is of the magnitude of the prestress itself.
tested for a fixed-sequence load spectrum From the curves it is seen that pre-
(spectrum I) after application of a single stressing between 71 and 86 per cent of
prestress. Three specimens were pre- the static strength will be required to
stressed to 65.3 per cent of the static double the life of the structure, and each
strength and three were prestressed to curve is applicable to a single loading
73.8 per cent of the static strength prior condition only. For the multiplicity of

loading conditions required for the de- were analyzed by this method and the
sign of an airframe, the airframe should summation of the damage ratios are
be prestressed for a number of different shown. These ratios range from 2.38 to
loading conditions to obtain over-all 8.20 based on actual failure of the struc-
beneficial effects. This is economically tures tested. Figure 10 shows the actual
impractical. Furthermore, prestressing life to failure plotted against the life ex-
that would introduce a residual stress pectancy estimated by this method. A line
with a resultant beneficial effect in one was drawn through the lowest test points
part for one loading condition could to represent the minimum "safe" life for
introduce a residual stress in another full-scale structures for i? > 0. Many
part that would have a deleterious effect. investigators have suggested that the
Therefore, prestressing should not be summation of the damage ratios should
used as a means of increasing fatigue life be a value X instead of unity; however,
of a complicated structure. this plot indicates that the summation
of the damage ratios may be a linearly
Cumulative Damage: increasing function of the log-life rather
In recent years a considerable number than a constant. Freudenthal (6) shows
of hypotheses have been proposed for similar plots for rotating-beam specimens
estimating the fatigue life of aircraft tested for randomly applied variable-
structural components subjected to re- amplitude loads; however, these data
peated loads of varying amplitudes. One plot below the line representing the life
of the primary objectives of the ASL expectancy determined by the linear
fatigue investigations has been to rule. Comparison of the data presented
evaluate the applicability of these cumu- here and by Freudenthal indicates that
lative damage hypotheses to full-scale the summation of the damage ratios
structures. All the proposed hypotheses might possibly be a function of the
except four were eliminated from con- minimum to maximum load ratio and of
sideration because: (1) the physical the total life. Furthermore, from an
mechanism was not clearly defined so analysis of the data in Table V, it can be
that the relation did not contain con- shown that this hypothesis does not
cepts readily identifiable with usable always indicate the direction of life
design concepts, (2) an excessive amount expectancy change when the loading
of experimental data are required for spectrum is altered. Thus, the Miner-
practical engineering application, or (3) Palmgren hypothesis will not produce
mathematical calculations are cumber- valid life estimates for the high-stress,
some. Three of these hypotheses are low-life end of the S-N curve.
discussed here; the fourth, which is based
upon residual stresses introduced by the Tangent-Intercept Method:
high loads in the spectrum, is discussed The tangent-intercept method pro-
in a paper by C. R. Smith (U). posed by Schleicher (7) and Bland and
Sandorf fl3) defines the life for variable-
Miner-Palmgren Method: amplitude loading conditions as the
Although its validity has often been number of cycles under which the cumu-
questioned, the Miner-Palmgren or lative load-frequency curve for a given
linear rule method for estimating the time interval can be translated to the
effects of cumulative damage is still point of tangency with the constant-
widely used because of its simplicity. amplitude load-life curve. This method
The data presented in Tables V and VI predicts life expectancy with a smaller

error than the linear rule; however, the at the highest stress. Si, in the
results are still inadequate. One draw- stress spectrum
back of this method is its relative in-
sensitivity to changes in the load spec- .(2)
trum. The cumulative load-frequency - - ( ! ) '
curves for spectra I and I I and the mean where:
load-life curve for the horizontal tail Si = maximum stress applied by the
specimens are tangent in the range be- stress spectrum.
tween 40 and 70 per cent limit load. Si = stress at any level in the spectrum
Variations of the loads above and below below 5 i , and
this range, as in spectra I I I and IV, had
d = experimentally determined con-
no effect on the region of tangency or on
the life prediction even though the actual
The proportion of cycles applied at any
test results demonstrated significant
stress. Si, is given by the relation
variations in life.
Corlen-Dolan Method: N'
One of the most recent cumulative
damage hypotheses was proposed bj'
fti = number of cycles applied at Si
Corten and Dolan (8) and Liu and Corten
during one program block, and
(9). This method takes stress history into
N = l^tii = total number of cycles per
account in terms of the number of
program block.
damage nuclei initiated by the highest
The basic equation for the estimated
applied stress and in the propagation of
fatigue life, Ng, now becomes
damage by all subsequent stress cycles.
For these investigations the method re- Ni
N„ = (4)
quired a number of simplifications.
In the Corten-Dolan hypothesis for
estimating the fatigue life of a part
s (^) (sr
below the proportional Hmit, where Pi is
subjected to cyclic loading for any load
spectrum, the fatigue damage was the highest load in the spectrum and Pi
visualized as a joining or accumulation of is proportional to 5 , . To distinguish
cracks and was treated in terms of the between experimental and calculated
number of damage nuclei formed and the values for Ng, the subscripts e and t are
rate of crack propagation. The basic used; thus the experimental life is ^„„
equation for the estimated life, .V„, is: and the calculated (theoretical) hfe is

A^i All quantities in this expression except

N„ = .(1)
Xi and d, are known for any load spec-
trum. The value for Ni is determined
from constant-amplitude fatigue tests of
where: the part in question. The exponent d
at = proportion of cycles applied at must be determined experimentally. For
any stress. Si, this investigation, the value of d was
i?;!'" = function of the rate of damage determined from the spectrum I test
propagation at stress. Si, and data as follows:
Ni = fatigue life in number of cycles 1. Ni/IVgi was plotted against d for

various assumed values of d using the tested at P i , nor does the estimated life,
values of »,•, N, Pi, and Pi from the -Y„, , reflect the distribution that would
horizontal tail data for spectrum I. be obtained if a large sample were tested
2. The average value of .Yi/.Y„^ was for the load spectrum. This introduces an
determined using the average values of error in the determination of the life
the lives (number of cycles) from Table V ratios since the predicted lives used for
and the mean value of -Yi at 100 per this determination were based on the
cent limit load (1500 cycles) from Fig. 2. mean life, Xi, and the test lives are at
3. Using this value of Xi/,Y„, , the unknown points within the distribution
value of d was determined from the for the load spectrum.
iVi/,Y.„, versus d curve for .A'i/.Y„^ = To estimate the possible magnitude of
.Vi/.V,,, . The value oi d = 8.25 for this error, the life ratios for four speci-
complete failure was determined by this mens were recalculated. The specimens
method. selected (Nos. 21, 22, 27, and 28 from
For analysis of the data, only the Table V) have life ratios more than one
ratio of experimental to theoretical life
was desired—not an estimate of the TABLE VII.—MAGNITUDE OF ERROR
theoretical life. This ratio is obtained IN LIFE RATIO OF HORIZONTAL TAIL
from reference (4) and becomes: SPECIMENS.
Life Ratios
(5) Specimen
Based on Based on 95 Per
Mean Life cent Coniidence
No. 21 1.718 1.408
(6) No. 22 1.423 1.167
No. 27 0.867 1.084
No, 28 0.601 0.751
Using the value oi d = 8.25, the ratio
of experimental to predicted life was
determined for each wing and horizontal Standard deviation above or below the
tail specimen tested using a load spec- average value of 1.036. For specimens 21
trum, and the results are included in and 22, the life ratios were recalculated
Tables V and VI. The extreme values of with the arbitrary assumption that the
this ratio are 0.601 and 1.718, the average load-life curve for these specimens corre-
value is 1.036, and the median is 0.992. sponds to the upper limit of the 95 per
The proximity of the median and average cent confidence interval for the mean,
values indicates that the data are sym- and the value for Y'l was obtained from
metrically distributed. Assuming a nor- this curve (10). The life ratios for speci-
mal distribution of these life ratios, the iTiens 27 and 28 were recalculated simi-
estimated standard deviation for the data larly, except that the lower limit of the
in Tables V and VI is 0.272. confidence interval was used. The origi-
Equations 4 and 5 are both functions nal and recalculated life ratios for these
of the mean life, .Yi, corresponding to four specimens are shown in Table VII.
the maximum load. Pi, of the spectrum. The recalculated values more nearly
The arithmetic value of iYi does not take approach unity than do the original
into account the life distribution that values, and the difference between the
would be obtained for a large sample values is a measure of the possible error

in Ng^ when the value of Ni is arbitrarily Fig. 4 for values of J? ^ 0. A similar

taken from the mean load-life curve. To curve is shown from the constant-ampli-
demonstrate further the effect of the tude wing test data; however, these
arithmetic value of A"i used in these cracks were initially detected in the
calculations, the life ratios were recal- microscopic stage by use of the eddy-
culated for all horizontal tail specimens current crack detector and were followed
where the original life ratio differed from through their growth until they were
unity by more than 10 per cent. For these visible. As a result, the cracks in the
recalculations the value of -Vi was taken wing were visible before they would
from the appropriate extremes of the 95 normally have been detected unaided,
per cent confidence interval (10); the and therefore the life remaining after
upper limit was used where the life ratio visible cracking is larger than for the
was more than 1.10, and the lower limit other specimens.
was used where the life ratio was less In general, the data on life remaining
than 0.90. The mean recalculated value after the initial detection of a visible
of the life ratio is 1.023, which is almost crack show a large degree of scatter
the same as the original value, and the ranging from no visible cracking prior to
standard deviation is reduced to 0.164 failure to visible cracking occurring
from an original value of 0.311. before 50 per cent of the total life has
Therefore, by judicious selection of the been used. Consequently, any conclu-
value of iVi used in the equation for iV^, , sions drawn from these data should be
valid estimates of the life for a load viewed in relation to the scatter. Further-
spectrum may be obtained. This suggests more, it should be apparent that detection
that a probability function should be of a visible crack in a major structural
used for Ni in Eq 4 in lieu of the arith- part of service aircraft is sufficient
metic values. The estimated life would reason for grounding the aircraft im-
then be a probability function and would mediately.
reflect the efifect of scatter. The above comments notwithstanding,
These results indicate that the Corten- it is possible to arrive at the following
Dolan cumulative damage hypothesis qualitative conclusions:
can produce valid estimates of the 1. Cracks propagate much more rap-
fatigue life of built-up structures for idly in thick-skin structures than in
load spectra with R > Q. Results of conventional structures using combina-
tests of box-beam specimens for load tions of thin sheet and stringers.
spectra including load reversals are 2. The per cent life remaining after
presented in a paper by Mordfin (12). initial visible cracking is greater for
variable-amplitude loading using a posi-
Crack Propagation: tive load spectrum than it is for constant-
No systematic determination of crack amplitude loading for i? ^ 0.
propagation rate was attempted; how- 3. Based upon constant-amplitude
ever, the data obtained on the life re- test data in Table IV only, it appears
maining subsequent to visible cracking that the per cent life remaining after
are included in Tables II, IV, and V. The initial visible cracking is greater for
median constant-amplitude lives sub- reversed loading than for tensio -tension
sequent to visible cracking are plotted in loading.
This program was the first step taken signers with full-scale data for use in
by the Navy to provide aircraft de- estimating the fatigue life of aircraft

structures. Although not enough speci- radically different structural configura-

mens were used to obtain statistically tion and to determine the characteristics
valid results for each of the investiga- of high-strength SAE 4340 steel struc-
tions in this program, it is believed that tures. Another current program will
sufficient data have been obtained to determine the fatigue characteristics of a
substantiate the following conclusions: large horizontal tail using 7075-T6
1. The scatter in fatigue life for full- aluminum alloy bonded honeycomb skin
scale structures is not as great as for panels; this program may also be ex-
simple, polished laboratory specimens. tended to include an investigation of a
2. Where only visual methods of in- complete flight load spectrum, including
spection are used, the life remaining load reversals. Additional work is under
subsequent to crack detection is much way using box-beam specimens in a
shorter for thick-skin structures than for statistically designed experiment to ob-
more conventional thin-skin and stringer tain statistically valid data comparable
structures. to the data reported here, to study the
3. The Corten-Dolan cumulative dam- effect of block size, and to obtain more
age hypothesis produces more valid information on random sequence load-
estimates of structural fatigue life for ing. Additional programs are being
tension-tension loading than other cur- planned to investigate the fatigue char-
rently used methods. acteristics of structures fabricated from
4. Prestressing a complicated struc- the newer materials used in high-per-
ture to increase its fatigue life is techni- formance aircraft.
cally and economically impractical. Perhaps the most important question
This test program has raised a number yet to be answered relates to thermal
of questions that should be answered by effects, which have been deliberately
current and future work. The data avoided in the foregoing attempts to
presented are for 7075-T6 aluminum obtain a clearer understanding of the
alloy conventional and thick-skin struc- structural fatigue problem at room tem-
tures with aerodynamic shapes. One perature. Consideration is now being
current program is to investigate the given to expansion of the box-beam
nose and main landing gear from these program to include thermal effects, but
same aircraft to obtain data for a planning is still in the preliminary stage.

(1) R. A. Carl and T. J. Wegeng, "Investi- nautical Systems Division, U. S. Air Force,
gations Concerning the Fatigue of Aircraft WADD Technical Report 61-53 (1961).
Structures," Proceedings, Am. Soc. Testing (5) A. 0 . Payne, D. G. Ford, et al, "Fatigue
Mats., Vol. 54, p. 903 (1954). Characteristics of a Riveted 24ST Alumi-
(2) J. Rudnick and R. Friedman, "Loading num Alloy Wing, Part V: Discussion of
Systems for Conducting FuIl-Scale Aircraft Results and Conclusions," Aeronautical
Fatigue Tests," U. S. Naval Air Material Research Laboratories, Report SM 268,
Center, Report No. NAMATCEN-ASL- Melbourne (1959).
1028 (1960). (6) A. M. Freudenthal and R. A. Heller, "On
(3) W. W. Johnstone and A. O. Payne, "Deter- Stress Interaction in Fatigue and a Cumu-
mination of the Fatigue Characteristics of lative Damage Rule, Part I: 2024 Alumi-
Mustang P-51D Wings," Aeronautical num and SAE 4340 Steel Alloys," Wright
Research Consultative Committee, Report Air Development Center, U. S. Air F"orce,
No. 30, Melbourne, June, 1953. WADD Technical Report 58-69, Part I
(4) A. M. Freudenthal, "Fatigue Sensitivity (1958).
and Reliability of Mechanical Systems, (7) R. L. Schleicher, "Practical Aspects of
Especially Aircraft Structures," Aero- Fatigue in Aircraft Structures," Fatigue

in Aircraft Structures, edited by A. M. Slab Horizontal Tail for a Typical Fighter

Freudenthal, Academic Press, New York. Airplane," U. S. Naval Air Material
N. Y., p. 376 (1956). Center, Report No. NAMATCRN-ASL-
(8) H. T. Corten and T. J. Dolan, "Cumu- 1023, Part I (1960).
lative Fatigue Damage," International (11) C. R. Smith, "Small Specimen Data for
Conference on Fatigue of Metals, Inst. Predicting Life of Full-Scale Structures,"
Mechanical Engrs. (London) and Am. Soc.
see p. 241.
Mechanical Engrs. (New York), Sept.
10-14, 1956. (12) L. Mordfin and N. Halsey, "Programme;!
(9) H. W. Liu and H. T. Corten, "Fatigue Maneuver-Spectrum Fatigue Tesis of Air-
Damage During Complex Stress Histories," craft Beam Specimens," see p. 251.
NASA TN D-256, Nat. Aeronautics and (13) Bland and Sandorf, "Control of Life Ex-
Space Administration (1959). ])ectancy in Airplane Structures," Aero-
(10) R. Swartz and M. S. Rosenfeld, "Constant- nautical lingineering Rdiew, Vol. 2, No. 8
Amplitude Fatigue Characteristics of a (1943).

M R . J. ScHijVE.'—The information on P.N„
program-fatigue tests is steadily increas- E-^T^Ci)'}-
• (b)

ing. Most data are on small specimens

and components. The author's results are A' is the fatigue life at P , .
related to maneuver spectra, short Put Hi = piXg = total number of
fatigue lives, and a complete structure. cycles in test applied at Pi (prime added
For these circumstances the available in view of author's meaning of w,) and
data are rather meager. So it is thought
a. ^
that the author's investigation really
fills a gap in present-day knowledge.
"' ^ [k vJ Ac)

I t would be interesting to have some i is a factor depending on cxi and ui only.

more information on a few minor aspects: Equation h thus reduces to
(1) Did all specimens fail at the highest
load level? (2) Did the cracks start from E id)
bolt holes, from rivet holes, or from an-
other type of notch? (3) Could any typi- This is the form of the equation as
cal fatigue characteristic be observed on published by Freudenthal.^ Freudenthal
the fracture surface? (4) How was the calls oji a stress interaction factor, which,
eddy-current crack-detection method ap- according to Eq c is a most appropriate
plied, and which apparatus was used? name. With
It may be interesting to evaluate a ht-
tle further the analytical relation of the Ni = Ni/ui .(e)
Corten-Dolan theory. equation d becomes
The quantity a,- is in fact the probabil-
ity pi of application of the load level Pi
in the test. Now Eq 1 of the paper can be
rewritten, employing also Eq 2:
This equation implies that the Palmgren-

N^ ZP,
fer= 1, .(a)
Miner rule is applied, employing, how-
ever, a modified Wohler curve, namely,
xYv instead of Ni.
or ^ International Conference on Fatigue of
^ National Aero- and Astronautical Research ^Metals, Inst. Mechanical Engrs., London.
Inst., Amsterdam, Holland. Sept., 1956, p. 262.

It may be remarked that the physical wing tests with the bolt-hole probes sup-
model of the Corten-Dolan theory does plied with the ED-500. Once the location
not allow a favorable interaction, that is, of the crack origin was known, all subse-
CO J < 1, because the number of damage quent specimens were examined by this
nuclei m-i at the maximum load P] will be device. Location of the failures is shown
larger than the number nii created by on Fig. 5 of the paper. The two counter-
the lower level Pi. In accordance with sunk-head bolts at the failure location
reference (8) of the author's paper one were removed periodically and the in-
may write sides of the holes were inspected using the
bolt-hole probe. Meter readings obtained
were plotted against cycles, and curves
> 1, since nii > Wj
similar to crack propagation curves were
obtained. Cracks became visible at ap-
It is encouraging to see that the author proximately 50 per cent of the meter full-
could show that the analytical relation of scale deflection.
the Corten-Dolan theory can be made MR. R. L . BENEDICTO.^—My question
compatible with favorable interaction ef- refers to the effect of the lowest load level
fects. This proves the relation to be more in the spectrum on the lives of the hori-
flexible than the Palmgren-Miner rule, zontal tail specimens and the beam speci-
which is obviously due to the additional mens. Table V of Mr. Rosenfeld's paper
parameter, d. shows an increase in life from spectrum
The similarity of the analytical rela- I to II and a decrease from spectra I or
tions of Freudenthal, and Corten and II to III. Mr. Mordfin's paper^ shows a
Dolan was previously indicated by me.' large decrease in life from spectrum I to
MR. M . S. ROSENFELD (author) .—The II. The spectra in both papers are the
following are answers to Mr. Schijve's same, defined in terms of per cent limit
direct questions: load. Would the author care to comment
1. All specimens subjected to variable- on this apparent discrepancy?
amplitude loads failed at the highest load MR. ROSENFELD.—The data from the
in the spectrum. horizontal-tail tests for spectra I, II, and
2. As discussed in the paper, all fail- III show a considerable overlap and fall
ures originated at bolt holes. within the scatter normally found in full-
3. Visual examination of the fracture scale tests of structures. Consequently,
surfaces immediately after failure re- it was concluded that loads below 55 per
vealed typical clamshell marks surround- cent limit load (approximately 31 per
ing the crack nucleation point. This cent of the actual static strength) had
nucleus always occurred at the juncture a negligible effect on the fatigue damage
of the outermost surface of the part and for this spectrum.
hole surface. Evidences of fretting prior This statement appears to conflict with
to failure were detected as discussed in the results of box-beam tests presented
the paper. by Mordfin and Halsey. However, no
4. The eddy-current detectors used conflict actually exists. The apparent
were the Magnatest ED-500 and an ex- conflict is caused by the difference in the
perimental modification of this unit that definition of limit load. For the hori-
was limited to use with aluminum alloys. zontal-tail tests, 100 per cent limit load
Both devices were used only during the
' International Conference on Fatigue of •' Senior Structures Engineer, Republic
Metals, Inst. Mechanical Engrs., London, Aviation Corp., Farmingdale, L. I., N. Y.
Sept., 1956, p. 755. ' S e e p . 251.

is the design limit load for the structure Mordfin and Halsey concluded that
and corresponds to 57 per cent of the truncation of the spectrum by elimina-
actual static strength. For the box-beam tion of loads above 40 per cent limit load
tests, 100 per cent limit load was ar- (approximately 27 per cent of the actual
bitrarily estabhshed as f of the actual static strength) produced unconservative
static strength. If the spectra are ex- results. This is in approximate agreement
pressed in terms of the static strength, it with the horizontal-tail results from
is evident that the spectra for the hori- which it was concluded that loads below
zontal tail and for the box beam are not 31 per cent of the actual static strength
the same. produced negligible damage.
STP338-EB/Sep. 1963




This paper presents a method for predicting the fatigue life of a full-scale
structure for any combination of loading provided that a single datum point
representing the life of the structure for 104 or fewer cycles is known. The only
additional information required is stress-strain and S-N data for smooth
axially loaded coupons. An illustrative example of the use of this method is the
prediction of lives for tail structures yet to be tested at the Navy Aeronautical
Structures Laboratory, Philadelphia, Pa.

Any method for predicting fatigue life Thus, in trying to translate informa-
of a structure for spectrum-type loading tion from one loading spectrum to an-
should consider the position of the de- other, the designer does not know which
signer. In the early stages of design he is parts of the spectra are applicable, and
fortunate if he has some idea of load mag- therefore would be in a better position if
nitude, let along appropriate stresses and he had a single datum point that could
stress concentrations. Usually the de- be used for any load spectrum.
signer must estimate concentrations from This paper presents a method whereby
configurations that are never quite like the results of a constant-amplitude test
the one chosen in design. on a structure can be used to predict the
Accordingly it is common practice to life of that structure for any load spec-
build up a structural component in early trum. This method for predicting the life
stages of design and subject it to fatigue of structures is dependent upon the fol-
or static tests or both. Also, it is common lowing qualifications: (1) that the datum
for the loads used in final design to be point represents a life of less than 104
substantially different from those used in cycles, and (2) data for smooth axially
preliminary tests. If the structure had loaded coupons of the material are avail-
been subjected to fatigue tests involving able.
spectrum loading, the problem of then
applying the data to the succeeding de- MATERIAL PROPERTIES
sign becomes virtually impossible. This For the purpose of this discussion, ma-
stems from the fact that the highest load terial properties will be those exhibited
in the spectrum changes the life of the by the simple stress-strain curve and
structure for all subsequent lower loads, families of S-N curves for smoothly axi-
and the designer does not know the rela- ally loaded coupons. Material properties
tive amounts of damage contributed by illustrated here will be of 7075-T6 alu-
each load level in the spectrum. minum alloy.
General Dynamics/Convair, Fatigue Lab-
Figure 1 is a stress-strain curve for
oratory, San Diego, Calif. 7075-T6 aluminum alloy. Note that the
Copyright^ 1963 by ASTM International

slope of the curve above the yield most pertinent in this theory are pre-
strength is approximately 1000 psi per 1 sented below:
per cent strain. 1. Fatigue failure of a structure will al-
Four S-N curves are shown in Fig. 2 for ways occur at a stress concentration. This
four values of stress ratio, R. Note that assumption should be almost axiomatic;
the yield strength for this material equals in fact, if airplane structures were de-
the stress at about 10^ cycles for J? = 0 signed without concentrations there

8 3 . 0 ULTIMATE

70 <kp^
•a. 60
UJ 50


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

FIG. 1.—Stress-Strain Curve for 7075-T6 Sheet.

80 1 II

- L- V



10^ lO- 10" 10" 10
FIG. 2.— 5-A" Curves for 7075-T6 Sheet.

and that at 10' cycles the stress for i? = 0 would be no need for preparing this
is approximately 7000 psi higher than for paper.
10^ cycles. According to the stress-strain 2. Strain at a concentration will be pro-
curve shown in Fig. 1, this would amount portional to load, even though localized
to about 7 per cent elongation. yielding occurs. This assumption is based
on the premise that locally yielded ma-
THEORY terial is adjacent to unyielded material
Any theory will of necessity employ a and is therefore constrained to deform at
certain number of assumptions; the four the same rate as the unyielded material.

FIG. 3.—Photoelastic Model of Strain at Edge of Hole.

FIG. 4.—Model After Removal of Load.


This has some experimental verification residual compressive stress at the concen-
within nominal limits. tration after load is removed, provided that
Accordingly, repeated loading (R = 0) the adjacent material is still unyielded.
that causes failure of a structure at 10^ This can be more easily visualized with
cycles is accompanied by a localized the aid of a photoelastic model. Figure 3,
strain cycle of less than 1 per cent, as for example, shows a piece of polyethyl-
shown in Figs. 1 and 2. In order to realize ene plastic film loaded in tension. The








2 3 4 5
i, R = 0, descending spectrum.
2, R = 0.5, descending spectrum.
3, fi = 0, ascending spectrum.
^, B = 0, ascending spectrum (40,000 psi load deleted).
5, iJ = 0, ascending spectrum (40,000 and 34,000 psi loads deleted).
FIG. S.—Results of Spectrum Tests on 7075-T6 Lugs, (Lugs Were Loaded with |-In.-Diameter
Tapered Bolts.).
NOTE.—Data for this figure were acquired under Air Force Contract AF-33(616)-8228, "Research
on Linear Strain Theory of Fatigue Life Prediction."

2 per cent strain, which according to the dark fringe area is plastically deformed
stress-strain curve would increase the and will be forced into compression (or
stress 2(X)0 psi, a load twice the magni- buckling) after load is removed. Being
tude of that causing failure at W cycles extremely thin, it chose the latter
would be required. A load of that magni- (Fig._4).
tude would usually cause the structure to With the exception of thin shear panels
fail and is beyond the scope of the present having lightening holes, buckling in a
paper. fabricated structure cannot occur. There-
3. Localized yielding will result in a fore, the locally yielded material will

have to go into compression, since there The previous assumptions supply the
is no other place to go. tools for estimating the behavior of a
4. Fatigue damage will be accumulated full-scale structure provided that a
at a linear rate with reference to stresses^ datum point for i? = 0 and a fatigue life
causing failure at constant amplitude. This of less than 10^ cycles were given. This is
means that the damage rate would be best shown by the tests discussed in the
linear if estimated in terms of life after a following paragraphs.
single application of the highest load to
be used in the loading spectrum. FULL-SCALE STRUCTURES
Figure 5 shows the estimated versus
actual lives of lug-type specimens sub- Constant A mplitude Tests:
jected to spectrum-type loading. Speci- In the first of a number of tests cur-
mens were made of 0.1-in.-thick 7075-T6 rently being conducted at the Aero-
sheet. Dimensions afforded a theoretical nautical Structures Laboratory, Naval
stress concentration factor of 3.6 in terms Air Material Center, Philadelphia, Pa.,
of average stress through the net area. one aircraft vertical stabilizer failed after
Loading pins were f-in.-diam taper bolts 1474 cycles of limit loading at i? = 0.^
Since this fin was tested at a load ratio of
U S E D I N T E S T S O N 7075-T6 L U G S .
zero (minimum to maximum load = 0),
it is an especially suitable example for the
Maximum Stress
(Nominal Net), psi Cycles per Sequence purposes of this paper. While the method
described here lends itself to any positive
40 000 3 load ratio, the description for a load ratio
34 000 17 of zero is easier to follow. Also, fatigue
28 000 65 life estimates made in this particular test
22 000 172
16 000 283 are predictions in the true sense of the
in order to simulate swelling of rivets in a In the S-N curves in Fig. 2, note that
riveted structure. Except for the two ior R = 0 and a lifetime of 1474 cycles
cases with interference' (shown in Fig. 5), the stress for a smooth specimen would
the structure lives estimated from the have to be about 80,000 psi, which is sub-
S-N curves, developed after a single stantially above the yield strength for
40,000-psi preload, were very close to the material and could not be obtained
experimental values. Bars indicate av- without elongating the material 5 per
erages of four or more tests in each case. cent or more. The material used for de-
Table I indicates the test spectrum used veloping the S-N curves had a yield
in Fig. 5. strength (0.2 per cent offset) of 74,000
^ T h i s differs from t h e Miner (1) relationship
only in t h e respect t h a t a c t u a l stress a t t h e con- Since the yielded material is con-
c e n t r a t i o n is considered instead of n o m i n a l strained and is deformed along with the
stress. T h u s , t h e influence of compressive
residual stresses resulting from t h e highest load unyielded material adjacent to the con-
in t h e load s p e c t r u m is considered in life evalua- centration, this theory states that the
tion. Other work b y t h e a u t h o r (2) h a s indicated stress at the concentration could not ap-
t h a t this is a reasonable assumption. L a t e r work
b y C o r t e n and D o l a n (3) introduces these effects preciably exceed the yield strength for
as exponential functions which can be obtained the material without yielding the entire
cross-section. Also, according to the tan-
' T h e t a p e r e d bolt was d r a w n u p sufficiently
t o increase t h e hole diameter 0.003 in. Provision
was made t o prevent t h e specimen from binding •* As of J u l y 1962, only one specimen had
in t h e test fixture. failed.

gent modulus for the material, 1 per cent strength' or 75,000 psi. This would indi-
strain would amount to less than 1000 cate that the actual stress cycle at the
psi in the plastically deformed material concentration was that conforming to a
at the concentration. stress ratio of —0.6, or a range from
How can it be known whether the en- + 75,000 to -45,000 psi. The total stress
tire cross-section was not yielded in the range of 120,000 psi can now be prorated
test that is used as an example? Again to estimate structure lives at other stress
referring to the S-N curves in Fig. 2, note levels.* To eliminate cumbersome data,
that the life for cycling at the yield the S-X curves in Fig, 2 are replotted
strength for i? = - 1 (±74,000 psi) is 500 (Fig. 6) in terms of effective yield
cycles. This represents strain cycling of strength of the material. This has the
from +0.8 to —0.8 per cent, or a total advantage of presenting numbers that
strain of 1.6 per cent. This amount of are easier to deal with, as well as making

100 II
u 80
- f (=0

Ki ;=o.
60 R = - 1' \
- o
5- R=-2
40 11 • |

10 10 10 10 10
P"iG. 6.—Dimensionless S-N Curves for 7075-T6 Sheet.

strain could be experienced in a structure the yield strength a dimensionless param-

having a stress concentration factor of 3 eter.
subjected to nominal stress cycling of Using the curves from Fig. 6, note that
from 0 to 53,000 psi, or only f of the the total stress range for limit loading
yield strength. would be 100 per cent — (—60 per cent),
It is not known whether the concentra- or 160 per cent of yield strength. For a
tion at the point of failure in the struc- load level amounting to 80 per cent of
ture was 3, but it would be safe to assume limit, the stress range would be 0.8 X
that it was not less than 3. Accordingly, ' H e r e a f t e r called "effective" yield s t r e n g t h .
it can be assumed that a structure having According t o t h e previous a s s u m p t i o n s , t h i s
a lifetime of between 500 cycles (life for would introduce a n error of less t h a n ± 1 0 0 0
psi in stress a t t h e c o n c e n t r a t i o n for lifetime
i? = — 1) and 10,000 cycles for loading at between ft = 0 a n d ft = 1.
-R = 0 experienced local yielding at the ^ T h e stress r a n g e c a n be directly p r o r a t e d
concentration, and that the gross sec- only if t h e bending effects are negligible. I n t h e
case of a lap joint, bending at low stress levels
tional area was still in the elastic range. will c o n t r i b u t e most of t h e stress, while a t high
Since the life of the test structure was levels m o s t of t h e bending effects will h a v e been
relieved b y local yielding. I t is assumed t h a t
1474 cycles, it is assumed that the maxi- bending effects for t h e t e s t cited here were
mum stress was 1000 psi above the yield negligible.

160 = 128 per cent. Since 128 per cent per sequence are tabulated in Table II.
is still above the yield for the material, From this, n/N per sequence = 0.0089,
the actual cycle will be from +100 per from which total predicted life =
cent to — 28 per cent, and the predicted 1/0.0089 = 112 sequences.
lifetime will be found at the 100 per cent The remaining three loading conditions
load level fori? = -0.28, or 4800 cycles. presented in reference (5) are:
For 60 per cent limit loading, the stress
range will be 0.6 X 160, or 96 per cent. Loading condition 2 = Same as 1, except
Being below the yield strength, structure for addition of 283 cycles of 40 per cent
life can now be determined directly from loading.
the R = 0 curves at 96 per cent, or 13,000 Loading condition 3 = Same as 2, except
cycles. Similarly, the structure life for 40 for replacing 40 per cent loading with
per cent loading is found to be 60,000 750 cycles of 30 per cent loading.
cycles. Loading condition 4 = Same as 2, except
for deletion of 100 per cent loads.
Spectrum Tests:
For predicting life under spectrum Under conditions 2 and 3, the predicted
loading, the problem will be different in life of the structure in the test example

Stress, per cent of yield

Load, per cent Number per A' n/N
Sequence R
of limit
Range Minimum Maximum

100 3 160 -60 100 -0.6 1 474 0.0020

85 17 136 -60 76 -0.79 9 000 0.0019
70 65 112 -60 52 -1.15 16 000 0.0041
55 172 88 -60 28 -2.1 200 000 0.0009

in that the residual stress resulting from would also be 112 sequences, since the
the 100 per cent load (60 per cent of damage at lower levels was considered
yield) will be retained throughout the neghgible* in view of the beneficial 60 per
test. Assuming that the test example will cent residual compressive stress intro-
be loaded in the same manner as that duced at the 100 per cent limit load. In
used for horizontal stabilizers (5),' the the fourth condition, where the 100 per
load spectrum for the first loading condi- cent loading was omitted, structure
tion would contain the following cycles fatigue lives at other levels would be re-
per sequence: duced. Also, the 40 per cent loading,
which otherwise does not contribute' to
Load, per cent of limit Cycles per Sequence the fatigue damage, contributes 0.0001
damage per sequence. Total damage per
100 3
85 17 * D a m a g e was considered negUgible a t lower
70 65 load levels only in view of beneficial residual
55 172 stresses resulting from high-level loading. I t was
assumed t h a t neither s u b s e q u e n t l o a d i n g nor
relaxation due to t i m e would erase very m u c h
Using the method described above, of t h e residual stress (60 p e r cent of yield).
calculated lives and fractional damage R e l a x a t i o n a t room t e m p e r a t u r e should be con-
sidered where t h e residual stress is greater t h a n
' T h e boldface n u m b e r s in parentheses refer t w o t h i r d s t h e yield s t r e n g t h , or where load
t o t h e list of references a p p e n d e d t o t h i s p a p e r . reversals a c t u a l l y reverse t h e stress (6).

sequence would be 0.0162 for a predicted In the examples discussed thus far,
life of 62 sequences. no consideration was given to the fact
Estimates were also made on the hori- that the mode of failure for low-level
zontal-tail surfaces (5). Ratios of test to loading may differ from that for high
predicted lives were 0.98, 1.35, 0.85, and loading. It is known that small amounts
1.19 for the four conditions, respectively. of preloading on a riveted joint may
Average for all conditions was 1.09. lessen its life, while high preloading im-
proves it (7), thus accounting for differ-
DISCUSSION OF RESULTS ent modes of failure. However, the mode
In the test selected as an example for of failure will be reflected by whatever
demonstrating this method of predicting influence the highest load in the spectrum
structure life, only one test point was has on the structure.'
available. This does not leave much Accordingly, where the predicted life
choice in a statistical analysis, and it is based on spectrum-type loading, and

10 10 10

FIG. 7.—Effects of Prestressing on Fatigue Life of Riveted Joints.

will be a problem that most likely con- the highest load in the spectrum is real-
fronts the designer. What should he do? istic with respect to probability of early
Assuming a standard deviation of log occurrence in life, the mode of failure
life equal to 0.15, the structure which should be the same for spectrum-type
was tested could have failed after only loading as for loading at the highest
700 cycles of 100 per cent loading instead load in the spectrum. Two or more
of 1474 cycles, or it might have failed modes of failure, however, could occur
after 3000 cycles. These structure lives at one load level, as it is reasonable to
would represent a spread of approxi- assume that more than one position in
mately plus or minus two standard devi- an entire structure could be suffering
ations from the original datum point. the same stress. This would not influence
Using the procedure described pre- the predicted life, since for equal stress-
viously, the expected structure life under ing the prediction is in terms of first
the first loading condition (5) would be crack wherever it may occur. For the
70 sequences for the low-life structure structure chosen, so little time elapsed
and 220 sequences for the other. The between first crack and final failure that
original calculation of 112 sequences failing hfe would be equally applicable.
does not represent a median for the two ' Except where low loading is accompanied
estimates. by local bending stress. See footnote 6.

Also, in the examples cited here, high action factor would further reduce the
loading increased fatigue life. This would predicted life.
generally be the case for airplanes having
high maneuver-load factors. In the case SUMMARY
of transport aircraft, maximum loading A method of estimating fatigue life of
may not exceed 1.8 g for a substantial structures for spectrum loading has been
portion of their service life. In the latter presented which requires only: (1) basic
case, a loss in fatigue life would be ex- material properties, and (2) a fatigue
perienced. This is shown by the S-N life for the structure under single-level
curves on riveted lap joints (Fig. 7), loading that causes failure in less than
where a fatigue-strength loss of more ICH cycles. Neither nominal stresses nor
than one third accompanied small concentration factors need be known.
amounts of prestressing (8). Being independent of the load spec-
One explanation for these losses would trum, this method lends itself to use with
be that the tightly driven rivets, which any load spectrum, as long as the load
heretofore prevented stress from return- producing failure at less than 10^ cycles
ing to zero, were loosened to permit full- is representative of one of the loads in
stress cycling. Larger amounts of pre- the spectrum, and the load ratio, R, is
stress introduced residual compressive zero or more. This is a special asset where
stresses which more than offset the effect structural tests are made in early stages
of rivet loosening (8). of design before firm loads are estab-
For spectrum-type testing, the S«/iV lished, and new life estimates are neces-
based on the lower curve was 1.28. Based sitated by later load information.
on the normally accepted middle curve,
the Zn/N would have been 0.23. This A cknowledgmenls:
may be the reason for the service life of The author wishes to express his ap-
some transport airplanes falling short, preciation to M. S. Rosenfeld of the
even though the fatigue life as indicated Naval Air Material Center and Charles
by conventional 5-iV curves would seem A. Davies of the Aeronautical Research
adequate. Laboratories, Office of Aerospace Re-
Although an additional effect of stress search, for permission to use data from
interaction (9) may also influence final Government contracts.
fatigue life, it would seem small in com- Credit is also due G. Garner Green,
parison with changes in residual stress chief structures engineer of General
and stiffness factors. This is particularly Dynamics/Convair, for valuable sug-
true in the case of lugs having interfer- gestions, to Glenn D. Lindeneau, research
ence fit loading pins, where the predicted test engineer, and other members of the
fatigue life fell far short of that shown Structures and Fatigue Laboratories for
in spectrum tests (Fig. 5). A stress inter- obtaining data used here.

(1) M. A. Miner, "Cumulative Damage in Fa- Conference on Fatigue of Metals, Inst.
tigue," Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. Mechanical Engrs. (London) (1956).
12, pp. A159-A169 (1945). (4) C. R. Smith, "A System of Estimating
(2) C. R. Smith, "Prediction of Fatigue Failures Cumulative Fatigue Damage by Using the
in Aluminum Alloy Structures," Proceedings, Miner Rule Corrected for Residual Stress,
Soc. Experimental Stress Analysis, Vol. XII, Preprint No. 353B from 1961 SAE National
No. 2, pp. 21-28 (1955). Aeronautic Meeting, New York, N. Y.,
(3) H. T. Corten and T. J. Dolan, "Cumulative April, 1961.
Fatigue Damage, Proceedings, International (5) R. P. Swartz and M. S. Rosenfeld, "Variable

Amplitude Fatigue Characteristics of a Slab of Aircraft Structures, ASTM STP No. 203,
Horizontal Tail for a Typical Fighter Air- Am. Soc. Testing Mats., pp. 10-25 (1956).
plane," U.S. Naval Air Material Center Re- (8) C. R. Smith, "Influence of Residual Stresses
port No. NAMATCHEN'ASL-1023, Part and Stiffness Factors on Fatigue Strength of
II, Sept. 18, 1961. Metals and Structures," Proceedings, Third
(6) J. Schijve and F. A. Jacobs, "Program-Fa- Annual Engineering Symposium, Brigham
tigue Tests on Notched Light Alloy Speci- Young University, pp. 321-366, April 21,
mens of 2024 and 7075 Material," National 1962.
Luchtvaarlaboratorium, NLL-TR M 2070, (9) A. M. Freudenthal and R. A. Heller, "On
pp. 1-41 (1960). Stress Interaction in Fatigue and Cumula-
(7) C. R. Smith and G. D. Lindeneau, "Riveted- tive Damage Rule," Journal of Aerospace
Joints Fatigue Strength," Papers on Fatigue Sciences, Vol. 26, No. 7, July 1959.
STP338-EB/Sep. 1963




Constant- and variable-amplitude fatigue tests were conducted on 7075-T6

aluminum alloy built-up beam specimens in bending to study certain aspects
of spectrum fatigue. Existing cumulative fatigue damage theories were found
inadequate for the dual purpose of predicting spectrum fatigue life and evaluat-
ing the effects of individual load levels in a spectrum. However, the observed
spectrum fatigue properties were consistent with the measured effects of pre-
loading, overloading, and underloading.
Preloading was beneficial when the preload was considerably greater than
the subsequent fatigue loads, and when the preload was applied in the same
direction as the fatigue loads. When the preload and the fatigue loads had op-
posite signs, a reduction in fatigue life resulted. These effects were magnified
by the periodic application of overloads.
The periodic application of repeated low loads was ineffectual when applied
in the same direction as the fatigue loads. When the spectrum included low
loads of negative sign, serious reductions in life resulted.
The most valuable finding, perhaps, was that the fatigue behavior of the
beam specimens was similar to that of certain full-scale aircraft structures.
It was also found that the fatigue properties of the beam specimens were rather
insensitive to variations in testing technique and material.
A pneumatic testing machine and an automatic programmer that were de-
veloped for this investigation are described.

Aircraft structures are subjected to theories, in general, has been less than
cyclic loads of various magnitudes and adequate. As a result, full-scale fatigue
frequencies due to maneuvers, gusts, testing of aircraft structures under
landing and take-off, and so on. The multiple load levels is generally con-
estimation of fatigue life under these sidered a necessary step in the estima-
conditions is one of the more difficult tion of the fatigue life of aircraft under
problems of aircraft design. Many service conditions.
theories of cumulative fatigue damage Thousands of dynamic measurements
have been proposed over the years to have been made on aircraft in flight to
provide a rational basis for making these assess the actual loads imposed on the
estimates. T h e reliability of these structure so that realistic load-time
histories could be established for labora-
Aeronautical Research Engineer and Physi- tory simultation. T h e cost of full-scale
fatl ue testi
t^T^bJ^T^JS^- § "g I * * hi .s h '. and > n f d -
ington, D. c. less to say, the exact duplication of these
Copyright^ 1963 by ASTM International

histories in the laboratory would be too specimen provides some measure of the
time-consuming. To convert the service service life of the structure. This is a
load histories into more usable form, the useful measure only if the fatigue damage
programmed spectrum type of fatigue produced by the test spectrum is equal
test has been widely adopted. or relatable to the damage produced by
In a spectrum fatigue test, the speci- the service loads. Thus, the conversion
men is subjected to repeated applica- of service load histories into test spec-
tions of "blocks," a block representing trums is the critical feature of this tech-
the load history experienced by an air- nique. For reasons of economy and
craft during a typical interval of its convenience, it is desirable to devise the
service life. The load levels and the simplest programmed test spectrum that
number of cycles at each load level in the will adequately simulate the fatigue


\ \ / B e a m tpecimtns (ref«r«nce (I) )
120 \

Sprtod for various

aircraft ttructurn
^ 80 ond compontntt
(reference ( 2 ) )


10' 10' 10 I0»

Cycles to failure

FIG. 1.—Comparison of Fatigue Properties of Beams Tested by Howard and Katz (1) witli
Those of Various Aircraft Structures and Components; Various Minimum Loads.

block are collectively termed the test damage of the service loads. One of the
spectrum. Depending upon the size of questions which must be resolved in the
the service life interval being represented, process concerns the relative effects of
it is common to speak of, say, a 20-hr the various discrete load levels in the
block or a 1000-hr block and so on. If a programmed spectrum.
random test spectrum is used, the se- This paper describes an experimental
quence of application of the various program that was undertaken to evalu-
load levels in the block is approximately
ate the effects of various load levels in a
random. More commonly, however, a
given aircraft spectrum and to examine
programmed test spectrum is used in
the capabilities of several cumulative
which all of the cycles at each load level
in the block are consecutively applied fatigue damage theories for this evalua-
before the load is changed to the next tion. Spectrum fatigue tests of built-up
level. beam specimens were carried out as
The number of consecutive blocks re- well as several series of fatigue tests
quired to produce failure of the test involving one, two, or three load levels.

DEFINITIONS AND SYMBOLS conducted on a series of built-up beam

specimens in bending. These specimens
had been designed to represent typical
Limit load is the maximum load that is airframe construction, and their fatigue
authorized for an airplane structure or
properties were found to correspond
structural component under normal operat-
ing conditions. quite closely with the fatigue properties
Factor of safety is the ratio of design ulti- of various types of typical aircraft
mate load to limit load. A value of 1.5 is structures (2) (Fig. 1). Therefore, it was
common for military aircraft. considered desirable to use the same type
i-g load is the load experienced by a of specimen in the present investiga-
structural component during straight, tion, which is also oriented toward struc-
steady, level flight in still air. tures in airframe applications.
Load factor is the ratio of a given load to
the 1-g load. It is a measure of the severity The specimen, shown in Fig. 2, is 49
of the operating conditions. For the beam in. long and consists primarily of two
specimens tested in this investigation, the I5 by f by | - i n . channels and two \ by

f^—li^ "1^ 'it? "^ "^ '[t^ it!*

Nofe: All dimensions in inches

FIG. 2.—Dimensions of Beam Specimens.

limit load factor was arbitrarily taken as 2-in. strips, all of 7075-T6 aluminum
7.00, which approximates the values com- alloy. A f by |-in. steel splice bar sepa-
monly used for fighter planes and advanced rates the two channels and is symmetri-
trainers. Thus, for this investigation, the cally positioned with respect to the
\-g load is equal to 4, or 14.3 per cent of the median plane of the specimen. The
limit load.
splice bar diffuses the shear load applied
Symbols: at the center of the specimen; it adds
d, constant in Liu and Corten's damage little to the bending strength. The
theory, channels and the splice bar are joined
K, constant in Valluri's damage theory, with i^-in. steel aircraft bolts spaced at
N, cycles to failure, 3-in. intervals. The strips are fastened
S, load level, to the channel flanges with 3^-in. brazier
Se, fatigue limit.
head rivets of 2024-T31 aluminum alloy.
Si , highest load level in spectrum,
A 1-in. rivet spacing is used throughout
/3, constant in Munse's damage theory
except in the last 3^ in. at either end of
SPECIMENS the specimen, in which a |-in. spacing is
In an investigation at this laboratory used.
several years ago (1),^ fatigue tests were The beam specimens were fabricated
in accordance with conventional air-
^ The boldface numbers in parentheses refer
to the Ust of references appended to this paper. craft manufacturing practices by the

Aeronautical Structures Laboratory of TEST EQUIPMENT AND TECHNIQUES

the Naval Air Material Center in
Philadelphia; they were received at this Loading and Supports:
laboratory in three separate shipments. A view of the complete test setup is
The specimens in each shipment are be- shown in Fig. 3. The specimen, A, is

FIG. 3.—Laboratory Setup for Fatigue Testing Beam Specimens.

FIG. 4.—Beam Specimen Under Small Load.

lieved to have been fabricated from dif- simply supported at its ends and loaded
ferent batches of materials. Specimens transversely at its center by a pneumatic
from the three shipments were desig- cylinder, B.
nated 101 to 140, 201 to 220, and 301 to A close-up of the specimen under a
305, respectively. small applied load is given in Fig. 4.

End fixtures, C, are fastened to the one, / , a hollow tubular member hav-
specimens with j^-in. bolts, and simple ing two wire-resistance strain gages
support is achieved by means of bearings, mounted on its reduced section, serves as
D, and flexure plates, £, which provide the load-sensing element for the spectrum
rotational and translational freedom, programmer. The two dynamometers,
respectively. The flexure plates intro- one for controlling and one for reading
duce a longitudinal stress of 100 psi into loads, are isolated electrically from
the specimen when a transverse load of one another so that independent checks
5000 lb is applied. The effective length on the control system can be made.
of the beam specimen, from bearing to Cyclic loads were applied at rates of
bearing, is 53 in. about 15 to 40 cpm, depending on the

100-120 PSI


FIG. S.—Pneumatic Circuit Diagram.

The load is applied to the specimen by amplitudes of the loads. Calculations

a pin, F, which passes through a snug- revealed that at these rates inertia
fitting hole in the loading fixture, G, loading effects are negligible.
and the specimen. The faces of the load- The maximum and minimum loads
ing and support fixtures which contact experienced by the load cell, H, are deter-
the specimen are serrated to prevent mined with the strain indicator, J,
impacting and fretting of the specimen Fig. 3, which reads the output of the
in load cycles which pass through zero. calibrated strain sensors in the cell.
Two dynamometers are inserted be- Observations made with an oscilloscope
tween the piston rod of the pneumatic showed that the speed of response of
cylinder and the specimen. One of these, the indicator is more than adequate at
H, is a commercial load cell used to the loading rates employed.
monitor the maximum and minimum The calibration of the load cell, H,
loads as they are applied. The second Fig. 4, underwent gradual changes during

the course of the investigation, thereby from the spectrum programmer, it

necessitating periodic recalibration. On directs high-pressure air to the top side
the basis of the observed changes in of the piston while exhausting air from
calibration, it is estimated that load the bottom side until the desired maxi-
measurement errors of up to 6 per cent mum positive load is attained. It then
may have been experienced in a few of exhausts the high-pressure air from the
the tests. top side of the piston until the desired
minimum load, if it is greater than zero,
Pneumatic System: is reached. For minimum loads equal to
The air supply system for the pneu- or less than zero, low-pressure air is
matic cylinder is schematically shown simultaneously directed to the bottom
in Fig. 5. The intake, at house pressure, side of the piston until the desired mini-
varies between 100 and 120 psig. The mum load is reached. The cycle is then
air is first passed through an accumulator repeated. When the specimen breaks, a
micros witch is tripped, closing valve 2
TABLE I.—STATIC TEST RESULTS. and sending valve 12 to its neutral
Static Limit
position in which both sides of the piston
Test Series Specimen Strengtli, lb Load, lb are open to the exhaust.
102 6996
For tests which involved a single maxi-
S-l \ 103 7319 mum load level, valve 5 is opened and
\ average 7158 4772 valve 4 is closed. Pressure regulating
201 6936
valve 9 is adjusted manually to provide a
S-2 . . . ,| 202 6976 flow rate through restriction 13 which
I average 6956 4637 gives a suitable piston velocity. If the
302 6746 piston velocity is too high, impact load-
S-3 303 6767 ing of the test specimen results. If it is
average 6756 4504 too low, the test becomes excessively
time-consuming. The optimum piston
to eliminate surges and then through a velocity and, therefore, the optimum
shutoff valve and a strainer. Valve 2 is pressure setting was different for each
opened manually to start a test. The air different maximum load level.
is filtered to remove condensation, For spectrum tests or other tests which
throttled by valve J to a regulated 80 involve more than one maximum load
psig, lubricated to minimize piston fric- level, valve 5 is closed and valve 4 is
tion in the cylinder, and strained to opened. Valve 8, a regulator valve geared
eliminate solid particles. to a programmable motor positioner, is
The circuit now divides into a high- programmed to provide the proper pres-
pressure branch that furnishes the air to sure for each load level.
drive the piston downward and create For tests in which the minimum load
positive forces on the test specimen, and is always positive, valves 6 and 7 are
a low-pressure branch for producing closed, and unloading of the specimen is
negative or upward forces on the speci- achieved by exhausting the air from the
men. top side of the piston. For tests that in-
The air leaving the two branches is volve a single minimum load that is
strained again prior to entering the four- negative or zero, valve 6 is opened, valve
way, five-port valve 12, which is solenoid- 7 is closed, and regulator valve 10 is
controlled and pilot-actuated with a adjusted to the optimum pressure set-
neutral center position. Upon signals ting. For tests that involve two different

minimum loads that are zero or negative, are opened as needed by signals from
regulating valves 10 and 11 are set for the the spectrum programmer.
respective pressures and valves 6 and 7 The exhaust line from valve 12 leads
Loads cycled between 14.3 per cent of limit load and indicated load levels.
Load Level, per Cycles to Failure Deviation from
Test Series Specimen cent of limit load Mean, per cent

107 100 3 117 42

108 100 2 370 8
B-1. 109 100 1 659 -25
212 100 1 902 -14
Geometric mean 100 2 200

105 80 5 955 -0
B-2. 110 80 6 660 6
Geometric mean 80 6 310

104 60 11 915 0
B-3. HI 60 14 672 23
211 60 9 765 -18
Geometric mean 60 11 900

106 40 87 967 3
B-4. 112 40 83 538 -3
Geometric mean 40 85 700

214 -28.6 77 485 2

B-5. 217 -28.6 74 116 _2
Geometric mean -28.6 75 700



Cycles to foilure
FIG. 6.—Basic Constant-Load-Amplitude S-N Curve for Beam Specimens. Minimum Load:
14.3 Per Cent of Limit Load.

outdoors and is muffled to reduce noise. circuit and a counting circuit. The
The hand pump connected to the lower bridge is the heart of the unit. Its opera-
end of the cyHnder is used to raise the tion, described in reference (3), is based
piston for mounting and removing test on the action of dynamometer, / , Fig. 4.
specimens. The two strain gages on this dynamome-
Static tests were conducted by opening ter are connected into the bridge. The
valve 5 and gradually increasing the pres- bridge is deliberately unbalanced at zero
sure on the top side of the piston with load so that it becomes balanced when
regulator valve 9 while simultaneously the desired load is reached. This null
reading the load. condition triggers a sensitive switching

D , CD D
o Toble II

5000 D Reference (4)

o o o & Reference ( I )


• • 4D




I0» I0« 10°

Cycles to foilure

FIG. 7.—Basic Fatigue Properties of the Beam Specimens as Reported by Several Investigators;
Minimum Loads Between 529 and 780 lb.

Spectrum Programmer: circuit which, in turn, signals the four-

The function of the spectrum program- way valve in the pneumatic circuit to
mer (at the right in Fig. 3) is to control move from the loading position to the
automatically the actuation of solenoid unloading position or vice versa.
valves 6, 7, 8, and 12, Fig. 5, so that re- The bridge unbalance is introduced
peated blocks of the desired spectrum prior to the start of a test by means of a
(maximum and minimum load levels resistance potentiometer. Nine such
and cycles) are imposed upon the test potentiometers are available to enable
specimen until failure occurs. the application of spectrums involving
The programmer, designed and as- up to six different maximum load levels
sembled in this laboratory, consists and three different minimum load levels.
basically of two circuits: a bridge-type Changing from one load level of the

spectrum to the next involves the opera- for each shipment by applying a 1.5
tion of valves 6, 7, and 8, Fig. 5, plus the factor of safety to the measured static
selection of the proper potentiometers in strength values (Table I).
the bridge circuit. This function is auto-
matically controlled by a six-channel pre-
determining counter which is equipped
with automatic reset. Constant-load-amplitude fatigue tests
The primary weakness of the program- were conducted to establish the basic
mer is the dependence of the bridge fatigue properties of the beam specimens.
circuit on the exact values of the re- In each test the load was cycled between


P R E L O A D I N G T O 100 P E R C E N T O F L I M I T L O A D .
L o a d s cycled between 14.3 per cent of limit load a n d indicated load levels.

Test Series Specimen Load Level, per Cycles to Failure Deviation from
cent of limit load Mean, per cent

107 100 116 42

108 100 369 8
B-1. 109 100 658 -25
212 100 901 -14
Geometric m e a n 100 200
117 80 521 -4
P-2. 118 80 942 4
Geometric m e a n 80 730

115 60 27 970
P-3. 116 60 24 054 -7
Geometric m e a n 60 25 900

113 40 248 574 -9

P-4 114 40 444 159 63
213 40 185 760 -32
Geometric m e a n 40 274 000

215 -28.6 38 122

P-5. 216 -28.6 35 963
Geometric m e a n -28.6 37 000

sistances involved. Slight variations in a designated load level and 14.3 per
these resistances occur as a result of cent of limit load. The results of these
normal variations in room temperature. tests are shown in Table II with the
Therefore, the potentiometer settings percentage deviations from the geometric
have to be readjusted slightly to compen- mean at each load level. The results for
sate for these variations about three positive load levels are also plotted in
times a day during a test. By making Fig. 6.
these readjustments, the load levels Figure 7 compares these results with
were maintained constant within 12 lb. results obtained by Howard and Katz
(1) and by the Aeronautical Structures
Laboratory (4) on nominally identical
Static tests were made on two speci- specimens. This comparison is based on
mens from each of the three specimen load, in pounds, rather than on per cent
shipments. Limit load was calculated of limit load. The figure shows that the

data from the three investigations are reduction in fatigue life is obtained.
consistent despite differences in testing These conclusions were based on uni-
technique and variations in static directional bending tests of unnotched
strength. The fatigue testing machine dad 2024-T3 sheet.
used by Howard and Katz was a deflec- Templin (6) then showed that much
tion-controlled machine rather than a greater increases in life are obtained as a
load-controlled machine as was used in result of prestressing if the specimens
the other two investigations. Static (7075-T6 rod) are notched.
strengths varied from 6615 to 7316 lb, Finally, Payne (7) applied preloads to
and the minimum loads of the fatigue 2024-T3 airplane wings prior to fatigue
cycles varied from 529 to 780 lb. testing and obtained remarkable in-
In view of this consistency, and the creases in fatigue life.
Loads cycled between 14.3 per cent of limit load and indicated load levels.

Load Level,
Test Series Specimen per cent of Interval, cycles Fatigue Cycles to Deviation from
Failure Mean, per cent
limit load

107 100 220 3 102 42

108 100 220 2 359 8
B-1 109 100 220 1 651 -25
212 100 220 1 893 -14
Geometric m e a n 100 220 2 190

205 80 631 5 418 -2

0-2 ] 206 80 631 5 679 2
1 Geometric m e a n 80 631 5 550

0-3 207 60 1329 140 874

0-4 209 40 8575 > 1 022 099

218 -28.6 7580 42 770 7

0-5 \ 219 -28.6 7580 37 561 -6
\ Geometric m e a n -28.6 7580 40 100

fact that the fatigue properties of the Tests were conducted in the present
beam specimens are similar to those of investigation to evaluate the effect of
full-scale aircraft structures (Fig. 1), preloading on the basic fatigue proper-
it appears that this specimen design has ties of the beam specimens. Each speci-
merit for studying the fatigue behavior men was subjected to one cycle of 100
of aircraft structures. per cent of limit load immediately prior
to the start of a constant-load-amplitude
EFFECTS OF PRELOAD fatigue test. In the fatigue test the load
Bennett and Baker (5) showed that the was cycled between a preselected load
application of a prestress prior to fatigue level and 14.3 per cent of limit load. The
testing produces an increase in fatigue results of these tests are given in Table
life providing the prestress is con- III together with the results for test
siderably greater than the maximum series B-1 (from Table II), in which the
stress of the fatigue cycle. However, if first load cycle applied to each specimen
the prestress is only slightly larger than is considered a preload.
the maximum fatigue stress, a slight The effects of preloading may be eval-

uated by comparing Tables II and III. load was applied immediately prior to
These effects are in agreement with those the start of the fatigue test, and addi-
found by the other investigators. Fur- tional single overloads were applied at
thermore, the comparison shows that periodic intervals throughout the fatigue
when the preload is applied in a direc- test. The interval was approximately
tion opposite to the maximum fatigue equal to 10 per cent of the basic fatigue
load, a significant reduction of the fatigue life of the specimen at the fatigue load
life takes place. Bennett and Baker (s) level under consideration. The fatigue
and Templin (6) obtained similar results. loads were cycled between the preselected
load levels and 14.3 per cent of limit load.
Table IV lists the fatigue load levels,
Heywood (8) attributed the effects of the intervals between overloads, the
prestressing to the introduction of com- number of fatigue cycles to failure, the


Loads cycled between 14.3 per cent of limit load and indicated load levels.

Load Level,
Test Series Specimen per cent of Interval, cycles Fatigue Cycles
to Failure
Deviation from
Mean, per cent
limit load

126 100 238 2 125 1

U-1 • 127 100 238 2 099 1
Geometric m e a n 100 238 2 110

124 80 573 7 049 -12

U-2 ] 125 80 573 9 063 14
I Geometric mean 80 573 7 980

120 60 2 601 27 671 11

121 60 2 601 22 650 9
U-3 \
1 Geometric m e a n 60 2 601 25 000

122 40 34 637 164 156 -19

123 40 34 637 248 638 23
U-4 • Geometric m e a n 40 34 637 202 000

pressive residual stresses. He conjectured deviations from the geometric mean at

that these residual stresses diminish each load level, and the results for test
gradually during fatigue cycling and series B-1 (Table III) with every 221st
that by applying overstresses at periodic load cycle considered as an overload.
intervals during the fatigue process, the Specimens 206 and 207 failed under
residual stresses could be restored. Hey- the application of an overload; all other
wood showed that this technique led to specimens failed at the fatigue load level
substantially greater effects than pre-
except specimen 209, which did not fail.
A comparison of Tables II, III, and
A series of fatigue tests was conducted
to investigate the effect of periodic over- IV confirms Heywood's contention since,
loads on the constant-load-amplitude in general, it shows that when preloading
fatigue lives of the beam specimens. is beneficial periodic overloading is more
The overload level employed was 100 beneficial, and when preloading is detri-
per cent of limit load. One cycle of over- mental, so is periodic overloading.

EFFECTS OF PERIODIC UNDERLOADING cycling between 25 and 14.3 per cent of

Some tests were conducted to explore limit load. The intervals were approxi-
the possibility of obtaining increased mately equal to 10 per cent of the fatigue
fatigue lives through a combination of life of the preloaded specimens.
periodic underloading and preloading. Table V lists the fatigue load levels,
Beam specimens were subjected to a the intervals between underloading, the
preload of 100 per cent of limit load and number of fatigue load cycles to failure,
then fatigue tested with loads cycling and the deviations from the mean at
between designated load levels and 14.3 each fatigue load level.



^ 70
\ x^^ Overlooded
" 60
\ >.
u ^ N^v

o. \\ x
Bosic \ . Prelooded

uncertointy in load fPrelooded

v-Moximum un
~\ond underlooded

/'^-Moximum »cott»r in li(«

Cycles to failure

FIG. 8.—Comparison of S-N Curves for Beam Specimens Subjected to Various Treatments.
Minimum Load: 14.3 Per Cent of Limit Load.

TABLE VI.—COMPREHENSIVE The effect of the underloading may

be evaluated by comparing Tables III
Load Range, per cent of XT u t r- \ and V. This comparison reveals no con-
limit load N""'''" °f Cycles sistent effect of periodic underloading
14.3 to 115 1 per lifetime in that no significant changes in fatigue
14.3 to 100 3 per block life occur as a result of cycling at 25
14.3 to 85 17 per block
14.3 to 70 65 per block per cent of limit load.
14.3 to 55 172 per block The number of underload cycles in-
14.3 to 40 283 per block volved in these tests was far too small
14.3 to 25 1000 per block
14.3 to 0 1000 per block to qualify properly as coaxing, which
14.3 to -14.3 280 per block can improve the fatigue strengths of
14.3 to -28.6 3 per block
some materials (9); however, 7075-T6
aluminum alloy is relatively unaffected
per cent of limit load. At equal intervals by coaxing (10).
during each fatigue test the specimen The relative effects of preloading,
was subjected to 100 applications of load overloading, and underloading on the

fatigue properties of the beam specimens SPECTRUM FATIGUE TESTS

under positive loads are shown in Fig. Six test spectrums were used, all being
8, in which smooth curves are faired variations of the comprehensive aircraft
through the mean lives given in Tables spectrum given in Table VI. This tabu-
lation represents an early spectrum pre-
pared by the Bureau of Naval Weapons.
Loads cycled between 14.3 per cent of limit load Each block was intended to simulate
and indicated load levels. the loads experienced by a military air-
Load Level,
Spectrum per cent of Cycles per Block TABLE VIII.—RESULTS OF SPECTRUM
limit load FATIGUE TESTS.

f 100
17 Spectrum Specimen
1 Failure Mean,
70 65 per cent
55 172
i [ 128 361 35
1 100 3
1 129 220 -18
85 17 130 242 -10
70 65 Geometric m e a n 268
55 172 i
i 40 283
f 134 141 -13

f 100 3 2 J 135 155 -4

136 196 21
j 85 17 Geometric m e a n 162
3 J 70 65 i
1 55 172
40 283
( 203 126 -5
1I 25 1000
3 \ 204
Geometric m e a n

100 3 r 139 170 40
85 17

' 1
4 220 86 -29
70 65 Geometric m e a n 121
55 172 i
1 0 1000
-14.3 280
f 138 129 34
I 5 304
100 3 Geometric m e a n 96
85 17 i
5 , 70 65 r 131 193 -13
55 172
-14.3 280
6 J 132 282 27
133 202 -9
-28.6 3 Geometric m e a n 222
i 115 1»
100 3
6 85 17 craft during a typical 20-hr interval of
70 65 its service life. This spectrum is now
55 172
considered obsolete.
" Prior to start of test. The spectrum fatigue tests were used
to study the effects of the various steps
II to V. Also shown in the figure are the in the spectrum in order to determine
maximum scatter observed in life (test which of them must be included in spec-
series P-4, Table III) and the maximum trum fatigue tests that are intended to
uncertainty in load (6 per cent). For provide estimates of aircraft service life.
most of the test data the scatter and The load levels and the cycles per
the uncertainty were considerably block at each load level for the six spec-
smaller than these maximum values. trums used are given in Table VII. Load

was cycled between the designated load 2 except that it includes still another
levels and 14.3 per cent of limit load. load level, 25 per cent of limit load.
Within each block the load levels were Table VIII shows that the mean life
applied in descending order from the under spectrum 3 is further reduced to
highest to the lowest (or most negative) only 49 per cent of the mean life under
level. Some effects of this sequence of spectrum 1. When this result is viewed
load application are discussed in Ap- in terms of the scatter in the test data,
pendix I.' however, it appears that the additional
The results of the spectrum tests are decrement in life may be a manifestation
given in Table VIII. Each specimen of the scatter rather than a real attribute
failed at 100 per cent of limit load within of the 25 per cent of limit load step.
the first three cycles of the block fol- Additional test data would be required
lowing the completed number of blocks to make this determination with cer-
to failure shown in the table. tainty. Even if the 25 per cent of limit
load step does reduce the spectrum fa-
EFFECTS OF VARIOUS SPECTRUM tigue life, the degree of reduction may
LOAD LEVELS not be sufficiently serious to warrant
The desire to eliminate unnecessary the additional testing time required by
load levels from a test spectrum is based its inclusion in the test spectrum.
upon the need to minimize the time re-
quired for testing. The apparatus re- Zero and Negative Load Levels:
quired to conduct programmed tests Table VII shows that spectrums 4
involving, say, eight load levels is not and 5 are the same as spectrum 1 except
significantly more complex nor more that they include load cycles to zero
costly than that needed for four load and negative load levels. Table VIII
levels. shows that the inclusion of these steps
The basic test spectrum (spectrum 1, reduced the life of the beam specimens
Table VII) consists of four load levels to 45 and 36 per cent of the mean life
ranging from 100 to 55 per cent of limit under spectrum 1.
load; the mean fatigue life of the beam If these results are considered together
specimens under this spectrum was 268 with the results of the periodic over-
blocks. loading tests, it is seen that when high
positive load levels and low negative
The 40 and 25 Per Cent of Limit Load load levels are both present in a test
Levels: spectrum, each acts to reduce the fatigue
Spectrum 2 is identical with spectrum life under the other. In test series 0-5
1 except that it includes one more load (Table IV) occasional loadings to 100
level, 40 per cent of limit load. The mean per cent of limit load reduced the fa-
fatigue life under spectrum 2 was found tigue life at —28.6 per cent of limit load
to be 162 blocks, 60 per cent of the life by introducing detrimental residual ten-
under spectrum 1. This indicates that sile stresses into the subsequent failure
the 40 per cent of limit load step is surface. Under spectrums 4 and 5 the
rather damaging and that its omission regular application of load cycles to
from the test spectrum results in un- small negative load levels reduced the
realistically high estimates of service life. fatigue life under high positive loads,
Spectrum 3 is identical with spectrum presumably by causing the beneficial
residual compressive stresses, which were
' See p . 270. introduced into the subsequent failure

surface by the high positive loads, to de- The relative closeness of the lifetime
cay more rapidly. reductions obtained with spectrums 4
The latter result is similar to that and 5 suggests that the major portion of
which is obtained with gust-load spec- the damage done by the zero and nega-
trums and with ground-to-air-to-ground tive load levels is due to the —14.3 per
cycles, which include zero and negative cent of limit load level, which is common
load levels. Wallgren (11), for example, to both spectrums. However, the test
showed that when positive and negative results are inadequate to confirm this
gust loads below the nominal fatigue premise.

FIG. 9.—Typical Failures of Beam Specimens Tested at (o) Higher Load Levels and (6) Lower
Load Levels.

limit are added to an otherwise complete The 115 Per Cent of Limit Load Preload:
maneuver and gust loads spectrum, the
fatigue life is reduced by about 20 per The effect of a preload of 115 per cent
cent. Schijve and Jacobs (12) believe that of limit load on the fatigue life under
this effect is, on the average, closer to the basic 4-level spectrum may be evalu-
50 per cent. Payne (7) showed that the ated by comparing the results for spec-
addition of periodic negative loads re- trums 1 and 6. It is seen that the preload
duced spectrum fatigue life significantly. reduced the mean fatigue life from 268
These results support the recommen- to 222 blocks (17 per cent); this reduc-
dation made by Lundberg and Eggwirtz tion loses meaning, however, when com-
(13) that, although maneuver loads are pared with the variations in fatigue life
the most important for fighter aircraft, obtained from specimen to specimen.
gust loads should be included in the Swartz and Rosenfeld (14) tested full-
test spectrum. scale 7075-T6 aircraft structures under

a similar 4-level spectrum with and loading, (joing a step further, Schijve
without a preload to 115 per cent of and Jacobs (12) feel that high loads oc-
limit load. Their results show a 16.5 curring with a frequency of less than
per cent increase in fatigue life with the about ten in the anticipated life should
preload, but here, too, the variations in not be included in the test spectrum.
lifetime from specimen to specimen make
this conclusion questionable. DESCRIPTION OF FAILURES

These findings are in agreement with Typical failed specimens are shown
the effects of preloading discussed earlier. in Fig. 9. Failures at the higher load
The 4-level spectrum is essentially a levels (150, 100, and 80 per cent of limit
maneuver-loads spectrum which consists load) were similar to that of Fig. 9(a),
of load levels that are relatively high while those at the lower load levels were
compared with the preload. Under these similar to that of Fig. 9(6). Nearly all
failures occurred at the center of the
TABLE IX.—COMPARISON OF TEST specimen or at one rivet spacing away
from the center.
Frequent inspections usually did not
Blocks to reveal the presence of fatigue cracks
Reference prior to failure. In the few cases where
Spec- Spec- cracks were detected, at least 93 per cent
trum 1 trum 2
of the ultimate life had elapsed.
Tangent (2) 60 60
M u n s e et al (17) 23 21 Numerous theories of cumulative fa-
Gatts (18) 39 37 tigue damage have been proposed. Sev-
Valluri (19) 48 44
66 60
eral of these were used to predict the
Liu-Corten (20)
Henry (21) 64 62 fatigue lives of the beam specimens un-
Smith (22) 76 71 der spectrums 1 and 2. Some details of
Modified Liu-
Corten Appendix I I 181 178
the calculations involved in making the
predictions are discussed in Appendix
11.^ Comparisons of the predicted lives
conditions preloading has a relatively with the test results are given in Table
small effect; however, if the spectrum IX.
contained lower load levels, of the order Insufficient data were available for
of gust loads, or if a higher preload had predictions based on the theories of
been employed, a distinct improvement Richart and Newmark (23), Marco and
in life probably would have been ob- Starkey (24), and Freudenthal and Heller
served as a result of preloading. (25). The method proposed by Manson,
Nicole (15) has expressed the convic- Nachtigall, and Freche (26) is inappli-
tion that the demonstration of sufficient cable.
fatigue resistance should be made with- With the exception of the modified
out the benefits of preloading. Shanley Liu-Corten method, all of the theories
(16) recommended that any beneficial are highly conservative with respect to
loading which is expected to occur but spectrums 1 and 2. Even more significant
once in the life of an aircraft should be is the fact that none of the theories, in-
ignored because of the possibility that
certain aircraft will not experience this ' See p. 270.

eluding the modified Liu-Corten, prop- amplitude fatigue properties of the beam
erly accounts for the damage of the 40 specimens:
per cent of limit load step, which is the 1. Preloading at 100 per cent of limit
difference between spectrums 1 and 2. load improved the fatigue life of the
The test results show a reduction in life specimens at fatigue load levels of 60
of 40 per cent as a result of this step, per cent of limit load or less, provided
while the best prediction of this reduc- the preload was applied in the same di-
tion (linear rule) is only 14 per cent. rection as the subsequent fatigue loads.
These findings should not be sur- The effect of this preloading was negli-
prising. Most damage theories do not gible or slightly detrimental to fatigue
properly account for the beneficial ef- life under load levels of 80 per cent of
fects of the residual compressive stresses limit load or higher. When the preload
that are introduced by high positive load and the fatigue loads were applied in
levels. Therefore, the theories are con- opposite directions a reduction in life
servative when applied to spectrums 1
and 2, which consist solely of high posi-
2. Periodic overloading at 100 per cent
tive load levels.
of limit load affected the fatigue prop-
As suggested earlier, the addition of
erties in the same way as preloading did,
negative load levels to a spectrum causes
only more so. Specifically, under condi-
the residual stresses to decay and thereby
reduces their beneficial effects. Hence, tions in which preloading was beneficial,
the theories might be expected to pro- periodic overloading was more beneficial,
vide more accurate life predictions when and where preloading was ineffective or
applied to spectrums consisting of both detrimental, so was periodic overloading.
positive and negative load levels. The 3. Periodic underloading at 25 per
drawback is that most theories, including cent of limit load with a relatively small
the Liu-Corten, do not contain provision number of cycles produced no significant
for handling both positive and negative changes in the fatigue life under fatigue
load levels. loads applied in the same direction as
These considerations suggest that, al- the underloading.
though a theory may give a safe pre- Spectrum fatigue tests were carried
diction for fatigue life under spectrum out on the beam specimens using several
loading, it is not necessarily capable of variations of the comprehensive spec-
evaluating the relative effects of the in- trum in Table VI. The test results justify
dividual load levels in the spectrum. the following conclusions regarding the
necessity of including all of the load
CONCLUSIONS levels in spectrum fatigue tests which
The bending fatigue properties of a are intended to provide estimates of
7075-T6 built-up beam specimen were service life.
found to bear similarities to the fatigue 1. The 40 per cent of limit load step
properties of certain typical full-scale caused significant damage, and its in-
aircraft structures. Also, the fatigue be- clusion in the test spectrum is necessary.
havior of the beam specimen is notably 2. The 25 per cent of limit load step
insensitive to minor variations in testing was less damaging, and under certain
technique and material. conditions its omission from the test
The test results warrant the following spectrum may be justified.
conclusions regarding the constant-load- 3. The zero and negative load levels

were severely damaging, but there is A cknowledgments:

reason to suspect that most of this dam- The research program described in
age may be attributed primarily to the this paper was carried out at the National
— 14.3 per cent of limit load level. Bureau of Standards under the sponsor-
4. Preloading at 115 per cent of limit ship and with the financial assistance of
load did not significantly affect fatigue the Bureau of Naval Weapons.
life under a truncated spectrum con- The authors acknowledge the contri-
sisting solely of high positive load levels butions of Silas Katz, who prepared the
basic design of the pneumatic system
(55 to 100 per cent of limit load).
for the fatigue testing machine; Richard
None of the currently available theo- H. Harwell, Jr., who patiently fabricated
ries of cumulative fatigue damage was and refabricated parts for the machine;
adequate for the dual purpose of pre- and Thomas A. Robusto, Jr., Howard
dicting fatigue life under spectrum load- W. Stone, Jr., Philip Granum, and
ing and evaluating the effects of indi- Thomas D. Field, Jr., who assisted in
vidual load levels in a spectrum. the performance of some of the tests.

In what sequence should the load levels order. Schijve and Jacobs (12) found the
in each block of a test spectrum be applied descending sequence to be more damaging
in order to simulate service fatigue most than the ascending sequence. Freudenthal
closely? Probably a random sequence is best. and Heller (28) reached the same conclusion
However, limitations of testing equipment and also showed that both of these sequences
frequently require that a programmed were more damaging than their random
sequence be used. In this case, the problem sequences. On the other hand, Naumann,
is reduced to selecting a programmed se- Hardrath, and Guthrie (29) found the ascend-
quence that produces fatigue damage at a ing sequence more damaging than the de-
rate approximately equal to the rate at which scending one, with their random sequences
a random sequence produces damage. being intermediately damaging. All of these
Selecting a programmed sequence that investigators worked with gust-load spec-
meets this requirment is extremely complex, trums and specimens fabricated from 7075-
if not impossible, with the present state of T6 aluminum alloy. The most likely con-
knowledge. Approaching this problem on an clusion is that the disparity in their results
analytical basis, Rosenthal (27) examined the stemmed from differences in their spectrums
and specimen designs.
residual stresses that are introduced by the
high load levels of the spectrum and the Payne (7), Kuhn (30), and others have
decay of these stresses at the other load expressed the viewpoint that whatever the
levels. His findings indicate that the desired effect of sequence may be, it would become
smaller as the block size is reduced. Un-
sequence depends on the exact spectrum and
fortunately the available facts do not sup-
test specimen under consideration.
port this. The test results reported by
This unhappy conclusion has inadvert- Schijve and Jacobs (12), Naumann, Hard-
ently been confirmed experimentally. Con- rath, and Guthrie (29), and Gassner (31) show
sider, for example, the extreme types of no systematic variation of the sequence
programmed sequences, namely, those in effect with block size.
which the loads in each block are applied A sizeable effort, both analytical and ex-
in ascending order of magnitude and those perimental, would be required to establish a
in which they are applied in descending practical understanding of the sequence

40 60

Blocks to failure

FIG. 10.—Effect of Assumed Value of Fatigue Limit on Predicted Life Under Spectrum 1 Accord-
ing to Valluri (19).

100 F50 200

Blocks to foiture

FIG. 11.—Effect of Assumed Value of d on Predicted Fatigue Life Under Spectrum 1 According
to Liu and Corten (20).

effect. A better approach would be to con- capable of applying loads of preselected

centrate on the development of apparatus spectrums in random sequences.

These comments refer to the predictions where:
of fatigue life given in Table IX. The follow-
ing interpolations of Fig. 6 were used in 5 = load level,
applying the linear damage rule. .S'l = the highest load level in spectrum,
Sg = the endurance limit, and
K = a. constant.
Load Level, per cent Fatigue Life,
of limit load cycles In the calculations this term was set equal
85. 5 200 to unity, resulting in predicated fatigue lives
70. 8 300 which are closer to the actual ones.
55. 15 600 The Liu-Corten method (20) contains a
constant, d, which, according to its de-
The following interpolations of the pre- velopers, ". . . may be obtained most simply
loaded curve in Fig. 8 were used in applying from a two-stress-level repeated block
Smith's method (22). fatigue experiment of the component or
full-size structure." Accordingly, the con-
Load Level, per cent Fatigue Life, stant, d, was computed from the results of
of limit load cycles
test series 0-2, 0-3, and U-1, and produced
85 4 350 the following values:
70 17 000
55 43 000 Test Series
0-2 4.17
The constant fi for Munse's method (17) 0-3 8.25
U-1 1.58
was calculated to be 0.51 for spectrum 1 and Average. 4.67
0.56 for spectrum 2.
The methods of Gatts (18), Valluri (19), A value of 4.7 was used to predict the fa-
and Henry (21) require use of a fatigue limit. tigue lives shown in Table IX for the Liu-
The effect of fatigue limit on the fatigue life Corten method.
under spectrum 1 as predicted by one of The feeling has been expressed, however,
these methods (19) is shown in Fig. 10. It is that a two-stress-level experiment may not
seen that the prediction improves as the provide the best value of d for spectrum
fatigue limit increases. While it is doubtful fatigue life predictions. In fact, Swartz and
that a true fatigue limit exists for the beam Rosenfeld (32) showed that a value of 8.25
specimens, a value of 35 per cent of limit gave reasonable predictions for a variety of
load was used on the basis of Fig. 8. full-scale aircraft structures under spectrum
The damage function in Valluri's method loadings. The predictions shown in Table I X
(19) contains the following term among for the modified Liu-Corten method were
others: calculated by using a value of 8.25 instead of
4.7 for d.
5, - S, The variation of the predicted fatigue
In life with d is given in Fig. 11 for spectrum 1.
For a predicted life of 268 blocks under
5 - Se spectrum \, d = 10.3; with this value the
K predicted life under spectrum 2 is 266 blocks.


(1) D. M. Howard and S. Katz, "Repeated (14) R. P. Swartz and M. S. Rosenfeld, "The
Load Tests of Aircraft Wing Beam Speci- Effect of Preloading on the Variable
mens Under Bending and Bending-Torsion Amplitude Fatigue Characteristics of a
Loads," Nat. Bureau of Standards, un- Slab Horizontal Tail for a Typical Fighter
published report. Airplane," Naval Air Material Center,
(2) ARTC/W-76 Aircraft Structural Fatigue Report No. NAMATCEN-ASL-W23, Part
Panel, "Aircraft Fatigue Handbook, Vol. III, Jan. 18, 1961.
II—Design and Analysis," Aircraft In- (15) W. Nicole, "Some Results of Fatigue Tests
dustries Assn., Washington, D. C. (1957). with Parts of Vital Importance of the
(3) L. Mordfin and R, L. Bloss, "Simple Ground Attacker P-16," in Full-Scale
Strain Gauge-Based Load Controller," Fatigue Testing of Aircraft Structures,
Review oj Scientific Instruments, Vol. 33, edited by Plantema and Schijve, Pergamon
No. 7, p. 772 (1962). Press, New York, N. Y., p. 364 (1961)
(4) M. S. Rosenfeld, private communication. (16) V. R. Shanley, "Discussion of Methods of
(5) J. A. Bennett and J. L. Baker, "Effects of Fatigue Analysis," Proceedings, Symposium
Prior Static and Dynamic Stresses on the on Fatigue of Aircraft Structures, WADC
Fatigue Strength of Aluminum Alloys," TR 59-507, p. 182, Aug., 1959.
Journal of Research, Nat. Bureau of (17) W. H. Munse, J. R. Fuller, and K. S.
Standards, Vol. 45, No. 6, p. 449 (1950). Petersen, "Cumulative Damage in Struc-
(6) R. L. Templin, "Fatigue of Aluminum," tural Joints," Bulletin 544, Am. Railway
Proceedings, Am. Soc. Testing Mats., Vol. Engineering Assn., June-July, 1958, p. 67.
54, p. 641 (1954). (18) R. R. Gatts, "Application of a Cumulative
(7) A. O. Payne, "Determination of the Damage Concept to Fati~ue," Transactions,
Fatigue Resistance of Aircraft Wings by .Am. Soc. Mechanic-1 Engrs., Vol. 83,
Full-Scale Testing," in Full-Scale Fatigue Series D, p. 527 (1961).
Testing of Aircraft Structures, edited by (19) S. R. Valluri, "A U.^ified Engineering
Plantema and Schijve, Pergamon Press, Theory of Hi. h Stress Level Fatigue,"
New York, N. Y., p. 76 (1961). Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 10,
(8) R. B. Heywood, "The Influence of Pre- pp. 18, 19, 68-69, Oct., 1961.
Loading on the Fatigue Life of Aircraft (20) H. W. Liu and H. T. Corten, "Fatigue
Components and Structures," Current Damage Under Varying Stress Ampli-
Paper No. 232, Aeronautical Research tudes," NASA TN D-647, Nov., 1960.
Council (London) (1956). (21) D. L. Henry, "A Theory of Fatigue-
(9) T. J. Dolan, "Concepts of Fatigue Damage Damage Accumulation in Steel," Transac-
in Metals," in Fatigue, Am. Soc. Metals, tions, Am. Soc. Mechanical Engrs., Vol.
p. 1 (1953). 77, p. 913 (1955).
(10) G. M. Sinclair, "An Investigation of the (22) C. R. Smith, "Fatigue-Service Life Pre-
Coaxing Efifect in Fatigue of Metals," diction Based on Tests at Constant Stress
Proceedings, Am. Soc. Testing Mats., Vol. Levels," Proceedings, Soc. Experimental
52, p. 743 (1952). Stress Analysis, Vol. XVI, No. 1, p. 9
(11) G. Wallgren, "Fatigue Tests with Stress (1958).
Cycles of Varying Amplitude," Aero- (23) F. E. Richart, Jr. and N. M. Newmark,
nautical Research Institute of Sweden, "An Hypothesis for the Determination of
Report No. 28 (1949). Cumulative Damage in Fatigue," Pro-
(12) J. Schijve and F. A. Jacobs, "Program- ceedings, Am. Soc. Testing Mats., Vol. 48
Fatigue Tests on Notched Light Alloy p. 766 (1948).
Specimens of 2024 and 7075 Material," (24) S. M. Marco and W. L. Starkey, "A Con-
Reports and Transactions, Nat. Aero- cept of Fatigue Damage," Transactions,
nautical Research Inst. (Amsterdam), Vol. Am. Soc. Mechanical Engrs., Vol. 76,
XXIV (1960). p. 627 (1954).
(13) B. Lundberg and S. Eggwirtz, "The Re-
lationship Between Load Spectra and (25) A. M. Freudenthal and R. A. Heller, "On
Fatigue Life," in Fatigue in Aircraft Stress Interaction in Fatigue and a Cumu-
Structures, edited by A. M. Freudenthal, lative Damage Rule," Journal of the
Academic Press, New York, N. Y., p. 255 Aero/Space Sciences, Vol. 26, No. 7, p. 431
(1956). (1959).

(26) S. S. Manson, A. J. Nachtigall, and J. C. Variable-Amplitude Loads," NASA TN

Freche, "A Proposed New Relation for D-212, D e c , 1959.
Cumulative Fatigue Damage in Bending," (30) P. Kuhn, "Fatigue Engineering in Aircraft
Proceedings, Am. Soc. Testing Mats., Vol. Structures," in Fatigue in Aircraft Struc-
61, p. 679 (1961). tures, edited by A. M. Freudenthal,
(27) D. Rosenthal, "Influence ot Residual Stress Academic Press, New York, N. Y., p. 295
on Fatigue," in Metal Fatigue, edited by (1956).
Sines and Waisman, McGraw-Hill Book (31) E. Gassner, "Performance Fatigue Testing
Co., New York, N. Y., p. 170 (1959). with Respect to Aircraft Design," in
(28) A. M. Freudenthal and R. A. Heller, Fatigue in Aircraft Structures, edited by
"Accumulation of Fatigue Damage," .\. M. Freudenthal, Academic Press, New
in Fatigue in Aircraft Structures, edited by York, N. Y. p. 178 (1956).
A. M. Freudenthal, Academic Press, New (32) R. P. Swartz and M. S. Rosenfeld, "Vari-
York, N. Y., p. 146 (1956). able Amplitude Fatigue Characteristics of
(29) E. C. Naumann, H. F. Hardrath, and a Slab Horizontal Tail for a Typical
D. C. Guthrie, "Axial Load Fatigue Tests Fighter Plane," Naval Air Material Center,
of 2024-T3 and 7075-T6 Aluminum-Alloy Report No. NAMATCEN-ASL-1023, Part
Sheet Specimens Under Constant- and II, Sept. 18, 1961.


M R . R . L . BENEDICTO.I—Table V I I I sign limit load, which was approximately

of the paper shows a large decrease in 57 per cent of ultimate static strength;
life from spectrum 1 to 2. These are the we have defined limit load as 67 per cent
same spectra as used in the Rosenfeld of ultimate static strength. Therefore,
paper on "Aircraft Structural Fatigue the load levels applied in the two series
Research in the Navy."^ In Rosenfeld's of tests are not the same. The conclusion
paper, however, an increase in life from derived from the two series of tests is
spectrum 1 to 2 is shown. Could the that adding cycles of 22.8 per cent of
authors comment on the reasons for the ultimate static strength did not affect
difference? the fatigue life of the horizontal tail,
Ms. LEONARD MORDFIN (author).— while adding cycles of 26.8 per cent of
The answer to the apparent discrepancy ultimate static strength caused a sig-
in the effect of spectrums 1 and 2 in the nificant reduction in the life of the beam
two papers is that although the spec- specimens.
trums are defined the same in terms of M R . C . R . SMITH.^—Regarding loss in
limit load, limit load is defined differ- life due to negative loading, I have data
ently in the two papers. Mr. Rosenfeld showing high negative loads improve
called limit load the manufacturer's de- life.
' Senior Structures Engineer, Republic
-\viation Corp., Farmingdale, L. I., N. Y. ' Fatigue Laboratory, General Dynamics/
2 See p. 216. Convair, San Diego, Calif.
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