BU350 Organizational Behavior

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BU350 Organizational Behavior

Ashworth College

BU350C Assignment 4

BU350 Organizational Behavior

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to

Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be
sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format.
Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the "Assignment Format"
page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.

Part A

Respond to the items below.

1. Briefly describe the concept of status.

2. Describe the global implications that status has for an international manager in Western
culture, with two (2) original examples.

3. Describe the global implications that status has for an international manager in Eastern
culture, with two (2) original examples.

Part B

Respond to the items below.

1. Briefly describe four (4) of the barriers to effective communication, and provide one (1)
original example of each.

2. Provide one (1) original workplace example for each of the following communication
situations: oral communication in downward flowing direction; written communication in
upward flowing direction; and non-verbal communication in lateral flowing direction.
BU350C Assignment 8

BU350 Organizational Behavior

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to

Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be
sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format.
Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the "Assignment Format"
page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.

Part A

1. Describe three (3) organizational approaches toward managing stress, providing one (1)
original example of each.

2. Describe three (3) individual approaches toward managing stress, providing one (1)
original example of each.

Part B

Step 1: Create an organization chart for a company.

Create an organization chart for the company that you currently work for, or for a company
that you have worked for in the past. Alternatively, create an organization chart for a
company that a friend or family member currently works for or a company they have worked
for in the past.

Step 2: Answer the following questions.

Using the chart you created answer the following questions.

1. What type of organizational structure is used for this organization?

2. Describe two (2) ways that the organization's design affects relationships with
external companies.
3. Describe two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages that the organization
might experience based on its structure.
4. Describe one (1) way that the roles of managers and supervisors are impacted
by the organization's design.
5. Describe two (2) changes you would make if you were to redesign the
organization to make the organization more efficient.

BU350 Learning Journal 1

Create a Learning Journal, a place where you collect your thoughts and provide
your reflections on topics related to Organizational Behavior. The Learning Journal
should contain:
• Answers to at least three (3) of the Learning Journal questions or
topics found at the end of each of Modules 1-4.
• You will have a minimum of 12 entries (three (3) per module).
• Each entry should be 100-250 words.
• Clearly identify which questions you are answering by module and
topic. (TIP: Copy and paste the questions you are answering into your
online journal.)
• If you use outside sources beyond the ones mentioned in the journal
prompts, or if you use direct quotations from the prompts, you will need to
cite the sources using APA format.
• Just as in the Final Project for this course, if you mention a current or
previous employer or co-worker/manager in your journal, please change the
• Additional notes or reflections (optional)
Unlike other assignments you may have had in other college courses, this journal
can be informally written. It is perfectly acceptable, even encouraged, to say "I" or
"we" in this assignment. Parts of the journal may even be hand-written or drawn
(flow charts, mind maps, etc.); if you choose to do this for parts of your journal,
you can use photographs of handwritten material.

BU350 Learning Journal 2

Create a Learning Journal, a place where you collect your thoughts and provide your
reflections on topics related to Organizational Behavior. The Learning Journal should
• Answers to at least three (3) of the Learning Journal questions or topics
found at the end of each of Modules 5-7.
• You will have a minimum of 9 entries (three (3) per module).
• Each entry should be 100-250 words.
• Clearly identify which questions you are answering by module and topic.
(TIP: Copy and paste the questions you are answering into your online journal.)
• If you use outside sources beyond the ones mentioned in the journal
prompts, or if you use direct quotations from the prompts, you will need to cite the
sources using APA format.
• Just as in the Final Project for this course, if you mention a current or
previous employer or co-worker/manager in your journal, please change the
• Additional notes or reflections (optional)
Unlike other assignments you may have had in other college courses, this journal can be
informally written. It is perfectly acceptable, even encouraged, to say "I" or "we" in this
assignment. Parts of the journal may even be hand-written or drawn (flow charts, mind
maps, etc.); if you choose to do this for parts of your journal, you can use photographs of
handwritten material.

Module 5
If you have participated in leadership development programs, how effective did you find
them in (a) teaching you techniques and (b) giving you practical strategies you could use?
What could they do better?

According to the Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire, what kind of leader are you. Do
you agree or disagree with your assessment? Why

Watch Stanley McChrystal's video where he discusses his thoughts on the relationship of
listening and leading. How important do you believe listening is to being an effective leader?.

Module 6
Thinking about Joanne Smith's TED Talk, how can corporate culture be considered a
competitive advantage?

Discuss boundary spanning in organizations and between organizations.

If you've worked for a virtual organization and a "traditional" organization, how would you
compare the two?
Module 7
Thinking about If the World Were 100 People what surprised you the most?

In "How diversity makes teams more innovative", Rocío Lorenzo discusses why she thinks
that diversity can help drive innovation. What are some of these ways? Would they work if
implemented in your workplace? Why or why not?

After watching "TV 2 | All That We Share", what were your immediate reactions?

BU350 Final Project Topic Approval

Project Title: Aligning performance management system with organizational strategy

BU350 Your Name M03 Assignment 05 Journal Article

M03 – Organizational Behavior
Journal Article Review

Journal Article

For this assignment, you will select an article from the Journal of Organizational
Behavior. You can find this journal through the Ashworth Library in ProQuest. The link is
located in the Course Introduction on the Library page.

You will write a 500-750 word review of the article. Your article needs to discuss or
investigate one or more aspects of organizational behavior as it relates to your Final Project
topic; it does not need to be comprehensive. The article should be one written within the last
decade, unless you have prior approval from your professor.

In your article review, complete the following tasks.

• At the top of the page, cite the article's source using APA style.
• Then, answer these four questions, in one paragraph each:
o What did you learn?
o What surprised you?
o What do you want to learn more about?
o How might you apply what you learned to your Final Project in this course?
Note: If you cannot find a relevant article in Journal of Organizational Behavior, these other
journals are also acceptable. Before selecting an alternative journal, please contact your
instructor for approval.

• Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

• Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
• Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies
• Organizational Psychology Review

Download the template provided for you. Save your work using the file name provided just
adding your name in place of "your name"

BU350 Organizational Behavior -Final Project

Final Project
Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth
College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and
be sure to use correct US English, spelling and grammar. Use APA format for your
paper, including the title page, body of your paper, and your reference page.
Sources must be cited in APA format, both in the body of your paper and on your
reference page. Your Final Project should be no more 4500 words on double-
spaced pages, not including your title page or reference page.
Your final project has two parts:
Part One: A traditional term paper on any approved topic discussed in this course
(2500 to 3500 words). You submitted your topic for approval in Module 3.
Part Two: The Appendix to your paper. Part Two should be written in first person;
that is, use the words "I" and "we" in this part. With one of these three roles in
mind (current role/employer, previous role, role you want to apply for), using 500 -
1000 words answer these three questions:
a. What did you learn as you wrote your paper?
b. What surprised you about what you learned?
c. What do you now want to know more about?

Paper Requirements
1. Use a minimum of six (6) sources. At least three of these sources must be
scholarly (using peer-reviewed journals from the library, not the internet at
large)(You can access ProQuest through the Library page in the Course
Introduction section). One of these sources can be the one you used for your
Journal Article Review in your Journal Article assignment.
2. Sources should be recent ones (written within the last decade, unless you
have prior approval for a specific older source).
3. Ensure that you cite all sources properly, including using quotation marks
to indicate direct quotes.
4. Create a reference list that includes all sources you used to research and
write your paper. Make sure that every source mentioned in your paper appears
on the Reference page, and that every source in your list of references appears in
your paper.
5. If you mention a current or previous employer or co-worker/manager in your
project, please change the name(s).
6. Review the Final Project Grading Criteria in the rubric.
7. Review the Frequently Asked Questions for this assignment.
8. TIP: Here's how to see the number of words in your document using
Microsoft Word, both for the entire document and for a specific section.

BU350 Quiz 1 SCORE 100 PERCENT

4 / 4 points
The ________ network is a type of formal small-group network
that relies on a central figure to act as the conduit for all the
group's communication.

Question options:

A) matrix

B) chain

C) wheel

D) all channel

E) cross-functional

Question 2
Kat Connor started her day with a cup of coffee while reading
the newspaper. However, something about the day makes her
feel low. When she reaches the office, she feels upset and
distracted from work although she cannot pinpoint a reason
for feeling this way. She continues to feel upset and distracted
through the rest of the day. Which of the following is she most
likely to be experiencing?

Question options:

A) a response

B) a reaction

C) a counteraction

D) an attitude

E) a mood

Question 3
Dennis Galvan works as a campaigner at Green Earth, an
environmental organization. Every month, his organization
arranges a team outing where they play disc golf, soccer, and
participate in relays and other team-building activities. The
human resource department ensures that there are regular
interactions between employees through team dinners and
cultural events. According to the information given in this
case, which of the following is most likely to be the reason for
Galvan's high level of satisfaction toward his job?

Question options:

A) salary packaging
B) promotion and growth

C) constructive dismissal

D) social environment

E) profile of work

Question 4
The ________ is a personality assessment model that describes
five basic dimensions encompassing most of the significant
variation in human personality, namely extraversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and
openness to experience.

Question options:

A) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

B) Big Five model

C) Birkman method

D) Keirsey Temperament Sorter

E) Forté Profile

Question 5
Which of the following is a result of globalization?

Question options:

A) organizations being bound by national borders

B) lower production of goods in developing nations

C) highly homogeneous workforce

D) shared social value among all cultures

E) jobs moving to nations with low-cost labor

Question 6
Which of the following terms best describes organizations that
allow people to communicate and work together even though
they may be thousands of miles apart?

Question options:

A) networked organizations

B) hierarchical organizations

C) matrix organizations

D) stable organizations

E) flat organizations

Question 7
Which of the following communication channels provides the
lowest information richness?

Question options:

A) online group discussions

B) face-to-face conversations

C) telephone conversations

D) voice mail
E) reports and bulletins

Question 8
What does the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator classification of S
versus N stand for?

Question options:

A) sensing/intuitive

B) social/perceiving

C) stable/negligent

D) sympathetic/thinking

E) shrewd/feeling

Question 9
________ refers to purposeful and goal-directed thinking used
to define and solve problems and to make decisions or form
judgments related to a particular situation or set of

Question options:

A) Communication

B) Knowledge application and analysis

C) Critical thinking

D) Collaboration

E) Organization

Question 10
Wanda Elder works as a human resource executive. Being
helpful is inherent in her nature, and she regularly interacts
with employees, helping them understand their needs and
easing difficulties. She reads emotional cues of people with
ease and knows how to express her emotions without
violating organizational norms. Which of the following is Elder
characterized by?

Question options:

A) high cognitive dissonance

B) low self-esteem

C) high emotional dissonance

D) high emotional intelligence

E) low job satisfaction

Question 11
Which of the following does cognitive dissonance indicate
between two or more attitudes or between behavior and

Question options:

A) congruity

B) tenacity

C) solidarity

D) consistency
E) incompatibility

Question 12
The ________ is a personality assessment consisting of 100
questions where respondents are classified as extraverted or
introverted, sensing or intuitive, thinking or feeling, and
judging or perceiving.

Question options:

A) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

B) Birkman Method

C) Karolinska Scales of Personality

D) Keirsey Temperament Sorter

E) Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis

Question 13
________ refers to feelings that tend to be less intense than
emotions and that lack a contextual stimulus.

Question options:

A) Affect

B) Cognition

C) Mood

D) Thought

E) Reaction

Question 14
Which of the following is true about the correlation between
salary and job satisfaction?

Question options:

A) Pay is not related to job satisfaction for employees in underdeveloped countries.

B) Salary and perks do not have a role in overall happiness of employees from poor countries.

C) Pay does not play a critical role in job satisfaction when an individual reaches a level of com

D) Financial perks and benefits always create job satisfaction irrespective of standards of living

E) High salary level always creates organizational commitment.

Question 15
Rachel Hartley is a former top management graduate student
who now works as a project manager at a retail firm. However,
despite her strong educational background, she often finds it
difficult to manage her team efficiently. She is not able to
understand her team's emotions when they feel frustrated
with a work challenge or when they need appreciation for a
job well done. Which of the following does Hartley suffer

Question options:

A) downing effect

B) low emotional dissonance

C) depressive realism

D) low cognitive dissonance

E) low emotional intelligence

Question 16
Which of the following is an example of downward

Question options:

A) Harry is reporting the work he has done for the day to his supervisor.

B) Ben, an assembly line worker, is communicating some safety concerns he has to his manage

C) Silas has just sent a request for leave to his supervisor and is hoping that it will be accepted.

D) John and Jack, the production and the marketing managers, have met to discuss the budget c

E) Ray is holding his monthly meeting with his team in which he informs them of their monthl

Question 17
Which of the following terms refers to a person's ability to
detect and to manage emotional cues and information?

Question options:

A) emotional intelligence

B) self-concordance

C) emotional spectrum

D) illusory correlation

E) cognitive dissonance

Question 18
Which of the following is an example of the affective
component of an attitude?
Question options:

A) believing that one achieved all objectives of a project

B) relying on the information of a company's annual report

C) perceiving whistle-blowing as the right thing to do

D) feeling hurt at being unfairly accused of a wrongdoing

E) deciding to fire an employee because of underperformance

Question 19
Esther Lugo has gone for an interview at an advertising firm in
Manhattan and has been asked to complete a self-report
survey to help interviewers understand if she is the right
candidate for the job. From the interview, they have found
that she is extroverted, empathic, scrupulous, and cooperative
in nature, which are key characteristics needed for the job.
These characteristics about Lugo indicate her ________.

Question options:

A) talent

B) skill

C) knowledge

D) genealogy

E) personality

Question 20
With reference to the communication process, the ________ is
the one to whom the message is directed, who must first
translate the symbols into understandable form.

Question options:

A) creator

B) receiver

C) encoder

D) sender

E) transmitter

Question 21
The bookselling industry was revolutionized by ________.

Question options:

A) Mintzberg's Theory of Management

B) evidence-based management

C) Luthan's findings on management behavior

D) intuition

E) the availability of Big Data

Question 22
Any incompatibility between two or more attitudes or between
behavior and attitudes results in ________.

Question options:
A) organizational dissonance

B) cognitive dissonance

C) attitudinal clarification

D) positivity offset

E) affective reactance

Question 23
During an annual review, Michel Godfrey made the following
assertion: "When I look at myself and my performance, I see
that what I have achieved is outstanding and something no
one in the organization has the capacity to undertake.
Surprisingly, it has not won me the admiration of my
colleagues like it should have. I also believe that I do not just
deserve a raise, but need one, since without me, let's face it,
the place would simply fall apart." Which of the following
personality traits best describes Michel's personality?

Question options:

A) minimalism

B) monasticism

C) stoicism

D) narcissism

E) Machiavellianism

Question 24
Before communication can take place, a ________ is required.
Question options:

A) filter

B) channel

C) receiver

D) purpose

E) decoder

Question 25
A survey of over 2,100 CFOs across 20 industries indicated
that a lack of interpersonal skills is the top reason why some
employees fail to advance.

Question options:


4 / 4 points
During team meetings, Amber Downing always notices that
Rhona Law tends to ask many questions and suggest ideas at
each discussion. However, Law stands out in the meetings
only because she is the only one making suggestions. If both
of them were part of team meetings where almost all
members made suggestions and asked questions, Law would
not have drawn as much attention from Downing. Which of the
following factors has most likely influenced Downing's
perception of Law?
A) expectation

B) interest

C) past experience

D) context

E) motive

Question 24 / 4 points
The ________ theory is also called motivation-hygiene theory.

A) hierarchy of needs

B) goal-setting

C) self-determination

D) cognitive evaluation

E) two-factor

Question 34 / 4 points
Which of the following differentiates between formal and
informal groups?

A) The timeline of reference for formal groups is greater than that for informal groups.

B) The impact of formal groups on organizational performance is less than that of informal grou
C) Formal groups pursue the goal of social contact, while informal groups have definite organiz

D) Formal groups are typically smaller in size when compared to informal groups.

E) Formal groups involve clearly defined tasks and roles, while informal groups are neither form

Question 44 / 4 points
Which of the following is the highest level need in Maslow's

A) self-actualization

B) safety-security

C) social-belongingness

D) esteem

E) physiological

Question 54 / 4 points
Alicia Akers works as a marketing executive. She always talks
in a high pitch and often draws a lot of attention wherever she
is. Which of the following statements best explains the reason
behind people noticing Akers?

A) Perception of reality depends on the perceiver's past experiences.

B) Perception of reality depends on the perceiver's personality.

C) Characteristics of the target affect people's perception.

D) The time at which we observe behavior affects perception.

E) Motives and interests of the perceiver affects perception of behavior.

Question 64 / 4 points
When ________ is of importance in decision making, group
decisions are preferred to individual decisions.

A) acceptance of a solution

B) speed

C) efficiency

D) clear responsibility

E) legitimacy

Question 74 / 4 points
Our tendency to take personal pride or offense for the
accomplishments of a group we are a part of is the territory of
the ________ theory.

A) social exchange

B) expectancy

C) social identity

D) reinforcement

E) equity
Question 84 / 4 points
________ bias is a tendency to fixate on initial information and
fail to adequately adjust for subsequent information.

A) Hindsight

B) Overconfidence

C) Anchoring

D) Availability

E) Self-serving

Question 94 / 4 points
Which of the following statements is true regarding the size of

A) The most effective teams have twelve to fifteen members.

B) When teams have excess members, cohesiveness declines.

C) As team size increases, social loafing decreases.

D) When teams have excess members, mutual accountability increases.

E) Members of large teams coordinate work better when pressed for time.

Question 104 / 4 points

Gerald Murphy is a manager at Wright & Wayner, a publishing
house which is a very employee-friendly company. The
demarcation between managers and subordinates is flexible
and the nature of these reporting relationships is flexible and
informal. Gerald recently assigned five of eight of his
subordinates to work on a new publication project with a fairly
tight deadline because he believed that these efficient
employees would function even better with each other's
support. A week before the deadline, however, Gerald realized
that the group had been shirking work as each of the
members thought that the project was not just his or her
responsibility. Additionally, under the guise of working
together, the team was actually doing their personal work,
surfing the Internet, or just socializing. This scenario reflects

A) gainsharing

B) high process gains

C) reflexive goal-setting

D) job sharing

E) social loafing

Question 114 / 4 points

________ is defined as the processes that account for an
individual's intensity, direction, and persistence of effort
toward attaining a goal.

A) Leadership
B) Management

C) Learning

D) Emotional labor

E) Motivation

Question 124 / 4 points

According to Herzberg, when ________ are adequate, people
won't be dissatisfied, but they will also not be satisfied.

A) achievement needs

B) affiliation needs

C) motivational factors

D) power needs

E) hygiene factors

Question 134 / 4 points

According to the concept of organizational demography, if
team members have dissimilar experiences, it will lead to

A) increased employee satisfaction

B) decreased level of conflicts

C) higher employee motivation

D) higher employee turnover

E) higher team efficacy

Question 144 / 4 points

Individuals who report unethical practices by their employer to
outsiders are known as ________.

A) change agents

B) boundary spanners

C) early adopters

D) whistle-blowers

E) free riders

Question 154 / 4 points

Which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs deals with
satisfying one's hunger, thirst, and other bodily needs?

A) safety-security

B) physiological

C) social

D) esteem

E) psychological

Question 164 / 4 points

At Milton Farms, where a large part of the management comes
from the same sociocultural background, many employees of
diverse ethical or cultural origins are hired only to ensure
legal compliance with laws relating to diversity at the
workplace. The company's day-to-day functioning leaves
much to be desired in terms of promoting diversity. Recently,
the owner's cousin was promoted to the post of a branch
manager while three suitable candidates hailing from different
cultures were blatantly overlooked. This is an example of

A) social loafing

B) ingroup favoritism

C) groupthink

D) contrast bias

E) social exchange

Question 174 / 4 points

Which of the following is an advantage of group decision
making when compared to individual decision making?

A) increased ambiguous responsibility

B) increased conformity pressures

C) increased diversity of views

D) increased dispersion of accountability

E) increased pace of decision making

Question 184 / 4 points

People scoring high on ________ are valuable in teams because
they're good at backing up fellow team members and at
sensing when their support is truly needed.

A) conscientiousness

B) positivity

C) emotional stability

D) agreeableness

E) openness to experience

Question 194 / 4 points

Work should be performed by an individual if ________.

A) the work is complex and requires different perspectives

B) the work creates a common purpose or set of goals for the people in the group that is more t

C) the work is simple and does not require diverse input

D) several tasks that are interdependent are to be performed for completing the work

E) performing the work requires learning a new technology or understanding a new system

Question 200 / 4 points

Q23 A work team is characterized by ________.

A) the goal of sharing information

B) the presence of neutral to negative synergy

C) the availability of complementary skills among members

D) the individual accountability for outcomes and results

E) the mere accumulation of individual efforts

Question 214 / 4 points

Why is Maslow's theory criticized?

A) The concept of self-actualization was unfounded.

B) There is little evidence that needs are structured or operate in the way it describes.

C) The esteem need is a more powerful motivator than self-actualization.

D) Its terminology tends to alienate those to whom it is applied.

E) It does not adequately describe how an organization can satisfy higher-order needs.

Question 224 / 4 points

Which of the following is a factor present in a target which
may affect a person's perception?

A) attitude
B) motive

C) interest

D) novelty

E) exprience

Question 234 / 4 points

What is the primary purpose of a work group?

A) to generate positive synergy

B) to improve collective performance

C) to inculcate a climate of trust

D) to share relevant information

E) to enhance team efficacy

Question 244 / 4 points

Which of the following represents the acceptable standards of
behavior within a group that are shared by the group's

A) status

B) norms

C) dyads
D) goals

E) cliques

Question 254 / 4 points

________ refers to the adjustment of one's behavior to align
with the norms of the group.

A) Deviance

B) Conflict

C) Divergence

D) Conformity

E) Appearance

BU350 Quiz 3 SCORE 100 PERCENT

4 / 4 points
Procter & Gamble has separate departments for Tide,
Pampers, Charmin, and Pringles. This is an example of
departmentalization by ________.

Question options:

A) function

B) process
C) geography

D) product

E) interest

Question 2
According to the principle of unity of command, ________.

Question options:

A) managers should limit their oversight to a maximum of 12 employees

B) managers should oversee 1-4 employees on average

C) an individual should be directly responsible to only one supervisor

D) an organization should be departmentalized on the basis of functions

E) employees should report directly to two supervisors to maintain task balance

Question 3
Conflicts related to how the work gets done are called
________ conflicts.

Question options:

A) communication

B) task

C) job

D) relationship

E) process

Question 4
Span of control is a key element of an organization's
structure. Which of the following key questions is addressed
by this element?

Question options:

A) On what basis will jobs be grouped together?

B) To whom do individuals and groups report?

C) To what degree will there be rules and regulations to direct employees and managers?

D) How many individuals can a manager efficiently and effectively direct?

E) To what degree are activities subdivided into separate jobs?

Question 5
The ________ stage of the conflict process is important
because it's where conflict issues tend to be defined.

Question options:

A) potential opposition

B) cognition and personalization

C) intention

D) behavior

E) reaction and transference

Question 6
Nellie Fritz, the head of client support services at Olson Inc.,
is very popular among her subordinates. Many believe that
Nellie has a knack for getting the work done without making
the employees feel pushed into a corner. She is often seen
speaking to her subordinates and support staff about their
families, helping them with any personal problems they have,
and praising employees for their good work. In light of the
Ohio State Studies, this indicates that Nellie, as a leader, is

Question options:

A) task oriented

B) high in consideration

C) low in trust propensity

D) low in relationship orientation

E) production oriented

Question 7
At the PR firm where Rafael works, everyone considers him to
be very good with his work and depends heavily on his
knowledge to help the organization to solve its problems.
Rafael is often seen teaching interns a simpler way to present
an article, helping project managers with scheduling, and
even the CEO often asks him for his opinion on important
matters because of his experience and skill. Rafael's
specialized knowledge depicts his ________.

Question options:

A) expert power

B) coercive power

C) legitimate power
D) referent power

E) reward power

Question 8
A narrow span of control ________.

Question options:

A) encourages employee autonomy

B) is expensive because it adds levels of management

C) simplifies vertical communication

D) increases the speed of decision making

E) discourages overly tight supervision

Question 9
A plant manager organizes a plant by separating engineering,
accounting, manufacturing, personnel, and purchasing into
departments. The plant is departmentalized on the basis of

Question options:

A) target customer

B) product

C) function

D) geography

E) service

Question 10
Oscar and Keith are on the same team; they work well with
other people in the same team but don't get along with each
other. This type of conflict can best be described as ________.

Question options:

A) intragroup

B) bilateral

C) intergroup

D) dyadic

E) dual

Question 11
The selection process helps sustain the organization's culture
by ________.

Question options:

A) establishing and enforcing norms

B) hiring candidates who fit well within the organization

C) socializing the new employees

D) developing performance evaluation criteria

E) rewarding conformity

Question 12
Which of the following is something that often differentiates
power from leadership?

Question options:
A) lack of dependence of followers

B) use of positive styles over negative tactics

C) downward influence of leader on followers

D) lack of goal compatibility between leaders and followers

E) lack of control on behavior of followers

Question 13
Tim Wrench was leading the client services division of AmWeb
for seven years when he was asked to move to another region
where the company was setting up its office. Before moving,
Tim was asked to help in finding a successor for him from his
team. Tim's most obvious choice was Judy Judge, and the
management accepted his choice as Judy was a popular
person across the company. Judy was known for her vivacious
nature, was often seen speaking to employees from various
divisions, and was always excited to take up a new
opportunity. Once she became a leader, she continued to give
employees freedom and flexibility even if it resulted in
deficiencies on the work front like missed deadlines or low
quality. Judy's initial weeks as a leader were full of confusion
among her team members, but many felt that the situation
would come under control. When things did not improve in
the next two months and many complaints poured in from
clients, the management realized that Judy was not the best
candidate to lead the team. Which of the following, if true,
would best explain this outcome?

Question options:
A) Judy was a high-performing employee and enjoyed good relationships with everyone on the

B) Everyone felt Judy was given insufficient time to prove her worth as a leader.

C) Research has shown that traits can predict the emergence of a leader, but not his or her effic

D) The client complaints were a common thing encountered by the company.

E) Judy demonstrated low levels of consideration and high levels of task-orientation.

Question 14
Which of the following types of power is most likely to be
negatively related to employee satisfaction and commitment?

Question options:

A) expert power

B) reward power

C) legitimate power

D) coercive power

E) referent power

Question 15
Leadership is best defined as ________.

Question options:

A) the ability to merely project one's abilities in the lack of actual accomplishments

B) the ability to reduce the dependence of team members on each other

C) the ability to induce the team members to focus on individual goals rather than collective go
D) the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals

E) the ability to use factors like training and experience to reduce dependence on formal leader

Question 16
Legitimate power is directly based on ________.

Question options:

A) charisma of the leader

B) interpersonal trust and commitment of the manager

C) structural position of the manager in the organization

D) personality traits of the manager

E) ability of the manager to serve his or her subordinates

Question 17
An aircraft manufacturer with a strong presence in the United
States, is looking to expand its market overseas. The firm
currently sells its aircraft to several airlines in the United
Kingdom but now wants to establish manufacturing units
there as well in order to acquire a bigger share in the
European market. Hence, it plans to merge with QueenAir, a
British aircraft manufacturer. Which of the following, if true,
would weaken the company's decision to merge with

Question options:

A) Merging with QueenAir would increase its profits considerably.

B) There is increasing economic uncertainty in its U.S. market.

C) The preferences of airline customers in Europe and the U.S. are similar.

D) There is a striking difference in the organizational cultures of the two firms.

E) A competitor in the U.S. market recently went out of business.

Question 18
Jean works for Fahrenheit Publishing, which is a publisher of
scientific journals. The company is dominated by low risk
taking and high attention to detail. Jean's department is
committed to high team orientation and provides many team-
building activities in which Jean and other department
members work together and socialize. Which of the following
statements best describes Jean's department?

Question options:

A) Jean's department is an example of a primary microcosm.

B) Jean's department's culture is stronger than the dominant culture in the organization.

C) Jean's department has developed a subculture.

D) Jean's department's culture is undefined.

E) Jean's department's culture has low stability.

Question 19
Gwyn is struggling with personal issues of control within her
team. Her outbursts and underhanded nature of functioning
within the team is destructive. This could be considered

Question options:

A) relationship conflict
B) dysfunctional conflict

C) dysfunctional task conflict

D) dyadic relationship issues

E) intragroup conflict

Question 20
Which of the following is true with regard to leadership?

Question options:

A) It maximizes the importance of lateral and upward influence patterns.

B) It eliminates the requirement of goal compatibility.

C) It stimulates research in the area of tactics of influence.

D) It focuses on downward influence on followers.

E) It encourages dependence of followers on leaders.

Question 21
Which of the following characteristics of an organization's
culture indicates the degree to which management decisions
take into consideration the effect of outcomes on employees
within the organization?

Question options:

A) attention to detail

B) outcome orientation

C) team orientation
D) people/customer orientation

E) stability

Question 22
Conditions that can create conflicts can be classified into
three categories. Which of the following is one of these three
categories that includes variables such as jurisdictional clarity,
member-goal compatibility, and leadership styles?

Question options:

A) communication

B) structure

C) personal variables

D) group interactions

E) process variables

Question 23
Which of the following Big Five personality traits has been
identified as the most important trait in effective leaders?

Question options:

A) conscientiousness

B) openness

C) extraversion

D) agreeableness
E) emotional stability

Question 24
Trevor Guerney is a manager who believes that those who are
to be affected by a change must be involved in the change.
Consequently, he always ensures that his subordinates have
the knowledge of what is happening around them, and he
often holds meetings to obtain employee opinion and
suggestions before making any decision that would apply to
them. Similarly, Trevor's team proactively approaches him
with problems and potential solutions as they know he will
not respond by criticizing them. From the information
provided in the scenario, we can say that ________.

Question options:

A) Trevor's leadership is primarily task-oriented

B) Trevor's team has a low degree of trust propensity

C) Trevor's team requires more directive leadership

D) Trevor's team has positive leader-member relations

E) Trevor's team is unsatisfied with his power position

Question 25
The two general groupings into which power may be
categorized are ________.

Question options:

A) informational and personal

B) formal and informal

C) informal and legitimate

D) formal and personal

E) direct and indirect

BU350 Quiz 4 SCORE 100 PERCENT

4 / 4 points
Which of the following is the most likely reason why
employers should employ older workers?

Question options:

A) They adjust to new technology promptly.

B) Older workers have extensive work experience.

C) Older workers are flexible and learn quickly.

D) They have shorter tenures and hence lower pension benefits than younger workers.

E) The rates of unavoidable absences are lower than those of younger workers.

Question 2
Most training is directed at upgrading and improving an
employee's ________ skills.

Question options:

A) financial

B) technical

C) problem-solving
D) interpersonal

E) social

Question 3
As a result of changing technology and unstable environment,
your company is planning to undertake restructuring of the
business. The employees in your company are worried about
this upcoming change and many of them are anxious due to a
fear that they will lose their jobs as a result of this change.
But that is not the case. The company only wants to
restructure its business units, and it is not planning to cut
down on jobs. In such a situation, which of the following
techniques is most likely to be used by your company to deal
with the employees' resistance to change?

Question options:

A) implementing changes fairly

B) education and communication

C) participation

D) manipulation and cooptation

E) coercion

Question 4
April's colleague Nathan has consistently pestered her to go
out on a date with him. Though she has refused his offer
several times, he keeps persisting. She found an envelope on
her desk from Nathan with inappropriate pictures and
cartoons, which left her infuriated. She now intends to go
discuss the matter with the human resource department of
her company. Which of the following forms of discrimination
is April most likely to cite?

Question options:

A) sexual harassment

B) cyberstalking

C) mobbing

D) exclusion

E) electronic harassment

Question 5
Selective information processing is a major source of
resistance to change. It indicates that ________.

Question options:

A) changes in organizational patterns may threaten the expertise of specialized groups so these g

B) individuals hear what they want to hear and they ignore information that challenges the world

C) limited changes in subsystems tend to be nullified by the larger system

D) groups in the organization that control sizable resources often resist change

E) even if individuals want to change their behavior, group norms may act as a constraint

Question 6
________ are persons who act as catalysts and assume the
responsibility for managing refinement activities.

Question options:
A) Early adopters

B) Free riders

C) Laggards

D) Change agents

E) Whistle-blowers

Question 7
The application of direct threats or force upon resisters is
called ________.

Question options:

A) negotiation

B) cooptation

C) manipulation

D) coercion

E) arbitration

Question 8
Organizations are increasingly adjusting their processes and
positioning their products as environment friendly and
sustainable in order to increase their appeal to consumers.
This is a response to changes in ________.

Question options:

A) demographic trends
B) social trends

C) cultural trends

D) legal requirements

E) nature of the workforce

Question 9
________ training involves employees helping each other out at
the workplace in an unplanned and unstructured environment.

Question options:

A) Formal

B) Ethics

C) Interpersonal

D) Informal

E) Classroom

Question 10
Which of the following terms refers to the actions that actively
damage the organization, including stealing, behaving
aggressively toward co-workers, and being late or absent?

Question options:

A) citizenship

B) counterproductivity

C) task orientation
D) satisficing

E) groupthink

Question 11
Which of the following is an example of an individual source
of resistance to change?

Question options:

A) limited focus of change

B) product orientation

C) fear of the unknown

D) structural inertia

E) employee orientation

Question 12
Companies in which of the following countries would
emphasize formal performance evaluation systems more than
informal systems?

Question options:

A) Argentina

B) United States

C) Chile

D) India

E) China

Question 13
Which of the following reactions from employees is preferable
as a response to change?

Question options:

A) silence

B) apathy

C) resignation

D) open discussion

E) increase in the use of sick time

Question 14
The human resources department of Orbit Bank believes in
being unbiased toward all employees and treating them fairly.
They believe it is crucial that the company treat all their
employees equally. However, Susan Daniels, an employee at
the bank, recently filed a lawsuit against the company,
claiming that she was discriminated against. Which of the
following, if true, best justifies Susan's action?

Question options:

A) The company did not give her preferential treatment even though she was from the host cou

B) She was asked whether she was over eighteen during the first round in the interview process

C) Her colleagues expressed their dissatisfaction over their pay and severance packages.

D) She had faced a similar situation of discrimination in her previous company.

E) She was not invited to regular Friday staff lunches with the guys.

Question 15
A paper sales company designs and offers a new method of
purchasing and shipping commercial quantities of paper
through its website. The company used to do its business
through its sales representative. This is an example of a(n)
________ change.

Question options:

A) accidental

B) secondary

C) planned

D) cognitive

E) integrated

Question 16
You have just been appointed as director of your company's
corporate training division. The CEO of your company has
been displeased with your company's prior training programs,
so you are tasked with rehauling the entire training division.
You convene a meeting of all training division managers to
decide on the types of training that the division will
implement. One of your managers is a firm supporter of e-
training programs for employees in your company's
international offices. He touts the benefits of e-programs by
stressing that ________.

Question options:

A) e-training approaches have been proven to result in higher levels of knowledge assimilation

B) e-training is highly flexible and employees can complete the training at their convenience
C) many employees find solitary learning to be highly motivating

D) online learners are less susceptible to distractions

E) e-programs are inexpensive to design and implement

Question 17
Gina Sanchez, an architect in California, is renovating an old
school building and turning it into a retail and entertainment
space. She must decide how the existing layout can be
redesigned and modified to best suit the new uses. Which of
the following dimensions of intelligence will most help Gina
reimagine the existing building?

Question options:

A) haptic perception

B) spatial visualization

C) memory

D) inductive reasoning

E) deductive reasoning

Question 18
Marcel hates the annual review process he has to do for the
employees in his department. Although he is fully aware of
some of his employees' faults, he is reluctant to discuss them
in person, and is only comfortable writing them in an
unsigned report that his supervisor will review. Marcel's
behavior demonstrates ________.

Question options:
A) provision of due process

B) inflated assessment of employee performance

C) organizational citizenship behavior

D) managerial sincerity

E) fear of confrontation

Question 19
Which of the following tactics for overcoming resistance to
change is most likely to be beneficial when employees' fear
and anxiety are high?

Question options:

A) manipulation

B) building support and commitment

C) participation

D) implementing changes fairly

E) coercion

Question 20
________, which may occur intentionally or unintentionally,
refers to keeping certain people in a work place away from job
opportunities, social events, discussions, or informal

Question options:

A) Exclusion
B) Mockery

C) Stalking

D) Ragging

E) Bullying

Question 21
Who is likely to act as an impediment to change in an

Question options:

A) A new employee

B) A participation manager who is slightly removed from the power structure.

C) A senior manager who has been with the organization for a long time.

D) A junior manager

E) A manipulation mid-level manager who has been on the job for just over a year.

Question 22
The approach to evaluation that uses feedback from those
who have daily contact with an employee (everyone from
mailroom personnel to customers to bosses to peers) is
termed ________.

Question options:

A) critical incidents

B) 360-degree evaluation
C) assessment center

D) multiperson comparisons

E) downward evaluation

Question 23
Which of the following best represents deep-level similarity?

Question options:

A) colleagues who both come from the same neighborhood in Alabama

B) employees who are college graduates with a degree in business management

C) employees who speak Spanish and share similar religious beliefs

D) employees who seek challenges in assignments and like to work collaboratively

E) employees in their mid-thirties with 10 years' work experience in the publishing industry

Question 24
Dunder Mifflin Inc. is considering implementing employee
ethics training programs. Some members of senior
management are opposed to these programs. Their
opposition is most likely based on which of the following

Question options:

A) Ethics training is very expensive.

B) Ethics change from country to country.

C) Individual value systems are fixed at an early age.

D) Integrity cannot be taught by example.

E) Ethics training does not help employees to recognize ethical dilemmas.

Question 25
Jeremy Samuels works in a police department in California. His
job often requires him to observe clues that criminals leave
behind. His job is to analyze these clues, which helps the
department catch the criminal. Which of the following
dimensions of intellectual ability does Samuels most likely

Question options:

A) spatial visualization

B) perceptual speed

C) extent flexibility

D) dynamic flexibility

E) number aptitude

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