Sophia - Project Management - All Milestones

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Sophia - Project Management - Final Milestone - Courses

Ashworth College Semester Exam
Which of the following should a project manager do to deliver bad news? 
A01  Introduction to Accounting

A03  Principles of Accounting II
ACC201 Financial Accounting
Provide the name of the individual at fault to document the problem
ACC290 Principles of Accounting I 

ACC291 Principles of Accounting II
ACC561 Accounting
Wait to see if the problem will resolve itself before approaching anyone
ACCT105 Accounting for non Accounting Majors

ACC202 Principles of managerial accounting 

Send it in an email so that the news is received quickly BAM560 Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases
BM350 Marketing Management

BM380 Marketing Research
BUS308 Statistics for Managers
Include the next steps to be used to resolve the issues
BMGT495 Strategic Management
2 BM410 Sales Management & Practices
When developing the project budget, it is useful to refer to the project schedule. BU310 Fundamental of Management

BU320 Marketing Principles
What information does the project schedule provide? BU330 Accounting for Manager

BU340 Managerial Finance
BU350 Organizational Behavior
Effort estimates for completing deliverables BU360 Social Impact of Business
BU450 Leadership Skills Management

BU460 Electronic Commerce

Documentation of costs related to similar deliverables BU470 Strategic Management

BU480 e-Business Strategy
BU490 Business Ethics
A list of identified requirements for deliverables BUS250 Corporate and Social responsibility

BUS3041 Assignments
BUS3059 Quantitative Business Analysis
A helpful reminder of planned project outcomes BUS340 Assignments

3 BUS401 Principles of Finance Research

BUS430 International Business Graded Project- Naked
Which of the following was an intangible benefit when a large corporation
Short Selling
implemented a company wellness plan to encourage and support healthy
BUS475 Integrated Business Topics
employees' lifestyles?
BUSI502 Information Systems for Management

BUSI504 Business Communication Theory and Practice
BUSI508 Decision Science for Business
Reduced sick days taken
BUSI510 Managerial Economics

BUSI522 Organizational Theory
BUSI526 Human Resource Management and Theory
Improved productivity
BUSI530 Employment Law

BUSI531 Organizational Training and Development
BUSI535 Recruitment, Selection and Placement Strategies
Reduced payments for insurance
BUSI544 Marketing Strategy

BUSI562 Managerial Accounting
BUSI570 Managerial Finance
Better decision-making capabilities
BUSI595 Strategic Management
4 BUSN311 Law and Ethics in Buinsess Environment
Which of the following is true regarding individual accountabilities? BZ380 Management Information Systems
BZ400 Strategic Information Technology

BZ420 Human Resources Management

They are shared when the team is assigned to the project. BZ440 Quality Control
BZ450 Being an Entrepreneur

BZ460 Project Management

They are usually included in resource agreements. BZ480 International Management
C04 Introduction to Psychology

C05 Business Communication

They are used more for activities than tasks. C06 Business Ethics
C07 Personal Finance

C08 American Government

They often include a protocol for sharing information with all project C09 Principles of Finance
team members. C10 Introduction to Computers
C11 Macroeconomics
C12 Business Law
In which of the following ways are individual and team accountabilities similar? 
C13 Microeconomics

C15 Principles of Management
C16 Principles of Marketing
Both are critical to overall project success.
C17 College Mathematics
CHFD220 Human Sexuality

CHFD225 Introduction to the American Family
CHFD307 Child and Adolescent Development
Both relate to the management of team meetings.
CHFD308 Infant-Toddler Development

CHFD312 Special Needs Students
CHFD331 Parenting
Both use elements of SMART goals when documented.
CHFD340 Family Development

CHFD342 Human Life Span Development
CHFD348 Marriage and the Family
Both are established by stakeholders.
CHFD350 Family Life Education
6 CJS201 Criminal Justice System
Tracy managed a project for a publishing company. Her team worked with a COM303 Intercultural Communication
college professor to publish a new math textbook.
DAT565 Data Analysis and Business Analytics

E02 Child Development

Which scenario illustrates a resource risk?  E03 Curriculum Development
E04 Guidance and Discipline

E08 Health, Safety, and Nutrition

The author thought that the publishing team would create the end-of- E09 Home, School, and Community
chapter questions and answers. E13 Early Childhood Literacy
ECO201 Microeconomics for Business

ECO365 Principles of Microeconomics

The professor refuses to approve the cover of the book. ECO372 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO561 Economics

EDUC111 Observation Techniques

The copy editor for the textbook becomes seriously ill, so Tracy must hire EN120 English Composition
a new copy editor. EN130 English Composition II
EN360 Technical Communication

ENG200 Rhetoric And Research

The original estimate for binding the books was two weeks. The bindery ETH321 Ethical and Legal Topics in Business
informs Tracy that it will take three weeks to complete the binding F03 Financial Statement Analysis
process. FIN2030 Portfolio Analysis
FIN370 Finance for Business
FIN419 Finance for Decision Making
Which of the following pairs of items occur during Phase 1 of the project life
FIN501 Strategic Corporate Finance
FIN571 Corporate Finance

FINC495 International Finance
FP100T Everyday Economics and Finances
Finalizes the costs for completing project deliverables; estimates
HCS325 Health Care Management
resources needed for the project
HCS335 Health Care Ethics and Social Responsibility

HCS341 Human Resources in Health Care
HCS380 Health Care Accounting
Assigns work to team members; finalizes the costs for completing project
HCS385 Health Care Finance
HCS405 Health Care Financial Accounting

HCS430 Legal Issues in Health Care: Regulation and
Works with stakeholders to define purpose of project; assigns work to HCS440 Economics: The Financing Of Health Care
team members
HCS446 Facility Planning

HCS449 Health Administration Capstone
HCS451 Health Care Quality Management and Outcomes
Estimates resources needed for the project; works with stakeholders to Analysis
define purpose of project HCS455 Health Care Policy: the Past and the Future
HCS457 Public and Community Health
HCS465 Health Care Research Utilization
Which of the following lessons was necessary for project success and should be
HCS475 Leadership and Performance Development
kept in mind for future projects?
HCS490 Health Care Consumer - Trends and Marketing

HRM300 Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
HRM326 Employee Development
Resource used outside the organization
HRM531 Human Capital Management

HS150 World Civilizations I
HTT201 Hospitality
Project deliverable
HUM115 Critical Thinking In Everyday Life

HUM150 Introduction to Film Studies
ITCC200 Application Software Integration
Innovative approach
L400 Military Leadership Assignment

LAW421 Contemporary Business Law - Final Exam
LAW531 Business Law
Critical success factor
LDR531 Organizational Leadership
9 LSM404 Introduction to Lifespan Management
Which of the following is the source of change if the university curriculum LSM417 Regulation in Lifespan Management
committee suggests two of the proposed courses for the curriculum of a new M01 Human Resource Management
major be completely reworked?  MA240 College Algebra
MA260 Statistical Analysis I

MA270 Statistical Analysis II

Project team MA610 Managerial Accounting
MB601 Strategic Management

MB602 Entrepreneurship
External forces MB609 Capstone: Strategic Management
MB641 Marketing Management

MB651 Ethical Decision Making and Business Culture

Stakeholder expectations MB655 Business Law
MB661 Leadership and motivation

MB670 Project Management

New stakeholder MBA Semester Exams
MECS102 Middle Eastern Culture and Society
MF620 Financial Statement Development and Analysis
Which component of SMART is missing from the goal "Lisa will host a
MGMT368 Business Ethics
graduation party immediately following the graduation ceremony?"
MGMT479 Strategic Management

MGT160 International Business Management - Final Exam
MGT190 Entrepreneurship and Small Business
MGT195 Business Policy and Strategy

MGT230 Management Planning
MGT312T Organizational Behavior for Managers
MGT4027 Global Business Management

MGT498 Strategic Management
MGT521 Management
Time phased
MGT599 Strategic Management

MH601 Survey of the Health Care System
MH651 Ethics in Health Care
MH681 Health Care Human Resources Management
11 MH683 Information Management
Which of the following best illustrates a project manager using interpersonal MH684 Managed Health Care
skills?  MH685 Healthcare Security
MI605 International Business

MKT421T Marketing
Coordinate timing of activities in the schedule MKT501 Strategic Marketing
MKT571 Marketing

MKT574 Marketing: Social, Mobile, and Analytics

Prepare written reports for stakeholders MKTG201 Fundamentals of Marketing
MKTG305 Advertising

MKTG310 Principles of Marketing

Compare multiple solutions for fixing an issue with a deliverable MKTG410 Global Marketing
MR601 Survey of Human Resource Management

NP Microsoft Access Assignments

Resolve a dispute between two team members NP Microsoft Excel Assignments
OPS571 Operations Management
OPS574 Creating Value Through Operations
Which of the following best describes an individual evaluation?
OR110 Achieving Academic Excellence

Pennfoster Examinations
Pennfoster Graded project
PM571 Project Management

PM582 Project Leadership
PM584 Project Risk Management
PM586 Project Quality Management

PM598 Project Management Capstone
PS320 History and Systems of Psychology
PS350 Biological Psychology

PS370 Research Methods Psychology
PS400 Cognitive Psychology
PS420 Learning Theories
13 PS460 Psychological test and measurments
Which of the following types of rules are established during the kickoff meeting? PS490 Research Studies
PSY301 Emotional Intelligence Paper

PUA5301 Administration of Public Institutions

Rules regarding contacting stakeholders PUA5302 Public Administration Ethics
PUA5303 Organizational Theory

PUA5304 Quantitative Research Methods

Rules regarding identifying and managing risks PUA5305 Public Finance and Budgeting
PUA5306 Public Policy

PUA5307 Strategic Planning

Rules regarding team meetings PY360 Ethics in Technology
QNT351 Quantitative Analysis

QNT561 Applied Business Reserach & Statistics

Rules regarding budget requests QRB501 Quantitative Reasoning for Business
R04 Human Relations
SC140 Elements of Chemistry
Which of the following is the main reason the project completion celebration
SC160 Basic Biology
may not occur?
SC260 Introduction to Ecology

SCI256 People, Science and the Environment
SO115 Essentials of Sociology
Availability of the project reserves determines if a celebration occurs.
SO245 Social Impact of Technology

SOC110 Teamwork, Collaboration, and Conflict Resolution
SOC262 Contemporary American Society
Project sponsor has begun work on a new project.
SOCI331 Research Methods for Sociology

SOCI332 Statistics for Social Science
Sophia Introduction to Ethics
Projects get extended due to outstanding issues.
Sophia Introduction to Psychology

Sophia Conflict Resolution
SP180 Public Speaking
Team members have begun work on a new project.
STR581 Strategic Planning & Implementation
15 TLMT318 Hazardous Materials Transportation
Which statement describes a Fixed Bid contract? TLMT498 Senior Seminar in Transportation and Logistics
TLMT601 Transportation Economics

TLMT611 Global Logistics Management

The dollar amount for completing a segment of project work varies. CHFD445 Family Communication
CHFD498 Senior Seminar for Child Development

ACC201 Financial Accounting

This is a specific dollar amount for completing a segment of project work.

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Which item in the scope document can be used to develop the key question,




Which of the following is an example of an outstanding issue? 

A deliverable passes the testing process.

A stakeholder requests a new project.

A vendor accepts payment for services.

A stakeholder withholds signoff for a deliverable.

If the project sponsor never gives the project manager authority to make
decisions and the project fails, which reason for failure below does this illustrate?

Problems with communications

Problems with project deliverables

Problems with unforeseeable circumstances

Problems with the project process

In which of the following ways does a project manager obtain quantitative data to
review stakeholder expectations? 

Conduct one-on-one interviews

Review historical project data

Create focus groups of key stakeholders

Perform observations
In which of the following ways does assigning people to tasks relate to the

The schedule should be created after the tasks are assigned.

The schedule should be created before the tasks are assigned.

The schedule describes the responsibilities of each team member.

The schedule includes performance expectations for team members.

Which of the following budget methods provides a quick start to the budget
development process? 




A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) identifies deliverables, activities, and

Which statement describes a task? 

Tangible and measurable outcome expected from a project

A list that identifies the logical way to progress through work

Work performed to complete or manage the deliverables for a project

Discrete work required to complete parts of a project

Which budgeting method below identifies money that should be added to a
project budget to cover cost changes for a project? 




Which of the following is the last step performed in conducting a meeting for a

Document meeting minutes

Update decision log

Email minutes from meeting to attendees

Update meeting agenda

Which of the following is an example of an activity Sharon would perform in
Phase 2 of a project to build a community center in her town?

Document assumptions related to the project.

Get approval for change requests.

Develop a risk management plan.

Evaluate team performance.


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Sophia Project Management

Sophia - Project Management - Milestonne 4 -

Which of the following reflects a team evaluation criterion?

Managed conflicts between stakeholder groups interested in the project

Ensured completed deliverable was 95% defect-free

Met schedule requirements for completion of project tasks

Worked collectively to manage identified risks for the project

Which of the following statements about the usefulness of project management is

Project management methods are useful in many different types of


Project management is most commonly used in the building trades.

Project management is not useful for personal situations.

Project management is typically reserved for expensive projects.

Which of the following best describes a successful project? 

A project completed under budget

A project completed on budget

A project that delivers the specified scope

A project that finishes early

Which of the following documents will a project manager use to evaluate the
impact of a project?

Final schedule

Risk register

Scope document

Final budget
Which of the following is true regarding transferring ownership? 

The person responsible for the project is identified at the project approval

The project manager is often involved in implementing the project


The project manager has contact with the person responsible for the
project after the transfer meeting.

The project manager only communicates with the responsible person at

the transfer meeting.
Which of the following do the project approval meeting and the transfer meeting
have in common?

Team members attend both meetings.

The deliverable requirements are reviewed.

The budget is reviewed.

The schedule is reviewed.

Which of the following is an example of a product development project?

Manage a project to develop a new solar-powered camping tent.

Manage a project to raise funds for a national science competition.

Manage a project to analyze the need for a new layout of a retail store.

Manage a project to organize a convention for new inventors.

Which of the following is NOT included in the checklist a project manager uses
to determine if a project is ready to close? 

Deliverable requirements review

Risk review

Contract review

Communication plan review

Which of the following is NOT a formal, required step but is often performed
during the closing process? 

Recording feedback from team members

Assessing the team

Evaluating achievement of project benefits

Celebrating project completion

Which method below may be used to file project documentation in a consistent

Require copies of files to be given to each stakeholder.

Require the same number of files to be stored for every project.

Require project sponsor to sign off on each file stored for every project.

Require the files to use the same naming convention for every project.
Project documents are warehoused for which of the following reasons? 

To adhere to corporate privacy and tax laws

To document project management policy changes

To document employee evaluations

To access past project information as needed

Who of the following makes the decision as to which path to take during the
closing of a project?

Project sponsor

Project sponsor and key stakeholders

Project sponsor and all stakeholders

Project sponsor and project manager

Which of the following is the correct reason the team is released as the last step
in the closing process?

You may need team members to help in the transfer of ownership.

You cannot release them until they have another project assignment.

You may need them to sign off on deliverable.

You may need team members to meet with the project sponsor to gain
Which activity would Trina perform in Phase 3 of a project to create a plant
nursery at a local hardware store?

Manage changes to the deliverables.

Create an estimated timeline for completion.

Develop the work breakdown structure.

Verify deliverables are complete.

If the individual taking ownership of a project is identified early in the project,
which information below is NOT reviewed at the transfer meeting?

Project deliverables

Project scope

Outstanding issues

Project requirements
During which phase below would a project manager monitor the work performed
to create a deliverable? 

Phase 3

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 4
In which of the following circumstances is the "Extend the Project" path selected
for a project? 

A competing project or new technology has replaced the current project


The implementation of the project is too costly for the business to sustain.

The organization has time to delay implementation to ensure deliverables

meet requirements.

There is a business need for the deliverables to be implemented without

In which of the following ways is a team evaluation different than an individual

A team evaluation is a mandatory activity for a project manager to


A team evaluation is more likely to utilize performance management


A team evaluation focuses more on measurable standards.

A team evaluation focuses more on collaborative efforts of individuals.

Which item below should be documented in the lessons learned? 

Decision criteria

Team evaluations

Deliverable quality issues

Risk log
Which of the following is the next step Jared will perform in the closing process
if he has already made sure all contracts and deliverables were complete?

Determine if the project is ready to close.

Complete required documentation.

Document lessons learned.

Gain project approval.

Who of the following reviews the final version of the lessons learned first? 

Project team

Project approvers

Entire organization

Upper management


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