Concept Adv (1) 3

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FIITJEE JEE (Advanced) - 2016

FIITJEE Students From Classroom / Integrated School Programs have secured to 2 Zonal, 6 State & 18 City Topper Ranks. 33 in Top 100, 78 in Top 200 and 205 in Top 500
Paper 1

Time Allotted: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 180

 Pl ea s e r ea d t h e i n s t r u c t i o n s c a r ef u ll y . Yo u a r e a l l o t t ed 5 m i n u t es
s p ec i f i c a ll y f o r t h i s p u r p o s e.
All India Ranks bagged by FIITJEE Students from All Programs have qualified in JEE (Advanced), 2015.

 Yo u a r e n o t a ll o wed t o l ea v e t h e E xa m i n at i o n Ha l l b ef o r e t h e en d o f
t h e t es t .

A. General Instructions
1. Attempt ALL the questions. Answers have to be marked on the OMR sheets.
2. This question paper contains Three Parts.
3. Part-I is Physics, Part-II is Chemistry and Part-III is Mathematics.
4. Each part is further divided into two sections: Section-A & Section-C
5. Rough spaces are provided for rough work inside the question paper. No additional sheets will be
provided for rough work.
6. Blank Papers, clip boards, log tables, slide rule, calculator, cellular phones, pagers and electronic
devices, in any form, are not allowed.

B. Filling of OMR Sheet

1. Ensure matching of OMR sheet with the Question paper before you start marking your answers
on OMR sheet.
2. On the OMR sheet, darken the appropriate bubble with black pen for each character of your
Enrolment No. and write your Name, Test Centre and other details at the designated places.
3. OMR sheet contains alphabets, numerals & special characters for marking answers.

C. Marking Scheme For All Three Parts.

(i) Section-A (01 to 10) contains 10 multiple choice questions which have only one correct answer.
Each question carries +2 marks for correct answer. There is no negative marking.

Section-A (11 to 15) contains 5 multiple choice questions which have more than one correct
answer. Each question carries +4 marks for correct answer and – 1 mark for wrong answer.

(ii) Section-C (01 to 05) contains 5 Numerical based questions with answers as numerical value
and each question carries +4 marks for correct answer and – 1 mark for wrong answer.

Name of the Candidate

Enrolment No.

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942

Useful Data

Acceleration due to gravity g = 10 m/s2

Planck constant h = 6.6 1034 J-s

Charge of electron e = 1.6  1019 C

Mass of electron me = 9.1  1031 kg

Permittivity of free space 0 = 8.85  1012 C2/N-m2

Density of water water = 103 kg/m3

Atmospheric pressure Pa = 105 N/m2

Gas constant R = 8.314 J K1 mol1


Gas Constant R = 8.314 J K1 mol1

= 0.0821 Lit atm K1 mol1
= 1.987  2 Cal K1 mol1
Avogadro's Number Na = 6.023  1023
Planck’s constant h = 6.625  1034 Js
= 6.625  10–27 ergs
1 Faraday = 96500 coulomb
1 calorie = 4.2 joule
1 amu = 1.66  10–27 kg
1 eV = 1.6  10–19 J

Atomic No: H=1, He = 2, Li=3, Be=4, B=5, C=6, N=7, O=8,

N=9, Na=11, Mg=12, Si=14, Al=13, P=15, S=16,
Cl=17, Ar=18, K =19, Ca=20, Cr=24, Mn=25,
Fe=26, Co=27, Ni=28, Cu = 29, Zn=30, As=33,
Br=35, Ag=47, Sn=50, I=53, Xe=54, Ba=56,
Pb=82, U=92.
Atomic masses: H=1, He=4, Li=7, Be=9, B=11, C=12, N=14, O=16,
F=19, Na=23, Mg=24, Al = 27, Si=28, P=31, S=32,
Cl=35.5, K=39, Ca=40, Cr=52, Mn=55, Fe=56, Co=59,
Ni=58.7, Cu=63.5, Zn=65.4, As=75, Br=80, Ag=108,
Sn=118.7, I=127, Xe=131, Ba=137, Pb=207, U=238.

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942

Physics PART – I


Straight Objective Type

This section contains 10 multiple choice questions numbered 1 to 10. Each question has 4 choices (A),
(B), (C) and (D), out of which only ONE is correct

1. It is known that the temperature in the room is +20ºC when the outdoor temperature is
–20ºC, and +10ºC when the outdoor temperature is – 40ºC. In both cases, the temperature of the
radiator heating the room is T. The value of T is
(A) 40ºC (B) 60ºC
(C) 30ºC (D) 20ºC

2. An insect of negligible mass is sitting on a block of mass M, tied with a spring

of force constant k. The block performs simple harmonic motion with amplitude
A infront of a plane mirror placed as shown. The maximum speed of insect
relative to its image will be
k A 3 k
(A) A (B) 600
M 2 M
k A k
(C) A 3 (D)
M 2 M

3. Electromagnetic radiation whose electric component varies with time as

E = C1(C2  C3 cos t)cos 0 t , here C1, C2 and C3 are constants, is incident on lithium and
librates photoelectrons. If the kinetic energy of most energetic electrons be 0.592 × 10 19 J. Given
that 0 = 3.6 × 1015 rad/sec and  = 6 × 1014 rad/sec. The work function of lithium is (take
Planck’s constant h = 6.6 × 10 34 MKS).
(A) 1.2 eV (B) 1.5 eV
(C) 2.1 eV (D) 2.39 eV

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4. A radar receiver receives radio waves of wavelength 

coming at an angle  with the vertical. Waves also get 
reflected at the water surface and are incident on the receiver
as shown. If the radar records a maximum intensity, the
height of antenna h from water surface can be h
 
(A) (B)
2cos  2sin  
 
(C) (D)
4 sin  4cos 

5. A ball after falling through a distance h collides with an inclined plane of

inclination  as shown. It moves horizontally after the impact. The co- h
efficient of restitution between inclined plane and ball is
(A) 1 (B) tan2  
(C) cot 2  (D) sin2 

6. A solid sphere of mass M is attached to two massless springs each of

spring constant k. It can roll without slipping along a horizontal
surface. If the system is released after a small stretch in spring, then
the time period of oscillations will be :
7M 7M
(A) 2 (B) 2
2k 5k
7M M
(C)  (D) 2
10k k

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7. Half part of ring is uniformly positively charged and other half is uniformly E0
negatively charged. Ring is in equilibrium in uniform electric field as
shown and free to rotate about an axis passing through its centre and – ++

perpendicular to plane. The equilibrium is – +
(A) stable – +
(B) unstable – +
(C) neutral – +
(D) can be stable or unstable +

–– ++

8. Conducting circular loop of radius r is placed in x-y plane in gravity free y

space as shown in the figure, mass of the loop is m and centre of the
loop is at the origin. At t = 0, a current I starts flowing through the loop r
and a magnetic field B0 (iˆ  ˆj) is switched on in the region (where B0 is a x
constant). The angular acceleration of the loop due to the torque of
magnetic field is

2B0i 2 2B0i
(A) (B)
m m
B0i B0i
(C) (D)
m 2m

9. A conducting rod AB moves parallel to x-axis in the x- A

y plane. A uniform magnetic field B pointing normally 
out of the plane exists throughout the region. A force F C B
acts perpendicular to the rod, so that the rod moves F
with uniform velocity v. The force F is given by R
(neglect resistance of all the wires)

vB2l2  t/RC vB2l2

(A) e (B)
vB2l2 vB2l2

1  e t/RC  (D)

1  e 2t/RC 
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10. A frictionless tunnel is dug along a chord of the earth at a perpendicular distance from the
centre of earth (where R is radius of earth). An object is released from one end of the tunnel. The
correct graph, showing the variation of acceleration of particle with its distance r from centre of
earth is
(A) a (B) a

r r
2 2
(C) a (D) a

r r
2 2

Multiple Correct Choice Type

This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for
its answer, out of which only ONE OR MORE THAN ONE is/are correct

11. Two capacitors of capacitance 3 F and 6 F are charged to a potential of 12 V each. They are
now connected to each other, with the positive plate of one to the negative plate of the other.
(A) the potential difference across 3 F is zero
(B) the potential difference across 3 F is 4 V
(C) the charge on 3 F is zero
(D) the charge on 3 F is 12 C

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12. A conducting rod AC of length 4 is rotated about a point O 

       B
in a uniform magnetic field directed into the paper. AO = 
and OC = 3. Then   O    

      
2 2
B B 
(A) VO  VA  (B) VO  VA 
2 2
(C) VA  VC  4B2 (D) VO  VC  B2

13. In the figure shown, the amount of heat supplied to

one mole of an ideal gas is plotted on the horizontal 3
axis and the amount of work performed by the gas is W(J)
drawn on the vertical axis. One of the straight lines in
the figure is an isotherm and the other two are isobars
of two gases. The initial states of both gases are same.
[Given 1 = tan-1(2/7), 2 = tan-1(2/5), 3 = 45o]
Identify the correct option(s). 2
(A) Curve 1 and Curve 2 correspond to isobaric
processes 1
(B) Curve 3 corresponds to isothermal process 3
(C) The degrees of freedom of gas in Curve 1 is 5. 2 1

(D) The degrees of freedom of gas in Curve 2 is 7. O


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14. In the figure shown capacitors A and B of capacitance C each are K

in steady state. A dielectric slab of dielectric constant
K = 2 and dimensions equal to the inner dimensions of the A B
capacitor is inserted in the space between the plates of the
capacitor B. Choose the correct option(s) : E R
(A) Charge on each capacitor will increase by .
(B) In the process of inserting the dielectric, energy of the cell decreases by an amount of .
(C) In the process of inserting the dielectric, energy of the cell increases by an amount of
(D) In the process of inserting the dielectric, the energy in the capacitor A increases by an
amount of .

15. A rectangular vessel of dimension (l × b × h) and mass M l

contains a liquid of density . The vessel has a orifice at its
bottom at a distance c from the rear wall as shown in fig. h F
(A) The maximum volume of the water that will remain in the
vessel when it is accelerated is .
2 c
(B) The maximum volume of the water that will remain in the vessel when it is accelerated is
 hcb  hg
(C) Force F that must be applied when maximum water is stored is M 
 2  c
 hcb  l g
(D) Force F that must be applied when maximum water is stored is M 
 2  c

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(One Integer Value Correct Type)

This section contains 5 questions. Each question, when worked out will result in one integer from 0 to 9
(both inclusive).

1. A stationary lithium nucleus is bombarded by a proton. As a result of the collision two

-particles are produced. If the direction of motion of one of the -particles with the initial
direction of motion makes an angle cos1 (1/4). If the kinetic energy of the striking proton is K in
MeV, find K/17.28. Given binding energies per nucleon of Li and He4 are 5.60 and 7.06 MeV
respectively. (Assume mass of proton  mass of neutron).

2. A point source of power 4W is placed 1m below the free surface of liquid whose refractive index
is ' ' . Find the rate of transfer of energy (in watt) from the liquid surface to air. Ignore any
absorption or scattering of light energy.

3 Sound waves of frequency 16 kHz are emitted by two coherent point sources of sound placed 2
m apart at the centre of a circular train track of large radius. A person riding the train observes 2
maxima per second when the train is running at a speed of 36 km/h. If the circumference of the
track is L in meter, find L /1000. [velocity of sound in air 320 m/s]

4. A solid ball of mass m and radius r spinning with 

angular velocity  falls on horizontal slab of mass M
with rough upper surface (coefficient of friction ) and
smooth lower surface. Immediately after collision, m
normal component of velocity of the ball becomes half
of its value just before collision and it stops spinning.
Find the velocity of the sphere in horizontal direction
immediately after impact (given: R = 5) v

5. Two identical capacitors are connected as shown in the adjacent Q0

diagram and are given initial identical charges Q0. Separation between v +–
the plates of capacitors is d0. Suddenly the left plate of upper capacitor +–
and right plate of lower capacitor start moving with speed v towards left +–
while other plates of the capacitors remain fixed. (given
Q0 v +–
=1ampere). Find the value of current (in ampere) in the circuit. +–
2d +–
Q0 v

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Chemistry PART – II


Straight Objective Type

This section contains 10 multiple choice questions numbered 1 to 10. Each question has 4 choices (A),
(B), (C) and (D), out of which only ONE is correct

1. Which of the following is NOT correct for the parameters specified in bracket after each pair?
(A) O O (B)

 (dipole moment)  (stability)

 (Basicity)
N N  (Acidity)

F Cl

2. H3C H3C
C ' X'
O  C CH2

‘X’ may be:

(A) (i) LiAlH4 (ii) H (B) H2C PPh3

(C) H2C CH2 (D) H2C O

3. In the following reaction

Br2 / CCl4
 P Q
Both P and Q are related as
(A) Optically active diastereomers (B) Optically inactive diastereomers
(C) Enantiomers (D) Structural isomers

1. NaOH 
4. Glyoxal 
  P  final product
2. H
The final product in the reaction sequence is:
(A) O O (B) H3C CH CH C OH
H 2C C

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5. A mixture of concentrated nitric and sulphuric acids is called nitrating mixture, which is used in
nitration of aromatic compounds. When 1 mol HNO3 is dissolved in 1 kg pure H2SO4 then the
approximate freezing point depression of the solution is
(given : Kf for H2SO4 is 6.12 K/Kg-mol)
(A) 6.12 K (B) 12.24 K
(C) 18.36 K (D) 24.48 K

6. KOH is preferably used to absorb CO2 over NaOH because:

(A) KOH is more soluble than NaOH (B) KOH is more strong base than NaOH
(C) Product KHCO3 is soluble in water (D) Product NaHCO3 is soluble in water

7. MeO

HO CHO 
OH i Ac 2O H2 /Pd i Re d P  Br2
 X   Y   Z   "L  Dopa "
Me SO 2 4

ii H3 O , ii NH  3

(Used in treatment of
Parkinson's disease)
Structure of “L-Dopa” is:
(A) MeO (B) HO


(C) HO (D) HO



8. Number of atoms at next nearest position from a given atom in a BCC structure is
(A) 8 (B) 6
(C) 12 (D) 4

9. Which of the following order is INCORRECT?

 
(A) F2 CH  CF3 (stability) (B) SiF4 > SiCl4 (Lewis acidic character)
(C) BF3 > BCl3 (Lewis acidic character) (D) F  H (ionic radius)

10. Which of the following cannot act as buffer solution?

(A) 30 ml, 0.1 M CH3COOH + 10 ml, 0.3 M NH4OH
(B) 10 ml, 0.2 M Na2CO3 + 20 ml, 0.2 M H2CO3
(C) 30 ml, 0.1 M HCl + 10 ml, 0.1 M Na3PO4
(D) 10 ml, 0.1 M NH4Cl + 5 ml, 0.1 M NaOH

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Multiple Correct Choice Type

This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for
its answer, out of which only ONE OR MORE THAN ONE is/are correct

11. Select the correct statement (s) about FCC crystal structure of an element
(A) Distance between nearest octahedral void and tetrahedral void is a
(B) Distance between two nearest octahedral void is a
(C) Distance between two nearest tetrahedral void is a
(D) Distance between layer A and B is 2r
(where a = edge length of unit cell, r = atomic radius)

12. Conductivity of saturated solution of CaF2 is 4.2  10–5 S cm–1 and conductivity of H2O is 2  10–6
S cm–1
 
m Ca2  104 S cm2mol1

m F   48 S cm mol
 2 1

Then the correct option(s) is / are:

(A) Solubility of CaF2 is 0.0156 g/L
(B) Solubility of CaF2 is 2  10–4M
(C) Ksp(CaF2) = 3.2  10–11 M3
(D) Conductivity of saturated solution of CaF2 increases with dilution

13. Which of the following oxide of nitrogen produces brown coloured gas (paramagnetic in nature)
on dissociation
(A) N2O (B) N2O3
(C) N2O4 (D) NO

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14. Which of the following processes result in a Prussian blue ppt.?

(A) Fe 2  K 4 Fe  CN6   (B) Fe 2  Fe  CN6  
4 3 SnCl2 solution
(C) Fe 3  Fe  CN6   (D) Fe 3  Fe  CN6    

15. Ph CH3
 i MgBr
H CHCl Cl
P  
  Q 
 ii H 
 R 

I2  NaOH

 X   Y 
Choose correct statement(s) for above reaction sequence:
Ph CH3


(A) (Y) is sodium benzoate (B) (Q) is

(C) (P) give (+) victor maeyer test (D) Number of H atoms in (R) are 7

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(One Integer Value Correct Type)

This section contains 5 questions. Each question, when worked out will result in one integer from 0 to 9
(both inclusive).

1. One mole of an ideal monoatomic gas is taken from state A to state B through the process
3 2
P T . It is found that its temperature increases by 115.2 K in this process. Now it is taken
1 2
from state B to C through a process for which internal energy is related to volume as U  V .
The volume at B is 100 m 3 and at C it is 1600 m 3, then the total work done by the gas is   102 J .
 25 
Then the value of  is:  R  J / mol K  .
 3 

2. The energy levels of a hypothetical single electron atom are shown in figure. The minimum

energy that an electron will have after interacting with this atom in the ground state is eV . If
the initial kinetic energy of the electron is 11 eV then find the value of . (assume incoming
electron will not create any kind of distortion in energy levels).
 ……………… 0 eV
n = 5 ------------------ –0.80 eV

n=4 ------------------ –1.45 eV

n=3 ------------------ –3.08 ev

n=2 ------------------ –5.3 ev

n=1 ------------------ –15.6 ev

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3. (i) Cl2  NaOH  ............  ...........  ...........

cold / dil

(ii) Cl2  NaOH  ............  ...........  ...........

hot / conc.
If the oxidation number of Cl in anion of oxyacid produced in reaction (i) is x and the oxidation
number of Cl in anion of oxyacid produced in reaction (ii) is y then the value of (y – x) is:

4. Total number stereoisomer of compound A is X and that of compound B is Y then the value of
(X + Y) is:

(A) (B)

5. Find number of diatomic molecule/ion in which  bond is / are present

O22 , O2 , O2 , C2 , C22 , F2 , N2 , He2

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Mathematics PART – III


Straight Objective Type

This section contains 10 multiple choice questions numbered 1 to 10. Each question has 4 choices (A),
(B), (C) and (D), out of which only ONE is correct

 Ck n2k Cr k
k 0
1. Value of n n k 2k  2r
(n  2r) is
n 2k 3  1

k r
Ck C2r  
 
 2
(A) 1/2 (B) 2
(C) 1 (D) none of these

2. If , ,  are the roots of the equation x3 = x2 + 1. The equation whose roots are
2 + 3 + 4, 2 + 3 + 4, 2 + 3 + 4 is
(A) y3 – 10y2 – 33y = 37 = 0 (B) y3 – 10y2 + 33y – 37 = 0
3 2
(C) y + 10y + 33y + 37 = 0 (D) y3 – 10y2 – 33y – 37 = 0

3. If f(2010) = /2,f(x) = f(2x) x  R and f(x) is continuous for x  R, then the value of
cos  f  x    3 cos  f  x  
lim is
x 0 sin2 x
(A) 1/4 (B) 1
(C) 0 (D) none of these

4. The domain of the function 1  f(x) where f 3(x) = 1 – x3 – 3xf(x). x  R is (f(1)  – 1)

(A) R (B) R – {0}
(C) R+ {0} (D) R–

5. Number of solutions of the equation where

x  (0, /2) cot() + cot( – /3) + cot( – /3) + 3cot(3) = 0
(A) Infinite (B) 0
(C) 1 (D) none of these

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FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942

     
6. The vectors x and y satisfy the equation p x + q y = a (where p, q are scalar constants and a
2 
  a x
is a known vector). It is given that x . y  , then  is equal to ( pq>0 )
4pq y
(A) 1 (B)
p q
(C) (D)
q p

7. A straight line which is normal to the parabola y2 = 4ax is tangent to the hyperbola x 2 – y2 = a2.
The number of such lines possible is
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 6 (D) none of these

8. Two circles S1 = 0, S2 = 0 of equal radius ’r’ intersect such that one circle passes through the
centre of the other circle. Another circle (S = 0) touches S1 = 0 internally and S2 = 0 externally
and also touches the line joining the centres of the two circles S1 = 0 and S2 = 0. Then radius of
S = 0 is
3r 3r
(A) (B)
2 4
(C) (D) none of these

9. 
If f(x)  lim n2 e n
ln sin x
 e n 1
ln sin x
 where 0 < x < , n  N and  f(x)dx    ln 4 then

n k
ax + b + cx–k = 0 is

(A) a quadratic equation (B) cubic equation

(C) biquadratic equation (D) none of these

(x   )n  (x   )n
10. If ,  are the roots of the equation t2  2t + 2 = 0, and 1 + x = cot , then is
equal to
cos n sin n
(A) (B)
sinn  sinn 
cos n sin n
(C) (D)
cosn  cosn 

Space for rough work

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942

Multiple Correct Choice Type

This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for
its answer, out of which only ONE OR MORE THAN ONE is/are correct

11. f, g, h : R  R, f(x), g(x), h(x) are all continuous, differentiable functions which satisfy the relation
f(x + y) = g(x) + h(y) for all x, y  R
(A) f(0) = f(1) (B) g(x) = h(x) + 1
(C) h(x)  g(x)  x  R – {0} if h(0)  g(0) (D) f(0) = g(0) + h(0)

3cos 2x
12. Consider the equation 1  = 2sin–1(sin2x) x  [– , )
4 2 4 2
sin x  4cos x  cos x  4 sin x
(A) Number of roots of this equation is 2
(B) Number of roots of this equation is 4
  
(C) One root lies in the interval  , 
8 6
(D) If x  [0, n] n  N, number of roots will never be odd.

 1 0 0
13. If A =  1 0 1 , then
0 1 0 
(A) A – A2 = A – I
(B) Det (A2010 – I) = 0
 1 0 0  1 1 0
(C) A =  25 1 0  (D) A =  25 1 0 
50 50

 25 0 1  25 0 1

x2 y2
14. Consider the equation  =1
sin 2  sin 3 cos 2  cos 3
(2 = 1.4142, 3 = 1.73205,  = 3.1415)
(A) The curve is an ellipse (B) The curve is a hyperbola
(C) Major/Transverse axis is y–axis (D) Major/Transverse axis is x–axis

15. A variable plane which remains at a constant distance P from the origin (0) cuts the coordinate
axes in A, B, C.
(A) Locus of centroid of tetrahedron OABC is x 2y2 + y2z2 + z2x2 = 2 x2y2z2
2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2
(B) Locus of centroid of tetrahedron OABC is x y + y z + z x = 2 x y z
(C) Parametric equation of the centroid of the tetrahedron is of the form
P P P 
 sec  sec , sec  cosec , cosec   ,   (0, 2) – {/2, , 3/2}
4 4 4 
(D) none of these

Space for rough work

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942


(One Integer Value Correct Type)

This section contains 5 questions. Each question, when worked out will result in one integer from 0 to 9
(both inclusive).

1. Value of 1.(2 – w)(2 – w2) + 2.(3 – w)(3 – w2) + 3.(4 – w)(4 – w2) + 4.(5 – w)(5 – w2) = 44k,
k is equal to _________ (w is the cube root of unity)

2. If x  (1°, 30°), (1 + tan(x)°)(1+ tan(x + 1)°)(1 + tan(x + 2)°) … (1 + tan(x + 44)°) = 223. Value of x
is _______ degrees

3. The area bounded by the curve f(x) = x + sinx and its inverse between the ordinates x = 0 to
x = 2 is 2k, k  N, then k is equal to ________

BD 2 BE 2
4. In a ABC, D is a point on BC such that = , point E lies on AB such that = ,AD and
DC 3 EA 1
AF n
CE intersect at F, = , n  N. Then n is equal to _______
FD n 1

5. The equations of four circles are (x  (2 – 1))2 + (y  (2 – 1))2 = (2 – 1)2. Then the radius of a
circle touching all the four circles internally is equal to _______

Space for rough work

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942

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