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Vol-5 Issue-6 2019 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396


K.Krishnaveni1, Ponnapally Threenadh2
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Pallavi Engineering College
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Pallavi Engineering College

Substituting composite structures for conventional metallic structures has many advantages because of
higher specific stiffness and strength of composite materials. This work deals with the replacement of conventional
two-piece steel drive shafts with a single-piece e-glass/ epoxy, high strength carbon/epoxy and high modulus
carbon/epoxy composite drive shaft for an automotive application. Use of advanced composites has resulted in
remarkable achievements in many fields including aviation, marine and automobile engineering, medicine,
prosthetics and sports, in terms of improved fatigue and corrosion resistances, high specific strength and specific
modulus and reduction in energy requirements owing to reduction in weight. The aim of this work is to replace the
conventional steel driveshaft of automobiles with an appropriate composite driveshaft. The finite element analysis
results are compared with already existed steel drive shaft values and it is observed that the single piece composite
drive shaft is suitable for driveline application. The design optimization also showed significant potential
improvement in the performance of drive shaft. In this present work an attempt has been to estimate the deflection,
shear stresses by using ansys 14.5.

Keywords:-Torque Transmission, Static analysis, Modal analysis, Buckling deformation, Ansys .


The advanced composite materials such as Graphite, Carbon, Kevlar and Glass with suitable resins are
widely used because of their high specific strength (strength/density) and high specific modulus (modulus/density).
Advanced composite materials seem ideally suited for long, power driver shaft (propeller shaft) applications. Their
elastic properties can be tailored to increase the torque they can carry as well as the rotational speed at which they
operate. The drive shafts are used in automotive, aircraft and aerospace applications. The automotive industry is
exploiting composite material technology for structural components construction in order to obtain the reduction of
the weight without decrease in vehicle quality and reliability. It is known that energy conservation is one of the most
important objectives in vehicle design and reduction of weight is one of the most effective measures to obtain this
result. Actually, there is almost a direct proportionality between the weight of a vehicle and its fuel consumption,
particularly in city driving.

1.1 Description of the Problem

The fundamental natural bending frequency for passenger cars, small trucks, and vans of the propeller shaft
should be higher than 6,500 rpm to avoid whirling vibration and the torque transmission capability of the drive shaft
should be larger than 3,500 Nm. The drive shaft outer diameter should not exceed 100 mm due to space limitations.
Because in case of front engine rear wheel drive vehicles size of drive shaft increases chassis height and reduces
floor space in passenger compartment. So here outer diameter of the shaft is taken as 90 mm with little compromise
between strength of drive shaft and decrease chassis height.
Presently many SUVs and light commercial vehicle using front engine rear wheel drive system. The
constraints for selecting propeller shaft dimensions are wheel base of vehicle, maximum torque transmission
capacity and angular velocity of propeller shaft. The drive shaft of transmission system is to be designed optimally
for following specified design.

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In actual operating condition shaft is subjected to three types of loads, which are following torsional,
vibrations and buckling. We are going to analyze the drive shaft for the torsional, modal and buckling analysis using
steel and four different composite materials by varying the ply angle, no. of plies and ply thickness.
Almost all automobiles (at least those which correspond to design with rear wheel drive and front engine
installation) have transmission shafts. The weight reduction of the drive shaft can have a certain role in the general
weight reduction of the vehicle and is a highly desirable goal, if it can be achieved without increase in cost and
decrease in quality and reliability.

1.2 Aim and Scope of the Work

This work deals with the replacement of a conventional steel drive shaft with E-Glass/ Epoxy, High
Strength Carbon/Epoxy and High Modulus Carbon/Epoxy composite drive shafts for an automobile application.

1.3 Optimum Design Using Genetic Algorithm

The design parameters are to be optimized for E-Glass/Epoxy, High Strength Carbon/Epoxy and High
Modulus Carbon/Epoxy composite drive shafts of an automobile using Genetic Algorithm. The purpose of using
Genetic Algorithm is to minimize the weight of the shaft, which is subjected to the constraints such as torque
transmission, torsion buckling capacities and fundamental lateral natural frequency.
The design parameters to be optimized are,
 Ply thickness
 Number of plies required
 Stacking sequence of Laminate
1.4 Analysis
Modeling of the High Strength Carbon/Epoxy composite drive shaft using ANSYS.
Static, Modal and Buckling analysis are to be carried out on the finite element model of the High Strength
Carbon/Epoxy composite drive shaft using ANSYS.


2.1 Specification of the Problem

The fundamental natural bending frequency for passenger cars, small trucks, and vans of the propeller shaft
should be higher than 6,500 rpm to avoid whirling vibration and the torque transmission capability of the drive shaft
should be larger than 3,500 Nm. The drive shaft outer diameter should not exceed 100 mm due to space limitations.
Here outer diameter of the shaft is taken as 90 mm. The drive shaft of transmission system is to be designed
optimally for following specified design requirements.

Table 2.1 Design requirements and specifications

S.NO Specifications Values

1. Ultimate torque(Tmax) 3500 Nm
2. Maximum speed of shaft(Nmax) 6500 rpm
3. Length of shaft(L) 1250 mm

Steel (SM45C) used for automotive drive shaft applications. The material properties of the steel (SM45C)
are given in Table 4.2. The steel drive shaft should satisfy three design specifications such as torque transmission
capability, buckling torque capability and bending natural frequency.

2.2 Torque transmission capacity of the drive shaft

T = SS π(do4− di4)/16do …. (1) Taking factor of safety as 3.

T = 2464.2 Nm (where shear strength=123.3 MPa,d0=90 mm,di=86.68 mm)

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2.3 Mass of steel drive shaft

m= ƍAL= ƍ (do2- di 2) ×L/4

do = outer diameter (m)
di = inner diameter (m)
m = 8.58 Kg


3.1 Specification of the Problem

The specifications of the composite drive shaft of an automotive transmission are same as that of the steel
drive shaft for optimal design.

3.2 Assumptions
1. The shaft rotates at a constant speed about its longitudinal axis.
2. The shaft has a uniform, circular cross section.
3. The shaft is perfectly balanced, i.e., at every cross section, the mass center coincides with the geometric
4. All damping and nonlinear effects are excluded.
5. The stress-strain relationship for composite material is linear & elastic; hence, Hooke’s law is applicable
for composite materials.
6. Acoustical fluid interactions are neglected, i.e., the shaft is assumed to be acting in a vacuum.
7. Since lamina is thin and no out-of-plane loads are applied, it is considered as under the plane stress.

3.3 Selection of Cross-Section

The drive shaft can be solid circular or hollow circular. Here hollow circular cross-section was chosen
 The hollow circular shafts are stronger in per kg weight than solid circular.
 The stress distribution in case of solid shaft is zero at the center and maximum at the outer surface
while in hollow shaft stress variation is smaller. In solid shafts the material close to the center are
not fully utilized.

3.4 Selection of Reinforcement Fiber

Fibers are available with widely differing properties. Review of the design and performance requirements
usually dictate the fiber/fibers to be used.
Carbon/Graphite fibers: Its advantages include high specific strength and modulus, low coefficient of thermal
expansion, and high fatigue strength. Graphite, when used alone has low impact resistance. Its drawbacks include
high cost, low impact resistance, and high electrical conductivity.
Glass fibers: Its advantages include its low cost, high strength, high chemical resistance, and good insulating
properties. The disadvantages are low elastic modulus, poor adhesion to polymers, low fatigue strength, and high
density, which increase shaft size and weight. Also crack detection becomes difficult.
Kevlar fibers: Its advantages are low density, high tensile strength, low cost, and higher impact resistance. The
disadvantages are very low compressive strength, marginal shear strength, and high water absorption. Kevlar is not
recommended for use in torque carrying application because of its low strength in compression and shear. Here, both
glass and carbon fibers are selected as potential materials for the design of shaft.

3.5 Selection of Resin System

The important considerations in selecting resin are cost, temperature capability, elongation to failure and
resistance to impact (a function of modulus of elongation). The resins selected for most of the drive shafts are either
epoxies or vinyl esters. Here, epoxy resin was selected due to its high strength, good wetting of fibers, lower curing
shrinkage, and better dimensional stability.

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3.6 Selection of Materials

Based on the advantages discussed earlier, the E-Glass/Epoxy, High Strength Carbon/Epoxy and High Modulus
Carbon/Epoxy materials are selected for composite drive shaft. The E-Glass/Epoxy, High Strength Carbon/Epoxy
and High Modulus Carbon/Epoxy materials used for composite drive shafts.

Properties of E-Glass/Epoxy, HS Carbon/Epoxy and HM Carbon/Epoxy

Properties E GLASS HM Carbon HS Carbon
Young’s Modulus X direction 5.e+010 Pa 1.90E+11 1.34e+011 Pa
Young’s Modulus Y direction 1.2e+010 Pa 7.70E+09 7e+009 Pa
Young’s Modulus Z direction 1.2e+010 Pa 7.70E+09 7e+009 Pa
Major Poisson’s Ration XY 0.3 3.00E-01 0.3
Major Poisson’s Ration YZ 0.3 3.00E-01 0.3
Major Poisson’s Ration XZ 0.3 3.00E-01 0.3
Shear modulus XY 5.6e+009 Pa 4.20E+09 5.8e+009 Pa
Shear modulus YZ 5.6e+009 Pa 4.20E+09 5.8e+009 Pa
Shear modulus XZ 5.6e+009 Pa 4.20E+09 5.8e+009 Pa
Density 2000 Kg/m3 1600 Kg/m3 1600 Kg/m3
Allowable Stress 400e+006 Pa 4.40E+08 600000000

Torque transmission capacity of the composite drive shafts

For E glass epoxy material, T=15439.2 Nm

(where shear strength=400 MPa, d0=90 mm, di=83.2 mm)

For HM carbon epoxy material, T=5519.04 Nm

(where shear strength=440 MPa, d0=90 mm, di=87.96 mm)

For HS carbon epoxy material, T=7525.9 Nm

(where shear strength=600 MPa, d0=90 mm, di=87.96 mm)


4.1 Introduction

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a computer-based numerical technique for calculating the strength and
behavior of engineering structures. It can be used to calculate deflection, stress, vibration, buckling behavior and
many other phenomena. It also can be used to analyze either small or large-scale deflection under loading or applied
displacement. It uses a numerical technique called the finite element method (FEM).
In finite element method, the actual continuum is represented by the finite elements. These elements are
considered to be joined at specified joints called nodes or nodal points. As the actual variation of the field variable
(like displacement, temperature and pressure or velocity) inside the continuum is not known, the variation of the
field variable inside a finite element is approximated by a simple function. The approximating functions are also
called as interpolation models and are defined in terms of field variable at the nodes. When the equilibrium
equations for the whole continuum are known, the unknowns will be the nodal values of the field variable.
In this project finite element analysis was carried out using the FEA software ANSYS. The primary
unknowns in this structural analysis are displacements and other quantities, such as strains, stresses, and reaction
forces, are then derived from the nodal displacements.

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4.2 Modeling Linear Layered Shells

SHELL99 may be used for layered applications of a structural shell model as shown in Fig 8.1. SHELL99
allows up to 250 layers. The element has six degrees of freedom at each node: translations in the nodal x, y and z
directions and rotations about the nodal x, y and z-axes.

4.3 Meshing:
We have selected area mesh for the meshing with the element size of 10, which will provide us fine
meshing. We have selected quadrilateral mesh element for accurate and uniform meshing of component. The
meshing is the method in which the geometry is divided in small number of elements.

4.4 Static Analysis

Static analysis deals with the conditions of equilibrium of the bodies acted upon by forces. A static analysis
can be either linear or non-linear. All types of non-linearities are allowed such as large deformations, plasticity,
creep, stress stiffening, contact elements etc. this chapter focuses on static analysis. A static analysis calculates the
effects of steady loading conditions on a structure, while ignoring inertia and damping effects, such as those carried
by time varying loads. A static analysis is used to determine the displacements, stresses, strains and forces in
structures or components caused by loads that do not induce significant inertia and damping effects. A static analysis
can however include steady inertia loads such as gravity, spinning and time varying loads.
In static analysis loading and response conditions are assumed, that is the loads and the structure responses
are assumed to vary slowly with respect to time.
The kinds of loading that can be applied in static analysis includes,

1. Externally applied forces, moments and pressures

2. Steady state inertial forces such as gravity and spinning
3. Imposed non-zero displacements
A static analysis result of structural displacements, stresses and strains and forces in structures for
components caused by loads will give a clear idea about whether the structure or components will withstand for the
applied maximum forces. If the stress values obtained in this analysis crosses the allowable values it will result in
the failure of the structure in the static condition itself. To avoid such a failure, this analysis is necessary.

4.4.1 Boundary Conditions

The finite element model of HS Carbon/Epoxy shaft. One end is fixed and torque is applied at other end,

Figure 4.2. Finite element model of HS Carbon/Epoxy shaft

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4.5.1 E-GLASS EPOXY RESULTS Shear stress results

Shear stress for e glass epoxy material is calculated by using ansys 14.5

 Maximum shear stress for e glass epoxy material is 3.4829e6 Pascal’s

 Minimum shear stress for e glass epoxy material is -2.2642e6 Pascal’s
 And the best value of shear stress for e glass epoxy material is 2.9009e5 Pascal’s

11158 1572

Vol-5 Issue-6 2019 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 Shear strain result

Shear strain for e glass epoxy material is calculated by using ansys 14.5

 Maximum shear strain for e glass epoxy material is 0.0006219

 Minimum shear strain for e glass epoxy material is 0.000404
 And the best value of shear strain for e glass epoxy material is 0.000165

11158 1573

Vol-5 Issue-6 2019 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 Buckling results

Buckling deformation for e glass epoxy material is calculated by using ansys 14.5

 Maximum Buckling deformation for e glass epoxy material is 1.170 m

 Minimum Buckling deformation for e glass epoxy material is 0 m
 And the best value of Buckling deformation for eglass epoxy material is 0.52019 m

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4.5.2 .1 Shear stress results

Shear stress for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is calculated by using ansys 14.5

 Maximum shear stress for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is 4.3e6 Pascal’s

 Minimum shear stress for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is -3.1357e6 Pascal’s
 The best value of shear stress for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is 1.6902e5 Pascal’s

11158 1575

Vol-5 Issue-6 2019 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 Shear strain result

Shear strain for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is calculated by using ansys 14.5

 Maximum shear strain for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is 0.0010238

 Minimum shear strain for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is 0.000404
 The best value of shear strain for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is 0.0002365

11158 1576

Vol-5 Issue-6 2019 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 Buckling results

Buckling deformation for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is calculated by using ansys 14.5

 Maximum Buckling deformation for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is 1.1741 m

 Minimum Buckling deformation for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is 0 m
 The best value of Buckling deformation for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is 0.52181 m

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4.5.3 HS –CARBON RESULTS Shear stress results

Shear stress for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is calculated by using ansys 14.5

 Maximum shear stress for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is 4.712e6 Pascal’s

 Minimum shear stress for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is -3.4083e6 Pascal’s
 The best value of shear stress for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is 2.0073e5 Pascal’s

11158 1578

Vol-5 Issue-6 2019 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 Shear strain result

Shear strain for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is calculated by using ansys 14.5

 Maximum shear strain for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is 0.01396

 Minimum shear strain for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is 0.12706
 And the best value of shear strain for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is 0.013267

11158 1579

Vol-5 Issue-6 2019 IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396 Buckling results

Buckling deformation for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is calculated by using ansys 14.5

 Maximum Buckling deformation for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is 1.176 m

 Minimum Buckling deformation for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is 0 m
 The best value of Buckling deformation for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is 0.5303m

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A one-piece composite drive shaft for rear wheel drive automobile was designed optimally by using genetic
Algorithm for E-Glass/Epoxy, High Strength Carbon/Epoxy and High Modulus Carbon/Epoxy composites with the
objective of minimization of weight of the shaft which is subjected to the constraints such as torque transmission.

5.1.1 Optimization

Steel E-Glass/Epoxy HS Carbon/Epoxy HM Carbon/Epoxy


do (mm) 90 90 90 90

L (mm) 1250 1250 1250 1250

tk (mm) 3.318 0.4 0.12 0.12

Optimum no. of Layers 1 17 17 17

t (mm) 3.318 6.8 2.04 2.04

[46/-64/-15/-13/ _ 39/- [-56/-51/74/-82/ _ [-65/25/68-63/ _ 36/-

Stacking sequence -
84/-28/20/- 27 ]s 67/70/13/-44/- 75]S 40/-39/74/- 39]S

Weight (kg) 8.604 4.443 1.1273 1.1274

Weight saving (%) - 48.36 86.90 86.90

Table No 7.1

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5.2 Shear stress

Shear stress for e glass epoxy material is calculated by using ansys 14.5
 Maximum shear stress for e glass epoxy material is 34.829e5 Pascal’s
 Minimum shear stress for e glass epoxy material is -22.642e5 Pascal’s
 And the Best value of shear stress for e glass epoxy material is 2.9009e5 Pascal’s

Shear stress for HM-carbon material is calculated by using ansys 14.5

 Maximum shear stress for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is 43.e5 Pascal’s
 Minimum shear stress for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is -31.357e5 Pascal’s
 The Best value of shear stress for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is 1.6902e5 Pascal’s

Shear stress for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is calculated by using ansys 14.5

 Maximum shear stress for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is 47.12e5 Pascal’s
 Minimum shear stress for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is -34.083e6 Pascal’s
 The Best value of shear stress for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is 2.0073e5 Pascal’s

Finally between these three composite materials HM-Carbon/Epoxy material having less shear stress(1.6902e5
Pascal’s) comparing with e glass epoxy and HS –carbon/Epoxy materials.

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5.3 shear strain

Shear strain for e glass epoxy material is calculated by using ansys 14.5
 Maximum shear strain for e glass epoxy material is 0.0006219
 Minimum shear strain for e glass epoxy material is 0.000404
 And the Best value of shear strain for e glass epoxy material is 0.000165

Shear strain for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is calculated by using ansys 14.5

 Maximum shear strain for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is 0.0010238
 Minimum shear strain for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is 0.000404
 And the Best value of shear strain for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is 0.0002365

Shear strain for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is calculated by using ansys 14.5

 Maximum shear strain for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is 0.01396
 Minimum shear strain for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is 0.12706
 And the Best value of shear strain for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is 0.013267

Finally between these three composite materials e glass epoxy material having less shear strain (0.000165)
comparing with HM-carbon/Epoxy and HS –carbon/Epoxy materials.

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5.4 Buckling deformation

Buckling deformation for e glass epoxy material is calculated by using ansys 14.5
 Maximum Buckling deformation for e glass epoxy material is 1.170 m
 Minimum Buckling deformation for e glass epoxy material is 0 m
 The Best value of Buckling deformation for e glass epoxy material is 0.52019 m
Buckling deformation for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is calculated by using ansys 14.5

 Maximum Buckling deformation for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is 1.1741 m

 Minimum Buckling deformation for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is 0 m
 Best value of Buckling deformation for HM-carbon/Epoxy material is 0.52181 m
Buckling deformation for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is calculated by using ansys 14.5

 Maximum Buckling deformation for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is 1.176 m

 Minimum Buckling deformation for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is 0 m
 Average value of Buckling deformation for HS –carbon/Epoxy material is 0.5303m.
Finally between these three composite materials E Glass/Epoxy material having less Buckling deformation
(0.52019 m) comparing with HM-carbon/Epoxy and HS–carbon/Epoxy materials.

Torque transmission Shearb stress Mass of drive

Material Deformation(m)
(Nm) (Pascal’s) shafts (kg)

Steel 2464.2 1.2407 4.34E+05 8.604

E-Glass/Epoxy 15439.5 0.52019 2.90E+05 4.443
HS Carbon/Epoxy 5519.04 0.5303 2.01E+05 1.1274
HM Carbon/Epoxy 7525.9 0.52181 1.69E+05 1.1273

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The stress distribution and the maximum deformation in the shaft are the functions of the stacking of
material. The optimum stacking of material layers can be used as the effective tool to reduce weight and stress
acting on the drive shaft. The design of drive shaft is critical as it is subjected to combined loads. The designer has
two options for designing the drive shaft whether to select solid or hollow shaft. The solid shaft gives a maximum
value of torque transmission but at same time due to increase in weight of shaft the 1st mode frequency decreases.
Also shaft outer surface facing most of the stress coming on to it and the inner material layer experienced less stress,
hence the inner layers increasing the weight of shaft and not utilized for stress distribution properly, that’s why the
hollow drive shaft is best option.

The following conclusions are drawn from the present work.

1. The E-Glass/Epoxy, High Strength Carbon/Epoxy and High Modulus Carbon/Epoxy composite drive shafts
have been designed to replace the steel drive shaft of an automobile.
2. A one-piece composite drive shaft for rear wheel drive automobile has been designed optimally by using
Genetic Algorithm for E-Glass/ Epoxy, High Strength Carbon/Epoxy and High Modulus Carbon/Epoxy
composites with the objective of minimization of weight of the shaft which was subjected to the constraints
such as torque transmission, torsional buckling capacities.
3. The weight savings of the E-Glass/ Epoxy, High Strength Carbon/Epoxy and High Modulus Carbon/Epoxy
shafts were equal to 48.36%, 86.90% and 86.90% of the weight of steel shaft respectively.
4. The Torque transmission of E-Glass/ Epoxy, High Strength Carbon/Epoxy and High Modulus Carbon/Epoxy
shafts were equal to 15439.5, 7525.9 and 5519.04 Nm respectively.
5. The Buckling Deformation of E-Glass/ Epoxy, High Strength Carbon/Epoxy and High Modulus Carbon/Epoxy
shafts were equal to 0.52019, 0.5303 and 0.52181 m respectively.
6. The shear stress of E-Glass/Epoxy, High Strength Carbon/Epoxy and High Modulus Carbon/Epoxy shafts were
equal to 2.9009e5, 2.0073e5 and 1.6902e5 Pascal’s respectively


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