3 - Moments of Inertia

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Moments of Inertia

3.1 Area Moments of Inertia

Defining Relations • Radius of Gyration • Parallel-Axis
Theorem • Composite Areas
J. L. Meriam 3.2 Mass Moments of Inertia
University of California (Retired) Defining Relations

The mass moment of inertia, I, of a body is a measure of the inertial resistance of the body to rotational
acceleration and is expressed by the integral I = Úr2 dm, where dm is the differential element of mass and
r is the perpendicular distance from dm to the rotation axis. The area moment of inertia of a defined
area about a given axis is expressed by the integral I = Ús2 dA, where dA is the differential element of area
and s is the perpendicular distance from dA to a defined axis either in or normal to the plane of the area.
The mathematical similarity to mass moment of inertia gives rise to its name. A more fitting but less
used term is the second moment of area.
The frequent occurrence of area and mass moments of inertia in mechanics justifies establishing and
tabulating their properties for commonly encountered shapes, as given in Table 3.1 and Table 3.2.

3.1 Area Moments of Inertia

Figure 3.1 illustrates the physical origin of the area moment-of-inertia integrals. In Figure 3.1(a) the
surface area ABCD is subject to a distributed pressure p whose intensity is proportional to the distance
y from the axis AB. The moment about AB that is due to the pressure on the element of area dA is y(p
dA) = ky2 dA. Thus the integral in question appears when the total moment M = kÚy2 dA is evaluated.
Figure 3.1(b) shows the distribution of stress acting on a transverse section of a simple linear elastic
beam bent by equal and opposite couples applied one to each end. At any section of the beam a linear
distribution of force intensity or stress s, given by s = ky, is present, the stress being positive (tensile)
below the axis O-O and negative (compressive) above the axis. The elemental moment about axis O-O
is dM = y(s dA) = ky2 dA. Thus the same integral appears when the total moment M = k Úy2 dA is evaluated.
A third example is given in Figure 3.1(c), which shows a circular shaft subjected to a twist or torsional
moment. Within the elastic limit of the material, this moment is resisted at each cross-section of the
shaft by a distribution of tangential or shear stress t that is proportional to the radial distance r from
the center. Thus t = kr and the total moment about the central axis becomes M = Úr(t dA) = k Úr2 dA.
Here the integral differs from that in the preceding two examples in that the area is normal instead of
parallel to the moment axis and in that r is a radial coordinate instead of a rectangular one.

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τ = kr
A dA O
O y r
dA O
σ = ky

p = ky

(a) (b) (c)

FIGURE 3.1 (Source: Meriam, J.L. and Kraige, L.G. 1992. Engineering Mechanics, 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons, New

Defining Relations
Rectangular and Polar Moments of Inertia
For area A in the xy plane, Figure 3.2, the moments of inertia of the element dA about the x and y axes
are, by definition, dIx = y2 dA and dIy = x2 dA, respectively, The moments of inertia of A about the same
axes become

Ix =
Ú y dA 2

= x dA 2

where the integration is carried out over the entire area.

The moment of inertia of dA about the pole O (z axis) is, by definition, dIz = r2 dA, and the moment
of inertia of the entire area about O is

I z = r 2dA
Ú (3.2)

x dA

r y


FIGURE 3.2 (Source: Meriam, J.L. and Kraige, L.G. 1992. Engineering Mechanics, 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons, New

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The expressions defined by Equation (3.1) are known as rectangular moments of inertia, whereas the
expression of Equation (3.2) is known as the polar moment of inertia. (In the literature the polar moment
of inertia is sometimes denoted by the symbol J.) Because x2 + y2 = r2, it follows that

Iz = Ix + Iy (3.3)

A polar moment of inertia for an area whose boundaries are more simply described in rectangular
coordinates than in polar coordinates is easily calculated using Equation (3.3).
Because the area moment of inertia involves distance squared, it is always a positive quantity for a
positive area. (A hole or void may be considered a negative area.) In contrast, the first moment of area
Úy dA involves distance to the first power, so it can be positive, negative, or zero.
The dimensions of moments of inertia of areas are L4, where L stands for the dimension of length.
The SI units for moments of inertia of areas are expressed in quartic meters (m 4) or quartic millimeters
(mm 4). The U.S. customary units are quartic feet (ft 4) or quartic inches (in.4).
Rectangular coordinates should be used for shapes whose boundaries are most easily expressed in these
coordinates. Polar coordinates will usually simplify problems where the boundaries are expressed in r and
q. The choice of an element of area that simplifies the integration as much as possible is equally important.

Radius of Gyration
Consider the area A, Figure 3.3(a), which has rectangular moments of inertia Ix and Iy and a polar moment
of inertia Iz about O. If the area is visualized as being concentrated into a long narrow strip of area A a
distance kx from the x axis, Figure 3.3(b), by definition the moment of inertia of the strip about the x
axis will be the same as that of the original area if k x2 A = I x . The distance kx is known as the radius of
gyration of the area about the x axis. A similar relation for the y axis is found by considering the area
to be concentrated into a narrow strip parallel to the y axis as shown in Figure 3.3(c). Also, by visualizing
the area to be concentrated into a narrow ring of radius kz, as shown in Figure 3.3(d), the polar moment
of inertia becomes k z2 A = I z . Summarizing,

x– C
y– kx
O x
(a) (b)



(c) (d)

FIGURE 3.3 (Source: Meriam, J.L. and Kraige, L.G. 1992. Engineering Mechanics, 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons, New

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dy x0

A dA
C x0


O x

FIGURE 3.4 (Source: Meriam, J.L. and Kraige, L.G. 1992. Engineering Mechanics, 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons, New

I x = k x2 A kx = Ix / A
I y = k y2 A ky = Iy / A (3.4)
Iz = k A z kz = Iz / A

A rectangular or polar moment of inertia may be expressed by specifying its radius of gyration and
its area. Substituting Equation (3.4) into Equation (3.3) gives

k z2 = k x2 + k y2 (3.5)

Parallel-Axis Theorem
The moment of inertia of an area about a noncentroidal axis may be easily expressed in terms of the
moment of inertia about a parallel centroidal axis. In Figure 3.4 the x0 and y0 axes pass through the
centroid C of the area. By definition the moment of inertia of the element dA about the x axis is dIx =
(y0 + dx)2 dA. Expanding and integrating give

Ix =
Úy 2
0 Ú
dA + 2dx y 0 dA + dx2 dA
The first integral is by definition the moment of inertia I x about the centroidal x0 axis. The second
integral is zero because Úy0 dA = A y 0 where y 0 is automatically zero because the centroid for the area
lies on the x0 axis. The third term is simply Adx2 . Thus, the expression for Ix and the similar expression
for Iy become

I x = I x + Adx2
I y = I y + Ady2

By Equation (3.3), the sum of these two equations gives

I z = I z + Ad 2 (3.6a)

Equation (3.6) and Equation (3.6a) are the so-called parallel-axis theorems. It is noted that the axes
between which transfer is made must be parallel and that one of the axes must pass through the centroid
of the area. The parallel-axis theorems also hold for radii of gyration. Substitution of the definition of k
into Equation (3.6) gives

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k 2 = k 2 + d2 (3.6b)

where k is the radius of gyration about the centroidal axis parallel to the axis about which k applies
and d is the distance between the two axes. The axes may be either in or normal to the plane of the area.
A summary of formulas for area moments of inertia for various commonly encountered plane areas
is given in Table 3.1.

Composite Areas
When an area is the composite of a number of distinct parts, its moment of inertia is obtained by summing
the results for each of the parts in terms of its area A, its centroidal moment of inertia I , the perpendicular
distance d from its centroidal axis to the axis about which the moment of inertia of the composite area
is being computed, and the product Ad2. The results are easily tabulated in the form

Part Area, A Ix Iy dx dy Adx2 Ady2

Sums ÂI ÂI x y  Ad  Ad

The final results are simply

Ix = Â I + Â Ad
x Iy = Â I + Â Ad

Products of Inertia
In certain problems involving unsymmetrical cross-sections, an expression of the form dIxy = xy dA
occurs, and its integral

I xy = xy dA (3.7)

is known as the product of inertia. Unlike moments of inertia, which are always positive for positive
areas, the product of inertia may be positive, negative, or zero, depending on the signs of x and y.
Rotation of Axes
It may be shown that the moments and products of inertia for the area of Figure 3.5 about the rotated
axes x¢- y¢ are given by

Ix + Iy Ix - Iy
I x¢ = + cos 2q - I xy sin 2q
2 2
Ix + Iy Ix - Iy
I y¢ = - cos 2q + I xy sin 2q (3.8)
2 2
Ix - Iy
I x¢y ¢ = sin 2q + I xy cos 2q

The angle that makes Ix¢ and Iy¢ a maximum or a minimum is determined by setting the derivative of Ix¢
and Iy¢ with respect to q equal to zero. Denoting this critical angle by a gives

2I xy
tan2a = (3.9)
Iy - Ix

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TABLE 3.1 Properties of Plane Areas

Figure Centroid Area Moments of Inertia

y pr4
Ix = I y =
Circular area 4
r Iz =
C x

y 4r pr4
y= Ix = I y =
Semicircular 3p 8
area Êp 8 ˆ
C I x = Á - ˜r 4
Ë 8 9p ¯
r y–
x pr4
Iz =
y 4r pr 4
Quarter-circular x=y= Ix = I y =
3p 16
x– C Êp 4 ˆ
r I x = I y = Á - ˜r 4
y– Ë 16 9p ¯
Iz =
Area of circular
2 r sin a r4 Ê 1 ˆ
x= Ix = Á a - sin 2a˜
r sector 3 a 4 Ë 2 ¯
α x– C
α x r4 Ê 1 ˆ
Iy = Á a + sin 2a˜
4 Ë 2 ¯

1 4
Iz = r a

Rectangular area bh 3
Ix =
C 3
bh 3
x Ix =
b 12
bh 2
Iz = (b + h 2 )
a x1 Triangular a +b bh 3
y x= Ix =
area 3 12
x– C h h bh 3
y– 3
Ix =
bh 3
I x1 =
4a p ab 3 Êp 4 ˆ
Area of elliptical Ix = , I x = Á - ˜ ab 3
3p 16 Ë 16 9p ¯
x– C y=
p a 3b Êp 4 ˆ
b Iy = , I y = Á - ˜ a 3b
y– 3p 16 Ë 16 9p ¯
pab 2
Iz = (a + b 2 )

Source: Meriam, J.L. and Kraige, L.G. 1992. Engineering Mechanics, 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

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Substitution of Equation (3.9) for 2q in Equation (3.8) gives Ix¢y¢ = 0 and

I max = {1
I + I + (I x - I y )2 + 4I xy2
2 x y }
= {I + I - }
1 2 2
I min x y ( I x - I y ) + 4I xy

3.2 Mass Moments of Inertia

The dynamics of bodies that rotate with angular acceleration calls for a knowledge of mass moments of
inertia and is treated in the chapter on Dynamics and Vibration.

Defining Relations
Fixed Axis
The moment of inertia of the body of mass m in Figure 3.6 about the fixed axis O-O is given by

I o = r 2 dm (3.11)

The dimensions are (mass)(length)2, which are kg◊m2 in SI units and lb-ft-sec2 in U.S. customary units.
If the density r of the body is constant, then dm = r dV and the integral becomes

I o = r r 2dV (3.12)

where dV is the differential volume of the mass element. To facilitate integration, coordinates that best
suit the boundaries of the body should be utilized.
Radius of Gyration
The radius of gyration k of a mass m about an axis for which the moment of inertia is I is defined as

k = I /m or I = k 2m (3.13)

Thus k is a measure of the distribution of mass about the axis in question, and its definition is analogous
to the similar definition of radius of gyration for area moments of inertia.

θ y y x′ r dm

θ x
O x

FIGURE 3.5 (Source: Meriam, J.L. and Kraige, L.G. FIGURE 3.6 (Source: Meriam, J.L. and Kraige, L.G.
1992. Engineering Mechanics, 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons, 1992. Engineering Mechanics, 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons,
New York.) New York.)

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t x
r x

FIGURE 3.7 (Source: Meriam, J.L. and Kraige, L.G. 1992. Engineering Mechanics, 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons, New

Parallel-Axis Theorem
If the moment of inertia of a body of mass m about an axis through the mass center is known, it may
easily be determined about any parallel axis by the expression

I = I + md 2 (3.14)

where I is the moment of inertia about the parallel axis through the mass center and d is the perpen-
dicular distance between the axes. This parallel-axis theorem is analogous to that for area moments of
inertia, Equation (3.6). It applies only if transfer is made to or from a parallel axis through the mass
center. From the definition of Equation (3.13), it follows that

k 2 = k 2 + d2 (3.15)

where k is the radius of gyration about an axis a distance d from the parallel axis through the mass center
for which the radius of gyration is k .
Flat Plates
The moments of inertia of a flat plate, Figure 3.7, about axes in the plane of and normal to the plate
are frequently encountered. The elemental mass is r (t dA), where r is the plate density, t is its thickness,
and dA = dx dy is the face area of dm. If r and t are constant, the moment of inertia about each of the
axes becomes

I xx =
Ú y dm = rt Ú y dA = rtI
2 2

I yy
Ú 2
= x dm = rt x dA = rtI 2
y (3.16)

I zz
Ú 2
= r dm = rt r dA = rtI 2

where the double subscript designates mass moment of inertia and the single subscript designates the
moment of inertia of the plate area. Inasmuch as Iz = Ix + Iy for area moments of inertia, it follows that

I zz = I xx + I yy (3.16a)

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dm y

rx z


FIGURE 3.8 (Source: Meriam, J.L. and Kraige, L.G. 1992. Engineering Mechanics, 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons, New

This relation holds only if t is small compared with the other plate dimensions.
Composite Bodies
The mass moment of inertia of a composite body about a given axis is simply the sum of the moments
of inertia of its individual components about the same axis.
A summary of formulas for mass moments of inertia for various bodies of common shape is given in
Table 3.2.
General Rotation
For three-dimensional rotation of a rigid body the moments and products of inertia assume a more
general form from Figure 3.8, as follows:

I xx = rx2dm = ( y 2 + z 2 )dm
I xy = I yx = xy dm

I yy
Ú 2
= r dm = (z
2 2
+ x )dm I xz = I zx
= xz dm (3.17)

I zz
Ú 2
= r dm = (x
+ y 2 )dm I yz = I zy
= yz dm

Whereas the moments of inertia are always positive, the products of inertia may be positive, negative, or
zero. Parallel-axis theorems for products of inertia are

I xy = I xy + mx y

I xz = I xz + mx z (3.18)

I yz = I yz + myz

where the bar represents the product of inertia with respect to axes through the mass center and x , y ,
and z represent the coordinates of the mass center.

Defining Terms
Area moment of inertia — Defined as Ú (distance)2 d(area).
Mass moment of inertia — A measure of the inertial resistance to angular acceleration.
Product of inertia — Defined as Úxy dA for areas (xy plane) and Úxy dm, Úxz dm, and Úyz dm for masses.
Radius of gyration — Defined as I / A for areas and I / m for masses.

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TABLE 3.2 Moments of Inertia of Homogeneous Solids (m = Mass of Body Shown)

Body Mass Center Mass Moments of Inertia

Circular — 1 1
–l I xx = mr 2 + ml 2
–l 2 cylindrical 2 12
r shell
1 1
I x1x1 = mr 2 + ml 2
G 2 3
I zz = mr 2

Half 2r I xx = I yy
–l x=
–l 2 cylindrical p
2 1 1
shell = mr 2 + ml 2
z 2 12
y I x1x1 = I y 1 y 1
y1 x
x1 r
1 1
= mr 2 + ml 2
2 3
I zz = mr 2

Ê 4 ˆ
I zz = Á1 - 2 ˜ mr 2
Ë p ¯

–l Circular 1 1
mr 2 + ml 2
–l 2 cylinder
I xx =
4 12
r 1 1
G I x1x1 = mr 2 + ml 2
4 3
I zz = mr 2
x 2

4r I xx = I yy
–l Semicylinder
–l 2
2 1 1
G = mr 2 + ml 2
z 4 12
y I x1x1 = I y 1 y 1
r y1
x1 x
1 1
= mr 2 + ml 2
4 3
I zz = mr 2
Ê 1 16 ˆ
I zz = Á - 2 ˜ mr 2
Ë 2 9p ¯

–l Rectangular I xx =
m(a 2 + l 2 )
–l 2 12
2 parallelepiped
I yy = m(b 2 + l 2 )
b 12
z G
I zz = m(a 2 + b 2 )
a y 12
y2 x 1 1
I y1 y1 = mb 2 + ml 2
12 3
I y2 y2 = m(b 2 + l 2 )

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TABLE 3.2 Moments of Inertia of Homogeneous Solids (m = Mass of Body Shown) (Continued)
Body Mass Center Mass Moments of Inertia

Spherical — 2
I zz = mr 2
G 3
z r

r r 2
x= I xx = I yy = I zz = mr 2
z G 2 3
y shell 5
I yy = I zz = mr 2
— 2
Sphere I zz = mr 2
G 5
z r

r 3r 2
x= I xx = I yy = I zz = mr 2
z G Hemisphere 8 5
y 83
I yy = I zz = mr 2
— 1
–l –l Uniform I yy = ml 2
2 2 12
slender rod
1 2
I y1 y1 = ml
G 3

x x=y 1
Quarter- I xx = I yy = mr 2
circular rod 2r 2
p I zz = mr 2

–l –l Elliptical I xx =
1 1
ma 2 + ml 2
2 2 cylinder 4 12

b 1 1
G I yy = mb 2 + ml 2
4 12
a 1
I zz = m(a 2 + b 2 )
y1 1 1
x I y1 y1 = mb 2 + ml 2
4 3

r Conical 2h 1 1
shell z= I yy = mr 2 + mh 2
G 3 4 2
1 1
h y I y1 y1 = mr 2 + mh 2
4 6
I zz = mr 2
1 1
I yy = mr 2 + mh 2
4 18

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TABLE 3.2 Moments of Inertia of Homogeneous Solids (m = Mass of Body Shown) (Continued)
Body Mass Center Mass Moments of Inertia

Half 4r I xx = I yy
z G conical 3p
h y shell 1 1
r 2h = mr 2 + mh 2
x1 x z= 4 2
y1 3
I x1x1 = I y 1 y 1

1 1
= mr 2 + mh 2
4 6
I zz = mr 2
Ê 1 16 ˆ
I zz = Á - 2 ˜ mr 2
Ë 2 9p ¯

r Right- 3h 3 3
z= I yy = mr 2 + mh 2
G circular 4 20 5
z cone
3 4
h y I y1 y1 = mr 2 + mh 2
20 10
I zz = mr 2
3 3
I yy = mr 2 + mh 2
20 80
Half r I xx = I yy
G x=
z cone p
h y 3 3
3h = mr 2 + mh 2
r y1 z= 20 5
x 4
x1 I x1x1 = I y 1 y 1

3 1
= mr 2 + mh 2
20 20
I zz = mr 2
Ê3 1ˆ
I zz = Á - 2 ˜ mr 2
Ë 10 p ¯

x2 + y2 + z2 = 1 3c 1
z= I xx = m(b 2 + c 2 )
x a2 b2 c2 8 5

a z 1
G I yy = m(a 2 + c 2 )
b 1
c I zz = m(a 2 + c 2 )
y Semiellipsoid
1 Ê 2 19 2 ˆ
I xx = mÁ b + c ˜
5 Ë 64 ¯

1 Ê 2 19 2 ˆ
I yy = mÁ a + c ˜
5 Ë 64 ¯

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TABLE 3.2 Moments of Inertia of Homogeneous Solids (m = Mass of Body Shown) (Continued)
Body Mass Center Mass Moments of Inertia

x2 + y2 = z 2c 1 1
z= I xx = mb 2 + mc 2
a2 b2 c y Elliptic 3 6 2
1 1
I yy = ma 2 + mc 2
b G 6 2
z a 1
I zz = m(a 2 + b 2 )
c x
1 Ê 2 1 2ˆ
I xx = mÁ b + c ˜
6 Ë 3 ¯

1 Ê 2 1 2ˆ
I yy = mÁ a + c ˜
6 Ë 3 ¯
z a 1
Rectangular x= I xx = m(b 2 + c 2 )
4 10
b 1
c y= I yy = m(a 2 + c 2 )
4 10
x c 1
a z= I zz = m(a 2 + b 2 )
4 10
I xx = m(b 2 + c 2 )
y 80
I yy = m(a 2 + c 2 )
I zz = m(a 2 + b 2 )
x z a 2 + 4R 2 1 5
x= I xx = I yy = mR 2 + ma 2
Half torus 2pR 2 8
I zz = mR 2 + ma 2
y 4
a R

Meriam, J. L. and Kraige, L. G. 1992. Engineering Mechanics, 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Further Information
Consult mechanics textbooks found in any engineering library.

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