About The Practice of Chod
About The Practice of Chod
About The Practice of Chod
Chod is a powerful practice of accepting willingly what is undesirable, cutting through our
concepts, reducing our self-cherishing nature, leading us closer to our own true nature. The
main obstacle to our own enlightenment is our clinging to our own ego, our own existence.
When fear, fixation, and self-clinging are cut through, giving rise to the awareness of the pure
nature of emotions and the emptiness of mental obscurations.
Machig Labdron is the creator of a unique form of Mahamudra chöd practice. She is the
manifestation of Prajnaparamita, the Great Mother who gives birth to realisation of emptiness.
Furthermore, Machig Labdron is also the manifestation of Arya Tara, who gives birth to
compassion. A chod practitioner can cut through anything and therefore his or her main
intention should be to unify understanding of emptiness and loving kindness and compassion,
just as Machig Labdron did.
Khentrul Rinpoche has received the Chod transmission in multiple traditions such as the
Nyingma Kagyu, Jonang and the Gelug traditions. He had the pleasure of practicing Chod
Retreat and receiving transmission from Kalka Jetsun Dhampa considered to be a reincarnation
of Taranatha and the spiritual head of Mongolia.
Throughout Buddhist history, female practitioners have been models of leadership in virtuous
conduct, meditation, discipline and practice. Machig Labdron is an extraordinary example of a
highly realised female practitioner. One of Rinpoche’s aspirations is to cultivate more realised
female practitioners around the world and we hope this practice inspires the prominence and
proliferation of more female Buddhist masters.