Chakras and Nadis

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Chakras and Nadis

This article was written by Merlin on 2012-11-04 under Member Pages.

Chakras are the energy centers of the astral body, and each chakra has lots of different characteristics. There are hundreds of chakras, but you will learn about only 33, and go in-depth on seven. To open a chakra, visualize it spinning clockwise and getting brighter in it's color. The following picture contains all chakras except for the cerebellum chakra, which is located directly behind the third eye chakra, in the brain. Below, you can see the major chakras and nadis, as well as the most prominent of the minor ones.

The Main Chakras and Nadis Chakra 1: Muladhara Chakra The first Chakra, Muladhara (root), is located at the base of the spine. Its color is red and its issues are survival, stability, and self-sufficiency. Chakra 2: Svadhisthana Chakra The second Chakra, Svadhisthana (sweetness), is located at the tail bone. Its color is orange and its issues are sexuality, creativity, relationships and emotions. Chakra 3: Manipura Chakra The third Chakra, Manipura (lustrous gem), is located at the solar plexus (slightly above the navel). Its color is yellow and its issues are personal power, self esteem, willfulness and energy. Chakra 4: Anahata Chakra The fourth Chakra, Anahata (not struck), is located at the center of the chest. Its color is green and its issues are love, compassion, acceptance, and trust. Chakra 5: Vishuddha Chakra The fifth Chakra, Vissudha (purification), is located at the throat. Its color is bright blue and its issues are communication, inspiration, expression, and faith. Chakra 6: Ajna Chakra The sixth Chakra, Ajna (to perceive), is located between the eyebrows, just above the bridge of the nose. Its color is indigo blue and its issues are psychic, emotional and mental intelligence, and intuition. Chakra 7: Sahasrara Chakra The seventh Chakra, Sahasrara (thousand petaled), is located at the crown (top) of the head. Its color is violet and its issues are devotion, inspiration, selflessness, and spiritual understanding.

The Nadis are like the vascular system to your energy body. They facilitate the flow of prana throughout the body, connecting the chakras. Often, they are viewed as extending only to the skin of the energy body, but it is also thought that they exist all throughout the aura as well. There are thousands of nadis in the energy body, but just like chakras, there are a few main ones. These are the following: Ida is the introverted, lunar nadi which corresponds to the right side of the brain (and so, the left side of the body). Pingala is the extroverted, solar nadi which corresponds to the left side of the brain (and so, the right side of the body). Sushumna represents balance of the two, and flows through the very middle of your body. As such, it does not open readily unt il balance is reached between Ida and Pingala. When awakening Kundalini, this is main channel through which it flows. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------More about chakras Chakras manage, generate, and facilitate energy for the body. They each have their own energies which effect you differently. The more open a chakra is the more energy it gives, the more developed the chakra is the better energy it gives. If a chakra is overactive that means that you will have too much of it's energy, if it's underactive then you will have too little. It is essential to gain balance of these, for a perfect blend of the energies. Throughout the OEC, the seven main chakras are general knowledge, however, there are many other chakras. Try to sense where they are, because you'll most likely discover thousands of tiny energy centers in your astral body, as well as around, above, and below it. The higher chakras deal with spirituality and open up a new world of consciousness, but before you work with them make sure to have strong base chakras, to remain grounded. To open chakras, visualize them as flowers of the corresponding color (red for root, orange for sacral, etc. in the order of the rainbow). And make them spin clockwise, opening up to reveal vibrant colors. ~A note on elements: The root chakra corresponds to earth, the sacral chakra corresponds to water, the navel chakra corresponds to fire, the heart chakra corresponds to the soul, the throat chakra corresponds to air, the third eye chakra corresponds to the mind, and the crown chakra corresponds to Akasha.


How to cleanse your chakras The point of cleaning the chakras is to keep energy flow through them smooth and unobstructed. When you begin working with the chakras and they are open they are also vulnerable in a way. Open, they sense and respond more to stimuli thereby affecting you more than if they are closed so it is best to keep them spic and span just like it's good to keep your physical body clean. Also if you come in contact with many sick people or situations/areas with energies that aren't quite 'sanitary' it is best to clean your chakras to get rid of that unbalanced energy so it does not affect you. You can also clean your chakras when sick to speed your recovery. You will notice a huge difference after you clean them. Maybe not so at first, but with repeated practice you will. After a while, if you go without cleaning your chakras and then do so you will notice it big time. Also, if you are getting a sore throat for example it is a good idea to cleanse the throat chakra to combat the sickness. Cleaning chakras boils down to one thing, health and smoother energy flow. My favorite way to cleanse my chakras is to visualize a ball of radiant white light coming down from the sky and stopping in front of the chakra I want to cleanse. Then, it blasts the chakra with a healing sort of pulse and all the chakra's negative, obstructive, and hindering energy goes out of the chakra. Once you've done this to each chakra, take the orb to the space below your root chakra. Visualize it getting brighter and more powerful, and sending a beam up into your body, filling you with white light and forcing all negative, obstructing, and hindering energy out and into the Earth to be 'recycled'. ~ Credit for the first paragraph goes to, lesson 6.


Minor and Higher chakras There are thousands of chakras, some inside the body, some outside. These chakras can provide you with an abundance of power and strength when activated and developed, as they provide energy directly to the area they are in, whereas the major chakras must have their energy flow to different areas through major and minor nadis. To work on these chakras, I suggest visualizing them as grey flowers to begin. Make them spin clockwise, and visualize pure white energy flowing down from the heavens and being absorbed into the chakras, and gunky, dark energy flowing out. The chakra(s) should then take on a lighter color, until they become pure white. While the minor chakras of the body should be white, the higher chakras that are outside the body and the minor chakras that are inside the body have their own colors. There are chakras everywhere in your auric field and energy body, literally. The picture from the beginning of the article shows the most prominent minor chakras in the energy body, though feel free to look around for yourself (by sensing yourself) and find as many as possible. The higher chakras are mostly in a straight line above your head. These chakras are supposed to open your mind to a higher level of awareness. Use the same technique to open them as you used for the minor chakras, but let your mind fill in the color instead of white. In my experience, colors vary from person to person except with the first chakra above the crown, which is pure white.


More about Nadis There are three major nadis: Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna. Ida is on the left, it is lunar and passive, Pingala is on the right, it is solar and active, and Sushumna is in the center, it is neutral. When you balance Ida and Pingala you will begin to awaken your kundalini, though you must first have very strong chakras. One method to balance them is to balance your breathing. Have you ever noticed that when you breathe through your nostrils, one is dominant? The nostrils are directly related to Ida and Pingala, and when you balance your nostrils during breathing you balance the night and day, dark and light, passive and active. By doing this, you bring unto yourself a new sensation of spirituality and wisdom which is the awakening of kundalini. Kundalini is an ancient and powerful energy, represented by a serpent, which lies in your root chakra. When you develop your chakras and nadis to the correct extent, that kundalini rises and 'upgrades' you chakra by chakra slowly. When it is done, you will be much more powerful and much more wise, though it is important to treat this practice with reverence. Do not seek kundalini for power-let it come to you. When awakening kundalini the mind can be very fragile. Do not attempt this if you are not absolutely sure that you are ready, as it can be harmful to your mental health otherwise.

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