Trends Q1-W2

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Learner’s Activity Sheet

Assessment Checklist

Trends, Networks, and Critical


 in the 21at Century
First Quarter – Week 2

Parts of a Whole and Emerging





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School: Grade Level: Grade 11/12

Teacher: Learning Area: Trends, Networks, and

Critical Thinking in the
21at Century

Teaching Date: Quarter: 1 Week: 2

I. OBJECTIVES 1. Identify parts of a whole;

2. Identify and explain an emerging pattern; and
3. Identify causes and consequences.

A. Content The learner understands the emergence of trends and

Standard patterns.
B. Performance The learner will be able to derive an idea from instances
Standard and present this idea through a 100-word essay, artwork,
and other graphic representations.

C. MELC Identify parts of a whole; identify and explain an emerging

pattern; and identify causes and consequences.

Parts of a Whole and Emerging Pattern
Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st
Century Grade 12 Self-Learning Modules (2020).
Quarter 1-Module 2: Emerging Patterns of a Trend,
pp. 11-20, first edition. Department of Education-
SOCCKSARGEN, Philippines.

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st

a. References Century PIVOT IV-A Learner’s Material (2020).
Quarter 1-Week 2: Parts of a Whole: Emerging
Pattern, pp. 10-12, version 1.0, first edition..
Department of Education Region IV-A CALABARZON,

b. Materials Learner’s Activity Sheet (LAS), Study Guide

c. Integration Reading, writing, creativity, Media and Information

Literacy, Social Science

ACTIVITY Activity 1: The learners will choose among the images

(DO) which one they like the most by ranking them, then reflect
on their answers.
Activity 2: The learners will read, analyze and illustrate
the given case. Then, answer the question that follows.
Activity 3: The learners will explain at least two (2) data
emerging pattern that closely applies to thier present
situation in this time of pandemic.

ANALYSIS Guide questions for:

Activity 1: What do you think are the factors that make a
simple impulse emerge a pattern and become trending?
What are the causes and consequences of this impulse?
Activity 2: Do you know any situation that emerge
because of this pandemic?
Activity 3: What major changes you have experienced
in school because of this pandemic?
ABSTRACTION Discuss the importance of understanding parts of a whole
(LEARN) and how emerging patterns of trends and fads start came
to be. Refer to the LAS.
APPLICATION The learners will identify the possible causes and effects of
(APPLY) the continuous low performance of the students in
Modular learning. Then, answer the question that follows.

IV. ASSESSMENT 1. Which part of the activities you find most interesting?

2. How significant is this topic nowadays?

____very significant
____slightly significant
____not significant


Dear Learner,

Good day!
Welcome to our Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century
subject. In this activity, you will have an understanding of the parts of a whole and
emerging patterns. Please read, understand, and follow carefully the instructions
provided for you. If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this
activity sheet, do not hesitate to ask for support from your parents or anyone you
think can help you do the activities. Always bear in mind that YOU ARE NOT
ALONE. Most importantly, be free and creative in doing the activities. I hope you
will experience meaningful learning and gain a deep understanding of the relevant
competencies amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Say to yourself with confidence, “I
CAN DO IT!” Stay safe! Stay learning! God bless!

Your Teacher

Parts of a Whole and Emerging Pattern

In order to understand things better, there is a need to dig deeper

trying to identify the parts of the whole. A trend is characterized by many as
a elaborate thing that makes the whole idea of the trend working and
producing an emerging pattern. Just as the totality of the person is being
examined, there is also a need to look at the small segments of every event
or situation that keeps it progressing to develop trends.

Activity 1

What do you think are the factors that make a simple impulse emerge
a pattern and become trending? What are the causes and consequences of
this impulse?

Direction: Which among these items do you like most? Rank by putting 1
as your most like and 5 as your least like in the blanks.
1. Face App
2. Physical Appearance
3. Food
4. Fashion
5. Gadgets 

What matters most? Review and reflect your answer.

1. Discuss why you like it most and the least that you like.
2. Who influenced your passion and interest? 

3. Why do you think this trend have become part of your lifestyle? 


Let’s Learn!

Parts of the Whole

Early thinkers like Plato and Aristotle made a considerable discussion

about parts of the whole. Their ideas were later re-examined and intensified
by later thinkers. For Karl Marx, “the overall strategy of scientific knowledge,
as it develops in any given period, is determined to a significant extent by the
particular treatment of the categories of the part and the whole and the
specific interpretation of the related question of wholeness.”

Understanding the parts of the whole is very important as it gives a

clear view of the basic elements that make up a whole. A wrong connotation
of its part may mislead a decision maker and could encourage him/her to
question and not adapt the emerging trends.

For example, if one looks at the approaches used by different

countries in addressing the pandemic, one may find a strategy that works in
a country while failing in another. In this case, there is a need to look at the
totality of the strategy surrounding the implementation. That includes
considerations like political, economic, social factors, culture, etc. because
they are the parts that make up the whole system.

Emerging Patterns

Emerging patterns refer to items in which frequency are changing

overtime. They are important indicators that set the progressive movement
of data to understand the distinctive direction to where the trend is heading.
For research and businesses, it is an important basis that manifests the
practicability of the new sets of action. For example, data of spread of
COVID -19 shows that infection is increasing in the workplace rather than
in the community. The Department of Health (DOH), using the emerging
pattern of spread of the infection, can adopt a new strategy for containing

the virus and preventing further transmission. Most patterns are presented
in graphs or charts to make it easier for people to understand the pattern.
Data patterns of trends can be classified as follows:

• Linear. It follows a straight line in graphical presentation which could

indicate an upward or downward direction.

• Exponential. It is a trend represented by a line that that may rise or fall

shortly at a given time unsteadily. Data change overtime caused by
different factors that may affect progression.

• Damped. This shows that values rise and fall initially and then stop the 

rise and fall for sometime and then rise or fall again.


It is a generally accepted principle that there is the cause for

everything that happens. That is the principle that every cause produces a
consequence. It influences an event, process or state which is the cause that
contributes to the production of another event, process or state which is an
effect or consequence. The cause is partly responsible for the consequences
and the consequences are partly dependent on the causes.

What causes the emergence of the trends should be taken and

examined as a whole considering its smallest element or parts. That causes
may be intensified by intervening factors to produce a desirable progress
that characterizes a progressing or failing trends. The resulting changes is
the effect or the consequences.

The emerging trend for online learning is beginning to develop caused

by the pandemic brought by the COVID-19. Educators, students and school
administrators will design strategies to make learning more effective. The
trend may suddenly be stopped when the government adopts the face-to-
face learning modality when the vaccine for COVID-19 becomes available.

Activity 2

Do you know any situation that emerge because of this pandemic?

Direction: Read, analyze and illustrate the given case. Then, answer the
question that follows.

A relatives of yours from Manila came home to your baranggay in

Lanao del Sur. In five (5) days, his elder with an asthma experienced
body pain and sore throat, and his mother had fever. In three (3)
weeks, there were 150 cases of COVID 19 in the whole barangay.
How did it spread that fast?

Using the part of a whole premise, why did the virus spread too fast in that

Activity 3

What major changes you have experienced in school because of this


Direction: Choose and explain at least two (2) data emerging pattern that
closely applies to your present situation in this time of pandemic.


Let’s Summarize!

Understanding the basic parts of a situation is very

important as it gives a clear understanding of the whole situation. A
wrong understanding of a small part of the situation may lead to a
wrong solution.
Pattern and trend are defined as “any regularly repeated
arrangement, especially a design made from lines, shapes, or colors
on a surface, and the trend is the general direction of changes or
developments” by the Cambridge Dictionary. The patterns and
trends in data reveal important evidence and information. The
organization can use this data for forecasting and planning, as well
as testing theories and strategies.

It has three basic pattern in terms of trend: linear trend,

exponential trend, and damped trend.

The cause of a particular trend is is partly responsible for the

consequences and the consequences are partly dependent on the

Activity 4

Direction: Identify the possible causes and effects of the continuous low
performance of the students in Modular learning. Then, answer the question
that follows. Do this in your notebook.

Example: returning home - bringing the virus

Causes Effects

As a students, what is your role in preventing the emerging pattern of

students performance in modular learning?


1. Which part of the activities you find most interesting?


2. How significant is this topic nowadays? 

____very significant ____slightly significant
____significant ____not significant 

This LEARNING MATERIAL is developed by the

Learning Resources Material Development Team of Lanao del Sur I Division
[email protected]
✆ +63948-105-1098

(to be accomplished by a parent or guardian)

Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Grade and Section: ______________________ Quarter & Week: ____________________
Subject: _________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Parts of a Whole and Emerging Pattern

Check (/) the appropriate observation that corresponds to your child's

performance while doing the activities.



Parent’s / Guardian’s

Bases for Evaluation

Fully Remarks

Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Activity 4

Name and Signature of Parent or Guardian


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