Trends Q2 - 3 1
Trends Q2 - 3 1
Trends Q2 - 3 1
Inhibiting Dimensions
information technology is defined as
“the study, design,development,
application, implementation, support or
management of computer-based
information systems” which serves as a
big help both for the teachers and
learners (Information Technology
Association of America).
Twenty-first century learning has
been defined by application and
in information technology or IT.
Information technology has
become an essential part of
Integrating technology in
education is imperative for it
is one way to encourage
the learners to be more
interested in the subject they
are studying.
It can encourage a more active
participation in the learning process
which can be hard to achieve through
a traditional lecture environment and
hence, provides different
opportunities to make learning more
fun, interactive and enriching.
Information technology has served
as a major catalyst of change and
innovation in
different aspect of business and
society. It has proven game changer
in resolving
economic and social issues.
Information technology has served
as a major catalyst of change and
innovation in
different aspect of business and
society. It has proven game changer
in resolving
economic and social issues.
As the proliferation of technology in
the classroom continues to accelerate,
schools that haven’t yet implemented
some of the latest and greatest devices
such as computers in the classroom are
starting to really feel the pressure to
cope with the fast-changing world.
Mobile devices can make perfect
learning tools and open up unlimited
possibilities for educators and
students alike, but it’s not all the time.
Sometimes the initial infatuation with
the shiny new technology turns into a
love-hate relationship as problems
and issues arise.
1. Students Using Social Media
Of course, teachers are afraid
that their students may just
play around on social media
instead of using their devices
for educational purposes.
1. Students Using Social Media
Today’s kids spend quite a bit of
time on Facebook, mobile
games, other social networking
sites, etc.
2. Security Breach
Students are oftentimes more curious
than they are malicious. They want to
push the boundaries just to see if they
can. If you're network allows them
access to the admin servers, you can
bet they're going to get on it.
3. Cheating
At one time a student had to pull a
paper written “cheat sheet” out of
their pocket to have the ability to
cheat. It certainly seems easier
that they can now cleverly pull up
a “cheat sheet” on their device.
4. Gaming
There are a ton of free gaming
apps out there and people love
them, especially the learners.
These addicting games can be
quite the distraction and take
away from productivity in learning.
Information technologies have
contributed to the increase in
the concentration of access to
information, decision – making
and control.
They have accelerated the crisis
in employment through labor
substitution and have intensified
the competitive processes in
both economic and social
spheres and communication
Their development has
sustained the belief that the
urban crisis can be resolved
through new information and
communication infrastructures.
Technology has taken over the
lives of many people who spend
way too much time on social
media just trying to see how
many likes and comments they
have on their Facebook or
Instagram posts.
People think of social media
when someone is looking at
their phone, or when someone
mentions technology. They
forget all the amazing things
other than social media that
technology has brought to us.
Technology has allowed parents
not to be in the dark when it
comes to being aware as to
where their children are. It has
allowed people away from their
own countries to contact their
Loved ones and even see them
through video calls. But
technology has enslaved us
and has controlled our lives in
some other ways as well.
Loved ones and even see them
through video calls. But
technology has enslaved us
and has controlled our lives in
some other ways as well.
Technology has been lauded as
a way to free up time for us, yet
the reality of all of these –
consuming medium often does
the reverse.
New innovations bring with
them a host of unintended
consequences, ranging from the
troubling to the downright
depressing. Social media makes
us lonely.
-Too much screen-time makes
teenagers fall behind their
-many of us have walked into
an obstacle while texting.
Technology innovators
frequently profess
aspirations to improve the
lot of mankind.
Such aspirations are admirable,
but we shouldn’t forget that
there’s one rather more
concrete intention they share:
to make money. They’re
vendors, we’re consumers: it’s
simple as that.
Technology can be used in various
ways to facilitate business
organizations. Example, technology
can be used to organize
information. It can be used to aid
data transfer and information flow
within an organization.
Information Technology indeed
has countless of advantages in the
field of business and commerce. It
helps businesses automate most
tasks and this process results in
increased production and
True or False
1. Information
communication technology
answers most of the
problems in communication
dissemination faster.
True or False
2. Technology can solve urban
crisis through new information
and communication
True or False
3. Social Media
consumes all our
True or False
4. Information technologies
have contributed to the
increase in the concentration of
access to information, decision
– making and control.
True or False
5. Information communication
technology is the growing
discovery in the 20 century