Drama 8 Week 4 Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan- Lesson # 8-9 / Total in Unit Duration of Class: 45 Minutes

Class: Drama 8 Unit: Tableau (Finishing) Improv

Date: Sept 26-29
Task: Finish Tableau, short form improv
Learner Outcomes Plan for Diversity

To develop competency in communication Ensure games are

skills through participation in and exploration explained so
of various dramatic disciplines.
understands and
adjust based on
To acquire knowledge of self and others student comfort
through participation in and reflection on and ability levels.
dramatic experience. Ensure tableau
and improv
activities are
approachable for
all students.

Prerequisite Knowledge, Skills, Strategies and Attitudes Preliminary

Drama is a constant free flowing subject and students can learn new things in Needed(MN):
drama regardless of previous knowledge they just need to be willing to
participate and try. Rubric

Time Teaching Strategy Student Activity Resources/ Materials Needed

Introduction At the start of the first-class Students will get in

students will be given an alphabetical order in a circle
explanation of what improv with instructors every day to
is and what its purpose is in establish classroom routine.
the course. Additionally, Question of the day
activities and games will be Stretching
explained as the lessons

Activity Students will complete their Students will spend their first
Sequence tableau unit through their class of the week performing
performances on their first their tableau scenes and be
given day of the week (Sept given feedback before
26-27). (the three classes moving onto improv (sept
are at different stages of 26-27). (Some groups are
tableau presentation and will finished tableau while other
start improv activities as have just started presenting
they finish). so activities will be arranged
to address that).
Students will be introduced
to the essential rules of Students will start improv by
improv (always say yes, say playing intro improv games
yes and which means such as what are you doing?
adding to the offer given to (one person acts out an
you, make statements action such as chopping a
instead of constant tree and then someone will
questions, and there are no ask them what the and they
mistakes when engaging in will say something
improv). (Sept 26 and 29). completely different and that
(The three classes are at person will take on that
different stages of tableau action), space jump
presentation and will start (students get into a line and
improv activities as they do scenes in groups of five,
finish). the first person starts a
scene on their own, then a
Due to a field trip on new scene with two, then
Wednesday, a substitute will three, then four, and then
lead students in a one-day five, and then each person
activity, having them create who started that scene will
short scenes they will find a reason to leave and
present the same day, we return to the prior scene
focusing on character, until it’s all over), and time
relationships, location, permitted rock, paper,
conflict, and resolution. scissors championship
(students will play rock,
paper, scissors where the
loser becomes the winners
cheerleader until we have
two people left and large
groups of adoring fans) (sept

Students will engage in short

form improv games which
includes, party quirks (small
parties where the audience
gives the party goers
different quirks the host
must guess on), ding
(students create scenes that
the teacher can eventually
ding on to have them make
new choices), three things
(three students become
objects or things in the circle
and they need to make them
relate in some way before
the first person keeps one of
the other two in the scene),
etc. (sept 26-29). (Time

On Wednesday students will

be instructed by the
substitute to create short
scenes that address the
elements of scene work
including, location,
character, relationships,
conflict, and resolution. The
students will be given a
short time to develop these
scenes and will then present
them to the class.

Closure Ensuring that students Students will be asked if

understand what they have they need any further
learned and what will be clarification before next
expected from them moving class and time allowing be
forward. given a broken down of
what’s happening in the
following class.

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