HMT UNIT I Full Lectures

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Pre-requisite: Basic Thermodynamics Date: 19/09/2022


Faculty Name
Kumari Ambe Verma
MITS, WB 008
 Heat transfer is a discipline of thermal engineering

Heat and mass transfer is a basic science that deals
with the rate of transfer of thermal energy.

 Thermal engineering is a specialized discipline of mechanical

engineering that deals with the movement of heat energy and
 Since the energy can be transformed between two mediums or
transferred into other forms of energy, a thermal engineer must have
knowledge of thermodynamics and the process to convert
generated energy from thermal sources into chemical, mechanical, or
electrical energy.
Thermodynamics Vs. Heat Transfer
 THERMODYNAMICS is concerned with the amount of heat transfer as a system
undergoes a process from one equilibrium state to another, and it gives no indication
about how long the process will take.
 A thermodynamic analysis simply tells us how much heat must be transferred to
realize a specified change of state to satisfy the conservation of energy principle.
 Hence, How much amount of heat transferred can be determine by
Thermodynamics alone.

 HEAT is the form of energy that can be transferred from one system to another as a
result of temperature difference. The science that deals with the determination of the
rates of such energy transfers is HEAT TRANSFER.
 “How long does it take to reach at certain temperature” is studied in Heat Transfer
Heat Vs. Temperature

 Heat is the total energy of the motion of the molecules of a substance,

 whereas temperature refers to the measure of the average energy of the motions of
the molecules in the substance.
Course Description:
Fundamental concepts of heat transfer; steady-state and unsteady-state heat
conduction; analytical and empirical relations for forced and free convection
heat transfer; heat exchanger analysis and design; and Heat transfer by

UNIT I : Conduction Heat Transfer

UNIT II : Convection Heat Transfer
UNIT III : Phase Change Heat Transfer And Heat Exchangers
UNIT IV : Radiation Heat Transfer
UNIT V : Mass Transfer
Text Books:
1. F. P. Incropera & D. P. Dewitt, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer,
John Wiley & Sons, 2001, 5th edition.

2. P K Nag, Heat and Mass Transfer, McGraw Hill, 3rd edition

Data Books:

C P Kothandaraman & S Subramanyan, Heat and Mass Transfer data book, New
Age International Publishers.

Mid I Exam : Unit I and Unit II

Mid II Exam : Unit III, Unit IV and Unit V

UNIT I : Conduction Heat Transfer
General Differential equation of Heat Conduction– Cartesian and Polar
Coordinates – One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction - plane and
Composite Systems. Conduction with Internal Heat Generation –
Extended Surfaces – Unsteady Heat Conduction – Lumped Analysis –
Semi Infinite and Infinite Solids –Use of Heisler’s charts.

UNIT II : Convection Heat Transfer

Free and Forced Convection - Hydrodynamic and Thermal Boundary
Layer. Free and Forced Convection during external flow over Plates and
Cylinders and Internal flow through tubes.

Assignment No. 1 (Before Mid I Exam) 5 Marks

UNIT III : Phase Change Heat Transfer And Heat
Nusselt’s theory of condensation – Regimes of Pool boiling and Flow
boiling. Correlations in boiling and condensation. Heat Exchanger
Types – Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient – Fouling Factors –
Analysis – LMTD method – NTU method.

UNIT IV : Radiation Heat Transfer

Black Body Radiation – Grey body radiation - Shape Factor –
Electrical Analogy – Radiation Shields. Radiation through gases.
UNIT V : Mass Transfer
Basic Concepts – Diffusion Mass Transfer – Fick’s Law of
Diffusion – Steady state Molecular Diffusion – Convective Mass
Transfer – Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer Analogy –
Convective Mass Transfer

Assignment No. 2 (Before Mid II Exam) 5 Marks

Work Vs. Heat

The distinction between Heat and Work is important in the field of

thermodynamics. Heat is the transfer of thermal energy between
systems, while work is the transfer of mechanical energy between
two systems.

Laws of thermodynamics
Modes of Heat Transfer
Date: 20/09/2022

Modes of Heat Transfer

Modes of Heat Transfer
Modes of Heat Transfer : Conduction
Modes of Heat Transfer : Convection
Modes of Heat Transfer : Radiation
Fourier’s Law of Heat Conduction
Question: 1
Question: 1

Solution: 1
Question: 2

Question: 3
Solution: 2
Solution: 3
Date: 23/09/2022

General Differential Equation of Heat

UNIT I : Conduction Heat Transfer
General Differential equation of Heat Conduction– Cartesian and
Polar Coordinates – One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction -
plane and Composite Systems. Conduction with Internal Heat Generation
– Extended Surfaces – Unsteady Heat Conduction – Lumped Analysis –
Semi Infinite and Infinite Solids –Use of Heisler’s charts.

UNIT II : Convection Heat Transfer

Free and Forced Convection - Hydrodynamic and Thermal Boundary
Layer. Free and Forced Convection during external flow over Plates and
Cylinders and Internal flow through tubes.

Assignment No. 1 (Before Mid I Exam) 5 Marks

General Differential Equation of Heat
General Differential Equation of Heat

Cartesian / Rectangular
General Differential Equation of Heat

Cylindrical Coordinates
General Differential Equation of Heat

Spherical Coordinates
Steady Versus Transient
Heat Transfer
General Differential Equation of Heat

Cartesian / Rectangular
 Consider a small rectangular element of length Δx, width Δy, and height
 Assume the density of the wall is ρ, the specific heat is c, and the area of
the wall normal to the direction of heat transfer.
 T (x, y, z, t) in rectangular or Cartesian coordinates for parallelepiped

An energy balance equation of the system:

An energy balance on this thin element during a small time interval Δt can be expressed
Substituting into Energy balance Equation on this thin element during a small
time interval Δt can be expressed as:
Date: 26/09/2022
The above Equation is the General Heat Conduction
Equation in Rectangular Coordinates.
 In the case of constant thermal conductivity, it reduces to:
The three-dimensional heat conduction equations reduce to the one
dimensional ones when the temperature varies in one dimension only.
General Differential Equation of Heat

Cylindrical Coordinates
The general heat conduction equation in cylindrical coordinates can be
obtained from an energy balance on a volume element in cylindrical
coordinates, shown in Figure.
Radial Directions

Circumferential Directions

Axial Directions
Radial Directions

Circumferential Directions

Axial Directions

The above Equation is the General Heat Conduction Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates.
General Differential Equation of Heat

Spherical Coordinates
The general heat conduction equation in spherical coordinates can be obtained from an
energy balance on a volume element in cylindrical coordinates, shown in Figure.

r cos θ
The above Equation is the General Heat Conduction Equation in Spherical
General Differential Equation of Heat Conduction

Cartesian / Rectangular Coordinates

Cylindrical Coordinates

Spherical Coordinates
Question: 4


Solution: 4
Date: 27/09/2022
Boundary And Initial Conditions

The heat conduction equations above were developed using an energy

balance on a differential element inside the medium.

 The description of a heat transfer problem in a medium is not

complete without a full description of the thermal conditions at the
bounding surfaces of the medium.

The mathematical expressions of the thermal conditions at the

boundaries are called the boundary conditions.
Boundary And Initial Conditions
 Consider the variation of temperature along the wall of a brick house in
winter. The temperature at any point in the wall depends on, among other
things, the conditions at the two surfaces of the wall such as the air
temperature of the house, the velocity and direction of the winds, and the
solar energy incident on the outer surface.
 That is, the temperature distribution in a medium depends on the
conditions at the boundaries of the medium as well as the heat transfer
mechanism inside the medium.

Hence, To describe a heat transfer problem completely, two boundary

conditions must be given for each direction of the coordinate system along
which heat transfer is significant. Therefore, we need to specify two boundary
conditions for one-dimensional problems.
General Differential Equation of Heat Conduction

Cartesian / Rectangular Coordinates

Cylindrical Coordinates

Spherical Coordinates
Boundary And Initial Conditions

 Reconsider the brick wall already discussed. The temperature at any point
on the wall at a specified time also depends on the condition of the wall at
the beginning of the heat conduction process.

Such a condition, which is usually specified at time t = 0, is called the

initial condition, which is a mathematical expression for the temperature
distribution of the medium initially.

 Note that we need only one initial condition for a heat conduction problem
regardless of the dimension since the conduction equation is first order in
time (it involves the first derivative of temperature with respect to time)
Boundary And Initial Conditions

 The heat conduction equation is first order in time, and thus the initial
condition cannot involve any derivatives (it is limited to a specified

 However, the heat conduction equation is second order in space

coordinates, and thus a boundary condition may involve first derivatives
at the boundaries as well as specified values of temperature.

 Boundary conditions most commonly encountered in practice are the

specified temperature, specified heat flux, convection, and radiation
boundary conditions.
Boundary And Initial Conditions
Boundary And Initial Conditions

Dirichlet Condition

Neumann Condition
Boundary And Initial Conditions
Neumann Condition
What is …..?


Heat Transfer Rate

Heat Flux

Temperature Gradient

Thermal Conductivity

Steady vs Transient

One / Two / Three Dimensional

Newton’s Law of Cooling For Convection Heat Transfer Rate
Question: 5
Question: 5

Solution: 5
Question: 6
Question: 6

Solution: 6
Date: 30/09/2022
Question: 7
Solution: 7
Question: 8
Solution: 8
UNIT I : Conduction Heat Transfer
General Differential equation of Heat Conduction– Cartesian and Polar
Coordinates – One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction - plane
and Composite Systems. Conduction with Internal Heat Generation –
Extended Surfaces – Unsteady Heat Conduction – Lumped Analysis –
Semi Infinite and Infinite Solids –Use of Heisler’s charts.

UNIT II : Convection Heat Transfer

Free and Forced Convection - Hydrodynamic and Thermal Boundary
Layer. Free and Forced Convection during external flow over Plates and
Cylinders and Internal flow through tubes.

Assignment No. 1 (Before Mid I Exam) 5 Marks

One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction
(Plane Systems)

 Temperature Distribution (Both With and Without

Heat Generation)
 Plane Wall
 Cylindrical Wall
 Spherical Wall
 Thermal Resistance Concept
Steady Heat Conduction In Simple Geometries
We will now derive solutions to the conduction equations for Plane Wall as obtained in the
previous section for simple geometrical systems with and without heat generation.

 Plane Wall

 Without Heat Generation

Steady Heat Conduction In Simple Geometries
 Plane Wall

 With Heat Generation

Let us now consider a heat source generating heat throughout the system. If the thermal
conductivity is constant and the heat generation is uniform.
above Equation.
Steady Heat Conduction In Simple Geometries
We will now derive solutions to the conduction equations for Cylindrical Wall as obtained in
the previous section for simple geometrical systems with and without heat generation.

 Cylindrical Wall

 Without Heat Generation

Let us consider heat transfer through a hollow pipe with a fluid flowing inside. Heat is
assumed to flow only radially.

We want to determine the temperature distribution and the heat transfer rate in a long hollow
cylinder of length L if the inside and outside surface temperatures are Ti and To respectively
and there is no internal heat generation.
Steady Heat Conduction In Simple Geometries
 Cylindrical Wall

 With Heat Generation

Let us consider a long solid cylinder of radius R with internal heat generation. The one
dimensional heat conduction equation in cylindrical coordinates is:
 For a hollow cylinder with uniformly distributed heat source:
Date: 10/10/2022
Steady Heat Conduction In Simple Geometries
We will now derive solutions to the conduction equations for Spherical Wall as obtained in
the previous section for simple geometrical systems with and without heat generation.

 Spherical Wall

 Without Heat Generation

Let us consider heat transfer through a hollow Sphere with uniform temperature at the inner
and outer surfaces.

The temperature is only a function of the radius r, and the conduction equation in spherical
coordinates is:
Steady Heat Conduction In Simple Geometries
 Spherical Wall

 With Heat Generation

Question: 9

A sphere of 50 mm diameter having thermal conductivity of 0.21 W/m K.

The outer surface temperature of 10°C and 280 W/m2 of energy is
released due to heat source. Calculate (i) heat generated, (ii) temperature at
the center of the sphere.
Hints: Q9

 Spherical Wall
 With Heat Generation

R = Outer Radius

r = Inner Radius = Zero

Modes of Heat Transfer : Radiation
All bodies radiate heat. The phenomenon is identical to the emission of light. Two similar
bodies isolated together in a vacuum radiate heat to each other, but the colder body will
receive more heat than the hot body and thus become heated.
The Radiant Heat Exchange Between Two Gray Bodies

Stefan - Boltzmann Law

Thermal Resistance Concept

Ohm’s Law
The current “I” flowing through a wire is equal to the voltage potential (V1 – V2)
divided by the electrical resistance “Re”.
Now, Consider Heat Conduction through a Plane Wall:


Thus, the rate of heat transfer through a layer corresponds to the electric current, the
thermal resistance corresponds to electrical resistance, and the temperature difference
corresponds to voltage difference across the layer.
Similarly, Consider convection heat transfer from a solid surface:

Similarly, Consider
Radiation heat transfer,
When the wall is
surrounded by a gas: Radiation

Radiation Heat Transfer

Conduction Convection

UNIT I : Conduction Heat Transfer
General Differential equation of Heat Conduction– Cartesian and Polar
Coordinates – One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction - plane
and Composite Systems. Conduction with Internal Heat Generation –
Extended Surfaces – Unsteady Heat Conduction – Lumped Analysis –
Semi Infinite and Infinite Solids –Use of Heisler’s charts.

UNIT II : Convection Heat Transfer

Free and Forced Convection - Hydrodynamic and Thermal Boundary
Layer. Free and Forced Convection during external flow over Plates and
Cylinders and Internal flow through tubes.

Assignment No. 1 (Before Mid I Exam) 5 Marks

One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction
(Composite Systems)

Question: 10
Question: 10
Solution: 10
Question: 11
Solution: 11
Date: 11/10/2022

Question: 12
A furnace wall consists of three layers. The inner layer of 10 cm thickness is made of
firebrick (k =1.04 W/mK). The intermediate layer of 25 cm thickness is made of
masonry brick (k = 0.69 W/mK) followed by a 5 cm thick concrete wall (k = 1.37
W/mK). When the furnace is in continuous operation the inner surface of the furnace
is at 800°C while the outer concrete surface is at 50°C. Calculate the rate of heat loss
per unit area of the wall, the temperature at the interface of the firebrick and masonry
brick and the temperature at the interface of the masonry brick and concrete.
Solution: 12


 The rate of heat loss per unit area of the wall (Q/A) : 1515.24 W/m^2
 The temperature at the interface of the firebrick and masonry brick : 927.30 K
 The temperature at the interface of the masonry brick and concrete : 378.30K
Critical Radius of Insulation

 We know that adding more insulation to a wall always decreases heat transfer. The
thicker the insulation, the lower the heat transfer rate. This is expected, since the heat
transfer area A is constant, and adding insulation always increases the thermal
resistance of the wall without increasing the convection resistance.

 Adding insulation to a cylindrical pipe or a spherical shell, however, is a different

matter. The additional insulation increases the conduction resistance of the insulation
layer but decreases the convection resistance of the surface because of the increase in
the outer surface area for convection.

 The heat transfer from the pipe may increase or decrease, depending on which effect
Question: 13

 Heat transfer is steady since there is no

indication of any change with time.
 Heat transfer is one-dimensional since
there is thermal symmetry about the
centerline and no variation in the axial
 Thermal conductivities are constant.
 The thermal contact resistance at the
interface is negligible.
 Heat transfer coefficient incorporates
the radiation effects, if any
Solution: 13
UNIT I : Conduction Heat Transfer
General Differential equation of Heat Conduction– Cartesian and Polar
Coordinates – One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction - plane and
Composite Systems. Conduction with Internal Heat Generation –
Extended Surfaces – Unsteady Heat Conduction – Lumped Analysis –
Semi Infinite and Infinite Solids –Use of Heisler’s charts.

UNIT II : Convection Heat Transfer

Free and Forced Convection - Hydrodynamic and Thermal Boundary
Layer. Free and Forced Convection during external flow over Plates and
Cylinders and Internal flow through tubes.

Assignment No. 1 (Before Mid I Exam) 5 Marks

Date: 14/10/2022
Conduction with Internal Heat Generation
(Extended Surfaces)
Different Types
of Fins:

1. Derive the Temperature Distribution

Profile for the selected Fin (in the form of
Constants i.e. C1 and C2)

2. Apply the Boundary Conditions (i.e.

Available in the problem)

3. Write the final Temperature Distribution

according to the tip conditions.
b b b
Question: 14
Solution: 14
Date: 17/10/2022

Question: 15
Solution: 15
UNIT I : Conduction Heat Transfer
General Differential equation of Heat Conduction– Cartesian and Polar
Coordinates – One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction - plane and
Composite Systems. Conduction with Internal Heat Generation –
Extended Surfaces – Unsteady Heat Conduction – Lumped Analysis –
Semi Infinite and Infinite Solids –Use of Heisler’s charts.

UNIT II : Convection Heat Transfer

Free and Forced Convection - Hydrodynamic and Thermal Boundary
Layer. Free and Forced Convection during external flow over Plates and
Cylinders and Internal flow through tubes.

Assignment No. 1 (Before Mid I Exam) 5 Marks

Date: 17/10/2022
Unsteady Heat Conduction – Lumped Analysis

 Unsteady Heat Conduction also known as Transient Heat Conduction.

 The temperature of a solid varies with time but remains uniform throughout the solid at
any time.
Lumped Parameter/System Analysis
or Thermal time constant.
Criteria for Lumped Parameter/System Analysis
 Therefore, a small Biot number represents small resistance to heat conduction, and thus
small temperature gradients within body.
 Lumped system analysis assumes a uniform temperature distribution throughout body,
which is case only when thermal resistance of body to heat conduction (conduction
resistance) is zero.
 Thus, lumped system analysis is exact when Bi = 0 and approximate when Bi > 0.

Of course, the smaller the Bi number, the more accurate the lumped system analysis.

The first step in the application of lumped system analysis is the calculation of the Biot
number and the assessment of the applicability of this approach.
Question: 16
Solution: 16
Date: 18/10/2022

Bi = Biot Number
Fo = Fourier Number
Applicability of Lumped Parameter/System Analysis
Unsteady Heat Conduction – Lumped Analysis

we considered bodies in which the variation of temperature within the body is


that is, bodies that remain nearly isothermal during a process.

Relatively small bodies of highly conductive materials approximate this behavior.

In general, however, the temperature within a body changes from point to point as
well as with time.
Question: 17
Solution: 17
Unsteady Heat Conduction –Infinite Solids
In this section, we consider the variation of temperature with time and position in one-
dimensional problems such as those associated with a large plane wall, a long cylinder,
and a sphere.

Transient Heat Conduction In Large Plane Walls, Long Cylinders, And Spheres
Date: 21/10/2022

Unsteady Heat Conduction – Nondimensionalized One-Dimensional

Transient Conduction

Unsteady Heat Conduction – Exact Solution of One-Dimensional

Transient Conduction

Unsteady Heat Conduction – Approximate Analytical Solutions of One-

Dimensional Transient Conduction

Transient Temperature
Charts or Heisler Charts.
Unsteady Heat Conduction – Nondimensionalized One-Dimensional
Transient Conduction
We now attempt to nondimensionalize the problem by defining a dimensionless space
Generalized version of Equation for the lumped system analysis (no space
Unsteady Heat Conduction – Exact Solution of One-Dimensional
Transient Conduction

The nondimensionalized partial differential equation given in Equation

together with its boundary and initial conditions can be solved using several
analytical and numerical techniques.

Which includes:

 Laplace or other transform methods,

 The method of separation of variables,
 The finite difference method, and
 The finite element method.
Unsteady Heat Conduction – Approximate Analytical Solutions of One-
Dimensional Transient Conduction : Tabular Form

The analytical solution we obtained for one-dimensional transient heat conduction in a

plane wall involves infinite series and implicit equations, which are difficult to evaluate.

Therefore, we have an incentive to simplify the analytical solutions and to present the
solutions in tabular form using simple relations (using this one-term approximation).
these relations simplify to the next ones at the center of a plane wall, cylinder, or sphere:
Unsteady Heat Conduction – Approximate Analytical Solutions of One-
Dimensional Transient Conduction : Heisler charts

The analytical solution we obtained for one-dimensional transient heat conduction in a

plane wall involves infinite series and implicit equations, which are difficult to evaluate.

Therefore, we have an incentive to simplify the analytical solutions and to present the
solutions in graphical form using simple relations (using this one-term approximation).

Graphical representation of the one-term approximation solutions for a large plane wall,
long cylinder, and sphere were presented by M. P. Heisler in 1947 and are called transient
temperature charts or Heisler charts. They were supplemented in 1961 with transient
heat transfer charts by H. Gröber. The charts are sometimes difficult to read, and they are
subject to reading errors. Therefore, the one-term approximate expressions should be
preferred to the charts and will be used.
In any Transient Problem:

First Calculate Biot Number by using (Characteristics Length Scale):

If : Biot Number < 0.1 (Solve by Using Lumped Analysis)

Biot Number > 0.1 (Solve By Using Infinite Solids)

Biot Number  Infinity (Solve By Using Semi-Infinite Solids)

Question: 18
Solution: 18
By Using : Unsteady Heat Conduction – Approximate Analytical
Solutions of One-Dimensional Transient Conduction : Tabular Form
By Using: Unsteady Heat Conduction – Approximate Analytical
Solutions of One-Dimensional Transient Conduction : Heisler charts

The Temperature at The Center of The Shaft is: charts
Then the fractional heat transfer (Q/Qmax) for the cylinder is determined from:


The total heat transfer from the shaft during the first 45 min of the cooling is: ……….kJ
Unsteady Heat Conduction – Semi Infinite Solids
For short periods of time, most bodies can be modeled as semi-infinite solids since heat
does not have sufficient time to penetrate deep into the body, and the thickness of the
body does not enter into the heat transfer analysis.


1. A steel piece of any shape, can be treated as a

semi-infinite solid when it is quenched rapidly to
harden its surface.

2. A large concrete Highways

3. A very thick walls, etc.

• The separation of variables technique
does not work in this case since the
medium is infinite.
• But another clever approach that
converts the partial differential equation
into an ordinary differential equation by
combining the two independent
variables x and t into a single variable η,
called the similarity variable, works
Question: 19

A large concrete highway initially at a temperature of 70°C and stream water is

directed on the highway so that the surface temperature is suddenly lowered to
40°C. Determine the time required to reach 55°C at a depth of 4cm from the surface.
Solution: 19


Initial Temperature (Ti) : 70 Degree Celsius

Final or Surface Temperature (To) : 40 Degree Celsius
Temperature at x location (Tx) : 55 Degree Celsius

Depth (x) : 4 cm

Find: Time required (t) to reach at 55 Degree Celsius.

UNIT I : Conduction Heat Transfer
General Differential equation of Heat Conduction– Cartesian and Polar
Coordinates – One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction - plane and
Composite Systems. Conduction with Internal Heat Generation –
Extended Surfaces – Unsteady Heat Conduction – Lumped Analysis –
Semi Infinite and Infinite Solids –Use of Heisler’s charts.

UNIT II : Convection Heat Transfer

Free and Forced Convection - Hydrodynamic and Thermal Boundary
Layer. Free and Forced Convection during external flow over Plates and
Cylinders and Internal flow through tubes.

Assignment No. 1 (Before Mid I Exam) 5 Marks

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