Philosophy of Education Guide Questions

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Module I


FALSE 1.Crow and crow present that concepts that guidance is based on the
existence of individual differences and worth and dignity of each person.

TRUE 2. It was Jones who stresses that guidance personally assist someone
solove his problem.

TRUE 3. Whichever definition you give to “guidance” it should be understood

that it tends to help individual to become adjusted to his present situation to help
him become a better person.

FALSE 4. Counseling according to Gilbert Wrenn is definitely structured, which

allow the clients to gain an understading of himself to a degree which enables him
to take positive steps in light of his new situation.

FALSE 5. Guidance and counseling are two the same things in terms of its nature.
ANand substance and meaning.



TRUE 1. Some people need guidance once in a blue moon, as in a crisis; others
need it at regular intervals, while still others need it all the time.

TRUE 2. Guidance-Conscious individuals are often accused of interference but

they go on with their work.

TRUE 3. The purpose of guidance is to promote growth of the individual toward


FALSE 4. The aim of counseling which is to help the individual discover his need,
his potentials, and his goals and which proceeds to the realization of those life
goals, is identical with the purpose of education in assisting individuals to choose
and develop life goals.

TRUE 5. The assistance that can be given to an individual from the time he steps
into a nursery or kindergarten class up to his graduation from college constitutes
educational guidance.


1. Which of the following is not true to guidance?

B. Guidance is not an imposition of one’s point of view.

2. Which of the following is not a function of guidance?

D. All guidance is not education because education is a process of

change that goes on within an individual.

3. Which statement is not “Principle Basic to Understanding Guidance.”

B. Test has no place in guidance.

4. For the purpose of delimitation. Which of the following is not a specific area
covers by guidance?

D. Individual

5. Not all aspect of education are guidance. Which of the following statement is
not true?

B. The objective of both guidance and education with respect to the

development of the individual are not the same.



1. What do you call the services rendered to individual in securing

knowledge and skills needed in making plans and devices in interpreting
A. Guidance
2. Which of the following is not covered by the guidance services?
D. None of the above

3. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the guidance services?

D. None of the above

4. Which of the following statement would define group guidance?

D. All of the above

5. What is individual guidance for?

A. Self-development

B. True or False

TRUE 1. Guidance services are services rendered to an individual and his

need such as inventory of each pupil, and counseling.

TRUE 2. Individuals need guidance to assist them in securing knowledge and skills
needed in making plan and devices and in interpreting life.

TRUE 3. The primary objective of the guidance services is to give assistance to the
students , the primary beneficiaries of the program, in their adjustment to a new
phase of life.

FALSE 4. Rise of industrialism gave way to the invention of machinery

consequent rapid progress which resulted in the cdemand for educational

TRUE 5. The entire guidance program is nothing but a coordinated group of

services, which have come to stay in school and elsewhere.



1. It is a service which provide a synthesis of information about individuals

which can be used to gain understanding of themselves as persons, their
potentialities, and liabilities, interests and needs.
Answer: B. Individual inventory service
2. It is designed to measure such characteristics as emotional adjustment, social
relations, and the motivational aspects of behavior.
Answer: D. Personality inventories
3. The service makes available to learners certain kind of information not
ordinarily provided through the instructional program during the regular
period of instruction, it gives a continuous program about cooperation and
opportunities for education, personal and social adjustment.
Answer: C. Information Service
4. It is the valid and usable data about the opportunities and influences of
human being which will help learners to understand themselves better
relations with others.
Answer: A. Social Information

5. It is a services intended to secure information about former students, and to
provide continuing service for students after they leave school.
Answer: D. Follow-up service


YES 1. Guidance services may be defined as a group of services to

individual to assist them in serving knowledge and skills needed in making plan
and services in interpreting life.

NO 2. Personality inventories are indicators of learners; likes and dislikes

and thus indirectly serve as guidance in choosing their goals and purposes.

YES 3. Non-test appraisal of the individual can help teachers, conselors, and
administrators understand the learners’ thoughts emotions and impulse.

NO 4. Personal information is valid and usable data about all types of

present and probable future educational or training opportunities and requirements,
including curricular and co-curricular offerings and the likes.

YES 5. One of the purposes of occupational information is guidance services

is to help them develop general understanding about the world of work.



1. It is an attempt to aid the individual by assisting him to a

reorganization of attitudes, feeling, and emotions, such that he can
make optional use of his abilities and physical endowments.
Answer: B. Counseling
2. Its effort is to allow the counselor to give the counselee
information about himself, his opportunities and his problems.
Answer: Directive or clinical counseling
3. It is a client-centered counseling and places the responsibility on
the client for exploring his own problem and on his potentialities.
Answer: A. Nondirective counseling
4. It is the heart of the process wherein the counselor and counselee
talk and discuss the problem, and by means of leading questions,
enables the counselee to develop insight.
Answer: Counsel
5. The use of a combination type of counseling is called:
Answer: C. Electric counseling


1. This is one of the essentials of counseling process where the

counselor establishes rapport. He creates an ambiance of
acceptance and freedom and willingness to help by a show of deep
understanding. ATMOSPHERE
2. This is a type of counseling that consist of a process and one
treatment. This allows the counselor to give the counselee
information about himself, his opportunities and his problems.
3. A dealing exponent of non-directive counseling, who asserts that
within every individual there are growth forces which, if release
flow almost criticisms, will permit him to adjust to his
environment. CARL ROGERS
4. It may be defined by telling first what it is not. It is not lecturing. It
is more than talking to a pupil. COUNSELING
5. As a process, this kind of counseling passes through a certain stage
wherein the counselor tries to see and study clearly what those



TRUE 1. Counseling is inseparable from guidance.

TRUE 2. In the exploratory cases of counseling, the counselor tries to show

his willingness to share his time for counseling.

TRUE 3. Counseling is time consuming as it takes time to build rapport in

gaining the confidence of the client.

TRUE 4. In the counseling process, the counselor should emphasize to

establish a therapeutic climate.

FALSE 5. Knowledge on multiple intelligence affords the counselee to assist

clients who are referred to him for misbehavior.

Multiple Choice:

1. What could be the best thing the counselor could do to his/her counselee
during the counseling activity?
Answer: B. The counselor simply facilitates the counselee in knowing
how to face his own difficulty.
2. One phase of counseling wherein, both the counselor and the counselee
size up how and where to begin.
Answer: A. Introductory phase
3. One phase of counseling which is the counselee feels ceratain sure of a
workable solution.
Answer: D. Terminating phase
4. Which of the following is suggested position during counseling
Answer: D. All of the above.
5. This theory in counseling speaks of defense mechanism as influencing
factors in our understanding of abnormal behavior of our clients.

Answer: C. Freudian Theory



1. Which of the following statement is not a counseling ethics?

ANSWER: D. The counselor must be proficient in the use of counseling
2. Which of the treatment is not a form of service and assistance in a workable
counseling program?
ANSWER: D. Leave the counselee free to use his own judgement.
3. Which of the following is not a toll in gathering information about your
client in guidance and counseling?
ANSWER: A. Attitude
4. The following statements are counselor’s attitude, skills and characteristics
except one.
ANSWER: B. Boastful of his achievements
5. Which of the statement is not an aspect of counseling session?
ANSWER: D. Ask hard questions


COUNSELOR 1. A counselor by nature of his calling should be highly

ethical, one in whom the client can fully place his trust.

COUNSELEE 2. In counseling services, the counselor’s tactless way could

invite the counselee to share his feelings and his thoughts.

COUNSELOR 3. Holding a counseling session with his clients must thrive

in an atmosphere of trust and confidence.

COUNSELOR 4. The counselor must accept and respect the tight of his
clients to make decisions, choices and solutions.

COUNSELEE 5. In counseling session, the counselor should not be mindful

of counselee’s gestures and facial expression because it could only distracts his



TRUE 1. A counselor should know what he wants and what to attain at the
end of the sessions.

TRUE 2. Rapport between the counselors and counselee should be observed

so that goals will achieved.

TRUE 3. No single technique is said to be appropriate to the majority of the


TRUE 4. Active-direct approach opens a chance to an educative process.

TRUE 5. Openness and confidence is created for the counselee to attract

trust between the two.

1. Assisting his clients hi decision-making and analyzing consequences of
2. Locating and defining problem as an intervention technique. GENERAL
3. This model involves the counselor directly taking an active part in
coming up with accepted results regarding their client’s problem.
4. This approach opens a chance to an educative process. ACTIVE-
5. This is the point where the counselor initiates an activity for the client to
open up himself, while the counselor attentively listens, observes and
6. The counselor teaches the client to set clearly his objective by initiating
the conferences focusing on what the counselor’s point of view regarding
his present predicament. SETTING AVIEW POINT
7. It is considered as a task-oriented. BEHAVIORAL TECHNIQUE
8. Usually counselors that help counselees achieve better and feel relaxed,
gives a positive comment. GIVE FEEDBACK
9. Asserting positively what the clients decide to do. AFFIRMING
10. Approaches used by the counselor in assessing his client.

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