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A Town Fiesta
When is the fiesta celebration of your place? How do you celebrate your barrio fiesta or town

-The festival in our town is celebrated at April 25, we used to celebrate it before with a lot of gatherings
and town shows but because of the spreading Covid 19 virus our community had to be more responsibly
in every action, that is why as of today’s pandemic we celebrated our town fiesta at home and our
municipality decided to do such thing like giving some prizes through virtual communication.


1. Create a table or columns using the acronym ACOLPEO and provide relevant information for

Seasons Description

Advent is the time of waiting and preparation for

the celebration of Christmas. It begins on Sunday
Advent Season nearest November 30 the feast day of Saint
Andrew the Apostles, and covers four Sundays.

It is celebrated at the 25th of December. Christmas

is an annual festival commemorating the birth of
Christmas Season Jesus Christ, it is the sacred religious holiday and
a worldwide cultural and commercial

This is the season in which we commemorate

Jesus Christ's life and teachings, as well as what it
means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ The word
ordinal, which means "to count," was used to
Ordinary Time name this season. Because the weeks are named in
numerical order, we call it Ordinary Time.

Lent is the 40-days period preceding Easter. Lent,

which begins on Ash Wednesday, is a period of
Lent reflection and preparation prior to the Easter
celebrations. Christians emulate Jesus Christ's
sacrifice and 40-day retreat into the desert by
observing the 40 days of Lent.

Paschal Triduum begins in the evening of 13

Paschal Triduum and ends in the evening of 16 April. It is a period
of three days of prayer usually preceding a Roman
Catholic feast.
The Easter Season is the primary festival of the
Christian church, honoring Jesus Christ's
Easter Season Resurrection on the third days following his Death
on the cross.

It is the time where people Continue a devotion

you started during another liturgical season, begin
Ordinary Time II a new devotion, read the daily Scripture readings
and seek to be like Jesus in small things.
Transforming Action

Make a calendar of occasions in your life, then answer the points to ponder on.


1 New year
3 My brother’s 1 My brother’s 10 My Auntie’s
Birthday Birthday Birthday 4 My Father’s Birthday
22 My Best friend’s


25 My Mother’s 1 A Very Special Day 17 My cousin’s Special

Birthday Day


2 My Birthday 9 My Brother’s 15 A Day to Remember

Birthday 25 Christmas

Points to Ponder On

1. What is the importance of making a schedule?

Schedule is a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times.
Organizing schedules is important so that you can achieve your objectives and prioritize your aims in the
period you have available. When you have arranged it benefits you to understand what you can
realistically accomplish with your time. Making sure that you have enough time for the most important
tasks is also much important.

2.Why do you celebrate the important occasions in your life?

I never forget to celebrate the important occasions in my life to give thanks and to remember the day that
a special event happens. We are essentially creating a mental bookmark for an experience, making it
easier to recall in the years ahead. The photos, videos, and other sentimental items from those situations
serve as prompts for us to bring back those lovely memories in the future.

3. What do you feel when you attend the Holy Mass on special occasions like Christmas day?
In my experience, attending the Holy Eucharist on a special day was a blessed kind of personal
observation. It may be enjoyable to celebrate with our families and friends, but we must keep in mind that
we are commemorating a celebration because God gives us existence and helps us survive each day. That
is why we must mark the occasion of every event that occurs in our lives.

Catholic Teachings


1. Tell me something about “The Lord’s Day.”

In Christian faith, the Lord's Day is typically celebrated every Sunday, the primary day of collective
adoration. Thus, many Catholics recognize it as the weekly commemoration of Jesus Christ's resurrection,
which is said in the canonical Gospels to have been overheard alive from the dead early on the first day of
the week.


Give the corresponding date or day of the following solemnities and feasts in the Church’s liturgical
1. Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God
January 1 is the solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.
2. Feast of the Sto. Nino
The feast of Sto. Nino is celebrated on the third Sunday of January
3. Feast of St. Pedro Calungsod
The feast day of Saint Pedro Calungsod is on April 2
4. Feast of St. Joseph, the Worker
The Feast of St. Joseph, the Worker is on May 1
5. Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on August 15

Explain the Third Commandment, “Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.”
The Catholic Church deems the commandment to "remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy" to be an
essential part of abiding the commandment to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and
mind." The holiness of the Sabbath day is emphasized in Catholic teaching. For me, it appears that we
should always remember God in our daily lives, not just on His Day, though this is the most important
part of giving Him thanks for all the ups and downs in our lives. Our Lord's Day is significant for us as
His children because it is the day on which He blessed us and recognizes our efforts to gather for Him.

Empowerment technology

Answer the following:

1. How would you describe an online environment?

In today's generation, the most commonly used environment is the online environment. Regardless of our
curiosity, the online environment provides us with everything we want to know. This environment may be
a source of so much knowledge that we can use in our daily lives and may help us to grow our minds in
the midst of all of our society's current events. This online environment, in my opinion, will benefit not
only students but anyone in need, because everything can be seen in only one type of what you want to

2. Using a graphic organizer, give the different types of multimedia according to their use.

3. ICT in action: The business sector has already converted to online commerce since most consumers
have the access to the web either through desktop computers or mobile. Incorporating media elements,
more consumers are attracted to patronized their product and services in return. Being a costumer as well,
what do you think is the disadvantages of this change.
We live in a world that previous generations of entrepreneurs could have never imagined. We have the
ability to set up a business from our home and expand it into a highly successful organization without
ever deciding to leave our house. It's truly amazing when you think about it. However, in order to be
successful in the online business world, you should have an optimistic perspective. It is critical that you
understand your advantages while also recognizing the disadvantages you encounter. You'll be able to
develop a growth strategy that is both reasonable and sustainable as an outcome.
The disadvantages that I have encountered as a customer are that there is no certainty in anything we see
online, especially in business terms, and in that case, many of us must ensure that the amount of time we
waste browsing or purchasing goods on the web is worthwhile. For example, consider this website that I
recently visited. It has an almost perfect design that I find appealing. It also includes some products that I
can buy, but when I look at the ratings of other customers, I see a lot of negative comments about how the
product is not legit and will not benefit you if you buy it. What I'm trying to say is that one of the
drawbacks of these changes is that What I'm trying to say is that one of the drawbacks of these changes is
that there are only a few safe places on the internet, and we must deal with it because we are the ones who
are responsible for it.
Module in EFFAPP

1.How do architects and engineers usually begin their construction of a building? Why do they begin in
this manner? Is it advisable to begin their construction in any other way? Why or why not?
Architects and engineers typically begin their construction projects by creating an outline for their
specific projects. They list everything that is required to construct a building structure. They begin by
creating an outline because it is the most important step before beginning their project. Making an outline
can help you relax about your work and avoid failure when building a house. As a result, it is not
advisable to proceed in any of the above-mentioned ways. Building a structure necessitates a large
number of materials, ideas, and labor, so they needed to begin by listing everything before beginning
construction. A building without an outline, in my opinion, cannot exist.

2.What materials do they use in their building projects? What criteria do they employ in choosing these
Engineers and architects use wood, steel, concrete, and stone to construct the structures for their projects.
The materials that can be used for construction are what make a building stable and strong. A building
would be incomplete without these materials. Engineers and architects have chosen these materials
because they are necessary for complete and stable building structures.

3.How can we apply your answers in the first two questions in constructing an academic text?
In academic texts, there are also those who will construct a text, sentence, or phrase, similar to how
engineers and architects construct buildings. Assume that the structures they construct are the text and
sentences that comprise an academic text. A building, like an academic text, requires an outline for the
same reason: in order to build or construct a work, it is absolutely necessary to plan before you work or
write, in order to have a clear outcome. Also, just as engineers and architects use materials to build
infrastructure, a writer of an academic text uses materials to outline texts for their works.

4.Is it important to produce an outline before writing the actual essay?

Yes, an outline is required before we begin writing the actual essay. It will be easier for us to distribute
the most important contents to the least important. What I mean is that an essay can have a great outcome
if it has a proper outline.

5.An outline is a collection of thoughts organized using heading to help us see how an academic article is
structured. With this in mind, what do you think are the necessary steps that you can do to prepare a good
outline? What strategies can you use to make sure that the points presented in your outline are coherent
ang logically connected to each other.
The first step, in my opinion, in order for us to create an outline is to read carefully and comprehend each
phrase. After you have fully comprehended, organize your text by listing the most important to the least
important text. Finally, we should always keep in mind that when writing an outline, we should keep the
readers in mind so that they can easily understand what we have put into it.
Module in applied

Problem and application: How do you respond to price elasticity?

Direction: Read and analyze the statement below and answer the questions following problem. Write your
answer in a separate one whole sheet of yellow paper
People have unlimited needs and wants for their personal satisfaction and because of that the prices
of products easily get changed. Everyone is affected with the new normal in the market. The prices
of products have become very expensive since the outbreak of pandemic, not only in our locality,
but in the whole world.
If your income or the income of your family is not enough to purchase the basic commodities needed by
your family, what goods would you buy, instead? What economic or marketing strategies would you
apply? How would you respond to the price changes of these commodities? What is long-term plan for
sustainability of acquiring your needs and wants as an individual amidst this pandemic.
As COVID-19 spreads throughout the world, it is clear that it has the potential to derail the global
economy. It is also causing human suffering all over the world. These have an impact on human
satisfaction in all aspects. For example, prior to the pandemic, there was little demand for facemasks. As a
result, the price of other markets for them was also low. However, with today's pandemic, there is a high
demand for facemasks. As we can see, the markets have generated a plethora of ideas for this product.
They have increased the price of this product and are now selling it at twice the price.
It is critical that we save every penny we can, especially now. As a result, our lives changed
dramatically in terms of what we wanted and needed. We must now think twice before purchasing a
product. Since the Covid-19 outbreak, our family has lost its income and has settled for high-quality but
low-priced goods rather than more expensive items. We are all aware that this pandemic affects not only
sellers, but also buyers in our economy. In fact, this affects everyone. Other sellers' marketing strategies
are unacceptable to me because they frequently focus solely on what they will receive from buyers. We
all know they do it because it is their job, but they don't have to be so self-centered in this time of
pandemic because everyone is affected.

Activity 1

Read and understand each question carefully. Write your answer on the space provide. Your task will be
graded base from the following rubric: 5 points= the answer is complete 4= the answer is missing slight
detail 3 points= the answer is missing multiple details; 2 points= content suggest a lack of preparation or
comprehension 1 point= content only marginally related to the question/prompt
1.Why is perfect competition often described as the “ideal” market structure?
A market is a gathering of people who come together to buy and sell goods. Markets can be found in
cities, provinces, and even online, but what does the ideal market entail? In any market structure, perfect
competition means having fair and free actions. When they supply exactly what the customers demand,
they have created an ideal and perfect market. Because a competitive arena in a market deal with what
and how buyers process in the economy with a fair distribution of the commodities that everyone
demands, a perfect and ideal competition is often described as an ideal market structure because of its
freedom in our economy.
2.How do market structures affect the economy?
Market structure is significant because it influences market outcomes by influencing the motivations,
opportunities, and decisions of buyers and sellers. It attempted to explain and predict market outcomes by
looking at the level of competition in the market. The supply of various products in the market is
influenced by market structure. When there is a high level of competition, there is a lot of supply of
commodities as different companies try to dominate markets, and it also creates barriers for new
companies. A market structure has an impact on both the buyer and the seller in terms of price. The
higher the demand, the higher the price of the product. Furthermore, the market's opportunities and
decisions will have a positive and negative impact on every individual in the economy.

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