Catholic and Orthodox Easter

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Comparing Catholic and Orthodox Easter Celebrations: A Look at Faith and Tradition

Marko Ćeramilac
Dušan Stoiljković
The Sacred Meaning of Easter in the
Christian Faith
Easter is a significant holiday in the Christian faith, celebrated to commemorate the resurrection of
Jesus Christ. It is a time of reflection and celebration for many Christians around the world.
Comparing Catholic and Orthodox
Easter Celebrations

Date of Easter celebration Easter traditions Easter foods

Catholic Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the Catholics celebrate Easter with a Mass and a feast, while Catholics typically eat lamb, while Orthodox Christians
first full moon of Spring, while Orthodox Easter is Orthodox Christians celebrate with a liturgy and a feast. eat Pascha, a sweet cheese-based dessert.
celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon of
Spring according to the Julian calendar.

Overall, Catholic and Orthodox Easter celebrations differ in terms of date,

traditions, and foods.
The Impact of Jesus on Orthodox and
Catholic Christianity

Jesus' teachings Jesus' miracles Jesus' death and resurrection

Jesus taught about love, forgiveness, and mercy, which are Jesus performed many miracles, such as healing the sick and Jesus' death and resurrection as a sin-forgiving sacrifice is
core values of Orthodox and Catholic Christianity feeding the hungry, which demonstrated his power and core to Orthodox and Catholic Christianity.

Jesus had a profound impact on Orthodox and Catholic Christianity, as his teachings,
miracles, and death and resurrection are seen as essential to the faith.
The History and Significance of Easter

33 A.D. 1582 A.D. 1870 A.D.

Jesus is crucified and The Gregorian calendar is The Easter Parade begins in
resurrected adopted, setting the date of New York City

325 A.D. 1660 A.D. Present Day

The Council of Nicaea Easter eggs and bunnies Easter is celebrated around
establishes Easter as a become symbols of Easter the world
Christian holiday
The Significance of the
Resurrection in Christian
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is a cornerstone of Christian theology, as
it is seen as proof of God's power and love for humanity. The
Resurrection is also seen as a symbol of hope and redemption for
Easter Celebrations Around the World

United States Germany Australia Italy

In the United States, Easter is celebrated with In Germany, Easter is celebrated with bonfires, In Australia, Easter is celebrated with egg In Italy, Easter is celebrated with processions,
egg hunts, church services, and family Easter markets, and traditional foods. hunts, hot cross buns, and chocolate eggs. feasts, and the traditional Colomba cake.
Catholic Easter Celebrations

325 AD 1955 AD 2013 AD

Council of Nicaea sets the Pope Pius XII introduces Pope Francis celebrates his firs
date of Easter the Feast of Divine Easter as Pope

1570 AD 1969 AD
Pope Pius V establishes Pope Paul VI revises the liturgy
the Easter Triduum for the Easter Vigil
The Meaning of Holy Week & Easter Sunday

Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday

The beginning of Holy Week, Commemorates the Last Supper and Commemorates the crucifixion of The day before Easter Sunday,
commemorating Jesus' entry into Jerusalem Jesus' washing of the disciples' feet Jesus and his death at Calvary commemorating the day Jesus lay in the

Holy Week is a time of reflection and remembrance of Jesus' journey to the cross and His
resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Traditional Catholic Easter
Customs and Practices

Easter Vigil Mass Easter Eggs Easter Baskets

The Easter Vigil Mass is the most important liturgy of Easter eggs are a traditional symbol of new life and are Easter baskets are filled with treats and goodies and are
the Catholic Church and is celebrated on Holy often decorated and exchanged as gifts. often given to children on Easter morning.
Saturday night.

These are just a few of the traditional Catholic Easter customs and practices that are still
celebrated today.
The Pope and Easter
The Pope plays an important role in Easter celebrations, leading the faithful in
prayer and delivering a special message of hope and renewal. Every year,
millions of people around the world gather to witness the Pope's Easter Mass.
Orthodox Easter Celebrations

Egg Decorating Church Services Feasting

Decorating eggs with bright colors and intricate designs is Attending church services is an important part of Families gather to share a meal and celebrate the holiday.
an Orthodox Easter tradition. Orthodox Easter celebrations.

Orthodox Easter is a time of joyous celebration, filled with meaningful traditions and activities that bring
families together.
Celebrating Orthodox Easter Throughout History

325 AD
The Council of Nicaea sets the
date of Easter as the first
20th Century
Sunday after the first full moon 14th Century The Orthodox Church begins to
following the vernal equinox The Orthodox Church celebrate Easter with a Paschal
introduces the Paschal greeting Divine Liturgy
'Christ is Risen!'

7th Century 17th Century

The Orthodox Church begins to The Orthodox Church begins to
celebrate Easter with a week- celebrate Easter with a Paschal
long fast Vigil
The Patriarch's Role in
Easter Celebrations
The Patriarch plays an important role in Easter celebrations, leading the
congregation in prayer and delivering a sermon. He is also responsible for
organizing the liturgical services of the church.
Comparing Catholic and Orthodox
Easter Celebrations

Date of Easter Easter Meal Easter Traditions

Catholic Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the Catholic Easter meals typically include ham, while Catholic Easter includes lighting a Paschal candle, and
first full moon of Spring, while Orthodox Easter is Orthodox Easter meals typically include lamb. Orthodox Easter includes blessing Easter baskets.
celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon of
Spring according to the Julian calendar.

The differences between Catholic and Orthodox Easter celebrations are numerous and varied, but both are
celebrated with joy and reverence.
Exploring the Variations in Easter
Celebrations Around the World

325 AD
Council of Nicaea sets the
1923 AD
date of Easter as the first The Eastern Orthodox Church
Sunday after the first full adopts the Gregorian calendar
moon following the vernal for calculating the date of
equinox Easter

1582 AD
Gregorian calendar reform
changes the date of Easter to
2025 AD
the first Sunday after the first
full moon on or after the vernal The Eastern and Western
equinox churches will celebrate Easter
on the same day
The Distinct Practices of Holy Week in Catholic
and Orthodox Traditions

Holy Tuesday Maundy Thursday Holy Saturday

Palm Sunday
Catholic tradition: On Holy Catholic tradition: On Maundy Catholic tradition: On Holy
Catholic tradition: Palm
Tuesday, the faithful Thursday, the faithful Saturday, the faithful
Sunday marks the beginning of
commemorate Jesus' cleansing commemorate Jesus' Last commemorate Jesus' burial in
Holy Week. It is celebrated
of the Temple in Jerusalem. Supper with his disciples. the tomb.
with a procession of palms and
a special Mass.

Holy Monday Easter Sunday

Good Friday Orthodox tradition: Easter
Orthodox tradition: On Holy Holy Wednesday
Monday, the faithful Orthodox tradition: On Good Sunday marks the end of Holy
Orthodox tradition: On Holy Friday, the faithful Week and is celebrated with a
commemorate the withering of
Wednesday, the faithful commemorate Jesus' special liturgy and feast.
the fig tree cursed by Jesus.
commemorate Judas' betrayal crucifixion and death on the
of Jesus. cross.
The Varieties of Liturgical
Traditions and Practices

Eastern Orthodoxy Roman Catholicism Anglicanism

Eastern Orthodoxy is a liturgical tradition that emphasizes Roman Catholicism is a liturgical tradition that emphasizes Anglicanism is a liturgical tradition that emphasizes the use
the use of icons and liturgical vestments. the use of the Latin language and the celebration of the of the Book of Common Prayer and the celebration of the
seven sacraments. Eucharist.

These are just a few examples of the differences in liturgical traditions and practices that exist in
Christianity today.
Comparing Cultural
Traditions and Customs of
Catholics and Orthodox

Catholics and Orthodox Christians have different cultural traditions and customs.
For example, Catholics celebrate the Eucharist with unleavened bread, while
Orthodox Christians use leavened bread.
Celebrating Easter: Unique Traditions of Catholic
and Orthodox Christians

Easter Eggs Easter Baskets Church Services Easter Parades

A traditional symbol of Easter, Easter eggs areEaster baskets are filled with treats and goodies Church services are held on Easter Sunday to Many cities and towns host Easter parades to
often decorated and exchanged as gifts. and are often given as gifts. celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. celebrate the holiday.
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