21st Literature David James B. Ignacio 12-Timios

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David James B.

Ignacio 12-Timios
Activity: First, list down all the forms of literatures we have discussed and tell whether the listed is present on both countries ( ) check
mark if the literature is present and (x) mark if not.

Oral Literature Philippine Literature African Literature

Harana / Serenade x
Lullaby / Oyayi x
Poetry x
Balagtasan x
Songs x
Chant x
Story telling x
Lyric x
Tale x
Heroic Poetry x
Written Literature Philippine Literature African Literature
Legends X
Folk Tales X
Fables X
Prose x
Activity: Compare and Contrast the Philippine and African Literature according to how you understand each. Use Venn Diagram
for this activity.

Philippine Literature African Literature

There is a tremendously
broad body of literature,
The complex but much of it is
meanings and
The genres and topics of the
two distinct literatures are
influenced by previous
objectives of each the most striking examples of
commonalities between
works. When
word expressed in the them. Myths are an communicating a concept,
illustration of the themes.
written literary text where they emphasize the African written literature
deities as the protagonists of
are emphasized in the literary works. relies on the tradition,
Philippine literature. history, and culture of the
target population.

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