21clpw Reviewer

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1st Quarter Examination o Universality – appeals

to anyone, anywhere,
anytime forever.
o Artistry – appeals to our
aesthetic sense or sense
● Unit 1: The Study of Literature as of beauty.
an Art o Intellectual Value –
stimulates our thought.
 Definitions of Literature o Spiritual Value –
 Literature is the total inspires and brings out
preserved writings moral values.
belongings to a given o Style – marked with the
language or people. peculiar way.
(Webster) o Suggestiveness –
 Literature consists of appeals to our emotions,
those writings interpret stirs our imagination
the meanings of nature  Prose – usual flow of
and life. (Henry Van conversation which uses
Dyke) sentences forming paragraphs
 Literature is a written to express ideas, feelings and
record of man’s best actions.
thoughts and feelings. 1. Fiction – result of the
 Literature is the written or author’s imagination.
printed productions of the a. Short Story – one
human mind collectively. or more
 Types of Literature characters, one
o Oral Literature – plot, and one
literature of the ancient single impression.
times b. Novel – true-to-
o Written Literature – its life story divided
form from the use of the into chapters.
pen by literary genius. c. Play – scripted
 Reasons Why People Write: story executed on
o For self-expression stage.
o To spread knowledge d. Legend – origin of
and information man, place, event
o To pass on ideas and and happenings.
values e. Fable –
o To impart truth, characters are
accuracy, and evaluation animals and
 Qualities of Great Literature inanimate objects
o Permanence – stands that speak and act
through the ages and still like people.
opens new world of 2. Non-Fiction
meaning and experience. a. Essay –
viewpoint and c. Elegy – poem of
opinion of the meditation of life
author and death.
 Formal d. Sonnet – 14-line
Essay lyric poem with a
 Informal certain pattern of
Essay rhyme and
b. Oration – formal rhythm.
treatment of the e. Song – lyric poem
subject. intended to be
c. Biography – sung.
gives life account f. Imagery –
of a person. sensation that
d. Autobiography – language creates
author writes his in the mind.
own life account. g. Figurative
e. News – report of language –
expected and colourful,
unexpected suggestive,
events. powerful and
f. Letters therefore existing.
g. Diaries and  The Figures of Speech
Journals 1. Simile – comparison
 Poetry – combines the sound between two things.
and meaning of language. Ex: She turns cold as a
1. Narrative Poetry – tells freezer.
stories 2. Metaphor – indirect
a. Epics – between two objects of
adventures of epic different classes.
heroes and divine Ex: The Lord is my
forces. shepherd.
b. Ballads – poems 3. Personification –
intended to be human qualities to non-
sung. human.
2. Dramatic Poetry – tell Ex: The waves pounded
stories but one or more furiously against the
characters act out of the jetties.
person. 4. Synecdoche – an object
3. Lyric Poetry – to stand for the whole.
expresses the poet’s Ex: He is my right arm
thoughts and feeling. (trusted assistant)
a. Haiku – shortest 5. Metonymy – use of a
lyric poem. term connected with an
b. Ode – serious object to represent that
elaborate lyric object.
Ex: I give you the floor to Ex: Peter Piper picked a
speak. (turn to speak) pack of pickled pepper.
6. Hyperbole – deliberate 15. Assonance – repetition
exaggeration of the middle vowel
Ex: A million thanks to sound.
you! Ex: race and make, rain
7. Oxymoron – side by go away
side of two normally 16. Consonance – slant
contradictory words. rhyme.
Ex: cruel kindness, Ex: dreary and weary,
bitter-sweet memories napping and tapping
8. Paradox – true or partly
● Unit 2: Historical Background and
the Development of the Philippine
Ex: What you keep, you
lose; what you lose, you
keep  Pre-Spanish Literature
9. Allusion – familiar A. Legends – origin of a
phrases from the bible, thing, location or name.
history or literature. a. The Legend of
Ex: He is the Don Juan Mount Makiling
of the group. b. Ang Alamat ng
10. Irony – contrast Pinya
Ex: You’re so kind to c. Why Women
answer back your Wash the Dishes
parents. d. The Legend of
11. Onomatopoeia – use of Olongapo
words having a sound B. Folk Tales – made up of
that imitates what they stories about life,
denote. adventure, love, horror
Ex: Don’t bang the door. and humour.
12. Litotes – C. Epics – long narrative
understatement used to poems where a series of
affirm by negating its heroic achievements or
opposite. events.
Ex: Even in her plain a. Biag ni Lam-ang
dress, I find her not at all b. Agyu
displeasing. c. Sandayo
13. Apostrophe – address d. Aliguyon
to someone absent, long e. Labaw Donggon
dead D. Myths – symbolic
Ex: Jose Rizal, where language the origin of
are the youth today? basic elements and
14. Alliteration – repetition assumptions of a culture.
of the initial consonant E. Folk Songs – oldest
sound, tongue twister forms of the Philippine
a. Kundiman  The First Books
b. Kumintang  The Christian
c. Ang Dalit o Imno Doctrine – first
d. Ang Oyayi o Hele printed xylography
e. Soliranin by Fr. Juan de
f. Talindaw Placencia and Fr.
F. Other Forms of the Pre- Domingo Nieva
Spanish Poetry  Nuesta Senora
a. Epigrams del Rosario –
(Salawikain) – second printed
rules on good book by Fr.
behaviour by our Blancas de San
ancestors. Jose in 1602.
b. Riddles (Bugtong)  Libro de los
– made up of one Cuartro Post
or more measured Primeras de
lines with rhyme Hombre – first
which consists 4 printed
to 12 syllables. typography.
c. Chant (Bulong) –  Ang Barlaan at
witchcraft or Josephat – first
enchantment Biblical story
d. Maxims – verses translated by Fr.
with rhyming Antonio de Borja
couplets of 5, 6 or and novel
8 syllables. publised by Fr.
e. Sayings Agustin Mejia.
(Kasabihan) –  The Passion – life
giving remarks on and sufferings of
a person’s Jesus Christ.
actuations.  Urbana at Felisa
f. Sayings – written by
(Sawikain) – do Modesto de
not have hidden Castro, Father of
meaning. Classic Prose.
 Ang Mga Dalit
kay Maria –
 Spanish Period (1565-1898) songs praising for
 Spanish Influences on Virgin Mary written
Philippine Literature by Fr. Mariano
 ALIBATA – first Sevilla.
Filipino alphabet  Folk Songs
 Christian  Leron-Leron Sinta
Doctrine – basis  Dandansoy
of religious  Atin Cu Pung
practices. Singsing
 Pamulinawen a lamp against a
 Sarong Banggi white sheet.
 Recreational Plays  Zarzuela –
 Tibag – a ritual to considered the
remind the people Father of Drama
about the search  Sainete – is a
of Saint Helena for short exaggerated
the Holy Cross musical comedy
where Jesus performed by
Christ was nailed characters from
and died. the lower class.
 Lagaylay – a  Moro-Moro – is
special occasion performed during
to get together town fiestas to
during the month entertain the
of May for the people and to
Pilarenos of remind them of
Sorsogon. their Christian
 Cenaculo – is a religion.
dramatic  Karagatan –
performancd to re- about a princess
enact the passion who dropped her
and death of ring into the
Jesus Christ. middle of the sea
 Panunuluyan – a and who offered
reenactment of her hand in
Virgin Mary and marriage to
Saint Joseph in anyone who can
search of an inn to find it.
deliver the baby  Balagtasan – a
Jesus. poetic joust or a
 Salubong – is an contest of skills in
Easter play that debate on a topic
dramatizes the or issue. To honor
meeting of the of Francisco
Risen Jesus “Balagtas”
Christ and His Baltazar.
Mother.  Dung-aw – a
 Carillo or chant in free verse
Shadow Play – a by a bereaved
dramatic person beside the
entertainment corpse of the
performed on dark dead.
nights projecting  American Colonial Period
cardboard before (1910-1945)
 Short Stories
 Dead Stars – first o Mga
short story written Kwentong
by Paz Marquez Ginto
Benitez. (Golden
 The Small Key – Stories) in
by Paz Latorena. 1936.
 Footnote to o Kwentong
Youth – by Jose Ginto ng 50
Garcia Villa. Batikang
 Novels Kwentista
 Child of Sorrow – in 1939.
first novel by Zoilo  Poetry
Galang. o Poet of the
 Newspapers Heart
 El Nuevo Dia (Makata ng
(The New Day) by Puso)
Sergio Osmeña in  Inigo
1900. Ed.
 El Grito del Reg
Pueblo (The Call alad
of the Nation) by o
Pascual Poblete in  Carl
1900. os
 El Renacimiento Gat
by Rafael Palma mait
in 1901. an
 Plays  Pedr
 Kahapon, o
Ngayon at Bukas Deo
by Aurelio graci
Tolentino as
 Tanikalang Ginto del
by Juan Abad Ros
 Malaya by Tomas ario
Remigio  Ildef
 Walang Sugat by onso
Severino Reyes S.
 Newspapers and o Poet of the
Magazine Publications Laborers
 Bulaklak (Makata ng
 Liwayway Manggaga
 Ilang-ilang wa)
 Sinag-Tala  Ama
 Tagalog Literature do
 Short Stories V.
ande the novel
z in Tunuksan Isa Ca
whic Bulaklak.
h he  Japanese Period of the
pictu Philippine Literature (1941-
res 1945)
the  The Japanese stopped
inten the use of the English
se Language
love  Filipino writings during
of the Japanese occupation
the as pessimistic and bitter.
poor  The common theme of
work most poems was
ers nationalism, love and life
or in the barrios, faith,
labor religion and the arts.
ers.  Filipino Playwrights:
 Ilocano Literature  Jose Ma
 Pedro Bukaneg – Hernandez –
Father of Ilocano PANDAY PIRA
Literature  Francisco Soc
 Claro Caluya – Rodrigo – SA
Prince of Ilocano PULA SA PUTI
poets.  Clodualdo del
 Leon Pichay – Mundo – BULAGA
best Bukanegero. (Hide and Seek
 Kapampangan Game)
Literature  Julian Cruz
 Juan Crisostomo Balmaceda –
Soto – Father of SINO BA KAYO?,
Kapampangan DAHIL SA ANAK
Literature. and HIGANTE NG
 Aurelio Tolentino PATAY
– translated  Common Form of
Kahapon, Ngayon Poetry:
at Bukas into  Haiku – made of
Napon, Ngeni at 17 syllables
Bukas. (5,7,5)
 Visayan Literature  Tanaga – made of
 Eriberto Gumban 17 syllables and
– Father of allegorical in
Visayan meaning.
Literature.  Shorts Stories (First
 Magdalen Three Prizes)
Jalandoni – wrote
 First Prize:  Jose Garcia Villa
Narciso Reyes –  Nick Joaquin
LUPANG  Philippine Literature in the
TINUBUAN Post War-Contemporary
 Second Prize: Period (1945-Present)
Liwayway Arceo –  The post liberation was
UHAW ANG marked by a “struggle of
TIGANG NA mind and spirit”
LUPA  The strong desire to
 Third Prize: NVM experience the freedom
Gonzales – of writing.
LUNSOD, NAYON  Post War problems to
AT DAGAT- language and print like
DAGATAN economic stability, threat
 Carlos P. Romulo won of mew ideas and
the Pulitzer Prize for his morality had to be dealt
best sellers I SAW THE with side by side.
FALL OF THE  Newspapers
RISE, MOTHER Sergio Osmeña
BROTHER  Daily Mirror of
AMERICANS. Joaquin Roces
 Nick Joaquin produced  Evening News of
the THE WOMAN WHO Ramon Lopez
LOOKED LIKE  Bulletin of Menzi
 Juan Laya wrote his
novel entitled NATIVE
 New Philippine
Symphony – first Filipino
orchestra by Francisco
Santiago as conductor.
 Palanca Awardees for
 Jose Garcia Villa
 Nick Joaquin
 NVM Gonzales
 Bienvenido
 Gregorio Brillantes
 Gilda Cordero
 National Artist Awards

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