DC Week 3

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Name:Janny Joy D.

Mondido Year & Section:BSECE2B Date: 09/28/ 2022

Week No:3 Subject:EE 214 Subject Title:Elementary DC Circuits

Question no.1
Answers:Francis Hauksbee came up with an experiment on November 1705
about a rotating machine/sphere.He was able to remove the air from
inside it using a new machine called the air pump.On his machine,a
handle allowed him to spin the sphere.After the candles in the room
were put out,he placed his hand against the sphere.Amazingly,there
was an electric image created inside the the rotating tube.A strange
ethereal light began to form dancing around his hand.But during that
time,they believe that this was the work of the Almighty.Many people
interpret happenings like this as acts of God.Moreover,it was almost
beyond rational comprehension to explain natural phenomena like
this.So Hauksbee never realised the importance of his experiment and
lost interest in his rotating machine/sphere.

Question no.2
Answers:Michael Faraday set about recreating Oersted’s work.Through his
thorough research,he concluded that there must be a flow of forces
acting between the wire and the compass needle.Faraday created a
circuit using a battery with a pair of wires and mercury bath.The circuit
carries on through the copper posts.The wires hangs freely and dangles
into the mercury.Due to the reason that mercury is a good conductor,it
completes the circuit.When the current runs into the circuit,it generates
a circular magnetic force-field around the wire. This then interacts with
the magnetism from the permanent magnet that Faraday had placed in
the middle of the mercury.Together,they force the wire to move.

Question no.3
Answers:Sir Joseph Wilson Swan and Sir Thomas Alba Edison wanted to bring
electric light to the world by inventing incandescent light bulbs.Both
Swan and Edison’s light bulbs worked by passing an electric current
through a filament.The goal of these two geniuses was to find the best
filament material that offers enough resistance to light up the
bulb.Edison used platinum as one of his first materials.Platinum has
high melting point and can be stretched into thin strands that can give
more resistance. But the drawback is that it’s expensive and didn’t offer
enough resistance.So the team of Sir Edison switched to the method
that Sir Swan was also developing. They used vacuum to stop cheaper
carbon filaments from burning up too quickly. Edison and Swan tested
all kinds of different materials for their filaments like using raw silk and
parchment to cork.Sir Edison even tried to use one of his engineer’s
beard hair but eventually,he settled to bamboo fibre.On the other
hand,Sir Swan used a treated cotton thread.At the end,they became
business partners and sell light bulbs in the United Kingdom.

Question no.4
Answers:Maxwell’s wave principle is a principle of electromagnetism.It is the
understanding of electricity and magnetism as something linked and as
something that can occur as waves. Heinrich Hertz was inspired by
Maxwell and dedicated himself in designing an experiment to prove that
Maxwell’s waves are right.Hertz invented an apparatus that generates
heat and has alternating current that run along the metal rods with a
spark that jumps across the gaps.While Hertz was still trying to figure
out Maxwell’s waves,another professor named Oliver Lodge ,who was
also trying to prove that Maxwell’s right,was setting up his experiment
and discovered that he could see glowing patches between his
equipment’s wires.The blue glow and electrical sparks were evenly
spaced along the wires and realised that they were the peaks and
troughs of the wave. It is an invisible electromagnetic waves and that
time he proved that Maxwell was indeed correct.After that ,Hertz found
out that Maxwell’s right also using his own way.He was able to map the
shape of the waves being produced by his apparatus.When both of
them are in the Association Meeting already,Lodge thought that it would
be his moment of triumph already but it wasn’t.It was proclaimed in the
meeting that Heinrich Hertz had just published astounding results and
detected Maxwell’s waves travelling through space.

Question no.5
Answers:Electricity is very crucial in our lives.Without it, everything would be so
difficult.It’ll be surely difficult for us to use the electronic devices we
need in work and school.When students need to study,they will have
difficulty absorbing what they’re studying with and can also bring a
negative impact in their eye vision.Many people will surely suffer when
it’s to hot because they can’t use the electric fans.Moreover,this can
have a negative impact in our economy especially today that we are in
the advanced technology and modernization.In today’s technological
world,electricity brings us to life.It makes our lives easier.With this,we
can say that it’s already tied within us and can’t be taken to us anymore.

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