Cot English Personal Pronouns Kra Based

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School Grade Level

Teacher ENGLISH 2
Quarter FOURTH
(DLP) Time

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate a command of the
conventions of standard English grammar and
usage when writing or speaking
B. Performance Standards The learners speak and write using good
command of the conventions of standard
C. Learning Competencies/ 1. Use personal pronouns (e.g. I, you, he, she it, KRA 3, OBJ. # 7
Objectives we, they) in dialogues -Plans manages and
Write the LC code for each. implements developmentally
2. Identify the personal pronouns used in a sequences teaching and
sentence, dialogues, etc. learning processes to meet
curriculum requirements
EN2G-Iva-b-4.2.1 through various contexts.

MOV--- Knowledge skills and

attitude or KRA is applied in
lesson planning objectives in
order to meet curriculum
requirements based on the
Curriculum Guide /CG.
II. CONTENT/TOPIC Use personal pronouns(e.g. I, you, he, she, it,
we, they) in dialogues
A. References MELC page 108
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages Lets Begin Reading in English 2 pp.148-157
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Powerpoint presentation, modules , self
learning Resource (LR) learning materials
B. Other Learning Resources Audio- visual materials , tarpapel, computer KRA 3, OBJ. #9
generated strips, charts pictures, real objects - Selects develops organizes and
such as sugar, soy sauce, juice, salt, stone, uses appropriate teaching and
flowers, toys learning resources, including
ICT, to address learning goals.

MOV---The lesson is delivered

through the use computer
generated materials
The teacher presents the classroom standards KRA 2, OBJ. # 5
by recalling rules and responsibilities inside the - Manages learner behavior
A. Reviewing previous lesson or classroom. constructively by applying
presenting the new lesson 1. Be kind, polite and courteous to others. positive and non-violent
2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. discipline to ensure learning –
3. Be respectful of classmates, teachers and focused environment.
4. Listen to the teacher and classmates and MOV--- To avoid and prevent
follow directions. misbehavior, house rules/
5. Work hard and always do your best. standards guidelines are set
6. Be safe. before the class starts or before
7. Raise your hand when you would like to doing an activity.
speak in class, when leaving you seat or if
you need to leave the classroom for a
reason. KRA 1, OBJ. # 1
8. Be ready to take the consequence if you -Applies knowledge of content
break the rules. within and across curriculum
teaching areas.
The teacher reviews the days previous lesson.
What are nouns? MOV--- Defining nouns as a
What are the examples of nouns? root of the concept to connect
Give examples of the following: ideas in learning the complex
 Name of person ones.
 Name of place
 Name of thing
 Name of Animal
 Name of events or
B. Establishing a purpose for The teacher introduces a song and let pupils KRA 1, OBJ. # 1
the lesson/Motivation/ listen to it. -Applies knowledge of content
Motive Questions “We Are the World” within and across curriculum
Ask: What is the song all about? teaching areas.
Let the class read the poem. MOV---Contextualization and
What are the localization are also applied by
using locally available materials
that can be learned on.
The teacher then, presents these pictures KRA 1, OBJ. # 3
through powerpoint presentation - Applies a range of teaching
strategies to develop critical
C. Presenting examples/ and creative thinking, as well as
instances of the new lesson higher-order thinking skills.

MOV---The activities presented

are done from simple to
Here are some examples. complex ones in which pupils
are motivated to analyze and
perform to
affirm the concept learned.


D. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills

Present the new concept: KRA 1, OBJ. #3

- Applies a range of teaching
strategies to develop critical
E. Discussing new concepts and creative thinking, as well as
and practicing new skills # 2 higher-order thinking skills.

MOV---The activities presented

are done from simple to
complex ones in which pupils
are motivated to analyze and
perform to affirm the concept
Ask pupils to give more examples.

1. Abby bakes a carrot cake.

____ bakes a carrot cake.

2. My brother likes to dance.

___ brother likes to dance.

3. Kim and I walks to school together.

_____ walks to school together.

4. The box is in the front of the door.

_____ is in the front of the door.

5. Caleb and Haley built a snow fort.

_____ built a snow fort.
The teacher presents the rules to be followed KRA 2, OBJ. #6
in group activities. - Uses differentiated,
F. Developing mastery (leads developmentally appropriate
to Formative Assessment learning experiences to address
# 3) learners ‘gender, needs,
strengths, interests and
The teacher gives varied activities to pupils. MOV---The learners are given
differentiated activities
according to their strengths and

MOV---By applying
differentiated activities with
rubric, learners are ensured of
their active participation.

Post on the board the rubric to be used in the

KRA 4, OBJ. #10
Designs, selects, organizes and
uses diagnostic, formative and
summative assessment
strategies consistent with
curriculum requirements.

MOV---Formative questions are

raised to learners to diagnose
how far they have learned or if
G. Finding practical Let the pupils present their group work. The the objectives of the lesson are
applications of concepts teacher will have to assess their performance carried.
and skills in daily living based on the rubric.

Individual Activity
KRA 2, OBJ. #4
Manages classroom structure to
engage learners, individually or
in groups in meaningful
exploration discovery and
hands-on activities within a
range of physical learning
Reminder: During group activities everybody environments.
should participate.
MOV--- The concept is posted
1. on the bulletin board for review
_______________________ and mastery.

_______________________ KRA 2, OBJ. # 5
Manages learner behavior
constructively by applying
positive and non-violent
discipline to ensure learning
focused environments

3. MOVS---Values are integrated

_______________________ to track pupils into doing good
and be a good citizen.


5. _____________________

6. ____________________

ESP: Pagtulong sa gawaing bahay
Araling Panlipunan: Pakikilahok sa mga Gawain
sa komunidad

H. Making generalizations What are pronouns? What are its examples?

and abstractions about Read the posted tarpapel on the board.
the lesson

MT& FIL: Answering question in a complete
I. Evaluating Learning Directions: Choose the letter of the correct KRA 4, OBJ. # 10
personal pronoun to complete each sentence. Designs, selects, organizes and
uses diagnostic, formative and
1. ____ are best of summative assessment
friends. strategies consistent with
curriculum requirements.
A. We B. I C. They D. You MOV---Formative questions are
raised to learners to diagnose
how far they have learned or if
2. ____wash my hands the objectives of the less
properly. on are carried.

KRA 4, OBJ. #11

A. We B. I C. They D. You Monitors and evaluates
learners progress and
achievement using learner’s
3. ______wear face masks to attainment data.
protect ourselves from
corona virus. MOV ---Results of evaluation
A. I B. They C. We D. You are monitored and reflected on
the Learners’ Data in order to
support and assess learners’
4. __ ___ are Singing and progress and achievement

A. I B. They C. We D. You

5. _____bake delicious cookies.

A. I B. They C. We D. You
Who got 5? 4? 3? 2? 1? O? Very Good!
How did you get a perfect score?
What will you do next time to have a high
Health: Keeping oneself healthy and away from
Music and P.E. : Rhythmic movements and
proper way of singing
Values: Honesty in answering the test
J. Additional activities for In your notebooks, copy and complete the KRA 4, OBJ, #10
for application or dialogue with a personal pronoun. Write your Designs, selects, organizes and
remediation answer in the blank. uses diagnostic, formative and
Kesha: Hello, Andie. Would ____ like summative assessment
something to eat? strategies consistent with
Andie: Yes! Thank you. ___would like a slice of curriculum requirements.
cake please. Kesha, how was your holiday with
your cousins? MOV--- Formative questions
Kesha: ___was great. ___had a really good are raised to learners to
time. diagnose how far they have
Andie : Wow! Would ___ go again? learned or if the objectives of
Kesha: Yes, Andie. the lesson are carried.

No. of learners who learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation
A. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
B. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
C. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
D. Which of the teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
E. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
F. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Observed by:

Adviser Principal-I

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