Detailed Lesson Plan in English Real and Made-Up

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1. Identify real and made-up text.
2. Recognize the difference between real and made-up text.
3. Understand the importance of identifying real and made-text.


Reference: English Book 4 (pg, 77-80)



 Prayer
Good morning let us start our day with a prayer.

(The teacher will call a pupil to lead the

____ will lead the prayer in front.

Angel of God….
 Greetings

Good morning, class!

How do you feel today, class?
Are you excited? Happy or sad? We’re fine.
Definitely, happy!

I’m happy that most of you are excited and happy.

 Checking of Attendance

All right class, let me check your attendance first.

If anyone is absent, please raise your right hand

and tell me who is absent and if there is no
absence, please clap your hands three times and
say none ma’am.

None ma’am!

 Activity

So now, I have here a different picture then I want

you to identify what characteristics it is.
Is it okay class? Yes teacher!

• Snow White
• Spiderman
• President Ferdinand Marcos
• Iron man
 Abstraction

Let us look at the characters again.

I want you to identify whether it is real or made-
up. The real one is President Ferdinand Marcos.

The made-up are Snow White, spiderman, and

Iron Man

Class I have here a picture.

What can you say about it? - A child sleeping

- a child dreaming
(Pupil's answer may vary)

Have you also experienced dreaming? Yes, teacher!

Can you tell me about it? I dream of becoming a hero.
I dream of something scary
(Pupil's answer may vary)

Excellent, today I want you to listen to the story

entitled "Ana's Crazy Dream".

One day, Ana went to school wearing old dirty

clothes. All her classmates laughed at her. So, she
left them. She was walking alone looking for her
sister, but she couldn’t find her. Then, she
continued walking until she saw an old woman
saying, “What are you looking for little girl?” She
was so scared with her look. So, she ran as fast as
she could.

She was so nervous and didn’t know what to do.

Until she saw a big bird asking her “Are you
looking for your sister?” Ana was shocked after
hearing the bird talked to her. Then, she replied
“Yes”. And so, she rode at the bird’s back. She
saw the clouds smiling and waving at them. Then,
all of a sudden, the bird turned into a carabao. She
was so afraid while riding a carabao, until she
finally reached home. When she arrived home,
she still couldn’t find her sister. She walked and
walked until someone sneaked up and captured
her. The men put her in a big pot of boiling water
to make soup out of her. She felt hotter and hotter!
Till finally, she woke up and realized that the
aircon was turning off that’s why she felt very hot.
Let's go back to the story. Now, I am going to ask
you a question about the story that you just
listened to.

1. Who had a dream? Ana

2. What was Ana's dream all about? It's all about riding a bird and carabao to find her
sister at home.

3. Who was she looking for? Her sister

4. Based on the story, do you believe that

her dream would come true? Why? No, because birds can't talk and turn into carabao.
Also, no clouds can be able to smile and wave.
(Pupil's answer may vary)

 Application

On the board I want you to encircle Real if the

sentence may happen in real life, or Made-up if
the sentence could never happen in reality. Do this
on your answer sheet.


Directions: Identify and read the sentence

thoroughly. Write real if you think it is real and
made-up if it is not.

If you study hard you can reach your dreams.

If you always use gadgets it will damage your

If you are going to share these pictures with your

friends on Facebook you will become rich

If you buy this product your face will always

become younger.

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