Engact 2

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Franz Johnrell V.




1. Communication with your relatives abroad


The communication before is hard, we only use Thru the use of smartphones
cellphones like nokia 30310 or laptop, we can easily contact our
to call or text our relatives abroad. relatives from abroad by the use of
apps like messenger or skype.

2. Discussion of your project online.


The discussion of our projects were Because of the pandemic, all students
always face to face. around the globe are not permitted to
go to school, but luckily we adopt to
this kind of situation, we use google
meet to discuss our project so easily.

3. Submission of written reports.


Before, reporting is easily done by As well as discussing project, we also

face to face. use google meet to present our
4. Meeting or forums.

In meeting or forums, scheduling is By the use of Modern Technology,

the most important when planning to we can easily set a meeting for just a
meet. Is is also conducted in face to day and it is accessible.

5. Announcements

Announcement was done by speaking With the use of modern technology

loud or by using of papers. announcement can be done just in a
minute, with the help social apps like
facebook, twitter, etc.


1. Misunderstandings frequently result from racial disparities. The communication

process is thus hampered by these misconceptions. We may use a simple example to
demonstrate this idea. India, a country with many different ethnic identities,
frequently experiences ethnic churnings that disrupt the flow of information. Due to
the fact that many people have a dual or mixed ancestry, they may belong to many
linguistic groups or variants. Regrettably, racial perceptions can sometimes lead to a
linguistic barrier. This may then have an impact on how people communicate at work.
2. One of the most common misconceptions regarding gender differences that persist
today is the notion that men and women speak differently. The diverse ways that the
different genders communicate and are required to communicate are what cause
gender communication difficulties. Unhealthy communication gaps can be caused by
interpersonal differences, gender stereotypes, and expected gender roles. Females are
often thought to communicate in a more subtle, elaborate, and emotional manner,
which might indicate hesitation, trepidation, and subordination. While men are
thought to have a direct, brief, and useful communication style.

3. Through the ability to collaborate directly with clients who may even be on the
other side of the world, technology has an impact on communication. By enabling the
delivery of instant messages and other types of data to any point on the earth, wireless
signals, satellites, underwater cables, and other cutting-edge technologies aid in
communication. Additionally, it implies that the user need not physically be present in
locations like the mail room or post office. People no longer need to perform that
initial face-to-face reaction when they are behind a keyboard, thanks to technology
and digital communication, which makes it simpler to communicate. Depending on
how one chooses to communicate, this might either be advantageous or

4. The most crucial communication tool for firms today is technology. Technology
has completely changed how businesses handle marketing and PR, particularly how
they engage with the public and the media. Technology-based interpersonal
communication is a more recent talent that not all professionals possess. People have
really benefited from technology and digital communication in terms of improving
their communication abilities and learning how to write messages that can be
comprehended in a few characters or fewer. We can now communicate nearly
immediately and without regard to distance thanks to a variety of technical
improvements throughout the years.
5. I am impacted by the ease of communication made possible by technology. We
must all have experienced the sophistication of modern advancements in
communication technology since I find it extremely simple to obtain information and
news on the internet or to contact someone or communicate with someone who is
located elsewhere. There are many different tools or gadgets that may be utilized for
communication in this quickly developing period. Thanks to modern technology,
several communication technologies are evolving quickly. The internet, cellphones,
gadgets, and other communication technologies are only a few of the many
communication tools that affect daily life. Currently, communication technology is

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