Binasuan Literature

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Binasuan folk dance is very colorful and spectacular dance from Bayambang, Pangasinan.
Baso mans drinking glass. Binasuan in Pangasinan means with the use of a drinking glass.

Throughout the dance the glasses are kept in proper places, on head, and on palms of

Time Signature: 3/4


Music A - Play first time.

Dancer enters from left or right side with one glass on her head and one glass each on the
palms of her hands.

Starting with R foot, take eight waltz steps forward to center of room or stage. Hold glasses
in front, elbows close to waist.

Move R hand up to chest level and down at waist or hip level alternately and L hand down
at hip or waist level and up to chest level alternately, that means that when the R hand goes
up to chest level, the L hand goes down to hip level on one count and reverse movement on
the next count and so on for eight measures...8M

Music A. Play second time.

Waltz sideward R and L alternately, eight times. Raise R hand to head level and L hand at hip or
waist level when waltzing sideward right.

Change position of hands at every measure. There is a slight movement of hands upward and
downward with R hand and downward and upward with the L hand, alternately at every

Music B. Play two times.

(a) Starting with R foot, take four waltz steps obliquely forward right. Raise R hand obliquely
upward at head level, L hand down at hip or waist level for four measures. Both hands are
moving slightly upward and downward alternately at every count as in figure I …............4 M

(b) Repeat (a), moving obliquely backward left to starting place ………......4 M

(e) Repeat (a) and (b), moving obliquely forward left in (a) and obliquely backward right in (b).
Reverse position of hands ..............8 M

Music A. Play two times.

As the following steps are being done, the dancer moves counterclockwise.

(a) Step R forward (ct. 1), brush L forward (ct. 2), step L close to R (ct. 3). Repeat same (cts. 1,
2,3). Raise R hand at head level, L hand at waist level. Do not move hands..................2 M

(b) Waltz turn right (using two waltz steps). By this time the dancer has covered one-fourth of
an imaginary circle. Hold glasses in front at waist level, elbows close to waist .................2 M

(c) Repeat (a), and (b) three more times moving counterclockwise. Finish in proper place, facing
front ...........12 M

Music B and A. Play two times each part.

(a) Place weight on L foot, R foot close to L, heel slightly raised. Turn R hand counterclockwise
going gradually upward to overhead. L hand is down at hip level ...................4 M

(b) Reverse turn of R hand, going gradually downward to original position. Same position of L
hand ................4 M

(c) Repeat (a) and (b) ..............8 M

(d) Transfer weight to R foot, L heel slightly raised. Repeat all (a-c) with L hand reversing turn. R
hand is down at side at hip level. ...............16 M

Music B. Play two times.

(a) Execute as many fast (whirl) turns in place clockwise (tiny steps in place, both feet flat on
floor). Hold glasses obliquely forward at chest level without moving hands. Do not hold elbows
too close to waist. Finish facing front. ……………..8 M
(b) Repeat (a), turning counterclockwise. ……………………...8M

Music A. Play two times.

(a) Step R sideward (ct. 1), brush L forward (et. 2), step L close to R. (et. 3). Repeat same two
more times (2 M). Step R sideward (et. 1), brush L forward (cts. 2, 3). Raise R hand at head level,
L hand sideward at waist level or a little bit below waist. Do not move hands. ……………….4 M

(b) Repeat (a), starting with L foot, going sideward left, reverse position of hands.................. 4 M

(c) Repeat (a) and (b). ……………….8 M

Music B. Play three times. Music A. Play two times.

(a) Kneel on R (1 M), kneel on L (1 M), side sit on left (1 M), stretch both legs sideward right and
place back of L hand on floor in front (1 M)…………………..4 M

(b) Turn R hand counterclockwise and raise gradually to overhead as in Figure IV (a)..4 M

(c) Reverse turn of R hand, going gradually downward to original position as in Figure IV (b)
…………..4 M

(d) Repeat (b) and (c)………………8M

(e) Slowly reverse sitting position to side sit on right — bend knees (1 M), kneel on both knees
(1 M), side sit on right (1 M), stretch both legs sideward left and place back of R hand on floor (1
M)…………..4 M

(f) Repeat (b) and (c) two times with L hand, turning hand clockwise first…………….. 16 M


Music B. Play three times.

(a) Place R elbow on floor in front (1 M), stretch L leg backward (1 M), lie down on stomach and
at the same time stretch R leg (1 M), place L elbow in front on floor
(1 M)…………….4 M

(b) Roll over to right side — Lift L elbow and twist body toward right side (1 M), roll on back and
place L elbow on floor (1 M), lift R elbow and twist body toward the right side (1 M), roll over on
front to be in prone-lying position ( 1 M). All the time head is kept erect, and palms of the hands
up without spilling water from glasses or dropping glasses…………….4 M

(c) Repeat (b)………………4 M

(d) Repeat (b) and (c) rolling to left side. Reverse direction and hand positions………………8 M

(e) Return to right side-sit position — Bend knees (1 M), raise L elbow and slowly raise trunk (1
M), raise R elbow and trunk erect (1 M), stretch legs sideward left(1 M)…………………4 M

Music A. Play two times.

Repeat Figure IV (a) and (b) , R and L hands doing the movements simultaneously. As the R hand
goes up, the L hand goes down and vice-versa. The R hand goes up first (4 M), and then as it
goes down the L hand goes up at the same time (4 M). Change position of hand every four
measures. Finish with L hand up……………….16 M

Music B. Play two times.

(a) Assume standing position — Bend both knees, both hands down at waist level (1 M), kneel
on both (1 M), half-stand on R foot (1 M), stand on both feet (1 M)……………… 4M

(b) Repeat Figure V (a) fast (whirl) turns clockwise (6 M) and (b) fast (whirl) turns
counterclockwise (6 M)………………12 M

Music B. Play once or twice.

Starting with R foot, execute close steps forward to exit, R hand at head level, L hand at hip
level. Do not move hands…………………8 or 16 M

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