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The "Kuratsa" dance is the most popular dance

in the Visayan regions. There are many versions of Kuratsa.
Different regions have their own dance patterns, usually
the boy's steps are more difficult than the girl's. This
version comes from Bago, Negros Occidental.
COSTUME: Girl wears patadyong with camisa or kimona, with
a soft panuelo; white or any colored trousers and
barong tagalog or camisa de chino for the boy.

MUSIC is derived into two parts: A and B.

COUNT: One, two, three, or one, and two and three to measure.

FORMATION: Partners stand side by side, Girl at right of

Boy, when facing audience. One to any number of
pairs may take part in this dance.

Music Introduction.

Partners face each other.

Three-step turn right in place. Girl hold skirt, Boy's

hands on waist, (cts. 1, 2, 3). Point L foot in front, R arm in
reverse "T" position, L hand on waist (cts. 1, 2, 3). Pause
(2 M)......................................................4 M
Music A.
Partners face each other.

(a) Point R foot in front, (cts. 1, 2), step R foot close

to L foot (ct. 3), R arm in reverse "T" position, L
hand on waist..................................1 M
(b) Repeat (a) with L foot, reverse position of arms.1 M

(c) Quarter turn left, with the R foot leading take two
chasing steps sideward right to partner's place arms
as in (a) (cts. 1, and, 2, and), step R foot sideward
(ct. 3), cross L in front of R foot (ct. 1) and turn
right, salok the L arm in R arm in fifth position (cts.
2, 3) finish the turn facing each other........2 M

(d) Repeat (a-c) starting with the L foot, reverse position

of arms and turn in (c)........................4 M

Partners face left.

(e) Repeat (a) and (b).............................2 M

(f) Repeat (c) moving obliquely sideward right. Finish

the turn facing right..........................2 M

(g) Repeat (d) finishing in proper places..........4 M

Music B.

Partners face each other. They do their movements


(a) Two sway balance steps with a brush (R, L), moving
counterclockwise. Arms in fourth position R and L arm
high (4 M). Waltz turn right, arms in lateral position
moving sideward right and left, with a forearm turn
(2 M). Finish in partner's place...............6 M

(b) Repeat figure I (c). Finish in proper places...2 M

(c) Repeat all (a-c)...............................8 M

(a) Two sway balance steps with a hop (R, L). Arms in
fourth position R and L arm high...............4 M
(b) Waltz turn right. Arms in lateral position moving
sideward right and left, with a forearm turn R and
L..............................................2 M

(c) Waltz forward R toward Girl, opening arms as if

pleading (cts. 1, 2, 3), waltz backward L, closing
arms to chest (cts. 1, 2, 3)...................2 M

(d) Two sway balance steps with a brush (R, L).....4 M

(e) Waltz forward R, waltz backward L, arms as in (c).2 M

(f) Repeat figure I (c)............................2 M

Music A.

Partners face the audience.

(a) Repeat figure I (a-c) starting with the inside foot

finish in partner's place.....................4 M

(b) Repeat (a) finishing in proper places.........4 M

(c) Partners face each other. Repeat figure I (a-d).8 M

Music B.
Partners face each other.

(a) Sway balance with a hop (R, L) arms in fourth position

R and L arm high..............................4 M

(b) Two waltz turn right to partner's place, arms in lateral

position with forearm turn (2 waltz steps for every turn).
Pass each other by L shoulders................4 M

(c) With the girl leading, partners take two waltz steps
forward and waltz turn to any direction arms as in
(b)...........................................4 M

(d) Two waltz steps forward to meet at center (2 M), join

inside hands, girl executes a waltz turn inward under
arched hands and both bow to audience (2 M)...4 M
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Visayas Dance











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Visayas Region

The "Kuratsa" dance is the Visayas
most popular dance
in the Visayan regions. There are many Dance
versions of Kuratsa.
Different regions have their own dance
patterns, usually Areuana
the boy's steps are more difficult than
the girl's. This Cariñosa
version comes from Bago, Negros
Occidental. Kuratsa

COSTUME: Girl wears patadyong with Costumes:
camisa or kimona, with
a soft panuelo; white or any
colored trousers and
barong tagalog or camisa de
chino for the boy.

MUSIC is derived into two parts: A and


COUNT: One, two, three, or one, and

two and three to measure.
FORMATION: Partners stand side by
side, Girl at right of Itik-Itik
Boy, when facing audience.
One to any number of
pairs may take part in this Video



Music Introduction.

Partners face each other.

Three-step turn right in place. Girl hold

skirt, Boy's
hands on waist, (cts. 1, 2, 3). Point L foot in
front, R arm in
reverse "T" position, L hand on waist (cts. 1, 2,
3). Pause
(2 M)......................................................4 M

Music A.
Partners face each other.

(a) Point R foot in front, (cts. 1, 2), step

R foot close
to L foot (ct. 3), R arm in reverse "T"
position, L
hand on
waist..................................1 M

(b) Repeat (a) with L foot, reverse

position of arms.1 M

(c) Quarter turn left, with the R foot

leading take two
chasing steps sideward right to
partner's place arms
as in (a) (cts. 1, and, 2, and), step R
foot sideward
(ct. 3), cross L in front of R foot (ct.
1) and turn
right, salok the L arm in R arm in fifth
position (cts.
2, 3) finish the turn facing each
other........2 M

(d) Repeat (a-c) starting with the L foot,

reverse position
of arms and turn in
(c)........................4 M

Partners face left.

(e) Repeat (a) and
(b).............................2 M

(f) Repeat (c) moving obliquely sideward

right. Finish
the turn facing
right..........................2 M

(g) Repeat (d) finishing in proper

places..........4 M

Music B.

Partners face each other. They do their


(a) Two sway balance steps with a brush
(R, L), moving
counterclockwise. Arms in fourth
position R and L arm
high (4 M). Waltz turn right, arms in
lateral position
moving sideward right and left, with a
forearm turn
(2 M). Finish in partner's
place...............6 M

(b) Repeat figure I (c). Finish in proper

places...2 M

(c) Repeat all (a-

c)...............................8 M

(a) Two sway balance steps with a hop
(R, L). Arms in
fourth position R and L arm
high...............4 M

(b) Waltz turn right. Arms in lateral

position moving
sideward right and left, with a
forearm turn R and
L..............................................2 M

(c) Waltz forward R toward Girl, opening

arms as if
pleading (cts. 1, 2, 3), waltz
backward L, closing
arms to chest (cts. 1, 2,
3)...................2 M

(d) Two sway balance steps with a brush

(R, L).....4 M

(e) Waltz forward R, waltz backward L,

arms as in (c).2 M

(f) Repeat figure I

(c)............................2 M

Music A.

Partners face the audience.

(a) Repeat figure I (a-c) starting with

the inside foot
finish in partner's
place.....................4 M

(b) Repeat (a) finishing in proper

places.........4 M
(c) Partners face each other. Repeat
figure I (a-d).8 M

Music B.
Partners face each other.

(a) Sway balance with a hop (R, L) arms

in fourth position
R and L arm
high..............................4 M

(b) Two waltz turn right to partner's

place, arms in lateral
position with forearm turn (2 waltz
steps for every turn).
Pass each other by L
shoulders................4 M

(c) With the girl leading, partners take

two waltz steps
forward and waltz turn to any
direction arms as in
(b)...........................................4 M

(d) Two waltz steps forward to meet at

center (2 M), join
inside hands, girl executes a waltz
turn inward under
arched hands and both bow to
audience (2 M)...4 M

All material Copyright © 2003 SAYAW: Filipino Dances All rights reserved.

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