Week 6

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Grade 12
3rd Quarter Week 6
MELC: Describes adequate research design (either quantitative or qualitative),
data gathering instrument, sample, data collection and analysis procedures,
prepares data gathering instruments

Topic: Prepares data gathering instruments

Learning Objectives: At the end of this module, students will be able to:
a. identify appropriate instruments in data gathering,
b. collect appropriate information to be used in data gathering; and
c. identify the types of graphical data and its usage.

Tungawan District, Zamboanga Sibugay


I. Mini Lesson: Steps to Create Data Collection Instruments

Use the Data Collection Planning Worksheet to identify all Administrators in charge of
collecting data for the needs analysis and ask each one to create a version of the Data Collection
Tracking Tool, which is really an expanded version of the Planning Worksheet.
As data are collected, ensure appropriate security of print materials and back-up of
electronic files are in place to avoid losses. If the team is electronically entering information from
print questionnaires, ensure that spot checks are conducted to support data quality.
As data are collected, ensure appropriate security of print materials and back-up of
electronic files are in place to avoid losses. If the team is electronically entering information from
print questionnaires, ensure that spot checks are conducted to support data quality.
Be sure that all individuals who have coordinated activities, provided information or
provided access to data sources have been thanked for their time and effort in supporting the
needs analysis investigation.

Step 4: Create Data Collection Instruments

1. Use the completed Data Collection Planning Worksheet to create a list of all data
collection instruments that are required. Next determine which investigative questions will
be posed to which audiences through the instruments identified. One way to facilitate this
is to sort the Worksheet by its “Data Source” column and compare this with the completed
Question Matrix to ensure that no items have been overlooked. Create one document for
each instrument and audience, and on it list each investigative question and sub-question.

2. Consider the type of instruments you will need and plan to create all those of a similar type
at the same time. For example, create all the questionnaires you will need and then move
on to all interview protocols, documentation worksheets, etc. Tackling the tasks in this
manner helps you leverage the work from one instrument to the next of its type. Use the
Documentation Worksheet, Focus Group Worksheet, Interview Worksheet, and
Questionnaire Development Worksheet to guide your work. Questionnaire items you
write for CHWs can be edited slightly to become appropriate for CHW Supervisors, for
instance, and so grouping the work will help you complete it more quickly.

3. Identify individuals from each data source group to serve as pilot participants for the data
collection instruments you have created. It’s fine to choose those close at hand, but if there
are important subgroups, or strata, among the target population it’s a good idea to pilot
with each subgroup to ensure the instrument is sensitive to their differences. Once the
instruments are ready the team must prepare for their use.

4. Once the instruments are ready, the data collection team must be prepared for their use.
For self-administered questionnaires provide electronic or print copy as needed to those
responsible for distribution and collection. For administered instruments like surveys or
interview protocols, hold a training session with data collectors to ensure they understand
what each question is designed to capture, the importance of following the question
language order, and how they should document the responses they receive.

Example Documentation sheet
Proof of Data source Discussion on the Usefulness of data
documentation Data Source
Evidences (picture, Data collection Discussion on data Analysis and
video, audio or any Process(What, how, Collection (Discuss interpretation( How
forms of proof) where and when or WH how you acquired the does the data help you
questions) data)or respondents in analysing and
interpreting your
research study/output

2. Focus Group Worksheet

Purpose–to provide a general overview and best practices for conducting focus groups
to collect data
A focus group session is typically held to allow deep discussion and data capture on a
few topics by a fairly small group of individuals. Depending on the culture and skill of the
facilitator, it is usually advisable to have between 8‐12 individuals in a focus group discussion.
When planning for your focus groups, be particularly conscious of the differences among
participants and consider creating homogenous groups based on any important demographic
attributes such as gender, age, political group, or religion. That will improve the comfort of your
participants and allow for more open sharing and conversation

Example of focus group sheet

Number and Protocol Topic Facilitator Data Captured
Composition of

What are the key What issues or topics Who will facilitate the How will you capture
demographic would you like the discussion for each data from the
distinctions to group to discuss? Will group? Are they a good discussion for use in
consider? How many these be the same for match to the answering the
individual groups will all groups? Or vary demographics of their investigative
be needed to group by group? participants? questions? What
accommodate them? format does the data
need to be in for

II. Facilitating Activity

Directions: Analyze carefully the table. Give at least three (3) examples on each instrument.
Supply the correct answer. (Guide is on the example mentioned above)

Example Documentation sheet

Proof of Data source Discussion on the Usefulness of data
documentation Data Source
(Attached the
Example: Interview Personal Interview Modular class is an Survey for the
Worksheet alternative for face to effectiveness of
face learning. modular class.


Example of focus group sheet

Number and Protocol Topic Facilitator Data Captured
Composition of




Indicator 3 2 1
Proof of evidences Response rephrases the Response declares Writer’s main idea or
and /Proof of research topic/problem while writer’s main idea or opinion is not clear
Evidences declaring the writers main opinion
idea or opinion

Protocol Response to the research Response to the Response to the

Topic/data topic/problem while declaring research topic/problem research
sources the right/accurate word/s with relevant word/s topic/problem with
used used unclear word/s or
irrelevant words
Usage of word/s Response to the research Response to the Response to the
and spelling topic/problem with correct research topic/problem research
and concise usage and with correct usage and topic/problem with
spelling of the word/s spelling of the word/s the used vague
Referencing Response accurate and Response Related Response unclear
Related references to the references to the references to the
research topic/problem research topic/problem research

III. Evaluation: True or False

Directions: Read each sentence. Write A if the statement is correct and B if the statement is
incorrect. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
_____ 1. The use of Data Collection Planning Worksheet to create a list of all data
collection instruments that are required.
_____ 2. The use of focus group is effective in qualitative research.
_____ 3. The use of documentation sheet is effective in both research
_____ 4. The use of focus group is effective in quantitative research.
_____ 5. The used of Question Matrix to ensure that no items have been overlooked.
IV. Reflection:

As a researcher, do you think that data collecting worksheet is needed in your data
gathering? Why?

I. MINI-LESSON: Interview and Questionnaire Worksheet

Interview Worksheet

Purpose–to provide a general overview of best practices for conducting interviews to

collect data

Interviews are often the most expensive method for collecting data, but they also
allow the greatest flexibility for responses from people who are providing data to answer
your investigative questions. The formality of an interview can vary widely, from a
conversational interview which is a fully unstructured discussion, to a guided interview where
topics are identified on a protocol but can be covered in any sequence with no standardized
wording, to a formal, standardized open‐ended interview where question wording and order
are the same for all individuals. Here are key questions to ask yourself when planning or
interviews as a data collection method:

• Number of Interviews–how many individuals, from which sub‐groups, will be interviewed?

Are you striving for representation (how common is an issue or opinion in the larger group)
or striving for discovery (identify anything that might impact performance)?

• Interview Protocol–how formal will the interview be? Who will create the protocol? Do you
need the same questions answered by all individuals? Or are some questions specific to
some groups or demographic targets?

• Interviewers–who will conduct the interviews? How will they be trained? How will they be
matched to the key demographic soft heir interviewees? Will the interview be conducted in
person? On phone? Via the internet? Data Capture—how will notes be captured during the
interview for the purposes of data analysis? Typically, there is not a separate note taker
during a one‐to‐one interview, so who will create either the paper or electronic template to
facilitate note capture?

Questionnaire Development Worksheet

Purpose–to provide a general overview and best practices for developing

questionnaires to collect data

Questionnaires allow you to collect a lot of data across a large population relatively
quickly and inexpensively. However, for the data to be useful, your respondents need to
answer the exact question you are asking. Because it’s essential that all instructions and
questions are clear, it is absolutely essential that you pilot any instrument with members of
the target population.
Guidelines for Questionnaire Development
• Begin with the full number of topics you would like to explore with the targeted responders
• Keep your respondents in mind at all times and4 write from their perspective not your own
• Pilot both the questionnaire and its directions ‐ ask a member of the respondent group to
complete the questionnaire in a single sitting;
• Note how much time it takes for respondents to complete the questionnaire during the pilot
II. Facilitating Learnings:

Activity 1: Meet and Make!

Instructions: Make/compose/write questionnaire. (at least five each variables) using the (4)
Strongly Agree (3) Agree (2) disagree (1) strongly disagree. Note: You can get the research
topic/title in your previous activities.

(4) (3) (2)Di (1)

(Sample Title: “Modular Class: Its Effect to the learning Strongly Agree sagr Strongly
skills of the Senior High School Students in Tungawan Agree ee Disagree
National High School”)
A. Modular Class(Variable)

Sample research questionnaire:

I make myself ready and available for each subject per
B. Learning Skill(Variable)
Ex: I develop may reading skill through modular class

Questionnaires: (4) (3) (2) (1)

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree


Criteria for research questionnaire 5 4 3 2
1. The language must be clear

2. The content of the question must be specific
3. The question should show singleness of
4. The question must be free from assumption
5. The question must be free from suggestion
6. The question should be have linguistic
completeness and grammatical consistency.

Activity No. 2:

Directions: Conduct a personal interview survey at least two members of your family
(preferably students). Note: Your question must be taken from your activity 1 & 2).
Summarize the answer of your respondents based on the given information.
Make/write an interview worksheet.

Interview work sheet

Number of Interviews Issues/ Topic Keyword/s Interviewer

3 Modular Class Difficult, Time Juan Luna


Indicator 3 2 1
Main ideas or Response rephrases the Response declares Writer’s main idea or
opinion research topic/problem while writer’s main idea or opinion is not clear
declaring the writers main idea or opinion
Accuracy of Response to the research Response to the Response to the
word/s used topic/problem while declaring the research research
right/accurate word/s used topic/problem with topic/problem with
relevant word/s used unclear word/s or
irrelevant words
Usage of word/s Response to the research Response to the Response to the
and spelling topic/problem with correct and research research
concise usage and spelling of topic/problem with topic/problem with the
the word/s correct usage and used vague word/s
spelling of the word/s
Referencing Response accurate and Related Response Related Response unclear
references to the research references to the references to the
topic/problem research research
topic/problem topic/problem

III. Evaluation: True of False

Instructions: Read carefully each statement. Write True if the statement is correct and False
if the statement is incorrect. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.
________1. You can observe a group openly or secretly.
________2. Interview can be replace for observation
________3. Observation can be enhance by interview
________4. You can both be objective and subjective in research
________5 You can go covert and overt in all observation type.

IV. Reflection

As a research what makes you think are the most important things to take note.

I. MINI-LESSON: Types of Data presentation

Data Representation

Data refers to the symbols that represent people, events, things, and ideas. Data can be a
name, a number, the colors in a photograph, or the notes in a musical composition
Data Representation refers to the form in which data is stored, processed, and transmitted.
Devices such as smartphones, iPods, and computers store data in digital formats that can
be handled by electronic circuitry.
Digitization is the process of converting information, such as text, numbers, photo, or
music, into digital data that can be manipulated by electronic devices.

Representing Numbers
1. Numeric data consists of numbers that can be used in arithmetic operations.
2. Digital devices represent numeric data using the binary number system, also called
base 2 .2.
3. The binary number system only has two digits: 0 and 1.
4. No numeral like 2 exists in the system, so the number “two” is represented in binary
as 10 (pronounced “one zero”).

Bar charts can also represent more complex categories with stacked bar charts
or grouped bar charts. For example, if you had two houses and needed budgets for each,
you could plot them on the same x-axis with a grouped bar chart, using different colors to

Types of Graphical Presentation

1. Horizontal bar chart

Use Horizontal Bar Charts When
You’re Graphing Nominal Variables
Nominal variables—favorite ice cream
flavors, types of organizations where
conference attendees are employed—can
be arranged in any order. I arrange
nominal variables in a list from top to
bottom, which means their bars are
horizontal. You can sort nominal variables
from greatest to least or from least to
greatest. Both are correct.
Use horizontal bar charts to display
nominal variables like favorite ice cream
flavors or employment settings

2. Vertical bar chat

Use Vertical Column Charts When
You’re Graphing Ordinal Variables
Ordinal variables follow a natural
progression—an order. Another name for
ordinal variables is sequential variables
Types of Graphical Presentation
because the subcategories have a natural
sequence. I arrange ordinal categories
from left to right so my viewers can view
the sequence across the page, which
means their bars are vertical.
Use vertical column charts to display
ordinal variables like age ranges, salary
ranges, and even cohorts or graduating
classes (e.g., the percentage of students
from each graduating class who achieved
x outcome).

3. Line graphs

Used to display data or information

that changes continuously over time. Line
graphs allow us to see overall trends such
as an increase or decrease in data over
time. Bar graphs are used to compare
facts. The bars provide a visual display for
comparing quantities in different
categories or groups.

2. Pie charts
Generally used to show percentage or
proportional data and usually the
percentage represented by each category
is provided next to the corresponding slice
of pie. Pie charts are good for displaying
data for around 6 categories or fewer.

II. Facilitating Activity

Directions: Analyze each situation. Provide assumption data. Choose the most
appropriate graphical presentation. (Both qualitative and quantitative presentation)
Write your answer on the space provided.
Graphical Presentation: 1.Teacher Ley wanted to know the ranking
of her students in practical research
Assumption data:


Types of Graphical: ________________

Graphical Presentation: 2. As a researcher, you want to know the

percentage on the age of your
Assumption data:
Types of graphical: _____________________
Graphical Presentation 3. As a researcher you want to know the order
of your choices in item number 3.

Assumption data: _______________________

Types of graphical: ______________________

Graphical Presentation 4. The doctor wants to know the rank result

of his board exam.
Assumption data: _______________________

Types of graphical: ______________________

III. Evaluation: Identification.

Directions: Identify the types of graphical presentation on each statement. Write
the correct answer on the space provided before each item.
_____________ 1. Your teacher is making a projection on the consumption of bond
paper for the next two year. She needs the monthly average
_____________ 2. Ms. Marie wanted to present her report on age gap of her
respondents.(at least 10 age gap)
_____________ 3. Your mother wants to know how many times you drink a water
in a day.
_____________ 4. The research adviser suggest their student that it would be
better if they will present their data in an orderly matter (highest
to lowest)
_____________ 5 The doctor wants to know the history of his patient illness

IV. Reflection:

As a researcher, how important is your data presentation?



I. MINI-LESSON: Graphical Presentation

The major difference is that a

histogram is only used to plot the
frequency of score occurrences in a
continuous data set that has been divided
into classes, called bins. Bar charts, on the
other hand, can be used for a great deal of
other types of variables including ordinal
and nominal data sets.

Frequency distribution table provides the

information of the number of occurrences
(frequency) of distinct values distributed within
a given period of time or interval, in a list, table,
or graphical representation. Grouped and
Ungrouped are two types of Frequency
Distribution. Data is a collection of numbers or
values and it must be organized for it to be
useful. Let us take a look at data and its
frequency distribution.

Stem-and-leaf plots are a method for

showing the frequency with which certain
classes of values occur. You could make a
frequency distribution table or a histogram
for the values, or you can use a stem-and-
leaf plot and let the numbers themselves to
show pretty much the same information.

Box and whisker plots are ideal for

comparing distributions because the centre,
spread and overall range are immediately
apparent. A box and whisker plot is a way of
summarizing a set of data measured on an
interval scale. It is often used in explanatory
data analysis

Graphic Presentation of Data

Apart from diagrams, Graphic presentation is another way of the presentation of

data and information. Usually, graphs are used to present time series and frequency
distributions. In this article, we will look at the graphic presentation of data and information
along with its merits, limitations, and types.

Construction of a Graph
The graphic presentation of data and information offers a quick and simple way of
understanding the features and drawing comparisons. Further, it is an effective analytical
tool and a graph can help us in finding the mode, median, etc.
We can locate a point in a plane using two mutually perpendicular lines – the X-axis (the
horizontal line) and the Y-axis (the vertical line). Their point of intersection is the Origin.
We can locate the position of a point in terms of its distance from both these axes. For
example, if a point P is 3 units away from the Y-axis and 5 units away from the X-axis
General Rules for Graphic Presentation of Data and Information

There are certain guidelines for an attractive and effective graphic presentation of
data and information.

1. Suitable Title – Ensure that you give a suitable title to the graph which clearly
II. Facilitating Activity
indicates the subject for which you are presenting it.
2. Unit of Measurement – Clearly state
Directions: Analyze each situation. the unit
Provide of measurement
assumption data. below
Choosethe title.
the most
3. Suitable Scale – Choose a suitable scale so that you can represent the entire data
appropriate graphical presentation. (Both qualitative and quantitative presentation)
in an accurate manner.
Write4.your answer
Index on the
– Include space
a brief provided.
index which explains the different colors and shades, lines
and designs that you have used in the graph. Also, include a scale of interpretation
for better understanding.
5. Data Sources – Wherever possible, include the sources of information at the
bottom of the graph.

6. Keep it Simple – You should construct a graph which even a layman (without any
exposure in the areas of statistics or mathematics) can understand.
7. Neat – A graph is a visual aid for the presentation of data and information.
Therefore, you must keep it neat and attractive. Choose the right size, right
lettering, and appropriate lines, colors, dashes, etc.

There are so many types of graphical data presentation mentioned above are
the few and most commonly used in research.

Graphical Presentation: 1. My mother want to know how any
time I drink water in a day
Assumption data:


Types of Graphical: ________________

Graphical Presentation: 2. As a researcher I want to know the

demographic profile of my respondents
Assumption data:
Types of graphical:_____________________

Graphical Presentation 3. As a research what graphical presentation is

accurate if I want to know the mean, median
and mode?

Assumption data:_______________________

Types of graphical:______________________

Graphical Presentation 4. Teacher Yang want to know the ability of
her student like; extreme, moderate, need
Assumption data:_______________________

Types of graphical:______________________

III. Evaluation:
Directions: Identify the types of graphical presentation on each statement. Write the
correct answer on the space provided before each item.
_______________ 1. As a research what graphical presentation is accurate if I
want to know the mean, median and mode
_______________ 2. Teacher Yang want to know the ability of her student like;
extreme, moderate, need improvement
_______________ 3. As a researcher I want to know the demographic profile of my
_______________ 4. My mother want to know how any time I drink water in a day
_______________ 5. I want to record my daily activity from most to least

IV. Reflection: As a researcher do you think that the above-mentioned graphical

presentation can be used in both research (Qualitative and Quantitative
research? Why?


“What Is Vertical Bar Graph? - Definition, Facts & Example.” www.splashlearn.com.

Accessed February 24, 2021. http://www.splashlearn.com/math-

“Create a Graph User Manual.” nces.ed.gov. Accessed February 24, 2021.


“Depict Data Studio.” Depict Data Studio. Accessed February 24, 2021.



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