Assignment 1 - MONTES
Assignment 1 - MONTES
Assignment 1 - MONTES
Compare and contrast the role of different meta-institutions according to classical Marxist and
Foucauldian perspectives. Use the table below to show your answers.
Marx defined the institutional
The family, as per Foucault, is a
perspective of family as a “Unit
"disciplinary institution" whose
FAMILY of Composition” and teaches
power has been gradually diluted
passive acceptance of hierarchy.
throughout time. He asserts that this
Also, it is the institution through
has been absorbed by discipline and
which the aristocratic/elite class
"supplementary" to biopower rather
handed along with the private
than constituting it
property from one generation to
another from exploiting the
He defines "family" as a patriarchal
proletariats. Hence, it promotes
institution in which the father
class disintegration because of
exercises power and authority over
the existing capitalist system
everything while relegating the
mother to the same to
de-individuated the status of
children within a domestic sphere.