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The SSE/OPS Quick-Reference Guide provides a step-by-step technical guide for how to plan for, install, and use Shore-Side Electricity
(SSE), with a focus on Onshore Power Supply (OPS). It provides pointers for all port stakeholders to help bring SSE/OPS from the drawing
board to the berth, and from the plan to the plug. Developed by EMSA in close cooperation with the European Sea Ports Organisation
(ESPO) and experts from port authorities and the wider port sector, this guide is based on the gathered experience in European ports
on how to best introduce shore-side electricity for ships at berth. Together with the EMSA SSE Guidance, the guide covers the key steps
towards safe, cost-effective, and future-proof OPS.
Port Authorities and Administrations, operators and other stakeholders High-level baseline best practices in the preparation, implementation, and
involved in OPS development/operation control of shore-side electricity/OPS infrastructure projects
• OPS: Onshore Power Supply – the supply of electrical power to ships at berth, directly to the receiving ship, from a shore-side electrical power source,
at a given voltage and frequency, feeding the onboard main distribution switchboard. OPS replaces primarily the onboard electricity generation from
auxiliary generators.
• SBC: Shore-side Battery Charging – Charging of onboard Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) by shore power supply, either AC or DC, using a
connection protocol suitable for the specific BESS onboard, at a specified charging power.
1. GENERAL The diagram below identifies the key infrastructure elements for SSE, both for OPS and SBC arrangements. The key elements are identified from a generic
perspective. Electrical power infrastructure can follow a variety of different architecture layouts. The legend identifies the key infrastructure/equipment elements:
A. Power Source - A shore connection system B. Reception Interface – Connection of the Port Grid C. OPS Central/ Substation – including Step-Down
can be supplied either from the national grid to the external upstream utility grid. Electricity Transformer, Frequency Converter, Main Circuit
or a local port internal distributed energy custody transfer Breaker and Earth Switch
system, through a power frequency
conversion or not, depending on the E. Berth OPS Module – Local OPS Module, close to
application. supply point at berth – Shore-side protection
transformer, Frequency Converter. Step-down/
Protection Transformation for required ship voltage H. Receiving Ship OPS Station- Circuit breaker and
supply. onboard receiving earth switch. Where applicable
(if ship’s voltage is different from shore connection
D. Port Distribution Network – Port-scale voltage) an onboard transformer to adjust the high
distribution (either above or underground) voltage electricity to the ship’s main switchboard
G. Ship-Shore Interface - Shore-to-ship voltage; this transformer is preferably located near
connection, interface, and control equipment the main switchboard in the engine room.
F. Berth Distribution Network – Berth-scale (cable reel, sockets, communication and control
distribution (close to OPS supply shore wires, earth relays) – All mechanisms to ensure
connection) compatibility, connectivity and communication
included in the interface.
2. SSE TYPES The diagram below identifies different types of SSE
arrangements. The key elements are identified in a generic arrangement
and the actual situation will vary between ports, individual installations,
and different user/operational requirements. Electrical power
infrastructure can follow a variety of different architecture layouts. The
legend identifies the key infrastructure/equipment elements.
3. STAKEHOLDERS Relevant stakeholders can be identified playing a role in different stages of SSE infrastructure projects. These are presented below, in a non-exhaustive
list. Central reference is made to the EU Regulation 2017/352 (Port Services Regulation), which includes within its scope the provision of shore-power in ports as a port
service. Different combinations and port-specific arrangements are possible and both diagram and table below include generic references to possible stakeholders in SSE.
As different port management arrangements are possible, it is important to adapt/interpret the table/diagram below with due consideration for this fact.
Stakeholders Responsibilities in SSE context
TSO Transmission Transmission of electrical power at national/regional level, between
System Operator generation plants (upstream) and distribution (downstream)
DSO Distribution System Maintenance of both short- and long-term capability of equipment,
Operator installations, and networks to supply electricity in a continuous and
reliable way while meeting the quality requirements in force.
CA/ (Port) Competent Ref. to Regulation 2017/352 - Port Services Regulation Articles 2(3) and
MBP Authority/ 2(5) - organisation, administration, and management of the port
Management Body infrastructure and one or more of the following tasks in the port
of the Port concerned: the coordination and management of port traffic, the
coordination and control of the activities of the operators.
RSO Receiving Ship SSE Electricity ship consumer at berth, responsible to ensure
Operator interoperability and interconnectivity on ship-side. 1st connection
certification and maintenance of conditions for connectivity. Responsible
for keeping load
OP Intra-Port Operator Port Operators/ Port Service Operators, responsible for maintenance of
consumer side protection devices and electrical safety, in line with Intra-
port electricity electrical grid requirements.
MG Microgeneration Any operator developing and operating units of microgeneration of
electricity, integrated within the port, supplying electrical power to the
Port Grid
TO Terminal Operator Management and operation of Terminal Grids, dedicated to the terminal
operation. Development, management, and operation of terminal based
SSE systems. responsible for electrical Safety of Terminal Grids.
PGO Port Grid Operator Management, development, and operation of intra-port electrical power
grid, including SSE/OPS/SBS grid interface infrastructure.
EES Electrical Energy Management, development, and operation of intra-port electrical power
Storage grid, including SSE/OPS/SBS grid interface infrastructure.
SSE OP SSE Operator Provision of electrical power to ships at berth, on OPS or SBC, AC or DC,
including maintenance, development, and operation of SSE equipment
PSC Port State Control Verification/enforcement of compliance of RSO statutory obligations,
Flag Flag State remarkably in context of safety, including safety and certification of SSE
equipment, onboard.
Class Classification Third-party verification of RSO statutory responsibilities, in particular in
Society the context of safety, including SSE equipment safety certification.
Other International Definition of standard technical requirements for SSE interconnectivity
Standardization and interoperability.
Regulator/ Energy Definition of minimum requirements to ensure safe and integrated
Competent deployment and operation by electrical power grid operators, including in
Authority particular those in operation of SSE infrastructure.
4. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK/ STANDARDIZATION Regulatory framework for SSE/OPS infrastructure project, development, and operation, needs to be assessed over the
3 dimensions: 1) Shore Side; 2) Ship-Shore interface and 3) Ship Side. High-level instruments (International and EU), national law (for electrical and port regulatory aspects),
standards, class rules and guidance documents, can be considered altogether the key building blocks for SSE regulatory framework. The diagram below provides a
representation of the inter-relations between the different instruments.
The table below lists the different standards supporting interconnectivity/interoperability and data exchange for different SSE types. The colour code indicates: 1) Green:
standardization present/ existing reference; 2) Yellow: standardization not present but with possible close application of existing instrument and 3) Red: Still to be
OPS High-Voltage Shore IEC 62613-1:2016 (General) IEC/IEEE 80005-1 (HVSC) IEC/IEEE 80005-2 (Data IMO OPS Guidelines
(Onshore Connection (HVSC) IEC 62613-2:2016 (Connector Communication) EU AFID
Power geometry/ dimensions)
Low-Voltage Shore IEC 60309-5 IEC/IEEE 80005-3 IEC/IEEE 80005-2 IMO OPS Guidelines already
Connection (LVSC) (under refer
LVSC – Inland EN 15869-2:2019 (up 125A) Possible application of CCNR
Waterways (IW) EN 16840: 2017 (above 250A) IEC/IEEE 80005-2 CESNI – ES-TRIN2019
Recreational Craft/ IEC 60309-2 Not standardized Not standardized Not relevant international
Marinas standard applicable to
SBC SBC-AC IEC 60309-5/ IEC 62613-2 AC IEC/IEEE 80005 series Not standardized No applicable international
(Shore-side (AC charging) connection As OPS – ship-side charging. regulatory instrument
Battery (As standard OPS (possible development/ applicable to SBC
Charging) connectivity) applicability for IEC/IEEE
80005-2 or ISO15118)
SBC-DC Not standardized Not standardized
(DC Charging)
5. IEC/IEEE 80005 series: Below, the scope of the Internation Standard series IEC/IEEE 80005 is presented in relation to the main block elements of SSE infrastructure
covered. The standard series are primarily scoped for OPS, with Part 1 dedicated to HVSC, Part 2 to Communications and Part 3 for LVSC.
6. SHIP TYPES Power demand and ship-specific standards for interconnectivity and interoperability are presented in the table below. To note that various ship types and
sizes have different power demands at berth, which in turn has an important effect in the design of the supply in ports.
Ship Type GT Voltage Power IEC/IEEE Standards Power Demand drivers/ Operating
(kV) Demand (Operability); Connectivity Profile/ Safety
(Peak), MW
Oil tankers <5,000 0.4/0.44/0.69 4 (6) Power demand driven by cargo pumps and
auxiliary systems.
<10,000 0.69/6.6/11 6 (8) (80005-3 - annex-D) (80005-1 - annex-F) (majority of oil tankers use steam driven
IEC 60309-5 62613-2 - annex I pumps/systems)
>10,000 0.69/6.6/11 8 (10)
Hazardous Areas in the ship-shore interface
Chemical/product tankers <5,000 0.4/0.44/0.69 6 (9) challenge the use of SSE.
Critical safety and reliability of SSE during
<10,000 6.6/11 9 (12) (80005-3 - annex-D) (80005-1 - annex-F)
cargo operations.
IEC 60309-5 62613-2 - annex I
>10,000 6.6/11 10 (20)
Gas tankers <5,000 0.4/0.44/0.69 5 (8) Cargo pumps and auxiliary systems drive the
(not defined) (80005-1 - annex-E) load.
>5,000 6.6/11 9 (12) IEC 60309-5 62613-2 - annex I Critical system reliability during cargo
pumping operations.
Bulk carriers <50,000 0.4/0.44/0.69 0.5 (0.7) Cranes, where fitted, hydraulic systems and
(not defined) (80005-1 - annex-E) hatches operation.
>50,000 0.69/6.6/11 2 (2.8) IEC 60309-5 62613-2 - annex I
General cargo <25,000 0.4/0.44/0.69 1.5 (3) Cranes, where fitted, hydraulic systems and
(not defined) hatches operation.
(not defined)
62613-2 – as
>25,000 0.69/6.6/11 3 (5) IEC 60309-5
Container vessels <10,000 0.4/0.44/0.69 1.5 (2) Cranes, where fitted, hydraulic systems,
(80005-3 - annex-C) (80005-1 - annex-D) hatches operation, refrigerated containers.
<50,000 0.69/6.6/11 2 (5)
IEC 60309-5 62613-2 - annex I Reduced space at quay due to cargo terminal
>50,000 6.6/11 4 (6) cranes pedestals.
Ro-Pax vessels <20,000 0.4/0.44/0.69 2 (4) Predominant Hotels loads and displacement
(not defined) (80005-1 - annex-B) of vehicle ramps.
>20,000 0.69/6.6/11 5 (6.5) IEC 60309-5 62613-2 - annex J Short turn-around times at berth.
Cruise ships <50,000 0.4/0.44/0.69 4 (4.5) Large Hotel load driving the power
<100,000 0.69/6.6/11 9 (12) requirements .
(not defined) (80005-1 - annex-B)
Safety and Reliability of SSE is critical for
IEC 60309-5 62613-2 - annex H
>150,000 6.6/11 18 (20) operation
Offshore supply vessel <5,000 0.4/0.44/0.69 1 (1.5) Load from hydraulic systems, possible
(80005/3 - annex-B) (not defined)
refrigerated module connections. modest
[IEC 60309-5] 62613-2 – as
>5,000 6.6/11 2 (3) hotel load.
Fishing vessels <5,000 0.4/0.44/0.69 0.5 (0.7) Refrigerated systems and possible
(not defined)
(not defined) hydraulic/cranes operation
62613-2 – as
>5,000 6.6/11 2 (3) IEC 60309-5
7. POWER DEMAND One of the key design variables to consider in the project for any SSE installation in a port is the estimated maximum power demand at berth. This
calculation should be performed with consideration to the yearly operating profile for a given port, considering the different types of ships requiring shore-power and the
number of vessels calling on the port at the same time. A possible 5-step procedure for calculation of the estimated maximum power for the SSE installation is briefly
presented below.
8. RISK ASSESSMENT SSE projects represent important realisations of electrical engineering, at low-medium-high voltage, and infrastructure. They are characterised by
a system which operates on a complex multi-interface context (Utility Grid/Port Grid + Port Grid/SSE Shore side + SSE Shore side/Ship), where compatibility,
interconnectivity and interoperability are essential safety building blocks. Safety has to be regarded for SSE projects with the earliest possible overview and identification
of system-specific hazards, typically at the planning and design stage. At this point it is important to have a general overview of hazards to address and general safety
risks to be mitigated, taking into consideration the known onsite conditions, equipment, and anticipated user-requirements/conditions. Early risk assessment should then
be revised and updated at the detailed design stage and prior to construction/integration.
Safety risk assessment should include a criticality and reliability analysis (e.g., FMECA). Several instruments, methodologies and standards may be used for the realization
of the safety risk studies. Important aspects to ensure should be: 1) that a recognized methodology is applied, 2) an independent risk consultant is involved (ideally the
same for the different stages), 3) that all evidence is documented and made available for detailed engineering drawings, integration, and construction.
Identify availability of
Utility Grid Connection Utility Grid connection Approvals for Approvals from Competent
point. Assess Feasibility 11. Permitting, Construction Authorities/
4. Evaluate Access
to Grid Identification of additional Licensing and
Additional Power Power Sources, and Commissioning Permitting and Permitting and Licensing
Sources Opportunities for process for roll-out of port
Licensing for Operation service.
10. OPERATION The process diagram for both OPS and SBC are presented below.
Onshore Power Supply (OPS) – synchronised transfer Shore-side Battery Charging (SBC) – DC Charging form shore side with
Connection Procedure Disconnection Connection Procedure Disconnection
Disconnection of ship